WlDum DWlD 1 LrffiIDU l3 BlD BVU D Bl3W B f ffiID f Wf D Df f W DID l1aJUJ D EO 1 4 c 'IDATA AND DEFJ ITI NS o o o oo oo oooo oo o oo oo o o o o WHERE WHAT ' o NEW TRENDS IN THE TEACHING OF CRyPTANALySIS' REFLECTIONS ON A TRANSLATORS I CONFERENCE o ' PURITY OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE oo o oooooo ooo o o THE APOSTROPHE SOME THOUGHT'S A LONG HARD LOOK AT THE INTERN PROGRAM PART THREE o Anne Exinterne o oo GUIDESMANSHIP oooooooooooo ooo ooo o oo oooo o oooo GOLDEN OLDIES A MEDAL FOR HORATIUS ooo o ooooo o o o oo oo ooo oo ooo LETTER TO THE EDITOR o o oo ooo ooo ooo oo ooooooo oooooo ooo oooooo ooo ANSWER TO LAST MONTH'S OCTOBER OVERLAP ' o o - - - JWHY 1 1 5 7 10 12 14 15 18 19 20 21 eclassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 '1- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 vl DR Case # 54778 TIllS BOUl lMENT UONTAINS EUROBEWORB Mk'fERlkt DOCID 4009710 Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations VOL I NO 4 NOVEMBER 1974 WILLIAM LUTWINIAK PUBLISHER BOARD OF EDITORS Edi tor in Chief o Doris Miller 5642s COllection oo oo k4410S Cryptanalysis o oo 1 1 32155 5236S Language o o Machine Support o o Special Research P L -------Vera R Filby 7ll9s 332ls Traffic Analysis o William J Jackson Jr 3369s Art Editor I 86-36 DOCID 4009710 j o IF NAMES ARE NOT CORRECT LANGUAGE IS NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TRUTH OF THINGS IF LANGUAGE IS NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TRUTH OF THINGS AFFAIRS CANNOT BE CARRIED ON TO SUCCESS P L 86-36 Analects of Confucius Book 13 Chapter 3 May and Jack aren't the only ones confuse As the scene opens we see May at her desk Oar widely scattered spies tell us that unforwith papers scattered all around her She has two documents directly in front of her which she tunately many people are having the same problem They see two programs run by the same appears to be comparing underlining entries office putting out information on SIGINT ternwith a pencil Enter Jack just as she throws inology and on data standards and they have a down the pencil and groans lot of questions about them Jack Hi y What's the matter the boss Why do we need definitions both for data giving you a hard time standards and for terms and why are they almost No but unless I get this mess cleared May always different up he may be doing that pretty soon I've just got to get the question of Which is really right this definition straightened out He How are the definitions derived says I have to use the right one Once established are they set in conJack What definition What are you doing It's a definition of bearing for this crete with no chance for change May draft paper I'm writing on the new DF system I've looked at the definitions This article attempts to answer these in two general desk dictionaries at the questions and to clear up some of the confusion one here in USSID 412 Annex B and at this one for the Data Element Bearing When glossary definitions and data standard in USSID 414 Annex A Angrily None descriptions differ we cannot answer the quesof them are the same see The one tion Which is right unless we know Right from 414 is more detailed and has record- for what purpose ing instructions and further explanation But the one in 412 has a lot of Generally speaking the standard glossary cross-references to other terms I don't definitions are intended to show the current1y know which one is more accurate or which accepted meanings for t rms within specified I should use in this paper contexts their purpose is to provide for the Jack You got me Can't the offices that writer particularly of instructional or direcissued those documents tell you which to tive documents a uide as to what he can expect use his readers to understand if he uses a partiWould you believe it The same office May cular word ih a particular context and for the put out both of them The NSA Data reader of such documents a ide as to what the Standards office issued both USSIDs and writer presumably meant The glossary in otner they are both supposed to be standards words interprets existing terminology 412 Annex B for target-location terms The data standard definitions have a much and 414 for standard data features I narrower purpose the identification of specijust don't get it Why have they got fic categories' and sub-categories of data to be two Which one is the right one entered into manual or machine files These definitions in most cases could more accurately Curtain descends on a fuming be called descriptions since they describe and May and a perplexed Jack identify the data Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 1 I r DOCID 4009710 Each for its intended purpose is the standard definition and the right one How are the definitions derived en you consider that at least these questions st be answered for every term that goes into a glossary it becomes obvious why glossary _aking is slow work But the function of a glossary at least is generally well understood Now we turn to a data standard--a much less faadliar idea What is a data standard jn fact One definition is A homogeneous set of authoriz representations This is probably more ------------------------------------------ easily understood by watching the development of Here is a typical glossary entry which by a t ical case no particular coincidence happens to be for the term-bearing 1 In OF an indication of the direction from which a target's signal is received expressed by the angle in degrees between a preestablished direction usually true north and the line from the observer to the target Synonymous with line bearing line of bearing line of position target bearing Contrast with azimuth 2 See accuracy study bearing average bearcheck bearing late bearing mean bearin o reciprocal bearing relative bearin search bearing snap bearing true bearing usable bearing wild bearing As you can see the definition as given in para 1 is for the concept of what a bearing is It does not include the method of measuring a bearing the maximum value it may have or how it is recorded--these are not really germane to the definition Under Synonymous with '_1 it deprecates discourages the use of other terms considered less appropriate for formal use in official documents Under Contrast with it cites a term of related but contrasting meaning which the glossary user may consult for further information Paragraph 2 of the entry cites the more specialized terms for which bear is the basic or generic term ---Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009710 How will this be handled The NSA data standardization program is an extension of federal DOD and intelligence community IC standards and uses these standards so far as practicable The criterion of applica bili ty to our work makes it possible to eliminate rather quickly such interesting DOD standards as Salary Scale for Physicians in Leprosariums or Bassinet Counts Those that are needed to satisfy unique cryptologic requirements are developed under the NSA program but not by the Data Standards Center alone Any user or originator of a file or data base can and frequeritly does suggest that a particular type of data needs to be standardized In addition a system of Senior Data Representatives appointed as are the Senior Terminology Representatives exists among other reasons to collect and funnel suet suggestions and comments to the Center for consideration Once such a proposal is made it is subjected to review and analysis by the Data Standards Center the Senior Data Representatives and their subordinate reps within their own organizations and subject matter experts as appropriate Many questions have to be answered Do the data under discussion really require standardization Do they occur widely say in several files or data bases Will the files in which they appear ever need to be merged Do the data belong to only one category of information or can they be broken down into several categories What kind of coding system if any would be best for this data all numeric all alphabetic mixed mnemonic codes arbitrary groups of characters Does an already existing DOD or federal program data standard answer the needs of NSA CSS In some cases it may take several days or even weeks to collect the necessary answers just to decide whether or not a standard is needed for a particular ki nd of data As we have shown above the order of approach in the development of a standard is diametrically opposite to that used in the preparation of glossaries The first step toward creating a data standard is to identify a unique category of information a Data Element and then to describe it in terms suffici ently broad to cover all appropriate applications for its specific delimited sub-categories which are called Data Items Now that we have had a glimpse of both standardization processes let's return to the term that was bothering MaYi' You have seen the glossary definition of bearing here is the one given for the data standard _------- ------'----- DATA ELEMENT Name Bearing Definition The horizontal angle meas ured clockwise in degrees and tenths of degrees from 000 0 degrees through 359 9 degrees from a specific reference point such as true or magnetic north to a second point Code BRNG DATA ITEMS Recording Directions 1 Bearings are recorded as four digits lefno right for degrees and tenths of degrees The decimal point between the third and fourth digits is assumed When Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page p EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009710 notes that bearings are recorded with respect to true north unless otherwise especially indicated information given in the glossary definition and comments on noting bearings taken on magnetic north Because or the uses to which the informa3 If the value of the bearing is less than 100 tiQnl ill be put the definitions in the glossary degrees then the first and possibly the second and and the data standard are and of necessity must third digit will be zero be different As explained at the beginning of the arFURTHER EXPLANATION ticle each for its intended purpose is the 1 The terms bearing and azimuth are used here standard definition and the right one But interchangeably although in navigation bearing custom- even that last statement must be qualified for arily applies to terrestrial objects and azimuth applies to language and types of data change and what was the direction of a point on the celestial sphere from a the right definition for either in 1964 may point on the earth not be correct in 1974 Under the system of 2 In direction finding a recorded bearing or azimuth continuous monitoring and review used by the NDSC in both the Data Standards and SIGINT Teris assumed to be with respect to true north unless minology programs changes or additions to otherwise indicated established data standards or glossaries can always be proposed and if valid incorporated 3 When a bearing or azimuth is reckoned from into the existing directives No document in magnetic north a comments field should indicate the either series is considered to be absolutely bearing or azimuth as being magnetic The date of its finished or set in concrete with no possibiapplicability should also be given lity of change equipment limitations do not permit the recording to tenths of a degree the fourth digit will be zero 2 When half-degree interpretations are reported the fourth digit will be a five As you can see this is a definition or de scription of a category of data The horizonta angle which can be recorded in a file It must include the method of measuring the bearin and its aximum size to make certain that any data referred to as a bearing will have been measured in the same way and to the same limits Separate Recording Directions are needed to ensure the uniformity of bearing entries as to number type and position of digits The Fur ther Explanation differentiates between the meaning of bearing and azimuth shown by Contrast with entries in the glossary definition ASSORTED EDITORIAL NOTES I hope that this brief discussion bas been of help in understanding the differences in approach and results obtained in the two programs The NSA Data Standards Center does not make arbitrary decisions on the meaning of terms or the classification of data rather as in the ancient Chinese teaching it tries to help in determining the correct names for both concepts and data as a first step in assuring that affairs be carried on to success UNCLASSIFIED This month's GoZden OZdie ' MedaZ for Horatius appeared anonymousZy and mysteriousty on our desk in the form of a battered burn copy and we assumed ip was of Zocal origin However the Art Editor has a friend who thinks it originaZZy appeared in Yank and that the author may have been WiZtiam HasZett Upson Now he tells us WeZt it's a good story and we hope Mr Upson wiZZ forgive u8'if he is indeed the author If you do have any ZocaZ items--any sparks from the Agency grind8tone--tucked away in your fiZes Zet us see them The last instalZment of the articZe on the intern program wiZl appear in the December issue We have had a Zot of comment--mostly p o but 80me con--on this 8eries and as soon as it is complete we would be happy to have your reactions written please and wilZ want to publish some of them Address CRYPTOLOG Pl Sorry about that TabZe of Contents mix-up we trust that by now you have aZZ received copies of the October Tab e of Contents and have duZy taped it to the October issue WhiZe you are at it you might Zike to correct the course number on page 14 News from the SchooZ from CA-l05 to CA-015 and the MaryZand Area Code on page 6 the ZitHe teZephone puzzZe from 310 to 301 The articZe on foreign--especiaZZy English--loan words in Russian page 12 of this issue may pose some probZems to readers not famiZiar with the Agency system of transZiteration It wouZd take too tong to expZain it aZZ here but the main thing to remember is that j represents the sound of y so that pZejboj is to be pronotmced playboy and not p tedgebodge Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 o DOCID 4009710 'EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 P L o 86-36 t_---- --_IR04 I EO 1 4 c EO 1 4 d Why 0 NOV 4 w ' v vu w TOP SiCRiT page IWlBeE '1M SellHA' S1lo t911 J i Ir DOCID 4009710 1 4 c P L 86-36 fOPS CR8 iii TOP SEeR 'f EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 6 TOP SiCS lb'dffltE VIA e6fllfl ' elb'dmUS OI LY DOCID 4009710 P L J o TOP SECRET UMIM T' f1R r JDS W Tr-IE IE -eHIN OF eR YPTANALY $IS o w '''''''M 11 IE13 major project currently under way in the Cryptanalysis Department of the National Cryptologic School will change the way cryptanalysts of the future learn their trade Three of the basic cryptanalysis courses will no longer be taught traditionally from the platform in a classroom They are being redeveloped and written over a 3-year period as self-paced instruction courses to be presented in the NSA Learning Centers at Fort Meade Room 2W16S and FANX II Room A2A16B The three courses affected are CA-Oll Survey of Manual Cryptosyste s CA-lOO General Cryptanalysis and CA-120 Survey of Machine Cryptosystems As each of the new self-paced courses is completed it will be made available in the NSA Learning Centers Students will do their studying in the Centers working when they feel like working and proceeding at heir own pace Some parts of these courses make use of multi-media equipment--TV slide projectors and audiotapes All courses will be available in written form but often the student will be able to choose his own medium The instructor's role will be to give individual assistance upon request The project to self-pace these courses is halfway into its second year One course CA-lOS Introduction to Cryptography and Exploitation of Manual Cryptosystems has already been completed and will be offered soon in the Fort Meade Learning Center A second course CA-l07 Exploitation of Manual Cryptosystems is being wrltten now and is scheduled for July 1975 completion The final two courses CA-12l and CA-122 Hagelin and Wired Wheels will be written between July 1975 and July 1976 Along with self-pacing the basic courses the entire cryptanalysis curriculum has been reorganized to show exactly what type of student and job each course is designed to satisfy There are three levels distinguished by the first digit of the course d signator The 000 level consists of Background Courses designed for students who do not do any cryptanalysis in their jobs The 100 level consists of Basic Courses designed for students who perform cryptanalysis as all or part of their jobs Courses at the 200 level or above are Advanced Courses designed for students whose job is cryptanalysis The newly-developed self-paced courses are in the 100 level Basic Courses L 86-36 Background One of the oldest cryptanalysis courses listed in the current NCS Catalog is CA-Oll Survey of Manual Cryptosystems Until about 1966 this course was taken by everyone who wanted to learn about cryptanalysis--aspiring cryptanalysts linguists traffic analysts reporters and engineers--a most heterogeneous group It was a 3-week full-time course covering cryptography and simple analysis of manual cryptosystems When CA-lOO General Cryptanalysis was written in 1966 all of CA-Oll was incorporated into it and a considerable amount of npw mQ p _ ial analvsis and theory was added I In addition to the problems with course content there were teaching problems as well The annual heavy student loads for these popular basic courses consumed a disproportionate amount of instructor time Typically 71 per cent of the cryptanalysis instructors spent most or all of their time on these 3 courses This left no time--or energy--to do research and to develop new courses especially some urgently needed to train the analysts who neeclmultiple disciplines to work on today's compl x problems Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 TOP SECRET UM8 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009710 fOP SECRET UA18M Self-paced Courses The decision to self-pace some of the basic CA courses was made in order to deal with such problems It provides the opportunity to make many improvements to modernize the contents of the courses and to arrange them in a sequence designed to build up knowledges and skills pro gtessively Self-paced courses insure that everyone gets the same basic information a boon to teachers of advanced courses who must often reteach what should have been learned in a prerequisite course but was not They also mean an end to the wildly heterogeneous classes which are so frustrating to students and teachers alike Important revisions in course content will also result I These are just a few of the changes brought about by the self-pacing project Basic Courses The courses being redeveloped as self paced courses are among the basic ones--those taken by anyone who performs cryptanalysis as all or part of his job The first three listed replace CA-Oll and CA-IOO and must be taken in sequence They are prerequisites for all other basic and all advanced courses Equivalency exams will be available eventually for all these courses A student who passes an equivalency exam is given credit for the course with a grade of P Pass Equivalency exams may be taken only once Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 TOP SECRET UMBRA EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009710 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 TOP SECRET UMBRA As the three-year project for writing some self-paced cryptanalysis courses progresses estimated completion by 1 July 1976 course development will begin to be concentrated on specialized and advanced courses Two specialized courses at the basic level are already being planned and writing on one of them will begin soon a course in cryptanalytic documentation including record keeping and report writing Another course to teach APL programming with simple CA applications is also planned The Cryptanalysis Department of NCS E13 welcomes questions about any of these courses or suggestions for new ones Readers may call 8025 or visit the Department in Room A2A32B FANX II P I SiEURRET IBR Note For a more detailed explanation of th'e self-paced method see Self-Paced Instruction The Future is Now by Richard Atkinson in the August '74 issue Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 TOP SECIEf UMBRA t 4009710 DOCID It I18nil TRANSLATORS' CONFERENCE fj rom 4 to 10 August 1974 I was pnV1'leged to attend a workshop and seminar lof the American Translators Association -' ATA held on a wooded campus in the beautiful area of Monterey California It took little acclimatization for me to realize that I was in an environment away from government Not that I was able to forget my governmental origins and loyalties Quite the contrary At almost every turn I was keenly aware that here was a group of like-minded persons united in a common profession yet guided and controlled somewhat mysteriously by almost totally disparate professional purposes There were free-lance translators translators of religious and liturgical literature from the Mormon Church the Church of God and the Wycliffe Society professors and teachers and computer-oriented linguists especially the Mormons We federal employees were a small minority --only two of us--and undoubtedly very much on the sidelines as far as the conference's ability to understand and help us was concerned The more we all communicated with each other the more I developed a strong sense of my own mission For my part I was highly motivated to receive something of value from the proceedings something that would have meaning for the job back horne After all this wasn't exactly a vacation for me the Agency had given me a week of administrative leave and $120 tuition for which I obviously owed something to somebody Of the various workshops that were offered I enrolled in the one in German the language in which I hold a Master's degree but for which by some strange anomaly the Government has never seen fit to use me The novelty and special value of this particular workshop in contrast to the others in Spanish and French was its emphasis upon translation speed Strange but in my school days a generation ago there had been little thought in our classroom recitations of trying to beat the clock And as far as assignments on my job are concerned the onl translation speed requirements ever placed upon me were in terms of the quantity of material desired quotas or of having a product reach the user before a specified deadline timeliness Any unusual success which may have been achieve in this respect was primarily the result of devotion to duty and to a far lesser degree to a capability to perform at some high speed level Nov 74 '----- _-_ __ _ ----_ - 1 I No one woul want to suggest that the primary emphasis in translation should be placed upon quantity and speed rather than quality on the other hand my attendance at the German workshop jolted me into the belief that perhaps much more could be done for the Agency's translators to improve their skill in speed translation In this workshop I was witness to some phenomenal performances and we were given some useful tips on how this skill could be developed and vastly improved with practice It might be of interest in this connection that certain job advertisements I have seen recently for federal translators call for an ability to perform fast accurate written translations of scientific and technical material My primary aim in attending the conference had been to deepen my knowledge about the theory of translation--to acquire basic linguistic principles which would aid the translator in his task This kind of orientation is essential not only for practicing translators but even more especially for linguists who are called upon to guide evaluate and assist the translation process on the broader working levels The conference did not disappoint me in this respect Professor Etilvia Arjona of the Spanish workshop perhaps the main theoretician of the staff distributed a handout entitled Analysis of the Translation Text The main thesis of this paper was The first task which a translator should undertake is that of carrying out a semantic and stylistic analysis of the sourcelanguage text in order to ascertain the message which the author presents In order to do this a complete reading of the text should be carried out This was a valuable piece of advice I thought A translator will frequently plunge into the beginning of a text without taking the time to make a preliminary survey of certain fundamental facts about the form and content of the text as a whole Translation is not merely the finding of a word in one language with a meaning which is like that of a word of another language It also involves recognizing the constructions the idioms the style of speech etc peCUliar to the source language in order that a smooth transition can be made into the kind of verbal expression which will have the same impact as the original Professor Arjona elaborated on three levels of preliminary lin guistic analysis message and content syntax and lexicon CRYPTOLOG Page 10 P L 86-36 DOClD 4009710 Many of the speeches of the seminar focused About half of the time of the conference was allotted to a seminar consisting of speeches on the subject of the professional status of the translator and fair remuneration for his servi and group discussions on translation Vernon ces According to ATA's code of ethical pracLynn Tyler Associate Director of the Language tices and professional rights it is the duty of Research Center of Brigham Young University acquainted us with the computer-assisted trans- every translator to seek or accept no work on lation activities of BYU These relate special- terms that are humiliating to him or to the proly to the goals of intercultural col1llllUil ication ' fession Because many of the translators at a new and developing field and include research the conference especially the free-lancers and the professors were obviously sensitive to this on making possible the translation of signifiproblem a number of interesting facts about the cant materials both standard and fugitive non-published or little known not as yet acces rewards of being a translator came to light sible to the majority of potential users Multi Many professional translators are unhappy lingual translation is therefore one of BYU's about the fact that price and not quality major concerns One of Mr Tyler I s suggestions in frequently seems to be the criterion used to connection with his computer work is Why not assess a scientific translation Federal agenput a dictionary on a mini-calculator In I cies often award large translation contracts to theory he said there is no reason why it can't the lowest bidders as Iowa rate as $13 24 per be done Ideally such a dictionary should feathousand words was cited and not necessarily ture certain flexibilities for example the to the best qualified translators Consequently ability to serve different types of textual mawell-qualified professional translators tend to terial by representing various vocabularies I seek other types of employment and only such accessible through grids According to Mr Tylnr persons as have no idea whatsoever either of the gadget if developed might even turn out to science or translation offer themselves to do a be a best seller job This exercise of a false economy results Dr Esther Matteson of Wycliffe Bible Trans in the production of poor-quality translations lators addressed the conference on the pitfall which are difficult and time-consuming for proof overtranslating terms through substituting fessional users to read and try to comprehend the specific for the generic e g dime for Andrew Habberton in his speech entitled Trans coin and undertranslating through substitutlation for Industry reported that a free-lance ing the generic for the specific coin for translator DUJst translate between 2500 and 3000 dime She treated the problem from the stand words per day at $20 per thousand words in order point of Harold C Conklin's notion of an into make even a modest living about $15 000 per clusive and exclusive hierarchy of terminology year also called folk taxonomy an orderly classi In conclusion one particular point defication of the generic and specific levels The serves emphasis Translators are increasingly whole subject has great significance not only taking notice of the progress made in linguistic for translation but also for lexicography in science and scientific linguists are increasits handling of various folk taxonomies In the ingly applying themselves to translation as a case of folk botany for example Conklin in his worthwhile subject of investigation Such a article on Lexicographical Treatment of Folk viable unity of theory and practice has not alTaxonomies maintains that a local system of ways existed but is essential for the advanceplant classification cannot be described accument of the field of translation The profes ate y by at emptin g to obtain only ernacular sional stimulation provided by a conference such equ1valents for botan1cally recogn1zed species as I attended is the kind of experience that Translation labels glosses ar frequently nec- every translator needs from time to time in essary but they should be considered neither as ' order to contribute effectively to the vast definitions nor as exact equivalents He fore- amount of work which remains to be done sees the time when bilingual dictionaries will have far more sophisticated systems perhaps UNCLASSIFIED through coding for marking entries as to their status as lexical units Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 DOC I D ' crcr97TU I I EC' ona RUSSIAN SlAVO HILE 'Is W t fWlF re is a war going on in the Soviet Union It is a cold war which has been in progress for a couple of centuries The war is the culmination of the tide of western terminological varvarizm which has been creeping into the Russian language since the time of Peter the Great whose praktika it was to borrow Dutch and German technological terminology The war against the infiltratsiya of western terminy into the Russian languagefinds the defenders of the purity of the Russian language taking up sides against the westernizers who advocate the adoption of certain western terminology Much to the chagrin of the slavophiles the westernizers are gaining substantially It is highly unlikely however that the word count of western borrowings in Russian will exceed the number of words of purely Slavic origin but the situatsiya is nevertheless alarming to many linguists The praktika of infiltratsiya and eska1atsiya of western terminy in the Russian language has created an absurdnaya situatsiya It is the realizatsiya of this problema with which this artikul is concerned The roots of western varvarizm in the Russian language can be traced back to Peter the Great and Empress Catherine the Great Czar Peter borrowed Dutch naval technology and other Dutch modernisms During Catherine's reign both French and German gained considerable usage among the upper circles of society The 19th century saw an influx of borrowings which found usage in ar society literatura and other areas of kul'tura It was at this time that Russian ballerinas were doing piruety during 1 ej tmot ivy much to the delight of the diletanty Borrowings from the west also penetrated military life in the 19th centul'Y In the divizii and brig dy of the armiya there were ranks such as marshal general and lejtenant The kombatanty of a diviziya would likely participate in a rejd Today an agent which is largely responsible for the proliferation of this practice is the Soviet press The korrespondent of the byuro of many a gazeta and zhurnal is likely to be called to a ' ress- konferentsiya or brifin2 given by the sekretar' of the State Departament Kissinger relating to SovietAmerican detant or to a provoCeKpeTapb katsiya or konfrontatsiya in the Middle East It might be protokol for the press-korrespondent attending the miting to write up a memorandum so as to later put out a pressreliz Of course the coverage of the press-konferentsiya would probably be another example of American propaganda or agi tatsiya The Soviet mass-media might also informirovat ' the publika on the vizit of a foreign delegat or on the provizii of a new pact or ekonomicheskij plan Nikolaj T Fedorenko editor of the magazine Inostrannaya literatura Foreign Literature has allied himself with the Slavophile purists Fedorenko not only fears that the wholesale and indiscreet borrowings from English and other foreign languages will allow weeds of barbarism to grow in the rich soil of the Russian tongue but that Soviet intellektualy might assume a pro-Western snobbishness The purists lament that this practice implies a poverty in the Russian language The problem must be given serious attention by the scientific instituty in the USSR according to Fedorenko and his cohorts in order to curb the uncontrolled borrowing of western terms Fedorenko and other purists of the Russian language are distraught at the intrusion of latinized borrowings which appear in dictionaries such as Novye slova znacheniya New Words and Meanings compiled by Butarova Kotelova il This particular work includes such fingernail screechers as diskomfort kaza-nova pamflet bestseller and many many others Nov 74 o CRYPTOLOG o Page 12 The purists have yielded the right-ofway to scientific and technical terminology on the grounds that science has its own international language A kandidat of fizika might develop a certain apparat in a laboratoriya and become a dizajner of an atomnyj reaktor A chemistry ekspert in the laboratoriya is likely to be found employinR a certain AnnapaT metod or fenomen in which he might transformirovat' a khimicheskij kompaund into an aspirin or some type of immunizatsiya Space technology understandably hosts many western terms such as orbita raketa indikator illyuminator' ' and many others Around the house one might find an elektricheskij mikser a ventilyator teflon pans lampy orIon clothing and televizory A few examples of the many scientific and technical terms in Russian which are phonetically similar in English are traktor operator kibernetika matematika akkumulyator storage battery ajsberg korroziya and mikroskop In the world of ekonomika the Soviets have begun to strengthen their import-eksport biznes While buying on kredi t they know that a byudzhet and a balans must be observed in order to avoid a financial krizis The eskalatsiya of borrowing appears to run in periods during which the influx of western terminology is greater than at other times Prior to the 1960's borrowing of westernisms was relatively moderate The increased technological advances of the sixties were to a great extent the major source of the more recent borrowings The rapprochement between the United States and the Soviet Union in the late 1950' s is also responsible for many of the borrowings of western influence particularly in sports and the arts From the numerous US-USSR athletic competitions of the last 15 years came words like fotofinish dzyudo pingpong olimpiets batterflyaist boks resling match ' and volejbol Soviet sports fans enjoy going to the stadion lL3lOA0 to watch a chempionat of j futbol soccer A goalie in soccer is called a stopper in Russian Although there is no bejsbol or sorfing in the Soviet Union khokkej tennis' ' and basketbol are quite popular At a basketbol game in a sportivny kompleks fans watch their favorite team dribling and pressing An o interesting new sports term in the XOKKeH Russian language is polufinalist semifinalist -- polu the ussian prefix meaning half and the word finalist from English The late Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev also did his thing for the westernizers' cause After Nikita made the Russians and the world aware of Disneyland in California Uolt Diznej became a common name among Soviet children Moreover Nikita's love for the American hot dog was so great that he decided to take the idea back to the Soviet Union There is an apocryphal story that the Russians erroneously rendered the name ' - Ii r h d sobaka whl ch literally means an excited lOT lLor bitch As would be expected the furtive glances red-faced snickering and outright laughing forced the venders to change the name to khot dog - - In a Soviet restoran affectionately called a Pectopah by American tourists who read the Cyrillic PECTOPAH as Latin letters one can dine on sup or bul'yon salat kot leta bifshteks and makaroni Before receiving the chek the diner might have dessert and a cup of kofe with krem and a lump of tsukor l Other popular foods are 'j jogurt koka-kola pepsikola and chipsy British-style french fries In going to a kheppening something less istebIishment Soviet youths might take a mototsikl or MOT KJI sportivnyj avtomobil' or if necessary an avtobus trollejbus or taksi For fun on the uikend Soviet youths go to the kinoteatr to see a vestern or to a shou or myuzikl Another kheppening place for the Soviet young-at-heart is the klub kafe or bar where from a barmen or a barmensha one can get a koktejl dzhin end tonik or viskj end uoter and listen to a bitgruppa play pop-muzyka dzhaz or rok-n-roll The kalipso val's cha-cha-cha and samba are not popular amon2 Soviet youths since the tvist shej k shake bugi-vugi Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 OdCIO 4009710 and khali-gali hully-gully are the latest thing The Soviet plejboj might wear dzhinsy pants a kovbojka or gollivudka Holl ood shirt a zhaket or a blejzer A I 'mo naya gerl _mi ht wear a mokher _ lter a pulover or a miniskyort and splash on a dash or two of odekolon The miniyubka -- yubka from Russian for skirt --is pl'lrt of the MHIDII06Ka minimoda On a tranzistor one can hear the bittlz 2 or monkiz BllTTJI3 sing Bejbi bejbi bejbi Modnye diski can be purchased at a rekord magazin 3 American khippi bitniki and khuligany smoke sigarety and marikhuana go to see the striptiz shou or seks-fil'm' and speak their own form of sleng Literary criticism also bears the marks of western linguistic influence much to Mr Fedorenko's displeasure In reference to the phrase metodologicheskaya konseptsiya esteticheskogo progressa the methodological conception of esthetic progress Fedorenko cries out 00 we require a Russian translation of this Distraught by such tongue-twisting horrors Fedorenko pointed out that in the 1950's a special glossary of literary terms consisting of 450 words of foreign influence had to be compiled for high school students 4 As is alarmingly evident the permutations in modern Russian slang and scientific and technical terminology are endless The language is becoming drenched with western influences and the future only appears to be bleak for Fedorenko and his followers The Slavophiles in their plight suggest as an alternative the promotion of work of the Russian Language Institute and increased influence of the magazine Russkaya rech' Russian Speech Who will win the struggle Onli tajm uil tel FOOTNOTES 1 A Ukrainian word but used frequently in Russian 2 The word bittlz assumes par digmatic changes BHTT 30B etc 3 Magazin from French for shop store 4 Smith Hedrick Russian Deplores Linguistic 'Barbarism '''The New York Times 20 February 1974 TlfE APOSTROPHE SOME THOUGHT'S apo tIl ophe -i h no IOOndeJI i h a ph oblem Fl'Jr oll e thing theJr U thJtu thA ng thtLt can CI1l Uoe the pILObl em - a ctuaU y theJtu OUlt ll etlUy One iA the a po tJr ophe illJeJ 6 AYtothe r iA nlwr a t6 a nd a tfWui iA po e6 ive ' o The oUltth iA u u the pluJta t o the letteJr tha t iA which we l4JiU peU u u to a vo id a po tJt cphe' o lJle the PILOblem iA that the a po - tIl ophe iA UlJed 0Il too manll uncti o ' One to how the ptwr a1 o % It a bbJr ev iA Uon Foil example if 1I0U aw MSTS wUhout % It a po tJt cphe fOU 1OOu14 th ink U meant IU li t oJLIi Sea T pOll - tILUon SeJr v ic e but U m iqkt Il ea tll mean Mtvtl ta nd state TMOPeJr ' AnotheJr UlJe iA 0Il po u ive' wh ic h l4JiU be cLU ClUl ed undeJr u u a rr d t iU a notheJt iA 0It c ontJutcti on' which ma y Oil ma y not involve u u ' ThUlJ we can ee tha t the cUU icuU f wUh the a po tJt cphe iA U' 6 a mb-iquU f The loq-Uai M tut ion to th i1J lOOuld be to ha ve 000 IIIaIIiu 06 punc tuaUon one 601l POll ull ive' II a nd the otheJr 601l UlJU' 06 the a po tJt cphe A betteJt llo tut ion would be to do awt1 IJ wLth U a1 togetheJt a 6teJt a U GeIunan dount UlJe U 601l U'l POl 4U ivU Thue uggut io howeveJr tVle imp1t t% c ti c a 6 irr c e -0e GPO Style Manual ha l' 0 nly ll ec e n ttY beell Il u uued a nd U would be veJr y exp ive to Jr e pu bWh U to incoll poJr a te th iA implLOvement in EngWh punctuation a rr d in a YUj c a lle tyte mc uwa t 6 a nd g tVle exc u ive ty c oll 6eJr - va ti ve Now all 601l U 6U Ba 6 ic a Uy theJte tVle a1 toge theJr too manlj 06 them in the EngWh ta nguage Ac c oJt d irr g to L V C4Ui ma h0'lt 61l eqUellC y count da t a theJte tVle IIIOll e u u than % ItYthA ng We exc ept u tll all Il 6 a nd And a h igh pILOpo r tum 06 the time u u come a t the end 06 a WOM wheJte a h igh pILOpoJt t ion 06 a poltt1r ophe' 6 tVle ai llo to be 60und wh ic h a ddll to the con6Ull ion The Il eallon 601l th 4 iA tha t they tVle the 6 ign 601l the pl uJr a1 601l the polt u ive all noted a bovel a nd 601l the tfWui peJr llon ingultVl wh ic h % ItotheJr pILOblem wLth which th iA tVLt icl e l4JiU not deal wUhl Since eveJtlj a nal 1j tIJte poJt teJt ha l to ma rr ipula te a poll tJt cphu' U iA a pplLOplLiate 601l CRYPTOLOG wh ic h iA intellded 601l a nal y 6t' II ed i6 icJiti on to 066eJr gu1 dance on th iA matteJt in the inte Jr ut 06 betteJt 6t1j e in OUlt pItOduc t The edUoll 'll 6 irr c eJr e ty hope tha t th i ll cLU ClUl io n ha l be ell he tp6ul MO 6Jr e a deJt p ealle be ex tJut c tVI e6ul a bout c oltlLe c t punc t w1tion Vt aJL'ti cl e Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 DOCID 4009710 l ALONG HARD LOOK AT 1 E Intern rogram recentlY PART TIiREE MOTIVATION AND MORALE this is not the career they were meant for However Pete and Susie his unliberated college sweetheart who was a philosophy major and is now a housewife have two children healthy car and mortgage payments and have grown to love their Bankamericard Their life style is based on Pete's GG-II salary so Pete has reluctantly accepted the fact that he will be at the Agency for the next 23 years Mike and Eleanor on the other hand in spite of similar family and financial obligations agreed that they could cope with a salary cut so Mike began looking for another job He quickly discovered that seven virtually blank years on a resume form at a very respectable salary do not do much to arouse the interest of prospective employers As I mentioned under Recruitment since He also discovered that people are a little prospective employees can be told little about reluctant to hire someone who would be taking a the Agency's work the burden is on the Agency salary cut to work for them especially if even to do more to identify potential employees who with that cut he would still be making more not only have an aptitude for the type of anathan they usually pay a new employee As a relytical work done here but are likely to have an sult Pete and Mike's car pool will probably interest in that work stay intact for the next 23 years and they will perform their duties in an acceptable if not an No selection system is going to be totally exceptional manner accurate however so it is also important for There is a tendency to think that if an emthe Agency and the new employees to view the first several years on tJie job as a trial period ployee who has talked about resigning can be during which both Agency and employee can judge persuaded to stay the employer has scored a victory In reality he may have suffered a defeat if they will make a good team because he has simply managed to retain a body In the recent past the Agency's attitude but not a mind particularly where college hires were concerned was to treat this not as a trial period but as Assuming however that the employee is a time during which recruits should be wooed and interested he still needs to feel that his won and persuaded to pledge their fealty This contribution is a necessary one Unfortunately wooing in the case of the early interns took it has seemed to me and many of my intern conthe form of two promotions in three years the temporaries that relatively few Agency employees possibility of an overseas tour and a wide have this feeling of making a needed contribuvariety of courses paid for by the Agency While tion It should be recognized that interns do such benefits as these may lower the attrition not limit their observations to analytical techrate I think the goal is achieved in an unniques and that as they tour the Agency they healthy way are exposed to more of the bad--as well as the good--than the average Agency employee For The front loading of benefits is likely example if a new hire comes in and spends three to keep people here not because they are sin cerely interested in an Agency career but simply years in an office where several people are blatantly unemployed he may think his office is because they cannot afford to resign To use two hypothetical interns as examples Pete Pine exceptional But if he becomes an intern and observes that most of the offices he tours and Mike Miller are both 28 have worked at the have such employees he begins to realize that Agency for 7 years and have now decided that saw a company ad headed Professionalism More than an Education More than Experience More than Training It's a State of Mind The intern program has concentrated on education experience and training but has not really attempted to develop a professional state of mind in the interns This is not an objective that can be easily achieved but the factors needed to produce it would probably be the same factors needed to produce a highly motivated work force with good morale anywhere namely interest in the field a sense that your contribution is a necessary one some recognition by others and a reasonable expectation of personal advancement Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 I DOCID 4009710 a certain percentage of the work force is being carried on the efforts of co-workers and is suffering no ill effects from it Some of these people simply coexist with the group in some cases they work on studies which no one ever expects them to complete in other cases even their co-workers do not know what they do He also notices that people in higher grades--GG-13 and above--seem to be engaged in a continuous game of Musical Chairs and those left standing when the music stops will probably be assigned to a staff position with vaguely defined duties or given responsibility for a low priority problem or made deputy to someone who operates very effectively without a deputy To see capable people shuffled in and out of positions of responsibility seemingly just because there are more people than jobs has a very damaging effect on young employees The lesson it teaches is that even if you do attain a grade level that suggests a position of considerable responsibility you may have to be satisfied to alternate such assignments with periods of standing on the sidelines The under-utilization of employees at this grade level cannot help damaging morale decreasing effectiveness and encouraging a patronage system What I am saying in short is that interns are often placed in an atmosphere of boredom and defeatism Even worse their own OJT assignments may foster the same attitude in them It is rare for a supervisor to decline an offer of an intern he will usually accept one even if he has little work for him Eventually experience teaches the intern that mentioning a shortage of work is likely to result in a special project--seemingly devised simply to keep him out of mischief--or in a clerical assignment As a result while highly motivated interns may look for their own special projects which can result in a product of value for both the intern and the area to which he is assigned the less highly motivated are likely to redirect their energy and imagination into other channels One intern deliberately prolonged an assignment where she was only employed for a few hours a day and began taking the additional courses she needed for admission to medical school using most of the work day for studying With a little help from NSA she is now a doctor Some become professional students here at the Agency One intern graduate accepted what was essentially a full-time logging job because she was moonlighting and wanted to conserve her energy for her second job A current intern spends a portion of his working day running down leads for new clients for his many enterprises delivering orders and displaying wares I am amazed by the way at the number of Agency employees ho hold second jobs and am convinced that some stay here simply because of the contacts the Agency supplies for their products and servicesJ There is a variety of things the Agency can do to instill in each employee a feeling that he is being relied on to make a meaningful contribution and thus replace the atmosphere of defeatism with one of enthusiasm The first step is for managers to recognize that the Agency asa whole is not understaffed but overstaffed Didn't the recent utilization surveys give some hint of this I suspect that NSA is not too different from other government agencies and large corporations in this respect but I do think that the existence of the condition and its negative effect on morale should be recognized Another step is to make sure that new workers know how what they are doing fits in with the Agency's mission and to make them feel that they are being relied on During the two years I was on one job I used only 8 hours of sick leave partly because of a sense of urgency that pervaded that area and partly because I realized that no one would do my work if I wasn't there Then I was assigned to an area whose operation as it was being directed seemed divorced from the rest of the Agency The managers did not seem interested in what they could be doing to produce a better product but merely in bookkeeping procedures to account for the number of papers processed one month as co ared with another month My use of sick leave increased It was not that I was consciously abusing the sick leave system but I did probably subconsciously welcome a reason to stay home so if I woke up with even the hint of an ailment I'd think Well if I stay home today I can nip this in the bud It might be beneficial for M to study organizations that have high totals of sick leave usage Managers should-also be alert to the records of individual employees--not only to possible sick leave abuses but also to changes in the pattern of use which may indicate that a person is becoming disenchanted by or conversely suddenly interested in his assignmentJ The third and fourth factors are or should be related recognition by others and an expectation of personal advancement The need for recognition and approval is a basic one Agency managers have several means of giving such recognition to employees performance appraisals in-grade raises and promotions Ideally these management tools are used to discriminate between the varying levels of performance found in Agency employees PerfoTlllance appraisals I will not digress into a long discussion of the current system because a new system apparently designed to curtail the inflation the old system suffered from will be introduced in 1975 The only comment I will make concerning the new system Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 DOCID 4009710 is that supervisors should be given considerable guidance on the philosophy behind the system the need for realistic and candid appraisals and the need to keep the employee informed as he goes so that a candid appraisal does not come as a sudden shock In-grade raises Whatever the philosophy behind the in-grade system may be in practice virtually everyone receives an in-grade on the day he is legally eligible for it regardless of his performance In fact once past Step 3 receiving an in-grade has a negative connotation for most employees while it means more money it also means that still another year or more depending on the step has gone by without a promotion A remedy for the lack of significance now attached to in-grades might be to establish a scale for them If an employee were rated outstanding he would receive an in-grade in 8 to 12 months if strong in 13--19 months proficient 20--26 months adequate 27--36 months and deficient no in-grade This would be especially helpful in time of scarce promotions It would also prOVide an incentive for ill-fitted employees to resign and generally help to separate the wheat from the chaff In this way in-grades would be treated much like raises in private industry I have discussed this with a friend who received almost identical salary offers from NSA and a large company five years ago He chose private industry and in those 5 years has received raises bonuses and promotions Because he is a programmer with a math backgrolD d he probably would have advanced just as rapidly at NSA but there is a big difference between his morale and that of manyA ency employees He knows that every increase in his salary represents a vote of confidence from his employers and that his salary is considerably hilher than that of the people who began work with him but whose work is not as highly re arded whereas an Agency-employee who is a Grade 9 Step 5 or an 11 Step 4 knows that everyone who was promoted on the same day that he was has received the same increases --cost-of-living and in-grade--whether his work was considered outstanding or barely adequate Promotion When promotion is the only means of discriminating alOng levels of performance it can become an obsession and when promotions are scarce morale is l1kelyto plunge What adds to the problem is the fluctuation in standards that accompanies the fluctuation in funds When I was a new hire it seemed that no one of any merit ever reached a Step 4 below the grade of 12 a Step 5 obviously had serious problems Then suddenly a drought hits and the reverse is true being able to leap tall buildings in a single bound doesn It evenCOlD t Standards should be consistent When money is tight you may have more people who meet the standards than you can promote but when money is free standards shouldn't be lowered just so money will not be lost If they are lowered and mediocre employees promoted then in austere times these people will have a very damaging effect on the morale of their co-workers and are likely to pose problems for their superiors One measure that would ease the promotion situation somewhat and would help in other ways as well would be to use Grades 6 8 and 10 for the analytical career field I am told they are not so used because they are associated with clerical positions While there may be a tradition for such an association I think management could correct that and the benefits of using those grades would be considerable it would serve as a means to further differentiate the abilities of employees some people's performance would warrant promotion no higher than GG-9 some no higher than 10 etc it would help to lower the average grade it would increase the number of promotions possible in the 5-to-ll grade bracket with the same amount of money it would make it easier for clerical employees with an aptitude for analytical work to cross over into one of those fields and conversely it would encourage people with an interest in clerical work to stay in that field and not be tempted to switch to an analytical field simply by the prospect of skipping grades through promotion A question of great interest to intern graduates among others is While there are Agency guidelines for promotions are there any Agency standards for the manner in which those guidelines are interpreted into office promotion systems Some offices have a point system for promotions while others seem to prefer a supervisor defend-your-man-against my-man system Some areas appear to value cryptologic experience over education while the reverse is true in others Some emphasize certification status for all employees in Grades 7 and above while others appear to look for loopholes which will permit promotion of uncertified people Some require a minimum time in that organization while others seem to bring people in with the intention of promoting them In two cases that really hurt morale employees were promoted be cause their supervisors were unhappy with their performance The supervisors had concluded that the employees would not request a release until they had been promoted and apparently felt that the promotions were a small price to pay for getting rid of them It would be helpful for employees to have an idea of what is emphasized when candidates are reviewed for promotion and I feel certain there would be less grumbling and fewer hard feelings if such standards were publicized Next issue What Happens to the Graduates Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 t I c tfaCru- O-o-gtrO---------------- f f QUlw a uaffi Without Actually Giving Anything A w a-y -----I Originally published in C-LINERS as The Care and Feeding of Technical MBDnals 5 l1He'effective technical manual presents an unintended reader begins to see light through accurate-history of the development of an equip- these gimmicks the writer has a few more tricks ment and procedure to be passed on to others In up his sleeve the compilation of such a document the writer He knows for instance that verbs are must consider the employees who have spent long dangerous--that an active verb carelessly placed laborious hours in developing the data He must in front of its direct object lays bare the true use care that it is not too easily understood meaning of the sentence The writer who says and absorbed by persons outside this circle It The power transistor heats the assembly has must be developed so that only those few who committed a cardinal breach of shrewd practice have worked on the project from its inception if only he had thought to say The assembly is are able to comprehend its full significance and heated by the power transistor The unintended receive its benefits reader would never be quite certain if the assemImagine the embarrassment of one of the in- bly was lying by the transistor when heated or doctrinated if a novice could read a manual and if the transistor supplied heat to the assembly understand its full significance in a minimum of A careless techn1'cal wr1'ter onc e r e quse e t d time the novice would then be in a position to a user's review before publication This was lord it over an old-timer who had spent years in intolerable as several suggestions from the acquiring the same information Or the irrepar- future user almost destroyed the occult nature able harm done to the reputation of an experiof the writing enced technician if a young upstart were to get his eager hands on a well-written document he If all normal precautions fail there is might learn the equipment well enough to comstill hope The careful writer goes the last pletely humiliate the man with experience One mile in the organization of his document By or two such manuals left lying around unguarded placing perfectly accurate data next to unremight even fall into the wrong hands and be used lated data he throws the unintended reader into as a refresher to someone who has been out of confusion Even more confusing are the many touch for some time nonstandard abbreviations he uses he really There are several ways to prevent this from chuckles as he includes CCG CGS and G M C happening The first and most effective is to Surely the unintended reader will be slowed down publish as late as possible A manual which is in looking these up and by the way the writer received well after delivery of the principal should be careful not to include a glossary of equipment for instance will probably be useabbreviations used Some writers actually less to the unintended reader For by that time identify their choicest nonstandard abbreviatian he will have learned by experience the hard way on page 2 and then use it again on page 208 knowing the reader will not remember either its But suppose a late manual because of long- meaning or where he first saw it if this doesn't term use of the equipment should fall into the cause him to throw up both his hands and the hands of an undeserving young upstart anyway data in utter despair nothing will the writer should have prepared for this emer'ff' f Now concerning storage the important data gency The second an d most d1 1cult way 0 or manual is safest when stored with miscellanesafeguarding the data is in the method of writing and the truly effective manual therefore ous papers in the bottom left-hand drawer of the is written abstrusely so that only the few writer's desk it is even safer if no one knows can understand It was Linton who said It of its existence The experienced author knows takes considerable practice to use language in that one slip of his pencil could send the docgrammatically complete units and yet say nothing ment flying into the technical library where it at all Unless we are very careful some idea would receive an accession number and be readi y even if a very faint one will creep in Linavailable to literally hundreds of undeserving ton was right of course but the good technical readers writer is prepared even if a very faint one It frightens one to think of the countlesS does creep in ways an unintended reader could get his grubby The choice of words is important The care- little hands on the IIOst coveted data The be ful writer never uses words like use and writers therefore will close all loopholes workable he will say utilize and feasible ' 'These writer alone will survive they and their He will also inject mean-nothing words like publications will go down in the pages of his tory famous for obscurity essentially and basically fjven if the' UNCLASSIFIED Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 P L 86-36 DOCID 4009710 Ll NmR TO LAST MONTH'S CToeE WVER I AP KEY THREE SHIPS TO A NEW WORLD MESSAGE TEXTS EVERY SHIP THAT COMES TO AMERICA GOT ITS CHART FROM COLUMBUS FROST AND FRAUD HAVE DIRTY ENDS COLUMBUS DISCOVERED NO ISLE OR KEY SO LONELY AS HIMSELF SOMEBODY SHOWED HIM THE SUNSET AND HE SET SAIL FOR IT AND DISCOVERED AMERICA AND THEY PUT HIM IN JAIL FOR IT AND THE FETTERS GAVE HIM WELTS AND THEY NAMED AMERICA AFTER SOMEBODY ELSE HE THAT HATH A GOOD HARVEST MAY BE CONTENT WITH SOME THISTLES WITCHES STEAL YOUNG CHILDREN OUT OF THEIR CRADLES MINISTERIO DAEMONUM AND PUT DEFORMED IN THEIR ROOMS WHICH WE CALL CHANGELINGS Pilgl'im Too bad they don't have Thanksgiving baak in EngZand Indian They wiU Borne day But they'ZZ aeZebrate it on the 4th of JuZy Herewith we renew our offer of direct mailing to individual subscribers You don't even need the coupon really Just write your name and organization on a slip of paper and put it in a shotgun envelop addressed to CRYPTOLOG Pl Some of you have inquired how the original distribution was decided Simple In addition to one or more copies for each organizational unit of OPS depending on the size of the unit we sent one copy by name to every person in OPS who was a member of one of the learned organizations Now we are opening up subscription to all persons in the Agency who are cleared for Top Secret Codeword Note A number of people have asked for copies of the first issue but we had no extras of that issue If your office has extras please send them to us and we will honor the requests so far as possible We do have some extras of the second and third issues if you want to fill in holes in your file EDITOR CRYPTOLOG Please enter me as an individual subscriber r J Please remove my name from the list of subscribers o r J Please note change of address 0 NAME ORGANIZATION Nov 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 21 _ PI-Nov 74-S3-23Z42 DOCID 4069716 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu