ursuantto E O 13526 MDR Case # 5477 WUlVVWWUlI1 i Sl BWlBVU LrWWU D sW I5WW 15 Q L 3 i fi 3 f L i rn 1 ijGJfi lBm JlU JI1 J JAN-FEB 86 WHAT I PERCEIVE TO BE HAPPENING IN THE PACIFIC U o o o I F G I ----ts A' U oo o o o o CAREER OPPORTUNITY U o o o o o o o o o o o o 11 A CASE OF FORENSIC SIGINT U o o 12 CRYSCOM-86 U o o o o o o o o 16 A MORALITY PLAY IN ONE ACT U o ---------- _ oo 1272 A PROBLEM IN RETRIEVAL U o o o o o o o o IMPROVING TRAINING IN TECHNICAL ELINT U 24 BULLETIN BOARD U o o oo oooo o o 26 LETTERS U o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 27 PUZZLE U o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooo o o o o o 28 CLASSIFIED BY NSA CSSM 1 2 2 TillS 90CYMENT CONTAINS SeBBWeRB Mk'fERIAt DECLASSIFY ON O igif'latif'lg I l TOP SECRET NO REbEASABbE 9 69NTAACTORS Ag@Rey' g@ @rR liRa i9R R@E f Jir@cI 4012017 Published by Pl Techniques and Standards HYDE PARK CORNER u VOL XIII Nos 1-2 PUBLISHER January-February 1986 oo oo IL li 86 - 36 BOA RD OF EDITORS Ed i o Jr----- k963-11 03 1 Computers curit o 1 Computer Systems o oJ Cryptanalysis o 1 Cryptolinguistici J Index n 1 Information Science 1 1 Intelligence Research Language Mathematics o ColiectiOl 1 963-5877 968-8141 963-1103 963-5230 963-1596 963-5330 963-1145 963-3095 963-3057 C 11963-5566 i 'ci Te h I ' C Special Research Traffic Analysis Illustrator I Vera R Filby 968-8014 Robert 1 Hanyok 963-5734 ---J 963-3057 1 To submit articles or letters by mail send to Editor CRYPTOLOG P1 If you used a word processor please include the mag card floppy or diskette along with your hard copy with a notation as to what equipment operating system and software you used via PLATFORM mail send to cryptolg at barlc05 bar-one-c-zero-five note no '0' in 'log' Always include your full name organization and secure phone number For Change of Address send name and old and new organizations to Editor CRYPTOLOG P1 Readers sometimes hesitate when they mention an idea for an article because the subject might be controversial and therefore not suitable for CRYPTOLOG On the contrary From its inception CRYPTOLOG was intended to be informal newsy controversial lively and timely Ifyou read carefully some of the articles in this issue you will certainly find examples of controversy DIFFERENCE OF OPINION If you leaf through back issues of CRYPTOLOG and of its predecessors you will sure find controversy DISCUSSION DISPUTE DEBATE Especially in the Letters to the Editor you will find a notable instance or two of somewhat heated controversy QUARREL STRIFE forCRYPTOLOG is the analysts' own Hyde Park Corner We actively solicit articles and letters on the hot topics of the day We especiaJly welcome comments -- the free and easy kind that analysts make around the coffee pot -- on articles that have been published Open discussion dispute and debate are absolutely vital for keeping things in perspective as we function in an environment that is necessarily closed to the outside world Among the controversial subjects that are frequently suggested is the relationship between NSA and contractors and vendors how it affects what we do and the way we do it Another frequently mentioned subject is whether technical experts or generalist managers should make certain kinds of management decisions Now when can we have that article Contents of CRYPTOLOG should not be reproduced or disseminated outside the National Security Agency without the permission of the Publisher Inquiries regarding reproduction and dissemination should be directed to the Editor FOR OFI 6IAL USF3 ONLy I ero 4012017 -' EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Jan-Feb 1986 CRYPTOLOG page SECREtE' SPOllE 1 E0 0cm 4012017 PEEL 8H6 Jan-Feb1986 page 2 WE- EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 4012017 SECftE'f SPOUE Jan-Feb 1986 CRYPTOLOG page SHORE SPOKE 3 ID 4012017 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SHCRH'P SPORE Jan-Feb 1986 o CRYPTOLOG page SHEURRH'I'SPOKK 4 4012017 L 86-36 1 4 c SEeItE't' SPOI B Jan-Feb 1986 o CRYPTOLOG SKCKIl T page 5 n gKg 4012017 9W a Jan-Feb 1986 page 6 f 4012017 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 I I U The result WllS many many meetings between reporters programmers and a patient group of interpreters on the G95 computer support stafTwho attempted to make sure each group knewwhat the other was talking abo ut E ventually a S fts of8 6- 3 6 truths became self-evldent EO 1 4 c I Preparation of product would take lon er Although ltat first appeared incompatible wlth the goal ofspeed through computer automation in fact using computers meant more work for the reporters Speed and accuracy were gained by alleviatin g retyping of the item and by easing the work of ditors But the time required to translate and prepare a product would be significantly longer especially during the initial training period I Changes in the translating report writing editing sequence Le the way we did our work would be necessary We would no longer be able to have two people working on one message at the same time and we could no lontrer casually pass a translation to someone for checkmg We would be required to formalize our product preparation and release chain I People resist change Back in the early days ofPPREP personal computers were rare and even the few existing enthusiasts were leery of a change that was going to slow down their work I We were going to do it anyway U Early on it became clear that the software being used in G5 was not going to work for G9 and probably not for the rest of G Group Being the first G office to go operational in a big way G9 worked over a number of proposals and tried out a number of test programs The general requirements as expressed to the programmers were I The system had to be non-technical requiring only that users know how to operate the terminal A knowledge of programming and sophisticated user techniques would not be necessary In addition instructions on using the system were to be integrated into the screen display so that the computer itself would move the user along give him choices as to what to do next point out errors etc and hopefully make it impossible for him to create a really serious problem In programmer jargon the system had to be user-fnendly o The system had to be 95% error free before we would use it operationally In addition we had to have the ability to know where a given report was at all times until it left the building We could not press the send button and just assume that the report had gone to the correct destination As we were to learn this didn't always happen We Jan-Feb 1986 o CRYPTOLOG o page 7 HAUBLE IliA C6MJ'1'ff CfflrlvN'ELS ONL f S B6R8'F EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 ero 4012017 SB6RS'J' needed a system of receipt and the possibility of a complete audit trail for each product o Technical backup in the form of support had to be aVaIlable at all times pro ammingand hardware U We had many more requirements some technical and some intended to limit the computer burden being placed on the analysts But the point we kept hammering home was that the product had to get out and that timeliness and accountability were essential li'eUO -As we looked to the future we identified two major tasks The first was to come up with a good reliable system The second was to figure out how we were going to get hundreds of diehard pencil pushers and blue pencil editors to sit at a computer terminal and use the system that was developed Hard though it is to remember now as late as 1983 linguists and reporters still functioned i n a totally paper world We had access to SOLIS and a few other computer-age aids but the tools of our trade were the yellow legal pad carbon translation forms and the much hated G-Group Expert sheet for technical accountability In many ways this was a comfortable method ofoperation reminiscent ofour days in academia when we were tucked away with dictionaries and reference volumes busily filling reams of paper BEFOREPPREP cocce In those Days of Olde translators selected an item to report and wrote out a translation If they made a mistake they crossed out or erased and when they needed help they took the translation to another linguist for consultation When the translation was completed both the text and the translation were placed into a checker's bin for review When the checker had finished the translation and text were placed back on the preparer's desk for correction and revision Sometimes the whole translation checking process had to be repeated several times C-CCO When the translation was approved the decision was then made as to whether the item would be published in full-text translation format or as a gist Finally the preparer was responsible for completing the EXPERT sheet filling in the report title TAG line requirements collectors times ofintercept links lanes mat numbers case notations worksheet numbers serial numbers languages etc etc etc for the traffic used in preparing the report Then the finished product package usually made up of at least three copies of the report and five copies of the Expert sheet was placed in a supervisor's bin for review O-CCO The supervisor edited the product and usually passed it on to the branch level for further review The branch chief then passed the package to the people responsible for assigning the correct product distributions DDls etc The product was Jan-Feb 1986 CRYPTOLOG page IIA fDL 8 VIA COMUIT 8 CHA Ip rKbS SHeRB'P OPil'l EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 4012017 BBCREtt' SECURITY CLASSIFICA TlON Jan-Feb 1986 FOP' '3015' REV PR 2 PHONE 1 0PI CRYPTOLOG page 9 791 1 wd J tAI DLE V'tA eeMfrqc'f CHANNtlLS ONLY CATION S ig T ID 4012017 EeRR'F U All of this may sound cumbersome but it was TRAINING the system we knew and loved and we were loath to U What evolved was a training strategy based on give it up At least it worked the pyramid Initially a small team oHewer than CHANGES ten people was formed consisting of two people from each of the G9 reporting divisions ThIs group formed a steering committee and was fully bviously many things had to be changed as we moved to computers We had indoctrinated into the system both technically and nowhere near the number of terminals required for emotionally That is not only were they to learn the system inside and out but hopefully they the number of reportersllinguists who needed to use the system In addition you could not casually would like using the computer and drum up a little pass a computer screen back and forth to a checker enthusiasm among their more reluctant conor could you allow everyone to release product to workers Once this initial group was trained these NSOC without control Following a lot of talk and people became res l0nsible for training other people in their divIsion who were made a lot ofcompromises a number of procedures were responsible for training others etc developed I Reporters were not to take the place of the FLEX pool By that was meant that we would not carryon as before preparing translations and reports on paper and then once they were approved retyping them into the computer as FLEX had been doing Rather analysts would work directly on the computer from step one As more terminals became available more reporters would use them Any given report however would either be prepared and processed using the computer route or the paper route no mixing of the two A chain oflogins with limited sending authority would be developed Linguists would be able to send a report for checking to anyone in their login and could then get it back again The finished report could be sent only to an authorized login This restriction extended up the editing chain as the product package was prepared for release it was intended to minimize the risk of losing product through careless typing Although there developed individual variations within offices usually a product went from preparer to checker to branch to distribution and finally to NSOC where it became that element's problem to dispatch product to the recipients I U Information on changes in the use of the system was passed downward the same way The main advantage of this system was that we had to train formally only a small group of people thus lessening the burden on the steering committee whose members after all were linguists and reporters with other responsibilities aUO'J The actual training involved the preparation of a number of G9 working aids among them I PPREP Users' Guide which tried to include everything known about PPREP operations I PPREP Users' Instructions Quick P L 86-36 Reference which gave step by step instructions for logging in and making the appropriate scre ns appear I Distribution personnel within each division were made responsible for ensuring that product was not lost enroute to NSOC This was done through use of a system ofPPREP report numbers and a system of receipts generated by the various computer systems sending and receiving the reports I Training of personnel and operational use of the system would be very carefully controlled and instituted very slowly Training was obviously one ofour biggest headaches Once we had a fairly workable system we had to ensure that people knew how to use it properly Yet we also knew that the system would change frequently particularly in the early months and we had to have some mechanism for quickly disseminating information about changes in procedures or system usage U The prospective user was first presented with the fifty-some pages' ofinstructions as a security blanket told to skim through this documentation and then then swiftly brought over to the terminal itself for the all-important hands-on training After several magic shows in which the razzle dazzle of the computer was displayed the students quickly settled down to discover that they had to use the system in order to learn it Jan-Feb 1986 CRYPTOLOG page 10 IIA fDLE YIA OaMfnq ' OIIAnUElLS anLY SF36RF3 SKCKKT when we had to get product out my section first had to resurrect some typewriters from atop file cabinets Major problems occurred when we tried to remember how paper Expert sheets were supposed to be filled out ana how many copies of everything were required U We began very very slowly--two products a o day to start Ifwe had trouble one day we tried only one product the next day We tracked each product through the system and checked the DD P feedbacks very carefully To say that we had problems would be an understatement we had trouble getting receipts product was lost somewhere extraneous letters appeared in TAG lines lines of text disappeared we had product that the computer simply would not forward although we couldn't find any errors One day we issued what turned out to be utter gibberish--tlie computer had taken a tabular report and forced it into paragraphs resulting in unreadable nonsense We made progress With constant support from the programmers in T3 we gradually increased the number of products prepared and released via PPREP each day By December We had achieved such success that we decided it was safe to expand the training and operational Use of the computer to the three other 09 reporting divisions We gained an additional terminal subsystem TSS which ofcourse caused a Whole set of new problems But within six week s a ll four reporting divisions were using the computer In January g s prod llcing5 3% orits product o in March it was produ ing 15% in A ent and b was p dudng52%o 1'rodud review items can now be prepa easedvia PPREP ilsP dUdO D PPREP has become a way of life for Ggers Most junior linguists continue to do paper and pencil translations which they have had checked and then bring to the computer to prepare a gist Words like NROFF and ARG BREAK and PICKING and PUTTING are bandied about as product is prepared and preformatted expert sheets with prefilled standard fields are completed Word is passed to editors when they have product in their mailbox and distribution personnel check technical details before pushing the button that sends the product to NSOC The number of available terminals has gradually increased as has our dependence upon them Many people find that they actually write better on the terminal than on paper because of the ease of self-editing U During system outages which occUr alas all too frequently albeit usually for not too lengthy a period most analysts find something else to do leaving report preparation for when the system comes back up During a recent extended outage P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c V Is PPREP a success Most analysts will say yes Are there still problems Yes There are major headaches and minor inconveniences but in the main the lot of the linguistJreporter has improved and continues to do so because of the computer system and the programmers who patiently support us D Recently G9 began to receive the Agency Standard Terminal Workstations aIkIa ASTWs The terminal works as a stand-alone computer but can also connect to the GEISHA system to be used for product preparation One set of key functions is written on a plastic overlay that surrounds the keyboard we use those key functions when the terminal is being used in the GEISHA mode Another set of key functions is posted on a keyboard diagram attached to the side of the terminal this applies mostly when the terminal is being used as a stand-alone A third set of functions keys we ignore the standard keyboard issued from the manufacturer contains keys which have not been enabled There is also a forbidden key in the stand-alone mode which turns everything into what resembles irreversible hieroglyphics 86-36 tn My technical mentor tells me that the Forbidden Key problem has been solved with new software However just the other day my office got a new ASTW and as I struggled to load it I accidentally pressed that key I shouldn't have 0 CAREER OPPORTUNITY FOR A COMPUTER SPECIALIST WITH WRITING SKILLS WHO WANTS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE COMPUTER SECURITY ARENA Experience in one or more of the following is desirable networks distributed systems operating systems data base management systems Location beautiful new office overlooking the gazebo at Airport Square For information ca 859-4 52 black P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c Jan-Feb 1986 P L POSTSCRIPT CRYPTOLOG page P L 11 HANDLE VIA oOr-fin' ' oIIAnp'iEI S O tI Y SECR T t hief 01 86-36 eID 4012017 SECftE't' SFOKE A CASE OF FORENSIC SIGINT u 1 4 c L 86-36 U SUNSPOTS FeU While I knew that our colleagues would find our explanation of what hadjust happened hard to believe the reaction was even stronger than I had anticipated But the first explanation of the event had been just too simple to be correCt On top of that it didn't square with the target's mode of operation There had to be another answer and it had to be atmospheric in origin Jan-Feb 86 CRYPTOLOG page 12 SB6RS'i SPOKE o ero 4012017 SElCREq ' SP9K8 Jan-Feb 1986 CRYPTOLOG page 13 SBSRE'I' SPOKE EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 ID 4012017 U As luck would have it Murfchy's Law was operative on that day A US fie d station in the vicinity issued the SPOT report marked l on the facing page U Approximately one hour later the same station issued the follow-up marked 2 on the facine- pae-e EO 1 4 c P L 86-3 6 --tSt4'his indicated to our analysts that the answer lay not in willful suppression of tracking but inability to communicate What was the cause then Jamming That was not considered a Jan-Feb 86 o CRYPTOLOG o page 14 SEe RS SPO IkE aCID 4012017 fl3647 INN EO 1 4 c B L 86-36 Jan-Feb 1986 o CRYPTOLOG o page 15 SBORB'f' SPOKB 401201'1 4 c P L 8636 SEOREtF SPOIlE Ed Your question prompted me to do some more homework on solar flares In the NSA library I found a book titled Solar Flares by Smith and Smith McMillan 1963 Pages 242 -250 describe the sudden ionospheric disturbances SID accompanying some solar flares and consequent short wave fadeout SWF alluded to in our report According to Smith and Smith SID is noted 'only in the illuminated hemisphere and occurs simultaneously with the event 'This class of terrestrial response must therefore be due to short-wave electromagnetic radiation ofthe flare p 242 SWF are the most familiar and certainly the most economically significant ionospheric flare effects Fadeout may become complete in as short a time as one minute and can endure from a few minutes to several hours p 243 A n ionospheric disturbance characteristically begins about 7 minutes after the flare commences but this time is always during the flare s rise to maximum p 244 We mentioned earlier the observed time delay between maxium phases of flare and SID 7 minutes ' Some authors have pointed out that the delay can be interpreted simply in terms of the normal response of ionsopheric layers to an impulsive rise in the flux ofionizing radiation Thus there is no need to assume that in the rising stage ofa flare there is time sparation between its visible and its ionizing radiations p 249 CRYSCO-86 THIRD ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2 - 6 June at NSA Sessions held in the Friedman Auditorium and in Conference Room 2W087 AUDITORIUM SESSIONS ARE OPEN to persons wi th green or orange badges OTHER SESSIONS REQUIRE TICKETS distributed through your office a green or orange badge and LACONIC access Topics for the conference room sessions include oHYPERCAN hardware present and future oCRYSCOs in review oComponents of distributed processing oCryptanalysis on personal computers oLife after IMP oSoftware exchange -- can it work oMajor applications packages oParallel computers and their applications o Automatic processing packages o Diarization packages o Computer graphics for cryptanalysis o CRYSCO-86 wrap-up P L P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c Jan-Feb 86 CRYPTOLOG page 16 SEOREtF SPOUJ3 86-36 ero 4012017 o o HOW 25-5 REALLY WORKS HOW 25-5 REALLY WORKS A MORALITY PLAY IN ONE ACT DRAMATIS PERSONlE BOOK bY in order ofappearance -----JIN34 Fred Finder a nno analyst Heinous Merger his boss Adapted for the Stage Tom Talker an N34 budgeteer b yl andl IT091 lT091 Rosa Really his boss Sets and Costumes b The action takes place at NSA lB54 A Va Production P L 86-36 Jan-Feb 1986 CRYPTOLOG page 17 FOR OFFICIAl Ui QHl Y 0 ero 4012017 Scene 1 Heinous Merger's office in a DDO element Don Dillman runs a free wheeling R D Shop and had been building black boxes for Heinous Everything had worked well until he and Heinous dreamed up RATTLECAN Heinous did not have any problem getting the funding into the outyear program but the cost and the wide deployment of the RATTLECAN asymmetric permutated muxes APMs attracted attention in N34 As Hemous crashes the phone into its cradle Fredjumps Fred Take it easy on the phone Heinous it's not MILSPEC Heinous #$% @ That nerd Tom Talker in N34 took the RATILECAN money outofthe program build Fred I've tried to tell you Heinous you can't duck the regs forever Sooner or later you've got to document RATILECAN Heinous I don't see why Fred I got my money in the budget and I know what I want to do Don Dillman's shop has been working with those APMs and they'll be just the thing to get this signal I II I I I I Jan-Feb 1986 CRYP'rOLOG page 18 FOR OFFIOlAL US8 ONLY aCID 4012017 Scene 2 Rosa Really's office in N34 Tom Rosa I think that we ought to bring RATI'LECAN under NSA CSS Circular 25-5 Rosa Why Tom First the project clearly falls under 25-5 because of the cost $l1M Rosa I know that but do we really need 25-5 monitoring for an off-theshelf buy like this Isn't Dillman's shop just going to use a bunch of APMs Tom Yes They have worked well in stand-alone applications but a network ofthem could be a considerable risk There may be a better way Rosa Well what should we do Tom I think that considering the cost the potential risk and the widespread use a few other organizations need to look at RATfLECAN and corporate management needs a say also Rosa I certainly can't argue with that rationale Tom That's what 25-5 is all about Send a memo to DDO reminding them that they need to get their RATI'LECAN documentation in by 1 March if they want to get into the FY88 program build I I I I I I I I CRYPTOLOG page 19 FOR OFFI6IAL USH ONLY Jan-Feb 1986 ero 4012017 Scene 3 Same as Scene 1 H screaming I haven't written a 25-5 requirements paper yet and I don't intend to start now F Oh yeah How are we going to get the money for RATrLECAN without one H Oh@#$ What do we do now Fred rve spent my whole career ducking 25-5 F It can't be as bad as all that Lots of people have done it A classmate ofmine from the War College is in N342 now maybe she can help us A few minutes later Rosa enters stage right with Tom F Hi Rosa it's good to see you again Thanks for coming over Meet Heinous Merger my boss H I never thought about it that way I guess the seniors do need a cut in here somewhere but I don't have to worry about communicating with DDR My buddy in R Don Dillman is a wiz If it's SIGINT he can make it R Well Don Dillman isn't the only engineer in R There is another R office that's doing almost the same thing that you want to do with AMPs only using massed digital modulators H I don't care I know Dillman and he can deliver R Maybe so but the MDM is the new agency standard for this type of collection Integrating RATrLECAN into the MDM architecture will improve interoperability lower costs and improve maintenance H Well maybe so but why do we have to get this stuff in so early It seems like Ijust thought up RATTLECAN and the next thing I know I get a memo asking for a ton of paper H Hello Rosa my friends call me Heinous the Hutt but you can call me Heinous How can you stand all that paper shuffiing Rosa When are you R There are many people involved in the 25-5 going to start producing some SIGINT like we're process If things get dragged out at anyone point It holds up everything else You need to get paid to started as soon as possible R Let me explain a few things The 25-5 process Rosa stands up and draws the chart shown on has some good and proper goals It gives the facing page project sponsor high-level visibility and corporate support it gives the Agency seniors a mechanism R Ifwe're going to have smooth acquisition to review acquisition initiatives it gives the planning people have to do their parts on time or acquisition organization a bounded task and it they'll mess up the people on the next link of the provides an established procedure for project chain coordination Everyone should understand what it'sall about and know how to use it H Boy this is bureaucratic Rosa Do we have to go through all this to get a system fielded H Sounds like baloney to me Tell me Heinous do you think that you and Don Dillman should have free rein with the $l1M for RATrLECAN Don't you think that there is an off chance that someone else mi h t have some useful information to add Don t you think that the corporate management is entitled to some say in how money is spent And what about the SCE's that will have to train people to operate and maintain the RATrLECAN gear shouldn't they get a warning of what's coming R Not always The chart shows a situation in which all the steps of the 25-5 process are applied In many situations we modify the process considerably We use only those steps that are appropriate to the action at hand For minor systems you can use the PBS -- the Project Baseline Summary --instead oftheSCP route H Well sure in fact I ran into the Director on the elevator yesterday and I told him all about RATrLECAN He said to keep charging R That's right There are some times that it may be more appropriate to move straight from the requirement to the SAP It all depends on the circumstances ' R Is that the way we inform our corporate management Heinous on the elevator Do you remember exactly what you told him H Well not exactly R That's my point Heinous If we are going to run an Agency this big many people have to know what others are doing 25-5 is the way we make that happen Jan-Feb 1986 H Gee you mean we might not always have to do aSCP-ill H OK but why all the big sweat about getting all this planning done so fast' After all we have three years to spend procurement money R That's true on a project basis but things don't work that easily for the Director H Whatdoyoumean CRYPTOLOG page 20 FOR OFFWU lb 'YSE ONLY 4012017 ANATOMY OF A PROJECT BUDGET YEAR PROGRAM YEAR ONM JF M A M J J A S ONDJF JJA Pre TARGET DECISION UNIT REVIEWS OCI OMB REVIEWS o N D J F MA MJ J A S EXECUTION YEAR o N D J FMAMJJ A S 0 JAS FINANCE PLAN BUILD ONDJFM llIv1JJ I I1JJASOND BUDGET SUBMISSION PREPARATION OF PURCHASE DESCRIPTION PURCHASE REQUEST 25-5 RQMTS DUE SYSTEM ACQUISITION PLANS DUE AH PROGRAM BUILD REVIEW GROUP DJF AMJJASON DESIGN REVIEWS SYSTEM BUILD INTEGRATE TEST SHIP and INSTALL INITIAL OPERATING CAPABILITY 25-5 CONCEPTS DUE R Every year the Director and other Agency seniors go to Congress and defend our budget They look pretty foolish asking for a big pile of money for the new fiscal year when they haven't even spent the money that was available in an earlier year Also if we don't spend the money on time we lose millions ofdollars a year just to inflation H So the aim is to spend the money on what we asked for when we said we would need it R Yes plan your work and work your plan H I'm convinced Fred Start up the boilerplate factory so we can get Ms Really her requirement R Thank you but I hate to read boilerplate even more than you hate to write it You don't have to rejustify your projects in the 25-5 documentation All you have to do is describe them We prefer clarity to volume Six pages is the PBS goal and two or three should suffice for a PBS Section 1 H Six pages Are you kidding R No SCPs of necessity will be longer but we don't pay for them by the pound either RFPs PROPOSALS EVALUATIONS CONTRACT AWARDS H Gee Rosa how do you know all of this anyway R In N34 we review all the 25-5 documentation and it enables us to act as an honest broker for actions like the RA'ITLECAN We're in business to make the 25-5 process go as smoothly as possible Our system management officers all have considerable DDO DDT or DDR experience They can help you with all facets of25-5 from writing PBS-Is to coordinationg SAPs If we don't know the answers we'll find them for you There are a lot of people who contact us before they even start a project That way we can start greasing the skids for the project before it's even in the starting blocks If you like we can set up a briefing for your people on the whole process H That would be great How can we get in touch with you R We are located in 8A134 and our phone number is 963-1171 Thanks for giving me this chance to explain what we do and remember we're N34 and we're here to help Exeunt tutti for ice cream Jan-Feb 1986 o CRYPTOLOG o page 21 FeR eFF'fClAL tiS ONL t -------------- 4012017 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 OP SE eRE BMBRA A P R o B L E M I N R E T R I E EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Jan-Feb 1986 TOP CRYPTOLOG pag pzil 4 ECRET UMBRltP L c 86-36 4012017 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 OP SH6RB UMBRA Jan-Feb 1986 CRYPTOLOG page 23 OP SECRE'f UMBftA ero 4012017 COp PIBHP 't'IAL IMPROVING TRAINING IN TECHNICAL ELiNT I IE54 P L CENTER LINE OF BEAM RADAR VIDEO BEAM ROTATES Al REF AROUND DISH CENTER LINE AT 30 HI EL REF SIG 1'I _c The National ELINT Plan dated 25 March 1985 identifies nine training and retention issues in Section vn 3 Of the nine issues four are considered to be actual training issues and they cover such things as 1 standardizing ELINT training throughout the community 2 designing a series of mandatory continuing self-study courses to expand the knowledge of ELINT people in the field 3 modernizing courses to reflect advancing technology 4 familiarizing non-ELINT people with ELINT operations As a result of this plan the National Cryptologic School NCS has scheduled SIGINT Training and Advisory Committee STAC meetings for the 2nd QTR FY86 The STAC meetings will be convened to gather all interested parties together to obtain a corporate review of ELINT training They will 5 Recommend to the Assistant Director for Training changes to training that will improve operational effectiveness and keep pace with projected needs A solution to the familiarization problem has already been accomplished by the new exportable 18-070 course which is available worldwide as a prerequisite to IS-250 SIGINT Reporting It is also teaches non-ELINTers about OPELINT and the differences between OPELINT and TECHELINT Basic technical ELINT training has traditionally been given at three service schools Naval Technical Training Center NTTC Corry Station Florida Keesler AFB Biloxi Mississippi and Ft Devens Massachusetts On November 6 1985 the United States Air Force transferred its basic ELINT training course to Goodfellow AFB Texas All intermediate and advanced level training has been conducted at NCS These are the technical ELINT courses now being offered ARMY 233-98J Electronic Warfare Signal Intelligence Non-Communications Collector 402 Hours Basic Course 233-98J30 Electronic Warfare SIGINT Non-Communications Interceptor 290 Hours Por assumption of duty at E6 level A-23l-0028 Cryptologic Technician-T Pield Operations Type POUR ELINT Operations 480 Hours Basic Course 1 Assess the impact ofHQ NSAlCSS and Service operational requirements on training 2 Review the impact on training of projected changes in operational targets and technological advancements 3 Identify the job performance requirements and training necessary to improve operational effectiveness NAVY 4 Assess the adequacy of existing training Jan-Feb 1986 CRYPTOLOG page EURONFID6NqJIAL 24 86-36 4012017 e6Nf'IB NTIAL TECHNICAL and OPERATIONAL ELiNT Technical ELiNT has the signal as its primary focus Operational ELiNT takes the radar activity and relates it to a radar site a weapon a platform or an event Examples of the differences are shown below OPERATIONAL TECHNICAL Emitter Deployment System Employment Activity Levels Schedules Weapons System Tactics Signal Descriptions Emission Characteristics Modes of Operation Emitter Functions Weapon and System Associations Capabilities Vulnerabilities Platform Recognition Force Composition Indications and warning Foreign Technology Indications USAP E3ABR20S30 Electronic Intelligence Operations Speci'alist 628 Hours Basic Course MCS EA-202 ELIMT Measurement and Analysis Techniques 140 Hours Intermedi te Level Civilian Self-Paced EA-280 Intermediate ELIMT Collection and Analysis 280 Hours Int media te LevelMTiIi a r y EOI 4 P L c 86-36 EA-380 Advanced ELIMT Collection Analysis 320 'Hours Mixed' military civilian EA-210 o Digital Analysis of ELINT Signals 160 Hours Mixed military civilian EA-281' ELINT Digital Analysis Training 80 Hours Mixed military civilan o Developed by a contractor REMINDER CRYPTOLOG is a classified publication It may not be read in the cafeteria or in other insecure areas Jan-Feb 1986 o CRYPTOLOG o page 25 CONFIQISNq'h b ero 4012017 BULLETIN BOARD FOUO Have you written a program applicable to manual cryptosystems If so MADCAPS invites you to submit a summary ofinfonnation about it for inclusion in a comp endium it is compiling Just rep roduce the fonn below fill it out and send it tc1 IZ ltisnecessal1lyreduced in CRYPTOLOG ifyou can't squeeze everythmg m ask for a full-size form Don'tforget to classify Jfyou have a question you may call her on 963-1211 P L 86-36 FOUO At present a draft compendium is available that contains programs submitted up to 15 January You can obtain a copy from Alice Manual Systems Survey Name of procB5s _ Functicn _ Type of Data _ Type of System _ Programming language Category Computer Point of Contact Name _ Dperating Systeml Organi atiqn Phone _ _ Brief Description Availability Comment _ CRYPTOLOG page 26 FOR OFFI6IAL USB ONLY Jan-Feb 1986 P L 86-36 aCID 4012017 There was a pig farmer named Patten Who became an M D in Manhattan Though his patients adored him The druggists abhored him For he wrote his Rx in Pig-latin A great polyglot Heinrick I Berman Claims his best tongue is hard to determine He speaks Polish with polish While his French is quite Gaulish And when drunk he speaks perfect High German To the Editor There was a fine lass Polynesian Whose feature were Classical Grecian But her giggling betrayed her Foolish sounding it made her Alas she spoke mainly Teeheesian You might also get a chuckle from this prophetic poem of mine which was published in the Agency's Quarterly Review for Linguists in 1970 during the height of Mao's power In China everyone will take a vow That the key to every trouble is A panacea double is The little red Works of Mao Ifalldwhen this giant step backwards comes to pass the consequences will be real and they will be serious in terms of squandered dollars and lost access to invaluable information P L 86-36 Editor's note As we go to press we learn that e b P C 11 ttJ ll r 11 ttJ d fo r To the Editor Re Vera Filby's entertaining limericks in the SepOct 1985 CRYPTOLOG The limerick about the linguist named Rease reminded me of his cousin a gent I wrote about in 1969 Here is a copy A gloomy defeatist named Reese Decided to study Chinese When asked to select A fit dialect His choice was of course Can'tonese The editorial staffofthe old CLA Bulletin ran a monthly contest from mid-1968 through mid-1969 for language-related lickericks The prize each month was mighty check for $1 00 and I cleared a cool $4 00 in that year with these ditties Here are the other three This volume is a real wow It makes the weak strong again The short becomes long again The little red Works of Mao In Peiching they all know how The sick will feel fine from Just reading one line from The little red Works of Mao They tell you with a curt kowtow That his great work is liable To outsell the Bible The little red Works of Mao The farmer behind his plow Swears the meanest loaf of rye Is changed to pheasant by The little red Works of Mao Since the volume first took its bow China's youth has been bolting from They've become quite revolting from The little red Works of Mao 1 11 make a prediction now Today we're at the peak ofit Posterity will speak of it As the little-read Works of Mao Jan-Feb 1986 o CRYPTOLOG o page 27 FOR OFFI6IAL USE ONLY P L 86-36 ero 4012017 'P 86- 36 CRYPTARITHM' byl ANSWERS TO ETYMOlOGIST1S DELIGHT Ip12 G42 Sep-Oct 1985 Given K R y P T 0 S s SOURCE BORROWED LANGUAGES WORDS 0 C I E T y C P K Solve for o1 2 r r K c 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Every letter represents a distinct digit When the letters are associated with digits so that the arithmetic is correct they will spell out a phrase describing' the successful cryptanalyst o o SOLUTION TO NSA CROSTIC No 60 From Q E D - 2 Hours 41 Minutes by Lambros D Callimahos NSA Technical Journal Fall 1973 Bantu Sotho Hindi Arabic Tamil Telugu Sanskrit Malay Algonquin Japanese Turkic ibetan Turkish Breton Basque Russian' Czech Narragansett Spanish Norwegian Greek Polish Celt Gypsy Romany Swedish French Persian German Dutch Maori Finnish milo a sorghum shampoo bund a quay massage saffron soda mortise lemon go down yoke Juggernaut jute sugar catty a unit of weight terrapin skunk moose squash raccoon tycoon khan yak zebu dn lb casaba menhir jai-a-Iai sable pogrom pistol howitzer quahog a clam machete ranch vole skull tangle seaweed cactus licorice skink doodle barnacle pal addle mink faucet azure scimitar caravan snorkel dowel snook selvage kiwi sauna Spencer Akin Letter to Birkhan Your letter indicates that the purpose ofyour entering into communication with this office on the subject of the Kryha cipher machine is to make known its merits for consideration for use in the military service This device has already been well studied and I regret to advise was found unsuitable for adoption in the military service SOLUTION TO PUZZLE IN PURPLE Nov-Dec 1985 Provided byllp121G42 P L Jan-Feb 1986 o CRYPTOLOG o page 28 POR OFPIOIhL USI3 ONLY 86-36 L 86-36 aCID 4012017 Jan-Feb 1986 o CRYPTOLOG o page 29 PI-APR 86-YI-I04801 F9R 9FFICIAb Jill 9HbY This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu