Actien hi'etight en 15 September 1316 Digital Rights Ireland Cemmissien Case Language efriie err-re English Parties Applicant Digital Rights Ireland Ireland represented by E ls-IeGarr Selieiter Defendant Eurepean Fei'm eferder senght 'Ihe applieant elaiins that the IEem't sheuld declare that the Appliealien is admissible declare that the ILlemmissien Implementing Deeisien 23115 12343 ef 11 1111320115 pursuant te Directive 911 45 EC ef the Eurepean Parliament and ef the en the adequac efthe preteetjen pres'ided hi the EL- L S- Plitaes Shield 1s a manifest errer ef assessment ha the Cemmissien insefar as it nds an adequate l-Et i el ef preteetien in the LS fer persenal data- eerIcerdant with Dire-mite 9 4d declare that the centested decisien is null and mid and er-Iier the annulment ef the eentested decisien relating te the adeqnaejr ef the pretectien presided hf the Prisaey Shield erder the te the cests ef the Pleas 'In last and main arguments In suppert ef the alien the applieant relies en ten pleas in last - Fi-tst plea in last alleging that the eentested deeisien is net in aceerdance Itith Artiele 13 5 efDirecti'ue 33 45 read the ef Articles 3 and 47 efthe Charter ef Fundamental Rights efthe Eurepean L'nien plea in law alleging that the centested deeisien is net in aceerdance Article- 25th - ef Directive 95 45- read the light ef Afticles 7 -3 and efthe Charter ef Fundamental Rights efthe Eurepean LrIien and the judgment efthe Letu't efjusnee ef the Eurepean Umen In ILase 3452 1-1- Schrems Third plea in late - alleging that the prisacy principles ander the ef cial representaliens and eemnnteients eentained in Annes-es I- te 1ir'll ef the eentested decisien de net censtitute internatienal eemnnteients 1 t itlnn the meaning ef Artiele 251 6 ef Directive 35 415 Feurth plea in later alleging that the pretisiens ef the Fereign Intelligenee Surveillance Aet ef 1973 Amendments Act ef IDDS Amendments Act ef 2333 censtitute IegislatierI pennitting pubic autherities te haste aecess en a generalised hasis te the eerItent ef eIe-etIeni-e and are net cencerdant uith Arliele' ef the IISha-t ter ef Fundamental Rights ef the Eurepean nien Fifth plea in lau alleging that the pretrisiens ef the FISA Amendments Act ef 2W3 censtitute Iegislatien permitting puhlie autherilies te have seeret aceess en a generalised hasis te the centent ef electrenic and are net eeneerdant with Article 47 ef the Charter thdamental Rights ef the Etn'epean L'men plea in late - alleging that failing te fully transpese the pretisiens eentained in Directive 95 45 speei eally Artiele the centested decisien en its faee- fails te adequately ensure that the Eurepean L'm-u-n citizens rights under EU law are full1' previded far 11'here their data is transferred tn the United States ef Amen'ea- Seventh plea 1n la11' alleging that the sentested decisi-en 1s insempatihle 1vith and 3 and Article 3111 ef the ICharter Fundamental Rights at the Eurepean Lni-en Eighth plea in law alleging that ins-afar as the centested dccisien alle11s- er in the altemative fails and has failed te safeguard against indiscn'minate access te electremc cemmumcati-sns h1' fereign la11' enf-sr-cement aud1e1'ities it is invalid as a breach ef the Rights 11f Privac1' Data Preteens-n Freedeni 11f Eapressien and Freedem ef Hssemhlv and hss-seiatien as previded fcIr under the ef Fundamental E1 ef the Ein'epean L'men and h1' the general principles ef EU Law iinth plea in law alleging that ins-afar as the eentested decisien alle11' s- er in the alternative fails and has failed tn safeguard against indiscnminate access te electrenic ecummumcati-ens h1'f11-reignla11 enf-er-senlent audierities- and fails tn previde an adequate ren1ed1' ta EL citizens 11'h11-se pars-anal data is thus accessed it denies the individual the nglit he an Effective Reniedv and the right te- Ge-u-d Administralien centrar1' tn the ef Fundamental Rights and the General Pn'nciples cufELT La11' Tenth plea in 11111 alleging that h1' failing te full1' transpese the 11ng eentained 1n Directive 93 415 specificalh at rticle 14 and 131 the eentested desisi-en en its face- fails td adequatel1' ensure that the Ein'epean Unicnn citizens rights under EU law are full1'prcu1'ided fer 11here their data is transferred tn the United States ef Amen'ea- 1 Directive 93 45 EC ef the Eurepean Parliament and the Cit-11111311 ef 2-1 1995 an the preteine-n ef individuals 111th regard tn the precessing sf pars-anal data and en the free n1-evement ef sueh data 111 1993 231 p 31
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