Department of Defense The Militarily Critical Technologies List Part II WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES February 1998 Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology Washington D C THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR ACQUISITION AND TECHNOLOGY The Department of Defense welcomes comments on this publication Refer comments to the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense International and Commercial Programs FAX 703 931-7792 E-Mail mctl@ida org MCTL Internet Home Page http www dtic mil mctl TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT Government Agencies and Their Contractors--Contact General Public--Contact DEFENSE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE Mail Requests Attn DTIC-BRR Defense Technical Information Center 8725 John J Kingman Road Suite 0944 Ft Belvoir VA 22060-6218 Telephone Requests 703 767-8274 DSN 427-8274 FAX Requests 703 767-9070 DSN 427-9070 E-Mail Requests msorders@dtic mil URL Address http www dtic mil dtic docorderform html Mail Requests National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield VA 22161 Telephone Requests 703 487-4650 FAX Requests 703 321-8547 E-Mail Requests orders@ntis fedworld gov URL Address http www fedworld gov ntis ordering The order number for this document at DTIC and NTIS is ADA 330102 PREFACE A THE MCTL The Militarily Critical Technologies List MCTL is a detailed and structured compendium of the technologies DoD assesses as critical to maintaining superior U S military capabilities DoD develops the MCTL with participation of other agencies of the United States Government U S industry and academia and updates it on an ongoing basis In the past the MCTL was published in one document The MCTL is being published in three documents Three parts of the MCTL will cover weapons system technologies technologies associated with weapons of mass destruction and developing technologies These three documents provide the opportunity to highlight different technologies and technology levels B USES OF THE MCTL The action plan accompanying the 23 January 1995 Deputy Secretary of Defense Tasking Memorandum stated that the MCTL is used as a o Technical foundation for U S proposals for export control in the New Forum Missile Technology Control Regime Nuclear Suppliers Groups Australia Group and other nonproliferation regimes o Technical reference for licensing and export control by Customs Officials DoD DOS DOC and DOE o Technical reference for contracts and scientific papers by government industry and academia o Technical reference and guide for intelligence collection In addition the MCTL o Provides background and support for international cooperative activities o Supports development of technology transfer policy technology release guidelines and specific proposals or controls to be implemented by multinational organizations The MCTL is not an export control list o There may be items in the MCTL that are not on an export control list o There may be items on an export control list that are not in the MCTL The MCTL is to be used as a reference for evaluating potential technology transfers and technical reports and scientific papers for public release The information must be applied using technical judgment It should be used to determine if the proposed transaction would result in transfer that would permit potential adversaries access to technologies not whether a transfer should or should not be approved C ORGANIZATION OF THE MCTL The three parts of the MCTL are the following Part I Weapons Systems Technologies published in June 1996 details those critical technologies with performance parameters that are at or above the minimum level necessary to ensure continuing superior performance of U S military systems Part II Weapons of Mass Destruction Technologies this document addresses those technologies required for development integration or employment of biological chemical or nuclear weapons and their means of delivery This document is not oriented to U S capabilities Rather it addresses technologies that proliferators might use to develop WMD It provides technical information to assist various entities of the DoD to develop support and execute counterproliferation initiatives Part III Developing Critical Technologies to be published in 1998 will contain a list of technologies which when fully developed and incorporated in a military system will produce increasingly superior performance or maintain a superior capability more affordably The format of Parts II and III insofar as possible is consistent with the MCTL Part I _____________________________ Note The Wassenaar Arrangement initially called the New Forum is the successor organization to COCOM and is named for the city in The Netherlands where the arrangement was formalized II-iii D THE MCTL PROCESS E MCTL PART II METHODOLOGY The MCTL process is a continuous analytical and information-gathering process which updates the MCTL by adding information and refining existing documents to provide thorough and complete technical information In addition the Technology Working Groups TWGs which are part of the MCTL process provide a reservoir of technical experts in many disciplines that can be called upon to assist in time-sensitive and quick-response tasks The TWGs comprise about 500 technical experts from both government and the private sector In general TWG members are drawn from the military services DoD and other federal agencies industry and academia A balance is maintained between public officials and private sector representatives TWGs maintain a core of intellectual knowledge and reference information on an array of technologies The data is used as a resource for many projects and other assignments and TWG members are available to the national security community as technical experts Working within an informal structure TWG members strive to produce precise and objective analyses across dissimilar and often disparate areas Currently the TWGs are organized to address 20 basic technology areas Aeronautics Systems Marine Systems Armament and Energetic Materials Materials Biological Systems Medical Systems Chemical Systems Navigation Systems Directed and Kinetic Energy Systems Nuclear Systems Electronics Power Systems Ground Systems Sensors and Lasers Information Systems Signature Control Information Warfare Space Systems Manufacturing and Fabrication Weapons Effects and Countermeasures For each part of the MCTL sets of task-organized experts are supplemented with other experts when required Their efforts are focused on technology areas according to the particular task assignments For Part II Weapons of Mass Destruction Technologies there were six task-organized TWGs corresponding to the six sections of the document Means of Delivery Information Systems Biological Weapons Chemical Weapons Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Weapons Effects The TWGs applied the following guidance in selecting technologies for inclusion in this document--identify and assess technologies required for the development integration or employment of biological chemical or nuclear weapons and their means of delivery The technologies detailed in Part II are those selected by the TWGs after technical analyses and application of professional judgment Fundamentally Part II views technologies from the perspective of a foreign proliferator It describes technologies that may provide alternative means to achieve a military capability Emphasis is placed on technologies that a proliferant country might use It is recognized that a proliferator might obtain key items surreptitiously or through illegal acquisition The TWGs recognize that small numbers of WMD can be obtained by theft or be provided by another country The TWG did not focus on these possibilities because they involve transfer of weapons and not transfer of technologies to build weapons F LEGAL BASIS FOR THE MCTL The Export Administration Act EAA of 1979 assigned responsibilities for export controls to protect technologies and weapons systems It established the requirement for an MCTL The EAA and its provisions as amended were extended by Executive Order 12924 19 August 1994 which was continued on 15 August 1995 14 August 1996 and 13 August 1997 The legislation and execution directive are amplified and implemented by DoD Directives 2040 2 and 5105 51 and by the Deputy Secretary of Defense letter dated 23 January 1995 II-iv CONTENTS Figures II-vii Tables II-ix INTRODUCTION II-1 SECTION 1--MEANS OF DELIVERY TECHNOLOGY II-1-1 1 1--Theater Ballistic Missiles TBMs II-1-6 1 2--Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles ICBMs II-1-21 1 3--Cruise Missiles II-1-34 1 4--Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft II-1-46 1 5--Artillery II-1-58 SECTION 2--INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY II-2-1 2 1--Information Communications II-2-5 2 2--Information Exchange II-2-10 2 3--Information Processing II-2-15 2 4--Information Security II-2-21 2 5--Information System Management and Control II-2-25 2 6--Information Systems Facilities II-2-31 SECTION 3--BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY II-3-1 3 1--Biological Material Production II-3-9 3 2--Stabilization Dissemination and Dispersion II-3-15 3 3--Detection Warning and Identification II-3-19 3 4--Biological Defense Systems II-3-23 SECTION 4--CHEMICAL WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY II-4-1 4 1--Chemical Material Production II-4-8 4 2--Dissemination Dispersion and Weapons Testing II-4-22 4 3--Detection Warning and Identification II-4-27 4 4--Chemical Defense Systems II-4-34 SECTION 5--NUCLEAR WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY II-5-1 5 1--Enrichment Feedstocks Production II-5-10 5 2--Uranium Enrichment Processes II-5-13 5 3--Nuclear Fission Reactors II-5-42 5 4--Plutonium Extraction Reprocessing II-5-48 5 5--Lithium Production II-5-54 5 6--Nuclear Weapons Design and Development II-5-58 5 7--Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing II-5-67 5 8--Radiological Weapons II-5-75 5 9--Manufacturing of Nuclear Components II-5-79 5 10--Nuclear Weapons Development Testing II-5-91 5 11--Nuclear Weapons Custody Transport and Control II-5-109 5 12--Heavy Water Production II-5-112 5 13--Tritium Production II-5-117 SECTION 6--NUCLEAR WEAPONS EFFECTS TECHNOLOGY II-6-1 6 1--Underground Nuclear Weapons Effects Testing II-6-5 6 2--Blast and Shock Effects from Nuclear Detonations II-6-11 6 3--Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects II-6-16 6 4--Transient Radiation Effects in Electronics TREE and SystemsGenerated Electromagnetic Pulse SGEMP Effects II-6-22 6 5--Nuclear Effects on Electromagnetic Signal Propagation II-6-26 6 6--High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP Effects II-6-28 6 7--Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse SREMP Effects II-6-31 6 8--Pulsed-Power Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulation II-6-33 APPENDIX A--DoD MCTL MASTER LOCATOR II-A-1 APPENDIX B--EXPLANATION OF TABLE ELEMENTS II-B-1 APPENDIX C--GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS II-C-1 APPENDIX D--DEFINITIONS II-D-1 APPENDIX E--INTERNATIONAL REGIMES II-E-1 APPENDIX F-1--INDEX II-F-1-1 APPENDIX F-2--CONTROL LIST REFERENCES II-F-2-1 II-v FIGURES 1 0-1 Means of Delivery Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-5 1 1-1 Theater Ballistic Missiles Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-10 1 2-1 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-26 1 3-1 Cruise Missiles Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-38 1 4-1 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-50 1 5-1 Artillery Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-62 2 0-1 Information Systems II-2-2 2 0-2 Information Systems Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-2-4 2 2-1 Routing and Switching Systems II-2-10 2 5-1 Information Systems Management and Control II-2-27 3 0-1 Progress in Applicable Biotechnologies II-3-4 3 0-2 Australia Group Biological Agents II-3-5 3 0-3 4 0-1 4 0-2 4 1-1 4 1-2 4 2-1 4 3-1 4 3-2 4 4-1 5 0-1 5 0-2 6 0-1 Biological Weapons Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-3-8 Relative Development of Chemical Weapons Technologies II-4-6 Chemical Weapons Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-4-7 Chemical Weapons Convention Schedules of Chemicals II-4-12 Australia Group Chemicals II-4-14 MC-1 Gas Bomb II-4-22 Chemical Agent Monitor CAM II-4-27 RSCAAL II-4-28 Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology JSLIST II-4-35 Nuclear History II-5-5 Nuclear Weapons Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-5-9 Nuclear Weapons Effects Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-6-4 6 8-1 Simulation of Nuclear Effects Using Pulsed-Power Radiation Sources II-6-33 II-vii TABLES 1 1-1 1 1-2 1 2-1 1 2-2 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 5 1 1 5 2 2 1-1 2 1-2 2 2-1 2 2-2 2 3-1 2 3-2 2 4-1 2 4-2 2 5-1 2 5-2 2 6-1 2 6-2 3 1-1 3 1-2 3 2-1 3 2-2 3 3-1 3 3-2 3 4-1 3 4-2 Theater Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters II-1-11 Theater Ballistic Missiles Reference Data II-1-17 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters II-1-27 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Reference Data II-1-31 Cruise Missile Technology Parameters II-1-39 Cruise Missiles Reference Data II-1-43 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Technology Parameters II-1-51 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Reference Data II-1-55 Artillery Technology Parameters II-1-63 Artillery Reference Data II-1-64 Information Communications Technology Parameters II-2-8 Information Communications Reference Data II-2-9 Information Exchange Technology Parameters II-2-13 Information Exchange Reference Data II-2-14 Information Processing Technology Parameters II-2-17 Information Processing Reference Data II-2-20 Information Security Technology Parameters II-2-23 Information Security Reference Data II-2-24 Information Systems Management and Control Technology Parameters II-2-28 Information Systems Management and Control Reference Data II-2-30 Information Systems Facilities Technology Parameters II-2-33 Information Systems Facilities Reference Data II-2-34 Biological Material Production Technology Parameters II-3-11 Biological Material Production Reference Data II-3-13 Stabilization Dissemination and Dispersion Technology Parameters II-3-17 Stabilization Dissemination and Dispersion Reference Data II-3-18 Detection Warning and Identification Technology Parameters II-3-20 Detection Warning and Identification Reference Data II-3-22 Biological Defense Systems Technology Parameters II-3-25 Biological Defense Systems Reference Data II-3-26 4 1-1 Chemical Material Production Technology Parameters II-4-15 4 1-2 Chemical Material Production Reference Data II-4-19 4 2-1 Dissemination Dispersion and Weapons Testing Technology Parameters II-4-24 4 2-2 Dissemination Dispersion and Weapons Testing Reference Data II-4-26 4 3-1 Detection Warning and Identification Technology Parameters II-4-29 4 3-2 Detection Warning and Identification Reference Data II-4-32 4 4-1 Chemical Defense Systems Technology Parameters II-4-36 4 4-2 Chemical Defense Systems Reference Data II-4-37 5 1-1 Enrichment Feedstocks Production Technology Parameters II-5-11 5 1-2 Enrichment Feedstocks Production Reference Data II-5-12 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters II-5-20 5 2-2 Uranium Enrichment Processes Reference Data II-5-35 5 3-1 Nuclear Fission Reactors Technology Parameters II-5-45 5 3-2 Nuclear Fission Reactors Reference Data II-5-47 5 4-1 Plutonium Extraction Reprocessing Technology Parameters II-5-51 5 4-2 Plutonium Extraction Reprocessing Reference Data II-5-53 5 5-1 Lithium Production Technology Parameters II-5-56 5 5-2 Lithium Production Reference Data II-5-57 5 6-1 Nuclear Weapons Design and Development Technology Parameters II-5-62 5 6-2 Nuclear Weapons Design and Development Reference Data II-5-65 5 7-1 Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing Technology Parameters II-5-70 5 7-2 Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing Reference Data II-5-73 5 8-1 Radiological Weapons Technology Parameters II-5-77 5 8-2 Radiological Weapons Reference Data II-5-78 5 9-1 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Technology Parameters II-5-82 5 9-2 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Reference Data II-5-87 5 10-1 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Technology Parameters II-5-95 5 10-2 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Reference Data II-5-103 5 11-1 Nuclear Weapons Custody Transport and Control Technology Parameters II-5-110 II-ix 5 11-2 Nuclear Weapons Custody Transport and Control Technology Reference Data II-5-111 5 12-1 Heavy Water Production Technology Parameters II-5-114 5 12-2 Heavy Water Production Reference Data II-5-116 5 13-1 Tritium Production Technology Parameters II-5-118 5 13-2 Tritium Production Reference Data II-5-118 6 1-1 Underground Nuclear Weapons Effects Testing Technology Parameters II-6-7 6 1-2 Underground Nuclear Weapons Effects Testing Reference Data II-6-9 6 2-1 Blast and Shock Effects from Nuclear Detonations Technology Parameters II-6-13 6 2-2 Blast and Shock Effects from Nuclear Detonations Reference Data II-6-15 6 3-1 Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects Technology Parameters II-6-18 6 3-2 Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects Reference Data II-6-20 6 4-1 Transient Radiation Effects in Electronics TREE and SystemsGenerated Electromagnetic Pulse SGEMP Effects Technology Parameters II-6-24 6 4-2 Transient Radiation Effects in Electronics TREE and SystemsGenerated Electromagnetic Pulse SGEMP Effects Reference Data II-6-25 6 5-1 Nuclear Effects on Electromagnetic Signal Propagation Technology Parameters II-6-27 6 5-2 Nuclear Effects on Electromagnetic Signal Propagation Reference Data II-6-27 6 6-1 High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP Effects Technology Parameters II-6-30 6 6-2 High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP Effects Reference Data II-6-30 6 7-1 Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse SREMP Technology Parameters II-6-32 6 7-2 Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse SREMP Reference Data II-6-32 6 8-1 Pulsed-Power Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulation Technology Parameters II-6-35 6 8-2 Pulsed-Power Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulation Reference Data II-6-36 II-x INTRODUCTION TO MCTL PART II INTRODUCTION TO MCTL PART II A CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND Before the demise of the Soviet Union the proliferation of nuclear biological and chemical weapons was considered in the context of superpower relations The breakup of the Soviet Union and the subsequent events have had many consequences Regional conflicts once constrained are now increasingly likely to result in the use of weapons of mass destruction Opportunities to acquire key technologies and components have expanded through the dual stimuli of underutilized technical expertise and difficult economic circumstances Simultaneously development and availability of applicable technologies have expanded Responsible states have endeavored to stem proliferation of WMD through international agreements and export controls Such tools while imperfect remain the basis for increasingly comprehensive steps to address the broad WMD threat United Nations' inspectors in Iraq discovered that Saddam Hussein in spite of international treaties had efforts underway to develop nuclear biological and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them North Korea developed the infrastructure to produce nuclear weapons even though it was a party to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty South Africa produced six nuclear devices while under the constraints of an international trade embargo The Aum Shinrikyo cult killed and injured people in Japan by placing containers of the nerve agent sarin in crowded Tokyo subway trains The same group had a very capable laboratory including fermentors dryers and sizing equipment and had produced the biological pathogen anthrax Concern about the proliferation of nuclear biological and chemical weapons and their means of delivery has reached exceptional levels On November 14 1994 the President of the United States found that the proliferation of nuclear biological and chemical weapons 'weapons of mass destruction' and of the means of delivering such weapons constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security foreign policy and economy of the United States He declared a national emergency to deal with the threat This executive order 12938 was extended on November 8 1995 November 12 1996 and again on November 12 1997 B OBJECTIVE This document identifies technologies and technology levels required for the development integration or employment of nuclear including radiological biological and chemical weapons and their means of delivery Technologies describing the effects of the employment of these weapons and technologies for information systems required for many employment options for WMD are also included Emphasis is placed on a proliferant country's ability to threaten the United States and its allies however subnational activities are also considered Of greatest interest are technological capabilities sufficient to produce WMD of a given type and the ability to deliver them Commercial-off-the-shelf COTS technologies can be used in many cases to obtain capability without extensive development programs Other technologies of concern are those that are built on the grid of existing technologies such as commercial networking of communications The above criteria differ from those used in MCTL Part I Weapons Systems Technologies where the performance levels of interest were those that ensure the superiority of U S military systems In Part II WMD operational technology capabilities are stressed without making any assumptions regarding an adversary's strategy or tactics intentions objectives methods of employment or target selection Items of proliferation concern that are on export control lists as well as those that do not appear on export control lists are included to provide indicators of possible capabilities for WMD development and to inform U S export control decision makers Foreign Technology Assessments are provided to assist in understanding the capabilities of selected foreign countries in WMD-related technologies While every effort was made to prepare a comprehensive listing of technologies of proliferation concern the absence of a technology should not be construed to mean that the technology could not make a contribution to proliferation C OVERVIEW This document identifies and discusses the technologies required for the development integration or employment of nuclear chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery Since the United States has forsworn the use of biological and chemical weapons the underlying technologies include those usable by another country to develop an offensive capability and those needed to defend against their use The parameters listed indicate those levels agreed to in the MCTL Technology Working Group process They provide a description of technologies which are appropriate for possible actions by those assigned responsibility to constrain proliferation The technologies treated in this volume differ greatly The development of nuclear weapons generally requires significant infrastructure including a large capital investment required for the production of special nuclear material By contrast pathogenic biological agents can be made in small commercial facilities which are difficult to II-1 distinguish from legitimate pharmaceutical or related production activities Technologies required to produce toxic chemicals are widely available and much of the equipment is embedded in legitimate chemical industry The infrastructure complexity and expense associated with different means of delivery vary widely Proliferant states which have been prominent in world affairs have opted for extended investment in means of delivery command and control and their associated infrastructures While not all proliferants follow such a path there are very real reasons for doing so when the world is viewed through the eyes of the individual proliferants Nuclear technologies receive wide publicity Technical information is available in the public sector at an increasingly fine level of detail Technologies for the production and operation of means of delivery are also well known Examples of items include the widely distributed cruise missile systems and use of the U S -deployed Global Positioning System which offers users precise time and location worldwide Biotechnologies which can be applied to biological weaponry are predominantly dual use growing rapidly and requiring relatively small amounts of capital investment Heightened interest in the proliferation of WMD and their means of delivery has been accompanied by a significant amount of misinformation Factual and carefully considered technical information is needed to address constraints effectively through nonproliferation and counterproliferation initiatives This report provides technical data on WMD In addition it distills from a technological viewpoint reality from the myths of nuclear biological and chemical weapons and their means of delivery It is helpful to retain an ongoing awareness that the problem is complex and the challenge is often driven by unique cultural considerations WMD warfare involves a myriad of factors types of weapons delivery systems conflict arena size and WMD launch-to-target distance attack size timing tactics frequency and duration military or political counterforce or countervalue attack objectives weapon stockpile sizes and custody and release policies and procedures In summary development integration and employment of Weapons of Mass Destruction and their means of delivery is grounded in a huge number of choices which will be driven overwhelmingly by the political aims culture and resources of the proliferator Other drivers include economics a trained workforce and available technical knowledge 1 Means of Delivery The Means of Delivery MOD treated here are exceptionally diverse Included are manned and unmanned aerial vehicles of various levels of cost and sophistication Artillery systems and multiple launch rocket systems make up the ground-based elements of MOD These last two are traditional weapons of war widely available and relatively inexpensive By contrast intercontinental ballistic missiles are complex difficult to develop and very expensive to maintain in operational status Of particular interest in this section is the compatibility of the MOD with the actual payload Physical parameters of speed heat shock and delivery angle tend to drive the survivability dispersion and efficiency of chemical or biological payloads In each MOD system application of all of the technologies known to or used by the United States is not required A proliferator has the latitude to select among often disparate but equally satisfactory choices of means of delivery MOD usually requires some information systems however simple to control assets and complete missions 2 Information Systems Each proliferator will use information systems to some degree throughout processes appropriate to acquire and employ WMD Technologies treated here are commonly found within the commercial information technologies available throughout the world Selection of information systems suites is driven by the particular combination of weapons selected cost of information systems and culture of the individual proliferator The impact in various kinds of employment is addressed in detail 3 Biological Weapons Biological organisms are easier and less expensive to produce than special nuclear material or many chemical warfare agents The required technology is widely available with dual-use applications in the commercial fermentation and biotechnology industries Because data on producing biological organisms is so widely available in open literature it is difficult for industrialized nations to withhold relevant information from potential proliferants Most equipment needed for large-scale production of biological warfare agents is also dual use and widely available in world markets Biological agents must retain their potency during storage delivery and dissemination When weaponized for missile bomb or cluster bomblet delivery agents are weakened by the environmental stresses of heat oxidation and desiccation While it is relatively difficult to develop munitions with predictable effects it is less difficult to spread biological agents indiscriminately to cause large numbers of casualties Standard biological agents for covert sabotage or attacks against broad-area targets are easy to produce and easy to disseminate using commercially available agricultural sprayers Because biological agents reproduce a small amount can multiply into a significant threat When disseminated they are slow acting microbial pathogens require incubation periods of days to weeks between infection and the appearance of symptoms Toxin agents are poisonous substances made from living systems or produced from synthetic analogs of naturally occurring poisons They are covered under biological weapons technologies in this document even though they act as chemical agents II-2 4 Chemical Weapons Technologies to produce chemical weapons are difficult to distinguish unambiguously from those used to manufacture commercial chemical compounds Many technologies that benefit chemical weapon production are dual use and widely available Legitimate commercial chemical facilities can produce chemical warfare agents Multiple-purpose chemical plants which manufacture organo-phosphorous pesticides or flame retardants could be converted to produce nerve agents Open literature and standard principles of chemical engineering enable proliferants to learn how to produce chemical weapons Although some chemical agents such as mustard gas are simple to produce others are produced by more complex processes involving corrosive or reactive material More than 100 countries have the capability to produce simple chemical weapons such as phosgene hydrogen cyanide and sulfur mustard Somewhat fewer countries are able to produce nerve agents such as sarin soman tabun and VX Commercial equipment that could be used to produce chemical warfare agents is generally available An operational capability to use chemical weapons involves design and development of effective munitions filling them before use and integrating them with a delivery system Dispersion of chemical agents is hindered by atmospheric turbulence which increases vertical dilution and thereby reduces casualties Dispersion is also affected by air temperature and temperature gradient 5 Nuclear Weapons The basic concepts of nuclear weapons are widely known Nuclear bomb-related physics is available in unclassified publications and experienced foreign nuclear designers could be hired to expedite a proliferant country's nuclear weapon program which requires a large specialized and costly scientific-industrial base For most countries the biggest obstacle to developing nuclear weapons is procuring plutonium or highly enriched uranium Because production of these nuclear materials is the most difficult and costly part of a nuclear weapon program leakage of weapon-grade material from nuclear-capable countries is a very serious concern Despite wide availability of the basic design concepts a proliferant country must have technical expertise to produce a single nuclear weapon First-generation nuclear weapons developed by most proliferant countries would likely be designed for delivery by short-range ballistic missile like a SCUD or tactical aircraft Highperformance computers would not be needed to design first-generation fission weapons Nuclear weapons are so destructive that delivery accuracy would seldom be a problem Nuclear weapon effects are blast thermal and radiation Against human beings blast and thermal effects are immediate nuclear radiation effects can be immediate or delayed 6 Nuclear Weapons Effects Nuclear weapons effects simulation and hardening technologies have been widely employed in the United States Other nuclear states have employed these technologies to a lesser degree Employment of simulation technology by a proliferator is an effective means of ensuring that the desired results will be achieved while avoiding the adverse public reaction to an actual nuclear test Although these technologies are less widely understood than the technologies for WMD they are included to provide key elements of insight into nuclear weapons phenomena They are presented independently because they are a highly specialized set of technologies which have been the subject of significant research and development D ORGANIZATION OF PART II Weapons of Mass Destruction include nuclear chemical and biological weapons means of delivery information systems that enable a proliferant to command control and manage resources required for a WMD program and certain nuclear weapons effects technologies that provide insight into nuclear weapons their applications and constructing defenses appropriate to these effects Each of the six sections contains the following parts o Scope identifies the technology groups covered in the section each group is covered by a separate subsection o Background provides historical perspective and or complementary information about the section's technologies o Overview discusses the technology groups identified under Scope o Rationale indicates why the technology groups are important o Foreign Technology Assessment FTA with accompanying figure provides summary estimates of foreign capabilities these estimates are expert judgment by the TWGs and are discussed in Section E below There is a subsection for each technology group identified under scope Each subsection contains these parts o Overview identifies and discusses technologies listed in tables that follow o Rationale indicates why listed technologies are important to proliferators o Foreign Technology Assessment FTA provides comments on a more detailed technology level than in the section FTA above o Tables which are the heart of the MCTL present data elements related to the development production or employment of WMD The principal data element is Sufficient Technology Level which is the level of technology required for a proliferant to produce entry-level WMD delivery systems or other hardware and software that are useful in WMD development II-3 integration or use The Export Control Reference column provides general reference to assist in identifying potential national and international control guidelines This column is provided for general reference and should not be construed as a definitive determination of U S export control policy for these technologies Jurisdictional determination of a specific technology and or commodity must be made in accordance with the procedures in the ITAR and EAR Note For a brief description see Appendix F International Regimes The following references are used o USML United States Munitions List o CCL Commerce Control List o NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission o WA Wassenaar Arrangement o Cat category designation--CCL and WA Dual Use list o ML Munitions List o NTL Nuclear Trigger List Nuclear Suppliers Group o NDUL Nuclear Dual Use List Nuclear Suppliers Group o MTCR Missile Technology Control Regime o AG List Australia Group List o BWC Biological Weapons Convention o CWC Chemical Weapons Convention Other data are defined in Appendix B Explanation of Table Elements E FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT the scientific and technological consensus of the TWG members from industry government and academia Collaboration with the Intelligence Community is an essential part of the FTA determination and selected members of the Intelligence Community are TWG members who participate regularly in the MCTL process These MCTL FTAs are foreign capability assessments and do not constitute findings of foreign availability which are the responsibility of the Department of Commerce under the Export Administration Act Tables containing summaries of general foreign capabilities appear in each of the six MCTL Part II sections The technological capability level is represented by diamond icons indicates capability in the technology area that exceeds the sufficient level It does not mean that the country has capability in all of the technologies associated with that technology area It implies a range of technologies e g for ICBM indicates that the technological capability of a country exceeds the sufficient level of technology to develop an ICBM it does not necessarily mean that the country has the technological sophistication of the United States in ICBMs In a corresponding manner indicates sufficient technology capability shows some technological sophistication but less than a sufficient level and means limited capability Note This is NOT the same as MCTL Part I where the number of blocks was related to technologies listed in the accompanying tables at or above the minimum level necessary to ensure continuing superior performance of U S military systems If two or more countries have the same number of diamonds it does not necessarily mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The diamonds indicate indigenous capability to produce or the ability to legally acquire and use those technologies A country could obtain key items surreptitiously or through illegal acquisition catapulting the possessed WMD capability past the lower levels of expected evolutionary development The MCTL includes estimates called Foreign Technology Assessments FTA of foreign capabilities in each of the MCTL technology areas These FTA estimates are CCL EAR 99 Items that are subject to the Export Administration Regulations EAR that are not elsewhere specified in any CCL category are designated by EAR 99 II-4 SECTION I MEANS OF DELIVERY TECHNOLOGY SECTION 1--MEANS OF DELIVERY TECHNOLOGY 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 Scope Theater Ballistic Missiles TBMs II-1-6 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles ICBMs II-1-21 Cruise Missiles II-1-34 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft II-1-46 Artillery II-1-58 Highlights o o o BACKGROUND o The means that a nation uses to deliver a weapon of mass destruction WMD depends in part on the availability of a vehicle the survivability of the delivery system the characteristics of its intended target and the nation's military objective even if the target is civilian in nature These factors are not mutually exclusive considerations Many proliferants have demonstrated clever methods to adapt one delivery vehicle which it can easily acquire to other applications much different from the original purpose of the vehicle Similarly some nations have launched effective attacks against targets that U S analysts might initially overlook because of a different perception of the importance of these targets When a proliferant has invested both the expense and talent to develop a WMD arsenal and the means to deliver it it does so to be capable of launching a sufficiently effective attack Consequently the means of WMD delivery a proliferant selects usually reflects some planning and coordination of its objectives No strategist can completely rule out an irrational or desperate WMD attack from a proliferant However such attacks because of their very irrationality will generally not inflict the damage necessary to change the course of a conflict Nor is the threat of an ineffective and irrational attack likely to serve the goal of deterrence or further the change that a proliferant might pursue With these restrictions in mind a nation will select a means of delivery that furthers its goals This does not mean that the proliferant must seek ways to optimize the effectiveness of a WMD attack as nations with modernized militaries do Proliferants might conduct an attack merely to demonstrate an intention or a capability Certain characteristics of delivery systems and the types of WMD they carry are naturally associated with these goals o o Several means are available to deliver WMD ballistic missiles cruise missiles aircraft and artillery The delivery means a nation uses depends on the availability of the vehicle the survivability of the delivery system the nature of the target and the objective Optimum effectiveness might not be the driving factor when selecting a means of delivery Aircraft generally carry more payload weight than ballistic or cruise missiles Ballistic missiles which are mobile are less vulnerable than fixed sites to U S offensive operations Modern cruise missiles are generally more accurate and less expensive than ballistic missiles Delivery Systems Considerations for Chemical or Biological Payloads To be truly effective chemical or biological agents must be spread in a diffuse cloud over a large area Certainly any chemical or biological cloud may find some victims but highly concentrated clouds spread over very small areas or pools of agent puddled on the ground have limited effectiveness because they come into contact with only a small portion of the targeted population or equipment Meteorological conditions affect the size and concentration of a windborne agent cloud and its durability Hence the interaction of the delivery vehicle and the local meteorology is an important consideration when a proliferant contemplates a chemical or biological attack Some of these conditions even affect the probability that the cloud will reach its target after it has been released from a delivery vehicle The United States' experience in testing windborne agents has shown that a cloud must be released below an atmospheric shear layer or it will disperse before reaching the ground Most shear layers occur at around 500 feet above ground level AGL II-1-1 Shifting wind conditions local topography and micro-meteorology and the presence of manmade structures also affect the distribution of the agent within the cloud and its dissemination from a delivery vehicle Biological agents in particular decay rapidly in the presence of strong sunlight and quickly become ineffective Some chemical agents also suffer from degradation in sunlight and from interaction with water vapor and other constituents of the atmosphere Winds channeled by tall buildings and geographic features may deposit some of the cloud in unexpected locations Delivery vehicles themselves create a disturbance in the wind field because of the aerodynamic and propulsive effects generated by the vehicle Since some of these conditions change over the course of hours an attack that is launched at a particularly propitious time under the local meteorological conditions at the target may not be effective by the time the WMD arrives With sufficient warning of a chemical and biological weapon attack a population can take protective measures that may be quite effective To be effective a delivery vehicle employed to spread chemical or biological agents must distribute the material in a fine cloud below a certain altitude and above the surface It should be capable of all-weather operations and should not betray its presence to air defense assets These traits are considerations that will determine the overall effectiveness of a chemical or biological attack Proliferants with limited military budgets must also consider the cost of acquiring and maintaining a WMD delivery system arsenal as well as the warheads This may limit a proliferant to developing or purchasing only one or two types of delivery systems rather than simultaneously pursuing multiple systems Delivery systems vary in their flight profile speed of delivery mission flexibility autonomy and detectability Each of these considerations is important when planning a chemical or biological attack Ballistic missiles have a prescribed course that cannot be altered after the missile has burned its fuel unless a warhead maneuvers independently of the missile or some form of terminal guidance is provided A pure ballistic trajectory limits the effectiveness of a chemical or biological attack because generally the reentry speed is so high that it is difficult to distribute the agent in a diffuse cloud or with sufficient precision to ensure a release under the shear layer of the atmosphere In addition thermal heating upon reentry or during release may degrade the quality of the chemical or biological agent U S experience has shown that often less than 5 percent of a chemical or biological agent remains potent after flight and release from a ballistic missile without appropriate heat shielding A ballistic missile also closely follows a pre-established azimuth from launch point to target The high speed of the ballistic missile makes it difficult to deviate too far from this azimuth even when submunitions or other dispensed bomblets are ejected from the missile during reentry Consequently if the target footprint axis is not roughly aligned with the flight azimuth only a small portion of the target is effectively covered A ballistic missile has a relatively short flight time and defenses against a ballistic missile attack are still less than completely effective as proved in the Allied experience during the Gulf War However with sufficient warning civil defense measures can be implemented in time to protect civil populations against chemical or biological attack People in Tel Aviv and Riyadh received enough warning of SCUD missile attacks to don gas masks and seek shelter indoors before the missiles arrived Even with these limitations on ballistic missile delivery of airborne agents Iraq had built chemical warheads for its SCUDs according to United Nations' inspection reports Cruise missiles in contrast can be guided and follow almost any course over the ground that a mission requires The speed of a cruise missile is compatible with an effective dissemination of both chemical and biological agents although designers generally must plan to release these agents outside of the aerodynamically disturbed flow field around the vehicle If the cruise missile is outfitted with a sensor platform it may determine the local meteorological conditions and alter its flight profile appropriately before it releases the agent Unmanned air vehicles UAVs are naturally more difficult to detect because of their small size and ability to fly below radar horizons On the other hand their slow speed increases their vulnerability to defenses Most nations that manufacture chemical and biological agents produce these agents in large quantities The delivery system costs can become the ultimate limiting factor Since cruise missiles are much less expensive than either manned aircraft or ballistic missiles a proliferant can overcome the liabilities of delivery cost efficiency by selecting suitable cruise missile systems Manned tactical aircraft and bombers have several of the advantages of cruise missiles but some additional liabilities Manned aircraft are expensive to maintain They also require routine flight operations for crew training expensive upkeep programs hangars for housing and large air bases for basing If an airplane is lost or shot down the loss of the pilot complicates subsequent attack planning Unless a nation has acquired highly capable aircraft or retrofitted its existing aircraft with advanced technology there may be limitations to all-weather or night operations Since biological attacks are most effective at night when there is no sunlight to decay the agent and the atmosphere is settling towards the ground as it cools a limitation on night operations characteristically limits the effectiveness of some biological attacks The flexibility of flight planning and attack strategy however weighs in favor of manned aircraft A pilot is able to change targets if the battle situation dictates Delivery System Considerations for Nuclear Payloads Nuclear weapons differ markedly from chemical biological or conventional warheads The principal difference is the size shape and inertial properties of the warhead Generally nuclear weapons have a lower limit on their weight and diameter which determines characteristics of the delivery system such as its fuselage girth Though these limits may be small geometric considerations often influence the II-1-2 selection of a delivery system Chemical and biological weapons which are usually fluids or dry powders can be packed into almost any available volume Nuclear weapons cannot be retrofitted to fit the available space however they can be designed to fit into a variety of munitions e g artillery shells Nuclear weapons also have a different distribution of weight within the volume they occupy Fissile material the core of a nuclear weapon weighs more per unit of volume than most other materials This high specific gravity tends to concentrate weight at certain points in the flight vehicle Since virtually all WMD delivery systems must fly through the atmosphere during a portion of their trip to a target a designer has to consider the aerodynamic balance of the vehicle and the required size of control system to maintain a stable flight profile while carrying these concentrations of weight Chemical biological and conventional weapons all have specific gravities near 1 0 gram cc so these materials may be placed further from the center of gravity of the vehicle without providing large compensating control forces and moments In some special applications such as ballistic missile reentry vehicles and artillery shells the designer needs to include ballasting material--essentially useless weight--to balance the inertial forces and moments of the nuclear payload Because nuclear weapons have a large kill radius against soft and unhardened targets accuracy is a minor consideration in the delivery system selection as long as the targeting strategy calls for countervalue attacks Nuclear weapons destroy people and the infrastructure they occupy They only require that the delivery system places the warhead with an accuracy of approximately 3 kilometers of a target if the weapon has a yield of 20 kilotons and to an even larger radius as the yield grows Most unmanned delivery systems with a range of less than 500 kilometers easily meet these criteria Often as is the case with ballistic missiles the quality of the control system beyond a certain performance does not materially change the accuracy of a nuclear warhead because a large fraction of the error arises after the powered phase of the flight as the vehicle reenters the atmosphere While this is true of chemical and biological warheads as well with a nuclear warhead there is less need to compensate for this error with such technologies as terminal guidance or homing reentry vehicles A proliferant most likely would not manufacture or obtain nuclear weapons in the same quantities as chemical biological or conventional weapons This may cause a proliferant to place more emphasis on the reliability of the vehicle and the targeting methods it selects to deliver nuclear weapons Reliability may refer to the delivery system or its ability to penetrate defenses to deliver a weapons load Many factors contribute to the ability to penetrate defenses including the proximity of approach before detection the velocity of the delivery system and the time to target after detection Cruise missiles approach much closer to a target before being detected but their slow speed also means that the defense has time and capabilities to intercept them in a realistic manner once they are detected Ballistic missiles can be detected upon launch but their high reentry speed still makes them difficult targets to acquire and intercept before they reach the target A proliferant nation must weigh these considerations along with the availability of technologies for building certain delivery systems when it develops a targeting strategy for its nuclear weapons If a defending country can alert its population of an impending attack a ballistic missile launch detection system provides about 8 minutes of warning for a missile with a 500km range Alternatively the population has 5 seconds of warning for every mile from the target that a transonic cruise missile can be detected If the defending nation can detect the cruise missile 100 miles from the intended target it has about 8 minutes to intercept the missile From the standpoint of defense stealthy cruise missiles pose the greatest threat as a delivery system regardless of the WMD type Manned aircraft while a serious threat have other limitations such as their unrefueled range their capability or lack of capability to operate in all weather conditions and at day or night their visibility to defense detectors and their high acquisition maintenance and training costs OVERVIEW Proliferants that are acquiring WMD have an array of vehicles available to deliver their payloads The Means of Delivery section covers the primary military methods of delivering WMD The section focuses on unique aspects of these delivery systems and simple modifications to them that enhance the ability of a proliferant to conduct a WMD attack Excluded from this topic are adaptations of civilian vehicles such as automobiles or small boats which usually accompany terrorist acts Furthermore the discussion generally considers only the primary delivery means to carry a weapon to its final target Except for aircraft carrying WMD bombs or glide devices that steer or fly toward a target after being dropped the discussion does not treat secondary vehicles that move WMD closer to a target before launch These vehicles which include submarines and surface ships carrying ballistic or cruise missiles on board have such broad military applications that their acquisition cannot be uniquely associated with WMD This section will first list the conditions for effective delivery of a payload and then its associated influences on the choice of a delivery system Each of the subsections that follow emphasizes and elaborates upon certain technologies that a proliferant might use to make its delivery system more effective RATIONALE The ability to produce any of the three types of WMD does not give a proliferant operational capability in that type of weapon The weapon must be integrated with a delivery system to get the weapon to the intended target Military systems have been included in this section because they are of most concern Civilian vehicles e g boats aircraft trucks are not covered because they are so common throughout the world Yet they could also be used to deliver a WMD or other significant weapons to II-1-3 a particular location as was demonstrated in the Saudi Arabia bombing in which a commercial truck was used Some ballistic missiles have been purchased and possibly modified for longer range and others have been developed indigenously Although intercontinental ballistic missiles ICBMs are not widespread proliferants might obtain the technology to produce them Cruise missiles provide WMD delivery capability with relatively low technology and ease of acquisition Most militaries have combat aircraft or the means to purchase them As long as a nuclear biological or chemical weapon can be developed to be carried on an aircraft and successfully released it is a threat that needs to be considered Artillery is common in the world's armies and can also be used to deliver a WMD There are many kinds of artillery with varying capability Nuclear chemical and biological munitions that are usable by many existing artillery systems have been produced The technology has been available for many years and is quite well understood Also included in the Artillery subsection is the Multiple Launch Rocket System MLRS FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 1 0-1 Over two-thirds of the countries that cause concern have programs to acquire ballistic missiles Even though short-range anti-ship cruise missiles are widely available only a few countries possess long-range land-attack cruise missiles With the success of long-range cruise missiles in Desert Storm and its aftermath indigenous development programs can be expected among proliferants Combat aircraft are already available in every country that has or is suspected of acquiring WMD and many are being modernized All armies have artillery that could be adapted to deliver WMD II-1-4 Country Argentina Brazil Canada Chile China Egypt France Germany India Iran Iraq Israel Italy Japan Libya North Korea Pakistan Russia South Africa South Korea Sweden Syria Taiwan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Sec 1 1 Theater Ballistic Missiles Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities Sec 1 2 ICBMs Sec 1 3 Cruise Missiles exceeds sufficient level Sec 1 4 Combat FixedWing Aircraft sufficient level Sec 1 5 Artillery some limited Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Notes Each delivery system column reflects the technologies listed in greater detail in the section describing that delivery system The technology columns listed in the Foreign Technology Sections on the individual delivery systems refer to technologies that one or more of the listed countries may need Lack of capability in one technology does not indicate a country has limited capability It may indicate the country is pursuing a different technology solution Figure 1 0-1 Means of Delivery Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-5 SECTION 1 1--THEATER BALLISTIC MISSILES TBMs OVERVIEW The Theater Ballistic Missiles TBMs subsection describes the technologies that a nation can employ to build a TBM and the associated means by which they can use it The U S Government defines a TBM as a ballistic missile with a range of less than 3 500 km Except where noted this document will use that definition This subsection emphasizes those technologies that improve accuracy reduce intercept at boost increase lethality and assist a country in extending the range of its missiles transporting and launching the missiles clandestinely and building them in sufficient numbers to achieve its objectives The tables tabulate technologies or their adaptation to entire missiles and their subsystems They are ordered as follows airframe propulsion guidance control and navigation and weapons integration When a proliferant seeks a range extension from an existing airframe it may need to strengthen the airframe if the original missile had a low factor of safety This is necessary so the missile can withstand higher aerodynamic loads change the propulsion subsystem by altering either the burning rate or the duration of propellant flow or by selecting a high-energy propellant adapt the guidance system to accommodate the new acceleration loads and the higher cutoff velocities and weaponize the warhead by including thermal protection on the nosetip or modifying the reentry strategy of the missile to withstand the higher aerodynamic heating on reentry Proliferants can modify or manufacture longer range ballistic missile airframes in several ways Iraq extended its missile range by reducing the payload and lengthening existing airframes to hold more fuel and oxidizer Iraq also introduced the concept of strap-ons to extend a missile's range when it launched the al Abid in December 1990 To manufacture the al Abid missile Iraq strapped five SCUDs together to form a single large missile theoretically capable of a 2 200-km range Proliferants can also stage missiles in parallel or serial The United States used a concept known as parallel staging to extend the range of its Atlas missile Parallel staging fires several component engines simultaneously at launch Then as the missile accelerates it drops these extra engines When a nation possesses the technical capability to support extra range the most efficient way to achieve it is through conventional serial staging in which a missile's stages fire one at a time in sequence Some Chinese TBMs such as the M-11 which may have originally been designed as a multiple-stage missile and therefore has sufficient thrust-to-weight ratio can be converted to two-stage missiles with minor modifications and modest assistance from technical experts if they are aware of certain design limitations Highlights o o o o Chemical and biological weapons are difficult to dispense efficiently from TBMs Proliferants with just a few nuclear weapons may consider TBM reliability before using this means of delivery Separating warheads increase the probability of defense penetration Attitude control modules and post-boost vehicles increase TBM warhead accuracy But some constraints such as avoiding maximum dynamic pressure at staging and timing the staging event precisely enough to maintain control over the missile are solved when multi-stage missiles are built derived from components which originally came from a multi-stage missile To extend the range of liquid-fueled and solid-fueled missiles these missiles require different adaptations to the propulsion subsystem Liquid-fueled missiles supply fuel to the thrust chamber by turbopumps To increase the range of an existing liquid-fueled missile the proliferant must either increase the flow rate of the propellant and oxidizer or allow the missile to burn for a longer period of time This can be accomplished by adding more propellant which usually requires a modification to the airframe and consideration of other factors such as structural integrity stability and thermal integrity If a longer burn time is chosen many surfaces that are exposed to the combustion process such as jet vanes in the exhaust flow or components of the thrust chamber may need to be modified to protect them from the increased thermal exposure Alternatively if the missile thrust is to be increased the combustion chamber must be designed or modified to withstand the increased pressures or the nozzle must be redesigned with a larger throat area to accommodate the increased mass flow rates In addition structural modifications may be required to compensate for the higher aerodynamic loads and torques and for the different flight profile that will be required to place the warhead on the proper ballistic phase trajectory Usually a country will design a completely new missile if new turbopumps are available A proliferant that wishes to increase its liquid-fueled missile's range may need to consider upgrading all the valving and associated fluidic lines to support higher flow rates The II-1-6 proliferant will seek lightweight valves and gauges that operate with sub-millisecond time cycles and have a reliable and reproducible operation time These valves must also accept electrical signals from standard computer interfaces and require little if any ancillary electrical equipment A country may use higher energy propellant combinations in existing missile designs with relatively minor structural material and turbopump modifications Technology requirements would focus on thermal protection for the thrust chamber and improved injector design A solid-propellant missile differs in overall operation because it simply burns propellant from an integral motor chamber A proliferant seeking to make longer range solid missiles generally has to stage the missile either in parallel or serial strap on additional whole motors or motor segments improve the stage fraction or improve the propellant When a nation chooses to stage an existing missile it may be able to procure the first stage of a serially staged design which is larger and more difficult to manufacture and simply add an indigenous smaller upper stage of its own A key determinant of a missile's utility as a first stage is the performance specification of thrust-to-weight ratio Whole missile systems used as a first stage must produce a thrust-to-weight ratio greater than one for the entire assembled multi-stage missile Missiles that may fall below the Missile Technology Control Regime MTCR guidelines are still of interest because they might be used by proliferants as upper stages of serial staged missiles or as strap-ons Once a country can indigenously produce a solid rocket motor few if any components do not automatically scale from more basic designs If a proliferant desires a more advanced solid rocket fleet it may choose to build the missile case from carbon graphite or more advanced organic matrix materials To support this it will need to import either filament winding machines an equivalent manufacturing process or the finished motor cases A proliferant might import the finished filament wound cases without propellant if it chooses to use a manufacturing technique pioneered in the former Soviet Union known as cartridge loading Cartridge loading allows the propellant to be inserted into the case after it is manufactured The competing manufacturing procedure known as case bonding usually requires the case propellant and insulating liner to be assembled in close proximity at the same site though it is still possible to import empty cases for case bonding Designs employing propellants with higher burning temperatures require many supporting components including better insulating material to line the inside of the rocket case and stronger or larger thrust vector control actuators to direct the increased thrust The three separate flight functions performed by the guidance control and navigation subsystem generally require separate technical considerations Guidance refers to the process of determining a course to a target and maintaining that course by measuring position and attitude as the missile flies while at the same time steering the missile along the course Control generally encompasses the hardware and software used during the missile's burn phase to change the missile's attitude and course in response to guidance inputs and to maintain the missile in a stable attitude Navigation concerns locating a target and launch point and the path that connects them in threedimensional space An effective design requires that all three functions operate in concert before and during flight for the missile to reach its target Some of the hardware and software in each feature overlaps functions The aerodynamic and inertial properties of the missile and the nature of the atmospheric conditions through which it flies determine the speed with which guidance commands need to be sent to the control system First generation TBMs such as the SCUD and the Redstone have fins to damp out in-flight perturbations The rudimentary guidance systems used in these missiles do not support rapid calculations of position changes When a missile's thrust vector control system becomes responsive enough to overcome these perturbations without aerodynamic control surfaces these fins are usually removed from the design because their added weight and aerodynamic drag diminish the missile's range Most TBM designs have a resonance around 10 Hz cycle time of 100 milliseconds Calculations to correct disturbances must occur within this cycle time Guidance and control engineers generally add a factor of safety of two to their cycle time or in other words half the cycle time When thrust vectoring is the exclusive control standard of a missile the system must respond or have a major cycle time of 50 milliseconds or less When fins are used the control cycle time for a missile may be much longer than a second As the guidance and control subsystems work together to keep a missile stable and flying on its trajectory all the components of these subsystems must operate within the major cycle time Guidance computers for instance have to accept acceleration angular position and position rate measurements determine if these positions are proper for the missile's course and correct any deviations that have occurred in the flight profile Computers of the i8086 class and later are capable of making these calculations in the times required In addition to the calculation procedures all the control hardware must reliably and repeatedly accept the control signals generated by the flight computer and effect the commands within the cycle time Since some of these operations must occur in a specific sequence the sum of all operational times in the sequence must be much shorter than the major cycle time Therefore valves electric motors and other actuators must produce steering forces within 50 milliseconds to support an unfinned ballistic missile control system When the missile has fins the allowable response times increase permitting the hardware operational specifications to be greatly reduced In addition to the cycle time the control subsystem must also hold the missile within acceptable physical deviations from specified attitude and velocity during its short burning period Missiles with autonomous control systems generally rely on acceleration measurements rather than position measurements to determine attitude and position rates However positional indications can be substituted if the positional II-1-7 variables can be determined quickly and accurately enough Position measurements reduce the control system cycle time by generally reducing the computer integration of accelerations that are required to determine position Positional measurements also do not suffer the degradation in performance that occurs with time acceleration force and vibrations on measurement instrumentation that supports acceleration measurements Multi-source radio signals that allow a triangulation of position offer an alternative to acceleration measurements Advanced missile powers dropped radio guidance in the 1960's and switched to autonomous inertial measuring units which are carried onboard the missile The United States considered radio guidance again in the late 1980's for mobile missiles but dropped the idea in favor of a Global Positioning System GPS Nonetheless if a proliferant chose to build a radio guidance system it could transmit signals from the launch site or it may build an accurate transmitter array near the launch site to create the signals Guidance engineers often refer to this latter technique as using pseudolites However radio command and control schemes because of the immediate presence of a radio signal when the system is turned on alert defenses that a missile launch is about to occur However performance for these systems degrades because of the rocket plume and radio noise Also these systems are very much subject to the effects of jamming or false signals On the other hand GPS and the Global Navigation Satellite System GLONASS are unlikely ever to be used in the control function of a ballistic missile The best military grade GPS receivers produce positions with an uncertainty of tens of centimeters If a missile has two of these receivers in its airframe spaced 10 meters apart the best angular resolution is roughly in the centi-radian range TBMs require milliradian range angular accuracy to maintain control However GPS has significant application for an TBM outfitted with a post-boost vehicle bus or attitude control module that navigates a reentry vehicle to a more accurate trajectory Older less-sophisticated guidance systems perform less navigation than modern TBMs In the older TBMs a launch crew sets the azimuth to the target at a mobile site and the control computer determines when the missile is traveling at the proper velocity and velocity attitude angle to achieve the desired range These three properties in addition to random winds at the target and errors that accrue in the guidance instruments uniquely determine where the missiles land Any technologies that allow a proliferant to position and target its missiles in the field quickly reduces the time defending forces have to target and destroy the missile GPS allows a mobile launch crew to operate more quickly in the field when not launching the missile from a presurveyed launch site When no in-flight update of position is given a crew must set a reasonably accurate azimuth before the missile is launched To be consistent with the overall accuracy of an older missile such as the SCUD which has a non-separating warhead the crew must strike an azimuth line within 1 milliradian of the actual azimuth to maintain a satisfactory cross range accuracy With military grade GPS receivers of 1-3 meter accuracy the launch crew must survey no further than 1 km from the actual launch point to support a 1-milliradian azimuth Pseudolites or differential GPS will either reduce survey distance required or increase accuracy--whether using military or civilian GPS signals Any technologies that allow for the separation of a reentry vehicle after the boost phase assist the proliferator in two ways First a separating warhead is often more accurate than a warhead that reenters while still attached to the main missile body Secondly the separated warhead produces a much smaller radar cross section RCS thus making the warhead harder to locate Technologies that assist a country in separating its warheads and producing a clean aerodynamic shape for reentry include computer aerodynamic prediction routines nosetip materials that can withstand higher aerodynamic heating and space-qualified small missile motors that can steer out accumulated error Hardware that assists in separating a warhead from a booster includes timing circuits squibs and other cutting charges and if accuracy is an issue an alignment mechanism This mechanism might be as simple as aerodynamic fins that unfold upon reentry RATIONALE TBMs can carry a conflict outside of the immediate theater of fighting and can usually penetrate to their targets Iraq's limited capability missiles made an impact by tying up allied air assets on seek-and-destroy missions against mobile launchers and in the other steps taken to calm Israeli and Saudi populations Extant whole missile systems such as the SCUD and SS-21 can satisfy the targeting needs for many proliferators A proliferator's potential ability to upgrade existing outmoded missiles e g shortrange SCUDs is quite real Much of the hardware and technology to support many of the modifications described in the Overview are readily available or can be produced indigenously However some of the hardware and technology those requiring more advanced technology special materials and or precise manufacturing are not readily available and may require special design and production efforts by more advanced countries A proliferator can achieve an understanding of the most efficient and costeffective methods to extend the range of a missile by using finite element structural and fluid dynamic computer routines and automated codes to predict missile performance and aerodynamic properties A proliferator can also test and validate the computer routines in wind tunnels and structural laboratories Since these computer routines reduce the number of engineers needed to modify missiles they are particularly key to reducing both the unit and system costs Automated engineering computer routines are ranked at the same level of importance in the technology tables as hardware items The type of propulsion system selected also affects launch strategy the second important proliferant capability Liquid-propellant missiles generally create less of a II-1-8 military threat than solid-propellant missiles Solid-propellant missiles are stable and storable and do not require fueling before launch a time when the missile is particularly vulnerable because of its exposure In addition solid-fueled missiles have a shorter launch support train than liquid-fueled missiles Fewer vehicles and less activity associated with the vehicles limits exploitation of acoustic seismic and other signatures The enormous progress made in guidance and navigation with the GPS particularly in automated design with computer routines such as finite element codes and in materials science with the introduction of composite materials has further reduced the design burden on proliferants seeking TBMs Transferred to proliferant nations these advances streamline the manufacturing processes which accelerate and expand the potential for a missile arsenal FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 1 1-1 Several countries purchased SCUDs up to the end of the Cold War and many of these countries still have arsenals of varying size and threat These countries include Afghanistan Egypt Iraq Iran Libya Syria and Yemen The Soviets also sold Syria Yemen and possibly Libya the shorter range SS-21 missile Egypt Iraq Iran and North Korea all display the manufacturing base and technical prowess to make range extension modifications similar to those that Iraq accomplished before the Gulf War In addition to these countries several nations have built or attempted to build their own TBMs An inherent capability to produce unique and totally indigenous missiles exists in these countries Argentina Brazil India Iran Iraq Israel North Korea Pakistan South Africa and Taiwan and nearing production in Syria Iran and Iraq must import the guidance and control systems of these missiles however beyond those constraints imposed on Iraq by UN sanctions it has no limitations on its ability to produce 600-km range TBMs Systems Both China and North Korea continue to sell missile technology and missile systems Also North Korea continues to sell missiles abroad North Korea has offered the 1 000-km-range No Dong missile and the Chinese sold between 30 and 50 CSS2's a 2 200-km-range missile to Saudi Arabia in the late 1980's Apparently the Israeli government acted as an intermediary for shipping Lance missiles to the Taiwanese Lances are a short-range nuclear delivery system that the United States based in Europe They can be reverse engineered to serve as strap-ons for existing missiles Each TBM may cost as little as $1 5 million dollars so a proliferator with even modest resources can afford to build a sizable missile force If a country seeks autonomy from the world market and wishes to build its missile indigenously it can purchase a manufacturing plant from the North Koreans or Chinese for about $200 million and purchase critical parts such as guidance systems elsewhere To develop complete autonomy requires a capital investment of about $1 billion dollars Technical Assistance Besides whole systems many corporations and nations have offered technical assistance during the last 10 years to some emerging missile powers German firms reportedly assisted the missile programs of Argentina Brazil Egypt India Iraq and Libya Italians have offered assistance to Argentina Egypt and India and the French have participated in missile programs in Iraq and Pakistan Most European countries can lend technical assistance to emerging missile powers The French have a long history of developing missiles not only to support the Ariane space launch capability but to launch the force de frappe nuclear arsenal The Italians have participated in the European Union space program that helped design and prototype the Hermes missile While the British relied on American missile programs to supply their TBM needs in the 1960's a technical exchange program between Britain and the United States has trained and educated a sizable pool of missile talent from the British Isles Many Western European nations and Russia are in the process of downsizing their defense industries As many as 2 million physicists and engineers may become available over the course of the next decade As of 1997 the U S Government lists at least 11 countries outside of the Former Soviet Union FSU and China with programs for producing an indigenous missile Most of these programs are technologically sophisticated enough to produce a militarily threatening system in a relatively short time Guidance systems are the principal impediment to most countries in developing their own missile followed by propellant manufacturing and warhead mating to prevent failure caused by the heat of reentry and vibration during boost II-1-9 Airframe Country Argentina Brazil Canada Chile China Egypt France Germany India Iran Iraq Israel Italy Japan Libya North Korea Pakistan Russia South Africa South Korea Sweden Syria Taiwan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Airframe Extension to LiquidFueled Missiles Propulsion Post-Boost Vehicles Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities High Energy Solid-Fuel Motors Storable Liquid Propellant Engines exceeds sufficient level Guidance and Control Strap-on Boosters Floated Inertial Measurement Units sufficient level Digital Navigation and Control Post-Boost Position Realignment and Spin some limited Weapons Integration Bomblets or Submunitions TEL Manufacturing Separating Warheads Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Figure 1 1-1 Theater Ballistic Missiles Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-10 Table 1 1-1 Theater Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters AIRFRAME Complete missile systems Propellants having 86% total solids Capable of delivering 500 kg WA ML 4 to 300 km MTCR 1 USML IV None identified None identified Automatic-guidance target-loading software NC turning machines or NC turning milling machines Rotary tables 1 0 m WA Cat 2B CCL Cat 2B NDUL 1 None identified Optical alignment and Machine tool control surface finish measuring software equipment roller and thrust bearings capable of maintaining tolerances to within 0 001 in Acid etch metal removal Masking and etching facilities CCL EAR 99 to remove 0 001 in layers of metal from complex shapes None identified Acid baths and handling equipment None identified Spin flow and shear forming machines Capability to manufacture curvilinear or cylindrical cross-section parts of 0 1 in thickness or less WA Cat 2B CCL 2B MTCR 3 NDUL 1 None identified Thermal and viscosity constant flow controls None identified Automated welding equipment Capable of producing longitudinal welds up to 10 m and circumferential welds on 0 8-m diameter or larger cylinders CCL EAR 99 None identified Jigs and frames to maintain shapes and rotate large cylinders None identified Composite filament winding equipment Two or more axis control of filament placement WA Cat 1B MTCR 6 CCL 1B Aramid fiber None identified Helical winding logic Composite tape laying equipment Two axis or more control of tape placement WA Cat 1B MTCR 6 CCL 1B None identified None identified Tape supply and tension numerical controls Composite weaving or interlacing equipment Two-dimensional or more automated broad goods production of carbon carbon and woven fabric WA Cat 1B MTCR 6 CCL 1B Aramid fiber None identified Numerical control of the weaving process cont'd II-1-11 Table 1 1-1 Theater Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Hot melt prepregs for composite materials Filament tensile strength WA Cat 1C 100 000 psi and a melting CCL Cat 1C or sublimation point 1 649 C MTCR 8 Prepreg material produced from phenolic or epoxy resins Hot melt prepreg machine None identified Adaptive aerodynamic control surfaces and actuators Capable of producing a vehicle pitch rate of 1 deg sec and control response to 10 Hz perturbations WA ML 4 10 USML IV MTCR 10 None identified None identified Digital transducer reduction and position measurement unless analog controlled Mach 0 9 and greater wind tunnels None identified WA Cat 9B MTCR 15 CCL 9B None identified Schlieren photography or other flow field phenomena recording instruments Automatic data reduction software that predicts aerodynamic coefficients from subscale model force and moment measurements Blow-down tunnels Blow-down piping and valves to create 1 6 million Re on models of 2 in length WA Cat 9B MTCR 15 CCL Cat 9B High-pressure storage vessels blow-down piping Short response time instrumentation Software for sequencing of instructions Digital control closedloop vibration test equipment Vibration spectrum between WA Cat 9B 20 and 5 000 Hz at 10 g's rms MTCR 15 CCL Cat 9B Low impedance feedback transducers and spectral calibration equipment Calibration equipment Data reduction software employing advanced signal processing techniques such as Fast Fourier transform and chirp calculations cont'd II-1-12 Table 1 1-1 Theater Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters PROPULSION Total impulse of 1 000 000 lb f-sec WA Cat 9A MTCR 2 20 CCL Cat 9A USML IV Liners insulation High-energy x-ray adhesives and machines rocket test case materials to stands CT machines withstand high pressures 2 500 psi or greater and temperatures 2 400 F or greater None identified Liquid propellant engines Total impulse of 1 000 000 lb f-sec WA Cat 9A MTCR 2 20 CCL Cat 9A USML IV Valves and piping with flow-control deviation no greater than 0 5% and duty cycle timing deviation 20 msec Rocket test stands valves and piping with flow control deviation no greater than 0 5% and duty cycle timing deviation 20 msec None identified Solid propellants MTCR 4 CCL Cat 1C USML V Appropriately sized sufficiently pure and uncontaminated oxidizer fuel and additives T cell propellant burners and equipment instrumented to detect flow oscillations in segmented solid rocket grains Programs that calculate thrust time traces for given internal grain cutouts Ultrafine ammonium The principal energetic perchlorate UFAP size ingredient within a solidfiltration and size gauges propellant formulation providing oxygen or oxidizing species to react with fuel WA ML 8 USML V MTCR 4 CCL Cat 1C Uniformly fine 5- 50 um ammonium perchlorate or energetic oxidizers such as RDX ADN CL-20 HNF and HAN Electrolytic cells crystallizer and separator to produce uniform particles of pure AP Other energetic oxidizers now being considered for ballistic missile application require unique production equipment not yet identified None identified Solid propellant additives Additives used to modify propellant burning rate viscosity curing rate bonding moisture resistance chemical deterioration and aging WA ML 8 USML V MTCR 4 CCL Cat 1C MAPO TEPAN None identified Catocene Butacene None identified Turbopumps MTCR 3 USML IV None identified None identified Solid propellant motors Solid composite propellant that produces a theoretical sea-level Isp of 255 sec Shaft speeds 8 000 RPM or discharge pressures 7 000 KPa Large torsion shaft dynamometers cont'd II-1-13 Table 1 1-1 Theater Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Rocket motor engine test stands Test stands capable of withstanding a thrust of 20 000 lb MTCR 15 CCL Cat 9B USML IV None identified High frame rate cameras that are shock vibration and thermal hardened Thrust measurement hardware None identified Thrust vector control for strap-on or multiple body missiles Steering guidance for multiple-body missiles that produces in excess of 1 deg sec pitch rate and control for 10 Hz oscillations MTCR 2 USML IV High atomic weight injection fluid for steering and pitch control carbon carbon or other heat and flame tolerant material for jet vanes Thrust stand with torsional force and moment measurement capability to determine pitch and roll forces and moments Adaptive software to calculate theoretical positional change with measured position change in flight and compensate for the difference Telemetry or encrypted telemetry data transmission hardware Transmission rates of CCL Cat 5A-P1 None identified 20 kbit s or analog equivalent USML X and operation in a high WA Cat 5A-P1 vibration environment WA ML 11 MTCR 12 Calibration equipment with 100 kbit s sample and hold capability Encryption algorithms of DES standard 40 bit and higher Fluid energy mills for grinding and mixing highly energetic materials Explosion-resistant equipment designed to handle energetic materials None identified None identified Vibration environmental test facilities sometimes combined with centrifuges Efficient software algorithms that support major cycle time of 50 msec None identified Efficient software algorithms that support major cycle time of 50 msec None identified WA ML 18 MTCR 5 USML XXI GUIDANCE CONTROL AND NAVIGATION None identified Inertial measurement units Boost cut off command signals within 0 25 deg of programmed injection angle 2% of burnout altitude and 1% of burnout velocity WA ML 11 MTCR 9 WA Cat 7A CCL Cat 7A USML XV Radio command guidance Boost cut off command signals within 0 25 deg of programmed injection angle 2% of burnout altitude and 1% of burnout velocity CCL Cat 5A-P1 None identified USML XV cont'd II-1-14 Table 1 1-1 Theater Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Ground-based GPS systems Position accuracy of 1 m CCL Cat 7A WA Cat 7A MTCR 11 USML XV None identified Calibration test articles that can be placed in and move through the measurement field time clocks with signal accuracy 1 microsecond Nonlinear multiple equation solving algorithms based on matrix mathematics and Doppler corrections Propulsion airframe flight control system integration Provide optimum system performance within confines of airframe propulsion system architecture to meet mission requirements WA ML 11 MTCR 10 USML XV None identified Six degrees of freedom computer model Source code for CAD CAE Thrust vector control technologies Missile pitch rate of 2 deg sec MTCR 2 USML IV None identified None identified Efficient software algorithms that support major cycle time of 50 msec High-frequency piezoelectric instrumentation Pressure gauges with 25 khz response and 0 1% linearity Force transducers with 50 Hz response and 0 1% linearity CCL EAR 99 None identified Calibration equipment None identified Servo valves Flow rates 24 liters per MTCR 3 minute at absolute USML IV pressures of 7 000 KPa 1 000 psi and have actuator response time to support control of 50 msec None identified Hysteresis loop measurement equipment None identified Weapons Separation Technology Warhead separation with no greater than 0 5 m sec velocity change or 1 deg injection angle change MTCR 3 USML XV None identified Separation firing circuits Timing circuit and and exploding bridge wire sequencing logic charges with 20 msec or less deviance Ablative heat shields or whole RVs with ablative heat shields Ablation rates of less than 3 mm sec at 2 km sec or greater reentry velocity MTCR 2 USML IV Carbon carbon or other materials with heat capacities 11 MJ kg 5 000 BTU lb Arcjets WEAPONS INTEGRATION None identified cont'd II-1-15 Table 1 1-1 Theater Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Heat sink or whole RVs with heat sink Material capable of sustaining 1 000 BTU lb MTCR 2 USML IV None identified Test ranges None identified Transporter Erector Launchers TELs for surface to surface missile systems Launchers capable of WA ML 4 leveling to within 0 001 deg of USML IV Earth-centered ellipsoidal MTCR 12 axis and with firing tables capable of 0 02-deg launch azimuth None identified Theodolites automatic load levelers and high precision surveying equipment or GPS-based surveying equipment or equivalent Automatic targeting software including geographic algorithms that calculate trajectory corrections for difference in launch and target point elevations Safing arming and fuzing for chemical and biological weapons Multi-step arming devices that arm and fuze based on telemetered radar signals measurements of g's barometric pressure flight time altitude or other physical variable with 50 msec response time WA ML 4 MTCR 2 USML IV None identified High energy density batteries and fast rise time firing circuits None identified Submunitions separation Designed to meet individual WA ML 4 or dispensing system mission performance USML IV mechanisms requirements under worldwide environmental conditions None identified Aerodynamic braking hardware parachutes split flap control hardware None identified II-1-16 Table 1 1-2 Theater Ballistic Missiles Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies AIRFRAME Complete missile systems Propellants having 86% total solids Longer range missiles can be conRanges above 1 000 km allow structed from existing airframes by proliferants to reach targets of United clustering engines booster strap-ons States interest and stretched tanks Cruise missiles manned bombers and tactical aircraft NC turning machines or NC turning milling machines Bell-shaped missile nozzles are difficult to make without numerical control All TBM systems Non-NC turning milling machines Acid etch metal removal Control and removal of material Additional payload may replace removed structural and excess structural material mass Machining of complex contours Spin flow and shear forming machines Designing and forming complex shapes that are required for aerodynamic or structural efficiency Increases either range or payload capability Sheet metal brakes and stamping equipment Automated welding equipment Air frames are structurally stronger and aerodynamically smoother with advanced welding techniques Reduces unpredictable flight characteristics improves accuracy Conventional welding Composite filament-winding equipment Higher strength-to-weight ratio materials allow use of high Isp solid propellants High Isp solid-fueled rockets yield significant range increases and are easier to fire and maintain Steel cases Composite tape-laying equipment Higher strength-to-weight ratio materials allow use of high Isp solid propellants High Isp solid-fueled rockets yield significant range increases and are easier to fire and maintain Steel cases Composite weaving or interlacing equipment Higher temperature performing materials All TBM systems Metal or ceramic nozzle throat sections and heat sink re-entry vehicle nose tips Hot melt prepregs for composite materials Reduces use of more costly and difficult methods to create uniform resin filament composite May be used to manufacture solidpropellant rocket cases for higher range and payload performance None identified Adaptive aerodynamic control surfaces and actuators Solving the guidance equations in a closed loop s to create adaptive changes in near real time More accurate boost-phase guidance produces lower CEPs Open loop guidance with error corrections performed by a postboost vehicle or Attitude Control Module ACM Wind tunnels capable of Mach 0 9 Studies of high ballistic coefficient or greater reentry vehicles requires speeds Mach 0 9 More accurate reentry vehicles for Flight testing better CEP and maintaining better control by retaining more of the reentry velocity cont'd II-1-17 Table 1 1-2 Theater Ballistic Missiles Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Blow down tunnels Provision of pressurized gas supply and instrumentation capable of simulating flight conditions beyond those provided by continuous flow wind tunnels Indigenous research in aerodynamic variables leading to better flight predictions and lower CEPs Extrapolations from lower Reynolds number subscale models Digital control closed-loop vibration test equipment Prediction of vibration modes Structural efficiency increases range and or payload capability Analog computers or finite element codes without experimental validation Solid propellant motors Casting and curing either case-bonded Indigenous production of second or cartridge-loaded propellant without stages for existing missiles allows a cracking or delaminations proliferant to extend range Liquid propellant engines Increasing the propellant flow rate and Engines in existing missiles can be Solid propellant motors combustion chamber pressure replaced with higher performance temperature by using such processes engines for extended range or payload as regenerative cooling without damaging the engine Solid propellants Increasing the Isp of the propellant Solid propellant missiles are difficult to Liquid propellants locate and target because of their simplicity storability and smaller support train Solid propellant oxidizers Increasing the oxidizer efficiency and supporting faster burn rates by the reduction in particle size Better oxidizers provide a more efficient longer range missile Solid propellant additives Achieving the desired propellant properties e g burn rate deflagration control flow stability with unconventional materials Propellant signature modification None identified disguises a launch for cueing satellites which direct missile defense batteries Turbopumps Increasing propellant and oxidizer flow Modern higher performance to the thrust chamber turbopumps make liquid propellant missiles more reliable PROPULSION Liquid propellant engines None identified Ullage tanks cont'd II-1-18 Table 1 1-2 Theater Ballistic Missiles Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Rocket motor engine test stands Accurately measuring the force and torsional response of the stand to generate an accurate thrust time profile Thrust time profiles allow proliferants fly on unusual trajectories e g depressed or lofted None identified Thrust vector control For strap-on or multiple body missiles Predicting the proper mixture ratios and flow rates under dynamic conditions to precisely control the flight Compensate for misfired cluster engines and control the flight path of the missile Aerodynamic surfaces Telemetry or encrypted telemetry data transmission hardware Real time encryption and transmission Prevents observers from understandof data from a moving vehicle ing the intention of the missile flight and static test programs Open channel communication Fluid energy mills for grinding and mixing highly energetic materials Safety of personnel and facilities Older more dangerous facilities Inertial measurement units Low drift rate and g insensitive Reduced CEP to support military response in accelerometers and gyros targeting Radio command guidance Ground-based GPS Radio command guidance Line-of-sight command guidance Highly accurate guidance for reduced CEP that does not require extensive improvement in gyros or accelerometers Ground-based GPS IMUs Ground-based GPS systems Signal timing and transmission Jam-free highly accurate boostphase guidance for reduced CEP IMUs Radio command guidance Propulsion airframe flight control system integration Aligning guidance and control system Reduced CEP and higher azimuth inertial space reference with geometric accuracy reference of airframe Post boost vehicles and ACMs which steer out boost inaccuracy Thrust vector control technologies Making adaptive corrections for a variety of flight profiles Supports real time targeting by allowing variable flight profiles to be used as military situation changes Aerodynamic control surfaces such as fins High-frequency piezoelectric instrumentation Reducing or transmitting data and evaluating the data from flight tests static tests or actual launches All military air vehicles Low frequency analog transducers Manufacture of high Isp propellants and oxidizers GUIDANCE CONTROL AND NAVIGATION cont'd II-1-19 Table 1 1-2 Theater Ballistic Missiles Reference Data cont'd Technology Servo valves Technical Issues Military Applications Making control loop time constant consistent with flight requirements Lower time constant servo valves increase the range of the missile by allowing the removal of fins or other aerodynamic controls surfaces or increase the accuracy on finned missiles Alternative Technologies None identified WEAPONS INTEGRATION Weapons Separation Technology Incorporating separating warheads into the flight profile Separating warheads reduce the CEP error contribution during the reentry phase of flight complicates defense Ablative heat shields or whole RVs with ablative heat shields Reducing ablation rate of the nose tip Ablative heat shields permit the design Low-ballistic coefficient re-entry of high ballistic coefficient re-entry with blunt-nosed re-entry vehicles vehicles which have better penetration of missile defenses Heat sink or whole RVs with heat sink Building heat sinks into a warhead without decreasing the packing fraction to unacceptable levels for high ballistic coefficient vehicles Heat sinks may be used with biological Low-ballistic coefficients reentry warheads when the packing fraction is with blunt-nosed re-entry vehicles not as important as lowering the exposure temperature of a live agent Transporter Erector Launchers TELs for surface to surface missile systems Reducing the setup and strike down time for launch operations and remote location azimuth of mobile launches Reduced operation times lower the Fixed launch sites possibility of counter battery fire to destroy the TELs which are high-value components of a missile force Safing arming and fuzing for chemical and biological weapons Reducing the compound probability of Allows for more accurate and effective Single-stage timing devices failures of multiple step arming safing delivery of chemical and biological g sensors or altimeters fuzing and firing operations warheads Submunitions separation or dispensing mechanisms Separating submunitions without Allows for more accurate and effective Maneuvering re-entry vehicles inducing additional velocity or injection delivery of chemical and biological angle error and maintaining the warheads viability of warhead II-1-20 Non-separation of warheads SECTION 1 2--INTERCONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MISSILES ICBMs OVERVIEW The Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles ICBMs subsection continues the description of missile technology that was begun in the TBM section and extends it to the additional technologies that a nation needs to increase the range of its missiles to intercontinental distances 5 500 km ICBMs are particularly troubling to the world community because they have few if any distinguishing characteristics from space launch vehicles Many nations can build an ICBM capability while claiming to be building a space launch fleet Few would question for instance India's assertion about the benefits of a communication satellite to link remote regions in its country or a meteorological satellite to predict the path of monsoons If a country chooses to further assert that national sovereignty compels it to build its own launch vehicle the world community has few legitimate reasons to argue In the last 20 years several countries have built or sought to build missiles with an intercontinental reach usually under the auspices of a space launch capability France led the way with the introduction of the S-2 launch vehicle in the late 1960's Derivatives and motor technology from their S-2 missile assisted France in developing its Ariane space launch vehicle which competes directly with the American Delta class space vehicles Israel demonstrated the technical capacity to put a satellite in orbit in 1991 indicating to the world that it could deliver WMD to any spot on the globe Space launch programs came out of South Africa and India in the late 1980's The South Africans constructed an especially credible prototype for a three-stage launch vehicle that had immediate use as an ICBM Finally Iraq showed that a long-range missile did not necessarily have to be built from the ground up With the help of foreign consultants Iraq test fired the al Abid Space Launch Vehicle in December 1990 The al Abid consisted of five SCUD missiles strapped together to form a lower stage which was designed to boost two upper stages together with a payload into orbit The al Abid did not work as predicted and if it had it would have put only a few kilograms of useful payload into orbit As an ICBM though it established the possibility of building a long-range rocket from dated technology The various technologies will be addressed as complete systems and as subsystems Systems Iraq built its al Abid capability with the direct assistance of foreign scientists and engineers and by attempting to purchase technology such as carbon-carbon materials for rocket nozzle throats and nosetips directly from foreign companies The multiple uses for aerospace materials and the development of aerospace consortiums have Highlights o Strap-on boosters are an attractive method to develop ICBMs quickly o Serially staged missiles deliver the most payload per unit weight but are more difficult to make o ICBMs cost a proliferant 20 to 60 times as much as a TBM for the same payload o Proliferants will need to manufacture Transporter-Erector Launchers TELs if they seek a mobile missile capability or build hardened shelters if they wish to protect ICBM o Chemical and biological agents are difficult to dispense effectively from an ICBM o A proliferant may solve the ICBM re-entry heating problem by building a less accurate low ballistic coefficient re-entry vehicle o A post-boost vehicle provides a means of delivering WMD accurately from an ICBM multiplied the number of sources of research talent and manufacturing industries that a potential proliferant nation can tap for assistance in building an ICBM These foreign outlets have also exposed the proliferant world to the high expense associated with building an ICBM In the late 1980's Iraq could afford to trade some of its oil wealth for the cost of buying the entire corporate talent of one research and development R D firm Most economies that can sustain such a high level of funding are either already building space launch vehicles France and China are in a multilateral arrangement to build one Germany Great Britain Italy or have recently abandoned building one because of market forces South Africa ICBM attacks must also be effective because a launching nation will get few opportunities to continue the attack The simple cost of an ICBM limits the total size of a missile inventory This decreases the potential for sustained firing of ICBMs a tactic used to disrupt a society by the threat of repeated chemical weapons attacks by longrange missiles If a country seeks to launch an ICBM it must either launch the missile from a vulnerable fixed launch site harden the launch site for better survivability against II-1-21 attack or invest the additional expense in building a mobile transporter-erector launcher TEL Use of vulnerable fixed launch site ICBMs provides opportunity for opposing forces to eliminate most of these sites quickly Hardened launch sites are difficult to reload quickly and thus damper a sustained firing tactic Without the use of fixed launch sites a nation must rely on mobile launchers Making enough mobile launchers to support a long missile campaign is an expensive endeavor It also lessens the possibility of a sustained firing A small ICBM that delivers 500 kg of payload to a distance of 9 000 km will weigh between 15 000 and 22 000 kg depending on the efficiency of the design and the sophistication of the technology involved The FSU and the United States have built TELs to handle missiles of this mass Chemical or biological agents are not spread efficiently by the flight path that an ICBM follows The high velocity along the flight azimuth makes it almost impossible to distribute airborne agents in an even and effective cloud Submunitions make the problem somewhat more tractable but the submunitions still require a very capable propulsion system if they are to cancel the azimuthal velocity and impart a cross range velocity to circularize the distribution of an agent cloud Other problems abound U S experience with fuzes for ballistic missiles showed that much less than 10 percent of chemical and biological agents survived the launch and delivery sequence Iraq used fuzing for its chemical warheads on its TBMs that would have allowed less than 1 percent of the agent to survive The most sensible warhead for an ICBM to carry is a nuclear weapon and the weaponization section concerns itself primarily with the weaponization of ICBMs to carry nuclear warheads Subsystems Some of the same technologies for extending a TBM's range provide extra capability to build an ICBM An ICBM may include strap-ons a clustered combination of single-stage missiles parallel staging and serial staging Iraq increased the range of its missile fleet by reducing the weight of the warhead in one case the al Hussein missile and extending the propellant and oxidizer tanks and increasing the burn time in another the al Abbas missile The particular path that Iraq followed in making the al Abbas out of SCUD parts is not technically practical for building an ICBM An airframe must have a thrust-to-weight ratio of greater than one to lift off and a SCUD airframe cannot be extended sufficiently to reach intercontinental ranges and still lift off with the current turbopump given its low stage fraction the ratio of burnout weight to takeoff weight--a strong measure of missile performance Building a new turbopump that provides the needed take-off thrust and also fits within the airframe is a more difficult task than simply building a new and much more capable missile from scratch Both strap-ons and parallel staging provide ways for a proliferant to reach an ICBM capability Many countries have built small solid rocket motors that can be tailored to fit within the MTCR guidelines A number of these motors strapped on to a reasonably capable main stage such as the S-2 would resemble the Ariane launch vehicle The country that pursues this path requires a firing sequencer that can ignite all the motors simultaneously Strap-ons generally operate for a short fraction roughly one-third of the total missile burn time of an ICBM If they are dropped off the guidance and control requirement can be met by using the main engine thrust vector control to steer the whole assemblage Aerodynamically the strap-ons behave much as fins in the lower atmosphere increasing the amount of total cycle time available for the guidance computer to operate Parallel staging offers many of the same advantages for liquid rockets that strapons do for solid rockets The United States built the Atlas missile as a parallel staged rocket because in the 1950's it was the quickest path to developing an ICBM to meet the Soviet challenge A liquid-fueled parallel-staged rocket draws propellant and oxidizer from existing tanks but feeds it to several engines at once to sustain the proper thrust level When these engines are no longer needed they are dropped The tanks however remain with the missile so a parallel-staged missile is not as efficient as a serially staged missile As many designers already know and most textbooks prove mathematically a serially staged missile is the best design to deliver a payload to long distances Examples of an optimal serially staged ICBM include the U S Peacekeeper missile and the Soviet Union's SS-24 Each of these missiles can reach 11 000-km range and carry up to 10 nuclear warheads In an optimum serially staged configuration each stage contributes about twice as much velocity as the stage that preceded it though many effective ICBMs can be built without following any particular design guideline To be capable of an 11 000-km range the ideal ICBM would be composed of four stages The United States and the Soviet Union both ignored this consideration though because of concerns about the overall reliability of the missile The ignition of each stage in sequence at the staging interval is difficult to time properly and inevitably some period occurs during this staging event when the control authority over the missile is at its worst To reduce these events and improve the overall reliably of the missiles the superpowers chose to trade performance for fewer stages A proliferant that does not buy a fully equipped ICBM must solve this same staging sequence problem The technologies to build event sequencers and the short duration reproducibly timed squibs exploding bridge-wires or other stage separation shaped charges to support these sequencers are among the most sensitive material to be controlled in trying to prevent the proliferation of ICBMs If a proliferant clusters existing single-stage missiles together it must consider the guidance and control implications of the design Several ordinary single-stage missiles grouped together make a very stout planform with a high lateral moment of inertia To control this missile the thrust vector control system has to produce much greater torque on the airframe than it would for an equivalent mass that is long and thin as are most missiles The high moment of inertia in turn requires either higher II-1-22 actuation strokes in a thrust vector control system which reduces the thrust available for range or a much larger liquid injection system which reduces the weight available for propellant and again reduces the range On the other hand simple thrust vector control strategies such as vernier nozzles and fluid injection can satisfactorily control the missile A proliferant only needs to build the fluidics to support these schemes fast acting valves and the actuators to control these valves The same types of valve and piping concerns that are covered in the tables for TBMs apply to the fluid system of an ICBM A serially staged missile forces a designer to carefully consider the control of a more dynamically complex vehicle The stages and interstage breaks make the structure of a serially staged missile behave under some loading conditions as a series of smaller integral segments attached at points with flexible joints This construction has natural frequencies that are different than a single integral body such as a one-stage missile If flight conditions excite any of these many and complex resonant modes in the missile stack the guidance and control system must supply the correct damping motion in frequency or duration to prevent the missile from losing control Some of the corrections affect the guidance of the missile and the flight computer must determine the proper steering to return the missile to its predicted trajectory A proliferator may use many existing finite element routines and modal analysis hardware to find or predict these frequencies In addition to the hardware a requirement exists to test and validate the computer routines in wind tunnels and structural laboratories Since these computer routines reduce the number of engineers needed to modify missiles they are particularly key to reducing the cost of individual missiles For this reason automated engineering computer routines are ranked at the same level of threat in the technology tables as hardware items The guidance and navigation systems of an ICBM closely mirror those that are used in a TBM and anyone who has passed through the phase of building a TBM can possibly scale up a version of the guidance system suitable from the earlier missiles The mathematical logic for determining range is different for ICBMs than for TBMs if a digital guidance computer is used rather than a pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer which is the standard for most TBMs However many text books derive the equations of motion for digital guidance computers Errors created by the guidance system feedback instrumentation during the boost-phase can be corrected later in the flight with post-boost vehicles to be discussed in the weaponization section Navigation technologies beyond the issues already discussed for TBMs can be applied in this same post-boost vehicle The propulsion system of ICBMs can be either liquid or solid fueled or in some cases a hybrid of the two A proliferator that understands the principles of solid fuel burning and how to shape the configuration of the internal grain to achieve the desired thrust time trace can build any of its stages for an ICBM indigenously Larger motors of course are more difficult to manufacture The outer case of a solid missile can be made from any conventional material such as steel but better propellants with higher burning temperatures often require the substitution of materials with higher strengthto-weight ratios such as Kevlar and carbon or glass epoxy Steel cases can be used with cross-linked double-based solid fuels but the need for additional liners and insulation to protect the case against the higher burning temperatures of these newer propellants compromises some of the range that can be achieved by using the better propellant in the first place Most steel cases must be produced from a material having a thickness that closely or exactly matches the final thickness of the motor case to prevent excessive milling of the material Filament winding technology may lay the filaments in solid motor cases in longitudinal and circumferential plies in bias plies and in the most structurally efficient way of all--in helically wound orientations Any European former Soviet or U S multi-axis filament-winding machine of sufficient size can be used to wind a solid rocket motor case The ply's winding orientation determines the structural or stage efficiency of the solid rocket motor In a liquid-fueled missile the supply pressure to feed fuel and oxidizer to the thrust chamber may come either from creating an ullage pressure or pumping the liquids to the thrust chamber with turbopumps Large volume flow rate pumps particularly those designed for caustic fuels have unique applications to ICBM construction A proliferant may avoid the need for pumps by building tanks within the ICBM to contain an ullage pressure which forces the liquids into the thrust chambers when the tanks are exposed to this high pressure In most cases ullage pressure is structurally less efficient than modern turbopumps because the missile frame must cover the ullage tanks which are maintained at very high pressure and thus are quite heavy However this decrement in range performance is small Since the technology is simpler to obtain it may serve the needs of a proliferant In either case a liquid missile generally requires valves and gauges that are lightweight operate with sub-millisecond time cycles and have a reliable and reproducible operation time These valves must also accept electrical signals from standard computer interfaces and require little if any ancillary electrical equipment The choice of liquid propellant may also influence other technology choices Some liquid propellants are storable and others must be cryogenically cooled to temperatures approaching absolute zero The cryogenic coolers make the missile less mobile and more difficult to prepare to fire The superpowers long ago abandoned nonstorable liquid-propellant missiles for these reasons but a country that can support the technology to manufacture and store liquid oxygen and hydrogen may find this to be one possible path to making an ICBM The ICBM trajectory creates the most stressing problem for weapons integration mainly because of the enormous heat load that velocity imparts to the reentry vehicle RV A TBM reenters the atmosphere at about 2 km sec and an ICBM reenters at about 6 km sec This increase in velocity creates more than an order of magnitude increase in associated heating II-1-23 Traditionally ICBMs have overcome the heat load with two reentry strategies one using a very high ballistic coefficient and one using a very low ballistic coefficient The choice has important and mutually exclusive implications for other aspects of the design If a low ballistic coefficient is selected for RVs it may only require that the heat shield be built from very simple and easy to obtain material such as cork and phenolic These materials provide sufficient thermal protection because the velocity of the RV is dissipated high in the atmosphere and the surplus thermal energy is transferred to the shock wave that the RV creates and the turbulence of the flow in its wake Since the RV has slowed almost to terminal velocity the unpredictable conditions of the winds aloft reduce accuracy A low ballistic coefficient RV may have a circular error probability CEP as great as 20 km from the reentry phase of its flight alone It has however slowed to the point where the dissemination of chemical and biological agents is more feasible On the other hand if a high ballistic coefficient is selected the nosetip of the RV must endure temperatures in excess of 2 000 C Temperatures in this range call for the best thermal insulating materials possible such as 3-d or 4-d carbon carbon In addition to protecting the RV from extreme heating the nosetip must also experience very little erosion of its contour as it travels through the atmosphere Materials that provide both of these properties are rare and generally limited to manufacture in technologically advanced countries Either of these reentry strategies benefits from the aid of a post-boost vehicle PBV The use of a PBV makes a high ballistic coefficient RV especially accurate The PBV operates in space after the missile has burned completely It steers out the guidance errors that have accumulated during the boost phase of the firing and puts the RV on a more accurate ballistic path It can also be used just before the RV reenters the atmosphere to correct any errors in the flight path that have occurred because of assumptions about the Earth's gravitational field between the launch point and the target In a sophisticated PBV the vehicle may realign the RV so it reenters the atmosphere with little aerodynamic oscillation It may also spin the RV to even out contour changes in the nosetip and thereby reduce unpredictable flow fields around the body The spinning gives the RV a gyroscopic inertia that damps out small perturbations in the attitude of the RV With a PBV a proliferator can achieve a targeting accuracy of 500 m over an intercontinental range In general the PBV costs about half of the total throw weight of a missile For these reasons its use is traded off with chemical and biological agents payload The tables include technologies for extending range by simple modifications to boosters separating a warhead so it can re-enter making a thrust vector control system that is consistent with the higher aerodynamic and thrust loads on an ICBM and increasing the responsiveness of thrust vector control The tables list first the most useful technologies for range extension and for building complete motors for an ICBM Then they list in descending order those technologies that advance capability to 1 build a large arsenal very quickly 2 allow a warhead to reenter the atmosphere without burning up 3 develop more accurate warheads from the post-boost phase through the reentry phase and 4 support an ICBM arsenal with other military equipment such as silos or other protected launch sites As in other subsections each of the tabulated technologies or adaptations of technologies applies to a specific subsystem of the missile airframe propulsion guidance control and navigation and weapons integration The Foreign Technology Assessment paragraphs explore these programs in greater depth and evaluate the technical depth of various nations that are trying to build space launch vehicles and ICBMs RATIONALE ICBMs create a true proliferation problem because they enable the proliferator to break out of a regional context and move toward potential global impact Regardless of the origin of a conflict a proliferator may involve the entire world simply by threatening to spread the war with an ICBM In 1991 Iraq demonstrated this principle even with the limited-range al Abbas missile Whatever unspoken protocols existed during the Cold War they will almost certainly cease to exist when an ICBM-armed proliferator makes threats against a target Therefore the ICBM subsection emphasizes technologies that pose the most immediate threat against the United States and its allies assuming that no ballistic missile defenses are readily available FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 1 2-1 Systems Seven nations--the United States Russia China France Japan India and Israel--have launched space vehicles demonstrating generalized capability to build an ICBM Israel has demonstrated the clearest link between a space launch program and a missile delivery system with the Shavit the first Israeli satellite and a substantial copy and scaled-up version of the Jericho II missile Although Ukraine has not launched any space vehicles it has produced large space launch systems as well as the world's only heavy ICBM the SS-18 Brazil is developing a sounding rocket that has applications to an ICBM program and Pakistan has made first-generation rockets that indicate an underlying objective of developing an ICBM No country has yet sold ICBMs abroad Under United States pressure Taiwan all but abandoned its space launch program in 1993 However a residual infrastructure of knowledge and manufacturing capability remains in Taiwan South Korea and Indonesia once ICBM aspirants have also dropped their development programs in recent years because of U S pressure and economic forces No one purchaser names a possible price for the purchase of an ICBM since none have been sold as unregulated commodities in the way that SCUDs have However II-1-24 other sales provide some indication of the rough costs The Brazilians reportedly expected to receive in excess of $10 million each for their Condor II whose range of 1 000 km is much less than intercontinental and the Chinese apparently received about $20 million for each of the 2 500-km range CSS-2s they sold to Saudi Arabia Many studies within the United States indicate that the Peacekeeper a highly capable and advanced missile costs the military about $65 million per copy At $50 million per missile a country would need to invest about $2 billion to purchase or build 40 missiles When this is compared to the roughly $200 million the Iraqis paid to build their Saad 16 missile manufacturing facility it becomes clear that the economies of many countries cannot support a nuclear weapons production capability and an ICBM launch capability Existing ICBMs and their countries of origin include China the CSS-4 France the M5 and M4 the FSU the SS-11 -13 -17 -18 -19 -24 -25 and the SSN-20 and -23 and the United States the MM III Peacekeeper and Trident Subsystems A determined proliferant can make an ICBM by substituting many technologies for the ones that have been listed so far as being militarily sufficient The proliferants that have not been named as already capable of building an ICBM--Iran Iraq Syria and Libya--need to seek out certain technologies on overseas markets The nature of an acquisition program need not reveal its intention if substitutions for certain materials are done properly Hardware Iran Iraq Syria and Libya can manufacture or import steel of an equivalent grade to the material found in the early Minuteman II ICBM If these countries seek to build a composite motor case instead they must purchase the filament-winding machine from the United States the FSU France Germany the UK or South Africa The Chinese may be able to supply a reverse engineered filament winding machine based on Soviet technology Other than the traditional solid-propellant manufacturing centers in France Sweden Norway Germany and the United States many other European countries with arms manufacturing centers such as the Czech Republic have some solid-propellant capability In addition Pakistan can manufacture small solid-propellant motors that can be used as strap-on boosters South Africa also has an indigenous solid-propellant production capability which if it so desired can export small solid-propellant motors Proliferators that may wish to follow the liquid-fueled path to ICBMs without using strap-ons are likely to purchase turbopumps primarily from Germany Sweden the United States France or Russia The guidance and control package that a country needs to support an ICBM depends upon the desired accuracy it expects to achieve with its missile Without a PBV this accuracy is going to be poor and more rudimentary technology can be used Any industrial advanced nation manufactures equipment and parts that when properly constructed can be used to build an inertial measuring unit In addition to the United States a proliferant can turn to Belgium Germany France Holland Sweden Norway Finland Austria the Czech Republic Hungary Russia Italy China North Korea South Korea Taiwan Australia New Zealand Egypt or India In general though a guidance and control unit using a digital guidance computer and consistent with a staged missile cannot be built from cannibalized parts of older analog guidance systems A PBV requires a small liquid rocket motor cold gas thrusters or many small total impulse solid rocket motors These motors must be supported by a small guidance control and navigation unit that flies with the RVs until they are dropped GPS units have wide application for this particular phase of the ICBM trajectory Because of existing export controls a proliferant would have to modify an over-the-counter GPS receiver to operate at high altitude and at ICBM velocities The knowledge of how to build a GPS receiver is now widespread however and many individual hobbyists have built receivers that evade these restrictions A modified GPS receiver or a GLONASS receiver is completely consistent with the needs of a PBV Technical Assistance Besides supplying whole systems many corporations and nations have offered technical assistance in the last 10 years to some emerging missile powers German firms reportedly assisted the missile programs of Argentina Brazil Egypt India Iraq and Libya The Italians have offered assistance to Argentina Egypt and India The French have participated in missile programs in Iraq and Pakistan Israel has been accused by international arms regulators of participating in technology programs that lend a country the capability to build or modify a ballistic missile The South Africans reportedly have received significant aid from the Israelis Most European countries can lend technical assistance to emerging missiles powers The French have a long history of developing missiles not only to support the Ariane space launch capability but to launch the force de frappe nuclear arsenal The Italians have participated in the European Union space program that helped design the Hermes missile While the British relied on American missile programs in the 1960's to supply their TBM needs a technical exchange program between Britain and the United States trained and educated a sizable pool of missile talent from the British Isles II-1-25 Airframe Propulsion Guidance and Control Country Serial Staging Parallel Staging Strap-on Boosters HighEnergy Solid Propellants LargeScale Cast Solid Grains Large Turbopumps for Liquid Fuels GPS for PostBoost Vehicles PBV Small Guidance Computers to fit on PBV Argentina Brazil Canada Chile China Egypt France Germany India Iran Iraq Israel Italy Japan Libya North Korea Pakistan Russia South Africa South Korea Sweden Syria Taiwan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities exceeds sufficient level sufficient level Weapons Integration Terminally Reentry Guided Thermal Reentry Protection Vehicles Materials some PostBoost Vehicles Bomblets limited Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Figure 1 2-1 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-26 Table 1 2-1 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters AIRFRAME Small solid strap-on Capable of producing a total boosters system thrust of 10 000 lb Solid boosters with vacuum propellants having 86% solids MTCR 2 USML IV WA Cat 9A CCL Cat 9A None identified Rocket test stands Shaker facilities for environmental testing Internal grain burn profile calculation software Serial staging hardware MTCR 3 USML IV None identified Rocket test stands Shaker facilities for environmental testing None identified MTCR 3 USML IV None identified Rocket test stands Shaker facilities for environmental testing None identified First stage thrust level of 100 000 lb vacuum Parallel staging hardware Capable of producing a total system thrust of 100 000 lb vacuum PROPULSION Thrust vector control systems Equivalent to trapped ball joint demonstrated at vector angles of 5 deg consistent with solid rocket operations MTCR 2 USML IV None identified Environmental test and evaluation None identified Extendible nozzle exit cones Extendible cones that can increase the upper atmosphere expansion ratio to 30 1 MTCR 2 USML IV None identified Cold gas generators or dynamic test facilities to reproduce flight conditions and exit pressures None identified Solid-propellant motors Total impulse of 50 000 lbsec MTCR 2 USML IV WA Cat 9A CCL Cat 9A Liners insulation adhesives and case materials to withstand temperatures of 1000 oC or higher High-energy x-ray machines rocket test stands CT machines None identified Liquid-propellant engines Total impulse of 50 000 lbsec MTCR 2 USML IV WA Cat 9A CCL Cat 9A None identified Rocket test stands valves and piping with flow control deviation no greater than 0 5% and duty cycle timing deviation 20 msec None identified Solid propellants MTCR 4 CCL Cat 1C USML V Geometrically homogenous aluminum powder and metal hydrides T cell propellant burners and equipment instrumented to detect flow oscillations in segmented solid rocket grains Programs that calculate thrust time traces for given internal grain cutouts Propellants dopants and additives that produce Isp 275 sec or greater in finished missile cont'd II-1-27 Table 1 2-1 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Solid propellant oxidizers Specialty oxidizers that increase burn rate or burn stability WA ML 8 USML V MTCR 4 CCL Cat 1C Geometrically homo- UFAP size filtration and genous ultra-fine size gauges dia 0 002 in ammonium perchlorate or equivalent None identified Solid propellant additives Additives that modify missile emission spectra aid in reducing flow instability contribute to thrust vector control or increase burn rate WA ML 8 MTCR 4 USML V CCL Cat 1C MAPO TEPAN None identified Catocene Butacene None identified Turbopumps Shaft speeds 8 000 RPM or discharge pressures 7 000 KPa MTCR 3 USML IV None identified Large torsion shaft dynamometers None identified Rocket motor engine test stands Test stands capable of withstanding a thrust of 20 000 lb MTCR 15 CCL Cat 9B USML IV None identified High frame rate cameras that are shock vibration and thermal hardened Thrust measurement hardware None identified Thrust vector control Steering guidance for multiple- body missiles that produces in excess of 1 deg sec pitch rate and control for 10 Hz oscillations MTCR 2 USML IV XV High atomic weight injection fluid for steering and pitch control Thrust stand with torsional force and moment measurement capability to determine pitch and roll forces and moments Adaptive software to calculate theoretical positional change with measured position change in flight and compensate for the difference Telemetry or encrypted telemetry data transmission hardware Transmission rates of 20 kbyte sec or analog equivalent and operation in a high vibration environment None identified MTCR 12 CCL Cat 5A-P1 CCL Cat 5A-P2 USML XV WA Cat 5A-P1 WA Cat 5A-P2 WA ML 11 Calibration equipment with 100 kbyte sec sample and hold capability Encryption algorithms of DES standard 40 bit and higher Fluid energy mills for grinding and mixing highly energetic materials Explosion-resistant equipment designed to handle energetic materials WA ML 18 MTCR 5 USML XXI None identified Frictionless closure valves and valves without pinch closure None identified cont'd II-1-28 Table 1 2-1 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Propellants Sufficient Technology Level Utilization of hydrazine and nitrogen-tetraoxide families Export Control Reference WA ML 8 MTCR 4 USML V Critical Materials None identified Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Propellant scrubbing None identified equipment and vapor control technology production equipment for hydrazine and nitrogen tetraoxide GUIDANCE CONTROL AND NAVIGATION Vernier motor controls Boost cut off command signals within 0 25 deg of programmed injection angle 2% of burnout altitude and 1% of burnout velocity USML XXI None identified Valves and valve control Efficient software solenoids algorithms that support major cycle time of 50 msec Small lightweight IMUs consistent with postboost vehicles IMUs capable of solving the Lambert guidance equations and updating PBV positions in a 50 ms major cycle time EAR MTCR 9 USML XV CCL Cat 7A None identified Flight test vehicles that allow subscale velocity and vibration calibrations Small computers Digital implementation of common guidance laws such as the Lambert guidance laws Calculations of positions in space such as the range insensitive axis or the time insensitive axis USML XXI MTCR 3 None identified None identified Nonlinear multiple equation solving algorithms based on matrix mathematics and Doppler corrections Propulsion airframe flight control system integration Provide optimum system per- MTCR 9 formance within confines of WA ML 11 airframe propulsion system architecture to meet mission USML IV requirements None identified None identified None identified Nose tip material Nose tip heat protection for RVs with ballistic coefficient in excess of 1 500 psf with 3 mm sec or less of ablation at 2 000 F Autoclave and furnaces capable of carbonizing and graphitizing materials None identified Stage timing sequencers Operation times of staging for hot fly out staging events including squib firing in less than 250 ms with a repeatability of error of less than 25 ms WEAPONS INTEGRATION MTCR 8 USML IV Carbon Carbon material or 3d carbon carbon material that can be exposed to temperatures in excess of 3 500 F cont'd II-1-29 Table 1 2-1 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Fusing and firing accuracy of less than 1 000 ft regardless of trajectory or elevation of target MTCR 2 WA ML 4 USML IV None identified Flight test vehicles that allow subscale velocity and vibration calibrations radar antennas capable of operation in highly ionized environments None identified Submunitions separation Circular pattern dispersal of or dispensing chemical or biological mechanisms submunitions of greater than 0 5-km radius at mean target elevation WA ML 4 USML IV None identified Aerodynamic braking hardware parachutes split flap control hardware None identified Radar altimeter fusing II-1-30 Table 1 2-2 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies AIRFRAME Small solid strap-on boosters Solid boosters with propellants having 86% solids Integration of booster strap-ons Ranges above 1 000 km allow proliferants to reach targets of United States interest Parallel staging Serial staging Serial staging hardware Proper sequencing of staging Maximum range for given missile weight lower launch accelerations Strap-on boosters Parallel staging Parallel staging hardware Staging coordination Reduces overall burn time of ICBM and Serial staging strap-on boosters therefore complicates tracking PROPULSION Thrust vector control systems Controlling and directing the high thrust Highly capable thrust vector control Less capable TVC systems of an ICBM first stage systems support a variety of targeting adapted from theater missiles with strategies very constrained trajectories Extendible nozzle exit cones Making a lightweight nozzle design that Increases range without motor is rigid enough to accommodate moving modifications on solid rocket motors parts Larger exit cones and related longer stage lengths Solid-propellant motors Casting and curing either case bonded Indigenous production of second or cartridge loaded propellant without stages for existing missiles allows a cracking or delaminations proliferant to extend range Liquid propellant engines Liquid-propellant engines Increasing the propellant flow rate and Engines in existing missiles can be Solid propellant motors combustion chamber pressure replaced with higher performance temperature by using such processes engines for extended range or payload as regenerative cooling without damaging the engine Solid propellants Increasing the Isp of the propellant Solid propellant missiles are difficult to Liquid propellants locate and target because of their simplicity storability and smaller support train Solid-propellant oxidizers Increasing the oxidizer efficiency and supporting faster burn rates by the reduction in particle size Better oxidizers provide a more efficient longer range missile Solid-propellant additives Achieving the desired propellant Propellant signature modification None identified properties e g burn rate deflagration disguises a launch for cueing satellites control flow stability with which direct missile defense batteries unconventional materials Turbopumps Increasing propellant and oxidizer flow Modern higher performance to the thrust chamber turbopumps make liquid propellant engines more reliable None identified Ullage tanks cont'd II-1-31 Table 1 2-2 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Rocket motor engine test stands Accurately measuring the force and torsional response of the stand to generate an accurate thrust time profile flame containment and explosion isolation Thrust time profiles allow proliferants to fly on unusual trajectories e g depressed or lofted None identified Thrust vector control Predicting the proper mixture ratios and flow rates under dynamic conditions to precisely control the flight Control the flight path of the missile Aerodynamic surfaces Telemetry or encrypted telemetry data transmission hardware Real time encryption and transmission Prevents observers from of data from a moving vehicle understanding the intention of missile flight and static test programs Open channel communication Fluid energy mills for grinding and mixing highly energetic materials Modern solid propellants detonate in shock and spark environments and destroy facilities Manufacture of high Isp propellants and oxidizers Older more dangerous facilities Propellants Adequate production and storage facilities Increased range and payload Other propellants Vernier motor controls Flow control of steering motors or engines Rocket-powered missiles None identified Small lightweight IMUs consistent with post-boost vehicles Placing a capable IMU on a small final stage with limited thrust Highly accurate guidance for reduced CEP None identified Stage timing sequencers for hot fly out staging Signal timing and transmission Increase reliability of ICBMs None identified Propulsion airframe flight control system integration Aligning guidance and control system Reduced CEP and higher azimuth inertial space reference with geometric accuracy reference of vehicle GUIDANCE CONTROL AND NAVIGATION Post-boost vehicles and ACMs which steer out boost inaccuracy cont'd II-1-32 Table 1 2-2 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies WEAPONS INTEGRATION Nose tip material Dealing with severe aerothermal environment associated with high ballistic coefficients All reentry vehicles Low ballistic coefficient reentry vehicles with less advanced materials Radar altimeter fusing Transmitting and recovering signals through a highly ionized environment and through a radar window in the RV Weapons requiring detonation at specific above ground altitude Multiple step firing and fuzing circuits including G sensitive circuits that detect the point where aerodynamic and gravitational forces balance and then time a command signal Submunitions separation or dispensing mechanisms Releasing the submunitions at a velocity to disperse agent without destroying it Increase dissemination efficiency when used in conjunction with low ballistic coefficient reentry vehicles Low ballistic coefficients reentry with spherical reentry vehicles that reduce the reentry velocity high in the atmosphere The acceptance of a large loss in accuracy is implied II-1-33 SECTION 1 3--CRUISE MISSILES OVERVIEW The Cruise Missiles subsection reviews the many ways a proliferant can construct a cruise missile to deliver a WMD The term cruise missile covers several vehicles and their capabilities from the Chinese Silkworm HY-2 which has a range of less than 105 km to the U S Advanced Cruise Missile ACM which can fly to ranges of up to 3 000 km These vehicles vary greatly in their speed and ability to penetrate defenses All however meet the definition of a cruise missile an unmanned self-propelled guided vehicle that sustains flight through aerodynamic lift for most of its flight path and whose primary mission is to place an ordnance or special payload on a target This definition when applied to the delivery of WMD can include unmanned air vehicles UAVs and unmanned control-guided helicopters or aircraft Proliferants can achieve a cruise missile capability by simply buying existing cruise missiles from supplier states and modifying them to meet a particular need or they can make a complete system from readily available parts European aerospace firms the FSU and the Chinese have all sold many cruise missiles of one description or another to customers in proliferant and industrialized countries In most cases the performance of missiles is range limited and in some cases even payload limited and their use as a carrier of WMD is probably confined to tactical applications With the introduction of new guidance technologies particularly the GPS future cruise missiles will be more accurate and attractive to proliferants The United States introduced cruise missiles into its inventory when a combination of technologies reached a critical point in their development Taken together these same technologies can easily form the underpinnings for a capable unmanned aerial system Except for Terrain Contour Matching TERCOM the 1990's have seen these technologies or the knowledge of how to reproduce them become widespread among industrialized and newly industrializing nations The introduction of GPS and GLONASS eliminates the need for a country to rely on TERCOM navigation A proliferator is not forced to seek out any other technologies to build a cruise missile though many such as rocket-assisted take-off units may give a combatant more flexibility in using a cruise missile for a variety of combat operations Many proliferants have the scientific and research base to design airframes and build them to meet the needs of a cruise missile program Arms control officials in the U S State Department and many of its overseas counterparts are attempting to reduce high volume serial production of cruise missiles particularly ones that support a chemical or biological weapons infrastructure Consequently the tables identify technologies that assist the mass production of cruise missiles Once a country has an assured Highlights o o o o o o Existing over-the-counter technology allows a proliferant to assemble a threatening cruise missile Cruise missiles are ideally suited for the delivery of biological agents Subsonic cruise missiles can survey a target for meteorological conditions before spreading agent Supersonic cruise missiles may increase the probability of penetrating defenses A supersonic subsonic hybrid cruise missile is difficult for a proliferant to build Wind tunnels computer design routines and spray flow field modeling all assist a proliferant to build a more capable cruise missile supply of engines and guidance components the path to a capable cruise missile fleet becomes easier Of the four major subsystems that compose a cruise missile--airframe propulsion guidance control and navigation and weapons integration--none is expensive in and of itself and a steady supply of each is available In the late 1960's the United States first introduced turbine propulsion systems that weighed less than 100 lb and produced many hundreds of pounds of thrust These turbine engines or their lineal descendants powered most of the early U S cruise missile designs and were one of the least costly items Depending upon the range a proliferant desires for its cruise missile the powerplant may even be as prosaic as a reciprocating engine with a propeller The latter of course has little hope of disguising its signature from defenses but the mission profile may allow it to disguise itself as another platform Even if no signature modification is considered this type of missile has applications in regional wars where the technology of the defense is not as important as it is to an attacking proliferant Currently GPS receivers provide more capability and accuracy than any targeting strategy requires of the guidance control and navigation subsystem Cruise missiles II-1-34 being aerodynamic vehicles do not need the rapid response cycle time that ballistic missiles must have to keep the vehicle under control and on an appropriate track Avionics systems available for first-generation commercial aircraft are both light enough and accurate enough to keep a cruise missile under control for long periods of time For navigation civilian code GPS is priced for the civilian hobbyist market so purchasing an off-the-shelf navigation unit capable of obtaining 20 m of CEP is within the range of the common pocketbook This level of accuracy is better than that of the early TERCOM systems installed on U S cruise missiles which made them practical for the first time in the late 1970's For long cruise missile flight paths a country without access to GPS systems must develop a mapping guidance logic for its cruise missile or accept highly degraded performance from an inertial measurement unit IMU A proliferant using one or two cruise missiles in an isolated attack from a standoff platform can achieve all of its targeting aims with an IMU but long flight paths allow errors in the IMU to become so great that the missile may stray far from its target Also without an updated mapping system the cruise missile must fly at an altitude high enough to avoid all manmade obstacles thereby exposing itself to detection Even with GPS the autonomous cruise missile carrying an on-board map must be supplied with the latest terrain and physical feature changes that have occurred along its course if it flies near the ground Updated autonomous map guidance systems require large computer storage memories aboard the aircraft with units that can withstand the flight vibrations and possible thermal extremes of the missile over a longduration flight These units must be supplied with the latest maps that the delivering nation can obtain Few nations have the space flight vehicles or high-altitude aircraft to build radar maps from overflights alone Consequently these maps will have to be purchased or the proliferant will have to accept the attrition from missiles lost because of outdated information The United States and Russia understand the key position that radar maps play in cruise missile guidance and are unlikely to allow the information stored in these maps to be released on the world market Even if these maps are sold through some clandestine channel they will quickly become outdated since cultural features change rather rapidly As an alternative a country may try to develop another guidance scheme but the costs for developing a new infrastructure to support a map-based guidance system probably rivals that of the original TERCOM or a GPS constellation itself In the absence of GPS the reliability of the cruise missile targeting philosophy becomes increasingly more problematic As an alternative a country may attempt to fly its cruise missile with radio guidance or other commands Usually radio guidance uses frequencies high enough to operate only on line-of-sight reception If the country expects to operate in hostile territory or attack at very long ranges it must control the intervening repeater station to contact these missiles by real-time transmission of flight controls signals and position information Since cruise missiles fly relatively slowly and with only gentle accelerations at the entry level the airframes of these delivery systems can be built out of inexpensive aluminum of a grade as simple as 2024 - T1 Most proliferants with a basic metal production facility and an access to textbooks on metallurgy have a ready supply of this grade of aluminum As proliferants design and build more sophisticated cruise missiles they will undoubtedly substitute composite materials and other more elaborate structural elements in the airframe but for the most part these materials are not needed A cruise missile airframe does not undergo particularly severe stress on its flight to a target it does not pull any high g maneuvers and it does not experience propulsion accelerations associated with gun or ballistic missile launches Virtually any airframe that is structurally sound enough to be used in an ordinary airplane is adequate for a cruise missile A designer can use factors of safety of 1 5 or 2 in the design to ensure structural integrity under all dynamic conditions without recourse to structural finite element computer codes which generally only assist a designer to shave four or five percent from the weight of a design Still these technologies are included in the tables because their use does allow a proliferant to build a more capable cruise missile Technologies that advance the large serial production of inexpensive cruise missiles threaten current defenses built against missile attacks These technologies include sheet metal processing machines that could form complex shapes such as those found on the airframe or leading edge of cruise missiles hydraulic presses or stamping mills that shape the nose cones or turbine inlets and numerically controlled machines for parts production If a country wants to increase the penetrability of its cruise missiles it must identify technologies that aid in signature reduction signature masking or other means to confuse detection systems Some of these technologies include radar jamming and spoofing technologies infrared suppression of engine exhaust paints and coatings that disguise the thermal signature of leading edges computer routines that predict the flow field around aerodynamic surfaces and the methods to change those surfaces to reduce heat transfer and turbulent flow fields wind tunnel technology that supports the computer prediction and computer routines that predict the RCS from a given geometry and predict redesign methods to achieve certain design specifications The cruise missile is suited for the delivery of chemical or biological agents if it does not fly at supersonic or transonic speeds Most cruise missiles designed to fly at high speeds are not similarly able to fly at slow speeds without dramatic changes in the wing planform in flight These changes in wing planform are generally not consistent with cruise missile geometries or packing volumes in the same way they might be in manned aircraft such as the FB-111 Supersonic missiles generally cannot dispense chemical and biological agents from sprayers since the airstream itself will destroy the agent by heating or shock but they do deliver nuclear weapons with great efficiency None of these considerations are exclusive impediments to a proliferant's cruise II-1-35 missile development program It is only a general guideline that high-speed cruise missiles make sense as a means to deliver nuclear weapons and low-speed cruise missiles are better suited for chemical and biological weapons Bomblets can also be included on transonic or supersonic missiles These bomblets can be released over a target to ameliorate the airstream problem After release the bomblets decelerate float to the target and spray their agent into the air Bomblets reduce the packing fraction of agent within the cruise missile airframe and therefore reduce the overall payload of a cruise missile A subsonic cruise missile equipped with a sprayer dispensing agent from a single tank onboard the missile may simply release the agent into the airstream In most cases a large fraction of this agent will be destroyed before it reaches its target To be more effective the sprayer must dispense the agent so that it avoids the vortex from the tips of the wings and the disturbed airflow from the fuselage Technologies that are required to develop bomblets predict their flight path or enhance the capabilities of sprayers as a means for a proliferant to deliver WMD from a cruise missile are highlighted Three key concerns of the cruise missile threat are 1 range extension to ranges greater than 500 km 2 the ability to penetrate defenses and 3 any technologies that reduce the cost of manufacture and therefore increase the size of a cruise missile inventory In order of priority the tables first list technologies that assist a country in building long-range cruise missiles The tables then cover technologies that reduce the signature of a cruise missile and list those technologies that decrease the per unit cost or increase the total serial production of cruise missiles for a fixed price Finally the tables include support technologies that may make cruise missiles easier to use package or launch As with each of the other delivery systems subsections the tables are organized by specific subsystem of the aircraft airframe propulsion guidance control and navigation and weapons integration Cruise missiles differ from ballistic missiles as a potential threat because they share so many common technologies with existing vehicles that have been designed for other purposes As a consequence a proliferant can obtain much of the hardware to construct a cruise missile by cannibalizing existing commercial aircraft or by purchasing parts and components for the missile from legitimate suppliers The technology tables serve only as a guideline to alert and inform export control regulators of general categories of technologies as opposed to specific performance specifications RATIONALE Cruise missiles pose perhaps the gravest delivery system proliferation threat to U S worldwide interests They are inexpensive to build and can therefore overwhelm current defenses by sheer numbers They can be designed to be small with low-thrust engines and can penetrate radar and infrared-detection networks The technology to build them is simple and available to any country that builds even rudimentary aircraft Finally since cruise missiles are unmanned they require no flight crew training expensive upkeep programs special hangars for housing or large air bases for basing These factors make it especially difficult to collect intelligence on the development of indigenous cruise missiles and to anticipate the developing threat FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 1 3-1 Systems At least 12 exporting countries--Great Britain the United States China France Germany Israel Italy Japan Norway Russia Sweden and Taiwan--have developed cruise missiles with some capability in the hands of proliferants to threaten U S worldwide interests Generally these cruise missiles are small and have a limited range While it is possible that they can be converted to deliver WMD their short range limits their possible targets of interest They may deliver biological or chemical agents against ports and airfields in regions of concern such as the Persian Gulf but are not able to attack longer range targets In addition cruise missiles such as the Chinese Silkworm have many other limitations besides short range that restrict their utility as a WMD delivery system The missiles leave a turbulent airflow in their wake which makes it difficult to deliver a sprayed pathogen or chemical agent cloud They fly along a predictable path towards the target rather than one that can realign itself to match the geometry of the target The following cruise missiles are a sample of missiles that are available legitimately on the world market and pose less threat as possible candidates for conversion to WMD delivery the British Sea Eagle the Chinese Seersucker and Silkworm the French Exocet the German Kormoran the Israeli Gabriel the Italian Otomat the Japanese SSM-1 the Norwegian Penguin the Soviet SSN-2C and its derivatives the Swedish RBS-15 the Taiwanese Hsiung Feng 2 and the U S Harpoon Older missiles such as the Silkworm have cumbersome and slow-moving control surfaces that do not readily adapt to the improvement in position calculation that GPS provides Moreover their guidance systems are intended mostly for the missiles in which they are placed and have little transference to a new airframe if they should be cannibalized In most cases the ease with which a cruise missile can be built leads a proliferant to build a new missile from scratch rather than attempting to adapt these older missiles for WMD delivery Even if the missiles do not pose a significant threat against U S worldwide interests some aspects of their manufacturing base may migrate to more capable missiles and require close scrutiny Missiles that contain small turbojet engines can be cannibalized and the engines can be used in more threatening applications A proliferant can also glean the knowledge to build these turbojets by reverse engineering the engines or setting up indigenous co-production facilities Examples of exported missiles with small turbojet engines include the British Sea Eagle and the Chinese HY-4 Israel is offering an upgraded Gabriel which features the latest in propulsion technology to overseas customers Other missiles in this class include the U S Harpoon the II-1-36 Swedish RBS-15 the Soviet SS-N-3 the Soviet SS-N-21 and the Otomat Mark-II Cruise missiles that have immediate application to nuclear chemical and biological delivery include the U S Tomahawk and ACM the Russian SSN-21 the AS-15 and the French Apache Harpoons have been exported to 19 countries including Egypt Iran Pakistan South Korea and Saudi Arabia India has received Sea Eagles while Egypt Iraq Iran Pakistan and North Korea have Silkworms and Seersuckers a version of which North Korea now manufactures Italy has Kormorans and Taiwan South Africa Chile Ecuador Kenya Singapore and Thailand have Gabriel Mark-IIs Italy has exported turbojet powered Otomats to Egypt Iraq Kenya Libya Nigeria Peru Saudi Arabia and Venezuela while the Swedes exported the RBS-15 to Yugoslavia and Finland In addition the Soviets sold the long-range 500 km 850 kg turbojet powered Shaddock to Syria and Yugoslavia At the next notch down in technological capability the Soviets have flooded the world market with 1960's-generation liquid-fueled Styx SS-N-2C missiles Algeria Angola Cuba Egypt Ethiopia Finland India Iraq Libya North Korea Somalia Syria Vietnam Yemen and the former Yugoslavia have the Styx missile in their inventories As the list of customers for the Styx demonstrates the cost of a cruise missile is within the financial resources of even the most basic defense budgets Even highly capable cruise missiles such as the Tomahawk only cost around $1 5 million per copy This cost reflects the most advanced avionics systems and TERCOM guidance At least one congressional study has shown that with the substitution of GPS a proliferant could build a cruise missile with a range and payload capability roughly equivalent to the Tomahawk for about $250 000 Unlike production of the heavy bomber many countries have the economic resources and technical base to produce this kind of delivery system indigenously Subsystems Though the sale of complete systems on the world market is a concern that threat is much smaller than the possibility that a country could indigenously design and build a capable cruise missile by cannibalizing other systems for parts it cannot build on its own Of particular concern are components and parts that reduce the cost of the missile in serial production reduce the cost of position mapping navigation systems and increase the range of these missiles Navigation and guidance continues to be the pacing item in threatening cruise missile development The Standoff Land Attack Missile SLAM is a derivative of the Harpoon and contains in its nose a video camera that acts as a terminal guidance system If a proliferant adopts this technology and can position a transmitter and receiver within line-of-sight to the missile from anywhere in the theater it can dispense with the need for any other kind of guidance system Israel has developed a capable guidance system that can be used in this application The next major subsystem component that enhances the capability of a cruise missile is the powerplant The United States pursued the cruise missile long before the development of the first lightweight engine technology so this is not a critical path item towards developing a cruise missile Still more capable engines increase the threat of a cruise missile First they reduce the RCS of the missile Next they increase the range by reducing the drag and power required for control surface actuation Finally they reduce other flight signatures such as infrared cross-section and acoustic emission that might be exploited in a defense network II-1-37 Airframe Country Argentina Brazil Canada Chile China Egypt France Germany India Iran Iraq Israel Italy Japan Libya North Korea Pakistan Russia South Africa South Korea Sweden Syria Taiwan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Propulsion Control Surface Actuators High Wing Loading Aerodynamic Designs High Thrust-toWeight Jet Engines Small Turbine Engines Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities Guidance and Control Advanced Radar Maps High-Energy to Support Fuels Terrcom Digital Topographical Maps to Support GPS Dynamic Test Equipment Sprayers Adapted to Airstream sufficient level some exceeds sufficient level Weapons Integration Small Nuclear Weapons limited Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Figure 1 3-1 Cruise Missiles Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-38 Table 1 3-1 Cruise Missiles Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters AIRFRAME CFD design optimization routines PC and workstation codes that optimize physical properties such as vehicle weight per payload CCL EAR 99 MTCR 16 None identified None identified Operating systems for high speed computers that reduce repeated instruction set calls to the CPU CFD inverse design routines PC and workstation codes that generate NC machine tool instructions WA Cat 2D CCL Cat 2D None Identified High-speed computing facilities or parallel processor operating systems Operating systems for high speed computers that reduce repeated instruction set calls to the CPU Finite element structural computer routines PC-based routines capable of CCL EAR 99 making more than 1 000 node calculations and containing automatic mesh generators None Identified High-speed computing facilities or parallel processor operating systems Operating systems for high speed computers that reduce repeated instruction set calls to the CPU Hydrodynamic computer routines Codes with automatic equations of state calculations CCL EAR 99 MTCR 16 None Identified High-speed computing facilities or parallel processor operating systems Operating systems for high speed computers that reduce repeated instruction set calls to the CPU Fluid mechanics finite element routines PC based routines with mesh generators and Lagrangian logic CCL EAR 99 None Identified High-speed computing facilities or parallel processor operating systems Operating systems for high speed computers that reduce repeated instruction set calls to the CPU Metal stamping equipment Capable of forming fuselages and leading edges in metal of 0 020 in thickness or less CCL EAR 99 None Identified None identified None Composite filamentwinding equipment Two or more coordinated axes MTCR 6 CCL Cat 1B WA Cat 1B None Identified None identified NC head control for winding patterns Composite tape-laying equipment Two or more coordinated axes MTCR 6 CCL Cat 1B WA Cat 1B None Identified None identified NC feeder controls cont'd II-1-39 Table 1 3-1 Cruise Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters MTCR 6 CCL Cat 1B WA Cat 1B None Identified None identified NC feeder controls Radar absorbing material Material that reduces complete design RCS by more than 10 dB USML XIII MTCR 17 None Identified Radar ranges Radar signal return prediction software Structurally efficient radar absorbing material Coatings and structural shapes that add less than 10% to the gross lift-off weight of an air vehicle USML XIII MTCR 17 None Identified None identified None identified Aerodynamic design concepts which reduce IR signature IR reduction paints and coatings USML XIII WA ML 17 Low latent heat of vaporization dopants and additives None identified None identified Flow instrumentation Sensors and data acquisition equipment capable of measuring 2 kHz or higher signals in wind tunnels WA Cat 9B CCL Cat 9B None identified Sample and hold data acquisition boards for small computers Data reduction from sample and hold boards Innovative flow effectors Adequate control power for vehicle range and speed improvement lateral directional control without vertical stabilizers MTCR 10 USML IV None identified None identified None identified Turbofan engines Lightweight engines with bypass ratios greater than 6% and weights below 400 lb MTCR 3 USML VIII None identified None identified None identified Turbojet engines High thrust-to weight ratio engines 5 1 with weights below 400 lb MTCR 3 USML VIII None identified None identified None identified Ramjet engines Ramjet engines weighing less WA Cat 9A than 1 900 lb MTCR 3 USML VIII None identified None identified None identified High specific impulse solid rocket fuels and burn rate enhancers Rocket motor test stands None identified Composite weaving or interlacing equipment Two or more coordinated axes PROPULSION Small solid rocket engine Motors weighing less 100 lb for takeoff assistance with thrust in excess of 1 000 lb USML IV cont'd II-1-40 Table 1 3-1 Cruise Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters GUIDANCE CONTROL AND NAVIGATION Digital radar maps Digital representations of the Earth's surface with height resolution 20 m MTCR 11 USML XI None identified Methods to measure radar images of the Earth's surface Data compression software Digital topographical maps Digital representations of the Earth's surface with height resolution 20 m MTCR 11 USML XV None identified Over the counter high resolution digital topographical maps Data compression software GPS receivers Receiver capable of reducing MTCR 11 civil use code signals to USML XV position and velocity within WA Cat 7A 50 msec CCL Cat 7A None identified None identified Civil use code to protected use code calculation algorithms Stellar optics Equipment and hardware MTCR 9 supporting daylight stellar USML XV observations with better than 1 microradian resolution Low chromatic aberration lenses and specialized optical coatings Optical test benches capable of calibration to within 0 1 microradian methods to coat optical surfaces None identified Other guidance set design and radio inertial guidance Any complete system or subset with 10 km or less accuracy at a range of 300 km or 3 33% or less of range over 300-km range MTCR 2 9 USML XV None identified Instrument test range None identified Propulsion airframe flight control system integration Time control along with vehicle trajectory control to provide accurate location information along mission flight path MTCR 9 WA ML 11 USML VIII XV None identified Six degrees of freedom computer models Source code for CAD CAE Vibration test equipment using digital control techniques Equipment providing vibration MTCR 15 at 10 g rms between 20 and CCL Cat 9B 20 000 Hz WA Cat 9B None identified Sample and hold data acquisition boards for small computers Software capable of 4 times oversampling at 20 000 Hz Weapons separation design and prediction Aerodynamic and trajectory prediction codes validated to within 1% of measured properties WEAPONS INTEGRATION Submunitions separation Submunitions with packing or dispensing densities exceeding 75% mechanisms MTCR 2 16 USML XV None identified High-speed computing facilities or parallel processor operating systems None identified WA ML 4 USML IV None identified None identified None identified cont'd II-1-41 Table 1 3-1 Cruise Missiles Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Biological sprayers Specially designed airstream independent sprayers with nozzles and tankage to maintain live agent viability with a dissemination efficiency of 10% or greater USML XIV None identified Wind tunnels None identified Chemical sprayers Specially designed airstream independent sprayers with a dissemination efficiency of 10% or greater USML XIV Corrosion-resistant materials Wind tunnels None identified Advanced state vector calculation routines Codes with validated results WA ML 21 that predict submunition USML XXI bomb case and aero glide vehicle variables within 1% of measured variable High-speed None identified computing facilities or parallel processor operating systems II-1-42 None identified Table 1 3-2 Cruise Missiles Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies AIRFRAME CFD design optimization routines Multivariate optimization procedures and their implementation All flight vehicle structures Parallel processors for PCs and work stations CFD inverse design routines Manufacturability and potential alternatives of design code solutions Nozzles turbine blades and other Parallel processors for PCs and complex components of cruise missile work stations systems Finite element structural computer Mesh generation and element routines geometry and dimensional parameters Warhead lethality calculation Parallel processors for PCs and work stations Hydrodynamic computer routines Proper solution of the energy balance in state change calculations Effective delivery of chemical and biological weapons Parallel processors for PCs and work stations Fluid mechanics finite element routines Simultaneous solution of Navier Stokes equations Meteorology studies for effective delivery of chemical and biological weapons Parallel processors for PCs and work stations Metal-stamping equipment None identified Production of any vehicle parts that have military applications such as TELs Conventional sheet metal brakes used with less complex shapes Spin flow and shear forming machines Proper laminar flow control of material Nozzle and inlet manufacture Composite technology and materials Composite filament-winding equipment Control of winding tension and material Missile airframe manufacturing supply Metal fuselages Composite tape-laying equipment Control of material feed tension Control surfaces Metal fuselages Composite weaving or interlacing equipment Geometric and elastic uniformity of supply material Control surfaces Metal fuselages Radar-absorbing material None identified Low observables or stealth applications None identified Structurally efficient radar absorbing structure Maintaining reasonable factors of safety--fuselage wing at high stress points Any combat air vehicle None identified Aerodynamic design concepts which reduce IR signature Maintaining proper aerodynamic properties under all flight conditions and speeds Any combat air vehicle None identified Flow instrumentation Calibration and measurement readings Any combat air vehicle in a dynamic environment Less capable wind tunnels cont'd II-1-43 Table 1 3-2 Cruise Missiles Reference Data cont'd Technology Innovative flow effectors Technical Issues Military Applications Vehicle 3-axis stability and control with minimal cross-coupling Alternative Technologies Increased range maneuverability and Traditional vertical tail survivability configuration PROPULSION Turbofan engines Inefficiency of low-level cruise flight High- level cruise missile applications Turbojets ramjets internal combustion engines Turbojet engines Long flights increase stress and temperature levels on engines-- lowers thrust Better engine performance during long Turbojets ramjets internal flights combustion engines Ramjets Initial boost to achieve ramjet operating speed Surface-to-surface missiles All other cruise missile technology Small solid rocket engine for takeoff assistance Achieving high grain burn rates to accelerate a cruise missile without nozzle erosion or high stress on the missile Longer range more reliable Air drop from large-capacity airplanes GUIDANCE CONTROL AND NAVIGATION Digital radar maps Making the original radar maps from satellite or other overhead surveillance methods Autonomous guidance of aircraft GPS guidance Digital topographical maps Resolution of maps to achieve flight through high relief terrain cities or other cultural clutter Land-based autonomous navigation GPS guidance GPS receivers Correcting civil use code to protected use code by numerical calculation of ionosphere correction Any application requiring precise position knowledge GLONASS receivers Stellar optics Multiple azimuth shots of known stars without interference of other bodies Night-time azimuth sightings for artillery pieces or missile firing tables None identified Other guidance set design and radio inertial guidance Communication with the moving platform to make real time corrections Autonomous ship and tank navigation Inertial positional or way point guidance Propulsion airframe flight control system integration Alignment of the guidance set within the airframe and calibration of the control corrections High-performance air vehicles None identified cont'd II-1-44 Table 1 3-2 Cruise Missiles Reference Data cont'd Technology Vibration test equipment using digital control techniques Technical Issues Military Applications Digital control of shakers and other equipment Environmental testing of equipment in high vibration environments Alternative Technologies Extensive flight testing WEAPONS INTEGRATION Weapons separation design and prediction Flight and mechanical properties prediction Effective dispersal of weapons Extensive flight testing Submunitions separation or dispensing mechanisms None identified Effective dispersal of weapons Cold gas thrusters extensive flight testing Biological sprayers Keeping the agent from coagulating or breaking up in the wake of the delivery vehicle Effective sprayers for any platform Bomblets or other dispensers that disperse agent after the release from the cruise missile Chemical sprayers Keeping the agent from coagulating or breaking up in the wake of the delivery vehicle Effective sprayers for any platform Bomblets or other dispensers that disperse agent after the release from the cruise missile Advanced state vector calculation routines Numerical integration algorithms Flight path prediction for cruise missiles Way point flight with many vehicles II-1-45 SECTION 1 4--COMBAT FIXED-WING AIRCRAFT OVERVIEW The Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft subsection addresses the technologies that a nation needs to deliver a WMD by an aircraft Unlike the cruise and ballistic missile subsections which describe the additional burden a country may face to build the delivery system this discussion assumes that most proliferants already possess aircraft or can purchase them legitimately on world markets Three key attributes of an aircraft pose the greatest threat 1 reliable delivery of WMD 2 ability to penetrate defenses and 3 all-weather day and night capability The aircraft subsection describes and lists those technologies that allow a proliferant to carry out a targeting objective The tables first list technologies that assist a country in weaponizing its aircraft fleet to accept WMD Then they cover technologies that enable all-weather day and night aircraft operations Finally the tables address the hardware and technical expertise that are needed to assist in penetrating defenses Each of the tables is organized to categorize technologies or adaptation of technologies under the specific subsystem of the aircraft airframe propulsion guidance control and navigation and weapons integration Proliferants can pursue at least four technological advances to manned aircraft 1 methods to increase range 2 methods to weaponize WMD for reliability 3 methods to mask or otherwise disguise flight signatures to detection networks and 4 methods to launch an aircraft attack around the clock and in all-weather conditions Methods to Extend Range All the identified proliferants maintain some manned aircraft systems As total delivery systems any of these aircraft can carry and drop almost any nuclear chemical or biological payload that the proliferant is capable of making or purchasing Proliferants that possess limited-range aircraft have already begun to upgrade the severity of threat these aircraft pose by investigating the world market for in-flight refueling capability In 1987 Libya purchased in-flight refueling tankers that are capable of extending the range sufficiently to strike European targets Libya's only impediment to expanding its aircraft range is the availability of interim staging bases from which the tanker aircraft can fly Because of the physical isolation and political posture of many proliferants few if any countries will act as host for proliferants to stage refueling tanker aircraft that could aid any WMD strike against U S worldwide interests To do so would invite retaliation from the United States and the probable loss of the asset to U S counterforce Highlights o o o o o The widespread sale of manned aircraft throughout the world reduces the need for a proliferant to build its own aircraft to deliver WMD Existing aircraft can be modified to increase their range In-flight refueling offers the best method to greatly extend aircraft range All-weather round-the-clock WMD delivery with manned aircraft is a significant threat Technologies that assist a proliferant to acquire glide terminally homed and aerodynamically steered bombs can threaten U S worldwide interests Existing and readily available avionics autopilots and navigation units are compatible with WMD delivery from manned aircraft operations Given this geographical constraint a proliferator may undertake to make modifications to an existing aircraft to extend range without in-flight refueling To accomplish any range extension to its aircraft fleet the country must add additional fuel tanks reduce the aerodynamic drag or change the propulsion system to consume less fuel Modifications to the airframe or propulsion subsystem of an aircraft may augment its range at the margins but none of the realistic modifications a proliferant might make add to the range in the same dramatic way that an in-flight refueling capability does Thus if sales of in-flight refueling aircraft are limited and the use of foreign airfields for tanker traffic are monitored the WMD aircraft threat can be limited to a regional theater of operation The technology tables have been organized to highlight these considerations Methods to Increase Targeting Reliability With a manned crew targeting reliability is expected to be high In the event of any problems en route to the target the crew may be able to take action to change its target Similarly most manned aircraft crews usually visually confirm the position of II-1-46 a target except when dropping stand-off weapons such as cruise missiles Guidance and navigation subsystems are important to aid in navigation to the target Significant errors in targeting occur from unpredictable winds incorrect fuzing information or poor aerodynamic design The proper weapons integration of WMD warheads can eliminate most of these problems An aircraft can often be tracked and shot down by existing defense batteries At some point a proliferant aircraft will likely display itself to any tracking sensor as it approaches a target A proliferant aircraft may however delay this detection to radar tracking networks by following contours in the terrain and by employing electronic countermeasures Neither of these two changes requires modifications to the aircraft's propulsion or airframe and therefore they take less effort Aircraft can be flown to the target using only visual cues if meteorological conditions permit A technology that allows an aircraft to operate in any weather condition or during any time of the night or day greatly enhances the threat this delivery system poses In addition if a technology allows an airplane to fly outside of its normal operating environment while following the contours of the terrain the aircraft then complicates defense strategies Some technologies that can be fitted onto aircraft to accomplish these objectives are 1 an avionics unit that senses position and position rate 2 small onboard computers capable of automated flight planning targeting en route navigation and ensured terrain avoidance and 3 addition of stealth Many flight-qualified control systems produce sufficient force sometimes known as command authority and response time or phase margin to steer any existing aircraft autonomously These actuators must be coupled to a flight computer which detects position and position rates and compares them to an on-board stored radar or topographical map of the terrain In a fully autonomous system the flight computer must predict the course far enough in advance to give the aircraft time to maneuver and avoid any obstacles within performance constraints such as climb rate and roll rate Complete guidance and control subsystems and the components that comprise them are sufficient technology to constitute a proliferation threat Methods to Increase Attack Flexibility Navigation systems traditionally compare either analog or digital representations of the Earth's surface to the radar or topographical scene through which the airplane flies In recent years these computers have relied almost exclusively upon digital representations While reversion to an analogue scene comparison is not ruled out digital maps are by far the most militarily threatening They have better resolution are more accurate and are updated frequently by contractors which removes from the proliferant the burden of generating the databases for these maps Computers that support digital navigation and scene generation require highly sophisticated storage devices and rapid random access to the stored information Methods to Increase Penetration Once an aircraft is within range of defense radars it may use electronic countermeasures in several ways to spoof defense assets Sophisticated countermeasures may alter the signal returned to the defense radar to make the aircraft appear to be some other type of aircraft This technique is especially effective against radars that present thematic rather than actual RCSs to defense personnel evaluating the surroundings Simpler electronic countermeasures may make an aircraft appear to be much larger or spread out over a greater region of the sky Consequently hit-to-kill interceptors may miss the actual aircraft as they fly to intercept the large region within the predicted target area A proliferant's electronic countermeasures may not prevent the aircraft from being ultimately targeted and eliminated but they delay the interception to allow the aircraft to release its weapon on the actual target or an adjacent target of near equivalent value As a result electronic countermeasures are listed as an important technology to be denied to proliferants As a last resort a proliferant may attempt simply to overwhelm the defense by saturating a target with too many aircraft to intercept This is a less attractive alternative with aircraft than it is with cruise missiles because of the high cost of purchasing the aircraft maintaining them and training a capable crew Moreover since a proliferant cannot predict which aircraft will penetrate and which will be intercepted it must equip all of them with WMD For chemical and biological agents this may not be too difficult but few proliferants can currently manufacture nuclear weapons in sufficient quantities to threaten a saturation attack All aircraft require weapons integration whether they arrive at the point of sale in their weaponized state or not Indigenously produced WMD will probably differ from their foreign counterparts A proliferant must discover on its own the idiosyncrasies of the interaction of a weapon and the aircraft that carries it to plan for these modifications For example bomb bay doors opening at certain velocities sometimes cause severe aircraft vibration Similarly once the bomb bay doors are open the airflow around the weapon may cause it to vibrate uncontrollably Again modern computational fluid dynamics CFD codes and their aerodynamic equivalents streamline the redesign process to achieve clean stores separation under all circumstances Wind tunnels assist a proliferant in estimating the extent of any needed modifications The weapons on the other hand may need to undergo significant refinements depending on the ultimate intentions of the country Some simple standoff weapons such as glide bombs may provide a proliferant a unique penetration capability As an example a country can target its neighbor without violating its airspace by using a glide bomb that has a lift-to-drag ratio of 5 and dropping it from an aircraft operating at a ceiling of 50 000 ft The girth of the weapon or its aerodynamic surfaces may create a release problem that forces the proliferant to consider designing folded aerodynamic II-1-47 surfaces However a glide bomb is both more accurate than an ordinary gravity bomb and has a greatly reduced RCS compared to the aircraft which drops it thus solving many of the problems of penetration To hit in the vicinity of the target even a large area target such as a city the post drop vehicle may need an autonomous guidance and control unit This unit does not need to meet the specifications of a missile-grade IMU but it must be good enough to provide simple feedback control to the aerodynamic control surfaces Systems for aircraft using GPSs are being made available on the world market Many European and U S manufacturers make avionics equipment that can control a split flap or simple aileron The tables include technology items directly tied to accurate aerodynamic bombs control surfaces for a bomb and steerable aerodynamic devices suitable for releasing airborne agents RATIONALE Fixed-wing aircraft used for the delivery of WMD are of significant concern Most potential proliferants have reasonable numbers of tactical aircraft and have trained pilots to fly them The aircraft available usually have a short strike range suitable for their limited geographical area Longer range capability while possible with modifications to existing aircraft and the development of in-flight refueling capabilities involve introduction of new technologies and systems With the advent of the GPS proliferants now have a technique to improve the navigational capability of their aircraft significantly Also even though state-of-the art signature reduction is not readily available more conventional countermeasures would still be of considerable value particularly in regional conflicts FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 1 4-1 Systems Since the end of the Cold War widespread sales have been made of aircraft capable of delivering WMD China owns SU-27 Flankers and North Korea has SU-25 Frogfoots Syria and Libya possess SU-24s and Iraq at one time had the Mirage F1-C India has 15 Jaguars The SU-24 has a combat radius of 1 000 km giving it the most threatening range capability in a regional conflict However since they can trade payload speed fuel and range any of these aircraft can execute a WMD delivery Effective use of aircraft in a combat role requires ongoing training maintenance and functioning of a substantial infrastructure Key needs include trained people availability of spare parts and realistic exercises The case in which Iran lost U S support is instructive in the limits to keeping aircraft viable as a means of delivery China India Pakistan and Israel can maintain and support a tactical aircraft infrastructure train and recruit pilots and sustain their aircraft in a threatening posture North Korea has great difficulty in training pilots and maintaining its aircraft but could mount a single attack against South Korea with its SU-25 Frogfoots As the Gulf War showed when the coalition achieved air supremacy Iraq did not mount even a single sortie against a coalition target and in all likelihood Iran is in similar straits Syria has the ability to maintain its aircraft with foreign assistance from either the former Soviet Union or elements of the former Soviet Bloc The United States has no way of limiting this assistance as it did in post-Revolutionary Iran because its does not control the market for parts and personnel relevant to the air fleet All members of the G-7 Sweden and Poland can supply technical expertise and maintenance personnel to proliferants South Africa or its agents can funnel spare parts for aircraft to proliferants facing severe shortages Former Cold War enemy production entities have created licensed co-production facilities for aircraft in China Israel South Africa South Korea Taiwan and other countries Any of these facilities can produce some parts of interest to a proliferator Many other newly industrialized countries--including Argentina Brazil Chile and Egypt--produce indigenous whole aircraft A country with an indigenous aircraft production capability may supply custom-made parts or reverse engineered replacement parts for grounded aircraft Subsystems Because of the ubiquity of the aircraft industry in the United States Russia and many other countries virtually every nation in the world has available to it tactical aircraft or civil aircraft of equivalent range and payload capacity through legitimate purchase Smaller aircraft such as business jets and jet trainers sold overtly to proliferants can be cannibalized for subsystems particularly navigation and control subsystems As a result no proliferant has a compelling need to build an independent indigenous aircraft industry solely for delivering its WMD by aircraft In fact because of the availability of suitable aircraft on the world market such an independent capability would be a waste of resources and draw funds away from other needs A proliferant pursuing aircraft delivery systems needs only the capability to make modest modifications to existing military or civilian aircraft including bomb bays or bomb racks associated weapons initiation systems and research flight conditions for delivering weapons To complete the stockpile-to-target delivery cycle at the subsystem level a proliferant needs to build and test the WMD device that will be delivered by aircraft Every nation of the FSU with the exception of Bulgaria has a trained work force and either existing wind tunnels or structural dynamics laboratories capable of required testing In the former Yugoslavia parts of this infrastructure are scattered about the various component states with most of the research laboratories concentrated in Croatia II-1-48 and Slovenia India has similar facilities and a tradition of education that can adapt the facilities to unconventional design concepts The Baltic Republics can perform R D into flight dynamics and have computer facilities available that can host 1980's vintage U S software for advanced structural designs The industrialized nations of South America Argentina Brazil and Chile are capable of either building comparable facilities indigenously and performing experiments and analyses for a third party or exporting the technical talent to build such facilities elsewhere These same entities can design and build a variety of warhead systems consistent with tactical aircraft delivery including aerial bombs spray systems glide bombs terminally steered or guided bombs and cruise missiles These devices have the common requirement of aerodynamic flight through a defined mission profile For chemical and biological weapons the designer must also provide some mechanism for air braking the warhead such as fins or other glide devices that allow the warhead to disseminate agent over a broad area and a method to keep biological agents in an active condition through the delivery cycle Failing this the proliferator must accept the greatly reduced efficiency from dissemination initiated by a burster charge At the most rudimentary level a proliferator must produce an aerodynamic warhead configuration that has a repeatable and predictable flight profile does not induce severe vibration from air stream buffeting and can detonate at a predetermined altitude or upon ground contact Iran Iraq Yemen Indonesia Bulgaria the Czech Republic Slovakia the Baltic Republics Pakistan Mexico and Cuba can design and build these weapons Those capabilities that support or further weapon system design are included as sufficient technologies II-1-49 Airframe Country Argentina Brazil Canada Chile China Egypt France Germany India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Libya North Korea Pakistan Russia South Africa South Korea Sweden Syria Taiwan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Propulsion Guidance and Control Weapons Integration Modifications to Comercial Aircraft LowObservable Modifications to Existing Aircraft Propulsion System Advanced HighEnergy Fuels AllWeather Guidance and Flight Modifications Digitally Driven Acutators for Existing Autopilots MilitaryGrade GPS Receivers Bomb Sights Simple Steered or Homed Bombs Bomb Flight Mechanics R D sufficient level some limited Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities exceeds sufficient level Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Figure 1 4-1 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-50 Table 1 4-1 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters AIRFRAME Finite element structural computer routines PC-based routines capable of USML VIII making 1 000 node calculations and containing automatic mesh generators None identified High-speed computing facilities or parallel processor operating systems Operating systems for high-speed computers that reduce repeated instruction set calls to the CPU Fluid mechanics finite element routines PC-based routines with mesh MTCR 16 generators and Lagrangian USML VIII logic None identified Flow tables and hydrodynamic test facilities that exploit the hydrodynamic similitude approximations to compressible flow highspeed computing facilities or parallel processor operating systems Operating systems for high-speed computers that reduce repeated instruction set calls to the CPU Vibration shakers and other environmental test equipment Vibration power spectral density output of 10 g rms between 20 and 20 000 Hz with forces 50 kN 11 250 lb MTCR 15 CCL Cat 9B None identified Piezoelectric force transducers and sample and hold data acquisition boards for computers high-speed computers Fourier transform chirp and other advanced signal processing software and modal analysis software Aerothermal wind tunnels Input heat flux levels 100 BTU ft 2-sec MTCR 15 CCL Cat 9B WA Cat 9B None identified Hot wire anemometers or Finite element and wind vector and stability hydrodynamic software devices with directional response 1 deg and time response 0 1 msec Conventional wind tunnels Wind tunnels producing Reynolds Numbers in excess of 2 5 million per foot MTCR 15 CCL Cat 9B WA Cat 9B None identified None identified None Structural modifications for thrusted munitions release or glide vehicles with stored aerodynamic surfaces Glide vehicles with L D 5 or thrust missile with 0 1 km sec velocity change WA ML 4 5 USML IV XII None identified None identified None identified Propulsion airframe flight control system integration Techniques that provide tradeoffs on range maneuverability and safety with complexity and weight MTCR 2 9 USML VIII None identified Six degrees of freedom computer models Source code for CAD CAE II-1-51 cont'd Table 1 4-1 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters In-flight refueling-- receiver technology Any technology level is reason for concern WA ML 10 USML VIII None identified None identified None identified Innovative control effectors Adequate control power for vehicle range and speed improvement lateral directional control without vertical stabilizers CCL EAR 99 USML XIII None identified None identified None identified Metal-stamping equipment Capable of forming fuselages and leading edges in metal of 020 in thickness or less CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None identified Low observables external stores carriage Structural design with RCS reduction 3 dB over equivalent volume and give between 1 GHz and 30 GHz WA ML 17 MTCR 17 USML XIII Composites None identified None Signature reduction techniques IR and RF RCS reduction of 10 dB or WA ML 17 greater across frequency MTCR 17 range of 1 GHz to 30 GHz USML XIII design and coatings for IR and radar signature reduction Special polymers and fibers Radar range IR detectors RCS signal return prediction software Turbofan engines Lightweight engines with bypass ratios greater than 6% MTCR 3 USML VIII None identified None identified None identified Turbojet engines High thrust-to weight 6 1 engines MTCR 3 USML VIII None identified None identified None identified Technology for high temperature and erosion protection coatings for engine parts Temperature change through WA Cat 2 material 150 C in erosion CCL Cat 2 resisting technologies that insulate against temperature of 2 000 C Ceramics e g alumina and magnesia and ZrO2 Y2O2 None identified None identified Inlets for transonic and low supersonic flight speeds Inlet designs or modifications CCL EAR 99 that reduce the ratio of shock standoff to inlet diameter or turning angle by no more than 10% at constant Mach numbers None identified None identified None PROPULSION cont'd II-1-52 Table 1 4-1 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Propulsion integration for Modifications to enable flight subsonic transonic and below 200 ft AGL low supersonic flight speeds Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters CCL EAR 99 USML VIII None identified Load and load rate force simulators to apply flight conditions to controls surfaces None Thermal spray forming equipment Power levels 150 kW gas CCL EAR 99 velocities of 3 000 m sec and spray rates of 15 kg hr None identified None identified None Identified Digital radar maps Digital representations of the earth's surface with height resolution 20 meters MTCR 11 USML XI None identified Methods to measure radar images of the earth's surface Data compression software Global Navigation System Accuracy of 20 m in position and 200 nanoseconds in time MTCR 11 WA Cat 7A USML XI CCL Cat 7A None identified GPS signal simulators Algorithms that use GPS signals to compute steering commands based on the flight characteristics of the bomber Map guidance technology Automatic terrain avoidance efficient route planning and defense evasion hardware and software MTCR 11 USML XI WA Cat 7E CCL Cat 7E None identified None identified Data compression algorithms GPS receivers Receiver capable of reducing MTCR 11 civil code signals to position USML XI and velocity within 50 msec WA Cat 7A CCL Cat 7A None identified None identified Civil code to protected code calculation algorithms Full authority flight control systems Techniques to tradeoff WA Cat 9D 9E None identified stability maneuverability and CCL Cat 9D 9E safety with complexity and USML VIII cost Vibration test equipment using digital control techniques Equipment providing vibration MTCR 15 at 10 g rms between 20 and CCL Cat 9B 20 000 Hz WA Cat 9B GUIDANCE CONTROL AND NAVIGATION Sample and hold data acquisition boards for small computers Six degrees of freedom Source codes for control simulation combined with logic pilot in the loop Piezoelectric force None identified transducers and sample and hold data acquisition boards for small computers cont'd II-1-53 Table 1 4-1 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters WEAPONS INTEGRATION Weapons separation design and prediction Aerodynamic and trajectory prediction codes validated to within 1% of measured properties USML VIII None identified High-speed computing facilities or parallel processor operating systems None identified Advanced state vector calculation routines Codes with validated results WA ML 21 that predict submunition USML XXI bomb case and aero glide vehicle variables within 1% of measured variable None identified High-speed computing facilities or parallel processor operating systems None identified None identified None identified None identified Submunitions separation Submunitions with packing or dispensing densities exceeding 75% mechanisms WA ML 4 USML IV II-1-54 Table 1 4-2 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies AIRFRAME Finite element structural computer Mesh generation and element routines geometry and dimensional parameters Needed for higher performance engines and airframes Parallel processors for PCs and work stations Fluid mechanics finite element routines Simultaneous solution of Navier Stokes equations Meteorology studies for effective delivery of chemical and biological weapons Parallel processors for PCs and work stations Vibration shakers and other environmental test equipment Producing and measuring frequency response and relating the information to flight performance High performance air vehicles Expanded flight test program subsystem and component testing Aerothermal wind tunnels Generating sufficient cooling and air replacement to prevent temperature change effects on measured parameters Performance increases Expanded flight test program and empirical design modifications Conventional wind tunnels Flow straightening and flow visualization of subsonic and supersonic effects Range increase resulting from lower drag profiles for external munitions stores Expanded flight test program and empirical design modifications Structural modifications for thrusted munitions release or glide vehicles with stored aerodynamic surfaces Predicting and correcting for flow field on bomb bay doors as they open to release munitions and external stores flow fields in flight Increased reliability of delivery systems and munitions Additional weight and aerodynamic drag for struts fillets and other nonoptimum loadbearing surfaces Propulsion airframe flight control system integration Pilot acceptance maintaining adequate gain and phase margins incorporating response time in maneuver parameters Increased range and maneuver performance Pilot integration of parameters In-flight refueling Carry and deliver equipment training and rehearsal of flight crews Longer range offers more targeting opportunities Drop tanks extra fuel capacity tanks fitted in the fuselage Innovative control effectors Vehicle 3-axis stability and control with minimal cross-coupling Increased range maneuverability and survivability Traditional vertical tail configuration Metal-stamping equipment Bending complex shapes in low modulus of elasticity materials Higher production quantities Simpler contours produced by conventional sheet metal brakes Low observables external stores carriage Reducing radar cross-section in a manner consistent with low drag profiles Better radar penetration to allow aircraft to move closer to target and drop glide vehicle or cruise missile Internal munitions storage at a decreased payload or volume Signature reduction techniques Adding materials and coatings that will All air vehicles not affect structural integrity or flight performance None identified cont'd II-1-55 Table 1 4-2 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies PROPULSION Turbofan engines Decrease in net thrust at low altitudes makes low level cruise fuel inefficient Improved range and ceiling Any propulsion unit consistent with range and payload needs e g internal combustion engines Turbojet engines Thrust is dependent on the maximum stress and temperature levels the engine can sustain for long flights Improved range and ceiling Any propulsion unit consistent with range and payload needs e g internal combustion engines Technology for high temperature and erosion protection coatings for engine parts Thrust is dependent on the maximum stress and temperature levels the engine can sustain for long flights Increased reliability and improved range Ceramics and carbon carbon inserts Inlets for transonic and low supersonic flight speeds Forming aerodynamically sound designs that do not choke Increased range and better defense penetration Increased drag and reduced range Propulsion integration for subsonic transonic and low supersonic flight speeds Upgrading existing airframes with more All air vehicles modern engines that may have higher thrust levels or improved fuel consumption None identified Chemical Vapor Deposition CVD equipment Manufacturing equipment maintenance to ensure reproducibility Improved reliability None identified Thermal spray forming equipment Maintaining thermal control and flow consistency Improved reliability None identified GUIDANCE CONTROL AND NAVIGATION Digital radar maps Reducing radar images to digital representations that can be stored and retrieved efficiently Delivery of a munitions within a lethal radius GPS topographical maps Global Navigation System Time required to calculate position and Delivery of a munitions within a lethal corrections to position to obtain radius desired flight path IMUs radio controlled or preprogrammed flight profiles Map Guidance Technology Resolution of the surface of the Earth Increased operations envelope to particularly in height in order to ensure include night and all weather flight all obstacles are cleared by the flight vehicle More restrictive operational conditions GPS receivers Correcting civil code to protected code Navigation GLONASS receivers Full authority flight control system Maintenance of adequate gain and phase margins adequate response time over flight envelope redundancy vs safety Increased reliability and accuracy Pilot integration of parameters Vibration test equipment using digital control techniques Reliable weapons delivery Flight testing under highly stressed conditions Properly shock isolating the test equipment so that test results are meaningful cont'd II-1-56 Table 1 4-2 Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies WEAPONS INTEGRATION Weapons separation design and flight prediction Vibration and shock from interference with the main body both upon release and in a bomb bay or cargo hold with the doors open Reliable weapons delivery Flight test program to gather information empirically Advanced state vector calculation routines Prediction of non-linear effects from spinning and unsymmetrical parts within the weapon Delivery within a lethal radius Conventional bomb sights Submunitions separation or dispensing mechanisms Proper release under realistic conditions Reliable weapons delivery Flight test program to gather information empirically II-1-57 SECTION 1 5--ARTILLERY OVERVIEW In the Artillery subsection two military strategies for using artillery to deliver WMD are discussed Traditionally artillery has been a battlefield weapon rather than a long-range attack weapon although the United States Russia France and Britain have demonstrated that conventional artillery tubes can deliver nuclear chemical and biological agents Each of these countries had a specific battlefield application for WMD of the 30-km range Few of the strategic technical economic and political forces that led the superpowers to develop this highly specific capability apply to conditions within proliferants However artillery may be attractive to proliferants for other reasons including the availability of designers and parts and the possibility that a WMD shell from one of the superpower's arsenals could suddenly become available As an indigenous product artillery can be applied as a strategic WMD delivery system Iraq demonstrated imaginative use of artillery in the large investment it made in the Supergun project In this case a proliferant chose to develop a strategic delivery system that happened to be a scaled-up version of a well-known artillery delivery system These vastly different applications of the same basic technology show that a proliferant that pursues artillery as a means of delivery must choose either to use existing artillery pieces and solve the technical problems of designing a shell to accommodate these weapons or design a new weapon for the shell they intend to deliver The United States as an example of the former approach built nuclear and chemical rounds compatible with their existing 155-mm guns These shells had flight properties that exactly matched the flight properties of conventional ammunition Iraq as an example of the latter approach built the Supergun specifically to fire a single special nuclear round Using Existing Artillery Pieces When a country can manufacture a WMD shell to exactly match a conventional round it solves all of the technical problems of gun manufacture because many suppliers on the world market provide artillery pieces in standard 155-mm 203-mm and 406-mm caliber gun tubes Still the proliferator must solve unique technical problems associated with the WMD warhead Nuclear To use existing artillery pieces a proliferant must be sufficiently advanced in its nuclear design to make a warhead with a diameter small enough to fit a standard caliber tube Consequently to be used in a conventional tube a nuclear round must match Highlights o Artillery pieces for possible delivery of WMD exist in virtually every military organization in the world o A proliferant must harden WMD shells against high spin rates and accelerations to use an artillery piece to deliver WMD o Existing artillery pieces have insufficient range to allow a proliferant to use artillery as a strategic WMD delivery system except in special circumstances o Nuclear warheads are difficult to fit into existing conventional artillery tubes o Several proliferants have the technical capability to custom-build long-range guns similar to the Iraqi Supergun to deliver WMD o Superguns are expensive and have limited sustained firing potential o Use of Multiple Launch Rocket Systems overcomes some artillery limitations the inertial and aerodynamic properties of conventional shells and be able to withstand the acceleration produced by the firing charge and the high spin rates up to 250 Hz of modern artillery shells If it does not closely meet these characteristics the shell will suffer from poor range and accuracy Since nuclear shells have components made of high atomic-number materials and these materials are traditionally configured in a spherical shape aeroballisticians must frequently add supplemental materials to match the mass of nuclear artillery shells and the ratios of the moments of inertia Countries that have solved this problem have used highly dense materials such as depleted uranium as a ballast As an alternative a country can ignore the question of range loss and high dispersion and accept reduced performance Often this means that their military can only fire the shell to its maximum range and an extensive testing program is required to determine the limits of the dispersion Since the surrogate shells used in this test program must inertially match the real nuclear rounds and a statistically meaningful II-1-58 test program requires many firings the proliferator must have a ready source of high atomic-number non-nuclear material to use in its test rounds A nuclear-capable proliferant must also be able to build a nuclear round that can withstand the high acceleration produced by the firing charge For example in most full-range 155-mm rounds the initial acceleration on the shell may exceed 10 000 g's The proliferant that builds its nuclear shell indigenously must be able to form insensitive high explosives in complex shapes that resist cracking and spalling under these accelerations They must also be able to build a special nuclear fuze which differs from the fuze in a conventional round and the fuze electronics that can withstand the acceleration and still perform normally at the end of the trajectory Since the aerodynamic shape of the shell must also match a conventional round few if any changes can be made to overall shell design If the artillery shells are made indigenously the proliferant has the means to make any type of casing for a nuclear shell For a nuclear shell a proliferant can make one concession to the warhead when the shell must be stored for a long period of time The designers may have to substitute a new outer casing material that is less sensitive to embrittlement from a low-level nuclear radiation environment Chemical Since the specific gravity of most chemical agents is near to that of conventional high explosives a chemical round for an existing artillery piece requires even fewer design concessions than a nuclear round With only minimal ballasting designers can match the inertial properties of chemical and conventional shells quite easily Because the materials involved have mid-range atomic numbers ballasting can be made from many materials In flight though chemical WMD being a fluid has a tendency to change its inertial properties because of the centrifugal force created by the spinning shell Binary chemical agents take advantage of this spinning to mix the compounds But the spinning momentum forces the fluid to migrate to the outer casing wall of the shell and alter the inertial properties in a way that conventional high explosives--most often being solid--do not As the shell flies this fluid migration has a tendency to cause large coning angles and increase the drag on the body Liquid migration is a function of many properties of the WMD but the most important is the viscosity of the liquid Proliferants may solve the variable inertial problem by modifying the viscosity of the liquid with liquid additives or by including internal baffles that dampen the motion of the liquid when the shell is fired The liquid material is fairly insensitive to the shock of firing and virtually no accommodation needs to be made for WMD rounds beyond that already made in conventional rounds The fuzing and firing circuits of chemical rounds do not require the high energy and precise timing of nuclear rounds thus one can manufacture a high explosive detonator for an artillery shell and use this same detonator on a chemical round with little modification Both chemical and biological rounds do require efficient dissemination mechanisms since the agents must be spread over a large area Submunitions and the technologies that remove them from an artillery shell in flight and decelerate them or alter their flight path support the more efficient dispersion of agent Radar fuzes or timers that can open a shell and release submunitions must have a firing precision of better than 50 ms to be effective Biological Biological agents have properties similar to chemical agents and the design considerations for artillery shell delivery follow similar reasoning Biological toxins generally withstand the shock of firing from an artillery tube with little degradation in performance Live biological agents on the other hand degrade significantly when placed in this high acceleration environment Virtually any proliferant that can manufacture an artillery shell for special purposes such as incendiaries or flares has all of the technological sophistication at its disposal to deliver biological toxins in this manner On the other hand the high acceleration experienced by all artillery shells means live biological agents are unlikely candidates for this means of delivery unless microencapsulation or other buffers are used to alter the susceptibility of the agent to shock Spores of certain pathogens such as anthrax resemble toxins in their ability to withstand shock Most deliverable biological agents however have lower specific gravities than existing conventional rounds The light weight of the biological material which may include fillers release agents protective coatings and agglutinating matter to accrete a respirable particle requires a country to consider carefully means to ballast the shell to match the inertial properties of conventioanl rounds Ancillary Technologies Common to All Types of WMD The two technical hurdles that must be overcome to use WMD in artillery shells-- protection against acceleration and matched inertial properties--can be replicated in a laboratory setting or simulated on a computer Flight trajectory prediction programs with 6-degree-of-freedom modeling will reveal to an analyst the degree of uncertainty in a shell's flight path when inertial properties are mismatched with conventional shells Less computer-intensive point mass models predict with a high degree of accuracy this same information Since any user of conventional artillery shells knows in advance the aerodynamic properties of the shell little if any need exists for wind tunnels or finite element fluid modeling Devices that measure the moments of inertia for many applications other than military purposes are easily adapted for use in measuring artillery shells Any entity that does not already possess this equipment can purchase it legitimately on the open market Reproducing the high accelerations of a gun launch in a laboratory setting is difficult so experimentalists often resort to subscale tests using small bore cannon or other energy producing devices such as rail guns A proliferator that wishes to test the response of a new pathogen to high acceleration can use these techniques and then II-1-59 assume that incremental increases in full-scale models follow an extrapolation of the results they have measured A proliferator with a slightly more advanced design capability can extend the range of the 155-mm shell to approximately 50 km either by using base bleed supplemental blowing to shape the aerodynamics over the boat tail or by lengthening the barrel A lengthened barrel increases the spin rate proportionately and exaggerates all of the problems formerly identified with spinning shells For use beyond 50 km the proliferant must manufacture both the gun and the shell Fifty kilometers is sufficient range for a proliferant to threaten coastal cities or an adversary's territory adjacent to a common border The Foreign Technology Assessment paragraphs will discuss which countries can develop WMD to fit existing artillery pieces It also discusses which countries have the technical wherewithal to continue to pursue research into a Supergun The tables that follow this text list in order of priority technologies that a proliferant needs to produce WMD artillery shells that fit into existing guns and then cover the more stressing task of building a new artillery piece on the scale of the Supergun Multiple Launch Rocket System as a Means of Delivery In many cases the flight dynamics limitations imposed on the use of WMD with artillery shells can be mitigated by employing a Multiple Launch Rocket System MLRS MLRS batteries launch a salvo of missiles against a target from a collection of launch tubes mounted on or towed by a highly mobile vehicle Generally the delivery systems constituting a MLRS have a range of less than 50 km but the exact range can be extended depending on the circumstances Since the MLRS uses a rocket as its basis the accelerations that a warhead endures at launch are much less than those for an equivalent range artillery shell Similarly the rocket uses aerodynamic stability with fins or airframe shape so the warhead is not subjected to the high spin rates that an equivalent range artillery shell needs to maintain gyroscopic stability Also the rocket does not travel as fast as an artillery shell so fuzing and firing operations can be less precise than with an equivalent artillery shell This long flight time also gives submuntions an opportunity to be dispensed properly In the field the MLRS offers many logistical and tactical advantages for delivering chemical and biological agents Since the attacker uses the MLRS in a salvo mode the individual missiles can be launched to cover a large area when they arrive at a target This could lay down an effective cloud of chemical or biological material which may deny large areas of a battlefield to a defender However care must be taken to ensure that the close proximity of salvo round detonations does not have a negative effect on agent vitality or dispersion Consequently this tactic makes MLRS an unlikely choice for nuclear munitions Since MLRS systems have widespread applications for anti-personnel anti-tank and anti-armor operations knowledge of their design manufacture and use is widely available to many U S allies and trading partners Many derivative versions of the system have been built to accomplish special targeting objectives that have application to the use of WMD For instance the Army Tactical Missile System ATACMS used with the MLRS uses a special long-range missile while the anti-tank version deploys a submunition in mid-flight similar to the deployment that would be required to deliver chemical or biological agents efficiently In the U S version of the MLRS which has been widely studied overseas the rocket can accept a warhead weight of up to 156 kg on a system with a total weight of 306 kg This is about twice the payload that a 155-mm shell delivers and at a price of about three times the system weight Hence the warhead structural efficiency factor is less than that for artillery shells but the simplicity of the operation more than compensates for the loss of efficiency An MLRS rocket as built by the United States has a diameter of 227 mm and a length of 3 937 m making it easy to ship stockpile and deploy The United States has sold MLRS systems that theoretically can be retrofitted for chemical or biological use to many trading partners abroad A Memorandum of Understanding among the United States Germany France the UK and Italy allows for joint development production and deployment of the United States design Currently the United States and others have sold and deployed the MLRS in Bahrain Denmark France Germany Greece Israel Italy Japan the Netherlands Norway Turkey the UK and the United States Russia and the FSU have several variants of an MLRS in production and service In fact in the latter half of the decade a clear competition has emerged between the United States and the Russians to sell MLRS systems as part of their arms packages The Russian systems are made by the SPLAV consortium and are called the SMERCH a 300-mm rocket the Uragan a 220-mm system and the Prima which is 122 mm in diameter The Russians also wish to market two other systems which are both 140 mm in diameter The Russians have sold the 300-mm Smerch to Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates UAE and the Uragan system has been sold to Syria and Afghanistan Many other variants still exist in the former Eastern Bloc states RATIONALE Artillery shells present the exception to the rule that a proliferant must pursue some technological capability to deliver WMD Artillery pieces are ubiquitous in any military thus armies are fully trained in their use The United States and the Soviets built a large arsenal of nuclear and chemical shells to fit these existing artillery pieces and designed them so that all of the preparations and firing procedures associated with them closely mirror conventional rounds The United States is in the process of destroying its chemical shells but some do exist and many nuclear artillery shells are still in Russia Consequently the possibility that a proliferator could find a way to acquire a fully weaponized WMD shell and use it in existing military hardware cannot be ruled out II-1-60 FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 1 5-1 Since virtually every country in the world with a military has artillery pieces and the training to accompany their use and theory of operation a proliferant must only manufacture the WMD shells for these guns if it intends to deliver the munitions at ranges less than 50 km As an alternative proliferants may clandestinely acquire shells to use in their artillery pieces The United States Russia and by common belief Israel have made nuclear shells The United States Russia reportedly France and possibly Israel have made chemical and biological shells The United States builds its shells in standard 155- and 203-mm caliber Most European countries use the same bore In the Russian tradition the Soviet Union built its shells in 152- and 202-mm caliber A shell from these stocks fits and can be fired from the larger bore U S and European guns but the reverse is not true When the smaller Russian shells are fired from U S and European guns there is a small additional blow by and consequent loss of acceleration to the shell Even then care must be taken to ensure that the close proximity of salvo round detonations does not have a negative effect on agent destruction or dispersment therefore this configuration produces a slight range loss and additional wobble upon exit from the gun The United States Canada Sweden Denmark Finland Austria Norway Belgium France Germany the Czech Republic all the Baltic Republics Ukraine Belarus Italy Spain Greece elements of the former Yugoslavia China North Korea South Africa Israel Egypt Cuba Vietnam South Korea Taiwan Iran Iraq Pakistan India and Afghanistan have all built artillery pieces or have the infrastructure to build them according to either the U S and European standard or the former Soviet one Most of these countries' military officers have been trained on the weapons and are capable of advising a proliferant on methods to either build the guns or obtain them legitimately from a supplier nation If a proliferant found itself in possession of a standard WMD artillery shell any of these countries could supply the gun to fire it for less than $250 000 without even needing to understand the nature of the shell A proliferator may decide to manufacture its own gun particularly if it designs a WMD device employing a gun-assembled as opposed to an implosion nuclear weapon An entry-level gun-assembled nuclear weapon requires a gun barrel diameter of approximately 650 mm rather than 155 mm There are some 16-inch 406-mm guns in many nations' arsenals and an innovative gun-assembled nuclear weapon may have a diameter this small But the 16-inch guns are not as readily available as the 155-mm guns and a proliferant would generate the attention of export control authorities if it tried to purchase one Several proliferants have the technical capacity to build a gun approaching the Supergun if they can find a supplier of specialty steels for the barrel and large action hydraulic cylinders for the recoil mechanisms The specialty steel tubes must have interior surfaces with deviation in diameter of less than 50 um per 20 mm of tube diameter and deviation from a true longitudinal axis of less than 1 mm per meter of length Oil-producing nations that produce their own pipelines as a rule have no reason to make tubes that meet the standards of gun barrel manufacture Pipelines generally carry oil under a pressures of several atmospheres rather than the several hundred atmospheres that are required for a gun barrel Moreover there are no stringent requirements on pipelines for interior surface finish diametrically and straightness Egypt Israel Pakistan South Korea and India either have the capability or could quickly obtain the ability to build large bore gun barrels Many South American nations in particular Argentina and Brazil also have the industrial and metallurgical industry to support large bore gun manufacturing II-1-61 Weapons Integration Country Argentina Brazil Canada Chile China Egypt France Germany India Iran Iraq Israel Italy Japan Libya North Korea Pakistan Russia South Africa South Korea Sweden Syria Taiwan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Artillery Place Aiming and Firing Propulsion Inertially Matched Shells HighEnergy Burster Charges Fuzing and Firing Circuits That Withstand Spin and Shock Barrel Extension for Extended Range Indigenous Manufacturing of Gun Development of Firing Tables for WMD Automated Gun Sights Using GPS to Aim Wind Tunnel and Other Laboratory Equipment to Measure Flow Field Indigenous Manufacturing of Large Bore 400 mm Guns Indigenous Manufacturing of Propelling Charges Base Bleed Range Extension Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities exceeds sufficient level sufficient level some limited Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Figure 1 5-1 Artillery Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-1-62 Table 1 5-1 Artillery Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters High capacitance batteries Resistant to 250 Hz spin rate WA Cat 3A and 10 000 g's acceleration CCL Cat 3A 30V output @ 300 mA Non-fluid electrolytes or fluorboric acid in copper ampules None Identified None Identified Radar altimeters Resistant to 250 Hz spin rate MTCR 11 and 10 000 g's acceleration WA Cat 7A CCL Cat 7A USML XI None Identified None Identified Altitude calculation cycle time 50 msec Radio timing fuze Resistant to 250 Hz spin rate WA ML 11 and 10 000 g's acceleration USML XI None Identified High-speed data acquisi- Timing accuracy 5% of tion equipment and set time for set times of computer boards 5 to 150 seconds Electronic timers e g Resistant to 250 Hz spin rate WA ML 11 US M724 electronic fuze and 10 000 g's acceleration USML XI None Identified High-speed data acquisi- Event sequencing tion equipment and capability 5 msec computer boards Bursters Resistant to 250 Hz spin rate WA ML 11 and 10 000 g's acceleration USML XI None Identified None Identified None Identified Expelling charges Resistant to 250 Hz spin rate WA ML 11 and 10 000 g's acceleration USML XI None Identified None Identified None Identified Casing material Resistant to low level radiation background Phenolics None Identified None Identified Dual canister burster charge Resistant to 250 Hz spin rate WA ML 11 and 10 000 g's acceleration USML XI None Identified None Identified None Identified CCL Cat 1 II-1-63 Table 1 5-2 Artillery Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Reliable detonation Alternative Technologies High capacitance batteries Nuclear firing circuits require high energy initiation which must be contained in a lightweight package to fit on an artillery shell Radar altimeters Altitude must be sensed with sufficient Chemical or biological weapon accuracy to release aerosol under the detonation atmospheric shear layer but before ground impact Timing circuits barometric sensors acceleration detectors Radio timing fuze Range and range rate must be Any airborne conventional chemical calculated in a moving reference frame or biological weapon Timing circuits barometric sensors acceleration detectors Electronic timers e g US M724 electronic fuze Designing electronic circuits with piezoelectric crystals that remain unaffected by high shock loads Reliable detonation High-speed data acquisition equipment and computer boards Bursters Bursters must not fire prematurely in high shock environment Reliable detonation Any insensitive high explosives Expelling charges The expelling charge must decelerate submunitions sufficient so that air brakes or parachutes may be deployed often this must be done in a short times span and high energy charges may damage biological or chemical agents Submunition dispensing None Identified Casing material Embrittlement occurs when some steels are exposed to intrinsic radiation for long periods of time Applications requiring resistance to nuclear radiation environments None Identified Dual canister burster charge Binary materials are mixed in flight in Binary chemical munitions order to be mixed two canisters are usually opened with shaped charges or other HE technology but the charge can not compromise the chemical or biological agent II-1-64 None Identified None Identified SECTION II INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SECTION 2--INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 Scope Information Communications II-2-5 Information Exchange II-2-10 Information Processing II-2-15 Information Security II-2-21 Information System Management and Control II-2-25 Information Systems Facilities II-2-31 Highlights o o o Information Systems capabilities built on the grid of existing military and commercial technologies enable most WMD operations Large damage envelopes of WMD minimize precision weapon guidance delivery and information systems dependencies Information Systems in some form can be anticipated to be used by most proliferators BACKGROUND There are many different definitions for Information Systems IS The following definition is used for Part II People technologies and machines used to capture or generate collect record store retrieve process display and transfer or communicate information to multiple users at appropriate levels of an organization to accomplish a specified set of functions This definition suggests the wide range of technologies incorporated in different Information Systems Since Information Systems are likely to be used in most WMD weapons systems this separate IS section promotes a more consistent thorough and effective assessment These assessments emphasize countries other than the United States which might be adversaries Consideration is also given to coalition arrangements for both adversaries and allies Enabling IS capabilities relevant to subnational activities are treated insofar as those activities might target nations or nation-states Subsets of Information Systems are commonly referred to as Functional Areas A large information system may have as many as seven functional areas IS requirements are normally allocated to functional areas or system segments For instance functional area specifications allow system architects to select the best hardware or software implementation solutions available at the time of fabrication and production Specifications written in terms of bandwidth signal quality reliability availability and other generic performance parameters leave designers free to make optimum selections In the media area for example metallic or fiber-optic cable or satellite or terrestrial radio can be selected depending on the speeds and accuracies specified as requirements Assessing technologies in terms of IS functional area capabilities as opposed to specific hardware software composition minimizes the requirement for revised MCTL assessments as new products or devices are introduced or older ones withdrawn For example a new WMD weapon delivery or damage assessment requirement might be discovered for real-time video observation of battlefield or target areas at a remote command center If no prior real-time video requirement existed in a proliferant's information systems then in all likelihood channel bandwidth or bit-rate revisions to the Information Communications functional area capability parameters would be necessary A real-time observation capability would mean that there is possession of or access to guided or unguided terrestrial or satellite radio or optical transmission through the atmosphere or outer space media technology with the ability to support video traffic Figure 2 0-1 illustrates the extensive scope of what qualifies as an information system and shows the seven traditional functional areas 1 Information Processing 2 Information Security 3 Information Exchange 4 Information Communications 5 Information Management and Control 6 Information Systems Facilities and 7 Information Systems Sensors The information system examples in Figure 2 0-1 include large complex entities such as enterprise management information systems MIS telecommunications systems and even the worldwide Internet The list could be extended to include numerous smaller systems such as those based on personal computers II-2-1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS EXAMPLE INFORMATION SYSTEMS COMMAND CONTROL AND INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS INTERNET TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS FUNCTIONAL AREAS MIS SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS FUNCTIONAL AREAS MARKET APPLICATIONS INFORMATION INFORMATION PROCESSING SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL INFORMATION SYSTEMS FACILITIES INFORMATION SYSTEMS SENSORS MILITARY NON-MILITARY GOVERNMENT COMMERCIAL BASIC TECHNOLOGIES TECHNIQUES DEVICES AND MATERIALS Figure 2 0-1 Information Systems OVERVIEW This section identifies IS technologies that have potential utility in implementing and enabling critical WMD operations Of special interest in this section are Information Systems built on the grid of existing technologies including those of World War II vintage as opposed to those depending on development that requires an extensive industrial base In particular this section focuses on the minimum set of technologies required for the development integration or employment of WMD and their means of delivery This is in contrast with Part I of the MCTL in which performance levels ensuring superiority of U S military systems were provided In Part II the innovative use of commercial-off-the-shelf COTS technology perhaps in combination with advanced and older military IS technologies dominates the assessments In this COTS category are systems that are procured for civilian purposes which are rapidly re-programmable for military operations Modern fiberoptic-based software-defined telecommunications networks are a prime example Properly designed they provide multimedia voice and data service to the general population and can also constitute a highly survivable backbone for equipment that is optimized for military operations IS functional areas for WMD capabilities often overlap those cited in MCTL Part I Section 8 They differ principally in that performance levels ensuring superiority of U S systems are not imposed However MCTL Part I provides complementary technical assessment information II-2-2 RATIONALE Recent experience demonstrates the value of both military and commercial IS techniques Unlike the past when DoD NASA and other USG agencies dominated and sponsored frontier developments the vast majority of technologies supporting today's information systems are driven by civil requirements Increasingly the government is specifying off-the-shelf mainstream commercial open-systems standards-based technologies as the method of choice for avoiding obsolescence in a fastchanging technology environment Overall strategic and tactical military use of information systems encompasses a range of applications from wide-area switched networks serving an entire theater of operations often countrywide with global interties to local processing and communications systems including transportable and personal hand-held devices to IS systems embedded in smart weapons and sensors Proliferator possession of critical technologies supporting such a diversity of applications can have decisive significance In areas of direct combat support information systems sustain the performance advantages of management command and control surveillance and guidance and control systems for weapons of mass destruction It should be noted that most of the technology capabilities cited are those that could be of interest to proliferant countries with large numbers of weapons and relatively capable delivery systems Countries with fewer resources may employ their weapons with minimal IS support In fact one reason why WMD are appealing to even subnational groups is that their large damage envelopes and lethal radii reduce the need for precision weapon delivery and other IS dependencies In many cases U S military countermeasure capabilities and techniques may be ineffective when used against commercial IS systems For example it may be extremely difficult or impractical to successfully electronically jam large metropolitan area cellular communications systems or all commercial satellite systems that an adversary may have at its disposal The tables in this section that identify technologies should be interpreted in the following manner Proliferants with only a small number of WMD and no intention or capability of sustaining a long-term WMD attack may not be strongly dependent upon the availability of any supporting IS technology When IS technology is required or helps facilitate WMD under the column titled Sufficient Technology Level the statement depicts technology items that meet most requirements identified during analysis of the wide range of WMD scenarios considered in this document For COTS technology items the statements generally indicate that commercial-application performance requirements for capacity service quality availability etc generally exceed those encountered in WMD application scenarios FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 2 0-2 The United States currently leads in system engineering and integration of complex information systems closely followed by the UK France Germany Canada and Japan Underlying technologies for Information Systems and wide-area integration of such systems are driven largely by commercial requirements A significant number of countries have developed capabilities equivalent to those of the United States in network switching and transmission The United States has sustained its lead in computer hardware because it enjoys superior microprocessor design and fabrication capabilities see Sections 5 and 10 in MCTL Part I While the United States continues to be the only country with critical capabilities in all IS technology Functional Areas FAs equivalent capabilities are found in one or more other countries in every FA The growing multi-nationalization of information systems developments has increased the worldwide availability of advanced IS technologies U S technology leadership in communications and computer systems has declined in recent years relative to Europe and Japan II-2-3 Country Australia Canada China Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Hungary India Iran Iraq Israel Italy Japan Libya North Korea Norway Pakistan Poland Russia South Africa South Korea Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan United Kingdom United States Vietnam Subnationals Sec 2 1 Information Communications Sec 2 2 Information Exchange Sec 2 3 Information Processing Sec 2 4 Information Security Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities exceeds sufficient level Sec 2 5 Information Systems Management and Control sufficient level Sec 2 6 Information Systems Facilities some limited Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Figure 2 0-2 Information Systems Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-2-4 SECTION 2 1--INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS OVERVIEW The Information Communications Functional Area FA as generally defined includes transmission facilities that is the medium free space the atmosphere copper or fiber-optic cable and electronic equipment located at nodes along the medium In this context equipment amplifies analog systems or regenerates digital systems signals and provides termination functions at points where transmission facilities connect to switching or multiplexing systems Multiplexers combine many separate sources of traffic into a single signal to enhance transmission efficiency In modern designs transmission termination switching multiplexing and other functions may be integrated in a single piece of equipment and in combination play a major role in defining network capacity and latency communication services grade of service maintenance reliability availability and survivability This section addresses a wide range of equipment used in local and long-distance communications Included in the nonintegrated types are simple repeater amplifiers channel service units CSUs and data service units DSUs CSU DSUs are termination equipment required to connect customer premises equipment CPE to telecommunications networks and typically provide transmit and control logic synchronization and timing recovery across data circuits Other examples include satellite terrestrial microwave and cable transmit and receive terminals transceivers which in most instances include multichannel capabilities Modern fourth-generation and beyond switches and digital cross-connect systems DCSs incorporate switching multiplexing and line-termination functions In the case of public cellular or specialized mobile radio SMR equipment Information Communications FA capabilities are combined with traditional applicationlevel functions such as call set-up and take-down dialing signaling etc advanced features like caller identification and acoustic and other human interface capabilities Thus it is apparent that basic requirements for communicating information between two nodes can be accomplished through the use of a wide variety of COTS products each with greater or lesser abilities to support WMD operations Moreover whether implemented in modern integrated or prior-generation products Information Communications Functional Area capabilities are critical for WMD missions of any significant complexity or duration RATIONALE Information Communications Functional Area capabilities including beyond lineof-sight BLOS and secure communications can be important to WMD operational missions and objectives Highlights o o Long-distance beyond-line-of-sight communications are essential for - Remote reconnaissance and damage assessment - Aerial strikes launched from one country on targets in an adversary country and - Battlefield command and control within large tactical arenas In mixed WMD and conventional conflicts survivable communications are critical to sustaining chemical or biological offensives Requirements for BLOS communications arise in both strategic and tactical battlefield WMD warfare For missile and manned or unmanned aircraft attacks where the distance between launch points and target designated ground zeros DGZs exceeds point-to-point line of sight there is a need for some form of long-distance communications Operational situations in which this occurs include aerial strikes launched from one country to targets in another country Typical targets might be civilian shipping and transportation ports industrial centers military command centers supply depots and actual battlefield areas For example during an ongoing conflict an aggressor might attempt to create a plague port to inhibit an adversary's ability to receive supplies or disembark allied or peacekeeping forces BLOS communications are needed to relay information generated by sensors or individuals in the vicinity of the DGZ back to the strike-force headquarters Such information may include force status reports micro-meteorological indications and other intelligence data situation reports and damage assessment reports In the near term voice or low-rate data communications capabilities from ground-based individuals or manned or unmanned airborne reconnaissance platforms may suffice In the future a sophisticated adversary may have a requirement for BLOS communications to relay data from disposable possibly air-dropped wide-area array sensors systems II-2-5 Long-distance communications are implemented using terrestrial or satellite relays long-wave below 3 MHz radio transmission or a combination of these media Military long-distance systems can be based on either dedicated facilities or shared facilities obtained from public or other common-user networks Increasingly modern facilities of either dedicated or shared design are able to provide integrated voice data facsimile imagery and video At the low-cost end single-channel long-distance connections can be made today with standard cellular telephones interconnected to local and long-distance switched networks In the near future mobile service from one or more of the following satellite systems--Iridium Teledesic Global Star Odyssey and Inmarsat--will become available Tables 2 1-1 and 2 1-2 illustrate pertinent long-distance communications transmission capabilities As an example in the Gulf War Iraq was unable to sustain its air defense capability after the United States destroyed its air defense communications network This resulted from direct attacks on communications facilities with conventional albeit smart weapons WMD conflicts that escalate to nuclear levels impose the possibility of additional nuclear effects communications degradation and destruction One advantage of chemical or biological warfare is that it does not necessarily threaten physical facilities and infrastructure plants When employed in combination with conventional or nuclear warfare many realistic scenarios arise in which the ability to sustain any offensive depends critically on survivable communications which often come under physical attack in mixed conflicts Under these conditions homecountry communications among various command centers and depots are required to direct long-term WMD assembly and transport to battlefield and or launch points In-country telecommunications systems with extraordinary availability and survivability can be implemented using emerging commercial fiber and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDH -based telecommunications technologies In the United States and elsewhere these systems are built to Synchronous Optical Network SONET standards equal though not identical to International Telecommunications Union ITU standards As noted above these systems are expected to be procured for civil use But with appropriate Information Exchange switching multiplexing and digital cross-connect facilities see Section 2 2 and Information System Management and Control capabilities see Section 2 5 they can 1 be easily used for military applications and 2 achieve acceptable survivability and robustness in the face of physical attack The reason for the extraordinary programmability and survivability of modern commercial telecommunications is twofold First the flagship and most profitable telephone carrier offerings today are their Software Defined Network SDN offerings SDN allows carriers to offer large customers who in the past may have opted for private dedicated facilities-based networks the option of equivalent virtual private networks using shared public network facilities These networks not only offer large industry or military customers service indistinguishable from dedicated facilities-based private networks but deliver those services at lower cost Moreover SDNs greatly augment capabilities to modify optimize and customize carrier services in accordance with changing requirements Modern commercial telecommunications networks exhibit unparalleled survivability because the market demands it One of the major U S carriers supports the equivalent of 300 000 Washington-to-New York voice circuits Loss of that connection translates into revenue losses of $30 000 or more per minute The advent of highcapacity fiber transmission makes it possible to carry an enormous number of voice conversations over a single fiber Yet that funnel factor means that to ensure profitability and network availability one must not concentrate that much traffic without extensive back-up or redundant connections Fortunately SDH SONET standards addressed this problem from the outset With automated Management and Control and appropriate switching and multiplexing facilities SDH SONET networks can be designed to tolerate massive switch and cable-cut failures In many instances service restoration can be virtually automatic--accomplished in 15 milliseconds--a time span short enough to prevent disconnect of existing calls For example dual homing and two or four fiber-based bi-directional line-switched ring BLSR diversity among switching multiplexing hubs along with designed-in capabilities like embedded SDH SONET protection routing and automated performance monitoring and diagnostic management functions yield survivability features that older dedicated military systems with precedence priority preemption and even dynamic non-hierarchical routing DNHR cannot approach The explanation for this is that these older techniques basically preserved or restored service on a call-by-call basis On the other hand one company has announced its U S network plan for 38 interlocking rings with 16 nodes per ring that will enable hundreds of thousands of equivalent voice circuits to be restored almost instantaneously Since SDH SONET systems can accommodate the world's largest common-user network traffic loads bandwidth or channel capacity requirements encountered in WMD or conventional warfare scenarios can be met without resorting to state-of-the-art switching speeds or ultra-broadband transmission systems Satellite-based services offer commercial communications exhibiting significant availability and survivability One class of service that provides virtually undeniable service is mobile communications via hundreds of satellites through Iridium Teledesic and the other systems mentioned earlier Another class of satellite service supports very small aperture terminals VSATs which employ small suitcase-packaged antennas 1 5 to 6 feet in diameter Finally high-capacity multichannel trunk satellite service can be supported with larger but still transportable earth terminals II-2-6 Not only is it difficult to electronically jam or physically disable the large numbers of satellites providing such services but to do so may interrupt service to thousands of worldwide users whether or not they are involved in a conflict For practical purposes satellite-based communications exhibit dual BLOS and equivalent highsurvivability capabilities FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT The first column of Figure 2 0-2 contains a comparative representation of foreign technology assessments for the Information Communications Functional Area by country and for subnational groups All of the developed Western nations in the G8 Canada France Germany Italy Japan Russia the United States and the UK except recently joined Russia plus the Scandinavian countries Israel and Taiwan have capabilities in all elements of the Information Communications Functional Area including transmission facilities and required electronic equipment located at nodes along the medium in their installed base Of the G8 only Russia has considerable development ahead before she becomes comparable to the other members However like China this comparatively late development may be an advantage to Russia because she is not burdened with a large installed base of outmoded analog equipment and bandwidth- limited non-fiber-optic transmission Therefore Russia China and other lesser developed countries can more readily expand their capabilities with modern equipment avoiding performance penalties involved with hybrid facilities The China assessment may be low since one indicator of China's Information Communications Functional Area capabilities is that the United States alone takes up 40 percent of China's exports Part of this 40 percent in which China's trade surplus with the United States is greatest is telecommunications equipment and China manufactures its own fiber-optic cable Most of the other countries with lesser developed telecommunications Cuba the Czech Republic Egypt Hungary India Iran Iraq Libya North Korea and Vietnam have lower Information Communications Functional Area capabilities which tend to be concentrated around the larger population centers however these deficiencies could be corrected in a comparatively short period of time with supplemental satellite systems For example Iran's telecommunications installed base is limited to Tehran and its surrounding area An exception to this generality is Iraq Iraq's baseline telecommunications capabilities are much less concentrated on the population centers and are more country-wide See subsection 8 11 in Part I of the 1996 MCTL II-2-7 Table 2 1-1 Information Communications Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Very-small-aperture terminals VSATs Transport service provided via commercial satellites or via proliferant-owned satellite Bandwidth sufficient to transmit imagery to mobile stations Long range highly available CCL EAR 99 None Identified None Identified None Identified Public cellular local and long-distance exchange or specialized mobile radio service Interference resistant but limited bandwidth may not support all required traffic types and volume for advanced employment CCL EAR 99 None Identified None Identified Capabilities beyond normal commercial practice Long wavelength radio communications Beyond-line-of-sight BLOS greater than 100 m wavelength below 3 MHz CCL EAR 99 None Identified None identified Empirically validated code for predicting propagation characteristics of BLOS radio and advanced data encryption for compression of algorithms for rapid transfer of data Public mobile service via multi-satellite systems e g Iridium and Teledesic Inmarsat Odyssey and Global Star Limited bandwidth may not support all required traffic types and volume for advanced employment CCL EAR 99 None Identified None Identified Capabilities beyond normal commercial practice Fiber-optic cable installations See Sections 2 2 2 5 Configured to support 2- or 4-wire-based Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDH SONET enhanced survivability requirements WA Cat 5E P1 None Identified CCL Cat 5E P1 Specially designed commercially available fiber-optic cable test equipment None Identified II-2-8 Table 2 1-2 Information Communications Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Very small aperture terminals VSATs Mobile COTS mass-produced low Long-distance beyond-line-of-sight cost $25K Transport service BLOS communications between provided via commercial or proliferant- target vicinities and C2I headquarters owned satellite Satellites subject to jamming and physical attack but commercial impact may deter attack except under extreme situations Transport service via proliferantowned satellite public cellular local exchange LEC and Interexchange IXC carriers public mobile multi-satellite communications BLOS radio Public cellular local and longdistance exchange or specialized mobile radio service Vulnerability of management and switching centers Long-distance beyond-line-of-sight BLOS communications between target vicinities and C2I headquarters VSATs with transport service via commercial or proliferant-owned satellites public mobile multisatellite communications BLOS radio Long-wavelength radio communications Susceptible to jamming and radiometric transmitter position location limited bandwidth Long-distance beyond-line-of-sight BLOS communications between target vicinities and C2I headquarters Public cellular LECs and IXCs public mobile multisatellite communications VSATs via commercial or proliferant-owned satellites Public mobile service via multisatellite systems e g Iridium and Teledesic Inmarsat Odyssey and Global Star Service not yet available multiplicity of satellites decreases vulnerability Limited mobile channel bandwidth may not support all required traffic and volume types Long-distance beyond-line-of-sight BLOS communications between target vicinities and C2I headquarters Public cellular LECs and IXCs VSATs via commercial or proliferant-owned satellites BLOS radio Fiber-optic cable installations See Sections 2 2 2 5 SDH SONET enhanced survivability designs needed to achieve needed availability levels Local and long-distance communications for in-country communications Metallic or other local and longdistance transmission media II-2-9 SECTION 2 2--INFORMATION EXCHANGE OVERVIEW Highlights Information Exchange IX is an IS functional area to which switching and multiplexing are usually assigned As illustrated in Figure 2 2-1 all forms of circuit packet and SDH SONET transport network-based line and path routing and switching are implied In circuit switching the IX functional area encompasses call-by-call e g central office CO telephone exchange as well as channel switching In the past channel switching was implemented manually at technical control centers In the United States by the late 1980's digital cross-connect systems DCS began to be installed in 24-channel T1 or more properly DS-1 group-based Asynchronous Digital Transmission Systems ADTS Some DCS equipment provides not only channel switching at DS-1 rates 1 544 MBps but also 1 add and drop multiplexing without breaking out each 64 Kbps DS-0 channel and 2 supergroup DS- n channel switching Moreover it achieves these functions in compact programmable equipment Much of this vintage equipment is still in operation o Circuit switching packet switching and multiplexing are Information Exchange Functional Area capabilities generally available and installed worldwide and require constituent elements in all but stand-alone desktop information systems o Stored program control central office and digital cross connect switching are key to Software Defined Networks that can be used for survivable communications capabilities supporting WMD operations o Transportable and dual Central Office and tandem function switches further enhance network survivability o Fast packet Asynchronous Transfer Mode-based switching and multiplexing support voice data graphics imagery and video requirements SWITCHING PACKET o o Port Sharing Variable bandwidth CONVENTIONAL o CIRCUIT o o o o o Variable length frames o CHANNEL CO switches Tandem switches Dual function switches PBXs Key Hybrid CELL RELAY FRAME RELAY Dedicated circuits Fixed bandwidth CALLBYCALL FAST PACKET e g X 25 o o o Fixed-size cells o o Networking T1 multiplexers Digital crossconnects DCS SDH SONET TRANSPORT o o Line Switching Path Switching Figure 2 2-1 Routing and Switching Systems Today ADTS DCS equipment is being replaced by SDH International Telecommunications Union ITU G-Series or SONET-compliant synchronous byte interleave multiplexer equipment SDH SONET-based DCS equipment exhibit all basic asynchronous DCS features Beyond basic features SDH SONET DCSs capitalize on all of the considerable advantages of synchronous transmission and multiplexing Among these advantages is the ability to support synchronous payload envelopes SPEs that extend add and drop capabilities across all SDH multiplexing hierarchy levels In addition to enhance survivability and availability SDH SONET-based bi-directional line-switched rings BLSRs provide reusable bandwidth for more efficient inter-node transport in evenly meshed networks A meshed network means traffic is more or less evenly distributed among all nodes rather than being funneled through a few hubbing locations Half the available bandwidth in a BLSR is allocated as a working rate evenly distributed among all nodes rather than being funneled through a few hubbing locations and the other half is reserved for protection routing Thus in an optical II-2-10 carrier OC-48 1 application working traffic is placed in the first 24 STS2-1 time-slots with time-slots 25 through 48 serving as the protection facility In conjunction with ITU Telecommunications Management Network TMN -based management functions this can result in unparalleled recovery from transmission failures whether failures occur naturally or from intended or collateral enemy attack damage Network designs using early versions of these techniques have dramatically improved restoration from man-made or natural outages For example in 1991 it typically took 120 minutes after a failure to restore 35 DS3 circuits about 24 000 equivalent DSO or voice circuits On July 30 1996 more than 200 000 circuits were taken out of service when a water department crew bored into a fiber-optic cable in North Carolina In this case 92 8 percent of the service was restored in three minutes nearly 10 times the number of circuits in 3 percent of the time See Section 2 5 for a discussion of automated Information Systems Management and Control Functional Area technologies that can lead to this kind of performance in networks used to support WMD missions What makes performance improvements of this magnitude possible is not just programmable switching multiplexing and computer-based network control technologies but the fact that with broadband fiber optic cable and capacity-extending wavelength division multiplexing for availability and survivability purposes designers can virtually assume that spare or reserve capacity is free That is in large commercial or public networks the 50-percent BLSR call fill-rate has no appreciable negative cost or revenue impact Another technology category included in the Information Exchange Functional Area is the wide variety of equipment generally described under the rubric of packet switching As Figure 2 2-1 shows packet switching encompasses conventional and fast packet realizations in both frame and cell relay appearances Although it is generally appreciated that modern telecommunications systems are increasingly able to integrate voice data video and other services as noted earlier an even more systemic form of integration is occurring that is the integration of switching and multiplexing within single equipment envelopes This development trend is a logical one early digital circuit switches employed time-division multiplexing techniques augmented in larger switches with space division multiplexing to accomplish switching functions The most recent and perhaps the most promising manifestation of the integration of switching and multiplexing functions in common equipment is the Asynchronous 1 2 OC n the nth level in an optical carrier multiplexing hierarchy Synchronous Transport Signal Level 1 basic SONET building block electrical equivalent of OC-1 Transfer Mode3 ATM digital facility However more common so-called local area networks LANs and satellite access schemes also provide means for sharing common circuits among multiple traffic channels multiplexing and provide either connection-oriented or connection-less switching and call establishment functions In addition to the switching and integrated switching-multiplexing equipment described above equipment assigned to the Information Exchange Functional Area also includes older non-switching channel bank and flexible digital time division multiplexers as well as all forms of analog electronic and photonic multiplexers e g modern wavelength-division multiplexers RATIONALE The reason that IX Functional Area capabilities are so important to WMD operations is the same reason that they have commercial significance Quite simply IX capabilities are required constituent interconnection elements for any information system that extends beyond a stand-alone desktop installation Stored program control central office and digital cross-connect switching is key to Software Defined Networks SDNs One of the principal advantages of SDNs is that they permit near-real-time network reconfiguration to optimize performance for a wide variety of traffic types and loading or in response to network damage or outages These same programmability features allow peacetime civilian networks to be rapidly converted to highly survivable communications assets supporting crucial WMD operations Equally valuable for WMD operations is the increased accessibility that end-user organizations have to telephone-company-based SDN management and control facilities that allow them to create and optimize individual subnetworks in accordance with unique customer in this case WMD force elements service and configuration profiles In fact with the exception of long-wave radio all BLOS and wide-area communications network survivability capabilities described in the Section 2 1 depend critically upon IX capabilities You don't build terrestrial or satellite fixed cellular or specialized mobile telecommunications systems without switching and multiplexing A recent urban warfare study revealed that the Russians in Chechnya the Israelis in Lebanon and the British in Northern Ireland all resorted to commercial cellular services for mobile troop communications when military-issue portable radio performance proved unsatisfactory within cities 3 II-2-11 ATM a cell relay-based form of fast packet switching uses fixed 53-byte packets suitable for voice data and other services in either fixed or variable bit-rate formats When operational Iridium Teledesic or other satellite-based capabilities will be even more relevant in satisfying military urban mobile communications requirements since the service will involve reduced reliance or none at all on indigenous telecommunications facilities Clearly all these systems depend critically on highly sophisticated Information Communications Information Exchange and Information Systems Management and Control functional area technologies Satellite-based mobile telecommunications of the type just described is one example of commercial technology for which there appears to be no practical military alternative This statement is true unless one wants to defend the position that there exists in the world a country willing and able to deploy an Iridium or Teledesic-like satellite constellation for dedicated military use only COTS dual-function switches that combine central office and tandem switching capabilities are also available This means that in combination with SDH SONET transmission systems discussed above the physical location of switching within a network no longer needs to be fixed or pre-assigned This results in enormous survivability and service restoration benefits In the same vein dual-function switches also enable cost-effective means of time-phased upgrading of obsolete telephone systems in urban areas such as Moscow or in many third world metropolitan areas Transportable central offices used for disaster recovery by telephone companies represent another commercial technology with significant WMD operations survivability potential Tables 2 2-1 and 2 2-2 list specific Information Exchange technology capabilities FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT The second column of Figure 2 0-2 contains a comparative representation of foreign technology assessments for the IX functional area by country and for subnational groups The IX functional area capability profiles of most countries are similar to their Information Communications capabilities There are however some exceptions in the cases of smaller or less-developed countries Iraq's IX functional area is assessed as greater than its Information Communications capabilities as is Germany's Japan's North Korea's Russia's and South Africa's whereas Israel Poland and Taiwan are assessed as having fewer IX functional area capabilities than their Information Communications Functional Area capabilities These lesser IX functional area capabilities can significantly affect the overall performance of their information systems The switching and multiplexing capabilities associated with the IX functional area are common to both military and civil systems and have become readily available through joint developments or through foreign sales The ranking of IX functional area capabilities largely reflects the effects of international standardization Australia Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Japan Norway South Africa Sweden Switzerland and the UK have overall IX functional area capabilities equal to those of the United States although U S capabilities may surpass them in some niche technologies such as optical systems All of these countries plus Italy sell switching equipment worldwide In most cases their export equipment is technologically advanced however their equipment may incorporate somewhat limited capabilities For example their multi-level switching and preemption equipment may contain only two levels rather than three to five levels II-2-12 Table 2 2-1 Information Exchange Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters International Telecommunications Union ITU Synchronous Digital Hierarchy-based Synchronous Optical Network SDH SONET switching and multiplexing Programmable digital byte interleave multiplexers implementing bidirectional line switched rings BLSRs providing reusable bandwidth in meshed networks and protection routing and switching for efficient and self-healing survivable transmission WA Cat 5E P1 CCL Cat 5E P1 None Identified Specially designed commercially available SDH SONET test equipment None Identified Asynchronous digital transmission hierarchy DS- n Programmable digital crossconnect system DCS multiplexers and automated diagnostic management and control CCL EAR 99 None Identified Specially designed commercially available digital transmission test equipment None Identified Conventional and dualfunction central office and PBX switching Flexible programmable WA Cat 5A P1 tandem central office and CCL Cat 5A P1 PBX switching dynamic nonhierarchical routing priority and pre-emption None Identified Voice traffic generators None Identified Flexible programmable variable bit ratecapability multimedia asynchronous transfer mode ATM Multiplexing and switching for WA Cat 5A P1 local area network LAN CCL Cat 5A P1 metropolitan area and widearea networks MAN WANs None Identified Specially designed commercially available ATM test equipment None Identified II-2-13 Table 2 2-2 Information Exchange Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies International Telecommunications Union ITU Synchronous Digital Hierarchy-based Synchronous Optical Network SDH SONET multiplexing and switching Public capabilities exceed most military requirements Bandwidth required for WMD is less than commercial networks provide Survivable communications among command centers depots transportation facilities industrial centers necessary for WMD operations Asynchronous digital transmission hierarchy DS- n See item below Public mobile service via multisatellite systems see item in Table 2 2-1 above Asynchronous digital transmission hierarchy DS- n Public capabilities exceed most military requirements Bandwidth required for WMD is less than commercial networks provide Survivable communications among command centers depots transportation facilities industrial centers necessary for WMD operations An ITU SDH-based broadband transmission system described above 2 Public mobile service via multisatellite systems see item in Table 2 2-1 above Conventional dual-function central office and PBX switching Requires combined use with synchronous digital hierarchy SDH or DS- n transmission items to realize benefits Survivable communications among command centers depots transportation facilities industrial centers necessary for WMD operations SDH and DS- n transmission for service restoration Flexible programmable variable bit rate multimedia for local area network LAN metropolitan area and wide-area networks MAN WANs Public capabilities exceed most military requirements Bandwidth required for WMD is less than commercial networks provide Support for multi-phenomena widearea array sensors as they become available survivability adjuncts to transmission items above Less efficient and flexible conventional switching and multiplexing II-2-14 SECTION 2 3--INFORMATION PROCESSING OVERVIEW Information Processing IP is an IS functional area to which computers peripherals servers end-user or terminal equipment such as displays keyboards and other devices are normally assigned Operating system application and utility software are also considered elements of the IP functional area This section discusses many of these technologies consisting mainly of computer software and hardware The following are among an extensive list of IP-based commercial capabilities with WMD application o Computer-aided design CAD software hardware suite and complex system engineering and integration tools o A rich variety of IS design performance and environmental modeling simulation test and evaluation products o On-line Analytical Processing OLAP o Streamlined object-oriented programming reusable programs classes and objects fourth-generation languages and intelligent database management system development modification products o Conventional and advanced multimedia acoustic voice graphics imagery video tactile and haptic user-friendly human interfaces o High-performance virtual reality and other home entertainment products o Mature hardware and software products supporting client server distributed processing and database system architectures and o Data Warehousing In examining the role of commercial technology in WMD applications it is necessary to understand DoD's overall acquisition policy Section 2501 of Title 42 of the Defense Appropriations Act for 1993 declares It is the policy of the Congress that the United States attain its national technology and industrial base objectives through acquisition policy reforms that have the following objectives o Relying to the maximum extent practical upon commercial national technology and industrial base that is required to meet the national security needs of the United States Highlights o o o In view of the rapid pace of commercial technology development the performance of COTS information processing technology is generally far superior to military standard counterparts COTS information-processing design development test and evaluation tools facilitate adaptation and upgrade of older military and commercial information systems delivery systems and other WMD elements Extraordinary performance growth in ever smaller lighter lower power packaging makes the introduction of powerful IP products possible and greatly augments survivable transportable command centers o Reducing the reliance of the Department of Defense on technology and industrial base sectors that are economically dependent on Department of Defense business and o Reducing Federal Government barriers to the use of commercial products processes and standards The implication is that through such policy initiatives the proliferator seeking to acquire IS can become aware of a wider array of choices Just as there is a need to plan for failure or destruction of switching centers in the Information Exchange IS functional area availability of WMD IP functions ideally must not depend on the survivability of a small number of high-value informationprocessing centers Insurance airline reservation and other industry segments have developed a wide variety of fail-safe redundancy and back-up technologies including disaster recovery techniques and plans that can easily be adopted with great advantage for WMD missions II-2-15 RATIONALE Although COTS capabilities are intrinsically capable of supporting WMD missions constructing automated strike planing damage assessment battle management sensor and intelligence data fusion modeling and simulation weapon inventory and control and numerous other IP functional capabilities requires significant customization However there is no question that COTS design development test and evaluation technologies outlined above which are available on the open market facilitate the adaptation and technology infusion or upgrade of older military and commercial IS delivery system and other WMD elements Inasmuch as COTS technology transfer to the WMD Information System baseline capabilities does not involve composite material fuel processing propulsion system weapon payload integration and similar structural and mechanical dependencies much can be accomplished at reasonable levels of effort and within aggressive schedules by rogue countries such as Iran Iraq North Korea and others COTS products such as Internet and Intranet capabilities distributed computing environments DCE client-server structures on-line analytical processing OLAP on-line transaction processing OLTP an ever-growing family of enterprise software developments and other commercial developments offer tremendous potential in streamlining and enhancing WMD and conventional warfare operations Multimedia personal power-computers are of particular significance for conflict situations in which transportability and information-supported weapons e g remotely piloted vehicles are crucial to mission success High-performance laptop PCs can be conveniently taken to temporary maintenance and repair depots flight decks launch vehicles and battlefields Slightly larger suitcase-size packaging augmented with survivable communications and GPS capabilities extends information-based war-fighting potential even further At desktop workstation capability levels it is possible today to achieve in singlevan transportable command centers what 10 years ago demanded a convoy of vans and support vehicles This advancement reflects increased IP performance and reliability all accomplished with greatly reduced computer processor and peripheral size weight volume power consumption and consequently scaled-down prime power and environmental control support facilities Tables 2 3-1 and 2 3-2 list specific IP capabilities with WMD relevance FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT The third column of Figure 2 0-2 contains a comparative representation of foreign technology assessments for the IP Functional Area by country and for subnational groups The IP capability profiles of most countries are similar to their Information Communications and Information Exchange capabilities There are however some significant exceptions India and Iran are assessed as having IP capabilities greater than those in both their Information Communications and Exchange functional areas Iraq's IP capabilities exceed their Information Systems Management and Control and Information Systems Facilities Japan North Korea and Pakistan have IP capabilities that exceed their Information Communications and Exchange functional areas Only Australia South Africa and Switzerland are assessed as having IP capabilities that are less than their Information Communications and Exchange functional areas Some of the country capability assessments that appear in Figure 2 0-2 may be conservative because the IP capabilities in almost all countries are growing so rapidly due in large part to the rapid expansion of the Internet IP technology status statistics by country are difficult to locate however some indication of various country's capabilities were revealed by a recent world survey of the Internet host and PC populations This survey reported that Finland with a population of 4 million has the world's largest Internet host density with 535 per 1 000 population The United States still leads the world in PC density with 390 PCs per 1 000 population however Denmark Norway and Switzerland are close behind the United States in PC densities with more PCs per 1 000 than Japan Germany the UK and Canada Software is changing the economic and military balances in the world There is an accelerating intellectual capital transfer of software development know-how now in progress through the Internet Intellectual capital transfer takes place through aggressive computer hardware and software marketing conferences trade journals and technical literature on software development and through the graduates of colleges and universities which teach IP skills and abilities in the United States and other countries IP know-how transfer also takes place in personnel transfers overseas and training conducted by U S multinational companies However the United States still currently leads and is forecast to continue to lead the world in software innovation the development of large complex systems and in system engineering and integration through at least the year 2005 or 2010 The United States has sustained its lead in computer hardware because it enjoys superior microprocessor design and fabrication capabilities See Sections 5 and 10 in Part I of the 1996 MCTL The United States is having a great deal of software developed by foreign nationals either within their own country or as part of a team in the United States For example communications software is being developed in India by a subsidiary of a U S communications company In another case a critical DoD system being developed under contract in the United States has Russian nationals on the development team Software developed today is so complex that any programmer s could put in viruses Trojan horses back doors and time bombs that could go undetected all the way through installation particularly if there is a cooperative group effort II-2-16 Table 2 3-1 Information Processing Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Distributed computing environment DCE and client-server architectures and structures Enterprise-wide compatible information processing functions preferably with platform independent WEB Internet multimedia plug-in and human interface compatibility CCL EAR 99 None Identified None Identified Proliferators have the ability to use COTS products in industrystandard applications Engineering and integration capabilities to adapt COTS products to WMD military DCE environments if not indigenous are readily available on the open market On-line analytical processing OLAP and supporting data bases Using hierarchically orgaCCL EAR 99 nized n-dimensional databases designed for live ad hoc data access and analysis including consolidation drill down vector arithmetic definable complex variables time-series data handling and other capabilities that reduce database size yield orders-of-magnitude improvement in query response time and make possible real-time data analyses not possible with conventional designs None Identified None Identified Proliferators have the ability to use COTS products in industrystandard applications Engineering and integration capabilities to adapt COTS products to WMD military OLAP environments if not indigenous are readily available on the open market Object oriented technologies OOTs Incorporating class subclass inheritance encapsulation abstraction and other capabilities such as higher quality software and database products lower cost and faster development easier maintenance and upgrade and reduced lifecycle cost None Identified None identified Proliferators have the ability to use COTS products in industrystandard applications Engineering and integration capabilities to adapt COTS products to WMD military OOTS environments if not indigenous are readily available on the open market CCL EAR 99 cont'd II-2-17 Table 2 3-1 Information Processing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters On-line transaction processing OLTP with supporting databases Supports object-oriented CCL EAR 99 relational databases and intelligent database management systems to facilitate high volume creation updating and retrieval of individual records None Identified None Identified Proliferators have the ability to use COTS products in industrystandard applications Engineering and integration capabilities to adapt COTS products to WMD military OLTP environments if not indigenous are readily available on the open market Data Warehousing Transforming data into useful CCL EAR 99 and reliable information that supports enterprise decisionmaking through analytical processing capabilities and applications such as point-intime data analysis trend analysis and data mining None Identified None Identified Proliferators have the ability to use COTS products in industrystandard applications Engineering and integration capabilities to adapt COTS products to WMD military data warehousing environments if not indigenous are readily available on the open market Data compression and signal processing technologies Minimizing bandwidth and CCL EAR 99 storage requirements for voice data facsimile and other imagery and video information implementing optimum matched filter communications components and enhancing imagery and facilitating pattern recognition and target detection None Identified None Identified Proliferators have the ability to use COTS products in industrystandard applications Engineering and integration capabilities to adapt COTS products to WMD military data compression and signal processing environments if not indigenous are readily available on the open market None Identified None Identified Proliferators have the ability to use COTS products in industrystandard applications Modeling prediction and Supporting product design simulation technologies and development training and evaluation and enterprise and battlefield planning and decision-making CCL EAR 99 cont'd II-2-18 Table 2 3-1 Information Processing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Computer-based training distance learning and group decision support system GDSS Sufficient Technology Level Terminal server network teleconferencing technologies incorporating explicit and implicit hypermedia navigation natural language processing voice recognition a variety of search engines an array of personmachine interfaces and other technologies Export Control Reference CCL EAR 99 Critical Materials None Identified II-2-19 Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment None Identified Unique Software and Parameters Proliferators have the ability to use COTS products in industrystandard applications Engineering and integration capabilities to adapt COTS products to WMD military GDSS environments if not indigenous are readily available on the open market Table 2 3-2 Information Processing Reference Data Technology Distributed computing environment DCE and client-server architectures and structures Technical Issues Military Applications Highly efficient enterprise-wide information-processing functions preferably with platform independent WEB Internet multimedia plug-in and human interface compatibility COTS technology exceeds C2I requirements but modification adaptation and extension may be required to support specific military applications Enhanced distributed survivable intelligence and sensor data fusion decision support strike and re-strike planning strike and damage assessment micro-meteorological and other modeling and simulation Alternative Technologies Less efficient hardware and software On-line analytical processing Substantial development may be OLAP and supporting databases required to adapt military databases and procedures to secure the benefits of this technology Military logistic and other warfare Less efficient hardware and planning and decision support software Particularly applicable for strike and re-strike planning strike and damage assessment in time-constrained hotconflict scenarios Object-oriented technologies OOTs Substantial development may be required to adapt military databases and procedures to secure the benefits of this technology Enhanced distributed survivable C2I information systems On-line transaction processing OLTP with supporting databases Substantial development may be required to adapt military databases and procedures to secure the benefits of this technology Military logistic and other warfare Less efficient hardware and planning and decision support software Particularly applicable for strike and re-strike planning strike and damage assessment in time-constrained hotconflict scenarios Data Warehousing Substantial development may be required to adapt military databases and procedures to secure the benefits of this technology Military logistic and other warfare Less efficient hardware and planning and decision support software Particularly applicable for strike and re-strike planning strike and damage assessment in time-constrained hotconflict scenarios Data compression and signal processing technologies Some development may be required to Enhanced distributed survivable C2I adapt military databases and IS systems procedures to secure the benefits of this technology Less efficient hardware and software Modeling prediction and simulation techniques Some development may be required to Enhanced distributed survivable C2I adapt military databases and IS systems and decision-making procedures to secure the benefits of this technology Less efficient hardware and software Computer-based training distance learning and group decision support system GDSS Some development may be required to Enhanced distributed survivable C2I adapt military databases and IS systems and decision-making procedures to secure the benefits of this technology Less efficient hardware and software II-2-20 Less efficient hardware and software SECTION 2 4--INFORMATION SECURITY OVERVIEW Technologies in the Information Security INFOSEC Functional Area are those designed to safeguard information privacy or secrecy and to ensure information integrity Encryption scrambling protected wire and steganographic techniques are used to protect the privacy and secrecy of data at or en route among information processing or storage nodes Hash functions protect information integrity by alerting owners to data manipulation or tampering This section deals principally with information in electromagnetic format contained within electronic or photonic devices or en route over suitable media Physical access control capabilities are included to the extent that they provide protection against attacks intended to illegally acquire information and not merely to physically destroy the facilities in which it resides Protecting information while it resides in processing storage server and interface terminal nodes--yet making it readily available to authorized users--is accomplished with access control authentication non-repudiation and electronic signature techniques All of what has come to be known as trusted system INFOSEC capabilities can be used by proliferators The cost of trusted systems and other associated COTS INFOSEC products is comparatively small and within the reach of most proliferators Associated COTS INFOSEC systems that might be used by proliferators for their trusted systems are standard physical and electronic access limiting techniques Unique badges or cards which include name picture individual personal identification numbers PINs other identification numbers and passwords are in this category Of Operations Security OPSEC interest are advanced local and remote identification and authentication mechanisms In this latter category are thermogram hand or eye scanning voice printing keyboard rhythm fingerprint signature dynamics and other biometric technologies Today there are quality COTS INFOSEC products of such strength that effective communications and signal intelligence countermeasure operations against them are practicable only for government agencies or other large well-funded organizations Readily available COTS secure communication products include line and trunk encryption devices secure voice and data end-instruments encrypted common channel and per-channel signaling systems and a rich variety of encryption software The availability of powerful and effective INFOSEC products and techniques does not guarantee that any country's computer-dependent enterprise infrastructures are invulnerable In fact many of today's computer-dependent utilities such as Highlights o Commercial INFOSEC products are available on world markets with capabilities deemed adequate for WMD operations o Significant progress is being made toward open market-based INFOSEC development of public-private key architectures related standards and the functional specification of certification authority structures telecommunications systems and electrical power systems as well as financial services systems and other civilian and military systems are known to have been penetrated by competent hackers Well-funded adversarial government or industrial espionage activities pose an even greater threat to these systems Many infrastructure systems are vulnerable not because they cannot be protected using available COTS products and techniques but because risk-benefit analyses are not persuasive Due to their perception of the threat decision-makers accept the risk rather than bear the attendant investment costs operating efficiency losses and timeconsuming access restrictions associated with protecting their systems A knowledgeable proliferator intent on achieving surprise or concealing its identity may be expected to be willing to pay the price of strong INFOSEC New and more capable INFOSEC capabilities and techniques continue to appear in both commercial and military environments And certainly potential proliferants have ready access to commercial technologies to implement whatever level of security they deem necessary to protect their WMD warfare operations Commercial technology developments that promise to augment today's capabilities and allow WMD proliferators to implement even higher levels of information security are outlined below The use of fiber-optic cable even in the absence of encryption greatly complicates the old-fashioned wire-tapping procedure Intrusion-resistant fiber cable makes undetected eavesdropping almost impossible Similarly common-channel signaling II-2-21 defeats automated in-channel search-on-number intercept techniques since signaling and subscriber traffic take different signal paths Proliferants able to use commercial fiber-optic systems would realize these benefits Perhaps the most significant open market-based INFOSEC development is the progress made towards the adoption of public key cryptography and protocols related standards and the establishment of certification authority structures As improved standards and overall architectures emerge there appears to be more than an adequate supply of scientific and professional competence available for assistance in the development and integration of systems of whatever strength proliferators require from algorithm and protocol development to encryption and key management The financial services industry's interest and the intense interest of business in electronic commerce on the Internet have accelerated development of commercial tools and technologies with broad WMD application Among them are means to protect while selling intellectual property rights safeguard databases restrict access prevent false repudiation safely transfer funds and execute binding contracts electronically as well as numerous other secure capabilities RATIONALE Because all businessmen and government decision-makers have not implemented measures to correct vulnerabilities in many of today's nonmilitary systems the opinion is often advanced that commercial capabilities are unsuited for military applications and their importance to WMD warfighting is minimized It is unlikely that these arguments will persuade astute WMD proliferators who are free to convert commercial INFOSEC products normally used to protect civilian dual-use information systems to WMD use Virtually all commercial INFOSEC capabilities have direct WMD application for weapon storage custody and release as well as other military command and control operations In conducting successful nonattributable WMD attacks covertness is mandatory In such situations even the appearance of encrypted traffic may compromise missions by tagging information A proliferator may avoid encryption altogether using one-time codes and steganographically concealed messages buried in innocuous text or bitmapped images to prevent adversaries from intercepting intelligible data This ancient coding method is ideal in high-volume traffic voice and Internet-type data networks Steganography is within the reach of all proliferators Even prisoners with no equipment but their minds have developed essentially undetectable means of transmitting embedded decoding templates with the concealed messages A complementary approach for maintaining secrecy and covertness involves the use of secure intrusion-resistant low probability of detection and interception communications technologies Of course if a WMD or conventional attack strategy critically depends on the element of surprise overt encryption using any of the commercial technologies remains an option FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Complete INFOSEC and OPSEC technical data appears in open source U S and foreign trade journals and technical literature and also can be obtained from vendors Cryptographic systems are widely available A Russian vendor will deliver a complete package with a 2-year service provision to anyone and Sun is fielding a whole suite of strong cryptographic products supplied by a Russian manufacturer for their customers anywhere in the world National and international export regulations can be circumvented in those countries that prohibit the export of robust information security systems including strong cryptography In addition there are now many countries that have at least a limited capability to produce or at least use robust information security products The Information Security Functional Area column of Figure 2 0-2 contains a foreign technology assessment by country and for subnational groups One-third of the countries assessed have capabilities in all INFOSEC Functional Area technologies Australia Canada France Germany the UK and the United States are the world INFOSEC technology leaders Denmark Finland India Israel Japan Norway Russia South Korea Sweden Switzerland and Taiwan are close behind the leaders Iran and North Korea are believed to have all essential INFOSEC functional area capabilities Most countries and subnational groups have at least a limited INFOSEC technology capability A limited capability includes the ability to use INFOSEC products obtained on the world market with little or no direct technical support from the manufacturers Note that Libya Vietnam and the subnationals are among those credited with a limited INFOSEC technology capability and all of them should be able to purchase robust INFOSEC systems which are comparatively inexpensive See Section 2 3 page II-2-16 for a description of COTS software vulnerability II-2-22 Table 2 4-1 Information Security Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Commercial trunk and line encryption system hardware and software Technologies and products that provide strong link encryption for networks enduser-to-end-user encryption and encryption for voice imagery video text files and data all of which could be adapted for C2I WA Cat 5A P2 None Identified CCL Cat 5A P2 WA ML 11 USML XI None Identified None Identified One-time operational codes or commercial software steganographic encoding techniques Proven COTS products are available for concealing messages in innocuous text or bit-mapped images to transmit covert low probability of detection and interception politico-military messages May be used in conjunction with other security measures by any but lowest level proliferant WA Cat 5A P2 None Identified CCL Cat 5A P2 WA ML 11 USML XI None Identified None Identified Trusted systems to protect data processing and other information systems resources Proven COTS products are available which include encryption and hash algorithms certification authorities and key management and distribution Multi-level access control mechanisms including resource segmentation and combined use of unique badges or cards and local and remote personal identification numbers passwords thermogram hand or eye scanning voice printing keyboard rhythm fingerprint signature dynamics and other biometric technologies WA Cat 5A P2 None Identified CCL Cat 5A P2 WA ML 11 USML XI None Identified Pattern recognition algorithms and programs for analysis of biometric features II-2-23 Table 2 4-2 Information Security Reference Data Military Applications Alternative Technologies Commercial trunk and line encryption system hardware and software Technology Traffic is susceptible to decryption and spoofing by defending countries with intelligence and information warfare infrastructures The time scales of WMD operations are typically very short relative to the protection provided by commercial encryption Technical Issues Secure C2I communications for concealing intent during the preparation phase of WMD operations and achieving surprise controlling force application and obtaining rapid damage assessment in the execution phase of WMD operations Wealthy adversaries may choose from a variety of strong COTS technologies and products poorer adversaries and terrorists may find inexpensive COTS that will provide adequate security One-time operational codes or commercial software Traffic is susceptible to decryption and spoofing by defending countries with intelligence and information warfare infrastructures Secure C2I communications for concealing intent during the planning and preparation phase of WMD operations and achieving surprise controlling force application and obtaining rapid damage assessment in the execution phase of WMD operations None except for low probability of interception and detection radio transmission techniques Trusted systems to protect data processing and other information systems resources COTS equipment exceeds requirements for the WMD planning and preparation phase but substantial customized modification may be required to provide a secure end-toend military system Secure C2I communications for concealing intent during the planning and preparation phase of WMD operations and achieving surprise controlling force application and obtaining rapid damage assessment in the execution phase of WMD operations Less efficient and less expensive 3rd generation COTS hardware and software applications are widely available An alternate to trusted systems and products for a minimum WMD capability might be personal recognition and trusted couriers II-2-24 SECTION 2 5--INFORMATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OVERVIEW Information System Management and Control IM C is the IS Functional Area capability for planning organizing designing optimizing engineering implementing provisioning monitoring directing controlling and accounting for IS activities and resources Here controlling is understood to subsume operations maintenance configuration and change management and security Within the military IS IM C is but one element of mission-level Command Control and Intelligence functional capabilities With inadequate IM C capabilities a WMD proliferator would have difficulty in rapidly converting civilian telecommunications complex Information Systems to military use or in taking advantage of the survivability Information Systems are able to furnish This section addresses IS technologies necessary to control normal operations and service provision while achieving reliability availability fault isolation service restoration and survivability objectives As an example of an advanced IM C capability consider today's software defined or virtual private telecommunications networks SDN VPNs in which traffic is routed through networks under the control of computers residing in network control points or operations centers NCP NOCs These computers are connected to remote stored program-controlled switching and multiplexing equipment using common-channel signaling CCS networks The computers and associated databases containing a subscriber's unique VPN information screen every call and apply call-processing control in accordance with customer-defined requirements The IM C capabilities implemented in an NCP NOC not only control normal call-processing and routing but they monitor and manage virtually every aspect of a network Of particular interest to WMD operations NOCs are the management and control means by which the extraordinary survivability features of SDH SONET bidirectional line-switched rings BLSRs are realized Highly survivable operations if needed for some WMD missions can be realized through the combination of fiber-optic and other media Information Communications functional area capabilities flexible and programmable switching and multiplexing Information Exchange functional area capabilities and importantly computer database and software IM C functional area capabilities Thus commercial hardware and software product technologies implementing IM C capabilities can be central to any proliferant's successful adaptation of commercial public telephone networks for WMD military purposes Highlights o With inadequate Information System Management and Control capabilities no WMD proliferator can rapidly convert civil telecommunications or other complex IS systems to military use o Information Systems Management and Control functional area capabilities are of seminal importance to both normal day-to-day and stressed-mode complex system operations o As information systems grow add more components more functions and more users IS Management and Control itself becomes more difficult and complex yet increasingly crucial The increasing importance of IM C to telecommunications and other complex Information Systems is due to many worldwide trends In the past data processing was usually accomplished within mainframes in a relatively small number of large centralized processing sites In the telecommunications arena networks supported limited sets of services derived from a relatively small set of basic technologies using equipment from only a few vendors Today divestiture deregulation privatization overseas and rapid technological expansion and competition has resulted in significant growth in the number of private and public telecommunications networks These networks support numerous services and are derived from a wide variety of network elements NEs with equipment supplied by hundreds of manufacturers To cope with added functional complexity and reduce manpower requirements network operators are placing more processors in voice communications networks VCNs Analogously advances in microprocessors technology and the corresponding trend away from centralized-mainframe designs has spawned a large number of data communications networks DCNs now connecting distributed processors in client server configurations In both cases the result is that networks are more complex and more software driven than ever II-2-25 Not surprisingly as information systems proliferate add more components more functions and more users IS management itself becomes more difficult and complex yet increasingly crucial The fast growing cellular telephone industry adds new dimensions to telecommunications management particularly for roaming applications where one carriers' subscribers must be recognized and served by other carrier's networks In the United States divestiture has meant that many end-to-end connections require services and or facilities from two different local exchange carriers LECs one or more interexchange carriers IXCs or backbone networks and often two local area networks comprising customer premises equipment CPE from a variety of manufacturers Overseas similar situations exist among interconnected pan-European national networks and within countries where privatization has given rise to a variety of alternative service providers Effective integrated IM C in this environment is difficult to achieve but may be far simpler in third-world countries where rebuilding homogeneous nationwide networks from the ground up may be feasible Since the IS product environment worldwide is heterogeneous practical longterm and end-to-end e g systems including customer-owned and carrier or other service provider-based common-user information systems effective IM C approaches must be based on standards and a common evolving agent process manager process paradigm Relevant standards include the International Telecommunications Union ITU Telecommunications System Sector TSS M30X0 Telecommunications Management Network series the International Standards Organization ISO Common Management Information Protocol CMIP and several subsidiary standards the Internet Activities Board Simple Management Network Protocol SMNP and the Institute of Electronics Engineers IEEE local and metropolitan area network standard entitled LAN MAN Management To achieve the rapid fault isolation and service restoration leading to ultra-high availability and militarily acceptable levels of survivability standards must be implemented in appropriate network elements and arranged in architectures with designedin performance monitoring fault isolation and excess traffic processing storage capacity and disaster recovery back-up resources that can be quickly reallocated to compensate for intentional man-made or naturally occurring damage or failure In public networks this means stored program central office tandem and digital cross-connect switching multiplexing router and server equipment telecommunication management networks TMNs i e data communication networks designed to exchange management information but logically separate from managed networks broadband fiber-optic Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SONET SDH SONET -based backbone transmission and alternate multimedia communications e g broadband satellite and satellite or terrestrial based mobile communications An advanced signaling system such as the ITU-TSS Signaling System # 7 SS # 7--AT T and Bellcore versions are commonly referred to as CCS 7 and SS 7 respectively plays an important role in normal and degraded-mode military operations of advanced telecommunications system For example during the Cold War era COCOM permitted the export of SS # 7-capable switching hardware but restricted export of SS # 7 itself Figure 2 5-1 summarizes IM C dimensions i e the functions managed entities and domains implied in the above discussion In the figure IM C functions are divided into technical and business government military categories with only key subfunctions illustrated Managed entities are grouped under IS Services IS Networks and IS Elements categories again with only partial subcategory illustrations Finally the dedicated-facilities and common user management domains are shown RATIONALE Figure 2 5-1 graphically demonstrates the challenges involved in creating either end-to-end integrated management and control systems or achieving the goal of open IM C systems However as noted in third-world countries where upgrading essentially allows designers to start with a clean slate military information systems can be built upon homogeneous or even single-vendor common-user commercial systems These systems can easily be more survivable than dedicated special purpose alternatives built from equipment made to military specifications The reason is twofold First civil information systems generate revenue only when operational As a consequence the profit motivation for high availability minimum downtime and immunity to failures and accidental cable cuts is paramount Second although it is possible to design excess capacity into military systems to account for losses in warfare capacity requirements sufficient to handle peacetime civilian requirements are generally orders of magnitude larger than any justifiable military overbuild design requirements To illustrate these advantages consider the Autovon military network It was once regarded as the preeminent survivable voice network with 55 U S switch centers Today civil requirements have resulted in switch numbers and capacities dwarfing old Autovon military requirements As a consequence the most survivable military IS designs are those based on the ability to make optimal use of civil systems by placing them at the disposal of military users This is especially true of commercial technologies embodying the most effective IM C mechanisms to circumvent outages caused by natural disasters and irreducible component failures Tables 2 5-1 and 2 5-2 illustrate specific technology capabilities with WMD significance II-2-26 FUNCTIONS BUSINESS GOVERNMENT MILITARY D S ed o L yst ica o o em ted o W Me cal s t id rop e- o Ar lita ea n IS NETWORKS IS ELEMENTS C Sy om o st m o M Loc em ono W e al s Us er t id rop e- o Ar lita ea n o Reliability Availability Survivability o Capacity Traffic Management o Engineering and Integration TECHNICAL IS SERVICES o Financial o Service-Level Arrangements o o o o o CMIP Functions Fault Management Performance Management Configuration Management Security Management Accounting Management MANAGEMENT DOMAIN Voice Data Video Distributed Processing Directory Security Circuit-Switched Packet-Switched Transmission ATM-SONET-SDH Based Switches Multiplexers Modems Mainframes Servers PCs Workstations Computer Program Components Databases Communications Protocols Human Interfaces etc MANAGED ENTITIES OBJECTS Figure 2 5-1 Information Systems Management and Control FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT The Information Systems Management and Control IM C column in Figure 2 0-2 shows the comparative IM C capabilities of 32 countries and a representative assessment for subnational groups Only one-third of those listed have all IM C Functional Area capabilities because this is a large complex functional area consisting of 11 elements that include the capability for planning organizing designing optimizing engineering implementing provisioning monitoring directing controlling operations maintenance configuration and change management and accounting for IM C activities and resources Countries with strong capabilities in all IM C technologies are the world Information Systems leaders or host divisions of multinational companies which have installed much of the world's information systems telecommunications base The world's IM C leaders are Canada France the UK and the United States In contrast Iran Iraq Libya North Korea and the subnationals are among those countries that have only limited if any IM C capabilities An ambitious WMD proliferator would need strong capabilities in all IM C technologies to rapidly convert civilian telecommunications and the other complex information systems functional area technologies to military use and take advantage of the extraordinary survivability modern systems could provide for WMD operations A minimal proliferator that does not intend to conduct sustained or sophisticated WMD operations might not benefit from the possession of IM C technologies II-2-27 Table 2 5-1 Information Systems Management and Control Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Logically and or physically separate signaling and Telecommunications Management Network TMN Encrypted networks that WA Cat 5A P2 None Identified support normal network oper- CCL Cat 5A P2 ations and service offerings specially designed to implement real-time management via ATM dynamic autonomous reconfigurability at all levels of service intelligent fault recovery seamless support to broadcast and multilevel multi-user point-topoint data communications services hybrid real-time non-real-time distributed computing environments incorporating mobile assets automated data distribution and control from multiple sources Can monitor and manage virtually every aspect of the network during normal and degraded conditions Specially designed commercially available management systems that allow for self test Operating systems and network management software incorporating hierarchical multilevel security intelligent agents for distributed computing environment monitoring work load allocation and dynamic configuration management Combined network control point operations center NCP NOC Programmable computerbased facilities for managing and controlling switching multiplexing communications and other network operations WA Cat 5A P1 None Identified CCL Cat 5A P1 None Identified Vendor-specific NCP NOC software Automated system management system SMS hardware and software Monitors performance detecting isolating and diagnosing failures rapidly accomplishing restoration and reprovisioning CCL EAR 99 None Identified Vendor-specific SMS software None Identified cont'd II-2-28 Table 2 5-1 Information Systems Management and Control Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters SMS and network element hardware and software Implementing evolving TMN CCL EAR 99 and CMIP SNMP manager process agent process paradigm-based protocols and object-oriented management information base MIB architectures models standards and interfaces None Identified None Identified Operating system and network management software incorporating hierarchical multi-level security intelligent agents for distributed computing environment monitoring work load allocation and dynamic configuration management Customer or integrated network management systems CNM INMS Providing end-to-end global unified network management of an entire enterprise network CCL EAR 99 None Identified None Identified Evolving network management software incorporating html browser technology Signaling System SS 7 Implementing SS # 7-based encrypted common channel signaling WA Cat 5A P2 None Identified CCL Cat 5A P2 None Identified SMS proprietary software to implement SS # 7 II-2-29 Table 2 5-2 Information Systems Management and Control Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Logically and or physically separate signaling and Telecommunications Management Network TMN Proprietary products are available within so-called Intelligent Networks but not implemented to the same extent by all commercial telephone companies or PTTs While the TMN model enjoys nearly universal endorsement telco carriers and equipment are only making slow progress towards adopting and implementing national or world-wide standards Highly efficient highly survivable rapidly reconfigurable and reconstitutable C2I information systems operations Earlier generation hardware and software Combined network control point operations center NCP NOC Proprietary products are implemented in modern telephone companies and used to render their flagship software defined virtual private network SDN VPN service offerings Highly efficient highly survivable rapidly reconfigurable and reconstitutable C2I information systems operations Earlier generation hardware and software Automated system management system SMS hardware and software Proprietary products for failure detection and recovery Highly efficient highly survivable rapidly reconfigurable and reconstitutable C2I information systems operations Earlier generation hardware and software SMS and network element hardware and software Proprietary products are available and used separately in local and longdistance exchange carrier and customer-owned network domains Highly efficient highly survivable rapidly reconfigurable and reconstitutable C2I information systems operations Earlier generation hardware and software Customer or integrated network management systems CNM INMS Proprietary products are available and used separately in local and longdistance exchange carrier and customer-owned network domains An SMNP open systems based industry consensus is emerging Highly efficient highly survivable rapidly reconfigurable and reconstitutable C2I information systems operations Earlier generation hardware and software Signaling System 7 None Highly efficient highly survivable rapidly reconfigurable and reconstitutable C2I information systems operations Earlier generation hardware and software II-2-30 SECTION 2 6--INFORMATION SYSTEMS FACILITIES OVERVIEW Information Systems Facilities is the Functional Area encompassing any or all of the following capabilities exterior physical shelter and interior room equipment and other IS support structures prime power generation and or co-generation power conditioning environmental heating ventilation and air-conditioning HVAC chemical and biological filtration and protection electromagnetic pulse protection tempest shielding radiation protection and human habitation and life-support accommodations Clearly not all of these capabilities are required for every instance of military operations Physical shelters may be fixed or transportable in ground mobile airborne or shipborne configurations They may support manned command control and intelligence centers manned information processing or communications centers or unattended IS resources Civil IS shelters typically may not involve sleeping quarters or other overnight accommodations but instead merely provide facilities housing IS equipment and personnel in common office work environments Where nuclear weapons are involved the Cold War era taught that under determined attack there is no such thing as a survivable fixed command center or IS operations building Not even so-called deep underground command centers regardless of cost could be certified as survivable As a consequence in military WMD scenarios in which long-term survivability is mandatory mobile facilities are the only viable option From a U S perspective preparation for global nuclear warfare beginning with the World-Wide Military Command and Control System WWMCCS program in the 1970's led to the investment of billions of dollars in military mobile command surveillance and IS center technology The airborne command center the Airborne Warning and Command System AWACs and the Ground Mobile Command Center GMCC are illustrative developments For tactical scenarios the Tri-Tac program developed a wide variety of mobile transportable voice and data switching communications satellite and terrestrial terminals and various IS processing center products to support moving battlefield theater locations In Europe the Deutsche-Bundespost placed cable hocks within civilian telecommunications networks permitting mobile switching and multiplexing gear to be connected with surviving transmission media to restore service interrupted by intentional or collateral wartime damage By the late 1980's enormous advances in microprocessor-based computer power coupled with dramatic reductions in space weight and prime power consumption made possible installation in a single rack those IS capabilities which previously required an 18-wheel tractor-trailer Highlights o o o Older military or commercial high technology highly survivable transportable mobile information systems facility capabilities are readily available to proliferants Advances in processing power coupled with dramatic reductions in space weight and power consumption allow information systems capabilities to be packaged in much smaller volumes In many cases the total cost per transportable information systems facility may be an order of magnitude less than the cost of a single precision-guided conventional weapon Due to these advances the trend towards transportable IS facilities accelerated in the 1990's Today satellite terminals able to operate in military or civilian bands are encased in suitcases COTS office in suitcase products incorporate multimedia telecommunications position location and rich varieties of distributed computing environment data processing functions Worldwide many commercial telecommunications carriers inventory central office tandem and dual-function switches cellular PCS base-station digital loop carrier DLC and other capabilities in transportable mobile configurations Alternatively with broadband fiber-optic transmission traffic can be affordability back-hauled great distances to remotely restore damaged or otherwise failed switching multiplexing DLC or other functions Because so many commercial enterprises now literally depend upon continuous telecommunications and data processing operations and because downtimes of even 15 minutes can have catastrophic revenue and profit consequences many businesses have elaborate internal or third-party contract-based disaster recovery IS capabilities All of the above IS technology capabilities are known to potential WMD proliferants and available on world markets Thus the possibility that WMD proliferants will be able to use transportable or mobile IS facilities to mount highly survivable offensives must be fully accounted for in planning by U S or allied forces II-2-31 RATIONALE FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT The relevance of older military or commercial high-technology highly survivable IS facility capabilities in WMD warfare is evident from the above discussion Should a WMD proliferator possess only fixed IS and support facilities U S and allied precision-guided and other conventional weapons can be effective In future WMD and other conflicts we may find that adversaries have deployed or can deploy transportable or mobile IS facilities Ominously in many cases the total cost per transportable IS facility may be an order of magnitude less than the costs of a single precision-guided conventional weapon needed to target and destroy such a facility Clearly the wartime utility of high-technology high-survivability IS Facility capabilities by WMD users must be fully understood by U S strategists and planners if effective countermeasures and counter-strike alternatives are to be available See Tables 2 6-1 and 2 6-2 for specific examples of pertinent IS Facility capabilities Sections 3 Biological Weapons Technology 4 Chemical Weapons Technology and 5 Nuclear Weapons Technology present specific technologies that provide personal and shelter-based protection from chemical biological and nuclear weapons effects respectively Note that survivable IS facilities are not required by proliferators with minimal WMD weapon inventories and capabilities or those that perhaps would launch isolated WMD attacks The last column in Figure 2 0-2 contains a foreign technology assessment by country and for subnational groups in the IS Facilities Functional Area Countries with advanced Information Systems and especially those defending against or planning large-scale sustained WMD operations need all of the IS Facilities Functional Area capabilities Only nine of the 32 countries listed have capabilities in all of the technologies in this functional area Like the IM C technologies the IS Facilities Functional Area technologies are found among the world leaders in Information Systems Canada France Germany Japan the UK and the United States Denmark Norway Russia and Sweden also have all IS Facilities Functional Area technologies Several countries have limited IS Facilities Functional Area technologies Iran North Korea and Poland Iraq Libya Vietnam and the subnationals also have limited capabilities in these technologies Proliferants committed to conducting large-scale and sustained WMD warfare need substantial IS Facilities Functional Area capabilities particularly for operations requiring highly survivable transportable and mobile IS capabilities II-2-32 Table 2 6-1 Information Systems Facilities Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Transportable command and force shelters High mobility and WMD WA ML 13 weapon effects protection USML XXI incorporating closed-cycle or specialized air-decontamination capabilities and radiation-hardened to protect limit exposure of internal components to a total dose of 5 x 103 Gy SI or a transient dose of 5 x 106 Gy SI sec None Identified EMI EMP testing None Identified Specially designed tractor-trailer rigs for telecommunications restoration Equipped with central office WA ML 13 and dual function switches USML VII multiplexing and media termination equipment incorporating closed-cycle or specialized air-decontamination capabilities and radiation-hardened to protect limit exposure of internal components to a total dose of 5 x 103 Gy SI or a transient dose of 5 x 106 Gy SI sec able to restore transmission and call center service and rapidly deployable via road rail or air shipment None Identified None Identified None Identified Transportable base stations Provides and with the ability WA ML 13 to rapidly deploy or restore USML XXI terrestrial cellular PCS or SMR service Incorporating closed-cycle or specialized air-decontamination capabilities and radiationhardened to protect limit exposure of internal components to a total dose of 5 x 103 Gy SI or a transient dose of 5 x 106 Gy SI sec None Identified None Identified None Identified The dose rates are expressed in Systeme Internationale d'Unites SI metric units of radiation The gray Gy is a unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation one Gy is an absorbed dose of ionizing radiation equal to one joule per kilogram of absorber The gray replaces the rad One rad 0 01 Gy II-2-33 Table 2 6-2 Information Systems Facilities Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Transportable command and force Degree of ability to withstand bombs shelters missiles or WMD weapons effects Military Applications Alternative Technologies Highly survivable C2I and trans-attack conflict execution operations Use other fixed and mobile assets as available Specially designed tractor-trailer rigs for telecommunications restoration Deployment and activation rates under Highly survivable switching multimilitary conflict situations plexing and multimedia communications capabilities Use other fixed and mobile assets as available Transportable base stations Requires combined use with survivable wireline telco service items to reap maximum benefits Use other fixed and mobile assets as available Survivable home-country and theater of operations communications see additional citations above II-2-34 SECTION BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY SECTION 3--BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 Scope Biological Material Production II-3-9 Stabilization Dissemination and Dispersion II-3-15 Detection Warning and Identification II-3-19 Biological Defense Systems II-3-23 Highlights o o o o BACKGROUND Biological agents are naturally occurring microorganisms bacteria viruses fungi or toxins that can cause disease and death in a target population They can also attack the food supply and or materiel of a nation Biological weapons BW which project disperse or disseminate biological agents have two characteristics that enhance their effectiveness as weapons 1 biological agents other than toxins reproduce and therefore a small amount of infectious agent can cause disease 2 biological agents other than toxins usually require an incubation period of hours to days to manifest signs of exposure so the affected soldier is not certain whether a biological agent attack has occurred until illness sets in The uncertainty can compromise unit cohesion and weaken U S force superiority The United States has forsworn the use of biological weapons and has developed a strategy of offensive strike power by other means coupled with biological defense capability as a suitable deterrent to potential adversaries A nation subnational group or organization or even an individual determined to construct a biological weapon and release the agent can with minimal financial resources and infrastructure produce an effective weapon Small amounts of biological material are sufficient because of the reproductive nature of microorganisms The availability of small amounts of biological organisms including those listed by the Australia Group AG in culture collections provides a major resource for such determined entities All of these stocks are also available from natural sources such as soil samples and infected rodents In addition to naturally occurring organisms genetically modified organisms may be used as biological agents Some organisms exist primarily in repositories and may be used as biological agents Variola Virus It is estimated that between 10 and 10 000 virulent organisms of the AG agents are sufficient to cause illness in one individual The number of organisms required is a function of the specific agent and the means of delivery The delivery of a limited amount of a biological agent might be militarily significant if the agent is released in a contained environment e g a closed building submarine or surface vessel o o Biological weapons are unique because they are made up of pathogenic organisms that can reproduce and cause infection and death in a large number of hosts It takes hours to days for symptoms of exposure to appear Biological weapons are relatively inexpensive to produce All of the equipment used to produce biological agents is dual use with applications in the pharmaceutical food cosmetic and pesticide industries Dissemination and dispersion are key to the effective employment of biological weapons Many toxic organisms are subject to destruction by external forces e g sunlight explosives There are aspects that make biological weapons agents unique and different from all other weapon systems Whereas a subnational group would be required to have a significant infrastructure to develop nuclear devices it would be less complicated to make biological agents Moreover the biological agent could be a strategic and disorganizing threat because of its ability to reproduce and the delayed manifestation of symptoms Those delivering BW could be protected by active or passive immunization or by well-designed protective masks to protect the respiratory system from aerosols the primary delivery mechanism An additional concern is the relative low cost required for the production and the ease of deployment of biological agents by subnational groups and organizations for biomedical pharmaceutical and food production All of the equipment used to produce biological agents is dual use Because biological agents reproduce only small amounts of a starter organism are needed The use of appropriate growth media or nutrients in a cell culture system of 100 liters or of four passes through a 25-liter system can generate sufficient agent to infect numerous targets in a contained area e g subway contained office building Other weapons of mass destruction WMD require the purchase of large amounts of precursor or of fissile material to achieve threat capability The self-generation of the biological agent is a unique element of this WMD II-3-1 Biologically derived toxins also present a threat The recent apprehension in the United States of an individual citizen who produced large quantities of the toxin ricin is an example of the danger related to the production of toxin WMDs by small groups As with other chemical agents the toxins do not reproduce and therefore represent a threat that differs quantitatively from biological agents 1 History of Biological Weapons Crude forms of biological warfare have been employed since 300 B C when the decaying corpses of animals and humans were placed near water and food supplies of adversaries Over the years different diseases including plague and smallpox were used as the agent Catapults were one vehicle for introduction of the infected tissue Other vehicles including blankets have been employed to transmit smallpox to a target population World War I saw the development of biological warfare strategies Cholera and plague were thought to be used in Italy and Russia while anthrax was presumably used to infect animals in Romania A consequence of such events was the 1925 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating Poisonous or Other Gases and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare--known as the Geneva Protocol This protocol banned the use of biological agents in warfare but not research development production or stockpiling of such agents With the advent of World War II rapid developments occurred in biological warfare capability in the United States and other nations In February 1942 the U S National Academy of Sciences established a Biological Warfare Committee chaired by Edwin B Fred of the University of Wisconsin The administration of the biological warfare effort was placed under civilian supervision Dr George Merck directed the advisory group and Ira Baldwin of the University of Wisconsin became the scientific director In 1943 Fort Detrick Maryland became the site of these activities as Camp Detrick In Canada Sir Fredrick Banting Dr J R Collys and Dr Charles Best led the biological warfare capability effort The technologies examined at Fort Detrick included pathogen identification modes of transmission infection detection public health measures containment rapid drying of organisms and packing for delivery In 1969 President Nixon stated that the U S unilaterally renounced biological warfare Biological weapon stockpiles and their associated munitions were destroyed following the preparation of an environmental impact statement and review by both federal and state authorities and the public Low targeting capability the potential for catastrophic outcome on civilian populations and public antipathy to biological weaponry were factors in the renunciation of biological warfare In 1972 there was international agreement to the Convention of the Prohibition of the Development Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons and their Destruction Biological Weapons Convention BWC Concern over USSR compliance with the Convention arose with the sudden outbreak of anthrax cases in Sverdlovsk now Ekaterinenberg in 1979 The early 1980's saw renewed discussion of the utility of biological weapons as strategic weapons For example information became publicly available concerning studies of biological agents in Japan and the studies on the effects of infectious agents on human subjects in Harbin Manchuria during World War II The number of infectious agents used on human populations was about 25 e g plague typhus smallpox tularemia gas gangrene tetanus cholera anthrax tick encephalitis In 1941 the Japanese deployed plague-infected fleas in Hunan Province resulting in the death of several hundred persons The difficulty encountered by the Japanese was the development of an effective delivery system In recent years newly emerging infectious diseases have complicated the picture They include AIDS prion disorders and several hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola These diseases and the possible reduction in immunocompetence have fostered an increased role of the United States and international agencies in monitoring disease outbreaks Several federal agencies in the United States are responsible for the health and protection of the population including military personnel from infectious diseases The civilian agencies include the National Institutes entities that address health care issues of primary importance to the defense community Walter Reed Army Institute of Research United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases USAMRIID and the Naval Medical Research Units 2 Recent Developments Affecting Biological Warfare Capability The introduction of modern biotechnology during the past 25 years has markedly changed the qualitative and quantitative impact that biological warfare or the threat of such warfare can have on military forces and urban communities This new technology provides the potential capability of 1 developing biological agents that have increased virulence and stability after deployment 2 targeting the delivery of organisms to populations 3 protecting personnel against biological agents 4 producing by genetic modification pathogenic organisms from non-pathogenic strains to complicate detection of a biological agent 5 modifying the immune response system of the target population to increase or decrease susceptibility to pathogens and 6 producing sensors based on the detection of unique signature molecules on the surface of biological agents or on the interaction of the genetic materials in such organisms with gene probes The specific technologies used in realizing these capabilities include 1 cell culture or fermentation 2 organism selection 3 encapsulation and coating with straight or crosslinked biopolymers 4 genetic engineering 5 active or passive immunization or treatment with biological response modifiers 6 monoclonal antibody production 7 genome data bases polymerase chain reaction equipment DNA sequencers and the rapid production of gene probes and 8 the capability of linking gene probes and monoclonal antibodies on addressable sites in a reproducible manner New technologies related to biological warfare are emerging rapidly The technology of monoclonal antibody production has existed only since 1975 while the technology of genetic engineering has existed since the 1980's Technology for II-3-2 sequencing the genomes of organisms has changed so dramatically that the rate of sequencing has increased by several orders of magnitude since 1994 All of these reflect the enormous change in information databases and in technology including biotechnology computer equipment processes and networking of research teams Information that will emerge from the human genome effort is likely to increase our understanding of the susceptibilities of different populations to disease and stresses of various sources Such information may increase the proliferation of BW agents particularly in areas with active ethnic rivalries and lead to a new variant of ethnic cleansing The rapid rate of development reflects to some degree the national and international investment in this technology The level of federal spending in the United States in the entire biotechnology area during 1994 approximated 4 billion dollars The private sector invested approximately 7 billion dollars during the same year This investment and the rate of information accrual indicates that biological technology that can be used for peaceful and military purposes is increasing in capability at a rate exceeding most other technologies The pharmaceutical industry is relying on biotechnology for new therapeutic products to improve prophylaxis and therapy for many different diseases and is concerned that these new technologies not fall into the hands of potential adversaries Figure 3 0-1 portrays graphically the explosive growth of applicable biotechnologies The illustration was prepared from a broad field of knowledge and applications which in aggregate are doubling every 18 months Examples of sustained geometric growth include monoclonal antibodies combinatorial chemistry and gene probes which are explained below - Monoclonal Antibodies - In the early 1970's Kohler and Milstein developed a procedure to produce antibodies for a single antigenic epitope An epitope is the region of a molecule that initiates the production of a single antibody species The dimensions of an epitope approximate a surface area 50 x 50 Angstroms These antibodies are called monoclonal antibodies With quality control these antibodies can be produced in gram quantities in a highly reproducible manner and therefore they are suited for industrial uses The industries currently using monoclonal antibodies include medical diagnostics food environmental protection and cosmetics - Combinatorial Chemistry - This is a technique for rapidly synthesizing large numbers of peptides polynucleotides or other low molecular weight materials These materials are synthesized on a solid-state matrix and in an addressable form so that materials of known sequence can be accessed readily The materials can function as receptors pharmaceuticals or sensor elements The technique developed by Merrifield in the 1970's has been essential for the growth of combinatorial chemistry - Gene Probes - These are polynucleotides that are 20-30 units bend under stringent conditions complementory nucleic acid fragments characteristic of biological agents These units provide the basis of rapid detection and identification OVERVIEW This section of the MCTL is concerned with technologies related to the development integration and deployment of biological weapons The infectious organisms discussed are those identified by the AG see Figure 3 0-2 The AG list does not include every known organism that could be used in a biological weapon Toxins will be considered in the biological weapons section consistent with the AG and the BWC of 1972 Several aspects of biological warfare will be covered 1 the identity of the biological organism or toxins 2 equipment and materials necessary for the production containment purification quality control and stabilization of these agents 3 the technologies for the dissemination and dispersion of biological agents 4 equipment for detection warning and identification of biological agents and 5 individual and collective biological defense systems RATIONALE Biological weapons are unique because the effects from pathogenic organisms except toxins are not seen for hours to days after dissemination If adequate detection devices are not available the first indication of a biological weapon attack could be symptoms in target personnel At this point treatment propylaxis and therapy is often ineffective In addition incapacitated troops require tremendous logistical support four or five medical corpsmen and associated personnel for each ill person thus incapacitants may be preferable to lethal agents Also besides deaths caused by infectious agents the psychophysical damage suffered by troops who believe they have been exposed to a biological attack could markedly impair combat functions The perception is almost as significant as the reality The affected soldier is not certain whether a biological attack has occurred and could be psychologically if not physically impaired The biological technology industry is information intensive rather than capital intensive Data on technologies involved in biological production are widely available in the published literature These technologies are dual use with applications in the pharmaceutical food cosmetic and pesticide industries New technologies such as genetic engineering are more likely to affect fabrication weaponization or difficulty of detection than to produce a supergerm of significantly increased pathogenicity II-3-3 Height of line indicates rate of development--time to double 5 yr Arrows show enabling technologies 1940 1960 1950 1 yr 6 Months 1980 1970 1990 2000 Uses Solid State Peptide and Nucleic Acid Synthesis o Pathogen Masking o Detection 1970 Nucleic Acid Probes Vaccines Monoclonal Antibodies Chimeric Monoclonal Antibodies 1972 Sensors DNA Engineering o Sensors Human Genome Pathogen Soldier Selection Active Protection 1982 Pathogen Efficacy 1992 1989 Encapsulation and Stabilization o Robust Toxicant or Pathogen o Disease suscepitibiliity o Stress Susceptibility o Toxicant Resistance o Personal Protection o Therapeutics Antibiotics 1940 Sensors Personal Protection Vaccines Pathogen Masking o Multiarray Biopathogen Detector 1984 Human Genome Project o o o o o Treatment Bioactive Peptides o Enhance Human Performance and Protection Cell Growth Chambers Fermenters o Pathogen Masking o Detection 1950 1960 1980 1970 Figure 3 0-1 Progress in Applicable Biotechnologies II-3-4 1990 2000 Viruses V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 Chikungunya virus Congo-Crimean haemorrhagic fever virus Dengue fever virus Eastern equine encephalitis virus Ebola virus Hantaan virus Junin virus Lassa fever virus Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus Machupo virus Marburg virus Monkey pox virus Rift Valley fever virus Tick-borne encephalitis virus Russian spring-summer encephalitis virus Variola virus Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus Western equine encephalitis virus White pox Yellow fever virus Japanese encephalitis virus Rickettsiae R1 R2 R3 R4 Toxins Bacteria B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B11 B13 Bacillus anthracis Brucella abortus Brucella melitensis Brucella suis Chlamydia psittaci Clostridium botulinum Francisella tularensis Burkholderia mallei pseudomonas mallei Burkholderia pseudomallei pseudomonas pseudomallei Salmonella typhi Shigella dysenteriae Vibrio cholerae Yersinia pestis Genetically Modified Microorganisms G1 Genetically modified microorganisms or genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences associated with pathogenicity and are derived from organisms in the core list G2 Genetically modified microorganisms or genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences coding for any of the toxins in the core list or their subunits Coxiella burnetti Bartonella quintana Rochlimea quintana Rickettsia quintana Rickettsia prowasecki Rickettsia rickettsii T1 Botulinum toxins T2 Clostridium perfringens toxins T3 Conotoxin T4 Ricin T5 Saxitoxin T6 Shiga toxin T7 Staphylococcus aureus toxins T8 Tetrodotoxin T9 Verotoxin T10 Microcystin Cyanginosin T11 Aflatoxins Viruses Warning List WV1 WV2 WV3 WV4 WV5 WV6 WV7 WV8 Kyasanur Forest virus Louping ill virus Murray Valley encephalitis virus Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus Oropouche virus Powassan virus Rocio virus St Louis encephalitis virus Bacteria Warning List WB1 WB2 WB3 WB4 WB5 Clostridium perfringens Clostridium tetani Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli serotype 0157 and other verotoxinproducing serotypes Legionella pneumophila Yersinia pseudotuberculosis cont'd Figure 3 0-2 Australia Group Biological Agents II-3-5 Genetically Modified Microorganisms Animal Pathogens cont'd WG1 Genetically modified microorganisms or genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences associated with pathogenicity and are derived from organisms in the warning list WG2 Genetically modified microorganisms or genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences coding for any of the toxins in the warning list or their subunits Viruses cont'd AV11 Porcine enterovirus type 9 synonym Swine vesicular disease virus AV12 Rinderpest virus AV13 Sheep pox virus AV14 Teschen disease virus AV15 Vesicular stomatitis virus Toxins Warning List WT1 WT2 WT3 WT4 WT5 WT6 WT7 Abrin Cholera toxin Tetanus toxin Trichothecene mycotoxins Modecin Volkensin Viscum Album Lectin 1 Viscumin Animal Pathogens Viruses AV1 African swine fever virus AV2 Avian influenza virus AV3 Bluetongue virus AV4 Foot and mouth disease virus AV5 Goat pox virus AV6 Herpes virus Aujeszky's disease AV7 Hog cholera virus synonym Swine fever virus AV8 Lyssa virus AV9 Newcastle disease virus AV10 Peste des petits ruminants virus Bacteria AB3 Mycoplasma mycoides Genetically Modified Microorganisms AG1 Genetically modified microorganisms or genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences associated with pathogenicity and are derived from animal pathogens on the list Plant Pathogens Bacteria PB1 Xanthomonas albilineans PB2 Xanthomonas campestris pv citri Fungi PF1 Colletotrichum coffeanum var virulans Colletotrichum kanawae PF2 Cochliobolus miyabeanus Helminthosporium oryzae PF3 Microcyclus ulei syn Dothidella ulei PF4 Puccinia graminis syn Puccinnia graminis f sp tritici Figure 3 0-2 Australia Group Biological Agents cont'd II-3-6 Plant Pathogens cont'd Fungi cont'd PF5 Puccinia striiformis syn Pucciniaglumarum PF6 Pyricularia grisea Pyricularia oryzae Genetically Modified Microorganisms PG1 Genetically modified microorganisms or genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences associated with pathogenicity derived from the plant pathogens on the list Awareness Raising Guidelines Bacteria PWB1 Xanthomonas campestris pv oryzae PWB2 Xylella fastidiosa Fungi PWF1 Deuterophoma tracheiphila syn Phoma tracheiphila PWF2 Monilia rorei syn Moniliophthora rorei Viruses PWV1 Banana bunchy top virus Genetically Modified Microorganisms PWG1 Genetically modified microorganisms or genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences associated with pathogenicity derived from the plant pathogens identified on the awareness raising list While laboratory-scale capability for production of biological agents is sufficient for achieving most terrorist purposes large-scale production for military purposes can be achieved easily in dual-use facilities All of the equipment needed for large-scale production of offensive biological agents is dual use and available on the international market Although a typical vaccine plant costs in excess of $50 million a less elaborate fermentation plant that could produce biological agents could be built for less than $10 million If disseminated properly only a small amount of biological agent is needed to infect numerous people Proper dissemination however is a non-trivial problem because the agent must be dispersed in 1 to 10 micron particles and be inhaled by the target population Symptoms normally take hours to days to appear Detection is key to implementation of protective measures Since biological organisms are living they have the potential to reproduce They can continue to affect people for extended periods of time However they are subject to being negated by sunlight and the environment but most can be effectively stabilized against adverse environmental effects Stress from explosive dissemination and or missile firing can reduce efficiency to about the 5-percent level which is why aerosol dissemination by pressurized gases was adopted by munition designers in the old U S program Dissemination efficiencies of up to 70 percent were achieved with 30 to 50 percent being produced routinely Vaccines can be produced to defend against biological agent use however to produce the vaccine the organism being employed by an adversary must be known Although some of the proliferation concerns for biological weapons are similar to those for other WMD some concerns are unique The unique features include containment of the agent during production stabilization and dispersion of the agents detection identification and warning All these aspects are important because biological agents are relatively easy to hide The diffusion of information technologies and raw materials associated with biological and pharmaceutical processing are almost always dual use and therefore raise non-proliferation issues Because of the low financial costs of acquiring equipment for biological agent production the implications for the proliferation of production and dispersion are clear developing nations can attack targets effectively with biological agents Defensive technologies are of interest because changes in vaccine production or other self-protection measures could presage an offensive attack Stabilization and dispersion are proliferation concerns because these technologies increase the efficacy of biological agents Detection identification and warning technologies can be used to support efforts to mask the presence of biological agents even though these technologies do not pose a direct threat FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 3 0-3 Most industrialized nations manufacture equipment and materials that can be used for the production containment purification quality control and stabilization of biological agents and for their dissemination and dispersion Most developed nations manufacture the equipment for identifying these agents but the means for detection and warning are less readily available All these technologies are dual use with applications in the pharmaceutical food cosmetic and pesticide industries The AG group of biological agents are readily available in the natural environment and from culture collections in the industrialized and in some developing nations The recent outbreaks of Ebola in Africa and Hanta Hantaan virus infections in Asia and North and South America are evidence of occurrence in the natural environment In addition these organisms can be obtained from national collections e g American Type Culture Collection ATCC and European collection The ATCC and European collections do not necessarily share information Many collections of organisms recognized as potential biological agents and included in the AG list exist throughout the world and are made available with minimal monitoring of use or transport This is particularly the case in the open societies of the United States Europe and Japan as was documented in 1995 by a case occurring in Ohio The nutrients growth media and small-size fermenters are readily available II-3-7 Country Sec 3 1 Biological Material Production Australia1 Austria1 Belgium 1 Brazil Bulgaria Canada1 China Cuba Czech Republic1 Denmark1 Egypt Finland1 France1 Germany1 Greece1 Hungary1 India Iran Iraq Israel Italy1 Japan1 Korea North Korea South 1 Libya Netherlands1 Norway1 Pakistan Poland1 Romania1 Russia Slovak Republic1 South Africa Spain1 Sweden1 Switzerland1 Syria Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom 1 United States1 1 Sec 3 2 Stabilization Dispersion and Weapons Testing Sec 3 3 Detection Warning and Identification Sec 3 4 Biological Defense Systems Indicates that the nation is a member of the Australia Group AG Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities exceeds sufficient level sufficient level some limited Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Figure 3 0-3 Biological Weapons Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-3-8 SECTION 3 1--BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL PRODUCTION OVERVIEW Highlights The previous section addressed the various organisms that might be selected for production The AG Biological Agents This section addresses the production of the organisms including procedures such as culture fermentation viral reproduction etc the stabilization of the organisms and specific equipment used in the manufacturing process The stages involved in the production of biological agents include selection of the organisms large-scale production of organisms from small starter cultures and stabilization of the organisms The list of biological organisms and toxin products that are of concern as biological agents is derived from the AG consensus The design of a production facility provides important information regarding whether the facility is intended to produce pharmaceutical grade products or biological weapon grade materials Relevant design elements include containment purification equipment sterilization equipment and ventilation and filtration systems The design of a biochemical processing plant is an important signal of covert biological agent production Containment of the biological material during processing is of special interest There is a clear distinction between processing materials for biological or toxin agent weaponization and processing protective agents to be used for countermeasures or personnel performance enhancement For the production of biological agents for offensive military activities the processing containment requirement is to protect the environment from the agent because of its infectious nature For the production of biomaterials such as vaccines biological response modifiers antibiotics and anti viral agents for defensive military activities the containment requirement is to protect the processed biomaterial from contaminating materials in the environment Effectiveness of countermeasures is enhanced by achieving high levels of purity and cleanliness in the product before it is administered to friendly personnel By contrast an unpurified biological agent that will be used in BW is generally more stable than the purified agent that is needed to produce vaccines and biological response modifiers BRMs Consequently a proliferant does not require a high level of purity if production is for BW use only Generation of biological agents requires fermenters or single cell production capabilities with operational conditions identified in the MCTL including smooth highly polished stainless steel surfaces self-containment capability and negative pressure conditions The primary difference between the production requirements for biological weapons and non-military commercial purposes lies in containment and contamination During biological agent production efforts are generally made to avoid contaminating the environment with the organism Less concern arises about the o Biological weapon production is similar to commercial production of biological materials o With the exception of toxins biological organisms can multiply o Containment of the organisms is critical o Design of the plant can indicate covert biological agent production contamination of the product Conversely the pharmaceutical brewing and biotechnology industries are most concerned about protecting the purity and quality of the product This concern is reflected in the nature of the sealing joints positive or negative pressure chambers and containment of venting systems Utilities involving clean steam sterile air and inert gas supply are most critical for containment in the processing of biologically based materials for human use which must meet good manufacturing practices GMP Clean steam generated from a purified water supply must be supplied to all processing equipment having direct contact with the product to ensure sterility and prevent the influx of environmental contaminants Steam sterilization is accomplished before product processing by direct supply to the equipment Steam is supplied to the equipment seals e g sample ports agitator shafts raw material addition ports during processing as a primary barrier Equally important is the removal of collapsed steam or condensate formed on the equipment This prevents the formation of pockets of standing water which promote bacterial growth and maintains the high temperature necessary for sterilization The collected contaminated condensate can be channeled to an area for final sterilization or inactivation before it is released into the environment Efficient steam supply and condensate removal requires pressure regulators pressure relief devices venting and the capability for free draining of all lines Supplying sterile inert gases to processing equipment is a method of containment This can protect oxygen-sensitive biomaterials and prevent aerosol generation of toxic products Inert gases such as nitrogen helium and argon are usually supplied directly to processing equipment through sterile in-line filters maintaining a pressurized system or providing an inert blanket over the product in processing vessels To attain a higher level of containment many bioprocessing industries have employed greater degrees of automation Potential contamination of purified product human exposure to toxic products or constituents and the risk of human error are II-3-9 minimized Processing facilities make use of state-of-the-art computerized distributed control systems ABB Modicon Allen Bradley Corp which allow automatic control control from remote locations and automatic data logging and trending Another component in bioprocessing is the design of ventilation within the primary and secondary barriers of a process area Ventilation at primary barriers i e barriers separating product from equipment operators and the rest of the processing area is accomplished with dedicated in-line air gas membrane filters Ventilation across secondary barriers requires more complicated air handling system design to allow for the maintenance of clean areas rated by the number of particles per volume of air and maintenance of positive or negative pressure between the processing area and the outside environment or between different processing areas in the same facility Equipment used in these designs includes high efficiency fans and high efficiency particulate air HEPA filters The procedure used for the actual replication of an organism is a function of the organism itself Tables 3 1-1 and 3 1-2 include several techniques including cell culture fermentation viral replication recombinant DNA and powdering and milling Cell culture is necessary for the reproduction of pathogenic viruses and Rickettsiae since they will not reproduce outside a living cell e g chick embryo or tissue cultures Single cell growth chambers including fermentation are used for the production of bacteria and bacterial toxins although some bacteria e g plague bacteria can also be cultivated in living animals Recombinant DNA techniques are a preferred method to produce rare animal toxins Because of the complexity of this technique the capability is not as widespread as the others Powdering and milling is the technique generally used to produce BW and toxin weapons TW agent particles having diameters less than or equal to 10 um the size most effective for respiratory delivery RATIONALE Figure 3 0-2 lists the naturally occurring pathogens and toxins potentially used as BW agents Whereas the majority of these agents have no current dual-use applications a small number do have biomedical roles other than those in vaccine production The highly toxic botulinal toxin A produced by Clostridium botulinum shows medicinal promise in blocking involuntary muscle spasms or weakening a muscle for therapeutic purposes Five medical uses of toxins that might be used in BW have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration Immune protection against these agents is important because they occur naturally in some regions of the world Toxins and pathogens that affect animals such as anthrax brucella plague and tularemia are widespread Vaccines are widely produced and administered The issue of the need for the same toxic agent for either BW TW production or countermeasure vaccine production emphasizes the dual-use nature of the technologies Indeed initial processing of agents and processing of their associated vaccines only differ by a few steps e g the degree of purification and the type of containment used The qualitative and quantitative impact of biological warfare or the threat of such warfare on military forces and urban communities has changed markedly in the past 20 years The production techniques described in this section have resulted in more virulent strains of organisms and the genetic modification of non-pathogenic organisms to pathogenic strains with virulent characteristics The implications of genetic engineering for chemical and biological warfare are far-reaching Genetic engineering provides the potential for improved virulence by the incorporation of genes i e specific strands of DNA permitting increased production of a pathogen or toxin Thus as much as 100 times more pathogen or toxin could be produced per cell than that which could be produced by naturally occurring strains Cells that normally do not produce toxins may be altered to produce toxins for biological weapon development Conversely known pathogens or toxins may be genetically inactivated for vaccine countermeasure development Cells can also be modified to produce antibodies directly for passive immunization against specific infectious agents As with the human immune system many current biowarfare detection kits depend on antibodies reacting with the antigenic surface coatings of pathogenic bacteria or viruses Thus modified non-pathogens can be used to mask the agent from the immune-based detector and potentially from the human immune system itself to increase the agent's effectiveness General robustness or survivability of a pathogen under the environmental stresses of temperature ultraviolet UV radiation and desiccation drying can also be genetically improved to promote stability during dissemination nutrient additives are used to enhance survival of selected biological agents in aerosols Controlled persistence of a pathogen to permit survivability under specified environmental conditions may eventually be possible The potential also exists for the development of so-called conditional suicide genes which could program an organism to die off following a predetermined number of replications in the environment Thus an affected area may be safely reoccupied after a predetermined period of time FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 3 0-2 Seed stocks of the AG group of biological agents are readily available in the natural environment and from culture collections in the industrialized and in some developing nations The recent outbreaks of Ebola in Africa and Hanta virus infections in Asia and North and South America are evidence of this In addition these organisms may be obtained from national collections e g American Type Culture Collection ATCC and European collections Most industrialized nations manufacture equipment and materials necessary for the production containment purification and quality control of these materials Canada France Germany Israel Japan the Netherlands Russia Sweden Switzerland the Ukraine the UK and the United States are the most advanced countries in the techniques of manufacturing large quantities of biological agents and protective vaccines and materials required for prophylaxis and therapy II-3-10 Table 3 1-1 Biological Material Production Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters HUMAN PATHOGENS See Figure 3 0-2 Viruses Any quantity is a concern Less than 20 pounds can incapacitate humans in a 10-km2 area AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Cell culture apparatus laminar flow facilities containment equipment biological agent detectors Not applicable Bacteria Any quantity is a concern Less than 220 pounds can incapacitate humans in a 100-km2 area AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Fermenters cell cultures laminar flow facilities containment equipment biological agent detectors Not applicable Toxins Any quantity is a concern Less than 600 pounds can incapacitate humans in a 100-km2 area Not applicable Fermenters laminar flow facilities containment equipment biological agent detectors Not applicable Rickettsiae Any quantity is a concern Less than 100 pounds can incapacitate humans in a 10-km2 area AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Cell culture apparatus laminar flow facilities containment equipment biological agent detectors Not applicable Genetically Modified Microorganisms Any quantity is a concern AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Infectivity of cultured organisms plus items in four entries above Not applicable ANIMAL PATHOGENS See Figure 3 0-2 Viruses Any quantity is a concern Less than 20 pounds can incapacitate animals in a 10-km2 area AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Cell culture apparatus laminar flow facilities containment equipment biological agent detectors Not applicable Bacteria Any quantity is a concern Less than 220 pounds can incapacitate animals in a 100-km2 area AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Fermenters cell cultures laminar flow facilities containment equipment biological agent detectors Not applicable Genetically Modified Microorganisms Any quantity is a concern AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Infectivity of cultured organisms plus items in two entries above Not applicable II-3-11 cont'd Table 3 1-1 Biological Material Production Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters PLANT PATHOGENS See Figure 3 0-2 Viruses Any quantity is a concern Less than 30 pounds can affect plants in a 10-km2 area AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Cell culture apparatus laminar flow facilities containment equipment biological agent detectors Not applicable Bacteria Any quantity is a concern Less than 30 pounds can affect plants in a 10-km2 area AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Fermenters cell cultures laminar flow facilities containment equipment biological agent detectors Not applicable Fungi Any quantity is a concern Less than 50 pounds can affect plants in a 10-km2 area AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Fermenters cell cultures laminar flow facilities containment equipment biological agent detectors Not applicable Genetically Modified Microorganisms Any quantity is a concern AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1C USML XIV Not applicable Infectivity of cultured organisms plus items in three entries above Not applicable HEPA filters Toxic agent detectors Not applicable EQUIPMENT Containment Facilities Equipment having three or more physical barriers between the agent and the employee AG List CCL Cat 2B Fermenters Having AG List a capacity 100 liters CCL Cat 2B multiple sealing joints capable of in situ sterilization in a closed state Stainless steel titanium glass Toxic agent detectors Not applicable Centrifugal Separators Capable of processing 5-liter batches AG List CCL Cat 2B Smooth surface Toxic agent detectors Aerosol containment Not applicable Cross-flow Filtration Equipment Capable of processing 20-liter batches AG List CCL Cat 2B Smooth surface Toxic agent detectors Aerosol containment Not applicable II-3-12 Table 3 1-2 Biological Material Production Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies HUMAN PATHOGENS See Figure 3 0-2 Viruses Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable Bacteria Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable Toxins Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable Rickettsiae Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable Genetically Modified Microorganisms Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable ANIMAL PATHOGENS See Figure 3 0-2 Viruses Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable Bacteria Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable Genetically Modified Microorganisms Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable PLANT PATHOGENS See Figure 3 0-2 Bacteria Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable Fungi Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable Genetically Modified Microorganisms Containment and dissemination Biological agents in biological weapons Not applicable Note The United States has forsworn the use of biological weapons however to perfect defensive procedures it is necessary to understand the organisms cont'd II-3-13 Table 3 1-2 Biological Material Production Reference Data cont'd EQUIPMENT Containment Facilities Protection of the environment and the employee Containment isolation and production of biological agents Programs to automate process allowing automatic control control from remote locations and automatic data logging Fermenters Cleanliness of facilities and contamination of the agent Containment isolation and production of biological agents Programs to automate process allowing automatic control control from remote locations and automatic data logging Centrifugal Separators Cleanliness of facilities and contamination of the agent Containment isolation and production of biological agents Programs to automate process allowing automatic control control from remote locations and automatic data logging Cross-flow Filtration Equipment Quality of the filters and amount of air-flow Containment isolation and production of biological agents None identified Note The United States has forsworn the use of biological weapons however to perfect defensive procedures and intelligence-gathering procedures it is necessary to understand the manufacturing procedures for these organisms II-3-14 SECTION 3 2--STABILIZATION DISSEMINATION AND DISPERSION OVERVIEW Biological weapons production can be divided into three distinct phases biological agent production see Section 3 1 stabilization and dissemination dispersion This section discusses the latter two parts Stabilization and dissemination dispersion are important issues because of the susceptibility of the biological agents to environmental degradation not only in storage but also in application This is a problem whether the end use is for biological weapons pharmaceutics cosmetics pesticides or foodrelated purposes and is related to the susceptibility of the organisms to inactivation of the biochemical compound by the environment This loss of bioactivity can result from exposure to high physical and chemical stress environments such as high surface area at air-water interfaces frothing extreme temperatures or pressures high salt concentrations dilution or exposure to specific inactivating agents This section discusses various techniques of stabilization such as freeze drying and ultra freezing and various techniques of dissemination dispersion such as spray devices cluster bombs etc Section 1 of this document discusses modes of delivery such as cruise missiles airplanes and artillery shells The primary means of stabilization for storage or packaging are initial concentration direct freeze drying lyophilization direct spray drying formulation into a special stabilizing solid liquid or sometimes gaseous solution and deep freezing Methods of concentration include vacuum filtration ultrafiltration precipitation and centrifugation Freeze drying is the preferred method for long-term storage of bacterial cultures because freeze-dried cultures can be easily rehydrated and cultured via conventional means Many freeze-dried cultures have remained viable for 30 years or more Deep or ultra freezing of biological products is another long-term storage technique for species and materials not amenable to freeze drying The method involves storage of the contained products in liquid nitrogen refrigerators -196 Celsius or ultra-low temperature mechanical freezers -70 Celsius Mechanical freezing systems should include precautionary back-up freezers and electrical generators Cryoprotective agents such as dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO glycerol sucrose lactose glucose mannitol sorbitol dextran polyvinylpyrollidone and polyglycol are required to ensure cell viability during storage A toxin agent is most effective when prepared as a freeze-dried powder and encapsulated Such encapsulation however is not necessary for weaponization Infectious biological agents are generally stabilized and then spray dried Effective delivery of these agents must also consider the environmental effects on the agent inactivation Dissemination delivery of biological agents in biological Highlights o o o Stabilization is critical to effective dissemination The environment can affect the survival of the organism Explosive delivery means can result in inactivation of the organism warfare has been traditionally accomplished by aerosol dispersal using either spray devices or through incorporation of the agents with explosive devices cluster bombs missile warheads with submunitions designed for extended biological agent dispersal The latter however must be approached with caution since explosive heat-generating entities can inactivate the organisms toxins The preferred approach is dispersion via the use of a pressurized gas in a submunition Other preferred platforms from an efficiency standpoint include small rotary-wing vehicles fixed-wing aircraft fitted with spray tanks drones bomblets cruise missiles and high-speed missiles with bomblet warheads Fixed-wing aircraft and ground vehicles with aerosol generators also make excellent delivery systems Aerosolization of biological agents using spray devices is the method of choice since the extreme physical conditions associated with explosive dissemination can completely inactivate the biological agent Aerosol dispersal allows for control of particle size and density to maximize protection from environmental degradation and uptake of the enclosed biological agents in the lungs of targeted populations Aerosol particles with a diameter of 1-15 um mass median diameter MMD are readily absorbed by lung cells following inhalation the primary mode of infection by most biological agents Some agents can also act following ingestion of contaminated food or water However infectious agents generally do not penetrate intact skin Equipment used with aerosol dispersal of biological agents includes spray nozzles or aerosol delivery systems capable of dispersing particles or droplets and compressors for initial weaponization by agent integration with compressed gas air For subnational or terrorist groups the biological agents can be dispersed by manual aerosol generators The availability of vaccines against selected biological agents may render the user immune to the effects of the agent although a suffcient dose of agent may overwhelm the vaccine's protective effect Dissemination efficiency rates of aerosol delivery systems are in the range of 40-60 percent Cruise missiles aircraft carrying gravity bombs or spray attachments II-3-15 and fixed-wing or rotor craft with attached sprayers are all vehicles for delivery of biological agents The delivery of biological agents by explosive devices is much less efficient 1-5 percent In a theater environment the effective use of BW agents requires analysis of meteorological conditions and the mapping of the target RATIONALE Biological agents have some unique characteristics that make weaponizing them attractive Most biological weapons consist of living organisms toxins are the exception and thus can replicate once disseminated A relatively small group of persons using single individuals deployed in a military staging area could bring about the infection of a large percentage of targeted persons The clinical illness could develop within a day of dispersal and last for as long as 2-3 weeks The mission and political impact of such a strike on a combat or constabulary force of 10 000 soldiers may compromise operations In a civil situation major subway systems in a densely populated urban area could be targeted for biological agent strike resulting in massive political and social disorganization Approximately 10 grams of anthrax spores can kill as many persons as a ton of sarin Under appropriate meteorological conditions and with an aerosol generator delivering 1-10 micron particle-size droplets a single aircraft can disperse 100 kg of anthrax over a 300 km2 area and theoretically cause 3 million deaths in a population density of 10 000 people per km2 The mean lethal inhalator dosage is 10 nanograms On the other hand some biological agent characteristics can severely limit the effectiveness of BW which consist of living organisms A technique to stabilize protect the organisms from adverse environments is essential if the weapons are to maintain their effectiveness over some period of time This requirement of stabilization also extends to the methods of delivery since the organisms are very susceptible to degradation in the environments associated with delivery systems FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 3 0-3 Any country having pharmaceutical cosmetic or advanced food storage industries will have stabilization facilities similar to those that could be used for biological weapons The ability to disseminate the biological agent over a wide area would be limited to those countries having cruise missiles or advanced aircraft Even the smallest country or a terrorist group however has the capability to deliver small quantities of BW agent to a specific target Canada France Germany Israel Japan the Netherlands Russia the UK and the United States have the most advanced techniques of manufacturing large quantities of biological agent and are also the most apt to have the capability to disseminate the biological agent over large areas II-3-16 Table 3 2-1 Stabilization Dissemination and Dispersion Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Freeze-drying Equipment Having steam sterilizable a condensor capacity 25 kg in 24 hours and 400 kg in 24 hours AGList CCL Cat 2B Stainless steel titanium glass Toxic agent detectors None identified Aerosol Inhalation Chambers Designed for aerosol challenge testing having a capacity 0 5 cubic meter AGList CCL Cat 2B High efficiency filter that passes particles 0 1 to 10 um in diameter Toxic agent detectors None identified Delivery systems and Any capability is a concern spray tanks to allow bomblet dissemination WA ML 4 7 USML IV XIV None identified Spin flow and flow-forming None identified machines Warheads for missiles WA ML 4 USML IV XIV None identified Spin flow and flow-forming None identified machines CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified Any capability is a concern Development and use Any capability is a concern of accurate shortterm weather prediction II-3-17 Validated software to predict short-term weather patterns Table 3 2-2 Stabilization Dissemination and Dispersion Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Freeze-drying Equipment Maintaining low temperature Stabilize biological agents for use in BW or for storage None identified Aerosol Inhalation Chambers Filters that pass 0 1-10 um particles and remove large quantities of debris 20 um diameter Testing aerosols for BW use Detonation-induced release of particles having uncontrolled sizes Delivery systems and spray tanks to allow bomblet dissemination Delivery range accuracy and effect on contained organisms Delivery of both conventional weapons and Detonation-induced release of WMD particles having uncontrolled sizes Warheads for missiles Delivery range accuracy and effect on contained organisms Delivery of both conventional weapons and Balloon-floated devices nonWMD fixed-wing vehicles Development and use of accurate short-term weather prediction Dissemination of biological weapon Predict dispersion patterns of disseminated biological weapons to maximize the effect on hostile troops and at the same time minimize the effect on friendly troops II-3-18 On-site determination of wind pattern and wind flow SECTION 3 3--DETECTION WARNING AND IDENTIFICATION OVERVIEW Detection warning and identification involve sensors and transduction of a detected signal to a transponder Standoff detectors provide early wide-area spectroscope and warning of biological agent attack Stand-off detectors are spectroscopebased monitors of materials containing nucleic acid protein with absorbance in the 230-285 nanometer range They can be confounded by biological material or pollen of size similar to that of the biological agent Point detectors are used at designated locations Most detection and warning systems are based on physical or chemical properties of biological agents The point detectors include dipstick kits selective for some but not all AG agents see Table 3 0-2 or multiarray sensors using antibodies generated against AG agents or gene sequences complementary to AG agents Identification systems which are critical to medical response use immunochemical or gene probe techniques or mass spectral analysis No single sensor detects all agents of interest Detectors for biological agents must have a short response time less than 30 minutes for biological agents with a low false alarm rate Detection equipment must be integrated with a command and control system to ensure an alarm is raised Early warning is essential to avoid contamination Agent location intensity and duration are crucial parameters for command decisions Sensor systems based on physical or chemical properties of biological agents include high-performance liquid and gas chromotography mass spectrometry scattering Light Detection and Ranging LIDAR and ion mobility spectrometry IMS The basic recognition component of the sensor designed for a specific agent is generally a large molecule that binds selectively to the target agent The recognition molecules are physically bound to a supporting surface that generates a signal transduction when the recognition molecule binds the biological agent The methods for transduction include 1 changes in absorption of light at specific wavelengths 2 changes in resonating frequency of a piezoelectrically active surface caused by mass effects 3 changes in pathways of light movement at an interface of target agent and recognition molecules and 4 switching of a light-conducting pathway resulting from interaction of recognition molecule with the biological agent Recognition molecules are antibodies association constants of 10-6 to 10-8 receptors dissociation constant KD KD 10-14 or DNA sequences complementary to genetic material encoded by the biological agent Highlights o o o o Reliable quick-response sensor systems are essential for detection and warning Identification is critical to medical response Various physical phenomena are used to convert sensor signals to useful detection and identification information Underlying sensor technology exists in many countries Biodetection systems providing limited warning and identification functions currently exist Systems in the inventory or in the advanced stages of development warn that a biological attack has occurred and collect samples for subsequent laboratory analysis However no real-time on-site detection systems are available today The rapid growth in biotechnology is assisting in the area of improved biological defense technologies although many of the same advances can also be used to improve biological agents RATIONALE Early detection and warning is the first line of defense against biological agents Detection and identification of biological agents allow commanders to take steps to avoid contamination to determine the appropriate protection for continued operations and to initiate proper prophylaxis and therapy to minimize casualties and performance degradation FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 3 0-3 Besides the United States several countries have a significant capability in the sensor technology that underlies detection and identification of biological agents Canada France Germany Israel Japan The Netherlands Russia Sweden and the UK Several other countries are just a step behind Austria China Czech Republic Finland Hungary Slovak Republic South Africa Switzerland and the Ukraine The worldwide efforts to develop improved biological agent detectors are extensive II-3-19 Table 3 3-1 Detection Warning and Identification Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Immuno-based detectors Capability of detecting organisms of AG agents WA ML 7 WA IL Cat 1A USML XIV Antibodies directed against AG list agents Antibody development None identified Gene-based probe Capability of detecting organisms of AG agents WA ML 7 WA IL Cat 1A USML XIV Polynucleotides complementary to AG gene sequences polymers Gene sequence data None identified Molecular recognition e g antigens antibodies enzymes nucleic acids oligomers lectins whole cells receptors organelles Capability of detecting organisms of AG agents Can recognize weapons grade agent by-products of its preparation or manufacturing signatures does not recognize normally occurring environmental materials WA ML 7 WA IL Cat 1A USML XIV Antibodies directed against AG List agents or polynucleotides complementary to AG gene sequence Coatings films or fibers of biopolymers or chemical polymers that bind BW agents binding Kd less than 1 x 10-8 Molecular modeling e g protein and DNA sequencing Mass Spectrometry Capable of scanning samples WA ML 7 of 10 000 daltons or less in WA IL Cat 1A 30 minutes or less USML XIV None identified Database development portable field-rugged mass spectroscope Spectrum recognition algorithms IMS Detecting hundreds of organisms WA ML 7 WA IL Cat 1A USML XIV CCL Cat 6 None identified Database development ion source spectroscope capable of concentrating and analyzing 1 000 organisms Spectrum recognition algorithms Scattering LIDAR Detect agent liquids and aerosols at any distance WA ML 7 WA IL Cat 1A USML XIV None identified None identified Spectrum and background recognition algorithms Transducers e g optical electrochemical acoustic piezoelectric calorimetric Surface Acoustic Wave SAW fiber-optic wave guide Converts recognition of agents to an optical or electrical signal low hysteresis optical electronic component processing within 30 minutes WA ML 7 WA Cat 3A USML XIV CCL Cat 3A None identified Production equipment configured for the detection of biological agents Spectrum recognition algorithms cont'd II-3-20 Table 3 3-1 Detection Warning and Identification Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Sample Collection e g air liquid dust soil sampling Collects and concentrates 10 um particles into liquid medium WA ML 7 USML XIV None identified Aerosol samplers able to None identified collect 10 um diameter particles into a liquid Sample Processing e g cell disruption concentration purification or stabilization Completion within 30 minutes WA ML 7 USML XIV None identified Neg pressure orifice Spectrum recognition devices for rupturing cell algorithm membranes or wall retention of nucleic acids impact collectors ion trap mass spectrometers capable of scanning samples below 10 000 daltons in 5 minutes or less pyrolyzers Development and use of sensor models Specific performance of military sensors USML XIII Software technical data for military systems on control lists None identified II-3-21 None identified Table 3 3-2 Detection Warning and Identification Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Immuno-based detectors Low cross-reaction of antibodies with non-pathogenic organisms Confirmation and All Clear device screening device Light scattering e g LIDAR not specific for agent culture and morphological characterization of the agent Gene-based probe Obtaining the sufficient length of nucleic acid sequence approx 30 to 40 polynucleotides to define the pathogen Characterization and identification of AG agents enables the conversion of pathogenic to non-pathogenic organisms and vice-versa Light scattering e g LIDAR not specific for agent culture and morphological characterization of the agent Molecular recognition e g antigens antibodies enzymes nucleic acids oligomers lectins whole cells receptors organelles Identifying specific epitopes or genetic sequences characteristic of threat agents designing probes that are specific for the epitopes or sequences that are stable under the conditions of use and can be incorporated into the sensor Contamination avoidance biological agent detection process and quality control in biological agent manufacturing Light scattering e g LIDAR not specific for agent culture and morphological characterization of the agent Mass Spectrometry Requires sophisticated software must Identification of agents know what you are looking for extremely powerful analytical tool training maintenance requirements higher requires significant power size and weight problems Stand-off technologies including light scattering e g LIDAR not specific for agent culture and morphological characterization of the agent IMS Detect broad range of biological materials including agents short response time semi-quantitative Alarm with potential for individual application monitoring early warning Immuno-based detectors genebased probes and molecular recognition culture and morphological characterization of the agent Scattering LIDAR Background varies widely size power Early interrogation of suspect aerosol and weight requirements need clouds frequency agile laser Immuno-based detectors genebased probes and molecular recognition culture and morphological characterization of the agent Transducers e g optical electrochemical acoustic piezoelectric calorimetric SAW fiber optical wave guide Miniaturization stability to environment and exposure to samples reproducibility calibration simplicity of use Contamination avoidance biological chemical agent detection Culture and morphological characterization of the agent Sample Collection e g air liquid 100-1 000 liters of air per minute dust soil sampling sample preparation separation and concentration of biological agent Contamination avoidance biological agent detection process and quality control Appearance of illness in exposed personnel Sample Processing e g cell disruption concentration purification or stablization Sample processing while maintaining integrity of agent automation and miniaturization amplification techniques Contamination avoidance biological agent detection process and quality control in biological toxin agent manufacturing Appearance of illness in exposed personnel Development and use of sensor models Clutter characteristics specific sensor techniques for clutter rejection sub-clutter target detection identification C3I mission rehearsal Appearance of illness in exposed personnel II-3-22 SECTION 3 4--BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE SYSTEMS OVERVIEW This section covers measures that can be taken to protect forces in a biological weapons environment The protection and countermeasures issues related to biological warfare and defense concern the individual soldier and the unit The individual soldier can be protected by providing prophylactic treatment before deployment into a risk area by providing full respiratory protection during time periods of potential exposure Mission-Oriented Protection Posture MOPP gear to the biological agent or by using pharmacological physical or biomedical antidotes to threat agents shortly after exposure Prophylaxis of the individual is generally accomplished by immunization using the attenuated or dead biological agent which serves as an immunogen More recently it has become possible to provide protection by immunizing personnel against a fragment of the toxin biological agent Initiating the immunization process to achieving protection usually involves a period of weeks Multivalent vaccines and DNA vaccines are in development to enhance countermeasures against biological agents Protection measures for a unit or group primarily rely on weather monitoring remote probe monitoring for biological agents and central command data acquisition transfer and analysis Large-scale decontamination measures for barracks vehicles and other equipment are also considered unit protection Individuals can be protected from exposure to biological weapons agents by active or passive immunization against the agents Figure 3 0-2 has identified many of the agents of concern A nation's capability to use a biological agent should be limited by its ability to provide protection against the agent for its forces and civilian population A proliferant may not recognize such a limit In addition administering biological response modifiers BRMs to personnel at the appropriate time can mobilize the immune system in a normal individual This will reduce the likelihood that exposure to a biological or toxin agent will degrade the individual's function or result in disease or death These performance enhancers BRMs are discussed in detail below BRMs or immunomodulators are biomolecules with the ability to enhance or diminish the immune response of the body During the last decade several BRMs e g interferons interleukins have been identified When injected they enhance the immune response of the human subject to a given antigen virus or bacterium Derivatives of these immune enhancing agents can be administered to personnel to improve performance efficiency Several naturally occurring proteins including interferons and interleukins function as immunostimulating BRMs In addition to naturally occurring BRMs such as Highlights o o o o o A proliferant would require some type of BW defensive capability for protection during employment and defense against a counterattack Vaccines are possible but the agent must be known requires lead time for full protection Detection and identification are key to determine appropriate defensive measures to take after an attack A mask is sufficient to prevent a majority of biological agents from infecting personnel Biotechnology offers potential for enhanced protection in the future interferons and interleukins immuno-enhancing drugs such as arsphenamine and cefodizime act to stimulate natural immune response These drugs are used widely in medicine following chemotherapy and for treatment of various autoimmune diseases Growth factors for cells of the hematopoetic immune system have been found useful for ameliorating immunosuppression conditions BRMs can be administered via conventional methods using encapsulation technology for mass treatment through aerosols or using controlled release systems for long-term internal treatment Although the immune system enhancers are of potential benefit they may have undesired side effects such as fever and malaise that can degrade combat performance Anti-idiotype antibodies can be used to initiate immunization in forces against toxic biological agents Immunization with the anti-idiotype can induce production of antibodies that recognize and bind the biological agent specifically and selectively In the most favorable scenario the human subject would be completely protected immunologically and yet never be exposed to attenuated biological or toxin agent Immunosuppressants are one class of BRMs that show promise in offensive biological warfare These are substances that cause subjects to become immunocompromised or more susceptible to infection and therefore can be used directly or in concert with other encapsulated chemical or biochemical weapons for diminishing an adversary's capabilities These substances include pharmaceuticals such as II-3-23 cyclosporin rapamycin and FK506 which are useful in chemotherapy treatments for various cancers and in the prevention of organ bone marrow or skin graft rejection Biological agent protection requires only respiratory and eye protection rather than the complete MOPP gear required for chemical protection The protective garment requirements include resistance to the penetration of biological weapon or toxin materials filtration of inflow air to remove particles containing the agents and cooling of the interior compartment Current clothing and mask systems used for protection against biological agents act as a barrier between the agent and the respiratory system or mucosal tissues of the target They do not inactivate the agent For biological protection such clothing is sufficient but is not comfortable Visual field of view is decreased and the head mask results in discomfort because of temperature increase and fogging offensive operations Secondly an attacker would have to be prepared for a counterattack in kind depending on the opponent Self-protection defensive measures would be easiest to take in an offensive attack mode The attacker would know in advance what biological weapon s would be employed and could immunize those that might come in contact with the organism s Protective masks could be worn to provide additional protection When being attacked a country would encounter problems similar to those faced by the United States unknown agents being used at an unspecified place for an undetermined duration Immunization requirements would have to be determined by intelligence reports of enemy capabilities Some type of detection see Section 3 3 would be needed to alert forces to take protective measures RATIONALE Vaccines can be produced by any country with a pharmaceutical industry Equipment can be purchased on the open market since it is all dual use Protective masks are made in many countries A simple dust mask could provide significant protection as long as it was worn when being exposed to the biological agent Biological defense systems technologies have been included for two reasons First an aggressor can be expected to have some standard of protection for the force employing BW Standards of protection could vary from minimal to sophisticated but all should be considered especially those that allow a proliferant to feel secure in FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 3 0-3 II-3-24 Table 3 4-1 Biological Defense Systems Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Production and design Any capability technology for protective masks WA ML 7 WA Cat 1A USML X Butyl rubber silicone rubber Simulated agents leak- Software for generating age testers mannequin- facial contours face model for mask and suit design particle-size analysis equipment Production and design Any capability technology for collective protection WA ML 7 USML X Teflon Kevlar laminate for biological resistance decontaminability and environmental durability Simulated agents Decontamination Any capability WA ML 7 USML XIV Hypochlorite or simi- None identified lar bleach compound or autoclaving for sterility None identified Vaccines Any capability CCL EAR 99 Target strains None identified None identified None identified BRMs Any capability CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None identified Regenerative collective protection - Membrane filtration Any capability WA ML 7 USML XIV Filter system to remove 0 1- to 15-micron particles by sieve action Simulated agents particle-size analysis equipment None identified Regenerative collective protection - Plasma destruction Any capability WA ML 7 USML XIV Portable plasma generator Simulated agents recovery of infectious agent None identified Encapsulation liposomes polymer entrapment micelles emulsions immobilization of biopolymers Any capability CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None identified Antibiotics Any capability CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None identified II-3-25 Table 3 4-2 Biological Defense Systems Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Production and design technology for protective masks Communications microphone passthrough respiration air management eye protection composite eye lens retention system anthropometrics performance degradation ability to consume fluids Protective masks that are suitable in removing aerosol dispersed biological agents Avoid contamination Production and design technology for collective protection Affordable deployable adaptable to structure Continue to operate without degradation Individual protection Decontamination Volume of agent time required adaptability to unknown agents environmentally sound identification of what needs to be decontaminated identification of decrease of toxicity to allowable level Reduce contamination to allow military operations Oxidizing or chlorinating chemical treatment heat at 120 C with pressure Vaccines Efficacy of vaccine efficacy of prophylaxis pre- vs post-exposure treatment Minimize BW casualties reconstitute forces maintain performance standards Preclude viral or bacterial entry or maturation in target tissue BRMS Efficacy of prophylaxis pre- vs postexposure treatment Minimize casualties after BW attack reconstitute forces maintain performance standards Enhance immune response Regenerative collective protection - Membrane filtration Remove particles having average diameter of 0 1-15 um and allow rapid flow of air Reduction of logistics burden preclude inhalation of aerosolized biological agent Standard filters Regenerative collective protection - Plasma destruction Production of lightweight plasma generators e g ozone that is bactericidal or inactivates viruses Reduction of logistics burden inactivate aerosolized biological agent Standard filters Encapsulation liposomes polymer entrapment micelles emulsions immobilization of biopolymers Ensure release of prophylaxis and therapeutics shortly after contact with plant animal human tissues Individual protection decontamination performance retention None identified Antibiotics Inhibit cysteine proteases or cellular transport Minimize casualties after BW attack reconstitute forces maintain performance standards Preclude viral or bacterial entry or maturation in target tissue II-3-26 SECTION IV CHEMICAL WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY SECTION 4--CHEMICAL WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 Scope Chemical Material Production II-4-8 Dissemination Dispersion and Weapons Testing II-4-22 Detection Warning and Identification II-4-27 Chemical Defense Systems II-4-34 Highlights o o o o BACKGROUND Chemical weapons are defined as weapons using the toxic properties of chemical substances rather than their explosive properties to produce physical or physiological effects on an enemy Although instances of what might be styled as chemical weapons date to antiquity much of the lore of chemical weapons as viewed today has its origins in World War I During that conflict gas actually an aerosol or vapor was used effectively on numerous occasions by both sides to alter the outcome of battles A significant number of battlefield casualties were sustained The Geneva Protocol prohibiting use of chemical weapons in warfare was signed in 1925 Several nations the United States included signed with a reservation forswearing only the first use of the weapons and reserved the right to retaliate in kind if chemical weapons were used against them Note the United States did not ratify the Protocol until 1975 Chemical weapons were employed in the intervening period by Italy in Ethiopia and Japan in Manchuria and China Both nations were signatories to the Geneva Convention Chemical weapons were never deliberately employed by the Allies or the Axis during World War II despite the accumulation of enormous stockpiles by both sides Instances of employment of chemical weapons in the local wars since then are arguable although they were definitely used in the Iran-Iraq conflict of 1982-87 In January of 1993 a lengthy and detailed Chemical Weapons Convention CWC was signed in Paris by many countries Unlike the Geneva Convention's single paragraph prohibition the CWC attempts to define the prohibited substances including their effects and to establish enforcement mechanisms In addition to banning CW use the CWC bans the development production stockpiling and transfer of chemical weapons The CWC obliges a state party to destroy chemical weapons under its possession jurisdiction and control to destroy all CW it abandoned in the territory of another state party and to destroy CW production facilities under its jurisdiction or control On April 29 1997 the CWC entered into force thereby putting in place a detailed and intrusive declaration and verification regime Russia possesses the largest acknowledged stockpile of chemical weapons and may have difficulty adhering to the CWC's destruction reuirements because of economic difficulties o o o o o Chemical weapons CW are relatively inexpensive to produce CW can affect opposing forces without damaging infrastructure CW can be psychologically devastating Blister agents create casualties requiring attention and inhibiting force efficiency Defensive measures can be taken to negate the effect of CW Donning of protective gear reduces combat efficiency of troops Key to employment is dissemination and dispersion of agents CW are highly susceptible to environmental effects temperature winds Offensive use of CW complicates command and control and logistics problems Development of chemical weapons in World War I was predominantly the adaptation of a chemical fill to a standard munition The chemicals were commercial chemicals or variants Their properties were for the most part well known The Germans simply opened canisters of chlorine and let the prevailing winds do the dissemination Shortly thereafter the French put phosgene in a projectile and this method became the principal means of delivery In July 1917 the Germans employed mustard shells for the first time and simultaneously attempted to use a solid particulate emetic diphenyl chloroarsine as a mask breaker Mustard an insidious material penetrates leather and fabrics and inflicts painful burns on the skin These two themes along with significant increases in toxicity represent a large segment of the research and development of chemical weapons that nations have pursued over the years There is first the concept of agents that attack the body through the skin preferably also through clothing and more preferably through protective clothing Along with that concept is the idea of penetrating or breaking the protective mask so that it no longer offers protection for the respiratory system Increasing the toxicity of the chemical agent used would theoretically lower the amounts required to produce a battlefield effect Unless this increase is significant however it can be masked by the inefficiencies of disseminating the agent Consequently later development has focused on the methods for delivering the agent efficiently to the target II-4-1 The chemicals employed before World War II can be styled as the classic chemical weapons They are relatively simple substances most of which were either common industrial chemicals or their derivatives An example is phosgene a choking agent irritates the eyes and respiratory tract Phosgene is important in industry as a chlorinating material A second example is hydrogen cyanide a so-called blood agent prevents transfer of oxygen to the tissues now used worldwide in the manufacture of acrylic polymers The industrial application of many of the classic chemical agents is recognized by the CWC and they are included on a schedule wherein few restrictions apply They would be only marginally useful in modern warfare and generally only against an unsophisticated opponent Moreover large quantities would be required to produce militarily significant effects thus complicating logistics Blister agents or vesicants are an exception to the limited utility of classic agents Although these materials have a relatively low lethality they are effective casualty agents that inflict painful burns and blisters requiring medical attention even at low doses The classic mustard is the most popular among proliferant nations since it is relatively easy to make Mustard is generally referred to as the king of agents because of its ease of production low cost predictable properties persistence and ability to cause resource-devouring casualties rather than fatalities Its insidious nature is both an advantage and a disadvantage Mustard on the skin causes no immediate sensation and symptoms normally do not appear until several hours after exposure At incapacitating levels this may be as long as 12 hours Contrary to the normal expectation horrible fatalities occurred in the Iran-Iraq War because Iranian soldiers feeling no effects continued to wear mustard soaked clothing and inhale its fumes To produce immediate effects an arsenical vesicant known as lewisite was developed in the United States Much of the former Soviet Union vesicant stocks were mixtures of lewisite and sulfur mustard Between the world wars the development of chemical weapons included adaptation to aircraft delivery bombs and exploitation of lewisite since the more potent mustard was from a battlefield perspective slow in producing casualties Independent experiments in several countries led them to consider adopt mixtures of mustard and lewisite as fills for chemical munitions Nerve gases or anticholinesterase agents were discovered by the Germans in the 1930's and developed during World War II In 1936 during studies of possible pesticides the German chemist Gerhard Schrader discovered what he called tabun or GA Two years later Schrader discovered the even more toxic sarin or GB These compounds are orders of magnitude more toxic than those used in World War I and thus represent the significant toxicity increase that changed the concept of employment Fortunately for the Allies the Germans never exploited their technological advantage although they did produce a large number of tabun-filled munitions Nerve gases are liquids not gases which block an enzyme acetylcholinesterase that is necessary for functions of the central nervous system Similar in action to many pesticides they are lethal in much lower quantities than classic agents The nerve gases are effective when inhaled or when absorbed by the skin percutaneous or both although there are differences in effectiveness In general the lower the material's volatility and hence its inhalation threat the greater its percutaneous toxicity Nerve agents are generally divided rather arbitrarily into G- and V-agents although there are numerous structural variants that are potent cholinesterase inhibitors Nerve agents known to date to have been produced for chemical warfare purposes are all organophosphorus compounds and are liquids at room temperature The Italians Hungarians Japanese French English Russians and Americans as well as the Germans all perfected mustard phosgene and similar agents during World War II Although never used in the conflict these nations amassed such huge quantities of chemical munitions that their disposal presented a practical problem one that would be virtually insurmountable in today's more environmentally conscious world In those more naive times however the munitions simply found their way to the bottoms of almost all the world's oceans in the holds of expendable ships After World War II the victors took an interest in exploiting the potential of the remarkably potent nerve agents The British in particular had captured small stocks of sarin GB and set about investigating its potential The Soviets removed the Germans' GB production plant to the Soviet Union GB turned out to be perhaps the best of the respiratory agents being volatile as well as exceedingly toxic The United States designed a cluster bomb to exploit the characteristics of GB and followed this with a litany of adaptations of munitions Artillery rockets were produced as were bombs projectiles and spray tanks Many of these used the basic design of high-explosive weapons and simply changed the fill to GB In the instance of the spray tank it was necessary to use a polymeric thickening material so that the liquid would form large droplets and not evaporate before it reached the ground The French British and Canadians all built small-scale facilities to produce the GB for testing The United States however entered into full-scale production of GB as did the Russians just a little later The Russians also produced soman GD an agent the U S developers had decided to forswear because of its properties of being refractory to treatment above a single lethal dose In the late 1950's UK scientists discovered another category of nerve agents the V-agents These were particularly interesting in that most of them were very effective percutaneously and represented an effective way to circumvent the ubiquitous gas mask The United States and the UK pursued a form of V-agent called VX although they produced it by entirely different processes The Russians exploited another structural analog that proved more adaptable to their industrial processes The 1960's saw continued development in nonlethal agents or riot control agents first used in World War I These materials most notably CS are strong irritants of the mucous membranes with very high safety ratios The letters CS are code letters for a solid powder classified as a riot-control agent O-chlorobenzylmalonitrile This II-4-2 compound is a highly effective irritant of the mucous membranes with an exceedingly high safety ratio 63 000 The purpose of CS and similar materials is temporary incapacitation without permanent harm CS was developed and first used by the UK It was quickly adopted and used extensively by the United States and since has been produced and employed by many nations CS is a solid at room temperature and presents a problem for effective dissemination in useful particle sizes Particulate CS like most solids tends to develop an electrostatic charge which causes the particles to agglomerate into larger particles Much development effort during the 1960's was spent on finding effective dissemination techniques The work on particulate CS could be extrapolated to another type of chemical agent that was of extreme interest in the 1960's incapacitating agents These were initially seen by some as a panacea to make warfare safe and humane Thousands of potential compounds were screened obtained from government sources in the United States and from commercial pharmaceutical companies around the world Although there were several promising materials primarily mental incapacitants only BZ was ever standardized The problem of incapacitants or incapacitating agents is complex The use of incapacitants in warfare is considered to be prohibited by the Chemical Weapons Convention even though only a single agent BZ 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate and its immediate precursors are included as listed compounds Schedule 2 in that Treaty In retrospect while BZ was the only incapacitating agent formally accepted i e type classified by the United States it was a poor choice and is now obsolete It remained in U S stocks for only a short period of time The substance is a mental rather than a physical incapacitant with long-onset time and unpredictable symptoms The victim becomes confused and is likely to be incapable of acting decisively The confusion however may not be readily apparent The duration of action is long about 48 hours making prisoner management difficult There are moreover hundreds of compounds more potent faster acting and with shorter duration of effect Mental incapacitants are predominantly glycolates whereas some of the more potent candidates for physical incapacitants have come from research on improved anesthetics Indeed almost all potential incapacitants are byproducts of the pharmaceutical industry and have legitimate pharmaceutical uses The defining technologies for such incapacitating weapons then are the production of a physiologically effective compound in greater than practical pharmaceutical quantities and incorporation of the material in weapons It is probable that the physical state of an incapacitant will be a particulate solid and that the practical route for effective use is by inhalation Binary chemical weapons use toxic chemicals produced by mixing two compounds immediately before or during use Binary weapons do not necessarily employ new toxic chemicals In U S parlance relatively innocuous precursors were stored separately and reacted to form the toxic chemical agent en route to the target In principle the binary concept could also be used to produce highly lethal but unstable com- pounds or mixtures of compounds unsuitable for long-term storage The U S type classified and produced a GB sarin binary nerve agent weapon the M687 projectile a 155-mm artillery shell and was in the late stages of development of two other binary weapons when its offensive CW program was terminated The Russians have been publicly accused by dissidents within their own agencies of developing new binary agents and the Iraqis are known to have constructed binary bombs and missile warheads albeit with crude manual mixing of the reactants Other possibilities for chemical agents include toxins and allergens which also have been at times considered biological agents Although not living organisms themselves these materials are usually products of living organisms with complex molecular structures A wide variety of toxins with an equally broad spectrum of chemical physical and physiological properties exists The CWC attempts to avoid the complexity by listing only two toxins in its list of substances for verification They are ricin a byproduct of castor bean extraction and saxitoxin a shellfish poison Given the large number of potential toxins these would appear to be place holders to permit the inclusion of any toxin if deemed necessary at a future date Until the recent attempts at terrorism by the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo virtually all uses of chemical weapons have been as tactical weapons by nations These have ranged from attempts to break the stalemate in World War I to the recent use by Iraq to blunt Iranian human wave attacks in the Iran-Iraq War 1982-87 Chemical weapons were not employed by the major protagonists in World War II Between World Wars I and II two signatories of the Geneva Protocol Italy and Japan employed chemical weapons Typically nations have employed them against unprotected targets and not against an equally well-armed nation chemical weapons are therefore arguably an example of mutual deterrence Although there have been charges of chemical weapon use in virtually every conflict in recent decades most have not been substantiated by clinical or physical evidence The growth of chemical agent technology development that spurred production is illustrated in Figure 4 0-1 Chemical agents used initially in World War I were industrial compounds adapted for weapons use As the war continued more compounds were screened and specialized agents particularly sulfur mustard came to the fore After the war research continued at a slow but steady pace with the major breakthrough being the German discovery of the nerve gases in the mid 1930's Agent technology accelerated again in the 1950's with the British discovery of the V-agents The 1960's featured extensive work and discovery in incapacitants and riot control agents as well as the early work on binary agents If the dissidents of the Russian chemical program are to be believed major advances are continuing In the lethal chemical arena a development effort that spread out over three decades was the concept of binary agent employment This concept entailed the creation of highly efficient yet simple reaction schemes that could be used to create toxic agents from non-toxic ingredients in the weapon en route to the target The United States II-4-3 developed three different binary munitions a GB projectile a 155-mm artillery shell an aerial bomb producing VX and a medium-range missile warhead for the MLRS containing an intermediate volatility agent Iraq made a crude attempt to exploit binary systems in the Gulf War but none were actually deployed The Russian Army apparently quashed early attempts to develop binary agents by its technicians although public revelations in 1995 by scientist Vil Mirzayanov and in 1996 by a former head of the Russian demilitarization program indicate recent Russian development of binary systems for new and novel classes of nerve agents An historical perspective of the growth of dissemination technology in comparison to agent technology also can be seen in Figure 4 0-1 Dissemination technology into the 1950's consisted mainly of the use of an explosive burster in adapted shells and iron bombs During that time the concept of submunitions for better agent dispersal e g missile warheads such as the Sergeant and spray tanks e g the Aero 14B evolved and led to more uniform dissemination These were followed in the mid-1960's and 1970's by concepts of thermal dissemination and aerodynamic breakup as well as rheological techniques of particle size control in the 1990's Despite the importance of detection the major technological advances for detection identification and warning are relatively recent Initially detectors were papers impregnated with a dye that underwent a color change when exposed to a chemical agent By World War II air-sampling tubes filled with liquids that changed color on exposure were available as well as rather crude wet chemical point detectors The advent of the nerve gases after World War II led to the development of sensitive enzyme detection techniques and point detection alarms The latter were based on wet chemistry and required extensive servicing The recent advances in microprocessing and fieldable instrumentation techniques have made remote and area sensing of chemical agents feasible A major advance in individual physical protection occurred very early with the development of the activated charcoal filtered gas mask Many incremental improvements to aid in effectiveness against particular agents and to add to communication and creature comforts followed Impregnated clothing for protection against percutaneous poisoning was another rather early development which continues to be improved incrementally by increasing protection factors and wearability included to ensure that there is an understanding of what is required to develop integrate and employ chemical weapons There are a number of reasons for a country to pursue the development of chemical weapons Chemical weapons are relatively inexpensive to produce Many standard munitions can be modified and filled with toxic chemicals A chemical attack or even a credible threat of a chemical offensive can reduce the efficiency of an opposing force by making it take precautionary steps donning protective suits entering shelters etc or diverting its attention to defensive measures Casualties incurred can burden a country's medical resources Unlike conventional weapons chemical munitions for the most part injure or kill people while leaving the surrounding infrastructure intact Moreover because of their unconventional nature chemical weapons can be psychologically devastating for a force being attacked Military forces that contemplate CW employment have many things to consider The use of chemical weapons runs counter to the global norm and is apt to engender strong denunciation by third parties and retaliation by the nation attacked There are significant operational hurdles Logistics training and command and control are complicated by the possible employment of chemical munitions Care must be taken to prevent one's own force from bearing the brunt of an attack A properly defended force might be slowed but will not be stopped Although the cost of CW employment could be high in terms of the above factors the benefit of degrading an adversary's performance and the psychological affect might be deemed sufficient to offset the cost This section on Chemical Weapons Technologies contains four subsections Chemical Material Production addresses technologies for producing toxic chemical agents that could be used in chemical weapons Those that require special expertise are covered in more detail than those available through standard industrial processes Dissemination Dispersion and Weapons Testing addresses those technologies that a proliferant could use to disperse toxic chemicals and ensure the viability of its dissemination systems Also addressed are Detection Warning and Identification technologies that enable forces to detect and identify toxic agents and provide warning to minimize the threat The last subsection Chemical Defense Systems discusses those systems that provide protection from the effects of chemical weapons OVERVIEW RATIONALE This section addresses technologies that would enable a country to develop both offensive and defensive chemical weapons capability The United States has forsworn the offensive use of chemical weapons and is a party to the Chemical Weapons Convention Therefore technologies for offensive military operations are not of interest except to maintain an appreciation for others' potential and to continue to develop a robust defense against them References to offensive operations and technologies are A number of technologies are required to develop integrate and employ chemical weapons Although many of these technologies are old and available in the open literature successful employment entails more than simply producing toxic chemicals Technologies used for dissemination and dispersion are perhaps the most important The myriad technologies for offensive use are included in this section to provide the reader an appreciation of the requirements to develop chemical weapons and an understanding of where offensive breakthroughs might occur even though the United States II-4-4 has renounced the capability Technologies needed to detect the use of toxic chemicals and provide protection are essential to all countries Even proliferants that employ chemical weapons require some type of detection and protection capability FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 4 0-2 Starting in World War I a number of countries have employed chemical weapons After false starts by others the Germans finally employed chlorine successfully at Ypres Belgium in 1915 Other WWI use included phosgene and chloropicrin in 1916 by the British and mustard in 1917 by Germany Lewisite was developed in 1918 too late to be used in WWI Between the world wars Japan began research on chemical weapons and began production in the late 1920's The Italians used mustard in Ethiopia in 1935-36 Although Allied and Axis nations produced and stockpiled chemical weapons they were not used during World War II Egypt employed mustard and probably G-agent in Yemen in the 1960's Both sides relied on CW during the Iran-Iraq conflict The Iraqis used mustard tabun and sarin from 1982-87 and were prepared to do so in the Gulf War Libya dropped chemical agents from a transport aircraft against Chadian Troops in 1987 Many nations have become States Parties to the CWC and can be expected to adhere to their commitments not to develop chemical weapons Others will not sign or may abrogate their commitments Any nation with a sophisticated chemical industry has the potential to produce chemical weapons although nerve agents require a greater amount of expertise than classical agents and vesicants Having the potential however does not indicate intent Subnational groups both independent and state-sponsored could produce or purchase toxic chemicals or possibly chemical warfare agents to threaten a civilian populace Since civilians are poorly prepared for attacks by toxic materials consequences of a successful attack could be severe Governments are increasingly concerned about the use of toxic chemicals in light of the Aum Shinrikyo attack in Tokyo but thus far have been unable to come to grips with the complexity of the problem The armed forces of many nations have some type of detection equipment and protection gear although there are wide variations in their quantity and capability II-4-5 Improved gas mask protection fit comfort Gas mask w voicemitter drinking capability Novichok Series Protective ointment Mustard collective protection gas mask w Whetlerite 9 CC-2 impregnated clothing Miniaturization Laser detection VX 7 Gas mask rosin oil impregnated clothing Relative Development Protection 5 Detection Nerve gas alarm Tabun Sarin Binary munition Agent Lewisite Blister agent detectors kit color change paper 3 Dissemination Chlorine Smell Chloropicrin Phosgene Mustard 1 1900 1910 1920 The Hague 1899 Aircraft bombs 1930 WWI Chlorine 1915 Phosgene 1916 Arms Control Missile warheads spray tanks Projectiles central bursters CW Use Aerodynamic 1940 It Fr Sp Japan Chloropicrin 1916 Mustard 1917 Mustard 1950 1960 1970 Egypt Mustard Geneva Protocol 1980 1990 1995 Iran Iraq Libya Mustard Tabun Sarin CWC 1925 1993 Figure 4 0-1 Relative Development of Chemical Weapons Technologies II-4-6 Country Australia Bulgaria Canada China Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Hungary India Iran Iraq Israel Italy Japan Libya Netherlands North Korea Norway Pakistan Poland Russia Slovak Republic South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Syria United Kingdom United States Viet Nam Subnationals Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities Sec 4 1 Chemical Material Production Sec 4 2 Dissemination Dispersion and Weapons Testing exceeds sufficient level Sec 4 3 Detection Warning and Identification sufficient level Sec 4 4 Chemical Defense Systems some limited Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Figure 4 0-2 Chemical Weapons Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-4-7 SECTION 4 1--CHEMICAL MATERIAL PRODUCTION OVERVIEW This subsection contains information on a number of the toxic chemicals and their most important precursors Included are nerve agents e g sarin soman tabun VX vesicants e g sulfur mustards lewisites nitrogen mustards and classic chemical agents phosgene cyanogen chloride hydrogen cyanide Important precursors are also listed These include DF DC and QL all used in producing nerve agents There are thousands of toxic chemicals that could be used in chemical weapons Those listed have been stockpiled and or used by a number of countries The CWC Schedules of Chemicals Figure 4 1-1 and the Australia Group AG list of precursors Figure 4 1-2 are also provided to ensure recognition of those being considered either for verification provisions of the CWC or for export control It should be remembered that the CWC schedules and the AG list do not include all of the known chemicals that have been or could be used to produce toxic agents Depending on the type of agent to be produced there can be technical hurdles that must be overcome Classic agents can be manufactured using existing chemical infrastructure and most have legitimate commercial uses Likewise vesicants are not technologically complicated The production of the nerve agents however requires significantly more sophisticated chemical processing Some production processes require strict temperature control Containment of toxic substances and gases can pose problems Depending on the immediacy of use purity of product can add a difficult dimension to production In some cases special equipment or handling is required to prevent corrosion of equipment and or rapid deterioration of the product These hurdles can be overcome If sufficient purity cannot be attained an agent can be manufactured and used immediately This presupposes the capability to manufacture a sufficient quantity in the time allotted If special corrosive-resistant equipment cannot be obtained corroded equipment can be replaced when necessary or only a limited amount can be produced If nerve agent production is technologically infeasible for a proliferant a simpler agent vesicant or classic agent can be produced Alternatives can entail increased costs increased munition requirements or reduced CW capability Some of the simpler classic chemical agents can be manufactured using existing chemical infrastructure For example phosgene is manufactured internally within chemical plants throughout the world for use as a chlorinating agent Chlorination is the most common of chemical intermediate reactions in the chemical process industry A reasonable size phosgene facility could be purchased with an investment of $10-$14 million Similarly hydrogen cyanide is currently manufactured worldwide as an intermediate in the manufacture of acrylic polymers and could be diverted for Highlights o o o o o There are many routes to produce most toxic chemicals Thousands of chemicals exist that could be considered for chemical weapons If corrosive-resistant equipment cannot be procured for corrosive reactants and products standard equipment can be used and replaced or discarded Many CW precursors are common industrial chemicals Some have been used in the past as agents in CW Most technologies associated with CW production are old and available in the open literature other uses or separately manufactured with about the same investment In either instance the technologies are simple well known and require no specialized equipment These CW agents require high munitions expenditures and are easily defeated by a gas mask so that use would most likely be against unprotected populations and or poorly equipped combatants Almost all proliferant states since World War I have manufactured vesicants principally sulfur mustard bis 2-chloroethyl sulfide There are several routes to this compound none of which require sophisticated technology and or special materials The earlier producers favored the Levinstein Process which consists of bubbling dry ethylene through sulfur monochloride allowing the mixture to settle and usually distilling the remaining material More recent production has involved chlorination of thiodiglycol a relatively common material with a dual use as an ingredient in some inks This method does not result in the solid byproducts of the Levinstein Process and can be more easily distilled Drums of thiodiglycol produced in the United States and illegally diverted from their intended recipients were found by international inspectors after the Gulf War at Iraqi CW production sites The principal problem experienced by initial manufacturers of sulfur mustard has been the insidious nature of this material Virtually all those producing mustard have experienced a large number of industrial accidents resulting in casualties from mustard burns Nitrogen mustards have been synthesized only in pilot plant quantities but did not require any unusual processes or materials Lewisite was produced by both the United States and the Soviet Union during World War II The plants were quite small and unsophisticated by II-4-8 today's standards Lewisite is an arsenical and as such would require unusually large amounts of arsenates in its production Production of the nerve agents requires significantly more sophisticated chemical processing In a majority of these materials there are corrosive chemicals in the process that require specialized corrosion-resistant construction materials With the exception of GA tabun manufactured by the Germans in World War II and the Iraqis during the Iran-Iraq war G-agent production involves both chlorination and fluorination steps Both of these steps require special and expensive construction materials Reactors degassers distillation columns and ancillary equipment made of high nickel alloys or precious metals are needed to contain the corrosive products and by products Only the last step of the process involves the highly toxic material so that special air handling equipment would be needed for only a small portion of the facility There are many process routes for producing the G- and V-agents the majority involve the synthesis of methylphosphonic dichloride DC at some stage The United States designed and built plants for four different processes for producing DC Two were used in the stockpile production of GB sarin a third represented an upgrade of the stockpile production process to minimize waste and the fourth represented a newer method used in producing material for binary weapons The Soviet Union used a still different process to make DC and Iraq one similar to the last U S process DC is a relatively easy material to store and to ship and need not be produced at the same site as the final product It is very stable and has been stored for over 30 years with little deterioration The size of the facility required to produce DC in militarily significant quantities ranges from very large down to room sized A facility to produce DC with ancillary support would cost approximately $25 million not including pollution and environmental controls and waste treatment Modern waste treatment and pollution abatement to U S standards would more than double the cost although it is doubtful that a proliferant would build to these standards The various DC production processes require some special corrosion-resistant equipment generally glass-lined reactors and storage tanks although not the ultra-expensive equipment required for later stages DC has limited commercial use In the actual production of G-agents the partially fluorinated DC now a transient mixture called Di-Di is reacted with an alcohol or alcohols and the product degassed and usually distilled As noted previously this is the toxic step of the reaction which requires air handling and filtering and also part of the highly corrosive portion that requires high nickel alloy such as Hastelloy C equipment and piping or precious metals such as silver The U S stockpile of GB was produced in this fashion and the former Soviet Union stockpiles of GB and GD soman by a variation of that process The Iraqis used a somewhat over-fluorinated DC and mixed alcohols to produce a GB GF mixture which was inherently unstable Most of the alcohols involved in producing G-agents have large-scale commercial use An exception is the alcohol for producing GD pinacolyl alcohol which has very limited pharmaceutical use Two principal general methods have been employed for V-agent production The process used in the United States was called the Transester Process It entails a rather difficult step in which phosphorus trichloride is methylated to produce methyl phosphonous dichloride The material is reacted in turn with ethanol to form a diester and this material then transesterified to produce the immediate precursor of VX The product is reacted with sulfur to form V-agent This process has the advantage of being straightforward and producing high quality product Conversely it has the disadvantage of some difficult chemical engineering steps The V-agent formed exclusively in the United States was VX The former Soviet Union the only other known producer of significant quantities of V-agent did not produce VX per se but rather a structurally different variant with the same molecular weight The Soviets designed their process to make maximum use of production capability already available The DC of the G-agent process was used in an Amiton process conducted in solution The technique has the advantage of producing a single intermediate DC Disadvantages include the need to recover a highly toxic material from solution and to handle large quantities of contaminated solvent In general the V-agents are not easily distilled and it is unlikely that a final purification process can be developed Incapacitating agent production is similar in many ways to the manufacture of pharmaceuticals since these compounds are normally variations or derivatives of compounds used or postulated for use as pharmaceuticals Since most pharmaceuticals are produced in relatively small quantities production would entail a scale-up to an unusual process size for the type of reactions entailed Moreover virtually all candidate incapacitating agents are solids at room temperature and would require drying and grinding to an inhalable particulate Given the tendency of many compounds to acquire a static charge and agglomerate the grinding is a nontrivial manufacturing problem The problems associated with manufacture and use of solid lethal agents such as carbamates are analogous to those experienced with incapacitants As a consequence of the diversity and complexity involved it is difficult to provide any generic insights to toxin production The only toxin to exist naturally in large quantities is ricin It is a byproduct of castor oil production Production of ricin is a physical separation There are weak parallels with plutonium extraction or uranium isotope enrichment in nuclear processing Toxin separation is much easier less expensive and requires smaller equipment These advantages might make a toxin attractive to a poor proliferating country Most other toxins must be laboriously extracted in small quantities from the organism that secretes them While synthetic toxins are possible they are complex molecules the synthesis of which in any significant amount would be difficult Biotechnology may enhance the ability to produce toxins that were previously difficult to obtain in significant quantity Production of chemical agents in the past has anticipated their long-term storage since in the instance of United States at least they were viewed as deterrent weapons and by policy would not have been employed except in response to aggressor use II-4-9 This also meant that the agents and or their weapons of employment might be stored for extensive periods of time The life span of chemical weapons was first expected to be a decade The requirement was later increased to 20 years when it became clear that munitions were likely to be stored at least that long Chemical agents can either be stored in bulk quantities or loaded into munitions With the nerve agents in particular the quality of the initial material must be excellent and they must be stored under inert conditions with the absolute exclusion of oxygen and moisture Generally an overlay of dry helium was employed to leak check munitions A small amount of stabilizer 2-4 percent was also used to extend agent life span The United States stored agent in both bulk containers and in munitions In the latter instance the munitions were normally stored in revetted bunkers This was particularly true when explosives and propellants were uploaded in the munitions Storage of agents in explosive uploaded munitions has both advantages and disadvantages The principal advantage is speed of use when the munition is needed There is no labor-intensive or time-consuming uploading process and most munitions can be handled and shipped as if they were conventional munitions The principal disadvantage is that explosives and propellants become part of the system and their storage and deterioration may complicate the handling of the chemical weapons An illustrative case is seen in the 115-mm M55 rockets where burster fuse and rocket propellant cannot be easily and or safely separated from the agent warhead before demilitarization As a consequence demilitarization is far more complicated and costly than it would be otherwise Agents stored in bulk in the United States are now stored entirely in large cylindrical ton containers similar to those used to store and ship many commercial chemicals The procedure for the former Soviet Union's stockpile appears to have been to upload their stocks of nerve agent into munitions when produced but to store them without the bursters or fuses These munitions were then themselves stored in more conventional warehouse-like structures Conversely the older stocks of vesicants i e mustard lewisite and mustard-lewisite mixtures are stored in bulk apparently intended to be filled in munitions a short time before use Bulk storage of the vesicants by the Russians is in large railroad-car-size tanks again located in warehouse-like structures When the Iraqis produced chemical munitions they appeared to adhere to a make and use regimen Judging by the information Iraq gave the United Nations later verified by on-site inspections Iraq had poor product quality for their nerve agents This low quality was likely due to a lack of purification They had to get the agent to the front promptly or have it degrade in the munition This problem would have been less severe in their mustard rounds because of less aggressive impurities The problem of degradation inhibited their ability to deploy and employ nerve weapons but probably did not have a great effect on their use of mustard Using their weapons soon after production probably worked well in the Iran-Iraq War where the skies over Iraq were controlled by the Iraqis Unfortunately for the Iraqis loss of air control in the Gulf meant the weapons could never reach the front The chemical munitions found in Iraq after the Gulf War contained badly deteriorated agents and a significant proportion were visibly leaking Binary munitions were once intended by the United States as a means of retaining a retaliatory capability without the necessity of an agent stockpile The relatively nontoxic intermediates could be stored separately and not placed in proximity to one another until just before use This requires some human engineering to ensure the munitions designs permit simple rapid mating of the ingredient containers and production of the lethal agent en route to the target The binary system was envisioned almost exclusively for application to the standard nerve agents Although at least three types of binary munitions were planned only one 155-mm artillery shell was in production when the United States ended CW production The Russians claim to have considered binary munitions but not produced any The Iraqis had a small number of bastardized binary munitions in which some unfortunate individual was to pour one ingredient into the other from a Jerry can prior to use Release of agent by enemy action during shipment is a disadvantage of unitary chemical munitions The sinking of the U S cargo ship John Harvey in the harbor at Bari Italy during World War II and the subsequent unwitting release of a large quantity of mustard gas is a case in point Mustard escaped from damaged munitions contaminating those escaping the sinking ship and civilians on shore RATIONALE See Table 4 1-1 Since there are so many toxic chemicals that could be used in chemical weapons only those agents of major significance and their precursors have been included These toxic chemicals have been designated of most concern by the world community The majority of nerve agents sulfur mustards lewisites and some of the nitrogen mustards are listed in the CWC schedules of chemicals Figure 4 1-1 Each nerve agent is representative of a family hundreds to thousands of chemicals Those specifically included have been produced and stockpiled by a number of countries The precursor DC is the fundamental building block for a significant portion of G- and V-agents The classic chemicals phosgene cyanogen chloride and hydrogen cyanide have been included since they are so readily available that a proliferant could obtain them easily Although these chemical agents would require high munitions expenditures and are easily defeated by a gas mask they could be used effectively against unprotected populations and or poorly equipped combatants Toxins have not been included in this subsection but can be found in Section 3 Biological Weapons Technologies Although toxins are not living organisms they are made by living organisms They are listed in Schedule 1A of the CWC and the biological agent part of the Australia Group list II-4-10 FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 4 0-2 Any country with a chemical industry has the capability if not the intent to produce toxic chemicals Most of the technologies are old and described in the open literature The countries listed in Figure 4 0-2 have the capability or have used chemical weapons in the past and therefore are technically capable of producing chemical weapons The assessment is not an indication of current intent Many of these countries have signed ratified the CWC There have been numerous press reports of toxic chemicals produced in Russia that are not covered in the CWC schedules Vil Mirzayanov a chemist and former high-ranking scientist in the former Soviet Union's chemical weapons program published an article in Kuranty in 1991 and co-authored another article in 1992 in the Moscow News in which he claimed that Russia had developed new kinds of chemical weapons Substances like Novichok A-230 A-232 and A-234 are chemical agents that the Russians are said to have developed in spite of agreement to halt production of chemical weapons These statements were repeated by a former head of the Russian demilitarization program There has been press coverage of a large underground facility being built at Tarhunah in Libya that the United States claims is designed as a chemical production facility Libya dropped chemical agents obtained from Iran from a transport aircraft against Chadian troops in 1987 Late in 1988 Libya completed a chemical agent facility at Rabta as part of its drive to develop an indigenous CW capability When the United States brought international attention to the plant Libya responded by fabricating a fire to make it appear that the facility had been seriously damaged This plant was closed in 1990 but the Libyans announced its reopening in September 1995 as a pharmaceutical facility The Rabta facility is still capable of producing chemical agents Since the late 1980's North Korea has expanded its chemical warfare program Today it can produce large quantities of blister blood choking and possibly nerve agents It also maintains a number of facilities involved in producing or storing precursors for toxic chemicals the agents themselves and weapons As mentioned previously Iran delivered limited quantities of blister and blood agents against Iraqi soldiers late in the Iran-Iraq War Iran has increased its rate of production since 1984 and has produced at least several hundred tons of blister blood and choking agents Some of these agents have been weaponized to support ground combat operations Before the Gulf War Iraq had become nearly self-sufficient in producing many precursors and had developed a variety of chemical weapons on its own The chief inspector of the UN Special Commission chemical destruction group said that all known chemical munitions agents and precursors in Iraq had been eliminated by May 1994 Many think that Iraq can revive its CW capability in a matter of months in the absence of UN monitoring or import controls On the Asian subcontinent India and Pakistan are capable of developing chemical weapons India has a large chemical industry that produces numerous dual-use chemicals that are potential precursors In June 1997 India submitted CW declarations to the CWC governing body in The Hague This was the first time the Indians publicly acknowledged a CW program Pakistan has procured dual-use precursors from foreign sources and is moving slowly toward the capability of producing precursors The Aum Shinrikyo cult in Japan proved that subnational groups can obtain the expertise and ingredients to threaten society with chemical agents A Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations study indicated that the cult had produced the nerve agents sarin soman tabun and VX as well as phosgene and sodium cyanide Toxic chemicals were used at least twice including the Tokyo subway attack that left 12 dead and more than 5 000 injured II-4-11 The following Schedules list toxic chemicals and their precursors For the purposes of implementing this Convention these Schedules identify chemicals for the application of verification measures according to the provisions of the Verification Annex Pursuant to Article II subparagraph 1 a these Schedules do not constitute a definition of chemical weapons Whenever reference is made to groups of dialkylated chemicals followed by a list of alkyl groups in parentheses all chemicals possible by all possible combinations of alkyl groups listed in the parentheses are considered as listed in the respective Schedule as long as they are not explicitly exempted A chemical marked on Schedule 2 part A is subject to special thresholds for declaration and verification as specified in Part VII of the Verification Annex Schedule 1 CAS registry number A Toxic chemicals 1 O-Alkyl C10 incl cycloalkyl alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr -phosphonofluoridates e g sarin O-Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate 107-44-8 soman O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate 96-64-0 2 O-Alkyl C10 incl cycloalkyl N N-dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphoramidocyanidates e g tabun O-Ethyl N N-dimethyl phosphoramidocyanidate 77-81-6 3 O-Alkyl H or C10 incl cycloalkyl S-2-dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr -aminoethyl alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphonothiolates and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts e g VX O-Ethyl S-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methyl phosphonothiolate 50782-69-9 4 Sulfur mustards 2-Chloroethylchloromethylsulfide 2625-76-5 Mustard gas Bis 2-chloroethyl sulfide 505-60-2 Bis 2-chloroethylthio methane 63869-13-6 Sesquimustard 1 2-Bis 2-chloroethylthio ethane 3563-36-8 1 3-Bis 2-chloroethylthio -n-propane 63905-10-2 1 4-Bis 2-chloroethylthio -n-butane 142868-93-7 1 5-Bis 2-chloroethylthio -n-pentane 142868-94-8 Bis 2-chloroethylthiomethyl ether 63918-90-1 O-Mustard bis 2-chloroethylthioethyl ether 63918-89-8 5 Lewisites Lewisite 1 2-Chlorovinyldichloroarsine 541-25-3 Lewisite 2 Bis 2-chlorovinyl chloroarsine 40334-69-8 Lewisite 3 Tris 2-chlorovinyl arsine 40334-70-1 6 Nitrogen mustards HN1 Bis 2-chloroethyl ethylamine 538-07-8 HN2 Bis 2-chloroethyl methylamine 51-75-2 HN3 Tris 2-chloroethyl amine 555-77-1 7 Saxitoxin 35523-89-8 8 Ricin 9009-86-3 B Precursors 9 Alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphonyldifluorides e g DF Methylphosphonyldifluoride 676-99-3 10 O-Alkyl H or C10 incl cycloalkyl O-2-dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr -aminoethyl alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphonites and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts e g QL O-Ethyl O-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methylphosphonite 57856-11-8 11 Chlorosarin O-Isopropyl methylphosphonochloridate 1445-76-7 12 Chlorosoman O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonochloridate 7040-57-5 cont'd Figure 4 1-1 Chemical Weapons Convention Schedules of Chemicals II-4-12 Schedule 2 A Toxic chemicals 1 Amiton O O-Diethyl S- 2- diethylamino ethyl phosphorothiolate 78-53-5 and corresponding alkylated and protonated salts 2 PFIB 1 1 3 3 3-Pentafluoro-2- trifluoromethyl 1-propene 382-21-8 3 BZ 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate 6581-06-2 Schedule 3 A Toxic chemicals 1 Phosgene carbonyl dichloride 75-44-5 2 Cyanogen chloride 506-77-4 3 Hydrogen cyanide 74-90-8 4 Chloropicrin Trichloronitromethane 76-06-2 B Precursors 5 Phosphorus oxychloride 10025-87-3 6 Phosphorus trichloride 7719-12-2 7 Phosphorus pentachloride 10026-13-8 8 Trimethyl phosphite 121-45-9 9 Triethyl phosphite 122-52-1 10 Dimethyl phosphite 868-85-9 11 Diethyl phosphite 762-04-9 12 Sulfur monochloride 10025-67-9 13 Sulfur dichloride 10545-99-0 14 Thionyl chloride 7719-09-7 15 Ethyldiethanolamine 139-87-7 16 Methyldiethanolamine 105-59-9 17 Triethanolamine 102-71-6 B Precursors 4 Chemicals except for those listed in Schedule 1 containing a phosphorus atom to which is bonded one methyl ethyl or propyl normal or iso group but not further carbon atoms e g Methylphosphonyl dichloride 676-97-1 Dimethyl methylphosphonate 756-79-6 Exemption Fonofos O-Ethyl S-phenyl ethylphosphonothiolothionate 944-22-9 5 N N-Dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphoramidic dihalides 6 Dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr N N-dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr -phosphoramidates 7 Arsenic trichloride 7784-34-1 8 2 2-Diphenyl-2-hydroxyacetic acid 76-93-7 9 Quinuclidine-3-ol 1619-34-7 10 N N-Dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr aminoethyl-2-chlorides and corresponding protonated salts 11 N N-Dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr aminoethane-2-ols and corresponding protonated salts Exemptions N N-Dimethylaminoethanol 108-01-0 and corresponding protonated salts N N-Diethylaminoethanol 100-37-8 and corresponding protonated salts 12 N N-Dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr aminoethane-2-thiols and corresponding protonated salts 13 Thiodiglycol Bis 2-hydroxyethyl sulfide 111-48-8 14 Pinacolyl alcohol 3 3-Dimethylbutane-2-ol 464-07-3 Source The Chemical Weapons Convention Annex on Chemicals Part B Figure 4 1-1 Chemical Weapons Convention Schedules of Chemicals cont'd II-4-13 Chemical C A S # Chemical C A S # 1 Thiodiglycol 2 Phosphorus Oxychloride 3 Dimethyl Methylphosphonate 4 Methyl Phosphonyl Difluoride 5 Methyl Phosphonyl Dichloride 6 Dimethyl Phosphite 7 Phosphorus Trichloride 8 Trimethyl Phosphite 9 Thionyl Chloride 10 3-Hydroxy-1-methylpiperidine 11 N N-Diisopropyl-ss-Aminoethyl Chloride 12 N N-Diisopropyl-ss-Aminoethane Thiol 13 3-Quinuclidinol 14 Potassium Fluoride 15 2-Chloroethanol 16 Dimethylamine 17 Diethyl Ethylphosphonate 18 Diethyl N N-Dimethylphosphoramidate 19 Diethyl Phosphite 20 Dimethylamine Hydrochloride 21 Ethyl Phosphinyl Dichloride 22 Ethyl Phosphonyl Dichloride 23 Ethyl Phosphonyl Difluoride 24 Hydrogen Fluoride 25 Methyl Benzilate 26 Methyl Phosphinyl Dichloride 27 N N-Diisopropyl-ss-Amino-Ethanol 28 Pinacolyl Alcohol 29 O-Ethyl 2-Diisopropylaminoethyl Methylphosphonite 111-48-8 10025-87-3 756-79-6 676-99-3 676-97-1 868-85-9 7719-12-2 121-45-9 7719-09-7 3554-74-3 96-79-7 5842-07-9 1619-34-7 7789-23-3 107-07-3 124-40-3 78-38-6 2404-03-7 762-04-9 506-59-2 1498-40-4 1066-50-8 753-98-0 7664-39-3 76-89-1 676-83-5 96-80-0 464-07-3 57856-11-8 30 Triethyl Phosphite 31 Arsenic Trichloride 32 Benzilic Acid 33 Diethyl Methylphosphonite 34 Dimethyl Ethylphosphonate 35 Ethyl Phosphinyl Difluoride 36 Methyl Phosphinyl Difluoride 37 3-Quinuclidone 38 Phosphorus Pentachloride 39 Pinacolone 40 Potassium Cyanide 41 Potassium Bifluoride 42 Ammonium Bifluoride 43 Sodium Bifluoride 44 Sodium Fluoride 45 Sodium Cyanide 46 Tri-ethanolamine 47 Phosphorus Pentasulphide 48 Di-isopropylamine 49 Diethylaminoethanol 50 Sodium Sulphide 51 Sulphur Monochloride 52 Sulphur Dichloride 53 Triethanolamine Hydrochloride 54 N N-Diisopropyl-2-Aminoethyl Chloride Hydrochloride 122-52-1 7784-34-1 76-93-7 15715-41-0 6163-75-3 430-78-4 753-59-3 3731-38-2 10026-13-8 75-97-8 151-50-8 7789-29-9 1341-49-7 1333-83-1 7681-49-4 143-33-9 102-71-6 1314-80-3 108-18-9 100-37-8 1313-82-2 10025-67-9 10545-99-0 637-39-8 4261-68-1 Source ACDA Fact Sheet on Australia Group Export Controls November 7 1995 current as of September 6 1997 Figure 4 1-2 Australia Group Chemicals II-4-14 Table 4 1-1 Chemical Material Production Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Manufacturing processes for O-Alkyl C10 incl Sovereign States capable of CWC annual production of approx WA ML 7 100 tons USML XIV Subnational capable of producing any amount Phosphorus trichloride DF DC hydrogen fluoride isopropanol Needs expensive corrosive-resistant equipment such as hastelloy or silver None identified Manufacturing processes for O-Alkyl C10 incl Sovereign States capable of CWC annual production of approx WA ML 7 100 tons USML XIV Subnational capable of producing any amount Phosphorus trichloride DC hydrogen fluoride pinacolyl alcohol Needs expensive corrosive-resistant equipment such as hastelloy or silver None identified Sovereign States capable of CWC annual production of approx WA ML 7 200 tons USML XIV Subnational capable of producing any amount Phosphorus None identified oxychloride or phosphorus trichloride sodium cyanide dimethlyamine ethyl alcohol None identified Manufacturing processes for O-Alkyl H or C10 Sovereign States capable of CWC annual production of approx WA ML 7 200 tons incl cycloalkyl Me Et USML XIV n-Pr or i-Pr -aminoethyl Subnational capable of alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr producing any amount phosphonothiolates and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts e g VX CAS 50782-69-9 QL sulfur or DC if Amiton-like process is used Inert atmosphere High-temperature methylation equipment QL process None identified Manufacturing processes Sovereign States capable of CWC for Phosphonochloridates annual production of approx WA ML 7 300 tons e g chlorosarin DC Glass-lined reactors None identified cycloalkyl alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr -phosphonofluoridates e g sarin GB O-Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate CAS 107-44-8 cycloalkyl alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr -phosphonofluoridates e g soman GD O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate CAS 96-64-0 Manufacturing processes for O-Alkyl C10 incl cycloalkyl N N-dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphoramidocyanidates e g tabun GA O-Ethyl N N-dimethylphosphoramidocyanidate CAS 77-81-6 O-Isopropyl methylphosphonochloridate CAS 1445-76-7 Subnational capable of producing any amount USML XIV cont'd II-4-15 Table 4 1-1 Chemical Material Production Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Manufacturing processes Sovereign States capable of CWC for Sulfur mustards see annual production of approx WA ML 7 Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Sulfur monochloride or sulfur dichloride or Thiodiglycol None identified None identified Figure 4 1-1 for names - CAS 2625-76-5 - CAS 505-60-2 - CAS 63869-13-6 - CAS 3563-36-8 - CAS 63905-10-2 - CAS 142868-93-7 - CAS 142868-94-8 - CAS 63918-90-1 - CAS 63918-89-8 500 tons Subnational capable of producing any amount Manufacturing processes for lewisites Sovereign States capable of CWC annual production of approx WA ML 7 500 tons USML XIV Subnational capable of producing any amount Arsenic trichloride None identified None identified Sovereign States capable of CWC annual production of approx WA ML 7 500 tons USML XIV Subnational capable of producing any amount HN 1 ethyl diethanolamine HN 2 methyl diethanolamine HN 3 triethanolamine Glass- or enamel-lined equipment None identified - Lewisite 1 2-Chlorovinyldichloroarsine CAS 541-25-3 - Lewisite 2 Bis 2chlorovinyl chloroarsine CAS 40334-69-8 - Lewisite 3 Tris 2chlorovinyl arsine CAS 40334-70-1 Manufacturing processes for Nitrogen mustards - HN1 Bis 2-chloroethyl ethylamine CAS 538-07-8 - HN2 Bis 2-chloroethyl methylamine CAS 51-75-2 - HN3 Tris 2-chloroethyl amine CAS 555-77-1 USML XIV cont'd II-4-16 Table 4 1-1 Chemical Material Production Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Manufacturing processes for Amiton O O-Diethyl Sovereign States capable of CWC annual production of approx WA ML 7 S- 2- diethylamino ethyl 500 tons USML XIV phosphorothiolate and Subnational capable of corresponding alkylated producing any amount or protonated salts CAS 78-53-5 None Normally made in solution extraction equipment None identified Sovereign States capable of CWC annual production of approx WA ML 7 Pentafluoro-22 000 tons USML XIV trifluoromethyl -1Subnational capable of propene CAS 382-21-8 producing any amount None Needs expensive corrosion resistant equipment such as Hastelloy or silver None identified Sovereign States capable of CWC exempted None annual production of approx from WA ML dichloride CAS 75-44-5 2 000 tons USML XIV Subnational capable of producing any amount Corrosion resistant equipment None identified Sovereign States capable of CWC exempted None annual production of approx from WA ML 2 000 tons USML XIV Subnational capable of producing any amount None identified None identified Sovereign States capable of CWC exempted None annual production of approx from WA ML 5 000 tons USML XIV Subnational capable of producing any amount None identified None identified Production equipment made of Hastelloy or other high nickel alloys silver None identified Manufacturing processes for PFIB 1 1 3 3 3- Manufacturing processes for Phosgene carbonyl Manufacturing processes for Cyanogen chloride CAS 506-77-4 Manufacturing processes for Hydrogen cyanide CAS 74-90-8 Manufacturing processes for Alkyl Me Et n-Pr or iPr phosphonyldifluorides e g DF Methyl- phosphonyldifluoride CAS 676-99-3 Sovereign States capable of annual production of approx 200 tons Subnational capable of producing any amount CWC AG List WA ML-7 CCL Cat 1E DC hydrogen fluoride cont'd II-4-17 Table 4 1-1 Chemical Material Production Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Sovereign States capable of annual production of approx 400 tons Subnational capable of producing any amount CWC AG List WA ML-7 CCL Cat IE Thionyl chloride or Glass-lined vessels phosgene or Glass-lined distillation phosphorous columns pentachloride Dimethylmethylphosphonate DMMP many production processes available None identified Sovereign States capable of annual production of approx 200 tons incl cycloalkyl O-2dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i- Subnational capable of Pr -aminoethyl alkyl Me producing any amount Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphonites and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts e g QL CAS 57856-11-8 CWC AG List WA ML 7 CCL Cat 1E TR diethyl methylphosphonite KB 2- N-Ndiethylamino ethanol Similar esters and amino alcohols Waste treatment incinerators Distillation columns High-temperature methylation equipment None identified Manufacturing processes for Alkyl Me Et n-Pr or iPr phosphonylchlorides e g DC Methyl- phosphonyl dichloride CAS 676-97-1 Note This material rather than DF is the fundamental building block of a significant portion of G and V agents Manufacturing processes for O-Alkyl H or C10 II-4-18 Table 4 1-2 Chemical Material Production Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Manufacturing processes for O-Alkyl C10 incl cycloalkyl alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphono-fluoridates e g sarin GB O-Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate CAS 107-44-8 Manufacturing processes for O-Alkyl C10 incl cycloalkyl alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphonofluoridates e g soman GD -O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate CAS 96-64-0 Manufacturing processes for O-Alkyl C10 incl cycloalkyl N N-dialkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphoramidocyanidates e g tabun GA O-Ethyl N Ndimethyl phosphoramidocyanidate CAS 77-81-6 Manufacturing processes for O-Alkyl H or C10 incl cycloalkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr aminoethyl alkyl Me Et n-Pr or iPr phosphonothiolates and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts e g VX CAS 50782-69-9 Manufacturing processes for Phosphonochloridates e g chlorosarin O-Isopropyl methylphosphonochloridate CAS 1445-76-7 Oxidation alkylation fluorination esterification Large power needs Must be distilled and stabilized unless manufactured for immediate use Troop concentrations sabotage Military Applications A number of production processes have been documented Alternative Technologies Oxidation alkylation fluorination esterification Large power needs Must be distilled and stabilized unless manufactured for immediate use Troop concentrations sabotage A number of production processes have been documented Cyanation reaction Troop concentrations sabotage A number of production processes have been documented Alkylation reaction or use of Amitonlike process Product should be stabilized Troop concentrations sabotage terrain denial A number of production processes have been documented No fluorinated reactor involved therefore do not need Hastelloy although glass-lined vessel required Easier to produce but far less toxic Sabotage more applicable to subnational A number of production processes have been documented cont'd II-4-19 Table 4 1-2 Chemical Material Production Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Manufacturing processes for Ventilation filtration Sulfur mustards see Figure 4 1-1 for names - CAS 2625-76-5 - CAS 505-60-2 - CAS 63869-13-6 - CAS 3563-36-8 - CAS 63905-10-2 - CAS 142868-93-7 - CAS 142868-94-8 - CAS 63918-90-1 - CAS 63918-89-8 Troop concentrations sabotage terrain denial A number of production processes have been documented Manufacturing processes for Corrosion potential for explosive lewisites reactions - Lewisite 1 2-Chlorovinyldichloroarsine CAS 541-25-3 - Lewisite 2 Bis 2-chlorovinyl chloroarsine CAS 40334-69-8 - Lewisite 3 Tris 2-chlorovinyl arsine CAS 40334-70-1 Troop concentrations sabotage A number of production processes have been documented Manufacturing processes for Nitrogen mustards - HN1 Bis 2-chloroethyl ethylamine CAS 538-07-8 - HN2 Bis 2-chloroethyl methylamine CAS 51-75-2 - HN3 Tris 2-chloroethyl amine CAS 555-77-1 Chlorination neutralization Troop concentrations sabotage A number of production processes have been documented including those to make other nitrogen mustards not listed on CWC schedules Manufacturing processes for PFIB 1 1 3 3 3-Pentafluoro-2 trifluoromethyl -1-propene CAS 382-21-8 Byproduct of Teflon manufacture Gas-mask penetrant A number of production processes have been documented Manufacturing processes for Phosgene carbonyl dichloride CAS 75-44-5 Used heavily in commercial processes Nonpersistent gas A number of production processes have been documented cont'd II-4-20 Table 4 1-2 Chemical Material Production Reference Data cont'd Technology Manufacturing processes for Technical Issues A number of production processes have been documented Used heavily in acrylic industries Bombs grenades A number of production processes have been documented Fluorination reaction corrosion Key component in binary G agents A number of production processes have been documented Chlorination reaction Used to make DF and Di-Di mix Also can be used in some V agent processes A number of production processes have been documented Transesterification reaction High-temperature methylation Component of VX binary weapon may A number of production be intermediate in VX process processes have been documented Hydrogen cyanide CAS 74-90-8 Manufacturing processes for Alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphonyldifluorides e g DF Methylphosphonyldifluoride CAS 676-99-3 Manufacturing processes for Alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphonylchlorides e g DC Methylphosphonyl dichloride CAS 676-97-1 Note This material rather than DF is the fundamental building block of a significant portion of G and V agents Manufacturing processes for O-Alkyl H or C10 incl cycloalkyl O-2-dialkyl Me Et nPr or i-Pr -aminoethyl alkyl Me Et n-Pr or i-Pr phosphonites and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts e g QL CAS 57856-11-8 Alternative Technologies Quick-acting casualty agent Degradation of mask filters Cyanogen chloride CAS 506-77-4 Manufacturing processes for Military Applications None identified II-4-21 SECTION 4 2--DISSEMINATION DISPERSION AND WEAPONS TESTING OVERVIEW Perhaps the most important factor in the effectiveness of chemical weapons is the efficiency of dissemination This section lists a variety of technologies that can be used to weaponize toxic chemical agents Munitions include bombs submunitions projectiles warheads and spray tanks Techniques of filling and storage of munitions are important The principal method of disseminating chemical agents has been the use of explosives Figure 4 2-1 shows an example of a U S chemical bomb the MC-1 These usually have taken the form of central bursters expelling the agent laterally Efficiency is not particularly high in that a good deal of the agent is lost by incineration in the initial blast and by being forced onto the ground Particle size will vary since explosive dissemination produces a bimodal distribution of liquid droplets of an uncontrollable size but usually having fine and coarse modes For flammable aerosols sometimes the cloud is totally or partially ignited flashing in the dissemination process For example explosively disseminated VX ignited roughly one third of the time it was employed The phenomenon was never fully understood or controlled despite extensive study A solution would represent a major technological advance Figure 4 2-1 MC-1 Gas Bomb Highlights o o o o Efficiency of dissemination is the most important factor in the effectiveness of chemical weapons Much of the agent is lost in an explosive dissemination by incineration and by being forced onto the ground Flammable aerosols frequently flash ignite when explosively disseminated The environment winds and temperature are important factors in CW dissemination Aerodynamic dissemination technology allows nonexplosive delivery from a line source Although this method provides a theoretical capability of controlling the size of the particle the altitude of dissemination must be controlled and the wind direction and velocity known Accurate weather observations can enable the attacker to predict wind direction and velocity in the target area An important factor in the effectiveness of chemical weapons is the efficiency of dissemination as it is tailored to the types of agent The majority of the most potent of chemical agents are not very volatile Indeed the most volatile of the G-agents is GB sarin which has a volatility near that of water All are nonvolatile liquids or solids at room temperature VX is an oily liquid An advanced proliferant might attempt to develop on-board sensor systems for initiation and control of agent dissemination dispersal for ballistic missiles cruise missiles and artillery In these cases the sensor target-detection device may employ technologies common to other electronic fuzing applications The efficacy of explosives and pyrotechnics for dissemination is limited by the flammable nature of some agents In some respects long-range strategic weapons pose a lesser problem than shortrange tactical weapons that are fired over or in the vicinity of one's own forces The agent must be dispersed within the boundary layer 200-300 ft above the ground and yet high enough to allow effective dispersal of the agent This poses design problems because the ground target detection device must be substantially more sensitive than for conventional munitions The increased sensitivity also results in increased susceptibility to false firing due to noise mutual interference and electronic countermeasures ECM II-4-22 Casualties due to premature initiation of the warhead are unacceptable in tactical weapons Accordingly an additional function such as a simple electrical or mechanical timer may be used to arm the height-of-burst sensor A more recent attempt to control aerosol particle size on target has been the use of aerodynamic dissemination and sprays as line sources By modification of the rheological properties of the liquid its breakup when subjected to aerodynamic stress can theoretically be controlled and an idealized particle distribution achieved In practice the task is more difficult but it represents an area where a technological advance could result in major munition performance improvements The altitude of dissemination must be controllable and the wind direction and velocity known for a disseminated liquid of a predetermined particle size to predictably reach the ground and reliably hit a target Thermal dissemination wherein pyrotechnics are used to aerosolize the agent has been used particularly to generate fine inhalable clouds of incapacitants Most of the more complex agent molecules however are sensitive to high temperatures and can deteriorate if exposure is too lengthy Solids are a notoriously difficult problem for dissemination since they tend to agglomerate even when pre-ground to desired sizes Dispersion considers the relative placement of the chemical agent munition upon or adjacent to a target immediately before dissemination so that the material is most efficiently used For example the artillery rockets of the 1950's and early 1960's employed a multitude of submunitions so that a large number of small agent clouds would form directly on the target with minimal dependence on meteorology Another variation of this is multiple free aerial sprays such as those achieved by the BLU 80 B Bigeye weapon and the multiple launch rocket system While somewhat wind dependent this technique is considerably more efficient in terms of agent quantities Testing requirements for munitions seek to measure the efficacy of dissemination This has been done historically on instrumented grids with samples of the disseminated material taken at known positions The positions are assigned area values and these are integrated to determine total dosage and dose isopleths While the technique was constantly improved it still was crude by most standards and required numerous tests to provide useful information Instrumental methods such as versions of light detection and ranging LIDAR may well be better suited to more accurate measures but without the signature of the chemical grids Modeling dissemination patterns for agent laydown can be an effective way to predict dispersal without physical testing Little testing would be required given good verified models The problem however is model verification RATIONALE See Table 4 2-1 Many dissemination technologies have been included because many are available to a proliferant In World War I canisters of chlorine were simply opened to allow the gas to drift across enemy lines Although this produced limited results it is indicative of the simplicity of potential means of dispersion Although central bursters have limitations countries usually use this method in the early stages of CW development although it does not have to be the first one There is sufficient open literature describing the pros and cons of various types of dissemination to dictate the consideration of all of them by a proliferant Most countries could develop the toxic agents and adapt their standard munitions to carry the agents It is much more difficult however to achieve success in effective dispersion and dissemination Weather observation and forecasting are essential to increase the probability of effective CW dissemination and reduce the risk of injuring friendly forces FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 4 0-2 As stated previously most countries have the capability to develop chemical weapons Those with a well-developed military infrastructure could readily adapt existing munitions for chemical warfare During the Iran-Iraq War Iraq delivered mustard and tabun with artillery shells aerial bombs missiles and rockets Virtually any country or subnational group with significant resources has sufficient capability to attain the minimum capability that would be needed to meet terrorist aims Any nation with substantial foreign military sales or indigenous capability in conventional weapons will have or have ready access to both the design know-how and components required to implement at least a moderate capability II-4-23 Table 4 2-1 Dissemination Dispersion and Weapons Testing Technology Parameters Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters High fragmentation steels and corrosion leak resistant casings Projectile forging casing production high-integrity weld or ball seals inert gas insertion helium leak check equipment acoustic metal flaw detection Liquid fill ballistic programs Dissemination prediction models Warheads for CW missile Ability to produce casings for USML IV systems either bulk liquid or subWA ML 4 munitions capable of MTCR 4 appropriate opening for dissemination Corrosion leakresistant casings High-integrity weld or ball seals inert gas insertion helium leak check equipment Ability to dynamically balance loaded warhead Ballistic programs able to account for effects of liquid fills Dissemination and dispersion prediction capabilities Electronic time fuzes Accuracy setability to within 0 1 second USML III WA ML 3 Accurate electronic clock technology Ability to test fuze accuracy and reliability None identified High-explosive formulations Precisely tailored energetic properties to prevent ignition USML V WA ML 8 Although standard Measures of explosive Explosive dissemination formulations are stability oxygen balance pattern prediction usable formulations desirable to reduce potential aerosol ignition are desirable Energetic materials Low-temperature burning energetic materials capable of vaporization condensation or ablative dissemination of solid agents USML V WA ML 8 WA Cat 1C CCL Cat 1C Energetics with sufficiently low and controllable burning temperatures that do not destroy the material being disseminated Technology Projectile cases for CW agents Sufficient Technology Level Ability to produce fillable fireable and leakproof munition casings Export Control Reference USML II IV WA ML 2 4 Critical Materials Measurement of energetic mix burning temperatures Dissemination effectiveness predictive models cont'd II-4-24 Table 4 2-1 Dissemination Dispersion and Weapons Testing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters HOB measurement and detection algorithms and logic algorithms for ECCM or terrain feature analysis On-board sensors for Radar or radio proximity USML XI XII sequencing and initiation sensors for reliable measure- WA ML 11 15 of CW warheads ment of altitudes from 50 to 100 meters Guidance integrated fuzing Nonenergetic electromechanical mechanisms for warhead control and initiation None identified Specially designed ground approach or terrain return simulators Aerodynamic dissemination Nonexplosive dispersion of CW agents in a line source in the atmosphere USML XIV WA ML 7 Compatible thixotropic additives for control of particle size Rheogoniometer for Dissemination measurement of dynamic effectiveness predictive rheological properties of models batches Submunition dispersion Capability to produce and disperse agent filled submunitions USML IV WA ML 4 None identified Corrosion leak-resistant Dissemination casings for subeffectiveness predictive munitions Sub-munition models fill capability for missile warheads Prediction sensing of micro-meteorology Ability to predict wind velocity CCL EAR 99 and direction in a target area USML XIV XXI None identified Deployable micrometeorological sensors Linkage of sensor data to weapons system to control employment De-agglomeration of particles Ability to have majority of pre- USML XIV ground solid particles in the WA ML 7 inhalable range Effective probably item-specific deagglomerant Reliable particle size measurement None identified Dosage Area measurement Ability for reasonable measurement of dissemination effectiveness USML XIV WA ML 7 None identified Techniques for measure- Software to translate ment of aerosol concen- data to concentration trations versus time isopleths and or ground depositions over a broad area Fuzzy logic for unmanned aircraft Use of fuzzy logic in conjunction with on-site micrometeorological data to optimize dissemination performance WA ML 21 USML XXI None identified None identified II-4-25 Fuzzy programs to rapidly adjust delivery to prevailing meteorological conditions Table 4 2-2 Dissemination Dispersion and Weapons Testing Reference Data Technology Projectile cases for CW agents Technical Issues Military Applications Acquiring producing fillable fireable and leakproof munition casings Bombs projectiles submunitions warheads Alternative Technologies None identified Warheads for CW missile systems Producing casings for either bulk liquid Missiles or submunitions capable of appropriate opening for dissemination None identified Electronic time fuzes Producibility Conventional biological and chemical warheads Radar fuzes proximity fuzes High explosive formulations Ability to cast stable explosives for weapon environments All munitions systems None identified Energetic materials Low-temperature burning energetic materials capable of vaporization condensation or ablative dissemination of solid agents All munitions systems None identified many energetics available On-board sensors for sequencing Effects of initiation mechanism on and initiation of CW warheads agent Technology common to conventional cannister weapons and strategic tactical nuclear weapons Delivery from manned aircraft Surface burst contact sensor Aerodynamic dissemination Line source delivery of CW agents Different delivery system Nonexplosive dissemination of CW agents Submunition dispersion Fuzing filling CW agent delivery Bombs warheads Prediction sensing of micrometeorology Data collection Prediction of CW effects On-site observers De-agglomeration of particles Keeping particles in inhalable size Dissemination of CW agent None identified Dosage Area measurement Detection collection Contamination avoidance command and control Use animals Fuzzy logic for unmanned aircraft Computational ability Delivery of CW agent Normal logic II-4-26 SECTION 4 3--DETECTION WARNING AND IDENTIFICATION OVERVIEW Because many toxic chemicals act quickly rapid detection is needed to prevent lethal or incapacitating results from unwanted exposure This subsection covers a variety of technologies that can be used to detect CW agents Sample collection sample processing and information processing are vital to enable identification and warning of chemical exposure Detection can be accomplished at a designated location point detection or at a distance standoff detection No single fielded sensor detects all chemical agents of interest Standoff detection is particularly difficult for low volatility agents e g either U S or Russian forms of VX Sensitivity of a detector is crucial to detecting lethal concentrations Equipment must be reliable provide identification quickly with a low false alarm rate and high accuracy and be integrated into an alarm system so that warning can be distributed and proper action taken Unknown factors can include location persistence and intensity of the agent These are critical parameters for command decisions Figure 4 3-1 shows a U S Chemical Agent Monitor CAM Detection warning and identification have an offensive CW component and are also necessary in a defensive context Figure 4 3-1 Chemical Agent Monitor CAM Some amount of detection and warning capability is needed if a country is to develop and employ chemical weapons When toxic chemicals are produced Highlights o o o o Detection requirements for a purely offensive posture are minimal A prudent attacker must be prepared to defend against a counterattack in kind if the CW threshold is crossed Detection warning and identification of the employment of CW are key to implementing defensive measures Detection of CW is a key aspect of CWC compliance detection and warning are necessary to the extent that the safety of workers is important If storage sites are established detection is needed to verify the integrity of the weapons and to ensure that the surrounding area does not become contaminated These concerns can be mitigated if production occurs just before use Even though soldiers and airmen employing chemical weapons might wear some type of protective clothing detection is necessary to prevent inadvertent exposure and to minimize contamination It should be noted that other countries have not considered safety to be as important as the U S did when it was involved in offensive CW preparation Consequently they may dispense with procedures that the U S deemed essential Proliferators of chemical weapons would not need much detection equipment The agent s being produced and used would be known Point detectors would be sufficient to determine inadvertent leakage Detection capability is required to know when the environment is safe for normal operations after CW has been employed Detection warning and identification are critical in a defensive role Protection against chemical agents is available but since wearing protective gear degrades military performance units must not assume a protective posture until it is mandatory Many prophylactic measures are most effective if implemented before exposure and many therapeutics must be initiated soon after exposure The sophistication needed depends on the technological capability of the enemy The detection and identification requirements in a defensive posture are much more difficult to meet than those required for offensive operations Detection warning and identification systems are further stressed because the time place amount and type of agent used are determined by the attacker The defender must be ready for anything at any time and in any amount II-4-27 Historically detection of ground and surface contamination has depended on a color change on special paper that was exposed to an agent Another method was a color change that occurred when air was drawn through tubes with special dye chemicals on a substrate Special analytical kits were used to determine the presence of chemical agents in water Various technologies are used in automatic detectors All of them indicate the presence of an agent in one location A number of detectors are being developed to provide standoff capability Figure 4 3-2 shows the U S Remote Sensing Chemical Agent Alarm RSCAAL which is designed to detect nerve and vesicant agent clouds at up to 5 km If an agent can be detected at a sufficient distance measures can be taken to avoid the contamination and the need to wear protective clothing RATIONALE See Table 4 3-1 To prevent unnecessary casualties during production transport storage and employment a proliferant might need only be able to detect those agents that are being developed A number of technologies could be used for this purpose although only point detectors would suffice since the location and identity would already be known Warning would be quite simple A prudent attacker however must be prepared for a retaliatory attack by an adversary In this case the agent to be expected might not be known Identification and warning would be critical to taking proper defensive measures The ability to detect and identify toxic agents and provide warning to forces is essential for operating in a chemical environment Early detection and warning provide situational awareness to allow military forces to avoid or reduce the threat If exposure cannot be avoided troops must don protective clothing Military forces also must know when contamination has been reduced to a level that permits normal operations Knowledge of areas of residual contamination is important as well FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 4 0-2 A number of Western countries Canada France Germany the UK and the United States have significant capability in sensor technology Russia and Israel also are well advanced in this field At least 18 countries have some type of chemical detector in their armed forces Countries among the 18 include China Finland Hungary Iran Iraq Libya the Netherlands North Korea the Czech Republic and South Africa Figure 4 3-2 RSCAAL II-4-28 Table 4 3-1 Detection Warning and Identification Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference WA ML 7 WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B WA ML 7 Mass SpectrometryDetect level 0 1- mass spectrometry MS- 100 picograms of CW agent WA Cat IA MS AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B 3A WA ML 7 Passive Infrared IR Detect level @1 000 m 100 mg m3 of CW agent WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B 6A WA ML 7 Wet chemistry Detect 1 0 mg of CW agent WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B WA ML 7 Enzymatic reactions Detect level 0 1 mg of CW agent WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B Gas phase ion chemistry Detect levels 1 0 mg of CW WA ML 7 agent WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B 3 Gas Chromatography Detect level 0 1-1 0 mg m of WA ML 7 GC -IMS CW agent WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B 3A Ion Mobility Spectrometry IMS Detect level 0 05- 1 0 mg m3 of CW agent Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Radioactive materials in some systems None identified Spectral data base None identified Miniaturization and ruggedizing of current technology required Spectral data base None identified Database development Requires data base of emission patterns None identified None identified None identified Enzyme acetocholinesterase substrate None identified None identified None identified Ion source None identified Carrier gas None identified Spectral data base Retention time indices cont'd II-4-29 Table 4 3-1 Detection Warning and Identification Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Carrier gas None identified Spectral data base Retention time indices GC-Flame Photometric Detect level 10- WA ML 7 Detector FPD -Flame 1 000 picograms of CW agent WA Cat IA Ionization Detector FID AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B Carrier gas None identified Retention time indices Transverse Field Detect level 0 001- Compensation TFC -IMS 0 01 mg m3 of CW agent WA ML 7 WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B Radioactive materials None identified Spectral data base Surface Acoustic Wave SAW Crystal Arrays Detect level 0 01-1 0 mg of CW agent WA ML 7 WA Cat IA 3A AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B 3A Polymer coatings None identified Signal patterns of arrays Absorption LIDAR Detect levels of 1 mg m3 of CW agent WA ML 7 WA Cat IA 6A AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B 6A None identified None identified Spectral data base Scattering LIDAR Detect levels above 1 mg m3 of CW agent WA ML 7 WA Cat IA 6A AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B 6A None identified None identified Spectral data base GC-Mass Spectrometry MS Detect level 1- 100 picograms of CW agent WA ML 7 WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL Cat 2B 3A cont'd II-4-30 Table 4 3-1 Detection Warning and Identification Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Information Processing e g data reduction information transfer sensor multiplexing decision making Any capability is a concern CCL EAR 99 None identified Multiplexed system for detection of CW agents Adaptations of existing systems Sample Processing e g concentration Any capability is a concern WA ML 7 WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL 2B None identified Analytical chemistry equipment Spectral recognition algorithms Remote liquid particulate Detect levels above 1 mg m3 sensing WA ML 7 WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL 2B None identified None identified Emission data base Detect levels above 1 mg m3 WA ML 7 WA Cat IA AG List USML XIV CCL 2B None identified Database development Requires database of emissions Remote solid particulate sensing II-4-31 Table 4 3-2 Detection Warning and Identification Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Ion Mobility Spectrometry IMS Replacement of radioactive elements Point alarm Use another detection technology Mass Spectrometry-mass spectrometry MS-MS Power requirement Verification Use another detection technology Passive Infrared IR Potential interference of atmospheric pollutants identification of specific substances limited to relatively volatile material atmospheric transmission window signal processor intensive Remote detection of chemical agents Use another detection technology Wet chemistry Requires significant servicing environmental limitations on reactants Point alarm Use a live animal Enzymatic reactions Requires individual processing and interpretation sensitivity of living substrates to environment Point alarm Use another detection technology Gas phase ion chemistry Source of ionization analysis of products Point alarm Use another detection technology Gas Chromatography GC -IMS Electric requirement Point alarm Use another detection technology GC-Mass Spectrometry MS Electric requirement Long 1-20 min response time Point alarm Use another detection technology GC-Flame Photometric Detector FPD -Flame Ionization Detector FID Electric requirement Long 2-10 min response time Point alarm Use another detection technology Transverse Field Compensation TFC -IMS Electric requirement Point alarm Use another detection technology Surface Acoustic Wave SAW Crystal Arrays Long 0 5-5 min response time Point alarm Use another detection technology Absorption LIDAR Substance dependent sensitivity atmospheric transmission window Remote sensing Use another detection technology Scattering LIDAR Substance dependent sensitivity Remote sensing Use another detection technology Information Processing e g data reduction information transfer sensor multiplexing decision making Availability preparation of comprehen- Areas where comparison of spectral sive data base on known and potential and or other data is required for toxic material detection identification Manual data analysis cont'd II-4-32 Table 4 3-2 Detection Warning and Identification Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Sample Processing e g concentration Differentiation of samples from background All areas of agent sensing None identified Remote liquid particulate sensing Several agents e g VX are of very low volatility and provide little material for sensing Remote sensing None identified Remote solid particulate sensing Highly toxic particulates cannot be detected by current remote methods Remote sensing None identified II-4-33 SECTION 4 4--CHEMICAL DEFENSE SYSTEMS OVERVIEW Chemical defense includes individual and collective protection and decontamination The goal of individual and collective protection is to use clothing ensembles and respirators as well as collective filtration systems and shelters to insulate forces from chemical agents Decontamination is essential to return personnel and equipment to normal operating conditions Technologies for these types of equipment are included in this subsection Masks protect the respiratory system by preventing the inhalation of toxic chemical vapors and aerosols They protect eyes and face from direct contact with chemical agents as well Important considerations in mask design are the ability to don the mask and hood quickly communications respiration performance degradation and the ability to consume fluids while the mask is in place Masks must be compatible with operational missions and equipment e g night vision goggles Ideally protective clothing garments gloves and boots should provide protection from contact with chemical agents as well as flame protection with a minimum amount of heat stress Ensembles must be durable and able to be laundered and decontaminated Protective equipment reduces the efficiency of the person wearing it Collective protection enables groups to work in a toxic-free environment in tents vehicles or special shelters Efforts are aimed at making systems mobile and easy to erect Air supplied to shelters is purified in much the same way as it is for individual masks Shelf life of protective equipment is a concern to all users Periodic inspections are necessary to ensure readiness Decontamination removes toxic substances or renders them harmless Individuals and equipment must be decontaminated Depending on the particular agent CW agents can be washed and rinsed away evaporated absorbed or removed by heat treatment There is medical treatment available to offset the effects of chemical weapons Atropine and 2-PAM chloride can be administered upon suspicion of exposure to a nerve agent Atropine is an anticholinergic agent It blocks the action of acetylcholine a nerve transmitter substance preventing it from stimulating nerves 2-PAM chloride is anoxime which increases the effectiveness of drug therapy in poisoning by some--but not all--cholinesterase inhibitors Atropine and 2-PAM chloride only work to a limited degree with refractive nerve agents such as GD Their administration when an exposure has not occurred can be harmful Diazepam more commonly known as Valium is used as an anticonvulsant once an individual exhibits incapacitating Highlights o o o o Masks and protective clothing are needed to defend against many toxic chemicals Reduction in combat efficiency from wearing protective gear is estimated to be up to 50 percent Proliferators may not provide the same measure of protection that is afforded U S troops Training and protection reduce the effectiveness of chemical weapons symptoms of nerve agent exposure The carbamate pyridostigmine given in a dose of 30 mg every 8 hours can be used as a pretreatment for nerve agent exposure Without appropriate chemical defenses operations may have to be limited Forces could be required to remain covered until the threat of further exposure is reduced This could be mission threatening if persistent agents are encountered An alternative is to avoid contamination To do this detection equipment must be integrated with a command and control system to ensure an alarm is disseminated In chemical warfare effective chemical defense measures can greatly limit the damage inflicted by a chemical attack In World War I the gas mask had a dramatic effect in limiting the significance of chemical weapons Developments since then improved masks protective clothing detectors and training have further widened the margin of protection Collective protection takes defensive measures one step further by providing a toxic-free environment for group functions such as command centers and medical facilities Since World War I chemical warfare has only been used against those entirely lacking or highly deficient in protective equipment Some suggest that chemical defense acts as a deterrent to the initiation of chemical warfare because there is less incentive to attack a well-protected force World War II is cited as an example of this theory since both sides were well equipped for chemical defense and neither side used chemical weapons Others suggest that equivalent offensive capability is the real deterrent While protective clothing can reduce the effects of CW its use poses other problems II-4-34 techniques and proficiency of both military and civilian populations obtained through training RATIONALE See Table 4 4-1 Figure 4 4-1 Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology JSLIST The wearing of individual protective equipment can hinder performance by interfering with vision communication and dexterity High ambient temperatures are particularly devastating to those required to don protective clothing With training many of the negative effects can be minimized Overheating however is difficult to overcome In hot weather full protective gear is very burdensome Even the threat of agents can dictate the donning of gear Commanders must then consider limiting the duration of operations or elect to compromise the protection afforded by individual gear Figure 4 4-1 shows the newest U S protective clothing Although the CWC prohibits the development production possession and transfer of chemical weapons it places no restraint on chemical defensive measures The Convention ensures the rights of parties to maintain chemical defense programs and grants parties the right to participate in the fullest possible exchange of equipment material and scientific and technological information concerning means of protection against chemical weapons Chemical defense systems are needed by both an attacker and a defender An offensive unit needs to limit the number of casualties caused by inadvertent exposure In addition troops must be prepared for a retaliatory strike once chemical agents have been used Since the attacker chooses the time place extent and duration of an attack defensive measures by the attacker can be planned accordingly The extent of defensive equipment needed by a proliferant is dictated primarily by the value the nation places on human life and well-being of its forces Other factors include potential adversaries extent of CW use expected quality of munitions and sealing Even proliferants must provide some amount of protection for their people if they are to prevent casualties during production storage transport and employment of chemical weapons Often rogue states include defensive training for their ground forces That is not to say that protection must or will be supplied according to U S standards In World War II the Soviets were reported to have filled chemical shells in the open with no protection When workers died they were replaced If a defensive posture is developed individual protection decontamination and collective protection could be part of the program Military requirements are much more stringent than commercial applications which deal with known substances Ground air and naval forces are all subject to attack with unknown agents and must be protected A robust defensive capability not only protects troops but could act as a deterrent against a chemical-capable adversary Technologies in this section can enhance chemical protection for troops If contamination is unavoidable protective clothing enables an individual to continue operations in a chemical environment Collective protection is important for providing a safe and contamination-free work area and rest relief facilities A key use of collective protection is in medical facilities FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 4 0-2 Numerous countries produce chemical protective gear Production of masks is the most common including masks for civilians as seen in Israel during Operation Desert Storm although limited shelf life remains a problem Many NATO and former Warsaw Pact countries as well as Middle East and Asian states produce protective clothing Only a few manufacture aircraft respiratory equipment Canada Norway Russia and the UK A number of countries have developed collective protection for shelters Finland France Israel Sweden Switzerland and the UK In addition Russia has fielded and maintains a substantial inventory of collective protection systems for a wide variety of vehicles and shelters Since 1990 North Korea has placed a high priority on military and civilian chemical defense readiness Training in a chemical environment is mandatory and an integral part of armed forces training Pyongyang is attempting to equip all forces including its reserves with full protective gear In addition it has directed that the entire population be issued gas masks Iran has increased defensive chemical warfare training in the last few years and is making efforts to buy foreign equipment II-4-35 Table 4 4-1 Chemical Defense Systems Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Production and design Any type of vapor and technology for protective aerosol protection masks WA ML 7 WA Cat 1E USML X Butyl rubber silicone rubber plastics Simulated agents Software for generating leakage testers facial contours mannequin-face model for mask and suit design particle-size analysis equipment Production and design Any type of vapor and technology for protective aerosol protection clothing WA ML 7 WA Cat 1E USML X Charcoal activated cloth semipermeable membranes polymers Simulated agents particle-size analysis equipment testing methodology None identified Absorption technology for collective protection Any type of vapor and aerosol protection WA ML 7 USML XIV Impregnated charcoal filters polyethylene fluoropolymer aramid laminate Simulated agents particle-size analysis equipment None identified Nonaqueous decontamination technology Ability to decontaminate to mission essential levels USML XIV WA ML 7 None identified None identified None identified Aqueous decontamination technology Ability to decontaminate to mission essential levels USML XIV WA ML 7 Sufficient water supply None identified None identified Medical prophylaxis technologies Ability to protect mission essential personnel USML XIV WA ML 7 None identified None identified None identified Therapeutic technologies Ability to protect mission essential personnel USML XIV WA ML 7 Chloromide S-330 atropine obidoxime chloride CAS 114-90-9 None identified None identified II-4-36 Table 4 4-2 Chemical Defense Systems Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Production and design technology Communications microphone passfor protective masks through respiration air management eye protection composite eye lens retention system anthropometrics performance degradation ability to consume fluids protect from unknowns shelf life Aircrew masks protective masks Alternative Technologies Technologies that enable contamination avoidance Production and design technology Integration with hood mask closure Individual protection for protective clothing technology performance degradation ability to consume fluids limited life span protect from unknown environmental considerations shelf life Technologies that enable contamination avoidance Absorption technology for collective protection Affordable deployable adaptable to structure modification to deal with filter penetrants protection from unknown charcoal for most organic materials Individual protection technologies technologies that enable contamination avoidance Nonaqueous decontamination technology Volume of toxic agent time required Reduce contamination to allow military adaptability to unknown agents operations disposal of agent identification of what needs to be decontaminated identification of decrease of toxicity to allowable level solubility of agent corrosiveness on material sensitivity of electrical components Weather time aqueous decontamination technologies that enable contamination avoidance Aqueous decontamination technology Volume of toxic agent time required Reduce contamination to allow military adaptability to unknown agents operations disposal of agent identification of what needs to be decontaminated identification of decrease of toxicity to allowable level solubility of agent corrosiveness on material sensitivity of electrical components Weather time nonaqueous decontamination technologies that enable contamination avoidance Medical prophylaxis technologies Efficacy of prophylaxis pre- vs postexposure treatment side effects storage application synergism Reduce casualties reconstitute forces Therapeutics individual and collective protection technologies technologies that enable contamination avoidance Therapeutic technologies Side effects response time Reduce casualties reconstitute forces Technologies that enable contamination avoidance Collective protection II-4-37 SECTION NUCLEAR WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY SECTION 5--NUCLEAR WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 8 5 9 5 10 5 11 5 12 5 13 Scope Enrichment Feedstocks Production II-5-10 Uranium Enrichment Processes II-5-13 Nuclear Fission Reactors II-5-42 Plutonium Extraction Reprocessing II-5-48 Lithium Production II-5-54 Nuclear Weapons Design and Development II-5-58 Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing II-5-67 Radiological Weapons II-5-75 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components II-5-79 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing II-5-91 Nuclear Weapons Custody Transport and Control II-5-109 Heavy Water Production II-5-112 Tritium Production II-5-117 Highlights o o o o o The design and production of nuclear weapons in 1997 is a far simpler process than it was during the Manhattan Project Indigenous development of nuclear weapons is possible for countries with industrial bases no greater than that of Iraq in 1990 Given a source of fissile material even terrorist groups could construct their own nuclear explosive devices At least two types of nuclear weapons can be built and fielded without any kind of yield test and the possessors could have reasonable confidence in the performance of those devices The standing up of elite units to take custody of nuclear weapons or to employ them would be a useful indicator that a proliferant is approaching the completion of its first weapon The acquisition of fissile material in sufficient quantity is the most formidable obstacle to the production of nuclear weapons BACKGROUND General This section examines the technologies needed to construct nuclear and radiological weapons and to employ both kinds of weapons either for military purposes or an act of terror Since their introduction in 1945 nuclear explosives have been the most feared of the weapons of mass destruction in part because of their ability to cause enormous instantaneous devastation and of the persistent effects of the radiation they emit unseen and undetectable by unaided human senses The Manhattan Project cost the United States $2 billion in 1945 spending power and required the combined efforts of a continent-spanning industrial enterprise and a pool of scientists many of whom had already been awarded the Nobel Prize and many more who would go on to become Nobel Laureates This array of talent was needed in 1942 if there were to be any hope of completing a weapon during the Second World War Because nuclear fission was discovered in Germany which remained the home of many brilliant scientists the United States correctly perceived itself to be in a race to build an atomic bomb For many decades the Manhattan Project provided the paradigm against which any potential proliferator's efforts would be measured Fifty years after the Trinity explosion it has been recognized that the Manhattan Project is just one of a spectrum of approaches to the acquisition of a nuclear capability At the low end of the scale a nation may find a way to obtain a complete working nuclear bomb from a willing or unwilling supplier at the other end it may elect to construct a complete nuclear infrastructure including the mining of uranium the enrichment of uranium metal in the fissile isotope 235U the production and extraction of plutonium the production of tritium and the separation of deuterium and 6Li to build thermonuclear weapons At an intermediate level the Republic of South Africa constructed six quite simple nuclear devices for a total project cost of less than $1 billion 1980's purchasing power using no more than 400 people and indigenous technology II-5-1 Although talented people are essential to the success of any nuclear weapons program the fundamental physics chemistry and engineering involved are widely understood no basic research is required to construct a nuclear weapon Therefore a nuclear weapons project begun in 1996 does not require the brilliant scientists who were needed for the Manhattan Project 1 Acquisition of a militarily significant nuclear capability involves however more than simply the purchase or construction of a single nuclear device or weapon It requires attention to issues of safety and handling of the weapons reliability and predictability of entire systems efficient use of scarce and valuable special nuclear material SNM plutonium and enriched uranium chains of custody and procedures for authorizing the use of the weapons and the careful training of the military personnel who will deliver weapons to their targets In contrast a nuclear device used for terrorism need not be constructed to survive a complex stockpile-to-target sequence need not have a predictable and reliable yield and need not be efficient in its use of nuclear material Although major acts of terrorism are often rehearsed and the terrorists trained for the operation the level of training probably is not remotely comparable to that necessary in a military establishment entrusted with the nuclear mission Testing of Nuclear Weapons The first nuclear weapon used in combat used an untested gun-assembled design but a very simple and inefficient one The first implosion device was tested on July 16 1945 near Alamogordo New Mexico and an identical physics package the portion of the weapon including fissile and fusion fuels plus high explosives was swiftly incorporated into the bomb dropped on Nagasaki Nuclear weaponry has advanced considerably since 1945 as can be seen at an unclassified level by comparing the size and weight of Fat Man with the far smaller lighter and more powerful weapons carried by modern ballistic missiles Most nations of the world including those of proliferation interest have subscribed to the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty which requires that nuclear explosions only take place underground Underground testing can be detected by seismic means and by observing radioactive effluent in the atmosphere It is probably easier to detect and identify a small nuclear test in the atmosphere than it is to detect and identify a similarly sized underground test In either case highly specialized instrumentation is required if a nuclear test explosion is to yield useful data to the nation carrying out the 1 When the Manhattan Project began far less than a microgram of plutonium had been made throughout the world and plutonium chemistry could only be guessed at the numbers of neutrons released on average in 235U and 239Pu fissions were unknown the fission cross sections probabilities that an interaction would occur were equally unknown as was the neutron absorption cross section of carbon experiment A Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty was opened for signature and signed at the United Nations on 24 September 1996 by the five declared nuclear weapon states Israel and several other states By the end of February 1998 more than 140 states had signed the accord The Treaty bans all further tests which produce nuclear yield In all probability most of the nations of greatest proliferation concern will be persuaded to accede to the accord although the present government of India has refused to sign Rate of Change of Nuclear Weapons Technology American nuclear technology evolved rapidly between 1944 and 1950 moving from the primitive Fat Man and Little Boy to more sophisticated lighter more powerful and more efficient designs Much design effort shifted from fission to thermonuclear weapons after President Truman decided that the United States should proceed to develop a hydrogen bomb a task which occupied the Los Alamos Laboratory from 1950 through 1952 2 From 1952 until the early years of the ICBM era roughly to the development of the first multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles MIRVs in the late 1960's new concepts in both fission primary and fusion secondary design were developed rapidly However after the introduction of the principal families of weapons in the modern stockpile approximately the mid 1970's the rate of design innovations and truly new concepts slowed as nuclear weapon technology became a mature science It is believed that other nations' experiences have been roughly similar although the United States probably has the greatest breadth of experience with innovative designs simply because of the more than 1 100 nuclear detonations it has conducted The number of useful variations on the themes of primary and secondary design is finite and designers' final choices are frequently constrained by considerations of weapon size weight safety and the availability of special materials U S nuclear weapons technology is mature and might not have shown many more qualitative advances over the long haul even absent a test ban The same is roughly true for Russia the UK and possibly for France The design of the nuclear device for a specific nuclear weapon is constrained by several factors The most important of these are the weight the delivery vehicle can carry plus the size of the space available in which to carry the weapon e g the diameter and length of a nosecone or the length and width of a bomb bay The required yield of the device is established by the target vulnerability The possible yield is set by the state of nuclear weapon technology and by the availability of special materials Finally the choices of specific design details of the device are determined by the taste of its designers who will be influenced by their experience and the traditions of their organization 2 II-5-2 The Mike test of Operation Ivy 1 November 1952 was the first explosion of a true two-stage thermonuclear device The George shot of Operation Greenhouse May 9 1951 confirmed for the first time that a fission device could produce the conditions needed to ignite a thermonuclear reaction A Caution on the Use of Authoritative Control Documents and Tables Authoritative lists of export-controlled and militarily critical equipment and materials used in the construction and testing of nuclear weapons necessarily have flaws o They consistently lag the technology actually available on the world market Some items at the threshold of the Nuclear Suppliers Group NSG Dual-Use List restrictions may not be available as newly manufactured equipment On the other hand it would be improper to place the thresholds higher since equipment much less sophisticated than can be bought today was used with great success in both the United States and the Former Soviet Union o Second these limits do not always define the limits at which the technologies have utility to proliferators OVERVIEW This section will discuss the fundamentals of nuclear weapons design engineering and production including the production of special nuclear materials uranium enriched to greater than 20 percent in the isotope 235U 233U and for plutonium It will also look at the other technologies including production of uranium and plutonium metal manufacturing nuclear testing lithium production safing arming fuzing and firing SAFF radiological weapons the custody transport and control of nuclear weapons heavy water production and tritium production It is possible to capture schematically the progress in nuclear weapons technology and the technologies which support nuclear weapons in the following graph Figure 5 0-1 The X axis is time beginning in 1942 when the Manhattan Project was fully activated The top two lines show the development of electronics and the introduction of devices which affected the design of the non-nuclear components of the weapons The second pair of lines shows the progress made in preparing special nuclear materials with the processes above the dashed line referring to methods of enriching uranium and those below the dashed line referring to plutonium production and the materials for fusion weapons The oddly shaped heavy curve shows the rate at which U S nuclear weapons scientists made new discoveries and progress The distance between the two curves represents the rate of progress while the area between the curves from 1942 to any arbitrary date gives an estimate of the total knowledge acquired The rate of progress drops almost to zero on 30 October 1958 when the Eisenhower-Khrushchev Moratorium on nuclear testing went into effect Superimposed on the heavy curve are events of historic importance the first testing and use of nuclear weapons the first Soviet test along with the dates when other nations joined the nuclear club the evolution of hydrogen weapons and boosting the introduction of powerful computers computerized numerically controlled CNC tools the year when the IBM PC made its appearance on desktops tailored effects weapons such as the x-ray laser and the end of nuclear testing Specific U S achievements are also noted in the area bounded by the heavy curves A similar chart could be made for the progress of every other nuclear weapon state acknowledged or unacknowledged if the information were available This chart illustrates several trends which are important to an understanding of the process by which a proliferator might gain a nuclear capability At the same time it indicates the few choke points where the control of technologies might be helpful The top line shows advances over time in electronic components The second and third lines show advances over time in the production of SNM All five acknowledged nuclear weapons states NWSs are shown to have tested their first devices before computer numerically controlled machine tools and four- or five-axis machine tools were generally available Modern computers incorporating large amounts of solid-state fast memory did not make their appearance until the early 1970's and even fast transistorized not integrated circuit chips computers were not generally available until the early 1960's By the time such computers became available to the American design laboratories most of the fundamental families of modern nuclear weapons had already been conceived designed and tested Computation brought a new ability to design for nuclear weapon safety and a new capability to execute complex designs which might reduce the amount of fissile materials and other scarce fuels used in the weapons Finally an inspection of the chart indicates very rapid qualitative progress in the early years of the U S nuclear effort with new design types and wholly new weapon families emerging in rapid succession In part this occurred because the creative scientists were given permission to try almost any idea which sounded good and in part it is because of the rapid interplay between conceptual advances and all-up nuclear tests During the 1958-61 moratorium on testing the rate at which new ideas were introduced slowed although a great deal of progress towards ensuring weapon safety was made By the early 1970's the era of new concepts in nuclear weapon design had virtually come to an end although qualitative improvements in yield weight and the efficient use of special materials were made Similar statements differing in detail but not in outline could probably be made for each of the five NWSs and any threshold states with active weapons projects However it is unlikely that the evolution of nuclear designs means of assembly and initiation followed the same course in any two countries More detailed descriptions of the various components of a nuclear weapons program will be found in the numbered sections below Production of Fuel for Nuclear Weapons Ordinary uranium contains only 0 72 percent 235U the highly fissionable isotope the rest of the material being largely the much less fissionable isotope 238 U which cannot sustain a chain reaction The fissile material must be separated from the rest of the uranium by a process known as enrichment Several enrichment techniques have II-5-3 been used The earliest successful methods were electromagnetic isotope separation EMIS in which large magnets are used to separate ions of the two isotopes 3 and gaseous diffusion in which the gas uranium hexafluoride UF6 is passed through a porous barrier material the lighter molecules containing 235U penetrate the barrier slightly more rapidly and with enough stages significant separation can be accomplished Both gaseous diffusion and EMIS require enormous amounts of electricity More efficient methods have been developed The third method in widespread use is the gas centrifuge Urenco Netherlands Germany UK Russia Japan in which UF6 gas is whirled inside complex rotor assemblies and centrifugal force pushes molecules containing the heavier isotope to the outside Again many stages are needed to produce the highly enriched uranium needed for a weapon but centrifuge enrichment requires much less electricity than either of the older technologies Atomic and molecular laser isotope separation LIS techniques use lasers to selectively excite atoms or molecules containing one isotope of uranium so that they can be preferentially extracted Although LIS appears promising the technology has proven to be extremely difficult to master and may be beyond the reach of even technically advanced states The South African nuclear program used an aerodynamic separation technique in an indigenously designed and built device called a vortex tube In the vortex a mixture of UF6 gas and hydrogen is injected tangentially into a tube which tapers to a small exit aperture at one or both ends centrifugal force provides the separation The Becker Nozzle Process also an aerodynamic separation technique was developed in Germany The Becker process is not in common use the vortex tube was used in South Africa for producing reactor fuel with a 235U content of around 3-5 percent in addition to making 80-93 percent 235U for the weapons program Aerodynamic enrichment processes require large amounts of electricity and are not generally considered economically competitive even the South African enrichment plant has apparently been closed Uranium enriched to 20 percent or more 235U is called highly enriched HEU Uranium enriched above the natural 235U abundance but to less than 20 percent is called low-enriched LEU Plutonium is produced in nuclear reactors by bombarding fertile 238U with neutrons from the chain reaction Since each fission produces only slightly more than two neutrons on average the neutron economy must be managed carefully which 3 The first large-scale uranium enrichment facility the Y-12 plant at Oak Ridge Tennessee used EMIS in devices called calutrons The process was abandoned in the United States because of its high consumption of electricity but was adopted by the Iraqis because of its relative simplicity and their ability to procure the magnet material without encountering technology transfer obstacles requires good instrumentation and an understanding of reactor physics to have enough neutrons to irradiate useful quantities of 238 U 4 A typical production reactor produces about 0 8 atoms of plutonium for each nucleus of 235U which fissions A good rule of thumb is that 1 gram of plutonium is produced for each megawatt thermal -day of reactor operation Light-water power reactors make fewer plutonium nuclei per uranium fission than graphite-moderated production reactors The plutonium must be extracted chemically in a reprocessing plant Reprocessing is a complicated process involving the handling of highly radioactive materials and must be done by robots or by humans using remote manipulating equipment At some stages of the process simple glove boxes with lead glass windows suffice Reprocessing is intrinsically dangerous because of the use of hot acids in which plutonium and intensely radioactive short-lived fission products are dissolved Some observers have however suggested that the safety measures could be relaxed to the extent that the proliferator deems his technicians to be expendable Disposal of the high-level waste from reprocessing is difficult Any reprocessing facility requires large quantities of concrete for shielding and will vent radioactive gases 131I for example to the atmosphere Tritium for thermonuclear weapons is usually produced in a nuclear reactor similar or identical to that used to make plutonium Neutrons from the reactor are used to irradiate lithium metal and the nuclear reaction produces a triton Lithium-6 an isotope of lithium is used in some thermonuclear weapons When struck by a neutron 6Li actually the compound 7Li nucleus formed in the collision frequently disintegrates into tritium and 4He Thus the tritium needed for the secondary of a fusion weapon can be formed in place within the nuclear device and need not be transported from the factory to the target as heavy hydrogen The lighter isotope 6Li is separated from the principal isotope 7Li in a process which exploits the fact that the lighter isotope more readily forms an amalgam with mercury than does the heavier one This process is called COLEX Column Exchange Lithium hydroxide is dissolved in water and the aqueous solution is brought into contact with the mercury Lithium-6 ions in the solution tend to migrate into the mercury while 7Li in the amalgam tends to migrate back into the aqueous hydroxide solution The reaction is generally carried out in large columnar processors While other processes for separating the lithium isotopes have been tried the United States found COLEX to be the most successful It is believed that the Soviet Union chose the same process 4 II-5-4 Note however that during the Manhattan Project the United States was able to scale an operating 250 watt reactor to a 250 megawatt production reactor Although the instrumentation of the day was far less sophisticated than that in use today the scientists working the problem were exceptional Nuclear History in n Initiamrs IIPPEH Inlegrateu Circuits LESEr-Fiber Optics v High Density Electricai Storage Enwr BB Firing Transi m Flux Cumplessiun Modern Pulse E Shaping EMIS Thurmal Diff Gasenus Di caniriluge Heliknnmenker LIE Heamr PURE Tr'II'Iurn 5L1 cuter lcceleralor Based 3H r GreenhousexBEUHGE 1 5 Item ma Etre mh I mm mm Computer Shula I Build-up themes castlemnmu I'Ilna ENG Tnols Era Mn ern France EnmputEr s I India eases IBM P1 Falman r Faiman Israel 1w Device Beams a I I Pluwsnare I i P nos Inn in gun I M dern T5 t1 - I prim H I IE 1 ill - anr 133 HIan TBIIDFEII Elfem Understanding I I Ir 1 f IllDelqurahle 'Drr Bomb 1 II 1953 f '1 f Eisenhnwer PugsiIJlE Frau-13mm umunum Pracllcal China Prt llferanl Home to IEBM ur Foal-199E Mainr capacny 1942 1952 1952 19 1952 m 199-5 9'6- 3390-1 Figure 5 0-1 Nuclear History 11 5 5 RATIONALE An ordinary atomic bomb of the kinds used in World War II uses the process of nuclear fission to release the binding energy in certain nuclei The energy release is rapid and because of the large amounts of energy locked in nuclei violent The principal materials used for fission weapons are 235U and 239Pu which are termed fissile because they can be split into two roughly equal-mass fragments when struck by a neutron of even low energies When a large enough mass of either material is assembled a self-sustaining chain reaction results after the first fission is produced Such a mass is termed critical If any more material is added to a critical mass a condition of supercriticality results The chain reaction in a supercritical mass increases rapidly in intensity until the heat generated by the nuclear reactions causes the mass to expand so greatly that the assembly is no longer critical Fission weapons require a system to assemble a supercritical mass from a subcritical mass in a very short time Two classic assembly systems have been used gun and implosion In the simpler gun-type device two subcritical masses are brought together by using a mechanism similar to an artillery gun to shoot one mass the projectile at the other mass the target The Hiroshima weapon was gun-assembled and used 235U as a fuel Gun-assembled weapons using highly enriched uranium are considered the easiest of all nuclear devices to construct and the most foolproof Manhattan Project scientists were so confident in the performance of the Little Boy uranium bomb that the device was not even tested before it was dropped on Hiroshima Because of the short time interval between spontaneous neutron emissions and therefore the large number of background neutrons found in plutonium because of the decay by spontaneous fission of the isotope 240Pu Manhattan Project scientists devised the implosion method of assembly in which high explosives are arranged to form an imploding shock wave which compresses the fissile material to supercriticality 5 Implosion systems can be built using either 239Pu or 235U but the gun assembly only works for uranium Implosion weapons are more difficult to build than gun weapons but they are also more efficient requiring less SNM and producing larger yields The six bombs built by the Republic of South Africa were gun-assembled and used uranium enriched to between 80 percent and 93 percent in the isotope 235 U Iraq attempted to build an implosion bomb also using 235U In contrast North Korea chose to use 239Pu produced in a nuclear reactor A more powerful but more complex weapon uses the fusion of heavy isotopes of hydrogen deuterium and tritium to release large numbers of neutrons when the fusile 5 The critical mass of compressed fissile material decreases as the inverse square of the density achieved sometimes termed fusionable material is compressed by the energy released by a fission device called a primary The fusion part of the weapon is called a secondary In the words of Sidney D Drell the physics packages of nuclear weapons are sophisticated but not complicated The remainder of the weapon may be quite complicated indeed Storage and Use Control Issues Regarding Nuclear Weapons The United States has developed a complex and sophisticated system to ensure that nuclear weapons are used only on the orders of the President or his delegated representative Some elements of the custodial system are the two-man rule which requires that no person be left alone with a weapon permissive action links PALs coded locks which prevent detonation of the weapon unless the correct combination is entered and careful psychological testing of personnel charged with the custody or eventual use of nuclear weapons In addition U S nuclear weapons must be certified as one point safe which means that there is less than a one-in-a-million chance of a nuclear yield greater than the equivalent of four pounds of TNT resulting from an accident in which the high explosive in the device is detonated at the point most likely to cause a nuclear yield It is believed to be unlikely that a new proliferator would insist upon one point safety as an inherent part of pit design the United States did not until the late 1950's relying instead upon other means to prevent detonation e g a component of Little Boy was not inserted until after the Enola Gay had departed Tinian for Hiroshima It is also unlikely that a new actor in the nuclear world would insist upon fitting PALs to every or to any nuclear weapon the United States did not equip its submarine-launched strategic ballistic missiles with PALs until at the earliest 1996 and the very first U S PALs were not introduced until the mid-1950's when American weapons were stationed at foreign bases where the possibility of theft or misuse was thought to be real Nonetheless any possessor of nuclear weapons will take care that they are not used by unauthorized personnel and can be employed on the orders of duly constituted authority Even--or perhaps especially--a dictator such as Saddam Hussein will insist upon a fairly sophisticated nuclear chain of command if only to ensure that his weapons cannot be used by a revolutionary movement It is also quite likely that even the newest proliferator would handle his weapons with care and seek to build some kind of safety devices and a reliable SAFF system into the units Developing Technologies On the basis of experience one might expect to observe significant nuclear planning activity and the evolution of situation-specific nuclear doctrine on the part of a new proliferator who would have to allocate carefully the family jewels The development of a nuclear strategy might be visible in the professional military literature of the proliferator II-5-6 Use Control and Weapons Delivery Because of the high cost and high value of a new entrant's first few nuclear weapons it is likely that the proliferant state would take great care to ensure that the crews selected to deliver the special ordnance would be highly proficient in the use of their weapon systems This requires extensive training in the specialized procedures required to place nuclear weapons reliably on target Nuclear weapons training may be both distinctive and visible particularly when it involves those parts of the stockpile-to-target sequence which are explicitly nuclear Some observers believe however that such training will be difficult to observe and identify Expected Rates of Progress for New Proliferants New proliferants with First-World technological bases can probably construct their first nuclear weapons 3 to 5 years after making a political decision to do so even including constructing an infrastructure to make special nuclear materials assuming that finances and resources are available 6 The first intellectual steps towards reducing the size and mass of fission weapons should not take more than another 1 to 2 years to master Boosting and multistage weapons may require anywhere from 3 to 10 more years to develop in the absence of yield testing and some nations may still fail to succeed China however progressed from a very simple fission design to a two-stage weapon by its fifth full-scale test--but one of the intervening tests was an end-to-end firing of a ballistic missile with a live nuclear warhead in its nosecone Radiological Weapons Radioactive isotopes suitable for use as weapons include 137Cs 60Co 131I and other short-lived relatively easy-to-produce fission products The most readily available source for the materials of radiological weapons is spent fuel from nuclear reactors indeed the spent fuel rods themselves are sufficiently hot that they can be used essentially directly although chopping or pulverization would be useful Medical isotopes are another readily available source of radioactive material in quantities suitable for spreading terror Proliferation Implication Assessment Many of the items on which the greatest control efforts have focused at least in the public's perception--computers switch tubes capacitors--are either not control6 Nations such as Germany and Japan which have advanced civilian nuclear power programs and stocks of plutonium either separated or still contained in spent fuel may be able to produce their first weapons in even less time Countries which have a nuclear infrastructure and which have expended considerable effort in learning how to build nuclear weapons while still not crossing the nuclear threshold e g Sweden also are in a favorable position to go nuclear in short order lable or at a controllable level are far more capable than what is required to design and build a weapon FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 Five nations the United States Russia the United Kingdom France and China are nuclear weapon states according to the definition in the Non-Proliferation Treaty countries that tested a nuclear explosive device before 1 January 1967 All five possess all technologies needed to build modern compact nuclear weapons and all have produced both high-enriched uranium and weapons-grade plutonium India detonated a nuclear device using plutonium implosion in 1974 India has held no announced tests since then although they have on occasion taken steps which would imply that a test is imminent India does not enrich uranium It has heavy-water moderated reactors not all under international safeguards Pakistan has an operating uranium enrichment plant Senior Pakistani officials have alluded to possession of a small nuclear stockpile South Africa constructed six simple gun-assembled uranium bombs but dismantled them and signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-weapons state The HEU for these bombs was obtained from an aerodynamic isotope separation technique developed indigenously South Africa has shut down its aerodynamic enrichment facilities but is developing a molecular LIS MLIS process for producing LEU for commercial nuclear power reactors Israel is believed by some to possess nuclear weapons It operates one unsafeguarded nuclear reactor at Dimona and presumably is capable of reprocessing spent fuel to extract plutonium It is a technically advanced state and probably has all of the electronics needed to build and test nuclear weapons Its elite air force may be nuclear trained Iraq had a flourishing nuclear weapons and civilian nuclear program until the 1991 Gulf War It was able to enrich uranium using EMIS and was pursuing centrifuge enrichment as well It anticipated constructing implosion weapons using HEU as the fuel Iran has many components of a nuclear weapons program in place and has been attempting to purchase turnkey nuclear reactors on the world market North Korea built and operated CO2-cooled graphite-moderated reactors and had built and operated a reprocessing facility before agreeing to allow the United States and South Korea to replace its gas-graphite power reactor with a light-water moderated unit less suited to the production of weapons-grade plutonium The amount of plutonium it currently has in hand outside of that contained in its spent fuel storage facility is not well known by outsiders Sweden came very close to building nuclear weapons in the late 1960's and early 1970's Many experts judge its weapon designs as sophisticated and efficient the II-5-7 country has the industrial base to go nuclear in a short period and has adequate amounts of plutonium contained in stored spent reactor fuel Switzerland had a nuclear weapons program until the early 1970's Both Sweden and Switzerland are highly industrialized Western nations with broad access to a full spectrum of modern technology whether developed indigenously or imported Both operate nuclear reactors Germany has developed an indigenous uranium enrichment process not believed to be currently in use and has adequate stocks of spent fuel from which to prepare nuclear weapons Japan is as far advanced as Germany and also operates a reprocessing plant Either nation could construct nuclear weapons in a short time Many other states have capabilities in some or all of the relevant technologies and could assemble a nuclear weapons program in a short time II-5-8 Country Argentina Austria Belgium Brazil Canada China Czech Republic France Germany India Iran Iraq Italy Japan Netherlands North Korea Pakistan Russia South Africa South Korea Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Sec 5 1 Enrichment Feedstocks Production Sec 5 2 Uranium Enrichment Processes Sec 5 3 Nuclear Fission Reactors Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities Sec 5 4 Plutonium Extraction Reprocessing Sec 5 5 Lithium Production Sec 5 6 Nuclear Weapons Design and Development Sec 5 7 Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing Sec 5 8 Radiological Weapons Sec 5 9 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Sec 5 10 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing exceeds sufficient level sufficient level Sec 5 11 Nuclear Weapons Custody Transport and Control Sec 5 12 Heavy Water Production Sec 5 13 Tritium Production some limited Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Figure 5 0-2 Nuclear Weapons Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-5-9 SECTION 5 1--ENRICHMENT FEEDSTOCKS PRODUCTION OVERVIEW This subsection covers technologies utilized in the conversion of uranium ore concentrates to highly purified uranium hexafluoride UF6 and uranium tetrachloride UCl4 for subsequent use as feedstock in a uranium-enrichment process Gaseous UF6 is used as the feed in the gas centrifuge and gaseous diffusion processes and UCl4 is used as feed in the electromagnetic isotope separation EMIS process Uranium ore concentrates also known as yellowcake typically contain 60- 80 percent uranium and up to 20 percent extraneous impurities There are two commercial processes used to produce purified UF6 from yellowcake The primary difference between the two processes--solvent extraction fluorination wet process and fluorination fractionation dry process --is whether the uranium is purified by solvent extraction before conversion to UF6 or by fractional distillation of the UF6 after conversion In the wet process yellowcake is dissolved in nitric acid HNO3 and the insoluble residue is removed by filtration or centrifugation Uranium is separated from the acid solution with liquid-liquid extraction the uranyl nitrate product is decomposed to uranium trioxide UO3 via thermal denitration and the trioxide is reduced to uranium dioxide UO2 with hydrogen or cracked ammonia NH3 In most cases the standard Purex process using tri-n-butyl phosphate TBP in a hydrocarbon diluent separates uranium from its impurities in the extraction step In the dry process the conversion and purification steps occur throughout the process If the yellowcake was produced by the alkali-leach process yields Na2U2O7 the sodium must be removed from the material by partial digestion in sulfuric acid followed by ammonia precipitation of ammonium diuranate NH4 2U2O7 The ammonium-containing uranium salt is decomposed to UO3 by heating and this oxide is reduced to UO2 with hydrogen or cracked NH3 The remaining steps used to produce UF6 for both processes are similar in that the UO2 is converted to UF4 by hydrofluorination using hydrogen fluoride gas--HF The UF4 impure in the dry process is converted to UF6 using electrolytically generated fluorine gas F2 In the dry process the UF6 is purified in a two-stage distillation step Direct fluorination of UO3 to UF6 has been used but this procedure is more amenable to relatively small capacity plants Highlights o o o UF6 and UCl4 are the principal compounds used as inputs to uranium enrichment processes Manufacture of these feedstocks is straightforward industrial chemistry These processes are unclassified and widely known The EMIS uranium-enrichment process uses UCl4 for its feed material Uranium tetrachloride is produced by the reaction of carbon tetrachloride CCl4 with pure UO2 at 700 F RATIONALE A country choosing to join the nuclear weapons community must acquire the necessary weapons fissile material 235 U or 239 Pu A state selecting uranium for its weapons must obtain a supply of uranium ore and construct an enrichment plant because the 235 U content in natural uranium is over two orders of magnitude lower than that found in weapons grade uranium 90 percent 235U Nearly all uranium enrichment plants utilize UF6 as their feed A country may select the EMIS process which uses UCl4 as its feed material for enriching uranium FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 The processes outlined above are unclassified and have been described extensively in the literature on the nuclear fuel cycle Many countries around the world have extracted uranium from its ores or from yellowcake The processes for preparing the feedstocks are basic industrial chemistry The enabling technologies are those which use HF NH3 F2 CCL4 and precursor uranium compounds to prepare UF6 and UCL4 II-5-10 Table 5 1-1 Enrichment Feedstocks Production Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Purification of yellowcake wet process Knowledge of liquid-liquid extraction systems Experience in using HNO3 NTL 8F NRC J Yellowcake Nitric acid HNO3 tri-n-butyl phosphate TBP Refined kerosene Filters centrifuges pulse columns concentration thermal denitration systems tanks resistant to HNO3 Purification of yellowcake dry process produces impure UO2 Ability to handle H2 at elevated temperature NTL 8F NRC J Yellowcake should not contain high concentrations of sodium or magnesium H2SO4 See citations below Furnace air filtration None identified equipment fluidized bed temperature control heat exchangers UO2 preparation Ability to handle H2 at elevated temperature NTL 8F NRC J H2 NH3 Moving bed reactor None identified rotary kiln air filtration equipment fluidized bed temperature control system UF4 preparation Ability to manage HF at elevated temperature Ability to provide a dry environment NTL 8F NRC J HF Stirred fluidized bed reactors rotary kiln moving bed screw reactor air cleaning equipment filters scrubbers fluorideresistant equipment None identified UF6 preparation used in gaseous diffusion and gas centrifuge enrichment processes Capability to control quantities of fluorine gas Ability to operate a flame tower with F2 Experience in removing H2 from electrolytic cells F2 production Experience in operating in an anhydrous environment NTL 8F NRC J F2 HF KF o 2HF Flame tower reactor fluidized bed reactor condensers cold traps electrolytic cells for F2 production highamperage low-voltage supply for F2 production air-cleaning equipment F2-resistant equipment Monel fluoride-resistant equipment UF6 storage Careful temperature control is required for fluorination UCl4 preparation used in Water-free environment must be provided EMIS enrichment process NTL 8F NRC H CCl4 Stirred fluidized bed reactors rotary kiln moving bed screw reactor air-cleaning equipment filters scrubbers Reasonable control of temperature II-5-11 Distribution coefficients for many elements Aqueous solubility for many compounds Table 5 1-2 Enrichment Feedstocks Production Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Purification of yellowcake wet process HNO3 solutions are relatively hazardous and require moderate care in handling None identified Direct fluorination of UO3 Purification of yellowcake dry process produces impure UO2 H2 presents an explosive hazard None identified Direct fluorination of UO3 UO2 preparation H2 presents an explosive hazard None identified Step may be bypassed using direct fluorination UF4 preparation Inappropriate use of HF can present health problems Improper operation of tower reactors may cause plugging caking None identified Step may be bypassed using direct fluorination UF6 preparation used in gaseous diffusion and gas centrifuge enrichment processes Producing F2 is not an easy task Flame towers can be difficult to operate Moisture-sensitive material difficult to handle UF6 product is feed to most U enrichment processes None identified UCl4 preparation used in EMIS enrichment process Moisture-sensitive material difficult to UCl4 product is feed to the EMIS None identified enrichment process handle II-5-12 SECTION 5 2--URANIUM ENRICHMENT PROCESSES OVERVIEW It is generally recognized that the acquisition of fissile material in sufficient quantity is the most formidable obstacle to the production of nuclear weapons Fissile material production consumes the vast majority of the technical industrial and financial resources required to produce nuclear weapons For example production of fissile materials--highly enriched uranium HEU and plutonium--accounted for more than 80 percent of the $1 9 billion 1945 dollars spent on the Manhattan Project 7 Fissile materials can produce energy by nuclear fission either in nuclear reactors or in nuclear weapons The principal fissile materials of interest are 235U 233U and 239 Pu Uranium-235 is of particular interest because it is the only fissile material that occurs in nature in significant quantity and it can be used to construct a nuclear explosive device if a sufficient quantity can be acquired In a typical sample of natural uranium only 0 72 percent of the atoms are 235U atoms and it can be assumed that all of the remaining atoms are 238U atoms 8 Higher concentrations of 235U are required for many applications and the use of uranium isotope separation processes to increase the assay of 235U above its natural value of 0 72 percent is called uranium enrichment While low-enriched uranium LEU could technically mean uranium with an assay anywhere between slightly greater than natural 0 72 percent and 20 percent 235 U it most commonly is used to denote uranium with an assay suitable for use in a lightwater nuclear reactor i e an assay of 5 percent Similarly the term highly enriched uranium HEU could be used to describe uranium with an assay 20 percent but it is commonly used to refer to uranium enriched to 90 percent 235U or higher i e weapons-grade uranium The term oralloy was used during World War II as a contraction of Oak Ridge alloy and it denoted uranium enriched to 93 5 percent 235 U When plutonium is produced in a nuclear reactor inevitably some 240Pu as well as heavier plutonium isotopes including 241Pu and 242Pu is produced along with the more desirable 239Pu The heavier isotope is not as readily fissionable and it also decays by spontaneous fission producing unwanted background neutrons Thus nuclear weapon designers prefer to work with plutonium containing less than 7 percent 240Pu 7 Richard G Hewlett and Oscar E Anderson The New World A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission Volume 1 1939 1946 University of California Press a 1990 edition of a book originally published by Pennsylvania State University Press in 1962 8 Natural uranium typically has a composition of 0 0055 atom % 234U 0 7205 atom % 235U and 99 274 atom % 238U For most purposes the tiny fraction of 234U can be neglected Highlights o o o o o The acquisition of fissile material in sufficient quantity is the most formidable obstacle to the production of nuclear weapons Gas centrifuges are today the technology of first choice for enriching uranium based on process economics and minimum consumption of electricity Technologies considered obsolete for commercial uranium enrichment such as electromagnetic isotope separation EMIS can be employed by a proliferant state at some added cost in electric power and labor requirements Aerodynamic separation processes developed in South Africa and Germany have proven satisfactory for a limited number of nuclear weapons despite their high cost to operate Laser isotope separation LIS techniques are based on advanced technologies and represent potential uranium enrichment processes of the future A method for separating plutonium isotopes could be used to remove the heavier isotopes of plutonium e g 240Pu from reactor-grade plutonium thus producing nearly pure 239 Pu Uranium isotope separation techniques e g atomic vapor laser isotope separation AVLIS might be applied to this task However this would require mastery of production reactor and reprocessing technologies to produce and extract the plutonium in addition to isotope enrichment technology to remove the heavier plutonium isotopes In practice it is simpler to alter the reactor refueling cycle to reduce the fraction of plutonium which is 240 Pu Manhattan Project scientists and engineers explored several uranium-enrichment technologies and production plants employing three uranium-enrichment processes-- electromagnetic isotope separation EMIS liquid thermal diffusion and gaseous diffusion--were constructed at Oak Ridge Tennessee during the period from 1943 to 1945 Centrifugation was tried but the technology needed to spin a rotor at an appropriate speed was not then practical on an industrial scale The aerodynamic separation processes developed in Germany and South Africa did not exist during World War II II-5-13 neither of course did laser isotope separation or plasma separation The World War II Japanese nuclear program made some attempts to find a purely chemical process RATIONALE Methods of Separation Electromagnetic Isotope Separation The EMIS process is based on the same physical principle as that of a simple mass spectrometer--that a charged particle will follow a circular trajectory when passing through a uniform magnetic field Two ions with the same kinetic energy and electrical charge but different masses i e 235U and 238U will have different trajectories with the heavier 238U ion having the larger diameter The different diameters of the trajectories of the two uranium ions allow for the separation and collection of the material in receivers or collector pockets EMIS is a batch process that can produce weapons-grade material from natural uranium in only two stages However hundreds to thousands of units would be required to produce large quantities of HEU because of the process's relatively low product collection rate and the long cycle time required to recover material between runs In the uranium EMIS process uranium ions are generated within an evacuated enclosure called a tank that is located in a strong magnetic field For the EMIS ion source solid uranium tetrachloride UCl4 is electrically heated to produce UCl4 vapor The UCl4 molecules are bombarded with electrons producing U ions The ions are accelerated by an electrical potential to high speed and follow a circular trajectory in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field In the U S EMIS separators the ion beam traverses a 180-deg arc before the ions pass through slit apertures at the collector A major problem with the EMIS process is that less than half of the UCl4 feed is typically converted to the desired U ions and less than half of the desired U ions are actually collected Recovery of unused material deposited on the interior surfaces of the tanks is a laborious time-consuming process that reduces the effective output of an EMIS facility and requires a large material recycle operation In the U S EMIS program production of weapons-grade uranium took place in two enrichment stages referred to as the and stages The first stage used natural or slightly enriched uranium as feed and enriched it to 12-20% 235U The second stage used the product of the stage as feed and further enriched it to weapons-grade uranium To allow more efficient use of magnets and floor space the individual stages were arranged in continuous oval or rectangular arrays called racetracks or simply tracks with separator tanks alternated with electromagnetic units The U S EMIS separators are referred to as calutrons because the development work was carried out at the University of California Berkeley during the early 1940's using cyclotrons Although most applications of the EMIS process have been applied to the commercial production of both stable and radioactive isotopes all five recognized weapons states have tested or used the EMIS process for uranium enrichment Even with the problems associated with using the process an EMIS facility could be attractive for a country desiring a limited weapons-grade uranium enrichment program The process might be especially appealing as a method for further enriching partially enriched material It has been well documented that EMIS was the principal process pursued by the Iraqi uranium enrichment program This occurred at a time when EMIS had been discarded and largely forgotten as a method for uranium enrichment because it is both energy intensive and labor intensive and it is not economically competitive with other enrichment technologies Thermal Diffusion Thermal diffusion utilizes the transfer of heat across a thin liquid or gas to accomplish isotope separation By cooling a vertical film on one side and heating it on the other side the resultant convection currents will produce an upward flow along the hot surface and a downward flow along the cold surface Under these conditions the lighter 235 U gas molecules will diffuse toward the hot surface and the heavier 238U molecules will diffuse toward the cold surface These two diffusive motions combined with the convection currents will cause the lighter 235U molecules to concentrate at the top of the film and the heavier 238 U molecules to concentrate at the bottom of the film The thermal-diffusion process is characterized by its simplicity low capital cost and high heat consumption Thermal diffusion in liquid UF6 was used during World War II to prepare feed material for the EMIS process A production plant containing 2 100 columns each approximately 15 meters long was operated in Oak Ridge for less than 1 year and provided a product assay of less than 1% 235 U Each of these columns consisted of three tubes Cooling water was circulated between the outer and middle tubes and the inner tube carried steam The annular space between the inner and middle tubes was filled with liquid UF6 The thermal-diffusion plant in Oak Ridge was dismantled when the much more energy-efficient by a factor of 140 gaseous-diffusion plant began operation in the 1940's Today thermal diffusion remains a practical process to separate isotopes of noble gases e g xenon and other light isotopes e g carbon for research purposes Gaseous Diffusion The gaseous-diffusion process has been highly developed and employed to produce both HEU and commercial reactor-grade LEU The United States first employed gaseous diffusion during WWII and expanded its capacity after the war to produce HEU Since the late 1960's the U S facilities have been used primarily to produce commercial LEU with the last remaining HEU capacity being shut down in 1992 China and France currently have operating diffusion plants Russia's enrichment facilities have been converted from diffusion to centrifuge technology Britain's diffusion facility was shut down and dismantled II-5-14 The gaseous-diffusion process depends on the separation effect arising from molecular effusion i e the flow of gas through small holes On average lighter gas molecules travel faster than heavier gas molecules and consequently tend to collide more often with the porous barrier material Thus lighter molecules are more likely to enter the barrier pores than are heavier molecules For UF6 the difference in velocities between molecules containing 235U and 238U is small 0 4 percent and consequently the amount of separation achieved by a single stage of gaseous diffusion is small Therefore many cascade stages are required to achieve even LEU assays The production of a sustainable efficient separating membrane barrier is the key to the successful operation of a diffusion plant To obtain an efficient porous barrier the holes must be very small on the order of one-millionth of an inch in diameter and of uniform size The porosity of the barrier must be high to obtain high flow rates through the barrier The barrier must also be able to withstand years of operation while exposed to corrosive UF6 gas Typical materials for the barrier are nickel and aluminum oxide Diffusion equipment tends to be rather large and consumes significant amounts of energy The main components of a single gaseous-diffusion stage are 1 a large cylindrical vessel called a diffuser or converter that contains the barrier 2 a compressor used to compress the gas to the pressures needed for flow through the barrier 3 an electric motor to drive the compressor 4 a heat exchanger to remove the heat of compression and 5 piping and valves for stage and interstage connections and process control The entire system must be essentially leak free and the compressors require special seals to prevent both out-leakage of UF6 and in-leakage of air The chemical corrosiveness of UF6 requires use of metals such as nickel or aluminum for surfaces exposed to the gas e g piping and compressors In addition to the stage equipment auxiliary facilities for a gaseous-diffusion plant could include a large electrical power distribution system cooling towers to dissipate the waste process heat a fluorination facility a steam plant a barrier production plant and a plant to produce dry air and nitrogen Gaseous diffusion is unlikely to be the preferred technology of a proliferator due to difficulties associated with making and maintaining a suitable barrier large energy consumption the requirement for procuring large quantities of specialized stage equipment large in-process inventory requirements and long equilibrium times Gas Centrifuge The use of centrifugal fields for isotope separation was first suggested in 1919 but efforts in this direction were unsuccessful until 1934 when J W Beams and coworkers at the University of Virginia applied a vacuum ultracentrifuge to the separation of chlorine isotopes Although abandoned midway through the Manhattan Project the gas centrifuge uranium-enrichment process has been highly developed and used to produce both HEU and LEU It is likely to be the preferred technology of the future due to its relatively low-energy consumption short equilibrium time and modular design features In the gas centrifuge uranium-enrichment process gaseous UF6 is fed into a cylindrical rotor that spins at high speed inside an evacuated casing Because the rotor spins so rapidly centrifugal force results in the gas occupying only a thin layer next to the rotor wall with the gas moving at approximately the speed of the wall Centrifugal force also causes the heavier 238UF6 molecules to tend to move closer to the wall than the lighter 235UF6 molecules thus partially separating the uranium isotopes This separation is increased by a relatively slow axial countercurrent flow of gas within the centrifuge that concentrates enriched gas at one end and depleted gas at the other This flow can be driven mechanically by scoops and baffles or thermally by heating one of the end caps The main subsystems of the centrifuge are 1 rotor and end caps 2 top and bottom bearing suspension system 3 electric motor and power supply frequency changer 4 center post scoops and baffles 5 vacuum system and 6 casing Because of the corrosive nature of UF6 all components that come in direct contact with UF6 must be must be fabricated from or lined with corrosion-resistant materials The separative capacity of a single centrifuge increases with the length of the rotor and the rotor wall speed Consequently centrifuges containing long high-speed rotors are the goal of centrifuge development programs subject to mechanical constraints The primary limitation on rotor wall speed is the strength-to-weight ratio of the rotor material Suitable rotor materials include alloys of aluminum or titanium maraging steel or composites reinforced by certain glass aramid or carbon fibers At present maraging steel is the most popular rotor material for proliferants With maraging steel the maximum rotor wall speed is approximately 500 m s Fiber-reinforced composite rotors may achieve even higher speeds however the needed composite technology is not within the grasp of many potential proliferants Another limitation on rotor speed is the lifetime of the bearings at either end of the rotor Rotor length is limited by the vibrations a rotor experiences as it spins The rotors can undergo vibrations similar to those of a guitar string with characteristic frequencies of vibration Balancing of rotors to minimize their vibrations is especially critical to avoid early failure of the bearing and suspension systems Because perfect balancing is not possible the suspension system must be capable of damping some amount of vibration One of the key components of a gas centrifuge enrichment plant is the power supply frequency converter for the gas centrifuge machines The power supply must accept alternating current ac input at the 50- or 60-Hz line frequency available from the electric power grid and provide an ac output at a much higher frequency typically 600 Hz or more The high-frequency output from the frequency changer is fed to the II-5-15 high-speed gas centrifuge drive motors the speed of an ac motor is proportional to the frequency of the supplied current The centrifuge power supplies must operate at high efficiency provide low harmonic distortion and provide precise control of the output frequency The casing is needed both to maintain a vacuum and to contain the rapidly spinning components in the event of a failure If the shrapnel from a single centrifuge failure is not contained a domino effect may result and destroy adjacent centrifuges A single casing may enclose one or several rotors Although the separation factors obtainable from a centrifuge are large compared to gaseous diffusion several cascade stages are still required to produce even LEU material Furthermore the throughput of a single centrifuge is usually small which leads to rather small separative capacities for typical proliferator centrifuges To be able to produce only one weapon per year several thousand centrifuges would be required The electrical consumption of a gas centrifuge facility is much less than that of a gaseous diffusion plant Consequently a centrifuge plant will not have the easily identified electrical and cooling systems typically required by a gaseous diffusion plant Aerodynamic Processes Aerodynamic uranium enrichment processes include the separation nozzle process and the vortex tube separation process These aerodynamic separation processes depend upon diffusion driven by pressure gradients as does the gas centrifuge In effect aerodynamic processes can be considered as nonrotating centrifuges Enhancement of the centrifugal forces is achieved by dilution of UF6 with a carrier gas i e hydrogen or helium This achieves a much higher flow velocity for the gas than could be obtained using pure UF6 The separation nozzle process was developed by E W Becker and associates at the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center in Germany In this process a mixture of gaseous UF6 and H2 or helium is compressed and then directed along a curved wall at high velocity The heavier 238U-bearing molecules move preferentially out to the wall relative to those containing 235U At the end of the deflection the gas jet is split by a knife edge into a light fraction and a heavy fraction which are withdrawn separately Economic considerations drive process designers to select separation nozzles with physical dimensions as small as manufacturing technology will allow The curved wall of the nozzle may have a radius of curvature as small as 10 um 0 0004 in Production of these tiny nozzles by such processes as stacking photo-etched metal foils is technically demanding A typical stage consists of a vertical cylindrical vessel containing the separation elements a cross piece for gas distribution a gas cooler to remove the heat of compression and a centrifugal compressor driven by a electric motor The Uranium Enrichment Corporation of South Africa Ltd UCOR developed and deployed its own aerodynamic process characterized as an advanced vortex tube or stationary-walled centrifuge at the so called Y plant at Valindaba to produce hundreds of kilograms of HEU In this process a mixture of UF6 and H2 is compressed and enters a vortex tube tangentially at one end through nozzles or holes at velocities close to the speed of sound This tangential injection of gas results in a spiral or vortex motion within the tube and two gas streams are withdrawn at opposite ends of the vortex tube The spiral swirling flow decays downstream of the feed inlet due to friction at the tube wall Consequently the inside diameter of the tube is typically tapered to reduce the decay in the swirling flow velocity This process is characterized by a separating element with very small stage cut ratio of product flow to feed flow of about 1 20 and high process-operating pressures Due to the very small cut of the vortex tube stages and the extremely difficult piping requirements that would be necessary based on traditional methods of piping stages together the South Africans developed a cascade design technique called Helikon In essence the Helikon technique permits 20 separation stages to be combined into one large module and all 20 stages share a common pair of axial-flow compressors A basic requirement for the success of this method is that the axial-flow compressors successfully transmit parallel streams of different isotopic compositions without significant mixing A typical Helikon module consists of a large cylindrical steel vessel that houses a separating element assembly two axial-flow compressors one mounted on each end and two water-cooled heat exchangers For both of these aerodynamic processes the high proportion of carrier gas required in relation to UF6 process gas results in high specific-energy consumption and substantial requirements for removal of waste heat Laser Isotope Separation In the early 1970's significant work began on the development of laser isotope separation technologies for uranium enrichment Present systems for enrichment processes using lasers fall into two categories those in which the process medium is atomic uranium vapor and those in which the process medium is the vapor of a uranium compound Common nomenclature for such processes include first category-- atomic vapor laser isotope separation AVLIS or SILVA and second category-- molecular laser isotope separation MLIS or MOLIS The systems equipment and components for laser-enrichment plants embrace a devices to feed uranium-metal vapor for selective photoionization or devices to feed the vapor of a uranium compound for photo-dissociation or chemical activation b devices to collect enriched and depleted uranium metal as product and tails in the first category and devices to collect dissociated or reacted compounds as product and unaffected material as tails in the second category c process laser systems to selectively excite the 235 U species and d feed preparation and product conversion II-5-16 equipment The complexity of the spectroscopy of uranium atoms and compounds may require incorporation of any number of available laser technologies AVLIS The atomic vapor laser isotope separation AVLIS process is based on the fact that 235U atoms and 238U atoms absorb light of different frequencies or colors Although the absorption frequencies of these two isotopes differ only by a very small amount about one part in a million the dye lasers used in AVLIS can be tuned so that only the 235U atoms absorb the laser light As the 235U atom absorbs the laser light its electrons are excited to a higher energy state With the absorption of sufficient energy a 235U atom will eject an electron and become a positively charged ion The 235U ions may then be deflected by an electrostatic field to a product collector The 238U atoms remain neutral and pass through the product collector section and are deposited on a tails collector The AVLIS process consists of a laser system and a separation system The separator system contains a vaporizer and a collector In the vaporizer metallic uranium is melted and vaporized to form an atomic vapor stream The vapor stream flows through the collector where it is illuminated by the precisely tuned laser light The AVLIS laser system is a pumped laser system comprised of one laser used to optically pump a separate dye laser which produces the light used in the separation process Dye master oscillator lasers provide precise laser beam frequency timing and quality control The laser light emerging from the dye master oscillator laser is increased in power by passage through a dye laser amplifier A total of three colors are used to ionize the 235 U atoms Many countries are pursuing some level of AVLIS research and or development and major programs exist in the United States France Japan and probably Russia Principal advantages of the AVLIS process include a high separation factor low energy consumption approximately the same as the centrifuge process and a small volume of generated waste However no country has yet deployed an AVLIS process although several have demonstrated the capability to enrich uranium with the process While conceptually simple the actual implementation of the process is likely to be difficult and expensive especially for countries with limited technical resources The AVLIS process requires much sophisticated hardware constructed of specialized materials that must be capable of reliable operation for extended periods of time in a harsh environment MLIS The idea for the molecular laser isotope separation MLIS process was conceived by a group of scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1971 There are two basic steps involved in the MLIS process In the first step UF6 is irradiated by an infrared laser system operating near the 16 um wavelength which selectively excites the 235UF6 leaving the 238UF6 relatively unexcited In the second step photons from a second laser system infrared or ultraviolet preferentially dissociate the excited 235UF6 to form 235UF5 and free fluorine atoms The 235UF5 formed from the dissociation precipitates from the gas as a powder that can be filtered from the gas stream MLIS is a stagewise process and each stage requires conversion of the enriched UF5 product back to UF6 for further enrichment CO2 lasers are suitable for exciting the 235 UF6 during the first step A XeCl excimer laser producing ultraviolet light may be suitable for the dissociation of 235UF6 during the second step However there is currently no known MLIS optical system which has been successfully designed to handle both infrared and ultraviolet Consequently most MLIS concepts use an all infrared optical system In terms of the gas flow for the MLIS process gaseous UF6 mixed with a carrier gas and a scavenger gas is expanded through a supersonic nozzle that cools the gas to low temperatures Hydrogen or a noble gas are suitable as carriers A scavenger gas such as methane is used to capture the fluorine atoms that are released as a result of the dissociation of 235UF6 molecules There are many complexities associated with the process and the United States UK France and Germany have stated that their MLIS programs have been terminated Japan also has had a small MLIS program South Africa has recently stated that their MLIS program is ready to be deployed for low-enriched uranium LEU production Principal advantages of the MLIS process are its low power consumption and its use of UF6 as its process gas Chemical and Ion Exchange Chemical-exchange isotope separation requires segregation of two forms of an element into separate but contacting streams Since many contacts are required to achieve the desired separation the contacting process must be fast and achieve as much separation as possible For heavy elements such as uranium achieving a suitable separation factor involves contact between two valence oxidation state forms such as hexavalent U6 as in uranyl chloride UO2Cl2 and the quadrivalent U4 as in uranium tetrachloride UCl4 The 235U isotope exhibits a slight preference for the higher valence for example the hexavalent over the quadrivalent in the Asahi process or the quadrivalent over the trivalent U3 in the French solvent-extraction process The chemical-exchange process developed by the French is commonly referred to as CHEMEX It uses the exchange reaction that takes place between two valence states U3 and U4 of uranium ions in aqueous solution Isotopic enrichment results from the tendency of 238U to concentrate in the U 3 compound while 235U concentrates in the U4 compound It is therefore possible to obtain enriched uranium by removing the U4 ions with an organic solvent that is immiscible with the aqueous phase concentrated hydrochloric acid Several possible extractants are available however tributyl phosphate TBP the choice of the French is typically used TBP is diluted with an aromatic solvent and this organic phase moves countercurrent to the aqueous phase through a series of pulsed columns II-5-17 In the pulse column the heavier aqueous phase is fed into the top of the column and the lighter organic phase is fed into the bottom of the column A rapid reciprocating motion is applied to the contents of the column providing efficient and intimate contact of the two phases In an HEU plant centrifugal contactors might be employed particularly for the higher assay sections since the stage times and corresponding specific uranium inventory could be reduced significantly After passing through the column the enriched and depleted uranium streams must be chemically treated so that they can be recirculated through the column again refluxed or sent to another column for additional enrichment This requires complicated refluxing equipment at both ends of the column The ion-exchange process was developed by the Asahi Chemical Company in Japan and uses the chemical isotope effect between two valences U4 and U6 of uranium In this process the organic phase is replaced by a proprietary ion-exchange resin The aqueous phase flows through the stationary resin held in a column and the net effect of all the chemical reactions is a band of uranium that moves through the ion-exchange column The exchange between the unadsorbed uranium flowing through the band and that adsorbed on the resin enhances the isotopic separation In this continuous separation system 235U and 238U tend to accumulate respectively at the entrance and exit ends of the adsorption band In this process it is economical to regenerate many of the chemicals by reaction with oxygen and hydrogen in separate equipment The development and manufacture of the appropriate adsorbent beads are based on technology and know-how gained by Asahi in over 25 years of ion-exchange membrane development and manufacture The adsorbent is a spherical bead of porous anion-exchange resin with a very high separation efficiency and an exchange rate over 1 000 times faster than the rates obtained in most commercially available resins The two exchange processes discussed here are representative of exchange processes now under study in several countries At present no country has built or operated a full-scale uranium enrichment plant based on an exchange process The primary proliferation concern is that they are based on standard chemical engineering technology except for the proprietary ion-exchange resins Plasma Separation The plasma separation process PSP has been studied as a potentially more efficient uranium-enrichment technique that makes use of the advancing technologies in superconducting magnets and plasma physics In this process the principle of ion cyclotron resonance is used to selectively energize the 235U isotope in a plasma containing 235U and 238U ions A feed plate of solid uranium serves as the source of neutral uranium atoms These atoms are vaporized by bombarding the plate with energetic ions in a process called sputtering A microwave antenna located in front of the plate energizes free electrons which collide with neutral uranium atoms in the vapor sputtering off the plate This in turn displaces electrons from the uranium atoms and produces a plasma of 235 U and 238U ions The plasma is subjected to a uniform magnetic field along the axis of a cylindrical vacuum chamber as the plasma flows from source to collector The magnetic field is produced by a superconducting magnet located around the outside of the chamber The high-strength magnetic field produces helical motions of the ions with the lighter 235 U ions spiraling faster and having a higher ion cyclotron frequency than the heavier 238 U ions As the ions move toward the collector they pass through an electric field produced by an excitation coil oscillating at the same frequency as the ion cyclotron frequency of the 235U ions This causes the helical orbit of the 235U ions to increase in radius while having minimal effect on the orbit of the heavier 238 U ions The plasma flows through a collector of closely spaced parallel slats the physical appearance of which roughly resembles a venetian blind The large-orbit 235 U ions are more likely to deposit on the slats while the remaining plasma depleted in 235U accumulates on an end plate of the collector PSP is a batch process that would require several stages to produce HEU from natural feed The only countries known to have had serious PSP experimental programs are the United States and France PSP became a part of DOE's Advanced Isotope Separation research and development program in 1976 but development was dropped in 1982 when AVLIS was chosen as the advanced technology of choice The French developed their own version of PSP which they called RCI Funding for RCI was drastically reduced in 1986 and the program was suspended around 1990 although RCI is still used for stable isotope separation Proliferation Implication Assessment Uranium gun-assembled weapons are the easiest of all nuclear devices to design and build It is generally conceded to be impossible to prevent any nation having the requisite amount of HEU from building one or more gun-assembled weapons Therefore the acquisition of significant quantities of 235U or a facility in which to separate the fissile material is an indicator that the acquiring state could be in the process of gaining a rudimentary nuclear capability Because HEU is used in certain research reactors another interpretation is possible Because of the weapons potential the United States and France have sought to replace HEU-fueled reactors with ones using a lower grade 20% 235 U for example of uranium which cannot be so readily converted to weapons use The uranium gun-bomb route was successfully taken by South Africa Any nation having uranium ore in sufficient quantity a sufficiently well-developed technological and industrial infrastructure sufficient electric power and the desire to acquire nuclear weapons might well choose the uranium gun technology FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 All five nuclear weapon states have demonstrated the ability to enrich uranium to weapons grade In addition enrichment is a commercial process in The Netherlands II-5-18 and Japan Germany has also demonstrated the ability to enrich uranium the South African nuclear weapons were made from 80-90% 235U produced indigenously Brazil and Argentina sought to build enrichment plants but have abandoned the effort Iraq used EMIS to enrich uranium prior to the Gulf War and was in the process of building a centrifuge enrichment cascade Iraq produced some enriched uranium not weapons grade before the Gulf War terminated its program Iran has invested large sums in various enrichment schemes some of which appear to have been clever scams by outsiders without achieving any significant enrichment capability Pakistan has built a gas centrifuge enrichment facility believed to produce material for nuclear weapons The nozzle enrichment process was to be used in Germany and in a plant to be built in Brazil by NUCLEBRAS a Brazilian firm in cooperation with a German company Interatom Neither plant appears to have been completed and placed in commercial service Germany operates a commercial centrifuge enrichment plant for its nuclear power industry The Becker nozzle process is not believed to be in use anywhere in the world today II-5-19 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters ELECTROMAGNETIC ISOTOPE SEPARATION Ion Source Single or multiple uranium ion NTL B5 sources consisting of a vapor NDUL 3 source ionizer and beam NRC H accelerator Capable of providing a total ion beam current of 50 mA Uranium chloride graphite stainless steel copper tantalum tungsten None identified Validated ion source models including 3dimensional solution of Poisson's equation for multiple species and taking into account the effect of the accelerating structure Ion Collectors Collector plates of two or more slits and pockets for collection of enriched and depleted uranium ion beams minimize sputtering NTL B5 NDUL 3 NRC H Graphite stainless steel copper None identified Validated ion beam dynamics software and algorithms that optimize isotope separation design from ion source through vacuum and into collector Vacuum Housings Large enough for 1-2 meter orbit radius multiple orbits operation at pressures of 0 1 Pa or lower NTL B5 NDUL 3 NRC H Nonmagnetic materials e g stainless steel None identified None identified Magnet pole pieces Diameter 2 meters able to maintain a time-invariant magnetic field within a separator ability to transfer magnetic field between adjoining separators NTL B5 NDUL 3 NRC H Low resistance wire magnet iron Precision field measurement and adjustment Precision shaping of pole tips precisely controlled windings Validated 3-dimensional singly predominant and multiply charged high current ion beam dynamics codes and algorithms High-voltage DC power supplies Capable of continuous operation output voltage 20 000 V output current 1 A voltage regulation 0 01% over 8-hour interval NTL B5 NDUL 3 NRC H None identified None identified None identified DC magnet power supplies Capable of continuously NTL B5 producing a voltage 100 V NDUL 3 current 500 A and current or voltage regulation 0 01% NRC H over 8-hour interval None identified None Identified None identified cont'd II-5-20 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Vacuum pumps Input throat size 38 cm NDUL 3 pumping speed CCL Cat 2B 15 000 liters sec vacuum 10-4 Torr 1 33 x 10-4 mbar oildiffusion pump systems of sufficient capacity to provide minimum downtime when removing collectors Pumping fluid such Fast-acting shutoff as a hydrocarbon oil valves to protect vacuum system and minimize downtime None identified Uranium recovery Extract enriched uranium in small batches without going critical efficient chemical processes to extract enriched uranium from graphite collector Cadmium neutron poison used to prevent criticality Must be removed at end of process Mass spectrometers None identified Thermal Diffusion Columns Tall columns 10-15 meters in NTL B5 height consisting of three concentric tubes inner tube copper middle nickel outer iron Small annular gap maintained between inner and middle tube UF6 corrosionresistant materials Thermal diffusion test columns for optimizing performance Thermal diffusion coefficients and performance models NTL B3 NRC I THERMAL DIFFUSION Product and Tails Header Arrays of pipes made of or Piping Systems lined with UF6-resistant materials fabricated for containment of UF6 liquid at pressures of 7 MPa and for interconnection of individual thermal diffusion columns at the top and bottom ends NTL B5 UF6 corrosionresistant materials None identified None identified Liquid UF6 Transfer Pumps Pumps capable of pressurizing liquid UF6 to 7 MPa leak tight and corrosion resistant to UF6 NTL B5 Materials resistant to UF6 corrosion None identified None identified Product and Tails Withdrawal Systems Expansion valves and heat exchangers for cooling liquid UF6 to 65 C and for removal into product and tails cylinders NTL B5 UF6 corrosionresistant materials UF6 mass spectrometers ion sources UF6compatible flow mass pressure and temperature instrumentation None identified cont'd II-5-21 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Cooling Water Systems Cooling water systems for removal of 200 MW at temperatures of 67-70 C CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None identified Steam Plant Large steam plant needed CCL EAR 99 even for small uranium enrichment capacity 200 MW for 5 000 SWU yr in U S thermal diffusion plant None identified None identified None identified GASEOUS DIFFUSION Barrier material Thin porous filters with small NTL B5 pore size 100 to 1 000 A NRC C thickness of 5 mm diameter 25 mm sufficient mechanical strength stable chemically inert to UF6 UF6-corrosion resistant metallic polymer or ceramic materials Compounds and powders including nickel or alloys containing 60% nickel aluminum oxide fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers etching acid such as HNO3 Scanning or transmission microscope x-ray diffraction system and other test equipment for measuring the following barrier properties mechanical strength corrosion resistance porosity and permeability Barrier performance models Diffuser Housings Hermetically sealed cylindrical vessels 20-cm diam and 70-cm length or comparable rectangular vessel having inlet and outlet connections all 5-cm diameter designed for operation at high vacuum designed for horizontal or vertical installation NTL B5 NRC C Nickel-plated steel aluminum or nickel alloys containing 60% nickel special UF6compatible gaskets for bolted flanges None identified None identified Gas blowers and compressors Axial centrifugal or positive NTL B5 displacement compressors NRC C blowers with suction capacity 3 1 m min of UF6 and with discharge pressure up to 100 psi designed to operate in UF6 environment Pressure ratio between 2 1 and 6 1 Nickel or high nickel alloy casing or plating on casing rotor blades and impellers of same material or Al alloys UF6 test loop and instrumentation to determine compressor performance characteristics Compressor design and performance models and blade design codes for heavy gases cont'd II-5-22 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Rotary shaft seals Vacuum seals with seal feed and seal exhaust connections Seals designed for a buffer gas inleakage of 1 000 cm3 min Adaptable to wide range of gas pressures and pressure disturbances ease of maintenance and UF6 corrosion resistance NTL B5 NRC C Materials resistant to UF6 corrosion Instrumentation to measure seal feed and exhaust pressures and flows to check seal performance Seal design and performance models for heavy gases Heat Exchangers Heat exchangers made of or lined with UF6-corrosion resistant materials and intended for a leakage pressure change rate 10 N m2 0 0015 psi per hour under a pressure difference of 100 kN m2 15 psi NTL B5 NRC C UF6 corrosionresistant materials Test loop to determine heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop Heat transfer codes for compact heat transfer surfaces and heavy gases Feed systems Process systems including feed autoclaves for passing UF6 to the gaseous diffusion cascades and capable of operating at pressures 300 kN m2 45 psi Cylinders and autoclaves 3-m long and 1 8-m in diameter and UF6 corrosion resistant NTL B5 NRC C UF6 corrosionresistant materials UF6 mass spectrometers ion sources Autoclaves UF6compatible flow mass pressure and temperature instrumentation None identified Product and Tails Withdrawal Systems Compression liquefaction or desublimation cold traps systems for withdrawal Cylindrical equipment is 1 m in diam when insulated and 2-3 m long For HEU diam 12 5 cm may include Boron alloys to preclude criticality NTL B5 NRC C Nickel high-nickel alloys aluminum or copper UF6 mass spectrometers ion sources UF6compatible flow mass pressure and temperature instrumentation Compressor design codes and heat transfer design codes applicable to UF6 cont'd II-5-23 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Header piping systems Arrays of pipes 5 cm in NTL B5 diam made of or lined with NRC C UF6-resistant materials normally of the double header system type fabricated to very high vacuum and cleanliness standards for handling UF6 within the gaseous diffusion cascades Materials resistant None identified to UF6 including stainless steel aluminum aluminum alloys nickel or alloys containing 60% nickel None identified Vacuum systems Large vacuum manifolds vacuum headers and vacuum suction pumps having a suction capacity of 5m3 min or more UF6 corrosion-resistant positive displacement vacuum pumps that may have special working fluids NTL B5 NRC C Aluminum nickel or None identified alloys bearing 60% nickel Hydrocarbon or fluorocarbon vacuum pump oils None identified Shut-off and control valves Manually or automatically operated 5 mm or greater in nominal size made of UF6resistant materials NTL B5 NDUL 3 NRC C CCL Cat 0B UF6-resistant materials Bellows seals rather than packing glands to isolate the process vacuum system from the atmosphere None identified None identified Product storage and sampling cylinders Cylinders designed for operation up to 30 atmospheres with appropriate diameter and length to avoid criticality with HEU CCL EAR 99 Valves and connectors resistant to corrosion from UF6 None identified None identified cont'd II-5-24 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters GAS CENTRIFUGE Rotating Component Complete Rotor Assemblies Thin-walled cylinders 30 cm NTL B5 in length or interconnected NRC B thin-walled cylinders up to 15 m in length made from high strength-to-density ratio material High strength-todensity ratio HSD materials maraging steel high-strength aluminum alloys filamentary materials suitable for use in composite structures Equipment to manufacture assemble and balance complete rotor assembly Rotor dynamics stress analysis software Rotating Component Rotor Tubes Thin-walled cylinders w NTL B5 thickness 12 mm diameter NRC B 75 to 400 mm made from high strength-to-density material length-to-diameter ratio typically 2 HSD materials maraging steel high-strength aluminum alloys filamentary materials suitable for use in composite structures Equipment to manufacture and balance rotor tubes spin-forming and flow-forming machines filament winding machines Spin-testing equipment Rotor dynamics stress analysis software Rotating Component Rings or Bellows Cylinder of wall thickness 3 mm diameter 75 to 400 mm made of high strength-to-density ratio material and having a convolute Used to provide local support to rotor tube or to join rotor tubes NTL B5 NRC B HSD materials maraging steel high-strength aluminum alloys filamentary materials suitable for use in composite structures Equipment to manufacture and balance rings and bellows Spintesting equipment Rotor dynamics stress analysis software Rotating Component Baffles Disc-shaped high strengthto-density ratio components 60 to 500 mm in diameter designed to be mounted in rotor tubes to isolate take-off chamber of rotor tube and or to assist UF6 gas circulation in main separation chamber NTL B5 NRC B HSD materials Equipment to manufacRotor dynamics stress maraging steel ture and balance baffles analysis software high-strength Spin-testing equipment aluminum alloys filamentary materials suitable for use in composite structures Rotating Component top caps bottom caps NTL B5 Disc-shaped or cup-shaped HSD components 75 to NRC B 400 mm in diameter designed to fit the ends of rotor tubes contain the UF6 within the rotor and support the upper bearing elements or to carry rotating elements of motor HSD materials Equipment to manufature Rotor dynamics stress maraging steel and balance end caps analysis software high-strength Spin-testing equipment aluminum alloys filamentary materials suitable for use in composite structures cont'd II-5-25 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Static Component Magnetic Suspension Bearings includes ring magnets Homogeneous ring-shaped NTL B5 annular magnet suspended NRC B within UF 6-resistant housing deviation of the magnetic axes from the geometrical axes limited to very small tolerances Ring magnet samarium-cobalt Alnico Precision balancing and magnetic properties measuring equipment None identified Static Component Bearings Dampers for lower end of rotor tube Bearing comprised of pivot NTL B5 cup assembly mounted on a NRC B damper Pivot is normally hardened steel shaft polished into a hemisphere Cup has a hemispherical indentation in one surface Shaft may have hydrodynamic bearing Hardened steel stainless steel aluminum having high-quality machined surface None identified None identified Static Component Molecular Pumps Cylinders having internally helical grooves and internally machined bores Grooves are typically rectangular in cross section Steel stainless steel aluminum Precision manufacturing and mensuration equipment None identified Static Component Motor Stators Ring-shaped stators having NTL B5 multiphase windings on lowNRC B loss laminated iron core for synchronous operation of AC hysteresis motors in vacuum Power range is 50 to 1 000 VA for frequencies 600 to 2 000 Hz Low-loss iron core Precision manufacturing of laminated structure coil winding and mounting Motor design software for unusual motor geometries and high frequency operation Static Component Scoops Tubes up to 12 mm 0 5 in internal diameter for extraction of UF6 from within the rotor tube by Pitot tube action and capable of being fixed to the central gas extraction system UF6-resistant materials None identified CFD codes for heavy gases in strong rotation with shocks Feed Systems Product and Tails Withdrawal Systems Feed autoclaves that pass NTL B5 UF6 to centrifuge cascades NRC B desublimers that remove UF6 from the cascades product and tails stations for trapping UF6 into containers UF6-resistant materials used in piping Mass spectrometers ion sources Autoclaves UF6-compatible flow mass pressure and temperature instrumentation Heat transfer codes applicable to UF6 desublimers NTL B5 NRC B NTL B5 NRC B cont'd II-5-26 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Machine Header Piping System Piping network normally of NTL B5 the triple header system NRC B with each centrifuge connected to each of the headers Line connections at the centrifuge may be individually flanged or combined in a single flange UF6-resistant materials used in piping Fabrication techniques applicable to very high vacuum and cleanliness standards None identified Frequency changers also called converters or inverters Multiphase output capable of providing an output of 40 W operating in the range of 600 to 2 000 Hz high stability with frequency control 0 1% harmonic distortion 10% high efficiency large MTBF ability to drive one or more centrifuges None identified None identified None identified NTL B5 NRC B NDUL 3 CCL Cat 3A AERODYNAMIC SEPARATION Separator elements nozzles jets and vortex tubes Nozzle slit-shaped curved NTL B5 channels with a radius of NRC D curvature less than 1 mm knife-edge to separate the gas flow Vortex tubes cylindrical or tapered 0 5-cm to 4-cm diameter length to diameter ratio of 20 1 one or more tangential inlets UF6-resistant materials Test facility to measure isotopic separation performance pressure drops etc CFD software for nozzle design and performance UF6 carrier gas separation systems Designed to reduce UF6 NTL B5 content in carrier gas to NRC D 1 ppm Use of cryogenic heat exchangers and cryoseparators cryogenic refrigeration units separation nozzle or vortex tube units or UF6 cold traps UF6-resistant materials None identified None identified Separation element housings Cylindrical vessels 30 cm in diameter and 90 cm in length or rectangular vessels of comparable dimensions Made of or protected by UF6resistant materials UF6-resistant materials None identified None identified NTL B5 NRC D cont'd II-5-27 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters UF6-hydrogen or helium gas compressors gas blowers and rotary shaft seals Axial centrifugal or positive NTL B5 displacement compressors or NRC D gas blowers suction volume capacity of 2 m3 min typical pressure ratio between 1 2 1 and 6 1 Seals with feed and exhaust connections provide a reliable seal against outleakage or inleakage UF6-resistant materials UF6 -hydrogen test loop and instrumentation to determine compressor performance characteristics Instrumentation to measure seal feed and exhaust pressures and flows to check seal performance Compressor and seal design and performance models Blade design codes Heat Exchangers Provide adequate gas NTL B5 cooling made or protected by NRC D materials resistant to UF6 UF6-resistant materials Test loop to determine heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop Heat transfer codes for compact heat transfer surfaces Shut-off control and bellows-sealed valves Manually or automatically operated 40 to 1 500 mm in diameter made of or protected by UF6 resistant materials NTL B5 NRC D UF6-resistant materials bellows seals rather than packing glands None identified None identified Feed systems product and tail withdrawal systems Feed autoclaves to pass UF6 to the enrichment process desublimers cold traps or solidification or liquefaction stations for removal of UF6 from the process product and tails stations for transferring UF6 into containers NTL B5 NRC D UF6-resistant materials Mass spectrometers ion sources Autoclaves Flow mass pressure and temperature instrumentation None identified Process piping systems and header systems Piping network normally of the double header design with each stage or group of stages connected to each header NTL B5 NRC D UF6-resistant materials None identified None identified Vacuum systems and pumps Vacuum systems having a NTl B5 suction capacity of 5 m3 NRC D min with vacuum manifolds headers and pumps designed for service in corrosive atmosphere Pumps may have fluorocarbon seals and special working fluids UF6-resistant materials Hydrocarbon or fluorocarbon vacuum pump oils None identified None identified cont'd II-5-28 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters CHEMICAL EXCHANGE AND ION EXCHANGE Liquid-liquid exchange columns Ability to produce pipes of NTL B5 various diameters and NRC E lengths which are internally coated with material resistant to HCl and have mechanical power input systems to provide mixing of two immiscible liquids with residence times of 30 seconds Corrosion resistant pipes and their internals made of or protected by suitable plastic materials such as fluorocarbon polymers or glass Mechanical power systems Sieve plates reciprocating plates or internal turbine mixers None identified Liquid-liquid centrifugal contactors Capability to build and operate centrifuge systems which disperse and then separate two immiscible liquids with stage residence times of 30 seconds and are corrosion resistant to concentrated HCl None identified Contactors made of or are lined with suitable plastic materials such as fluorocarbon polymers or with glass None identified Electrochemical reduction systems and reduction cells Skills in the design produc- NTL B5 tion and operation of NRC E reduction cells that are corrosion resistant to concentrated HCl and prevent the reoxidation of U3 to U4 NTL B5 NRC E Parts in contact with Potentiometers process stream suitable materials glass fluorocarbon polymers polyphenyl sulfate polyether sulfone and resin-impregnated graphite to avoid contamination of aqueous stream with certain metal ions Electrodes graphite Precise control of uranium valence cont'd II-5-29 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Feed preparation systems Ability to prepare high-purity NTL B5 aqueous solutions of uranium NRC E chloride Concentration of certain metal ions such as chromium iron vanadium molybdenum and other bivalent or higher multivalent cations must be more than a few parts per million Parts in contact with Analytical equipment to final feed solutions monitor purity of suitable materials solutions glass fluorocarbon polymers polyphenyl sulfate polyether sulfone and resin-impregnated graphite to avoid contamination of the aqueous stream with certain metal ions None identified Uranium oxidation systems Knowledgeable in the NTL B5 operation of systems for the NRC E 3 4 oxidation of U to U Familiarity with the handling of chlorine and oxygen gases and distillation of HCl solutions For portions of Potentiometers system processing 3 high-purity U streams suitable materials glass fluorocarbon polymers polyphenyl sulfate polyether sulfone and resin-impregnated graphite to avoid contamination Accurate control of uranium valence Ion exchange columns Ability to design construct NTL B5 and operate cylindrical NRC E columns 1 m in diameter made of or protected by materials resistant to concentrated HCl and are capa- ble of operating at a temper- ature of 100 C to 200 C and pressures 0 7 MPa 102 psi Fast-reacting ion exchange resins or adsorbents Provide characteristics of glass substrate and resin Physical and chemical characteristics of resin Ion exchange reflux systems Knowledgeable in the chemical and electrochemical reduction systems for regeneration of chemical reducing agent s in ion exchange Elements e g Ti Fe V which possess the proper electrochemical behavior to be used in the regeneration steps Potentiometers Spectrometers Careful control of solution chemistry NTL B5 NRC E cont'd II-5-30 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters ATOMIC VAPOR LASER ISOTOPE SEPARATION AVLIS Laser systems Systems designed for separating uranium isotopes usually consisting of copper vapor lasers and dye lasers A spectrum frequency stabilizer is required for operation over extended periods of time NTL B5 NDUL 3 NRC F CCL Cat 6 Laser gases laser dyes Lasers laser amplifiers Software for laser safety and oscillators copper systems timing systems vapor argon ion neodymium-doped other than glass dye laser amplifier and oscillators Uranium vaporization systems Melting and casting technologies Vaporization systems containing highpower strip or scanning electron beam guns with delivered power on the target of 2 5 kW cm NTL B5 NRC F Filaments tungsten Electron beam guns Interlocks between electron beam gun power and magnetic field Liquid uranium metal handling systems Ability to handle molten uranium or uranium alloys consisting of crucibles and cooling equipment for crucibles Made of or protected by materials of suitable corrosion and heat resistance NTL B5 NRC F Copper tantalum yttria-coated graphite graphite coated with other rare earth oxides Water-cooled copper crucibles None identified Product and tails collector assemblies Handle uranium metal in liquid NTL B5 or solid form May include NRC F pipes valves fittings gutters feed-throughs heat exchangers and collector plates Tantalum yttriaNone identified coated graphite graphite coated with other rare earth oxides None identified Separator module housings Cylindrical or rectangular vessels with multiplicity of ports for electrical and water feed-throughs laser beam windows vacuum pump connections and instrumentation diagnostics and monitoring Austenitic steel None identified NTL B5 NRC F Protection from x-rays generated by electron beam guns cont'd II-5-31 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters MOLECULAR LASER ISOTOPE SEPARATION MLIS Laser Systems Systems designed for separating uranium isotopes usually consisting of CO2 or excimer lasers and parahydrogen Raman shifters A spectrum frequency stabilizer is required for operation over extended periods of time NTL B5 NDUL 3 NRC F CCL Cat 6 Lasing medium CO2 N2 He Ar Kr Xe HCl Cl2 F2 Pulsed CO2 lasers pulsed excimer lasers para-hydrogen Raman shifters Software for laser system frequency control timing and safety Supersonic expansion nozzles Nozzles capable of cooling mixtures of UF6 and carrier gas to 150 K and which are corrosion resistant to UF6 NTL B5 NRC F UF6 corrosionresistant materials Ar N2 Test facility to measure diffuser pressure recovery CFD software for compressible gas flow with shocks and significant viscous effects UF5 product collectors Uranium pentafluoride UF5 NTL B5 solid product collectors NRC F consisting of filter impact or cyclone-type collectors or combinations thereof UF5 UF6 corrosionresistant materials Test facility to measure pressure drop as a function of collector loading None identified UF6 carrier gas compressors and rotary shaft seals Compressors designed for NTL B5 long term operation in UF6 NRC F environment Seals with feed and exhaust connections provide a reliable seal against outleakage or inleakage UF6 corrosionresistant materials UF6 carrier gas test facility and instrumentation to determine compressor performance characteristics Instrumentation to measure seal feed and exhaust pressures and flows to check seal performance Compressor design and performance models and blade design codes Seal performance and design models Fluorination systems Systems designed for fluorinating UF5 solid to UF6 gas for subsequent collection in product containers or for transfer for additional enrichment Fluorinating agent e g ClF3 corrosion-resistant materials Equipment for storage Safety systems thermal and transfer of fluorina- control ting agent and for collection and transfer of UF6 Reaction vessel e g fluidized-bed reactor screw reactor flame tower temperature and pressure probes cold traps Equipment for insitu fluorination NTL B5 NRC F cont'd II-5-32 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Feed systems product and tail withdrawal systems Feed autoclaves to pass UF6 NTL B5 to the enrichment process NRC F desublimers cold traps or solidification or liquefaction stations for removal of UF6 from the process product and tails stations for transferring UF6 into containers UF6 corrosionresistant materials Mass spectrometers ion sources Autoclaves UF6-compatible flow mass pressure and temperature instrumentation UF6 carrier gas separation systems Systems designed to separate UF6 from carrier gas N2 Ar NTL B5 NRC F UF6 corrosionresistant materials Cryogenic heat None identified exchangers or cryoseparators cryogenic refrigeration units or UF6 cold traps Microwave power sources and antennae Producing or accelerating ions and having the following characteristics 30 GHz frequency and 50 kW mean power output for ion production NTL B5 NRC G Product and tails collector assemblies None identified PLASMA SEPARATION PROCESS None None identified Validated algorithms and related computer programs to compute the flow and trajectories of U-235 and U-238 ion isotopes in rf-heated plasma Assemblies for collecting NTL B5 uranium metal in solid form NRC G Made of or protected by materials of suitable corrosion and heat resistance to uranium metal vapor Graphite shop uranium recovery and recycle support facilities Tantalum yttriacoated graphite None identified Validated algorithms and related computer programs to compute the flow and trajectories of U-235 and U-238 ion isotopes in rf-heated plasma RF ion excitation coils Frequencies of more than NTL B5 100 kHz and capable of NRC G handling 40 kW mean power None None identified Particle dynamics particle interactions Liquid uranium handling systems Ability to handle molten NTL B5 uranium or uranium alloys NRC G consisting of crucibles and cooling equipment for crucibles Made of or protected by materials of suitable corrosion and heat resistance Tantalum yttriacoated graphite graphite coated with other rare earth oxides None identified None identified cont'd II-5-33 Table 5 2-1 Uranium Enrichment Processes Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Plasma generation systems Systems for the generation of NTL B5 uranium plasma May contain NRC G high-power strip or scanning electron beam guns with a delivered power on the target of 2 5 kW cm Uranium metal Electron beam guns Superconducting magnets Superconducting solenoidal NDUL B3 electromagnet with an inner CCL Cat 3A diameter of 30 cm providing a very uniform magnetic field of high strength 2 teslas Liquid He liquid N2 Liquid He and N2 control- None identified lers and monitors cryothermometers cryogenic tubing II-5-34 None identified Table 5 2-2 Uranium Enrichment Processes Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications ELECTROMAGNETIC ISOTOPE SEPARATION EMIS Alternative Technologies Production of HEU for use in nuclear weapons naval propulsion research reactors Other uranium enrichment technologies Ion source Obtaining high U beam currents from source controlling expansion of beam properly focus ion beam on collector slits heater life insulator breakdown damage to source components due to high energy ions None identified Several types of ion source exist Ion collectors Retain and measure collected uranium retain shape over wide temperature range resist sputtering conduct heat permit recovery of deposited uranium None identified None Vacuum housings Leakage rate opening and closing with minimum downtime None identified None Magnet pole pieces Maintain low magnetic field ripple None identified Superconducting magnets High-voltage power supplies Maintain stable voltage None identified None DC magnet power supplies Maintain stable current None identified None Vacuum pumps Maintain high vacuum in large evacuated region Other isotope separation processes e g AVLIS PSP None Uranium recovery Substantial chemical processing facility required labor intensive None identified None Production of uranium enriched up to 1 2% 235U as feed to electromagnetic separators enriching to weapons grade uranium Other uranium enrichment technologies THERMAL DIFFUSION Thermal Diffusion Columns Precisely machined tubing Operation None identified at high pressures and temperatures without leaks Maintaining a small gap between hot and cold walls UF6 freezing and plugging None identified Product and Tails Header Piping Systems Minimize leakage and corrosion sealing and welding technologies None identified None identified Liquid UF6 Transfer pumps Minimize leakage and corrosion sealing technology None identified None identified cont'd II-5-35 Table 5 2-2 Uranium Enrichment Processes Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Product and Tails Withdrawal Systems Minimize leakage and corrosion sealing and welding technologies None identified None identified Cooling Water Systems Temperature control None identified None identified Steam Plant Large steam plant needed even for small uranium enrichment capacity None identified None identified Production of LEU fuel for nuclear power reactors or HEU nuclear weapons naval propulsion research reactors Other uranium enrichment technologies GASEOUS DIFFUSION Barrier Materials Fabrication of barrier Maintain fine None identified pore size high permeability and structural integrity over long periods of operation Control nonseparative flow mechanisms None identified Diffuser Housings Procurement of large quantities required sealing and welding technologies aerodynamic efficiency minimum leakage and corrosion None identified None identified Gas Blowers and Compressors Procurement of large quantities required blade design nozzle design lubrication system for bearings minimum leakage and corrosion None identified None identified Rotary Shaft Seals Procurement of large quantities required minimize inleakage and outleakage long-term running reliability None identified Hermetically sealed compressors with UF6 gas bearings Heat Exchangers Minimize leakage and corrosion cooling tower design None identified None identified Feed Systems Maintain material balance reveal cascade leakage consumption on surfaces or material freeze-outs None identified None identified Product and Tails Withdrawal Systems Maintain material balance reveal cascade leakage consumption on surfaces or material freeze-outs Criticality concerns with HEU None identified None identified Vacuum Systems Minimize leakage Containment and cleanliness None identified None identified cont'd II-5-36 Table 5 2-2 Uranium Enrichment Processes Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Vacuum Systems Minimize leakage Containment and cleanliness None identified None identified Shutoff and Control Systems Procurement of large quantities required minimize leakage and corrosion provide proper pressure drop to move UF6 inventory and minimize stage efficiency losses isolation of stages for maintenance None identified None identified Product Storage and Sampling Cylinders Maintain operational integrity with minimum leakage and corrosion Criticality concerns with HEU None identified None identified Production of LEU fuel for nuclear power reactors or HEU nuclear weapons naval propulsion research reactors Other uranium enrichment technologies GAS CENTRIFUGE Rotating Component Complete Rotor Assemblies Rotor dynamics critical frequencies proper balancing and damping continuous operation None identified None identified Rotating Component Rotor Tubes Material properties balancing resistance to corrosion attack continuous operation uniformity of manufacture None identified None identified Rotating Component Rings or Bellows Material properties balancing resistance to corrosion attack continuous operation uniformity of manufacture None identified None identified Rotating Component Baffles Material properties balancing resistance to corrosion attack continuous operation uniformity of manufacture None identified None identified Rotating Component top caps bottom caps Material properties balancing resistance to corrosion attack continuous operation uniformity of manufacture None identified None identified Static Component Magnetic Suspension Bearings includes ring magnets Homogeneity of magnet material deviation of magnetic axes None identified None identified Static Component Bearings Dampers for lower end of rotor tube Prope damping to control rotor vibration and restrain lateral movement None identified None identified Static Component Molecular Pumps Maintain low pressure in casing None identified None identified cont'd II-5-37 Table 5 2-2 Uranium Enrichment Processes Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Static Component Motor Stators Provide low-loss high speed high frequency synchronous and uninterrupted service None identified None identified Static Component Scoops Aerodynamics and materials None identified None identified Feed Systems Product and Tails Withdrawal Systems Maintain material balance Criticality concerns with HEU None identified None identified Machine Header Piping System Minimize leakage and corrosion sealing and welding technologies None identified None identified Frequency Changers also called converters or inverters Trouble-free operation for extended periods of operation no maintenance requirements Drive high-speed spindle motors for grinders and machine tools None identified Production of LEU fuel for nuclear power reactors or HEU nuclear weapons naval propulsion research reactors Other uranium enrichment technologies AERODYNAMIC SEPARATION Separator elements nozzles jets and vortex tubes Precision in fabricating very small nozzles sophisticated machine shop None identified None identified UF6 carrier-gas separation equipment Large building ventilation system H2 generating site explosive mixture concerns None identified None identified Separation element housings Sealing and welding technologies aerodynamic efficiency minimum leakage and corrosion None identified None identified UF6-hydrogen or helium gas compressors gas blowers and rotary shaft seals Aerodynamics rotor dynamics lubrication blade vane stress and vibration minimize leakage corrosion failure rates None identified None identified Heat Exchangers Substantial waste heat cooling tower design None identified None identified Shut-off control and bellowssealed valves Minimize leakage and corrosion Valves could be used in other flow systems None identified Feed Systems Product and Tail Withdrawal Systems Maintain material balance Criticality concerns with HEU None identified None identified Process piping systems and header systems Minimize leakage and corrosion sealing and welding technologies None identified None identified Vacuum Systems and Pumps Minimize leakage Containment and cleanliness Other vacuum systems None identified cont'd II-5-38 Table 5 2-2 Uranium Enrichment Processes Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications CHEMICAL AND ION EXCHANGE Alternative Technologies Production of LEU fuel for nuclear power reactors or HEU nuclear weapons naval propulsion research reactors Other uranium enrichment technologies Liquid-liquid exchange columns Judicious handling of columns to prevent breaching of interior coating or lining The instability of U3 in aqueous solution demands expertise in uranium solution chemistry None identified Use mixer settlers or centrifugal contactors Liquid-liquid centrifugal contactors Protection of corrosion resistant lining is paramount The instability of U3 in aqueous solution demands expertise in uranium solution chemistry None identified Use mixer settlers or liquid-liquid exchange columns Electrochemical reduction systems and reduction cells Must prevent reoxidation of uranium None identified May use other chemicals zinc for reduction Feed preparation systems Product must be of very high-purity with None identified little metallic contamination None identified Uranium oxidation systems Chlorine gas is highly toxic and must be None identified handled with extreme care Pure oxygen gas may bring about rapid combustion and fire May oxidize systems electrolytically but process will be more expensive Ion exchange columns The preparation of the resin adsorbent is the key and has proven very difficult None identified None identified Ion exchange reflux systems The appropriate metals to use in the None identified regeneration system have not been well identified None identified Production of LEU fuel for nuclear power reactors or HEU nuclear weapons naval propulsion research reactors Pu separation Li enrichment ATOMIC VAPOR LASER ISOTOPE SEPARATION AVLIS Laser systems Precise tuning control and modulate Lidar wavelengths sufficient pulse repetition Guidestar frequency and pulse length laser power per pulse beam quality beam propagation optics Uranium vaporization systems High power density None identified Other uranium enrichment technologies None identified None identified cont'd II-5-39 Table 5 2-2 Uranium Enrichment Processes Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Liquid uranium metal handling systems Withstanding heat from electron beam gun and corrosive effects of liquid uranium None identified None identified Product and tails collector assemblies Uranium corrosion at high temperatures None identified None identified Separator module housings Maintaining a very high vacuum reliability of large pump system None identified None identified Production of LEU fuel for nuclear power reactors or HEU nuclear weapons naval propulsion research reactors Other uranium enrichment technologies MOLECULAR LASER ISOTOPE SEPARATION MLIS Laser Systems High energy pulses high repetition rates beam quality beam propagation optics para-hydrogen Raman cells high capacity gas flow systems for lasing gas gas cleanup systems None identified None identified Supersonic expansion nozzles Specially contoured to produce uniform gas flow in irradiation chamber provide efficient utilization of laser light corrosion resistance None identified None identified UF5 product collectors High UF5 collection efficiency criticality concerns with HEU collection corrosion resistance None identified None identified UF6 carrier gas compressors and rotary shaft seals Aerodynamics rotor dynamics lubrication blade vane stress and vibration minimize leakage corrosion failure rates None identified None identified Fluorination systems Efficient removal of UF5 enriched product in a timely manner corrosion resistance None identified None identified Feed systems product and tail withdrawal systems Criticality concerns for HEU corrosion None identified resistance None identified UF5 carrier gas separation systems Protection of carrier gases from None identified chemical contamination by processing equipment removal of reaction products rebalancing process gas composition corrosion resistance None identified cont'd II-5-40 Table 5 2-2 Uranium Enrichment Processes Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications PLASMA SEPARATION PROCESS SYSTEMS Alternative Technologies Production of LEU fuel for nuclear power reactors or HEU nuclear weapons naval propulsion research reactors Other uranium enrichment technologies Microwave power sources and antennae Power input and voltage plasma density electron temperature None identified None identified Product and tails collector assemblies Criticality concerns for HEU corrosion None identified resistance None identified RF ion excitation coils Collisional effects orientation of electric fields 235U selectivity None identified None identified Liquid uranium handling systems Throughput corrosive effects of liquid None identified uranium None identified Plasma generation systems High plasma density None identified None identified Superconducting magnets Strength and uniformity of magnetic field cryogenic refrigeration None identified None identified II-5-41 SECTION 5 3--NUCLEAR FISSION REACTORS OVERVIEW This subsection discusses nuclear fission reactors in general but emphasizes that the types which have been found most suitable for producing plutonium are graphitemoderated nuclear reactors using gas or water cooling at atmospheric pressure and with the capability of having fuel elements exchanged while on line The first nuclear reactor CP-1 went critical for the first time on 2 December 1942 in a squash court under Stagg Field at the University of Chicago Construction on CP1 began less than a month before criticality was achieved the reactor used lumped uranium metal fuel elements moderated by high-purity graphite Within 2 years the United States first scaled up reactor technology from this essentially zero-power test bed to the 3 5 MW thermal X-10 reactor built at Oak Ridge Tennessee and then again to the 250-megawatt production reactors at Hanford The Hanford reactors supplied the plutonium for the Trinity test and the Nagasaki war drop Clearly reactor technology does not stress the capabilities of a reasonably well-industrialized state at the end of the twentieth century Some problems did arise with the scale-up to hundreds of megawatts the graphite lattice changed crystal state which caused some deformation and the buildup of a neutron-absorbing xenon isotope poisoned the fission reaction This latter problem was curable because of the foresight of the duPont engineers who built the reactor with many additional fuel channels which when loaded increased the reactivity enough to offset the neutron absorption by the xenon fission product Finally the problem of spontaneous emission of neutrons by 240 Pu produced in reactor plutonium became apparent as soon as the first samples of Hanford output were supplied to Los Alamos The high risk of nuclear pre-initiation associated with 240 Pu caused the abandonment of the notion of a gun-assembled plutonium weapon and led directly to the adoption of an implosion design Several distinct classes of reactor exist each optimized for one purpose generally using fuel carefully chosen for the job at hand These classes include the following 1 Research reactors Usually operates at very low power often only 1-2 MW or less Frequently uses high-enriched uranium fuel although most newer models use no more than 20-percent enrichments to make the theft of fuel less attractive Fertile material 238U for Pu 6Li for tritium can be encapsulated in elements known as targets for insertion into the reactor core The reactor can also employ a fertile blanket of 238U in which plutonium can be bred Cooling requirements and shielding requirements are relatively II-5-42 Highlights o o o o o Plutonium used in many nuclear weapons can only be made in sufficient quantities in a nuclear reactor The graphite-moderated air- or gas-cooled reactor using natural uranium as its fuel was first built in 1942 Scale-up of these types of reactors from low power to quite high power is straightforward Reactors have been built in many countries of the world including some of real proliferation concern Reactors using natural uranium can make relatively high quality plutonium Reactors are generally purpose-built and reactors built and operated for plutonium production are less efficient for electricity production than standard nuclear electric power plants because of the low burnup restriction for production of weapons grade plutonium modest Some research reactors can be refueled while operating and such reactors are of special concern for plutonium production because they can limit fuel burnup which enhances the quality of the plutonium compared to that obtained from reactors that require high burnup before shutdown and refueling 2 Power reactors These are used to generate electric power Few use fuel enriched to greater than 5-7% 235U Practical power levels range from a few hundred MW e three times that in terms of thermal power output to 1 000 or 1 500 MW e --meaning 3 000-4 000 MW t Power reactors designs have included water cooled-graphite moderated the Soviet RBMK used at Chernobyl boiling light water pressurized light water heavy water-moderated and cooled graphite-moderated helium cooled and liquid metal-moderated Most power reactors operate under pressure and cannot be refueled in operation The RBMK and CANDU reactors are notable exceptions to this rule The CANDU reactor was developed for the Canadian nuclear power program and is a deuterium oxide heavy water moderated reactor which can operate on natural uranium fuel 3 Production reactors These are used to make plutonium and often tritium efficiently Production reactors are frequently graphite-moderated and either air- CO2- or helium-cooled The longer a given sample of fuel is irradiated the greater the build-up of 240Pu an isotope which decays by spontaneous fission and which should be minimized in weapon fuel Consequently plutonium production reactors usually are designed to be refueled while operating on-line refueling so that relatively little 240Pu is found in the spent fuel 4 Breeder reactors These reactors generate plutonium at a rate greater numbers of nuclei per unit time than they burn their fissile fuel numbers of nuclei per unit time Normally breeders use fast neutrons and irradiate a fissile 238U blanket Plutonium produced in the fuel generally has a higher fraction of 240Pu than that produced in other reactors but the Pu made in the blanket of uranium surrounding the core is usually of a high quality containing very little 240Pu 5 Propulsion reactors Primarily found on submarines and large-surface combatant ships nuclear reactors have given new operational freedom to the underwater navy and deliver increased time on station combined with high speed for both the submarine service and the surface navy The United States and Russia have built most of the world's shipboard reactors The world's first nuclear powered cargo ship was the U S N S Savannah however nuclear propulsion power has not been particularly successful in the commercial world Today the only operating commercial vessels using nuclear propulsion are Russian icebreakers To keep the core size small propulsion reactors generally use highly enriched uranium as fuel In principle a propulsion reactor core could be surrounded with a fertile blanket and used to produce plutonium In practice this has never been done 6 Space reactors and mobile power systems Nuclear reactors have been used from time to time usually by the former Soviet Union to provide on-orbit electrical power to spacecraft In principle they will use HEU as fuel to keep the core mass and volume small Other spacecraft have been powered by the heat released by the radioactive decay of 238Pu RATIONALE Plutonium one of the two fissile elements used to fuel nuclear explosives is not found in significant quantities in nature Instead it must be bred or produced one atomic nucleus at a time by bombarding 238U with neutrons to produce the isotope 239 U which beta decays half-life 23 minutes emitting an electron to become the almost equally radioactive 239Np neptunium The neptunium isotope again beta decays halflife 56 hours to 239Pu the desired fissile material The only proven and practical source for the large quantities of neutrons needed to make plutonium at a reasonable speed is a nuclear reactor in which a controlled but self-sustaining 235 U fission chain reaction takes place Accelerator-based transmutation to produce plutonium is theoretically possible and experiments to develop its potential have been started but the feasibility of large-scale production by the process has not been demonstrated In addition to production of plutonium nuclear reactors can also be used to make tritium 3H the heaviest isotope of hydrogen Tritium is an essential component of boosted fission weapons and multi-stage thermonuclear weapons The same reactor design features which promote plutonium production are also consistent with efficient tritium production which adds to the proliferation risk associated with nuclear reactors The size of a nuclear reactor is generally indicated by its power output Reactors to generate electricity are rated in terms of the electrical generating capacity MW e meaning megawatts of electricity A more important rating with regard to production of nuclear explosive material is MW t the thermal power produced by the reactor As a general rule the thermal output of a power reactor is three times the electrical capacity That is a 1 000 MW e reactor produces about 3 000 MW t reflecting the inefficiencies in converting heat energy to electricity A useful rule of thumb for gauging the proliferation potential of any given reactor is that 1 megawatt-day thermal energy release not electricity output of operation produces 1 gram of plutonium in any reactor using 20-percent or lower enriched uranium consequently a 100 MW t reactor produces 100 grams of plutonium per day and could produce roughly enough plutonium for one weapon every 2 months Research reactors using nearly 100-percent enriched material produce almost no plutonium in their fuel because the fertile species 238 U has been removed These reactors can however be built with a surrounding blanket of natural or depleted uranium in which plutonium can be bred efficiently The Osirak reactor built in Iraq and destroyed by Israeli aircraft was of this type A typical form of production reactor fuel is natural uranium metal encased in a simple steel or aluminum cladding Because uranium metal is not as dimensionally stable when irradiated as is uranium oxide used in high burnup fuel reactors fueled with the uranium metal must be confined to very low burnup operation which is not economical for electricity production This operational restriction for uranium metal fuel results in the production of plutonium with only a small admixture of the undesirable isotope 240Pu Thus it is almost certain that a reactor using metallic fuel is intended to produce weapons grade plutonium and operation of such a reactor is a strong indicator that proliferation is occurring Many technologies are useful in the construction and operation of nuclear reactors The following are nuclear reactor related technologies o Conversion of uranium to the appropriate chemical form e g UO2 from fluorides or from yellowcake o Fuel fabrication including conversion melting or casting alloying and the production of rods or billets Operations would include machining heat treatment extrusion and rolling II-5-43 o o o o o o Fuel rod cladding Control systems and appropriate instrumentation Cooling systems including those for use in emergencies and for power reactors coupling to electrical generation equipment Containment confinement structures to minimize fission product release from the reactor site Refueling equipment Reprocessing facilities including facilities to chop highly radioactive fuel rods into small pieces dissolve the fuel in acid and extract plutonium from the radioactive liquid process streams Spent fuel storage temporary or permanent including facilities to cool the discharged fuel Proliferation Implications Assessment It is unlikely that any nuclear state or threshold state has produced nuclear weapons by diverting material from a safeguarded nuclear reactor or from other safeguarded parts of the nuclear fuel cycle This result is due in part because the typical power reactor uranium fuel is enriched to only 3 percent to 5 percent and it is not usable directly in a nuclear weapon most such reactors cannot be refueled without extended easily detected shutdowns While the large quantity of low-quality plutonium produced in civilian nuclear power reactors is of concern because even high-burnup plutonium containing more than 10 percent 240Pu can be used in a nuclear explosive individual power reactors provide little opportunity for the proliferator to obtain fuel for a weapon It is difficult to irradiate fertile material in power reactors and uneconomical to shut down frequently to extract the fuel at the low burnup levels that yield highquality plutonium The existence of a nuclear power industry in a country is however proof that the state has the necessary skilled manpower to design and build large parts of the infrastructure for a nuclear weapons program The experience gained operating a civilian power reactor would be valuable should a country elect to pursue nuclear weapons The risk associated with a power reactor program is that some of the technology legitimately acquired for the electricity-producing power reactor could be transferred without detection to the construction and operation of a plutonium production reactor To reduce such risk of nuclear proliferation nations that supply nuclear-related equipment and materials have joined in an organization known as the Nuclear Suppliers Group NSG The NSG through the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA has published guidelines which trigger the requirement for full scope safeguards to be in place in the receiving nation before the nuclear reactor components of interest can be exported by member nations These guidelines are referred to as the Trigger List and are designated NTL in the Export Control Reference column of Table 5 3-1 IAEA INFCIRC 254 Rev 2 Part 1 17 June 1996 FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 Six countries are known to have detonated nuclear explosive devices Of these six five elected to test a plutonium device before experimenting with uranium-based weapons Only China chose to go the uranium route Of the suspected threshold states and former threshold states Iraq North Korea Israel South Africa Pakistan which have not exploded a device three are believed to have pursued the plutonium route as their first choice South Africa and Pakistan appear to have preferred enriching uranium after the Osirak reactor was destroyed Iraq switched to a uranium-based design Although uranium enrichment see Section 5 2 Uranium Enrichment Processes is one way of obtaining the special materials to join the nuclear club nuclear reactors provide an equally satisfactory route in the event the path to enrichment is blocked or rejected 9 Indeed in a well-designed production reactor one uranium fission is likely to produce on average about 0 8 plutonium nuclei and many fewer atoms of plutonium than 235 U atoms are required to make a fission device 10 Many nations see Figure 5 0-2 have the ability to design build or operate nuclear reactors In addition to U S firms Swiss and Swedish ASEA-Brown Boveri ABB French British and Chinese enterprises have sold power or research reactors on the international market 9 Lack of an adequate supply of electricity is one obstacle to a sucessful enrichment program inability to acquire uranium or specialized technologies can be another 10 Plutonium and uranium densities are nearly the same but the critical mass of plutonium is only about 20 percent that of HEU because of plutonium's greater reactivity II-5-44 Table 5 3-1 Nuclear Fission Reactors Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Power Reactors Fast Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor LMFBR Ability to extract plutonium NTL B1 from irradiated fuel or targets NRC A Liquid metal handling systems oxide fuel fabrication uranium enrichment capability Fuel stainless steel clad UO2 PuO2 fuel pellets Coolant usually liquid metal e g sodium Equipment specially designed to extract enriched uranium and or plutonium fuel sources from reactor core fuel fabrication techniques specially designed for fast reactors Equipment for handling solid and liquid sodium None Identified Power Reactors Thermal Pressurized Water Reactor PWR Boiling Water Reactor BWR Heavy Water Reactor HWR Control criticality establish uniform temperature rise in reactor core ability to remove fuel elements and extract enriched uranium and or plutonium Heavy water production Oxide fuel fabrication BWR and PWR require uranium enrichment Fuel basic fission fuels-U-235 U-233 Pu-239 U-238 for use in creating Pu239 natural uranium enriched uranium uranium oxide alloys of uranium-plutonium mixtures of uraniumplutonium oxides and carbides thorium-232 for use in creating U-233 Moderator ordinary light water heavy water deuterium oxide Coolant ordinary light water heavy water deuterium oxide Methods for producing cylindrical fuel elements by compacting and sintering cylindrical pellets e g uranium oxide zirconium alloy Zircaloy tube about 13 mm in diameter and 3 7 m long typical equipment specially designed to extract fuel from reactor core None Identified Power Reactors Thermal High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor HTGR Advanced Gas Reactor AGR Fabrication of refractory fuel NTL B1 elements from high-purity NRC A graphite High pressure high volume coolant gas circulating pumps turbines Fuel usually Low Enriched Uranium LEU Moderator graphite Coolant Helium HTGR carbon dioxide AGR Specially designed production equipment to fabricate special fuel assemblies High pressure CO2 or He gas handling equipment None Identified NTL B1 NRC A cont'd II-5-45 Table 5 3-1 Nuclear Fission Reactors Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Production Reactors Target and fuel reprocessing facilities to extract plutonium or tritium High purity graphite Heavy water production Uranium metal production NTL Fuel natural or slightly enriched uranium for plutonium production HEU and 6Li enriched target for tritium production Moderator heavy water can be graphite Coolant air light water heavy water Fuel and target None Identified reprocessing facilities usually located at the same site or nearby Hot cell facilities Specially designed equipment for fabrication of fuel elements and targets for breeding plutonium and or tritium Research Reactors Fuel technology spans light water heavy water graphite organic and hydride moderated types NTL Fuel HEU or LEU Moderator graphite hydrides organic materials hydrocarbons light water heavy water Coolant light water heavy water Equipment configured for None Identified frequent shutdowns associated with insertion withdrawal of target elements Hot cell facilities to support research and development II-5-46 Table 5 3-2 Nuclear Fission Reactors Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Power Reactors Fast Pu-239 extraction reprocessing Nuclear weapons Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Ability to design and fabricate contain LMFBR ment vessels and operate safely for extended periods Availability of HEU or plutonium Liquid metal e g sodium handling Enrichment technologies thermal power reactors production reactors research reactors Power Reactors Thermal Pressurized Water Reactor PWR Boiling Water Reactor BWR Heavy Water Reactor HWR Ability to design and construct pressure vessels and cooling systems Ability to process highly radioactive spent fuel assemblies Nuclear weapons Enrichment technologies fast power reactors intermediate power reactors production reactors research reactors Power Reactors Thermal High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor HTGR Advanced Gas Reactor AGR Removal of refractory cladding from fuel Reprocessing facilities Nuclear weapons Enrichment technologies fast power reactors intermediate power reactors production reactors research reactors Production Reactors Methods for extracting Pu-239 and or tritium from fuel or targets Nuclear weapons Enrichment technologies fast power reactors thermal power reactors research reactors Research Reactors Methods for extracting enriched Nuclear weapons uranium and or Pu-239 and or tritium from fuel or targets Facility for irradiating quantities of fertile material Enrichment technologies fast power reactors thermal power reactors production reactors II-5-47 SECTION 5 4--PLUTONIUM EXTRACTION REPROCESSING OVERVIEW This subsection covers technologies involved in the recovery and purification of uranium and plutonium in spent irradiated reactor fuel and irradiated targets Unlike fuel from fossil plants that discharge ash with negligible heat content fuel discharged from nuclear reactors contains appreciable quantities of fissile uranium and plutonium unburned fuel These fuel elements must be removed from a reactor before the fissile material has been completely consumed primarily because of fission product buildup Fission products capture large numbers of neutrons which are necessary to sustain a chain fission reaction In the interest of economic utilization of nuclear fuels and the conservation of valuable resources several countries have constructed reprocessing plants to recover the residual uranium and plutonium values utilizing a variety of physical and chemical methods Plutonium is one of the two elements which have been used in fission explosives It does not exist naturally in any significant quantities but must be made nucleus by nucleus in a nuclear reactor by the process of neutron absorption on 238U followed by two beta decays producing first neptunium and then plutonium The plutonium is removed from the spent fuel by chemical separation no nuclear or physical separation as for example in uranium enrichment is needed To be used in a nuclear weapon plutonium must be separated from the much larger mass of non-fissile material in the irradiated fuel After being separated chemically from the irradiated fuel and reduced to metal the plutonium is immediately ready for use in a nuclear explosive device If the reactor involved uses thorium fuel 233U also a fissile isotope is produced and can be recovered in a process similar to plutonium extraction The first plutonium extraction reprocessing plants to operate on an industrial scale were built at Hanford Washington during the Manhattan Project The initial plant was built before the final parameters of the extraction process were well defined Reprocessing plants are generally characterized by heavy reinforced concrete construction to provide shielding against the intense gamma radiation produced by the decay of short-lived isotopes produced as fission products Plutonium extraction and uranium reprocessing are generally combined in the same facility in the civilian nuclear fuel cycle Although the United States no longer reprocesses civil reactor fuel and does not produce plutonium for weapons other countries have made different choices Britain France Japan and Russia among others operate reprocessing plants A brief description of the main features processes and related technology of a reprocessing plant follows II-5-48 Highlights o o o o o Plutonium is extracted from spent reactor fuel and irradiated targets Fuel choppers can be as simple as a power-driven saw The most challenging technical component of a reprocessing plant is the separation system mixer settlers extracted columns or centrifugal contractors Flow rates must be monitored precisely the chemistry must be exact and a critical excursion must be prevented Although the steps used in reprocessing are standard chemical operations and the literature on the chemistry and equipment required has been widely disseminated the successful separation of uranium and plutonium is a formidable task Heavy industrial construction All operations are performed in a facility that is usually divided into two structural sections hardened and nonhardened and two utility categories radiation and ventilation contamination The hardened portion of the building reprocessing cells is designed to withstand the most severe probable natural phenomena without compromising the capability to bring the processes and plant to a safe shutdown condition Other parts of the building i e offices and shops while important for normal functions are not considered essential and are built to less rigorous structural requirements Radiation is primarily addressed by using 4- to 6-ft thick high-density concrete walls to enclose the primary containment area hot cells A proliferator who wishes to reprocess fuel covertly for a relatively short time-- less than a year would be typical--may use concrete slabs for the cell walls Holes for periscopes could be cast in the slabs This is particularly feasible if the proliferator cares little about personnel health and safety issues Fuel storage and movement Fuel is transported to the reprocessing plant in specially designed casks After being checked for contamination the clean fuel is lowered into a storage pool via a heavy-duty crane Pools are normally 30-ft deep for radiation protection and contain a transfer pool approximately 15-ft deep that provides an underwater system to move the fuel into an adjacent hot cell o Fuel disassembly Fuel elements are breached often chopped to expose the fuel material for subsequent leaching in nitric acid HNO3 Fuel cladding is frequently not soluble in nitric acid so the fuel itself must be opened to chemical attack o Fuel dissolution Residual uranium and plutonium values are leached from the fuel with HNO3 The cladding material remains intact and is separated as a waste The dissolver must be designed so that no critical mass of plutonium and uranium can accumulate anywhere in its volume and of course it must function in contact with hot nitric acid a particularly corrosive agent Dissolvers are typically limited-life components and must be replaced The first French civilian reprocessing plant at La Hague near Cherbourg had serious problems with leakage of the plutonium-containing solutions Dissolvers may operate in batch mode using a fuel basket or in continuous mode using a rotary dissolver wheel configuration o Fissile element separation The PUREX Plutonium Uranium Recovery by EXtraction solvent extraction process separates the uranium and plutonium from the fission products After adjustment of the acidity the resultant aqueous solution is equilibrated with an immiscible solution of tri-n-butyl phosphate TBP in refined kerosene The TBP solution preferentially extracts uranium and plutonium nitrates leaving fission products and other nitrates in the aqueous phase Then chemical conditions are adjusted so that the plutonium and uranium are reextracted into a fresh aqueous phase Normally two solvent extraction cycles are used for the separation the first removes the fission products from the uranium and plutonium while the second provides further decontamination Uranium and plutonium are separated from one another in a similar second extraction operation TBP is a common industrial chemical used in plasticizers and paints Solvent extraction usually takes place in a pulse column a several-inch diameter metal tube resistant to nitric acid and used to mix together the two immiscible phases organic phase containing TBP and an aqueous phase containing U Pu and the fission products The mixing is accomplished by forcing one of the phases through the other via a series of pulses with a repetition rate of 30 to 120 cycles minute and amplitudes of 0 5 to 2 0 inches The metal tube contains a series of perforated plates which disperses the two immiscible liquids o U Pu product purification Although plutonium and uranium from solvent extraction are nearly chemically pure additional decontamination from each other fission products and other impurities may be required Large plants use additional solvent extraction cycles to provide this service but small plants may use ion exchange for the final purification step polishing Metal preparation Plutonium may be precipitated as PuF3 from aqueous nitrate solution by reducing its charge from 4 to 3 with ascorbic acid and adding hydrofluoric acid HF The resulting solid is separated by filtration and dried Reprocessed uranium is rarely reduced to the metal but it is converted to the oxide and stored or to the hexafluoride and re-enriched Plutonium and uranium metal may be produced by the reaction of an active metal calcium or magnesium with a fluoride salt at elevated temperature in a sealed metal vessel called a bomb The metal product is freed from the slag washed in concentrated HNO3 to remove residue washed with water dried and then remelted in a high temperature furnace arc o Waste treatment recycle Reprocessing operations generate a myriad of waste streams containing radioactivity Several of the chemicals HNO3 and streams TBP kerosene mixture are recycled All streams must be monitored to protect against accidental discharge of radioactivity into the environment Gaseous effluents are passed through a series of cleaning and filtering operations before being discharged while liquid waste streams are concentrated by evaporation and stored or solidified with concrete In the ultimate analysis the only way to safely handle radioactivity is to retain the material until the activity of each nuclide disappears by natural decay Early plants used mixer-settler facilities in which the two immiscible fluids were mixed by a propeller and gravity was used to separate the liquids in a separate chamber Successful separation requires that the operation be conducted many times in sequence More modern plants use pulse columns with perforated plates along their length The heavier nitric acid solution is fed in at the top and the lighter TBPkerosene from the bottom The liquids mix when they are pulsed through the perforations in the plates effectively making a single reactor vessel serve to carry out a series of operations in the column Centrifugal contractors using centrifugal force have also been used in place of mixer-settlers The process must still be repeated many times but the equipment is compact New plants are built this way although the gravitybased mixer-settler technology has been proven to be satisfactory if expensive and space-consuming A single bank of mixer-settler stages about the size of a kitchen refrigerator can separate enough plutonium for a nuclear weapon in 1-2 months A bank of eight centrifugal contactors can produce enough plutonium for an explosive device within a few days and takes up about the same space as the mixer-settler Hot cells with thick radiation shielding and leaded glass for direct viewing along with a glove box with minimal radiation shielding are adequate for research-scale plutonium extraction are very low technology items and would probably suffice for a program designed to produce a small number of weapons each year The concrete canyons housing many smaller cells with remotely operated machinery are characteristic of large-scale production of plutonium II-5-49 o Different organic extraction reagents and different acids may be used Ion exchange can be substituted for solvent extraction but the exchange materials are susceptible to radiation damage Nonaqueous technologies have also been studied including pyrochemical processes in advanced development in the US for EBR-II Russia and Japan are apparently also interested Proliferation Implication Assessment Roughly five times as many nuclei of 235U as of 239 Pu are required to make a critical mass A proliferator can choose between laboriously extracting the fissile uranium isotope from the 99 3 percent of natural uranium which is not useful in a fission bomb or laboriously breeding the necessary plutonium nucleus-by-nucleus in a reactor and then extracting the plutonium from the spent fuel Intense radiation emitted by certain components in spent reactor fuel makes this separation especially difficult and hazardous The processing equipment must be surrounded by massive shielding provision must be made to remove substantial amounts of heat that are associated with this radioactivity and in some instances damage to chemicals and construction materials become an impediment to a successful separation campaign However several hundred metric tons MT of both weapons-grade and reactor-grade plutonium have been separated and present worldwide reprocessing capacity is 3 000 MT of fuel per year 27 MT of plutonium Plutonium-fueled weapons must be assembled by implosion RATIONALE The production of weapons-grade uranium is a formidable task because the concentration of the fissile isotope 235U in natural uranium 0 7 percent is much lower than the concentration normally used in fission weapons 90 percent and the enrichment of 235U is difficult because of the very slight differences in the physical and chemical properties of the uranium isotopes Alternatively 239 PU may be selected as weapons material The problems associated with enrichment are replaced with those of acquiring plutonium--a man-made element The element can be produced from 238 U during the fissioning process and can be separated chemically from undesirable waste products FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 Reprocessing plants have been operated by all five declared nuclear powers India reprocessed spent fuel for its one nuclear explosion It is believed that North Korea reprocessed spent fuel from one of its reactors Iraq reprocessed at least gram-quantities of plutonium according to IAEA inspection reports Sweden and Switzerland at least considered the design of reprocessing plants for their now defunct weapons programs Germany and France operate reprocessing facilities for civilian nuclear fuel Japan is constructing such a facility II-5-50 Table 5 4-1 Plutonium Extraction Reprocessing Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Heavy industrial construction Ability to fabricate a facility which will protect workers and the environment from radioactivity and hazardous materials note some countries may have different criteria than the United States in this regard NTL B3 NDUL 1 NDUL 8 CCL Cat 2B High-density concrete Radiation monitoring applies to all processes Fuel storage pool Cranes Hot cells Remote manipulators High-density radiation shielding windows Radiation-hardened TV cameras Air filtration Evaporators Shielding software Criticality software Radiation generation depletion software Fuel storage and movement Sufficient storage pool capacity and depth Ability to move radioactive material NTL B3 NRC A None identified Remotely operated cranes Specially designed shipping casks Criticality control None identified Fuel disassembly breaching Capability to separate cladding from fissile material mechanically or chemically NTL B3 NRC A None identified Cut-off wheel Shear dissolver for Al cladding Laser None identified Fuel dissolution Ability to handle highly corrosive liquids containing radioactivity Adequate knowledge of uranium plutonium and fission product chemistry NTL B3 NRC A Nitric acid HNO3 Hydrogen fluoride HF HNO3 resistant tanks of a specific configuration to prevent a nuclear excursion Analytical chemistry facility for fission products U and Pu None identified Fissile element separation solvent extraction Familiar with liquid-liquid NTL B3 extraction systems NRC A Understand distribution of uranium plutonium and fission products between two immiscible liquids None identified Mixer settlers Pulse columns Centrifugal contactors Distribution coefficients for many elements Aqueous solubility for many substances cont'd II-5-51 Table 5 4-1 Plutonium Extraction Reprocessing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters U and Pu product purification Cognizant of liquid-liquid extraction systems Familiar with ion exchange resin systems NTL B3 NTL 3 NRC A Tri-n-butyl phosphate TBP Refined kerosene Ion exchange resins Mixer settlers Pulse columns Centrifugal contactors Chemical holding or storage vessels Distribution coefficients for many elements Aqueous solubility for many substances Metal preparation Pu exclusively Ability to handle plutonium in glove boxes NTL B3 NDUL 2 CCL Cat 1C NRC A HF Reducing agents high-purity Ca or Mg CaF2 or MgF2 used as liner for reduction bomb Iodine serves as catalyst in reduction Drying Furnace Fluoride resistant Monel Furnace capable of reaching 600 F Sealed reaction tube Temperature control measurement High temperature furnace arc None identified NTL B3 NRC A Resistant to HNO3 stainless steel titanium alloys Chemical storage tanks None identified Waste treatment recycle Ability to recycle valuable components TBP HNO3 Ability to process streams containing high levels of radioactivity and hazardous materials II-5-52 Table 5 4-2 Plutonium Extraction Reprocessing Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Provides shielded facility for all reprocessing operations Alternative Technologies Heavy industrial construction Ability to construct a thick-walled relatively sealed structure with adequate shielding May not be needed if nation unconcerned about its workers or the environment and reprocessing is to be a short-term endeavor Fuel storage and movement Adequate depth of storage pool to None identified shield spent fuel Sufficient storage capacity for fuel Cranes of sufficient capacity to handle shipping casks Use reactor storage pool if close proximity to reprocessing facility Possible storage dry in specially designed casks Fuel disassembly breaching Capability to remove as much None identified extraneous material from fuel element as possible Knowledgeable in the construction and use of one of the breaching tools None identified Fuel dissolution Ability to prevent a nuclear excursion None identified Several nonaqueous processes have been developed but most are complicated pyrometallurgical pyrochemical and fluoride volatility Fissile element separation solvent extraction Ability to prevent a nuclear excursion Aqueous solution from separation process contains extremely hazardous radioactive materials None identified Use one of the nonaqueous processes Replace solvent extraction with ion exchange process Use a precipitation process bismuth phosphate U and Pu product purification Ability to obtain a pure product None identified Availability of ion exchange resins and sufficient knowledge of their use Use one of the precipitation processes peroxide oxalate Metal preparation Pu exclusively Capability to handle molten Pu metal Produces metallic Pu Electrolytic process requires molten salts--1 300 F Reduction of other halides Waste treatment recycle None identified Discharge all aqueous waste solutions to the environment Minimal recycling expensive but may be used for limited production High level radioactive waste must be handled with extreme care II-5-53 SECTION 5 5--LITHIUM PRODUCTION OVERVIEW This subsection discusses chemical methods for separation of 6Li from natural lithium which is predominantly composed of the isotope 7Li 6Li is a critical material for the manufacture of the secondaries of so-called dry thermonuclear devices which do not require the use of liquid deuterium and tritium It is inconvenient to carry deuterium and tritium as gases in a thermonuclear weapon and certainly impractical to carry them as liquefied gases which requires high pressures and cryogenic temperatures Instead one can make a dry device in which 6Li is combined with deuterium to form the compound 6Li D lithium-6 deuteride Neutrons from a fission primary device bombard the 6Li in the compound liberating tritium which quickly fuses with the nearby deuterium The particles being electrically charged and at high temperatures contribute directly to forming the nuclear fireball The neutrons can bombard additional 6Li nuclei or cause the remaining uranium and plutonium in the weapon to undergo fission This two-stage thermonuclear weapon has explosive yields far greater than can be achieved with one point safe designs of pure fission weapons and thermonuclear fusion stages can be ignited in sequence to deliver any desired yield The largest nuclear device ever detonated was a multi-stage Soviet product with a yield of nearly 60 megatons It was exploded at only half of its design maximum yield of about 100 megatons Lithium enriched in the isotope 6Li remains a controlled material because of its utility in the production of compact and highly efficient thermonuclear secondaries Two-stage nuclear weapons incorporating a lithium-deuteride-fueled component can deliver greater nuclear yield from a smaller and lighter package than if a pure fission device were used The tradeoff is that the design and construction of reliable twostage dry weapons may require significant knowledge of nuclear weapons physics and technology knowledge which is hard to acquire without a program involving fullyield testing of the fission primary to be used and measurement of its production of x-rays and their transport through a case surrounding both primary and secondary stages Therefore 6Li is more likely to be of interest to a state with nuclear weapons experience than it is to a beginning nuclear state Lithium is a very low-density silvery metal prone to spontaneous combustion On the periodic table of the elements it lies directly beneath hydrogen and has but three protons It is the lightest solid element The most common stable isotope is 7Li consisting of three protons and four neutrons less common comprising 7 4 percent of normal lithium is 6Li which has three protons and three neutrons in its Highlights o o o o Lithium-6 combined with deuterium is a key ingredient of modern thermonuclear weapons Lithium-6 can be separated from the more common 7 Li isotope by purely chemical means using the fact that 6 Li will migrate to a mercury amalgam and 7 Li to a lithium hydroxide solution when the amalgam and hydroxide solutions are intimately mixed The presence of a 6 Li enrichment facility is a good indicator that a proliferant state has confidence in its fission primaries and seeks more powerful weapons The United States ceased the production of 6 Li in 1963 because it had acquired an adequate stockpile of the material for the foreseeable future nucleus In a relatively crude sense 6Li can be thought of as consisting of an alpha particle 4He and a deuteron 2H bound together When bombarded by neutrons 6Li disintegrates into a triton 3H and an alpha 6 Li Neutron - 3H 3He Energy This is the key to its importance in nuclear weapons physics The nuclear fusion reaction which ignites most readily is 2 H 3H - 4He n 17 6 MeV or phrased in other terms deuterium plus tritium produces 4He plus a neutron plus 17 6 MeV of free energy D T - 4He n 17 6 MeV Lithium-7 also contributes to the production of tritium in a thermonuclear secondary albeit at a lower rate than 6Li The fusion reactions derived from tritium produced from 7Li contributed many unexpected neutrons and hence far more energy release than planned to the final stage of the infamous 1953 Castle BRAVO atmospheric test nearly doubling its expected yield II-5-54 RATIONALE Lithium-6 is most often separated from natural lithium by the COLEX Column exchange electrochemical process which exploits the fact that 6Li has a greater affinity for mercury than does 7Li A lithium-mercury amalgam is first prepared using the natural material The amalgam is then agitated with a lithium hydroxide solution also prepared from natural lithium The desired 6Li concentrates in the amalgam and the more common 7Li migrates to the hydroxide A counter flow of amalgam and hydroxide passes through a cascade of stages until the desired enrichment in 6Li is reached The 6Li product can be separated from the amalgam and the tails fraction of 7Li electrolyzed from the aqueous lithium hydroxide solution The mercury is recovered and can be reused with fresh feedstock Proliferation Initiation Assessment Thermonuclear weapons require the acquisition of reliable compact and predictable fission primaries It is unlikely that a proliferator will reach the point of designing a thermonuclear device until long after it has developed its first family of compact primaries Accordingly it is likely that no new proliferator would embark on a hydrogen weapon as its first priority or seek separated lithium isotopes before having an assured supply of HEU or plutonium Therefore an attempt by a potential proliferant state to acquire 6Li or the technologies to produce it might well be taken as an indicator that the state has already progressed at least a long way toward obtaining a nuclear capability FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 Russia the UK France and China are all believed to be capable of making 6Li in the quantities needed for the manufacture of large nuclear stockpiles Russia exploded a device making use of 6Li before the United States did however the Soviet device was not a true thermonuclear weapon capable of being scaled to any desired yield United States production of 6Li ceased in 1963 II-5-55 Table 5 5-1 Lithium Production Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Electrolysis Supply large d c currents at NDUL 8 low and variable voltages NRC 110 8 Provide adequate temperature control Produce pure lithium salts for feed material Experience in fabricating columns trays etc Sufficient knowledge of the chemistry of lithium hydroxide aqueous solutions and mercury and its amalgams Mercury Lithium salts Nickel Carbon steel Electrolysis cells Liquid flow and pressure control Voltages needed for electrolysis Variation of solubility of lithium in mercury with temperature Enrichment Experience in liquid-liquid NDUL 8 extraction systems NRC 110 8 Expertise in the chemistry of mercury-lithium distribution coefficients Capability in cascade theory and operations Mercury Lithium hydroxide Packed liquid-liquid exchange columns Pumps resistant to mercury Analytical chemistry laboratory Mass spectrometer Valves resistant to mercury Lithium distribution data amalgam aqueous Decomposition of amalgam Knowledgeable in disposing of hydrogen gas Experience in using packedbed columns NDUL 8 NRC 110 8 Graphite Packed columns Voltages needed for Pumps for mercury decomposition Metallic filters Evaporators for mercury amalgam Mercury recycle Experience in purifying mercury NDUL 8 NRC 110 8 Mercury Nitric acid Mercury cleaning system II-5-56 None identified Table 5 5-2 Lithium Production Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Electrolysis Ability to control large d c currents at low voltages Fusion weapons None Enrichment Adequate supply of high purity lithium salts and mercury Knowledge of lithium hydroxide mercury aqueous chemistry 6 LiD lithium-6 deuteride used as fusion weapon fuel 6 Li used as target material in tritium production Electroexchange ELEX process using a series of stirred tray contactors Liquid-liquid extraction systems using marcrocyclic compounds i e benzo-15-crown-5 and cryptands in a diluent Decomposition of amalgam Availability of high-purity graphite Expertise in preventing hydrogen explosion Fusion weapons Utilization of newer liquid-liquid extraction systems Mercury recycle Ability to handle corrosive liquids Fusion weapons Discard mercury when it is no longer effective II-5-57 SECTION 5 6--NUCLEAR WEAPONS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW Highlights Weapons Nuclear weapons are small light and inexpensive compared to the conventional ordnance needed to destroy large area targets Although the infrastructure for a nuclear enterprise is complex the weapons themselves use relatively straightforward designs Nuclear explosives enable a single missile or aircraft to destroy an entire city giving great leverage to a state or subnational group with even a small stockpile of such devices Nuclear weapons were first developed more than a half century ago with technology and knowledge of physics far less than available today Identifying some of the key technologies needed to acquire a nuclear weapons capability may allow effective intervention and or identification of trends of concern Although a great deal of information much of which is not correct on the principles of nuclear explosives is available in the public domain development of nuclear weapons even in the early stages requires an understanding and mastery of the relevant physical principles Such an understanding which is necessary even to plan a program to achieve a nuclear weapon capability contains elements from fields not generally familiar to today's scientists A number of steps are necessary to develop nuclear weapons and if these steps are not well understood false starts will be made and valuable resources will be allocated to inappropriate tasks In the worst case skilled personnel may be lost to radiation or to other accidents Misallocation of resources can delay and in some cases prevent achievement of the goals of a weapons program The nuclear weapons publicly known to have been fielded use only two fundamental principles for releasing nuclear energy fission and fusion Under these major categories boosting staging and the use of either highexplosive-driven implosion or a propellant-powered gun mechanism to assemble a supercritical mass constitute the major elements of the taxonomy of known nuclear weapon types The various systems may be combined in many different ways with the single requirement that a fission chain reaction is needed to ignite nuclear fusion in a weapon Nuclear Weapon Neutron Initiator Design One of the key elements in the proper operation of a nuclear weapon is initiation of the fission chain reaction at the proper time To obtain a significant nuclear yield of the nuclear explosive sufficient neutrons must be present within the supercritical core at the right time If the chain reaction starts too soon the result will be only a fizzle yield much below the design specification if it occurs too late there may be no yield o Nuclear weapons operate on the well-known principles of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion o If fissile material is available subnational or terrorist groups can likely produce an improvised nuclear explosive device which will detonate with a significant nuclear yield o High explosives or propellants can be used to assemble the pit of a nuclear weapon and there are several ways to accomplish the task o Neutron generators to initiate the fission chain reaction can be purchased or made indigenously whatever Several ways to produce neutrons at the appropriate moment have been developed Technologies Particularly Appropriate to a Subnational Group Terrorism has become nearly as much of a public and governmental concern in the last few years as proliferation by nations hostile to the United States Subnational groups of concern may be independent actors e g the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City those acting to promote a cause with foreign roots e g the World Trade Center bombing or surrogates for hostile states themselves e g the bombing of Pan Am 103 This section will examine nuclear techniques useful to subnational adversaries In recent years terrorist acts have escalated from pipe bombs to many tons of high explosives e g the bombing of major U S targets including the embassy and Marine barracks in Lebanon as well as U S forces' residences at the Khobar Towers in Riyadh Saudi Arabia as well as domestic incidents in Oklahoma City and at the World Trade Center and to the explicit use of chemical warfare agents as in Aum Shinrikyo's Sarin attack on the Tokyo subway system For many years it was generally believed that terrorist groups did not seek to kill large numbers of people at a time but rather wished to demonstrate that they could execute attacks at will against civilian and military targets In the wake of the use of Sarin gas in Tokyo as well as the Oklahoma City Pan Am and Riyadh bombings it is no longer possible to assume that genuine mass murder is not an intended component of subnational forces--particularly if they are acting as state surrogates II-5-58 Since chemical weapons have already been used by terrorists it may be simply a matter of time before some form of nuclear attack is employed by similar groups In this context nuclear weaponry includes radiological weapons as a subset RATIONALE Weapons This subsection describes the general process and the capabilities required for understanding and designing nuclear weapons Some of the information and computational tools may be controlled and some may be generally available on the open market The paths a proliferator might take can be quite different than the paths that the nuclear powers have taken in the past The first part of this subsection will focus on the design milestones for nuclear weapons and on key elements to be achieved The next part describes neutron initiators a particular technology necessary for many nuclear weapons and for some technologies unique to nuclear weapons Finally the question of nuclear terrorism is briefly discussed and some relevant technologies identified The tables accompanying this subsection are designed around the following topics which have been identified by some as being among the more important areas of technology a proliferator must master to be able to convert a supply of special nuclear material into actual nuclear explosives o Fast-fission chain reaction theory and practice o Fast assembly of critical and supercritical masses of fissile material o High explosive HE and propellant characteristics and design o HE initiation o Firing sets for HE initiation o Thermonuclear boosting of fission primary and o Thermonuclear second stage of nuclear weapons The fission reactions commonly studied in nuclear reactor physics use thermal neutrons and the cross sections usually tabulated are those for low-energy particles In a nuclear weapon the time scales dealt with do not allow full thermalization of the neutrons hence fast neutrons that is the neutrons emitted and interacting at higher energies must be considered Thus the important neutron interactions for the weapons designer are those which occur at roughly MeV energies In addition reactor neutron transport codes need to be modified to fully account for the different physical regimes A comprehensive understanding of the similarities and differences between nuclear reactor physics and nuclear weapon physics is essential to make progress in nuclear weapon design For a nuclear weapon to release its energy in a time which is short compared to the hydrodynamic disassembly time rapid assembly to form a supercritical mass is essential This assembly can be accomplished in a linear fashion as in a gun-assembled weapon or it can be accomplished in a spherical fashion as in an implosion weapon In the first case two subcritical masses of the fissile material are rapidly assembled into a supercritical mass one mass being fired by the gun at the other mass In the second case the fissile material is initially in a subcritical configuration and then energy contributed by conventional explosives is concentrated on the fissile material to achieve a supercritical mass The fissile materials will be driven to high pressure high energy conditions by the high-explosive energy This will require calculations of initial intermediate and final configurations using hydrodynamic programs and appropriate equations of state for these regimes of temperature and pressure HE or propellants are the means of choice for assembly of most nuclear weapons Given this the potential proliferator must understand and master the data and design of systems to accomplish such assembly Propellants are used to assemble gun-type weapons and are usually relatively slow burning Much useful data from conventional artillery tube-fired weapons development is generally available Much data concerning implosion is also available from the development of modern conventional HE weapons including shaped charges Special considerations applicable to nuclear weapons development involve shock wave propagation and focusing Such considerations go beyond much of conventional explosive design work and would require specialized programs equations of state in HE pressure and temperature regimes and data on detonation velocities and strengths Initiation of the main charge of a nuclear explosive in such a way as to provide the desired final configuration of the fissile material often proves to be a major design challenge Traditionally this challenge has been met by initiating the charge at a number of discrete points and then tailoring the converging shock wave through the use of lenses consisting of slower and faster burning explosives Such initiation can be accomplished either by electrical signals or by fuze trains both ending at a detonator which initiates the shock wave at the lens charge Firing sets for nuclear devices the means for activating the initiation of the main charge of HE for a nuclear weapon can also have performance characteristics which lie outside the range of conventional engineering If the proliferator is relying on initiation at a discrete number of points then these points must be activated nearly simultaneously to have a smooth implosion The simultaneity required depends on the internal design of the explosive but it is common to require a higher degree of simultaneity than is usually the case for conventional explosives Thus high energy must be delivered to all the detonators at nearly the same time This will require high-energy low-impedance capacitors and high-current high-speed switches Once the potential proliferator has begun to understand the operation of a simple fission weapon he may well want to increase the yield to make more efficient use of his special nuclear material One way to do this is to boost the fission yield by II-5-59 incorporating thermonuclear reactions into the design of the weapon Introduction of the neutrons from thermonuclear reactions at the time of supercriticality of the fissile material can have a dramatic effect on the yield The usual fusion material used for this purpose is a mixture of deuterium and tritium gas When the proliferator begins to think in terms of greatly increasing the yield of his nuclear weapons he may consider design and development of thermonuclear and or second stages To do this he would have to obtain and master hydrodynamic computer programs which correctly describe regimes of extremely high temperatures and pressures He would show interest in equations of state of special nuclear materials under these conditions He would also be interested in neutron and reaction cross sections for both fissionable materials and thermonuclear materials at these high temperatures and pressures Finally he would attempt to obtain lithium and or lithium deuteride tritium and deuterium Finally the actual coupling of the nuclear weapon primary with a thermonuclear boosted-fission secondary will require mastery of a complex set of physical principles The proliferator will not only have to understand hydrodynamic calculations under extreme physical conditions he will have to obtain and understand the flow of energy from the primary to and around the secondary Energy flow and the behavior of materials under these extreme conditions of temperature and pressure comprise a complex set of problems well beyond the experience of most of today's physicists Nuclear Weapon Neutron Initiator Design In a gun-assembled weapon the assembly speed is relatively slow This requires a strong source of alpha particles such as 210Po or some similarly active alpha emitter The South African uranium gun-assembled devices did not use any neutron source other than background radiation An implosion weapon may require a source which can produce a precisely timed burst of neutrons The type of neutron initiator used in early implosion devices utilized the emission of neutrons caused by bombardment of 9Be or some other light element by alpha particles This requires a strong source of alpha particles something of the order of 10 curies of 210Po or a similarly active alpha emitter This isotope of polonium has a half life of almost 140 days and a neutron initiator using this material needs to have the polonium replaced frequently Since the 210Po is made in a nuclear reactor this means that potential proliferators need either to have a nuclear reactor of their own or to have access to one To supply the initiation pulse of neutrons at the right time the polonium and the beryllium need to be kept apart until the appropriate moment and then thoroughly and rapidly mixed One of the ways to make an external neutron generator is by using an electronically controlled particle accelerator called a pulse neutron tube Such a system might use the deuterium-deuterium or deuterium-tritium fusion reactions to produce large amounts of neutrons Typically deuterium nuclei are accelerated to an energy sufficient to cause a fusion reaction when they strike a deuterium- or tritium-rich target This impact can result in a short pulse of neutrons sufficient to initiate the fission chain reaction The timing of the pulse can be precisely controlled Similar devices are used in oil well logging Technologies Particularly Appropriate to a Subnational Group Nuclear Explosives For most of the nuclear era it was accepted dogma that acquisition of a nuclear weapon required the construction of either an enrichment plant for uranium or a reactor and reprocessing unit for plutonium Great care was taken in the design of U S supplied nuclear facilities to ensure that neither 235U nor plutonium could be surreptitiously diverted from the nuclear fuel cycle to be used in a weapon whether built by a state or by a subnational group One hoped that such measures could severely constrict the illicit or unsafeguarded supply of special nuclear material of a quality useful in a weapon With the dissolution of the Soviet Union the safeguarding of hundreds of metric tons of fissile material has broken down so seriously that in one famous court case a Russian judge remarked in jest one hopes In the Murmansk area potatoes are more carefully guarded than enriched uranium Further recent arrests in the Federal Republic of Germany FRG have yielded up gram and larger size quantities of partially enriched uranium and may also have resulted in the seizure of other fissionable materials including plutonium Thus it is wrong to discount the possibility of a terrorist nuclear weapon on the grounds that subnational groups cannot gain access to the fissile material needed to make a device It is entirely possible that special nuclear material or even an entire nuclear weapon may indeed become available on the nuclear black market in the foreseeable future Since 90 percent11 of the overall difficulty in making a nuclear weapon lies in the production of special nuclear material if no outside source is readily available a terrorist nuclear device is no longer an impossibility particularly if SNM can be obtained on the black market and the terrorist group itself need not steal SNM from a poorly guarded facility Types of Nuclear Design Useful for a Terrorist Uranium Gun-Assembled Devices A terrorist with access to 50 kg of HEU would almost certainly opt for a gunassembled weapon despite the inherent inefficiencies of such a device both because of its simplicity and the perceived lack of a need to test a gun assembly Building an 11 II-5-60 More than 90 percent of the entire Manhattan Project budget went to the production of fissile materials less than 4 percent went to the weapon laboratory at Los Alamos effective gun assembly is certainly easier than demonstrating that a simple implosion system will actually work The disadvantage of a gun design is that it needs significantly more fissile material than an efficient implosion device of similar yield This may be important to a subnational group intending to explode a series of devices but would be of much less importance if only one blast were contemplated Implosion assembly If the subnational group had only 239Pu or needed to be economical with a limited supply of HEU then it would likely turn to an implosion assembly The simplest design of an implosion weapon places a solid plutonium or HEU pit at the center of a sphere surrounded by a certain amount of tamper material such as 238 U to be compressed by the large amount of high explosive filling the sphere In the design chosen for the first U S and Soviet devices tested the necessary imploding moving shock wave was produced by the use of explosive lenses made of appropriately shaped fastand slow-detonating HE It is generally asserted in the open literature that 32 lens charges were used for the Fatman device the charges arranged in much the same way as the segments on a soccer ball FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Weapons Six nations are known to have exploded nuclear devices the United States Russia the UK France China and India Some suspect that Pakistan and Israel have built nuclear weapons It is known that South Africa built and then dismantled six gun- assembled nuclear devices Many countries including Iran Iraq and North Korea are believed to have active or recently dormant nuclear programs based generally on older technologies Taiwan South Korea Sweden and Switzerland explored the possibilities of going nuclear during the 1960's and 1970's and they Japan and Germany are generally credited with the ability to build a bomb in a relatively short time Spain Brazil and Argentina among other nations have pursued the idea of constructing nuclear weapons but have apparently abandoned their programs Many countries have the necessary expertise in nuclear technologies to build weapons using their domestic nuclear power experience Nuclear Weapon Neutron Initiator Design Few nations other than the five nuclear weapons states have mastered the techniques of constructing initiators Presumably the three nuclear threshold states have Iraq made substantial progress and South Africa elected not to use an initiator Technologies Particularly Appropriate to a Subnational Group Efforts directed at preventing the acquisition of fissile material are the first line of defense against nuclear terrorism The technical problems confronting the designer of an implosion-assembled improvised nuclear device IND are relatively simple in comparison to obtaining special nuclear materials particularly if the IND does not have to be very safe or predictable in yield Despite fictional accounts to the contrary it is most unlikely that a terrorist group could fabricate a boosted or thermonuclear device on its own II-5-61 Table 5 6-1 Nuclear Weapons Design and Development Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters WEAPONS Fast fission chain reaction prompt criticality high-energy neutrons Operational understanding neutron transport theory high explosive means of device assembly WA ML 4 USML IV Special nuclear materials reliable high explosives and detonators General machining capability dimensional mensuration capability fast neutron and gamma counters capable of handling in excess of one million events total per microsecond Fast streak and framing cameras see NDUL and oscilloscopes Validated fast nuclear reactor operations software neutron crosssections fission scattering and absorption as a function of neutron energy neutrons per fission as a function of energy Reflector design Understanding of effects of reflectors on reactivity ability to cast or machine beryllium or other suitable reflector material WA ML 4 USML IV Beryllium uranium tungsten special machining capabilities for refractory materials Fast neutron counters gamma counters to measure effects of reflector parameters Validated nuclear reactor software neutron crosssections scattering and absorption as a function of energy Fast assembly of critical mass of fissile material For simple designs the ability WA ML 4 to construct simple implosion USML IV systems understanding of interplay of nuclear energy release disassembling device and continuing HE energy input Beryllium uranium 20% U-235 U-233 or plutonium tungsten special machining capabilities for refractory materials energetic high explosives detonators and firing sets Fast neutron counters gamma counters streak and framing cameras flash x-ray cameras pinhole gamma or neutron cameras High pressure energy equations of state High explosives and propellants characteristics and design Ability to assemble propellant NDUL 6 or implosion systems incorCCL Cat 3A porating explosives such as baratol and composition B Fabrication with few voids bubbles Possible vacuum casting or isostatic pressing Propellant for gun-assembled devices High-energy high explosives and detonators Common propellants including e g propellant for gunassembled devices HE test sites highspeed photography flash x-rays high-speed mechanical and electronic diagnostics including pin-domes Fractional microsecond timing Validated shock-wave propagation programs detonation velocities HE pressure regime equations of state High explosive initiation Understanding of HE systems Explosives of varying types and sensitivities bridge wires slappers HE test sites highspeed photography flash x-rays high-speed mechanical and electronic diagnostics Validated shock-wave propagation programs detonation velocities HE pressure regime equations of state NDUL 6 CCL Cat 3A cont'd II-5-62 Table 5 6-1 Nuclear Weapons Design and Development Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Firing sets Understanding of and procurement of firing sets NDUL 15 microsec pulse 100 A output rise 10 microsec into load 40 ohms NDUL 6 CCL Cat 3A High-energy lowimpedance capacitor banks high current high-speed switches e g thyratrons krytrons sprytrons Thyratrons date from the 1940's High-speed simultaneous measurement devices e g highspeed oscilloscopes streak cameras etc Electronic circuit performance software Thermonuclear boosting of fission primary Ability to construct or obtain fission devices capable of being boosted tritium supplies WA ML 4 USML IV Tritium highpressure gas bottles and fill systems both design and utilization capabilities Welds satisfactory for hydrogen gas transfer systems Materials compatible simultaneously with fissile metals and hydrogen High pressure gauges pin dome diagnostics flash x-ray diagnostics neutron diagnostics Validated thermonuclear fusion programs deuterium-tritium reaction cross-section tables Equations of state for hydrogen and Helium-3 at very high densities Thermonuclear second stage of nuclear weapons Understanding of transport physics Construct compact and efficient fission primary WA ML 4 USML IV Enriched uranium plutonium lithium deuteride tritide natural depleted uranium lithium-6 General machining capability dimensional mensuration capability ability to handle and machine special nuclear materials See NDUL Wassenaar Arrangement and MCTL Part II sections on machine tools and mensuration metrology Validated thermonuclear fusion programs deuterium-tritium reaction cross-sections neutron cross sections for various isotopes of uranium and transuranics General machining capability dimensional mensuration capability ability to handle and machine radioactive nuclear materials fast neutron counters for demonstrating successful operation Beryllium alpha-n crosssections Alpha range in various component materials INITIATORS Alpha-induced neutron Identification of performance emission crushable characteristics of alpha-n initiators such as the one initiators used at Trinity NDUL 8 CCL Cat 3A Radioactive alpha emitting materials e g Po-210 and Pu-238 Target materials e g beryllium cont'd II-5-63 Table 5 6-1 Nuclear Weapons Design and Development Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Miniature linear accelerator to generate DD DT reactions and resultant neutrons Deuteron beam usually bombards tritiated plastic target Identification of performance NDUL 8 characteristics of linear CCL Cat 3A accelerator neutron initiators Tritium deuterium titanium plating equipment miniature power supplies capacitors Fast neutron detectors precision machining capability precision mensuration capability Validated ionization and acceleration software DT reaction rates as a function of center of mass energy Dense plasma focus to generate DD DT reactions and resultant neutrons Identification of performance characteristics of dense plasma focus neutron initiators Tritium deuterium miniature power supplies capacitors Fast neutron detectors precision machining capability precision mensuration capability Validated plasma ionization and acceleration software DT reaction rates as a function of center of mass energy NDUL 8 CCL Cat 3A II-5-64 Table 5 6-2 Nuclear Weapons Design and Development Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies WEAPONS Fast fission chain reaction prompt criticality high energy neutrons Obtaining fissile material of adequate purity and for uranium enrichment Determination by computation and experiment that proposed geometry and fissile material mass are sufficient Fundamental technology of nuclear explosive devices Provides simple fission weapons None identified Reflector design Understanding of neutron transport absorption cross sections and scattering cross sections of reflector material computation of contribution of reflected neutrons to the chain reaction Reduces requirements for special nuclear materials increases efficiency with which fission fuel is burned Use additional fissile material and accept significantly lower performance Fast assembly of critical mass of fissile material Design of gun system for U-235 design and fabrication of predictable reliable and compact implosion system for plutonium weapons Neutron background and spontaneous fission rate in fuel Introduction of neutrons at correct moment The critical mass of a nuclear explosive device must be rapidly assembled from a subcritical configuration in order to produce an explosion and not a fizzle None identified High explosives and propellants characteristics and design Safety energy content shaping of charges in order to achieve efficient implosion without disruption of the fissile pit See section on high explosives in MCTL Part I None identified High explosive initiation Obtaining adequate simultaneity among many detonators reliability of detonators See section on detonators in MCTL Part I Various forms of detonators have been successfully used Firing sets Storage of electrical energy rapid delivery of sufficient current to fire all detonators simultaneously pulse rise time Initiates the detonation of HE used for implosion or the deflagration of the propellant in a gun-assembled device Different types of firing sets have proven usable Thermonuclear boosting of fission Mixing of pit material and boost gas primary Reduces the weight and the fissile No obvious alternative for materials requirements for a primarily achieving compact efficient high fission weapon improves yield to yield primaries weight ratio Thermonuclear second stage of nuclear weapons By using a fission stage plus one or more thermonuclear stages the designer can scale the weapon to any desired yield no matter how large Useful for attacking hard targets with highly accurate delivery systems or for annihilating large area soft targets Compressing and heating of secondary No lower technology substitutes for achieving device yields in the megaton and above range cont'd II-5-65 Table 5 6-2 Nuclear Weapons Design and Development Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies INITIATORS Alpha-induced neutron emission crushable initiators such as the one used at Trinity Need to understand physics of alpha-n Neutron initiator capability Starts reactions and neutron yields from neutron chain reaction at correct time such reactions Procurement of suitable alpha-source isotope ability to replace short half-life materials mixing of source and target materials on crushing Heat dissipation Other suitable technologies are more difficult Miniature linear accelerator to generate DD DT reactions and resultant neutrons Need to understand yield of neutrons from DD DT reactions Miniaturized high output neutron initiator permits more precise timing of neutron pulse than crushable initiator Does not take up space within the pit itself simplifying design testing and development of the device Alpha-induced neutron initiators dense plasma focus device Similar devices are used in oil well logging Dense plasma focus to generate DD DT reactions and resultant neutrons Need to understand yield of neutrons from DD DT reactions Miniaturized high-output neutron initiator Need to obtain materials and or fabricated devices II-5-66 SECTION 5 7--SAFING ARMING FUZING AND FIRING OVERVIEW This subsection describes technologies to 1 prevent an unwanted nuclear detonation and 2 initiate a nuclear explosion in response to proper orders It also addresses one part of the set of command and control technologies permissive action links PALs which are peculiar to nuclear weapons in U S practice Nuclear weapons are particularly destructive with immediate effects including blast and thermal radiation and delayed effects produced by ionizing radiation neutrons and radioactive fallout They are expensive to build maintain and employ requiring a significant fraction of the total defense resources of a small nation In a totalitarian state the leader must always worry that they will be used against the government in a democracy the possibility of an unauthorized or accidental use must never be discounted A nuclear detonation as the result of an accident would be a local catastrophe Because of their destructiveness nuclear weapons require precautions to prevent accidental detonation during any part of their manufacture and lifetime And because of their value the weapons require reliable arming and fuzing mechanisms to ensure that they explode when delivered to target Therefore any nuclear power is likely to pay some attention to the issues of safing and safety arming fuzing and firing of its nuclear weapons The solutions adopted depend upon the level of technology in the proliferant state the number of weapons in its stockpile and the political consequences of an accidental detonation From the very first nuclear weapons built safety was a consideration The two bombs used in the war drops on Hiroshima and Nagasaki posed significant risk of accidental detonation if the B-29 strike aircraft had crashed on takeoff As a result critical components were removed from each bomb and installed only after takeoff and initial climb to altitude were completed Both weapons used similar arming and fuzing components Arming could be accomplished by removing a safety connector plug and replacing it with a distinctively colored arming connector Fuzing used redundant systems including a primitive radar and a barometric switch No provision was incorporated in the weapons themselves to prevent unauthorized use or to protect against misappropriation or theft Highlights o o All nuclear weapon possessors will find it important to control access to their weapons Safing arming fuzing and firing SAFF problems generally have simple engineering solutions In later years the United States developed mechanical safing devices These were later replaced with weapons designed to a goal of less than a 1 in a 1 million chance of the weapon delivering more than 4 pounds of nuclear yield if the high explosives were detonated at the single most critical possible point Other nations have adopted different safety criteria and have achieved their safety goals in other ways In the 1950's to prevent unauthorized use of U S weapons stored abroad permissive action links PALs were developed These began as simple combination locks and evolved into the modern systems which allow only a few tries to arm the weapon and before disabling the physics package should an intruder persist in attempts to defeat the PAL RATIONALE The ability of a country or extranational organization to make effective use of a nuclear weapon is limited unless the device can be handled safely taken safely from storage when required delivered to its intended target and then detonated at the correct point in space and time to achieve the desired goal Although the intended scenarios for use of its weapons and the threat a proliferator perceives or the region it wishes to dominate will strongly influence specific weaponization concepts and approaches functional capabilities for safing arming fuzing and firing SAFF will be fundamental The generic requirements for these functions are described below II-5-67 Firing SAFF Subsystem Generic Functions Subsystem Safing Arming Fuzing 12 Generic Functions To ensure that the nuclear warhead can be stored handled deployed and employed in a wide spectrum of intended and unintended environmental and threat conditions with assurance that it will not experience a nuclear detonation In U S practice safing generally involves multiple mechanical interruptions of both power sources and pyrotechnic explosive firing trains The nuclear components may be designed so that an accidental detonation of the high explosives is intrinsically unable to produce a significant 4 pounds TNT equivalent nuclear yield it is simpler to insert mechanical devices into the pit to prevent the assembly of a critical mass into the pit or to remove a portion of the fissile material from inside the high explosives 12 All U S weapons have been designed to be intrinsically one-point safe in the event of accidental detonation of the high explosives but it is not anticipated that a new proliferator would take such care Placing the nuclear warhead in a ready operational state such that it can be initiated under specified firing conditions Arming generally involves mechanical restoration of the safing interrupts in response to conditions that are unique to the operational environment launch or deployment of the system A further feature is that the environment typically provides the energy source to drive the arming action If a weapon is safed by inserting mechanical devices into the pit e g chains coils of wire bearing balls to prevent complete implosion arming involves removal of those devices It may not always be possible to safe a mechanically armed device once the physical barrier to implosion has been removed To ensure optimum weapon effectiveness by detecting that the desired conditions for warhead detonation have been met and to provide an appropriate command signal to the firing set to initiate nuclear detonation Fuzing generally involves devices to detect the location of the warhead with respect to the target signal processing and logic and an output circuit to initiate firing Mechanical safing of a gun-assembled weapon is fairly straightforward one can simply insert a hardened steel or tungsten rod across a diameter of the gun barrel disrupting the projectile Because few gun-assembled weapons are believed to be in use anywhere in the world and are conceptually easy to safe this section will only discuss implosion-assembled systems unless specifically stated The safing of the electronics and arming systems is common to both types of weapons To ensure nuclear detonation by delivering a precise level of precisely timed electrical or pyrotechnic energy to one or more warhead detonating devices A variety of techniques are used depending on the warhead design and type of detonation devices Depending on the specific military operations to be carried out and the specific delivery system chosen nuclear weapons pose special technological problems in terms of primary power and power-conditioning overall weapon integration and operational control and security This subsection also includes technologies for PALs required to enable the use of these subsystems as well as primary power sources and power conditioning and technologies for packaging and integration In particular one must address component and subsystem technologies for safing arming fuzing and firing a nuclear weapon In describing the technologies which can be used for nuclear device weaponization it is important to distinguish among requirements for different objective levels of capability Not all weapons possessors will face the same problems or opt for the same levels of confidence particularly in the inherent security of their weapons One must take care to avoid mirror imaging U S or other decisions at any time from 1945 until the present The operational objectives will in turn dictate the technological requirements see table below for the SAFF subsystems Nominal Operational Requirements Objectives Minimal Modest Substantial Requirements could be met by Surface burst including impact fuzing of relatively slow moving warhead or crude preset height of burst based on simple timer or barometric switch or simple radar altimeter More precise HOB height of burst based on improved radar triggering or other methods of measuring distance above ground to maximize radius of selected weapons effects see section on weapons effects with point-contact salvage fuzing Parachute delivery of bombs to allow deliberate laydown and surface burst Variable HOB including low-altitude for ensured destruction of protected strategic targets Possible underwater or exoatmospheric capabilities Whether to protect their investment in nuclear arms or to deny potential access to and use of the weapons by unauthorized persons proliferators or subnational groups will almost certainly seek special measures to ensure security and operational control of nuclear weapons These are likely to include physical security and access control II-5-68 technologies at minimum and may include use control The techniques used today by the existing western nuclear weapon states represent the culmination of a half-century of evolution in highly classified military programs and proliferators may well choose simpler solutions perhaps by adapting physical security access and operational controls used in the commercial sector for high-value high-risk assets Preventing access to the development of a minimal SAFF capability will not be feasible Experts have surmised that barometric pressure switching may have been employed to fuze the bomb used to destroy Pan Am Flight 103 Such a sensor would meet the basic requirements for one potential terrorist use of nuclear explosives The requirements to achieve a modest or substantial capability level are much more demanding Both safety and protection of investment demand very low probability of failure of safing and arming mechanisms with very high probability of proper initiation of the warhead The specific technologies associated with each of the key elements of SAFF and weapons physical and operational security are addressed in the technology and reference data tables This level of technology meets the criterion of sufficiency for achieving a usable military capability The items required to meet this criterion are generally specially designed or not widely available Licensing may be ineffective as a mechanism for monitoring proliferant activity By contrast alternative technologies which might require the proliferator to accept greater risk of failure or misappropriation of his weapons are generally available to any organization desiring to obtain a minimal nuclear capability FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 Virtually any country or extranational group with the resources to construct a nuclear device has sufficient capability to attain the minimum SAFF capability that would be needed to meet terrorist or minimal national aims All of the recognized nuclear weapons states and many other countries have or have ready access to both the design know-how and components required to implement a significant capability In terms of sophistication safety and reliability of design past U S weapons programs provide a legacy of world leadership in SAFF and related technology France and the UK follow closely in overall SAFF design and may actually hold slight leads in specific component technologies SAFF technologies of other nuclear powers-- notably Russia and China--do not compare Japan and Germany have technological capabilities roughly on a par with the United States UK and France and doubtless have the capability to design and build nuclear SAFF subsystems Reliable fuzing and firing systems suitable for nuclear use have been built since 1945 and do not need to incorporate any modern technology although the substitution of integrated circuit electronics for vacuum tubes will almost certainly occur Many kinds of mechanical safing systems have been employed and several of these require nothing more complex than removable wires or chains or the exchanging of arming safing connector plugs Safing a gun-assembled system is especially simple Arming systems range from hand insertion of critical components in flight to extremely sophisticated instruments which detect specific events in the stockpile to target sequence STS Fuzing and firing systems span an equally great range of technical complexity Very few if any countries approach the ability of the United States UK and France in terms of safety and reliability of SAFF functions However a proliferator would not necessarily seek to mirror-image U S practice and may adopt different techniques and criteria Any country with the electronics capability to build aircraft radar altimeter equipment should have access to the capability for building a reasonably adequate simple HOB fuze China India Israel Taiwan South Korea Brazil Singapore the Russian Federation and the Ukraine and South Africa all have built conventional weapons with design features that could be adapted to more sophisticated designs providing variable burst height and rudimentary Electronic Counter Counter Measure ECCM features With regard to physical security measures and use control the rapid growth in the availability and performance of low-cost highly reliable microprocessing equipment has led to a proliferation of electronic lock and security devices suitable for protecting and controlling high-value at-risk assets Such technology may likely meet the needs of most proliferant organizations II-5-69 Table 5 7-1 Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters SAFING DEVICES Mechanical devices designed to provide for positive interruption and connection of explosive or pyrotechnic devices Any capability is a concern WA ML 3 USML III MTCR 2 USML 121 16 None identified None identified None identified Mechanical techniques and devices for preventing assembly or high order nuclear detonation of nuclear explosive devices Any capability is a concern WA ML 3 USML III USML 121 16 None identified None identified None identified WA ML 3 USML III None identified None identified None identified None identified None identified Devices designed to Simple barometric sensor detect one or more of the Low-cost accelerometer following phenomena - air flow - linear or angular acceleration - barometric pressure ARMING DEVICES Precision mechanical devices designed to use any of the following - air flow - linear or angular acceleration - barometric pressure Externally powered spring or WA ML 4 electrical switches enabled USML IV by one or more of the stimuli listed in Technology Column Long-life lubricating fluids cont'd II-5-70 Table 5 7-1 Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters FUZING Radar altimeter sensors having unambiguous range measurement capability at ranges 100 ft Radar altimeter with simple WA ML 3 4 height-measuring capabilities USML III IV CCL Cat 7A MTCR 11 Specially fabricated high thermal diffusivity e g beryllium oxide components Specially designed programmable microwave delay lines None Identified Active IR EO altimeter for low HOB For low-velocity approach low-power laser ranging device WA ML 3 4 USML III IV MTCR 11 CCL Cat 2A Solid state laser and Semiconductor detector optical detector and laser manufacturing materials IR window materials to withstand erosion from rain particles stagnation temperatures and aerodynamic erosion associated with ballistic reentry None identified Primary and reserve including thermal reserve batteries Aerospace qualified primary batteries could be acquired and installed as part of the operational deployment sequence WA Cat 3A CCL Cat 3A Proprietary electro- None identified lyte additives and catalysts for thermal batteries None identified Barometric switch Barometric altimeters None identified None identified None identified None identified Power conditioning systems for producing high voltage d c and pulsed power for fuzing applications Aerospace qualified conventional power supply NDUL 6 CCL Cat 3A High permeability magnetic materials designed or charaterized for use in low-loss transformers operating at frequencies above 120 Hz None identified None identified Microwave antennas Standard microwave horn antenna WA ML 5AP1 CCL Cat 5A P1 Low-loss dielectric Antenna and ECM test materials designed facilities to withstand temperatures in excess of 125 C Empirically validated engineering models and design databases for waveguide antennas cont'd II-5-71 Table 5 7-1 Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing Technology Parameters cont'd Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Compact highperformance stripline or microstrip microwave components including-- low-noise balanced mixers - high ratio circulators Conventional stripline design techniques None Identified Capacitive discharge units Conventional high-voltage 300 V capacitors with capacitance greater than 25 nanofarads NDUL 6 CCL Cat 3A Cold cathode tubes and switches Anode delay 10 microseconds Peak voltage 2 500 V Peak current 100 A Pyrotechnic logic and delay devices Any capability is a concern Technology Critical Materials Low-loss dielectric substrate materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Swept frequency analyzers Engineering models None identified None identified None identified None identified NDUL 6 CCL Cat 3A None identified None identified None identified NDUL 6 CCL Cat 3A None identified None identified None identified NDUL 6 CCL Cat 3A None identified Specially designed explosive component test facilities or load simulators which do not require the use of explosives None identified FIRING SETS Conventional weapons Detonators and initiator squibs couplers and connectors including - exploding bridge wires - exploding foil - hot wire - semiconductor bridge OPERATIONAL SECURITY Lock systems Electronic or physical keyed incorporating combined system electronic and positive mechanical keying useful but not necessary None identified None identified None identified Encryption Physical security None identified None identified None identified None identified Fences and guard dogs commercial intrusion detectors II-5-72 Table 5 7-2 Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies SAFING DEVICES Mechanical devices designed to provide for positive interruption and connection of explosive or pyrotechnic devices Ensured reliability of precision mechanical and electromechanical devices For some delivery methods components and technologies could be common to conventional bombs and cluster canister munitions Electrical switching Mechanical techniques and devices for preventing assembly or high order nuclear detonation of nuclear explosive devices None identified None Techniques unique to nuclear explosives None Identified For some delivery methods components and technologies could be common to conventional bombs and cluster canister munitions Spring- or electrically powered mechanical timing devices Devices designed to detect one or Selection and design of sensor more of the following phenomena systems for unique operational conditions - air flow - linear or angular acceleration - barometric pressure ARMING DEVICES Precision mechanical devices de- Mechanical reliability signed to use any of the following - air flow - linear or angular acceleration - barometric pressure For some delivery methods components and technologies could be common to conventional bombs and cluster canister munitions Externally powered mechanisms operator enabled including those designed to be powered by chemical electrochemical or mechanical energy sources FUZING Radar altimeter sensors having Hermetic sealing of high-voltage unambiguous range measurement 300 V subsystems capability at ranges 100 ft Possible use as high-altitude fuzing for canister weapons Barometric switch Active IR EO altimeter for low HOB Thermal management techniques Conventional free-fall and smart weapons Point contact Primary and reserve batteries Hermetic sealing and thermal management particularly in highenergy density lithium thermal batteries Other high altitude fuzing and oneshot power applications e g torpedo guidance sets Commercial primary batteries Power conditioning systems Efficient transformation of low voltage 50 V to high-voltage 1 kV d c -d c conversion Aircraft and other space weight constrained power conditioning requirements Larger heavier transformers cont'd II-5-73 Table 5 7-2 Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies MIcrowave antennas Antenna must conform to delivery system packaging constraints Must retain r f characteristics after exposure to rain erosion and aerodynamic heating effects Communications and ECM systems Needed only for radar altimeter fuzing Compact high-performance stripline or microstrip microwave components including - low-noise balanced mixers - high ratio circulators Techniques to extend operating bandwidth of low-noise balance mixers and high ratio isolation circulators Communications and ECM systems Coaxial or waveguide components at severe space and weight penalty Alternative system concepts Barometric switch None identified Detonation at specific altitude All other fuzing systems Capacitive discharge units Energy density and one-shot reliability Conventional weapons fuzing None identified Cold cathode tubes and switches Energy density and one-shot reliability Directed energy weapons High pulse power x-ray machines None identified Pyrotechnic logic and delay devices Characterization of detonation velocity in end configurations Device design will most likely be specific to nuclear weapon design None identified Detonators and initiator couplers and connectors including - exploding bridge wires - exploding foil - hot wire - semiconductor bridge Reliability and precision of initiation vs safety Technology common to some aimable ordnance warhead concepts Detonating devices derived from commercial civil explosives FIRING SETS OPERATIONAL SECURITY Lock systems incorporating combined electronic and positive mechanical or physical keying Balancing ease of use and reliability against security and probability of unauthorized penetration Elements of technology may be common to conventional physical security of highly classified or high value high risk assets Single-keyed mechanical system Physical security Probability of detection vs false alarm Elements of technology may be rate common to conventional physical security of highly classified or high value high risk assets Conventional passive infrared and ultrasonic detection manual backup II-5-74 SECTION 5 8--RADIOLOGICAL WEAPONS OVERVIEW Radiological weapons use the beta rays neutrons and gamma rays emitted by the decay of highly radioactive isotopes to kill or incapacitate In general the latency period between exposure to high doses of radiation and the onset of symptoms is long hours to weeks depending upon dose but it may be as short as minutes if neutron doses on the order of several thousand rads whole body dose can be delivered However there is no practical way to transport enough radioactive material to provide doses this high because the amounts of isotopes necessary to inflict reasonably prompt casualties hours to days over a large area square kilometers on a foe may produce so much heat that it melts even steel bomb cases Because of the long latency period radiological weapons are probably of little tactical use on the battlefield except that fear of radiation on the part of the opponent may act to deny areas to him For area denial to be effective the opponent's troops must be notified of the presence of the agent because the radiation does not cause prompt casualties Radiological weapons may have the potential for use against rear areas The isotopes of greatest concern are those normally produced as fission products in nuclear reactors or which are copiously produced when fertile material is irradiated in a reactor e g 137Cs 60Co More rapidly decaying and hence more potent radioisotopes generally have short half lives a year or less complicating the problem of stockpiling them for later use Gamma-ray and neutron-emitting isotopes in quantities needed to cause injuries to opposing troops are likely to be very dangerous for the attacker's troops to handle The mass of the required shielding will greatly exceed that of the agent On the other hand public fear of radiation is so great that small quantities of radioactive materials dispersed about a city may well induce considerable panic in the populace Such use of radiological agents would most likely be announced by the attacking force because the material may not otherwise be detected Alpha radiation 4He nuclei is normally not dangerous unless it enters the body and lodges there Because they are massive two neutrons and two protons and slow moving the particles produced in normal alpha decay stop so quickly that a single thickness of paper is usually a sufficient shield They also carry a charge of 2 which doubles the force they exert on the electrons in target material compared to a beta ray electron 13 If however correctly sized particles containing alpha-emitting isotopes 13 Highlights o o o Radiological weapons are more apt to cause civil disruption than destruction They can be made in almost any kind of nuclear reactor and require far less engineering and research than do nuclear explosives Radiological agents in quantities great enough to cause promptlethal or prompt-incapacitating effects on the battlefield will likely be too thermally hot to transport are inhaled they tend to lodge in the tissue of the lung where they deposit their energy in a very localized region This can lead to lung cancer but with a decades-long latency period One might conceive of a long-duration radiological weapon suitable only for producing terror and forcing the evacuation of an area by exploiting the dangers of inhaled radioisotopes Any cancers will be produced with a very long latency period years but the mere possibility of such personal catastrophes may be strategically important An alternative scenario would be to conceal a very intense radioactive gamma source such as 60Co in an area to which many people return on a regular basis such as a theater restaurant or mess hall If the source were radioactive enough and remained concealed for sufficient time the extended exposures could produce direct casualties with complicated epidemiology For this to be used as a weapon with shock value the exposed population would have to be informed of the presence of the source RATIONALE Although radiological weapons have little or no tactical importance on the battlefield the fear of radiation has become so widespread and ingrained that if an opponent spreads even small harmless but detectable amounts of radioactive material in rear The rate at which a heavy charged particle loses energy is proportional to the square of its charge II-5-75 echelon areas the action may force U S troops to don full protective garb and attempt to operate under that handicap It is not possible to dispose of radiological agents by burning they will merely be transferred to the effluent Neither can radiological agents be sterilized by heat or other chemicals Decontamination is usually accomplished by a wash-down with the waste water becoming low-level radioactive waste Only time--the passing of many half-lives of the isotopes in question and their radioactive daughters--can totally eliminate the hazard posed by radioactive contamination FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 Radiological agents can be conveniently and secretly made in any research reactor designed to irradiate material samples Spent fuel from any reactor can be cut up and the material dispersed without further chemical treatment Thus any nation with a research reactor or with civilian power reactors and the capability of discharging spent fuel from those reactors has the potential to produce material suitable for use in radiological weapons The fundamental tool for producing radioisotopes a nuclear reactor can be found in very many countries The 44 nations identified in the 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty as having safeguarded reactors and other fuel facilities provide a good start at identifying possible sources for radiological warfare agents Actually turning the radioisotopes into weapons may require special techniques for handling the material safely Similarly those crews chosen to disperse the material will require protective gear or alternatively must be ready to become human sacrifices Efficient use of radiological material requires converting it from bulk form into a dust or aerosol which can be inhaled and then finding methods to spray the material These technologies may not be present in every state which can produce radioactive isotopes On the other hand they are not required if the aim is merely to cause panic or to force troops to work in protective clothing II-5-76 Table 5 8-1 Radiological Weapons Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Irradiation of fertile material Ability to make millions of curies of radioactive material NTL A1 B1 NRC A L Fertile elements Reactor refueling such as Co Cs to be equipment remote irradiated handling equipment Nuclear reactor for irradiation Reactor design and operating software with capability to simulate presence of neutronabsorbing nonfissile material activation cross-sections Transportation and handling of intensely radioactive material Shielding against gamma photons with energies up to 3-5 MeV ability to reduce surface field to safe levels circa 1 mr hr in contact with package Ability to cool isotopes to prevent melting NDUL 8 CCL Cat 1A CCL Cat 2B Lead and borated None identified materials for radiation shielding hermetic seals for container radiationdamage-resistant seals and containers Absence of plastics likely Shielding software Much of this is publicly available Dispersal of agent Ability to reduce bulk material WA ML 4 to fine powder or to liquid USML IV solution for aerosol or other spraying operation ability to transport material in combat aircraft or UAVs Radioactive isotopes shielding spraying equipment resistant to corrosion by solvents used to dissolve radioactive compounds Absence of unshielded plastic and rubber parts probable Corrosion- and radiation- Plume prediction softresistant sprayers ware Much of this is pumps etc Absence of publicly available unshielded plastic components likely because of their rapid degradation in presence of intense photon irradiation Personnel protection as necessary In situ preparation of radiological agent Neutron bomb Fertile materials SNM tritium Sprayers for fertile material solutions NTL 1 II-5-77 None Table 5 8-2 Radiological Weapons Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Reactor irradiation of fertile material Construct reactors extract fission products or irradiated target material Prepare radiological agents for use in area denial Use of high-level waste from civilian power reactors Transport of radiological agents Shielding concealment cooling of large quantities provision of seals not affected by irradiation Bring agent to place of employment Accept kamikaze tactics for personnel delivering agent Dispersal of agent Aerosolization of solid agent or dissolving and then aerosolizing of liquid Spreading of powder Employ weapon Accept kamikaze tactics for personnel delivering agent In-situ preparation of radiological agent Spray area with solution containing activatable material e g cobalt chloride Then detonate enhanced radiation weapon at appropriate altitude Deny area to foe provide inherently safe transport of agents All other methods of obtaining radioactive material II-5-78 SECTION 5 9--MANUFACTURING OF NUCLEAR COMPONENTS OVERVIEW Highlights This subsection describes the technologies required for the production of equipment used to manufacture nuclear weapons In most cases the technologies the equipment and the know-how are dual-use and affect civilian applications where for example considerations of costs flexibility and competitiveness have become major concerns In some cases the technologies described here are neither state of the art nor is the United States the world leader in the technology The concerns of the United States with respect to the spread of nuclear weapons are no longer directed at the technologically advanced Warsaw Pact countries but more at developing countries that are attempting to produce weapons of mass destruction Therefore the United States must adjust its level of concern to the control or monitoring of that machine tool technology actually necessary to meet the U S antiproliferation goals a level which is often significantly less than the state of the art A number of different technologies associated with a modern industrial base are addressed in this subsection including many types of machine tools and processing equipment certain inspection equipment and certain robots Manufacturing Equipment This section encompasses both machine tools and equipment for fabricating structures by means of various advanced manufacturing techniques Machine tools include NC numerically controlled machines in which the motions of the various axes are simultaneously and continually coordinated thereby maintaining a predetermined programmed path This includes turning milling and grinding machines and electrical discharge machines EDM Advanced manufacturing technique equipment includes spin flow and shear forming machines filament-winding machines hot isostatic presses high-temperature furnaces and heaters equipment for the manufacture of centrifuge rotors vibration shaker systems and flash x-ray systems It is often suggested that all or even most of these manufacturing and mensuration systems are required to build weapons of mass destruction in general and nuclear weapons in particular A nuclear weapon is a sophisticated device and depending upon the complexity of the design and the constraints on the designer--such as size weight and amount of special nuclear materials which can be used--may or may not require very precise manufacture o o o o Computer numerically controlled CNC machine tools may speed construction of components of nuclear weapons and reduce the labor costs of such manufacture Robotic manufacture may reduce personnel exposure to radiation Precision metrology may make manufacture to tighter tolerances feasible When testing is not possible parts made as closely matched to theory as possible provide some assurance of attaining the desired results in nuclear weapons At the state of the art however factories producing the nuclear components and some nonnuclear components of modern devices must be capable of carrying out dimensional measurements which are both precise and accurate Relative thicknesses must be measured to high precision and the absolute values of those measurements must be compared to a set of standards with extreme accuracy It is common of course for the most technically advanced nuclear powers to employ all of the modern tools of computer-assisted fabrication including computer numerically controlled CNC machine tools Shapes which can be manufactured with a modern 5-axis CNC machine tool can be approximated on a simpler machine if the work can be repositioned during machining or if the component can be made in parts which are later joined together Significant hand work is usually required in either case The accuracy of the approximation depends upon the precision with which the work can be repositioned or with which the separate components can be joined and in both instances on the skills of the engineers machinists The history of American nuclear efforts is illustrative The first thermonuclear bomb was produced in the 1951-1952 time frame the first use of 3-axis machine tools occurred in 1952 and the first 5-axis machine tools were used in 1954 II-5-79 Metrology Metrology covers technologies for dimensional measuring systems and equipment needed for precise determination of the dimensions of manufactured parts machine tools and inspection machines Included are systems for in-process measurement as well as post-manufacture inspection This technology area is of paramount importance for the construction of systems incorporating mechanical or electrical components built to exacting tolerances whether such hardware is military or civil It is highly dependent on sensors positioners feedback systems digital computers and associated components and hardware Included in the list of metrology equipment are coordinate linear and angular measurement machines using laser standard light and noncontact techniques The tolerances of parts measured range from 1 nm corresponding to an optical surface finish prepared by diamond turning with ion beam polishing to 10 um corresponding to more traditional metal machining in the machining of hemi-shells for nuclear weapons spin flow and shear forming machines are required for the fabrication of thin-walled long concentric hollow bodies such as rotors for centrifuge devices used in uranium enrichment Superplastic forming diffusion bonding equipment is used for the fabrication of sheet metal structures of advanced alloys e g titanium nickel and aluminum in which reliability and cost are important factors and high-temperature furnaces are used for casting uranium and plutonium both key weapons materials Metrology The term robots covers the technology for the general category of robots controllers and end-effectors which are used in conjunction with other manufacturing equipment for the production or testing of critical hardware Robots can essentially be separated into four distinct disciplines the robot the controller computer sensors the eyes of the robot and end-effectors the gripper Robots have found a wide range of applications in manufacturing including welders sprayers assemblers loaders unloaders etc They have also found use in handling hazardous or radioactive materials transporting explosive weapons and performing tasks in space In this subsection only those robots designed for use in radiation environments are addressed Modern precision manufacturing depends upon being able to make a large number of dimensional measurements precisely and accurately and to know that measurements made at each site can be referred to a set of secondary standards which can if necessary be calibrated against the international standards A centimeter measured in one laboratory must be the same as a centimeter measured with different equipment at another laboratory and that equality must be demonstrable quickly and economically In many ways technological progress has been demarcated by our ability to make precision standard measurements and to transfer this ability from the laboratory to the production floor This is the science of metrology Accurate dimensional inspection is essential for the design development manufacture and use of a wide range of military hardware Dimensional inspection machines are used for the measurement of centrifuge and nuclear weapons parts linear inspection machines are used for the measurement of bearing races or shafts used in advanced machine tools centrifuges and nuclear weapons parts Specialized measuring equipment is critical for measuring hemi-shells RATIONALE Robots Manufacturing technologies are fundamental to the national industrial base As much as any other technology they are vital for the manufacture of military and civil hardware and they either enable the manufacture of vital military systems or are essential for the design and manufacture of future military systems Without some level of manufacturing equipment capability it would be impossible to produce the military systems used by the world's military forces In particular the technologies listed in this subsection are necessary for the manufacture of modern nuclear weapons Many listed technologies are far more advanced than those available to the first several nuclear weapon states when they built their first nuclear and thermonuclear weapons weapons generally considered quite satisfactory for their avowed purposes of deterrence and warfighting In most advanced manufacturing plants robots have replaced humans in many operations which are repetitive and do not require human intervention Such applications include welding painting surveillance and pick-and-place assembly This type of robot is commonplace in industrial countries and is not included in this document Robots are indispensable in many hazardous military operations including the handling of munitions operating in highly radioactive or electromagnetic pulse EMP environments and performing tasks in space The use of robots in these applications extends the military capability much further than what could be accomplished with protected humans Robots Manufacturing Equipment Modern weapon systems require a variety of processing equipment to manufacture necessary components For example machine tools or precision casting are used FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 Since manufacturing is so fundamental to the industrial base of any country the availability of machines necessary to produce both military and civil hardware is worldwide As a result the technology level of the major industrial countries is very high with the United States Japan Germany Switzerland Italy France the UK the II-5-80 Netherlands and Sweden all having considerable expertise The technology level in Russia and China is increasing markedly with some rudimentary 5-axis machine tools becoming available in those countries France Germany Japan Switzerland and the UK are the leading countries with expertise in metrology Japan is the major competitor to the United States in robotics France has a significant robotics capability and Italy is a worldwide competitor Manufacturing Equipment Metrology A number of foreign countries have developed sophisticated metrology capabilities Germany and the UK have capabilities across the spectrum of the technology while France Japan and Switzerland have advanced capabilities in most of the technologies associated with metrology A large number of countries have niche capabilities Robots Japan Germany France and Switzerland are comparable to the United States in certain machine tool capabilities Indeed Japan and Switzerland surpass the United States in some categories Italy the Netherlands Sweden and the UK have extensive capabilities in some of the niche areas China has developed capabilities in 4- and 5-axis machines although the degree of their capability relating to quality and quantity is still unknown Japan Germany France and the UK are comparable to the United States in advanced manufacturing A number of other countries have developed sophisticated robotics Japan in particular and Germany have emerged as world leaders in industrial robots Most all other heavily industrialized countries have capabilities in this area The United States and Japan are the world leaders in military nuclear space robotics Russia and the Ukraine have considerable capability in robots designed for use in nuclear environments as used for example in the monitoring of the Chernobyl nuclear plant II-5-81 Table 5 9-1 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT Numerically controlled machine tools for removing or cutting metals ceramics or composites by grinding Such equipment is useful but WA Cat 2B not necessary to build a NDUL 1 nuclear weapon and might CCL Cat 2B allow a proliferator to construct more intricate devices than would otherwise be possible Therefore any capability is a concern Spindles with low run-out tilting spindles linear and rotary position feedback units and compound spindles and tables None identified Control algorithms for the manufacture of specific items of concern Numerically controlled machine tools for removing or cutting metals ceramics or composites by turning Such equipment is useful but WA Cat 2B not necessary to build a NDUL 1 nuclear weapon and might CCL Cat 2B allow a proliferator to construct more intricate devices than would otherwise be possible Therefore any capability is a concern Spindles with low run-out linear and rotary position feedback units None identified Control algorithms for the manufacture of specific items of concern Numerically controlled machine tools for removing or cutting metals ceramics or composites by milling Such equipment is useful but WA Cat 2B not necessary to build a NDUL 1 nuclear weapon and might CCL Cat 2B allow a proliferator to construct more intricate devices than would otherwise be possible Therefore any capability is a concern Spindles with low run-out tilting spindles linear and rotary position feedback units and compound spindles and tables None identified Control algorithms for the manufacture of specific items of concern Numerically controlled turning machines or combination turning milling machines Such equipment is useful but WA Cat 2B not necessary to build a NDUL 1 nuclear weapon and might CCL Cat 2B allow a proliferator to construct more intricate devices than would otherwise be possible Therefore any capability is a concern Spindles with low run-out tilting spindles linear and rotary position feedback units and compound spindles and tables None identified Control algorithms for the manufacture of specific items of concern Numerically controlled electrical discharge machines EDM of nonwire type Such equipment is useful but WA Cat 2B not necessary to build a NDUL 1 nuclear weapon and might CCL Cat 2B allow a proliferator to construct more intricate devices than would otherwise be possible Therefore any capability is a concern Rotary axes None identified Control algorithms for the manufacture of specific items of concern cont'd II-5-82 Table 5 9-1 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Rotor-forming mandrels designed to form cylindrical rotors of inside diameter between 75 mm and 400 mm None identified Control algorithms for the manufacture of specific items of concern Such equipment is useful but NDUL 3 not necessary to enrichment WA Cat 1B devices and might allow a proliferator to construct more CCL Cat 1B intricate devices than would otherwise be possible Therefore any capability is a concern Glass and carbon fiber None identified None identified Vacuum or controlled environment induction furnaces Such equipment is useful but NDUL 1 not necessary to build a CCL Cat 2B nuclear weapon and might allow a proliferator to construct more intricate devices than would otherwise be possible Therefore any capability is a concern Specially designed power supplies with power output of 5 kW None identified None identified Vacuum or controlled atmosphere metallurgical melting and casting furnaces Any capability for arc melting NDUL 1 and casting electron beam CCL Cat 2B melting plasma atomization or high temperature 600 K melting furnaces is a concern None identified None identified None identified Hot isostatic presses Such equipment is useful but WA Cat 2B not necessary to build a NDUL 1 nuclear weapon and might CCL Cat 2B allow a proliferator to construct more intricate devices than would otherwise be possible Therefore any capability is a concern None identified Control units None identified Numerically controlled spin flow and shear forming machines Such equipment is useful but not necessary to enrichment devices and might allow a proliferator to construct more intricate devices than would otherwise be possible Therefore any capability is a concern Numerically controlled composite filament winding equipment NDUL 1 MTCR 3 WA Cat 2B CCL Cat 2B cont'd II-5-83 Table 5 9-1 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Electrodynamic vibration Reliability may be of little con- NDUL 1 test system cern to certain adversaries CCL Cat 2B However the following capabilities would be of value in developing reliable weapons vibrating a system at 15 g RMS between 20 Hz and 2 000 Hz imparting forces of 30kN 5 625 lb None identified Closed loop test equipment digital controllers and vibration thrusters Special algorithms to generate specific g levels and vibrations that corresponds to weapon system Digital controllers Any capability is a concern NDUL 1 MTCR 15 CCL Cat 9B WA Cat 9B None identified None identified None identified Vibration thrusters Reliability may be of little concern to certain adversaries However the capability of imparting a force 30 kN 5 625 lb would be a concern NDUL 1 MTCR 15 CCL Cat 9B WA Cat 9B None identified Closed loop test equipment Special algorithms to generate specific g levels and vibrations that corresponds to weapon system Rotor assembly equipment Any capability is a concern NDUL 3 CCL Cat 2B None identified Mandrels clamps and shrink fit machines None identified Rotor-straightening equipment Any capability is a concern NDUL 3 CCL Cat 2B None identified Pneumatic rams None identified Bellows-forming mandrels and dies for producing singleconvolution bellows Any capability is a concern NDUL 3 CCL Cat 2B None identified Mandrels and dies None identified Centrifugal multiplane balancing machines for flexible rotors Any capability is a concern NDUL 3 CCL Cat 2B None identified None identified Control algorithms for the testing of specific items of concern Centrifugal multiplane balancing machines for hollow cylindrical rotor components Any capability is a concern NDUL 3 CCL Cat 2B None identified None identified Control algorithms for the balancing of specific items of concern cont'd II-5-84 Table 5 9-1 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Flash x-ray machines or pulsed electron accelerators Having either of the following NDUL 5 an accelerator peak electron CCL Cat 3A energy 300 keV but 25 MeV and with a figure of merit K of 0 25 where K 1 7 x 103V2 65Q or an accelerator peak electron energy 15 MeV and a peak power 40 MW None identified None identified Remote manipulators Such equipment is useful but NDUL 8 not necessary for nuclear CCL Cat 2B programs WA Cat 2B Able to provide None identified mechanical translation of human operator actions by electrical hydraulic or mechanical means to an operating arm and terminal fixture Unique Software and Parameters None identified Control algorithms for the manufacture of specific items of concern METROLOGY Numerically controlled dimensional inspection machines Accurate computer controlled WA Cat 2B coordinate measuring NDUL 1 machines CMM would be a concern Measurement probes sensors etc Accurate machine tools are required for the manufacture of such equipment and precise metrology equipment is required to verify measurement capability Control algorithms for the dimensional inspection of specific items of concern Linear displacement Non-contact type with a non-contact measuring resolution 0 5 um within a devices measuring range of 0 2 mm WA Cat 2B NDUL 1 Measurement probes sensors etc None identified None identified Linear measuring machines using linear voltage differential transformer systems WA Cat 2B NDUL 1 Measurement probes sensors etc None identified None identified Having both linearity 0 5% within a measuring range up to 5 mm and drift 0 2% per day at a standard ambient room temperature 1 K cont'd II-5-85 Table 5 9-1 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Linear measuring machines Having both a laser and the WA Cat 2B capability to maintain for at NDUL 1 least 8 hours over a temperature range of 1 K around a standard temperature and pressure both a resolution 0 4 um over full scale and a measurement uncertainty 0 2 L 2 000 um Measurement probes sensors and lasers None identified None identified Angular displacement measuring devices Having an angular position deviation 0 001 deg WA Cat 2B NDUL 1 Measurement probes sensors etc None identified None identified Systems for simultaneous linear-angular inspection of hemishells Capable of measuring hemishells with both a measurement uncertainty equal to or less than 5 0 um per 5 mm and an angular position deviation equal to or less than 0 05 deg NDUL 1 CCL Cat 2B Measurement probes sensors etc None identified None identified ROBOTICS Robots designed to operate in explosive or EMP environments controllers and endeffectors Any capability of operation in WA Cat 2B an explosive environment is a NDUL 1 concern CCL Cat 2B Sensors end-effectors ruggedized hydraulic lines e g self-sealing lines hydraulic fluids with flash points 839 K 565 C and closed or open loop servodevices Machine tools inspection equipment and all necessary equipment to manufacture sensors cameras etc Control algorithms for the motion and operation of the robots Robots designed for nuclear environments controllers and endeffectors WA Cat 2B Designed to operate in a radiation environment greater NDUL 1 than 105 rad Si CCL Cat 2B Sensors end-effectors electronics capable of operating in radiation levels of 5 x 104 grays 5 x 106 rad Si and open or closed loop servo-devices Machine tools inspection equipment and all necessary equipment to manufacture sensors cameras etc Control algorithms for the motion and operation of the robots II-5-86 Table 5 9-2 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies MANUFACTURING Numerically controlled machine tools for removing or cutting metals ceramics or composites by grinding The technical issues of general equipment use are well-known However proliferants would need to develop experience in machining nuclear materials NC grinding machines are an enabling technology for munitions and weapons systems Nuclear applications include machining hardened materials used in fixturing Numerically controlled accurate machine tools are essential for the manufacture of advanced nuclear weapons Numerically controlled machine tools for removing or cutting metals ceramics or composites by turning The technical issues of general equipment use are well-known However proliferants would need to develop experience in machining nuclear materials NC turning machines are an enabling technology for munitions and weapons systems Nuclear applications include the manufacture of hemishells rotors and end-caps Numerically controlled accurate machine tools are essential for the manufacture of advanced nuclear weapons Numerically controlled machine tools for removing or cutting metals ceramics or composites by milling The technical issues of general equipment use are well-known However proliferants would need to develop experience in machining nuclear materials NC milling machines are a key enabling Numerically controlled accurate technology for munitions and weapons machine tools are essential for systems the manufacture of advanced nuclear weapons Numerically controlled turning machines or combination turning milling machines The technical issues of general equipment use are well-known However proliferants would need to develop experience in machining nuclear materials NC turning milling machines are a key enabling technology for munitions and weapons systems Nuclear applications include the manufacture of hemishells Numerically controlled accurate machine tools are essential for the manufacture of advanced nuclear weapons Numerically controlled The technical issues of general electrodischarge machines EDM equipment use are well-known of nonwire type However proliferants would need to develop experience in machining nuclear materials NC nonwire EDM machines are a key enabling technology for munitions and weapons systems Numerically controlled accurate machine tools are essential for the manufacture of advanced nuclear weapons Numerically controlled spin flow and shear forming machines The technical issues of general equipment use are well-known However proliferants would need to develop experience in producing centrifuge tubes to the accuracies necessary for uranium enrichment Capability to manufacture thin-walled curvilinear or cylindrical cross-section parts for use in seamless rocket motors nose cones rocket launcher tubes rotor tubes for gas centrifuge uranium enrichment systems and contour shapes in nuclear weapons Numerically controlled accurate machine tools are essential for the manufacture of advanced nuclear weapons Numerically controlled composite filament-winding equipment The technical issues of general equipment use are well-known However proliferants would need to develop experience in producing centrifuge tubes to the accuracies necessary for uranium enrichment Used in the manufacture of fiber composite rotor assemblies for gas centrifuges used in uranium enrichment Numerically controlled accurate machine tools are essential for the manufacture of advanced nuclear weapons cont'd II-5-87 Table 5 9-2 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Vacuum or controlled environment The technical issues of general equipinduction furnaces ment use are well-known However proliferants would need to develop experience in working with uranium and or plutonium Used for casting either enriched or unenriched uranium and for processing plutonium for key weapon parts Some type of controlled environment furnace would be necessary to cast the nuclear materials In lieu of an induction furnace a plasma e-beam or electric furnace might be used Vacuum or controlled atmosphere The technical issues of general equipmetallurgical melting and casting ment use are well-known However furnaces proliferants would need to develop experience in working with uranium and or plutonium Used for casting either enriched or unenriched uranium and for processing plutonium for key weapon parts Some type of controlled environment furnace would be necessary to cast the nuclear materials In lieu of an induction furnace a plasma e-beam or induction furnace might be used Hot isostatic presses The technical issues of general equipment use are well-known However proliferants would need to develop experience in working with uranium lithium compounds and explosive materials Used to increase the density of uranium fuel cladding reactor fuel rods pressing plastic-bonded explosives PBXs and compacting lithium hydride and lithium deuteride Pneumatic presses might be used however the results would be much inferior Electrodynamic vibration test system using digital control techniques The technical issues of equipment use are well-known There would be no major difficulty in transferring knowledge from standard industrial experience to the nuclear arena Testing the effects of shock and vibration is critical in developing reliable nuclear weapons arming and safing systems Analog vibration systems with less stringent requirements could be used to test smaller warheads or manufacture could proceed without vibration testing Digital controllers The technical issues of equipment use are well-known There would be no major difficulty in transferring knowledge from standard industrial experience to the nuclear arena Testing the effects of shock and vibration is critical in developing reliable nuclear weapons arming and safing systems Analog equipment could be used Vibration thrusters The technical issues of equipment use are well-known There would be no major difficulty in transferring knowledge from standard industrial experience to the nuclear arena Testing the effects of shock and vibration is critical in developing reliable nuclear weapons arming and safing systems Smaller thrusters could be used for smaller loads Rotor assembly equipment The technical issues of equipment use This equipment is used for the are well-known There would be no assembly of gas centriguge rotor tube major difficulty in transferring sections baffles and end-caps knowledge from standard industrial experience to the nuclear arena Not applicable Rotor-straightening equipment The technical issues of equipment use This equipment is used for the alignare well-known There would be no ment of of gas centrifuge rotor tube major difficulty in transferring sections to a common axis knowledge from standard industrial experience to the nuclear arena Not applicable cont'd II-5-88 Table 5 9-2 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Bellows-forming mandrels and dies for producing singleconvolution bellows While bellows per se are common industrial products bellows of this design and made of these materials are not common The technology to construct them is not common knowledge Centrifugal multiplane balancing machines for flexible rotors The technical issues of equipment use Used to balance rotors rotor sections are well-known There would be no and rotor assemblies used in gas major difficulty in transferring centrifuges for uranium enrichment knowledge from standard industrial experience to the nuclear arena Although the balance of the rotors is critical smaller and or lower rpm balncing machines could be used Centrifugal multiplane balancing machines for hollow cylyndrical rotor components The technical issues of equipment use Used to balance rotors rotor sections are well-known There would be no and rotor assemblies used in gas major difficulty in transferring centrifuges for uranium enrichment knowledge from standard industrial experience to the nuclear arena Although the balance of the rotors is critical smaller and or lower rpm balancing machines could be used Flash x-ray machines or pulsed electron accelerators Flash x-ray systems have limited nonmilitary use However it would not be difficult to transfer knowledge from the nonmilitary applications to nuclear uses Used in developing nuclear weapon implosion systems They provide diagnostic data on non-nuclear hydrodynamic tests of the implosion system Smaller systems are used in developing precision high-explosive implosion systems There may be no alternate technology to duplicate what can be done with the flash x-ray Howver high-speed rotating mirror cameras may perform some of the required tests Remote manipulators The technical issues of equipment use are well-known There would be no major difficulty in transferring knowledge from standard industrial experience to the nuclear arena Provide mechanical translation of human operator actions by electical hydraulic or mechanical means to an operating arm and terminal fixture used to provide remote actions in radiochemical separation operations or hot cells Not applicable These bellows are components of the gas centrifuge equipment used for uranium enrichment Less sophisticated bellows could be used METROLOGY Computer or stored program controlled dimensional inspection machines coordinate measuring machines CMMs Most nuclear applications would not involve measurement of radioactive materials Therefore the technical issues of concern would be programming operation and interpretation of data and these are well-known in the industrial world Allows for precision measurements of low volume high precision components used in weapons weapons control etc Nuclear applications include measurement of centrifuge and nuclear weapons parts Satisfactory results could be obtained using uncontrolled CMMs e g they are manually operated and they have greater uncertainty in measurement Linear displacement noncontact measuring devices Most nuclear applications would not involve measurement of radioactive materials Therefore the technical issues of concern would be programming operation and interpretation of data and these are well-known in the industrial world Essential for the measurement of very precise parts with simple geometries such as bearing races or shafts and centrifuge and nuclear weapon parts They also offer improved allignment of components of optical and radar system and sighting mechanisms Many things could be used as alternate technologies e g uncontrolled CMMs gauge blocks and indicators height gauges Vblocks micrometers including depth micrometers bore gauges etc II-5-89 cont'd Table 5 9-2 Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Reference Data cont'd Military Applications Alternative Technologies Linear measuring machines using linear voltage differential transformer systems Technology Most nuclear applications would not involve measurement of radioactive materials Therefore the technical issues of concern would be programming operation and interpretation of data and these are well-known in the industrial world Technical Issues Essential for the measurement of very precise parts with simple geometries such as bearing races or shafts and centrifuge and nuclear weapon parts They also offer improved allignment of components of optical and radar system and sighting mechanisms Many things could be used as alternate technologies e g uncontrolled CMMs gauge blocks and indicators height gauges Vblocks micrometers including depth micrometers bore gauges etc Linear measuring machines Most nuclear applications would not involve measurement of radioactive materials Therefore the technical issues of concern would be programming operation and interpretation of data and these are well-known in the industrial world Essential for the measurement of very precise parts with simple geometries such as bearing races or shafts and centrifuge and nuclear weapon parts They also offer improved allignment of components of optical and radar system and sighting mechanisms Many things could be used as alternate technologies e g uncontrolled CMMs gauge blocks and indicators height gauges Vblocks micrometers including depth micrometers bore gauges etc Angular displacement measuring devices Most nuclear applications would not involve measurement of radioactive materials Therefore the technical issues of concern would be programming operation and interpretation of data and these are well-known in the industrial world Essential for the measurement of very precise parts with simple geometries such as bearing races or shafts and centrifuge and nuclear weapon parts They also offer improved allignment of components of optical and radar system and sighting mechanisms Many things could be used as alternate technologies e g uncontrolled CMMs gauge blocks and indicators height gauges Vblocks micrometers including depth micrometers bore gauges rotary heads etc Systems for simultaneous linearangular inspection of hemishells Although this is specialized equipSpecialized device used in the ment the operation and interpretation manufacture of nuclear weapon would be straightforward The impos- components ing technical issue would be the knowhow and interpretation of test results Robots designed to operate in explosive or EMP environments controller and end-effectors Since robots per se are universally Such robots can be used both as used the operation of such equipment replacements for military forces or in would be straightforward The main hot cells technical issue would be either the difficulty in procuring such robots or the having technology to design and build them There are two alternatives to the use of these robots 1 using commercial type robots with the understanding that there will be a short mean time to failure or 2 using humans with the understanding that they would be expendable Robots designed for nuclear environments Since robots per se are universally used the operation of such equipment would be straightforward The main technical issue would be either the difficulty in procuring such robots or the having technology to design and build them There are two alternatives to the use of these robots 1 using commercial type robots with the understanding that there will be a short mean time to failure or 2 using humans with the understanding that they would be expendable Alternate technologies could include uncontrolled CMMs and rotary heads and measuring indicators ROBOTICS Such robots are used in nuclear reprocessing and nuclear production reactor facilities they may also be used in nuclear facilities to reduce occupational radiation exposure II-5-90 SECTION 5 10--NUCLEAR WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT TESTING OVERVIEW Nuclear weapons to quote Sidney D Drell are sophisticated but not complicated That is the working principles are straightforward although the equipment needed to make a device function and function reliably is quite sophisticated and requires high-quality engineering to design and build Although it is generally believed that a proliferator need not test a conservatively designed device at full yield to have confidence in it some experimentation and testing along the way is necessary to demonstrate the behavior of the non-nuclear components including the firing set detonators and neutron generators If there is not to be a full-yield nuclear test then the non-nuclear experiments must be carried out with greater care and competence One reason for believing that a full-yield nuclear test is unnecessary is that each of the six states known to have tested nuclear devices has achieved a nuclear detonation on the first try The term nuclear testing as used here encompasses all experiments in which special nuclear material or a simulant is placed in contact with high explosives which are then detonated or with a propellant which is ignited This limitation deliberately excludes activities which are more scientific in nature and not intimately connected with the progression from fissile material and or fusion fuel to a nuclear explosive device 14 This definition is far broader than that of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty CTBT of 1996 which prohibits only nuclear weapon test explosions and other nuclear explosions 15 Many states of concern for nuclear proliferation16 have subscribed to the CTBT and may therefore find it difficult to conduct full-yield tests either underground or in the atmosphere India however has served notice that it will not sign the CTBT in 1974 India detonated what it called a peaceful nuclear explosive device Even under the CTBT most non-nuclear hydrodynamic implosion testing17 will be permitted At the lowest end of the nuclear yield distribution from hydronuclear tests some states might reckon that the knowledge gained from a small explosive release of nuclear energy would be worth the risk of getting caught Generally within the U S Government the condition of prompt nuclear criticality distinguishes under o o o o For example laser and particle beam fusion 15 The CTBT signed by President Clinton on 24 September 1996 obligates each signatory not to conduct nuclear weapons test explosions or any other nuclear explosions on any territory under its control India Iraq and Pakistan are not CTBT signatories all five nuclear weapons states are It is possible to make a credible nuclear weapon without ever testing the nuclear parts of the device or producing any nuclear energy release Hydrodynamic nuclear experiments using flash x-ray cameras to image the imploding material that simulates plutonium or uranium are necessary American-style underground nuclear testing requires some sophisticated equipment but bare bones experiments are also feasible and useful The 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty prohibits the testing of nuclear weapons Signatories include all five declared nuclear weapons states Israel and Iran India Pakistan North Korea Iraq and Libya have not signed the Treaty the CTBT a prohibited test of an explosively assembled device from one which is allowed The spectrum of nuclear devices which a proliferant organization could field potentially spans everything from simple devices which scatter radioactive waste see Section 5 8 Radiological Weapons to sophisticated weapons incorporating boosted primaries and adjustable yield secondaries The device actually built by any given proliferator depends on the technological sophistication size available budget availability of special nuclear materials time scale strategic or tactical intent and a host of other exogenous and endogenous considerations political economic and social There is little doubt that technologically sophisticated nations with well-educated populations and large GDPs and having an indigenous reactor industry as well as 17 14 16 Highlights II-5-91 In a hydrodynamic test inert material e g 238U or a simulant for plutonium is imploded to determine how well the high-explosive system functions In a hydronuclear test fissile material is imploded but a supercritical mass is not maintained for a long enough time to permit the device to deliver full nuclear yield Depending upon the conditions of the test nuclear energy releases may range from the unmeasurably small milligrams or less to kilograms or even metric tons of TNT equivalent yield enrichment and reprocessing facilities could produce nuclear weapons in a very short time The strategic or tactical doctrine for their use would be vastly different from those of a subnational group developing nuclear capability and probably different from a third world proliferator The general design of a gun-assembled device is straightforward and based on well-understood principles of artillery weapons however the technology for obtaining enriched uranium is complex On the other hand implosion-assembled devices using plutonium--which could be extracted simply using chemical techniques from reactor rods--are more difficult to manufacture 18 If a nation had an indigenous reactor industry such extraction would be straightforward The testing programs required to accomplish the goals of proliferators spread out along the spectrum of technical sophistication and available resources are as diverse as the goals of the proliferant states themselves and the programs to develop the weapons At the most primitive end of the spectrum if the device were stolen yield testing would not be required but circumvention of possible use controls would be If the weapon were legitimately acquired from a nuclear power presumably use control information would be passed on to the purchaser In neither case is testing required If however a nuclear device is indigenously designed and built the question to be answered by a full-scale nuclear test is likely to be how much nuclear yield a specific device will deliver and not necessarily whether it will produce nuclear yield RATIONALE Fundamentally test programs can be divided into two major categories those for an HEU-fueled gun-assembled device and those for an implosion device using either plutonium or HEU The first Chinese test was of an HEU implosion device Iraq intended to develop just such a weapon and the South Africans conducted no nuclear tests of their gun-assembled devices Gun-Assembled Devices The testing program for a gun-assembled device is moderately complex but it is essential to realize that nothing nuclear need be tested to verify the probable operation of such a device--only its conventional components The design of Little Boy the bomb dropped on Hiroshima had not been proof tested before the war shot 18 Some analysts believe that the difficulties of enriching uranium are offset by the simpler weapon designs which enriched uranium allows In the United States HEU is considered less expensive to use in a weapon than plutonium Operation of a reactor to produce plutonium requires the extraction and purification of uranium and in some cases at least modest enrichment Given international safeguards on reactors using enriched uranium obtained from another nation or heavy water moderated reactors a proliferant may be forced in any case to construct an enrichment facility The choice is likely to be determined by the indigenous availability of uranium and the national surplus or shortage of electricity Implosion Devices The testing program for a simple fission device using plutonium must be more extensive than that for a gun-assembled device using enriched uranium For example the constructor must know that his fissile pit will be uniformly compressed and that the compression will be rapid enough to minimize the chances for a pre-initiation fizzle that any neutron generator present will fire at the correct moment and that compression is likely to be maintained long enough to result in significant nuclear yield A proliferator hoping to demonstrate its technical prowess may elect to pursue an implosion device despite the availability of enriched uranium Alternatively it may choose implosion to achieve greater efficiency in the use of special material It can be presumed that this type of proliferator will forego the development of thermonuclear weapons Hydrodynamic Testing The testing program for an unboosted implosion device primarily ensures that the hydrodynamic behavior of the implosion particularly of a hollow pit is correct The simplest way to do hydrodynamic testing is to implode inert pits made of a simulant for fissile material e g natural uranium instead of HEU while using any of several old fashioned means to observe the behavior of the heavy metal One such technique is to use a pin-dome essentially nothing more than a precisely machined insulating champagne cork with a large number of protruding radial pins of different distances placed at the center of the implosion region Pin dome experiments are probably the easiest hydrodynamic diagnostics available However backlighting the pit with a flash x-ray or neutron source to obtain an actual picture of the imploding material is also a possibility Generally the flash x-ray source needed has to have very high peak power available in a single pulse and the timing and firing of the source in concert with the implosion of the device requires very sophisticated system design Backlighting the imploding system with a neutron source is a bit more straightforward but requires very sophisticated neutron optics and imaging capability which could be difficult to obtain Iraq used flash x-ray diagnostics The Radio Lanthanum RaLa method which does permit time-dependent measurements of the symmetry of an implosion should be mentioned because of its conceptual simplicity RaLa was used extensively during the Manhattan Project but has probably not been employed very often since then An intensely radioactive sample of the element lanthanum was prepared in an accelerator or reactor and then quickly inserted into the center of the implosion test device Highly collimated Geiger-Mueller counters observed the behavior of the material as it imploded The RaLa technique is inherently fairly crude in its ability to detect asymmetries and environmentally unappealing because the radioactive material is scattered about the test stand However the II-5-92 isotopes have half lives of only a few hours to a few days so the residual radioactivity decreases significantly in a week or so Hydronuclear Testing Hydronuclear experiments as distinguished from hydrodynamic ones use actual fissile material assembled to form a supercritical mass in which a chain reaction begins Normally hydronuclear experiments are designed to use nuclear devices modified in one of several ways including substituting inert material or less-fissile material for some of the HEU or plutonium in the pit so that very little nuclear energy release occurs Yields in experiments described as hydronuclear by various countries have ranged from much less than 1 kg TNT equivalent to many tons Nuclear Yield Testing The CTBT has created a new international norm against the testing of nuclear weapons Nonetheless it has not yet entered into force and some of the states of greatest concern are unlikely to sign it in the near future Therefore the possibility of a proliferant state carrying out a nuclear explosion with a significant yield remains moderately high From 1945 through much of 1991 the United States detonated more than 1 200 nuclear devices with yields from a few pounds to about 15 megatons Until the middle of 1963 most U S and Soviet tests took place in the atmosphere some were conducted underground a few were below the surface of the ocean and roughly a dozen American shots took place at altitudes above 10 km The largest test ever conducted that of a 60-megaton device was carried out in the Arctic by the USSR Since the Limited Test Ban Treaty LTBT was signed in 1963 all U S UK and Soviet nuclear detonations have been underground The French and Chinese while not parties to the LTBT gradually moved their testing from the open atmosphere to subterranean sites-- in boreholes mine shafts and in drill holes beneath the ocean floor Atmospheric tests are easier to carry out--although impossible to conceal--and for technically less-sophisticated powers provide more information in a more direct manner than do underground explosions A weapon detonated from a several hundred foot high tower or suspended from a tethered balloon permits photography of the evolution of the nuclear fireball and the cloud The shock wave in air can be observed and one can determine the effects of the weapon on real targets such as structures and vehicles It appears likely that the drilling technology needed to emplace nuclear devices and instruments at the bottom of a deep borehole is the most difficult for a proliferator to acquire and use Such boreholes are frequently a kilometer or more deep and 2 meters or more in diameter The specialized drilling machinery required for such construction is not commonly available and exceeds what is found in the oil industry The development of the fireball and the propagation of a shock wave proceed quite differently when the device is tightly tamped at the bottom of a borehole than when it is detonated in free air However when the borehole or mine shaft have been properly stemmed 19 underground experiments have the advantage of not releasing significant amounts of radioactive debris It is also simpler to place large masses of experimental apparatus close to an underground shot than to locate the same hardware next to a balloon gondola or on the platform of a slender tower either of which has a limited carrying capacity In any event very few atmospheric tests have been carried out during the last three decades and even the French and Chinese abandoned their atmospheric test programs Only with a large collection of data derived from yield tests of different types of devices can a weapons designer be confident that he understands the behavior of different possible designs within what is termed the nuclear weapons design space and only then can he be confident that the computer programs used to predict device performance deliver reliable results This may be the strongest motivation for a proliferator to test at full yield However even a series of full-yield tests may not provide all of the information needed for weapons design Rudimentary Testing Most nuclear weapon states have constructed underground testing facilities similar to the U S Nevada Test Site That is weapons development and proof tests are usually carried out in vertical shafts stemmed to prevent the escape of radioactive debris Power and signal cables for the device are routed up the shaft and fanned out to several instrumentation trailers outside the probable cratering zone Nuclear weapons effects tests are primarily carried out in horizontal mine shafts sealed to prevent the escape of debris instrumentation cables are connected to the surface through a vertical bore hole In both cases the tests are characterized by the large amount of electronic instrumentation used to study the details of the functioning of the implosion assembly and of the nuclear phases of the explosion A beginning nuclear power opting for simpler weapons may well choose not to employ sophisticated diagnostic instrumentation selecting instead to determine the approximate yield with seismographs The most accurate measurement of yield is through the radio-chemistry studies of device debris--the radioactive isotopes produced in the detonation No electronics are used to gather the data for such analyses it is only necessary to drill back into the device chamber and to extract samples for lab examination A faster but less accurate yield determination can be done using seismographs to measure ground motion but 19 II-5-93 Radioactive debris from an atmospheric test or from an underground shot which vents can be analyzed by other nations Much information about the design and performance of the test device can be inferred from the debris such a test would not collect a large quantity of data usually considered desirable by U S weapon designers and testers FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 All five nuclear weapons states have tested nuclear devices and presumably retain the technologies needed to conduct underground nuclear explosions should the CTBT be abandoned South Africa prepared two boreholes in which it could have tested its nuclear devices those shafts have been filled and the site abandoned India conducted one instrumented underground nuclear explosion and is believed to have been readying a site for additional tests during 1996 That effort may have been abandoned but India has the technologies needed to conduct nuclear yield tests Brazil drilled a borehole for a nuclear test but that shaft was closed with great ceremony The country has the capability to instrument a nuclear explosion to some degree Sweden carried out some planning for a nuclear test in the 1960's but apparently those plans were abandoned along with its nuclear weapons program Most advanced industrial nations have the technology to conduct underground nuclear weapons tests which could be instrumented well enough to aid a weapons program Very little advanced technology is required by a proliferator wishing to conduct useful atmospheric nuclear tests but virtually all nations of concern are States Parties to the LTBT banning tests except those conducted underground II-5-94 Table 5 10-1 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters HYDRODYNAMIC TESTING Pin domes Positioning to better than 001 in time resolution to 10 ns CCL EAR 99 Steel domes pins None identified None identified HE pressure temperature and shock transducers Pressure upper limit on the order of 2-5 megabar temperature on the order of 3 000 K Rise time 1 microsec CCL EAR 99 Semiconductor grade quartz manganin metal Clean room environments common in semiconductor assembly most transducers available off the shelf OTS Understanding of device assembly dynamic range and timing from model predictions Pulse generators to calibrate cables etc Output voltages 6 V into 55 ohm resistive load with pulse transition times less than 500 ps defined as the time interval between 10% and 90% voltage amplitude CCL EAR 99 None identified None these instruments can be manufactured domestically with advanced understanding of high-speed circuits or be purchased OTS None although computer modeling codes for high speed circuit performance would be advantageous SPICE Code for example Coaxial cables Satellite TV technology Cables with 1-5 dB attenuation per 100 ft at 1 GHz readily available CCL EAR 99 None identified None cables will be procured from the open market Continuity testers and fast pulse generators used to calibrate None identified Cable connectors Satellite TV technology N C HN or LC series connectors standard CCL EAR 99 None identified None connectors will be procured from the open market Continuity testers used to quality check None identified Fast oscilloscopes usually with storage features For hydro testing subnanosecond scopes are not required Many types of digitizing scopes with 1-10 ns recording times are available NDUL 7 CCL Cat 3A None identified None available commercially OTS None but ability to forecast device performance from models to set dynamic range of data acquisition is critical Oscilloscope cameras Standard OTS cameras with triggerable shutters CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None but ability to forecast device performance from models to set trigger times is critical Values identical to those in the NDUL do not necessarily reflect the normal TWG process cont'd II-5-95 Table 5 10-1 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Transient recorders flash digitizers 100 MHz digitizer speed with NDUL 7 10-100 microseconds of CCL Cat 3A memory and 8 bits of dynamic range sufficient for hydro testing None identified None available commercially OTS None identified Time delay generators Available OTS but single cable lengths would be sufficient None identified None identified None identified Flash X-ray generators Peak energy of few hundred NDUL 5 KeV and a figure of merit CCL Cat 3A K 1 7 x 103 x V 2 65 Q greater than about 0 25 Special equipment to halt the propagation of physical bomb debris Oxygen-free copper for linear accelerator mega-volt operation low loss capacitors For smaller units marx generator and cables Dielectric oils pref PCB-free For megavolt machines based on linear accelerators ability to machine special copper to near optical finish Solutions of Poisson's equation in two or three dimensions validated against experiments Radiation shielding codes X-ray recording systems photo Medical x-ray technology scaled up to suit size of image CCL EAR 99 Medical x-ray None identified phosphors available from several suppliers None identified Mechanical framing cameras Framing rates greater than 250 000 per second NDUL 5 CCL Cat 3A None identified None identified None but ability to forecast device performance from models to set trigger times is critical Mechanical streak cameras Writing speeds greater than 0 5 mm per microsecond NDUL 5 CCL Cat 3A None identified None identified None but ability to forecast device performance from models to set trigger times is critical X-ray recording systems digital Arrays of photodiodes coupled to inorganic crystals or fiber optic coupled to CCD if imaging is required Large inorganic crystals for flux measurements CCL EAR 99 Inorganic crystals such as CsI BGO LSO or equivalent None crystals and PD arrays available commercially Photomultiplier tubes for big crystals also available Data acquisition system capable of reading 1 000 channels of data to form an image Some systems commercially available if imaging is required X-ray recording systems analog Heavy gas proportional chambers CCL EAR 99 Heavy gases such as xenon None identified None identified CCL EAR 99 cont'd II-5-96 Table 5 10-1 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Multistage light gas guns Acceleration of projectiles to or other high-velocity 2 km per second or greater gun systems coil electromagnetic electrothermal or other advanced systems Export Control Reference NDUL 5 CCL Cat 2B Critical Materials None identified Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment None identified Unique Software and Parameters None identified HYDRONUCLEAR TESTING up to few ton yield range Neutron pinex pinhole photography None available CCL EAR 99 Machinable tungsten alloy for pinhole fabrication Standard fluors for detectors Ability to machine tungsten to high precision at small dimensions electro machining for example Fast video cameras for image recording Ability to forecast device performance for dynamic range and timing and shock propagation in local geology for standoff time for data acquisition Gamma pinex pinhole photography None available CCL EAR 99 Machinable tungsten alloy for pinhole fabrication Inorganic crystals for detectors Ability to machine tungsten to high precision at small dimensions electro machining for example Fast video cameras for image recording Ability to forecast device performance for dynamic range and timing and shock propagation in local geology for standoff time for data acquisition Gamma detectors e g sodium iodide GeLi etc Standard OTS detectors used in well logging or basic research CCL EAR 99 Large inorganic crystals None detectors are commercially available Calibration by use of standard radioactive sources None identified Compton current gamma detectors Pulsed power design techniques CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified Ability to forecast device performance for dynamic range and timing and basic pulsed power codes for modeling instrument response characteristics cont'd II-5-97 Table 5 10-1 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Neutron detectors standard nuclear approaches Standard OTS detectors used in basic research CCL EAR 99 None identified None detectors are commercially available Calibration by use of standard neutron sources or generators None identified Cable crush yield measurement Standard drilling techniques and time domain reflectometry with fast pulsers CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None but ability to forecast device performance from models and understanding of shock propagation in local geology is critical X- and gamma-ray detectors Standard OTS detectors used in basic research CCL EAR 99 None identified None detectors are commercially available Calibration by use of standard radioactive sources None identified Photomultiplier tubes On the order of few ns rise time tube face larger than 20 cm2 CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None identified Coaxial cables Satellite TV technology Cables with 1-5 dB attenuation per 100 ft at 1 GHz readily available CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None but ability to carry higher currents is essential Cable connectors Satellite TV technology N C HN or LC series connectors standard CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None but ability to support connections at higher currents is essential Transient recorders flash digitizers 100 MHz digitizing speed sufficient if local data buffering of high-speed events is available in instrumentation CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None but ability to forecast device performance from models to set trigger times is critical cont'd II-5-98 Table 5 10-1 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters NUCLEAR YIELD TESTING Underground Drilling machinery Capability to drill holes CCL EAR 99 approximately 2 m in diameter to depths on the order of several hundred meters to 2 kilometers Hardened drill bits of large diameter Drill string material capable of functionin deep holes Bits shaft casing drill rigs capable of drilling large diameter holes to great depths The combination of diameter and depth is larger than common in the oil business Validated codes to simulate pressures and stresses on very deep shafts Hole stemming technologies to ensure acceptable containment Knowledge of soil permeCCL EAR 99 ability ability to seal boreshaft gas-tight even after the passage of the shockwave from the nuclear explosion None although near None identified device and detector package special material like magnetite with known neutron absorption cross sections could be required Validated models of the mechanical and thermodynamic properties of the shaft and its stem during the passage of the nuclear shockwave Neutron detectors Standard OTS detectors as CCL EAR 99 used in basic nuclear physics research but with larger standoff distance and dynamic range None identified None detectors are commercially available Calibration by use of standard neutron sources or generators None identified Gamma detectors e g sodium iodide GeLi etc Standard OTS detectors used in well logging or basic research CCL EAR 99 Large inorganic crystals None detectors are commercially available Calibration by use of standard radioactive sources None identified Compton current gamma detectors Pulsed power design techniques CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified Ability to forecast device performance for dynamic range and timing and basic pulsed power codes for modeling instrument response characteristics Photomultiplier tubes Rise time order of 5 ns or better area 20 cm2 NDUL 7 CCL Cat 6A None identified None identified None identified Microchannel plates Rise time order of 1 ns or faster area 20 cm2 WA Cat 6A CCL Cat 6A None identified None identified None identified cont'd II-5-99 Table 5 10-1 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Fast frame-rate vidicon Vidicon cameras or equivalent with 4-ms frame times or faster CCL EAR 99 None identified None but cameras are special order commercially Detailed understanding of device performance from modeling calculations Fiber-optic cables Standard OTS cables from many suppliers WA Cat 5A P1 CCL Cat 5A P1 None identified Optical assembly and test equipment common in communication industry None identified Gamma and X-ray scattering stations Set-up as for basic research experiment Precision alignment for lines of sight Fast data acquisition CCL EAR 99 None identified Precision alignment survey equipment calibration sources for detector performance Detailed modeling understanding of device performance and scattering cross sections for modeling detector response Neutron scattering stations Set-up as for basic research experiment Precision alignment for lines of sight Fast data acquisition CCL EAR 99 None identified Precision alignment survey equipment calibration sources for detector performance Detailed modeling understanding of device performance and scattering cross sections for modeling detector response Neutron pinex pinhole photography Spatial resolution 4-10 times smaller than expected pit diameter at maximum compression Time resolution on the order of 20 ns Longer stand-off range than for hydronuclear testing CCL EAR 99 None identified Precision alignment survey equipment calibration sources for detector performance Detailed modeling understanding of device performance for dynamic range Detailed understanding of local geology for shock stand-off distance X-ray pinex pinhole photography Spatial resolution 4-10 times smaller than expected pit diameter at maximum compression Time resolution on the order of 10 ns Longer stand-off range than for hydronuclear testing CCL EAR 99 None identified Precision alignment survey equipment calibration sources for detector performance Detailed modeling understanding of device performance for dynamic range Detailed under- standing of local geology for shock stand-off distance Fireball cameras Ability to coat film with three CCL EAR 99 including special 3-layer layers with different sensifilms tivities and to embed color couplers in each layer Sensitivities range from the order of ISO 0001 to ISO 100 Most useful with atmospheric testing but possible underground None identified Modern photographic emulsions useful but not necessary None identified cont'd II-5-100 Table 5 10-1 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Streak cameras Cameras capable of 50 ns or better time resolution NDUL 5 CCL Cat 3A None identified None identified None but ability to forecast device performance from models to set trigger times and dynamic range is critical Framing cameras Cameras capable of 50 ns or better frame resolution time NDUL 5 CCL Cat 3A None identified None identified None but ability to forecast device performance from models to set trigger times and dynamic range is critical Local seismic systems Basic seismographs and recording instruments for ground motion CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None but ability to forecast device performance from models and understanding of shock propagation in local geology is critical Radiochemical tracer isotopes Basic radiochemistry laboratory equipment common in reactor analysis institutions Some materials available from medical radioisotopes CCL EAR 99 Special isotopes some commercially available but rare Hot cell handling capability and detailed radiochemistry instrumentation None but detailed understanding of neutron fluxes at distances from device from model pre- dictions and neutron cross sections for rare isotopes Analysis of uncontained gases Basic radio and analytic chemistry laboratory equipment CCL EAR 99 None identified None identified None identified Oscilloscopes Many types of digitizing NDUL 7 scopes with 1-10 ns record- CCL Cat 3A ing times bandwidths greater than 1 GHz will give better alpha data None identified None available commercial OTS None but ability to fore- cast device performance from models to set dynamic range of data acquisition is critical Coaxial cables Satellite TV technology using CCL EAR 99 cables with 15 dB attenuation per 100 ft at 1 GHz but higher current capability than satellite TV cable may prove necessary None identified None identified None identified cont'd II-5-101 Table 5 10-1 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Cable connectors Satellite TV technology N CCL EAR 99 C HN or LC series connectors appropriate but with higher current capability than normal in satellite TV receiving equipment None identified None identified None identified Analog-to-digital converters 100 MHz digitizer rates sufficient if down hole buffering of data is available in instrumentation package None identified None identified None but detailed device performance characteristics from model is essential for dynamic range and timing specification MTCR 14 CCL Cat 3A WA Cat 3A II-5-102 Table 5 10-2 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies HYDRODYNAMIC TESTING Pin domes Electrical connections readouts Assuring proliferator that implosion Uncertainty of timing after HE initiation system works Simplest diagnostic currently used radio-lanthanum may be substituted Also the electromagnetic technique could be used HE pressure temperature and shock transducers Speed reliability accuracy Verifying operation of complex implosion designs None although primitive arrays of crushable or frangible materials could be used for coarse measurements Pulse generators to calibrate cables etc Repeatability Facilitating analysis of experiments by None pulse generators are allowing detailed calibration of cable readily available or could be performance and delays manufactured domestically Coaxial cables Low loss over very long runs Required to bring signal from test consistent impedance low dispersion apparatus to data recording Cables with 1-5 dB attenuation over 100ft None but older type cables may be satisfactory in some cases particularly if the cable length is kept small Cable connectors Low loss at connections low dispersion repeatability Required to link cables None but older connectors may provide adequate performance if the number of joints is minimized Fast oscilloscopes usually with storage features Sweep speed sensitivity rise time Principal extreme speed data recording device Modern oscilloscopes are necessary for precision testing of advanced design weapons but it must be remembered that most weapon types ever manufactured were tested using oscilloscopes which are no better than those found in commercial applications today Oscilloscope cameras Triggerable shutter with film cassette Data recording of fast transient events Flash digitizers or storage scopes from scope screen Transient recorders flash digitizers Speed memory capability computer data acquisition system Data recording of fast transient events Scope cameras using digital recording Time-delay generators Accuracy predictability and repeatability Synchronizing recording devices None but adequate generators are found in TV stations In some cases simple cable lengths could be used cont'd II-5-103 Table 5 10-2 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Flash x-ray generators Photon energy and spectrum power output rise time pulse length repeatability Observing interior of imploding system Energy below the 500 KeV of the NDUL will probably be satisfactory X-ray recording systems photo Sensitivity uniformity of response over film surface Observing interior of imploding system Digital radiographic arrays of scintillating crystals with photodiodes attached Mechanical framing cameras Speed repeatability frame-to-frame uniformity Recording one or more frames from xray burst Fast video recorders with MCP gating for time elapsed images Mechanical streak cameras Speed repeatability Observing high speed phenomena Electronic streak cameras X-ray recording systems digital Linearity of response response time Observing interior of imploding systems and recording information for computer analysis Photographic approaches X-ray recording systems analog Linearity of response response time Observing interior of imploding systems and recording information for off-line analysis Fast video recorders with MCP gating for time elapsed images or framing cameras Multistage light gas guns or other high velocity gun systems coil electromagnetic electrothermal or other advanced systems Muzzle velocity repeatability precision of adjustment sensors in or on test samples Determining the equation of state of fissile materials at values of pressure temperature and density found in nuclear explosive devices EOS data for uranium were published in open literature in 1947 HYDRONUCLEAR TESTING up to few ton yield range Neutron pinex pinhole photography Pinhole size location from device data recording system and shuttering Observing onset of nuclear reactions None identified in imploding device and imaging the imploding system to assess uniformity and deviations from symmetry Gamma pinex pinhole photography Pinhole size location from device data recording system and shuttering Observing onset of nuclear reactions None identified in imploding device and imaging the imploding system to assess uniformity and deviations from symmetry Gamma detectors e g sodium iodide GeLi etc Size large enough to prevent escape of photons crystal quality coupling of output signal from detector to photomultiplier or other light-toelectrical transducer Observing onset of nuclear reactions in imploding device Triggered wire proportional chambers spark chambers If the yield is large enough simple Compton current detectors can be used Compton current gamma detectors Yield must be high enough for significant Compton currents to be generated Observing time development of gamma rays from nuclear event Crystal gamma detectors cont'd II-5-104 Table 5 10-2 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Neutron detectors standard nuclear approaches Efficiency uniformity repeatability high-speed response Determining rate of multiplication of chain reaction in order to assess degree of implosion and probable yield None If the yield is big enough simple faraday cups measuring the proton current from n p reaction in a CH foil could be used Neutron detectors faraday cup approach Efficiency uniformity repeatability high-speed response Determining rate of multiplication of chain reaction in order to assess degree of implosion and probable yield Neutron detectors standard nuclear approaches Cable crush yield measurement Time domain reflectometry of cable during event Measurement of shock-wave propagation in material near event site Neutron measurements or radchem techniques X- and gamma-ray detectors Size large enough to prevent escape of photons crystal quality coupling of output signal from detector to photomultiplier or other light-toelectrical transducer Determining rate of multiplication of chain reaction in order to assess degree of implosion and probable yield n gamma reactions may be easier to measure than direct neutrons Determine temperature of nuclear reaction Triggered wire proportional chambers spark chambers If the yield is large enough simple Compton current detectors can be used Photomultiplier tubes Rise time transit time noise level UV sensitivity reliability in high radiation environment Sensor used in many of the detectors used for particle counting None but satisfactory PM tubes are commonly available most from Japan Coaxial cables Low loss over very long runs consistent imepdance low dispersion Cables with 1-5 dB attenuation over 100 ft Link test device to electronic data recording instruments Older cables with poorer dielectric properties particularly if cable lengths can be minimized Fiberoptic cables Cable connectors Low loss at connections low dispersion repeatability Link cables to one another and to device and recording instruments Older connectors may be used Fast oscilloscopes usually with storage features Sweep speed sensitivity rise time Principal extreme speed data recording device Modern oscilloscopes are necessary for precision testing of advanced design weapons but most weapon types ever manufactured were tested using oscilloscopes which are no better than those found in commercial applications today Transient recorders flash digitizers Speed memory capability computer data acquisition system Data recording of fast transient events Scope cameras using digital recording cont'd II-5-105 Table 5 10-2 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies NUCLEAR YIELD TESTING Underground Drilling machinery Bit diameter ability to drill to great depths Prepare site for installation of nuclear test device Convert existing mines use dedicated horizontal shafts excavated with conventional techniques Hole stemming technologies to ensure acceptable containment Gas tightness ability to withstand ground shock and effects of device on base of the stem Ability to contain debris for extended period Close borehole so that debris from nuclear test does not escape Preventing the escape of radioactive debris denies adversaries a valuable look at the performance of the test device Needed to comply with Limited Test Ban Treaty Many types of stemming will probably be reasonably effective This is a civil construction issue and has been moderately well documented in the open literature Fundamental technologies are not exotic Neutron detectors Efficiency uniformity repeatability high speed response calibration and calibration stability Determining rate of multiplication of chain reaction in order to assess degree of implosion and probable yield None if the device yield is great enough simple faraday cups measuring the proton current from n p reactions in a polyethylene CH foil could be used X- and gamma-ray detectors Size large enough to prevent escape of photons crystal quality coupling of output signal from detector to photomultiplier or other light-toelectrical transducer Determining rate of multiplication of chain reaction in order to assess primary performance n gamma reactions may be easier to measure than direct neutrons Determine temperature of nuclear reaction Estimate ability of primary to drive secondary Triggered wire proportional chambers spark chambers If the yield is large enough simple Compton current detectors can be used Photomultiplier tubes Rise time size of output pulse linearity of output pulse size vs input signal Sensor used in many of the detectors used for particle counting Older-design tubes with 1 ns risetime may be useful particularly for unboosted fission devices Interstage timing requires higher speed Microchannel plate Rise time size of output pulse linearity of output pulse size vs input signal Faster-responding photomultiplier PM tubes with slower responses Fast frame-rate vidicon Phosphor type for persistence readout electronics Obtaining images of exploding device CCD or CID cameras Fiber-optic cables Loss dispersion band width of transmitters and receivers Transmitting large amounts of data from down-hole to recording facility Also for direct transmission of optical output of detectors for up-hole recording Coaxial cables cont'd II-5-106 Table 5 10-2 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Gamma and x-ray scattering stations Fluxes detector response for dynamic Observing developing radiation range and bandwidth without overloading sensors Scatters small fraction of primary radiation to a sensor which cannot see device directly Not needed for many types of tests Increasing standoff distance of detector package allows for other approaches Neutron scattering stations Fluxes detector response for dynamic Observing developing radiation range and bandwidth without overloading sensors Scatters small fraction of primary radiation to a sensor which cannot 'see device directly Not needed for many types of tests Increasing standoff distance of detector package allows for other approaches Neutron pinex pinhole photography As above but for much larger neutron fluences Image device during nuclear explosion X-ray pinex period X-ray pinex pinhole photography As above but for much larger photon fluences Image device during nuclear explosion Neutron pinex period Fireball cameras including special 3-layer films Shutter film advance mechanism Photograph fireball for conventional None but most underground tests viewing Special film has 3 layers with do not photograph fireball different sensitivities typically between ISO 0 001 and 1 000 so that both early and late stages of explosion can be recorded on the same film Streak cameras Device performance forecast Photograph high-speed events during explosion None but commercial hardware may suffice Framing cameras Device performance forecast Photograph high-speed events during explosion None but commercial hardware may suffice Local seismic systems Understanding of local geology Make first determination of yield None Standard seismographic techniques Radiochemical tracer isotopes Placement of tracers drill back technology radiological hazard handling of materials Make most accurate determination of yield Neutron or photon flux measurements Analysis of uncontained gases Placement of sample collecting devices Supplements radiochemical analysis and may give details of the performance of a complex device Radiochemical analysis of debris in shot hole cont'd II-5-107 Table 5 10-2 Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Fast oscilloscopes usually with storage features Sweep speed sensitivity rise time Principal extreme speed data recording device Modern oscilloscopes are necessary for precision testing of advanced design weapons but most weapon types ever manufactured were tested using oscilloscopes which are no better than those found in commercial applications today Coaxial cables Low loss over very long runs consistent impedance low dispersion Cables with 1-5 dB attenuation over 100 ft Link test device to electronic data recoridng instruments Older cables with poorer dielectric properties particularly if cable lengths can be minimized Fiberoptic cables Cable connectors Low loss at connections low dispersion repeatability Link cables to one another and to device and recording instruments Older connectors may be used Analog-to-digital converters Time response dynamic range event performance forecast Convert readily made analog measurements to digital values for post-shot computer analysis Scopes with scope cameras and digitizing of film II-5-108 SECTION 5 11--NUCLEAR WEAPONS CUSTODY TRANSPORT AND CONTROL OVERVIEW The enormous destructive power and the small physical size of many modern nuclear weapons has led to the development of stringent measures to ensure against theft or unauthorized use In addition much effort has gone into the development of safe and secure methods of transporting nuclear weapons and into the development of training and operational concepts so that if needed nuclear weapons will be used to the greatest effect Generally these technologies and related processes are not unique to nuclear weapons or necessarily lie on a path to nuclear weapons The technologies for the custody transport and control of nuclear weapons are all commercially available DoD's approach to maintaining the physical security of nuclear weapons is manpower intensive Large numbers of security personnel accompany the vehicle s actually transporting nuclear weapons Civil law enforcement personnel lead the convoy while a considerable number of military vehicles--on the land and in the air--are added to handle physical security Constant secure radio contact is maintained with a home base that is ready to respond with additional security personnel should the need arise With routings varied and classified and with massive amounts of physical security DoD ensures that each nuclear weapon is kept safe and secure while en route to be mated with its corresponding delivery system Once mated DoD provides multiple layers of protection often including roving patrols for nuclear-loaded aircraft In addition when missiles were not in hardened silos multiple guards were required for missiles carrying nuclear weapons The DoD requires more than one guard for any maintenance actions on nuclear-loaded missiles Two-man control and no-lone zones apply in nuclear-weapon-related activities in U S practice such operations are unique to nuclear operations Increased security is also the rule when dealing with nuclear weapons When moving nuclear weapons on DoD sites the routes are typically swept and sanitized before the move RATIONALE As noted previously all of the technologies involved are commonly available industrial technologies fundamental to security operations worldwide The entire spectrum of sensor technology and communications technology--both secure and nonsecure--can be included in the custody transport and control of nuclear weapons Highlights o o o Nuclear weapons must be protected against theft or damage during transport this function is frequently accomplished by an adequate guard force Technologically based security is provided by a mix of technologies no one of which is extremely sensitive Taken in the aggregate the methods of securing nuclear weapons are highly sensitive Most of the technologies themselves are unclassified Standing up of elite forces to deliver and secure nuclear weapons might be an intelligence indicator that a proliferant was on the verge of obtaining nuclear weapons Monitoring many of these technologies is difficult and their acquisition only means that the acquiring state or subnational group has something very important to protect--but it does not have to be a nuclear weapon Also procedural changes in security forces which identify uniquely nuclear operations are equally difficult to determine Since the new proliferant or subnational actor will most likely have a very limited number of nuclear weapons increased security would be required for protection of the weapons as well as to prevent the use of the weapon FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 The fundamental technologies for custody transport and control of nuclear weapons can be found in essentially every military in the world for they simply involve the provision of a well-disciplined guard force in adequate strength to defend against any likely threat The assessed security requirement will depend upon the country in question The United States has a long lead over most other countries in technologyintensive ways of protecting nuclear weapons II-5-109 Table 5 11-1 Nuclear Weapons Custody Transport and Control Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Motion Detection Sensors Alarms Any level which impedes the operations of EOD teams seeking access to IND None identified None identified None identified None identified Laser Detection Systems Any level which delays or denies access to IND None identified None identified None identified None identified Temperature Sensitive Sensors Alarms Any level None identified None identified None identified None identified Radios and Transceivers Systems subsystems or equipment developed or modified for security communications networks or C4I systems that perform integrated C4I system security communications network functions Systems engineered to be None identified difficult to detect or which do not transmit in plain language and where decrypting cannot be done in real time Encryption chip manufacture None identified None identified Acoustic detection sensors alarms Any level which impedes the operations of EOD teams seeking access to IND None identified None identified None identified None identified Pressure sensitive detectors alarms Any level which impedes the operations of EOD teams seeking acess to IND None identified None identified None identified None identified II-5-110 Table 5 11-2 Nuclear Weapons Custody Transport and Control Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Motion Detection Sensors Alarms None identified Security and defensive only May be used to protect emplaced devices None identified Laser Detection Systems None identified Security and defensive only May be used to protect emplaced devices None identified Temperature Sensitive Sensors Alarms None identified Security and defensive only May be used to protect emplaced devices None identified Radios and Transceivers Systems subsystems or equipment developed or modified for security communications networks or C4I systems that perform integrated C4I system security communications network functions Encryption level required to gain tactical security decrypt time circa 2-4 hours for someone not in possession of the key For this application security and defensive only However any C4I capability can be used offensively to coordinate attacks Encryption used to gain tactical OPSEC None identified Acoustic Detection Sensors Alarms None identified Security and defensive only May be used to protect emplaced devices None identified Pressure Sensitive Sensors Alarms None identified Security and defensive only May be used to protect emplaced devices None identified II-5-111 SECTION 5 12--HEAVY WATER PRODUCTION OVERVIEW Heavy water D2O is water in which both hydrogen atoms have been replaced with deuterium the isotope of hydrogen containing one proton and one neutron It is present naturally in water but in only small amounts less than 1 part in 5 000 Heavy water is one of the two principal moderators which allow a nuclear reactor to operate with natural uranium as its fuel The other moderator is reactor-grade graphite graphite containing less than 5 ppm boron and with a density exceeding 1 50 gm cm3 The first nuclear reactor built in 1942 used graphite as the moderator German efforts during World War II concentrated on using heavy water to moderate a reactor using natural uranium The importance of heavy water to a nuclear proliferator is that it provides one more route to produce plutonium for use in weapons entirely bypassing uranium enrichment and all of the related technological infrastructure In addition heavy-watermoderated reactors can be used to make tritium Although one speaks of making heavy water deuterium is not made in the process rather molecules of heavy water are separated from the vast quantity of water consisting of H2O or HDO singly deuterated water and the dross is discarded Alternatively the water may be electrolyzed to make oxygen and hydrogen containing normal gas and deuterium The hydrogen can then be liquefied and distilled to separate the two species Finally the resulting deuterium is reacted with oxygen to form heavy water No nuclear transformations occur RATIONALE The production of heavy water in significant amounts requires a technical infrastructure but one which has similarities to ammonia production alcohol distillation and other common industrial processes One may separate heavy water directly from natural water or first enrich the deuterium content in hydrogen gas It is possible to take advantage of the different boiling points of heavy water 101 4 C and normal water 100 C or the difference in boiling points between deuterium -249 7 C and hydrogen -252 5 C However because of the low abundance of deuterium an enormous amount of water would have to be boiled to obtain useful amounts of deuterium Because of the high heat of vaporization of water this process would use enormous quantities of fuel or electricity Practical facilities which exploit chemical differences use processes requiring much smaller amounts of energy input Highlights o Heavy water is separated from ordinary water by enrichment cascades o The separation factor at each stage is higher for heavy water than for uranium but heavy water must be enriched far more than uranium o Practical heavy water plants use chemical exchange processes such as H2 S H2 O Girdler Sulfide or NH3 H 2 o Distillation columns to finish heavy water enrichment to 99 75% are similar to those used in distilling brandy from wine Separation methods include distillation of liquid hydrogen and various chemical exchange processes which exploit the differing affinities of deuterium and hydrogen for various compounds These include the ammonia hydrogen system which uses potassium amide as the catalyst and the hydrogen sulfide water system Girdler Sulfide process Separation factors per stage are significantly larger for deuterium enrichment than for uranium enrichment because of the larger relative mass difference However this is compensated for because the total enrichment needed is much greater While 235U is 0 72 percent of natural uranium and must be enriched to 90 percent of the product deuterium is only 015 percent of the hydrogen in water and must be enriched to greater than 99 percent If the input stream has at least 5 percent heavy water vacuum distillation is a preferred way to separate heavy from normal water This process is virtually identical to that used to distill brandy from wine The principal visible difference is the use of a phosphor-bronze packing that has been chemically treated to improve wettability for the distillation column rather than a copper packing Most organic liquids are nonpolar and wet virtually any metal while water being a highly polar molecule with a high surface tension wets very few metals The process works best at low temperatures where water flows are small so wetting the packing in the column is of particular importance Phosphor-bronze is an alloy of copper with 02- 05 percent lead 05- 15 percent iron 5- 11 percent tin and 01- 35 percent phosphorus II-5-112 The Bruce Heavy Water Plant in Ontario Canada is the world's largest producer of D2O It uses the Girdler Sulfide GS process which incorporates a double cascade in each step In the upper cold 30-40 C section deuterium from hydrogen sulfide preferentially migrates into water In the lower hot 120-140 C section deuterium preferentially migrates from water into hydrogen sulfide An appropriate cascade arrangement actually accomplishes enrichment In the first stage the gas is enriched from 0 015% deuterium to 0 07% The second column enriches this to 0 35% and the third column achieves an enrichment between 10% and 30% deuterium This product is sent to a distillation unit for finishing to 99 75% reactorgrade heavy water Only about one-fifth of the deuterium in the plant feed water becomes heavy water product The production of a single pound of heavy water requires 340 000 pounds of feed water 20 and the material is export controlled In addition a source of deuterium is essential for the production of tritium and 6LiD two ingredients of thermonuclear weapons A nation seeking large quantities of heavy water probably wishes to use the material to moderate a reactor and may be planning to produce plutonium However CANDU CANadian Deuterium Uranium reactors designed and built in Canada are used for commercial electric power production FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 Heavy water is produced in Argentina Canada India and Norway Presumably all five declared nuclear weapons states can produce the material The first commercial heavy water plant was the Norsk Hydro facility in Norway built 1934 capacity 12 metric metric tons per year this is the plant which was attacked by the Allies to deny heavy water to Germany As stated above the largest plant is the Bruce Plant in Canada 1979 700 metric tons year India's apparent capacity is very high but its program has been troubled Accidents and shutdowns have led to effective limitations on production Proliferation Implication Assessment Heavy water is the key to one type of reactor in which plutonium can be bred from natural uranium As such the production of heavy water has always been monitored 20 Isotope Enrichment Office of Nonproliferation and National Security U S Department of Energy Nuclear Nonproliferation Workshop K NSP-121 PT 5 R3 May 1996 Unclassified II-5-113 Table 5 12-1 Heavy Water Production Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment All parts contacting solutions must be free of hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons Unique Software and Parameters Pumps for potassium amide liquid ammonia Hermetically sealed capacity NDUL 4 8 5 cubic meters per hour NRL-K Concentrated potassium amide 1% operating at 15-600 atm Dilute potassium amide 1% operating at 200-600 atm Forgings to withstand pressure Water-hydrogen sulfide exchange tray columns Effective assembled diameter of 1 8 m or greater Fabricated from fine carbon steel e g ASTM A516 with diameters from 6 m to 9 m capable of operating at pressures greater than or equal to 2 MPa 200 atm and with a corrosion allowance of 6 mm or more Note that a sufficient tower may be smaller but probably must operate in a similar pressure range Blowers and comNone identified pressors for H2S circulation Throughput capacity greater than or equal to 56 cubic meter s while operating at pressures greater than or equal to 1 8 MPa 260 psi suction with seals designed for wet H2S service Note that sufficient pumps may have less capacity but probably operate in a similar pressure range None identified Ammonia-hydrogen exchange towers 35 m or more in height with NRL-B6 diameters of 1 5-2 5 m capa- NRC-K ble of operating at pressures 15 MPa 2 225 psi These towers have at least one flanged axial opening of the same diameter as the cylindrical part of the tower in order to insert or withdraw tower internals Stage pumps and contactors to promote intimate gas liquid contact Pumps must be submersible None identified None identified Infrared absorption analyzers On-line analysis of hydrogen NTL-B6 deuterium ratios where NRC-K deuterium concentrations are greater than or equal to 90% None identified None identified None identified NTL B6 NRC-K NDUL 4 CCL Cat 1B None identified cont'd II-5-114 Table 5 12-1 Heavy Water Production Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Catalytic burners for conversion of deuterium gas into heavy water especially following the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process Possession of catalysts alternatively can use simple combustion NTL-B6 NRC-K None identified None identified None identified Phosphor-bronze mesh packings for use in vacuum distillation of heavy water and chemically treated to improve wettability Possession NDUL 4 CCL Cat 1A None identified None identified None identified Cryogenic distillation towers Operate at temperatures NDUL 4 35 K and at pressures of CCL Cat 1B 0 5-5 MPa 5-50 atm Generally 1 m in diameter and with effective length of at least 5 m Fine-grain austenitic None identified stainless steel with an ASTM or equivalent standard grain size number of 5 or greater None identified Ammonia converters or synthesis units Operating pressure of NDUL 4 20-60 MPa typically 3-5 m in CCL Cat 1B diameter and 9-12 m long Stainless steel lining None identified None identified II-5-115 Table 5 12-2 Heavy Water Production Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Pumps for potassium amide liquid None identified ammonia Preparation of heavy water for plutonium or tritium production reactors Hydrogen sulfide process vacuum distillation Water-hydrogen sulfide exchange None identified tray columns Preparation of heavy water for plutonium or tritium production reactors Ammonia hydrogen exchange process vacuum distillation Ammonia-hydrogen exchange towers None identified Preparation of heavy water for plutonium or tritium production reactors Hydrogen sulfide process vacuum distillation Infrared absorption analyzers None identified Analysis of products from heavy water None identified plants Catalytic burners for conversion None identified of deuterium gas into heavy water especially following the ammoniahydrogen exchange process Preparation of heavy water for plutonium or tritium production reactors Conventional burning Phosphor-bronze mesh packings for use in vacuum distillation of heavy water and chemically treated to improve wettability None identified Preparation of heavy water for plutonium or tritium production reactors Ammonia-exchange or hydrogen sulfide processes Cryogenic distillation towers None identified Preparation of heavy water for plutonium or tritium production reactors Ammonia-exchange or hydrogen sulfide processes Ammonia converters or synthesis units None identified Preparation of heavy water for plutonium or tritium production reactors None identified II-5-116 SECTION 5 13--TRITIUM PRODUCTION OVERVIEW Tritium 3H is essential to the construction of boosted-fission nuclear weapons A boosted weapon contains a mixture of deuterium and tritium the gases being heated and compressed by the detonation of a plutonium or uranium device The D-T mixture is heated to a temperature and pressure such that thermonuclear fusion occurs This process releases a flood of 14 MeV neutrons which cause additional fissions in the device greatly increasing its efficiency The tritium beta decay to 3He mean beta particle energy 5 7 keV decay energy 18 6 keV can be easily detected or can cause some other compound to fluoresce Tritium is therefore used as a radioactive tracer element in biological research in the form of tritiated water HTO or T2O and also used in capsules surrounded by a fluorescing compound e g zinc sulfide to provide illumination which must be independent of the electricity supply For example it is used in emergency exit signs selfluminous airport runway and helicopter pad lights and light wands for use in directing traffic The amounts of tritium in runway lights helipad lights and light wands are sufficiently great that they meet the NSG Dual-Use Annex specifications Emergency exit signs and aircraft emergency exit lights do not contain sufficient tritium to meet the NDUL specifications for control The low energy of the beta decay means that tritium is not an external radiation hazard because the charged decay products are stopped by 0 2 mil of water or a similar shield However tritium can pose an internal radiation hazard if tritiated water vapor is inhaled or absorbed through the skin Because of its higher mass and consequent lower chemical activity tritium gas is less strongly absorbed by the body whether through the lungs or the skin Nuclear physics experiments in which tritium is compared to 3He have been important to our understanding of fundamental properties of the nuclear force RATIONALE Tritium is rare in nature because of its 12 4-year half-life It is produced by cosmic radiation in the upper atmosphere where it combines with oxygen to form water It then falls to earth as rain but the concentration is too low to be useful in a nuclear weapons program Highlights o o Tritium is essential for producing boosted-fission weapons Practical quantities of tritium must be produced in a nuclear reactor or in an electronuclear breeder Most tritium is produced by bombarding 6Li 6Li n a 3H with neutrons in a reactor it is also produced as a byproduct of the operation of a heavy-water-moderated reactor when neutrons are captured on the deuterons present It has been suggested that it may be feasible to produce tritium in an accelerator electronuclear breeder in which protons bombard an appropriate target Tritium can be stored and shipped as a gas a metal hydride e g of titanium or tritide and trapped in zeolites hydrated aluminum silicate compounds with uniform size pores in their crystalline structure Stainless-steel cylinders with capacities up to 5 6 x 107 GBq 1 5 MCi of tritium gas are used for transportation and storage and must be constructed to withstand the additional pressure which will build up as tritium gradually decays to 3He Tritium is used in boosted fission devices and in some designs for thermonuclear weapons FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 5 0-2 All five declared nuclear weapon states must have the underlying capability to manufacture and handle tritium although the United States has shut down its production reactors due to safety considerations Canada manufactures tritium as a byproduct of the operation of CANDU reactors In principle limited amounts of tritium could be made in any research reactor with the ability to accept a target to be irradiated II-5-117 Table 5 13-1 Tritium Production Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters 6 Li for production target heavy water Production reactor or electronuclear breeder None identified Stainless steel cylinders None identified capable of withstanding at least twice the initial tritium fill pressure Also metal hydride storage cylinders Stainless steel titanium or uranium for hydriding tritium None identified None identified Production reactor Nuclear reactor operating with a surplus of neutrons suitable for irradiating a target Frequently heavywater-moderated NTL B1 NRC A 6 Li targets for irradiation None identified Nuclear reactor codes specially modified to take into account neutron absorption in a fertile target Electronuclear breeder High current proton accelerator 1 mA continuous at 100 MeV None identified High-purity copper or superconducting usually niobium accelerator cavities 6Li Special accelerator equipment for construction and test of usually niobium superconducting RF cavities extremely rapid-acting vacuum valves Cooled lithium neutron target neutron production target Accelerator design and operating software specially adapted to the case of high current operation Elemental tritium Any pure quantity Storage and shipping NDUL 8 NRC L Table 5 13-2 Tritium Production Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Thermonuclear and boosted fission weapons Alternative Technologies Elemental tritium Production transport use weaponization Storage and shipping Hydriding of metals pressure vessels Gas storage and handling for weapons None identified knowledge of properties of hydrogen and hydrides pressure-testing equipment Production reactor Operation of research or production reactors with fertile targets Production of materials for TN and boosted fission weapons Electronuclear breeder Electronuclear breeder Design development and test of accelerator and target systems supply of electricity fabrication of copper components or superconducting cavities target design and construction Production of materials for TN and boosted fission weapons Reactor usually heavy-watermoderated II-5-118 None identified SECTION VI NUCLEAR WEAPONS EFFECTS TECHNOLOGY SECTION 6--NUCLEAR WEAPONS EFFECTS TECHNOLOGY 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 8 Scope Underground Nuclear Weapons Effects NWE Testing II-6-5 Blast and Shock Effects from Nuclear Detonations II-6-11 Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects II-6-16 Transient Radiation Effects in Electronics TREE and Systems-Generated Electromagnetic Pulse SGEMP Effects II-6-22 Nuclear Effects on Electromagnetic Signal Propagation II-6-26 High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP Effects II-6-28 Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse SREMP Effects II-6-31 Pulsed-Power Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulation II-6-33 Highlights o o o o BACKGROUND A nuclear detonation creates a severe environment including blast thermal pulse neutrons x- and gamma-rays radiation electromagnetic pulse EMP and ionization of the upper atmosphere Depending upon the environment in which the nuclear device is detonated blast effects are manifested as ground shock water shock blueout cratering and large amounts of dust and radioactive fallout All pose problems for the survival of friendly systems and can lead to the destruction or neutralization of hostile assets Although some nuclear weapons effects NWE such as blast and cratering have analogs in the effects of conventional weapons many NWE are unique to nuclear use In addition blast and other common weapons effects are likely to be much more powerful in the nuclear case than in the realm of conventional weapons NWE are so severe that combinations of two or more simultaneously as in a real event may not add linearly complicating the design and construction of physical simulators or the writing and validation of computer simulation codes OVERVIEW Some NWE can be modeled mathematically using powerful computers others and in particular the combination of several effects are beyond valid analytic or numerical assessment The only way to know if friendly systems or target assets will endure a given nuclear attack may be to expose representative equipment to real nuclear NWE technologies enable a country to harden more effectively its offensive and defensive systems against a nuclear weapon Physical simulators that mimic the environments generated by a nuclear explosion and validated computer codes that can predict the NWE on systems are both used to evaluate the vulnerabilities of potential targets or delivery systems Each type of nuclear weapons effect--blast and shock thermal radiation transient nuclear radiation and EMP--requires its own set of physical simulators and validated codes Few simulators are able to replicate more than one NWE Both physical simulators and validated codes require large financial investments explosions or to construct complex simulators which reproduce a part of the spectrum of NWE Until the conclusion of the Limited Test Ban Treaty LTBT in 1963 the United States conducted atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons and it was relatively simple to include effects testing in the experiment By signing the 1963 accord the United States the UK and the Former Soviet Union agreed to discontinue atmospheric testing testing in outer space and testing under water The only environment in which nuclear devices could be detonated was underground in circumstances where radioactive debris did not drift beyond national boundaries In the years between 1963 and 1992 the States Parties to the LTBT conducted underground tests to study NWE As a result of congressional action the United States unilaterally entered a testing moratorium which was made permanent with the signing of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty CTBT in 1996 Because it is no longer considered acceptable for the United States to conduct any nuclear explosions for any reason future U S assessments of the vulnerability of its systems or of potentially hostile systems will have to rely upon the use of simulation and analysis validated by comparison with the results from almost 50 years of testing Combinations of nuclear weapons effects pose particularly difficult simulation problems The thermal pulse can weaken or ignite a target permitting the blast wave II-6-1 to be more effective than against a cold object X-ray radiation can damage electronics and protective systems making the target more vulnerable to neutrons EMP and transient radiation effects in electronics TREE can operate synergistically Thermal effects could conceivably damage some components designed to harden a system against EMP Low-energy x-rays absorbed by a target in space can heat surface material to the vaporization point causing it to explode away from the system producing shock effects within the target The effects produced and the ranges at which they are effective depend upon the yield of the nuclear weapon and the height of burst HOB and may depend upon the design of the device itself Potential proliferators will not have their own data from atmospheric and underground testing of nuclear weapons to use in validating simulation and analysis If a proliferator decides that detailed knowledge of weapons effects is necessary for developing either a targeting or a survival strategy it will need to gain a useful increment of information beyond that in the open literature e g in Glasstone and Dolan's The Effects of Nuclear Weapons and in more technical publications to justify the expense of simulation It will also have to acquire a detailed knowledge of the mechanisms by which nuclear weapons produce their physical effects Should a proliferator actually carry out an NWE test despite international norms against such testing one can infer that the testing state can produce significantly more special nuclear material SNM than it requires for its war stocks Theoretical predictions of NWE based on computer codes and algorithms that have not been compared with experiments may not be accurate and the details of such experiments are not generally available Those codes and algorithms which have been validated by experiment usually contain adjustable parameters and are much more reliable predictors of NWE Such codes are termed substantiated Physical simulation provides more confidence in predicting NWE because it does not rely upon the mathematical approximations of codes and algorithms but uses physical phenomena closely related to those produced by a nuclear detonation to test the behavior of real systems But physical simulation remains second best compared to testing against a real nuclear detonation The technologies to be discussed at length in this section are briefly described in the following paragraphs 1 Underground Nuclear Weapons Testing Underground testing UGT can provide much insight into weapon design radiation effects gammas neutrons x-rays on military systems selected aspects of shock and blast thermal effects and source region EMP SREMP Countries with limited defense budgets are less likely than the major nuclear powers to have had exhaustive underground testing programs 2 Blast and Shock Effects From Nuclear Detonations Although thermal radiation EMP and ionizing radiation from a nuclear blast are all damage producing at yields below about a megaton the blast and shock produced by a nuclear weapon are the predominant means of damaging a target For some targets such as underground bunkers and missile silos blast and shock are virtually the only effective destructive mechanisms 3 Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects The intensity of thermal radiation decreases only as the inverse square of the distance from a nuclear detonation while blast shock and prompt ionizing radiation effects decrease more rapidly Thus high-yield weapons are primarily incendiary weapons able to start fires and do other thermal damage at distances well beyond the radius at which they can topple buildings or overturn armored vehicles 4 TREE and System-Generated Electromagnetic Pulse SGEMP Effects An understanding of TREE and SGEMP is of critical importance in designing and building equipment that can survive a nuclear attack It is not clear however that a nation having limited financial and technical resources could develop unique radiation-hardened devices and or systems These countries could however test a few critical subsystems or systems in an established foreign simulation facility Although there are certain aspects of TREE and SGEMP technology that are of general scientific interest for nations which have interests in the acquisition of nuclear weapons the desire to evaluate and test systems at SGEMP and TREE dose rate levels typical of nuclear weapons is a useful indicator that they plan on nuclear combat whether as a user or as a victim of the weapon While TREE and SGEMP may indeed be effective a nuclear planner without the benefit of extensive simulation and substantiated codes will probably rely on the gross NWE such as blast shock and thermal radiation 5 Nuclear Effects on Electromagnetic Signal Propagation Nuclear effects on electromagnetic signal propagation which affects command control communications computers and intelligence C4 I are of concern to countries expected to use nuclear weapons particularly those which intend to explode a weapon at great altitudes or those which expect to have to defend against such a nuclear attack C3I technology is primarily affected by high-altitude nuclear effects that could interrupt satellite-to-satellite communications satellite-to-aircraft links or satelliteto-ground links Most nations will hope that signals from Global Positioning System GPS satellites and ground-based differential GPS transmitters will be usable shortly after a nuclear explosion as well as traditional communications channels which must be protected II-6-2 6 High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP Effects The electromagnetic pulse generated by the detonation of a single nuclear weapon at high altitudes can be a threat to military systems located as much as a thousand miles away HEMP can disable communications systems and even power grids at enormous distances from the burst This type of threat could be used by a third world country that has the capability to launch a rocket carrying a high-yield device about 1 megaton or more a few hundred kilometers into the upper atmosphere and a few thousand kilometers from its own territory to avoid damaging its own systems Nuclear weapons effects simulators particularly for HEMP require high-energy terawatt-class power conditioning Parts of these systems have significantly advanced energy storage switching and power-control technologies in the submicrosecond multimegajoule regime These technologies directly map into support for the power technologies needed for advanced weapons such as high-power microwaves 7 Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse SREMP Effects This technology is specifically concerned with nuclear detonations that occur at very low altitudes down to ground level and that are usually targeted at military installations Interest in this technology is uniquely associated with interest in using or defending against the use of nuclear weapons SREMP produces an environment characterized by a combination of electromagnetic and ionizing radiation caused by a lowaltitude nuclear detonation 8 Pulsed-Power Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulation Although this technology is focused on developing simulators which produce pulsed electromagnetic and particle radiation resembling that arising from a nuclear weapon it is shared by many nations Certain aspects of this technology have relevance for non-nuclear directed-energy weapons devices and thermonuclear power technology Countries that have an interest in acquiring in-house capability in this technology could possibly have a long range interest in nuclear weapons The financial investment required for admission is however very large RATIONALE Nuclear detonations are the most devastating of the weapons of mass destruction To make this point one need only recall the pictures from Hiroshima or the international furor over the accidental but enormous radiation release from the Chernobyl power plant The contamination from Chernobyl was significantly larger than would have been expected from a nuclear detonation of about 20 kT at ground level but was comparable in extent to what might result from a small nuclear war in which a dozen or so weapons of nominal yield were exploded at altitudes intended to maximize blast damage Hence for those nations which are concerned about being the victims of a nuclear attack the requirement for understanding and implementing ways of mitigating NWE is important It is just as important for the user of a nuclear weapon to understand and be able to mitigate NWE on his own forces not merely on the delivery vehicle unless he can be certain that there will be no nuclear retaliatory strike Some important nuclear weapons effects are subtle in their action producing no obvious visible damage to targeted systems If these effects are to be employed deliberately the using state must understand them well To do so requires simulation and substantiated computation codes In the absence of nuclear testing simulation equipment numerical simulation and theoretical analysis of NWE are the only means states can verify how NWE will affect their own forces and those of their opponents in a nuclear environment NWE simulation as well as survivability and hardening programs have both offensive and defensive aspects and may be desired by both nuclear possessor states and those with neither nuclear weapons nor plans to build them FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 6 0-1 Most of the relevant equipment and specialized software has been developed in parallel by many countries including Russia China the UK and France as well as Japan Germany Switzerland Sweden Canada and members of the former Warsaw Treaty Organization Although the simulation survivability and hardening equipment available from non-Western countries is inferior to that produced in the West years behind in the case of HEMP simulation it may be good enough to permit a nuclear aspirant to understand how to make its own equipment more survivable than otherwise The most advanced capabilities usually only are necessary when one is trying to design equipment to be the lightest most effective and most efficient when one backs away from the edge of the envelope less-detailed analysis and testing may suffice After all the NATO allies operated acceptably survivable equipment decades ago II-6-3 Country Australia Canada China Egypt France Germany India Iran Iraq Israel Italy Japan Libya North Korea Pakistan Russia South Africa UK United States Sec 6 1 Underground Testing Sec 6 2 Blast and Shock Legend Sufficient Technologies Capabilities Sec 6 3 Thermal Radiation Sec 6 4 TREE and SGEMP Sec 6 5 Signal Propagation exceeds sufficient level sufficient level Sec 6 6 HEMP some Sec 6 7 SREMP Sec 6 8 Pulsed Power limited Because two or more countries have the same number of diamonds does not mean that their capabilities are the same An absence of diamonds in countries of concern may indicate an absence of information not of capability The absence of a country from this list may indicate an absence of information not capability Figure 6 0-1 Nuclear Weapons Effects Foreign Technology Assessment Summary II-6-4 SECTION 6 1--UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR WEAPONS EFFECTS TESTING OVERVIEW This section concentrates on those additional and specific technologies needed for nuclear weapons effects testing The technologies for underground nuclear testing in general are covered in Section 5 10 Underground nuclear weapons effects tests UGWETs provide nuclear environments for demonstrating the hardness and survivability of military equipment and materials as well as for studying basic nuclear effects phenomenology The UGWET-specific technologies include horizontal emplacement of the device the provision of evacuated horizontal line-of-sight HLOS tubes for viewing the detonation and mechanical closures to prevent debris from traveling through the HLOS tube to the experiment station that measures the radiation and shock environment and the response of systems Also included are scattering station design and the computer codes necessary to understand the results of the experiments Technologies to contain the release of radiation are only covered to the extent that they differ from those used in nuclear weapon development tests For effects testing horizontal emplacement tests HET are preferred over vertical emplacement tests because the emplacement of device and test equipment is simplified Horizontal tunnels provide greater experiment flexibility and access Vertical shaft tests are less expensive but only provide limited exposure area because of the risk associated with containment when the crater is formed The need to excavate large cavities for the placing of test samples and the construction of appropriate environments for those samples for example a vacuum for reentry bodies drives the conductor of HLOS tests to seek suitable terrain such as a mesa or mountainside Effects tests could also be conducted inside a deep mine HETs can incorporate large cavities so that shock and SREMP from a low-yield device actually have space to develop to the point where they are representative of similar effects in the open air from a large-yield weapon The minimum burial depth is D 400 Y1 3 feet and the radius of the cavity formed by the detonation is R 55 Y1 3 feet where linear dimensions are measured in feet and yield in kilotons The object of an HET is often to allow nuclear radiation to reach the test object while preventing it from being destroyed by the other effects Indeed scientists expect to be able to recover the test instrumentation Such a test requires redundant contain- Highlights o o o o o Full-yield nuclear tests are the only way to produce all relevant nuclear weapon effects simultaneously Underground nuclear weapons effects tests can provide insight into weapon performance nuclear radiation effects shock and blast thermal effects and source region EMP SREMP Signatories of the 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty CTBT including all five declared nuclear weapon states and Israel are no longer permitted to conduct nuclear test explosions For those states physical simulation combined with validated computer codes provides the most reliable way to evaluate NWE Even when it was allowed underground testing was a very expensive way to garner the needed information It was used by countries with significant economic bases and which were also committed to the development of nuclear offensive and defensive capabilities Complete containment of radioactive debris is probably essential if a nation wishes to conduct a clandestine nuclear test In any underground nuclear weapons effects test UGWET fast-acting mechanical closures to prevent debris from reaching the test objects are unique and critical equipment ment vessels the first around the device a second around all of the experiment to protect the tunnel system if the inner vessel fails and the experimental equipment is lost and a third to ensure that no radiation escapes into the atmosphere even if the experimental equipment is lost and the tunnel system contaminated The HET-HLOS configuration is most often used for radiation effects tests but the HLOS configuration must withstand the blast and shock waves produced by the device The HLOS pipe is tapered from about 6 inches in diameter at the zero room the device emplacement cavity to about 30 feet in diameter at the experimental area 1 500 to 1 800 feet away and provides a clear line of sight to the device for those test subjects which need to see direct radiation II-6-5 Not all experiments require direct nuclear radiation many are suitable for use with a scattered lower intensity beam produced in a scatter station--typically made with appropriate nuclear and atomic properties to deflect the correct wavelength and intensity of radiation The design of these scatter stations requires both technical skill and experience so that the scattered radiation is properly tailored for its intended use An incorrectly designed station could mean that the test object is exposed to incorrect radiation types or intensities which could significantly reduce the value of the test A number of techniques are used in parallel to ensure that the HLOS pipe is closed before nuclear debris reaches the experiment X- and gamma-rays travel at the speed of light and electrons beta particles and neutrons are not much slower The debris however moves much more slowly at hydrodynamic velocities A modified auxiliary closure MAC or when lower-yield weapons are used a fast acting closure FAC positioned close to the device location--the working point--is able to shut the pipe in about 1 ms and to withstand pressures of about 30 000 psi A gas seal auxiliary closure GSAC farther along the HLOS pipe can close in less than 30 ms and the tunnel and pipe seal TAPS will shut the pipe off in 300-700 ms The TAPS is considerably farther from the working point than the FAC and therefore a has more time to function and b must close a larger aperture due to the taper of the HLOS pipe These closure technologies are likely to require significant experience to develop to the point of reliable operation Other instrumentation to measure device performance delivered shock thermal pulse electromagnetic pulse and radiation is essentially similar to that used in a device development test see Section 5 10 RATIONALE Emplacement canisters fast-acting closures for HLOS tunnels and containment technology are the keys to preventing the release of radioactive debris into the atmosphere allowing UGWET tests to be conducted without their being detected off-site Mechanical closure designs and materials unique to underground tests in general and UGWET in particular include mechanical and cable gas-flow blocking designs and techniques that operate up to a pressure difference of 1 000 psi for up to an hour and specialized explosive and or mechanically driven devices capable of isolating portions of the HLOS pipe during or within the first 100 ms after exposure to radiation Because the experimental area is often quite large and is at a considerable distance from the working point the vacuum systems needed to evacuate air from them to simulate a space environment are unusual Required are specially designed diffusion or cryogenic pumps capable of maintaining a pressure much less than 10-3 Torr over a pipe system as long as 1 800 feet and varying in diameter from as small as 1 inch to as large as 30 feet The crystals used to determine the energy spectrum of the radiation are unusual as well and must be specially designed and fabricated to measure x-ray fluences at levels 0 1 cal cm2 in a time 50 ns and to operate in the UGT environment FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 6 0-1 Some foreign vendors can manufacture digitizers measurement systems and fiber-optic equipment comparable to those used in U S UGWET France manufactures digitizing oscilloscopes Japan South Korea and Taiwan manufacture the electronic components for measurement and recording systems and Germany manufactures cryogenic vacuum pumps of the large size required for HLOS events For an FTA covering equipment generally usable in a nuclear test see Section 5 10 II-6-6 Table 6 1-1 Underground Nuclear Weapons Effects Testing Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters UGWET Testbed that Contains the Nuclear Radiation Generated in the Explosion Contain radioactive release USML XVI that concurrently complies with environmental constraints and detection using mechanical and cable-gasflow blocking designs that withstand up to 1 000 psi for up to 1 hour or mechanical devices that isolate portions of the line-of-site pipe within 100 ms after exposure to radiation techniques for recording analog signals with frequency content 250 MHz timing and firing systems that provide a probability of failure less than 0 01% Systems that permit measurement and recording of x-ray fluence 0 1 cal cm2 and timeresolved spectra in the photon energy range 50 eV to 500 keV measure and record neutron spectrum at flux levels 1019 n cm2-5 of 14 MeV neutrons measure the complete time-dependent flux of gamma rays Stemming materials Specially designed mechanical closures that prevent the uncontrolled release of gas or debris diffusion or cryogenic pumps that maintain less than 1 Torr over a total pipe system more than 500 feet in length manufacturing equipment that can maintain 2-dimensional uniformity 1% detectors that measure X-ray fluence 0 1 cal cm2 stress and particle motion gauges capable of measuring stress greater than 1 kilobar and velocities 10 m s airblast gauges with 2 ms risetime Substantiated computer codes and algorithms for computing coupled radiation hydrodynamics flow especially in 2- or 3-dimensional geometry high-temperature opacity x-ray deposition and material response shock propagation and equation-of-state stress waves in and around nuclear explosive cavities Maxwell's equations in ionized air and evaluate x-ray blowoff Scattering Station Design Design parameters and USML XVI design rules for scatter station design that facilitate the acquisition of information on system response to the nuclear and electromagnetic radiation generated in UGWETs Lithium hydride None identified Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that facilitate the design of scatter stations and collectively incorporate the effects of electromagnetic and x-ray environments cont'd II-6-7 Table 6 1-1 Underground Nuclear Weapons Effects Testing Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Codes and Related Algorithms for Computing Coupled RadiationHydrodynamics Flow Radiation hydrodynamic flow USML XVI parameters that have been derived from UGT environments that improve the ability to design UGWETs None identified None identified Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that compute radiationhydrodynamics flow for the range of parameters relevant to an underground nuclear test environment Computer Codes and Related Algorithms for Computing HighTemperature Opacity Opacities of materials of atomic number greater than 71 and for photon energies from 50 to 20 000 electron volts USML XVI None identified None identified Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that compute hightemperature opacity including ionized gas contributions and multigroup opacity libraries created by such codes Computer Codes and Related Algorithms for Computing x-ray Deposition and Material Response Thermal conduction and electron transport parameters theoretically derived and or empirically deduced from UGWETs that can accurately predict the response of thin-film optical systems to nuclear weapon generated x-rays USML XVI None identified None identified Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that can predict x-ray deposition and material response of thin-film optical systems Computer Codes and Related Algorithms for Computing Shock Propagation and Equation of State Substantiated parameters for USML XVI shock propagation and equation of state at high pressures and temperatures that can be used in the prediction of these entities None identified None identified Substantiated computer codes and algorithms for computing shock propagation that contain equation of state information at high pressures and temperatures II-6-8 Table 6 1-2 Underground Nuclear Weapons Effects Testing Reference Data Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies UGWET Testbed that Contains the Nuclear Radiation Generated in the Explosion Technology Containing the large overpressures generated by nuclear detonation while allowing the transport of nuclear radiation through the various test chambers and preventing the residual gases from reaching the atmosphere Developing instrumentation and integrated electronic systems that can operate acceptably in the presence of the high level ionizing radiation and strong shock waves that are generated by the nuclear detonation All military systems that must operate in a nuclear detonation environment involving gamma rays x-rays thermal radiation or shock waves Above-ground radiation testing techniques computer codes and related algorithms for determining system response to nuclear weapons Scattering Station Design Methods of obtaining sufficient energy from the main nuclear radiation beam using suitable scattering materials in conjunction with placement of measurement instrumentation to obtain a large amount of information on the radiation response of subsystems Typical radiation levels at the experiment are 1 cal cm2 of x-rays 1012 neutrons cm2 All military systems that must operate in a nuclear detonation environment involving gamma rays x-rays or neutrons Above-ground radiation testing techniques computer codes and related algorithms for determining system response to nuclear weapons Codes and Related Algorithms for Computing Coupled RadiationHydrodynamics Flow Incorporating experimental data into theoretical models that give accurate results for coupled radiationhydrodynamics flow All military systems that must operate in a nuclear detonation environment involving gamma rays x-rays or neutrons None identified Computer Codes and Related Algorithms for Computing HighTemperature Opacity Incorporating experimental data into theoretical models that give accurate results for x-ray and gamma ray energy absorption and transmission through materials All military systems that must operate in a nuclear detonation environment involving gamma rays x-rays or neutrons None identified Computer Codes and Related Incorporating experimental data into Algorithms for Computing x-ray theoretical models that give accurate Deposition and Material Response results for the energy deposition and response of thin films to x-rays All military systems that must operate in a nuclear detonation environment involving gamma rays x-rays or shock waves None identified Computer Codes and Related Algorithms for Computing Shock Propagation and Equation of State All military systems that must operate in a nuclear detonation environment involving gamma rays x-rays or shock waves Gas guns and flyer-plate tests Incorporating experimental data into theoretical models that provide insight into the equation of state at extremely high pressure and temperature cont'd II-6-9 Table 6 1-2 Underground Nuclear Weapons Effects Testing Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Computer Codes and Related Algorithms for Computing Stress Waves from Nuclear Explosive Cavities Incorporating experimental data into theoretical models that give predictable and repeatable results for the stress waves produced by underground nuclear detonations All military systems that must operate None identified in a nuclear detonation environment involving gamma rays x-rays thermal radiation or shock waves Computer Codes and Related Algorithms for Computing x-Ray Induced Blow-Off Incorporating experimental data into theoretical models that give predictable and repeatable results for the blow-off of materials produced by incident x-rays All military systems that must operate None identified in a nuclear detonation environment involving gamma rays x-rays thermal radiation or shock waves II-6-10 SECTION 6 2--BLAST AND SHOCK EFFECTS FROM NUCLEAR DETONATIONS OVERVIEW As pictures of Hiroshima Nagasaki and of the test structures erected at the Nevada Test Site in the 1950's amply demonstrate the blast and shock waves produced by nuclear explosions are the principal means for destroying soft targets Ground shock from a low-altitude surface or underground burst may be the only way to destroy hardened underground structures such as command facilities or missile silos In the absence of atmospheric and underground nuclear testing to determine the survivability of structures means must be found to simulate the phenomena associated with a nuclear explosion For blast and shock this can be done either in a large-scale open-air test employing chemical explosives or in a specially designed test facility which can also produce thermal fluxes comparable to those from a nuclear weapon The air blast from a nuclear explosion is however different from that produced by conventional explosives Because of the intense thermal pulse the surface and near-surface air mass surrounding ground zero is heated rapidly Within this heated region the blast wave travels more rapidly than it does in the cooler air above As a result blast waves reflected from the ground travel outwards and merge with the direct blast wave from the explosion This produces a nearly vertical shock front called the Mach stem which is more intense than that from the direct blast To simulate the Mach stem with tests using high explosives scientists employed helium-filled bags at ground level surrounding the high explosives used in the test Because such tests can only be scaled and do not replicate the actual effects of a nuclear explosion only scale models of test objects could normally be used More recently U S attention has focused on a higher pressure regime than can be attained in open-air testing and on the construction of large simulators capable of reproducing simultaneously the blast and the thermal pulse from a nuclear detonation These simulators typically employ a fuel-oxygen mixture for example liquid oxygen and finely powdered aluminum and consist of long semicircular tubes These simulators can even approximate the effects of soil type on blast wave propagation as well as the entraining of dust in the blast wave RATIONALE Proliferators could conduct nuclear simulations to obtain quantitative data about the behavior of blast and shock waves interacting with real structures The actual combination of overpressure dynamic pressure lift and diffraction effects on a target is exceedingly difficult to model analytically or to simulate numerically particularly without actual data Military interest in the effects of dynamic loading on systems is in Highlights o o o o Blast and shock effects are the primary damage-producing mechanisms for soft targets such as cities and are often the only effective mechanism for destroying underground structures such as missile silos Nuclear weapons with yields below about one megaton are particularly identifiable as blast shock weapons Nuclear blast and shock phenomena differ from those produced by conventional chemical explosives because of their long duration and large overpressures There is considerable overlap between the pressure regime of nuclear-produced blast and shock and that of air drag produced in strong hurricanes the survivability of tracked and wheeled vehicles towed vehicles C3 shelters etc in the pressure regime characteristic of nuclear weapons Civilian interest is in the survivability of similar systems and structures subjected to storm winds The two are not completely distinct interests because the dynamic pressure from strong hurricanes may be comparable to that from nuclear blasts Military interest also focuses on shock loading a dynamic process which differs from the nearly steady-state effects of storm winds As a rule of thumb a 30 kPa pressure threshold corresponding to a 60 m s particle velocity in the shock or a drag force equivalent to that produced by about 210 km hr 130 mph steady winds distinguishes the military and civilian applications A frequently used design objective for civil structures is survivability in 190 km hr 120 mph winds Technologies for simulation include not only the ability to produce strong shocks and air blasts but also those used to measure shock wave values dynamic pressure in a dusty environment and deflections or other motions of the test structure Dust-loaded shock tubes are unique to NWE testing Similarly combining both blast and thermal pulse would be unique to the nuclear situation Explosives which are diluted or mixed with inert materials such as dilute explosive tiles produce more uniform detonations that more closely resemble a nuclear detonation such explosives would also be critical to NWE testing II-6-11 Simple software for computing nuclear blast shock and thermal effects is already uncontrolled but codes which have been compared with nuclear detonations and which have been improved as a result are critical FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 6 0-1 U S capability in numerical simulations of nuclear blast effects is probably unsurpassed but France Canada the UK and Germany are making rapid progress in the field Note that neither Canada nor Germany possesses nuclear weapons and that neither is believed to have any program to acquire such arms Israel has some capability in numerical simulation Most likely Russia does as well The French had the most advanced Western blast simulator a compressed-airdriven facility with a 70 m2 cross section that is large enough to test full-sized military vehicles The United States now has the Large Blast Thermal Simulator with a larger cross section about 300 m2 a greater operating envelope than the French installation and the capability to perform combined synergistic blast and thermal simulations thermal pulse up to 8 cal cm2 Germany has a blast simulator with a cross-section of 76 m2 and is acquiring thermal radiation simulators The Germans are good at shock wave photography in small laboratory-scale shock tubes The UK has a smaller explosively driven blast simulator with a smaller cross-section and smaller operating envelope than any of the above-listed facilities The UK also operates lamp-type thermal radiation simulators Canada Australia Sweden Switzerland Norway Israel and the Netherlands have had active blast simulation programs in the past Italy Japan India and Pakistan have capabilities in some critical elements of survivability and hardening to nuclear blast and thermal radiation Japan has been conducting high-quality laboratory-scale shocktube research Russia and some Eastern European states have above-ground blast simulators comparable to those of the United States and other NATO nations Most of the countries with blast simulation capabilities do not possess nuclear weapons and likely acquired the technologies to study the survivability of their own assets II-6-12 Table 6 2-1 Blast and Shock Effects from Nuclear Detonations Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Nuclear Airblast Simulator Overpressure and or USML XVI dynamic pressure levels exceeding 3 kPa dust generated by nuclear burst with scaled HOB below 250m KT 1 3 and all highyield bursts at higher HOB for high humidity layers below 3 000 m above sea level Explosives or explosives mixed with inert materials dilute explosives specially designed for nuclear weapons simulation Miniaturized gauges that can measure pressure and structural response shock tubes or other devices that can simulate the non-ideal nuclear airblast environment Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that predict the pressure waveform generated by a nuclear airblast that can be used for designing the simulator and for calibration System Level Thermal Blast Simulators for LowAltitude Nuclear Detonations 3 000 K e b b source pulse- USML XVI length 0-10 s surface emittance 8 cal cm2-s that can test subsystems and systems against combined thermal and blast effects of a low-altitude nuclear detonation Liquid oxygen powdered aluminum Instrumentation for measuring response of systems and materials for flux levels 8 cal cm2-s cameras with spectral resolution 0 25 nm sampling rate 120 s and with 10-bit resolution Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that can interpret and extrapolate the results from simulation to real systems and include the response of materials at elevated temperature and temperature gradients in the presence of shock waves Nuclear Ground Shock Simulator Peak overpressures from 0 1 MPa surface flush and shallow-buried structures that extend from the surface to several meters below the surface USML XVI Explosives or explosives mixed with inert materials dilute explosives specially designed for nuclear weapons simulation Allweather materials that can protect RVs launch vehicles and aircraft against dust Instruments for measuring effects resulting from stresses 10 MPa gauges that measure stresses and strains in underground detonations None identified Underwater Nuclear Detonation Simulator Overpressures greater than 100 psi and having impulse sufficient to degrade the operational capability of seabased assets resulting from an underwater nuclear detonation USML XVI None identified None identified None identified cont'd II-6-13 Table 6 2-1 Blast and Shock Effects from Nuclear Detonations Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Thermostructural Shock Simulator Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Generate time history 1 to USML XVI 100 ns pulse duration of soft x-ray induced shock wave on space platforms Critical Materials None identified II-6-14 Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Optical measuring None identified systems that exhibit less than 10 mm per meter change in lateral or longitudinal dimensions when exposed to levels of x-ray generated pressures and impulses necessary to degrade the operational effectiveness of space assets Table 6 2-2 Blast and Shock Effects from Nuclear Detonations Reference Data Technology Nuclear Airblast Simulator Technical Issues Military Applications Ability to maintain sufficiently high pressure for sustained period of time using high explosives so as to adequately simulate the effect of a nuclear blast System Level Thermal Blast Achieving synchronization of blast Simulator for Low-Altitude Nuclear and thermal radiation waveforms Detonations Alternative Technologies Above-ground communication nodes jeeps trucks tanks artillery RVs boost vehicles and aircraft Substantiated computer codes and related algorithms that predict overpressure and impulse on surface platforms and dust lofting and atmospheric transport laboraory scaled experiments of airblast over nonideal grounds using laser beam facilities Above-ground communication nodes jeeps trucks tanks artillery RVs boost vehicles and aircraft Substantiated computer codes and related algorithms that predict combined effects of blast and thermal radiation Nuclear Ground Shock Simulator Disposable simulation techniques that Buried communication nodes produce ground-shock shocks 5 MPa bunkers underground missile silos and coupled energy 10 KT of TNT that may either be simply covered or structurally reinforced Substantiated computer codes and related algorithms that predict any of the following airblast ground shock loads on flushmounted shallow-buried or deeply buried structures that may include the effect of non-ideal terrain Underwater Nuclear Detonation Simulator Engineering of conventional highexplosive shaped charges to simulate nuclear detoanation pressure-time history of underwater detonation Combat and combat-related surface ships submarines Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that predict overpressure and impulse on surfce ships and submarines due to nuclear-produced underwater detonations out to ranges where the pressures fall to 100 psi Satellites ICBMs Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that can predict the mechanical and structural response of missile spacecraft structures due to nuclear weapon generated x-rays Thermostructural Shock Simulator Tailoring of shock overpressure and impulse pulse width 1 to 100 ns on irregular surface of space structures and RVs II-6-15 SECTION 6 3--NUCLEAR THERMAL RADIATION EFFECTS OVERVIEW Thermal radiation decays only as the inverse square of the distance from the detonation Thus weapons in the megaton class and above are primarily incendiary weapons able to start fires and do other thermal damage at distances well beyond the radius at which they can topple buildings or overturn armored vehicles The effect of thermal radiation on unprotected human beings is likely to be very serious producing flash burns over large areas of the body However the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings demonstrated that once the victim is beyond the radius at which light-colored fabrics are directly ignited even simple precautions can greatly reduce the extent and seriousness of thermal injuries Many examples exist of people severely burned on their faces and arms but unburned beneath even a thin shirt or blouse Thermal effects on structures are equally complex The response of a structure to the thermal pulse from a nuclear weapon depends upon its composition wood masonry concrete the type and albedo of any exterior paint the transparency of any windows facing the burst the type texture and composition of roofing and even the presence or absence of awnings and shades For weapons in the 1 to 200-kiloton region used against structures commonly found in the West blast effects are likely to predominate larger weapons will have the ability to start fires at distances far greater than they can inflict significant blast damage Films of tests conducted in Nevada in the 1950's confirm that at the extreme distance at which wood-frame houses can be ignited by lower yield weapons the buildings are blown apart seconds later by the blast wave while structures which survive the blast do not ignite after the blast Tests conducted in the Pacific using megaton-class weapons show the opposite effect Secondary fires started by broken gas mains electrical short circuits etc are not considered here To fight on the modern electronic battlefield one must understand the effects of nuclear weapons on sensors which function in the ultraviolet optical and infrared wavelength regions Much less information about the response of such instruments is available openly simply because no modern sensors were operating in Japan in 1945 and few were tested above ground before the LTBT went into effect Thus a state seeking to harden its sensors against the light flash from a nuclear weapon must determine the spectrum of the radiation from the weapon simulate that spectrum at appropriate intensity levels and for representative durations and then expose sensors to the flash This probably could be done for small systems and sensors in a facility of modest size using commercially available non-nuclear technology it is much more Highlights o o o o o The thermal flash from nuclear weapons in the megaton class is able to ignite structures at distances greater than the blast wave from the same weapons can destroy them Ignition of wood etc takes place at fluences of about 5 cal cm2 while many modern structures can withstand overpressures of at least a few psi Thermal radiation can produce flash burns on unprotected human beings but at distances beyond that at which clothing is ignited by the flash even simple precautions can greatly reduce injuries Thermal radiation from a nuclear weapon can adversely affect sensors in the infrared through the ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum A country seeking to harden its sensors against the light flash from a nuclear weapon must determine the spectrum from the weapon as affected by atmospheric absorption and then simulate that spectrum at appropriate intensity levels for representative duration High-temperature blackbody radiation sources are used for simulation of the nuclear thermal radiation difficult to test large systems Note that the spectrum of interest is a function of the yield of the attacking weapon the time after detonation and the distance the sensor is from the burst because the atmosphere is not uniformly transparent at all wavelengths of interest RATIONALE The fireball from a nuclear explosion reaches blackbody temperatures greater than 107 K so that the energy at which most photons are emitted corresponds to the x-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum For detonations occurring below 30 000 m 100 000 ft these X-rays are quickly absorbed in the atmosphere and the energy is reradiated at blackbody temperatures below 10 000 K Both of these temperatures are well above that reached in conventional chemical explosions about 5 000 K For II-6-16 detonations below 100 000 feet 35 percent to 45 percent of the nuclear yield is effectively radiated as thermal energy In addition to the high temperature of the nuclear fireball the blackbody radiation is emitted in a characteristic two-peaked pulse with the first peak being due to the radiating surface of the outrunning shock As the shock front temperature drops below 6 000 K thermal radiation decreases when the shock front becomes transparent to radiation from the interior This occurs between 10-5 and 10-2 seconds after detonation At about 0 1 second after detonation the shock front becomes sufficiently transparent that radiation from the innermost hottest regions becomes visible producing a second thermal peak Before the second peak begins the fireball has radiated only about one quarter of its total energy About 99 percent of the total thermal energy is contained in the second pulse The duration of this pulse depends on the yield of the weapon and the height of burst HOB it ranges from only about 0 4 s for a 1 kT airburst to more than 20 s for a 10 MT explosion Both theory and experiment indicate that the dominant thermal pulse can be adequately represented by a blackbody at a temperature between 6 000 and 7 000 K which places the peak of the spectrum near the boundary between the ultraviolet and the visible regions of the spectrum The shape of the Planck spectrum is such that most of the radiation is contained in the visible and infrared regions The response of any given system to the thermal pulse depends on the absorption properties of the test subject but also to the distance from the burst and the atmospheric conditions between fireball and target such as clouds snow aerosols and dust The atmosphere is not equally transparent at all wavelengths so the spectrum of the radiation incident on a target must be correctly calculated and then simulated By the same token known atmospheric absorption effects can be used by a system incorporating sensors at different distances from a nuclear explosion to establish the characteristics of the explosion itself and therefore the weapon type Such information would be very useful in selecting appropriate responses Sensors used to deliver information on which decision makers can rely however must be calibrated against simulated nuclear fireballs under a wide range of atmospheric conditions Mixing and ignition facilities with surface emittance rates on the order of 150 cal cm2-s at blackbody temperatures of 3 000 K are critical to some simulators Such mixer facilities should mix fuel and oxidizer before ignition to avoid the production of smokes and particulate clouds Instrumentation designed to function at flux levels above about 150 cal cm2 -s is specialized to the nuclear simulation role this intense radiation environment can easily melt all known materials over the duration of a full thermal pulse These conditions are not found in any commercial applications Other processes and technologies such as plasma discharges with arc diameters 1 0 cm and arc lengths 10 cm for current greater than 1 000 A and more than 300 kW input power are unique to nuclear simulation and have no commercial applications Software is to be validated against nuclear detonations or simulations and intended to model the characteristics of the fireball as functions of the characteristics of the nuclear source burst environment and atmospheric conditions FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 6 0-1 The new U S Large Blast Thermal Simulator LBTS is the most advanced facility of its type in the West having a larger operating envelope blast than the comparable French instrument plus the capability to perform simultaneous blast and thermal testing also a capability lacked by the French The United States and France lead in full-scale thermal pulse simulation technology Large-area chemically driven thermal-radiation simulators were developed in the United States but have been sold to France the UK and Germany The United States operates flash and continuous-lamp facilities and uses solar furnaces on small targets France and Germany have made incremental improvements to the simulators purchased from the United States Russia and some Eastern European countries have thermal simulators comparable to those of the United States and other NATO nations II-6-17 Table 6 3-1 Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects Technology Parameters Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Liquid oxygen powdered aluminum Movable asymptotic calorimeters for measuring thermal flux cameras with spectral resolution 0 25 nm digital sampling rate 120 s and with 10-bit resolution No special commercial software is required for power control USML XVI None identified Instrumentation including photometers and flux gauges that can accurately measure incident flux densities in the 10's of W cm2 range temperature and flux are inferred from power density measurement No special commercial software is required for power control Programming effort is challenging but straightforward Solar Parabolic Dish Parabolic Trough Systems Parabolic dish that generates USML XVI solar thermal power by tracking the sun and provides 75 kW total thermal power peak flux 1500 W cm2 over a 15-in diameter circular area and can control pulse duration in millisecond range None identified Instrumentation including photometers and flux gauges that can accurately measure incident flux densities in the 10's of W cm2 range temperature and flux are inferred from power density measurement No special commercial software is required for power control Programming effort is challenging but straightforward Solar Furnace Systems Heliostat that tracks and USML XVI directs sunlight into parabolic dish and can provide total thermal power and peak flux 400 W cm2 and can control power to simulate nuclear thermal transients None identified Instrumentation including photometers and flux gauges that can accurately measure incident flux densities in the 10's of W cm2 range temperature and flux are inferred from power density measurement No special commercial software is required for power control Programming effort is challenging but straightforward Technology High Intensity Thermal Radiation Chemical Energy Sources Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference 3 000 K e b b sources pulse USML XVI length 1 sec that can provide a flux 7 cal cm2-s to test objects with volumes 100 cubic feet Solar Power Tower Heliostats and receiver that Central Receiving Tower produce 3 000 K e b b with Mirror Field provide 5 MW total thermal power peak fluxes 260 W cm2 illuminate targets as large as 27 m2 and simulate thermal nuclear transient in second range Unique Software and Parameters cont'd II-6-18 Table 6 3-1 Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects Technology Parameters cont'd Technology Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Thermal Effects Simulators for IR Detectors Peak energy density from 1 to 103 J cm2 peak power density from 103 to 106 W cm2 laser irradiation pulses from 10-7 to 1 sec uncertainty in damage threshold 35% USML XVI Photovoltaic Detectors PV HgCdTe PbSnTe Pyroelectric Detectors TGS SBN Thin-film Photoconductors PC PbS PbSe bulk HgCdTe Laboratory lasers having None identified following capabilities peak energy density from 1 to 103 J cm2 peak power density from 103 to 106 W cm2 pulse width from 10-7 to 1 sec Thermal Effects Simulators for Optical Semiconductors Pulse length between 10-9 to 10-4 sec power density from 105 to 108 W cm2 USML XVI Ge Si InSb GaAs SiGa SiAs InAs InGaSb PbSnSe LiTaO3 Laboratory lasers having None identified following range of capability pulse length between 10-9 to 10-4 sec power density from 105 to 108 W cm2 Thermal Radiation Effects Soft x-Ray Simulators Using Plasma Radiation Source Soft x-ray photon energies USML XVI between 1 to 10 keV radiation spectrum for ontarget fluences 4 5 cal cm2 over an area fraction of a centimeter in under 100 ns capability of generating peak pressures in 10 s of kbar few GPa range None identified Plasma Radiation Source None identified Magnetic Driven Flyer Plates Simulator for Soft x-ray Thermal Radiation Effects Magnetic driven flyer plates that simulate thermally generated pressures at the surface of space platforms as high as 10 kbar and impulses as low as 5 ktap 500 Pa-s None identified Pulsed power system for None identified magnetic field Explosive Loading Simulators for Soft x-ray Thermal Radiation Effects Explosively driven flyer USML XVI plates that simulate thermally generated pressures and impulses at the surface of generic shaped space platforms of moderate size e g RVs with pressures 1 kbar to 70 kbar 7 GPa for fiberreinforced organic ablators and up to 13 GPa for metal targets and impulses ranging from several hundred taps to 7 000 taps 700 Pa-s High Explosives None identified USML XVI II-6-19 None identified Table 6 3-2 Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies High Intensity Thermal Radiation Chemical Energy Sources Generate nuclear thermal radiation for testing and evaluation of materials components subsystems and systems for military application Systems that must survive the thermal Substantiated computer codes effects from a low altitude nuclear and algorithms that can predict detonation the response of systems to the thermal radiation generated by a nuclear detonation solar simulation methods Solar Power Tower Central Receiving Tower with Mirror Field Precise computer control of reflector Systems that must survive the thermal field to simulate thermal nuclear pulse effects from a low altitude nuclear design and focus of mirrors techdetonation niques for determining incident flux These must work in combination with high speed shutter to produce the leading edge of the thermal pulse Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that can predict the response of systems to the thermal radiation generated by a nuclear detonation chemical energy sources Solar Parabolic Dish Parabolic Trough Systems Design and fabrication of facets tailor Systems that must survive the thermal power level by facet alignment control effects from a low altitude nuclear of transients in conjunction with high detonation speed shutter to replicate nuclear thermal pulse especially leading edge techniques for determining incident flux Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that can predict the response of systems to the thermal radiation generated by a nuclear detonation chemical energy sources Solar Furnace Systems Design and fabrication of facets tailor Systems that must survive the thermal power level by facet alignment control effects from a low altitude nuclear of transients in conjunction with high detonation speed shutter to replicate nuclear thermal pulse especially leading edge techniques for determining incident flux Substantiated computer codes and algorithms that can predict the response of systems to the thermal radiation generated by a nuclear detonation chemical energy sources Thermal Effects Simulators for IR Detectors Determination of damage thresholds for detectors including vaporization and melting in photoconductors cracking caused by thermal stress in pyroelectric detectors and junction degradation in photodiodes Sensor systems that must survive the Substantiated computer programs thermal effects from either a low or and algorithms that can predict high altitude nuclear detonation melting and vaporization cracking caused by thermal stress and junction degradation taking into account laser beam parameters and geometry Thermal Effects Simulators for Optical Semiconductors Theoretical models for optical and carrier transport depth of heated material coupled diffusion equations for temperature and excess carrier density non-linear processes including two-photon absorption freecarrier absorption dynamic Burstein shift Sensor systems that must survive the Substantiated computer programs thermal effects from either a low- or that can predict optical and carrier high-altitude nuclear detonation transport depth of heated region coupled diffusion equations for temperature and excess carrier density two-photon absorption free-carrier absorption and dynamic Burstein shift cont'd II-6-20 Table 6 3-2 Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects Reference Data cont'd Technology Technical Issues Thermal Radiation Effects Soft xRay Simulators for High-Altitude Nuclear Detonations Using Plasma Radiation Source Simulation of impulse material blowoff spallation and surface damage caused by vaporization and or ablation buckling of thin-walled structures brittle fracture delamination nucleation and growth of flaws RVs and space platforms that must survive a high-altitude NUDET Military Applications Substantiated multidimensional shock wave computer programs that incorporate constitutive models of composite materials blow-off fracture nucleation growth of flaws buckling brittle fracture and delamination Simulation of Soft x-ray Thermal Radiation Effects Produced by High-Altitude Nuclear Detonations Using Magnetic Driven Flyer Plates Increasing the size of the energy source 500 kJ for applying magnetic pressures 10 kbar 1 GPa to large targets RVs and space platforms that must survive a high-altitude NUDET Substantiated multidimensional shock wave computer programs that incorporate constitutive models of composite materials blow-off fracture nucleation growth of flaws buckling brittle fracture and delamination Explosive Loading Simulator for Soft x-ray Thermal Radiation Effects Methods for concurrent simulation of RVs and space platforms that must peak pressure impulse and angular survive a high-altitude NUDET distribution of shock waves produced by soft x-rays on moderate to large space platforms or segments of space platforms using a combination of the Sheet-Explosive Loading Technique SELT Light-Initiated High Explosive LIHE technique and methods for spraying explosive on complex targets such as the Spray Lead at Target SPLAT technique Specific issues are SELT--accounting for finite velocity and oblique shock wave instead of uniform detonation time over surface and nonperpendicular shock especially at low stress reducing the minimum explosive thickness to permit reduction of impulse to threat levels and adjusting the peak pressure and impulse using attenuators LIHE--produce impulses 1 000 taps 100 Pa-s using shortduration blast waves reduce sensitivity of explosives and improve handling capabilities and apply to complex target shapes SPLAT-- generate low-impulse simulation for large test objects Substantiated multidimensional shock wave computer programs that incorporate constitutive models of composite materials blow-off fracture nucleation growth of flaws buckling brittle fracture and delamination II-6-21 Alternative Technologies SECTION 6 4--TRANSIENT RADIATION EFFECTS IN ELECTRONICS TREE AND SYSTEMS-GENERATED ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE SGEMP EFFECTS OVERVIEW Many military systems and increasingly civilian systems such as communications and weather satellites must be capable of operating in environments containing sources of both natural and man-made radiation In this context radiation refers to particle-like effects caused by neutrons photons and charged particles When energetic radiation passes through matter many complex processes occur including Compton scattering photoelectric excitation Auger electron emission and pair production caused by photons ionization caused by charged particles and various nuclear processes caused by neutrons Neutron-induced reactions can stimulate the release of charged particles and photons As the level of integration of modern electronics increases and as the size of individual devices on chips shrinks electronic systems become increasingly vulnerable to any unwanted charge deposition or atomic displacement within the silicon base of the semiconductors Effects which are generally short-lived are classed as transient radiation effects in electronics TREE EMP generated within the system by the passage of radiation through cases circuit boards components and devices is called systems-generated EMP or SGEMP The quantification of both phenomena is critical to the design of optical and electronic packages which can survive these effects Ideally such subsystems should be produced without significant increases in either cost or weight Because the radiation which causes TREE and SGEMP is relatively strongly absorbed in the atmosphere both phenomena are of primary importance to space systems exposed to high-altitude high-yield nuclear detonations RATIONALE Survivability analysis of semiconductor electronics requires quantitative understanding of at least the following o Ionization effects both total dose and dose rate which produce enhanced photocurrents in the transient state and can also cause permanent trapping of free charge in metal oxide semiconductor MOS devices o Displacement effects displacement of lattice atoms leading to changes in the bandgap energy levels and thermomechanical shock induced by the rapid deposition of energy from the nuclear detonation These effects depend not merely on total dose but also on dose rate Naturally occurring effects include total dose from electrons and protons trapped in the Highlights o o o o o Radiation can damage or destroy microelectronic integrated circuits by a number of mechanisms Although high doses and dose rates are more predictably effective at damaging microcircuits single-event upsets are becoming increasingly more common and devastating as individual device size decreases TREE and SGEMP are primarily problems for space-based systems Natural radiation can do similar damage over a period of years It is difficult to predict the details of system survivability using computation and it is also very expensive to build adequate simulators Many foreign powers have the ability to produce radiationhardened or radiation-resistant microcircuits Van Allen belts and single-event upset SEU or even single-event burnout SEU results when enough ionization charge is deposited by a high-energy particle natural or man-produced in a device to change the state of the circuit--for example flipping a bit from zero to one The effect on a power transistor can be so severe that the device burns out permanently Large x- and gamma-ray dose rates can cause transient upset and permanent failure These dose rates are delivered over a 10-100 ns time period Delayed gammas in a 1-10 microsecond period at the same dose rate can cause latchup and burnout of devices Latchup is the initiation of a high-current low-voltage path within the integrated circuit and causes the circuit to malfunction or burnout by joule heating Neutron fluences of greater than 1010 n cm2 can cause permanent damage A nuclear weapon will typically deliver this dose in a period from 0 1 to 10 ms Total ionization greater than 5 000 rads in silicon delivered over seconds to minutes will degrade semiconductors for long periods As device sizes decrease the threshold for damage may go down II-6-22 It is inherently difficult to predict the effects of TREE and SGEMP from first principles Because components circuit boards cases connectors and everything else within a system can be arranged in many ways and because radiation can come from any direction only a detailed simulation perhaps involving Monte Carlo calculations can do the job The task of prediction is made more complex because the effects of the radiation pulse can depend on the operating state of the system at the moment the radiation passes through it A series of tests with conditions chosen to reach design dose and dose rate limits during many different phases of system operation is probably preferable Such testing however requires simulators which can reproduce the extreme conditions produced by nuclear weapon detonation typically 1011 rads Si s Simulators of this environment typically include high-current short-pulse electron linear accelerators irradiating a primary target to produce an appropriate flux of secondary radiation FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 6 0-1 Many nations have the capability to produce radiation-hardened microelectronic and electro-optical devices and to use these devices in military systems These states include the UK France Germany Sweden Japan Russia Taiwan and South Korea Many of these nations do not possess nuclear weapons The UK France Sweden and Russia have demonstrated their ability to produce radiation-hardened systems All nations which can produce radiation-hardened components and systems may be presumed to have the ability to verify by experiment that such systems function correctly Those countries which did not conduct nuclear effects tests must have some simulation capability Nuclear weapon states must also have the capability to simulate TREE and SGEMP since all have signed the CTBT II-6-23 Table 6 4-1 Transient Radiation Effects in Electronics TREE and Systems-Generated Electromagnetic Pulse SGEMP Effects Technology Parameters Technology TREE SGEMP Effects Simulators Sufficient Technology Level Export Control Reference Pulsed gamma ray x-ray USML XVI electron beam and ion beam sources that simulate a nuclear weapons radiation environment with dose rates 1011 rads Si s over a volume that is large enough to test military subsystems systems diagnostic and test equipment that can operate in dose rates 1011 rads Si s TREE SGEMP Hardening Systems subsystems and components that are hardened against nuclear weapon generated environments that exceed 1011 rad Si s USML XVI Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Optical fibers and semiconductor materials that can operate in dose rates 1011 rads Si s Substantiated multidimensional shock wave computer programs that incorporate constitutive models of composite materials blow-off fracture nucleation growth of flaws buckling brittle fracture and delamination that can operate and evaluate the performance of components subsystems and systems in a nuclear weapon generated environments 1011 rads Si s None identified None identified Specially designed test systems that can evaluate the performance of components subsystems and systems that are required to operate in a radiation environment 1011 rads Si s Substantiated radiation computer codes and algorithms that perform TREE SGEMP hardening assessments and tradeoff studies at either the component subsystem and system level can evaluate operatethrough capability II-6-24 Table 6 4-2 Transient Radiation Effects in Electronics TREE and Systems-Generated Electromagnetic Pulse SGEMP Effects Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Substantiated radiation gamma ray x-ray electron beam and ion beam transport computer codes and algorithms that predict TREE SGEMP effects in subsystems or systems TREE SGEMP Effects Simulators Computer implemented analytical models of gamma ray x-ray electron and ion transport in multilayered and multidimensional structures Development of testing procedures and related measurement systems that can operate at dose rates exceeding 1011 rad Si s Mission critical military systems that must operate in the TREE and SGEMP threat environment such as satellites C3 nodes RVs etc TREE SGEMP Hardening Methods for circumventing and mitigating the effects of prompt nuclear radiation induced electrical signals Minimizing sensor degradation from debris gammas Developing radiation-hardened components and circuits Mission critical military systems that None identified must operate in the TREE and SGEMP threat environment such as satellites C3 nodes RVs etc II-6-25 SECTION 6 5--NUCLEAR EFFECTS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC SIGNAL PROPAGATION OVERVIEW The large quantities of ionizing radiation produced by a high-altitude high-yield nuclear detonation can severely change the environment of the upper atmosphere producing heavily ionized regions which can disrupt electromagnetic waves passing through those zones These disturbed regions can easily be the size of North America and can persist for tens of hours The trapping mechanism for these high-energy electrons may be similar to that which produces the Van Allen radiation belts The actual degree of communications interruption is dependent upon the scenario and includes weapon yield and HOB time of day cloud cover latitude and longitude of the burst the specific communications path and the time after the detonation Other systems which may be affected by nuclear weapons effects on electromagnetic wave propagation include sensors in the IR visible and UV regions and laser communications which may be affected by the background IR A very hot but transparent region of the atmosphere can act as a lens to refract a laser communications beam off of its intended receiver Radar beams are both attenuated and refracted when passing through a nuclear fireball at altitudes below 25 km At these altitudes the mean free path is small and it is reasonable to speak of the fireball as being in local thermal equilibrium Under these circumstances it is difficult to track incoming reentry vehicles RV Optical systems will suffer increased noise levels both because of ionized regions and from blackbody radiation from the fireball and long-wave infrared LWIR systems may be unable to see through the fireball to an RV in the distance and may not be able to see an RV nearer to the sensor than the fireball because of the background No high-altitude nuclear tests have been carried out by the United States since the ratification of the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty LTBT Apparently few IR data were obtained from the CHECKMATE KINGFISH ORANGE and STARFISH highaltitude tests so the visual information from those tests has been extrapolated to the IR regime The main sources of high-altitude IR which would produce clutter include plasma emission molecular and atomic emission from excited states and emission from uranium oxide All of these are functions of electron density At frequencies above about 300 MHz UHF SHF and EHF signals may be disrupted by scintillation primarily characterized by intermittent fading and multipath transmission These effects may persist for long periods and can degrade and distort a Highlights o o o Trans-satellite and satellite-to-ground communications are frequently interrupted Operational effects include lower signal-to-noise ratio fading and reduced information rate for communication channels Simulation of these effects uses hardware-in-loop signal almost beyond recognition for example the plasma clouds are dispersive so that the speed of all frequencies of electromagnetic radiation are not equal in the cloud Temporal and frequency coherence can both be destroyed RATIONALE The vast majority of information relating to the propagation of electromagnetic radiation in a nuclear environment is pure science primarily ionospheric and auroral physics including such phenomena as whistlers between northern and southern hemisphere locations It requires no protection but information on the mitigation of the effects may be classified because of considerations applicable to specific systems Two areas require special mention as critical technology o The process of calculating the evolution of the nuclear-produced plasma in the Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field o Certain aspects of propagation simulators that reproduce the nuclear environment FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 6 0-1 All five of the declared nuclear weapon states the United States Russia the UK France and China may have some capability to determine the effects of nuclear environments on electromagnetic signal propagation All have access to and or have contributed to the unclassified literature on RF propagation through structured media The United States and the UK have provided models for calculating line-of-sight communications effects the status of similar models in the other three nations is unknown II-6-26 Table 6 5-1 Nuclear Effects on Electromagnetic Signal Propagation Technology Parameters Sufficient Technology Level Technology Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Fading Dispersive Communication Channel Simulators Simulate RF propagation USML XVI through disturbed ionosphere generated by high altitude nuclear detonations compute frequency-selective bandwidth coherence time signal-to-noise ratio bit error rate frequency-selective band 100 kHz None identified None identified Substantiated computer codes and algorithms integrated with hardware in the loop that predict the space-time ionospheric plasma concentration frequencyselective bandwidth and coherence time in nuclear disturbed ionosphere Optical and Infrared Simulators Simulate propagation of IR 0 8-30 microns VIS 0 4-0 8 microns UV 0 01-0 4 microns waves in backgrounds generated by nuclear detonations None identified None identified Substantiated computer codes and algorithms integrated with hardwarein-the-loop that calculate high-altitude nuclear environments and predict propagation for IR VIS UV signals USML XVI Table 6 5-2 Nuclear Effects on Electromagnetic Signal Propagation Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Fading Dispersive Communication Predict generation of ionic species Channel Simulators plasma concentration coherence bandwidth coherence time propagation delay and probability of correct message resulting from a high altitude nuclear detonation Military communication systems and radars that must operate in nuclear disturbed propagation paths None identified Optical and Infrared Simulators IR VIS UV systems that must operate in nuclear disturbed propagation paths None identified Predict generation of ionic species plasma concentration and propagation characteristics such as attenuation refraction etc in IR VIS UV region resulting from a high altitude nuclear detonation II-6-27 SECTION 6 6--HIGH-ALTITUDE ELECTROMAGETIC PULSE HEMP EFFECTS OVERVIEW A high-altitude nuclear detonation produces an immediate flux of gamma rays from the nuclear reactions within the device These photons in turn produce high energy free electrons by Compton scattering at altitudes between roughly 20 and 40 km These electrons are then trapped in the Earth's magnetic field giving rise to an oscillating electric current This current is asymmetric in general and gives rise to a rapidly rising radiated electromagnetic field called an electromagnetic pulse EMP Because the electrons are trapped essentially simultaneously a very large electromagnetic source radiates coherently The pulse can easily span continent-sized areas and this radiation can affect systems on land sea and air The first recorded EMP incident accompanied a highaltitude nuclear test over the South Pacific and resulted in power system failures as far away as Hawaii A large device detonated at 400-500 km over Kansas would affect all of CONUS The signal from such an event extends to the visual horizon as seen from the burst point The EMP produced by the Compton electrons typically lasts for about 1 microsecond and this signal is called HEMP In addition to the prompt EMP scattered gammas and inelastic gammas produced by weapon neutrons produce an intermediate time signal from about 1 microsecond to 1 second The energetic debris entering the ionosphere produces ionization and heating of the E-region In turn this causes the geomagnetic field to heave producing a late-time magnetohydrodynamic MHD EMP generally called a heave signal Initially the plasma from the weapon is slightly conducting the geomagnetic field cannot penetrate this volume and is displaced as a result This impulsive distortion of the geomagnetic field was observed worldwide in the case of the STARFISH test To be sure the size of the signal from this process is not large but systems connected to long lines e g power lines telephone wires and tracking wire antennas are at risk because of the large size of the induced current The additive effects of the MHD-EMP can cause damage to unprotected civilian and military systems that depend on or use long-line cables Small isolated systems tend to be unaffected Military systems must survive all aspects of the EMP from the rapid spike of the early time events to the longer duration heave signal One of the principal problems in assuring such survival is the lack of test data from actual high-altitude nuclear explosions Only a few such experiments were carried out before the LTBT took effect and at that time the theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of Highlights o o o HEMP is generated by electric currents in the atmosphere produced by Compton scattering of the gamma radiation from a high-altitude nuclear detonation The electromagnetic waves from EMP can degrade the performance of ground and airborne systems more than 1 500 km from the burst The technologies used to harden against HEMP are essentially those used in the area of electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic interference they are internationally available HEMP was relatively poor No high-altitude tests have been conducted by the United States since 1963 1 The acid test of the response of modern military systems to EMP is their performance in simulators particularly where a large number of components are involved So many cables pins connectors and devices are to be found in real hardware that computation of the progress of the EMP signal cannot be predicted even conceptually after the field enters a real system System failures or upsets will depend upon the most intricate details of current paths and interior electrical connections and one cannot analyze these beforehand Threat-level field illumination from simulators combined with pulsed-current injection are used to evaluate the survivability of a real system against an HEMP threat The technology to build simulators with risetimes on the order of 10 ns is well known This risetime is however longer than that of a real HEMP signal Since 1986 the United States has used a new EMP standard which requires waveforms at threat levels having risetimes under a few nanoseconds Threat-level simulators provide the best technique for establishing the hardness of systems against early-time HEMP They are however limited to finite volumes air1 II-6-28 In addition to the more familiar high-yield tests mentioned above three small devices were exploded in the Van Allen belts as part of Project Argus That experiment was intended to explore the methods by which electrons were trapped and traveled along magnetic field lines craft tanks communications nodes and cannot encompass an extended system For these systems current injection must be used RATIONALE HEMP can pose a serious threat to U S military systems when even a single highaltitude nuclear explosion occurs In principle even a new nuclear proliferator could execute such a strike In practice however it seems unlikely that such a state would use one of its scarce warheads to inflict damage which must be considered secondary to the primary effects of blast shock and thermal pulse Furthermore a HEMP attack must use a relatively large warhead to be effective perhaps on the order of one megaton and new proliferators are unlikely to be able to construct such a device much less make it small enough to be lofted to high altitude by a ballistic missile or space launcher Finally in a tactical situation such as was encountered in the Gulf War an attack by Iraq against Coalition forces would have also been an attack by Iraq against its own communications radar missile and power systems EMP cannot be confined to only one side of the burst Because actual nuclear tests can no longer be performed and because above-ground explosions have been prohibited since 1963 the only ways to determine the results of attacks utilize simulators theoretical models and the data from earlier U S nuclear tests The integrated use of this information in computer models which can predict the HEMP environment as a function of weapon parameters and explosion geometry is a critical technology requiring protection In contrast basic theoretical models lacking actual test results should not be controlled Theoretical models of HEMP coupling to generic systems such as cables and antennas are of general scientific interest Codes associated with the generic coupling of HEMP to systems and which do not reveal specific features of military systems and their responses performance and vulnerabilities to HEMP need not be controlled These codes are similar to those used in electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic interference and the study of lightning Interest in the synergism between lightning and HEMP will continue FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 6 0-1 The United States has been the world leader in HEMP technology since the first articles on the subject appeared in the early 1960's These scientific papers appeared in the open literature which allowed the Soviet Union to become active in the field The general consensus is that Soviet now Russian capabilities lag years behind those of the United States Nonetheless Soviet interest in pulsed-power which began under A D Sakharov should call attention to the possibility that some of the Soviet HEMP program was very closely held HEMP capabilities have been acquired by the European nations including Sweden and Switzerland Many of these countries have developed active programs that include the use of simulators operating nearly at the threat level Papers presented at recent unclassified conferences by participants from the countries of the former Warsaw Pact indicate that they lag significantly behind the West in both simulation and theoretical understanding Several foreign vendors produce equipment comparable to that available from U S sources France manufactures pulse generators field sensors fiber-optic links transient digitizers and measurement systems England manufactures 1-GHz bandwidth fiber-optic links used mainly in HEMP and conducts high-power microwave research Switzerland and Israel have also developed test simulation equipment of high quality II-6-29 Table 6 6-1 High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP Effects Technology Parameters Sufficient Technology Level Technology System Threat Level HEMP Simulators Export Control Reference Generate peak electric fields USML XVI exceeding 5 kV m risetime 10 ns and pulse duration 1 us over volumes that are large enough to test complete military systems Critical Materials None identified Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Pulsers capable of delivering rates of voltage rise greater than 100 kV ns into less than 100 ohms or rates of current rise greater than 1 kA ns into impedances greater than 100 ohms into a port on a system Substantiated computer programs and related algorithms for computing the on-test-target electric field generated by the pulser Table 6 6-2 High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP Effects Reference Data Technology System Threat Level HEMP Simulators Technical Issues Military Applications Alternative Technologies Developing plane wave EM fields for Subsystems and systems that must Current injection techniques horizontal and vertical polarization complete their mission in the presence theoretical computations with peak electric field 5 kV m of the HEMP threat risetime 10 ns and pulse duration 1 us over volumes that can test complete military systems The development of plane wave EM fields is extremely difficult In all tests configuration effects due to the simulation must be removed to develop the system response in a plane wave EM environment These codes are critical for an adequate test The use of current injection techniques adds risk because nonlinear effects due to arcing and sparking cannot be taken into acount so results can be misleading II-6-30 SECTION 6 7--SOURCE REGION ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE SREMP EFFECTS OVERVIEW SREMP is produced by low-altitude nuclear bursts An effective net vertical electron current is formed by the asymmetric deposition of electrons in the atmosphere and the ground and the formation and decay of this current emits a pulse of electromagnetic radiation in directions perpendicular to the current The asymmetry from a lowaltitude explosion occurs because some electrons emitted downward are trapped in the upper millimeter of the Earth's surface while others moving upward and outward can travel long distances in the atmosphere producing ionization and charge separation A weaker asymmetry can exist for higher altitude explosions due to the density gradient of the atmosphere Within the source region peak electric fields greater than 105 V m and peak magnetic fields greater than 4 000 A m can exist These are much larger than those from HEMP and pose a considerable threat to military or civilian systems in the affected region The ground is also a conductor of electricity and provides a return path for electrons at the outer part of the deposition region toward the burst point Positive ions which travel shorter distances than electrons and at lower velocities remain behind and recombine with the electrons returning through the ground Thus strong magnetic fields are produced in the region of ground zero When the nuclear detonation occurs near to the ground the SREMP target may not be located in the electromagnetic far field but may instead lie within the electromagnetic induction region In this regime the electric and magnetic fields of the radiation are no longer perpendicular to one another and many of the analytic tools with which we understand EM coupling in the simple plane-wave case no longer apply The radiated EM field falls off rapidly with increasing distance from the deposition region near to the currents the EMP does not appear to come from a point source As a result the region where the greatest damage can be produced is from about 3 to 8 km from ground zero In this same region structures housing electrical equipment are also likely to be severely damaged by blast and shock According to the third edition of The Effects of Nuclear Weapons by S Glasstone and P Dolan the threat to electrical and electronic systems from a surface-burst EMP may extend as far as the distance at which the peak overpressure from a 1-megaton burst is 2 pounds per square inch One of the unique features of SREMP is the high late-time voltage which can be produced on long lines in the first 0 1 second This stress can produce large late-time currents on the exterior shields of systems and shielding against the stress is very difficult Components sensitive to magnetic fields may have to be specially hardened Highlights o o o SREMP is generated by electric currents produced by ionizing radiation from nuclear bursts below 20 km in altitude and can be effective within a radius of 3 to 8 km from the burst point depending on weapon yield SREMP adversely affects communications facilities and power grids and may be effective against electronic systems in blasthardened targets such as missile launchers It is difficult to simulate SREMP because the electromagnetic and radiation environments must be produced simultaneously SREMP effects are uniquely nuclear weapons effects RATIONALE During the Cold War SREMP was conceived primarily as a threat to the electronic and electrical systems within hardened targets such as missile launch facilities Clearly SREMP effects are only important if the targeted systems are expected to survive the primary damage-causing mechanisms of blast shock and thermal pulse Because SREMP is uniquely associated with nuclear strikes technology associated with SREMP generation has no commercial applications However technologies associated with SREMP measurement and mitigation are commercially interesting for lightning protection and electromagnetic compatibility applications Only those aspects of SREMP involving intense ionizing radiation or extremely large current pulses are militarily critical Basic physics models of SREMP generation and coupling to generic systems as well as numerical calculation use unclassified and generic weapon and target parameters However codes and coupling models which reveal the response and vulnerability of current or future military systems are militarily critical FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 6 0-1 Several NATO countries including the UK France and Germany can perform the calculations of the SREMP environment and coupling to systems More extensive capabilities for SREMP testing exist in Russia France and the UK II-6-31 Table 6 7-1 Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse SREMP Technology Parameters Technology Sufficient Technology Level Source Region ElectroSystems that can generate magnetic Pulse SREMP simultaneously a radiation Simulators environment that exceeds 109 rad Si s and an electromagnetic environment for a nuclear weapon detonation 5 km in altitude Export Control Reference USML XVI Critical Materials None identified Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Current generators that None identified produce an action 7 2 2 x 10 A -s or currents that exceed 20 kA or rates of current change 2 x 1010 A s current generators that simulate SREMP induced long line currents at high voltages with the following combined characteristics load current 2 x 104 A load voltage 100 kV FWHM greater than or equal to 30 microseconds Table 6 7-2 Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse SREMP Reference Data Technology Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse SREMP Simulators Technical Issues Military Applications Substantiated computer codes and related algorithms that can predict the SREMP waveform and coupling to military systems Military systems and subsystems that must operate in the SREMP threat environment II-6-32 Alternative Technologies Substantiated computer codes and algorithms for predicting SREMP that include neutron inelastic scattering and capture radiation induced electric properties of fireballs models of electrical discharges in soil SECTION 6 8--PULSED-POWER NUCLEAR WEAPONS EFFECTS SIMULATION OVERVIEW The large amount of commonality among the various pulsed-power schemes used to simulate TREE HEMP and SREMP makes it reasonable to discuss those technologies in a single subsection However the enormous amount of detail required to discuss even one technology thoroughly means that this section can only sketch the machines used to produce tailor and control the physical processes which produce the effects Radiation as commonly used in the nuclear weapons arena applies to neutrons gamma rays and x-rays alike It can also include high-energy beta particles electrons All of these types of radiation show corpuscular behavior when interacting with matter--the high-energy photons because of their extremely short wavelength Describing these interactions quantitatively requires the full machinery of relativistic quantum mechanics including the computation of the relevant Feynman diagrams The particle energies involved range from the upper energy limit of the ultraviolet band 0 124 keV to the MeV and tens of MeV associated with the gamma rays and neutrons emitted from a fissioning or fusioning nucleus Figure 6 8-1 shows the nuclear effects and the radiation sources for simulation Figure 6 8-1 Simulation of Nuclear Effects Using Pulsed-Power Radiation Sources Nuclear Effect TREE SGEMP SREMP IEMP internal EMP Thermomechanical shock TMS Thermostructural shock TSR Radiation Sources for Simulation gamma rays hard x-rays neutrons gamma rays hard x-rays gamma rays gamma rays hard x-rays soft x-rays electrons ions soft x-rays ions The distinction between x-rays and gamma rays is not fundamentally based on photon energy Normally one speaks of gamma rays as having energies between 10 keV and 10 MeV and thinks of even hard x-rays as having lower energies In fact the difference between the two phenomena lies in their origin gamma rays are produced in nuclear reactions while x-rays are an atomic phenomenon produced by electron transitions between discrete atomic levels or by blackbody thermal radiation from a heated object A reasonable upper bound for x-ray energy in discussing Highlights o o o o Pulsed-power technologies are critical to the simulation of NWE caused by gamma rays x-rays neutrons SREMP and HEMP Many of the identified energy storage pulse formation and switching techniques are relevant for particle accelerators possible thermonuclear power production particle-beam weapons and laser weapons Some of the identified pulsed-power techniques are also used in the design and testing of civilian power distribution systems Pulsed-power generators for NWE simulation are very expensive nuclear phenomenology would be a few hundred keV associated with the initial stages of fireball formation The upper limit to the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation attributed to HEMP is in the range of a few GHz Thus the interactions of the HEMP pulse with systems can be computed using classical electromagnetic theory without the need to include quantum effects Off-the-shelf equipment suffices for the simulation of HEMP in small volumes The peak electric field is about 50 kV m with a pulse width of several nanoseconds However producing equivalent fields over an entire military system such as a tank requires a very large radiating system with feed-point driving voltages in the megavolt range The combination of antenna feed-point voltage and nanosecond rise time is what gives rise to the connection between HEMP pulsed-power technology and the technology needed to produce appropriate gamma- and x-rays The production of pulses of neutrons corresponding to those generated by a nuclear weapon is primarily of interest for simulating TREE Flash x-ray FXR techniques are used to produce hard and soft x-rays Typically a high-energy electron beam is dumped onto a target to produce bremsstrahlung breaking radiation photons over a broad range of energies up to the kinetic energy of the incident particles Calculating the actual spectrum produced in a given target is difficult because thick targets in which the electrons may interact several times are II-6-33 required to obtain the desired intensities This in turn raises the importance of nonlinear terms Ideally an FXR device should produce the same photon spectrum distributed identically over time as the spectrum from a nuclear device This is not possible at the present time but existing simulators provide useful approximations Specific technologies used to provide the power pulse include the Z-pinch Blumlein or coaxial cable pulse-forming and transmission lines large banks of very high-quality low-loss capacitors fast opening and closing gas and liquid switches with very low resistance in the closed state Marx generators to produce the actual high-voltage pulse and even Van de Graaff electrostatic generators with high current for the class of accelerator output The switches used are unusual and have few other uses One for example must conduct with a low resistance over a period of 0 4 to 1 0 microsecond but must open to a high resistance state in times of the order of 10 ns RATIONALE Pulsed-power generating and conditioning systems and their associated loads e g vacuum diodes which convert the pulsed system's electrical output pulse to a photon or particle beam are valuable tools to study the hardness and survivability of critical military systems The required fidelity of the simulation increases as the size of tested hardware increases because it is important to maintain the correct conditions over the aggregate of components which must function together Some aspects of systems used in simulators are unclassified and some border on the classified world Some devices which may be used to simulate nuclear effects e g the National Ignition Facility to be built at Livermore or the Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator operating at Sandia National Lab are also important research tools for the broader scientific community Of particular importance are NWE simulators that can produce pulses with peak power greater than 25 TW from sources with impedance 0 1 ohm and having vacuum power flow and conditioning that can couple to a radiating load having a circular area less than 500 cm2 These performance levels exceed the publicly available figures for the SATURN and HERMES III accelerators at Sandia National Laboratory FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT See Figure 6 0-1 Russia has demonstrated strong NWE simulation capabilities comparable to those of the United States The UK and France have extensive programs but less ambitious than Russia's China has an NWE simulation program but little is known about its capabilities Germany has always been a leader in pulsed-power conditioning for basic research applications Pulsed-power conditioning has been developed in Sweden primarily to support kinetic energy and particle beam weapons research in Switzerland to investigate protection against EMP and in Israel primarily for basic research at the Weizmann Institute of Science and for kinetic-energy weapons research at Israel's SOREQ Nuclear Research Center Germany and Japan use similar technology primarily in support of light ion beams for inertial confinement fusion For HEMP simulation the principal advanced technologies developed in the United States for risetimes less than 2 ns are multiple channel gas switches and multistage circuits in which the last stage charges very rapidly to increase the breakdown field of the output switch and decrease its inductance The existence of triggered multichannel switches and the use of multistage circuits has been reported widely but not in the context of EMP simulations Countries with substantial pulsed-power capabilities e g the UK France Russia and Japan could easily develop EMP simulators using such technologies II-6-34 Table 6 8-1 Pulsed-Power Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulation Technology Parameters Technology Plasma Radiation Sources for Soft x-Ray Effects Simulation Sufficient Technology Level X-rays under 15 keV produced by Z-pinches or other devices that can be used to approximate the soft x-ray spectrum produced by a high altitude nuclear detonation Export Control Reference Critical Materials Unique Test Production and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters USML XVI None identified None identified None identified Bremsstrahlung Sources X-rays produced by electrons USML XVI for Hard x-Ray and with energies 100 keV Gamma Ray Simulation hitting a high-Z target and can approximate either the gamma rays or hard x-rays generated by a nuclear detonation None identified None identified None identified Neutron Beam Sources for Simulation Neutron beam sources capable of generating 1013 neutrons sq-cm that approximate the spectrum generated by either a fission or fusion device USML XVI None identified None identified None identified Ion Beam Sources for Soft x-Ray Simulation Ion beam sources that can be USML XVI used to approximate the soft x-ray deposition in materials generated by a nuclear detonation None identified None identified None identified Vacuum Power Flow Transport electrical power to a vacuum load at levels 2 5 TW None identified None identified None identified USML XVI II-6-35 Table 6 8-2 Pulsed-Power Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulation Reference Data Technology Military Applications Alternative Technologies All military systems that must survive the soft x-ray threat Substantiated computer programs and related algorithms that can predict the effects of soft x-ray penetration in materials magnetic flyer plate or high explosive simulators Bremsstrahlung Sources for Hard Development of electron beam All military systems that must survive x-Ray and Gamma Ray Simulation currents 2 5 MA in rise or fall time the gamma ray or hard x-ray threat 100 ns an assembly of multipleseries diodes and components capable of operation at power levels 0 6 TW debris shields that maintain a vacuum seal over areas 10 sq cm Substantiated computer programs and related algorithms that can predict the effects of hard x-ray penetration in materials Neutron Beam Sources for Simulation Neutron sources that can generate the All military systems that must survive required fluence and energy spectrum the neutron irradiation threat over a large area in under 10 ms Substantiated computer programs and related algorithms that can predict the effects of neutron penetration in materials Ion Beam Sources for Soft x-Ray Simulation Match ion beam energy deposition profile in various materials All military systems that must survive the soft x-ray threat Substantiated computer programs and related algorithms that can predict the effects of ion beam penetration in materials Vacuum Power Flow Transporting and conditioning the electrical power through the vacuum interface and vacuum region to a vacuum load at power levels 2 5 TW None identified None identified Plasma Radiation Sources for Soft x-Ray Effects Simulation Technical Issues Development of sources 40 kJ using 1-10 keV x-rays and 5 kJ using 5-20 keV x-rays in under 100 ns over an area 1 sq cm debris mitigation techniques x-ray optic components with reflectivity 20% methods for collecting and focusing x-rays II-6-36 APPENDIX A 1996 DOD MCTL MASTER LOCATOR APPENDIX A DoD MCTL MASTER LOCATOR MCTL Parts This master locator lists the 18 MCTL technology sections for Part I and their included technology areas and indicates for Parts II and III where supporting data are located The Locator also lists additional technology areas which are addressed only for Parts II and III A short description of the three MCTL parts is shown below Part I Weapons Systems Technologies WST Contains a list of technologies critical to the development and production of superior weapons Part II Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD Technologies Contains a list of technologies required for development integration or employment of nuclear biological or chemical weapons and their means of delivery Part III Developing Critical Technologies DCT Contains a list of technologies which when fully developed and incorporated into a military system will produce increasingly superior performance or maintain a superior capability more affordably I WST AERONAUTICS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Advanced Concept Turbine Engines Aircraft Fixed Wing 1 1 Aircraft Rotary Wing Air Vehicles Unmanned Full Authority Digital Electronic Controls FADEC Gas Turbines Engines 1 2 Guidance Navigation and Controls Human Crew Systems Interfaces 1 3 Ramjet and Scramjet Systems Integration Test Facility Propulsion System PART II WMD 1 4 1 3 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 4 I WST III DCT X X X X X X X X X X X PART II WMD ARMAMENTS AND ENERGETIC MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY Air-Dispersed Explosives Systems Ammunition Small and Medium Caliber 2 1 Ballistic Missiles 1 1 2 Bombs Warheads and Large-Caliber Projectiles 2 2 1 5 3 2 4 2 Cruise Missiles 1 3 Energetic Materials 2 3 4 2 Gun and Artillery Systems 2 5 1 5 Mines Countermines and Demolition Systems 2 6 Non-Lethal Weapons Penetrators Regenerative Liquid Propellant Gun Safing Arming Firing and Fuzing 2 4 5 7 Survivability Armor and Warhead Defeat These listings are subject to change as Part III is developed Technology areas may be added or deleted II-A-1 III DCT X X X X X X X X X X X X X I WST BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Biological Defense Systems Biological Dispersion Biological Detection Warning and Identification Biological Material Production CHEMICAL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Chemical Defense Systems Chemical Dispersion Chemical Material Production Chemical Detection Warning and Identification 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 2 DIRECTED AND KINETIC ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Coil Gun and Railgun Electrothermal and Electrothermal Chemical Gun High-Power Microwaves Lasers Gas Dynamic and Pulsed Electrical Atomic and Molecular Lasers High Energy Chemical 4 1 Lasers High Energy Excimer Lasers High Energy Free Electron Lasers High Energy Optically Pumped Gas and Solid State Lasers High Energy Solid State Lasers High Energy Transfer Lasers Short Wavelength Particle Beam Charged Particle Beam Neutral Supporting Technologies for Directed Energy DE 4 2 Systems PART II WMD III DCT 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 1 X 4 4 4 2 4 1 4 3 X I WST ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY Electronic Components Electronic Materials Fabrication Equipment General Purpose Electronic Equipment Microelectronics Opto-Electronics X X PART II WMD 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 X X X X X X ENVIRONMENT TECHNOLOGY Camouflage Control of Combat Environment Micrometerology Obscurants Particle Dispersion Coagulation Recyling and Reverse Disposal X X X X X GROUND SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Advanced Diesel Engines Human Systems Interfaces for Ground Systems Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems Sensors for Ground Systems Signature Control for Ground Systems Structures for Ground Systems Systems Integration for Ground Systems Vetronics X X X X X X X X X X GUIDANCE NAVIGATION AND VEHICLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY Aircraft and Vehicle Control Systems Inertial Navigation Systems and Related Components Radio and Data-Based Referenced Navigation Systems II-A-2 III DCT X X X X X 6 1 1 1 6 2 7 1 7 2 7 3 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 l 3 X X X X X X X X X I WST INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Command Control Communications Computing Intelligence and Information Systems Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing CAD CAM High-Performance Computing Human Systems Interfaces Information Security Intelligent Systems Modeling and Simulation Networks and Switching Signal Processing Software Transmission Systems INFORMATION WARFARE TECHNOLOGY Combat Identification Electronic Attack Electronic Deception Electronic Protection Optical Countermeasures Optical Counter-Countermeasures Psychological Operations 8 1 PART II WMD 2 1 5 III DCT X 8 3 8 4 8 5 8 6 8 7 8 8 8 9 8 10 8 11 X X X X X X X X X 2 6 2 3 2 2 MARINE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Advanced Hull Forms Human Systems Interfaces Ocean Salvage and Deep-Sea Implant Propulsors and Propulsion Systems Signature Control and Survivability Subsurface and Deep Submergence Vehicles Systems Integration X X X X X X X 9 1 9 2 9 3 9 4 MANUFACTURING AND FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY Advanced Fabrication and Processing 10 1 Bearings 10 2 Computer-Aided Design Manufacturing Engineering Test and Maintenance Metrology 10 3 Non-Destructive Inspection and Evaluation 10 4 Production Equipment 10 5 Robotics 10 6 MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY Armor and Anti-Armor Materials Biomaterials Electrical Materials Magnetic Materials Optical Materials Signature Control Materials Special Function Materials Structural Materials High Strength and High Temperature X 8 2 2 4 I WST 5 9 X X X 1 1 5 9 1 1 1 1 5 9 X X X X MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Advanced Field Expedient Treatment Artificial Skin Blood Substitute Human System Monitoring and Assessment Immunizations and Neutralization Performance Enhancement II-A-3 11 1 11 2 11 3 11 4 11 6 11 5 12 1 12 2 12 3 PART II WMD III DCT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I WST NUCLEAR SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Enrichment Feedstocks Production Fissile Materials Enrichment Heavy Water Production Inertial Confinement Fusion Lithium Production Manufacturing of Nuclear Components Nuclear Fission Reactors Nuclear Materials Processing POWER SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Biological Power High-Density Conventional Systems Magnetohydrodynamics Mobile Electric Platform Power Pulsed- and High-Power Systems Superconductive Power Applications III DCT I WST SENSORS AND LASERS TECHNOLOGY Acoustic Sensors Air and Terrestrial Platform Acoustic Sensors Marine Active Sonar Acoustic Sensors Marine Passive Sonar Acoustic Sensors Marine Platform Electro-Optical Sensors Gravity Meters and Gravity Gradiometers Lasers Magnetometers and Magnetic Gradiometers Radar 5 1 5 2 5 12 13 1 13 2 Nuclear-Related Materials Nuclear Weapons Nuclear Weapons Custody Transport and Control Nuclear Weapons Development Testing Nuclear Weapons Design and Development Plutonium Extraction Reprocessing Radiological Weapons Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing Tritium Production Uranium Enrichment Processes PART II WMD 13 3 13 3 13 2 13 2 13 2 14 1 14 2 14 3 5 5 5 9 5 3 5 2 5 4 5 13 5 1 5 5 5 12 5 6 5 7 5 11 5 10 5 6 5 4 5 8 5 7 5 13 5 2 X X X X PART II WMD 15 1 15 2 15 3 15 4 15 5 15 6 15 7 15 8 15 10 III DCT X X X X X X X X SIGNATURE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY Manufacturing and Validation Readiness and Mission Support Special Materials System Concept Design and Integration Test and System Validation X X X X X X SPACE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Astronics Electronics and Computers Launch Vehicles for Space Systems Optronics Power and Thermal Management Propulsion for Space Systems Qualification and Testing Sensors for Space Systems Signature Control and Survivability Structures for Space Systems Integration X X X X X X II-A-4 16 1 17 1 17 2 17 3 17 4 17 5 1 3 1 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I WST WEAPONS EFFECTS AND COUNTERMEASURES Blast and Shock Effects from Nuclear Detonations High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP Effects High-Power Microwave Weapons Effects Induced Shock Waves From Penetrating Weapons Laser Weapons Nuclear Effects on Electromagnetic Signal Propagation Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects PART II WMD 6 2 6 6 III DCT I WST WEAPONS EFFECTS AND COUNTERMEASURES cont'd Particle Beam Weapons Pulsed-Power Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulation Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse SREMP Effects Transient Radiation Effects in Electronics TREE and System-Generated Electromagnetic Pulse Effects SGEMP Underground Nuclear Weapons Testing X X X X X 18 1 6 5 6 3 X II-A-5 PART II WMD III DCT 6 8 6 7 X X X 6 4 X 6 1 APPENDIX EXPLANATION OF TABLE ELEMENTS APPENDIX B EXPLANATION OF TABLE ELEMENTS Table B-1 Technology Parameters Technology Technology is defined giving specific information necessary for the development production or use of a product This includes the hardware and software necessary to achieve that purpose Sufficient Technology Level The level of technology required for a proliferant to produce entry-level WMD delivery systems or other hardware or software useful in WMD development integration or use Export Control Reference Critical Materials International and National export control references that address the technology Critical materials associated with this technology Unique Test Prlduction and Inspection Equipment Unique Software and Parameters Critical unique Unique software needed production testing and to produce operate or inspection equipment If maintain this technology these items were not available for some time it would be expected that the capability would degrade Table B-2 Reference Data Technology Technical Issues Military Applications Technology is defined giving Technical issues that drive Military uses of this technology specific information necessary for significantly influence this technology the development production or use of a product This includes the hardware and software necessary to achieve that purpose II-B-1 Alternative Technologies Other technologies that could accomplish this step in WMD processes APPENDIX GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS APPENDIX C GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ITEM A A s ACIPS ACM ADTS AG AGL AGR Am AS-l5s ASTM ATCC ATACMS ATM AVLIS B B T BGO BLOS BLSRs BLU 80 B BRM BTU BW BWC BWR DESCRIPTION ampere ampere second Advanced Collective Integrated Protection System Attitude Control Module Asynchronous Digital Transmission Systems Australia Group above ground level Advanced Gas Reactor Americium FSU Cruise Missile American Society for Testing Materials American Type Culture Collection Army Tactical Missile System Asynchronous transfer mode Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation System Biological Biological Toxin Berium Germanate Beyond Line-of-Sight Bi-directional Line-switched Rings Bigeye Weapon Biological response modifier British Thermal Units Biological Weapon s Biological Weapons Convention Boiling Water Reactor SECTION 6 3 6 7 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 All 1 1 1 4 5 3 6 7 1 3 5 12 3 0 3 1 1 5 2 2 2 5 5 2 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 1 3 3 5 10 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 5 4 2 3 1 3 4 1 1 1 4 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 0 5 3 ITEM C2I C3 C3I C4I CAD CAD CAE CAM CANDU CAS CBPS CC CCD CCL CCM CCS CEP CFD CHEMEX CID CMIP CMM CNC CNM CO II-C-1 DESCRIPTION Command Control and Intelligence Command Control and Communications Command Control Communications and Intelligence Command control communications computers and intelligence Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Engineering Chemical Agent Monitor Computer-Aided Manufacturing Canadian Deuterium Uranium Reactor Chemical Abstract Service Chemically and Biologically Protected Shelter Combinatorial Chemistry Charge Coupled Device Commerce Control List Computer-Controlled Machines Common Channeling Signaling circular error probable Computational Fluid Dynamics Chemical Exchange Process Charged Injection Device Common Management Information Protocol Coordinate Measuring Machines Computerized Numerically Controlled Customer Network Management Central Office SECTION 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 6 0 6 2 6 4 2 0 3 3 5 11 2 3 1 1 1 3 4 3 5 12 5 13 4 1 4 4 3 4 3 0 5 10 All 5 9 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 5 2 5 2 5 5 5 12 5 10 2 5 5 9 5 0 5 9 2 5 2 2 ITEM COCOM COLEX CONUS COTS CPE CPU CSUs CT CTBT CVD CW CWC D D C dB DCE DCN DCS DD DT DEMP DES DF DGZs DLC DMSO DNA DNHR DoD DOE DS DS-0 DS-I DESCRIPTION Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Strategic Export Controls Column Exchange Continental United States Commercial-off-the-shelf Customer Premises Equipment Central processing unit Channel Service Units Computed Tomography Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Chemical Vapor Deposition Chemical Weapon s Chemical Weapons Convention Deuterium Direct Current decibel Distributed Computing Environment Data Communication Networks Digital Cross-Connect Systems Deuterium Deuterium Deuterium Tritium Dispersed Electromagnetic Pulse Data Encryption Standard Difluor methyl phosphonyl difluoride Designated Ground Zeros Digital Loop Carrier Dimethyl sulfoxide Desoxyribonucleic acid Dynamic Non-Hierarchical Routing Department of Defense Department of Energy Digital Signals Digital Signal level 0 Digital Signal level 1 544 mbytes SECTION 2 5 5 0 5 5 6 6 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 5 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 10 6 1 1 4 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 0 4 1 4 4 5 5 5 6 5 13 4 1 5 5 5 7 1 3 2 3 2 5 2 1 2 2 5 6 6 6 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 6 3 2 3 0 3 1 3 3 2 1 2 3 5 10 5 11 5 1 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ITEM DS-N DSUs DT e b b EAA EAR DESCRIPTION Digital Signal Hierarchy Data Service Units Deuterium Tritium Equivalent blackbody Export Administration Act Export Administration Regulations EBR-II ECCM ECM EDM EHF ELEX EM EMIS EMP Experimental Breeder Reactor II Electronic Counter-countermeasures Electronic Countermeasures Electrical Discharge Machines Extremely High Frequency Electroexchange Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Isotope Separation Electromagnetic Pulse EO EOD EOS ESA FA Electro-Optical Explosive Ordinance Disposal Equation of State Electronic Safe and Arm Functional Areas FAC FID FPD FRG FSU Fast-Acting Closure Flame Ionization Detector Flame Photometric Detector Federal Republic of Germany Former Soviet Union FTA FWHM FXR G-7 G-8 Foreign Technology Assessment full width at half maximun Flash x-ray Group of Seven Industrial Nations G-7 Nations plus Russia II-C-2 SECTION 2 2 2 1 5 6 6 2 6 3 Preface 1 4 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 5 4 2 4 4 5 4 4 2 5 7 4 2 5 7 5 9 5 9 6 5 5 5 5 0 5 2 6 6 6 7 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 9 6 0 6 1 6 4 6 6 6 7 6 8 5 7 5 11 5 10 4 2 2 0 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 6 1 4 3 4 3 5 6 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 4 0 4 1 5 0 6 0 All 6 7 6 8 1 4 2 1 ITEM G agents GA GB GC GD GDP GDSS GHz GMP GPa GPS DESCRIPTION Nerve Agents Tabun nerve agent Sarin nerve agent Gas Chromatography Soman nerve agent Gross Domestic Product Group Decision Support System Gigahertz 10 9 hertz Good Manufacturing Practices Gigapascals Global Positioning System GS g's GSAC Gy Girdler Sulfide Measure of Acceleration Gas Seal Auxiliary Closure Gray Gy is a unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation equal to 1 joule per kilogram of absorber Singly Deuterated Water High Explosives High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse High-Efficiency Particulate Air Highly Enriched Uranium Hydrofluoric Acid Horizontal Line-of-Sight Nitric Acid Height of Burst High Strength-to-Density Singly Tritiated Water Horizontal Tunnel Tests Heating ventilation and air conditioning Heavy Water Reactor HDO HE HEMP HEPA HEU HF HLOS HNO3 HOB HSD HTO HTT HVAC HWR SECTION 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 0 4 1 5 10 2 3 1 4 5 2 5 10 6 6 6 8 3 1 6 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 3 6 0 5 12 1 1 1 2 1 5 6 1 2 6 ITEM 5 12 1 5 5 0 5 6 5 10 6 0 6 6 6 7 6 8 3 1 5 0 5 2 5 3 5 5 5 10 5 1 5 4 6 1 5 1 5 4 4 2 5 7 6 0 6 2 6 3 5 0 5 2 5 13 6 1 2 6 5 3 DESCRIPTION Hz hertz IAEA IC ICBM International Atomic Energy Agency Intelligence Community Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles IEEE IM C IP IR Institute of Electrical Engineers Information System Management and Control Ion Mobility Spectrometry Inertial Measurement Units Improvised Nuclear Device Information Security Integrated Network Management Systems Information Processing Infrared IS Information System ISO ITU International Standards Organization International Telecommunications Union Information Exchange Inter-exchange Carrriers Joint Service Lightweight Suit Technology Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System Kelvin temperature kiloamperes kilobar kilobits per second kilo thousand electron volt IMS IMUs IND INFOSEC INMS IX IXCs JSLIST JSTARs K kA kbar kbps keV II-C-3 SECTION 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 5 0 5 2 5 7 5 0 5 4 5 0 Introduction 1 0 1 1 1 2 5 0 6 2 2 5 2 1 2 5 3 3 4 3 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 11 2 4 2 5 2 3 1 3 1 4 4 3 5 7 6 3 6 5 2 0 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 5 5 10 2 1 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 1 2 5 4 4 1 4 5 9 5 10 6 2 6 3 6 7 6 3 2 2 5 9 5 9 5 10 5 13 6 1 6 3 6 8 ITEM kHz kJ km kPa kT ktap kV kV m kV ns kW L LANS LBTS LECs LEU LIDAR LIHE LIS LMFBR LTBT LWIR m s MA mA MAC MAN WANS Mbps MC-1 MCTL MeV DESCRIPTION kilohertz kilojoule kilometer kilopascal 0 00987 atmospheres kilotons one thousand dyne centimeters per second kilovolt thousand volts per meter thousand volts per nanosecond kilowatts Lithium Local Area Networks Large Blast Thermal Simulator Local Exchange Carriers Low Enriched Uranium Light detection and ranging Light-Initiated High Explosive Laser Isotope Separation Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Limited Test Ban Treaty long-wave infrared meters per second mega-ampere milliamperes Modified Auxiliary Closure Metropolitan Area and Wide-area Networks Megabytes per second Chemical Bomb Militarily Critical Technologies List million electron volts SECTION 1 1 6 5 6 3 6 8 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 3 2 4 3 5 10 6 5 6 6 6 7 1 1 1 2 6 2 5 6 6 0 6 2 6 3 6 3 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 8 6 6 1 4 5 2 5 9 6 3 5 0 5 5 2 2 6 3 2 1 2 5 5 0 5 1 5 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 6 3 5 0 5 2 5 3 5 10 6 0 6 3 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 1 6 8 1 5 6 1 2 2 2 2 4 2 All 5 6 5 9 5 13 6 1 6 8 ITEM MHD-EMP MLIS MLRS mm MMD MOD MOPP MOS MPa mph ms MS-MS MT MTBF MTCR MW NATO DESCRIPTION Magnetohydrodynamic Electromagnetic Pulse megahertz Management Information Base Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicles Management Information System Munitions List Wassenaar Arrangement Molecular Laser Isotope Separation Multiple Launch Rocket System millimeter Mass Medium Diameter Means of Delivery of WMD Mission-Oriented Protective Posture Metal-Oxide Semiconductor megapascal mile per hour millisecond Mass Spectrometry-mass spectrometry metric ton Mean Time Between Failures Missile Technology Control Regime megawatt North Atlantic Treaty Organization NC NCP NDUL numerically controlled Network Control Points Nuclear Dual-Use List NSG NE nm NNWS Network Element nanometer Non-Nuclear Weapons States MHz MIB MIRV MIS ML II-C-4 SECTION 6 6 2 1 5 10 6 1 2 5 5 0 2 0 All 5 0 5 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 5 4 0 1 4 1 5 4 1 6 2 3 2 Introduction 3 4 6 4 5 2 5 12 6 2 6 2 6 1 6 8 4 3 5 4 6 0 6 3 5 2 All 5 2 5 3 6 3 4 4 6 0 6 2 6 3 6 6 6 7 1 1 1 3 5 9 2 5 Introduction 1 1 5 2 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 9 5 10 5 12 5 13 2 5 6 2 6 3 Appendix E ITEM NOC NPT NRC ns DESCRIPTION Network Operations Center Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Nuclear Regulatory Commission nanosecond NSG NTL Nuclear Suppliers Group Nuclear Trigger List Supplement of NSG Nuclear Denotation Nuclear Weapons Effects Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulation Nuclear Weapons States Optical Carrier On-Line Analytical Processing On-Line Transaction Processing Object-Oriented Technologies Operations Security off-the-shelf pascals per second Permissive Action Links Post-Boost Vehicle Plastic-Bonded Explosives Personal Computer Photo Detectors Personal Identification Numbers Photo Multipler pounds per square inch Plasma Separation Process Postal Telephone and Telegraph Plutonium Plutonium Uranium Recovery by Extraction Pressurized Water Reactor NUDET NWE NWES NWSs OC OLAP OLTP OOT OPSEC OTS Pa s PALs PBV PBX PC PD PINs PM psi PSP PTT Pu PUREX PWR SECTION 2 5 Appendix E Introduction 5 0 5 10 6 1 6 2 6 4 6 6 6 8 Introduction 5 0 5 13 Introduction 5 3 6 3 6 0 6 1 6 2 6 8 6 8 5 0 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 5 11 5 10 6 3 5 0 5 7 1 2 5 9 1 3 1 4 2 3 5 0 5 10 2 4 5 10 1 2 5 2 6 1 6 2 6 3 5 2 2 5 5 0 5 6 5 4 5 3 ITEM QL R D rad si rads RaLa RBMK rcs rf RMS rpm RSCAAL RV SAFF SAW SCPE SCUD SDH SDN SELT SEU SGEMP SHF SI SLAM SMNP SMR SMS SNM SONET II-C-5 DESCRIPTION CW Precursor Research and Development Radiation Absorbed Dose in Silicon Radiation Absorbed Dose Radio Lanthanum Russian High-power Pressure-tube Reactor radar cross section radio frequency root-mean-square Revolutions per minute Remote Sensing Chemical Agent Alarm Reentry Vehicles Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing Surface acoustic wave Simplified Collective Protection Equipment Short-Range Missile Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Software-Defined Network Sheet-Explosive Loading Technique Single-Event Upset System-Generated Electromagnetic Pulse Super High Frequency Systeme Internationale d'Unites the International System of Units Standoff Land Attack Missile Simple Management Network Protocol Specialized Mobile Radio System Management System Special Nuclear Material Synchronous Optical Network SECTION 4 1 1 4 6 4 6 7 6 4 5 10 5 3 1 3 1 4 6 5 1 4 5 9 1 1 1 2 4 3 1 1 1 2 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 5 0 5 7 3 3 4 3 3 4 1 0 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 6 3 6 4 6 0 6 4 6 8 6 5 2 6 5 9 1 3 2 5 2 1 2 6 2 5 5 0 5 6 6 0 2 1 2 2 2 5 ITEM SPES SPLAT SREMP SS STS T TAPS TBM TBP TDD TEL TERCOM TFC TMNs TMS TN TNT TREE TSR TSS TV TVC TW TWG U UAV UGT UGWET DESCRIPTION Synchronous Payload Envelopes Spray Lead at Target Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse Signaling System Stockpile to Target Sequence Tritium Tunnel and Pipe Seals Theater Ballistic Missiles Tri-n-butyl-phosphate Target Detection Device Transporter Erector Launcher Terrain Contour Matching Transverse Field Compensation Telecommunication Management Networks Thermomechanical Shock Thermonuclear Trinitrotoluene Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics Thermostructural Shock Telecommunications System Sector Television Thrust Vector Control Toxin weapon throw weight Technology Working Group Uranium Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Underground Testing Underground Weapons Evaluation and Testing SECTION 2 2 6 3 6 0 6 1 6 7 6 8 2 5 5 7 5 5 5 6 5 13 6 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 5 4 5 7 1 1 1 3 1 3 4 3 2 2 2 5 6 8 5 6 5 13 5 0 5 7 5 10 6 2 6 0 6 4 6 8 6 8 2 5 3 1 5 10 1 2 3 1 6 8 Introduction 5 0 5 0 5 1 1 3 1 5 5 8 6 0 6 1 6 1 ITEM UHF UK UN USAMRIID USML USSR UV V m V-A V Agents VCNs VIS VPNs VSATs VX WA WA Cat WA ML WEB WMD WSMR WST WWI WWMCCS II-C-6 DESCRIPTION Ultra High Frequency United Kingdom United Nations United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases United States Munitions List Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Ultraviolet volts meter volt-ampere Nerve Agents Voice Communications Network Visible Virtual Private Networks Very-Small-Aperture Terminals Nerve Agent Wassenaar Arrangement Wassenaar Arrangement-- Dual-use List Category Wassenaar Arrangement-- Munitions List Weapons Effects Test Weapons of Mass Destruction White Sands Missile Range Weapons Systems Technologies World War I World-Wide Military Command and Control Systems SECTION 6 5 All 1 1 4 1 3 0 All 3 0 3 1 6 5 6 7 5 2 4 0 4 1 2 5 6 5 2 5 2 1 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 All All All 2 3 Introduction 1 0 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 3 0 5 7 6 2 Introduction 4 0 2 6 APPENDIX DEFINITIONS APPENDIX D DEFINITIONS Accuracy Usually measured in terms of inaccuracy is maximum deviation positive or negative of an indicated value from an accepted standard of true value Active Guidance by which a missile warhead or projectile emits radiation usually radio frequency and homes in on the signal reflected from a selected target Active cooling Optical components use flowing fluids in the subsurface of the optical component to remove heat from the system Active flight control systems Function to prevent undesirable aircraft and missile motions or structural loads by autonomously processing outputs from multiple sensors and then providing necessary preventive commands to effect automatic control Active pixel A minimum single element of the solid-state array which has a photoelectric transfer function when exposed to light electromagnetic radiation Active tooling unit A device for applying motive power process energy or sensing to the workpiece Adaptive control A control system that adjusts the response from conditions detected during the operation Reference ISO 2806-1980 Additives Substances used in explosive formulations to improve their properties Aircraft A fixed-wing swivel-wing rotary-wing helicopter tilt-rotor or tilt-wing airborne vehicle See also Civil aircraft Alkylation A reaction that introduces an alkyl group For CWC purposes a phosphorus-carbon bond is produced Alloyed aluminide coatings Coatings of nickel or titanium aluminides modified with other metals such as chromium Aluminum alloys Alloys having an ultimate tensile strength of 190 MPa or more measured at 293 K 20 C Angular position deviation The maximum difference between angular position and the actual very accurately measured angular position after the workpiece mount of the table has been turned out of its initial position Reference VDI VDE 2617 Draft Rotary tables on coordinate measuring machines Antibodies See Anti-idiotypic antibodies Monoclonal antibodies and or Polyclonal antibodies Anti-idiotypic antibodies Antibodies which bind to the specific antigen binding sites of other antibodies Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASIC Preprogrammed VLSI Very Large Scale Integrated or LSI Large Scale Integrated circuit used for a specific application Assemblies A number of electronic components i e circuit elements discrete components integrated circuits etc connected together to perform a specific function replaceable as an entity and normally capable of being disassembled Asynchronous transfer mode ATM A transfer mode in which the information is organized into cells it is asynchronous in the sense that the recurrence of cells depends on the required or instantaneous bit rate CCITT Recommendation L 113 Australia Group An informal international forum chaired by Australia that seeks to discourage and impede the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons by harmonizing national export controls on chemical materials biological organisms and dual-use equipment that could be used in chemical and biological weapons production Automatic target tracking A processing technique that automatically determines and provides as output an extrapolated value of the most probable position of the target in real time Bandwidth of one voice channel In the case of data communication equipment designed to operate in one voice channel of 3 100 Hz as defined in CCITT Recommendation G 151 Bar A unit of pressure that is equal to 106 dynes cm2 or 14 5 psi i e approximately sea-level atmospheric pressure Basic scientific research Experimental or theoretical work undertaken principally to acquire new knowledge of the fundamental principles of phenomena or observable facts not primarily directed towards a specific practical aim or objective Bias accelerometer An accelerometer output when no acceleration is applied Biocatalysts Enzymes or other biological compounds which bind to and accelerate the degradation of CW agents Biological Agent A microorganism or toxin derived from it which causes disease in humans animals or plants or which causes the deterioration of material Biopolymers Biological macromolecules as follows enzymes antibodies monoclonal polyclonal or anti-idiotypic specially designed or specially processed receptors Black body A perfect emitter radiator of electromagnetic radiation having a characteristic temperature that is the sole determinant of its radiated energy spectrum Blast The brief and rapid movement of air vapor or fluid away from a center of outward pressure II-D-1 Blister agent vesicant An agent that burns and blisters the skin eyes respiratory tract and lungs Blood agent An agent that prevents the normal transfer of oxygen from the blood to body tissues Brilliant munition A many-on-many munition that operates autonomously to search for detect identify acquire and attack specific classes of targets The sensor on each munition acquires and attacks one among the class of targets so that in a battlefield situation two munitions may attack the same target leaving others inviolate Bulk A comparatively large quantity of a substance or commodity that is manufactured shipped and stored as such but which is characteristically broken down into smaller lots before application or further processing Burnout electronics A type of failure that implies the destruction of a component caused by a permanent change in one or more characteristics beyond an acceptable amount CAD computer-aided design The use of a computer and computer graphics in the design of parts products and others CAE computer-aided engineering Analysis of a design for basic error-checking or to optimize manufacturability performance and economy for example by comparing various possible materials or designs Calorie The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water from 15 C to 16 C at 760 mm Hg pressure CAM computer-aided manufacturing The effective utilization of computer technology in the management control and operations of the manufacturing facility through either direct or indirect computer interface with the physical and human resources of the company C3I System See Integrated C3I systems Camming axial displacement Axial displacement in one revolution of the main spindle measured in a plane perpendicular to the spindle faceplate at a point next to the circumference of the spindle faceplate Reference ISO 230 1 1986 paragraph 5 63 Cathodic Arc Deposition See Thermal evaporation-physical vapor deposition TE-PVD CEP Circular Error Probable or Circle of Equal Probability A measure of accuracy at a specific range expressed in terms of the radius of the circle centered on the target in which 50 percent of the payloads impact Chemical Abstract Service CAS registry number A unique number which links the molecular structure of a chemical with its Chemical Abstracts index name and other data Each number designates a single substance so far as its structure has been elucidated and can be defined in terms of atoms composition valence bonds structure and stereochemistry Chemical laser A laser in which the excited species is produced by the output energy from a chemical reaction Chemical vapor deposition CVD An overlay coating or surface modification coating process wherein a metal alloy composite dielectric or ceramic is deposited upon a heated substrate Gaseous reactants are decomposed or combined in the vicinity of a substrate resulting in the deposition of the desired elemental alloy or compound material on the substrate Energy for this decomposition or chemical reaction process may be provided by the heat of the substrate a glow discharge plasma or laser irradiation Chemical weapons CW From the CWC a Toxic chemicals and their precursors except where intended for purposes not prohibited under this Convention as long as the types and quantities are consistent with such purposes b Munitions and devices specifically designed to cause death or other harm through the toxic properties of those toxic chemicals specified in subparagraph a which would be released as a result of the employment of such munitions and devices c Any equipment specifically designed for use directly in connection with the employment of munitions and devices specified in subparagraph b CWC Article II Chemical Weapons Convention CWC A multilateral treaty that bans the development production acquisition stockpiling retention and direct or indirect transfer and use of chemical weapons It also prohibits the use or preparation for use of CW and the assistance encouragement or inducement of anyone else to engage in activities prohibited by the treaty It further requires participating states to destroy existing chemical weapons and any CW production facilities Chip Micromechanical microelectronic devices on a single substrate Choking agent An agent that attacks the eyes and respiratory tract from the nose to the lungs primarily causing pulmonary edema dry drowning Circuit element A single active or passive functional part of an electronic circuit such as one diode one transistor one resistor one capacitor etc Circumvention electronics A system protection technique in which detection of the onset of nuclear radiation or EMP puts a critical portion of the system in a protected condition A system-level technique using special hardware and software for recovering from a transient upset Civil aircraft Those aircraft listed by designation in published airworthiness certification lists by the civil aviation authorities to fly commercial civil internal and external routes or for legitimate civil private or business use See also Aircraft II-D-2 CLOS A command-to-line-of-sight guided-munition system in which an operator looks through a sight searches detects and acquires a target then aims and fires a missile Guidance commands are automatically generated at the launcher by continually comparing the aimpoint to the current missile location Corrective commands are transmitted to the missile through a wire link between the launcher and the missile causing the missile to fly along the line of sight between the launcher and the target for example the TOW missile Cluster tool A set of process chambers or modules linked by a wafer transport in a controlled environment and with a communication system that can control sequential processing in a semiconductor fab line Commingled Filament-to-filament blending of thermoplastic fibers and reinforcement fibers in order to produce a fiber reinforcement matrix mix in total fiber form Comminution A process to reduce a material to particles by crushing or grinding Common channel signaling A signaling method in which a single channel between exchanges conveys by means of labeled messages signaling information relating to a multiplicity of circuits or calls and other information such as that used for network management Communications The process of representing transferring interpreting or processing information data among persons places or machines Communications implies a sender a receiver and a transmission medium over which the information travels The meaning assigned to the data must be recoverable without degradation See also Telecommunications Communications channel controller The physical interface which controls the flow of synchronous or asynchronous digital information It is an assembly that can be integrated into computer or telecommunications equipment to provide communications access Compensation TREE A general category of techniques employed to divert primary and secondary photocurrents or to nullify their effects as an aid to circuit hardening against ionizing radiation Composite A matrix and an additional phase or additional phases consisting of particles whiskers fibers or any combination thereof present for a specific purpose or purposes Composite theoretical performance CTP A measure of computational performance given in millions of theoretical operations per second MTOPS calculated using the aggregation of computing elements CE Compound rotary table A table allowing the workpiece to rotate and tilt about two nonparallel axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for contouring control Computer operating area The immediate contiguous and accessible area around the electronic computer where the normal operating support and service functions take place Computer using facility The end-user's contiguous and accessible facilities housing the computer operating area and those end-user functions which are being supported by the stated application of the electronic computer and its related equipment and not extending beyond 1 500 meters in any direction from the center of the computer operating area Computing element CE The smallest computational unit that produces an arithmetic or logic result Contouring control Two or more numerically controlled motions operating in accordance with instructions that specify the next required position and the required feed rates to that position These feed rates are varied in relation to each other so that a desired contour is generated Reference ISO DIS 2806-1980 Control The process of steering a missile while stabilizing it against disturbances such as wind gusts or blast by the operation of aerodynamic surfaces air or jet vanes gas jets or attitude control of rocket motors Control subsystems respond to guidance q v signals to correct the attitude and position of a missile and to activate power sources servomechanisms and other components Conventional unguided projectiles Those which do not incorporate directional warheads including warheads employing multi-point initiation to achieve focused blast fragmentation characteristics submunitions or submunition capacity fuel air explosives provisions for increasing the range or impact velocity kinetic energy armor penetration capability mid-flight guidance terminal guidance Correlated munition See Sentient munition Corrosion-resistant steel Steel which is AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 300 series or equivalent national standard steels Co-spray Simultaneously but separately injecting both ceramic and metal powders particulates into a high-temperature plasma stream to form a metal matrix composite upon solidification on a substrate Critical Temperature Sometimes referred to as the transition temperature of a specific superconductive material is the temperature at which the material loses all resistance to the flow of direct electrical current Cruise Missile An unmanned self-propelled guided vehicle that sustains flight through aerodynamic lift for most of its flight path and whose primary mission is to place an ordnance or special payload on a target Cryptanalysis The analysis of a cryptographic system or its inputs and outputs to derive confidential variables or sensitive data including clear text ISO 7498-21988 E paragraph 3 3 18 Cryptography The discipline which embodies principles means and methods for the transformation of data in order to hide its information content prevent its undetected modification or prevent its unauthorized use Cryptography is limited to the transformation of information using one or more secret parameters e g crypto variables or associated key management II-D-3 Cryptomaterial All material including documents devices equipment and apparatus essential to the encryption decryption or authentication of telecommunications When classified it is designated CRYPTO and subject to special safeguards CWC Schedules In the CWC the three categories into which toxic chemicals and their precursors are divided based on the threat the chemicals precursors pose to the purpose and objectives of the Treaty and the extent of their commercial use Cyanation A reaction in which a cyanide group is added For CWC purposes a cyanide group is bonded to a phosphorus atom Data device Equipment capable of transmitting or receiving sequences of digital information Designed or modified Equipment parts components or software that as a result of development or modification have specified properties that make them fit for a particular application The designed or modified equipment parts components or software can be used for other applications For example a titanium-coated pump designed for a missile can be used with corrosive fluids other than propellants MTCR Detonation high-explosive A violent chemical reaction with a chemical compound or mechanical mixture evolving heat and pressures Detonation nuclear A nuclear explosion resulting from fission or fusion reactions in nuclear materials such as that from a nuclear weapon Developing Critical Technologies Technologies which when fully developed and incorporated into a military system will produce increasingly superior performance or maintain a superior capability more affordably Digital computer Equipment which can in the form of one or more discrete variables accept data store data or instructions in fixed or alterable writable storage devices process data by means of a stored sequence of instructions which is modifiable and provide output of data Digitizing rate The rate in samples per second at which the acquired signal can be converted to digital information Discrete component A separately packaged circuit element with its own external connection Dose absorbed The amount of energy imparted by nuclear or ionizing radiation to unit mass of absorbing material The unit is the rad In current usage the rad unit has been replaced by the SI unit the gray Gy 1 Gy 100 rads Doppler The special radiation line broadening attributable to the motion of the source or of the target and sensed by detection and tracking systems Drift Environmental or thermal effects on response of a machine or device to gradually move away from the desired response Drift rate gyro The time rate of output deviation from the desired output It consists of random and systematic components and is expressed as an equivalent input angular displacement per unit time with respect to inertial space Dynamic adaptive routing Automatic rerouting of traffic based on sensing and analysis of current actual network conditions Dynamic signal analyzers Signal analyzers which use digital sampling and transformation techniques to form a Fourier spectrum display of the given waveform including amplitude and phase information See also Signal analyzers Electron Beam PVD See Thermal evaporation-physical vapor deposition TEPVD Electronically steerable phased array antenna An antenna which forms a beam by means of phase coupling i e the beam direction is controlled by the complex excitation coefficients of the radiating elements and the direction of that beam can be varied in azimuth or in elevation or both by application both in transmission and reception of an electrical signal End-effectors End-effectors include grippers active tooling units and any other tooling that is attached to the baseplate on the end of a robot manipulator arm Energetic materials A collective term for military high explosives propellants and pyrotechnics which is synonymous with the term military explosives the preferred NATO COCOM usage Although the term has been adopted by some also to cover commercial explosives it is used in the MCTL only to refer to military technology Ensembling A process to improve clock performance by using multiple clocks and to improve reliability by redundancy self-monitoring or reduction of signal perturbations Enzymes Biocatalysts for specific chemical or biochemical reactions Equivalent density The mass of an optic per unit optical area projected onto the optical surface Expression vectors Carriers e g plasmid or virus used to introduce genetic material into host cells Fast select A facility applicable to virtual calls which allows data terminal equipment to expand the possibility to transmit data in call set-up and clearing packets beyond the basic capabilities of a virtual call Fault tolerance The capability of a computer system after any malfunction of any of its hardware or software components to continue to operate without human intervention at a given level of service that provides continuity of operation data integrity and recovery of service within a given time Fibrous and filamentary materials These materials include continuous monofilaments continuous yarns and rovings tapes fabrics random mats and braids chopped fibers staple fibers and coherent fiber blankets whiskers either monocrystalline or polycrystalline of any length aromatic polyamide pulp II-D-4 Film type integrated circuit An array of circuit elements and metallic interconnections formed by deposition of a thick or thin film on an insulating substrate Firmware Implementation of software in hardware circuitry or read-only memory Fixed The coding or compression e g cryptographic or key variables that cannot be modified by the user Fixed ammunition Ammunition rounds in which the cartridge with propellant and the loaded shell or bullet are all in one unit With semifixed rounds the cartridge case is not permanently fixed to the projectile so that zone charges within cases can be adjusted to obtain desired ranges but each round is inserted into a weapon as a unit Fixed-sequence manipulation mechanisms Automated moving devices operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions The program is mechanically limited by fixed stops such as pins or cams The sequence of motions and the selection of paths or angles are not variable or changeable by mechanical electronic or electrical means Fluoride fibers Fibers manufactured from bulk fluoride compounds Frequency agility frequency hopping A form of spread spectrum in which the transmission frequency of a single communication channel is made to change by discrete steps Frequency agility radar See Radar frequency agility Frequency switching time The maximum time i e delay taken by a signal when switched from one selected output frequency to another selected output frequency to reach a frequency within 100 Hz of the final frequency or an output level within 1 dB of the final output level Frequency synthesizer Any kind of frequency source or signal generator regardless of the actual technique used providing a multiplicity of simultaneous or alternative output frequencies from one or more outputs controlled by derived from or disciplined by a lesser number of standard or master frequencies Gas atomization A process to reduce a molten stream of metal alloy to droplets of 500-micrometer diameter or less by a high-pressure gas stream Gateway The function realized by any combination of equipment and software to carry out the conversion of conventions or representing processing or communicating information used in one system into the corresponding but different conventions used in another system Generic software A set of instructions for a stored program controlled switching system that is the same for all switches using that type of switching system Geneva Protocol of 1925 A multilateral agreement that prohibits the use of poisonous gases and bacteriological weapons in war It was opened for signature in 1925 and was ratified by the United States in 1975 Geographically dispersed Sensors are considered geographically dispersed when each location is distant from any other more than 1 500 m in any direction Mobile sensors are always considered geographically dispersed Global interrupt latency time The item taken by the computer system to recognize an interrupt due to the event service the interrupt and perform a context switch to an alternative memory-resident task waiting on the interrupt Gray The gray Gy is a unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation one Gy is an absorbed dose of ionizing radiation equal to one joule per kilogram of absorber The gray replaces the rad One rad 0 01 Gy Guidance The data collection and command process whereby a missile or space vehicle is directed to a specified destination Guidance subsystems may be internal or external to a missile system may be preset active passive or semi-active and function independently over initial midcourse and terminal phases of a flight path Guidance munition A one-on-one munition a specific munition engages a specific target which is advantageous during close combat situations An operator is required in the loop to select the target and often assist in the guidance The munitions may be either CLOS or terminal homing devices Guidance sets A device that integrates the data collection and command process that directs a missile or space vehicle to its target High Energy Laser HEL A laser which has an average or CW power level of nominally tens of kilowatts of power and which operates for nominally a few seconds providing energies of 104 Joules or larger When the HEL is operated in a pulsed mode the energy is averaged over 1 second or the duration of the laser train of pulses whichever is longer Hit-to-kill A munition system incorporating integrated seeker guidance and control and fuze subsystems the warhead of which is initiated upon target impact or in close proximity thereto Hot isostatic densification A process of pressurizing a casting at temperatures exceeding 375 K 102 C in a closed cavity through various media gas liquid solid particles etc to create equal force in all directions to reduce or eliminate internal voids in the casting Hybrid computer Equipment which can accept and process data in both analog and digital representations and provide output of data Hybrid integrated circuit Any combination of integrated circuit s or integrated circuit with circuit elements or discrete components connected to perform specific function s and having all of the following characteristics containing at least one unencapsulated device connected using typical IC production methods replaceable as an entity and not normally capable of being disassembled II-D-5 Image enhancement The processing of externally derived information-bearing images by algorithms such as time compression filtering extraction selection correlation convolution or transformations between domains e g fast Fourier transform or Walsh transform This does not include algorithms using only linear or rotational transformation of a single image such as translation feature extraction registration or false coloration Impulse specific The thrust developed in burning unit weight of a propellant corrected for standard operating and discharge pressures Specific impulse may be measured or they may be estimated theoretically from the thermochemical properties of propellant formulations and their decomposition products Impulse total The integral of the thrust of a rocket motor over the burning time Other factors being equal the same total impulse can result from a small thrust over a long burn time as from a high thrust over a short burn time In the public domain Means technology or software which has been made available without restrictions upon its further dissemination Copyright restrictions do not remove technology or software from being in the public domain In-bulk See Bulk Inertial environmental test conditions 1 Input random vibration with an overall g level of 7 7 g rms in the first half hour and a total test duration of 1-1 2 hour per axis in each of the three perpendicular axes when the random vibration meets the following a A constant power spectral density PSD value of 0 04 g2 Hz over a frequency interval of 15 to 1 000 Hz and b The PSD attenuates with frequency from 0 04 g2 Hz to 0 001 g2 Hz over a frequency interval from 1 000 to 2 000 Hz 2 A roll and yaw rate of equal to or more than 2 62 radian s 150 deg s or 3 According to national standards equivalent to 1 or 2 above Information security All the means and functions ensuring the accessibility confidentiality or integrity of information or communications excluding the means and functions intended to safeguard against malfunctions This includes cryptography cryptanalysis protection against compromising emanations and computer security Information system People technologies and machines used to capture or generate collect record store retrieve process display and transfer or communicate information to multiple users at appropriate levels of an organization to accomplish a specified set of functions Information systems The entire infrastructure organization personnel and components that collect process store disseminate and act on information Information warfare Actions taken to achieve information superiority by affecting adversary information information-based processes information systems and computer-based networks while defending one's own information information-based processes information systems and computer-based networks Instantaneous bandwidth The bandwidth over which output power remains constant within 3 dB without adjustment of other operating parameters Instrumented range The specified unambiguous display range of a radar Integrated C3I systems Fabricated combinations of platforms sensors and weapons software and data-processing equipment related communications subsystems and user-system interfaces specifically designed for the control of U S armed forces and weapons systems Command control communications and intelligence systems are integrated combinations of military command information processing communications network and intelligence gathering subsystems including surveillance warning and identification subsystems that make up the U S C2I systems These combined technologies support U S authorities at all echelons with the integrated C2I systems that provide the timely and adequate data required to plan direct and control U S military forces and operations in the accomplishment of their missions Integrated services digital network ISDN A unified end-to-end digital network in which data originating from all types of communication e g voice text data still and moving pictures are transmitted from one port terminal in the exchange switch over one access line to and from the subscriber Interconnected radar sensors Two or more radar sensors are interconnected when they mutually exchange data in real time Interpolation The means in NC by which curved sections are approximated by a series of straight lines or parabolic segments Intrinsic magnetic gradiometer A single magnetic field gradient sensing element and associated electronics the output of which is a measure of magnetic field gradient See also Magnetic Gradiometers Ion implantation A surface modification coating process in which the element to be alloyed is ionized accelerated through a potential gradient and implanted into the surface region of the substrate This includes processes in which ion implantation is performed simultaneously with electron beam physical vapor deposition or sputter deposition Ion plating A special modification of a general TE-PVD process in which a plasma or an ion source is used to ionize the species to be deposited and a negative bias is applied to the substrate to facilitate the extraction of the species to be deposited from the plasma The introduction of reactive species evaporation of solids within the process chamber and the use of monitors to provide in-process measurement of optical characteristics and thicknesses of coatings are ordinary modifications of the process Isostatic presses Equipment capable of pressurizing a closed cavity through various media gas liquid solid particles etc to create equal pressure in all directions within the cavity K-factor A standard method for expressing the surface hardness and finish of a machined gear tooth II-D-6 Laser An assembly of components which produce both spatially and temporally coherent light that is amplified by stimulated emission or radiation Latch-Up Free A device or an integrated circuit which does not have an intentional or non-intentional four-layer p-n-p-n structure For example integrated circuits properly fabricated on silicon on insulator SOI substrates would be latch-up free Linearity Usually measured in terms of non-linearity is the maximum deviation of the actual characteristics average of upscale and downscale readings positive or negative from a straight line so positioned as to equalize and minimize the maximum deviations Line of sight Guidance by which the missile warhead or projectile is commanded to follow a trajectory that will cause it to intercept a target in a direction defined by a target tracker The method requires two-way communication with the missile warhead or projectile either by means of an IR RF wire or fiber-optic link Local area network A data communication system which allows an arbitrary number of independent data devices to communicate directly with each other and is confined to a geographic area of moderate size e g office building plant campus warehouse Mach number The ratio of the speed of an object to the speed of sound in the surrounding medium Magnetic gradiometers Instruments designed to detect the spatial variation of magnetic fields from sources external to the instrument They consist of multiple magnetometers and associated electronics the output of which is a measure of magnetic field gradient See also Intrinsic magnetic gradiometer Magnetometers Instruments designed to detect magnetic fields from sources external to the instrument They consist of a single magnetic field sensing element and associated electronics the output of which is a measure of the magnetic field Main storage The primary storage for data or instructions for rapid access by a central processing unit It consists of the internal storage of a digital computer and any hierarchical extension thereto such as cache storage or non-sequentially accessed extended storage Maraging steels A special class of high-strength low-carbon nickel-alloy steels wherein the high strength greater than 1 030 MPa is derived from age hardening or precipitation of intermetallic compounds in the grain structure and does not involve carbon These steels typically contain no less than 10 percent nickel no more than 0 03 percent carbon and Co Mo Ti and Al as alloying elements Mass fraction The ratio of the weight of the propellant to the weight of the loaded rocket The larger the ratio the longer the range of the rocket Matrix A substantially continuous phase that fills the space between particles whiskers or fibers Maximum bit transfer rate Of a disk drive or solid-state storage device the number of data bits per second transferred between the drive or the device and its controller Measurement uncertainty The characteristic parameter that specifies in what range around the output value the correct value of the measurable variable lies with a confidence level of 95 percent It includes the uncorrected systematic deviations the uncorrected backlash and the random deviations Ref VDI VDE 2617 Mechanical alloying An alloying process resulting from the bonding fracturing and rebonding of elemental and master alloy powders by mechanical impact Non-metallic particles may be incorporated in the alloy by the addition of the appropriate powders Mechanically controlled variable sequence manipulation mechanisms Automated moving devices operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions The program is mechanically limited by fixed but adjustable stops such as pins or cams The sequence of motions and the selection of paths or angles are variable within the fixed program pattern Variations or modifications of the program pattern e g changes of pins or exchanges of cams in one or more motion axes are accomplished only through mechanical operations Media access unit Equipment which contains one or more communication interfaces network access controller communications channel controller modem or computer bus to connect terminal equipment to a network Median Lethal Dosage vapor aerosol LCt50 The amount of agent vapor aerosol expected to kill 50 percent of exposed unprotected people Median Lethal Dose liquid LD50 The single dose of a substance that causes death of 50 percent of a population from exposure to the substance by any route other than inhalation Melt extraction A process to solidify rapidly and extract a ribbon-like alloy product by the insertion of a short segment of a rotating chilled block into a bath of a molten alloy Melt spinning A process to solidify rapidly a molten metal stream impinging upon a rotating chilled block forming a flake ribbon or rod-like product Microcomputer microcircuit A monolithic integrated circuit or multichip integrated circuit containing an arithmetic logic unit capable of executing generalpurpose instructions from an internal storage on data contained in the internal storage The internal storage may be augmented by an external storage Microprogram A sequence of elementary instructions maintained in a special storage the execution of which is initiated by the introduction of its reference instruction into an instruction register Militarily critical technologies Technologies the technical performance parameters of which are at or above the minimum level necessary to ensure continuing superior performance of U S military systems Military high explosives Solid liquid or gaseous substances or mixtures of substances which are required to detonate in their application as primary booster or main charge in warhead demolition and other military applications II-D-7 Military propellants Solid liquid or gaseous substances or mixtures of substances used for propelling projectiles and missiles or to generate gases for powering auxiliary devices for embargoed military equipment and which when ignited burn or deflagrate to produce quantities of gas capable of performing work but in their application these quantities are required not to undergo a deflagration- to-detonation transition Military pyrotechnics Mixtures of solid or liquid fuels and oxidizers which when ignited undergo an energetic chemical reaction at a controlled rate intended to produce specific time delays or quantities of heat noise smoke visible light or infrared radiation Pyrophorics are a subclass of pyrotechnics which contain no oxidizers but ignite spontaneously on contact with air Minimum smoke A descriptive term used for propellants that produce the least amount of smoke under specified conditions The term is difficult to quantify but AGARD identifies these as class AA propellants Mirrors Reflective optical elements Monoclonal antibodies Proteins which bind to one antigenic site and are produced by a single clone of cells Monolithic integrated circuit A combination of passive or active circuit elements or both which are formed by means of diffusion processes implantation processes or deposition processes in or on a single semiconducting piece of material a socalled chip can be considered as indivisibly associated and perform the function s of a circuit Most immediate storage The portion of the main storage most directly accessible by the central processing unit a For single level main storage the inertial storage or b For hierarchical main storage the cache storage the instruction stack or the data block Motion control board An electronic assembly of a number of connected electronic components i e circuit element discrete components integrated circuits etc specially designed to provide a computer system with the capability to coordinate simultaneously the motion of axes of machine tools for contouring control Multichip integrated circuit Two or more monolithic integrated circuits bonded to a common substrate Multi-data-stream processing The Microprogram or equipment architecture technique which permits simultaneous processing of two or more data sequences under the control of one or more instruction sequences by means such as Single Instruction Multiple Data SIMD architectures such as vector or array processors Multiple Single Instruction Multiple Data MSIMD architectures Multiple Instruction Multiple Data architectures including those which are tightly coupled closely coupled or loosely coupled or Structured arrays of processing elements including systolic arrays Multilevel security A class of system containing information with different sensitivities that simultaneously permits access by users with different security clearances and needs-to-know but prevents users from obtaining access to information for which they lack authorization Multiple transverse mode Any laser the average divergence of which is larger than that allowed for a single transverse mode laser will be considered to be multimode Multispectral imaging sensors Sensors capable of simultaneous or serial acquisition of imaging data from two or more discrete spectral bands Sensors having more than 20 discrete spectral bands are sometimes referred to as hyperspectral imaging sensors Nerve agent Extremely toxic compounds that produce convulsions and rapid death by inactivating an enzyme acetylcholinesterase essential for the normal transmission of nerve impulses Network access controller A physical interface to a distributed switching network It uses a common medium which operates throughout at the same digital transfer rate using arbitration e g token or carrier sense for transmission Independently from any other it selects data packets or data groups e g IEEE 802 addressed to it It is an assembly that can be integrated into computer or telecommunications equipment to provide communications access Neural computer A computational device designed or modified to mimic the behavior of a neuron or a collection of neurons i e a computational device which is distinguished by its hardware capability to modulate the weights and numbers of the interconnections of a multiplicity of computational components based on previous data Neural networks Computational devices designed to emulate in a simplistic manner the computational processes of the brain by utilizing a variety of simple computational devices artificial neurons arranged in large networks that can be trained Noble metal modified aluminide Nickel or titanium aluminide modified with noble metals such as platinum or rhodium Noise level An electrical signal given in terms of power spectral density Th relation between noise level expressed in peak-to-peak is given by S2pp 8No f2 - f1 where Spp is the peak to peak value of the signal e g nanoteslas No is the power spectral density e g nanotesla 2 Hz and f2 - f1 defines the bandwidth of interest Non-servo-controlled variable sequence manipulation mechanisms Automated moving devices operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions The program is variable but the sequence proceeds only by the binary signal from mechanically fixed electrical binary devices or adjustable stops II-D-8 Nuclear reactor Includes the items within or attached directly to the reactor vessel the equipment which controls the level of power in the core and the components which normally contain or come into direct contact with or control the primary coolant of the reactor core Numerical control The automatic control of a process performed by a device that makes use of numeric data usually introduced as the operation is in progress Reference ISO 2382 Object code or object language The machine-readable code See also Source code Obscurant A substance or radiation absorber that blocks the radiation emitted from a target thereby preventing the continuous tracking or detection of the target Observable The parameters such as distance speed or shape of a vehicle that can be seen optically electronically magnetically acoustically or thermally One-point safe A nuclear weapon is one-point safe if there is a probability of less than one part in a million of a nuclear energy release greater than or equal to 4 pounds TNT equivalent when the high explosives are detonated at the single point most likely to produce nuclear yield Operate autonomously Refers to the ability of a vehicle to move between two or more known locations without the need for human intervention Operate-through The ability of an electronic system to function without major degradation during transient nuclear events Optical amplification In optical communications an amplification technique that introduces a gain of optical signals that have been generated by a separate optical source without conversion to electrical signals i e using semiconductor optical amplifiers optical fiber luminescent amplifiers Optical computer A computer designed or modified to use light to represent data and with computational logic elements based on directly coupled optical devices Optical fiber preforms Bars ingots or rods of glass plastic or other materials which have been specially processed for use in fabricating optical fibers The characteristics of the preform determine the basic parameters of the resultant drawn optical fibers Optical integrated circuit A monolithic integrated circuit or a hybrid integrated circuit containing one or more parts designed to function as a photosensor or photoemitter or to perform an optical or an electro-optical function s Optical switching The routing of or switching of signals in optical form without conversion to electrical signals Overall current density The total number of ampere-turns in the coil i e the sum of the number of turns multiplied by the maximum current carried by each turn divided by the total cross section of the coil comprising the superconducting filaments the metallic matrix in which the superconducting filaments are embedded the encapsulating material any cooling channels etc Pack cementation Any surface modification coating or overlay coating process wherein a substrate is immersed in a powder mixture a pack that consists of 1 The metallic powders that are to be deposited usually aluminum chromium silicon or combinations thereof 2 An activator normally a halide salt and 3 An inert powder most frequently alumina The substrate and powder mixture are contained within a retort which is heated to between 1 030 K 757 C to 1 375 K l 102 C for sufficient time to deposit the coating Passive Missile or warhead guidance by which the device homes in on the natural radiation RF IR or visible from the target The device is autonomous incorporating a seeker that requires no external illumination of the target Peak power Energy per pulse in joules divided by the pulse duration in seconds Plasma spraying Any overlay coating process wherein a gun spray torch which produces and controls a plasma accepts powder or wire coating materials melts them and propels them towards a substrate whereon an integrally bonded coating is formed Polyclonal antibodies A mixture of proteins which bind to the specific antigen and are produced by more than one clone of cells Positioning accuracy Of numerically controlled machine tools is to be determined and presented in accordance with ISO DIS 230 2 paragraph 2 13 in conjunction with the requirements below 1 Test conditions paragraph 3 a For 12 hours before and during measurements the machine tools and accuracy measuring equipment will be kept at the same ambient temperature During the premeasurement time the slides of the machine will be continuously cycled in the same manner that the accuracy measurements will be taken b The machine shall be equipped with any mechanical electronic or software compensation to be exported with the machine c Accuracy of measuring equipment for the measurements shall be at least four times more accurate than the expected machine tool accuracy d Power supply for slide drives shall be as follows 1 Line voltage variation shall not be greater than 10 percent of nominal rated voltage 2 Frequency variation shall not be greater than 2 Hz of the normal frequency 3 Lineouts or interrupted service is not permitted II-D-9 2 Test program paragraph 4 a Feed rate velocity of slides during measurement shall be the rapid traverse rate In case of machine tools which generate optical quality surfaces the feed rate shall be equal to or less than 50 mm per minute b Measurements shall be made in an incremental manner from one limit of the axis travel to the other without returning to the starting position for each move to the target position c Axes not being measured shall be retained at mid travel during test of an axis 3 Presentation of test results paragraph 2 the results of the measurements must include a Positioning accuracy A and b The mean reversal error B Power management Changing the transmitted power of the altimeter signal so that received power at the aircraft altitude is always at the minimum necessary to determine the altitude Precision-guided munition A munition equipped with a sensor that interacts with its aerodynamic control surfaces that falls into one of the following categories guided smart or brilliant Precursors Specialty chemicals used in the manufacture of military explosives Primary smoke The solid particulates from the combustion of a fuel pyrotechnic or propellant Metal and elemental fuels and other additives in energetic materials or by themselves contribute significantly to primary smoke See Secondary smoke Principal element An element is a principal element when its replacement value is more than 34 percent of the total value of the system of which it is an element Element value is the price paid for the element by the manufacturer of the system or by the system integrator Total value is the normal international selling price to unrelated parties at the point of manufacture or consolidation of shipment Producibility The elements of a design by which a product or a commodity while meeting all of its performance objectives within the design constraints may be produced in the shortest total time at the lowest cost with the most readily available materials using the most advantageous processes and assembly methods U S Army AMC definition Production All production stages such as product engineering manufacture integration assembly mounting inspection testing and quality assurance Progressivity The rate of increase of the burning rate or of the surface area of burning propellant See Propellant grain Proof test The on-line or off-line production screen testing that dynamically applies a prescribed tensile stress over a 0 5 to 3 m length of fiber at a running rate of 2 to 5 m s while passing between capstans approximately 15 cm in diameter The ambient temperature is a nominal 293 K and relative humidity 40 percent Propellant grain A single piece of propellant the dimensions of which may vary from a few millimeters to several meters and are known as the configuration for single grains or the granulation for charges consisting of more than one grain Configurations are changed to vary the exposed surface of grains and thus vary the burning surface A grain that maintains a constant burning surface has a neutral configuration a grain with a surface area or burning rate that increases has a progressive configuration a grain with a burning surface that decreases has a degressive configuration Public domain See In the public domain Pulse compression The coding and processing of a radar signal pulse of long time duration to one of short time duration while maintaining the benefits of high pulse energy Pulse duration Duration of a laser pulse measured at Full-Width Half-Intensity FWHI levels Pyrophorics See Military Pyrotechnics Q-switched laser A laser in which the energy is stored in the population inversion or in the optical resonator and subsequently emitted in a pulse Radar frequency agility Any technique which changes in a pseudo-random sequence the carrier frequency of a pulsed-radar transmitter between pulses or between groups of pulses by an amount equal to or larger than the pulse bandwidth Radar spread spectrum Any modulation technique for spreading energy origination from a signal with a relatively narrow frequency band over a much wider band of frequencies by using random or pseudo-random coding Real-Time a In solving a problem a speed sufficient to give an answer within the actual time the problem must be solved b Pertaining to the actual time during which a physical process occurs and c Pertaining to the performance of a computation during the actual time that the related physical process occurs so that results of the computation can be used in guiding the physical process Real-time bandwidth For dynamic signal analyzers the widest frequency range the analyzer can output to display or mass storage without causing any discontinuity in the analysis of the input data For analyzers with more than one channel the channel configuration yielding the widest real-time bandwidth shall be used to make the calculation Real-time processing The processing of data by a computer system providing a required level of service as a function of available resources within a guaranteed response time regardless of the load of the system when stimulated by an external event Real-time spectrum analyzers See Dynamic signal analyzers Receptors Biological macromolecular structures capable of binding ligands the binding of which affects physiological functions II-D-10 Reduced smoke A descriptor for propellants that have been tailored to produce less smoke than standard formulations of aluminum and ammonium perchlorate see Smoky They may be classified by AGARD as either class AC or BC Repeatability Closeness of agreement of repeated position movements to the same indicated location and under the same conditions Required As applied to technology refers to only that portion of technology which is peculiarly responsible for achieving or exceeding the embargoed performance levels characteristics or functions Such required technology may be shared by different products Resistive heating PVD See Thermal evaporation-physical vapor deposition TEPVD Resolution The least increment of a measuring device on digital instruments the least significant bit Reference ANSI B-89 1 12 Riot control agents Substances which in low concentrations produce temporarily irritating or disabling physical effects that disappear within minutes of removal from exposure There is minimal risk of permanent injury and medical treatment is rarely required Robot A manipulation mechanism which may be of the continuous path or of the point-to-point variety may use sensors and has all the following characteristics a Is multifunctional b Is capable of positioning or orienting material parts tools or special devices through variable movements in three-dimensional space c Incorporates three or more closed- or open-loop servo-devices which may include stepping motors and d Has user-accessible programmability by means of the teach playback method or by means of an electronic computer which may be a programmable logic controller i e without mechanical intervention N B The above definition does not include the following devices 1 Manipulation mechanisms which are only manually teleoperator controllable 2 Fixed sequence manipulation mechanisms which are automated moving devices operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions The program is mechanically limited by fixed stops such as pins or cams The sequence of motions and the selection of paths or angles are not variable or changeable by mechanical electronic or electrical means 3 Mechanically controlled variable sequence manipulation mechanisms which are automated moving devices operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions The program is mechanically limited by fixed but adjustable stops such as pins or cams The sequence of motions and the selection of paths or angles are variable within the fixed program pattern Variations or modifications of the program pattern e g changes of pins or exchanges of cams in one or more motion axes are accomplished only through mechanical operations 4 Non-servo-controlled variable sequence manipulation mechanisms which are automated moving devices operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions The program is variable but the sequence proceeds only by the binary signal from mechanically fixed electrical binary devices or adjustable stops 5 Stacker cranes defined as Cartesian coordinate manipulator systems manufactured as an integral part of a vertical array of storage bins and designed to access the contents of those bins for storage or retrieval Rocket motor A non-airbreathing reaction propulsion device consisting of a thrust or combustion change in which formulations of solid fuels oxidizers and additives are burned and expanded through an exhaust nozzle Rotary atomization A process to reduce a stream or pool of molten metal droplets to a diameter of 500 micrometers or less by centrifugal force Run out out-of-true running Radial displacement in one revolution of the main spindle measured in a plane perpendicular to the spindle axis at a point on the external or internal revolving surface to be tested Reference ISO 230 1-1986 paragraph 5 61 Scale factor gyro or accelerometer The ratio of change in output to a change in the input intended to be measured Scale factor is generally evaluated as the slope of the straight line that can be fitted by the method of least squares to input-output data obtained by varying the input cyclically over the input range Scanning spectrum analyzer See Signal analyzer Secondary smoke Smoke that results from the interaction of propellant or pyrotechnics and water to form droplets that condense on submicron atmospheric particles Low temperatures high humidity and acid vapors such as the HCI combustion products of ammonium perchlorate all contribute to secondary smoke formation Secret parameter A constant or key kept from the knowledge of others or shared only within a group Seeker A device that orients a munition's sensor to survey acquire lock-on and track a target Semi-active Missile or warhead guidance by which the target is illuminated by an auxiliary emitter e g a laser or radar beam and the missile or warhead homes in on the signal reflection from the target Sensor fuzed munition A shoot-to-kill smart munition of relatively low complexity and cost which is most effective close-in against targets with a narrowly defined location and for which there are small delivery errors Sentient or correlated A descriptor for a brilliant munition that is aware of itself and its surroundings for example a brilliant munition that responds to its environment or communicates with others among the same payload or salvo to share out the targets and maximize interception II-D-11 Settling time The time required for the output to come within 1 2 bit of the final value when switching between any two levels of the converter Shared aperture optical elements Optics that reflect a portion of the impinging radiation similarly to conventional beam splitters and composed of buried lenses or buried gratings Shoot-to-kill system A sensor-fuzed munition that does not incorporate expensive seeker and guidance and control subsystems The warhead is initiated tens of meters from the target while the munition is aimed at the target Signal analyzer Apparatus capable of measuring and displaying basic properties of the signal-frequency components of multi-frequency signals Signal analyzers dynamic See Dynamic signal analyzers Signal processing The processing of externally derived information-bearing signals by algorithms such as time compression filtering extraction selection correlation convolutions or transformations between domains e g fast Fourier transform or Walsh transform Signature Any or all of the properties of a gun or a rocket motor that may be used for the detection identification or interception of the device or its launch site Plume signature characteristics include smoke radiation emissions visibility radar absorption self absorption etc Single-transverse mode Any laser with an average beam divergence measured on any two orthogonal axes equal to or less than 3 45 times the wavelength divided by the aperture diameter along that axis for the angle containing 84 percent of the beam energy will be considered a single transverse mode laser Slurry deposition A surface modification coating or overlay coating process wherein a metallic or ceramic powder with an organic binder is suspended in a liquid and is applied to a substrate by either spraying dipping or painting followed by air or oven drying and heat treatment to obtain the desired coating Smart materials Materials that have the capability to respond to an external stimulus by changing in a controlled manner according to prescribed functional relationships or control algorithms their energy dissipation properties and geometric configuration or by changing their stiffness Smart munition A many-on-many munition with a minimal target selection capability that does not require an operator in the loop There are two prime categories terminally guided hit-to-kill and sensor-fuzed shoot-to-kill Smoky A particular term used to describe rocket and missile propellants with high aluminum and ammonium perchlorate contents An AGARD class CC composition Software Programs data bases and associated documentation available on humanand or machine-readable media such as paper magnetic tapes disks or embedded firmware that operate computers Software Documentation Information in human-readable form including computer source code listings and printouts which documents the design or details of the computer software explains the capabilities of the software or provides operating instructions for using the software to obtain the desired results from a computer Software Support Resources such as people facilities documentation information and instrumentation to operate maintain or produce software products Solidify rapidly Solidification of molten material at cooling rates exceeding 1 000 K sec Solids loading The percentage of particulate matter in the total weight volume of a propellant composition or grain The solids loading attainable for a given fueloxidizer particulate composition depends on the binder and additives used to form a grain Missile propellants are commonly rated in terms of a weight percentage gun propellants in terms of a volume percentage Source code or source language Source code a subset of computer software documentation is a set of symbolic computer instructions that is written in a high-level human-readable language that cannot be directly executed by the computer without first being translated into object code Spacecraft Active and passive satellites and space probes Space qualified Products designed manufactured and tested to meet the special electrical mechanical or environmental requirements for use in the launch and deployment of satellites or high-altitude flight systems operating at altitudes of l00 km or higher Spatial light modulators Optical devices that dynamically modulate the spatial distribution of the amplitude or phase of an incident light waveform across an aperture in either a transmissive or reflective mode of operation under the control of an electronic or optical signal Spatial light modulators are also known as non-linear adaptive optics Specific impulse Is The total impulse per unit weight of propellant Specific modulus Young's modulus in pascals equivalent to N m2 lb force sq in divided by specific weight in N m3 lb force cu in measured at temperature of 296 2 K 23 2 C and a relative humidity of 50 5 percent Specific tensile strength Ultimate tensile strength in pascals equivalent to N m2 lb force sq in divided by specific weight in N m3 lb force cu in measured at a temperature of 296 2 K and a relative humidity of 50 5 percent Spectral efficiency A figure of merit parameterized to characterize the efficiency of transmission system which uses complex modulation schemes such as QAM quadrature amplitude modulation Trellis coding QPSK Q-phased shift key etc It is defined as follows II-D-12 Spectral efficiency Digital transfer rate bits second 6 dB spectrum bandwidth Hz Spherical Error Probable or Sphere of Equal Probability SEP A measure of accuracy at a specific range expressed in terms of the radius of a sphere centered on the target in which 50 percent of the payloads impact Splat quenching A process to solidify rapidly a molten metal stream impinging upon a chilled block forming a flake-like product Spread spectrum The technique whereby energy in a relatively narrow-band communication channel is spread over a much wider energy spectrum Spread spectrum radar See Radar spread spectrum Sputter deposition An overlay coating process based on a momentum transfer phenomenon wherein positive ions are accelerated by an electric field towards the surface of a target coating material The kinetic energy of the impacting ions is sufficient to cause target surface atoms to be released and deposited on an appropriately positioned substrate Sputtering An overlay coating process wherein positively charged ions are accelerated by an electric field towards the surface of a target coating material The kinetic energy of the impacting ions is sufficient to cause target surface atoms to be released and deposited on the substrate N B Triode magnetron or radio frequency sputtering to increase adhesion of coating and rate of deposition are ordinary modifications of the process Stability Standard deviation 1 sigma of the variation of a particular parameter from its calibrated value measured under stable temperature conditions This can be expressed as a function of time Stabilizers Substances used in explosive formulations to improve their shelf life Stacker cranes Cartesian coordinate manipulator systems manufactured as an integral part of a vertical array of storage bins and designed to access the contents of those bins for storage or retrieval Stored program control A control using instructions stored in an electronic storage which a processor can execute to direct the performance of predetermined functions Strong mechanical bond In solid rocket motors the requirement to have a bond between the rocket propellant and the motor casing that is equal to or greater than the tensile strength of the propellant Substrate A sheet of base material with or without an interconnection pattern and on which or within which discrete components or integrated circuits or both can be located Substrate blanks Monolithic compounds with dimensions suitable for the production of optical elements such as mirrors or optical windows Sufficient Technology The level of technology required for a proliferant to produce entry level WMD delivery systems or other hardware or software useful in WMD development integration or use Superalloys Nickel- Cobalt- or Iron-Base alloys having strengths superior to any alloys in the AISI 300 series at temperatures of 922 K 649 C under severe environmental and operating conditions Superconductive Materials i e metals alloys or compounds which can lose all electrical resistance i e which can attain infinite electrical conductivity and carry very large electrical currents without Joule heating Super high power laser SHPL A laser capable of delivering the total or any portion of the output energy exceeding 1 kJ within 50 ms or having an average or CW power exceeding 20 kW Superplastic forming A deformation process using heat for metals that are normally characterized by low values of elongation less than 20 percent at the breaking point as determined at room temperature by conventional tensile strength testing in order to achieve elongations during processing which are at least two times those values Swept frequency network analyzers Involves the automatic measurement of equivalent circuit parameters over a range of frequencies involving swept frequency measurement techniques but not continuous-wave point-to-point measurements Switch fabric That hardware and associated software which provides the physical or virtual connection path for in-transit message traffic being switched Synchronous digital hierarchy SDH A digital hierarchy providing a means to manage multiplex and access various forms of digital traffic using a synchronous transmission format on different types of media The format is based on the Synchronous Transport Module STM which is defined by CCITT Recommendation G 703 G 708 G 709 and others yet to be published The first level rate of SDH is 155 52 Mbit s Synchronous optical network SONET A network providing a means to manage multiplex and access various forms of digital traffic using a synchronous transmission format on fiber optics The format is the North America version of SDH and also uses the Synchronous Transport Module STM However it uses the Synchronous Transport Signal STS as the basic transport module with a first level rate of 51 81 Mbit s The SONET standards are being integrated into those of SDH Systems tracks Processed correlated fusion of radar target data to flight plan position and updated aircraft flight position report available to the Air Traffic Control center controllers Systolic array computer A computer where the flow and modification of the data are dynamically controllable at the logic gate level by the user Tear gases Gases which produce temporarily irritating or disabling effects which disappear within minutes of removal from exposure II-D-13 Technical assistance May take forms such as instruction skills training working knowledge consulting services N B Technical assistance may involve transfer of technical data Technical data May take forms such as blueprints plans diagrams models formulae tables engineering designs and specifications manuals and instructions written or recorded on other media or devices such as disk tape and read-only memories Technologies for weapons of mass destruction Technologies required for development integration or employment of biological chemical or nuclear weapons and their means of delivery Technology Specific information and know-how necessary for the development production or use of a product This includes the hardware and software necessary to achieve that purpose Telecommunications Any process that enables one or more users to pass to one or more other users information of any nature delivered in any usable form by wire radio visual or other electrical electromagnetic or optical means The word is derived from the Greek tele far off and the Latin communicare to share See also Communications Terrain Contour Matching TERCOM A guidance and navigation system which measures the topography below a flight vehicle with radar or other electromagnetic energy and compares the results to onboard maps in order to determine location Terminal interface equipment Equipment at which information enters or leaves the telecommunication system e g telephone data device computer and facsimile device Thermal evaporation-physical vapor deposition TE-PVD An overlay coating process conducted in a vacuum with a pressure less than 0 1 Pa wherein a source of thermal energy is used to vaporize the coating material This process results in the condensation or deposition of the evaporated species onto appropriately positioned substrates The addition of gases to the vacuum chamber during the coating process to synthesize compound coatings is an ordinary modification of the process The use of ion or electron beams or plasma to activate or assist the coating's deposition is also a common modification in this technique The use of monitors to provide in-process measurement of optical characteristics and thickness of coatings can be a feature of these processes Specific TE-PVD processes are as follows 1 Electron Beam PVD uses an electron beam to heat and evaporate the material which forms the coating 2 Resistive Heating PVD employs electrically resistive heating sources capable of producing a controlled and uniform flux of evaporated coating species 3 Laser Evaporation uses either pulsed- or continuous-wave laser beams to heat the material which forms the coating and 4 Cathodic Arc Deposition employs a consumable cathode of the material which forms the coating and has an arc discharge established on the surface by a momentary contact of a ground trigger Controlled motion of arcing erodes the cathode surface creating a highly ionized plasma The anode can be either a cone attached to the periphery of the cathode through an insulator or the chamber Substrate biasing is used for non-line-of-sight deposition Three-dimensional vector rate The number of vectors generated per second which have 10 pixel poly line vectors clip tested randomly oriented with either integer or floating point X-Y-Z coordinate values whichever produces the maximum rate Thrust The force that propels a body or the rate of change of momentum of a burning propellant Tilting spindle A tool-holding spindle which alters during the machining process the angular position of its center line with respect to any other axis Time constant The time taken from the application of a line stimulus for the current increment to reach a value of 1-1 e times the final value i e 63 percent of the final value Total digital transfer rate The number of bits including line coding overhead and so forth per unit time passing between corresponding equipment in a digital transmission system See also Digital transfer rate Total impulse I t The thrust force F which can vary with time integrated over the burning time t Toxic chemical Any chemical which through its chemical action on life processes can cause death temporary incapacitation or permanent harm to humans or animals in military feasible quantities Transfer laser A laser to produce a continuous output at all wavelengths over a range of several laser transitions A line-selectable laser produces discrete wavelengths within one laser transition and is not considered tunable Tunable The ability of a laser to produce a continuous output at all wavelengths over a range of several laser transitions A line-selectable laser produces discrete wavelengths within one laser transition and is not considered tunable Turnkey plant Consists of all the hardware software technical data and technical assistance necessary for the installation of a complete operating facility for the production of the commodity a chemical substance at defined production rates and to specified product qualities Hardware consists of all the equipment components control valves instruments reaction vessels feed lines and exposition proof barriers necessary for the conduct of the unit operations of the overall production process whether the items are assembled or disassembled for transportation The plant may be designed for installation at a prepared site that includes locally constructed and installed explosion-proof barricades II-D-14 Two-dimensional vector rate The number of vectors generated per second which have 10-pixel polyline vectors clip tested randomly oriented with either integral or floating point X-Y coordinate values whichever produces the maximum rate Uranium enriched in the isotopes 235 or 233 Uranium containing the isotopes 235 233 or both in the amount such that the abundance ratio of the sum of these isotopes to the isotope 238 is more than the ratio of the isotope 235 to the isotope 238 occurring in nature isotopic ratio 0 72 percent Use Operation installation including on-site installation maintenance checking repair overhaul and refurbishing User-accessible programmability The facility allowing a user to insert modify or replace programs by means other than 1 a physical change in wiring or interconnections or 2 the setting of function controls including entry of parameters Vaccines Materials that when injected into immune-competent responsive persons and animals will enable the human and animal recipient to become resistant to infection Vacuum atomization A process to reduce a molten stream of metal to droplets of a diameter of 500 micrometers or less by the rapid evolution of a dissolved gas upon exposure to a vacuum Variable geometry airfoils Trailing edge flaps or tabs or leading edge slats or pivoted nose droop the position of which can be controlled in flight Vector rate See Two-dimensional vector rate and or Three-dimensional vector rate Vehicle management system VMS A vehicle control system characterized by a high degree of physical and functional integration of manual and automatic flight controls propulsion controls and airframe utility subsystem controls Vesicant Toxic chemicals that have a blistering effect on the skin Weapons of mass destruction technologies Technologies used in weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery Weapons Systems Technologies WST Technologies critical to the development and production of superior weapons Yield In chemical reactions the quantity of pure product divided by the starting material II-D-15 APPENDIX INTERNATIONAL REGIMES APPENDIX E INTERNATIONAL REGIMES There are a number of international treaties agreements regimes and informal arrangements that seek to constrain the spread of nuclear biological and chemical weapons and missiles as well as conventional weapons Some address material agents and equipment in general terms while others are more specific Some have led to explicit export control arrangements limiting the transfer of technologies materials and equipment while others contain broad prohibitions of activities All have varying degrees of participation and adherence The agreements in many cases establish an international norm of behavior that can be used to highlight aberrant actions NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY NPT The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons NPT entered into force in 1970 and is adhered to by over 170 nations A fundamental objective of the NPT is to prevent the further spread of nuclear weapons To this end the nuclear weapons states five had tested and manufactured nuclear weapons by the time the treaty was negotiated and available for signature agreed not to transfer nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices and not to assist encourage or induce non-nuclear weapons states NNWS to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices Each NNWS pledged not to receive nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices not to manufacture or otherwise acquire them and not to seek or receive assistance in their manufacture The treaty also obliged each NNWS party to the NPT to accept international safeguards through agreements negotiated with the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA The intent of these safeguards is to prevent by deterring via IAEA inspections the diversion of nuclear material for nuclear explosive purposes Nuclear material and specified equipment would be exported to NNWS only under IAEA safeguards An offshoot of the NPT the Zangger Committee which first met in 1971 maintains a list of nuclear exports that require IAEA safeguards as a condition of supply The Committee is made up of 30 NPT members who export nuclear material and equipment The Nuclear Suppliers Group NSG reinforces the work of the Zangger Committee through an expanded set of controls and by potentially including non-NPT states that are nuclear suppliers In April 1992 the NSG approved a comprehensive arrangement to prohibit exports of some 65 dual-use items of equipment and materials to unsafeguarded nuclear activities and nuclear explosive programs It also agreed to a common policy not to engage in significant new nuclear cooperation with any NNWS that has not committed itself to full-scope safeguards on all present and future nuclear activities The NSG conditions for transfer apply to all NNWS whether or not they are NSG members Nuclear transfers require acceptance of IAEA safeguards dual-use transfers are prohibited for use in unsafeguarded nuclear fuel-cycle activities and nuclear explosives activities Legal authority in the United States for controlling the export of specialized nuclear items is the Atomic Energy Act and the NPT The licensing agencies are the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy The Code of Federal Regulations CFR #110 and #810 address federal regulations regarding nuclear equipment and material and assistance to foreign atomic energy activities On an international basis CFR #110 controls items on the International Atomic Energy List GENEVA PROTOCOL OF 1925 GP At the Geneva Conference for the Supervision of the International Traffic in Arms of 1925 the United States took the initiative of seeking to prohibit the export of gases for use in war At French suggestion it was decided to draw up a protocol on non-use of poisonous gases Poland recommended that bacteriological weapons be covered in the prohibition The Geneva Protocol was signed on June 17 1925 and restated the prohibition previously laid down by the Versailles and Washington treaties and added a ban on bacteriological warfare The Protocol contained a one-paragraph prohibition against the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons However agents could be legally developed produced stockpiled and transferred Several countries as conditions of their ratification or accession reserved the right to respond in kind to aggressors using these weapons BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION BWC The 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological Biological and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction BWC entered into force in 1975 and has been signed and ratified by over 135 parties The BWC prohibits the development production and stockpiling of toxins or of microbial or other biological agents of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic protective or other peaceful purposes also prohibited are development production and stockpiling of weapons equipment or means of delivery designed to use such agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflict It does not provide a mechanism for controlling export of these items II-E-1 During the two decades since the BWC entered into force there have been increasing concerns about biological weapons proliferation and the ability of the Convention to deter it Efforts at periodic review conferences have centered on strengthening the implementation and effectiveness of the Convention The treaty as written has no verification measures Although confidence-building measures have been approved there is still concern whether verification could be effective There is no existing BWC committee comparable to the Zangger Committee in the NPT The Convention does not prohibit exchange of equipment materials or scientific and technical information for peaceful purposes The Second Review Conference held in 1986 in an effort to reduce the occurrence of ambiguities doubts and suspicions and to improve international cooperation in peaceful biological activities adopted voluntary measures to strengthen confidence in treaty compliance and to help deter violations Because of continuing concerns about proliferation possible noncompliance of some parties and the rapid and significant advances in biotechnology the Third Review Conference held in 1991 reaffirmed and extended the voluntary confidencebuilding measures As a result of a mandate of the Third Review Conference an Ad Hoc Group of Government Experts convened to identify examine and evaluate potential measures for verifying the provisions of the BWC from a scientific and technical viewpoint The Ad Hoc Group also known as Verification Experts assessed 21 potential off-site and on-site measures using six mandated evaluation criteria They also considered some combination of measures The group's final report concluded that because of the dual-use nature of nearly all biological-weapons-related facilities equipment and materials and the huge overlap between prohibited and permitted purposes no single approach could fulfill the mandated criteria for a stand-alone verification measure Nevertheless the group found that some measures either singly or in combination have the potential to strengthen the BWC by helping to differentiate between prohibited and permitted activities and thus to reduce ambiguities about compliance CHEMICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION CWC The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development Production Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction referred to as the Chemical Weapons Convention CWC was opened for signature in January 1993 Over 160 countries have signed the Treaty It entered into force on April 29 1997 The CWC bans the production acquisition stockpiling and use of chemical weapons It charges each party not to develop produce otherwise acquire stockpile or retain chemical weapons transfer directly or indirectly chemical agents to anyone use chemical weapons engage in any military preparations to use chemical weapons and assist encourage or induce in any way anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a party to the Convention Each Party undertakes in accordance with the provisions of the Convention to destroy the chemical weapons it possesses or that are located in any place under its jurisdiction or control destroy all chemical weapons it abandoned on the territory of another Party and destroy any chemical weapons production facilities it owns or possesses or that are located in any place under its jurisdiction or control Finally each Party undertakes not to use riot control agents as a method of warfare The CWC provides for routine and challenge inspections to assist in the verification of compliance with the Convention Routine inspections of declared facilities are mandated by the Convention In accordance with CWC provisions challenge inspections may be conducted at a facility where a Party suspects illegal activities The CWC does not include a specific list of controlled chemicals or equipment It does contain an Annex on Chemicals in which are listed three Schedules of toxic chemicals and their precursors based on the threat they pose to the purpose and objectives of the CWC and the extent of their commercial use The Verification Annex describes restrictions on transfers of scheduled chemicals in detail Transfers of some chemicals to countries who have not ratified the Convention will be prohibited by the CWC AUSTRALIA GROUP AG In 1984 several countries reacting to the use of chemical weapons in the IranIraq War began informal consultations the goal of which was to discourage and impede proliferation by harmonizing national export controls on chemical weapon CW materials This informal international forum was chaired by Australia and became known as the Australia Group At their December 1992 meeting the AG members recognizing the need to take steps to address the increasing problem of the spread of biological weapons agreed on measures to control the export of biological agents and dual-use equipment which could be used in the production of biological weapons They also agreed on a framework paper for effective licensing arrangements for export controls thereby further strengthening measures to address the problem of chemical and biological weapon CBW proliferation and use Today the AG controls extend to 54 dual-use chemical precursors for CW microorganisms and toxins that could be used in BW and dual-use equipment and technology that could be used in chemical or biological weapons production Controls agreed to during meetings of the AG are applied on a national basis although all participants are agreed that controls will be more effective if similar measures are introduced by all potential exporters of relevant chemicals and equipment and by countries of possible transshipment In the United States the Commerce Control List CCL is the vehicle that implements AG agreements There are currently 30 members of the AG It has no charter or constitution and operates on consensus The AG's actions are viewed as complementary measures in II-E-2 support of the 1925 Geneva Protocol the 1972 Biological and Toxins Weapons Convention and the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention In tandem with export controls the AG has periodically used warning mechanisms to sensitize the public to CBW proliferation The AG has issued an informal warning list of dual-use CW precursors and bulk chemicals and of CW-related equipment Members develop and share the warning lists with their chemical industry and ask it to report on any suspicious transactions The AG has also used an approach to warn industry the scientific community and other relevant groups of the risks of inadvertently aiding BW proliferation Meetings of the AG focus on sharing information about national export controls considering proposals for harmonization --the adoption of common export controls by all members--and considering other measures to address CBW proliferation and use MISSILE TECHNOLOGY CONTROL REGIME MTCR The Missile Technology Control Regime currently provides the central institutional arrangement as well as the base international norm for dealing with missile proliferation The aim of the MTCR is to restrict the proliferation of missiles unmanned air vehicles and related technology for those systems capable of carrying a 500-kilogram payload at least 300 kilometers as well as systems intended for the delivery of weapons of mass destruction The MTCR is neither an international agreement nor a treaty but a voluntary arrangement among countries which share a common interest in limiting the spread of missiles and missile technology The MTCR considers missiles to include ballistic missiles space launch vehicles SLV and sounding rockets Unmanned air vehicles UAVs include cruise missiles drones and remotely piloted vehicles RPVs The MTCR's members cooperate by applying on a national level common export control guidelines to an agreed list of items the Equipment and Technology Annex When the MTCR was instituted in 1987 by the United States and six other concerned countries it was intended to limit the risks of nuclear proliferation by controlling technology transfers relevant to nuclear weapon delivery other than by manned aircraft i e by restricting the proliferation of missiles and related technology In 1993 MTCR member states tightened export controls further agreeing to also control transfers of rocket systems or UAVs including cruise missiles capable of a 300-km range regardless of range or payload Also if the seller has any reason to believe these systems would be used to deliver WMD there is a strong presumption to deny the transfer regardless of the inherent range and or payload of the system There are now 29 MTCR members other countries have agreed to abide by the basic tenets of the MTCR The annex of controlled equipment and technology is divided into Category I and Category II items It includes equipment and technology both military and dual-use that are relevant to missile development production and operation Category I consists of complete missile systems including ballistic missile systems space launch vehicles and sounding rockets unmanned air-vehicle systems such as cruise missiles and target and reconnaissance drones specially designed production facilities for these systems and certain complete subsystems such as rocket engines or stages reentry vehicles guidance sets thrust-vector controls and warhead safing arming fuzing and firing mechanisms According to the MTCR Guidelines export of Category I items is subject to a presumption of denial Category II covers a wide range of parts components subsystems propellants structural materials test and production equipment and flight instruments usable for the Category I systems and subsystems These items are less sensitive components and technologies most of which have dual-use applications Category II also covers those systems that have a range of 300 km but cannot carry a 500-kg payload to that range and some associated subsystems Category II items may be exported by MTCR members on a case-by-case basis provided that the importing state furnishes sufficient end-use guarantees for the item The MTCR Guidelines specifically state that the Regime is not designed to impede national space programs or international cooperation in such programs as long as such programs could not contribute to delivery systems for weapons of mass destruction The United States maintains a strict interpretation of this statement Despite some differences of opinion with regard to commercial space applications all members agree that the technology used in an SLV is virtually identical to that used in a ballistic missile WASSENAAR ARRANGEMENT WA In December 1995 28 governments agreed to establish a new international regime to increase transparency and responsibility for the global market in conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies The official name of the regime is The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies Wassenaar being the town outside The Hague where five rounds of negotiations took place over a 2-year period The arrangement will respond to the new security threats of the post Cold War by providing greater openness through information sharing about arms and technology transfers worldwide The Wassenaar Arrangement is an international framework that will need to be elaborated and defined more fully It will focus on the threats to international and regional peace and security A central part of the regime is the commitment by its members to prevent the acquisition of armaments and sensitive dual-use items for military end-users to states whose behavior today is or becomes a cause for serious concern such as Iran Iraq Libya and North Korea The regime will also undertake to prevent destabilizing accumulations of conventional arms worldwide The Iraq war taught that indiscriminate exports of conven- II-E-3 tional weapons and sensitive dual-use technologies can pose serious threats to U S interests to foreign policy goals and to international security This regime will seek to apply the lessons of Iraq to prevent similar destabilizing buildups It will also fill an important gap in the global non-proliferation regimes by covering conventional arms and associated dual-use technologies The WA by requiring its members to adhere to current non-proliferation regimes will encourage non-members to also adhere to these regimes The WA seeks to prevent destabilizing buildups of weapons by establishing a formal process of transparency and consultation Participants have agreed to control through their national policies those items and technologies contained in a list of DualUse Goods and Technologies and in a separate Munitions List OTHER NUCLEAR-RELATED AGREEMENTS There are a number of other agreements that restrict nuclear weapons in some way Many of them ban nuclear weapons from a location or geographic area i e nuclear-weapon-free zones The following lists the treaty agreement the year it entered into force the number of signatories and a brief description of its provisions Antarctic Treaty 1961 37 countries internationalized and demilitarized the Antarctic Continent and provided for its cooperative exploration and future use The treaty prohibits any measures of a military nature such as the establishment of military bases and fortifications the carrying out of military maneuvers as well as the testing of any type of military weapons Limited Test Ban Treaty LTBT 1963 117 countries prohibits nuclear weapons tests or any other nuclear explosion in the atmosphere in outer space and under water Outer Space Treaty 1967 98 countries parties undertake not to place in orbit around the Earth install on the moon or any other celestial body or otherwise station in outer space nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction II-E-4 Latin American Nuclear-Free Zone Treaty Treaty of Tlatelolco 1968 29 countries 24 in force obligates Latin American parties not to acquire or possess nuclear weapons nor permit the storage or deployment of nuclear weapons on their territories by other countries Seabed Treaty 1972 94 countries prohibits emplacing nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction on the sea bed and the ocean floor beyond the 12mile coastal zone Threshold Test Ban Treaty TTBT 1974 United States USSR prohibits underground nuclear tests having a yield exceeding 150 kilotons South Pacific Nuclear Free-Zone Treaty Treaty of Rarotonga 1985 15 countries prohibits testing deployment or acquisition of nuclear weapons in the South Pacific Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces INF treaty 1987 United States USSR eliminated ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with a range between 500 and 5 500 kilometers All of these missiles their launchers and associated support structures and support equipment were destroyed START I 1994 United States USSR reduces arsenals by about 30 percent The original signatory the USSR has since dissolved and the states of Russia Belarus Kazakhstan and Ukraine have endorsed the treaty by signing the START I Protocol African Nuclear Weapons Free-Zone Treaty of Pelindaba 1996 53 signatories three ratifications prohibits building testing burying or stockpiling nuclear materials Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty CTBT 1996 148 signatories 7 ratifications as of 1 October 1997 bans any nuclear weapon test explosion or any other nuclear explosion SELECTED REGIME PARTICIPANTS Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada China Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland India Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy NSG GP BWC l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l N l l N l l l l l N N N l l CWC AG l l l l l l l l l l l l l l MTCR l l l l l WA Japan Korea North Korea South Libya Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Romania Russian Fed Slovak Republic South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Syria Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States l l l l l l l l l l l l l S l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l S l l Regime Total number of participants as of date Nuclear Suppliers Group NSG 34 N NPT 185 1 97 Geneva Protocol GP 145 7 96 Biological Weapons Convention BWC 140 S signed 158 5 97 Chemical Weapons Convention CWC 106 S signed 168 11 97 Australia Group AG 30 10 96 Missile Technology Control Regime MTCR 29 11 97 Wassenaar Arrangement WA 33 12 96 NSG GP BWC CWC AG MTCR WA l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l N l N l l l l l l l l l l l l l N N l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l S l l l l l l S l l l l l l l l l l China Israel and Romania have pledged to abide by the basic tenets of the Missile Technology Control Regime For the latest list of CWC signatories parties see http www opcw nl II-E-5 APPENDIX F- 1 INDEX APPENDIX F-1 INDEX TERM SECTION REFERENCE 5-axis machines Ablative heat shields Absorbance Accelerator-type neutron henerators Access control Acid etch metal Active immunization Actuators Add and drop multiplexing Advanced alloys Advanced Collective Integrated Protection System ACIPS Advanced Gas Reactor AGR Advanced manufacturing plants Advanced signaling system Advanced state vector Advanced state vector calculation routines Aerial bombs Aerodynamic braking Aerodynamic break-up Aerodynamic design concepts which reduce IR signature Aerodynamic dissemination Aerodynamic fins Aerodynamic loads Aerodynamic separation processes Aerodynamic separation technique Aerodynamic shape Aerolization Aerosol dispersal Aerosol generators 5 9 1 1 3 3 5 0 2 4 1 1 3 0 3 4 1 1 2 2 5 9 3 4 5 3 5 9 2 5 1 3 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 2 4 0 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 5 2 5 0 1 1 1 5 3 2 3 2 3 2 TERM Aerosol particle size Aerosols Aerothermal tunnels Aerothermal wind tunnels Afghanistan Africa AIDS Airborne reconnaissance platforms Air blast Airborne agents Aircraft Aircraft delivery bombs Airframe Algeria Alpha-based plutonium Alpha-emitter Alpha-emitting isotopes Alpha-n reactions Alpha-induced neutron emission Alpha radiation Altitude Control Module ACM Amalgam American Society for Testing Materials ATSM American Type Culture Collection ATCC Americium Am Amiton process Ammonia-hydrogen exchange towers Anesthetics Angola Angular measurement machines II-F-1-1 SECTION REFERENCE 4 2 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 3 0 3 1 3 0 2 1 6 2 1 0 1 0 1 3 1 4 3 2 4 0 5 7 4 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 3 5 9 5 6 5 8 5 8 5 6 5 6 5 8 1 1 1 2 1 3 5 0 5 5 5 12 3 0 3 1 6 7 4 1 5 12 4 0 1 3 5 9 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Animal pathogens Anthrax Anti-cholinesterase agents Anti-idiotype antibodies Anti-viral agents Antibodies Antigenic surface coatings Arcjets Argentina 3 1 1 5 4 0 3 4 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 4 1 5 5 0 5 2 5 6 5 12 5 7 2 1 4 0 1 0 1 5 4 0 1 5 4 2 2 2 Authorative control documents Automated engineering computer routines Automated welding equipment Autonomous control systems Autonomous map guidance systems Avionics systems Backbone networks Bacteria Bacterial toxins Bacterium Baffle Plates Ballast Ballistic missile Baltic Republic Bare-bones testing Barrier steel Becker Nozzle Process Belarus Belgium Bellows Bellows-forming mandrels Bellows-sealed valves Bellows seal Berium Germanate BGO Beryllium Beta particles Beyond Line-of-Sight BLOS Bidirectional Line-Switched Rings BLSRs Bigeye Weapon BLU 80 B Binary bombs Binary chemical agents Binary chemical weapons Binary munitions 5 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 3 2 5 3 0 3 1 3 1 3 4 5 2 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 1 1 4 1 5 5 10 5 2 5 0 1 5 1 2 1 5 3 0 4 0 5 0 5 2 5 9 5 9 5 2 5 2 5 10 5 6 6 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 5 4 2 4 0 1 5 4 0 4 0 4 1 Arming and fuzing mechanisms Array sensors systems Arsenical vesicant Artillery Artillery rockets Artillery shells Asynchronous Digital Transmission Systems ADTS Asynchronous transfer mode ATM Atmospheric absorption effects Atmospheric tests Atomic Atomic displacement Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation System AVLIS Attitude control modules Auger electron emission Auroral physics Australia Australia Group AG Australia Group Chemicals Austria Authentication 2 2 2 5 6 3 5 10 5 0 6 1 6 4 6 4 5 2 1 1 6 4 6 5 1 2 2 0 2 2 2 4 2 6 3 0 4 0 4 1 6 0 6 2 3 1 3 2 4 1 4 3 Appendix E 4 1 1 2 3 0 3 3 5 0 2 4 II-F-1-2 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Binary weapons Bioactivity Biological B 4 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 1 2 4 2 6 3 0 3 3 1 0 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 0 3 1 1 0 3 0 3 4 3 0 3 1 3 1 3 0 3 1 3 4 1 3 3 0 3 4 3 0 3 0 1 3 1 4 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 0 Appendix E 3 0 3 1 3 3 3 0 3 1 3 0 3 4 2 4 3 4 3 0 3 1 3 0 3 1 3 3 3 4 6 3 6 3 6 5 6 8 6 0 6 2 6 3 6 6 Blast and heave waves Blast and shock effects Blast and thermal pulse Blast simulation Blast wave Blister agent vesicant Blister and blood agents Blow down tunnels Blueout Boiling Water Reactor BWR Boost cutoff command signals Boosted weapon Boreholes Brazil Breaking out Breeder reactors Bridge wires Britain British Thermal Units BTU Broadband Broadband fiber-optic transmissions Broadband satellite Bruce Heavy Water Plant Bulgaria Bulk storage Burst point Bursters Cable-cut failures Calibration equipment Call fill rate Calorimetric Calutron Cameras 6 6 6 0 6 2 6 2 6 7 6 2 6 0 6 2 6 3 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 1 1 1 6 0 5 3 1 1 5 0 5 10 1 1 1 2 1 4 5 0 5 6 5 7 5 10 2 2 5 3 5 7 1 1 1 2 1 5 5 4 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 5 2 6 2 2 2 5 5 12 1 4 3 0 4 0 4 1 6 6 1 5 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 0 5 2 5 0 Biological agent Biological agent attack Biological agent weapon Biological attack Biological Defense Systems Biological material Biological material production Biological organisms Biological Response Modifier BRM Biological sprayers Biological warfare Biological Warfare Committee Biological weapon stockpiles Biological Weapons BW Biological Weapons Convention BWC Biological weapons technologies Biological Toxin B T Biologically derived toxins Biomaterials Biomedical Biomedical antidotes Biometric Biomolecules Biopolymers Bioprocessing industries Biotechnology Blackbody temperatures Blackbody radiation Blast II-F-1-3 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Canada 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 4 0 4 3 4 4 5 0 5 12 5 13 6 0 6 2 5 3 5 12 5 13 2 2 Charged-Injection Device CID Charged particles and photons Chechnya Chemical Abstract Service Chemical Agent Monitor CAM Chemical agents Chemical bomb MC-1 Chemical defense Chemical exchange processes CHEMEX Chemical fill Chemical material production Chemical munitions Chemical protection Chemical shells Chemical sprayers Chemical substances Chemical Vapor Deposition CVD Chemical vapors Chemical warfare Chemical Weapons CW Chemical Weapons Convention CWC Chemical weapons production Chemical weapons technologies Chemically and Biologically Protected Shelter CBPS Chemotherapy Chernobyl nuclear plant Chile China 5 10 6 4 2 2 4 1 4 4 4 3 1 0 1 2 1 3 1 5 4 2 4 4 4 2 4 0 4 4 5 2 5 5 5 12 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 1 4 4 4 4 1 3 4 0 1 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 1 4 2 6 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 0 4 1 4 4 Appendix E 4 0 4 0 3 4 Canadian Deuterium Uranium Reactor Capacity-extending wavelength division multiplexing Carbamates Carbon Carbon carbon Carbon tetrachloride Carrier gas handling equipment Cartridge loading Case bonding Casing material Catalytic burners Cell culture Cells Cellular communications systems Cellular telephone Central Office CO Central Processing Unit CPU Centrifugal separators Centrifugal subsonic compressors Centrifugation Centrifuge Centrifuge enrichment CFD design optimization routines CFD inverse design routines Chain fission reaction Channel bank Channel Service Units CSUs Channel switching Charcoal-filtered gas masks Charge-Coupled Device CCD 4 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 5 2 5 3 1 1 1 2 5 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 12 3 0 3 1 3 1 2 0 2 2 2 1 2 5 2 2 1 3 1 4 3 1 5 2 3 2 5 0 5 9 5 0 1 3 1 3 5 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 0 5 10 Chlorinating agent Choking agent Cholera II-F-1-4 3 4 5 9 1 0 1 3 1 4 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 3 0 4 0 4 3 5 0 5 2 5 3 5 5 5 6 5 7 6 0 6 5 6 8 4 1 4 0 4 1 3 0 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Circular Error Probable CEP Classic agents Classic chemical agents Classic chemical weapons Clean steam Client-server architectures Client-server structures Cluster bombs CNC Machine Tool Coalition Forces Coaxial cables Collective protection Collectors Color change Column Exchange COLEX Combat Aircraft Combat Fixed-Wing Aircraft Combinatorial Chemistry CC Combined network control point operations center Command and control Command Control and Communications C3 Command Control and Intelligence C2I Command Control Communications and Intelligence C3I Command Control Communications Computers and Intelligence C4I Commerce Control List CCL Commercial-off-the-shelf COTS Commercial cellular services Commercial chemicals Commercial environments Commercial satellite systems Commercial telecommunications networks Common-channel signaling CCS 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 4 1 4 0 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 4 0 5 9 6 6 5 10 4 4 5 2 4 3 5 0 5 5 1 0 1 4 3 0 2 5 2 0 6 0 6 2 6 4 6 5 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 0 3 3 4 0 6 0 Common Management Information Protocol CMIP Communications 2 5 5 11 All 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 6 2 2 4 0 2 4 2 0 2 1 2 6 2 5 2 6 Communications facilities Complex molecules Composite filament-winding equipment Composite filament-winding machines Composite tape-laying equipment Composite weaving Composite weaving or interlacing equipment Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty CTBT Compressed gas Compton electrons Compton scattering Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD Computer-assisted fabrication Computer-based network control Computer-Aided Design CAD Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Engineering CAD CAE Computer codes Computer-Controlled Machines CCM Computer Numerically Controlled CNC Machine Tools Computer security Computerized distributed control systems Computerized Tomography CT Conditional suicide genes Containment Contamination Continental United States CONUS Control systems Controllers and end-effectors II-F-1-5 2 0 2 1 2 4 4 4 6 0 6 4 6 5 6 6 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 5 0 5 8 5 10 6 0 6 1 Appendix E 3 2 6 6 6 4 6 6 1 3 1 4 5 2 5 9 2 2 2 3 5 0 5 2 1 1 1 3 6 0 6 1 6 3 5 9 5 0 5 9 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 0 3 1 4 1 5 3 3 0 3 3 4 3 5 4 6 6 5 3 5 9 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Conventional artillery shells Conventional wind tunnels Cooling systems Coordinate Measuring Machines CMM Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Strategic Export Controls COCOM Corrosive-resistant equipment Cosmic radiation Countermeasures Countermeasures counter-countermeasures Coupled radiation Coupled radiation-hydrodynamics flow Cratering Croatia Cross-flow filtration Cruise missile Cryogenic Cryogenic distillation towers Cryogenic temperatures Cryogenic vacuum pumps Cryogenically cooled Cryptographic Cryptography Crystal Arrays Cuba Customer Network Management CNM Customer or integrated network management systems Customer Premises Equipment CPE CWC schedules Cyanogen chloride Cylindrical ton containers Czech Republic 1 5 1 4 5 2 5 9 2 4 2 5 D-electromagnetic pulse Data Communication Networks DCN Data Encryption Standard DES Data end-instruments Data Service Units DSU Data warehousing Database Decoding templates Decomposition of amalgam Decontamination Dedicated facilities Dedicated facilities-based networks Deep freezing Delivery systems Demilitarization program Denmark 6 6 2 5 1 1 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 5 2 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 5 4 5 8 2 1 2 5 2 1 3 2 1 0 1 5 4 1 1 5 2 0 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 6 3 0 4 0 5 6 2 0 2 3 5 10 5 11 5 2 5 10 1 5 5 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 0 3 1 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 4 4 0 4 3 3 0 3 3 4 0 4 3 4 0 4 3 5 6 6 0 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 5 0 5 6 5 7 6 0 6 3 6 5 5 0 5 7 5 10 5 0 5 6 5 12 5 13 5 13 4 1 5 13 3 1 2 0 6 1 6 1 6 0 1 4 3 1 1 0 1 3 5 12 6 1 5 12 5 5 6 1 1 2 2 4 2 4 4 3 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 4 3 0 2 5 2 5 2 1 2 5 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 2 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 3 0 3 3 4 0 4 3 5 0 Dense plasma focus instrument Department of Defense DoD Department of Energy DOE Depleted or Natural Uranium Desiccation Designated Ground Zeros DGZ Desktop workstation Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA Detection Detection warning and identification Detector Detonation high explosive Detonation nuclear Detonators Deuterium Deutrons II-F-1-6 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Diffuser housings Difluor methyl phosphonyl difluoride DF Digital computer Digital controllers Digital cross-connect facilities Digital cross-connect switching Digital Cross-Connect Systems DCS Digital Loop Carrier DLC Digital radar maps Digital Signal Hierarchy DS-N Digital Signal level 0 DS-0 Digital Signal level 1 544 mbytes DS-I Digital Signals DS Digital topographical maps Digitizing oscilloscopes Dimensional inspection Dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO Dipstick kits Direct combat support Disaster recovery techniques Dispersal Dispersed electromagnetic pulse Dispersion Displacement effects Dissemination Dissemination dispersion and weapons testing Distributed Computing Environment DCE DNA sequences Dose isopleths Dry helium Dry thermonuclear devices Dual-function switches Dual-canister burster charge Dynamic loading 5 2 4 1 1 2 5 9 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 6 1 3 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 6 1 5 9 3 2 3 3 2 0 2 3 3 0 3 2 6 6 4 2 6 4 3 0 3 1 3 2 4 2 4 0 4 2 2 3 3 0 4 2 4 1 5 5 2 2 1 5 6 2 Dynamic Non-Hierarchical Routing DNHR E-folding time E-region Earth-penetrating bomb Ebola Ecuador Egypt 2 1 5 6 6 6 5 0 3 0 3 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 3 0 4 0 6 0 5 0 5 9 3 3 5 5 5 9 5 5 6 6 6 7 6 6 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 9 6 0 6 1 6 4 6 6 6 7 6 8 6 0 6 5 6 7 6 8 6 0 6 5 6 3 6 5 6 6 6 5 4 2 4 2 5 7 1 4 4 2 5 7 5 9 1 5 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 1 5 5 13 6 6 1 3 Eisenhower-Krushchev Moratorium Electrical Discharge Machines EDM Electrochemical Electrodynamic vibration test system Electrolysis Electromagnetic compatibility Electromagnetic interference Electromagnetic Isotope Separation EMIS Electromagnetic Pulse EMP Electromagnetic radiation Electromagnetic signal propagation Electromagnetic spectrum Electromagnetic waves Electron density Electronic-time fuzes Electronic Counter-countermeasures ECCM Electronic Countermeasures ECM Electronic fuze Electronic fuzing Electronic or photonic devices Electronic Safe and Arm ESA Electronic signature Electronic timers Electronuclear breeder Electrostatic discharge Element routines II-F-1-7 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Emplacement canisters Encrypted telemetry data Encryption devices Encryption software End-effectors End caps Energetic materials England Enola Gay Enriched uranium Enriched uranium fuel Enrichment Enrichment feedstocks production Environmental controls Environmental degradation Environmental heating ventilation and air-conditioning Enzymatic reactions Equation of State EOS Equivalent blackbody e b b Erosion protection coatings Ethiopia Europe European Union Expelling charges Exploding bridge-wires Explosive devices Explosive firing trains Explosive Ordnance Disposal EOD Explosives Export Administration Act EAA Export Administration Regulations EAR Extendible nozzle exit cones Extremely High Frequency EHF 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 4 5 9 5 2 1 1 4 2 6 6 5 0 5 0 5 6 5 10 5 3 5 10 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 5 5 1 4 1 3 2 2 6 Eye protection Failsafe redundancy and backup Fast Acting Closure FAC Fast neutrons Fast packet Fat Man Fault isolation Federal Republic of Germany FRG Feed preparation systems Feed systems Fermentation Fiber-based bidirectional line switched ring Fiber-optic cable Fiber-optic transmission Filament-winding machines Filtration systems Finite element codes Finite element structural computer routines Finland 3 4 2 3 6 1 5 6 2 2 5 0 5 6 2 5 5 6 5 2 5 2 3 0 3 1 2 1 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 4 5 10 2 1 2 6 1 1 1 2 5 9 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 5 2 0 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 0 4 0 4 3 4 4 4 2 6 3 6 5 6 8 5 6 5 4 5 0 5 4 5 0 5 2 5 4 5 6 5 0 5 0 5 2 5 5 5 6 5 10 5 13 5 6 5 4 5 6 5 0 5 4 5 5 5 13 3 2 1 2 4 3 5 10 6 2 6 3 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 0 2 6 3 0 5 7 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 2 3 2 5 7 5 11 4 2 Preface 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 4 4 5 10 1 2 6 5 Fire sets Fireball Firing sets Fissile element separation Fissile isotope Fissile material Fissile nuclei Fission Fission chain reaction Fission explosives Fission primary Fission weapons Fixed-wing aircraft Fixed launch sites II-F-1-8 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Flame Ionization Detector FID Flame Photometric Detector FPD Flammable aerosols Flash x-ray FXR Flash x-ray Cameras Flash x-ray Generators Flight azimuth Flight computers Flow instrumentation Fluid energy mills Fluid mechanics finite element routines Fluorides Flux Food and Drug Administration Foreign Technology Assessment FTA Former Soviet Union FSU 4 3 4 3 4 2 6 8 5 10 5 10 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 3 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 6 3 1 All 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 4 0 4 1 5 0 6 0 All 3 2 3 2 5 2 3 2 5 4 5 4 5 3 5 4 6 7 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 5 2 6 3 0 3 1 1 5 5 0 5 0 4 1 5 0 5 7 G-7 nations plus Russia G-8 G-agents G-molecular laser isotope separation systems G-series Gamma-ray Gamma detectors Gamma Pinex photography Gas blowers Gas bomb Gas centrifuge Gas Chromatography GC Gas compressors Gas masks Gas phase ion chemistry Gas Seal Auxiliary Closure GSAC Gaseous diffusion Gaseous solution GC-flame photometric detection Gene probes Gene sequences Generic performance parameters Genetic engineering Genetic material Genetic modification Genetically modified microorganisms Geneva convention Geneva Protocol Genome data base Geomagnetic field Germany Girdler Sulfide GS Glass phenolic Glide bombs Global Communications Network 2 1 4 0 4 1 4 2 5 2 2 2 5 8 5 10 6 1 6 4 6 6 6 8 5 10 5 10 5 2 4 2 5 0 5 2 3 3 4 3 5 2 4 0 4 1 4 3 6 1 5 0 5 2 3 2 4 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 2 0 3 0 3 1 3 0 3 3 3 0 3 1 3 0 3 1 4 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 6 6 All 5 12 1 2 1 4 2 0 France Freeze-dried powder Freeze drying Frequency changers Frothing Fuel disassembly Fuel dissolution Fuel rod cladding Fuel storage Full width at half maximum FWHM Functional Areas FA Fungi Fusing and firing circuits Fusion Fusion secondary Fuzes Fuzing II-F-1-9 TERM Global Navigation Systems Global Positioning System GPS Glonass Glycolates GPS receivers Gray Gy Great Britain Greece Grinding machines Gross Domestic Product GDP Ground-based GPS systems Ground Mobile Command Center GMCC Ground shock Group Decision Support System GDSS Group of Seven Industrial Nations G-7 Guidance and navigation systems Guidance computers Guidance system feedback instrumentation Guidance systems Guided bombs Gulf War SECTION REFERENCE 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 3 6 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 4 0 1 3 1 4 2 6 1 2 1 3 1 5 3 0 5 9 5 10 1 1 2 6 6 0 2 3 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 0 1 1 1 4 2 1 4 0 4 1 5 2 6 6 Gun-assembled weapon 5 0 5 3 5 6 5 7 Gun assembly 5 0 5 6 Hand or eye scanning 2 4 Hard x-ray 6 8 Hardware software composition 2 0 Head mask 3 4 Header piping systems 5 2 Heat exchangers 5 2 Heat sink 1 1 Heating ventilation and air conditioning HVAC 2 6 Heavy water moderated reactors 5 0 5 3 5 13 Heavy water production 5 12 TERM SECTION REFERENCE Height of Burst HOB Helikon Techniques Helium Hematopoetic immune system Hemi-shells Hemorrhagic fevers High-altitude IR High-altitude nuclear detonation High-capacity fiber transmission High-power microwave High-altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP Effects High-altitude nuclear explosion High-altitude tests High-atomic-weight injection fluid High ballistic coefficient High-capacitance batteries High-efficiency particulate air HEPA High-energy electrons High-energy neutrons High explosive High-explosive detonator High-explosive initiation High Explosives HE High Nickel Alloy Hastelloy C High-speed ultracentrifuge High spin rates High Strength-to-Density HSD High-temperature furnace High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor HTGR Highly Enriched Uranium HEU Hiroshima Hit-to-kill interceptors 4 2 5 7 6 0 6 2 6 3 5 2 5 0 5 2 5 3 3 4 5 9 3 0 6 5 6 4 2 1 6 6 6 0 6 6 6 6 II-F-1-10 6 6 6 5 1 1 1 2 1 5 3 1 6 5 6 8 5 6 1 5 4 2 5 6 1 5 5 6 5 6 5 10 4 1 5 2 1 5 5 2 5 4 5 9 5 3 5 0 5 2 5 3 5 5 5 0 5 7 1 4 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Holland Homogeneous nationwide networks Horizontal Line-of-Sight HLOS Horizontal Tunnel Tests HTT Hot cells Hot isostatic presses Human genome Human immune system Human pathogens Hungary Hydrodynamic Hydrodynamic computer routines Hydrodynamic implosion Hydrodynamic tests Hydrodynamics flow Hydrofluoric Acid HF Hydrofluorination Hydrogen bomb Hydrogen cyanide Hydronuclear testing Hysteresis loop measurement equipment IAEA Trigger List Immune-based detector Immune system Immunization Immuno-based detectors Immuno chemical Immuno logically Immuno modulators Immuno suppressants Implosion assembly Implosion device Implosion systems Implosion weapon 1 2 2 5 6 1 6 1 5 4 5 9 3 0 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 3 0 3 3 4 0 4 3 1 3 5 0 5 6 5 10 6 1 1 3 5 10 5 10 6 1 5 1 5 4 5 1 5 0 4 0 4 1 5 10 1 1 5 0 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 4 3 0 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 6 5 7 5 9 5 0 5 6 5 10 5 0 5 6 5 7 5 0 5 6 Improvised Nuclear Device IND In-flight refueling Inactivating agents Incapacitants Incapacitating agents Incapacitating levels Incubation period India 5 6 5 11 1 4 3 2 4 0 4 0 4 1 4 0 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 6 3 0 4 0 4 1 5 0 5 4 5 6 5 7 5 10 5 12 6 0 6 2 1 2 1 4 3 0 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 3 0 3 1 3 0 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 5 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 5 2 0 2 3 4 3 2 0 2 3 2 4 2 0 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 0 2 1 2 3 2 5 Indonesia Industrialized nations Inert gas Inertial Measurement Units IMU Infectious agent Infectious diseases Information communications Information Exchange IX Information management and control Information Processing IP Information Security INFOSEC Information System IS Information System Management and Control IM C Information systems facilities Information systems technologies Infrared absorption analyzers Ingestion Inhalation Innovative control effectors Innovative flow effectors Institute of Electrical Engineers IEEE Integrated circuit II-F-1-11 2 0 2 6 2 0 5 12 3 2 3 2 4 4 1 4 1 3 2 5 6 4 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Integrated Network Management System Integrated switching-multiplexing equipment Inter-Exchange Carriers IXC Inter-node transport Interception Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles ICBMs 2 5 2 2 2 1 2 5 2 2 2 4 Introduction 1 0 1 1 1 2 5 0 6 2 2 4 3 4 3 4 6 8 5 0 5 4 2 5 5 10 2 1 2 2 1 4 2 0 2 3 2 4 2 5 5 2 5 2 3 3 4 3 5 2 6 0 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 0 6 1 6 5 6 7 6 5 6 6 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 3 0 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 5 0 5 2 5 6 5 10 6 0 4 0 4 1 4 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 5 0 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 6 5 10 6 6 5 4 5 0 5 2 5 3 5 5 5 8 All Italy 1 0 1 2 1 3 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 6 3 0 4 0 4 1 5 0 5 9 6 0 6 2 All 4 4 Interface terminal nodes Interferons Interleukins Internal Electromagnetic Pulse IEMP International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA International Standards Organization ISO International Telecommunications Union ITU International Traffic in Arms Regulations ITAR Internet Ion exchange columns Ion exchange reflux systems Ion Mobility Spectrometry IMS Ion source Ionization Ionizing radiation Ionosphere Iran Iran-Iraq War Iraq Irradiated fuel Isotopes Israel Japan Joint Service Lightweight Suit Technology JSLIST Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System JSTARS Kenya Kevlar Keyboard rhythm Lamp-type thermal radiation simulators Large Blast Thermal Simulator LBTS Large damage envelopes Large nuclear stockpiles Laser Laser communications Laser communications beam Laser detection systems Laser Isotope Separation LIS Laser systems Launch strategy Lebanon Lectins Lethal radii Levinstein Process Lewisite Libya Light-Initiated High Explosive LIHE Light Detection and Ranging LIDAR Light-water power reactors Limited Test Ban Treaty LTBT II-F-1-12 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 4 6 2 6 3 2 0 5 5 5 0 5 2 5 11 6 3 6 5 6 8 6 5 6 5 5 11 5 0 5 2 5 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 0 4 1 4 0 4 1 1 0 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 0 2 1 2 4 2 5 2 6 3 0 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 5 10 6 0 6 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 5 0 5 0 5 10 6 0 6 3 6 5 6 6 Appendix E TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Line-of-sight LOS Liquefied gases Liquid-liquid centrifugal contractors Liquid-liquid exchange columns Liquid deuterium Liquid droplets Liquid fueled missile Liquid hydrogen Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor LMFBR Liquid migration Liquid propellant engines Liquid thermal diffusion Liquid uranium metal handling systems Lithium-mercury amalgam Lithium L Lithium hydroxide Little Boy Local Area Networks LANs Local Exchange Carriers LEC Long-distance communications Long-range cruise missiles Long-wave infrared LWIR Long wavelength radio communications Los Alamos Low ballistic coefficient Low enriched uranium Low observables Machine tools Magnetic suspension bearings Magnetohydrodynamic Electromagnetic Pulse MHD-EMP Management Information Base MIB Management Information System MIS 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 5 5 5 2 5 2 5 5 4 2 1 1 5 12 5 3 1 5 1 1 1 2 5 2 5 2 5 5 5 0 5 4 5 5 5 0 5 0 2 2 2 5 2 1 2 5 2 1 1 0 1 3 6 5 2 1 5 0 5 2 5 3 1 2 5 0 5 1 1 4 5 9 5 2 6 6 Manhattan Project Manned aircraft Manned tactical aircraft Manufacturing of nuclear components Manufacturing processes Map guidance technology Maraging Steel Mask breaker Masks Mass Medium Diameter MMD Mass spectral analysis Mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry-mass spectrometry MS-MS Mean Time Between Failures MTBF Means of Delivery MOD Mechanical framing cameras Mechanical streak cameras Mercury Meshed network Metal Oxide Semiconductor MOS Metal preparation Metal stamping equipment Meteorological information systems Methylphosphonic dichloride DC Metropolitan Area and Wide-Area Networks MAN WANS Mexico Microencapsulation Microorganisms Microwave power Middle East Militarily Critical Technologies List MCTL Military environments Milling 5 0 5 2 5 4 5 6 5 10 1 4 1 0 5 8 5 9 4 1 1 4 5 2 4 0 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 5 2 Introduction 1 0 5 10 5 10 5 0 5 5 2 2 6 4 5 4 1 3 1 4 3 2 4 1 2 2 2 5 2 0 II-F-1-13 1 4 1 5 3 0 5 2 4 4 All 2 4 5 9 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Milliradium range angular accuracy Mine shafts Mirrors Missile systems Missile technology Missile Technology Control Regime MTCR Missile warheads Missiles Mission-Oriented Protective Posture MOPP Mixer-settler Mobile launchers Mobile telecommunications Modified Auxiliary Closure MAC Molecular Laser Isotope Separation MLIS Molecular pumps Molecular recognition Monoclonal antibodies Monte Carlo Calculations Motion detection sensors alarms Motor stators Multichannel trunk satellite service Multimedia communications Multimedia voice Multiplane balancing machines Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicles MIRV Multiple Launch Rocket System MLRS Multiplexer equipment Multiplexing Multistage light gas guns Munitions List--Wassenaar Arrangement ML Mustard gas blister agent Mustard rounds Mustard shells 1 1 5 10 1 2 1 5 6 3 1 1 1 2 All 4 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 4 2 3 4 5 4 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 5 6 1 6 2 5 0 5 2 5 2 3 3 3 0 6 4 5 11 5 2 2 1 2 5 2 6 2 0 5 9 5 0 Nagasaki Natural lithium Natural uranium Navigation Neptunium Nerve agent--Sarin GB Nerve agent--Soman GD Nerve agent--Tabum GA Nerve agent VX Nerve agents G agents Nerve agents V agents Nerve gases Netherlands 5 3 5 7 5 5 5 3 5 4 1 1 1 3 1 4 5 3 5 4 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 1 4 0 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 4 0 4 3 5 0 5 2 5 9 6 2 2 5 2 5 2 5 5 8 5 10 5 0 6 4 5 6 5 6 5 10 5 10 1 2 1 3 5 1 5 3 5 4 4 1 5 11 5 0 5 0 Appendix E 5 0 Appendix E 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 2 2 5 2 1 2 2 2 5 2 6 5 10 All 4 0 4 1 4 1 4 0 Network Control Points NCP Network Element NE Network Operation Centers NOCs Neutron-emitting isotopes Neutron detectors Neutron economy Neutron fluences Neutron generator tubes Neutron initiators Neutron Pinex photography Nevada Test Site New Zealand Nigeria Nitric Acid HNO3 Nitrogen mustards No-lone zones Nobel Laureates Nobel Prize Non-Nuclear Weapons States NNWS Non-Proliferation Treaty II-F-1-14 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO North Korea 4 4 6 0 6 2 6 3 6 6 6 7 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 3 0 4 0 4 1 4 3 4 4 5 0 5 3 5 4 5 6 6 0 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 0 2 3 2 4 2 6 3 0 4 0 4 4 5 12 6 2 5 2 6 2 1 1 1 5 6 0 5 7 5 9 6 0 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 5 6 6 6 8 5 2 5 10 Introduction 1 1 5 6 5 7 5 9 5 10 5 12 5 13 2 1 6 1 6 8 6 5 Nuclear simulations Nuclear Suppliers Group NSG 6 2 Introduction 5 0 5 3 5 13 Appendix E 5 10 6 0 6 3 Introduction 5 3 5 0 5 7 1 0 1 2 1 3 1 5 5 0 5 1 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 9 5 10 5 11 6 0 6 1 6 8 5 5 5 6 5 3 5 10 5 11 Northern Ireland Norway Nozzle enrichment process Nuclear airblast simulator Nuclear arsenal Nuclear artillery shells Nuclear combat Nuclear components Nuclear Denotation NUDET Nuclear devices Nuclear Dual-Use List NDUL Nuclear effects Nuclear effects on electromagnetic signal propagation Nuclear effects phenomenology Nuclear environments Nuclear explosion Nuclear explosives Nuclear fireball Nuclear fission Nuclear Fusion Reaction Column Exchange Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty NPT Nuclear physics Nuclear reactor Nuclear reactor physics Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC Nuclear shells 6 1 6 1 5 0 5 7 5 10 6 0 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 6 5 0 5 3 5 6 5 7 5 10 5 10 6 3 6 5 5 0 5 3 5 5 5 5 Appendix E 5 13 5 0 5 3 5 4 5 6 5 8 5 12 5 6 Introduction 5 0 1 5 Nuclear testing Nuclear thermal radiation effects Nuclear Trigger List NTL Nuclear warhead Nuclear weapon Nuclear weapon physics Nuclear Weapon Program Nuclear Weapons Custody Transport and Control Nuclear weapons design Nuclear weapons development testing Nuclear Weapons Effects NWE Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulation NWES Nuclear weapons effects simulators Nuclear weapons effects technologies Nuclear Weapons States NWS Nuclear weapons technologies Nuclear weapons training Nuclear yield testing Nucleic acid protein Numerical control Numerical simulation Numerically Controlled NC machines Nutrient additives Oak Ridge Object-oriented programming Object-Oriented Technologies OOT Off-the-shelf OTS Offensive biological agents II-F-1-15 5 0 5 6 5 10 6 0 6 1 6 2 6 8 6 8 6 0 6 0 5 0 5 2 5 6 5 7 5 10 5 12 5 13 5 0 5 0 5 10 3 0 3 3 1 1 1 3 6 0 1 1 1 3 5 9 3 1 5 2 5 3 2 3 2 3 5 10 3 0 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Offensive strike power Office in suitcase Oligomers On-board sensor On-Line Analytical Processing OLAP On-Line Transaction Processing OLTP One-time operational codes Operation Desert Storm Operations Security OPSEC Optical Carrier OC Optical semiconductors Oralloy Oralloy-fueled gun-assembled device Organisms toxins Organophosphorus compounds Oscillating electric current Oscilloscope Overt encryption Oxidizer Packet switching Pakistan 3 0 2 6 3 3 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 5 7 5 11 2 2 6 3 5 6 5 10 5 10 3 2 4 0 6 6 5 10 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 3 3 0 4 0 4 1 5 0 5 2 5 3 5 6 5 10 6 0 6 2 5 6 5 7 1 2 1 1 1 2 6 4 3 0 3 4 3 1 3 0 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 5 3 0 3 1 3 3 3 0 2 4 Permissive Action Links PAL Persian Gulf Personal Computer PC Personal Identification Numbers PIN Personnel Communications System PCS Peru Pharmaceutical companies Pharmaceutical industry Phosgene Phosphor bronze mesh packing Photo Detectors PD Photo Multipler PM Photoelectric excitation Photomultiplier tubes Photons Physical phenomena Physical simulation Physics package Physiological effects Piezoelectric calorimetic transducers Piezoelectric instrumentation Piezoelectrically Pin dome tests Pinhole photography Plant pathogens Plaque infected fleas Plasma emission Plasma generation systems Plasma Separation Process PSP Plutonium 5 0 5 7 1 3 2 6 1 3 1 4 2 3 5 0 2 4 2 6 1 3 4 0 3 0 3 4 4 0 4 1 5 12 5 10 5 10 6 4 5 10 6 4 6 6 6 8 6 0 6 0 6 1 5 0 4 0 3 3 1 1 3 3 5 10 5 10 3 1 3 0 6 5 5 2 5 2 5 0 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 12 5 13 5 4 5 4 5 4 Pan Am 103 Parallel-staged missile Parallel staging Particle-like effects Passive immunization Pathogenic bacteria Pathogenic organisms Pathogenic viruses Pathogens Peptides Per-channel signaling Plutonium-fueled weapons Plutonium extraction Plutonium nitrates II-F-1-16 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Plutonium Uranium Recovery by Extraction PUREX Point-to-point line-of-sight Poland 5 4 Protective clothing Protective masks Pseudolites or differential GPS Public key cryptography Public mobile service Pulse generators Pulsed-power nuclear weapons Pulsed-power nuclear weapons effects simulation Purification process Purified water supply Pyongyang Pyrotechnics Radar-absorbing material Radar altimeter Radar altimeter fusing Radar beams Radar Cross Section RCS Radar fuzes or timers Radar jamming and spoofing Radiation 4 0 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 0 1 1 2 4 2 1 5 10 6 0 6 8 6 0 6 8 4 1 3 1 4 4 4 2 1 3 1 5 5 7 1 2 6 5 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 3 5 4 5 8 6 0 6 1 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 8 6 4 6 7 5 4 5 10 1 1 1 3 5 10 1 5 5 10 6 0 5 0 5 8 5 10 5 0 5 6 5 8 5 4 5 0 5 6 5 7 5 8 1 3 Polonium Polynucleotides Porous barrier Post-Boost Vehicle PBV Potassium amide liquid ammonia Powdering and milling Power reactors fast Power reactors intermediate Power reactors thermal Power transistor Pre-initiation Precipitation Prepreg material Pressure gauges Pressure regulators Pressure relief devices Pressurized Water Reactor PWR Production reactors Programmable switching Projectile cases Proliferator Prophylactic measures Prophylactic treatment Prophylaxis Propulsion system Propulsion airframe flight control system integration Protect wire 2 1 1 4 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 6 3 0 4 0 5 6 3 0 3 3 5 2 1 2 5 12 3 1 5 3 5 3 5 3 6 4 5 10 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 5 3 5 0 5 3 5 13 2 2 2 5 4 2 1 1 2 0 2 4 2 5 3 1 4 3 5 0 5 2 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 10 6 2 6 6 4 3 3 4 3 0 3 1 3 3 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 2 4 Radiation Absorbed Dose in Silicon rad si Radiation shielding Radio-chemistry Radio command guidance Radio inertial guidance Radio Lanthanum RaLa Radio timing fuze Radioactive debris Radioactive isotopes Radioactive material Radioactivity Radiological weapons Ramjets II-F-1-17 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Reactor-grade graphite Real-time network reconfiguration Real-time transmission Real-time video observation Receive terminals Receptors Recognition molecules Recombinant DNA Reentry Vehicles RV Remote Sensing Chemical Agent Alarm RSCAAL Remote stored program-controlled switching Repeater amplifiers Reprocessed uranium Reprocessing facilities Reprocessing plants Reproducibly timed squibs Republic of South Africa Research reactors Resource-devouring casualties Respiratory protection Respiratory system Ricin Rickettsiae Robot Rocket-assist launch sites Rocket motor test stands Rockets Romania Rotary-wing vehicles Rotary shaft seals Rotor assemblies Rotor assembly equipment Rotor tubes 5 12 2 2 1 3 2 0 2 1 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 4 3 Rudimentary computers Russia Russia High-power Pressure-tube Reactor RBMK Safely transfer funds Safing Arming Fuzing and Firing SAFF Sample collection Sarin nerve agent Satellite Satellite-based mobile telecommunications Satellite-to-aircraft links Satellite-to-ground links Satellite-to-satellite communications Satellite relays Saudi Arabia Scatter station design Scattered gammas Scattering LIDAR Scene generation Scope cameras Search-on-number Secure voice Security operations Security personnel Seed stocks Self-protection defensive measures Self-sustaining chain reaction Semiconductor electronics Sensor networks Sensors Separator module housings Serial staging Servo valves Shared public network facilities 1 1 All 5 3 2 5 2 1 5 4 5 0 5 3 5 4 5 0 5 4 1 2 5 0 5 3 4 0 3 4 4 0 4 4 4 0 3 0 3 1 5 9 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 3 0 3 2 5 2 5 2 5 9 5 2 II-F-1-18 2 4 5 0 5 6 5 7 3 3 3 2 4 0 4 1 4 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 5 2 6 2 2 6 0 6 0 6 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 6 1 6 6 3 3 4 3 1 4 5 10 2 4 2 4 5 11 5 11 3 1 3 4 5 0 6 4 1 4 3 0 3 3 5 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Shear forming machines Sheet-Explosive Loading Technique SELT Shelf life Shelters Shock propagation Shock wave Shock-wave photography Short-Range Missile SCUD Signaling System SS Signature dynamics Signature reduction Simple Management Network Protocol SMNP Simplified Collective Protection Equipment SCPE Simulators Singapore Single-channel long-distance connections Single-event burnout Single-Event Upset SEU Single-cell growth chambers Single-cell production Single-stage missiles Singly Deuteriated Water HDO Singly Tritiated Water HTO Slovak Republic Slovenia Small solid strap-on boosters Small solid rocket engine for takeoff assistance Smallpox Smart weapons Soft x-ray Software Defined Network SDN Solar furnace Solar parabolic dish 5 9 6 3 4 4 4 4 6 1 5 6 5 10 6 2 1 0 1 2 2 3 2 5 2 4 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 Solar power tower Solid lethal agents Solid propellant oxidizers Solid propellants Solid rocket motors Solvent extraction fluorination wet process Soman nerve agent Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse SREMP South Africa 6 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 4 4 0 4 1 6 0 6 1 6 7 6 8 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 0 4 0 4 2 4 3 5 0 5 2 5 3 5 6 5 7 5 10 6 0 1 4 1 5 3 0 3 1 1 0 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 4 2 6 3 0 4 0 5 0 5 6 5 7 6 4 1 2 1 4 1 5 4 0 4 1 5 0 5 3 6 6 1 5 3 0 4 0 5 6 5 0 5 6 2 1 2 6 5 0 5 3 5 4 5 8 5 0 1 1 1 3 3 2 6 3 4 0 4 2 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 4 1 3 3 1 4 0 4 1 1 4 5 0 5 3 5 7 6 0 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 8 1 3 5 7 2 1 6 4 6 4 3 1 3 1 1 2 5 12 5 13 3 0 3 3 4 0 1 4 1 2 1 3 3 0 2 0 2 1 6 3 6 8 2 0 2 1 2 2 6 3 6 3 South America South Korea Soviet Union Spain Special Nuclear Material SNM Specialized Mobile Radio SMR Spent fuel rods Spent reactor fuel Spin flow and shear forming machines Spray devices Spray Lead at Target SPLAT Spray tanks Stabilization Standoff detectors Standoff Land-Attack Missile SLAM Steganographic encoding Stellar optics Sterilization Stockpile Stockpile-to-target delivery cycle Stockpile-to-Target Sequence STS II-F-1-19 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Stored program control Strap-on boosters Streak cameras Structurally efficient radar absorbing structure Submunitions 2 2 1 2 5 10 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 3 2 4 0 4 2 1 3 5 10 2 3 4 0 4 1 3 0 6 5 5 2 5 0 5 6 5 10 5 0 5 6 1 5 5 9 Syria 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 6 4 6 8 Subsonic cruise missile Subterranean sites Suitcase-size packaging Sulfur mustard Super germ Super High Frequency SHF Superconducting magnets Supercritical mass Supercriticality Supergun project Superplastic forming diffusion bonding equipment Supersonic expansion nozzles Surface Acoustic Wave SAW Surveillance Survivability Sweden Switching Switzerland Synchronization Synchronous byte interleave Synchronous digital hierarchy SDH Synchronous Optical Network SONET Synchronous Payload Envelopes SPES Synchronous transmission and multiplexing Synthetic toxins 5 2 3 3 4 3 2 0 2 1 2 4 6 0 6 2 6 4 All 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 6 2 0 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 0 3 1 3 2 4 0 4 4 5 0 5 4 5 6 5 9 6 0 6 2 6 6 6 8 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 5 2 1 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 4 1 System Generated Electromagnetic Pulse SGEMP System Management System SMS Tabun nerve agent Tactical aircraft Tails withdrawal systems Taiwan Tandem and digital cross-connect switching Tandem switching Target agent Target area Target-designated ground zeros Target Detection Device TDD Technology Working Group TWG Telecommunication Management Networks TMN Telecommunications Telecommunications networks Telecommunications System Sector TSS Telecommunications systems Telemetry Television TV Terrain Contour Matching TERCOM Terrestrial microwave Terrorism Thailand The Hague Theater Ballistic Missiles TBM Theoretical models Therapeutics II-F-1-20 2 5 4 0 4 1 4 2 1 4 5 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 6 5 0 5 6 5 7 6 1 6 4 2 5 2 2 2 5 3 3 4 2 2 1 5 7 Introduction 2 2 2 5 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 0 2 1 2 5 2 5 2 0 2 2 2 5 1 1 1 2 3 1 5 10 1 3 2 1 5 0 5 6 1 3 4 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 6 6 4 3 4 4 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Therapy Thermal diffusion Thermal dissemination Thermal effects simulators Thermal neutrons Thermal pulse Thermal radiation Thermal spray forming equipment Thermal blast simulators Thermogram Thermomechanical Shock TMS Thermonuclear TN Thermonuclear device Thermonuclear fusion Thermonuclear weapons Thermostructural Shock TSR Thermostructural-shock simulator Thorium fuel Threat-level simulators Threat agents Thrust Thrust-to-weight ratio Thrust bearings Thrust chamber Thrust Vector Control TVC Time delay generators Titanium Total-dose Toxic agents Toxic chemical Toxic chemical precursors Toxic-free environment Toxic products 3 0 3 1 3 3 5 2 4 0 4 2 6 3 5 6 6 0 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 6 5 0 5 7 6 0 6 3 1 4 6 2 2 4 6 4 6 8 5 3 5 5 5 6 5 13 5 5 5 5 5 13 5 0 5 3 5 5 5 6 5 12 5 13 6 8 6 2 5 4 6 6 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 10 5 2 6 4 4 2 4 3 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 1 4 4 3 1 Toxic substances Toxicity Toxin agent weaponization Toxin weapon throw weight TW Toxin s Toxin biological agent Trajectory Transducers Transduction Transester process Transient Radiation Effects in Electronics TREE Transient recorders Transmission termination Transponder Transport of nuclear weapons Transport Erector Launcher TEL Transverse Field Compensation TFC Tri-n-butyl phosphate Trinitrotoluene TNT Tritium Trusted system Tungsten Tunnel and Pipe Seals TAPS Turbofan engines Turbopumps Turkey Ukraine 4 2 4 0 3 1 3 1 6 8 3 0 3 1 3 2 4 1 3 4 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 1 6 0 6 4 6 8 Ultra-broadband transmission systems Ultra freezing Ultra-High Frequency UHF Ultrafiltration Ultraviolet UV II-F-1-21 5 10 2 1 3 3 5 11 1 1 1 3 4 3 5 1 5 4 5 0 5 7 5 10 6 2 5 0 5 3 5 5 5 6 5 12 5 13 2 4 5 6 5 7 6 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 5 3 0 1 0 1 5 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 5 0 5 7 5 9 2 1 3 2 6 5 3 2 3 1 5 2 6 3 6 5 6 8 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE UN Special Commission Underground Nuclear Weapons Effect Testing Underground Testing UGT Underground Weapons Evaluation and Testing UGWET Underwater Nuclear Detonation Union of Soviet Socialist Republics USSR United Kingdom UK United Nations UN United States U S United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases USAMRIID United States Munitions List USML Unmanned Aerial Vehicles UAV Upper atmosphere Uranium U 4 1 4 3 6 1 5 0 6 0 6 1 6 1 V-blocks V-agents Vaccines Vacuum chamber Vacuum filtration Vacuum pumps Vacuum systems Van Allen belts Velocity attitude angle Venezuela Ventilation Venting systems Vernier motor control Very Small Aperture Terminals VSAT Vesicant Vibration shakers Vibration test equipment Vibration thrusters Vietnam 5 9 4 0 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 5 2 5 2 6 4 6 5 6 6 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 4 0 4 1 1 4 1 3 1 4 5 9 1 0 1 3 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 4 2 6 4 0 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 5 2 5 3 0 2 0 2 3 3 0 3 1 3 4 2 3 2 5 2 4 5 0 5 2 1 4 1 0 1 1 1 5 4 2 4 4 5 9 Uranium dioxide Uranium enrichment Uranium gun-assembled devices Uranium gun-bomb Uranium hexafluoride Uranium hexafluoride gas Uranium isotopes Uranium metal Uranium ore Uranium ore concentrates Uranium oxidation systems Uranium oxide Uranium recovery Uranium reprocessing Uranium tetrachloride Uranium vaporization systems U S National Academy of Sciences 6 2 3 0 3 1 5 0 5 10 All 1 0 1 1 4 1 5 0 All 3 0 All 1 0 1 3 5 8 6 0 6 5 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 13 6 5 5 1 5 0 5 2 5 12 5 2 5 6 5 2 5 1 5 2 5 0 5 2 5 4 5 3 5 1 5 2 5 1 5 2 5 3 6 5 5 2 5 4 5 1 5 2 5 2 3 0 Viral replication Viral reproduction Virtual Private Networks VPN Virtual private telecommunications networks Virulent organisms Virus Virus software Voice Communications Network VCN Voice printing Vortex tube Warhead systems Warheads Warsaw Pact II-F-1-22 TERM SECTION REFERENCE TERM SECTION REFERENCE Wassenaar Arrangement--Dual-use List Category WA-Cat Wassenaar Arrangement--Munitions List WA ML Wassenaar Arrangement WA Waste treatment recycle Water-hydrogen sulfide Water shock Wave-length division multiplexers Weapon guidance Weaponization Weapons-grade plutonium Weapons-grade uranium Weapons Integration Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD All Wide-area spectroscope Wide-area switched networks Wind tunnels Wire tapping WMD delivery WMD operations World-wide internet World Trade Center World War I WWI World War II WWII World-Wide Military Command and Control Systems WWMCCS x-ray 3 3 2 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 4 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 0 5 6 3 0 4 0 4 2 4 4 3 0 4 0 4 1 4 4 5 0 5 2 5 12 2 6 Weapons separation design Weapons Systems Technologies WST Weapons testing Weather observation White Sands Missile Range WSMR Wide-area communications All All 5 4 5 12 6 0 2 2 2 0 3 2 5 0 5 3 5 4 5 1 5 2 5 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 Introduction 1 0 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 3 0 5 0 5 7 5 9 6 0 1 3 1 4 Introduction 4 0 4 2 4 2 6 2 2 2 x-ray detectors x-ray laser x-ray recording systems Yellowcake Yemen Yugoslavia Z-pinches II-F-1-23 1 3 1 4 1 5 5 0 5 5 5 6 5 9 5 10 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 8 5 0 5 10 5 0 5 10 5 1 5 3 1 1 1 3 1 4 4 0 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 8 APPENDIX F-2 CONTROL LIST REFERENCES APPENDIX F-2 CONTROL LIST REFERENCES CL-ITEM AG LIST CCL Cat 0B CCL Cat 1A CCL Cat 1B CCL Cat 1C CCL Cat 1E CCL Cat 2A CCL Cat 2B CCL Cat 2D CCL Cat 2E CCL Cat 3A CCL Cat 5 A-P1 CCL Cat 5 E-P1 CCL Cat 5A-P2 CCL Cat 6A CCL Cat 7A DESCRIPTION Australia Group List Nuclear Materials--Test Inspection and Production Equipment Materials Chemicals Microorganisms and Toxins--Systems Equipment and Components Materials Chemicals Microorganisms and Toxins--Test Inspection and Production Equipment Materials Chemicals Microorganisms and Toxins--Materials Materials Chemicals Microorganisms and Toxins--Technology Materials Processing--Systems Equipment and Components Materials Processing--Test Inspection and Production Equipment Materials Processing--Software Materials Processing--Technology Electronics Design Development and Production--Systems Equipment and Production Telecommunications--Systems Equipment and Components Telecommunications--Technology Information Security--Systems Equipment and Components Sensors and Sensors--Systems Equipment and Components Navigation and Avionics--Systems Equipment and Components SECTION REFERENCE 3 1 3 2 4 1 4 2 4 3 5 2 CL-ITEM CCL Cat 7E CCL Cat 9A 3 3 3 4 5 8 5 12 CCL Cat 9B 1 1 1 3 5 9 5 12 CCL Cat 9D 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 4 2 5 4 4 1 CCL Cat 9E CCL EAR 99 5 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 4 2 4 3 5 2 5 4 5 8 5 9 5 10 1 3 1 4 1 5 3 3 4 3 5 2 5 6 5 7 5 9 5 10 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 5 5 7 5 10 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 5 CWC MTCR MTCR MTCR MTCR MTCR 1 2 3 4 5 MTCR 7 4 3 5 2 5 10 MTCR 8 MTCR 9 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 5 5 7 MTCR 10 MTCR 11 II-F-2-1 DESCRIPTION SECTION REFERENCE Navigation and Avionics-- Technologies Propulsion Systems Space Vehicles and Related Equipment--Systems Equipment and Components Propulsion Systems Space Vehicles and Related Equipment--Test Inspection and Production Equipment Propulsion Systems Space Vehicles and Related Equipment--Software Propulsion Systems Space Vehicles and Related Equipment--Technology Items subject to the EAR that are not elsewhere specified in any CCL Category are designated by EAR 99 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 9 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 5 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 2 4 3 4 4 5 2 5 7 5 10 5 11 5 13 Chemical Weapons Convention 4 1 Complete Rocket Systems 1 1 Complete Subsystems 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 7 Propulsion Components 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 9 Propellants and Constituent Chemicals 1 1 1 2 Production Technology or Production 1 1 1 2 Equipment Structural Composites Production 1 3 Equipment Structural Materials 1 1 1 2 Instrumentation Navigation and 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 Direction-Finding Equipment Flight Control Systems and 1 1 1 3 Technology Avionics Equipment 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 5 5 7 CL-ITEM MTCR 14 MTCR 15 MTCR 16 MTCR 17 NDUL 1 NDUL 3 NDUL 4 NDUL 5 NDUL 6 NDUL 7 NDUL 8 NRC-A NRC-B NRC-C NRC-D NRC-E NRC-F DESCRIPTION Analogue-to-Digital Converters Test Facilities and Test Equipment Specially Designed Software Materials Devices and Specially Designed Software for Reduced Observables Industrial Equipment Uranium Isotope Separation Equipment and Components Heavy-Water Production Plant Related Equipment Implosion Systems Development Equipment Explosives and Related Equipment Nuclear Testing Equipment and Components Other Dual-Use Nuclear Items Lithium NRC Appendix A--Illustrative List of Nuclear Reactor Equipment NRC Appendix B--Illustrative List of Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant Components NRC Appendix C--Illustrative List of Gaseous Diffusion Enrichment Plant Assemblies and Components NRC Appendix D--Illustrative List of Aerodynamic Enrichment Plant Assemblies and Components NRC Appendix E--Illustrative List of Chemical Exchange or Ion Exchange Enrichment Plant Assemblies and Components NRC Appendix F--Illustrative List of Laser-Based Enrichment Plant Assemblies and Components SECTION REFERENCE 5 10 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 9 1 4 1 3 1 4 1 1 5 9 5 2 5 9 CL-ITEM NRC-G NRC-H NRC-I NRC-J 5 12 NRC-K 5 9 5 10 5 6 5 7 5 10 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 8 5 9 5 13 5 3 5 4 5 8 5 13 5 2 NRC-L NRC 110 8 NTL-A1 NTL-B1 NTL-B3 NTL-B5 5 2 NTL-B6 5 2 NTL-B7 5 2 USML 121 10 USML 121 16 5 2 USML III II-F-2-2 DESCRIPTION SECTION REFERENCE NRC Appendix G--Illustrative List of Plasma Separation Enrichment Plant Assemblies and Components NRC Appendix H--Illustrative List of Electromagnetic Enrichment Plant Assemblies and Components NRC Appendix I--Illustrative List of Reprocessing Plant Components NRC Appendix J--Illustrative List of Uranium Conversion Plant Equipment NRC Appendix K--Illustrative List of Equipment and Components for Use in Production of Heavy Water Deuterium and Deuterium Compounds NRC Appendix L--Illustrative List of Byproduct Materials List of Nuclear Facilities Under NRC Export Licensing Authority Para c Lithium Source Nuclear Material Reactors and Equipment therefor Plants for the Reprocessing of Irradiated Fuel Elements Plants for the Separation of Isotopes of Uranium Plants for the Production of Heavy Water Deuterium and Deuterium Compounds Plants for the Conversion of Uranium Forgings Castings and Machined Bodies Missile Technology Control Regime Annex Ammunition 5 2 5 1 5 2 5 2 5 4 5 1 5 12 5 8 5 13 5 5 5 8 5 3 5 8 5 13 5 2 5 4 5 2 5 12 5 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 5 7 4 2 CL-ITEM USML IV USML V USML VII USML VIII USML X USML XI USML XII USML XIII USML XIV USML XVI USML XVIII USML XXI WA Cat 1A WA Cat 1B WA Cat 1C WA Cat 1E WA Cat 2B WA Cat 2D WA Cat 2E WA Cat 3A WA Cat 5 A-P1 WA Cat 5 E-P1 DESCRIPTION Launch Vehicles Guided Missiles Ballistic Missiles Rockets Torpedoes Bombs and Mines Explosives Propellants Incendiary Agents and their Constituents Tanks and Military Vehicles Aircraft and Associated Equipment Protective Personnel Equipment Military Electronics Fire Control Range Finder Optical and Guidance Control Equipment Auxillary Military Equipment Toxicological Agents and Equipment and Radiological Equipment Nuclear Weapons Design and Test Equipment Devices For Use In Protecting Rocket Systems And Unmanned Air Vehicles Against Nuclear Effects Software Advanced Materials--Systems Equipment and Components Advanced Materials--Test Inspection and Production Equipment Advanced Materials--Materials Advanced Materials--Technology Materials Processing--Test Inspection and Production Equipment Materials Processing--Software Materials Processing--Technology Electronics--Systems Equipment and Components Telecommunications--Systems Equipment and Components Telecommunications--Technology SECTION REFERENCE 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 4 2 5 6 5 8 4 2 2 6 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 4 4 1 5 2 4 4 2 1 4 4 2 1 3 1 4 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 8 4 2 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 6 4 2 3 3 4 2 4 3 1 1 1 3 5 9 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 2 4 4 1 1 5 9 1 3 1 4 1 5 4 3 5 7 5 10 2 1 2 2 2 5 5 7 5 10 CL-ITEM WA Cat 5A-P2 WA Cat 6A WA Cat 7A WA Cat 7E WA Cat 9A WA Cat 9B WA Cat 9D WA Cat 9E WA ML 3 WA ML 4 WA ML 5 WA ML 7 WA ML 8 WA ML 10 WA ML 11 WA ML 13 WA ML 15 WA ML 16 WA ML 17 WA ML 18 WA ML 21 2 1 2 2 5 7 II-F-2-3 DESCRIPTION Information Security--Systems Equipment and Components Sensors and Lasers--Systems Equipment and Components Navigation and Avionics--Systems Equipment and Components Navigation and Avionics-- Technologies Propulsion--Systems Equipment and Components Propulsion--Test Inspection and Production Equipment Propulsion--Software Propulsion--Technology Ammunition Bombs Torpedoes Rockets Missiles etc Fire Control Toxicological Agents SECTION REFERENCE 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 5 4 3 5 10 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 4 5 9 1 4 1 4 4 2 5 7 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 4 2 5 6 5 8 1 4 4 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 Military Explosives and Fuels 1 1 1 2 4 2 Aircraft Unmanned Airborne Vehicles 1 1 1 4 Aero Engines Electronic Equipment 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 2 4 4 2 Armoured or Protective Equipment 2 6 Imaging or Countermeasure 4 2 Equipment Forgings Castings and Other 4 2 Unfinished Products Miscellaneous Equipment 1 3 1 4 Equipment and Technology for the 1 1 1 2 4 2 Production of ML Products Software 1 3 1 4 4 2 National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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