a 4 This document of pages A9353 36 53 32 of 10 copxcscomm Ml mm mun mm m m moon moon 8mm mu m mo cmcuc OWE m mm mm mm 13th llnnila car 138 Ray rotors oriamo 0dramzcosomh carp 1 30 19DECLASSIFIED Autho tYW unis Rodeo covers the period Rom 15 - 24 m on mm 1 woof-War its Bamifigtiono A 'lho uni-overt struggle between Mono and military ludora u ultimate political pane in Indonesia mined in the math- mmquingporiod although itbecano inoroaainaly apparent that mode cover of this dispute charges are occurring pointing tam the growth of more from to criticise and gran politically for Monte olenonto long Med by the summo- I ha oorioo ofmootinsovith youth loodara 2m award a in canal Mutton pressed his doteminstion early loot wool '91mmoqaigntoropresothom whichhao roaohodtho stage y in moral Indonesian provinces apparently at the mo in Central Java at least nation rajectad tor tho Army to mow directly mine mm that this would open the military to charges that 43a planed for October 5 as the 30th aoptmbor f indicated that the military had a plan of -- mluohrther mq rcnotharreporta oath-Moot fwrtooirnontho nalizing rno ha hm entodiod in ma iah nomad tho Ann's Page 2 From ijrta strength and Suharuc's sealants On November 15 Sultans not with Mention and the four service chiefs lb ilovins the meeting General Suharto seemed that all regional and wit amod forces cmdors were being called to honor Palace the 201le Saturday for an address by Sukarno Suharto also annotated that the proposed reorganisation of the Supreme Operations Gounod occeeion giving rise to belief that Saturday mid provide the occasion Friday Rest Jove Arm Cmder Adj ie with a tortuously-wordsd statuent effectively banned the and Baperki in his district thus giving rise to qecnlation that Warns had finally agreed to do the same for all lndonesia since Adjie's close relationship to Sukarno is widely town However than were rmora during the week that Sukarno had attempted with mess to bribe sane of the hoslen party leaders to drop the attack on the m It was also reported that he had to has two other parties 11-11 and the P811 instead if they did not stop erasing emotions a Sukarno Man nr attacking and the m D But on the appointed day Sukarno did no more than deliver a petulant maelonanic speed in which he threatened to arrest reporters if they contimwd arousing motions lectured the military com-odors on the nature of the Indonesian revolution and attempted to restore and gild his in as the sole spoken-n of the Indonesian people nas nilitary officers 387 inmaber- generallybeliaved thencetingtobeueeless elm it did provide than an opportunity to consult each other Sons More reportedly expressed the opidon that Sukarno was batty And two days later General Suharto Muted a mp-style m1 staff in uhich the ones of Snkarnoites Subandrie Achmdi and Jusuf mda balm fomerly chairmen of staff groups did not appear Although a leading anti-comist general as alsnextloded the systolic importance of this exercise lay in the Andy's menu in renewing their adversaries from a key policy-ismlemntation body I math Mann's expense Although at Sultan s order njekarta military can-slat her had relinqtnahed his Her Administrator hoards status the L dining the State of Bar This appeared to be the case - to rend up and arrest cal-mists demonstrate its the in ornation nsdia and at one point provide protection - am the had been arrested at the Palace s orders - the 06mm of several pholuadi and issued an order that all political mid hencefcth be conducted under the aesnd ion rather than by other leftist- oi oi p 18-3 53 Prom 9 1mm F neathile both in the provinces and repression of the continued uith the main problem that of that to feed end were to house the prisoners Many provinces oppesr to be successfully meeting this problem by creating their prisoners or by killing then before they are captured teak in which Koala youth grows are providing assistance more were several macro that Ejoto The rat um We and other high-m coumnisto or aynpethiners are new in Am hands and this my be true in sane cases more were no indications that resistance hes been significant in any provinces where major purges are being sued nlthoud indicsti ons of trestle in some parts of Sumatra have been registered If all names received are added up a total of nowhere rm 5 000-10 000 as leaders and activists have been reported executed in resort seeks althoual this is probably grossly W G One of the key fields in which the struggle between Sukarno end the Am-mderete-Hoslen side broke throng to the surface is that of the Djnkerte press it his speech on saturdey the President devoted a majority of his time to the press coming or one General Mendro o Ag and Consul Simon's Djeksrte Dog In of having attacked more comrades north Vietna- and cathodie 13 innsdistely carried a denial of the President's words in the afternoon edition of its weekly end that nidzt at a friendly mothering hosted by the President tor reporters at Boyer of srod to lock itselfsp ii'hisverdeuere true Accordingtointera thol resident backtrack and corrected himelf thus performing like Wm who soveulneeksosrlierhedeccueed several nonspepsrs on then retracted his rennrk under pressure gays confronting Mano aren't retracting his wards and Meg's printing the itm are all examples thetheverecently Adey later it had attacked orth Vietnam 8113 retracted its - I me key aspect of the prose hassle has been Information behavior after towing series of press regulations teen attoupt to demon the efforts of the anti-Met -7 Aim protests by political parties Achnadi has A akes such a oon ssins nemer that his authority to to seals gummy weakened n cmmtuo with the press to raise its sidxte toward Sukarno 7 political sleekness for the Palace erces the p artist a long editorial proteins the Sultan iapoeeibl'e Sukarno replacement and even rival stated knowledge in Indonesia 3 ene by Sunday intends to carry ue return to the tree provisions of the 7 to a five-year torn and provides - e531 3 44 Fun 1 33 scene 37 Among other eventa of nipificsnce during the we were the banning of the in the province of aloha tho retooling of fro-emits Governor Sitepu of North Sinatra the transfer of Dwikora hacutive authority in Bali rm the Governor a to the unitary launder a 109 1 and the swing strength of the expelled right-wing leedere of the m the are not publishing their own newpeper and apparently garnering swat S mm branches disaffected with tho pro-Mat Ali Seatromidjojo leaderahip An antioQineec riot in Water reportedly caused the destruction without looting of 90 percent of the axinese home an lhopa in that city and resulted in two more Gticom protects and tho iwoaition of a strict cur ew by tho nilitary emander of that region Relations with the Chineae Coeruniata contimed wary chilly during the reporting period despite ef orte by aha-iris and Sukem to gloss things over All Quince tedmiciana have been withd men from the Ccnefo project and both trade and aid are at a standstill J Underlyinathe events otthemekhsabeenthegm xhofo new atmosphere in Djakarte with though barely perceptible at this tin gives promise of taking hold the apparent readiness of the Army below and other mdaratea to dieobcy Buham in am at well as subtle way has helped to dissipate the poll of fear and suspicion and has shrouded this city for no loos and with the in diaarrey groups which in the peat would have been too paralyzed to operate politically are merging into the open hideous of these aign icent developments aw up in variona saga A campaign ie juat beginning thieh if it succeeds may lead to the showing of barium mica in Indonesia even such a pro-Sukarno organ the Indoneoian Retold haa editorieliaad that both mti-inperieliet and pro-imrialist book- md available to that uadera may tomlate opinions based on philosophical truth the thrust of the Indonesian revolution toward totalitarian controls on and bdnavior hoe clearly stalled aa time passes it will be increasingly difficult to to start it rolling min tor theinbaaoedor Edward I hater Omelet of tor Political Affairs National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu