WUJUV0WLD 1 $ B J BVU LD 5W B 11 D V Ull D Ull Ul Wl U l t7 WUJ lk W Brn u JI1 J B 13 UI300fBl3l tJ0lB __________----JL __----------- J I I 1 5 DO YOU REALLY MEAN JULIAN U ooooooooooooooooo 1ooooooooo 6 MANAGEMENT OF COORDINATION U ooooooo 8 ON HOW THE I GAME I OF THE AGENCY SHOULD BE PLAYED U ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Ramon Santia90-0rti oooooo 10 WRANGLER ooo ONE TOUGH CUSTOMER U oooooooooooooo oooo 12 PARPRO RECONNAISSANCE PROGRAMS U oooooooooooo 15 FOREIGN MICROWAVE RADIO U r' oooo 22 NSA-CROSTIC NO 50 U oooooooooooooooooooooooooo David H Williams oo oj o o o o o o o 29 k - P L 'flItS BOeUMBN'I' JON'ffalNS JOQ8 VORQ Ml 'I'8RIt I SECRET Declassified and Approved for Release 86-36 e SSIFHlfl BY NS OSSM 123 2 BilOJ ASSIFY QlII Qr il h a'e iAl A eAeY'8 Be'eeEMiAaeieft Re ired by NSA on 10-12-2012 pursuant to E o 13526 MDR Case # 54 net aCID 4019697 Published by P1 Techniques and Standards VOL X No 9 SEPTEMBER 1983 PUBLISHER BOARD OF EDITORS s Edi tor ooo oooo Asst Editor Production oo o oooo cOllection ooooooo ooo 1 Computer Security I - ooooo 1 L Cryptolinguistics Data Systems oooo ooo 1 Information Science 963-3045 963-1103S 963-3369s 963-3961s ---l 1 968-7 3 13s 963-1103s 963-4953s 1 ------------ I 963-5711s Mathematics r 1 968-8518s Puzdes ooo oo oo David H Williams 963--1103s Special Research o oo Vera R Filby 968-7119s Editoria' In a nearby university so the story goes there was a professor of Marine Biology who was almost legendary for his inability to remember any of the names of his students He did not even remember the names of his graduate students One day the Dean asked him How is it that you can never remember the names of your students I learned long ago the professor replied that each time I remember the name of a student I forget the name of a fish Our business around here is at the heart an intellectual activity We work at understanding and solving various complex processes and problems many of which are intentionally devious and difficult Our system of managing the resources to do all this needs a lot of fine tuning a favorite word of managers so that the taxpayers who pay for all of this will get their money's worth That is a good and necessary goal but sometimes our zeal for fine tuning produces complicated and bureaucratic mazes that are more efficient in appearance than in substance For subscr iptions send name and organizati9n to 1 963-3369s 1 P14 P L 86-36 It is all very well to say that we should be smart enough to operate under sophisticated organizations and fine tuned coordination procedures And it is also true that most analytic people can if they turn their minds to it understand and operate within the most complex operating systems To submit articles or letters by mail to Pl Cryptolog via PLATFORM mail send to cryptolg at bar1c 5 bar-one-c-zero-five note no '0' in 'log' Contents of Cryptolog should not be reproduced or further disseminated outside the National Security Agency without the permission of the Publisher Inquiries regarding reproduction and dissemination should be directed to the Editor FeR eFFleI Each of us in the analytic business like the professor begins each day with only so much analytic energy and the more of that energy we spend trying to understand our system--the less we have left over to spend-c ri the target we sometimes call the enemy ese e Y DOCID 4019697 BBeRB'f 8PElnB Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG B'BSftB'P SpaR'B Page 1 EO 1 4 c EO 1 4 d P L 86-36 DOCID 4019697 E0 1 4 EQ 86 36 Sep 33 Page 2 IOCID 4019697 Sep 33 Page 1 4 01 SECRET-SME- P L 86 36 aCID 4019697 i Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG Page IiO 1 4 c EO 1 4 d P L 86-36 S 3eRB ' spelH' OCID 4019697 SBSRB'f 8PSfEB Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG E a9Le li c EO 1 4 d SFCPE 1' SPQfEB P L 86-36 ero 4019697 Do You Really Mean byl lp13 he Data Standards Center P13D recently established a new data standard DE 00105 Ordinal Day The data chain Ordinal Date is of course already a standard DE 00013 It consists of Year 2N followed directly by Ordinal Day e g 83109 to represent 19 April 1983 If Ordinal Date is already a standard why worry about one of its components Ordinal Day Well as most NSA people involved in data processing well know the latter for many years has wrongly been mislabeled Julian Day In fact a few years ago NSA electrical messages used to include a space for entering Julian Day Fortunately with the help of sympathetic staff people within T the NOSC was able to lobby against Julian Day so persistently that the term was finally expunged from NSA CSS electr ical message formats It felt like a major victory Accordingly it now seems appropriate to make Ordinal Day an official standard to help lay the ghost of Julian Day finally to rest although that may be easier said than done I 86-36 National Standards Institute ANSI in 1971 to also standardize calendar date 'and ordinal dates Both ANSI and the ISO use the term day of the year for the data element that encompasses the ordinal days However we felt that Ordinal Day is perhaps more descriptive of the data element itself Julian Day and Julian Date are of course valid terms but not in the way that NSA has sometimes employed them The following information from the Encyclopaedia Britannica summarizes the proper use of these two interlopers JULIAN DATE The term Julian Date refers to a date taken from the Julian Calendar named for Julius Caesar that is at present 13 days behind our standard Gregorian Calendar named for Pope Gregory XIII Jeseph Justus SCIIi lr 11540-16091 Julian Date of course has been equally as persistent as Julian Day as a ubiquitous misnomer Indeed one of the main reasons for standardizing Ordinal Date was to give us same ammunition for suppressing Julian Date Incidentally the ISO International Standards Organization has standardized Ordinal Date ISO 2711 following action by the American Sep 83 P L CRYPTOLOG Page 6 4019697 f FeR eFFieihb ese JULIAN DAY The concept of numbering days in one-up order is derived from the Julian Period system primarily used by astronomers This system was devised by Joseph Scaliger in the 16th century as a universal measure of chronology and named for his father not for the Roman emperor although his father Julius Caesar Scaliger had been named after the emperor Julian Days are not numbered one-up through the year as are Ordinal Days but rather throughout the Julian Period of 7 980 years that began with Day 1 startinq at noon on 1 January 4731 BC Julian Calendar and will end at noon on 1 January 3268 AD Julian which will be 23 January Gregorian with day 2 914 695 So you can see neither term represents what quite a few of us NSA people thought it did lbJPY Julius Calsar ScaUger 11484 15581 WHA T1$ THI$ THING CAllED an undefined medium in which existing objects appear to develop irreversibly in the changes which they undergo and in which events and phenomena appear to occur in succession The use of appear to probably satisfies both physicists and philosophers However such a definition would drive a data standardizer right up the walll In the data standards world precision and accuracy are premium items and definitions have to be right to the point Note for example the standard definition for DE 00017 Time t - 't x - An expression of a specific hour and minute of the 24-hour period of the calendar day 1Hf v -1 - T EtJ One cannot enjoy the luxury of philosophy etc when faced with the demands of a data standardl The above illustrates the point ''''''''' - lHt 1 E -l El I ijt ' i that the definition of a term and that of a 0 - ' -' IIftv iHfN ' 0 -' corresponding data standard if any can ' E ih 'Ji- ltJ t 1'I differ to a considerable degree By the way C -l - - 'fflo EN I'Efl ' N c l tN l i- L THEtJI14f T4 N the NOSC has a big investment also in SIGINT ' - - - JPY - 'I' c -lTHE HEN 'i 'O tV Il lN lflEt' ' c'I f tl THEN I'tll'-l IlIiEIV terminology as well as data standards The 1 iif vTHE WJ - l'I-I _' JHf IiENrli 1r lt l t _ ' terminology team in P13D has already published - Jl N lil U rT EN -l'tNIIGBP WOE TH EiHEol _ authoritative glossaries on Tra ffic Analysis _ -JJiGBPf'-LH GBPN H l f 'Hl H NHtN 1 Direction Finding and SIGINT Collection as - ------ - - - - - - - - - annexes to USSID 412 Contact -- --I I on 968-8161s for information about any of the above I I P L Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 86-36 aCID 4019697 peR epPleu s BSH eu sJPY P L 86-36 MAN_ - P OF OORDINATION lUI tlll' I he three li ttle words that always make me cr inge are Coordinate this please Coordination is really time-consuming and if taken in reg U ular doses has got to be the main cause of nervous breakdowns among Agency employees Webster's definition of coordination includes the word harmonious but real staff coordination is anything but that Acrimonious would be more appropriate I often take a deep breath before walking into an office with a piece of For Coordination correspondence that appears controversial I don't think that anything is as frustrating as wandering the equivalent of five miles through a labyr inth of hallways to get three small initials on a piece of paper No waitl I can think of something even more frustrating You walk around those hallways searching out the final office chief to get himjher to put the final blessing on your by now cannibalized otherwise known as edited product and he she disagrees with the whole principle of the paper and tells you that he she will not concur I non-concur is usually the expression used I sometimes would give my right arm for one of two things in this type of situation J a pistol preferably caliber or one of J a high tree with a conveniently placed strong horizontal limb and a strong rope each coordinatee has his her own method of inserting these recommendations Each one has an unmistakable style but they can usually be divided into three basic categories 1 The arrow maker who usually goes around placing arrows below or above or in the margin near the sentence or word in question Sometimes I would like to suggest where to put some of those arrows and now I know why Custer got it in the end 2 The inimitable user of Xs who uses rather large Xs to blot out -whole paragraphs sometimes destroying continuity and making your paper look something like a cross pun intended I between a fingerpainting by a mentally disturbed kindergarten student and a colony of eartheworms making love to one another The best remedy for X-makers is to provide a pen for them to use mak ing sure that it is a very soft felt-tip marker--which frustrates their editing--or a pen just about ready to run out of ink This intimidation process may hamper their efforts and they may give up in disgust telling you that your paper is fine 3 The thinker who sits there and ponders the paper regardless of whether it is a two-liner or a two-pager and corrects grammar It's 'you and t' not 'you and me' I or spelling There are only two Os in 'coordinate'I The best way to counter the thinker is to put several one-dollar words in the paper the best one being propinquity This word isn't often used in Agency papers and the coordinatee may take one of two actions when high It would not be extremely disappointing to receive one or 'two suggested changes but Aug 83 CRYPTOLOG peR epPlel SB Page 8 eu JPY 4019697 confronted with it He she may try to show knowledge of the word thereby forcing immediate agreement to the point in which the term appears or he she may take the time to look it up or possibly ask you for a definition in the hope that you really don't know thereby disrupting his her thought processes Of course nothing from nothing is nothing By the wpy propinquity means nearness The following main points essential when embarking on trek 1 ' are absolutely a coordination HAVE AN OPEN MIND Be as objective as possible when someone edits your paper even when you are thinking about ripping your hair out or applying cattle prods to the other person's anatomy 2 ALWAYS BE AGREEABLE TO CHANGE If you fight editing changes this may lead to more pen massacre on your work It's similar to when your father or or mother used to catch you doing wrong If you argued the paddle seemed lighter and hurt more 3 KEEP YOUR COOLI Leaning over the desk and break ing the edi tor's pen glasses nose or arm may make you feel better but it certainly will not solve the problem Besides you can't get initials from a person in intensive care Refer to Rule i2 in such cases 4 REMEMBER THAT MURDER IS POSSIBLY PUNISHABLE BY DEATH Except in this case where the charge may be reduced to justifiable manslaughter If you keep these rules in mind coordination will be as much fun for you as it is for the many inmates of Sing Sing or the patients at Saint Elizabeths Just remember that if all else fails your mother always liked you--but she never had to put her initials on anything you wrote I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dear Sir I T MAIL BOX I I read with interest the article in the June July 1983 issue of CRYPTOLOG entitled REDBARON ROADRUNNER lie BRONZSTAR What's in a Name The article points out a problem that this organization has been struggling with for some time That is the attempt to educate I project officers within the Agency about I NSA CSS Regulation No 10-5 Assignment and I Handling of Cover Terms I This regulation states that approval to use I I covernames must be obtained from the NSA Cover I Term Officer CTO who determines the eligiI bility of specific words for use as coverIt also states that cover name s of I names I similar or related type will not be assigned I to projects or operations that are themselves I similar or related Nor will they be a term I that will tend to reveal the meaning of the I activity e g abbreviations or acronyms I Not going by the rules in the assignment of I I covernames can lead to compromise of not only I one project but a whole series of projects if Assigning I they are not protected properly I covernames to projects without going through I the CTC can also lead to duplication of usage I and eventually impairment of the Cover Term I program itself I Of equal importance is the fact that the I I definitions of these covernames are rigidly Responsibility for releasing I controlled I these definitions is vested in Q4 Even the Lists of I terms themselves are controlled be acquired I individual cover names cannot I without first getting the approval of T5 I I urge your readers who use covernames for I I projects equipments exercises or operations I to become familiar with NSA CSS Reg 10-5 to I insure that they comply with its requirements I If they have any questions about the proI cedures to follow regarding the use of coverI names they can call the NSA Cover Term OffI on x968-8726s I icer 1 I I I I I I I Aug 83 peR Chief T511 CRYPTOLOG ePPfefu 8BB page 9 8N P L 86-36 4019697 ON How THE UGAME OF THE AGENCY z' COJLD BE CPLAYED 7 ' ' of ' oo ' RAMON SANTIAGO RTIZJ G4Z 86-36 n my lifetime I have watched many baseball games played quite a numbe Qf them and even coached a few so mycollnection with the sport consists of more than just the article The Language of Beisbol ' yptQlog August 19741 that I ro-authored withl II I 1 As most people know baseball has been called the national pastime of the US of A but I strongly believe that baseball is more than just a mere game I think it can serve as a guide to life We have seen teams suddenly score several runs and come from 'way behind to win a game in the last of the ninth inning from this we can learn never to give up to constantly keep on trying Sure extra-base hits suddenly become outs because some outfielder scampers a little faster leaps a little higher or throws a little harder than people thought he could Teams have protracted winning streaks or 10-0-0-0ong slumps just the way that individuals have good days and bad days And so on and so on and so on Not surprisingly I have often thought that the game in the Agency for which I work should be played just like baseball too unlike the Agency in baseball the guys who play on the field--the ones who produce the hits or make the catches who slide and get their uniforms dirty who get injured sometimes badly--these soldiers in the trenches do get better salaries and greater recognition than the team managers because they do the tough dirty work I think that NSA should follow a similar practice Sep 83 The truth is that most of my experience has been in G Group involved with Spanishlanguage problems particularly with voice problems But even if what I have seen and heard there is not 100% applicable to other parts of NSA it is sufficiently widespread within G Group which is after all an important part of the Agency to warrant mention oooo and to justify my comments One way that the Agency could profit by following baseball is in the treatment of managers A baseball skipper is praised for his team's successes and blamed for his team's failures and losses I t is not unusual for team's owner to fire the manager when the team has lost a large number of its recent games regardless of how many games had been won the month before No excuses no delays just get rid of the bum and get another manager who migh t do better And if the new guy doesn't improve the situation fire him and get somebody elsel Good performers do not need to worryl a After all managers don't win the games the players do For every case where a baseball manager has made a clever game-winning change in the line-up or spotted a rule infraction that negated an opponent' s advantage you can find cases of substitutions that backfired relief pitchers who walked in the winning run pinch hitters who struck out etc Why do managers in the whole us government no matter how good or bad seem to get most or all of the goodies CRYPTOLOG Page 10 1 aCID 4019697 J JI There is a particularly great discrepancy here though when Pedro and Pancho after 18 years in the Agency are still grade 12 but most of their non-linguist co-workers have gone on to greater glory Pedro and Pancho happen to be bilingual native Spanish linguists at NSA as is Pablo their manager If they were performers in the major leagues their performances would have been comparable to batting 340 lifetime with a 989 fielding average and their salaries would have been increased accordingly after each successful season because in the major leagues it doesn't matter if your name is Joe Doe or Pancho Perez just as long you hit well and field well I suppose that there may be a number of ineffective managers at NSA who instead of being fired get shifted to other managerial positions spreading their incompetence around sometimes even higher positions The justification for their advancement would be the outstanding job done by the members of their team but unfortunately the players whom that manager supervised the ones who turned in the outstanding performances for which the manager was rewarded are left behind unsung unmentioned unrewarded unpromoted etc I do not claim or even wish that the managers in the Agency should be as good at their jobs as the analysts and technicians whom they supervise That is not their mission in the Agency unless they are working managers who put on a set of earphones man a position and get into the fray with the rest of the troops Only a small percentage of them do so Once there were a few playermanagers in baseball but the fans didn't expect a player-manager' s batting average to be the highest on the team They did however expect him to contribute hits and fielding plays to help his team win games Similarly a working manager in an Agency voice shop may not have the keenest ear or the biggest vocabulary but he should be able to do a creditable job helping his team win their big game with his managerial skills There is something else that I think NSA can borrow from the national pastime Baseball is willing to make changes adopt innovations e g the expansion of the leagues recognition of free agent status the designated hitter annual rules revisions' etc NSA should be willing to make changes too even if only to see if such rule revisions might be better than the existing procedures In the August 1977 issue of Cryptolog I wrote an article Telling It Like It IS in which I pointed out some of the problems faced by the Agency's Hispanic linguists Isn't it pathetic that now six years later I can write this article since very little has changed The only good thing that has happened to linguists in the interim is the introduction of the FLIP Foreign Language Incentive GBP rogram bonuses Former baseball player Joe Garagiola once referred to the impartiality of baseball umpires by saying something like An umpire doesn't care if a black arm is throwing the ball past a Jewish batter's bat to an Italian catcher's mitt He's only interested in whether the pitch is a baIlor a strike Maybe we at NSA could use a few such umpires who are concerned with the quality of the job that's be ing done not with the ethnic background of the person or persons doing it oo and with rewarding those who are doing their jobs really well It is very easy for a manager to say Pedro do thisl or Pancho do thatl --even easier i f Pedro and Pancho here at NSA like Yaz Pete Reggie and Gaylord on the ballfield have been for many years playing the game well with minimal supervision or help from their manager Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG page 11 aCID 4019697 P L Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG 81i18RB9 Page 12 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 86-36 Eo nocxn 4019597 43% 86-36 Sep 83 Page 13 Eo OCID 4019697 pg 86 36 Sep 83 Page 14 aCID 4019697 8Beflfl'P epee UNITED STATES AIR FORCE STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND'S RC-135 U-2 SR-71 J P L 86-36 J RECONNAISSANCE PROGRAMS U by I-- --- - - - - --Captain USAF PURPOSE U This paper describes the RC-135 U2R TR-1 and SR-71 Peacetime Airborne Reconnaissance Program PARPRO missions from a Strategic Air Command crewmember' s perspective This viewpoint will provide insight into the capabilities and limitations of these airbreathing airborne reconnaissance systems 1 4 c L 86-36 __ -- --JOCCP The SRC coordinates proposed reconnaissance operations with the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Reconnaissance Center JCS JRC NSA and theater commanders - ' ' ' 0 - -- iSt'The U-2 TR-1 SR-71 and RC-135 though radically different in design and capabilities have some similarities BACKGROUND Strategic Air Command SAC reconnaissance programs represent the Air Force contribution to worldwide flexible SIGINT support of the intelligence community and our military commanders With proper support reconnaissance platforms can fly global missions on very short notice Although initially tasked prior to overseas deployment they have the flexibility to fulfill additional re uirements once de 10 ed All are tasked with peripheral area reconnaissance of worldwi de target countriesl All are flown by SACI and All airborne systems must satisfy dual requirements However these manned reconnaissance missions provide indispensable intelligence with the flexibility to satisfy both wartime and peacetime cryptologic needs teT Through the Strategic Reconnaissance Center SRC at SAC Headquarters in Omaha Nebraska SAC acts as the controlling authority for all USAF PARPRO operations SAC has the responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the PARPRO airframes while interception equipment maintenance is performed by a combination of SAC and Electronic Security Command ESC Personnel and civilian contractors i Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG Page EO 1 4 c L 86-36 aCID 4019697 BEeRfi ' BF8ftE TYPICAL CREW COMPLEMENT SAC PERSONNEL ESC PERSONNEL I I I I I I I I AIRCRAFT I I I I I SR-71 I I I U-2 TR-l I I I pilot Maintenance f I I I 1 - - 1 - - I I 2 I I I I RC-135V l'l1 2 I I I RC-135M I I I 2 I RC-135S I 2 2 I RC-135U I 2 2 I I I I I Maintenance I I I I I 1 1 FIGURE 1 OPERATIONAL BASES MOB J 2 1 PLATFORM I I I EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 ' ' ' SR-71 Beale AFB CA U-2R TR-1 Beale AFB CA RC-135V W Offutt AFB NE 1 I I RC-135U Offutt AFB NE RC-135M Offutt AFB NE RC-135S Eielson AFB AK I I I FIGURE Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG 2 -ts - Page 16 EOL4 c P L 86 36 aCID 4019697 IS QQQ A breakdown of the respective aircraft crew positions and command responsibility is shown in Figure 1 The pilots navigators and electronic warfare officers RAVENS- are all rated flying officers under SAC jurisdoction Virtually all other crewmembers are enlisted and are assigned to ESC or SAC Air Force Specialty Codes employed for ESC crews are 205XX Special Signals Analysis 207XX Manual Morse Radioprinter 208XX Linguist and 328XX Maintenance All crewmembers are Category 111cleared and selected members of the ESC crew have compartmented clearances SR-71 and U-2R TR-1 crews usually do not have COMINT clearances near potentiallv danoerous territorv I MISSION AIRFRAMES All SAC aircraft and crewmembers operate under a concept of employment involving Operating Base MOBs and Forward Operating Bases FOBs That is training and major aircraft maintenance for all SAC reconnaissance squadrons are performed at the MOB within the US For the U-2R TR-1 and SR-71 the MOB is located at Beale AFB California 9th SRW For the RC-135S models the MOB is Offutt AFB Nebraska 55th SRW and for the RC-135 i t is Eielson AFB Alaska 6th SRW From the MOB the SAC crews are deployed for 90 to 160 days per year to FOB locations SAC RC-135M V W ELINT crewmembers RAVENS are sent to all FOB locations and thus become qualified for all areas of the world unlike ESC personnel who are permanently stationed in the FOB and MOB countries and accordingly specialize in only their particular geographic area A chart depicting the MOB and FOB locations associated with each system is found in Figure 2 Although these aircraft normally operate from the FOBs shown they are able to deploy to many other locations on short notice Figures 3 through 5 present specific missions and capabilities of each platform Note that the different models of the same aircraft type have a different air f t ame electronic fit Le internal configuration equipment engines and seat placement are different OPERATIONAL FACTORS U The following information concerning factors affecting the crew is based on the author's experience and provides insight into manned ELINT collection missions The crewmembers I duty day includes more than the actual flight time There are five briefings and aircraft checkouts The flight time limitation for a normal crew is 24 hours If the crew is augmented by adding one pflot to the crew of an RC-135 the aircraft may legally stay aloft for 30 hours Normal mission length is 8 to 18 hours for the RC-135 8 hours for U-2R TR-l and 6 hours for the SR71 o No crew may legally fly more than 125 hours a month or more than 330 hours in a 90day period A crew also must be provided the opportunity for 12 hours of rest between flights These limits are set for safety and health reasons a crew that flies in excess of 100 hours in a 10- to 30-day period can be physically exhausted by the intensity of the job and and by the physical strain induced by a noisy 120 dB environment WHITE WOLF REVIEW S SSQI WHITE WOLF WW is the Advisory Support Program instituted by JCS to provide protection for PARPRO aircraft flying in or Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 GileRB 8 POKE Page 17 aCID 4019697 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 seeM' ' 8P8ltB Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG SB8RE1'1 ' SFSftl l Page 18 aCID 4019697 SHeRe' ' speRH U Extensive facilities are required to support the aircraft and crew For example the SR-71 requires special fuel and special airborne tankers that actually heat the fuel so that it does not turn from liquid to a gelatinous state prior to refueling All aircraft need specialized maintenance support to include test equipment military technicians and civilian contractors With the complexity of these airborne systems sometimes one-ofa-kind equipment quality maintenance support is sometimes difficult to attain Insufficient spare parts is a common problem Quarters and messing facilities have to be available for the crew and support personnel because of the MOB FOB concept When quarters close to the operations are not available the additional time spent in transit to and from a base can impact on a crew's rest -teet- Stress on the crew is amplified by the proximity of hostile interceptors and groundbased and shipborne weapons systems Hostile pilots have been known to fly as close as 10 feet to mission aircraft All intercepting aircraft are armed while all reconnaissance platforms with the exception of the SR-71 are without any defensive electronic countermeasures or muni tions RC-135s do not even carry Radar Warning Receivers RWRs o The crewmembers view the lack of an RWR with concern' U The RC-135 and SR-71 usually need air refueling i e tanker support If two tankers are required then three crew and three tankers must be available in case one aircraft aborts AllPARPRO mission refueling tankers have a spare aircraft and crew scheduled as a backup U weather can also be a major factor Missions are sometimes delayed or canceled due to adverse weather Crosswinds are a factor in the launch decision and airfield weather visibility e q due to fog cannot be less than approximately half a mile horizontal and and 150 feet vertical Moisture and temperature extremes frequently cause problems with complex onboard electronic equipment EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 CONCLUSION ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS U On the RC-135 the average time required after takeoff to turn on check and calibrate the equipment is 30 minutes Often computer systems dump the program and need to be brought up several times or restarted during a mission This occurs as a result of vibration temperature extremes and power fluctuations inherent in airborne platforms PARPRO missions may continue with degraded equipment or totally inoperative stations as long as minimum advisory support capability exists The maintenance technicians on an RC-135 can work miracles in the air but many times broken equipment cannot repaired due to a lack of a correct spare black box or the inaccessibility of equipment EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Sep 83 In this article I have presented some facts and opinions about PARPRO that may not be common knowledge The missions collect intelligence in much the same way as other systems However the missions also have some radical differences and the risk factor is much higher There are many factors that affect the SAC PARPRO missions that are not present in conventional collection systems including a lack of NSA control Hopefully this paper will facilitate an understanding of and an appreciation for the special capabili ties and some of the limi tat ions of the PARPRO miss ions Th is add it ional knowledge may allow more optimum tasking and efficient management of these systems CRYPTOLOG Page 19 DOCID 401969 gEo 86 36 Sep 83 Page 20 aCID 4019697 or is no paragraph Or perhaps you have an article of several thousand words Never mind how big it isl Long or short if it has something worthwhile to say we'll probably print it Of course a shorter item has a much better chance of getting read First-person articlep or stories about your own experiences are welcome so long as they relate in some way to our work L - - -_ Your contribution does not have to be typed We'll give preference to content over form every time However especially in the case of a long piece the editorial eye will appreciate any effort you can make to get your article typed and we'll even forgive a strikeovers and misspell ngs Nowadays of course if you have access to a terminal connected to the Agency network you can simply send it to us at cryptolg@bar1cOS and we can do our editing right at the terminal But we have also accepted an item handwritten on a used lunchbag Photographic illustrations can be reproduced in Cryptolog at the same quali ty as in the NSA Newsletter Sensitive materials No way I I We'll publish articles all the way up to TOP SECRET CODEWORD but we have to draw the line at compartmented or otherwise exclusive sources _- - - - - ' EO 1 4 c P L Want anonymi ty A though tful piece on a subject of interest to 86-36 a fairly large number of readers will be considered for anonymous publication if the author requests it If you want to use a pseudonym that is OK too ooo but the writer must identify himself or herself to the editor in an accompanying memo or by phone Needless to add a personal or trivial complaint e g My supervisor takes government paper clips home from the office will not be considered Something missing If you feel that your work or your interests are not being well represented in Cryptolog it is probably because you and your friends are not contributing The editors sincerely want to cover the whole territory of NSA's interests but articles don't grow on trees y'knowl Somebody who knows the subject matter has to write theml Sep 83 Need assistance You may have a half-finished article or an outline or some incomplete notes or maybe just an idea about an item you'd like to write something you feel has possibilities but you aren't quite sure what to do with it A quick call to the appropriate departmental editor or the Assistant Editor ext 1103 will probably get you the aid and comfort you need It may even give youJ _ - a the inspiration to finish your magnum opusl Our deadline Theoretically we should have one but we don't After all Cryptolog is a monthly publication so if we get your article just after one issue has gone to press you'll be in time for the following month's edition There's no such thing as a bad time to submit an item to Cryptolog CRYPTOLOG Page 21 aCID 4019697 P L ungary is the center for microwave radio technology in the Eastern Bloc doing both R D and production of new microwave radio equipment for U Russia and the other Bloc nations according to Dr Ferdo Ivanek of Farinon Corp In a recent talk to an IEEE Microwave Technology class at the University of Maryland Dr Ivanek showed some slides of the new 120-mm Slimline equipment that the Hungarians are building and remarked that they do very good work and publish their results Journals such as Budavox and Hirad stechnika carry articles on new data switching and telephony systems in Hungarian 1Hl U Before World War II the Hungarians were doing advanced work in commercial radio equipment although the Czechs were ahead in consumer electronics Bombing and other war operations apparently did not severely damage the Hungarian industrial base so that they were able to catch up with Western developments The Hungarians have recently developed a baseband equalization processor to correct channel distortions of microwave baseband signals with the result that they can now transmit 1 800 voice channels over the same radio bandwidth that formerly carried a 900-channel FM signal In their laboratories