DECLASSIFIED Hrandum to Captain Phillios J A few days after the Barnett left on it'3 recent- io'to California I W33 in the Chart House with Ben te cou an3 the Executive Officer Of the Lexington The following 3 3 statement of what I remember to have heard from their conversation a Er Bontecou asked -the Executive Ofcher of thJe' Lexington hr Seligman whether it was all ri ht_ te give hr Johnston -access to some restricted chart3 that he had in his possession The answer was 7 'in the af11rmative an31 ir - Seligman added that'M r Johnston Was permitte d acceSS to all secret and confidential matter 1 -except t The Executive Officer continueg by stet f -Jging that Er JohnetOh WUuld have to be quiet a 'these jg' matters to himself becauee it Would ruin his ca eer as a feorree pendent He added that fs r John ston Would betell the Seeretary of the Navy 10f the actiog which had j ust t aken place - After emphasizine the fact- to Er Bontecou that 33 John-J etch Could be trusted and oeuld se'e any confidential and secret matter the conversation Jahiftea to other topic3 National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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