Fp nI r ITAI AADIITI D C ivE WSLri uiT 0FFICE OF NAVAL REUSARCN Vol 18 No 2 q • MATFUMATICAL $CIFMO DI Gordon D Goldstein Editor Margo A Sass Associate Editor April 1966 Yvonne H Kilgore Editorial Assistant Elaine K Strohi Editorial Assistant CONTENTS EDITORIAL POLICY NOTES 1 Editorial 2 Contributions 3 Circulation I 1 1 COMPUTERS AND DATA PROCESSORS NORTH AMERICA 1 Control Data Corrporation 33C0 3500 Time Sharing Systems Minneapolis Minnesota 55440 2 General Electric GE-645 Time Sharing System Phoenix A•riona 5 1 Carnegie Institute of Technology Computation Center The Desk Calculator Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 2 University of Kentucky Real-Tir o Computer System Lexington Kentucky 40506 3 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Computing Center Troy N Y 12181 4 U S Navy Oakland Supply Center Honeywell H-200 Installation Oakland California COMPTERS AND CENTERS OVERSEAS 1 Elliott Automation Elliott MCS 920 B General Purpose Computer London England MISCELLANEOUS 1 Ekell Telephone Laboratories Rapid Generation of Letters and Images New York 14 New York 2 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Graphical Displays via Telephone Lines Van Nuys California 3 Carnegie Institute of Technology Computer Status Information Pittsburgh Pennsylv ia 4 Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory Inc Traffic Mlow Simulation Buffalo New York 14221 5 State of Georgia Computer Training Classes Clarkston Georgia 6 University of Illinois Coor4inated Science Laboratory PLATO Urbana Illinois 7 City of New York Police Department Computer-Aided Crime Detection New York 13 New York 8 New York Shipping Association Inc Computerized Guaranteed Annual Incore New York 4 New York 9 The Daily Oklahonan - Oklahoma City Times Computerized Typesetting Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73101 10 Philco Corporation Visual Display System for Carnegie Tech Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19134 11 City of San Jose Traffic Control Study San Jose California 12 Santa Rosa Medical Center Hospital Wformation System San Antonio 7 Texas 13 The Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis Hospital Information System East Peoria Illinois 61611 14 United Air Lines Integrated Information System New York New York 10017 15 U S Navy Electronics Laboratory Data Processing Division Sun Diego 52 California r 1 West Pern Power Company Digital Computer Power Control r reenaburg Pennsylvania 15602 S Approved 7 8 9 10 l• 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 23 24 24 25 26 20 31 33 by The Under Secretary of the Navy 2 5September 1981 Rrnproducod by die CL E A RI N G HOU E fc'r Fadarl Scientific TecIimoi SpringliuId Va 22 NAVSO P-645 S Editorial Policy Notices EDITORIAL academic institutions and irdustry It is hoped that the readers will participate to an even greater extent than in the past in transmitting technical material and suggestions to the editor for future issues Material for specific issues must be received by the editor at least three months In advance It is often impossible for the editor because of limited time and personnel to acknowledge individually all material received The Digital Computer Newsletter although a Department of the Navy publication is not restricted to the publication of Navy-originated material The Office of Naval Research welcomes contributions to the Newsletter from any source The Newsletter is subject to certain limitations in size which prevent publishing all the material received However Items which are not printed are kept on file and are made available to interested personnel within the Government CIRCULATION DCN is published quarterly January April July and October Material for specific issues must be received by the editor at least three months in advance The Newsletter is distributed without charge to interested military and government agencies to contractors for the Federal Gover nent and to contributors of material for publication It is to be noted that the publication of inforination pertalning to commercial products does not in any way imply Navy approval of those products nor does it mean that Navy vouches for the accuracy of the statements made by the various contributors The iaformation contained herein is to be considered only as being representative of the state-ofthe-art and not as the sole product or technique available For many years in addition to the ONR initial distribution the Newsletter was reprinted by the Association for Computing Machinery as a supplement to their Journal and more recently as a supplement to their Comrnunications The Association decided that Lheir Cormmunications could better 6erve its members by concentrating on ACM editorial material Accordingly effective with the combined J nuary-April 1961 issue the Newsletter became available only by direct distribution from the Office of Naval Research CONTRIBUTIONS The Office of Naval Research welcomes contributions to the Newsletter from any source Your contributions will provide assistance in Improvingthe contents of the publication thereby making it an even better medium for the exchange of Lnformation between governmcnt laboratories Requests to receive the Newsletter regularly should be submitted to the editor Contractors of the Federal Government should reference applicable contracts in their requests All communications pertaining to the Newsletter t hould he addressed to GORDON D GOLDSTL LN Editor Digital Computer Newsletter Informatiuns Systems Bratch Office of Naval Research Washington D C 20360 - 1 Computers and Data Processors North America 3300 3S00 Time Sharing Systems Control Duma C'orporationi Afnneapolis Minnesota 55440 program priorities and when necessary transfers low priority programs to temporary storage devices The user need only be aware of the particular piece of equipment he is using at the time 0 An extensive variety of peripheral and computer input-output equipment is available for use with both the 3300 and 3500 including Control Data's newest optical display and data collection devices These systems are highly adaptable to all George S Hanson Vice President of Marketing for Control Data Corporation announced in November 1965 the availability two new computer systems the Control D r R 3300 and 3500 which offer a uniquc approach to time- sharing a computer The two systems combined extremely fast processing speeds with a new concept for computer memory storage to process a large number and a wide variety of problems on an immediate access basis processing assignments Business industrial or scientific Furthermore ' Hanson said they are particularly suitable for use in a 'total information management' type of operation ' In this way ' Hanson explained 'Each user views the computer an if it were his exclusively even though a great many users may be sharing the same system at the same time There will be no waiting in line to use a 3300 or 3500 ' For the first time ' Hanson pointed out 'Multi-divisional organizations such as the large university business and industrial firm as well as government agencies can take advantage of sharp reductions in operating costs through a more efficient management of computer facilities especially when a 3300 or 3500 is doing the managing on an automatic basis ' 'To accomplish this ' Hanson continued 'Both systems must be extremely fast Both are Under operational conditions they are up to 80 percent faster than major competitive systems in the same price range The 3300 has a cycle time of 1 25 microseconds and the 3500 which features Control Data's newlydesigned INTEBRID TM circuit has a cycle time of 0 80 microsecond ' PRIORITY PROGRAMMING To make maximum use of these speeds magnetic core memory storage for both systems has been partitioned into 2000-word 'pages Each page is further divided into four sections This provides a highly efficient method of accommodating a wide variety of programs regardless of their size or complexity Programs are broken down into page segments with quarter-page locations available for any part of any program that does not fit into a full-page This includes small programs and subroutines Program priority being dynamic can change in time The computer gives full computing attention to the top priority program until its priority status is changed by compl6tion time interruptions manual intervention I O call or subroutine call In batch processing there are the obvious delays based on length of program and speed of the system In a multi-access system the top priority program normally changes more often on the basis of an assigned running time One of the outstanding features of the entire operation ' Hanson emphasized 'is that the user need not be aware that all of this is taking place A monitor or software technique information traffic director establishes In the 3300 3500 systems batch processing and multi-access jobs can be intermixed The computer still gives its fullest computing attention to the program of top priority while 2 I I first address of a program and continuing through to the last each word is brought into one of 16 registers serving as page indexes Dy souu-iM I musgumLieULU oi oi he uppropriieS page index register for the upper portion of the incoming addresses the entire programi ad•dess block Is ie dhlreied to a memory page concurrently handling I O for several other jobs This is possible through a technique of dynamic relocation of programs dynamic -All A -- - -AA - ý - - _f--' Of priority PROGRAM RELOCATION in one operation The high-speed central processor not only handles computation but reserves a small part of its capability for housekeeping Housekeeping tasks are extremely important to the time-sharer to Based on the program's structure every program is relocated through page indices into a required number of pages of memory These indices are r'aintalned in a page index file containing up to 128 registers As many as eight discrete programs can operate through their own individual page index block see chart This multi-programming organization makes use of random pages in memory a identify the active programs and determine the top priority program to be executed 13 process program requests - subroutines required I O required and so on - for the active program The Executive program MASTER protects against all memory assignment conflicts even when several programs share the same pages in memory A i memory 3 maintain program lists a process normal requests - interrupts after I O console interrupts interrupts on a PROGRIAM PAGE PAGE ADORESSES INDEXES ADDRESSES time basis for multi-access and so forth o0 co set program transfers 002 003 E3 control program protection 004 o coo De 007 process abnormal conditions - error condittons in I O storage arithmetic and the like The 3300 3500 time-sharing systems then can be described as very high-speed computer systems and fully implemented time-sharing systems with rapid program relocation positive and complete program protection and fa t program transfer worn 13 The following chart shows how all programs intermixed relocation program protection and program transfer In that order operate at optimum speed and efficiency In a 3300 or 3500 system son wr - - 0% Me WAN - Q - o 023 Memory is divided into 2048 word pages then segmented in 512-word quarter-pages This deep paging organization allows full relocation of a user's logically contiguous program in a non-contiguous fashion throughout physical memory If a partial page Is required the program can be relocated in sub-pages of either 512 words 1024 words or 1536 words Gs I __I U TOI Program relocation in the 3300 3500 showing one p r o g r a rn relocated into non-contiguous pages of mermory The subdivided core storage is addressed through a relocation file Beginning with the 3 TIME SHARING FLEXIBILITY -- the Operating under REAL-TIME SCOPE MSIO Mass Storage Input Output System flwa sharino_SM IR Iuiamai - n_ - - - integrated operating system is designed to supply all needs at the discretion of the individual ULUW5 •L L UUILw UL UI L % Of 4 W and disk pack units as'%PAD well A A as magnetic tape systems Time Executive Routine MSIO allocates and protects permanent files in storage and provides for sequential sequential with linkage or random file processing Working with Internal program requests MSIO can read and write file records inform users as to their file status search for specific records in a file specify location of block and logical records and process variable length and fixed length record blocks Users may add delete and replace logical records on mass storage devices MSIO also provides a set of utility routines to load reorder and reallocate mass storage files plstyallanedon - MtAeSTdiR M ofjt • Aeiandi vhidu MASTER efficiently handles batch processing assignments through I O operations overlapped with central computing functions from either single or multiple jobs - in effect running batch processing jobs through the system in parallel to optimize machine use At the same time MASTER provides for conversational mode computing from multiple consoles Routines within MASTER provide for background peripheral processing assignment of X O equipment and assignment of files as each program requires The 3300 3500 systems provide an organized central bank of data for all system users Data may be stored in multi-level storage thereby providing the facility for automatically storing and retrieving all the data used within a computer system Data is organized into program or data files for easy handling by all types of users including those concerned with business data processing requirements Total system efficiency is optimized with extremely fast response time to individual users through dynamic memory and I O assignment MASTER makes full use of the 3300 3500 relocation hardware with its absolute memory protection features allowing central core memory to be loaded to the maximum with individual jobs and operating system tasks These systems allow any user local or remote to enter data or programs directly into mass storage files and also to request job executions A set of file-handling subroutines may be accessed and used by direct call rather than through a language processor MASTER provides the individual installation with a flexible structure on which to assign normal jobs a priority classification At the same time emergency jobs are immediately attended by the job sc% daler In addition to MASTECR at second operating system is available that provides for batch processing as well as time-sharing between batch Jobs and background programs This is REAL-TIME SCOPE EXECUTIVE MODE In the CONTROL DATA 3300 and 3500 eyetems multi-programming enables the instructions of all programs in the system to be executed in sequence The relocation features of both systems return a very high throughput to each program particularly in installations running a great many Jobs The advantages here are 0 Loading of programs and stacked job proceasing may function at the same time a A real-time program can retain control Operating in the Executive Mode the eyeters function in either of two states Monitor or Program State until satisfied Fast response required at intervals is handled by priority interrupt a Channel reservation for high pr ority includes priority for real-time interrupts when they occur allow I 0 overlap O Time-shared programs and efficiently as 0 I 0 bound programs function background jobs Monitor is the initial operating state of a processor that has been master-cleared An interrupt for any condition will also set the processor to this state A processor in Program State will continually execute all program instructions except 1 HALT instruction 4 I 2 Any of the I O instructions a console interrupts real-time interrupts and so on An inter-register transfer Instruction that attempts to alter control registers in the system Some of these - specifically remote console and real-tine - are classified emergency damandhig4 ixie aitenhion Under wemergency ' the 3300 3500 interrupte the system immediately Such priorities as are involved are determined by the installation parameters When the interrupt occurs from an external channel only the crucial systems - the operating system table manipulations and so forth - will continue during tha interrupt In the Program State any attempt to execute one of these instructions automatically generates an Executive Interrupt Control of that program immediately returns to the Monitor State The interrupt system in other words does not need an senabling function to recognize the interrupt at the moment it occurs The Executive Interrupt recognizes It and immediately transfers control The instruction causing the interrupt is not executed In the split-instant of interrupt handling the Executive decides if the interrupt is top priority and acts accordingly The program currently executing will only be shunted to mass storage If the emergency program requires some memory space If it can fit in core the current program remains in core location fully protected Normal interrupts occur regularly in a time-sharing system from any of a number of sources - program error reading or writing out of bounds or uncontrolled writing in registers remote GE 645 Time Sharing System General Ekarect Phomix Ariwona In December 1965 General Electric Coinpany announced its largest and latest computer system - the GE-645 designed specifically for large-scale time-sharing operations researchers through the use of informatior utilities Mr Van Aken said Sharing time of a computer has for the most part been confined to experimental and educational projects Mr Van Aken pointed out Time-sharing is the novel technique of allowing many people to use a computer's full power simultaneously It promises to radically reduce costs of computing while boosting the usefulness of computers sharply Computers such as the GE-645 redistribute computer wealth among most potential users ' he said Harrison Van Aken general manager of G E 's Computer Department stated that the prime value of the GE-645 lies in its ability to provide vast computer power In many forms to hundreds of people simultaneously at reasonable cost Mr Van Aken confirmed that early prototypes of the giant new computer were ordered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Project MAC in August i96i and by Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc soon after Although cost of a GE-645 runs nign - more than $150 000 a month rental in some versions according to Ir Van Aken - it replaces so many individual computers and opens up so many more problems to computer solution that the cost of computing can be cut drastically Project MAC for Machine Aided Cognition is an MIT research program sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency under an Office of Naval Research contract Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc also ordered three dual-processor versions of the same system early this year The systems are valued at more than $23 million UItbrings the age of instant computing within the reach of most businessmen and 5 i Ohio State Universitv's coinoutation center UTTI't rQ eitwa t• 1 a subsequently ordered another GE-645 computer for educational time-sharing work ating experience gained with CTSS Compatible Time Sharing System and MIT's Computation Tho Aiaut GE-445 syte •a will bi to MIT's Project MAC and Bell Telephone First in 1966 Laboratories by production Pnid-1967 models delivery will be ready for Cntr Present customer demands for the system have pushed availability until early 1968 ' Mr Van Aken stated Prices for the new computer vary widely because of the individualized configurations needed by customers Some GE-645 systems will rent for almost $150 000 a month according to TAr Van Aken and may sell for more than $7 million Prices for the system's different configurations however will be established and announced early next year Mr Van Aken said In some applications of GE-645 as many as 300 individual people may use the computer at the same time according to General Electric officials More than 1000 terminals may be plugged into such a system pluggecomod sc can int respond in a vthe The computer variety of ways to its users according to their needs It will answer in real-time' or in milliseconds It will answer conversationally' to question and answer problem-solving jobs in seconds And it will answer in the more traditional computer fashion by running a complete program or processing tedious jobs in batches lasting minutes to hours Thus one computer system can plot a missile trajectory in 'real-time ' solve a step-bystep engineering problem conversationally ' and run off a payroll accounting job all during the same period of time G-E officials pointed out and hnjA't MA • implementation of the General Electric's system or the GE-645 is known as MULTICS 645 1 details of which will be available early next year G E officials stated As a comprehensive general-purpose program later refinements and versions of the programming system axe expected according to General Electric officials The GE-645 possesses several unique characteristics which set it apart from existing time-sharing computer systems Primary among them is its method of managing its vast memory through the use of a segmentation and paging technique No computer can store in its core the enormous quantity of data which is required when operating in a large-scale time-sharing mode More than 100 programs representing up to 1 million words may have to move in and out of core of the computer atmicrosecond speeds General Electric's solution in the GE-645 has been to segment programs into manageable lengths for fast processing in the computers' core The core in turn is divided into apages' and symbolically addressed As a result programs can be allocated to non-adjacent sections of the computer's core This arrangement means much more efficient use of the computer's memory a speed up in the movement of programs and a significant increase in the number of users sharing the time of the computer Moreover the G-E time-sharing system will accommodate a variety of communications devices plugged into it operating at varying speeds small-scale digital computers teletypewriters visual display devices and analog computers The main switching center of the GE-645 is a general input-output controller GIOC A device new to commercial computer design it manages the variety of communications going in and out of the central computer from terminals nearby or hundreds of miles away It allows the computer to work on jobs assigned it by any number of terminals Key to the enormous time-sharing capability of the GE-645 is a new operating program known as MULTICS for Multiplex Information and Computing Service It was developed from research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Bell Telephone Laboratories and the General Electric Company A high performance drum for the GE-645 holds up to 4 million words and is able to transfer 500 000 words per second in and out of the central processor It possesses a logic structure which allows it to keep an automatic qkieue of the computer's requests for transfer of data Computing Centers The Desk Calculator Cormputation Center Carnegie Intitute o1 Technology Piatiburgh Prnmsylirnia The DC Desk Calculator is an on-line conversational routine for use on the Carnegie Tech G-21 Time Sharing System Its function is to evaluate algebraic expressions typed at a remote teletype and to type back answers immediately Hence the DC can be used to do a simple arithmetic problem or to do a hand simulation of a complicated program in order to locate bugs not type in a new line within a certain time after the last operation of the DC approximately 7 minutes the DC will assume that the user has gone away and it will turn the TTY off A statement is similar in many respects to an ALGOL ascignment statement however conditional expressions if---then--- else--- are not allowed There are available for use 26 real variables represented by the letters 'A' through 'Z ' The following arithmetic operations are available with heirarchy as indicated To call the DC initiate a run in the normal manner by typing in a job card calling for the system CALC Then on the next line follow the usual 3$ to indicate the end of the program Note that no input is to be typed in at this time Your program really just the call for the systern will then wait in the queue to be run When it runs it will print out a message telling you to begin Done first t Truncation I Expoentiation Done last The DC operates in upper core so it can continue to operate while other programs are being run on both central-processors in the normal manner in lower core Since upper core may be in use by other programs there may be times when the DC cannot be called if this occurs a message will be printed out suggesting that you try again some other time The DC itself however can be used by a number of users at the same time Multiplication Division - Addition Subtraction Operations of the same heirarchy are performed left to right Parentheses may be used in the norrntl manner to change the order of operation Seven standard functions are available and are used by following the function name listed below by the argument enclosed in parentheses the argument may be any expression except an assignment statement and may include other functions The functions are ABS Absolute value EXP Exponential i e ex The general method of operation is asre follows The user types in a line of one or more statements followed by a carriage return The DC evaluates these statements prints out any values that were requested and gives the user type-in The user then types In another line of one or more statements followed by a carriage return and the cycle continues This back-andforth action conversational mode can continue as long as the user desires If the user presses BREAK the DC will zero the variable region printing out a message to indicate that this was done If BREAK is again pressed operation will be terminated Variables may be zeroed many times if statements are processed between pressings of the BREAK If the user does LOG Log to the base e SRT Suare root SIN COS Sine Cosine ARTN Arctangent Constants may be typed in an integers decimal numbers or in scientific notation i e ALGOL numbers Two fundamental 7 constants are also available e typed au EE 7- typed as PI and The DC ignores all blanks and tabs control characters H CTRL-U is typed as last charAnte ý he 11 A line of input consists of a series of statements separated by semicolons A statement may be in one of the following forms DESKO CA VARIABLE •- EXPRESSION TERMINATER he 1 _ -- A CILTEAToH There now exists some very crude itera- The variable ts set to the value of the expression tion facilities in desk calculator It is possible to return to the beginning of a line of input for a specified number of times or becanse of a given condition At the point where iteration is desired use the subroutine LOOP N where N is any expression N will be evaluated once and the line will be repeated from the beginning to the LOOP N times Caution the card will be looped over a total of N 1 times - VARIABLE - EXPRESSIOle TERMjNATEIR The variable is set to the value of the expression and this value in printed out - EXPRESSION wi4ll TERMINATER The value of the expression is printed out Three conditions can be tested for negative no variables are changed positive or zero Thethree subroutines IFOM W or IFOP WE or IFOZ E are used where E is any expression E will be evaluated each time that the subroutine in executed If the condition is met operation will be returned to the beginning of the line If the condition is not met operation will pass to the next instruction NOTE Due to the time-sharing nature of the desk calculator it cannot calculate for long periods of time In order to implement iteration the part of the line that is repeated over must contain a request to print out some variable If nothing it printed the error message TOO MUCH TIME will be printed and the operation will be terminated when it runs out of time anywhere from two to five times through the loop -- VARIABLE rERMINATER The value of the variable is printed out n indicates variables are chunged Note that that a value is to be printed out A 1ERMINATER is either semicolon or carriage return Various errors such as illegal characters improper constructions and so on may occur in a statement When this happens an error message will be printed out If arguments to a subroutine are impossible i e SQRT -4 an error message will be given An f will appear with all error messages below the column in which the error occurred Processing stops immediately on the first error All statements previous to the one containing the error will have been evaluated and any values requested printed out The statement containing the error and the ones following it will not be evaluated If you find that you are in an infinite loop and wish to terminate It press BREAK which will then give you type-in for the next line Pressing break at this time does not zero the variables Real-Time Computer Systemi 'lids'irUv qf K'ntucAy 14xingrtop Kniturky 4050h• A computer system which may be described as son-linel and 'real-time ' is now being implemented by the Computing Center and the Pathology Department of the Medical Center The terminal used by the Medical Center's Pathology Department In connected to the Computing Center's IBM 7040 computer by telephone Dr W B Stewart Chairman of the Pathology Department hu in the Medical Center an IBM 1050 tele- processing terminal very similar to an electric typewriter and a small card reader both of which are connected to a special telephone Through the telephone an operator can dial the telephone connected to 7040 which will answer with a special high-pitched whistle Once the two telephones are connected Dr Stewart's machine can transmit data read 8 from punched cards over the line to the 7040 While the 7040 is accepting data and creating a tape file it also continues to perform other routines such as runnina closed shoe uroiarams The data transmitted from the cards consist of oatUekts' names hospital numbers and results of readings of the many instruments used in laboratory analyses as well as information on readings of various standards for the test When the contents of the last card have reached the 7040 the computer executes a special program written by Dr Stewart and his staff This program calculates the results of each test then sorts them by patients and writes a tape in the format necessary for preparation nf the daily laboratory reports for the patients' charts Then the computer goes back to doing other work at the sane time transmitting the results back to the Pathology Department's 1050 where the resorts are automatically tvyed for transmittal to the patient units The program also punches cards which will be used later to compile various weekly sunimaries of patient laboratory tests and for various statistical reports and scientific investigations Since the computer phons go through the university switchboard like any other university phone a faculty member dialing a wrong number may occasionally find himself connected to a computer Cornputing enter 1pv No' Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has become one of the first colleges in the nation to install one of IBM's new generation of computers System 360 'We envisage that this multi-purpose comnputer will be used for an ever-increasing range of operations from classroom and research work to administrative and accounting tasks ' said Dr Richard G Folsom Rensselaer president Present plans also call for the installation of terminals that can tap the power of the cornputer from various points on the campus a laboratory for example or the treasurer's office 'Ultimately a complete 'management information system' Is planned one that will permit this technological university to apply the benefits of electronic data processing to virtually all its computational and record-keeping operations The IBM System 360 Model 30 was installed in historic Amos Eaton Hall in September 9ee5 In late December it was transformed into a more powerful Model 50 which provides 10 times the computational power of the original IBM 1410 installation The total cost of the computer system Is in excess of $1 million The National Science York 1UIYJ Foundation is making a grant of $350 000toward its purchase Amos Eaton Hall has been renovated into a Mathemuatics Center and Computing Laboratory at a cost of $500 000 with $142 000 coming from A National Science Foundation grant Dr Jack Hollingsworth supervijor of Rensselaer's computer facilities said that the new system is expected to handle some 2500 problems a day at the outset System 300 with its advanced circuitry and control programs can accept inquires from several sources simultaneously set priorities and answer Instantly even while in the midst of a longer 'batch' job such as a payroll 'The impact that this new computer system will have on RensselAer stretches the imagina-' tion ' said President Folsom Virtually every student professor and top administrator will work with the computer at some time or aeother ' Among the varied tasks that the computer will handle now or later are the following homework assignments scientific and engineering research initruction in computer design classroom instructi'n library records student registration grade reporting class scheduling accounting alumni records and payroll Honeywell H-200 Installation U S ' Oakland Supply CGr ler Oaka•nd California The U S Navyhas iibstalled aHoneywell 200 com upuLer tsyrtern at its Oakland Cal supply center to mainta'i fleet inventories of repair supplies The Honeywell 200 is repnrtad performing its jobs 5 5 times as fast as its predecessor computer and saving nearly $2 000 a month in data processing costs Prime job for the system is the Navy's supply operations assistance program SOAP which Oakland processes for both Atlantic and Pacific fleets SOAP records insure that ships' inventories of repair parts and other supplies are kept up to the level of readiness prescribed by fleet authorities The Navy gets from the SOAP listing produced by the new system a SAVE Shortages and Valuable Excesses list to make sure one ship is not buying parts another ship has in excess Cathered as a by-product of the SAVE andSOAP oporations is a Ship's History and Inventory Rezord that keeps track of the entire operation to help the Navy better manage its fleet-wide budgeting and parts flow According to Lieutenant Commander P W Cronk director of the data processing department ships turn in excess parts and order other parts during their regular overhauls in port SOAP's Job is to insure that each ship has the required spare parts to support installed equipment The Honeywell 200 has a 16 384-character main memory four magnetic tape drives a high-speed printer and a card reader punch unit It is being leaned by the Navy for approximately $6 000 a month I 10 Computers and Centers Overseas Elliott MCS 920 B General Purpose Computer Elliowt Auomation London England The Elliott MCS 920 B it a second genera- fully protected against short duration 5 min- tion military computer which embodies in its utes main failure and noise design and construction the experience gained from the use of the first generation of MCS 920 computers in military environments It is the successor to the MCS 920A IFIP ALGOL and FORTRAN packs are both available for this computer and a Rymbolic Input Routine SIR and TRACE diagnostic program arc provided Backing by the Elliott organisation Includes very experienced programming groups with extensive know-how and special knowledge of military problems The central processor is mounted in a sqaled case and is built to withstand a military environment to British DEF 133 L3 N2 or A2 The sealed unit is 3 cubic feet in volume 0 08 cubic metres and cooling is achieved by radia- The Elliott MCS 920 B is compact versa- tion from the skin of the case The upper ambient temperature limit is 55 C and the relative humidity limit is 99 percent tile extremely reliable and specially designed for use in demanding military environments Silicon planar semi-conductors are used throughout and achieve high reliability and long life by operating at less than 10 percent of their rated value In order that the many on-line app'iiations may be met the computer is provided with four levels of program priority and Interrupt facilities Address modification facilities are provided for all levels of priority the normal internal storage is 8192 words each of 18 digits but this can be increased externally to 65 536 words by the addition of extra blocks of 8192 words When extra storage units are added the Autonomous Data Transfer facility may be used by external peripheral equipments This facility alloys the transfer of data between store and peripherals without reference to the central processor and therefore permits transfers to occur concurrently with computation The use of a sealedunit achieves compactness and ruggedness and avoids the complications and penalties in size and weight of blown air cooling The low power consumption permits the computer to operate from batteries or to continue working in the event of mains interruption by using a small battery as a buffer The computer is also manufactured in a civil or standard version which is designed for use in 19-in rack mounting and a desk version for use in offices and so c- The computer requires nominal 24-volt de supplies and is therefore ideally suited to both air and ground-borne applications The consumption is only 120 watts and the computer will accept voltages between 20-30 volts dc It is The Elliott MCS 920 B is claimed to be the cheapest computer in the world to offer such a wide variation of special features combined with high speed and very small size and manufactured to military standards i1 Miscellaneous Rapid Generation of Letters and Images Bell Tefphow Laborato•n• Nw York 14 N York A system of generating and setting any style of type - in any language - on the screen of a television-like cathode ray tube has been invented at Bell Telephone Laboratories This system already has been used to generate and set 150 letters a second of typewriter quality The method has the potential of generating and setting several thousand characters a second much faster than any other way of setting type with a quality comparable to that of book type Carol Lochbaum a consultant to Bell Laboratories wrote the logic program The system it considerably more flexible than any other way of setting type In other methods of type setting type faces are stored as shapes on metal glass or film To change styles it is necessaryto manipulate metal forms glass wheels or strips of film In the new Bell Laboratories system the type faces are stored in digital for'm Tc change type faces only the program instruction must be changed A change could be made quickly for example from English to Chinese characters The new system also makes it possiblc to produce a great variety of typefaces line drawings mathematical equations musical scores and scientific graphs Images or letters displayed on the screen are photographed and the film negative then can be used to make by conventional techniques a plate for subsequent printing In the present experimental system copy is typed on a keyboard directly connected to the logic network The operator first indicates the type style he wants the network selects the style from its memory and then as the copy is typed the network generates the copy on the cathode ray tube screen in justified columns A justifled column is one In which the type fills the width of the column as in most newspapers and magazines Developed by Dr Max Mathews Director of the Behavioral Research Laboratory at Bell Laboratories the new system has been implemented in an experimental setup that includes a digital logic network a cathode ray tube and a camera For this setup Bell Laboratories made use of a General Dynamics SC 4020 Computer Recorder a device that forms characters on the face of a cathode ray tube by firing an electron beam through corresponding characters in a stencil In the experimental arrangement at Bell Labs the beam is f red through only the period of the stencil The dISitally controlled beam traces small segments or 'patches on the screen Although the patches rapidly disappear they are captured on film '3y a camera set for a time exposure Letters and images are built up on the film negative from these small segments appearing and disappearing on the cathode ray tube In the new Bell Laboratories type and image generating and setting system copy is formed on the screen of a cathode ray tube The letters aad images are formed from a series of rapidly appearing and disappearing segments called patches see Fig 1 These segments are put together like a jig-saw puzzle so that when a time exposure of the screen is taken the desired letters or images are captured on film In these drawings the letter Ir and the musical flat sign are shown made up of such patches The size and shape of the patches vary with each type face Because only a few instructions are needed to describe each patch letters and Images of high quality can be formed kyapidly The shapes of the patches and the way they must be stacked together to form letters and images are stored as digital instructions in the network's memnry Dr Mathews and Dr Henry McDonald Head of the Signal and Information Processing and Reseaxch Department originated a way of keeping these Instructions to a minimum In the new Bell Laboratories' type generating system letters or images areformedinthis way First a programmer chooses the image or type face he wants stored in the system He 12 Fi curvedsides Scoordinates Then the programmer reads the of these patches as scaled on ths paper and festemaueet otess tem's electronic memory Each patch's Shape I and miss - 5and Be A 7 d its position on the screen is described in digital form This information is stored along with the generalprogram of instructions which tells the system howtoform patches put them together When the operator types out copy on a 7 typewriter connected to the logic network digital instructions in the network's memory directs the cathode ray beam to sweep within the described A3 Beg Bic -A o• 81 ' 2 54 area on the phosphor-coated screen causing it to fluoresce in the shape of the desired patches The path of the zig-zagging electron beam Is determined by eight coordinates These specify the horizontal and vertical positions of one corner of the patch the width of the bottom and the height slope and curvature of each side Onthe average 12 patches are needed to form a letter A camera mounted in front of C e screen takes a time exposure of the rapidly appearing and disappearing patches The patches put together like a Jig-saw puzzle show up on the developed film as letters and other images has these images or letters enlarged on paper on a scale corresponding to the size of the cathode ray tube on which they will eventually appear Next he divides the letters or images into a minimum number of patches of various sizes and shapes Each patch preferably has a flat top and bottom parallel to each other and Graphical Displays via Telephone Lines Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc I an Nuys California At the 1965 Fall Joint Computer Conference Bolt Beranek and Newman BBN introduced and demonstrated Its new Teleputer TM System the Industry's first commercial manmachine communication system capable of transmitting graphical information over ordinary telegraph and telephone lines In announcing Teleputer Dr William J Galloway BBN Vice-President described its present configuration as an evolutionary growth stemming from concepts that originated some 5 years ago at Bunker-Ramo Dr Glenn Culler now Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of California Santa Barbara and Dr Burton D Fried now in the Physics Department at the University of California at Los Angeles have both been closely associated with the development of Teleputer's predecessors By using novel coding and logical techniques the Teteppter System can generate complex displays while transmitting a minimum amount of information Bandwidth compression of an order of magnitude his been realized in display generation perMitting normal telephone communication lines to handle 15 or more independent displays simultaneously Sixteen Toleputer consoles are now in operation at UCSB under Dr Culler's direction These units are linked to the university's computing system but Galloway stresses that Teleputer systems can be tied to any general purpose computer Both alphanumeric and graphical information 6 the forw of lines drawings functions and arbitrary forms can be communicated simultaneouasly in two directions between the user and the computer if desired 'The initial applications of Teleputer are in the performance of 'classical' mathematical computations such as the solution of differential and integral equations Galloway said that from the user's standpoint the ease with which Teleputer enables a mathematics-oriented operator The Teleputer is being manufactured under Ucense from The Bunker-Ramo Corporation 13 to solve analytical problems of arbitrary nature use by the scientist and does not require the and great compiextty makes tne system sometimes seem to be more powerful than the largest presently avalable computer generation oz complex computer programs Other Teleputer System elements are the Daa fist Cnnttl MTilt which pt nvid _@ the cornputer interface for the Teleputer System and the Teleputer Control Unit which controls anumber of Teleputer Consoles The Data Set Control Unit and the Teleputer Control Unit are interconnected by a Type 201 telephone data set which For example Teleputer permits a user to manipulate both real and complex numbers in the solution of extremely complicated problems further a user can evaluate his problem-solving strategy in mid-course by getting direct feedback the of partial results This efficiency cav city tends to give user not only higher but als giveteusera hot tonly e ieriefiis m ny uticalso encourages him to exercise his mathematical Intuition by guessing and playinghunches In ways that are normally forbidden by the economics and time factors of conventional systems can be furnished modelsorcapable of per transmittins 2000 bits perinsecond 2 400 bits second depending on the user's requirements Interconnection between the data set terminals is specified as the full-duplex private line mode the half-duplex mode or the message unit dialup mode depending on system requirements The man-computer link In a Teleputer eystem Is a Teleputer Console which has a keyboard labeled and connected so that the user in the case of mathematical applications deals with functions as entities rather than individual numbers The console keys are connected to computer subroutines which comprise an instruction repetoire of the basic mathematical operations of classical analysis Bolt Beranek and Newman ovganized in 1948 is engaged In theoreticnl and applied research in airborne and underwater acoustics fluid dynamics mechanics and dynamics of materials and structures electronic instrumentation engineering psychology information aystems and psychoacoustics BBN manufactures teachingmachines computer input-output equipment dynamic control equipment and specialized instrumentation By simple keyboard operations at the console the user can elaborate any of the basic subroutines into new ones that are specialized for his needs These can in turn become parts of still more complicated individually specified subroutines 'programmed3 by the user at the console Thus the system is adapted for direct Corporate headquarters of BBN are in Cambridge Massachusetts West Coast facilkties consist of a total of 20 000 square feet of office and laboratory space at Van Nuys CalLfornia and the Data Equipment Co in Santa Ana California Computer Status Information Carnaie Institute of Technology Pitsburgh Pennsylvania Turn -around time is announced every hour on the hour while the station is on the air The Caraegie Institute of Technology campus radio station WRCT is nov carryfig the hourly turn-around information currently available from the Computation Center Reeldents of the dorms and persons who spend a portion of their working day on campus are finding WRCT a convenient and Inexpensive method of keeping informed regarding computer status Current plans are to broadcast the information on the hour The Computation Center appreciates WRCT'e precedent-setting action in this regard This service is believed to be a first both for the rad c station and the Computation Center 7 00 pm 14 - 12 00 midnight 4 00 pm 12 00 noon - 3 00 am 1 00 pm 11 00 am 3 00 am - Monday through Thursday Friday Saturday Turnatund wTurnaround will not be announced during football games Sunday Traffic Flow Simulation Buffato New York 1422F The complex traffic flow dynamics of an urban highway intersection are being reproduced in a computer by researchers at Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory By representing with corntpuer simulation the interactions of drivers cars roadway environments and traffic controls the scientists hope to find clues for improving the safety and efficiency of urban intersections The research project sponsored by the U S Bureau of PublicRoads aapartof itshighway research and development program will include detailed observations of actual intersections and driver behavior to add information to the and to test the computerized resultant model validity of the representation human and vehicular characteristics more detailed geometry of the intersection sight and traffic obstructions added traffic volume and type and degree of traffic control In order to more closely represent the real situation traffic control will range from the two-way stop signs to four-way traffic lights Driver behavior is considered by the CAL scientists to be by far the most difficult factor to represent Behavior variables hive been formulated as assumptions about the perceptual decision making informationhave processing the human Theseand assumptions yet to beof o by s do to proes CAL valdaedand validated and CAL proposes to do so by studying driver behavior in detail through the use of a separate laboratory simulator and an instruinented car it recently developed Computer simulation a method for dealing in an orderly manner with all the known and measurable factors of a particular process or system has been used by scientists for many years as a research tool In the last few years engineers from several research organizations have developed computer models to study various aspects of highway operations These models however have dealt with limited situations involving relatively few variables and have not dealt in detail with the driver as apart of the system Recently scientists in Cornell Lab's Transportation Research Department developed and successfully demonstrated a computer model of a simple highway intersection involving the vehicle andthe intersection geometry d the driver tway The model represented a four-way singlelane intersection without traffic controls Two simulated cars may approach the intersection in bi-secting lanes Deceleration acceleration stopping time and distance perception time viewing angle location of obstacles to line-ofsight weight of cars road surface friction coefficient and driver decision-making and reaction time were some of the factors included in the model CAL scientists have used this model to simulate a number of intersection conditions and have been able to predict the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a collision for the addition to laying cthe groundwork In studythentooiinal new pther model mou del pointed new study the original computer up the importance of the viewing angle between theing drivers Not surprisingly how far ahead the driver considered the consequences of his a tions was also found to be highly significant The current program will aim at extension and refinement of the simulation including CAL also plans to observo actual intersections instrumented to provide detailed Information on traffic - complete time histories of vehicular movements It is proposed that the traffic controls at one or more test intersections be changed periodically to determine the effects of different systems Full-scale simulation with a mock intersection will also be conducted for experiments in a highly controlled situation where emergency conditions can be created without any real hazard to life or property In this too CAL plans to simulate intersections of varying shapes to study the influence of geometry on intersection dynamics Laboratory simulation will provide basic data on related perceptual and information processing capabilities of the human Ultimately the CAL researchers will be attempting to answer the question OWhat makes a good intersection from the standpoint of traffic capacity and safety They point out for example that the safety records maintained for many intersections are valuable to a degree but offer no solid information on why one intersection is safer than another Intersections have tended to ofevolve from experience demands the public and technicalcommon studies sense dealoveral proble of the dnws with small segments of the overall problem such as traffic volume More desirable according to the CAL scientists would be the initial construction of intersections on the basis of a body of technical knowledge or at least a more complete understanding of how intersections work 15 the onw e model C- Computer modeling is believed by Cornell 11a l rV ii e according to the assumptions and numbers programmed Into it It cannot generate new formulatinpe on its own Becauzo of Its hinuame storage capability and high calculating speed however it enables the experimenter to examine situations which in their totality are too complex for representation by other means I'mb a promising approach for pneralizing the intersection problem Computers with capacities for calculation can simulate an Orkoeu variety of intersections and Intersection conditions which would take years and extensive funds to accomplish with full-scale experimantution In studying the effects on intersection performance of particular factors Svast Computer Training Classes Stat o 0 git GWAtbjf Gear i students actually work with a business or industrial firm studying its d a processing requirements In October 1965 William M Hicks Georgia's state supervisor of trade and industrial education announced the installation of two new Honeywell 200 computers at two of the state's recently established vocational-technical schools 'Our graduates will not be novices needing great amounts of on-the-Job training Cherry said 'They will be competent experienced data processing people fully equipped to step right into their new jobs and earn their salaries ' The computers are among the first advanced high-opeed systems in the nation to be acquired for classroom use I Hicks said They are intended to help meet the growing demand in Georgia for people able to understand and operate computers We do not intend to find ourselves teaching today's students the obsolete skills of yesterday We are preparing them for tomorrow Georgia is establishing 28 area vocationaltechnical schools through the joint efforts of the state department of edunation and the boards of education of the various counties involved Sixteen schools are now open or nearing completion Their purpose is three-fold The H-200's are installed at the DeKalb and Marietta Cobb area vocational-technical schools 1 To help high school graduates develop technical and vocational skills in new and expanding fields The two schools made thorough surveys of current and future job opportunities in Georgia before deciding to purchase full-scale computers for classroom use according to Loyd Cox Cobb county school superintendent 2 To train employees for existing and future companies in Georgia and 3 To provide currently employed workers an opportunity to upgrade their skills for better Jobs and retrain employees whose jobs have become obsolete because of technological changes Cox said a survey made In and around Atlanta in November 1964 revealed 1 There were some 700 data processing installations in Georgia 3 An additional 5000 new people would be required during the next 5 years In addition to data processing the schools offer high school graduates 1- and 2-year courses in electronics and electrical mechanical and chemical technologies Eleven skilledtrade and clerical occupations are also taught These include such subjects as drafting radio television service practical nursing and secretarial sciences I Jim Cherry DeKalb county school superintendent described the schools' two-year courses in data processing technology as a series of building blocks beginning with basic concepts and concluding with a field project in which the Mr Hicks the state supervisor of trade and industrial education said Georgia's growing emphasis on data processing education in its vocational-technical schools is an important facet of our determination to accomplish two 2 At least 1500 new positions or joh vacancies had had to be filled during the previous year and 16 During the EDP students' first year in primary missions - to prepare our young people - - 4- - C zccl eeclt A mdmentp ti t a II ff fl -- puters and punched card tabulating equipment are studied Also included are elementary azoccountinw business and dst peroceania mat matics and communication skills commerce and technology and to provide the highly skilled labor force Georgia needs to atr-act and keep Industry Cobb county school superintendent Cox said the H-200 computer systems have the built-in flexibility to handle additional or new types of equipment to meet course requirements that cannot now be anticipated 'We have no inten- computer programming programming systems computer applications and business systems outmodedtn of touch tourh to become beromitigeitoutmoded etuipment to •equipment and out of tiondesign various jourses is actual work with the Honeywell 20 throussdinth2yercor chngig usiessandIndstr wit th nedsof with the changing needs of business and industry he said advanced accounting economics business psychology and business statistics The DeKalb and Marietta-Cobb computers each have a main memory able to store 16 384 alphanumeric characters of information a highspeed printer and card reading and punching units The DeKalb computer also has a separate grandom access mass memory able to hold 2 6 million alphanumeric characters of information None of Georgia's vocational-technical schools charges tuition tofull-time day students Students are required however to pay for books and supplies which amount to abcut $100 a year Expenses for evening students are lower due to the shorter length of courses and development The focal point of the 200 Other courses during the 2 years cover PLATO ordi ujs4d 8cen4 lDab raior Urbana Iflinoi % colleagues In all the categories of its research the PLATO group has interacted frequently with various other groups at the University of linois that are concerned with curriculum studies college teaching and behavioral science research INTRODUCTION The purpose of the PLATO project DCN Oct 1961 July 1962 Apr July Oct 1964 and Jan Apr July Oct 1965 has been to develop an automatic computer-controlled teaching systern of sufficient flexibility to permit experimental evaluation of a large variety of ideas in automatic Instruction including simultaneous tutoring of a large number of students in a variety of subjects The PLATO system differs from most teaching systems in that the power of a large digital computer is available to teach each student since one such computer controls all student stations The project work has three phases no two of which are wholly separate from each other PLATO III SYSTEM EQUIPMENT During the second quarter 1965 work continued in the development and construction of circuitry required for the realization of a 20student station teaching system Student-station circuitry constructed to date includes that required for the full operation of 10 student stations Construction of the remaining to complete the 20-student-station system continues and is expected to be completed by early 1966 1 Development of the tools for research 2 Learning and teaching research DevelopmentpWl work required to update present system circuitry or to provide new system facilities continues to be under study Included are transistor deflection-circuits that will replace existing vacuum-tube types operating in storage-tube and flying-spot scanner 3 Provision of a prototype for multistudent teaching machines An ever-increasing amount of the time of the PLATO staff is also spent demonstrating the PLATO system to technical visitors and 17 i I equipments and audio-storage circuits to provide iur r'mnrtm-mccess mudio-reacout capaeli- answer BPI will be plotted next to the answer when Judged Instead o0 -NO ity for all student stations In the PLATO teachLag system 3 Lesson parameters can now be stacked up on one magnetic tape instead of requiring one tape for each set of parameters PLASMA- DISCHARGE DISPLAY-TUBE RESEARCH 4 There Is now a second way to introduce lesson parameters into the program Instead of putting parameters on-line from the keyset a paper parameter-tape can be prepared on the flexowriter and then read into the computer along with the master program The purpose of the plasma display-device is to develop an inexpensive replacement for the present student storage-tube system This quarter tubes were constructed with different widths and hole diameters Preliminary analysis of the data indicates that the minimum permissible operation voltages occur when the hole radius and the cell thickness are equal Work is continuing on the investigation of the memory mechanism Various gas additives have been tried and in some cases separation between the firing and sustaining voltages of 100 percent have been observed Cells as small as 0 01 inch by 0 02 inch have been investigated Electrical Engineering 322 - Circuit Analysis A new set of PLATO lesson materials for the electrical engineering course EE 322 is being written with half the course having been completed during this quarter The new set of lessons will teach the complete course using the PLATO system in contrast to last semester's procedure of one-half the course with PLATO one-half in the classroom The students will meet 4 hours a week Three hours will be spent using PLATO with the remaining hour being used for hour exams and problemdiscussion sessions No complete class section will be taught using the PLATO system until the second semester of 1965-68 at which time the additional 10 PLATO stations will be operative Experimental groups of students will be tested this fall however using various portions of the ER 322 course materials PLATO LEARNING AND TEACHING RESEARCH A New PLATO Tutorial Teaching Logic Major changes have been made in the teaching logic developed during the spring semester 1965 for the section of the course in circuit analysis EE 322 given using the PLATO teaching logic see section below The logic provided the students with the ability to read material answer questions with constructed responses ask for help plot graphical results that were dependent upon their own parameter inputs and make comments The logic with its modifications has proved general enough to teach lesson material in other areas than circuit analysis so it is now known as the new PLATO Tutorial Logic It has been used for both the course in FORTRAN Programming for Commerce Students and the course in How to Use the Library see sections below Text-Tester As a result of preliminary reports during the spring the generalized student-controlled PLATO teaching logic called TEXT-TESTER has been completed except for annotations and minor modifications As only one of its multiple uses TEXT-TESTER is now being adapted for use with a Braillewriter braille typewriter in order to experiment with training sighted volunteers to transcribe printed materials exams and so forth for blind students The major changes in the logic program include the following An adapter has been built to sense braille characters and transmit them to the computer and special subroutines for plotting braille characters have been prepared Although eventually it seems likely that the difficulties of automatizing the transcription process will be overcome the training of sighted volunteer braillists meanwhile is an active concern of the University Rehabilitation Center and appears 1 The maximum length of an answer has been extended from 14 characters to 69 characters Answers longer than 89 characters may be plotted on the screen but will not be stored in the student bank 2 A spelling judger in addition to other judges has bean added For a misspelled 16 in p nvidda n en Mnm civaus- i1 e conien i Loz Wrary science 195 a %pi with PLATO in the training of a technical skill course on how to use the library A_ inquIry-t -pe program TEXT DOPE to permif authors to examine student responses to TEXT-TESTER is being coded The program called PROOF which In a generalized version of an old ILLIAC-languwue During the months ot July and August eight test runs were made on various units As a result of these test runs the needs were evident for a spelling Judger and the inclusion of the selective-erase in addition to the total-erase facility Subroutines for these effects were subsequently added to the new PLATO Tutorial Logic s b The library-science course will bethe first credit course at the University of Illinois to be program In nearing completion It Is hoped completely taught using the PLATO system that it may be ready for use with UnivthrsiTy High School UICSM mathematics cl -joes this winter Learning and Retention of Verbal Materials Proof During June and July 60 subjects participated in an experiment on retention of conceptual material begun during the previous quarter The flexibility of the PLATO system allowed individualized subject treatment and complete automatic recording of the data Except for one power failure datawas accumulated smoothly Data analysis is in progress Arithdrill The new teaching logic that provides timed drill in arithmetic with repetitions controlled individually by pupil success has been revised This program called ARITHDRILL is expected to be used in connection with UICSM classes this fall VERBOSE Progi-am FORTRAN Programming for Business Students The purpose of this experiment is to mnvestigate programmed methods for teaching cornputer programming using the FORTRAN language Particular emphasis is being placed upon an investigation of the types of difficulties faced by business students while learning to program computers gthe past semester a major portion During terial sedevelor Usin of the teaching material was developed Using the new PLATO Tutorial Logic the parameters were put on tape and tested Two groups of elementary accounting students worked through the first 10 units The data derived as a byproduct of student actions are currently being for additional trials analyzed in preparation th fal of 965 some durig during the fall of 1965 Library Science 195 A course Introduction to the Use of the Library known as the LIBUSE program wmi written for the PLATO system for the fall semester The course consists of 14 units and 19 The PLATO program VERBOSE was developed as an exercise in the use of the CONNECT feature of the PLATO compiler CATO and as a first step toward more general PLATO programs that would be useful in studying the structure of concepts The VERBOSE program records the keyset activities of two subjects A and S Subject B generates a string of stimulus and response words by partially free association after A gives him the first word The screen for BSdisplays the last word that has been added to the asde ty t o strn of word na ew string of words and a new word as he types it the string of words and the link word that he types The link word is supposed to indicate in that Ases beteen s lin so wayThe the relationship that A sees between these last two words Each types a period' to indicate lend of word ' Each is guided by instructlons on PLATO slides Design of the VERBOSE program suggested a method of analysis of mode states and mode transitions in PLATO programs that use CONNECT The VERBOSE program and a few simple results ofthioanalysisaredescribedinCSL ReportI-129 Uomputer-Aided Clime Detection Gi of Ne York Porice D•p•rtwow NMenYoA I New York In December 1965 the New York City Police Department announced the results of Operation Corral a 5-month experiment In the use of a real time computer in the identification and arrest of automobile and license plate thieves and scofflaws If a hit was made this information was radioed to the apprehending team which stopped traffic thus blocking the escape of the wanted car The apprehending patrolmen then circulated through the stopped cars until the wanted car and driver was located This method avoided the chasing and cutting off of the wanted car Chief McManus pointed out that it is techchie possible to to eliminate pointe the t thlt personnically teletype personnel by having the inquiry made directly from the policy radio car to the computer via radio teletype During a trial period using this method of direct communication three arrests were made He also pointed out that should three teams of two radio cars each be placed on the streets of the city it would be feasible to check two and a half times the number of registered vehicles in the city in 1 year He also pointed out that during the experiment 31 of the 102 arrested had criminal records and that several of the apprehensions resulted in investigations leading to additional Assistant Chief Inspector George P McManus Chief of Planning said 'In 158 days of the experiment working hours acar's ' day 'Operation Corral' checked on 8 183 950 Of these 2902 were found to be wanted either on alarms for stolen cars or plates or on warrants as scofflaws 165 individuals were arrested 102 on alarms and 63 as scofflaws In addition 68 'hits' were made on the license plate numbers of scofflaws with New Jersey registrations and 93 persons wanted here on revocation or suspension of license orders The experiment utilized a Univac real time computer which was based at the United States Building at the World's Fair charges in this and other jurisdictions and additional arrests 102 of the arrests resulted in 212 additional charges Eighty-three percent of the cases concluded have resulted in convictions Among the additional charges placed were such crimes as possession of narcotics possession of policy slips grand larceny robbery and forgery A continuing investigation into a motorist stopped in the Bronx resulted in the following charges arrest for a forged registration two charges of grand larceny one for cash and the other for a motor vehicle and forgery of a driver's license A total of six members of the force handled the operation This team consisted of two radio car patrolmen acting as an observation team two radio car patrolmen acting as the apprehending team and two acting as teletype operatore feeding information into the computer regarding stolen cars and plates scofflaws and revocation and suspension orders In another case the operator of a stolen car was additionally charged with a narcotics violation possession of a hypodermic needle and eye dropper The operator of another vehicle flagged down by the computer was found to be wanted in New Jersey for robbery An operator stopped by the 'Operation As automobiles passed a fixed point usually upon a highway bridge or tunnel the observation team radioed license plate numbers to the team of two officers at the teletype machine The patrolmen receiving the information teletyped the numbers into the computer which provided an answer within seconds Corral' team was hit with additional charges of forgery and possession of stolen property An admitted drug user the defendant had a previous record of 16 arrests 'These results indicate an important use of the computer as a modern-age tool for police The computer has a broad and valuable application in many areas of law enforcement and crime prevention In this experiment it has supplied an important means of obtaining information for more efficient law enforcement The results of 'Operation Corral' are now being studied and upon completion further recommendations will be made Chief McManus said One of the major objectives of 'Operation Corral' was to develop not only an instantaneous and multiple query 20 3 to new crimes or possible violations The auto au 'ne possessor or Liae tr uizu cUIiaw iizie forged driving licenses or registration certificates should be among the first violators appreIhodud wtddeeiz'redfrum x'epitmiuiz of such auks in the future The gambling fraternity and organized criminals also will soon learn that their advanrage of mobility has been overcome to a large uto rge Iobiitabeen overcome te of a computerized resultwill of be inevitable extent a synthesis information police mass of The and make more both willjob data that the ofmaeaningful of facilitate the foot patrolman and response identification of stolen vehicles vIulhiUU 111JAY C kju•uv•tv U VARV tAU W v'a tarily with the traffic laws and the regulations of the Motor Vehicle Department In this regard the records of fines paid and voluntary surrenders on Traffic Court warrants are being examined as are the volume of surrenders of suspensions and revocations received from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles The effectiveness of the foot patrolman will be enhanced by placing at his disposal by means of the computer a vast pool of information that should result in fewer crimes and a higher clearance rate Information and intelligence can be disseminated to foot patrolmen on a periodic basis so that they may take preventive action or follow-up possible leads when alerted The possiblity of increasing efficiency by the application of computers and electronic systems to police operutions and tactics is most promising Although the path ahead will be blocked with many great obstacles they will not be insurmountable Computerized Guarnteed Annual Income NOuI ' k Shipiang As uiation Inc F ' Ne w Vork 4 A'New arrived at after a 33-day strike that cost the nation an estimated $3 billion in economic losses The computer is coming to the waterfront shortly to help ensure longshoremen prompt accurate payments of the annual income guarantee negotiated earlier this year The new agreement negotiated between NYSA and the International Longshoremen's Association assures labor peace in the Port of New York for a 4-year period provides for a stable and economically secure work force and sets a basis for cargo cost controls and promptness of ship movements so essential to the national economy and our import-export trade position This contract implements the major findings of a year long study by the U S Department of Labor on ways to improve labor efficiency in the Port The New York Shipping Association and International Business Machines Corporation have signed a contract which will put the power of IBM's System 360 to work at handling the complex plan IBM will install the system which will have 56 terminals in the Waterfront Commission Hiring Centers It has been designated 'Operation GAI Guaranteed Annual Income Administering the thousands of details that will go into making the guaranteed annual income plan work would not be possible without a computer system ' said Alexander P Chopin chairman of the New York Shipping Association The income guarantee provided for the Port's longshore work force as job protection under the new work practices goes into effect April 1 1966 It was a key factor in reaching agreement on the new contract It is a guarantee of accurate payments to the longshoremen on top of the guarantee of the annual income itself as provided in the present labor contract It is the first time that a cornputer will be utilized to facilitate the hiring of longshoremen and ensure an adequate labor supply In the Port of New York The guarantee for eligible ILA members calls for the equivalent of 1600 hours pay annually at the straight time rate or an average of about 32 hours a week At the present hourly rate of $3 46 this Is equivalent to an annual income guarantee of more than $5500 or over $100 a week to eligible union members We are making certain through this ayetern the successful administration of a contract 21 I Manlhattan ORM1LYN Ia I anp• nt Central omputer cons'ists of two IBM Rystem 3týls Model 40 linked to 56 IBM 1031-1053 terminals located In 13 hiring Terminals will read' longshorebaqdges nd transmit inforplstc Ie' mFt er phone ir1onv line eligibility dmits checks lies and tran back to the ending term T cormpteron l prolutomntically Eligibility tickets are halls oomprterrin thnat vided by dhe terminal O A A Y U m Figure 1--Longshorer en ordering and registration system there is a job opening in the Port the inan eligible tu fill it can be hired almost immediately The central computer dual System 360 Model 40's and the extensive files willbe linked to 56 data collection terminals in 13 Hiring Centers Hiring of many casual longshoremen is done at the Centers located in Manhattan Brooklyn Staten Island and New Jersey During the busy periods on the docks as many as 7 000 longshoremen may appear at the hiring halls looking for work Information on all of them must be collected checked and recorded Each longshoreman now carries a plastic wallet-size seniority card When the computer system becomes operational next April the longshoreman appearing for work call will insert a similar card into the computer terminal at the Hiring Center Fig 1 In Reconds the computer will check its records verify that he is eligible for work and automatically issue him an eligibility ticket for that shape-up session This will guarantee each longshoreman that he has been recorded as having appeared at the center ready willing and able to work We were confronted by an enormously complicated problem in keeping up to date the work records for the Port's 24 000 waterfront workers Mr Chopin said Many men presently work for more than one employer They may appear for work during any one of three daily hiring perioda at any of the 13 hiringhalls While most workers are hired for an eight-hour day a large percentage are employed for either shorter or longer periods If no work is available for him at that Center the computer will poll the manpower needs if any of the other 12 hiring halls and print out a list immediately This will ensure that if 'Faced with these variants in the daily work pattern and the possibility of human error in e'ecording and transmitting data we realized that the task of administering the income 22 guarantee would be overwhelming with complaints from the work force sure to arise if information were Incorrectly The actual payroll for hours worked remains the responsibility of each employer The Association representing the employers au a i'Fortunately have been able to solve the problem throughwethis IBM computer system Payments under NYSA's Operation GAI will be made to workers each quarter Isventy-flve pevaeiA rd Wis a L due will ie paid and the worker's willofbeeach finally balanced andThe closed outaccount at the end contract year the taoblek nnot been thbeeiaeasy h an easy oneanhaM com rhas covy-m The task hastha one and ered nearly a year of daily study by specialists in the computerfield The coatto the employers in the Association will be $1 3 million in the first year alone which is an indication of how important our 145 member firms who hire waterfront labor consider accurate and prompt payments to the workers funds to support the guarantee are paid by the fdtsortmther a ar pibyt employer-members of NYSA To be eligible for the guarantee an ILA member must have worked a minimum of 700 hours during the 12 month2 from April 1 1965 to March 3 1 1966 Computerized Typosettifnt Thg Daily Oklahoman- Oklahoma City Times Oklaoma City Oklahoma 73101 Two small but fast and powerful computers have been ordered by the Oklahoma Publishing Company for setting type for all editions of its daily newapapers March 5 1963 issue of the Oklahoma City Times was widely heralded as the worMlds-i-rst newspaper in which all copy was produced by a computer The twin machines ordered from International Business Machines Corporation will replace a larger system installed 2 years ago The new computers - IBM 1130's - are expected to produce a saving in rental costs to OPUBCO of approximately $1500 a month while more than doubling typesetting capacity accordingto Robert B Spahn production manager for the Pklahoman and Times Mr Spahn said installation of the dual systems is scheduled for early 1966 Today OPUBCO routinely uses its computer to set some 5200 column inches of type every day for the morning afternoon and Sunday editions of the Times and the Daily Oklahoman Both editorial and classified ads are being set automatically Mr Spahn said the present system is also being used for photocomposition an application only recently developed Similar to the linecasting operation the teletype operator includes a series of short codes in the paper tape These Instructions are recognized by the computer which determines font size measure and position of copy on film or paper The punched tape is then fed directly to the photocomposition machine Each of the 1130's can produce justified and hyphenated paper tape for automatic typesetting machines at up to 12 000 30-character lines an hour The present system operates at about half that speed The pair of machines will give OPUBCO the capacity for producing 24 000 lines per hour at a 30 percent reduction in rental costs which was the primary reason for ordering the new equipment said Mr Spahn The additional typesetting capacity is needed during peak periods and when we are up against deadlines The dual system arrangnmentis also advantageous during normal machine maintenance periods and In the event of a breakdown of one of the machines 'Through this method we are able to go directly into 'cold type' on display advertising bypassing hot metal said Mr Spahn 'This greatly increases productivity The new equipment will handle this operation even more efficiently he added The IBM 1130 can accept copy directly from as many as eight tape perforators It not only hyphenates words justifies lines and controls format but automatically allots the processed copy to as many as eight paper tape punches linked to automatic linecasting machines All OPTIBCO was one of the pioneers in developing the computer typesetting application The 23 3 of ti i d 6ifl a program developed by IBM and provided without wl z 1mprveni hyphenaziiof accuracy based on first choice of Webster's dictionary Another feature of the 1130 is a new disk storage dsvice giving the computer direct access to any number of type fonts and to an 'exceptionword dictionary This provides the computer hfThu turage device uses magnetic disks capable of holding more than one million characters of information Since disks are easily interchangeable it will take only a few seconds to prepare the computer for a change in jobs charg to users of the 1130 Visual Display System for Carnegie Tech Phtio Corporation Phadep•hia Pennsylvania 19134 Philco Corporation has delivered a computerdriven visual display system to the Carnegie Institute of Technology Computation Center in Pittsburgh to the Philco display equipment in the classroom building Each of the three consoles is equipped with a cursor a light pen and two typewriter keyboards The cursor is an electro-merhadcal locator which enables the operator to place a locator spot on the face of the tube With it data can be inserted altered or erased The light Vei canbe used for the same purpose The keyboards include all characters in the English and Greek alphabets plus nathematical and special symbols The complex cathode ray tube system built to Carnegie Tech's specifications was adapted from Philco's Real-Time Electronic Access and Display READ system The advanced system provides a highly effective method of real-time use of timeshared computers Philco spokesmen said The Carnegie Tech system consisting of a controller and three dispiY consoles permite the operator to manip_ ate high-resolution alphanumeric and graphic data in a volatile manner on the face of the cathode ray tubes Jesse T Quatse Manager of Engineering Development at the Computation Center was responsible for systems design atthe university The cathode ray tubes in each console have 80 square inches of viewable area approximately 9 x 9 inches square Information in one console may be simultaneously displayed on any of the other consoles or each of the consoles may have a different display Operators can insert correct or delete data as well as re-position intensify blink on-off or vary the size of the symbols displayed on the tube wit•tout computer intervention The university plans to use it for computer programming and program debugging problem solving in engineering mathematics and science and clnasroom instruction design and simulation o ' stems such iw ystem he as computers A studen -Athe tube designed in operation o0A Philco's READ systogi oi which this Carnegie Tech system is bare iw a product of the Communications and Electronics Division's Commercial Operation at Willow Grove Pa The system Is installad in a classroom building 1000 feet across the campus from Carnegie Tech's present multi-processor computer system A booster module and computer interface in the Computation Center drive the signals Traffic Control Study Cty of San Jaow San Joe Caifornia The first phase of a new experimental system is now operational and is automatically controlling traffic signals at 32 intersections along a major 3-mile highway and adjacent 24 I which lane they are in the number amoduratin of stops and the number of vehicles that pass a streets leading into the downtown sectlon oi n Jose given intersection during each cycle gd aidA R Turturict San Jose city engineer d preliminary results show a significant improvement in the methods of handling the flow of 35 000 cars that use the highway daily The next phase of the study calls for the more complicated tmak of controlling 28 traffic sig- nals located in a 35 square block area in down town Sai Jose The computer e receives the information about the flow of traffic from all sensors simultaneously s within seconds consults the many poasibilities in Its memory about how to reduce delay time and decides on a logical course of action The new computerized traffic system is the result of a cooperativc study being conducted by engineers from the City of San Jose and International buslnsýes Mae d nes Corporation a executes control by altering traffic signal timing cycles and e receives more information from traffic sensors to verify whether the action was successful before starting another cycle The researhý pr •ect was launched to determine the most 3ffie'ent and economical method of solving the city' traFlic problems By using a computer ' says Mr Mahoney 'all data can be immediately collected and analyzed In one central location We can produce more information in a matter of seconds about the flow speed and other elements of traffic than a crew of trained observers could produce in hundreds of hours ' Paul Haddon IBM project leader says that the study now in its second year has provided volumes of Information about how traffic pat- With the speed and versatility of u digital computer Mr Turturici said 'it ts possible to recognize immediately the rapid changes of traffic patterns and to respond within seconds Moreover the computer also provides complete reports of exactly how traffic responds to its commands and can be revised by traffic engineers to eliminate unnecessary delays ' terns react under control of a computer As the study progresses and we continue to learn new factors will be added to the computer's programs Mr Haddon said We hope to study all factors that affect traffic such as pedestrian crossings demands from side-street traffic traffic variations during different weather conditions rush hour traffic and many others Mr Turturici said the computer-generated reports are now being studied to determine the exact degree of improvement in the flow of traffic along the test route Gene Mahoney San Jose assistant traffic engineer said the IBM 1710 Control System receives information from 400 sensing devices buried beneath the pavement at the intersections Involved in the study As cars pass over these sensors a magnetic field is interrupted and a pulse is sent to the computer As a tool for city planners the system has unlimited possibilities It could easily be used in predicting the need for freeways to help prevent unnecessary street-widening projects and to eradicate one of the major problems of modern American cities ' In this manner the computer is constantly aware of the number of vehicles their speed Hospital Rosa Information System Medical Center Santa San Antonio 7 Textu The management of one of Texas' largest privately-owned medical complexes is helping to pioneer data processing operations to improve patient care in large hospitals evorywhere The 800-bed Catholic institution announced it has ordered an IBM System 360 Model 30 as the basis for a 'Hospital Information System HIS to be installed in 1967 Santa Rosa Medical Center hopes also to show the way for major hospitals to maximize control of hospital costs e elecThe HIS at Santa Rosa will I aation tron c repository for all types ranging from patient case historieh wui medical 25 7 records to the coat of drugs any part of which In fractions of a second for use can be retrieved In the hospital of her time - or more than three hours a day doing paperwork either gathering shuffling or recording informption We estimate our ele-ctronic system will cut the nurse's paperwork in The power of the computer will be made available to every nursing station laboratory and major facility of the hospital - including its business and admitting offices - by installation of 33 IBM 1050 communications terminal devices at strategic points throughout the center half increasing our effective nursing time by 20 percent 'Any qualified person can ask for or enter any type of data at these terminals I Sister Mary Vincent Administrator said For instance when a doctor leaves his orders for medication and patient care his instructions will be transmitted immediately to the computer through keyboard entry at the nursing station The IBM computer system will also store historical data on magnetic tape This means that statistical analyses recording incidence of illnesses by type age income group geographic location and so forth can be compiled in minutes at any place To put it another way the impact will be about the same as If we went out and hired another 100 nurses Sister Mary Vincent concluded If the orders call for'tests or special foods or drugs the computer also sends the necessary information to the proper laboratory technicians Because of this Sister Mary Vincent thinks the HIS concept is destined to trigger a revolution in hospital management We are one of only a few hospitals actively at work to develop it today she said She said hospitals have been so busy trying 'What's more ' she added the machine retains the schedule in memory and sends out 'reminder' messages when the time arrives for executiion of each of the physician's orders to stay current with patient loads and such critical problems as nursing shortages that they have fallen behind in the area of modern business systems The idea Sister Mary Vincent added is to give every hospital employee and every doctor at Santa Rosa the precise information needed to do a job and to make it available when andwhere it's needed As a result they have become increasingly swamped by an accelerating explosion' of medical knowledge which has multiplied by a hundred fold the facilities tools drugs and techniques which may be used in patient treatment and care This growing complexity has spawned increasing need for sophistication in attendant paperwork control procedures and management she said adding to the kitchen to the pharmacy and so on Most important is the prospect of freeing professional personnel from the flood of paper that threatens to overwhelm hospitals everywhere she said At Santa Rosa we have found that each of our 500 nurses now spends an average of 40 percent We're investingheavily in our own judgment that the IBM computer-controlled Hospital Information System is the answer ' Hospital Information System The Sistrs of the Third Order of St Francis East Peoria illinori 61611 more than $4 million will be installed here to service the order's hospitals in Iowa Illinois and Michigan Patients in II Midwestern hospitals owned awd operated by The Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis will receive the benefits of the beast possible medical care with assistance from im IBM computer complex Medical laboratory and administrative data on patients in the group's 2200 hospital beds will be transmitted over telephone lines from as far as 500 miles to the central computer for storage or processing Information will be sent Rev Mother M Pieta O S F mother general of the religious order of Franciscan Sisters said a central data processing system valued at 26 7 I and received via 154 special terminals at nurses --- _laarjariS mAAU AIm W UI A% UGUA 917A Herbert R Rodde executive director for wliifn•lliVe office oi ine order said that in general the HIS makes provisions for cantralizing and correlating large volumes of dvvese d a frunim any pcutions and then automatically retrieves and'displays It as necessary He said that when the HIS becomes fully operational the computer will link hospitals' nursing stations clinical laboratories pharmacies blood banks admitting offices medical records units business offices and other departments - Uon fUM taUIUA'- ments throughout the 11 hospitals Porva center of the Hospital Informatiorn System HIS will be an IBM System 360 Model 50 and a smaller Model 30 computer which will be located at the order's central administrative office in Peoria Central repository for alldata will be the IBM 2314 a magnetic disk storage unit capable of holding more than 200 million characters of information for instantaneous retrieval Through the network of terminals in the hospitals the computer will help admit patiente find them beds order drugs report results of lab tests correlate X-ray and lab schedules and plan special diets The HIS will function as a • Communication system centrally controlling the flow of information from originating sources to receive locations Operating room and testing and therapeutic facilities scheduling will be coordinated and doctors will be furnished with current records showing treatment given and progress made by their patients Central information system storing electronically in one place all data for access upon demand and • Real-time processing system converting information into meaningful and useful forms quickly and economically Mr Rodde said that areas in which HIS will have most impact are The HIS for The Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis will be the first in the world designed to serve more than one hospital Mother Pieta said the decision to lease the IBM system is part of the religious order's unceasing efforts to improve the level of patient care ' She said uWe like most hospital administratore realize that patient care depends largely on the quality and quantity of professional personnel availablq Because of shortages of qualified personnel and ever-present budget limitations we searched for a way to increase effectiveness of the current staff of professionals In a comprehensive study undertaken by our central administrative office and International Business Machines Corporation we concentrated on finding ways to automate clerical activities performed by the professional staff An area of special study was the amount of time professionals particularly nurses spent on clerical duties vital to the performance of their jobs but which did not require use of their medical skills We found for example that our nurses spend 40-60 percent of their working hours on purely clerical duties The decision to implement the Hospital Information System is our vote of confidence that the clerical workload of doctors and nurse3 can be minimized leaving them more time for patient care and other medical tasks for which they were trained m 27 1 Fulfilling physicians' instructions The computer through terminals in the hosaitals will notify the staff of action prescribea by the doctor at the time the doctor directs 2 Scheduling Information on all patient and facility scheduling will be introduced into the central system which automatically will flag any conflicts 3 Patient care All physicians' orders whether complete or in process - are stored in the central memory of the system and can be recalled by the hospital staff at any time Selected medical test results and physiological measurements can be noted and retained 4 Nursing activities The terminals provide an immediate source of information on progress of all orders and instructions Reminder notices of incomplete activities are automatically generated Complete written reports are maintained on all activities in every nursing unit 5 Administrative controls Up-to-theminute data on all patient chargrs are maintained in the system which also has the abiliiy to retrieve pertinent information on unit costs resulting from patient care activities - Blood Ba Mr Rodde said that a preliminary teleCommunication system using the IBM System 350 Medal 30 wIll hal nnta nnm_ _ae- - -•-n 1 t I - ii u- Aýy uary 1967 a year before implementation of the total system The Interim system will provide w- vlhuwifl expiration dates and units assigned but not administered will be instantly available and automatically for eentralizatin of finannig anvd af • hL t-tlive r ecords updmbtd Medical centers involved in the system are The Third Order of St Francis' hospitals in Marquette Escanaba and Menominee Michigan Rockford Pontiac Bloomington Peoria and Galesburg Illinois and Fort Madison Keokuk and Burlington Iowa estimated blood usage This schedule will be flashed to the blood bank to gauge requirements 2 All operations scheduled will include 3 The quantity of blood used and expired and other statistical data will be maintained by the system The following objectives were set up as minimum requirements of the Hospital Information System Business Office 1 In-patient billing will be a by-product General of direct patient care 1 All orders schedules and messages must be verified before entry into the system 2 The complete bill will be ready at the moment of ditcharge 2 Most schedules and reminders are to be kept under computer clock control and printed automatically 3 Up-to-date billing will be available any time during the patient's stay All bills will be itemized 3 All areas of the hospital will have immediate access to records of patients who have been admitted discharged or transferred Location records will be maintained on all in-patients Central Supply 1 Inventory will be maintained by the computer Usage statistics re-order points and order quantities will be produced 4 All messages will be printed in prose form for easy understanding 2 When medication trays are prepared Inventory will be updated accordingly Variances from standard tray makeup will be recorded 5 All conflicts in patients' schedules will be printed in the appropriate area as soon as sriice is requested 6 Inventory for all hospital items will be maintaiuad 3 Daily usage of central supply items in service areas and nurses stations will be printed each day for refilling 7 Pricing except in exceptional cases will be automatic Dietar 1 Individual menu selection house and special diets combined by the system will produce food calculations Admitting 1 Bed availability lists can be obtained as required 2 Menu planning with computer assistance will be available to all hospitals in the group 2 Affected areas will be automatically notified of admissions transfers newborn and discharges 3 The system will print the routing and tray assembly list adjustingfor holds or changes of orders Inconvenience and food wastage are reduced by noting deletions corrections and additions immediately 3 Census summary and statistical reports will be automatically compiled 28 L I I Doctors Medical Records 1 Doctors will be able to enter their orders Ai 1 A summary discharge report will con- directly into the system The printed output will be signed by the doctor and placed in the patient's chart by the nurse This will eliminate the doctor's writing orders in longhand and insure that his instructions reach the service area exactly as ordered tain important aspects of the patient treatment providing significant background for future medical care C 2 Statistics and facilities utilization data required for accreditation and reports will be automatically compiled for 2 Patient profiles will be available Medication ordered and administered Laboratory results and outstanding orders Blood requirements and usage Radiology results and outstanding orders Physical therapy notes and outstanding orders Electrodiagnostic results and outstanding orders Nursing instructions Nurses' notes and vital signs 3 Patient schedules and previous admission histories will be quickly available Nurse Stations 1 Nurses will have the ability to order drugs from either the pharmacy or from ward stock with automatic updating of inventory 2 Hourly medication schedules will be printed under clock control or by request Positive verification of medications given is required 4 Toxic dosages for medications will be indicated on orders 3 Specimens for laboratory tests which nurses collect will be printed under clock control or by request The collection schedule will contain any special routines or collection instructions Electrocardiography 4 A summary of laboratory tests by patient will be available by request 1 Medication which could affect tests will be listed on request for ECG 5 The patient's schedule wilU be maintained by the system When a request for service is made which causes the patient to leave his room the schedule will reflect any conflicts 2 Condensed test results will be sent to nurses' stations as soon as tests are complete 6 Dietary hold orders resulting from service requests will be generated aqtomatically Laboratory 17 Condensed test results for radiology physical therapy and electrodiagnostics will be routed directly to the nurse station after completion of the test 1 Accuracy will be insured through automatic preparation of spocimen collection schedules reminders lab work schedules and test requisitions 2 Programmed special instructions for collection and routines will be printed on schedules Operating Room 1 Surgery schedules will be kept within the system for immediate referral The schedule will include the estimated blood requirements and whether or not a pathologist is required Operating room data is available to the laboratory and blood bank 3 Medications which could affect tests are listed on the request and technician work lists 4 A daily summary of test results by patient will be prepared by the system from stored test results 2 Standard and customized pre-operation routines will be printed at the areas affected 29 Physical Therapy 3 Immediate adjustments for delays or sudden cancellations will be made by notifying the patient areas concerned This will prevent patient queueing and improve the utilization of the operating room 1 Progress reports will be sent to the proper nurse station as soon as the procedure is completed 2 Pricing and utilization statics will be maintained 4 Charges for the operating room drugs central supply items and the like will be entered immediately after the operation 3 Diet hold orders will be handled automatically where apij •cable Pharmacy 1 Prescriptions will be transmitted immediately to the pharmacy providing a printed record of the verified order eliminating manual transcription and reducing errors Radiology 1 Diet hold orders transportation requests for each type ofh other routine instructionsepr mdb and eaiainrqetdwl 2 The stored pharmacy index will contain drug current statistical and cost information for stock system 3 Use of economical purchase order quantities and minimum quantities will provide positive re-ordering and stock adjustment 2 Condensed test results will be sent immediately to the proper nurse station as suon as the test Is completed 4 Ward drug stock usage will be printed and refilled daily eliminating many emergency trips to the pharmacy 3 Pricing film usage and inventory will be maintained Integrated Information System United Air Lines New York New York 10017 United passenger and fleet operation volumes through 1975 Keck said United Air Lines announced in December 1965 that it has commissioned UNIVAC Division of Sperry Rand Corporation to design and build for the airline an on-line computerized information system representing an investment of $56 million the largest in the business world and the first to utilize cathode ray tube inputoutput devices on a nationwide basis Built around a centralized computer complex using three large scale integrated UNIVAC 1108 II computers with nearly 1 billion characters of random access storage the electronic information system will at first require only a limited portion of the capacity of each of the computers and offers the airline at least 100 percent expansion capacity in line with United's projected passenger traffic growth which is expected to double in 5 years George E Keck United's president announced that the information system will provide United with a nationwide totally-integrated reservations operations and management data processing system The $56 million investment covers the $39 million cost of the basic electronic equipment and computers and $17 million for leased transmission lines for a 5 year period and new facilities required for installation of the system A unique ckpability built into the agent sets to be employed at United ticket counters and air freight terminals will be automatic ticket or airbill printing By merely actuating a button the passenger or freight agent can Issue a ticket or airbill in seconds Contracts signed with the Sperry Rand Corporation call for delivery of equipment beginning in 1967 and for the system to 'go on the air early in 1968 It will be designed to handle Current plans call for the computer Installation to be located at United's executive headquarters near Chicago and will require construction of a new two story structure costing 30 approximately $5 million wiii utiiize a major part oi Initially the atrst the fioorsystem o tne planned structure the computer is iighi operstingInaiactualiy peeus approacnmg thesystem speed oi with electronic impulses being transmitted in millionths of a second to interrogate data already in storage in the computer and sets return Its findings to the cathode ray readout or Thecities new system which will link allroute ii6 United throughout its 18 000-mile structure will replace the airline's present Instamatic' reservations system 2 to paper-copy printers linked with the sets will also provide United The system management with basic data vital to operating a j'et fleet of 309 aircraft and a passenger volume expected to reach 30 million passengers annually by 1970 Development of the System represents more than 3 years of planning by United and will require the equivalent of 200 man years of system analysis and programming effort before it becomes operational Information processed by the new system will initially cover 17 basic information categories including applications ranging from passenger reservations complete name record storage crew and aircraft scheduling flight planning and meal planning data to air freight and cargo loading information The information system will operate over more than 100 000 miles of high speed leased data transmission lines and circuits of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company As a s2feguard to continuous operation on a 24-hour 365-day basis United will employ two alternate commercial power sources as well as auxiliary emergency backup systems employing diesel-powered generating equipment The vast capacity of the system includes the ability to handle more than 140 000 transactions per hour involving transmission of 35 million characters with a response time of 1 second per individual transaction Because the system will amass information on aircraft by actual number of the plane and its accumulated time in flight the computer will automatically schedule planes for on-line maintenance checks as well as major overhaul at United's maintenance base in San Francisco It will do the same for aircraft parts stored at system-wide line maintenance stations and for Cathode ray readout screens on agent sets at airport terminals ticket offices reservation and freight offices as well as United's headquarters are capable of instant display of over 1000 alphanumeric characters those required at the maintenance base to main- tain total inventory records Say an agent asks the system for space on a 3 p m flight from San Francisco or Chicago By merely querying his set the agent will get a readout on the screen showing seat avallability for the requested flight The computer will also automatically display availability on up to 10 other flights between the cities involved all within seconds All flight crew data for pilots and stewardesses will be stored in the rapid access system memory so that the airline will be able to assess crew member availability rapidly on the basis of hours flown as well as on the basis of assignment by aircraft airport and route Similarly information on total passenger loads flight Information weather cargo or freight loads can be displayed on the cathode ray tubes on demand Each set will contain a console including a complete typewriter keyboard plus more than 40 selective function keys on which to communicate with the computer The system will be built by Sperry Rand at its UNIVAC plant in St Paul Minnesota The system involves the highest level of the state of the art of electronic data processing technology and will ultimately take over other functions such as electronic message switching and automatic flight monitoring Data Processing Division U S Navy Eletronies l abo atory San Diego 52 aliybriia has been completed during the past 6 months The function of this complex is to prepare programs for the operational test and evaluation of various naval tactical and strategic systems and or components involving digital processors NEW DIGITAL PROCESSING COMPLEX Installation of the major components of a Program Generation Center at the U S Navy Electronics Laboratory San Diego California 31 7 The manual itself although it follows the nf mutnmated Inastruction i not set up in the usual programmed text format The major deviation between this and other programmad texts It in the size of the Nframesj used Devnloping a programmed text with many hundreds of tiny Tframess gives $he student a feeling that a teaching program fias been developed for a piece of hardware but with the hardware missing There is no question that this method works but for computer programming a great many examples and examples in great detail are required Therefore the text was set up to impart a small amount of information followed by extensive examples and problems The correct answers are always furnished on the following page with additional comments and references as required To perform this function the militarized tmml7A£O flAA T hern he 4nltmeJ uananal nrararta T la Amsin ped with an on-line card reader an operating console 11 magnetic tape transports a random rccess dsc • emory ad a hgt-epeed p apr tape unit The Center Is operated in the off-line mode using a CDC 8090 computer for Input Output processing The CP-667 computer ha a 2-microsecond basic cycle time with 130 816 words of 2-microsecond memory For scratch memory and control registers 256 words of 400 nanosecond memory are provided The basic word length is 36 bits but the machine is equipped with a 30-bit option In the 30-bit mode memory is reduced to 32 768 words which contain the 256 words of 400-nanosecond control memory The CP-667 has 16 input output channels with extensive interrupt circuitry and has an instruction repertoire including all typical operators plus hardware floating point and double precision instructions The approach used has the following objectives 1 To eliminate formal training courses and instructors The Program Generation Center is operated and maintained by the Data Processing Division NEL Code 3390 for the support of Laboratory projects in the area of navy tactical and or strategic data processing During the past 6 months the system has been used primarily for prototype equipment checkout and software system development Currently operating are the CS-3 compiling system 36 bits and NELOS NELIAC operating system 30 bit Under development are a JOVIAL compiler and a CS-l compiler 30 bit 2 To allow students to proceed at their own pace 3 To require no previous training or experience 4 To permit experienced trainees to skip basics 5 To eliminate unproductive waiting time between course schedules 6 To keep failure to a minimum Reliability of the equipment has increased through installation phase to an average of 92percent uptime over the past 2 months including preventative maintenance The average weekly processing load has been 52 hours per week for that same period 7 To provide a means of early qualification of trainees 8 To be inexpensive Self-instructional Manual for the CP-667 The Data Processing Division has developed an easy to master step-by-step self-instructional manual to teach programming on the UNIVAC CP-667 The primary objective of this manual is to train programmers to use the CP-667 in an efficient manner by preparing compiling and debugging their own programs and by operating these programs on the computer Completion of this manual will not qualify the student as an expert programmer Only time as a practicing programmer can accomplish that purpose but the book will teach the student the basic tools of programming and the fundamentals of programming for the CP-607 32 Each 'frame' is a lesson covering an idea or concept susceptible to concise treatment The lessons are grouped into logical 'families Each unit is concluded or concepts called MUMni with a unit quiz which recapitulates the material already covered This technique has been used for several years at many universities and industrial plants to train computer programmers on similar hardware and also on software IBM 1401 IBM 7090 COBOL etc It has been found to be an effective teaching method and studies of the effectiveness of the method indicated that trainees were being turned out faster better trained and with fewer failures CHANGES IN EXISTING GENERAL PURPOSE CAMPTT CER AT NEL the processing and record formats will be umizipairble wita various manufacturer's hardware The approach taken was that of a subnetwork The MECL Computer Center uacd for general wlUi planned capacity of 30O0 activities per scientific oriented problem solving and management data processing has been relocated and enlarged The existing CDC 1604B 160A cornplex has been installed in a new facility hourtng all card support service equipment Additional tape transports have been added to provide a total of 10 available on two L O channels subnet This will eliminate forced creation of illogical subnets and consequent interface difficulties when setting up or amending large networks A capacity of more than 3000 skeleton activities per network will exceed similar capacities of other PERT systems and allow a variable but high maximum number of subnets to be interfaced for any network Standard PERT TIME reports will be provided with options for the following features omission of completed activities computation of expected and latest allowed start dates expected end data computi tion which does not assume that an activity is started immediately when prior activities are completed i e a method to delav activity starts Modifications in the NELIAC systems addition of COOP Monitor FORTRlAN COBOL SORT and JOVIAL systems combined with off line operation and equipment additions have provided increased efficiency The average processing hours achieved per day has been 16 7 hours on the 1604B Average throughput has been reduced to 4 1 hours Cost reports will meet DOD-NASA tabular reports requirements Three hinds of overhead computations will be handled regular per hour e g labor regular per dollar e g material and compounded per dollar e g General and Administrative where base includes previously computed overhead costs Input balancing procedures and change reports will be provided Costs for one specific fiscal year only may optionally be extracted and reported Also optional is the display and identification of future costs already committed PERT TIME COST IN COBOL A PERT systein in COBOL is being developed at the U S Navy Electronics Labora ory San Diego California The main objective of this system is to make it easy to use and as machine independent as possible this would allow the user to keep the same PERT system even if computers were changed Input editing and error detecting will be performed prior to D3 ital Computer Power Control Wel' l Pefi Power Co'mrPrv r usbrg 11rusyl apoW I I We' A new and advanced all-digital control computer system for economic power dispatchlng and generation control will be placed in service in early 1987 by Allegheny Power System Allegheny Power System includes West Penn Power Company Greensburg Pa Monongahela Power Company Fairmont W Va and otomac Edison Company Hagerstown Md and serves about 825 000 customers in a 29 600square mile area in parts of fivo states - Pennsylvania Maryland West Virginia Virginia and a small portion of Ohio The system presently includes 14 steam power stations and 1 major hydroelectric etation with a total of 40 major generating units avaflable for operation These units have a cornbined generating capacity of 2 643 000 kilowaits The new IBM 1800 computer will replace the analog computer and control equipment at the System Operations headquarters at Charleroi Pa The present analog computer at Charleroi when installed in 1957 was the first of its kind used In the many economic calculationn involved in power dispatching Through a communications network the new control computer system will be linked with the 15 system generating plants and 22 interconnections with nonaffiliated companies It will automatically control the output of the generating units throughout the five-state area The computer will also consider transmission losses fuel costs incremental heat rates tieline flows maintenance costs and other pertinent factors 33 iF'ully autunukitc control is essential to suppitying power efficiently and reliably in the S •n - ' - T addition to an automatically dispatching generaLion from minute to minute the new computer will s•hc--ulc the most economical rnmhInations of generators to operate in supplying customer needs around the clock The compotter will be used integrate more fully the operations of Allegheny Power System CompKnnes with non-affiliated companies It will make possible economic benefits to be obtained from balancing the diversity In power needs and peak load timing existing between utilities By coordinating Allegheny Power System operating facilities with those ot otner systems improved reliability and economy of service over a wideepread area will result The all-digital control equipment will also continuously monitor and record the day-to-day operations that are performed Such data will be used to produce essential reports and background information for West Penn and its Allegheny Power System affiliates 34 j
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