they commonly develop very modern equipment using components and other microwave devices import ed from the west or Japan However Dr Ivanek pointed out the Soviet policy of economic autarky insists that all radio production equipment must use domestically produced components which are manufactured in the Soviet Bloc Because the Bloc nations are not able to manufacture the most modern components a 10-year lag occurs while the manufacturing problems are being solved and the equipment is obsolescent by the time it gets into large-scale production Sep 83 86-36 U The demand for autarky produces a backlog of unsatisfied needs so that at times the USSR and its satellites must go on a buying spree to get vitally needed equipment The USSR is currently buying a considerable amount of telecommunication equipment abroad According to one comment in the class the USSR has bought some L M Ericsson AXE switches and has written unusually favorable comments about these switches Dr Ivankek said that Tellettra a Fiat subsidiary had sold the USSR a large 4-GHz trans-Siberian radio relay system U The demand for autarky not only limits the market for equipment but Dr Ivanek expressed the strong opinion that the Soviet Bloc nations would have their own clocks and timing standards for the digital nets they were developing rather than derive timing from the Western European PTT nets U One of the implications of Dr Ivanek's comments about the leading role of the Hungarians in this area of microwave technology is that the Hungar ians may be able to sell equipment to the 'Western market which will later be used in the Soviet Bloc nations after the inevitable lag in solving the manufactur in'1 problems of producing domestic components Further the Hungarian literature and the appearance of the Hungarian vendors at trade shows such as Telecom 83 may give valuable information about microwave radio technology that will later appear in the USSR and other Bloc nations A survey of some foreign technical data showed 33 papers on Hungarian microwave equipment In addition abstracts of Hungarian papers are available from computer data bases U The major differences from a business point of view between the US and the foreign CRYPTOLOG Page 22 aCID 4019697 micrClwave radio market are according to Dr Ivanek 1 2 3 4 5 6 Market size Equipment characteristics Monopolies vs deregulation Technical standards Domestic industrial capability and Commercial versus military applications U In market size the once fragmented European market has caught up with the North American market and the Asian market is expected to catch up with the North American by 1990 Latin America byt990 will have about 30 million subscriber lines roughly equal to the 1970 Asian market The African and Oceanian switched public telephone plant will remain small compared to all the others Dr Ivanek drew on a Telecom 79 report by Kamman et al of A D Little which forecast the telecom-market U Number of telephones millions 1970 1980 1990 Year 1 to 140 80 North America 210 50 110 Europe 140 30 60 Asia 10 17 30 Latin America 10 Oceania Africa U Operating Revenues billions of 1979 $ Year 1975 1980 1990 NA Eur Asia LA Oceania Africa U 35 26 17 2 1 6 6 BT 6 67 57 38 4 3 1 5 171 122 164 80 9 4 4 383 Shipments of Telecom Equipment in billions of 1979 $ 1970-80 NA Eur Asia LA Africa OCeania 62 76 40 6 1 6 3 198 6 1980-90 103 196 59 15 5 7 U Of this extensive plant worldwide sales of microwave radio transmitters and receivers will comprise about $10 billion per decade or $1 billion annually in 1979 dollars U Only a small part of the European market is open to competitive selling because of the power of the PTTs to control telecommunication procurement and design US industry has a lesser commitment to export sales than manufacturers in Europe and Japan For example the exports of French microwave radio relay equipment over the past decade have been almost the same volume as the sales to the PTT despite an intensive program of microwave installation inside France The CNET the French version of Bell Labs sponsors development projects with the French companies SAT and Thompson-CSF to build the same equipment In some product categor ies the two companies are given monopoly positions while in others they compete head on Part of the CNET microwave development plan includes equipment by SAT or Thompson CSF which is exclusively for export--there is no internal French market yet the government through CNET subsidizes the development The French government also does careful market research for telecom equipment U The German PTT Bundespost does not go as far as the French in sponsoring export activities but it does keep the door open for marketing of German equipment through participation in the CCIR the International Consultative Committee of Radiocommuncations where international standards for equipment are set in a way that helps German exports U Examples of markets developed by the French are Mexico and Brazil which use CCITT equipment and standards and no longer follow North American standards Latin America Asia Africa Oceania and Europe all have adopted CCITT standards Only the US Canada Japan Soth Korea and Taiwan still use primarily North American telecom standards This seriously limits the exports of US radio equipment switches digital systems modems and 'all the rest of modern telecommunication apparatus 385 Shipments by Equipment Type in billions of $ 1970-80 1980-90 47 92 c O switching 27 S3 Long-Haul XIIIsn 60 117 Local Dist 68 Station Apparat 3S 17 35 Other 1ii6 365 U Sep 83 ' CRYPTOLOG seeM ' ' Page 23 4019697 basis where the existing equipment is ready for replacement In the Lyons area they have 2- 8- and 34-MBps trunk s They also have new 15-GHz nets operating at 2 8 and 34 Mbps They use the digital trunks to connect the E-10 digital switches The nets are stars There is no French equivalent of a Long Lines grid or trunk system such as AT T uses When the French begin to interconnect their regional centers they will use both digital radio relay and optical fiber according to Dr Ivanek since the failure modes of the two media are quite different U The UK has digital microwave nets at 140 MBps at 11 GHz Germany has digital trunks at 2 13 and 15 GHz Italy has digital nets similar to the French Switzerland has digital nets for data transmission where the other nets are for voice or data U At CCIR and WARC meetings the US delegations formed primarily of business people whose technical expertise is usually much greater than that of US qovernment officials the US technical people are very capable in the satellite communications area and are very influential in the outcome of the conferences In the terrestrial radio area which is the main medium for telecommunications the US delegations are apparently not as capable as the foreign delegations possibly because they don't work to CCITT technical standards Dr Ivanek thought that the us radio industry composed of many competing companies needed some coordinating structure similar to the centralized research entities that Electronic Industries Association EIA and Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation MCC have formed for components and microcircuitry in order to compete more effectively in the world market U In addition to making these general observations on foreign microwave Dr Ivanek displayed a number of slides of specific equipments from various foreign manufacturers to illustrate current developments U To beqin there was a slide of the first microwave link developed in 1934 The British and French PTT cOllaborated in a cross-Channel one-hop link It used a triode for power and operated at about 2 GHz A parabolic antenna about 3 meters in diameter was used predating the postwar European microwave nets by almost 20 years U A map of the French microwave network in its current state showed a large number of disconnected star nets The digital trunks operate at 52 34 2 x 34 and 140 Mbp These tr unks connect into digital switches which the French pioneered into regional centers The French are introducing digital microwave from the bottom up on a regional Sep 83 U Analog microwave radio is ishing and the Japanese have 5400-channel SSB system at 6 GHz to the 6000-channel Bell System and French are workinq on similar but have not yet introduced them still flourdeveloped a very similar The Germans SSB systems U In Switzerland they have built up microwave feeder links to cable TV distribution systems The feeder links operate at 2 5 GHz and the distribution net works at 11 and 12 GHz The Swiss can put two independent TV baseband signals on a single radio carrier by frequency multiplexing so the distribution system is very efficient U A map of the African microwave net PANAFTEL from the ITO showed substantial development in subsaharan Africa This large network had resulted from a substantial amount of ITU assistance U The development of microwave in the PRC was covered in a January 1983 issue of Microwave System News U India has been manufacturinq some of its own microwave equipment and there was slide of a portable remote satellite earth station mounted on a truck which the Indians had developed themselves There was a slide of some new Slimline 120-mm-wide racks of equipment which the Indians were manufacturing U This new Slimline equipment pioneered 20 years ago by the Germans to save space in switching centers and microwave terminals is also used in Yugoslavia and Eastern Europe The French use it widely In the US only two companies make Slimline Western Electric makes a 5-inch-wide American Slimline series while Farinon make CCITT-specified 120-mm Slimline equipment CRYPTOLOG Paqe 24 I11ltIBI5B ' '11 eellIN'J' eIl1ltUlBfIS SI'fiY 8S8R1 1'f aCID 4019697 U As the US market is opened up by deregulation the US telecommunications companies are gradually accepting some European designs This reverses a long trend from 1945 till now in which us microwave circuitry was exported and became the standard in most countr ies There are still many US-standard microwave equipments installed and operating as analog circuits in many countries The change to digital transmission will see CCITT equipment dominate Some US manufacturing companies are developing CCITT versions of their existing tested equipment e g the GTD 120E and GTD 1000E PABXs are being adapted to 32-channel PCM CCITT and CEPT standards The microwave technologies and manufacturing methods developed by the US companies have been widely adopted overseas but the end products differ In analog microwave systems the interface problems are not as severe because the frequency multiplexing plans are in common use by many different manufacturers In digital microwave systems there is a great deal of product differentiation in the technical characteristics especially among competing US manufacturers so that dig i tal inter faces are more difficult to handle U US users of high powered microwave transmitters depend on foreign suppliers of TWTs traveling wave tubes e g Siemens and Thompson CSF The TWTs are smaller and much more efficient than arrays of solid state power amplifiers e g the solid state unit would consume 100 watts of wer to radiate 10 watts while a TWT would need only 20 watts to radiate 10 watts The extra power must be dissipated as heat and in space applications power limitations are also critical U US users of GaAs' Gallium Arsenide components must also depend on foreign suppliers particularly Japan The GaAs FET Field Effect Transistors are crucial to microwave receiver designs and other analog microcircuits Western Electric produces its own GaAs FETs but the other US users must obtain their components from Japan because WE has not put its components on the commercial market CCIR meetings in London in 1953 and Warsaw in 1956 continued this work The main purpose of terrestrial microwave in Europe and the US at first was the distribution of TV broadcasting The wideband microwave systems predated wideband tape recorders so central studios could transmit over a network to local VHF broadcasting stations Multichannel telephony came later as filters and other components were developed The USSR ' although a CCIR member would never agree to 5-MHz baseband for wideband TV transmission and as a result the TV baseband in COMECON is 6 MHz This apparently was to prevent any TV interfaces between Western and Eastern Europe according to Dr Ivanek U Among operating microwave systems the Japanese 400-Mbps system at 20 GHz is the highest capacity digital system in use while the Western Electric 6000-channelAR6 is the highest capacity analog system in use U The very high efficiency of the 8SB analog systems could have a significant effect on communication satellites which are widely expected to become all digital by 2000 Because of bandwidth limitations in the lower microwave frequencies under 10 GHz the SSB analog FDM systems may be much more efficient than digital systems for most telephony U India which lost an INSAT satellite recently is prepar ing a ground st ation network in anticipation of a future satellite U Brazil according to Dr Ivanek has serious intentions for a major domestic satellite program using several satellites under its own operational control U AEG Telefunken has developed an 11 14 GHz Le 11-12 GHz and 14-15 GHz bands for satellite transmission regenerative repeater for digital microwave This eliminates the need to demodulate the radio signal to an IF intermediate frequency This will allow onboard baseband switching on a satellite The system is designed to operate at 120 Mbps differential QPSK 4-phase shift keying demodulation The hardware already exists U Technical standards play a central role in the development and sale of microwave equipment The CCIR is the pr incipal agency for setting radio standards It is slow but effective There is no voting in the CCIR and decisions are arrived at by consensus so that persuasion by technical representatives of the various countries is the method used to get decisions The Japanese who are major producers of advanced microwave equipment are very active in the CCIR The CCIR studies in microwave began in 1948 in Sweden In 1951 in Germany a study on wide band radio relay for TV distribution was undertaken Successive Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG SHeH'f IIMIBl J'8 Vllk eenItI' eIWllffibS etftll 8 seMi' 4019697 U In France the CNET uses SAW Surface Acoustic Wave devices in satellite communications for filters digital modulators up converters down converters demodulators and receiving filters The AW circuits are very compact about the size of a 1-franc coin and the link operates at 2 Mbps U In Japan a commercial satellite uses spread spectrum for two voice channels The PN pseudo noise code is generated by an 8stage register at 16 6 Mbps which transmits an information band of 65 Kbps The Japanese also use spread spectrum for equatorial communications U An SR system in Canada uses an analog PPM TOM system at 1 5 GHz for rural communications The system can accommodate 120 subscribers The terminal units and transceivers are hung on a pole at the subscribers I premises U In France at Thezillieu an IRT 1500 TDMA system at 1 5 GHz is in use The IRT 1500 Integrated Rural Telephone systems uses FSK for 832-Kbps transmission to 128 subscribers at 63 stations Hops as long as 40 KID are in use U The Japanese NTT has developed a microwave overlay system that consists of a rooftop or desktop 26-GHz microwave system The desktop model has a telephone and a shiny 12-inch parabolic antenna that sits on a desk or table The radio links will operate over 7-Km hops at 2 Mbps A voice channel over the radio link uses 64 Kbps per subscriber The transmission power is 27 dBm and the frequency stability is 0 0001 Modulation is OFSK and the system will carry 100 channels NEC is to produce this new system The purpose of the desktop 26-GHz system is to provide an urban area overlay system which will allow office computers and desktop computers to interconnect between tall buildings The existing twisted pair cable systems will not carry the high data rate so the microwave equipment allows dedicated nets to overlay the civil plant The Japanese have tested the system and are confident that it will operate reliably through the rainy environment in Japan This implies that the 26-GHz digital desktop microwave system will work almost anywhere in an urban area and will allow dedicated digital nets to be set up in any city without waiting for improvements in the existing public networks There is even a portable voice channel service set so that a technician can test a new or existing station without using the fixed equipment This should be a very flexible modern system especially for dedicated nets microwave are as good technically as modern us equipment Some of the new foreign systems are very well designed from a marketing standpoint The spread of CCITT standards to almost every nation except the US and Canada gives the foreign microwave manufacturers much easier access to the world market The us companies have been sluggish in responding to this technologic and regulatory change Analysis U Hungarian equipment and technical literature could be a fruitful source of information about microwave systems which will be used in COMECON The apparent 10-year lag time in developing the component manufacturing capability would give some lead time for the development of SIGINT systems to deal with the new microwave technology In addition export control policies could be designed to lengthen the lag time for COMECON manufacture and use by blocking 'access to the manufacturing technology for cr i tical components used by the Hungarians in their development models The Hungarians may also be concerned with digital switching and protocols since the digital microwave must interface into the switches U The possibilities of the Hungarian telecommunications industry as a bellwether of Soviet telecommunications could be explored by literature searches interviews with Dr Ivanek and var ious conventional methods of gathering information U The expected massive growth of telephony in Europe and Asia points to fruitful SIGINT opportunities The telephone growth will be directly related to rapid economic growth in those areas The substantial spending on local distribution $117 billion during 1980-90 implies that the local nets will be valuable access points for SIGINT U Summing up the foreign developments in Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG Page 26 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 H fBfJ S liZ e91IUl'i' Sfk flflBfJS SUM ' aCID 4019697 SEeu Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG Page 27 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 IWI9101 l TJU 'lennl'l' 8UNHll lIOS 91110JPY 4019697 NSA- Crostic #50 Here's one in the cryptic vein A Bethlehem before it became a big city 2 wds B Scopes trial movie is whither 1 intend to go 3 wds 112 132 C For no reason he brought needles sly dog D Is he crabby Why no just a whiner E Judy Garland's best-known song 2 wds foIl by Word U F Light up for prospector's fortunate find 2 wds G Cranny leader H of Texas 4 wds I Death row inmate anticipates Toffler book 2 wds J Fall of a Mau Mau nut K A e inflexible prigs uncommon I say yes -8-ill L Castle bird M Australian server N Why do you brag at a large turnip O See hopes for African tomb-builder 103 134 148 82 86 -2- P For you plus me it can be rash Q Palindromic body part R Ida ran a hotel off the coast of Ireland 102 Sep 83 R D 94 CRYPTOLOG 131 Page 28 8PPI8IAI SS' 8UI JPY DOCIO 4019697 s Familiar thoroughfare for Bob Bing and Dottie T Interrogative U See Word E v Intravenous feeding at Harvard or Yale W Bring back lonely tea bag for headache X Mica is in glasses or cups Y Renew spa personnel's Times subscription z Develop tier between F and H o 1 o K2 16' U 17 IS II 29 N 30 F 31 G 43 K 44 W 45 U 46 58 W 59 J 60 Y 72 L 73 R 74 F 87 L 88 U 89 B 90 3 I 18 o 32 E 47 o I o oo o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o _o o o o o 4 II 19 B 20 o 33 F C 48 Y5 1I 7 X8 K 21 W 22 B 23 I 24 34 I 35 F 36 V 37 G 38 49 K 50 1 51 F 52 Y N 65 X II 6 C 1 l V 62 Y 3 064 75 J 76 177 II 78 5 91 1'92 K 93 X 94 o 103 0 104 II 105 B 106 G 107 J 108 C o o o o B 10 M 11 N 12 C 13 F 25 C 26 Z 27 X 39 B 40 J 54 9 53 I o 179 T 180 I 181 K 182 C 183 0 II 42 Y o 55 L 56 B 57 0 68 II 69 T 70 II 71 II W 86 0 5 81 K 82 a 8 ' U 84 X 85 R 95 X 96 II 97 o 98 K 99 I 140 S 141 r 117 I 130 J 131 R 132 B 142 X 143 M 144 B 145 C 154 W 155 E 15t F 157 1 170 lJ 171 T 100 II 101 U 102 R 113 I 114 B 115 M 116Q 146 F 147 B 158 Y 159 F 160 B 161 N 162 K - 172 Y_ 173 E 174 I 175 W 176 F 177 II 184 K 185 E 186 B 187 N 188 P 189 II J90 X Sep 83 CRYPTOLOG Page 29 Pl-Jan 84-S3-42192 I 41 1 80 136 H 137 II 138 Y 139 Q 178 II I' 79 133 E 134 0 135 M 165 D 166 N 167 X 168 W 169 1 28 G 121 C 122 II 123 J 124 P 125 Z 126 N 127 C 128 II 129 Y 163 Il 164 2 N 5 57 109 Z 11011 III E 112 B 150 F '51 C 152 E 153 1 Y 66 118 L 119 K 120 Q 148 0 149 K K 14 dh w This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu