0 I 8 7 6 WW 70 7sz new ii v by m nznoniuoun FOR THE PRESIDERT November in 192 race George P snuitz 42@5 Dist to SUBJECT Your eeting with Goatecalan President 3 Rio Hontt on December 4 I was S s 5 5'5 You are meeting President Rios nontt at a critical Junc- ARA ture in US-Guatenala relations The coop which brought Rios PM Hontt to power on larch 23 presents on with an opportunity to break the long freeze in our relotione with Gcatenaia and to HA help prevent an extreeiet takeover Snatenala Central iner- UNA ice'a most populous and potentially richest cocotrge eece boi PA a strong and longstanding Cuban-supported insurgency and nerd THE ous economic problems the new governnent nae undertaken a RF 1eb series of peliticel and human rights reforne and aggreaaively pursued the war in the in an effort to break the back of the insurgenCy There has been progreea but credit reports of atnyireeponaibility tor some naesacrea of noncca batantathaveinadeiit5di icult for us to support for a renewed security assistance relationahip ith Guatemalagf hlthongh the government retains the-tacit o11cgia of a diverae group ot civilian and military officers its on pewer ia tenncusj uplots have surfaced to overthrov 8ios Montt and reverse hie noderate policies Regionally Santana remains isolated aejafreSult of its failure to set-a precise timeta le for the return to constitutional government nltho a strong nationalietg13105_uontt is an avowed antiecommunist He will hgejthe neetfng to demonstrate domestically US suppor for his government and its reforms He is however resentfu that the UsG has not mere fully come to Guatemala's aseietanc and be Stopping in Guatemala We-kndw that he waS'personally reluctant to meet with you in Honduras but 1 agreed to do so on the recommendation of a majority in his 3 cabinet 2119083st sax 3cm 0st 30 '1 an II Issues 1 Situation in Guatemala 00 2 7 mg 95mg osnaml Since coming to power in March Rios Hontt has actively pursued the war against some 4 000 Cuban-supported insurgents in the country Militarily the government has avoided the massive use of repression that characterized its predecessor and is winning Politicians who expected a quick return to democratic processes following the COUP and dissatisfied military officers and cronies of the former regime will con- tinue to plot to overthrow the government Rios nontt will provide fuel for their fire if he is unable to deal with the saver econonic problons confronting the country uopdwoxg mm R108 Montt's reforms Rios Montt has taken a series of significant etepe since coming to power he virtually ended the violence in the urban areas offered an amnesty to the guerrillas invited religious exiles back into the country extended invitations to interw national human rights organiZatione to visit recognized the importance of Guatemala s indigenous communities to_the devel- oping polltiCal process by including them in the Council of State and announced e t1metable of steps preliminary to elec tions Initiallyy we responded to these actions by taking Symbolio-eoonomlc to signal US euyport to the GOG These inoleded a $13 millicn_ESF package nder-the CB and a deogeion to_edpport international finenc1e1 ln3titutioneg helioceter and 2 n ifP E iiri Lemanate reacwegatwe Mnemerous - She - etlhe are true i of 1-i31elfee i e ge -i depommll m anngiu 32 2 yogi substantially impzoVe our support immune upon vine near shortly a etunnV con iew tutional th ls at f f melon military moot impoeeggzeater dieclpline on its unleefene end the nnooente in disputed oz guerrilla 4 Guatemala Belize territo iel dispute- Guatemele claime sovereignty over Belize although in pte independence negotiations the Ghotemelene were willing to mettle for_guareoteed access to the Caribbean and use of eevezel smell coin This pxoepect provoked riots in Belize and the negoti atlonc broke down Rios uontt has not yet seriously addressed thin problem not do we expect him to in the near future He It urging the Goatonnlanu to reopen negotiations but thorn appears to be no possibility at teaching a settlement in the near term The Guatemalan are insisting on territorial coo- ceaelona permitting a certi es thsongh Belize to the can no beisovo territorial concessions are not nooeenaxy for Guatemala to ebmaln access to the sea Atxochoeot Taltl n relate TALKING POI TS I deeply appreciate your coming to Honduras far our meeting USG undexgtanaa you are in a difficult guerrilla- was and we would like tG support and assist you to prevent la twing victorv We appreciate your efforts to en violence and coxrupu tian artiug um Eu suceaas tc our n r agy ybu li arG'Ji Gefaav b G nsia 99mg 9311 a - WW 9999 equipment who mm 9 $479 79 51' Q91 ch pute 331th Great able solu i n toQ hiaG De of State M'Irgnretp Gmfefd Dir Release Excise Deny VfDeclassi Date lg 20 0Q Exemption fY mg goown mam - am - X'le fq'k ph u fg _a 31- ILVI 2F - A $5 537 - m Tim pm a 1 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu