2 5 7 24 Eaf'l 19 g f r4 a in I August 2 1957 i u nun in 3- DEPARTMENT or STATE szae ai MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSAT ON WITH ADMIRAL STRAUSS Admiral Strauss has returned from a conference with the President to discuss with him the position which should be taken by the United States Delegation to the United Nations with reSpect to the selection by the Governing Board of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency I was to have attended this meeting with Admiral Strauss but had to leave the White House because of an urgent appointment with Senator Johnson at the Capital Admiral Strauss knew my point of view and likewise brought to the President's attention the two memoranda of conversation which the Secretary had made on October 21 and 24 1956 As a result of this conversation the President agreed that the position of the United States Delegation should be to put forward the name of W Sterling Cole as a candidate on behalf of the United States and the Soviet delegation should be advised that the United States did not wish to make any commitments with respect to any other staff personnel but would of course feel that the Soviet Government was entitled to representation appropriate to the degree of support of the Agency which the Soviet Government would evidence by making fissionable material available to it The President further made the condition with respect to the above that prior assent be received of Congressman Joseph Martin to Congressman Cole's name being put forward since the President had some years ago agreed with Congressman Martin that he the President would not consider nominating for federal office members of the House of Representatives Strauss did not at the time make the distinction that this was not a Presi- dential appointment This however was done in a later conver- sation between General Persons and Admiral Strauss The latter is now making arrangements to see both Congressman Martin and Congressman Cole r M I A Christian A Herter Show 95 DECTASSIFIED c DEPARTMENT OF STATE EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT 3 August 2 1957 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD IAEA In elaborating on his memorandum of conversation with Admiral Strauss of August 2 Governor Herter indicated that it was his understanding that we should put forward the Cole candidacy and proceed to get him elected using the most favorable tactics but never theless backing him to the hilt He felt the President was inclined to want to avoid any kind of a deal with the Russians Governor Herter thought that to comply with the President's wishes Ambassador Wadsworth should be instructed to go back to the Russians and inform them that he had received instructions to put forward the candidacy of Cole and at the same time to make plain that any further discussions with the Russians on IAEA staff would need to await evidence of the amount of cooperation and contribution the USSR is going to make to the new agency Governor Herter asked me to convey a copy of his memorandum of conversation with Admiral Strauss of August 2 to the Admiral requesting his initials or written concurrence and at the same time convey a copy to General Goodpaster indicating to Admiral Strauss that we were so doing Fisher Howe 3 77 DECLASSIF IE D Authorityde FOR BRIO 022 A J GOODPASTLB THE 0053 Subjoct mm The Acting 800mm has and no to and am this copy at his monum- or convoth with Mina-a Another cap bu been sent to stun to m- to mum his eon- cut-run FISHER HOWE lube Bow bimeta- m1 Secretariat mm cm at Inc at nonm- tton batman humor Hutu- AUG 2 1957 and Main Strum August aq vn on s ssmmus DECLASSIFIED I I A TRUE COPY L767 '52 a National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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