g vON- um 152mg Maw 54 0 A db 59 Fit 7 i I a I THE WHITE HOUSE W078VB wesmuo'rpu March 15 1977 I ResidentialErectivo NSC-l 4 J1 too Tho Vice President The Secretary of State The Secretary of Defense ALSO The Secretary of the Treaeury The Attor ney Generel The Secretary of bMerce The 'Ur ted State 3 Ro preientetiye to the amid Nations The Difeoto r of central Intelligence 1 soma'cr Cube After revle'v gihg' the ioeulte of the of the Policy Review Conn-nittooheld on'JV'ednoaday March 95 discuss U S I Mo Cube 1 haveooncl ded thetwe should atte i'pt to achieve normal-e button of our-relations with Cuba this weighould be inldireet ind con dehtial talks In t_ with representatives of the Goir'ern- montoic ha'u Out-objective lg to not inim otlo n e procoee which i Will lead to the 'r oe etebll's'hment o diplorr'z'nti c relations bemeen the 0 I united steteb nd Cuba and will advence thoj intercete or the I Unitod'sute snwith respect to - A a -- Combating terrorism Jamar-m 3 50 st undewwon Saubezs aucoa Hunted rights -- Cuba'a foreign intervention -- Compensation for American cxpropriatcd and Rcductlon of the Cuban relationship political and military with the Soviet Union wi 4 Hamil f I fas The issues we should raise in the exploratory talks include sheries and maritime boundaries the anti-hijacking agreement human rights 1 conditions in Cuba including release of American citizens in Cuban jails visitation rights and emigration rights Cpba's external activities in Angola and elsewhere Cuba's activities with regard to Paerto Rico sports cultural andzseientific technical exchanges compensation or if American property which was expa'opristed by the Cuban Government - the possibility of trade relations and the establishment of an American solemn interest Section in the Swiss Embassy - - To Implement this new policy and to negotiate in pursuit of these iobjectiveo the Secretary of State shout l designate officials to begin exploratory talks with Cuba withthe'inte'ntlon that they will lead to 3 appropriate reciprocal and sequential steps lookingtoward normal- nation of relations between Our two countries Following an exploratory round of discussions the National Security ouncil should make recommendations to me on how we should proceed p The Secretary of State should insure that the NATO Governments Japan and various Latin American Governments are informed of U S inl etiues toward Cuba as appropriate - The Attorney General should take all necessary steps permitted by law to prevent terrorist or any illegal actions launched from within the UnltedStates against Cuba and agaihst_U S citizens and to apprehend and prosecute perpetrators of such actions National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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