PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CJSC PETER-SERVICE CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM This document is a Product Description The document may not cover some versions of the software If you find an error or misprint in this document or if you suppose there are any please contact CJSC PETER-SERVICE This document is intended for the sole purpose of maintaining products installed on the basis of an agreement duly executed by CJSC PETER-SERVICE This document can only be provided as part of an agreement which contains an authorisation of any past current or future product installation or upon obtaining an explicit permission from CJSC PETER-SERVICE If you have obtained this document in any other way please contact CJSC PETER-SERVICE at the address given below All examples in this document including reports and screenshots were generated using the test database of CJSC PETER-SERVICE Any similarity to real personal or company names bank details or other information is a coincidence All trademarks and registered trademarks used in the document are proprietary to their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only All rights reserved by CJSC PETER-SERVICE under the existing copyright law C CJSC PETER-SERVICE 2007-2009 CJSC PETER-SERVICE 36 Shpalernaya St Saint-Petersburg 191123 Russia tel 7 812 3261299 fax 7 812 3261298 ps@billing ru www billing ru PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2 CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM CONTENTS 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE GLOSSARY IMPLEMENTATION FEATURES USERS HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS 2 FUNCTIONS ACTIVATING DATA SEARCH JOB SCENARIOS CREATING A WEB SITE VIEW Administration Data Load Management Request Transfer and Search Result Access SMD 538 PROTOCOL SUPPORT 3 INTEROPERATION WITH OTHER SYSTEMS 4 PRODUCT COMPONENTS APPLICATIONS SMD Protocol Adapter for DRS DRS_ADP_538 System-Wide Dictionaries Initialisation DRS_DICTS_INIT Request Processing Server Initialisation DRS_RQS_INIT DRS Tools DRS_WEB DOCUMENTATION REVISION HISTORY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 4 CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION This chapter describes the purpose and the general operational concept of the product as well as the conditions in which it is used 1 Purpose The Data Retention System DRS product makes it possible to work with the Core Subsystems of SPS Family of Products SVC_BASE product on the side of the telecom operator 1 Glossary For a full glossary of terms used in this document see the Glossary for the Core Subsystems of SPS Family of Products SVC_BASE product SVC_BASE-DOC_GLOSS 2 Implementation Features The product contains the following components which interact with the PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE product applications used for initialisation of the PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE dictionaries a set of screen forms providing interoperation of the telecom operator's employees with PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE the SMD 538 adapter which performs the following operations it generates search jobs which are received from authorised bodies via the SMD 538 protocol in PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE with the help of special HAS operations converts the job execution results into the SMD 538 protocol's format it logs system events in its own log file and in the PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE database using HAS operations 2 Users The product's users are the telecom operator's employees who are authorised to search with the help of the product for the information which is either requested by investigation agencies or necessary to perform internal or criminal investigations Depending on their positions and privileges the product users can have the following roles Administrator - an IT department expert whose duty is to administer and configure the product Search Operator - an employee of a special division responsible for performing investigation activities processing requests and their processing results and generating reports Manager - a manager of the special division who grants certain privileges to search operators and monitors the compliance with all the proper rules using the system logs Initiator - an authorised agency officer or an expert of the security department of the telecom operator who passes on the requests for information and receives reports on the search results Data Download Operator - an authorised agency officer or an expert of the security department of the telecom operator who manages the process of data load to the warehouse 3 Hardware Requirements The product's hardware requirements are defined by the hardware requirements for the PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE product PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 5 CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM To support the SMD 538 protocol the PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE interface server must be additionally equipped with a network interface controller for the Ethernet 10 100 BassT specification The throughput of the communications channels must correspond to the requirements stipulated by the Appendix to the Regulations for Interoperation of Telecommunications Operators with Authorised Government Bodies Engaged in Criminal Investigation Activities as of 27 08 2005 No 538 A user workstation should include a personal computer complying with the following minimum requirements 1 GHz processor 256 Mb RAM 1024x768 colour monitor keyboard mouse 4 Software Requirements The product runs properly only if the Core Subsystems of SPS Family of Products SVC_BASE product is pre-installed and configured accordingly The following software must be installed on the user workstation an operating system one of those listed below Microsoft Windows 2000 XP 2003 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4 Update 4 a Web browser one of those listed below Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 SP1 - for Microsoft Windows 2000 XP 2003 Mozilla Firefox 1 5 - for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4 Update 4 The following additional software is required to work with reports containing the search job results a text editor one of those listed below Microsoft Office Word 2003 or later - for Microsoft Windows 2000 XP 2003 OpenOffice org Writer 2 3 or later - for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4 Update 4 a table editor one of those listed below Microsoft Office Excel 2003 or later - for Microsoft Windows 2000 XP 2003 OpenOffice org Calc 2 3 or later - for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4 Update 4 To work with loaded statistics charts the Adobe SVG Viewer plugin version 3 05 or later for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 SP1 only is required PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 6 CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM CHAPTER 2 FUNCTIONS The product performs the following functions activating data search job scenarios creating a Web site view for working with PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE on the side of the telecom operator supporting the SMD 538 protocol for interoperation of the PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE product installed on the side of the telecom operator with a similar system installed on the side of the authorised agencies 1 Activating Data Search Job Scenarios The product defines the initial values of the dictionary of telecom operators PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE product and activates the following data search job scenarios of the requesting a subscriber card searching for the subscriber's identifiers searching for the data on balance top-ups searching for the data on connections and calls 2 Creating a Web Site View The product provides a user interface for its administering for managing the loaded data and also for transferring requests and accessing the search results on the side of the telecom operator 1 Administration The product allows registering new users in the PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE product and controlling their access rights via the Web interface Using the product you can view the PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE product's system logs to audit the users' activities To view the logs of system events you can select a source server of log records 2 Data Load Management The product allows loading data PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE servers to any warehouse registered in the registry of The users can manage a list of load formats and a registry of loaded data packets The following information is provided for each load format the telecom operator identifier a code of the load format a type of the data being loaded a data format name start and end dates of the load format's validity period an attribute of automatic data load sample names of files in a certain format You can edit the attribute of automatic data load and view a log of loaded packets in terms of their load formats Using the product you can check a data packet load and re-load and reject packets PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 7 CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM The following information is provided for each packet the packet identifier a packet registration time file names within the packet the current packet status an operation being executed the current operation status a comment to the packet The product generates a graph of the temporal variation of the number of records in the loaded packets The graph view depends on the type of load format Each type of loaded data is associated with its own type of load formats for subscriber data - cut-off and update-unload for call and payment data - event for base station data - cut-off The statistical graph view for the cut-off and event types of load format is a histogram showing how the number of records of loaded packets changes in time Each column of the histogram corresponds to the total number of records of the packets loaded on a certain date Also there is an additional statistical graph created for the load format of the event type it contains a list of packets divided by hours with their statuses described The statistical graph view for the update-unload type of load format is a linear diagram showing the rate of data volume growth in time The diagram's X-axis defines a time interval while its Y-axis shows the average number of records in packets for the specified period of time To manage data loading a Web interface is provided for the product users so as to access the following dictionaries of the specified data warehouse Base Stations - there is an interface implemented for viewing the dictionary's records Telecom Operators - there is an interface implemented for viewing the dictionary's records Switches - there is an interface implemented for viewing and editing the dictionary's records Trunks - there is an interface implemented for viewing and editing the dictionary's records Connection Types - there is an interface implemented for viewing and editing the dictionary's records Payment Types - there is an interface implemented for viewing and editing the dictionary's records Numbering Capacity of Telecom Operators - there is an interface implemented for viewing creating editing and deleting the dictionary's records Associated Numbers - there is an interface implemented for viewing creating editing and deleting the dictionary's records The dictionary of numbering capacity contains summary information on telecom operators who were owners of phone number ranges but then sold their range or a part of their range and are now using certain phone number ranges in particular periods of time You can add or edit a dictionary record on condition that the telecom operator which sells phone numbers is the owner of the entire range including the first and last numbers in the range any phone number in the range can be included only in one resale chain at a time You can add or edit a record of the dictionary of associated numbers on condition that the associated ranges are of the same length they include the same amount of phone numbers a phone number has only one association at a time With the help of the product you can define the telecom operator which a phone number belongs to Upon the user request the history of a given phone number is displayed so the user can get information on how the number has been used and resold by telecom operators and with what numbers it has been associated if it is an associated number PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 8 CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM The dictionaries of numbering capacity and associated number ranges are populated manually If the dictionaries are populated it becomes easier for the search operator to search for data in the warehouse With the interface privileges set up the search operator can search for information on the phone number specified in the request As a result of such a search a list of telecom operators and a search period specified when a search job is being added can be shortened which facilitates the search results generation process And the phone number specified when a search job is being added can be defined in the same format as its associated number if it is available which increases the chance of finding the required information on the specified number 3 Request Transfer and Search Result Access Using the product you can create requests and start active search job scenarios with the help of the user interface forms You can select search sources and define a start-up time for the search jobs To manage the document flow required for executing search requests you can view the summary dictionaries maps of call types base stations switches and trunks stored in PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE You can manage the results of call data search by categorising some phone numbers the data on which have been loaded as internal This allows controlling access of the users to the search results containing information on the calls made from or to these numbers The search results can be saved by the product in a doc file of the MS Office Word 2003 XML format When a report on jobs is being created there are as many files generated as there are types of responses subscriber payment or call data in the search results If no result is found for a certain type of job no report file is generated for it You can save the results of a search for data on connections in an xml file of the MS Office Excel 2003 XML format If viewed in MS Office Excel the report contains only a summary of each row with the resulting data In this case if the report includes results of several jobs each job's results are displayed in a separate sheet of the Excel book 3 SMD 538 Protocol Support The product receives and processes official requests sent by the authorised agencies via the SMD 538 protocol The requests for information on subscribers their calls and payments are registered in the database of the request server of the telecom operator after which active search job scenarios get launched Apart from this the product receives and processes requests for reference data on trunks base stations roaming partners switches IP gateways call types additional services and payment types The product generates responses to jobs in the format defined by the SMD 538 protocol The set of fields shown in the search job results can vary depending on the data storage structure of the data warehouse To transfer the requests for information the product registers the following objects in the database of the telecom operators' request server a division groups of permissions and users To secure the data transfer process the product checks the user data for compliance with the created profiles The product logs the following events in the request server database of the telecom operator opening and closing sessions receiving requests for creating new search jobs receiving requests for information and sending responses Also the product logs system messages creating TCP sockets opening listening ports etc in its own file system log PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 9 CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM CHAPTER 3 INTEROPERATION WITH OTHER SYSTEMS The product is an add-on product for the Core Subsystems of SPS Family of Products SVC_BASE product It provides access to the main functions of PETER-SERVICE SVC_BASE by means of the Web interface and the SMD 538 adapter and also defines a set of scenarios to be used for performing search requests in the product installed on the side of the telecom operator The product can interoperate with external systems which support the SMD 538 protocol e g the Service-SP-PU SSP product developed by PETER-SERVICE The Service-SP-PU SSP product sends requests for information generated by authorised agencies to the product via the SMD 538 protocol and receives responses from the product For more information on the interoperation algorithm see the Appendix to the Regulations for Interoperation of Telecommunications Operators with Authorised Government Bodies Engaged in Criminal Investigation Activities as of 27 08 2005 No 538 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 10 CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM CHAPTER 4 PRODUCT COMPONENTS This chapter describes the product's distribution package 1 Applications This section gives an overview of the product's applications 1 SMD Protocol Adapter for DRS DRS_ADP_538 The SMD Protocol Adapter for DRS DRS_ADP_538 application provides interoperation of the Core Subsystems of SPS Family of Products SVC_BASE product installed on the side of the telecom operator with a similar system installed on the side of the authorised agencies via the SMD 538 protocol 2 System-Wide Dictionaries Initialisation DRS_DICTS_INIT The System-Wide Dictionaries Initialization DRS_DICTS_INIT application is designed to initialise the dictionary of telecom operators 3 Request Processing Server Initialisation DRS_RQS_INIT The Request Processing Server Initialization DRS_RQS_INIT application is designed to define a set of active search job scenarios 4 DRS Tools DRS_WEB The DRS Tools DRS_WEB application is designed to manage the Core Subsystems of SPS Family of Products SVC_BASE product with the help of visual elements 2 Documentation Listed below are documents which are shipped with the product distribution package Product Description this document DRS-DOC_PP Maintenance Guide DRS-DOC_G3 User Guide for the DRS Tools DRS_WEB application DRS_WEB-DOC_USER Administrator Guides for the product's applications PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 11 CJSC PETER-SERVICE DATA RETENTION SYSTEM REVISION HISTORY Version 005 01 of 16 09 2009 The document was created PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 12 National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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