1099 3 TITLE LXVI--STRATEGIC PROGRAMS CYBER AND INTELLIGENCE MATTERS 4 SEC 6601 SENSE OF CONGRESS ON USE OF INTERGOVERN- 5 MENTAL PERSONNEL ACT MOBILITY PRO- 6 GRAM AND DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INFOR- 7 MATION TECHNOLOGY EXCHANGE PROGRAM 8 TO OBTAIN PERSONNEL WITH CYBER SKILLS 9 AND ABILITIES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF 1 2 10 11 DEFENSE It is the sense of Congress that-- 12 1 the Department of Defense should fully use 13 the Intergovernmental Personnel Act Mobility Pro- 14 gram IPAMP and the Department of Defense Infor- 15 mation Technology Exchange Program ITEP to ob- 16 tain cyber personnel across the Government by 17 leveraging cyber capabilities found at the State and 18 local government level and in the private sector in 19 order to meet the needs of the Department for cyberse- 20 curity professionals and 21 2 the Department should implement at the ear- 22 liest practicable date a strategy that includes policies 23 and plans to fully use such programs to obtain such 24 personnel for the Department HR 2810 PAP 1100 1 SEC 6602 SENSE OF CONGRESS ON ESTABLISHING AN 2 AWARD PROGRAM FOR THE CYBER COMMU- 3 NITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 4 It is the sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense 5 should consider-- 6 1 establishing an award program for employees 7 of the Department of Defense who carry out the cyber 8 missions or functions of the Department of Defense 9 10 11 12 2 all award options under law or policy including compensation time off and status awards 3 awards based upon operational impact and meritorious service 13 4 providing the largest possible opportunity for 14 such members or employees to earn such rewards 15 without regard to type of position grade years of 16 service experience or past performance 17 5 individual and organization rewards and 18 6 other factors as the Secretary considers ap- 19 propriate that would reward and provide incentive to 20 cyber personnel or organizations 21 SEC 6603 REVIEW OF UNITED STATES NUCLEAR AND RADI- 22 OLOGICAL TERRORISM PREVENTION STRAT- 23 EGY 24 a IN GENERAL --The Secretary of Energy acting 25 through the Administrator for Nuclear Security shall enter 26 into an arrangement with the National Academy of HR 2810 PAP 1101 1 Sciences to assess and recommend improvements to the 2 strategies of the United States for preventing countering 3 and responding to nuclear and radiological terrorism spe4 cifically terrorism involving the use of nuclear weapons im5 provised nuclear devices or radiological dispersal or expo6 sure devices or the sabotage of nuclear facilities 7 b REVIEW --The assessment conducted under sub- 8 section a shall address the adequacy of the strategies of 9 the United States described in that subsection and identify 10 technical policy and resource gaps with respect to-- 11 1 identifying national and international nu- 12 clear and radiological terrorism risks and critical 13 emerging threats 14 2 preventing state and non-state actors from 15 acquiring the technologies materials and critical ex- 16 pertise needed to mount nuclear or radiological at- 17 tacks 18 19 3 countering efforts by state and non-state actors to mount such attacks 20 4 responding to nuclear and radiological ter- 21 rorism incidents to attribute their origin and help 22 manage their consequences and 23 5 other important matters identified by the 24 National Academy of Sciences that are directly rel- 25 evant to those strategies HR 2810 PAP 1102 1 c RECOMMENDATIONS --The assessment conducted 2 under subsection a shall include recommendations to the 3 Secretary of Energy Congress and such other Federal enti4 ties as the National Academy of Sciences considers appro5 priate for preventing countering and responding to nu6 clear and radiological terrorism including recommenda7 tions for-- 8 1 closing technical policy or resource gaps 9 2 improving cooperation and appropriate inte- 10 gration among Federal entities and Federal State 11 and tribal governments 12 3 improving cooperation between the United 13 States and other countries and international organi- 14 zations and 15 4 other important matters identified by the 16 National Academy of Sciences that are directly rel- 17 evant to the strategies of the United States described 18 in subsection a 19 d LIAISONS --The Secretary of Energy the Secretary 20 of Defense the Secretary of Homeland Security the Sec21 retary of State and the Director of National Intelligence 22 shall appoint appropriate liaisons to the National Academy 23 of Sciences with respect to supporting the timely conduct 24 of the assessment required by subsection a HR 2810 PAP 1103 1 e ACCESS TO MATERIALS --The Secretary of Energy 2 the Secretary of Defense the Secretary of Homeland Secu3 rity the Secretary of State and the Director of National 4 Intelligence shall provide access to the National Academy 5 of Sciences to materials relevant to the assessment required 6 by subsection a 7 f CLEARANCES --The Secretary of Energy and the 8 Director of National Intelligence shall ensure that appro9 priate members and staff of the National Academy of 10 Sciences have the necessary clearances obtained in an expe11 dited manner to conduct the assessment required by sub12 section a 13 SEC 6604 SENSE OF CONGRESS ON NATIONAL SPACE DE- 14 15 FENSE CENTER a FINDINGS --Congress makes the following findings 16 1 Space is a warfighting domain 17 2 Deterrence of adversaries of the United 18 States preserving the space domain and defending 19 against threats to space systems requires coordination 20 across the Department of Defense including the mili- 21 tary departments and the intelligence community 22 b SENSE 23 that-- HR 2810 PAP OF CONGRESS --It is the sense of Congress 1104 1 1 the National Space Defense Center is critical 2 to defending and securing the space domain in order 3 to protect all United States assets in space 4 2 integration between the intelligence commu- 5 nity and the Department of Defense within the Na- 6 tional Space Defense Center is essential to detecting 7 assessing and reacting to evolving space threats and 8 3 the Department of Defense including the 9 military departments and the elements of the intel- 10 ligence community should seek ways to bolster inte- 11 gration with respect to space threats through work at 12 the National Space Defense Center 13 c INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY DEFINED --In this sec- 14 tion the term ''intelligence community'' has the meaning 15 given that term in section 3 4 of the National Security 16 Act of 1947 50 U S C 3003 4 17 SEC 6605 PROHIBITION ON ESTABLISHMENT OF MILITARY 18 DEPARTMENT OR CORPS SEPARATE FROM OR 19 SUBORDINATE TO THE CURRENT MILITARY 20 DEPARTMENTS 21 No funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act 22 or otherwise available for fiscal year 2018 for the Depart23 ment of Defense may be used to establish a military depart24 ment or corps separate from or subordinate to the current 25 military departments including a Space Corps in the De- HR 2810 PAP 1105 1 partment of the Air Force or a similar such corps in any 2 other military department 3 SEC 6606 RULE OF CONSTRUCTION ON IRON DOME SHORT- 4 RANGE 5 ISRAELI 6 PROGRAM 7 ROCKET DEFENSE COOPERATIVE SYSTEM MISSILE AND DEFENSE Paragraph 2 of section 1651 c shall have no force 8 or effect 9 SEC 6607 REPORT ON INTEGRATION OF MODERNIZATION 10 AND SUSTAINMENT OF NUCLEAR TRIAD 11 a FINDINGS --Congress makes the following findings 12 1 On January 27 2017 President Donald 13 Trump issued a Presidential Memorandum on Re- 14 building the United States Armed Forces which em- 15 phasized the need for a ''modern robust flexible re- 16 silient ready and appropriately tailored'' nuclear 17 deterrent 18 2 On January 31 2017 Secretary of Defense 19 James Mattis issued a memorandum entitled ''Imple- 20 mentation Guidance for Budget Directives in the Na- 21 tional Security Presidential Memorandum on Re- 22 building the U S Armed Forces'' which called for 23 ''an ambitious reform agenda which will include hor- 24 izontal integration across DoD components to im- HR 2810 PAP 1106 1 prove efficiency and take advantage of economies of 2 scale'' 3 b REPORT REQUIRED -- 4 1 IN GENERAL --Not later than 120 days after 5 the date of the enactment of this Act the Under Sec- 6 retary of Defense for Acquisition Technology and Lo- 7 gistics or a successor in the Office of the Secretary 8 of Defense with responsibility for acquisition pro- 9 grams in coordination with the Secretary of the 10 Navy and the Secretary of the Air Force shall submit 11 to the congressional defense committees a report on 12 the potential to achieve greater efficiency by inte- 13 grating elements of acquisition programs related to 14 the modernization and sustainment of the nuclear 15 triad 16 17 2 ELEMENTS --The report required by paragraph 1 shall at a minimum-- 18 A identify any opportunities for improved 19 efficiency in program management cost and 20 schedule to be created by increasing integration 21 co-location and commonality between the stra- 22 tegic deterrent programs and their systems sub- 23 systems technologies and engineering processes 24 and HR 2810 PAP 1107 1 B identify any risks to program manage- 2 ment cost and schedule as well as mission and 3 capability created by the opportunities identi- 4 fied under subparagraph A 5 3 FORM --The report required by paragraph 6 1 shall be submitted in classified form but with an 7 unclassified summary 8 SEC 6608 COMPTROLLER 9 GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES REPORT ON DEPARTMENT OF DE- 10 FENSE 11 EQUIPMENT OR SERVICES OBTAINED FROM 12 SUPPLIERS CLOSELY LINKED TO A LEADING 13 CYBER-THREAT ACTOR 14 CRITICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS a REPORT REQUIRED --Not later than 180 days 15 after the date of the enactment of this Act the Comptroller 16 General of the United States shall submit to the congres17 sional defense committees a report on any critical tele18 communications equipment technologies or services ob19 tained or used by the Department of Defense or its contrac20 tors or subcontrators that is-- 21 1 manufactured by a foreign supplier or a 22 contractor or subcontractor of such supplier that is 23 closely linked to a leading cyber-threat actor or 24 2 from an entity that incorporates or utilizes 25 information technology manufactured by a foreign HR 2810 PAP 1108 1 supplier or a contractor or subcontractor of such sup- 2 plier that is closely linked to a leading cyber-threat 3 actor 4 b FORM --The report shall be submitted in unclassi- 5 fied form but may include a classified annex 6 c DEFINITIONS --In this section 7 1 The term ''leading cyber-threat actor'' means 8 a country identified as a leading threat actor in 9 cyberspace in the report entitled ''Worldwide Threat 10 Assessment of the US Intelligence Community'' dated 11 May 11 2017 and includes the People's Republic of 12 China the Islamic Republic of Iran the Democratic 13 People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federa- 14 tion 15 2 The term ''closely linked'' with respect to a 16 foreign supplier contractor or subcontrator and a 17 leading cyber-threat actor means the foreign supplier 18 contractor or subcontractor-- 19 20 A has ties to the military forces of such actor 21 22 B has ties to the intelligence services of such actor 23 C is the beneficiary of significant low in- 24 terest or no-interest loans loan forgiveness or 25 other support of such actor or HR 2810 PAP 1109 1 2 D is incorporated or headquartered in the territory of such actor 5 TITLE LXXVIII--MILITARY CONSTRUCTION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS 6 SEC 7801 CERTIFICATION RELATED TO CERTAIN ACQUISI- 3 4 7 8 TIONS OR LEASES OF REAL PROPERTY Section 2662 a of title 10 United States Code is 9 amended-- 10 1 in paragraph 2 by striking the period at 11 the end and inserting the following '' as well as the 12 certification described in paragraph 5 '' and 13 14 2 by adding at the end the following '' 5 For purposes of paragraph 2 the certification 15 described in this paragraph with respect to an acquisition 16 or lease of real property is a certification that the Secretary 17 concerned-- 18 '' A evaluated the feasibility of using space in 19 property under the jurisdiction of the Department of 20 Defense to satisfy the purposes of the acquisition or 21 lease and 22 '' B determined that-- 23 '' i space in property under the jurisdic- 24 tion of the Department of Defense is not reason- HR 2810 PAP National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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