Cyber Deterrence An Old Concept in a New Domain by Lieutenant Colonel Michael J Philbin United States Army United States Army War College Class of 2013 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited This manuscript is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Strategic Studies Degree The views expressed in this student academic research paper are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army Department of Defense or the U S Government The U S Army War College is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools 3624 Market Street Philadelphia PA 19104 215 662-5606 The Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U S Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation Form Approved OMB No 0704-0188 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response including the time for reviewing instructions searching existing data sources gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information including suggestions for reducing the burden to Department of Defense Washington Headquarters Services Directorate for Information Operations and Reports 0704-0188 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway Suite 1204 Arlington VA 22202-4302 Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS 1 REPORT DATE DD-MM-YYYY xx-03-2013 4 TITLE AND SUBTITLE 2 REPORT TYPE 3 DATES COVERED From - To STRATEGY RESEARCH PROJECT 33 5a CONTRACT NUMBER Cyber Deterrence An Old Concept in a New Domain 5b GRANT NUMBER 5c PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6 AUTHOR S 5d PROJECT NUMBER Lieutenant Colonel Michael J Philbin United States Army 5e TASK NUMBER 5f WORK UNIT NUMBER 7 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME S AND ADDRESS ES 8 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Colonel Richard A Lacquement Jr School of Strategic Landpower 9 SPONSORING MONITORING AGENCY NAME S AND ADDRESS ES 10 SPONSOR MONITOR'S ACRONYM S U S Army War College 122 Forbes Avenue Carlisle PA 17013 11 SPONSOR MONITOR'S REPORT NUMBER S 12 DISTRIBUTION AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Distribution A Approved for Public Release Distribution is Unlimited 13 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Word Count 5 998 14 ABSTRACT Cyberspace is the newest domain recognized by the United States military One question often asked is whether or not deterrence is possible in the cyber domain as it is in the physical domains land sea air and space Deterrence simply put is convincing an opponent that the potential value gained in an attack is not worth the cost or potential cost of the attack itself Certain aspects of the cyber domain certainly affect this calculation such as the monetary cost of cyber operations the ability to attribute an attack in cyberspace or the ill-defined nature of permissible behavior in cyberspace However these attributes do not fundamentally change the nature of deterrence To successfully deter the US government must continue to invest in cyber lead in developing international norms for behavior in cyber and continue to bolster its domestic defenses 15 SUBJECT TERMS Cyber Policy U S Defense 16 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF a REPORT UU b ABSTRACT UU 17 LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT c THIS PAGE UU UU 18 NUMBER OF PAGES 32 19a NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON 19b TELEPHONE NUMBER Include area code Standard Form 298 Rev 8 98 Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39 18 USAWC STRATEGY RESEARCH PROJECT Cyber Deterrence An Old Concept in a New Domain by Lieutenant Colonel Michael J Philbin United States Army Colonel Richard A Lacquement Jr School of Strategic Landpower Project Adviser This manuscript is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Strategic Studies Degree The U S Army War College is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools 3624 Market Street Philadelphia PA 19104 215 662-5606 The Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U S Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation The views expressed in this student academic research paper are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army Department of Defense or the U S Government U S Army War College CARLISLE BARRACKS PENNSYLVANIA 17013 Abstract Title Cyber Deterrence An Old Concept in a New Domain Report Date March 2013 Page Count 32 Word Count 5 998 Key Terms Cyber Policy U S Defense Classification Unclassified Cyberspace is the newest domain recognized by the United States military One question often asked is whether or not deterrence is possible in the cyber domain as it is in the physical domains land sea air and space Deterrence simply put is convincing an opponent that the potential value gained in an attack is not worth the cost or potential cost of the attack itself Certain aspects of the cyber domain certainly affect this calculation such as the monetary cost of cyber operations the ability to attribute an attack in cyberspace or the ill-defined nature of permissible behavior in cyberspace However these attributes do not fundamentally change the nature of deterrence To successfully deter the US government must continue to invest in cyber lead in developing international norms for behavior in cyber and continue to bolster its domestic defenses Cyber Deterrence An Old Concept in a New Domain Every age had its own kind of war its own limiting conditions and its own peculiar preconceptions -Carl von Clausewitz On War1 Cyberspace is the newest domain recognized by the United States military As a nascent domain there are a number of papers on the implications of this new arena to military strategy One question often asked is whether or not deterrence is possible in the cyber domain as it is in the physical domains land sea air and space There are some elements in cyberspace that impact deterrence in cyberspace Once these challenges are overcome there is a difference in deterrence from other domains Deterrence Defined There are multiple theories of deterrence and how deterrence works The United States Military Strategy concept of deterrence states Denying an aggressor the benefits of achieving its objectives can be just as effective as in altering its strategic calculus through the threat of retaliation The most effective deterrence approaches make use of both techniques while also providing potential adversaries acceptable alternative courses of action 2 Thomas Schelling defines deterrence as persuading a potential enemy that he should in his own interests avoid certain courses of activity 3 Common amongst the theories is some form of cost benefit analysis deterrence involves anything that prevents or attempts to prevent an actor from taking an action by influencing its decision making through its anticipation that the action will lead to a negative result 4 More simply put the attacker determines that the cost of the attack outweighs the potential benefits from the attack To successfully deter an attack the defender must understand the elements that make up the cost to the attacker and the elements that make up his potential benefits Cost Elements The cost of an attack is made up of the total of the value of the resources used in the attack and the potential penalties incurred by the attacker as a result of the attack One can measure Potential penalties in capabilities of the defender to retaliate and the defender's credibility or the belief that he can or will use his capabilities to retaliate against the attack Retaliation is a familiar concept during or after an attack the defender launches a counterstrike that imposes costs on the attacker 5 The simplest way to measure the value of the resources used in attack is to measure them in monetary terms For example terrorists spent between $400 000 and $500 000 to carry out their attacks on the United States on 9 11 6 One way to drive up the costs of an attack is to build defenses that would drive up the monetary price of attack Another way to look at the value of resources expended is the cost in terms of world opinion For example if the United States punished the families of suicide bombers such an approach would be morally repugnant to the United States normatively counterproductive and would have adverse effects on broader US goals strategically counterproductive 7 The other half of the cost equation is the potential penalties incurred as a result of the attack For example it was a reasonable expectation that if one state launched a nuclear strike the defending state would retaliate with its own nuclear strike In other words what damage will be done when the defender retaliates against the attacker Significant to this estimate is the attacker's belief that the enemy can and will strike back An attacker who believes that his initial attack will be so devastating that the 2 defender cannot retaliate does not have to factor in the cost of reprisal Or the attacker may believe their will be no potential consequences for his actions for example it is widely believed that Saddam Hussein did not think the United States would intervene when he invaded Kuwait in 1990 He believed there would be no significant cost in terms of international reaction to his invasion of Kuwait and so was undeterred Benefits After calculating cost the attacker must then calculate benefit or the rewards reaped from an attack This analysis includes the probability of successfully engaging the target or the likelihood that the attack will have any effect on the target Then the likely effects on the target attacked what level of effect does the attacker wish to achieve and how likely is the attack able to achieve that level The calculation also includes the effect of the attack on the relationship between the attacker and the defender will the attack improve the attacker's position in relation to the defender in the near term or long term and will it bring an advantage Possibility of attacking a target relates directly to the defender's ability to defend his asset If there is no chance of success or a very limited chance of success this tips the scales of the analysis towards cost An attacker with little hope of success because of his adversary's defenses is unlikely to launch an attack that will cost him in resources and potential penalties This is the concern of anti ballistic missile systems in nuclear deterrence In the Mutually Assured Destruction concept one state is unlikely to attack the other because neither state can defeat the retaliatory strike of the other because they both lack sufficient defenses If one side of a nuclear exchange can defend against a retaliatory strike through a robust anti ballistic missile defense then the attacker may believe he can defeat his adversary's response This in turn increases the 3 possibility of nuclear exchange A strong defense deters an attack by convincing an attacker there will be no gains commensurate with the cost of attack Probability of successfully engaging relates to the attackers belief that his attack will achieve the effect desired Although related to successful attack of a target successful engagement is tied to target resiliency If attacking a target will not achieve the desired endstate or is unlikely to achieve the desired endstate then there is no benefit to be derived or the known cost and potential costs are greater than potential benefits If the Japanese had known how resilient both the US Pacific Fleet and the US resolve were prior to December 7 1941 would they still have bombed Pearl Harbor Another element of benefit analysis is the reason for the attack An adversary attacks to change the relationship with its competitor The attack may occur to gain a near term competitive advantage An attack may also be preemptive in nature An adversary may believe that it must attack before its competitor grows in strength and a future attack may not be possible that is an attack to check growing power The stronger an adversary believes its attack is more likely to achieve its strategic ends the more likely it is to attack This is the comparative phase of cost benefit analysis Ultimately the questions a belligerent asks itself are is the cost worth the strategic benefit And is it the optimal means of achieving an adversary's endstate How is the Cyber Domain different Cost Compared to operations in other domains operations in cyberspace are inexpensive A computer with internet access has the potential to disrupt a regional power grid8 degrade a nation's financial institutions9 or physically destroy some piece of infrastructure10 Similar effects in other domains would require expensive missiles 4 planes ships or land forces The prerequisites for a cyberattack are few talented hackers intelligence on the target exploits to match the vulnerabilities found though such intelligence a personal computer or any comparable computing device and any network connection 11 The attacker can also repeat the use of cyber resources with little cost A missile launched or a bomb detonated or a bullet fired can never be used again Most of the costs invested in creating the physical means of attack are lost at the time of attack The cost of the electrons used to send a cyber attack is negligible It costs about 4 cents per machine You could fund an entire cyberwarfare campaign for the cost of replacing a tank tread 12 The predominant cost in the cyber attack is the intellectual capital spent in developing the means of attack The interconnectivity of cyberspace allows an attacker to launch his attack from virtually any part of the world against any other part This allows the attacker to protect his primary investment the intellectual capital and even his physical means relatively safe from counterattack While not all attacks are equal and some methods may cost more than others the potential return on investment for a cyber attack makes it a very attractive and affordable means of attack The low cost of entry into operations in the cyber domain opens the door to a wide array of potential adversaries Super empowered groups or individuals can use the same ways and means as state actors For example the Distributed Denial Of Service DDOS attacks launched against both Estonia in 200713 and Georgia in 200814 are believed to have been perpetrated by a cyber criminal networks like the Russian Business Network If an individual using a personal computer can execute an attack on major national or international targets then individuals become the equals of states in 5 cyberspace 15 This complicates deterrence efforts on the part of the defender If an attack can be successfully attributed to a specific individual or organization how can the defender know if the attacker was working at the behest of his government or of his own volition 16 This complicates the potential responses by the defender Should the response be against the state the attack originated from possibly treating the attack as an act of war or should the response be against the individual possibly treating the attack as a criminal act Improper responses could potentially create interstate conflict or weaken future deterrence efforts 17 Attribution Unlike a missile attack or other attack in the physical domains a cyber attack leaves little to no evidence behind for the defender to determine who actually attacked him For a state to effectively retaliate against a cyber attack it must know who executed the attack As discussed above retaliation against the wrong state or actor has the potential to be worse than the attack itself If a state cannot successfully attribute the source of an attack it cannot safely retaliate If a state cannot retaliate than an important element of deterrence cost of an attack is missing and the state's ability to deter is impeded The ability to accurately attribute attacks to the attacker has improved as technology has advanced but attribution is still not certain 18 An example of an early misattribution is an intrusion into DOD networks in February of 1998 Officials labeled the attack as one of the most organized and systemic ever launched at that time The attack occurred during a time of heightened tensions with Iraq and some came to the initial conclusion that Iraq was responsible for the attack based on circumstantial evidence However an FBI investigation revealed 6 that the attack had actually come from an Israeli hacker Ehud Tenebaum and two California teens who had hacked the systems just for fun 19 Efforts at attribution have improved but the evidence may not be sufficient to demonstrate culpability of a state or group for example the DDOS attacks against one of the most cyber-connected countries in the world Estonia 20 in 2007 Estonia knew the attacks originated in part from Russia Despite a mutual legal assistance treaty Russia refused to assist Estonia with its investigation This behavior and other circumstantial evidence indicated that the Russian government may have been complicit in or authorized the attacks but no conclusive evidence was ever found 21 The only person actually charged and convicted of the attack was an Estonian of Russian descent Despite the geometric progression of technology five years after the Estonian DDOS attacks we still have not completely overcome the challenges of attribution in cyberspace The United States is one of the most technologically advanced countries and it is still working on the problem of attribution According to Leon Panetta the US Secretary of Defense The department of Defense has made significant advances in solving a problem that makes deterring cyber adversaries more complex the difficulty of identifying the origins of that attack 22 Of note the Secretary stated that they have made advances versus solved the problem This leaves the possibility that an adversary may still carry out his attack in anonymity Most importantly for deterrence to be effective the potential attacker must believe the defender has the capability to identify his attacker 7 Repetitiveness One of the unique characteristics of cyber operations is that the attacker must find a vulnerability in the defender's system to successfully launch an attack A useful analogy in the land domain might be to consider the defender's system to be like a castle under siege that is invulnerable to catapults or battering rams but has a multitude of doors To gain entry the attacker must pick the lock on one of the doors have a spy inside the castle open a door or sell the lord of the castle a door for which the attacker has a key Picking the lock represents the hacker an external threat that uses malicious code or gaps in programming to gain access to a system Insider threats are represented by the spy or the door Either way a system cannot be overcome by brute force or an overwhelming assault An attacker must find the weakness in the system that allows him in before the attack may begin When the defender identifies the vulnerability he can take steps to close the gap in his defenses Thus the attacker's ability to use the same method of attack repetitively is limited The hacker finds vulnerabilities in programming codes that allow entry into a system or develops malicious code that deceive unsuspecting users into bringing into the system by using techniques such as spoofing or the use of Trojan horses Once a defender recognizes that he is being attacked he goes through the process of identifying how the attacker entered the system and determining what door he used After the defender identifies a programming weakness he can repair the vulnerability directly or tell the software vendor and press for a solution 23 The defender can shut down portions of his system that are vulnerable or take the whole system offline to prevent further damage until repairs can be completed Also the defender can alert users to the methods of attack to prevent future penetrations as well As a general 8 rule tricks exhaust themselves to the extent 1 that their existence and thus the need to protect against their recurrence is obvious and 2 that counters to their recurrence are straightforward to implement 24 In other words the defender sees enemies in the castle he can find the open door close it and change the lock or even nail it shut Insider attacks come in two varieties that are also difficult to repeat One is the individual who assists an adversary by attacking the system from the inside The other is a part of the system that has been compromised by the attacker before it has been introduced Again once the defender realizes that he has been attacked forensics allow him to identify the source of the attack or the open door Either form of insider attack is difficult to establish costly and unlikely to be successfully repeated An exception in the attacker's need to penetrate the defender's system is the DDOS attack In this type of attack the attacker overwhelms the defender's system with illegitimate traffic to prevent the legitimate flow of information and bog down the defender's system To use the castle metaphor the enemy sends mobs of people to the castle doors to prevent anyone from coming in or out of the castle and expend the defender's time determining what to do with the hordes attempting to gain entry Even this attack is limited in its ability to persist and repeat Defender's can filter the illegitimate traffic reroute systems or increase capacity For example in the Estonian DDOS attack some systems were brought back online after a couple of days Subsequent DDOS attacks weeks and months later had little to no effect on the Estonian systems Overall attacks in the cyber domain lose their effectiveness as they are repeated as shown in the figure below 9 25 Figure 1 Nascence Unlike the other domains cyberspace has only been around for a relatively short period of time The novelty of cyberspace has created a domain that is replete with illdefined terms concepts and doctrine Land and sea domains have been in existence for centuries Even the air domain which man has only really mastered in the last century is well defined and understood While the space domain is also relatively new the ideas of the other domains land sea and air have more easily transferred to it Part of the problem of definitions for cyberspace relative to the other domains is that cyberspace is a man-made domain that does not lie completely in the physical world Cyberspace consists of three elements The physical element contains the computers servers and other physical parts that the programming resides on and allows systems to communicate with each other The programming element is the algorithms and computer code that allows devices to interact with users and other 10 machines The data element is the actual information stored on the machines that is accessed by users or used by the machines to make calculations or decisions based on the programming element 26 Most of the actions in cyberspace take place within the latter two elements with little effect on the physical world other than the movement of electrons invisible to the human eye across cables and radio waves that connect the hardware This disconnection from the physical world means that concepts from the other physical domains are not readily transferable to cyberspace For example the concept of an attack in cyberspace is not as well defined In the physical domains an attack is easily conceived of as the act of attacking to set upon sic with physical force 27 If one state sets upon another