r - ----- ----------------- - - --- ---- _ ' - _ _ - r Department of ltate IHFO I - Euaelo of Bona 4 1966 jntS -Chf n e Propaganda Kon 'o 1940 to Department u the full test of a An t atan hnendJata article of jpril 25 Umd ng tbo Cbineao Commmt ta with the 1ept- r 30 llDvwllt article u m intHutiD aa lo of eae important atrand iD the kcloaed oMl-official Jndonedan propagada atance reprdiq the lept ar JO llovwt lho exact Id Bure of in ndlmta iD tho Jndoaealaa docripo tioll of the leptmber 30 llDo -nt tenda to abift -- bat fro tille to t S- d91 mdilla on the pmpagaoda needa of the t and tho particular objective of a aiven article Aa Couulato General Ilona loaa ob9ena iD reprcl to the particular article in '11 tlon tzutb u often o wfnfeel factor in adoptiaa o given llDa JD the flat five antba after September 30 the lndoDeela Azav aad a9001ated ciYl Uaa aroupo waro otivated iD their p7 0pqanda b r a deel n t o o protect lukamo at leut t- orarll1 fna beina idmtififf pubUc17 aa tho prf IM mar of the lept- r JO Mn- ot or nm to obecure inaofar u poadble my idatificatS- of Sukarno with the _ t 8 of October l md b pin tho b1- on lukano 'o principal oqaiaat ional oupporc intemally aDd en bu cloot ally externally lhia 1 ill tho fint lutance to almo8t coawloto overt concentration - the ft1 - the YillaiA although there W8 alnadJ HCoo dary 1acio ue1 1 o-o-or article GmJn 4 Dowgrade aGBPter J 7n a aato- ucall7 Hcluoified aftoT 12 yn COlil'uatw 4 YJ 66 IOLcmtuton co a o n rnAL i 'run 02 1 ------ - Djakarta A-673 2 implicit t h - that Yarlou pro-Coammlot croupo encl indlridualo aroan4 lukamo ouch aa the then l'Rl leadenblp and IUbandrlo nre ilwolved aloaa with the Aa tlae baa paa1ed the chargeo by anti Con-oniat groupo o oinst internal and aternal enmiu other tbaa the Ill have becOIU proanoolvely 90re upU clt mad overt - d have reflected both tactical neecla and a belief that the whole pnao Cc amlat mov- nt with lta eztemal aupporu ahoulcl be conaidencl auilty ta principle vbatever tho apecific ootailo of their lln'olY -nt aipt be Chinoo rurthezmon there ba8 been a otrongly felt need to oivert attention fraa lukamo Ei forcu around bill for tactical nuou 1'bio baa c auecl a praa ounc ed clutortioa of the eridmce rol-ecl publicly although tbe truth of lukamo'o guilt 1 a widely accepted privately be aearch for ocapegoata bu accordingly led to ouch oecondary facton aa 8ubandrio and Pelting Objoctively than 18 little nio daace that lubaclrio vu an lmportmt f lgure in the apecific evento ef October l althougb be waa undoubtedly lnfomecl about the pl u M4I 1181 even have cootrlbuted 1ome advice '1'ho _ ia true of the Cld 1ouo although their actual involvemmt vu 'UIMloubtedly even loo It ooea o o o extremely U bl7 that the Cbine9o bM adftDce knowledge of tho leptmber 30 Hoirv mt baaed on their cloao nlatlooa vitb the m - to o loooor extent perbapa vi th Sukam o - lubandrio bu la aloo tndicatM by tho nported atatemeata of acme lndoneai- vbo nre ta oa October 1 that tho Chiaoo - peand to know more about the oet allo of tho leptmber 30 li ve eut tbm bad been publicly at the tiae 1'11o Chi Due reportedly eaid that oome 40 pneralo were kill which coiD c ldea vith reporto that the orlginal liat of intended v1ctU at tb t level o11 tb la la admittedly yape INt lt c onoboroto tho probab lU ty of advmce Chiu o knowledge Aa for otnct Cbiaue u1utoc there io niclence altbouah it appear that Clli booo ama were - ulod la vitla Conefo equipment Id a la aot 100 percmt certaia of eoar1e iD view of the poaalbility of falalf l S dmce but tho eourcea for ouch Wonatlon ven ooldna loo roaa oo la a- cuu aOCMI onea 4lo aot tlaink tbo Cld neH wra a pd zy factor lo tha lept a r 30 ltDYmnat or that Chin o actlvitlo n n vbat the lavyen eall a pnaillato cauae 'lbo 1tery of coaveraatlOD 8 vltb Jn o Djakarta A-673 3 Aldlt io 1pabl7 the wozk of oomeono'o t qinatioa mut lDtellipnt Ddoaoolaal privately ecof f at auch beavy-haad frapagaada llDro of the ow la likely honver aiven tho aoorol cU 11 to of oplDion tndonula the uaumed need of the antloCo-eobto to vbf p ap arttf1clal iaaua ln aapport of their contlnuina political offea aive ad tho lack of aopblatlcatlon of many propagancU ata wblcb la 0017 nlatlvel7 areater here tblln ta the mon dvance4 countrio of the world la National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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