Excerpts from Stepanov-Mamaladze Notebooks 12 February Opening of the conference on the Open Skies regime Malrouney Genscher Fischer Baker Eimens Dimitrov Orgonnes Dumas Horn New ethics of cooperation J Baker Recently looked into the hole in the Berlin Wall Walls are falling everywhere The march of freedom has begun Stability and predictability Disagreements on air forces Excludes a possibility of unexpected attack Stalin's concept security of the Soviet Union means insecurity for others Genscher and Fischer next to each other Fast evolution on the old continent There was no security without super-armaments There will be no security without trust Skubiszewski Poland was one of the sources of the change The word Solidarity assumed an all-European Atlantic meaning van den Broek Netherlands At the Geneva conference in 1955 Khrushchev Thunder strike Short circuit and total darkness Expresses confidence that united Germany changes the appearance A zero in the cause of building a new European peace order Dimitrov Speaks English Meeting Hurd You have a very informal style Especially about space not only to grow spinach here We listen to you and enjoy H urd Pace of events Baker I would like to talk about two things a We would like to keep personnel at the current level i e 195 thousand in the central zone and 225 in the rest We already discussed with you even if you leave Eastern Europe crossed out Germany you still remain the greatest power We however will withdraw across the ocean 2 About German unification Formula 2 4 about which we talked in Moscow It is the best approach for the interests of all main players in this game We should agree as soon as possible without putting each other in an uncomfortable situation 2 4 form ula responds to the question about the future presence of Soviet troops in Germany Baker's proposal--the result of my morning conversations with him I think it includes your expectations about which you talked in Moscow E A There are elements on which I would not focus attention which cause irritation All my colleagues say United Germany will be in NATO Will German unification happen When they speak about it as an accomplished fact they don't take into account how the Soviet people would react to it If I mentioned it yesterday I would open a discussion You should be more flexible not only in actions but in statements as well About the 2 4 formula Baker consulted about coordinating a statement I have nothing against it I should consult with Moscow You have some problems with the unification We are talking about unification Rapprochement is unrealistic Development s in the GDR don't make us happy A statement would have a stabilizing effect there The word rapprochement would generate mistrust among the people in the FRG where the outflow from the GDR is growing -This is your problem -GDR's problem Here we have a TASS statement that mentions unification -It mentions unity and these are different things -Let it be for establishment of German unity -And why should we rush with this statement after all and why should we link anything with the elections in the GDR Why not mention elections in the FRG as well -1 Statement is a factor of stability -2 Let us use the formula of German unity -We still have to tell Fischer That it would be bad for the GDR is an argument for me but it is Modrow's business -In Moscow we agreed about stabilization orderly process otherwise events but we did not succeed Can it be done at the level of ambassadors The second option is acceptable although I am not sure that it is the best But maybe there is no other solution way out I will consult the day after tomorrow maybe tomorrow will be able to respond As far as your presence in Europe is concerned we are not worried about it At Malta M S B aker And we also E duard Shevardnadze It is a different issue what Germany will say B aker Thank you But I do not think that this will be a process of simple ratification And if U united G ermany stays in NATO we should take care about nonexpansion of its jurisdiction to the East And also obligate UG about nuc lear chem ical bacter iological weapons E A This is very complicated Now two Germanies are agreeing and then one will emerge--will it want to include these obligations Who knows who will be the leader of Germany I wished Genscher to become Chancellor of the UG he said he was not sure B aker Danger of revanchism is not likely E duard So far not German leading parties are getting scored from the theme of unification But when it becomes fact New Potsdam Government Conference Hall--railroad terminal built in 1910 Chateau Loros 13 February 1990 Tuesday Secret matinee Moscow's agreement Genscher Hungary was the first one to open the borders People demand their rights cautiously but with response statement by M S that the Germans can decide issues of their future themselves We appreciate the importance of our unification Thomas Mann We pursued the task of creating a European Germany not German Europe It is very hard to imagine a unified Europe with divided Germany as very difficult to imagine divided Europe with unified Germany Negotiations of the two--not behind the backs of the four 1990--the year of disarmament Some unify others The New York Times 1945 Civilization will survive only because of revolution in thinking This revolution has occurred E A I am in a stupid situation - we are discussing the Open Skies but my colleagues are talking about unification of Germany as if it was a fact G enscher Could you agree to the text if we remove March 18 E This is a very important question I need to consult with Moscow G it is hard for me to argue with you Use your authority influence as you did in conversation with me Instability in the Soviet Union is a failure for Europe and the world And the German issue is added to it Source Hoover Institution Archives Stepanov-Mamaladze Collection Translated by Svetlana Savranskaya National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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