DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1010 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 20301-1010 APR 2 6 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT Establishment of an Algorithmic Warfare Cross-Functional Team Project Maven As numerous studies have made clear the Department of Defense DoD must integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning more effectively across operations to maintain advantages over increasingly capable adversaries and competitors Although we have taken tentative steps to explore the potential of artificial intelligence big data and deep learning I remain convinced that we need to do much more and move much faster across DoD to take advantage of recent and future advances in these critical areas Accordingly I am establishing the Algorithmic Warfare Cross-Functional Team AWCFT to accelerate DoD's integration of big data and machine learning The AWCFT's objective is to tum the enormous volume of data available to DoD into actionable intelligence and insights at speed The AWCFT's first task is to field technology to augment or automate Processing Exploitation and Dissemination PED for tactical Unmanned Aerial System UAS and MidAltitude Full-Motion Video FMV in support of the Defeat-ISIS campaign This will help to reduce the human factors burden of FMV analysis increase actionable intelligence and enhance military decision-making A WCFT will 1 organize a data-labeling effort and develop acquire and or modify algorithms to accomplish key tasks 2 identify required computational resources and identify a path to fielding that infrastructure and 3 integrate algorithmic-based technology with Programs of Record in 90-day sprints The A WCFT will initially provide computer vision algorithms for object detection classification and alerts for FMV PED Further sprints will incorporate more advanced computer vision technology After successful sprints in support of Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance ISR PED the AWCFT will prioritize the integration of similar technologies into other defense intelligence mission areas AWCFT will also consolidate existing algorithm-based technology initiatives related to mission areas of the Defense Intelligence Enterprise including all initiatives that develop employ or field artificial intelligence automation machine learning deep learning and computer vision algorithms The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence USD I will oversee the AWCFT The USD I 's Director for Defense Intelligence Warfighter Support will serve as the Director An executive steering group comprising senior representatives from USD I the Joint Staff the Military Services the Office of the DoD General Counsel and other DoD components as approved by USD I will provide oversight The AWCFT will be supported by a Project Office within USD I and by an 0-6 Working Group from across multiple DoD and intelligence community components The A WCFT will report directly to me and provide monthly updates with the first update due no later than May 1 20 I 7 The guidance within this memorandum will be converted to a Directive-Type Memorandum signed by the Deputy Secretary of Defense within three months DISTRIBUTION SECRETARIES OF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENTS CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF UNDER SECRETARIES OF DEFENSE DEPUTY CHIEF MANAGEMENT OFFICER CHIEF OF THE NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DIRECTOR COST ASSESSMENT AND PROGRAM EVALUATION INSPECTOR GENERAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DIRECTOR OPERATIONAL TEST AND EVALUATION CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIRECTOR NET ASSESSMENT DIRECTOR STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES OFFICE DIRECTORS OF THE DEFENSE AGENCIES DIRECTORS OF THE DOD FIELD ACTIVITIES National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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