I 1 of•tis as 141 n m ur e k i Anlni' ' A I LI Jl7II T n IM•L Ji IA L k o % IV Iiv r U II ER L I• 1% 1 oold o• u o rthe In vriegs dilital c •mputer is I l- Oistrlbut in projects Ited to goveornment agencies • Ltcntractors and MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES DIVIS1iON contributoers OFFICEOF NAVAL RESEARCH • Vol 19 No 2 April 1967 Gordon D Goldstein Editor Margo S Chernauskas Associate Editor Laura A Repass Editorial Assistant Barbara J Walker EditoriaL Assistant CONTENTS D D C ET7 OCT 1 6 19W EDITORIAL POLICY NOTICES 1 E• itorial EC116 2 3 Contributions Circulation o COMPUTING CENTERS 1 Allegheny Airlines IBM 360 Duplex Computer System Washington D C 20001 2 American Stuck Exchange Stock Exchange Automation New York N Y 10006 3 Argonne National Laboratory Expanded Computer Facilities Argonne Illinois 60439 4 ASI Computer Division Electro- Mechanical Research Inc Naval Research Lab 6050 Computer System Minneapolis Minnesota 5 Carnegie Institute of Technology IBM 360 67 Pittsburgh Peansylvania 15213 6 Ford Motor Corporation Ford Technical Computing Center Time Sharing Overseas Link Dearborn Michigan 48121 COMPUTERS AND CENTERS OVERSEAS 1 G E C Computers Automation ltd S-Two Computer Wembley Middlesex England 2 G E C Computers Automation Ltd S-Seven Computer Speed Increase Wembley Essex England 3 The Marconi Company Limited New Low Cost Microelectronic Computer Chelmsford Essex England MISCELLANEOUS 1 California Department of Water Resources Automated Water Control Sacremento California 2 Composition Information Services Computer Typesetting Usage Los Angeles California 90028 3 Circuit Court of Cook County Automated Violations Records Chicago Illinois 4 Florida State University Computer Assisted Instruction Tallahassee Florida b University of Oklahoma Medical Center Computerized Medical Course Oklahoma City Oklahoma 6 The Pennsylvania State University Mathematical Systems Chart University Park Pennsylvania 16802 7 Superintendent of Public Instruction Education Information System Springfield Illinois 62708 8 National Bureau of Standards Experiments in Citation Indexing and Bibliographic Coupling Washington D C 20234 9 The Moore School of Electrical Engineering Mechanized Information System Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104 2 2 4 5 8 8 10 11 11 13 13 14 15 18 19 20 20 21 10 University of Pennsylvania Monitor Data System Philadelphia Pennsylvama 22 19104 -uaioa• -Approved The Under Secretarybyof the Navy jC4 uijii dRo od The RAproduced by he co b__________CLEARINGHoUsE for Federal Scientific Technical Information Springfiuld V d 22151 4A Editorial Policy Notices EDITORIAL the editor for future issues Material for specific issues must be received by the editor at least three months in advance It is often impossible for the editor because of limited time and personnel to acknowledge individually all material received The Digital Computer Newsletter although a Department of the Navy publication is not restricted to the publication of Navy-originated material The Office of Naval Research welcomes contributions to the Newsletter from any source The Newsletter is subjected to certain limitations In size which prevent publshing all the material received However items which are not printed are kept on file and are made available to interested personnel within the Government CIRCULATION 1¶ 4 The Newsletter is distributed without charge to Interested military and government agencies to contractors for the Federal Government and to contributors of material for publication DCN is published quarterly January April July and October Material for specific issues must be received by the editor at least three months in advance For many years in addition to the ONR Initial distribution the Newsletter was reprint a by the Association for Computing Machinery as a supplement to their Journal and more recently as a supplement to their Communications The Association decided that their Communications coaid better serve its members by concentrating on ACM editorial material Accordingly effective with the combined January-April 1961 issue the Newsletter became available only by direct distribution from the Office of Naval Research It is to be noted that the publication of information pertaining to commercial products does not in any way imply Navy approval of those products nor does it mean that Navy vouches for the accuracy of the statements made by the various contributors The information contained herein is to be considered only as being representative of the state-ofthe-art and not as the sole product or technique available Requests to receive the Newsletter regularly should be submitted to the editor Contractors of the Federal Government should reference applicable contracts in their requests CONTRIBUTIONS The Office of Naval Research welcomes contributions to the Newsletter from any source Your contributions will provide assistance in improving the contents of the publication thereby making it an even better medium for the exchange of information between government laboratories academic institutions and industry It is hoped that the readers will participate to an even greater extent than in the past in transmitting technical material and suggestions to All communications pertaining to the Newsletter should be addressed to GORDON D GOLDSTEIN Editor Digital Computer Newsletter Informations Systems Branch Office of Naval Research Washington D C 20360 1 r I Computing Centers IBM 360 Duplex Computer System Atq m Mrlinus Wu•hmi D C 20021 Allegheny Airlines' Senior Vice President Walter J Short announced in September 1966 that Allegheny is installing an IBM 360 Duplex Computer System costing nearly three-quarters of a million dollars The system which was specifically tailored to Allegheny's operation uses two IBM System S60 Model 30's for data processing and data communications Allegheny is the only Regional Airline that has completed plans for two completely interchangeable computer systems to service communications and data processing requirements which will be used for business processing Mr Short said The ability of either computer to perform the other's function is a unique feature of the duplex system Mr Short said ' ne of the IBM 360 Computers will be 'communications dedicated' and will become the brain of Allegheny's communications center which serves a teletype network linking together over 50 cities The company now has a manual torn tape message switching system The business processing computer will handle general accounting payrolls personnel transactions with other airlines computer control of inventories and time control of aircraft parts Plans also include computerizing aircraft maintenance functions such as labor and shop records Mr Short said that Allegheny is also studying future applications possible with the new duplex computer system in the areas of turbine engine analysis airport runway analysis reservations and flight information and an expanded management information system The new system will receive current operational data 24 hours a day automatically relay messages store and convert data for processing and feed data to an identical IBM 360 Computer The first computer was installed in November 1966 and is primarily for business processIng The data communications system is expected in April 1967 Stock Exchange Automation Aunnican Stock £mchnum New York N Y 10006 The American Stock Exchange has contracted with the General Electric Company to obtain a computer complex that will drive the Exchange's sales and quotation tickers monitor trade data for accuracy increase the speed and scope of stock watch and market surveillance programs and provide a compared clearance launch a compared clearance program as soon after the first of the year as possible The Exchange will lease the equipment from General Electric at An annual cost of $420 000 or $35 000 a month The net added cost to the Exchange for a wide range of new services will be about $14 000 a month after release of equipment to be replaced by the computer In this central step of the Exchange's longrange automation program two GE-415 cornputers and related equipment were received in December Following a break-in and testing period the system will be placed on-line to The two third-generation computers will be located in the Exchange's Clearing Corporation 2 ojjI i at 4 Albany Street where they will replace three computers and the related EAM equipment currently performing the clearing operation The computers will be phased into operation over a period of time The initial task will be to inaugurate a compared clearance with full back-up on premises A compared clearance involves matching reports of both the buying and selling brokerage houses The Exchange now processes reports only from the selling broker By mid-1967 the two computers aligned in parallel will drive the stock and quotation tickers and will provide the Exchange with a preliminary automated market surveillance and stock watch capability Exchange President Edwin D Etherington said The Exchange's goal is to formulate a balanced up-to-date computer capability to help serve member organizations and the investing public The computer complex has been selected with great care after months of systems and design study The total automation and communications program is designed not merely to further the speed accuracy and efficiency of current services but also to permit the Exchange to take advantage of future innovations and to coordinate its efforts with automation programs of brokerage houses and other securities industry organizations Mr Etherington added Advanced communications techniques are now being designed for the Exchange to take full advantage of this increased data processing capacity Existing ticker and quotation services are to be stepped up in efficiency Clearing market surveillance and stock watch systems the present time interval from an average of 3 minutes to a matter of seconds By the end of August it is expertad that P 1 46 keyboards supplied by The Bunker-Ramo Corporation will be phased into operation at the 23 trading posts on the Exchange floor The computer complex in monitoring the tickers for accuracy will assemble market data from the electronic keyboards in a splitsecond operation and examine every sale before transmission on the ticker in a continuous validity check The system will intercept possible errors and permit corrections to be made before the errors appear on tickers Following is an example of how the validity check works An issue is quoted 25-1 2 bid offered at 25-3 4 and the data clerk at the keyboard who means to transmit a 25-1 2 sales figure inadvertently keys it into the system as 52-1 2 The computer will be programmed to stop the error and alert Exchange personnel to make corrections before the incorrect information appears on the ticker COMPUTER HANDLES COMPARED CLEARAL4CE For compared clearance the computer system will match reports of both the buying and selling brokerage houses involved in a transw ction The system is designed to handle initially 70 000 trades daily-a volume approximately equal to an 8-million-share-day on the trading floor Thus far in 1966 volume has averaged 3 4 million shares a day although in April it exceeded 6 million shares on three occasions are hein developed and expanded to take advantage of computer capability he said In matching reports of both the buyer and seller the computer will detect mismatches and reduce the amount of paper work in mem- ELECTRONIC KEYBOARDS NOW IN OPERATION ber organization back offices Since the Clearing Corporation now processes reports only from the selling broker and develops the buy side from this one-sided input a two-sided input is expected to decrease substantially the number of trades which are difficult to compare As part of the integrated automation program the computer comple will monitor the output of a system recently implemented for direct floor-to-ticker transmission of market data through electronic keyboards at every trading post Currently 22 keyboards at 11 trading posts are flashing stock prices on about one half of the total list of 1 000 securities direct from the floor to the nationwide ticker network-cutting STOCK WATCH SURVEILLANCE KEY TO SELF-REGULATION The new computer capability will broaden the scope and increase the efficiency of the j stock watch and market surveillance programs These activities are key aspects of the Exchange' s broad program of self-regulation keyed to the public's need for fair and orderly markets Stock watch is a system for detecting and Inquiring into unusual price movements or activIty Surveillance programs help assess the depth continuity and orderliness of markets the computers' operation and checking their memory content Also included are two high-speed card readers three card punchers three 1 200livie-per-minute printers and -vcn manetic tape handlers capable of reading and writing up to 60 000 characters per second Storage and recall of information in computer memory will be supplemented by three disc storage units Each disc storage unit will be equipped with a full complement of 16 magnetic discs with a capacity of more than 23 million characters per unit They are capable of reading and writing as many as 83 000 characters per second GE-415 CONFIGURATION The complete 0E-415 computer system being delivered to the Exchange includes two central processors each with a 32 000-word memory and console typewriters for directing Expanded Computer Facilities Arjmnn NatioW LAboratory frtonna Mlinoig 60439 Argonne National Laboratory is extensively enlarging its electronic computer capacity to meet the needs of scientists and engineers conducting research on peaceful uses of atomic energy arrives the Model 50 will serve as its front end It will perform input-output and control functions for the bigger Model 75 The Model 75 using its high speed and large capacity folhandling information will do the actual computation Dr Albert V Crewe Director of Argonne announced that the Laboratory is acquiring two large IBM System 300 digital computers One of the computers a Model 50 already is in operation in Argonne's Applied Mathematics Building The other a larger 1v-del 75 will be installed in June 1967 When both System 360s are in use Argonne will have one of the nation's largest scientific computing systems Operation of the new computers is being directed by Dr Wayne R Cowell Head of the Computing Center and by Clifford G LeVee Computer Operations Manager Mr LeVee said that in addition to conventional computing ability the new complex will have several small nearby consoles for direct Dr J Wallace Givens Director of the Applied Mathematics Division said the new facilities will greatly increase the Laboratory's capitylfor handling and analyzing experamen- use by individual scientists Each scientist will appear to have exclusive use of the system while actually sharing the computers' tremendous speed and memory The two System 360s may tal data 'In addition he said the computers should improve our capabilities for doing research on information processing systems and on mathematical theories of science and engineering tem th reuot stati n any Arsystem with remote stations In many of Argonne's laboratories The new computers will have three types of capacity frhnlnananlznexrin- form the nucleus of a data network and analysis memories for storing data The computers which will cost $4 5 million are being installed at the Argonne Computing Center in the Applied Mathematics Building They will share the Center's big machine room with another large computer a Control Data Corporation Model 3600 which was acquired in 1963 a One consists of banks of hundreds of thousands of tiny magnetic cores This type of memory though limited in capacity because of its high cost is capable of finding wanted data in less than a millionth of a second In most applications this high-speed memory retains informstion that is needed frequently for solving a particular problem such as a program of instructions At the present time the IBM Model 50 is being used to analyze experimental data as a supplement to the 3600 When the Model 75 4 SAnother type of memory operates at an capable of remembering only 512 words sum- amounts of data on the surfaces of magnetic disc This type Is slower because speed memories of capacity several hundred times that of AVIDAC and operate at speeds that its oporatinn Jot ptrtly mechanical however an entire disc can be searched for information in a few thousandths of a second One feature of the IBM System 360 Is that these magnetic discs can be removed from the computer and stored or carried to another IBM computer to be played like phonograph records arc hI-in-cdd a A thi d type of memory is supplemental and has an unlimited capacity for storing information Data are stored on magnetic tape punched paper tape or punched cards When needed this information is read into one of the faster memories much as the playback of an ordinary tape recording At Argonne tapes recorded for the 3600 and System 360 computers will be used interchangeably To permit close man-machine interaction with the IBM computers Argonne has ordered cmuter Argvnnes whhashow or d wthn cthode raM ten cathode ray tube devices which show cotputed information on screens that resemble the screens of televisionpsets television sets lsof Two theededAVIDAC icrees ofll Twothof these vices will be equipped with light pens so that of timer fattrr The Laboratory uses computers in a wide variety of applications-from running an experimental design check on a hypothetical nuclear reactor to determining the chances for survival of an organism exposed to radiation to measuring the billionths-of-a-second lifetimes of man-made subnuclear particles Argonne has been a leader in developing scientific uses of computers--such as systems which provide automatic control of experiments and other systems capable of nuclear particle tracks of bone cells or of fingerprints The IBM System 360 is a solid-state general-purpose computer system designed for commercial scientific communications or control applications The compact system uses micro-miniature circuits instead of electronic tubes or transistors The resulting compactness will mean that the entire Model 50 and 75 installation will use less space than was required by The problem and instructions prepared for Argonne's computers are interchangeable forgonner mputers are Interchangeable among other members of the System 360 family scientists can participate in the computation process by drawing or writing data on the face of the screen Argonne National Laboratory is one of the nation's leading centers for research and development in the peaceful applications of nuclear energy The Laboratory is operated by The University of Chicago for the U S Atomic Energy Commission Argonne's Applied Mathematics Division was one of the first organizations to pursue the development of large-scale scientific computers Yet only 10 years ago the Laboratory's single high-speed digital computer AVIDAC was Naval Rusearch Lab 6050 Computer System ASI CompWue Diviion Electro-MtchanicalResearch Inc Minneapolis Minnesota make Judgments concerning the experimert hW real-time The U S Naval Research Laboratory ' ashington D C has purchased an ADVANCE Series 6050 computer system for acquiring and processing data The system to be supplied by the ASI Computer Division Electro-Mechanical Research Inc Minneapolis will be used online during the p• agress of low-energy nuclearphysics experiments conducted with the Naval Research Laboratory's 75-Mev sector-focusing cyclotron The 6050 System in addition to the central processor magnetic tape unit and CRT includes 8 192 words of memory Input output character channel typewriter paper-tape reader and punch card reader and plotter The 6050 is one of four systems in the ADVANCE Series computer family It is specifically designed for scientific computation on-line systems and real time applications Standard hardware features include integrated monolithic circuitry high-speed memory cycle time floating point 48-bit double-precision arithmetic and three index registers Data gathered will be stored on magnetic tape and results will be displayed on a cathoderay tube display unit CRT The display of data on the CRT will allow the experimenter to 5 IBM 360 67 carm8g 1 W V of Tichraio rutuourg• If'lealuyania 15213 The IRM SAO 67 is sat Idulcd to arrive Carnegie Institute in late December The first three weeks after arrival will be spent in checking out the hardware IBM Custom Engineers will set up the machine test the circuitry components and run hardware acceptance routines IBM has delayed delivery of the IBM TSS 360 until August 15 1967 however Carnegie will begin using the system in January System Programmers working on TSS modules will receive 9 hours of machine time a day and hardware juid system maintainers will receive an additional 5 hours a day Users may use the remaining time They will be able to operate under two distinct systems the standard 360 disc operating system DOS and a TSS simulation package During the spring of 1967 Carnegie hopes to have a preliminary version of TSS 360 working including ALGOL and IPLV During these first lew months Carnegie users are welcome to make use of the system but will be reminded that numerous difficulties arise when using an experimental system Carnegie Tech's IBM 360 67 computer when In full operation August 167 will be run under the IBM time sharing system TSS 360 The basic purpose of TSS 360 is to provide many simultaneous users with conversational access to the computing system however it can also perform background ncnconversational processing By combination of machJne and program features each user appears to have sole possession of the system and he uses the system us if it had a directly accessible main capacity equal to the addressing capability of the system BULK CORE MEMORY F7 7 FST 2 23 1-2 INTERFACEr L --- -- 2361-2 -- 23612 CORE MEMORY 2365-2 2365-2 --- SCENTRAL 206- CONSOLE PROCESSOR MULTIPLEXER PRINTER 2870-1 SELECTOR CHANNEL 295- CH ANNEL COCONTROL ILI S 2702-I 281- UNI DISISCS TERMINAL DATA CELLS REAVR-P NCHTAPES 24032 -----INT-Fig 1 Disc - INDICATES FALLS• SYSTEM Carnegie Institute of Technology System 360 Model 67 December 1966 6 rather than its actual main storage capacity each • narvtwwn •4•1- -_'s V 1- tivity ad the allocation'of machine resources such as CPU time main storage space channels control units anti 4eveces and providc uaage accounting statistics and recovery functions when necessary This is mace possible by the use of dynamic relocation When the computer g oes to access a piece of data or an instruction the computer Jiirdwsre picks up the addresu specified by the user and translates it into an actual address in memory The translation makes use of tables set up by the operating system and a set of as sociative registers Level 2 programs operate in virtual mern- Addresses specified by the user are referred to as being in virtual memory while the actual memory locations are referred to as real memory In Operating System T$S 360 all programs and systems refer to virtual memory addresses except for the resident supervisor which works with real memory addresses IBM operatting system operates on three basicThe levels The resident supervisor operates on Level 1 Level 1 means that the supervisor is resident in core that it operates with real addresses as opposed to virtual memory addresses and that it operat ie in the privilege mode i e it is allowed to use special instruc tlons The supervisor controls the execution of tasks in the system and controls the hardware environment in which they operate The supervisor's basic function is to respond to interruptdons sort them as to type and function and initlate the appropriate routines to respond to V J COMMAND LANGUAGE INTERPRErER LNGUAOE PRAGRM L EVE ory They are time sliced paged in and high speed out of core as necessary and work in the privileged mode Level 2 programs include the task monitor data management routines and the command language interpreter routines The command language interpreter is the interface between user and the system It enables the user to enter mainpulate and control the running of programs and it enables nperators to control the operation of the system The data management facilities control input output devices and provide device-independent operation for system programs and problem programs Level 3 programs operate in virtual mernory They are time sliced paged in and out as required and work in the non-privileged mode Level 3 programs consist of language processore service programs and user written problem programs Examples of language processors are ALGOL FORTRAN and an assembler Most programming done here at Carnegie will be done in the Level 3 mode of operation I TAM 0GM B- ATCHSYST EM ERATO R r DATA CONTROLSY rEM COMMANDS COMM4ANDS MNTOR COMMANDCOINTROL A PRGASDATA E MANAGEMEN LINKEDITOR WRITTEN ANE 0--SV 2 L TASK MONITOR S ER SIf £A RESIDENT SERVICES aN1AUTSTCE j - L 1 OTHER DEVICE-S M LEVL Iu QUEUE SCANNER DISPATCHER 0 R SUPERVISOR SERVICES PROCESSORS Figure 2 Carnegie System 360 Model 67 Time Sharing System Overview 7 Time Sharizu Overgee Link Fard Tschoolal ComPuINng Cnior Fsrd mowoCevPrirwo -Dowtorn KkA rn 45121- The second direct overleasn link in Ford Motor Company ' expanding computer networkfrom Ford of Germany in Cologne to Ford's Technical Computing Center In Dearborn-became fully operational September 1 'We have been operating the time- sharing link off and on for some time to work out equipment and communications problems said William A McConnell director of system research for Ford's Engineering Staff In Soptember however our German engineers were able to work problems routinely and use engi nearing design programs in our library via ou time- ehiring system Fords ime shrin sytemrecmpuer puetw rk tfiseihal tee in ystes lin ed-b listoanestwor the Tpecial Cometputinge bey telephone to ter By teletype Ford engineers in mauy locations can directly access and converse with the Dearborn computers Th s direct user link greatly increases problem-solving accuracy and decreases problem- solving time compared to conventional methods of feeoding problems to F tooa ord' GE 265 SYSTEM computers via data on punch cards or magnetic tr-pe 0 The advantage of bringing the working engineer with a problem large or small into direct communication with our computers in hard to overestimate said Mr McConnell IAs computer specialists we are alwaysl interested in advanced computer applicationis But we feal one of our major contributions to the company at this time Is to make the computer as familiar a tool as the elide rule to Ford engineers everywhere Ford's timle-sharinsg network first reached overseas to Ford of Britain at Basildon England in mid-June British engineers are in direct user contact with the Technical Computing Centinr hour dailyca viaptelephoee tr6husdiyvatlpoe The telephone links which connect the two overseas time-sharing computer terminals to Dearborn each involve five telephone and cable companies plus the Teletype Corporation PHILCO 212 SYSTEM PHILCO 1000 RINGMASTER OCYMCWSMI oacocIII Goow __0000 20 0- - nJWPA ItHILCOSIO Filuref L AS WW212 I51 ii emIiJl7 231 GOOGGO M P P59 C A 1 li PHILCO 10 212 STERINGMATE 1 FodTehncl 8i opuin ene 01 C It took some doing to make the proper arrangements between the various United States and foreign telephone companies in Basildon and Lmoogne salu Ln aries W Mismier manager vi Ford applications 'eocause But of differences computer in equipment and procedu -e the ay gofom ougnerall quite h en A Ford team from Dearborn headed by Benjamin J Cheydleur principal computer actentite coordinated the initial telephone links installed the terminals and briefed engineering personmel on computer usage in Britain and Germany We installed the same United States-made teletype terminals in Britain and Germany that we use in our domestic time-sharing network said Mr Cheydleur because the foreign machines use a different signal frequency however we had to convert our equipment from 60-cycle ac operation to 50-cycle de used in both Britain and Germany Special modulating devices are employed to accommodate line signal differences between British and German telephone transmission versum United States transmission Since its activation early t t year Ford's time-sharing network ham expanded to 57 remote terminals located in key mt computer optrtriaslctdi e englnl points in Dearborn across the United States and now overseas Time-sharing is ac complished by a satellite computer system which can be switched Into a giant Philco 212 computer system when required A second Philco 212 system now being installed will make Ford's Technical Computing Center one of the most powerful if not the most powerful nongovernment computing facilities in the world Similarly the Ford tim esharing operation is one of the largest in private industry Extension of Ford's time-sharing network to overseas subsidiaries has triggered a new computer application breaking the language barrier among Ford's foreign subsidiaries On the thesis that Ford engineers of various nationalities will learn to talk to the computer faster in their own language a jpecial tutor program for beginners Is thus far stored in the computer in German French and Spanish as well as English I F Computers and Centers Overseas S-Two Computer G E C Cowpukn Aukwuafon Wi Wmbh j Midiue En r G E C Computers and Automation announced In November 1960 the S-TWO a powerfui low-cost computer for scientific and process control applications and the second machine in the new G E C S-Range to be announced this year library of mathematical and utility programs Softare will be available when the first S-TWO computers are delivered in mid-1987 The modular memory of S-TWO is expansible from 8 192 to 1 11 072 bytes 4 096 to 65 536 words 16-bits plus parity in blocks of 8 192 bytes 4 096 words S-TWO is the only small computer in which a 65 536-word memory may be directly addressed Featuring multiprogramming and multiprocessing capabilities S-TWO Includes many of the advanced features of S-SEVEN such as the ability to perform several Jobs at virtually the same ine S-TWO festures input output rates of over 5 million bits per second internal me' 1 7y speeds of 900 nanoseconds re-entrant scftw•are for optimized foe eground and background data processing a priority interrupt system identical to S-SEVEN byte organisation of memory and extersive use of monolithic integrated circuits For process control and other real-time applications S-TWO includes an easily managed protection system which prevents the inadvertent destruction of dataorprograms independently programmed input output operations multiple real-time clocks which permit several indeperident programs to have separate time bases and relative priorities and a priority interrupt system which provides for up to 132 external events to be acted upon by the computer in relation to their importance S-TWO may be used as a local or remote satellite processor for S-SEVEN systems it may operafe out of an S-SEVEN memory or may be used as a stand-alone general purpose realtime computer The S-TWO input output interface is identical to S-SEVEN enabling all SRange peripherals to be operated on either machine This peripheral equipment includes analogue and digital input output and operator communication consoles for industrial process control as well as a wide range of devices for general data processing Because of its unique logical organisation S-TWO is the only small computer which can completely change its exvironment from one program to another in 4 microseconds This feature enables general purpose 'background' computing to be carried out without interfering with critical on-line 'foreground' work Designed for multiprocessing several STWO computers can directly share a common memory rather than transferring information through input output channels In this manner large multiprocessors can be designed such as for a communications system in which an STWO could be used as a preliminary input output processor while an S-SEVEN is used as a central processor If a system requires greater capability several S-TWO computers could be coupled to a common memory and is therefore suitable for a wide variety of on-line control applications Because of the use of Integrated circuits a unique organisation and modular design S-TWO is constructed with 70 percent fewer components and has fewer irnterconnections than competitive machines As a result the reliability of S-TWO represents a significant advance A basic S-TWO configuration lncluding paper tape reader and punch and control typewriter will cost about 10 000 Modular programming systems for S-TWO include Basic Control Monitor FORTRAN IV compiler real-time compiler real-time monitor basic and extended assemblers and a All instructions for S-TWO are single word only thereby accommodating larger pro10 it grams in a memory o a given else The B- aMe L 4lum Itie computer also includes n i Sk4 •- accumulator an extended accumulator base om toomIrary -_adress register general p - jýtnrge register and al register j j - - are standard and up to 20 channels can be edIra Two input output systems awe fosatred in S-TWO In the byte-oriented system four input output channels with a combined throughput rate in excess of 600 000 bytsk per second -6 ---- __d 'I I--- _ output system provides for sending and recoivIng 16-bit data or may be used to genelate eontwo 64t W1 Znd InpC aft condillas withut the need of an input output channel S-Range computers will be manufactured by G E C in Coventry under licence to Scientific Data Systems Inc U S A who named the systems Sigma 2 and Sigma 7 S Sews C0oputer Speed Inarewae G Zc Co I I L V A ii The memory cycle time of G 3 C Cornpu ers Automation's S-BEVENscientific and Industrial computer system see DCN October 1906 reduced from 1 2 microseconds to 850 nanoseconds S-SEVEN the first machine in G E C 's new S-Range announced March 1966 is now the only medium-priced computer In Its clue offering nanosecond main memory speeds When announced S-SEVEN represeated the first series based on entirely new design techniques since the IBM 360 microseconds unequalled by any competitive computer Software systems are Integrated with the hardware design to take full advantage Of 8SEVEN's computing potential For example a hierarchy of operating systems permits real time on-line control conversational tUmesharing batch processing and high speed input output to occur all at the same time with complete data protection Compilers available include Fortran IV in excess of ASA specificatHons and PL l both of which can be easily switched between calculator and conversational modes Cobol 65 will be available for general data processing applications At about £200 000 for a typical configuration the S-SEVEN incorporates features normally found only in computers costing £1 million or more The system uses nonolithic Integrated circuits extensively and has exceptional versatility in real time time sharing multiprocessing and multiprogamming applications Individually or In combination To qualify for this role S-SEVEN has the capability of changing its operating environment in 6 The computer known as Sigma 7 In the U S A Is a product of Scientific Data Systems and it being manufactured by O E C in the U K under licence to SDS Deliveries start early next year New Low Co t Mic TAW marmu LA Computer Coo u LiU$iI Ckbuford Euu% Eftlim I - I The development of a new microelectronic computer sufficiently adaptable and low in cost for use In many different types of civil and military automation schemes was announced by The Marconi Company In September 1966 The new machine called Myriad 1I Is a simpler version of the ultra-high speed Myriad I which was the first commercially available Integrated circuit computer and one of the world's most powerful microminature machines Myriad 11 Is an extension to the Marconi range a basic instrument using modular construction tech- niques which can be built up by adding extra units into a compuier with any or all of the Myriad I facilities 11 Already Myriad I id being supplied for a wide variety of applications from controlling Wilasgow's traffic to predicting Sweden's changeable weather Many recently planned military radar and air trafflc control systems employ one or more Myriad Is the computer which caused a storm of interest when it was first introduced at the I A Exhibition 2 years ago 4f Myriad II has been under development since March 1966 and incorporates the same t•Tr% nt nidn mlovnofvwv uff mlwa4mqmna Marconi's new microelectronic computer Myriad l1 was demonstrated for the first time t A • Oct--b--r w• - - - A Asm in Myriad 1 Similar engineering techniques are employed to construct modules which make tho now renmrq• r eP_•y to service and en able additional facilities to be added without expen- Munich Designed for a variety of on-line applications It Is the second in a range of comp-u ere bein produced tri the- B -tttch Compan•y who are also displaying a wide selection of sive modtfications to the basic machine Myriad II is also designed to be compatible with Myriad I in order that any programme written forfrone oemachine mahn can fed into the a beeldit h other te A Over 20 million orders per mninute can be handled by the new computer an indication of its high speed which is so important when it is used as a 'real time' machine Additional equipment such as tape readers tape punches magnetic drums and disc stores can be attached and these too can have almost instant access to the computer provided that the information is of importance This is decided by the priority interrupt system which enables data to be transferred rapidly by interrupting the computer's main programme Autonomous access facilities enable even more rapid data transfers to be executed independently of the main programme products ranging from tiny temperature controlled oscillators to minute microelectronic devices The new computer is contained in a welldesigned desk and two elegant cabinets The control unit is mounted on top of the desk alongside any additional pieces of equipment such as tape readers punches and teletypewriters remarkable devices have proved so reliable that a prototype batch were operated contlnuously for months without a single failure Marconi microelectronic and specialized components were shown by Marconi Messtechnik their West German agents while Myriad II was demonstrated by Controls and the Instruments G m b h who will be offering cornrmnyc e G in s ment puter in systems In Germany The new computer Myriad UI is a compact low cost machine with a 'myriad' of applications in the field of automation It is an extension to the Marconi range which although slower than Myriad I is a basic machine which can be built up by adding extra units into a computer vith most of the Myriad I facilities This allows it to 'grow' as the complexity of any automated process increases new microelectronic circuit called the 'N' element mounted in a transistor car no bigger than a garden pea was viewed for the first time Though basically an amplifier the device can be made into a number of different circuits by simply selecting different external connections It is designed to be compatible with the Micronor 1I computer logic circuits manufactured by Marconi This and the Marconi Myriad logic circuit were also featured at the Electronica Exhibition Part of a display of specialized components included a range of solid-state high-speed switches recently introduced as a replacement for standard electro-mechanical relays These Myriad 1in a parallel computer using a 24bit word and an order code which is in a simple single address form the orders being obeyed sequentially This simplifies operation and gives a choice between several different methods of arranging the main programme Two sizes of store unit are available with either 4 096 or 16 384 24-bit words providing storage capacity up to a maximum of 32 768 The stores are coincident current ferrite core types with a cycle time of 1 5 microseconds and an access time of 0 5 microsecond If required magnetic disc or drum stores with average access times of 85 and 10 milliseconds respectively can be added and a maximum capacity of 2 million words is then available Although Myriad IHis slower than the highly sophisticated Myriad I it Is nevertheless a high speed 'on line' computer with considerable versatility which can handle over 20 million orders per minute Modular construetion techniques have been employed throughout simplifying servicing and the addition of extra facintoles Myriad II is designed to form the heart of complex data-handling systems In industrial process control and all types of traffic control Systems can be grovided for small control centres which can be built up as the degree of automation is increased into a highly sophisticated system as versatile as the Myriad I itself Myriad I will still be more suitable for those applications where the ultimnate in high speed is an important requirement and where rigorous environmental conditions have to be met At the Electronica Exhibition the computer was shown doing simulated processing operations using various types of input and output machines Amongst these was a new integrated medium speed papertape console which combined papertape reader punch and spooler in a single unit 12 I i S Miscellaneous Automated Water Control Ceqm ud Di e of W br R-esow _ Sn • O Caform California State Water Resources Director William E Warne announced the award of a $325 000 contract for installation of a computer system that ultimately will control operation of the CaliforniaAqueduct of the State Water Project The contract with the Sperry Rand Corpora tion's UNIVAC Division calls for installation of a UNIVAC 418 System in the project control room In Sacramento by February 1 1967 The Delta control center will be linked with the control center in Sacramento by telephone microwave facilities This is an entirely new concept in the control and movement of watvr in open conduit Warne said ' The master control center in Sacramento will monitor and schedule the entire system Warne said permitting operation of the Aqueduct on an 'ever-lull' basis When the project is fully developed in 1971 there will be additional control centers at the Oroville Dam San Luis Dam the Tehachapi Pumping Plant and at a location not yet selected in Southern California Initially the computer system will control only the South Bay Aqueduct but ultimately it will operate all the works along the 444-mile California Aqueduct Warne pointed out that thei present control system requires water users to give notice days in advance of changes in the rate of delivery The South Bay Aqueduct beginning next year will be used as a model to develop computer control of the entire State Water Project Never before has automatic remote control been used for an aqueduct even the size of the Under the automated control system of the State Water Project changes in water services of the Aqueduct will be sensed by the computer The water pumps will be turned on and control gates raised to replenish the water diverted from the South Bay Aqueduct canal Control instruments will be installed in the Delta Pumping Plant and at Sacramento to control 22 facilities of the South Bay Aqueduct Rigid pre-planned water delivery schedules as we know them will become a memory Warne said Computer Typesetting Usage La AuVWaa Ca yi fa 90028 During the two years that have elapsed since tt e first CIS Survey was conducted the numbes of computer users in the typesetting application has quickly climbed from 70 to nearly 300 industry firms at least 19 different hardware manufacturers have computers involved in the generation of typographic tape Although the special-purpose computer sparked the commercial birth of computerized typesetting subsequent development has been characterized by a strengthening of both special-and general-purpose computer involvement Like the litho versus letterpress debates A ccording to the latest investigation comnnmterized typesetting installations are now to be found in 42 states and In 18 countries throughout the world It is also of interest to note that 13 the passage of time has served to confirm clearly the fact that there is a definite place for both approaches to typesetting electronics position equipment associated with the installation Two supplements to the Survey list users of the various phototypesetting machines and furnish statistics Indicating distribution by industry segments The new Survey of Computerized Typesetting has been published by Composition Information Services-a 750-member managem ation primarily-concernednaith organization primarily concerned with theentapplication of new technology to graphic arts production problems particularly in the composing room The current study indicates that for the United StaLus and Canada general-purpose computers account for 53 percent of the systerns in use and approximately 57 percent of those on order This gradual increase is largely explained by of the gnerl-prpos continued decrease in the cost sallscae coputrs of small-scale general-purpose computers In addition to listing the names and locations of users according to specific systems the Survey provides a geographical breakdown of all graphic arts organizations using cornputers for typesetting Each entry also ineludes the particular typesetting or photocom- Organizations with an interest in the activities of CIS and the most recent Survey may obtain details by writing to Composition Information Services 1605 North Cahuenga Boulevard Los Angeles California 90028 Automated Violations Records Circuil Cour of Conk ouly G hicago flin In August 1966 the Circuit Court of Cook County declared computerized war on scofflaws In the future said Joseph J McDonough clerk of the court the new IBM computer system will help us crack down on persons who ignore parking tickets Under the new system he said all persono listed on court dockets for moving traffic violations will be screened for delinquent parking tickets Judges will receive computer-prepared lists of persons with overdue tickets Violators will have to pay parking fines before their moving violation cases will be disposed of Parking violators with no moving violations who have failed to pay thr-ir fines will be contacted within 30 days after court date From the Secretary of State reels of magnetic tape containing all auto registration in Illinois-name address and license plate number From the Police Department punched cards on all moving violations vehicle sticker Information and notification of Issuance of tickets From Cook County Circuit Court Clerk's office records data on overdue parking violations and upcoming moving violation cases Now with the computer a daily comparison of moving violation cases on the docket with overdue tickets will permit fast follow-up The old system permitted only an annual follow-up on multiple-parking violators Police had to apprehend the offenders physically-a process involving massive numbers of man-hours and limited only to multiple-offenses Collection of parking fines is one of the biggest headaches in city government today People ignore tickets and some get away with it We believe that when violators know their next ticket for a moving violation will mean mandatory payment of the parking violations they will be more careful Of course lawabiding citizens who either pay parking fines promptly or appear before the due date to contest the tickets have nothing to worry about The system is designed only to catch those who ignore the ticket the due date and their legal responsibilities In addition to its parking ticket watchdog role the IBM System 360 Model 30 will check tickets to insure license plates were not reported stolen City of Chicago stickers are valid and both license plates and stickers were issued to the same person This will encourage timely purchase of both state and city licenses Mr McDonough pointed out Cooperating with Illinois Secretary of State Paul Powell and Chicago Police Superintendent 0 W Wilson Mr McDonough's staff merged these records Court records-keeping has skyrocketed since Mr McDonough became clerk in December 1960 Traffic ticket volume alone has 14 1 doubled-from 1 3 million to more than 2 5 year involving revenue increase from $million 5 to $11a million t mpersonal 2 Validating city and state licenses r and reporting some bu UUU a tControiiing injury cases in the Law divi- We needed a fast large-capacity data processing system he said When IBM announced the advanced System 360 in 1964 we began planning and programming for the system now in effect We are automating not only traffic ticket records but records of all other divisions and departments of the Circuit Court of Cook County sion 4 Auditing all internal accounts in the Court-the world's largest The System 360 is 1 Comparing overdue parking tickets with moving violations cases 5 Processing records for all 132 city and village traffic courts in the county Soon the system will handle some 140 000 cases a year in the Chicago district of the Civil Branch of the Circuit Court In January the mechanized bookkeeping was extended to the Probate Chancery-Divorce County and Law Divisions of the Court Computer Assisted Instruction Fni di h state I 'liv % ity In September 1966 Florida State University officially opened its Computer Assisted Instruction CAI Center This unique new teaching tool--individualized instruction by computer-which has the support of the state private foundations business and industry is the result of a joint venture by the University and International Business Machines Corporation Dr John E Champion president of Florida State University said the use of cornputers in teaching and research may possibly someday be acclaimed the most significant technological contribution to education during this century The CAI Center is an all-University research facility and teaching tool and is available to all members of the faculty It is supported by grants from the University Florida State Department of Education and the U S Office of Education At the opening an IBM representative turned over to Florida State for study a new 1440 computer and related equipment Education IndusW J Deskin manager of try Marketing for IBM told the gathering The work that Florida State has been doing in Computer Assisted Instruction research since 1964 has placed it in the forefront of universities exploring the potential of this newest teaching tool The opening of the CAI Center today is still another major step forward in making the fruits of technology an integral part of the educational process is our obligation to investigate unhesitatingly any technique method device or concept which is potentially capable of improving or Among those present for today's formal opening were State School Supt Floyd Christian and Dr J Broward Culpepper chancellor of the state university system representing the Board of Regents Dr Champion said Florida State entered into the joint agreement with IBM because it extending the teaching-learning process The University president said progress in the CAI venture which has been in experimental use here for two years was due mainly to the zeal and competence of our faculty the benevolent intervention of IBM and the extremely generous professional and financial support of the Florida State Superintendent of Public Instruction He pointed out that School Supt Christian not only supplied funds for the work which he said has great significance for public school education but also has encouraged our work and has more vividly clarified the cornplementary roles of the University and his office Dr Champion in accepting the new equipment for study said We regard it as a tribute that IBM has become our partner in exploring this new educational device This unique university involvement has impressive implications for formal and informal education in its broadest spectrum Educators envision instruction by cornputer as a teaching learning and research tool 15 • at all levels of education from elementary to post graduate and one which can be used _0 Co nsfully with indlviduals ranging from ilDtrat t Chaponr students to absorb more knowlefge at a savlogs in time classroom space and instruction hours tuenteiev computer way 1 That remark by Glenn G Boerrlgter 1 assisted instruction will become a conventional part of our instructional equipment and methodology within the next five years The results of our studies suggest that it can provide a better education for our students through providing supplementary instruction for enrichmeat and by assuming responsibility for instructing students in portions of the content of many of our courses of the U S Office of Bducation's Bureau of Research summed up the feeling of speakers in education government and industry participating today in the formal opening of the Florida State University Computer Assisted Instruction Center CAI Is revolutionary Dr Boerrigter continued it's quite obvious to me that this new technological development will be used in many schools in the 1970's as one mode of instruction He continued 'In a genuine and perhaps Ironical sense we presently regard a machine as potentially enabling the individualization and personalization of instruction on a scale which has never been attainable until now FSU President John E Champon expressed similar feelings at the formal opening ceremonies when he said History will possibly record CAI as the most significant technological contribution to education during this Century Dr Champion pointed out that work with computers has been assisted by the State private foundations the federal government and business and industry It Is our obligation he continued to investigate unhesitatingly any technique method device or concept which is potentially capable of Improving or extending the teaching-learning process Our faculty is mindful of this obligation and quickly recognized the potential benefits of computer assisted instructions to all reaches of education and began its first concerted study of this device in the fall of 1964 To assure high-level and frontier work it is mandatory that the newest and most advanced equipment be freely available to our faculty members President Champion said Otherwise the result of their work will be obsolescent before it is disseminated and their energiee will be dissipated The University must take advantage of all of thes resources to gain the required facilities and it must be ever watchful that Its faculty does not study yesterday's problems because only yesterday's tools are available to them The Center for Computer Assisted Instruction is engaged in the comprehensive investigation of CAI as an instructional system Dr Champion added and as a powerful instrument for conducting fundamental research about the teaching-learning process and the human learning process We are now executing numerous Instructional developments and research projects On the subject of University-business cooperation Deakin said Excellence in education today is a matter of enlightened self interest to every member of the data processing and a thousand other industries How well our schools are performing their job thus is or should be of vital concern to every businessman As a result of research findings to date Dr Champion said we believe that computer assisted instruction will become a conventional part of our instructional equipment and methodology within the next five years Computers da not replace teachers-rather they serve as an electronic intermediary The teacher must first write a program-or set of instructions-which is then stored In the computer's memory Those instructions then control a dialoue between computer and student the pace of which is determined by the student's own abilities If a student encounters difficulty for example the computer may review previous material and much like a human tutor introduce additional material until a concept is firmly grasped CAI promises to enable more In a genuine and perhaps ironical sense we presently regard a machine as potentially enabling the Individuallzation and personalization of instruction on a scale which has never been attainable until now In formally turning over to FSU for study and IBM 1440 computer and related e4ulpment 16 I William 1 Tsesirin It vwnftaý nf Vh 1IU1 V'A - - 4 - 4 k his kill euw tion Indus-y Marketing said the work that Florida State has been doing in CAI research hid current level of achievement and knowledge stnei 198 _ has -placod It in-the -o¢-O Suniversities exploring the potential of this Citi ap• t-he i nstanc •e of A ristotl•e ser In_• P-9 personal tutor to Alexander the Great Dr onwest teaching tool Ft U is In the forefront not only in the Southeast where it io pre-eminent but throughout the United States Speaking of a joint CAI study begun by FSU and IBM in 1964 Mr Delian satd The opportuncty to work withfOU has been an exceptional t umo nstrated by the contribution made here in inquiring into the nature of man's learnInS itself TheCenter Is supported by grants from the University from the Florida State Department of ieduadton and from the U S Office of Education Also speakint at the Center dedication was Dr J Broward Culpepper Chancellor of the State University System For many years he said I have been materials must be refined upgraded and organized Into appropriate sequences If new teachina methods are to have a full impact on the educational processt We are especially interested in the phase of computer assisted instruction repearch which will seek to develop course materials experitmentallyi convincedthat instructional fThe evaluation of available materialse he continued and the production of improved material will I predict enable teachers throughout our educational system to raise their standardsh Mr Floyd T Christian State Superintendent of Public Instruction announced at the ceremonies that he Istapproved continued financial support of the Center which he preditted will become a national mecca for those who share with us concerns for tomorrow and the general betterment within the educational establishment Speakers at an afternoon symposium followIng the opening were Mr William J Deakin Manager of Education Industry Marketing for IBM Dr Patrick Suppes Director of the Center for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences at Stanford University Dr Glenn Boerrigier U S Office of Education and Dr Lawrence Stolurow Director of the Center for Computer Applications at Harvard University Dr Suppes said that long-term goal of education has been 'to tailor the curriculum to the individual Suppes n id the concept of individualized instruction is not new What is new though ia the use of CAI he said as a method of achieving this goal that is at once both effective van economically feasible in a mass society which hascs its goal universal education fore all Dr Suppte said that in atdition to offerIn the possibility of truly individualized instruction for each student CAI also offers a number of benefitsoroebthe t eachers and to educational researchers and curriculum writers What we can hope to do with CAIfwith respect to the teachers he said is to take a great part of routine load off the teacher's back so that he can concentrate on more individualized work with one student at a time Dr Suppes also discussed the Idea that CAI would force the teacher to focus his attention solely on slow learners Brtght children have to be helped out of learning difficulties just a slower children do he said that Is each student is working according to his own pace and at given points in the curriculum needs help and guidance that only the individual teacher can give What the elementary school teacher will not have to do he continued ip to go through many routine tasks that are inevitably a detrement with respect to gavint the maximum attention that she could give to her children Curriculum writers and educational researchers will have available to them through CAI the opportunity to gather data about complex subject matter at a depth that has simply not been possible before Dr Suppes said we are truly on the edge of a scientific revolution in education as CAI makes possible the presentation of curriculum material in an environment where the compgteru'e tremendous information gathering resources can be used effectively to gather data that will permit oa jetive and scientifically deep investigation of learning and the learning difficulties that students have As yet our knowledge of how students learn--how a particular segment of subject matter to processed by students--is very poor Indeed Dr Suppes also described three types of CAI systems individual instruction and drill tutorial and dialogue Ilnstruction and drill is the simplest and most immediate application of CAI he said in teaching ctudents specific skills In tutorial CAI uctensive use is made of recorded speeches in response to a student's work at a computer terminal An ultimate goal in tutorial CAI he said is in development of speech recognition devices which will enable students to talk to the computer directly rather than to type In answers to questions tutions of higher learning to successfully phase CAI into the educational process While we have not yet negotiated a contract he said the Bureau of Research will probably arrive at an understanding with nongovernment personnel such as teachers social psychologists engineers architects and administrators to confer about the implications of Tihe development of CAI to a point where computer assisted instruction true dialogues can be carried on verbally be This will enable the Bureau of Research to tween students and computers-much like TiwileaethBueuoRserho Aristotle and Alexander--is farthest from plan and establish priority areas for the funding ArisotleandAlexnde-is artest romof research and development reality Dr Suppes said but it is something which we should be thinking about now Florida State University's CAI Center is administered by the Institute of Human LearnIng under Dr Russel P Kropp It is an allUniversity research and teaching facility and It is available to all members of the Florida State faculty Dr Duncan Hansen is CAI Director other staf members include Dr Howard Stoker and Dr Walter Dick Dr Frank Benham is IBM consultant at the Center Currently CAI research at FSU has three Dr Stolurow in reviewing his work in CAI emphasized the need for methods of analyzing the teaching process The goal in this he said should be to adapt the teaching environment to the individual student rather than vice versa To achieve this he said it is necessary to determine the student's ability prescribe a course of action and make corrective models of the course of action based upon the student The results of his studies to date Dr Stolurow said convinced him that in CAI we havealrong road ahneadtochiee tre indAIvd w have a long road ahead to achieve true indiridualization of instruction via the computer major objectives research and evaluation through comparison of CAI studies with conventional instructional groups the implementation of CAI as a University instructional technique with programs ranging from nursery school to the post-doctoral level demonstration of instructional capabilities to show the substantive results of studies into CAI potential Dr Boerrigter in his remarks announced that the U S Office of Education is doing preliminary work in launching a project to determine what modifications will have to be made in elementary and secondary schools and insti- The final goal of this research is to study simultaneously the teaching strategies the nature of instructional material the attitudes of students toward the learning process and the interaction of all three of these Computerized Medical Course UilivrnifVt ul Olclahvma A lrliral C'nlrr Uklahsjma CiC Ohlahomu slated instruction CAI material previously put into the computer In September 1966 the nation's first cornputerized medical school course was unveiled by the University of Oklahoma Medical Center CAI has been used at several United States colleges and universities however the Oklahoma medical school is the nation's first graduate facility using CAI in a credit course Dr Edward Brandt director of the university's Medical Center Computer Facility said The first course to be taught using cormputer help is Medical Backgrounds a required course for graduate student enrollees in preventive medicine and public health CAI employs standard IBM equipment and an IBM symbolic programming language Coursewriter This language makes it easier for educators to put course materials into computers He said the Lourse taught by Dr Thomas Lynn continues to be a two-hour course After each two lecture hours however students spend one hour studying the appropriate computer as- Dr Brandt said Our 1401 simultaneously instructs four students sitting at typewriter-like 18 L few commands it could take a teacher uD to 250 hours jo program Just I hour of CAI material Our tochnique called Vocal Programming Involves a minimum of teacher training The profe-ur dictates his materials in general terms into a recorder instead of entering it directly into the computer A highly-trained typist who knows Coursewriter then is responsible for transcribing the material into the exact commands for entry into the 1401 by means of the 1050 terminal Specialists on CAI are available to edit the program for storage in the computer where it is held until called for by students vie said the technique cut the programming time required in the school's first attempt to four hours of professor time for each CAI hour IBM 1050 terminals Eventually we will have ---- cu-r cu-rlcuterminals for as many a_ nt-•-•zlum and enrollment demand Each station will have access to any of the courses within the computer 'We soon will have a larger--capacity computer and currently are transcribing two more courses for CAI with three more being planned Medical Backgrounds a survey course in medical terms and procedures is the first Oklahoma CAI attempt A refinement of CAI technique permitted Dr Lynn to put his course into the 1401 indirectly using dictation equip ment and a highly-trained typist Announcement of the program was made In conjunction with a two-day seminar on Cornputers in Medicine The seminar featured one day each devoted to computers in scientific and research activities and computers in peripheral medical activities such as hospital management and education ýducaMr William Harless manager of -tional applications at the center explained A restriction in using computers for instruction in the past has been the many hours needed to instruct the computer Even with the simplicity of Cours' ewriter which has relatively Mathematical Systems Chart Thr Pernoyhw ai Vlniveiy State Uniterity Path l' e'ujlwunia J 1802 An organizational chart for mathematical systems Is being devised by a computer scientlst at The Pennsylvania State University and meeting these will depend on a basic understanding of the symbols and language of mathematics Much like the periodic chart of chemical elements first developed by Dmitri Mendeleyev in 1869 this chart should organize branches of mathematics into a formal structure stated Dr Preston C Hammer professor of computer science Any kind of language even our own Is built on interrelated symbols Dr Hammer head of the department of computer science at Penn State said Patterns of ink on the pages of a book have no importance undess they represent something to the reader They must form a symbol that has meaning Most of our advertising teaching methods and daily activities are based on symbols he continued Even people become symbols representing their city nation club or the organization that employs them The chart will be a means of formulating a basic framework of mathematics for computer use Mathematics is not general enough now to meet all the demands of computing theory Professor Hammer said One of the fundamental problems troubling computer scientists Is that they cannot predict what people will expect from computers in the future A basic organization of mathematical systems should help make this possible Computers perform F multitude of duties today ranging from translating one language Into another to manipulating models of the United SStates economy to calculating plans for new satellites destined to circle Earth Future demands on these machines will be far greater The language of mathematics is full of syinbole Letters are often used in place of numbers during calculations The language itself symbolically describes certain types of information or structures Computers utilize these descriptions to put the information into a more usable form but computers must work with fundamentals and advanced mathematics is difficult to break down into simple symbolic forms The formal structure of the mathematics chart being devised by Professor Hammer should present very complicated mathematical processes in basic form 19 Then computers may be able to use these proceases as may other areas of scientific researchchemistry phypIrA hllngngy and even astronomy The computer scientist said that basically the chart will show the relationships between objects It will be quite similar in form to the chemical periodic chart but within its organization there will be holes-spaces left for missing pieces since many aspects of mathematics are still unknown Like Mendeleyev Hammer hopes to predict what the missing elements will be like but says that it could take many lifetimes before all of them are discovered Education Information System S •erink lerni o Public In sirurfian Springiflel IIlin n 2 70 p• educational agencies This will insure Illinois' participation in the 13-state Midwestern States Education Information Project coordinating the development and implementation of educational data processing throughout the midwest The state superintendent of public Instruction Mr Ray Page in August announced plans for a computerized statewide education information system affecting all 1 347 school districts in Illinois Superintendent Page said Nearly half of the 2 087 689 public school students in the state are served by some form of data processing system and when our new information system is complete we will help to serve all school districts and students in the State of Illinois The IBM System 360 Model 30 will be the nucleus of the planned information system It will take several months to put the program into full operation Committees have been organized for each of the five reporting sectors pupils personnel finance facilities and educational programs Committee membership includes top educators from local school districts related educational groups and other professions Our aim is to provide instant and accurate reporting on a need-to-know basis Reports vital to local operations will be available from district offices From there information will be summarized and reports forwarded to state regional and federal levels Each agency will receive only those items of information necessary to administer its own educational programs effectively Our system will offer consistent efficient and economic data processing information for analysis on students teachers finances facilities and curricula for both state and federal Experiments in Citation Indexing and Bibliographic Coupling Nativ al Btuireu of Standard % wwh¢•ingto t IO t 2f 2 74 The Office of Standard Reference Data is conducting experiments to gain familiarity with remote on-line access to computers and to explore the use of citation indexing and bibliographic coupling for solving retrieval problems an older paper and to search for papers which have citations in common with another paper The Office has obtained limited access to Project MAC's large computer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology This computer has unexcelled facilities for remote on-line access and contains a large file of bibliographic references from the periodical literature in physics The only file of its kind it is completely computerized and therefore uniquely suited for these experiments The file lists all papers in recent volumes of leading physics journals as well as the literature references cited in them Thus it is possible to search for recent papers citing related subjects although this is not necessarIly true Suppose for example that a scientist wishes to find the latest value for the atomic weight of some element He knows that this was measured some years ago and that it may have been revised since He enters the index with the latest publication on this subject known to him-perhaps 5 or 10 years old-in the hope that the publication of a subsequent revision would reference the previous result This kind of problem occurs frequently in operations such as those of the NSRDS data centers Such sharing of citations bibliographic coupling implies that the papers pertain to 20 Spaper comuuters all over the cnontf V hy i nm using inexpensive general- purpose terminal facilities The technology for doing this is already in existence and may he used h• f•rp lnng for a variety of purposes Remote computer terminals may noon be within easy reach of many scientists and engineers and at that time access to a central computer file of standard reference data is one service which NSRDS should be prepared to offer Other applications of a citation index are preparing bibliographies maintaining awareness of current programs and finding reviews of a or corrections to it These examples nmay sutlice to show that a citation index is not only a useful tool in many scientific undertakings but is also particularly applicable in a system such as NSRDS Studies of long-distance access to computers may result in retrieval of data stored in Mechanized Information System Tl'lr M te S lttui u Ak e'rahal EAngining Phahadelphin Pe tilnT1 111111910 The Moore School of Electrical Engineering University of Pennsylvania has been engaged in research in the field of information retrieval for the past five years All aspects of information retrieval have been examined from the acquisition of technical documents through cataloging indexing and the mechanization of storage and retrieval A mechanized system which was programmed over an 18-month pCriod was put into operation around the first of the year The file includes 1500 documents of the ACM Repository of which the Moore School is custodian computer theses and dissertations and a number of research reports submitted by individual authors The originators of these documents varied extensively Including individuals companies universities government agencies and professional societies They average about 50 pages in length ranging from 1 page to more than 300 They are all related to the software and hardware aspects of the computer field available to him fur deletion and replacement of individual characters entire lines or complete messages Before the information retrieval programs contained in the 7040 computer process the command the operator may at his option request that the command be typed at his remote station All changes that he has made will appear when the command is typed back He may approve the cumniand in which case it will betIrans•nitted from the PDP-5to the larger computer for processing Or he may make additional changes and again elect the option of having the current command reproduced at hin console The language also provides for a short form of the above procedure for use in the case of simple responses to queries from the PDP-5 such as the response YES The current research study is primarily concerned with formal structural classification of recorded technical information and the process by which human users learn to interpret an information system classification plan through real-time on-line search for documents or document descriptions from the mechanized file 1 The user will have direct access to the system via on-line console A number of advanced technical principles and implementation criteria have been developed and serve to guide the project These may be summarized as follows The mechanized system incorporates a 33ASR Teletypewriter connected by a Dataphone to a PDP-5 which is In turn connected through a second interface to an IBM-7040 computer equipped with a 1301 random-access disk The PDP-5 is used for all message buffering format conversion and editing functions The must Iraportant of these is the editing and one of tha first tasks accomplished was the design of an editing language This language allows the searcher to formulate complicated commands on-line in real time at the remote Teletype He has provisions 21 2 In addition to the document catalog and indexing data the system will store a complete description of itself Thus the user will have readily available to him via on-line console an up-to-date description of how the system is organized and how best to search in response to his own specific and immediate neod s 3 The user will be permitted to use an onrestricted search vocabulary It is a feature of the plan that the system will respond to most Index terms word or word plhrases that It has previously encountered even though it operates with a limited authority list or microthesaurus or lexicon of descriptors 4 The user will gain access through any one or more of a large number of entry ports This is equivalent to providing an adaptive manmachine interface by means of which the Indexhl structure adiusts and resounds to the user's current interest profile to search 5 The user will be permitted stochastically through the system This parallels the conventional search t'iruugh Roget's Thesaurus by means of which the user is able to attain the most applicable word from an lnitial approximation by searching through related categories sectitns and or classes e provision for help of the kind that a li- These principles are reflected in the following features of the Moore School mechanized system a capture of search data to expedite study of search strategies in such machinedirected on-line retrieval from a mechanized file brarian gives an individual looking for information such as how the cataloiginw and retrieval system works and what kinds of documents it contains unrestricted search vocabulary with automatic mapping onto the controlled systeem vocabulary transformation tables fur three echelons of index terms transients tree terms anof descriptors and 9 retrieval by on- ne search via remote console including a man-machine dialogue which is directed by the system through sequences of context-dependent machine-generated statements directed dialogue - The system described is sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Contract No AF OSR 49 638 - 1421 and by the Army Research Office-Durham under Contract No DA-31-124-ARO-D- 352 Monitor Data System I 'Pul' et 'lt v Penllh 'imirwi 'hJiid lphia P 'ol The Monitor Data System at the University of Pennsylvania provides a facility for the storage and retrieval of comprehensive technical data on electronic systems equipments and assemblies hovn t I'Ml0 3 Generation of input data for the NASL generalized system performance effectiveness analyzer 4 Storage and retrieval of the details of standardized circuit functions for equipment design In addition to computer-generated information output from the system may include pertinent documentation from the Monitor Data System aperture card file The aperture card file contains microfilm copies of all specifications and drawings which are used as source documents for the information stored digitally Presently under contract to the U S Navy Bureau of Ships immediate and anticipated applications of the Monitor Data System includo the following 1 Management of provisioning records for the Bureau of Ships During the third quarter of 1966 th Monitor Data System was updated from a four-tape IBM 1401 configuration to a random access file in connection with an IBM Systemi 360 model 30 2 Automatic programming of automatic test equipment particularly in connection with the NEL San Diego Assembly Tester 22
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