with physical force it is generally accepted that it constitutes an attack that the other state has the right to defend itself against Since most of what actually occurs in cyberspace does not happen in the physical element this definition does not fit well The United States Department of Defense defines an attack in cyberspace or Computer Network Attack CNA as actions taken through the use of computer networks to disrupt deny degrade manipulate or destroy information resident in target information system or computer networks or the systems networks themselves 28 By this definition a DDOS would be characterized as a CNA as it attempts to disrupt communications flow for a system However the Estonians did not classify the DDOS against it in 2007 as an attack and invoke Article 5 of the NATO charter in part because among Allies there existed ambiguity over what exactly constituted a weapon under the Alliance's charter This was a war in an absolutely different dimension it was a 11 virtual war that encompassed computers from all over the world 29 At the other end of the spectrum Chinese efforts at compromising US computer systems are not classified in the DoD definition as attacks however a simple search on the internet will reveal that the popular consensus is that those efforts are considered attacks at least in the media Within cyberspace there is a wide spectrum of operations Operations may vary from Computer Network Exploitation CNE in which an adversary explores an opponent's computer network looking for vulnerabilities that may be exploited later to a CNA that results in effects in the physical world such as shutting down a power grid Between these two ends of the spectrum lie a variety of operations many of which have already occurred that a defender could define as an attack from cyberspace Because cyberspace is new to conflict international law and customs have not been established to clearly define within the global community where the lines are drawn in terms of acceptable versus unacceptable behavior The ends of the spectrum are relatively easy to define CNE readily equates to spying in the physical domains Is a hacker that probes an adversary computer network to find weaknesses any different than a satellite in space that flies over an adversary's land to view the posture of his defense forces Or is a hacker that breaks into his opponent's system to steal secrets about his advance technology different than a spy who pays a scientist to give him those same secrets The difference is that spying in cyberspace may be relatively easier and cheaper than in the physical domains The acts themselves are the same It is in the methods that they differ Activities of this kind happen in the physical domains and cyber domain daily and do not cause states to 12 counter attack one another Instead states build strong defenses to keep their secrets safe At the opposite end of the spectrum from CNE is an actual CNA The best example of a real CNA is the Stuxnet virus attacks against Iran in 2010 The Stuxnet event was as clearly a cyber attack as any publicly announced event to date Intentionally designed malware directed against a nation-state resulted in the physical destruction of state-owned equipment The centrifuges were destroyed as effectively as if someone had taken a hammer to them and these were not just random bits of equipment The destroyed centrifuges were a critical component of Iran's nuclear ambitions 30 While Iran did not admit that the Stuxnet virus was an attack the results of the virus were little different than if the facility had been bombed This type of attack has the potential to kill bystanders as any other explosive attack Clearly this type of attack is equivalent to any attack in the physical domain 31 Figure 2 13 It is between the ends of the spectrum that what constitutes an attack becomes harder to define The figure above illustrates the types of attacks along the spectrum that have already occurred and where those attacks may begin to reach the definition of attack within the realm of international law The figure illustrates the spectrum of cyber operations Some of these operations that fit the US DoD definition of a CNA do not necessarily fit the definition of an attack currently and commonly held within the international community The best example of this is the DDOS attacks against Estonia in 2007 This attack was an attempt to disrupt the Estonian government computer systems which falls within the joint definition actions taken through the use of computer networks to disrupt information resident in computer networks 32 Despite the attack fitting in the definition the United States did not invoke the NATO Charter and come to Estonia's mutual defense Where the line is drawn is important for deterrence A potential enemy must understand that his actions will be construed as an attack or there will be no expectation of reprisal within his calculations of whether or not to attack Deterrence in Cyberspace The concept of deterrence in cyberspace is no different than the concept of deterrence in any of the physical domains The defender makes the attacker's decision to attack unpalatable enough to prevent him from carrying out his attack There are aspects of the cyber domain that uniquely differentiate it from the physical domains These differences do not change the fundamental concept but they do add some unique challenges 14 Differences of Cyber Deterrence The predominant difference of deterrence in cyberspace is the calculation of cost of operations in cyber The low cost of operations affects both the ability to attack and defend in the cyber domain Additionally attribution and the ambiguity of what constitutes an attack affect the balance of the cost benefit analysis The interconnectedness of cyber creates vulnerabilities for defenders and opportunities for attackers that do not exist in the physical domain These attributes adjust the values when determining a cost benefit analysis As discussed previously the cost in terms of resources consumed and resources risked in cyberspace is very low To increase the potential cost a defender in theory must then increase the potential risk of retaliation Without the ability to impose cost upon an attacker the defender cannot deter attacks He can only build his defenses in the hopes that repetitive attacks do not eventually lead to success Another factor in the computation of cost is attribution If a defender cannot know where an attack came from then he cannot retaliate If there is no possibility of retaliation then there is no potential cost for making the attack In the same vein the ambiguity of what an attack consists of can effect the attacker's valuation of cost of an attack If the attacker believes his actions do not constitute an attack or do not constitute an attack large enough to cause reprisal then again there is no cost to factor in Low resource value and the potential for no retaliation make an attack in the cyber domain potentially quite lucrative for an adversary The low cost of resources required for operations in the cyber domain also benefit the defender in deterrence Unlike the physical domain where it may be difficult or expensive to build resiliency in a system in the cyber domain the programming and 15 data elements can be inexpensively replicated and potentially replaced in the event of a catastrophic loss Unless a cyber attack includes an element of physical destruction systems can be brought back on line at low cost to the defender For example in a DDOS the network that is overwhelmed is not physically damaged After the attack has been circumvented the system can resume normal functionality A resilient system lowers an attacker's cost benefit analysis Another aspect of the cyber domain that affects the deterrence calculation is the interconnectedness of cyber In the physical world an attack against an ally or a distant part of a state's physical territory will not directly affect the state In the cyber domain attackers may go through an ally's system connected to the defender or go through a less important part of the system to gain entry into the defender's key cyber terrain A defender cannot build strongpoints of defense or use physical space to assist him in defending himself He must defend all places all the time to ensure his cyberspace is defended This increases the cost of defense for the defender and opens windows of opportunity for the attacker Similarities of Cyber deterrence Fundamentally there is no difference between deterrence in the cyber domain than in any other domain For deterrence to be effective the attacker must believe that the benefits of his successful attack will be worth the cost of his attack Some may argue that the anonymity of cyber may lead to misattribution of attacks or that the unequal development of cyber technology makes reprisal more difficult as some states are more dependent on cyber than others or that attacks in cyber will likely escalate because of the imbalance of cyber technology While all of these hazards do exist with 16 conflict in the cyber domain they are not exclusive to it and these are issues that states have been managing before cyber Misattribution differs from an inability to attribute an attack as discussed previously In misattribution the defender believes he knows where an attack came from and who the responsible party is but the defender is wrong For example someone from the Russian Business Network conducting CNE inadvertently infects a US computer system and the US government believes the Russian government is responsible for an attack on its systems In this hypothetical the US retaliates against Russia and creates a conflict where none existed because they cannot know exactly who attacked them or why But a similar scenario could also exist in the physical domains In the movie By Dawn's Early Light a rogue Russian general launches a nuclear missile against the US which the US misattributes to the Soviet government and launches a retaliatory strike 33 A real example of misattribution is the Mayaguez incident in1975 in which a Cambodian captain seized a US merchant vessel The US government did not know if the vessel had been officially seized by the Cambodian government or if this was an act of piracy by a renegade member of the Khmer Rouge 34 While attribution challenges may increase the risk of misattribution in the cyber domain these challenges are not unique to the cyber domain If a state knows generally where an attack came from it can hold that state responsible for the attack or for handing over the perpetrators For example the United States held Afghanistan responsible for handing over Osama bin Laden after the attacks of September 11 2001 The Afghan Government's decision not to turn over bin Laden was the main justification for the US attack against Afghanistan 17 Another argument that some make for the difference of cyber deterrence is that some states are more dependent on cyber than others A state without any cyber dependency would not have to include risk of penalty into their analysis because any attack against their cyber infrastructure would have no effect But this concept assumes that retaliation must come in the same form as the attack rather than from action in a different domain This is a bad assumption Reprisals and the threat of reprisal occur across domains States have responded to terrorists bombings land domain with air strikes air domain During the Cold War the threat of nuclear attack air space domain helped to deter the Soviet Union from invading Western Europe land domain Current US policy is clear that possible retaliation for a cyber attack may come in any form the United States will respond to hostile acts in cyberspace as we would to any other threat to our country We reserve the right to use all necessary means--diplomatic informational military and economic--as appropriate and consistent with applicable international law in order to defend our Nation our allies our partners and our interests 35 Cross domain retaliation is a reality The cyber domain is not excluded because it is a new domain or does not exist solely in the physical world The potential for misattribution and cross domain retaliation increase the potential for escalation of a conflict But again escalation of conflict is not limited to the cyber domain nor is it limited to deterrence Whether the conflict takes place in one of the physical domains or in the cyber domain the key to de-escalation or limiting the escalation of a conflict is communication Threats and counterstrikes must be communicated to an adversary regardless of the domain 18 US Policy and Cyber Deterrence The United States looks at cyber security along three lines of effort domestic security efforts international consensus on cyber security and deterrence through detection and response capabilities 36All three of these efforts are a part of deterrence It is in the last line of effort where the US government has made the most progress While US policy supports the concept of international consensus on cyber security there has been little consensus specific to cyber achieved thus far 37 The first effort has fallen short as a matter of national policy regulation or law Overall the United States needs to place greater emphasis on domestic security efforts to enhance its overall deterrence efforts United States Department of Defense is striving to improve deterrence by improving its capabilities creating organizations and policies to improve response and working with industry and international partners 38 DoD recognizes that deterring malicious actors from conducting cyber attacks is complicated by the difficulty of verifying the location from which an attack was launched and by the need to identify the attacker among a wide variety and high number of potential actors the Department actively seeks to limit the ability of such potential actors to exploit or attack the United States 39 According to the former Secretary of Defense Over the last two years DoD has made significant investments in forensics to address this problem of attribution and we're seeing the returns on that investment 40 DoD is also investing in personnel to improve its talent pool and create capabilities to detect attacks and respond in kind if necessary DoD has created US Cyber Command to lead the effort in international cyber operations and their efforts in domestic cyber defense By working with the executive branch other government agencies and private industry it has improved cyber defenses and is 19 working on improving the policies which govern actions in cyberspace Overall DoD has demonstrated improvement of its cyber capabilities over the last few years The United States is also working to better define the rules of cyberspace The US International Strategy on Cyberspace states Long-standing international norms guiding state behavior--in times of peace and conflict--also apply in cyberspace Nonetheless unique attributes of networked technology require additional work to clarify how these norms apply and what additional understandings might be necessary to supplement them We will continue to work internationally to forge consensus regarding how norms of behavior apply to cyberspace 41 Clearly the United States government recognizes that applying current norms of behavior is a good but insufficient start to defining norms in cyber space While multiple international agencies and private entities play a role in cyber security currently there is no international organization recognized as the lead for developing these norms For over a decade however the U S government--while complaining about cyberattacks espionage and exploitation by other states and nonstate actors--has avoided international arrangements that go significantly beyond obligating a group of predominantly European states to criminalize and cooperate in prosecuting specified forms of conduct 42 US policy is changing The United States should place greater emphasis on creating international norms for acceptable behavior in cyberspace As a world leader the United States should be leading the charge in garnering consensus among nations The first line of effort domestic security is where the least progress has been made Legislative efforts to create standards for cyber security for critical infrastructure have failed On 12 February 2013 the President signed an executive order to enhance domestic cyber security 43 There are still significant issues that need to be resolved including cost to industry application of standards and liability for private industry among others The executive order establishes the National Institute of Standards and 20 Technology as the executive agent for developing the cybersecurity standards but those standards are voluntary for industry 44 Protection from potential litigation will encourage private corporations to follow the standards but there are no requirements for compliance 45 Additionally there are no liability protections for industry as they share information regarding attacks 46 This may inhibit the open sharing of information between industry and the government out of fear of litigation for negligence The US government must continue efforts to increase domestic cyber security Conclusion Deterring in cyber is no different than in any other domain develop a strong defense let your enemy know implicitly or explicitly where your limits for reprisal are and have the ability to counter attack To be able to deter in the cyber domain like in the physical domains the US government must further develop the capability to attribute an attack and international norms for behavior and definition of attack in cyber If the defender can identify where a cyber attack comes from and the attacker believes the defender will identify him the cost calculation is significantly altered from an attacker who believes he can attack with impudence The attacker must understand what the defender believes is an attack that may generate a reprisal A defender cannot deter an attack that his adversary does not believe is an attack The United States still must improve its deterrent stance but given time to resolve these issues deterrence in the cyber domain will be no different from the other domains Endnotes 1 Carl Von Clausewitz On War Princeton New Jersey Princeton University Press 1976 593 21 2 Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff The National Military Strategy of the United States of America Washington DC February 2011 8 3 Thomas Schelling as quoted by Alex S Wilner in Deterring the Undeterrable Coercion Denial and Deligitimization in Counterterrorism Journal of Strategic Studies 34 no 1 February 2011 6 4 Jeffery W Knopf Three Items in One in Complex Deterrence Strategy in the Global Age ed T V Paul Patrick M Morgan and James J Wirtz Chicago and London University of Chicago Press 2009 38 5 Will Goodman Cyber Deterrence Tougher in Theory than in Practice Strategic Studies Quarterly 4 no 3 Fall 2010 106 http www au af mil au ssq 2010 fall goodman pdf accessed January 2013 6 John Roth Douglass Greenburg Serena Wille Monograph on Terrorist Financing National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States 6 7 Goodman Cyber Deterrence 106 8 Cyber Attacks on US Are Becoming More Lethal Homeland Security News Wire 19 September 2011 http www homelandsecuritynewswire com cyber-attacks-us-are-becomingmore-lethal accessed January 2013 9 Joshua Davis Hackers Take Down the Most Wired Country in Europe Wired Online August 21 2007 http www wired com politics security magazine 159 ff_estonia currentPage all accessed November 2012 10 Gary D Brown Why Iran Didn't Admit Stuxnet Was an Attack Joint Forces Quarterly no 63 October 2011 http www ndu edu press why-iran-didnt-admit-stuxnet html accessed November 2012 71 11 Martin C Libicki Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar Santa Monica California Rand Corporation 2009 59 12 John Markoff Before the Gunfire Cyberattacks New York Times August 12 2008 http www nytimes com 2008 08 13 technology 13cyber html _r 1 accessed November 2012 13 Libicki Cyberdeterrence 2 14 Markoff Before the Gunfire 15 Goodman Cyber Deterrence 112 16 Libicki Cyberdeterrence 46 17 Ibid 41 22 18 Leon Panetta Secretary Leon Panetta's Speech About Cybersecurity Council on Foreign Relations online October 12 2012 http www cfr org cybersecurity secretary-leonpanettas-speech-cybersecurity p29262# accessed November 2012 19 Goodman Cyber Deterrence 120 20 Joshua Davis Hackers Take Down the Most Wired Country in Europe 21 Goodman Cyber Deterrence 111 22 Leon Panetta Secretary Leon Panetta's Speech About Cybersecurity 23 Libick Cyberdeterrence 56 24 Ibid 57 25 Ibid 60 26 Ibid 12 27 Merriam Webster Online http www merriam-webster com dictionary attack accessed December 2012 28 Memorandum for Chiefs of Military Services Combatant Commanders Directors of Joint Staff Directories Joint Terminology for Cyberspace Operations 3 http www nsciva org CyberReferenceLib 2010-11Joint%20Terminology%20for%20Cyberspace%20Operations pdf accessed December 2012 29 Haly Laasme Estonia Cyber Window into the Future of NATO Joint Forces Quarterly no 63 October 2011 60 http www ndu edu press estonia html accessed November 2012 30 Gary D Brown Why Iran Didn't Admit Stuxnet Was an Attack 71 31 Gary D Brown and Owen W Trullos On the Spectrum of Cyberspace Operations Small Wars Journal Online 11 December 2012 http smallwarsjournal com jrnl art on-thespectrum-of-cyberspace-operations accessed December 2012 32 Ibid 33 Bruce Gilbert By Dawn's Early Light DVD Directed by Jack Sholder Hollywood CA HBO Productions 1990 34 Clayton Chun author of The Last Boarding Party - The USMC and the SS Mayaguez 1975 interviewed by author Carlisle PA March 8 2013 35 Barack Obama International Strategy for Cyberspace Washington DC The White House May 2011 14 36 Leon Panetta Secretary Leon Panetta's Speech About Cybersecurity 23 37 Abraham D Sofaer David Clark Whitfield Diffie Cyber Security and International Agreements in Proceeding of a Workshop on Deterring Cyberattacks Informing Strategies and Developing Options for US Policy Washington DC National Academy Press 2010 38 Leon Panetta Secretary Leon Panetta's Speech About Cybersecurity 39 US Department of Defense Department of Defense Cyberspace Policy Report A Report to Congress Pursuant to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 Section 934 Washington DC Department of Defense November 2011 6 http www defense gov home features 2011 0411_cyberstrategy docs NDAA%20Section%2093 4%20Report_For%20webpage pdf accessed October 2011 40 Leon Panetta Secretary Leon Panetta's Speech About Cybersecurity 41 Barack Obama International Strategy for Cyberspace 9 42 Abraham D Sofaer David Clark Whitfield Diffie Cyber Security and International Agreements 180 43 White House Office of the Press Secretary Executive Order on Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity February 12 2013 http www whitehouse gov the-pressoffice 2013 02 12 executive-order-improving-critical-infrastructure-cybersecurity-0 accessed 23 February 2013 44 Ibid 45 Alexei Alexis President Obama Signs Executive Order on Cybersecurity Seeks Voluntary Standards Bloomberg BNA February 18 2013 http www bna com presidentobama-signs-n17179872423 accessed 23 February 2013 46 Ibid 24 National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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