OUTGOING fELEGRAM RE DISARMAMENl' 1 FONMIN Aiken Ireland called on me this morning to press his idea for international agreement re nontransfer of nuclear weapons 2 In his view agreement at Geneva on controlled test suspension is un- likely due to Soviet resistance to adequate control measures Additionally while he biieves international disarmament IDBY in long run be impoSsible he holds that some form of cooperation on armaments control is possible and he T U 0 '1- this could lead to Pax Atom1ca and enduring stability He believes U S and tBSR recognize they have little to gain from nuclear war and thus stability can be ensured i f nuclear weapons are stabilized i e agreement reached on nontransfer 3 He believes agreement on nontransfer could be obtained from Russians He bases this on two assumptions a Russians do not wish to transfer weapons to CHICOM since this would lead to loss of Russian control over CHIC0M3 and b Russians are terrified over possibility West Germany may acquire nuclear weapons Therefore Aiken argued chance is good that Soviets would welcome public colllll1tment followed by treaty on nontransfer since this would remove their fear of German possession and at same time provide excuse for ref'using requests for weapons from CHICO e and EE satellites 4 Aiken lIIIde clear he l Dcludes France as member atall1c club am be finds it fortunate that Sweden is next in line yet willing to de weapons procluction -- Aiken feels if weapons come into possession of more than present tour w'M nuclear powers control over nuclear weapons will have become impossible J crux of problem is - t M 1I 3t _ _ -1 DECLASSIFIED AUlhorityt t2 'f'1j 'i 5 Thus among nuclear powers not to distribute weapons rurther COlfFmOOIAL CLAoo IP'ICATtON lnapecte4 ce aat1on o OUTGOING fELEGRAM UNITED STA TES MISSION TO THE UNITED NA TIONS DATE CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENrIAL - 2 - Inspected cessation of production for military purposes might be reached s1mul taneously or later 5 Aiken argued that enforcement measures re nontransfer although desirable are not essential since a in his view it would be in Russia ''II' own interest that there be no transfer am b in 8 l1If case no control or inspection system could be devised which could ensure nonpassage of nuclear weapons across SovietChina border 6 Aiken told me he related his views last night to Zorin tl SR who told him his ideas seemed good Aiken finds further basis for his belief tbat Soviets are not antagonistic to his idea from fact that Zorin told him he was glad Aiken had not pushed his RE5 to a vote in First COMrl'E since it would have V precipitated negative positions against@ principle of nontransfer am Zor'i n would have regretted this 7 Aiken told me he presented his views am Zorin' s reaction to them to Noble UK 8 I do not yet know Noble's reaction Fearing that Geneva talks may bog down am in b4l 1ef his idea has merit particularly as SUbject on which agreement at Geneva is poSSible Aiken has postponed his return to IrelaDi am desires present his views to U S GOVT officials particularly those who are opposed Aiken had short talk several weeks ago with Secretary am would welcome opportunity visit washington to discuss with other responsible officers v public in Aiken's views have great appeal am are hard to oppose effect tvely in It would therefore be h1gh1y desirable i f be could be exposed wM 'tOlD ' Washington - favor He has got hold DEWA 340 -- r '3 - influence h1III in our of Proposition which is@real bell ringer in CONFIDDrIAL in enat1t w1 politics CLAoo II'ICATION DECLASSIFIED Authorityf tvO 1'1 1'1 5 tl o OUTGOING 'ELEGRAM UNITED STATES MISSION TO THE UNITED NATIONS DAn CLA IFICATION CONFIDERI'IAL - 3 international politics We should not underest1Ilate it Please advise names of 1ndiv lj uals whom he would do well to see when be goes to Washington DELGA 3lJO LODGE CONFlDlOO'IAL CLA IP CA TION DECLASSIFIED I Authoril 'l 'l t2_'IUH5 I - ---- l fila This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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