DEC LASSIF IED Authority REPGRT 83 GHIGAQG Far tan Attarnqy General and tha Saarataxy at tha' hvz hy William B itchell I Preliminary'Statamgnt an ay 31 19h2 kamiral Kimita at Fbarl Harbar broadnaat in cedg ta all ships at the Pacific fleet a mansaga -markad sgcrat giv ng in detail his estimata of the campesitian cf the Jaganeaa fleet approaching Bidmay That message una reaeived and_decodad an the avy'franaport Earnett haadad for San Disgc an that ship was Stanlqy corraapondant fer the Chicaga Tribmua The material in the mita diapateh at Kay 31 uan in ar matien aallectad by aval Intelligence at Pearl Harbar That dispatch divided_the Japanase oree ints-thraa sactimns a striking farce a suppart forea and an accupntimn farca and gava the numbar and mamas er types of tha ships in aaeh a the three namad diviaiana Jehnstan landed at San Eiago the night of June 2 0n the he rant ta Chiaago an the night af Satur ay Jung 6th news cama fram Pnarl Earbar aanfirming yrevians reparta nf tha battla at idxay Jannatan rand it and went ta Halnnay Kanaging Editar and mm him he had- am dam on tha make up of the Japanese Eiduay'flaat and was aakad hy Ealoney ta prayara an article for publieatian which ha id Within a fan honra cheat a m Sunday the 7th the artialn in a smaawhat rewrittan farm appaarad in DECLASSHHED Authority the Tribune gist uf the artiale was that the avy had had advance informatian af the aampasitian af tha Japanass idmny fleet and tha artiale states specifieally that that camposition was as known tn the avy'befcra tha Nidway battla A campariaan or the Himita secrat dispa ch 92 Bay 31 as received and agendad an the Barnett with the deseriptian of tha Japanesa fleet as cantained in tha tribuna article at June' nut merexy 'ta 3 maral certainty but ta an abaoluta aartainty that the gather af the artiala had accaa$ an the Barnett to the Himitz diapatch or had an cppertuni y ta maka and did maka a can of tha aubstanea uf the diaputch either frum ha original er fram s mamn randnm aentuining the subatanca af'tha iapateh The description in the amiss-3 3 0f tha Japanese Hidmy fleet is almaat an axnct-dapliaa$ian of tha informatign anntainad in the Kimitz dispatch It is a capy 9f the disputeh elabaratad ta saws extent by nch in ormatian as cauld be tukan tram the beak Janas Figh iag Ships Th rartiele lista tha Japanaa vassela 1n aauh cf the tnrwa farasa in the saga araar as in th aiaputah The alabar tions may be illustrated th s The dispatch under striking faraa states Faur carrisrs Akagi Khan iryn Saryu The article under striking fares alabaratas as rcllawa Fear aircraft carriers tha Akaga and Kaga a 26 900 tans aach and tha Eiryu ana Saryu af 10 390 tans aach 3' No amount of evasion ar p3er will avail ta magnum the can-u clusien that JOh th while an the Earnatt antainad or made a subst ntially completa capy a the imita disyatch $0 repraduae the Rtmits dispatch 33 ha did in tha articla avarhaaring dia- cussien at the Himits dispatch Vania mat alone suffiae Two great a feat 0f mamory bula ha required Thin dens not mean thatkaa knaw anything abaut a secret diapatah er that tha papa he he fauna on his was in the farm of a dispatch g The article a June was puh11$had y the Tribuna 3 uithant submission ta the Havy 9r any Gavernmant ageney far eensor ship Tha quantien is uhethar a vinlntion a any ariminal statute 13 shown DECLASSIFIED AuthorityThe tatute The applicable statuta is aectian 31 at the 9f June 15 1917 chaptsr 39 saetion 1 he Stat 217 as amendsd by rtha Act of arch 28 19h0 chapter 72 aection l Sh Stat 79 uhiah funds the evar lawfully 0r unlawfully having at access ta control avar or buing intruated with any daaumant writing or mate twisting to the natienal asfenaa wilfully cammunicates or trausmita at attampts to communigato ar tranamit tha aama to any person at Entitled to raneiva it shall bu punishod by a fine a nah mara than $10 600 at by impriaonmant far not meta than ten yearn or bath The Himita diapatch or any opy er n te of it obviously w a a doeumant writing or note ralating to the national defense Eha available proaf shoua tha Johnston an tha Barnatt had accasa tn 0r peasassian gf the Himita dispatah er of a writing at note which was a substantial capy The eampariaen bahwaen the dispatch and tha article of Juan 7 ahawa that aancluaivdky Jahnmton a first statamant ta tha Havy officars Juna 8 was that soma infarmatian ambodicd in big artiala was obtainod through opan diacuasian with mffieers an the Earnatt The aama day he came ba k ta tha awyy and a mittad that juat bafare landing he faund a paper in hia quartar$ with aoma statamant an it abaut tha Japangaa_fleet and he mada a aopy of the datumnnt A11 afficara an tha Barnatt deny shauing the Himits dispatah 9r giving hi a eepy Tum officars state thay rem mbar aeeing Commander Seligman formerly exaautiva effiaar a tha Lex ngtom marking at tabla in quarters Johnaten $hared and that befare him was a uritdng on Envy papar giving a liat of Japanese veasela divided inta striking farca Suppurt farce ata Seligman saya ha does mat remembsr making such a memnrandnm the imita diapatah but ha may have dame so Th6 prahability 18 that he did and left it lying around and that 1a what Johnstan fauna and cepie 7 DECLASSIFIED Authoritym gD Z - - The remaining qnaatian an er tha s atute is whether Johnston the Tribnns aad alanuy the anaging Editor hngathar or separataly cammaniaatad the cantanta at the Himit dispatch or thu eontants of a nete or writmng sonatituting a cepy to any peraon not entitled t0 racaiva it by publinatien in tha Tribune 111 Beguiramagt at Envy censnrahip Jahnaton at Tribune s reguaat wag parmitted on vaasala af the Pacific fleet at uhich the Baruett waa an A3 a condition to antaining that spacial privilege ha 333 inatruatad by nvy-efficinla that he ahuu1 nat publish any staty af hia amperianaee er any atazy-aentaining any ohtainad while an of the Fueific fleat uitheut first submitting the material to the avy censarahip First instruatigaa ta that effact ware givan him arally by Gammandar Drake and Eiautanant Baasett at Paarl Harbor The lettar a pril 1h tram Rimitz to Captain Sharman a tha Laxingtan arrangkg passage for an that vassel states Juhnaton wma autharized to taka passaga in shipa er Pacific flast for tha purpnse at obtaining news matarial ta be publiahad after cancer ship at the of the Facific flaat Similar instructions mare rayuated ta Jnhnatnn by_6aptain Sharwmux it had baan dac1 a that ahauld ratarn to the mainland instead 9 ha Ednalulu and auld not imits'for cansorahip Sherman bald 31$ ta clear his artialas thrnugh tha coamandarbin- ehief at bshingtan Jahnsten ad 1ts all thia and that he agraad to abida by theaa rastrictians The reasan he ra$ nut asked to sign a writtan agreement was that Envy ragalatiena r quiring it datad April 12 19h2 had at reaehad Paarl arbar when John atom sailed an tn Laxingtan April 15 It 13 3139 undisputad that lean was teld by Johnston en tha phena-frow San D1330 Jana 3 that all matarial abtainsd by him uhila on the flash had be ha submitted ta tha Navy fer canaarahip The atatute daes'nat aefine the parsana sutherisad ta recaiva abaut tug natianal defunse That is left to regulations rules qr arders of the exmcutive departments Th$ avy had authnri y to requira that information obw taiae whila n th the acif1a fleet shuuld nut be diaclaaed to the public until aftar canaarahip Eharafore Jahnaten'a pubu lished articla aertainly centaining infarmatian fram a writing or DECLASSIFIED Ath Mtge orlty I 7 5 a note obtained frem Envy sources while on the Barnatt and published withaut previous cansorahip amounted to a communicatian ta parsona net authorised tn recaiva it wha Gaza Against the Tribuns Gorparation and Eanaging Editor Sgnaidara VSeparataxx It ahnuld ha natnd that tha statute puninhaa only gamma nicatian of a dacumant writing or nata relating to natianal defensa Johnston is guilty of abtaining the contents of such a decumant 9r nata and diaulaaing thaw ta tha Tribune far pnbliaa tian That might aatabliah an affsnae by him warm it net far the rant that the atatuta raquiraa a wilful diaelaauru Th3 Navy raatriations did mat apaaifiaully require him ta aubmit his articles t0 tha navy bafore handimg ham t9 hia papa Indaad his praetico a nee he arrived at Chicaga June h baa bean t auhmit his ether articles ta'his papar and than tha Tribuna efficiala havm before publication submitted tham ta tha Havy d Bat balieva that 3 Jury ueuld eonviat Johnatan maraly fer giving his June 7 articla ta the anaging Editor If we eauld gnaw that Jehnatan when hg capiad the @acunant he found lying an his daak on tha Barnett knaw it un a aopy of a aacret dacumant that he ha n@ right ta Ema 3% might make a case against him maraly for diaclnaing 1 5 aontanta to hia aditar but thsra in ma prnof that he at had reaawn ta baliava the dacumant ha fauna wag in any ange aacrat Tha fact that it was left lying arsund uauld indiaata its lack af saeruay an admittadly he had heard the mattar in tha mamcran um apanly diacusaad in his presance by the affieara an the Barnatt Agite alaney the preaf is ample that he knaw th informatian in Jahnstonla article of tha 7th had been abtained in part tram Havy affiaera by diacuaaimns with them on the Barnatt Tha praaf may 1611 aha that he deliberataly vielated the agreamant with tha avy my yublishing uithcut aty cansorship same informatinn abtmined by Jahnaten whila an tha Barnatt but that is net a vialation of the atatuta Tha atatuta is limitad to eammuniaa ing the cantanta of a doeumant writing 5r nate malanay daniaa ha was told 9r knew that tha matian came froa any documant Johnston saga he did mat tall Kalanay that his atory of Jana 7 aama tram any writing or dacumant How can it be said Halanay wilfulgz affanded if he did mat knau that tha aourca of tha ma er was a writing Uhlens thare fara the cage against Halenay can be baae an tha theany that DECLASSIFIED Authoritymh 6 a 6 the document or writing he publiaha was Jahnntan'w stony urittan June 6 and not the imita diapatch or a cony a it bin eonvictianrunuld be doubtful It Iauld invalva too atrainad a canatruation at a-eriminal statute I doubt if an raading tha mum statute a 3mm would bald against Monay that the ocmnt writing or in tha statuta inaludad Johnatan's - urittan stary at June at anything athar than'scme nf sinl paper Ha might givu a hreadar intarpratatiun to the statute but it undid be taking a great risk ta raxy an auch an intarpretatisn nfarw tunataly tha statnta ia badly defiaiant $6 far as this caae 13 canaernad If auhsaetiun had the-war informatien as -lu11 as writing and our sass unuldlmava a solid faunda- tion The'tribuna Garporatian unuldrauraxy'be eanvictad if Halunqy is fauna guilty alanay is aaquittad the Tribuna might ha sonviatad if Jahnstan is aanvictad on the theory that tha knhuladga at Johnatun itg emplayea is imputed ta his principal and Johnston knew tha atary cam fram a Vdnuumant er writing 2kg diffiuulty hera amy be that if Johnaton decaived his papar by aencaaling the fact thatiza had ahtainad hia fram a dagumant he aurraptitiausuy capie an tha Barnatt than Jahnstunta knawledga might not ha imputsd he the Tribune Corpcratian If both Johnstan ana Halanay'uara acquitted thaws uauld ha no rational basin for convicting tha Qarparatian Gught a Prnsacutiun_t ha Inatitutad ' Th9 avidanua availa la justifias tha canulusion that neithar alanay mar Johnston 13 tailing tn truth that aa the night er Jana alanay realiaed that Jahnsten ha ebtninad on the Barnatt inaida iufcrmatian aa ta that Envy Intalligonco had laarnad by Ray 31 as ta tha campaaitian af Jayaneae i uay fleet that he realiaed he had a aaoep that it was not mans thigh he uantad ta publiah imwgdiataly without tha aolay at avy aanaarship and uithaat taking a ahaaca that might aupprass it 39 thaught he was aavwring up as ta tha saurnalaf the infer nation and tha fact that it was acauirad by Jaunatan an tha Earnatt and thus subject ta Hay censorship by eoneaaling the fast that it was a Johnamn star and attributing 1ta aaurce ta washingtan D C and diselosuras ma a that by unnamed affieara 0f Eaval Intalligunea a daspiaable thing tn d aa 1% 933% auapiaian cf laakaga on effiaara in Whahingtan DECLASSIFIED 2 AuthorityM D A fa 7 7 Havinggaa ha dadged aval ahecked up on the Sada 9 Ear Tima 9raaticea far an caneludad that it did not cavar tha ease beaause the Japan ae flaat was not in at naar Amarican waters Than he publiahad the articx xith a total and raekleau disregard a any passibla injury to the cauaa at natimnal defensa It is hard ta b3 mconc ad a cor-minim newwpa ar and Halanay and Juhngtan may ha allauad ta an mithaut aspeaially as the prasa ganarally is sincerely trying ta mnka aura that it avaida all ravalatiane damaging to the nation bux thera are aevaral t ingp ta ha aanaidgred l Ganviatiwn is far Exam eertain Quins mainly ta tha daficienciaa 9f tha atatata abavu mantianad I can give no at cwnvietian at variaas can itiana I da na numerata it aumld ba unfar uaate if a shaald be bagun and raault in an aaquittal It unuld kux tha Adminiatratian and eonaoquantx ha can a a natinnal d ianaa 2 3h atmaaphara gamut militazy eanaorahip 13 net Ea good at prexent The praan has ganged up an th miniatratian againat military cannarshiy in caaneezian with the Haw sitting - ha Tribune aan ma a same impressian in thia ca a by the argumant that the story was laudatany gr tha Kavy and did me harm beaausa it had alraady baan stated in prasa dispatahaa tram Hanalulu that tha avy had a vanta infermatien at the aampaaitian 9f thu Japanaae fleat 3 any naval erfiaars naedad far ather datian mania ha raquired 83 amma fer tha grand Jury3_many m9ra far a trial A grana juny at Bhiaaga might b$ availabla immadiataxy but a trial bald at seam bafare Saptamber a atober $ttaehad i3 a list 9f offieara naadad ag h My vary first rugctiaa ta this ma a wag that a guny uvuld 30% appraeiate ns damaga ef tha publiaatian unless it ware disw alasad at the trial that a vanaa infarmatian was darivad in canaidarabia yart intaraaptad massagaa with all that implias and gut tha Japaneaa ta and in'a paaition to dry up aaureaa of aval Intalligencs Thu avwlepmanta havn gantirmaa that View Tha defena aan'argua ta jury that'tharn was little mere diaeloaad by th publicatian than had alreaay baan statsd 9r intimated in grass iayatehaa frum annlulu ana thqy can argua and hava alraa y argue that all tha advance DECLASSIFIED Authority 7 infatuation could have been gained by submarina and air taunting A trial scald di elasa tha means by which the Navy ebtainad tha informatiaa and a trial is publia If perchanaa the Japanaae hava mat bean put by tha pubu liaatian tha a dad publicity 9f a trial might have that reault The trial may acme diacloaurma about cur can naval sad in use Kay 31 imitn a ended dispatch of May 31 was doubtlesu iataraaptad by the Japanese The axyosure at trial of a decoded eapy af tha Kimita iapatch offgra a ready maans ta 3apaneaa ha aelve imita a cathqy have almady slang an am my made may have Man ahangad unity the vy caald ahau this Finally and it in not ta gay the trial wnuld davalap %he aituatian an tha Barnett ma ta handling 0f sacrat dispatdhea Tha faet is that Johmaton gat his hands on imita'a sacret dispateh 9r a asmplata cnpy sf If aa appears likely acme afficer left a ccpy at that lying arcund it may fairly be said there vaa 3 math on ship aa the Trihuna mam guilty of and thy Jury may think so In the light a all theme amn itiana I hink tha qusaw tiun whether tun game is unrth the candla ahanld be first subm mittad ta the ngy and ita judgmant invita as to whathar tha national effurt at the tima uid be battar aerved by proaecuting th 3 36 or drapping it lliam n Eitchell DECLASSIFIED Au - i m List at Naval Gific rc Eneae Attendanaa and Testimony Wbuld Ba Required at a Grand Jury or Trial or at Both tn Be Bald at Chicago Illinois At wridl At Brand 1 Proof at arrangamants for Jannatan's $ama 3a at trial trip with Pacific Flemt a Latter fram'Arthur anning er the Tribune ta ieutenant aw mandnr crdan Eaa 39 19h1 asking parmi aian f r Johnatan - Wire fram Canman ar in chie 5f the Pacific 0 0239 to Hivy Dapart aunt requaating Jahaatnn'a redu antials datad areh h a - a Wire Marsh 10 Sacrataxy ef Rawy to Gapt$in Laland 1av lle appraving credantials for Jannatan A wvs a itnagaes rsquira aha an pron duaa and idanti y thaae measagea a3 racaivad at aant Probably Li utanant Cemmaadar Barry af ub1i Ralatiana If ha nannat Gamer all thrae same gd w iticnsl officers shanld b9 fare niahed 2 Oopy of latter af era ntiala datad April 1b 195% imitz aommandarwin chief a the Paaifia ta sherman cam mandar of Laxington itnesaas admiral nerman only Admiral Liautanant Gammandar Waldo Draka or other affiear at Fearl Harbor can pmeduce and idwnbi y aa sant-tha Paar1 Harhcr file capy 3 Inatructioas givan Johnataa at H n olulu ahaut aanaorship Liautanant Gammandar walda Brats get agaed Lieutanant Jamas Basset Jr 7 - DECLASSIFIED Authority 7 T u 2 At Trial At Grand Instructiana given Jahaaton about canaorship aftar leaving Pearl Harbar Admiral Sherman Admiral Sherman Prov at aen ing bf dispatch at any 31 from Paarl Harbor abeut Jay anase fleat and praductian 9f 11 copy uncoded Witneaaess - An officer er man at Honolulu the can prgduea and identify as sent Feaaibay Lieutenant - Commandnr Edwin-T Laighton Rat nee ad roof at receipt n USS Barnett o Kimitm dispatah af Ray 31 and predm nation af ariginal_fila cnpy decodad which has been preservad ltnesa Lieutenant ani l Bontaca communicatians aff1 er Barnatt Same as at trial netbnd at handling Nimits diapatch at Hay 31 on Barnett Witnesses 3ama as at trial Gammander br imer Seligmsn if available now in bagpital Ensign E Jahnaan Liautenant Comman ar Enhart E Bixun squadron lead r on 333' Lexington 5 Lieutanant commander Edward J O' annell gunnary offiear of Lgxington Ensign aaerga I hKennau Jr deccding afficgr of Lexington DECLASSIFIED Authoriwmm i -j At Trial t Grand 332 8 Praaf that sameana an Barnett mada i 6093 at tha imita dispateh 9f 311 witnesaasz sama aa at trial Lieutenant Gammandar Eduard H Eldridge juniar flight afficer an Laxingtan Lieutanant cammandar Edward J O Donnall Lieutanant Commander Rabart'E Dixmn 9 Gampariaan batwaan imita di p t h as dacaded an Earnatt and Tribuna article af June 7 mada at directiun at Captain Holdan on July 13 Witnasa na deda 3ama aw at trial The cfficar aha nds the aamm parison Hams 10 Proof cf cammnnique 1aaued by Himita about Eiduay battle Ho 1 June Re 2 Jung 5 No 3 June 6 H0 11- Jun 7 Brake net needed before Grand Jury Lieuten nt Gammandar klda Drake An afficer fram Navy Department who fram Panrl Harbar ta pro uca 116 can praduca Haw Bapartmant capi a capiaa Paarl Harbar do bafare grand Jury 11 Prcaf of Jahnston'a first and aeand abatement of June 3 itnwas Admiral nut naede bafora Admiral chiaf at ataft Gran Jury gal nffiewr present at ascend interviwu DECLASSIFIED Authority 43 At Tridl 5% Grand 6351 12 Preof of recaipt at Navy uaparument of arthur Henning'a lettar n Jana 12 addres$ad Emar hdmiral and an aloaing urit an atatamant a what Johnstan said at in arviaua af Jana 3 nna Tribune Kala far witnesa - - Sama as at trial in afficar of affiaera 9f Eavy who-will praduae crigiaala-ar if criginala-warm rsturned Navy's phetaatat cuyigs and Gan tastify ta raceipt of dacumanta 13 kn-affiear ar afficera of aval Intalliw at naadgd far'Grand Jung gauce at Fearl Harbor an Kay 31 wha aan teati y to fact that tha Eimita diapatch bf Bay 31 containad lateat infarmatian collectad there'by and nan aacribs ganarally'tha kin of saurcea from which the infarmatinn was cbtaiued including if the ex iganciaa of the trial raquira it dian closure that interaapticn and dacoding or Japansae messages wax invalv d DECLASSIEIED Authority an 15 19M TSIWHE ha acrians deubta as ta-thc pranpeata a canvictimn arias bacausa a daiaata 1n_%ha stxtuta $hu anly statate npplieabla puuiuhna diaelnuuxu at writtan inatruaanta daeunmnta 2h gnaw agninat Jaknstan is ulnar up ta the point at disalesurmx n catninad an tha-Barna t a way at I acnmant 113 a ecrat diagut h an aenteatn ta his editar iha praaf hauuvur he ha glraa y infarnnd hi editar mbuat tag ruquiramgnt mf Swty K3 says ha tharefere ralia an thy Hanaging Editar ta clan artiele thraugh the hvy and was surprised 1% was pabliahtd ithant sunk alaaranac any eana r$h1p aid nut spm 1f1 ulhy turbid hi giviag hi3 atariaa ta-his via tu-hnving tha a itar invitg - If an estahaiah that dahnatam parlaia d imfnrantian that know I'm bad ma right ta might be cantier fer manly giviag tha stawy ta hia aditsr but theta was nathing ahnut papa he f and an the ship ta ahas'i% was takan ram any agarat iapatah ar uaa anything warn-than aa astimata uhieh ha been tha aubjent at genaral disenaaian Th faet that it had baan left lyiag aroun nuggestedrthera In it Jannatan's_eenviatian is tharafaru daubtful Ralisnce aa hi anaging E itnr ta hav the srti 1 aanaared wag natural ta ta H lnnug tau praat sham h knew r had raasan tn baliavw Jahaatan't arti lu at Jana 7 aantainaa iafurnmxien abtainad an the Barnett an was tharefare subjeet ta lhmy'canaarship National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu