Document 5 DIA — AT THE CREATION D AugLt1 1961 NUMBER 5t zi CC DoD Department of Defense Directive SUBJECT Defense aefere nce s a Cb tntellLgence Ageitcy DoD Diiecthe 5148 4 “Azatait to the ci’ tzry of Defense t5pec 1 Oparatloni$” DoD Dizective 5VO 23 dmiuiatrattye ArrangementB foi tha Natona1 Secu Tity Agecy’t c d e Cf g Ch L Pot DiecCLve 51QU 1 ‘Fmctione of DoD and Its Mao Compoients” DoD rectiva C-ZOO 0 5 -DoD Dix e’tLve -5JOO ZO DoD Dhectivc C-5a00 5 DoD Directive S-3U5 Z DoD DixectLve S-3U54 GENSRAJL A Pursuant to the authority voted hz the Secretary of Defence nd the provisioas of the National 5ecizrit Act of 1947 a amended a Defence Intelligence Agency DZA is hereby establ1hed as a u zgency of the Department of Defense under the direciou authority and control of the Secretaxy at tlefeuse B Functions Authorities an4 kesponeibrnties assigme6 by references h ft ff fg a ni h are excluded from the scope of thin Directive ORCANIZAT1ON AND COM 4AND e Pefense IflsUigence Agency sb aU cons s of A A Oiector a De uty 1 ircctar a Clnef of Staff a headqiiaxtors establie mnnt at6 such uh or6iate nts facibee axd actvitiee an arc 41 V Document 5 Continued DIA —AT THE CREATION pecLUcaLLy gn ed to the Agency by the Secretar of efene o by the Joint CIiief of SE acting under tb4 autiority and direction of the Secretary of Defenie fltk B Such iuibordiziate orga nizatLons as are estabkiahed by tbe DLrector DIA or the accomplishment of DLA a mision C The t’IRn of oiirxiand haU X’1 u from the Secretary of Defem through the Joint Cbiefa of Staff to the irector DTA Qizidanco to the Dizectoa- DL ihall be fiixntihed by the Secretary of Defene the’ Joint Thies of 5tof acting ixIer the authority and dioction of tic Secretary of Defece ad thc United tatea Inteflience Board RESPOr’rsmELrrTEs 1he Defene Tz effigence Ageriey under the directoi azid operaonai cantro of t Director1 shall b reapo— a 1e for A The orarnzation dix ec5 oii management and central of all Depa nent of Defense inLdltgence xeaouzes aiigaed to orne1uded within the DIA 3 P v aw 4 coo op of tha eparien of Defense inteUiger ce fuiictions xetali3cd by or a aigzea to t iut dpaxta gufdance for the conduct a nd m mAement of uch Eunction will be developed by the Dixegtor 1 1% far review1 approval ar promugadon by the Secretary of Defense C uperviaLon of the exectation of a approved p1an rograms policies a nd procedures for intelii genco fImction5 not asigncd to DLEh Otainiug the mazdmurn economy ana effLciency in ailoaffon tid management of Department of Detezi se inte Ugezice resources ‘ 1zis includes saLysia of those DoD intehigen activitiec and tli• 42 Document 5 Continued DIA—ATT1CREATION Aug 6 facilities width can be fully integrated or collocated with non—DoD inteiligence organizations F W Responding directly to prLority zsqi sts lee-led upon tbe Defense Intelligence Agency by T35 Satiafying the intelligence requirements of the maor components of the Depaztment of Defense FVNCTION$ Under it Director the Defense Intelligence Agency abaU perform the following functions A Devclop and produce all DoD Intelligence estimata and DoD information and contributions to Natioiai Estimates for the United States Intelligence oexd ucb estimates and contributions tnay indicate d1Cfsreucei in analysis and cyluucu Provide far the assembly I eraton and ralida tion of alL Department of Defence hitsliigance requirements and the aastgaxacnt of zekatLre priorities thereto assign specific reqtuxements to Deparbucat of Defense collection resources and originate requests when necessaxy to non—Depart— meat of Defense collection resources to Lulf1ll n rquiremente C stsbliak a single DoD Collection iequirern nts Registry and Facility which will be fully compatible with any Natioaai Requirements Registry and Facility 0 Provide plans programs policies and procedures far ‘DoD collection activities Conduct such technical and counterintelligence a be subsequently assigned to DIA —3— 43 Document 5 Continued DIA—AT TIlE CREATION F Pvid o aLt Dopartrzcut o Xefcec curnt intelligence Q Etablisk and miiitaiu the oI Iiication Center H Conduct coordii ang a planiug acLtLes to achieve the madmum economy and cifLci’ecy in the conduct and management of all Department of DeIenge int iience actjv tjes L Provide the Secretary oI De1ene the stail ass1zts to the Secretary the military depart ment8 the Ioznt Cidefa of Staff pecialized DoD agencle t1 tn%ifed and ecIfted commands ai4 o hr GrganLzatLons iu the natioa1 intelligence coziroix ity with rw Ictary igtcrngence 3 Develop DoD fnte2iigenc zes aarch and deveLopmnt requ±rements K Develop p ans for the imtegraon f DoD inteUigeice and cou ntcrintdlligence training pxogram carcr dovelopmonf program a £cr ude igence pcrsonnel gexieral upport progama an4 other ate Ulgeace avjtie e of the mi1itary depaxxenU L Cooperate with the C na1 InteUgeuce Agency and other intelligente oigaxda ons for miC sport COflifllOn aid coxxibhiecl usage of faflitios rcsorcee a ii4 tr4nIiig ptogxaB and e11_rrh f duplica tIon 2 Prov3de In the person o the D reCOT DIA 0n of ene iepreaentatIves to the the Departmenz f United States Intefligence 2 card —4— 44 Documen 5 Coniiniic’d DIA —AT THE CREATION L1 N Provide for t ot repreentation on USIB corn rittees and on all other inter8o1rernuaentaJ intelligence comnittees 0 ProvIde guidance in coniorznance with U5t5 poUcies to th major coaiponcnts of the Department of Defense on the pul Uc re1ase of Defens intefligetice information1 P1 Develop plas prograzn poiicae and proced res for izttU igence napping a nd charting activities Q Frapare and submit to the Secretary of Defetise under procedures approwed by the As istant Socretary of efecie Comptroller a consolidated DoD budget for intelligence activities covered by this Directive together with recommen6ations pertalaing thereto and participate in the acanxinis tratlon of the coasijlidateci budget he consolidated budget will include the estimates of the tunda required to finance the inteliigrnsce activities organized within and directly managed by DIA and the estimates of the zailitary depaztments of the funds required to finance tkie intalligeae activiLes wN ch they du ct Subject to eYisw a ad aord atioa by DIA R Integrate PoD int tligce automation and auto matic data procesing plazas and programs inuzing that they complement each other and those e non- DoD ixite3 llgence agencies to the mazdniuns extent practicable S Discharge ouch other inte Ugenc functioni as the Secretary of Defense or the 3oixaz Chiefs of Staff may as sign 45 i Document 5 Continued DIA — AT THE CREATION V RELAIONS IPS A rIorm acc of it functions the Defense In the Inteffience Agency sKall 1 Coordinate actors as appropriatQ with the other components of the fleparterit of Defense and with thoec dep rtzncnt and aenciee of governxn ut having ceflateral or rakted functions in its field of asstgned reiiponi— bikitice Z ‘I%D1aintain appropriate liaison wizb the other compoaent of the DoD and wth the Ti CtO sari departhients and agencies of the government for the exchange of Information and iindings in the field of its asigne4i reponsibrnty The ixzilifary dcpxtnaenL6 and other DoD compoiicnts their respective LLeLd s shall pro’rtde wipport ‘of responsibility to the Director of the Defense 1 atcULg once gency s s may be ueoee sary- to carry out the assigned i’esponsibilifles of the Agency VT AUTIIORZTT o discbarge the rezponsibliUe ol Uw Ageacy the Direetor DLA or his designeec are speciL cpfly delegated authority to A Mave free and unrestrIcted access to and direct coimicatlon v4t aU elements of @i e Depareut of Eofenee as well as orgnizatiouo in the uaonal inUuIgence cmudtr 2 Operat and ontxoL all orniza’tioi ctvaties and resources assigned or at ched to the Defense Intelligence Agency 46 Document 5 Continued DIA AT THE CREATION C Est bli1i WA utIl ence ic cilities3 ftgov e or taing wherever feib1io estahuished facilities of the tnilitary departineats D Cbt it icb informa on from any component of the oD as may be necessary for the performance of DLkts fwictions Z Suervise the execition of approv à plans program policies and procedures for those DoD lutefligence functions and acth ies not directly asigned to DLA VII — Centralize or consoUdate the £rnctions for s rcponsib1e to the extent tha Director deems fcaib1c and sirablc b consonauce ith the aims of ma nuur over -all efficiency economy atd effecvene s D ISTRATlON The Director1 Depu tj Director1 and Chief of Staff of The Defense Intelligence Agency shall be appointc by the Secretary of Defenie front commissioned officers of the Armed Wo ces on acth’e dnty w3o normally shall be from different Services However there shall be no established system Gf inter-Service rotation or desl8naticn for these key posts The Director shall have at least three-star ran1 while serving in this position His appoittaent shall be for a term of fou r years B The appoi of other personnel eivflii’ d military to the Agency vil1be subject to fhe approval of ths Dir Ctor DEA C The Defez se Intelligence gcncy L be aut1orized such pereotinel facilitLes funds and other adminis tratly support as the 5ecreta’y of Defense deetLs ceaary for the performance of its cos The tl1tary d partients and other DoD cornponeuts halL —7— 47 Docutnent 5 Conlinued DIA—AT THE CREATION ————— __ __ po’iide sort ac ecssay or the Jgency ting an6 funding fo th Ag ny w1 be shd by the in conformance with po3ii4S Aeietant Sccretazy of D nae GoptroUe VflL EPCTWEATE ef tctive I Octobet 196L Wbcncvex This 1rectfre th Defene 1ntemgenc Agency assumes reponsibiflty for a ixitJii gence £mction as sgnea to DL uiider the terms of tLie Diective aU compo et of the Department of Dcfc ao wili reew thi existing dir ecLve1 i atruc tione aa xcg1ationa fo coormt’ ad stbiit cecy amtndn icnte thexoto to the Geaa L Coo1 of the Lopart met of Defen within 90 days t Depu’y’ Secretry of D fczse 48
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