520 1 SEC 1049 SENSE OF CONGRESS ON USE OF TEST SITES 2 FOR 3 COUNTERING 4 TEMS 5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT UNMANNED AIRCRAFT ON SYS- It is the sense of Congress that-- 6 1 the armed unmanned aircraft systems de- 7 ployed by adversaries for military purposes pose a 8 threat to military installations critical infrastruc- 9 ture and members of the Armed Forces in conflict 10 areas like Iraq and Syria 11 2 the unmanned aircraft systems test sites des- 12 ignated by the Federal Aviation Administration offer 13 unique capabilities expertise and airspace for re- 14 search and development related to unmanned aircraft 15 systems and 16 3 the Armed Forces should as appropriate and 17 to the extent practicable seek to leverage the test sites 18 described in paragraph 2 as well as existing De- 19 partment of Defense facilities with appropriate exper- 20 tise for research and development on capabilities to 21 counter the nefarious use of unmanned aircraft sys- 22 tems 23 24 25 Subtitle F--Studies and Reports SEC 1061 ASSESSMENT OF GLOBAL FORCE POSTURE a ASSESSMENT REQUIRED --The Secretary of De- 26 fense shall in consultation with the Chairman of the Joint HR 2810 PAP National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu