I aJUVlD DaJ b l 5lBl lrnVU aJ B 5 I lB 0WV 0 W fW m lBl IJUI bI B dJGBP JI 3 CJdJGBP Jl1 1J0t 4 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS A CURRENT PERSPECTIVE U oooo ooooooooooo 1 - - - - - - ESPIONAGE AS A TOOL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER U oooooooooooooooooo 8 INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS IN THE COMPUTER AGE U Jack Gurin 12 NAMING SOVIET CITIES U ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo oooooo oooooo oo 16 THE BOOKBREAKER U ooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo Stuart Buck ooooooo oooooooo 17 WORD PROCESSING PLAIN AND SIMPLE U oooooooooo 18 UNLESS TEXTS HANG TOGETHER LINGUISTS WILL ALL HANG SEPARATELY U ooooooooooo oooo 25 NSA-CROSTIC NO 56 U 28 1 1 l 1 k ---Jb ' 4033691 FSR SFFl8IA aSE Sfl bJPY Published by PI Techniques and Standards VOL XI No 6-7 JUNE-JULY 1984 Editoria' PUBLISHER This month we bid farewell to our assistant editor l who is retiring the verb not the adjective I BOARD OF EDITORS Collection Computer Security L I 63-396Is ------ f1 59-6044 Cryptolinguist icsl I 963-1103s Data Systems 1 96$-4953s Information Science r------- 1 96'k5 711 s Mathematics L 96a 85l8s Puzzles David H Will iams 9 jD ll03s Special Research Vera R Filby 9 ' 1119s Traffic Analys is Robert J Hanyok 968 4l8s r- If you have ever known him you will find it hard to imagine him as a retiree Harry doesn't seem to have a second gear or any way to go at half speed There is a rumor that when Harry talks REALLY fast only dolpnins can understand him We will miss him He has been a stalwart force in keeping this magazine going Thanks Harry for your inexhaustible supply of energy enthusiasm and encyclopedic knowledge Shalom For subscriptions send name and organization to lil I P L 86-36 To submit articles or letters by mail to PI Cryptolog via PLATFORM mail send to cryptolg at barlc05 bar-one-c-zero-five note no '0' in 'log' Contents of Cryptolog should not be reproduced or further disseminated outside the National Security Agency without the permiss ion of the Pub I isher Inquiries regarding reproduction and dissemination should be directed to the Editor FQR QFFl8Hm HSEl 811b'l aCID 4033691 L T b 86-36 by a areas in addition to communications externals Among these areas are la k of und 'ta dinc oo nino th Collection Management including the Collection Objective Performance Evaluation Systems COPES and its follow-on Collection Evaluation System CES statistical reporting raffi analy i today i' variety of problems affecting the analyst not the least of which is a separate functions which comprise traffic analysis Contrary tp popular definition the traffic analysis fA field of today encompasses much more than the mere analysis of communications externals Traffic analysis consists of six separate functions J Collection Management J Collection Support Processing Analysis Reporting and Evaluation Collection Support including knowledge of working aids available to assist in collection and identification duties as well as of target characteristics that can support both current and future collection operations Processing including Automated Data Processing ADP routines available to assist in manipulating the intercepted data for subsequent analysis EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 nalysis including sufficient knowledge of the various traffic analys is techniques and target characteristics that develop information to satisfy consumer requirements which are intended to be mutually supportive of each other However because both managers and analysts lack understanding of the interrelationship that exists between and among these functions they all too often are performed at cross purposes with one funct ion inadvertently affecting the success or failure in a follow-on activity In these days of meager collection and analytic resources it is imperative that an understanding of the relationship bonding the six functions of traffic analysis be fostered at all levels to ensure the complete and proper use of these resources - e1' To function effectively in the traffic analysis world of today the traffic analyst must have a rudimentary knowledge of several Jun 84 Reporting including the criteria and appropriate reporting vehicles for providing information to satisfy consumer requirements Evaluation including the techniques available to constantly monitor and compare tasked and acquired collection so as to redirect these resources to areas of the target's communications that are susceptible to exploitation and Perspective including a thorough knowledge of the target's order-of-battle OB structure that underlies the target's communications as well as a thorough understanding of the targets past history from which to view changes in the target's communication habits CRYPTOLOG 88UPIBI3U'I'IAh Page 1 IWlBl5S V lz Selt l' SIlt ShS euhY P L aCID 86-36 P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c c J13 6 91 A lack of knowledge in anyone of these areas can ensure failure in attaining the ultimate goal of consumer satisfaction Additionally an incorrect managerial emphasis on anyone function over another will also ensure failure in attaining this ultimate goal Collection Management U The first function to be encountered by the traffic analyst is the Collection Management function It is at this point that the consumer's requirement is translated into specific collection tasking to acquire the needed information Collection Support U Once the tasking is accurately developed and transmitted to the field site the next function Collection Support determines the success or failure of a field element in satisfying its tasked requirements D At the local level field site managers usually are faced with a dec is ion of where to use their most talented personnel an effective Collection Support element or an effective Analysis Reporting effort Unfortunately all too often the choice is for the A R effort because of the high visibility of analytic breakthroughs and consistent product reporting D This decision on the part of the field manager leaves the Collection Support effort Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c HMIBYi VIA 88HHl'f 8UMlUIlMl 8NhY aCID 4033691 eSNP'EBBll'f'fAb with poorly trained analysts generally those with the least experience in TA duties These individuals are then placed in the fast-paced environment of the collection floor an environment that breeds confusion and is the least likely place to learn the functions of traffic analysis U In addition to the assignment of poorly trained personnel at the local level at the national headquarters level technical support material is seldom provided in a manner that facilitates its use in the field Most often this material is seldom provided in a bulk manner which dictates tedious manipulation in the field to extract desired information Yet this same manipulation is often performed within the national headquarters on a daily basis through various computer routines but is not made available to field sites Thus while a steady and voluminous stream of technical support material is provided to the field element it is seldom provided in a manner that facilitates its use in the field and it is often too unwieldy to be used on the collection floor with all its hectic activity on evaluat ion which at tributes tasking satisfaction to the wrong target To ensure the most effective Collection Support effort possible field managers must develop an operational system that exposes all elements of the assigned analytical work force to both collection support duties and desk analysis duties Ideally such a system which rotates the individuals between these two worlds will ultimately increase the ex'pertise levels available in both areas Likewise at the national level all methods of developing collection support material for field elements must be closely scrutinized to ensure that a minimum of manipulat ion is required onsite to use the data Processing The next function of traffic analysis Processing often assumes a life of its own From the analyst's standpoint processing or to use a more common term logging quickly becomes as soc iated with drudgery The fac t that processing is accomplished merely in order to organize intercepted data for subsequent analysis is quickly forgotten Processing then becomes a mindless transfer of data from one medium the raw intercept to another medium the casebook or dat a base Further this attitude quickly leads to overlooked items of significance that otherwise would require immediate analyt ic or reporting at tention Of these the misidentification rate should be of the greatest concern since it dramatically impacts on the Processing Analysis Reporting and Evaluation functions that follow the Collection Support function A poor case notation identification rate in the Collection Support function means that all case identifications received for processing must be verified to ensure that the correct notation is applied a time-consuming process for an individual already strapped for time in performing his or her other processing duties Failure to verify the correct identification on all cases can have disastrous effects on processing necessitating complete revisions of case history records on analysis which attributes incorrect technical operating characteristics to the wrong case l on reporting which provides false information to the consumer and P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 aCID 4033691 poses should be deleted from existing requirements For example the processing of voluminous message serialization data should not be imposed on the affected analyst if no one intends to perform a study of this aspect of the target's communications The processing requirements should be continually geared to the voids of the target's communications that need to be exploited and not to those characteristics that are commonplace and seldom change as these voids are reduced through exploitation P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c L 86-36 1 4 c Analysis U From the managers' standpoint however processing quickly becomes the key productivity measurement because of the statistical data available from data base maintenance inputs Since the underlying desire is for an accurate data base from which to extract material for subsequent analysis and from which to drive any automatic collection support vehicles which emanate from the data base the managers' concern becomes one of concern over data base maintenance accuracy and volume Unfortunately this concern for accuracy normally translates into a concern over the correct formatt ing of the input rather than over the validity of the information itself Likewise the volume concern translates into a meaningless body count that is used to spur further productivity Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG SBflFIBEi ITltJ Page 4 M'WIH i HI' eQMUIT eM UlMUS QllJ JPY aCID 4033691 eSUFIBBU'i'lM underlying military force must be the first priority of the traffic analyst Only through such mastery can an analyst understand the communications facing him or detect changes in those communications which can be attributed to something reportable In addition to ensuring that the analysts are knowledgeable of the structure of the military force managers at all levels must ensure that the analytic studies to be undertaken first have the potential of satisfying either established reporting criteria or of developing material that will aid Collection Support activities All other studies no matter how well-intentioned are merely a waste of an analyst 1 s valuable time Reporting U The reporting function is the sum total of how well the earlier functions were conducted If these earlier functions were conducted in a shoddy manner they normally wi 11 culminate in an inaccurate report that bears little relationship to the consumer's initial state requirement Conversely if these earlier functions were conducted in an orderly manner so that each function supported the following one the report will probably satisfy the consumer's request In addition to satisfying the consumer's request the analyst must also concern himself or herself about using the proper format for the information to be used in the report Poorly formatted reports while factually correct convey a sense of disorganization that can color the credibility placed on the information by the recipient Jun 84 i U Both of these rationalizations have effectively downgraded the opportunities available to the traffic analyst to participate in the reporting function the only function which at present is directly keyed to reporting criteria that match the con sumers' requirements By reducing the analysts I participation in this function we also reduce their ability to ensure that the previous functions remain directed towards the ultimate goal of consumer satisfaction Managers at all levels must emphasize the development and maintenance of effective and imaginative reporting programs that challenge the analysts' skill to ensure that that reporting function does not become divo rced from all that has preceded it P L 86-36 P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c EO 1 4 c Evaluation CRYPTOLOG eSMI' Il'I IH tAL P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c Page 5 H lIBf JB VIA eSlIltl'f eUtrlmI'H 8 ant i 4033691 QQtll HlI iU'P Itd U Through their involvement in the evaluation process the traffic analysts are well placed to redirect the collection resources to exploitable areas--or at least to areas that have not been satisfied through past intercept--of the target's communications Unfortunately the evaluation process is normally either not performed at all or it keys on indicators which when viewed alone fail to provide an accurate reflection of the productivity of the resource L 86-36 EO 1 4 c To Editor Cryptolog Dear Ed U As should be apparent the traffic analyst of today is faced with a variety of functions However all of these functions are tied together by a thread of continuity relating to the final goal of consumer satisfaction If these functions are not kept in their proper relationship to each other either through analyst neglect or improper managerial emphasis it will be difficult--if not impossible--to achieve a cohesive operational mission that satisfies consumer requirements Only through mutually supporting functions as originally envis ioned can our scarce collection and analytic resources be used to their fullest extent In other words perhaps a return to the basics may be in order for the traffic analyst of today u To err is human to forgive--divine We should feel that way but it's not easy When the Data Standards Center was alerted to look for that verbum horribile JULIAN DATE in the latest Shell Game article entitled Time Shells February-March 1984 pp 9-ll our dismay was great Here again was that atrocious misnomer staring at us from the pages of an otherwise excellent publication Only arch conservatives who don t t bel ieve in progress would dare use the term Julian Date when what they meant was really Ordinal Date which is a Federal standard as well as DoD NSA After all when Pope Gregory XIII gave us the modern calendar circa 1580 he likely never dreamed that 20th century man would still be using the JULIAN calendar after all these years It's now 13 days behind our Gregorian one which is hard enough to keep up to date what with leap years and all that U So please repent and be forgiven--and henceforth use only ORDINAL DATE when you want to record a date such as 21 June 1985 in the form 85172 The Standards Center expounded on this theme in the September '83 issue of CRYPTOLOG in a piece called Do You Really Mean Julian Verb sap PHD Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG Page SSHI IQI iH'PIt P L 6 HhtiB151 i VIA SQUIN'P SUMUll il58 SU15Y 86-36 ero 4033691 FaR aFF S At HSEl SlibY Dear Editor Improved communications processing centralization and widespread computer use have all contributed to the apparent demise of the ITC Informal Technical Circular vehicle used by the traffic analyst No one seems to remember when the last ITC was issued or who is the keeper of ITC serialization or even if they are serialized for that matter This is all very regretable because after many long years of searching I have finally found a TA item that meets ITC criteria and merits widespread circulation among the agency's analyt ic work force As a last resort th is ITC is being sent to you in the hope that it can be published via CRYPTOLOG j im@barl cO 5 P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 FeR eFFI8Ihb HSEl SlibY 4033691 FOR 8FFiSil S6 8NzJPY OOL OF ECHNOLOGY ANSFER u i echnology has become one of the major variables that influences and determines United States national security policy What can or cannot be done as a part of this policy is largely determined by the technological capabilities of the United States and of its adversaries Technology thus has a major impact on strategy with tactical and strategic doctrine constantly changing in response to rapid advances in technology These changes necessitate an almost continual alteration of strategy and policy to incorporate improvements in technology and to counter those of our potential adversaries Our enemies are faced with the same dilemma The result of technology becoming a vital component of a nat ion I s sec uri ty is that any power that lags significantly in military technology no matter how large its military budget or how efficiently it allocates resources is likely to be at the mercy of its more progressive enemies Thus the importance of military science and technology to national security is increasing in almost direct proportion to the importance of science and technology to society Although the United States has enjoyed military superiority since World War II because of the advanced scientific and technical base that was built up over a number of years today this dominance is being threatened by the Soviet Union The Soviet Union views scientific and technological achievements as the keystone of political and economic power however they traditionally have done well only in processes not noted for techno logical complexity in which central coordination of large amounts of capiJun 84 L tal and resources confer some kind of comparative advantage This has caused them problems since there is more to technological innovation than the mere discovery of the concept The concept has to be translated into something useful Nonetheless the gap between US and Soviet military technology is closing and we are rapidly approaching an era of equality Although the Soviet Union is currently the second most technologically advanced nation in the world we cont inue to provide them with the products and processes that they require to develop new and increasingly more sophisticated weapons systems Modern weapons become obsolete in a comparatively few years since the lead time to develop weapons is often considered long when compared to the rate of change in science and technology The cost and complexity also increases with each new generation of weapons and this has resulted in a premium being added to careful and accurate research and development planning Sudden technological achievements that impact on doctrine and set nations off on a new course are rare and occur only after decades of research and development The development of these weapons systems is time-consuming expensive and important Since the success of a country's foreign policy rests increasingly on technological superiority technology has become one of the most decisive influences in international affairs The necessity for obtaining technological information has become paramount to existence as a world power therefore espionage to determine where on the scale of technological possibilities the enemy lies has become important commonplace and necessary for the survival of many governmental systems CRYPTOLOG paR appi6ihb QSE Page 8 QN JPY 86-36 aCID 4033691 iO QiFIQlt'm HBEl SUty The necessity for obtaining military and pol i tical information by espionage has always been accepted although it has been the convention never to acknowledge that it was being done As early as World War II the Soviets began to use espionage to improve their technology The friendly relationships between the Allies during the war years made espionage easy and lucrative As a result the Soviets gained important knowledge of the US atomic energy program data on jet engine propulsion and access to many US production techniques In addition because of the Lend-Lease program they had actual US equipment to use as models Even so despite a theoretical heritage and German scientists captured at the close of World War II the Soviets began from a rather meager technical base Unt il the early 1950s they continued to rely heavily on outside assistance With the development of thermonuclear weapons and the systems to deliver them during the mid-1950s scientific and techno logical advances became more rapid and more important As a result the Soviets increased and intensified their intelligence collection using espionage to gain information regarding advances in science and technology Acquiring or stealing technology was assigned the highest priority for Soviet intelligence operations Both the KGB and GRU the two major Soviet intelligence organizations were tasked with using whatever means were available to ensure that a continuing flow of Western technology found its way to Soviet agriculture Soviet industry and most important to Soviet mil i tary users Thus the collection of scientific and technical information became a normal function of the Soviet intelligence services In the United States more than threefourths of all military-related research and development is done by private industry with the Department of Defense contribut ing over $200 million a year to their basic research activities In addition there are many other research activit ies that 0 ften resul t in new processes or teChniques that could have military application The difficulty is that a piece of research can serve both the purposes of peace and war This causes considerable problems in controlling this kind of information since the openness of our society has caused a dilemma In the name of nat ional security our government often feels compelled to constrain the flow of technology to the Soviet Union or other countries who might pass on the critical information to the Soviets or their counterparts For economic health however the US government must promote the export competitiveness of our high-tech products These controls have always been at the heart of controversy and have made the denial of information to the Soviets difficult This has made the acquisition of information by their intelligence apparatus highly successful and therefore very damaging to the interests of the United States The research and development programming system of the United States and its annual military posture statement give many details of our future military plans These documents are widely distributed and available to the Soviet agent As stated in a 1970s study on the arms race The United States for reasons of policy tradition and ineptness in keeping secrets has been so open that Soviet military planners perhaps know as much about these mat ters in the US as the US mil itary planners Using this type of data Soviet agents can be directed towards available open source documents They find them in great numbers It is estimated that there are at least 50 000 technical journals most of them monthly published throughout the world and that in some technica I areas I notably electronics plastics and chemicals literature output doubles every 10 to 15 years About 30 percent of the agents I requirements could be met by legal open means such as subscribing to Aviation Week attending international conferences using contacts with Soviet citizens attending American universities and through the adroit use of the Freedom of Informat ion Act Often by asking the right questions they are able to acquire from the federal government files and other technical data materials not generally avai lable to the public Much of this data is often recently declassified The Soviets are also able to buy technologically sophisticated equipments on the open Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 FSR SFFieiAti tl8t1 SUrtt 4033691 ilQa QHHlIA Her QUbY market Legal acquisitions generally have their greatest impact on the industrial base and affect military technology on a relatively long-term basis These legal acquisitions almost always find their way into military industries and subsequently into the civilian sectors of industry that support military production o Although the Soviets will state that these acquisitions will be used solely for civilian applications legal purchases are part of a well-organized and well-coordinated plan to acquire Wes tern technology that is militarily significant and of benefit to Soviet industries engaged in research development and production of weapons systems Although massive amounts of information are gained by using open source publications and through the legal acquisition of American equipment about 70 percent of the Soviets' technology requirements are met by their illegal purchases and through informat ion gained by their intelligence services According to Edward J O'Malley an FBI official in Washington They buy what they can I they steal what they can't buy l Clandestine acquisition of the West's most advanced militaryrelated equipment and know-how by the Soviet intelligence apparatus is a major and growing problem These organizations have been so successful that the manpower allocated to this effort has increased significantly and there are now several thousand technology collection officers operating in the United States under various covers ranging from diplomat to journalist to student FBI Director William Webster in an appearance on CBS' s Face the Nation on 24 April 1983 stated that there are about 3 000 Soviet bloc diplomats in the United States and 30 to 40 percent pursue US secrets--especially military information and laser and computer technology A favorite technique of these agents is to set up a dummy corporation chartered to provide an authentic-looking letterhead At the present time the Soviets are bankrolling about 400 of these companies in the free world These companies place orders for the high-tech equipment required by the Soviets The equipment is then sent to some non-Communist country in Europe and eventually diverted to Russia 2 Another method used by the Soviet agents is to persuade legitimate foreign companies to import US equipment and then sell it to the Russians for a profit The acquisitions gained through these illegal trade channels often have important military applications company usually through monetary inducements to sell the company secrets If _necessary the agent may even hire thieves to steal the information This practice has been particularly lucrative for thieves in the Silicon Valley where many have found that stealing microchips is more profitable and less risky than stealing cars Among some of the secrets recently lost to the Soviets through the illicit transfer of technology have been the details of the quite radar system for the B-1 and Stealth bombers the F-15 look-down shoot-down radar system and the Phoenix air-to-air missile--clearly some of our most modern and most important military technology So confident are the Soviets that they can obtain whatever US technology they need that they now start building the new weapons system before the necessary high-tech components have emerged' from US laboratories--and promptly steal them when we do When the Soviets receive Western technology whether it was obtained through legal or illegal means it is coordinated with information and equipment obtained through a complex network of international governmental scientific and technical exchange agreements the Soviets maintain with industrial nations worldwide These include know-how equipment and computer data base collection activities of Soviet scientists and engineers who participate in academic commercial and official science and technology exchanges Richard D DeLauer Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering says that one problem with these exchanges is that US scientists and engineers go off in the corner and shoot the bull with the Russians and anyone else who's there for the wrong reasons 3 These visiting Soviet technical and student delegations generally consist of expert scientists many of whom are connected with classified work The mastery they gain in assimilating one technology enables them to use subsequent transfers of related technologies The increased mastery that resul ts can be used to undertake independent technological efforts that may include replication and adaptation of foreign technologies and eventually the creation of new technology If the Soviet agent fails to acquire the necessary equipment or information using the methods described above he may resort to larceny One method used successfully is to persuade a disaffected employee of a high-tech Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 ilQa Qilill8lt'd H8B 8Uli'1 aCID 4033691 FeR eFFI S15t 1i SF i 811I lJPY In a cost-benefit analysis espionage may be the most economically productive element of the Soviet economy The benefits however do not stop there and are not totally economic Using US technology the Soviets can develop countermeasures to negate our weapons superiority before the weapons are ever deployed Since the US must rely on technological superiority to offset the Soviets' advantages in quantitative military power the illegal transfer of advanced technology is providing the Soviets with the rope to hang us--exactly as Lenin prophesied over a half century ago In addition the Soviets learn from our mistakes They can then focus their research and development capital to areas where we are the weakest and select from the best of both technological worlds The Soviet use of industrial espionage imposes increasing costs on our economy and results in a continual struggle to overcome technology we have invented As someone once said We have met the enemy and it is us Soviet candidates in various academic and scientific exchange programs nearly always propose research activities that involve technologies that have a military application This is especially true in areas where the Soviets have a deficiency In the past two years more than 30 percent of the proposals offered under the graduate student exchange programs have been unacceptable because of the prospective technology loss 4 Many other proposals had to be modified before they could be allowed These Soviet students are often intelligence agents with the necessary scientific and technological backgrounds to make them extremely efficient in gathering information on technological interest Soviets also regularly attend hightechnology trade shows and attempt to va t commercial firms particularly small and medium size firms that are active in developing new technologies These activities are used as a subterfuge to gain access to emerging Western technologies before they have been identified by the US government as having military applications and to make contacts with the personnel of these companies for future exploitation The information-gathering efforts that have been described above save the Soviets billions in research and deve lopment costs Stephen Bryen Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Economic Trade and Security Policy says We keep getting numbers that are so big and so frightening that we have given up trying to calculate the amount But it is in the billions 5 Jun 84 Footnotes 1 US Mounts a Belated Effort to Halt the Theft of Electronic Secrets Life April 1983 pp 29-36 ---- 2 FBI Claims 30 Percent of Soviets Here to Spy Washington Times April 15 1972 p ------ 3 Padlocking the Laboratory Week April 2 1983 p 100 4 Ibid 5 Stemming Flow of High Tech to Christian Science Monitor 11 1971 p 4 Business East April SOLUTION TO NSA-Crostic No 55 The Things They Say by Doris Miller KEYWORD August 1968 reprinted in CRYPTOLOG November 1976 'I know it doesn't make sense but that's what it says ' This is the granddaddy of them all the great class ic disc laimer oo the most spontaneous universal and irrepressible outcry in the translating world surely there is no one in the business who hasn't given tongue to it at some time CRYFTOLOG FeR 9FHSii 1 4 S6 Page 11 81lhY 4033691 INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS' IN THE COMPUTER AGE U bV ok Gurln ' SRL IiI n io' llig oo wnrk h day nf 'h 3 x 5 card fi Ie is over or nearly so Those files on which so much depends have moved into something more distant from the user--somehow more difficult to reach--an entity that sometimes seems to thumb its nose at those who would seek its he lp the data base But no matter what your opinion may be of the data base whether you describe it with kind words or harsh ones that is where you must go for the information you need And what is it but a collection of all sorts of data used by many people for many different purposes It should never be an end in itself since its only reason for existing is to serve the needs of those who feed lt and ask it questions But like some of the ancient gods it sometimes assumes a role in which ritual supplants substance and the needs of those who support it are subordinated to the requirements of the system created to serve them D The data base is a creature of the computer Dnti1 recently it has been possible to obtain information from this repository only by means of special languages and even then in a highly restricted number of approaches As the computer becomes more versatile and responsive it is not asking too much to expect the data base to move under the direct control of the user of the information without requiring the acquisition of yet another strange language With the rapid changes in computer technology and with the increasing accessibility of personal computers it is time for us to take another look at data bases and how we may make them serve our purposes more effectively than in the past Jun 84 FILE SYSTEMS AND DATA BASE SYSTEMS D Files have always been with us and probably always will be There certainly will be a role for them in a highly localized arena When the same type of data is needed in many different places by many different people however it becomes dif ficul t to ensure that all copies of the information are accurate and up to date Especially in a rapidly changing intelligence environment the importance of a maintaining the accuracy timeliness and completeness of a commonly held fund of information is obvious D Another shortcoming of file systems is their inflexibility If you need the data items grouped in different ways there may be difficu1 ties de lays or denials How often we have been disappointed because the organization of the data did not permit a particular question to be answered And restructuring the data may be out of the question since a seemingly trivial change in a file environment sets off a chain reaction of other changes that must be made This is the kind of thing that gives data systems a bad name since they seem not to be able to fulfill their purpose without requiring expens ive al terations every time a slightly different question is asked D A file is a thing unto itself It just isn't tied to anything else any more than a book is tied into another book Of course you may have cross references to other files just as you may find a find a bibliography in a book you are reading If the cross references or the bibliographies are extensive they discourage the user from any ttempt at com- CRYPTOLOG Page 12 F6K 6FFleh'm tiSB 6t11 't aCID 4033691 FOi OFFI I pleteness Unless you have lots of time it is not practical to follow all the suggested additional references THE HIGH COST OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING U It is all to obvious that programming costs have consumed a larger and larger part of the data pro essing budget and as far as the user i concerned most or all of that has been spent on keeping the old systems going not improving them but keeping them alive Often it is the user who triggers many of these costs by asking for information that is just a bit different than what can be derived from the system as it stands This kind of proliferation of maintenance requirements if not carefully controlled tends to increase as the number of programs grows until it threatens the entire programming budget by its size U One of the main objects of a data base system is to allow changes in the information to be made just once and to have that update available immediately to all users Another is to permit a programmer to make a change in one of the elements of a data base without having to change the other structures In other words the data should be independent of the programs as far as the user is concerned To achieve these goals we have to move into data base management systems that have been created for just these purposes It is not necessary for the user to know how a data base management system works it is enough to know that it exists only to provide easily and quickly the needed information if it is stored within the system DATA BASE DIALOGUES U The user should be able to deal with the data base without relying on intermediates Data should be organized in such a manner that by employing a simple easy-touse query language the user will be able to express needs directly and extract satisfactory responses The job of combining those elements in the data base that must be brought together to provide a complete and accurate answer to the query is a task for the data base syst em not for a special program that needs to be written for the purpose U i ON JPY SIZE OF THE DATA BASE U When we talk of THE data base it should not be assumed that there should be one humongous collection of information with all users dipping into the reservoir when looking for answers What appears more likely is that there will be many data bases all on the same system but physically and logically separate They should be linked by common query languages and design policies so that when necessary linkages between them may be forged It is entirely possible that the system will be called upon to provide information that transcends the province' of anyone col- nb tea no roauor how h n'i ' P L U Ignoring for the moment the obvious considerations of security which will vary from one application to the next one of the great advantages of effective use of a data base system is sharing the data This means that everyone who is in the system and needs it has access virtually immediately to the information in its most recent and accurate form It will be necessary to develop clear lines of responsibility where they do not already exist as to which is the office of primary interest for each type of data item and to ensure that all participants understand the distribution of responsibilities for entering and maintaining the data items U The difficulties involved in linking together or integrating the data base and of standardizing the data items may turn out to be considerable since so many organizations have developed their own ways of keeping files of information But that is a cost that must be borne if we wish to take full advantage of the capabilities of the computer to assist in the task of bringing to our attention ALL the relevant data that should go into an intelligence judgment U No doubt when this kind of flexibility is provided much more use will be made of the data bases especially as the users learn more about the potential of such a system in the exploitation of accumulated information Jun 84 86-36 DATA SHARING CRYPTOLOG Page 13 FeR eFFlelk b t 1BE 5li b1 4033691 THE DATA MODEL U Data items do not exist in isolation but are associated with one another Maps need to be drawn showing which data items are assoc iated with which others and what types of association these are Such maps give an overall representation of the data that is needed to service the inquiries of users A map showing different data items and how they are associated with one another is called a data model The development of such a data model or map is the first step in organizing a data base that will be most responsive to the user's requirements U Development of a model calls for the direct participation of users since they are the ones to define the various elements that are to go into the data base and they must also describe the nature of the relationships between those elements Some kind of consensus must be reached if the model is to be sui tab Ie for a group of users but in all cases the opinions of the user rather than the data system professional must prevail U The user's view of the data may be much simpler than the actual data and should be tailored to his own application This struc ture may be referred to as the logical structure The actual data structure stored on tape or disks may be re ferred to as the physical structure To illustrate this difference think of the map of the Metro system in Washington as it is displayed in the subway cars It merely displays the relationships of the stations to each other and to the line they are on There is little representation on that schematic of actual distances between stations and actual paths followed by the train The map is a logical rather than a physical map of the system The user of the system whether subway or data base need not be concerned about anything but the logical structure When using the data base nothing about the system should remind him that the physical structure is different It will be up to the system to convert the user's queries whether naive or informed into whatever is required to provide the des ired response queries If the logical structures are designed badly operational personnel will not rely on them but will turn once again to local fi les which for all their shortcomings can be created and manipulated with some feeling of security U Another key factor in determining the success of the dat a base is the extent to which the user can be protected from the impact of changes that have to be made in the structure These changes can be minimized by careful system design but 'they are unlikely to be eliminated When such changes are to be made they should be accomplished in a manner that does not alter the external appearance of the system The data may be expected to change constantly--especially in an intelligence environment--but the structure of the data base itself should be as stable as possible If in the future our data base sys tem i tse 1GBP will require the services of programming personnel to make repeated changes in order to cope with changing demands we will return to the same old problem of expending an unconscionable proportion of resources in patching up the system to keep it going Chances are that only the minimal inves tment will be made and the system will creak badly U When talking about data modeling we refer to items about which we store information as entltles Examples of entities are personalities weapons systems organizations abbreviat ions job titles and abs tract concepts U Each entity has various attributes that contribute to the definition of that particular entity It may be a rank a location a title or other type of data Of course what is an attribute in one case could well be an entity in another If one is pursuing a personal name then or ganizat ion becomes an important attribute If on the other hand an organization is the focus of interest then a membership list could be an important attribute The same case could be made for the relationships between say pilot aircraft and flight number The challenge to developers of a data base system is to make the most effective use of the entity-attribute relationship CREATING THE DATA MODEL FOURTH GENERATION LANGUAGES U The question of what would be the best logical structure for the data is vitally important for the succes s 0 f the data base system We expect the system not only to provide complete rapid and accurate responses to today's queries from the user but also to allow itself to be updated easily and as intelligence needs vary in the future to be responsive to changes in the nature of U As was said earlier the data base should be so configured that the user will be able to deal with it directly seldom having to rely on a programmer to adjust the system to his changing requirements One of the obstacles facing many users or would-be users of computer-based information systems has been the mysterious language that must be mastered before one is allowed to talk to the computer Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 4033691 i'Q Qi'FISIA15 geE Slit Over the years the number and levels of sophistication of such languages have increased and we are at the point where the machine can be addressed in words that almost resemble but really aren't normal English Some of these languages are procedural and some nonprocedural some have both capabilities --A procedural language specifies how something is accomplished a non-procedural-ranguage specifies what is to be done but not in detail how it iStO be done For example should you wish to go by taxi to BWI Airport you would expect to enter the cab and simply announce your destination to the driver confident that he would know how to get there You made a non-procedural request If however he did not know the route you might have to describe not only which roads to take but when to turn etc In the lat ter case you would specify the how as well as the what and would issue procedural instructions TOillustrate this point with a query directed to the computer suppose your question was Give me the names of all pilots stationed at Andrews AFB who are qualified to fly F-16s With a procedural language you would have to specify the path to follow get personnel list for officers at Andrews AFB find rated officer select if qualified to pilot F-l6 do until no more rated officers print names of selected officers end When all the conditions for our ideal data base are fulfilled the user will merely say what is to be done and will not be concerned with how For the latter he will rely on the application generator a part of the system that is designed to perform that task U Users should not only be allowed to create their own applications without having to resort to programmers but they should also be able to direct the system to extract wanted data and to format it into reports Some of these report generators are independent of the data b query facilities others are extensions of the data base query languages Ideally the user should be able to start by learning to make simple data base queries and should steadily extend that skill to data manipulation and report formatting U All of the preceding marvels are not only possible They are reality in some lucky eire les Before they can be made avail lib Ie locally however the system must be redesigned and equipped with data base management facilities suited for creating applications A better logical design is required for the data bases now in use Only then can effective use be made of data base query languages report generators and application generators Remember that we are talking not about what may be possible in the future but about the present state of the art And it is likely that the coming months will bring additional advances that will permit the user to manipulate data even more effectively and speedily A NEW ERA FOR INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS U What is the significance of these advances in data base manipulation to translators transcribers analysts--anyone engaged in intelligence analysis Why go through the trouble--and it will require quite a bit of effort--to reorganize all information files according to a demanding discipline that will appear foreign to previous practice and experience What kind of payoff is to be expected from this investment of time labor and sophisticated new equipment U The justification lies in the potential of the computer to serve the intelligence community as it has the scientific and technological communities The computer will be able to assist the user of information files with greatly increased speed accuracy and completeness and this alone could raise productivity sufficiently to justify the investment In addition the computer will be able to assist the user by exploring the relationships of data items in a way that the analyst could only do if time and effort expenditure limitations did not exis t Data base searches of possible relationships performed at enormous speed could provide to the user information that would otherwise simply not be available The combination of a powerful personal computer and a relational data base that may be reached via a non-procedural language and a data base management system will provide a tool for intelligence analysis such as we have never had before U Another facility available to some data base users permits them to specify WHETHER they want the data displayed in graphic form Then they specify HOW The system may be asked to search files or data bases and to chart the resulting in format ion according to different criteria Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 FSR SFFleli'b eSE 6Ntr aCID 4033691 FeR eFFIQIt'rl J eBB emw NAMING SOVIET CITIES l ince the October Revolution the Russians have seen an inordinate number of their larger and more important cities undergo name changes at least once and in some cases as many as three times A study of this twentieth-century phenomenon reveals certain trends which have developed in Soviet city name-changing through the years In addition to isolating such trends a study of this type gives us a quick course in Soviet history over the past fifty years or so In the material which follows only the larger Soviet cities have been included i CU Not long after the Bolsheviks assumed power a crusade was started to change the names of Russian cities which were named after tsars or tsarinas or were otherwise assoc iated wi th tsardom Accordingly Novonikolaevsk became Novosibirsk Aleksandrovsk was changed to Zaporozh' e Ekaterinoslav was renamed Dnepropetrovsk Tsarkoe Selo became Pushkin etc Today none of the major Soviet cit ies have Tsarist-assoc iated names although there is still a fair smattering of Ekaterinovkas Nikolaevkas Elizavetovkas etc throughout the country Cu Another noticeable trend in city naming began with the death of Lenin important Soviet cities were renamed for deceased Bolshevik heroes It was perfectly fitting that after Lenin's death his birthplace and the place where the Bol shevik Revolution erupted should be named for him Other leading Bolsheviks like Sverdlov Kirov Kujbyshev and Frunze were also posthumously honored by having cities named after them Jun 84 U Reprinted frDm the Spring 1984 issue Df VDX TDpics where it appeared with nD author s given City names were written with Cyrillic characters in the Driginal and the Dnly change made in the text was to transliterate those names for readers of Cryptolog CU During 1924 the very year of Lenin's death another less durable city-naming practice that of naming large cities after living Soviet heroes came into vogue Cities all over the Soviet Union began taking Stalin's name Zinoviev also had this dubious honor bestowed on him when Elizavetgrad became Zinovievsk Later Molotov and Voroshilov were similarly honored when the cities of Perm' and Lugansk respectively were named after them The trouble with the practice was that most of these men fell into disfavor while still alive or in the case of Stalin after death This necessitated changing the names of the cities once again Rather than dreaming up new names the Soviets tended to resolve these dilemmas by giving the cities back their harmless former names Thus Perm' and Lugansk where reinstated while Dyushambe which had become Stalinabad returned as Dushanbe The only two major cities to escape this fate were Kalinin formerly Tver' and Gorkij formerly Nizhni Novgorod 1 CU New names however had to be found for Zinovievsk and Stalingrad which could not go back to their tsarist-tainted named of CRYPTOLOG Page 16 Fea eFF I e II'm eSB 8Urtt 4033691 Elizavetgrad and Tsaritsyn The same was also true for Stalino which could not return to Yuzovka which had been named after an Englishman In searching for new names for these last two cities the Soviets decided to name them after fairly noncontroversial things-rivers Thus Volgograd and Donetsk came into being Zinovievsk had its name changed twice more first to Kirovo and finally to Kirovgrad BOOKBREAKER U U The Soviets in their naming and renaming of cities over the years seem to have become more conservative and sophisticated No major cities have been named after living persons in recent times It seems apparent that they have finally realized the problems related to bestowing names of living Soviet giants on their major cities They have carried this even further by not naming any larger cities after dead stalwarts in recent times When the cosmonauts Gagarin and Komarov died there was no rush to name Kiev Rostov or other large cities after them An interesting sidelight is that in the last few years the very few non-major Soviet cities to be named after dead people were named in honor of recently deceased foreign Communist leaders Thus Stavropol in Kujbyshevskaya Oblast' was named after the Italian Communist rogliatti Chis tyakovo took the name of the Frenchman Thorez and Liski became Georgiu-Dej after the Romanian leader excerpt from Bookbreaking Improvisations Part iI by Stuart Buck P1 Informal June 1966 p 98 U The trend today however seems to be to hold on to the city names they have and to honor their heroes by naming schools ships l parks and the like after them 1 Kalinin was a noncontroversial symbol of the Russ ian peasantry who got along with everyone while Gorkij's literary fame evidently overshadowed any political troubles in which he became involved Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG yep 6l i681 iy Page 17 IBR EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 aCID 4033691 FOR OFFICI ' USE 8l Y WORD PROCESSING A PLAIN SIMPLE For the User That 15 U p Lb b1 ----- B y now most people have heard of word processors and a fairly large segment of the Agency population has used one We would here like to ex u amine their characteristics and describe our ideal word processor If in some small way our words help influence the features availab Ie to us we shall be most grateful U The term word processing is a gift from the IBM Corporation coined according to the Encyclopedia 'Computer Science and Engineering 1 in 1964 and like many products of that ubiquitous company it has--as they say-- caught on Caught on so well in fact that it hardly seems necessary today to define it Define it we shall however being ever solicitous of our readers and wanting to have some way to start As we see it a word processor is a program system or machine which offers the capability to place a text onto an electronic medium usually using a keyboard which displays the user and the text selectively to which offers a variety of features which facilitate modifications of the text Word processing is the process of doing all that U What then is the difference between word processing and text edit ing One might well wonder We have attempted mightily to find a consistent distinction to no avail Text editing is an older term dating from a time when terminal referred to a print ing device that might have a keyboard as opposed to today's view that it is a scope Therein lies much of the difference between the two usages but there are pockets of vendors and Jun 84 li users who make other less tinctions between the two P L 86-36 consistent dis- U The reason for the great popularity of word processors is that they take a lot of the pain out of writing--make it almost effortless in fact They are helpful in gett ing words recorded in the first place and they come into their own when it comes to modifying the text or performing certain simple checks on it They also have their little aggravations not least of which in our view is the fact that none of them seems to have all the features we would like to have available to us U Popular as word processors have become however the novice user may have to overcome certain apprehensions before approaching an electronic device for the purpose of writing a That tiny screen for example few words can't possibly hold the entire text in fact sometimes nO more than half a typed page and usually no more than two typed pages It is helpful to think of the screen as a window onto the text The user is given some method for navigating the text--that is moving the window about so it offers views of other parts of the text Once mastered the process is no harder than fl ipping the pages of a book A somewhat new concept is that of coming to terms with the computer about the location for some action to occur If we wish to write on paper we have only to position our pen appropriately for the writing to occur where we wish For most word processors we are not writing directly on the screen so the computer must know where we want to write and we must have confirmation that the computer knows that is where we want to write This little problem is usually solved by the identification of a special symbol underline reverse blank arrow etc which marks our spot This symbol is called a cursor CRYPTOLOG Page 18 aCID 4033691 i oa OHHSI 'Jib IJSI i SUI t representation of a thumbnail to a location judged to be near the desired text perhaps moving a cursor the cursor causing text to be scrolled or moved line-at-a-time up or down on the screen when it reaches the top or bottom respectively of the window to reach the precise text segment A desired location may also be reached by searching for a specific string of letters U More than one portion of the same or different texts may be placed on the screen simultaneously by means of multiple windows also called ports that may be placed on the screen as desired The overall capaci ty of the screen never changes of course so there is a logical limit to the number of windows that can be used realistically Standard Features U There are certain features that are common to most word processors and we shall begin by reciting them as a means of getting them out of the way We are pleased to see that the number of features a word processor is expected to support is growing truly reflecting our desires U Most word processors can be directed to insert automatically sequenced page numbers prepare headers and footers automatically either may include the page number justify either margin or both and center text on a line The cursor's movement about the screen is typically controlled by depressing a key e g carriage return tab right-arrow or moving a little device called a mouse it's about the size of the animal and a long tail connects it to the computer The user may intersperse the text with typed formatting commands or by typing a funct ion key or by selecting a task from a menu of possible tasks perhaps accompanied by manipulation of the mouse Some word processors perform the command immediately giving the user a whatyou-see-is-what-you-get view of the text Others embed the commands and require that the user perform a subsequent processing step in order to achieve the proper format Moving the viewing window about in the text may be performed by means of function keys that cause the portion of text shown to go forward or back a designated amount to the very beginning or very end or to a specified line or shift the window to the right or left Alternatively the user may move a graphical Jun 84 U Now we get to the part of the word processor that makes it all worth while Once some text has been placed in the computer all sorts of modifications can be made A text sequence can be copied from one document to another thus making it poss ible to create boilerplate files which may be copied selectively and repeatedly for the creation of a new document tailored to the needs at hand--a feature particularly useful for legal documents and the like Instead of copying the text the user may delete it from one part of the document and move it to another--a cutand-paste type of procedure particularly useful for draft revisions Or a string of text may be deleted completely Word processors with a spell feature may be used to check each word of text against the system I s dictionary a very useful feature U Most word processors have a string search feature which allows the user to command the computer to locate a selected string of characters We might for example ask the computer to find the next occurrence of the string thu in this text It would examine each of these characters in turn until it reaches the end of the text or finds a match If no match is found the system so informs the user if one is found it moves the cursor to mark the string thus Other Features U Competition and success have produced the desirable effect that new and handy features are introduced regularly The undesirable consequence is that the present-day user usually has to wait for another implementation of the system at hand before being able to enjoy the benefits Some of the more recent features are designed to make data entry as distinct from text modification faster and easier CRYPTOLOG Page 19 FeR eFFIS liJ IJSI i em v aCID 4033691 FBR BFFISItrh tlSI3 BIlbY U Word wrap is a feature that has by now become almost universal Word wrap occurs when the cursor reaches the right end of the screen Instead of requiring the user to hit a carriage return at the appropriate place the word processor positions the cursor at the beginning of the next line pulling the unfinished beginning of the word along with it For example suppose the user has just typed unfi when the end of line is reached When an n is typed the word processor deletes unfi from the current line places unfin on the next line and positions the cursor immediately following the n U Because margin justification is so commonly available a good syllabification scheme is sorely needed We have seen manuscripts that might have looked very professional because of the justified right margin but instead looked amateurish because there were too many spaces between words This happens when there are a lot of long words in the text and the word processor has no capability to divide a word between two lines If the final product is to look professional syllabification properly done is rigueur U Many desirable features are needed frequent ly by some users but never by others Among these are superscripts or subscripts a decimal tab which aligns a column of figures at the decimal point and an overstrike capability which allows an accent mark to be placed above a letter or a sequence of text to be marked for deletion useful especially for legal texts where it is important to display proposed textual deletions Some users will need a mail merge capability for sending out personalized form letters U We have not exhausted the list of useful features but we have grown weary of the task and fear that an exhaustive list may in any event be virtually imposs ib Ie to construct Some Cautions U The ability to change location of the margins such as for a block indent is certainly a wanted feature U Some word processors give the user the option of marking certain words to be selected for the automatic preparation of an index Some provide for special-purpose formats such as an out line format so that the user need only keep track of the level of indentation and the system keeps the numbering scheme in sync Others such as those intended for use by computer programmers identify structural errors in the text Facility with manipulating columnar text is another feature of interest Selection of special fonts such as bold face and italics or even foreign character sets is another option A few word processors offer a graphics capability U Selection of the font e g bold face italic Times Gothic Greek and size of print are very desirable features for professionallooking copy An appropriately adaptable printer is' of course required to take advantage of such features Jun 84 FeR U An apparent deficiency of a spelling checker cannot be attributed to the word pro-cessor but to its user Until word processors with ESP are developed there is no way for them to assure that what the user intended to say is represented accurately and completely A spelling checker helps the user find words that are misspe 11 ed Some spelling checkers perform better than others but it is still the responsibility of the user to proofread the copy At the very least a sentence parser would be required to identify an and where you wanted an an or to spot that familiar problem of duplicated words as in Paris in the the Spring or ungrammatical but properly spelled constructs The phrase Man bite dog is not grammatical but all the words are spelled correctly The proper procedure then is to obtain a list of misspelled words use the search feature to find the offenders make the necessary corrections and then review the entire corrected text A powerful way of correcting the same mistake every time it occurs is to use the global-search-and-replace feature Note once again however that it is not foolproof the user who habitually transposes the same let ters rendering for example the as hte may want to change all misspellings throughout the text--without also creating a misspell in words like heighten CRYPTOLOG Page 8FFI6L SI 1 8tlbY 20 4033691 text from the next line up to fill empty space in the current line it typically separates the two pieces of text with a single space If the last character is a period however it presumably must insert an extra space Not all periods signal the end of a sentence however In the by-line of this article the reader will find a period that does not mark the end of a sentence It is usually the case that a period preceded by a capital letter does not finish a sentence An exception is when the author begins discussing for example a PhD A question mark also identifies the end of a sentence and must be followed by two spaces Complicating the issue are conventions regarding parentheses and quotation marks A printing convention is to place a period within the final quotation mark even when it is a sentence-ender Therefore the word processor would need to check on the character preceding a quotation mark to determine whether or not it is a period and take appropriate action Parentheses too may enclose a sentence-ending period Problems u There are obvious faults with a twopass process which requires the user to look at a file containing formatting instructions then checking the formatted file to be sure everything is as it should be Perhaps it is less obvious that the what-you-see-is-whatyou-get approach may unless very skillfully designed introduce its own variety of difficuI ties Suppose for instance we have a long text with many indented paragraphs interspersed with text at a standard line length When entering this for the first time we want a quick and easy way to move back and forth between the various formats Having to reset left margin then reset right margin and maybe also reset tab stops is not quick and easy enough for us A ruler line that operates quickly and easily and that the program knows not to print out on our copy may do the job if easily accessed Suppose that when we start to print this text we discover that the line lengths are not suitable after all and we must change them We would like to be able to issue a global command that changes all the line lengths appropriately throughout the document no protests please we are confident that with sufficient ingenuity someone can satisfy our demands U Established typing and printing conventions are difficult for word processors partly because their designers are unacquainted with the rules _ and partly because completely correct implementation is diffi cult Consider for instance the standard convention that two spaces separate sentences When the word processor fills a line brings Jun 84 U Other conventions which are frequently ignored by word processors are prohibitions against widows and orphans A widow is a short line ending a paragraph which is carried over to the top of the next page or column An orphan is the opening line of a paragraph dangling by itself at the bottom of a page or column The general rule taught in typing classes is to have no fewer than two lines of a paragraph on a page Similarly no word should be divided between lines if the divis on leaves only two characters on either line Hyphenat ion of the las t word on the page is also considered bad form U Justification of both margins calls into focus certain subtleties of the printer's art The importance of syllabification for an aesthetic appearance was mentioned earlier Syllabification rules in English are quite complex however so designing a system which correctly chooses prof-it but pro-fane la-tent but lat-i-tude and na-tion but nat-u-ral is a nontrivial task Scanning for rivers is another task of the printer that your usual word processor has not yet addressed to our satisfaction As the reader surveys a page of text there should be no sequences of white space caused by inserting extra blank space between words running across several lines and causing the reader to be distracted Like housework attention to small details like this is never noticed until neglected It should be noted that until word processors made it easy to justify both margins typeset materials had a corner on the market and they are usually set with variable-width fonts The advent of large amounts of monospaced text may accustom us to CRYPTOLOG Page 21 FQR QFFl8iAt aBE eut Y 4033691 FQR QFFlSl its face but we are not at all certain that we will ever like it as much as properly printed text U Some systems approach the notion of word wrap without g1v1ng the full-blown feature Some versions of the Rand Editor for example position the cursor on the next line without dragging the unfinished word down with it This defeats the intention of word wrap since it saves neither the key stroke to reposition the cursor carriage return nor the effort of having to look at the screen to assure that the word is not split between lines U Capital letters pose a lot of problems for word processor des igners For example the search function is usually designed to find only an exact match not allowing for a change in case But the spell program may ignore capitalization and return to the user a lis t of not-found words in lower case only Suppose it failed to find capital in its dictionary and we wanted to find it in our text If we give that string to the search routine of most word processors we will not find the first word of this paragraph aSE eMUt The Ideal Word Processor U We view our specification of the ideal word processor as an ongoing project As soon as a word processor meets all our specifications we are quite prepared to think up new ones The system designer should not be discouraged by this prospect but rather should look upon it as job security if not as a challenge In any event let the record show that our Ideal Word Processor is not intended as a be-all-and-end-all forever after Amen It merely reflects our thinking on the matter at this moment We anticipate that once you readers have been stimulated by these few notions you will contribute many additional features which we will instantly laud and add to our list Consider this then the beginning of our specification statement U As you might expect we want all the desirable features now available to us Put them all in the same package please We tire of being teased by having word wrap but not font selection in one word processor while another one has font se lect ion but not word wrap U We have encountered other problems with the search function as well Suppose the spelling checker produces in its list of unfound words the sequence ns Gazing at this sequence we fail to remember anything we wrote that might have been represented thus and we haven't a clue where in our 50 OOO-byte text this string may appear We wish to find it and a long list of such strings as expeditiously as possible so we can print the text within the next hour Since ns is a common sequence we prefer not to have to look at every instance of it in our text So we try looking for ns we have reasoned that if the word processor identified it as a word it will be bounded by spaces Unfortunately this is not necessarily the case For most word processors once in each line the space between words is replaced by a carriage return Therefore if our ns falls at the beginning or end of a line the match will not occur and the search fails We may then try Ns ns NS ns Ns and NS perhaps not in that order If the spelling checker distinguishes between upper and lower case we are spared some of these trials By now we have probably become quite dispirited and may no longer care whether we find the error or not If we subsequently remember that we referred to n's which the spelling checker contracted to ns now we remember our humor is not restored Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG We lOY'got- to hoye Q ep 'IPrDt i l'l se i ilo tnovecl Wil tle tell I P L Page 22 FQIl QFFlSl HSE 8 lb'l 86-36 4033691 FQll QFFHHA HSEl etlh'l U We of course want corrections to all the problems noted above For the print conventions we feel these have been stated adequately already so we won I t repeat the requirements the search feature should be enhanced in several ways We would like the option of finding a string exactly as given or with upper lower case equivalents of let ters e g if the string is next having it find Next as well When doing a search-andreplace in such instances the usual need would be to have the replacement character be in the same case as the one replaced e g replace naxtl' with next would replace Naxt with Next We also wish to include a space in our search and retrieve any character which may serve as a word divider This includes the carriage return character Speaking of which we may as well request the option to search for a function character U Cursor movement is another good candi- date for enhancement If a word processor is supposed to process words why not let the user move the cursor through the text in word increments We would like to move the cursor to the beginning of the next word sentence or paragraph--and of course also to the previous word sentence and paragraph Another feature that would help the user who hits the wrong key or simply has a change of mind would be to send the cursor back to its location before the previous cursor change command We cannot tell you how many times we have hit the home key by accident when we were busy placing the cursor just where we wanted it Date 6 Jul 1984 at 0943-EDT From vag at punix 1--------- -- 1 Subject Editorial Reply P L To cryptolg at barlc05 Ekcej moernb asodfc dfk cmdf youdf wis c df basdfasdf 1 1 Edf ckd sdfk tdsfyr df glcdoe Thsas mrwo sdfkwe cme pcm th wjch riddmre In other words yes we do read the Editorial T3511 U There now that wasn't so bad was it We would be ever so grateful if you could just see to it that we find this package all wrapped up in our next word processor NOTE Encyclopedia GBP Computer Science and Engineering 2d edition Anthony Ralston editor Van NOStrand Reinhold Co 1983 Jun 84 86-36 CRYPTOLOG Page 23 FeR 8FFf8fkb aSE 6nti P L 86-36 ern 4033691 10ft OPPfeillL tis 611LY ANSWERS TO WHAT' S THE CAPTION P L 86-36 Fro _ _ _ lpf4 Operations Building 2A gargoyles near completion or Identify the seven staff officers in this picture or The tech track P L From 1 86-36 IG3l I should have known there was a catch to his 'end-of-the-month special' on nose jobs From 1 IB413 P L 86-36 Friar Nip What the devil is Brother Chip up to Friar Tuck His doctor told him to take two aspirins and gargoyle Friar Nip That certainly is a marble-ous piece of work Friar Tuck Yes but future generations probably will take it for granite Friar Nip What a farce The sculptor has little talent the stone is cheap a d the model is ugly as sin Friar Tuck Maybe that's why Brother Chip has named his work The Statue of Limitations From Ciint Brooks 84 SRB Program Review Here's an extract from a collection of papers that ought to be distinguished in some way from the usual Golden Oldies It's a prediction that came true though it seemed far-fetched until just a few years ago v V Perhaps the principal element in the ignorance of the public in cryptography has been the attitude of the military and diplomatic governmental authorities of the world It has not been deemed wise to admit the public to a knowledge of a science which might at some time or other endanger the safety of a state Governments have gone so far as to restrict the use of secret means of communicat ion to its diplomatic or military agents A ban of this kind was placed by several of the European states in the 18th and 19th centuries With the advent of more democratic forms of government the public has taken to inquiring more closely into the affairs which concern it Peoples everywhere have begun to insist that they be admitted into the confidence of the governments which rule them It is to be expected therefore that the science of cryptography which has hitherto been so jealously guarded by a chosen few of the elect will in a few more years become a matter of more general knowledge From Jess Possible I can see where the badge goes but where do we punch in the numbers Jun 84 extract from General Principles of Cipher by James Rives Childs 1st Lt Inf U S R April 1919 CRYPTOLOG Page 24 aCID 4033691 SEHlFi BEff'I'I At Unless Texts Hang Together Linguists Will All Hang Separately or Coherence Cohesion LG-140 lJl by 1_ _n his art ide in the December 1983 Cryptolog ent itled Non Posse vs Posse Non U brings up a point that s fundamental to Agency trans lators and in ny cases transcribers as well Communications be they in our personal lives or those of our target countries have one very important fact in common there is always a message I t so happens that in order for the message to be understood there are certain conventions that must be followed by both sender and receiver Our knowledge of these conventions or characteristics of messages allows us to process the many messages we receive every day I Z U The problem is that with regard to our native language we are not aware of our use of these message traits for our understanding because they were acquired along with the language that we learned as children Moreover the large majority of language teaching separates the language from its main purpose that of sending messages Put another way the method of teaching isolated vocabulary items word endings sentence patterns etc puts the emphasis on the medium rather than the message P L 86-36 I I ------------------------- U Granted an experienced trainer can shorten the process somewhat but what is often the case is that the experienced linguist has internalized those tools he uses to deal with a message As a result it is as hard for him to pass these tools on to the new linguists as it is for us to explain a certain quirk in English grammar to a non-native speaker In light of this situation how does the pew Ilinguis t learn the point that Mr has been trying to push over the I years all parts of a text are related without a long period of trial and error National Cryptologic School has one answer in the form of a new course LG-140 Applied Cryptologic Linguistics This' class is focused directly on the problem of how we process language at the Agency While it does cover some linguistic theory and some descriptions of various types of language applications at NSA the majority of the course consists of lectures exercises and class discussions about the characteristics of messages or texts and how this nature can be exploited CD The course covers such characteristics of texts as COHERENCE and COHESION to name just two Cohesion the property of a text to hang together syntactically is illustrated by various kinds of chaining exercises where one follows a certain element of a text from the beginning to the end despite the fact that it takes various forms throughout One chaining example focused on the different ways of P L 86-36 Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG SSllFIBEtl'I'IAt Page 25 UfdIBl Ej VIA eSHIff'f Slh fftlEl S Stll Y be certified by their parent U S Visitor Clearance M5611 at le date of the visit nt organization to NSA - ing days prior to the 2 The r SA CSS sponso distribution for all inc ng clearance to include SOCOMM Mess at are recel sponsor When M561l is not ind ust provide a copy 5611 fO M5611 is on t ion messages - he i '- 3 The NSh Request form G2450 for e'ac sub itted to Vi Clearanc 'l _ cation at lear days prior M561l aintail - nn cleared and 51 4 ' t Vl - concerning foreign nati Jl Directorate of Foreign Relatlul' 5 concerning congr the Legislative Ad J __ controls and sponsor's responsibilities is Chapter 803 NSA CSS PMM 30-2 h b pe 6 Visits to Field Activities and to Facili ties 1 The certification of approp access intormationis required when NSA CSS organizations or facilities on classified certifications will be limited to require of the U S Governwent The clearance ac accomplished as follows Nd _ -lon __ J vities is Ca CONUS - NSA CSS Form G2901 Official Visit Notification is prepared in the sponsoring NSA CSS element and forwarded to Visitor Clearance M561l M561l provides the necessary certification to the organization or activity being visited Guidance for the preparation of Forw G290l is contained in Annex A to this Letter b Overseas - Planning messages which are prepared within the sponsoring ele nt for release by Travel Management and Support M62 must contain appropriate security clearance access authorization inforwation 3 FOR OPFICIAL use ONLY Jun g4 TOLOG CRiP Page 26 aCID 4033691 referring to a Metrobus in an article about a bus accident Although this may seem a trivial example it nonetheless illustrates something that can be very problematic especially in voice texts U Coherence often lumped together with Cohesion is really a measure of how well those concepts which are elicited by the text match o ur understanding of the world Put another way Coherence is a measure of the degree to which a text makes sense Something can be cohesive or syntactically correct but still not make sense One place this often occurs is in newspaper headlines such as EQh4 jc P L 86-36 HERSHEY BARS PROTEST or ESCAPEE RECAPTURED IN SANDWICH Both of these examples which were taken from LG-1401llaterial are grammatically correct but it is not until we apply our world knowledge that they really make sense You have to know that General Lewis Hershey the head of Selective Service refused to let some draft protestors carry out their activities near his headquarters and that Sandwich is a town in Massachusetts Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG 8SNFlBEiNTIA Page 27 H1rliBbEi ViA SSUH1'P SH AdIUSIoS QNIoJPY ero 4033691 N i - t rn51it Nn 56 THE FEMALE LEADS OF WORDS H J AND S b JI'----_ _ Jun 84 CRYPTOLOG P L Page 28 FSR SFFlenm BS' SUM o P L 86-36 86-36 DOCID 4033691 13 14 86 36 Jun 84 Page 29 Pl-Sep 34-53-57-518 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu