ursuantto E O 13526 MDR Case # 5477 WGBPDU WWGBPD11 $ BrnlE U GBPD $W B L'lDla'V lSlD E lS OOlS jJC S f OO jJW wWc 1st Issue 1989 WHERE ARE OUR TEXTBOOKS QUOTE WITHOUT COMMENT o PROJECT TOTEMPOLE GOLDEN OLDIE o o o o o o DEFSMAC'S 25th ANNIVERSARY BULLETIN BOARD o o o OUR NEIGHBORHOOD ASQ 20 o FROM THE PAST o ONE CRYPT NALYST'S ONE-FOOT SHELF CONFERENCE REPORTS DARPA ON LANGUAGE MATHEMATICS REVIEW BOOKS ON SIGINT HISTORY LETTERS o o CLASSIFICATION QUIZ o o BONUS PUZZLE MINI CRYPTS 12 NSA-CROSTIC No 68 o ON THE LIGHTER SIDE o o o o David Gaddy 11 - L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jr o Vera Filby o David Harr is 1 1 I I Bill Lutwiniak l'IIIS BOeUMI3N'f eON'f INS eOBI3WORB l U'fJ IU b l CLASSIFIED BY JSA EURSSM 123 2 -- C DECLASSIFY ON Origili8tilig AgeflEY'S DeteFfFI AatisA REUREfbliFEURa NOT RELEASABLE TO CONTRACTORS DOCID 4012031 86-3E Pl jblishedby Pl Techniques and Standards VOL Vli NQ l PUBLlSHE o Editor 1st Issue 1989 Maybe some day the Agency will have enough 1'-- 1money to buy equipment that labels periodicals BOARD OF EDITORS o o ooo ' tL k963-1103 Computer Systems 1 963 1103 Cryptanalysis o o 1 963-5238 Cryptolinguistics ' 1 1963-4740 Index f 963-4814 Information Science 963-3456 Information Security 1 972-2122 Language 1 963-3057 Mathematics o 1 963-5566 Puzzles 1 963-6430 Science and Technology J 963-4958 Special Research Vera R Filby 968-5043 Traffic Analysis Robert J Hanyok 963-4351 Illustrators ABOUT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION J 963-6234 I -- I--------------f i To submit articles or letters by mail send to Editor CRYPTOLOG Pl HQ 8A187 If you used a word processor please include the mag card floppy or diskette along with your hard copy with a notation as to what equipment operating system and software you used via PLATFORM mail send to cryptlg@bar1c05 bar-one-c-zero-five note no '0' Always include your full name organization and secure phone also building and room numbers For Change of Address mail name and old and new organizations to Editor CRYPTOLOG P1 HQS 8A 187 Please do not phone automatically and bundles them in zip code order just like commercial magazines Until then we'll have to make do with a compromise which in the case of CRYPTOLOG is subscriber lists The alternative is general distribution by organization Perhaps a few words about CRYPTOLOG's distribution are in order The alphabetical subscriber list is on an XT Each record shows Date of Information Organization Name of Subscriber There is also an Organization list showing Date of Information Organization Building Number of Individual Copies and Number of Organizational Copies When we're about to go to press these two lists are fed into a program which generates a list of changes in distribution counts by organization for Distribution Y16 and a merged list that is sent to a program on WINDMILL which generates a tape for printing the subscriber lists that you -- or your secretaries -- see At this point the distribution is cast in concrete for that issue We mail the sheets when it is time to proofread the Blue Line the photo proof before it goes to press Note that we go through this procedure for each issue Theoretically CRYPTOLOG should hit the streets a day or two after the subscriber lists reach you But things happen The magazine may be bumped by a higher priority at the Press Or be held up in Distribution -- they count ff the copies and bundle them by hand So it may be ten days or so between the time your office receives the lists and its copies of CRYPrOLOG Be patient Wait DO NOT CALL If you get too many copies send us the spares maybe some other organization is short a few If you don't get enough copies WRITE do not call for more And WRITE do not phone about a change of address We just can't cope with the volume of calls Contents of CRYPTOLOG may not be reproduced or If anyone has better ideas about distributing disseminated outside the National Security Agency without the permission of the Publisher Inquiries regarding repro- CRYPrOLOG please send them on We're always duction and dissemination should be directed to the Editor lookingfo' a be All opinions expressed in CRYPTOLOG are those of the authors They do not represent the official views of the National Security Agency Central Security Service FOR OFFICIAL uSB ONLY DOCID 4012031 WHERE ARE OUR TEXTBOOKS I I I 1' David Gaddy DSC FOUO According to legend at the National Cryptologic School Minnie Kenny arrived on the scene as the new D ADT a few years back and asked to see the library There was no school library she was told Her response was Nonsense Who ever heard of a school without a library Suiting action to words she established the facility that was dedicated in 1982 and is still maintained by T51 albeit now in constrained space along with other crowded NCS activities at the moment A visitor to the School today might well ask where are your textbooks Would the answer be the same we have none ' _ U Back in the summer of '65 our former colleague sometime journalist and classic jazz pianistl Ideplored the lack of writing in an NSA Technical Journal article calling for the generation of professional literature Ed's point and a point with which most of us would agree upon reflection is that professional literature is the outstanding characteristic of a profession It is the means through which the profession is defined and through which the profe$Sion grows and evolves over time It affords the opportunity to assert and to challenge to advance ideas and to have them tested It offers vitality it encourages imagination and creativity it exposes outdated thinking and procedures It also does something else In a 1988 memorandum to Agency seniors enlisting their support in leading seminars NCS Commandant Whitney Reed said lacking a more systematized institutional memory we are heavily dependent on individual knowledge recollections of lessons learned or not learned and acquired wisdom on the part of our seniors to guide the education of the next generation of Agency leadership More careful attention to professional literature would in large measure supply the need for more systematized institutional memory FOUO What do I mean by professional literature and by textbooks I mean both in the broadest sense articles papers monographs manuals of a certain type-information in a form that can be studied retrieved for reference passed about In the flowering that took place after Ed's 1965 article the National Cryptologic School Press was announced by Commandant Frank Austin the Agencis history program was under the NCS in those days and the issuance of Special Studies in Cryptology began The Cryptologic Spectrum a somewhat more popular but classified quarterly joined the highly respected and often erudite NSA Technical Journal A variety of specialty-oriented house organs flourished among the groups key components and learned organizations compensating in part for what I recall as a concurrent decline in case histories and system solution reports once SOP but dropped because of resource reductions and larger workloads But we were writing and we were reading Letters to the Editor columns and articles offering a different viewpoint from that of an earlier one reflected the challenge and response and a depth and quality of thinking was seen that was frequently lacking in daily memoranda Such wri ting was the grist for textbooks U By textbooks I mean those things we could read and study as professionals and that would serve as the basis for teaching When it 1st Issue 1989 o CRYPTOLOG o page 1 FOR OFFICIAL USI J ONLY P L 86-36 DOCID 4012031 involves a record of past practice this means history But history can be relevantr-indeed it generally must be to be tolerated in a government agency It is not that the old way was necessarily the right way but it was ' way and it might save time and effort for a later generation to be able to reflect on it It would add a sense of continuity a kinship with the past For example I still have among my papers Bob Benjamin's 1964 revision of the 1955 Fundamentals of Radio Traffic Analysis suitably worn and dog-eared as befits a textbook and continuing reference What is its late 1980s' counterpart The syllabus of TA103 Are we too busy doing to reflect on the whys and wherefores What is it we need as textbooks procedural instructions Studies-professional literature-would contribute to the development of doctrine At the present time new students at the National War College receive a stack of 14 books one of them an historical novel by the way to start their professional library As a self-check what would constitute yours What 14 must read texts would you suggest to a newcomer in our ranks What 14 or so do you believe every professional here should have read U From the vantage point of four years at the NCS concerned with introducing the new generation and outsiders to cryptology as well as life-long learning for the professional I am excited over the potential I have seen in the new generation but I regret all the more the disorderly shape of the heritage we offer them U We need service biographies of potential role models for a new generation biographies to Many of the oldsters have forgotten or have increase our appreciation of our profession and selective memories many of the youngsters our heritage from the military services and haven't discovered what was or felt the absence their civilian colleagues We need studies of of what might be Our sheer bigness removes lessons learned --and not learned We need the youngster from proximity to the oldster and accounts of actions and operations well planned the opportunity to evesdrop that is learn from and smoothly executed and how--and those that overhearing As our profession has become weren't and why Yes I know this is asking more diverse and better known outside our a lot of an organization or an individual Self- fence we've found unclassified writing about criticism the Communists call it our once-concealed craft in books such as The Codebreakersand The Puzzle Palace as well as U We need critical reflective analytical journals some good some not so good studies that will draw out the mind as well as U But who informs the professional or the informing-articles of a type so often encountered in Naval Institute Proceedings neophyte which is which It is all too human perhaps the best military example of the to reject what we personally know to be wrong but tend to accept otherwise We may accept professional literature I mean We need imaginative futuristic impractical thinking and institutionalize untruths such as the infamous Coventry bombing story The We need reprints of quarterly articles or technical papers convenience compilations continuing need for timely informed book reports is obvious such as the Friedman lectures the Boak lectures Collected Articles on Code U Let me suggest some reasons for the state Reconstruction as compiled by Kate Swift and of things today letting ourselves become too We need pop history such as busy in other things our incredible growth over Ed Wiley's On Watch produced by the NCS the past decade and finally not knowing what U What is our basic textbook today on CIA we're missing We've been busy acquiring and On T A On reporting On the concept of defending Our fascination with technology and with things occupies so much of our SIGINT support to a joint task force On time-another piece of equipment to master cryptology per se Where are the writings for another newer piece of software the apprentice the journeyman the advanced student U We feel guilty taking the time to read and digest unessential classified matter in the U There is yet another consideration With nearly a half-century or more behind us office We think about writing or rebutting depending on your choice of the starting date but don't take the time to do it We see little evidence of reward for thoughtful exposition of we need doctrine-the distilled essence of our anyone caring We often seem to be caught up experience We tend rather to have I P L I 86-36 1st Issue 1989 o CRYPTOLOG o page 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4012031 in careerism-ticket-punching-instead of honing the tools of our craft Yet we bemoan the passing of the World War IT generation and wring our hands about what industry calls the assimilation of a new generation into our corporate culture a culture we really have failed to define U There is probably another reason The very computers that are enabling us to do easier word processing may be receiving the fruit of our individual creativity but denying it to others Think-pieces probably reside in countless individual computer libraries But professional literature must be generally accessible and indeed survival when the paperwork reduction campaigns come upon us It means recognition of and reward for contributions to the professional literature Although there is provision for it in our Personnel Summary I wonder how often that section is considered at promotion or selection time It means providing conveniently located and equipped study facilities with access to classified professional literature POUO It may also mean a better corporate effort to institutionalize study and writing The war colleges have had study groups of one form or another CIA has its Center for the Study of Intelligence under their training establishment The idea is an attractive one-the opportunity U For the most part the professional for a selected few to reflect study listen to literature I am describing must be classified It write to teach and then to cycle back into the must be generated circulated read kept and fray leaving behind a heritage of sorts and used at the office It cannot be taken home for emerging with renewed energy and matured leisurely evening or weekend reading and knowledge And we do have a potential As contemplation as with other professions All among T54 PI the Director's Senior Council the more reason then that it must be nurtured the Director's Fellows and other pockets here by a corporate concern At the individual level and there we have mission responsibilities for that means allowing office time to read and study reflection and exposition just as we do reflect and write as part of our profession at the NCS including its Cryptologic Education and not only permitting but encouraging Fellows where the product of such thinking is subordinates to do the same At the top it so needed for education and instruction in the means having as Agency policy the advocacy form of case studies and textbooks and persistent defense of classified professional literature as essential to professional growth FOUO While great strides have been made over recent years in improving information support to analysts and analytical units we are The author who chairs the NSA Cryptologic only beginning to apply the same attention to History Committee solicits readers' views the automation of our records a project well Comments may be sent directly to him or to underway in T5 In time that will support not any other member of the Committee only historical research and writing but enable the study of topics that cut across target or Robert L Benson DDA major organizational lines That is the very Richard Proto DOl sort of research needed in developing doctrine DDO theory philosophy-areas in which we are DDT weak Once we had the PI-sponsored DDPP Cryptologic Collection the pride of Lambros DDPR Callimahos There researchers could find Thomas H Cosgrove DDR assembled most of what they might want ADIL I I whether classified or unclassified-technical Edward S Wiley ADT reports historical studies news clippings books GC I J I Executive Secrc qry Henry Schorreck T54 NSA Historian POUD P L They could search for precedent in system usage beyond their target area or find copies of earlier studies on the subject of interest FOUO Squeezed out of the Main Library because of a space crunch the remnant of the Cryptologic Collection is consigned to T54 care in SAB 2 but is not being sustained The 86-36 1st Issue 1989 CRYPTOLOG page 3 FOR OFFICIAl J E 01ltll Y DOCID 4012031 prospect of autOmating-and improving upon-that lost capability is a thrilling one POUO I must confess that having spent six years across the street from T513 I had thought of STINFO as dedicated to the interests of Research Engineering Only recently did I learn of their indexing of internal publications While it varies in coverage STINFO would be my first place to check in seeking a bibliography of pertinent material on the subject of my research and some day that index may be available online at my desk n otwithstanding the horrible problem of access that must first be solved given the caveats of the assorted documents received by T513 FQ JQ There are some hopeful signs that others are recognizing the need and addressing it within their spheres of interest The IR Panel has found mutual benefit in assigning its interns to a tour in T54 Clubs and associations under the Council of Learned Organizations sponsor literary contests Winners are recognized with publicity sometimes cash and publication U Publications such as The Cryptologic Quarterly and Cryptolog continue to manifest the qualities we need-one can only wish that they were monthlies but the labor is much and the laborers few Some serious studies are done in connection with courses at the NCS or elsewhere but they mayor may not see the lilrht of dav in lleneral availabilitv 1 I study of the personality types of ' --_ Agency executives done as a National War College project later reached us in a modified but concise and thought-provoking article in a publication concerned with the Productivity Campaign U Perhaps then we are doing more to address the need but are not adequately making the results known to the workforce If so the implications are the same the professional literature I'm describing must as I said be generally available and sufficiently current as to sustain reader interest It must also be retrievable through subject matter title and author That must be our goal D P L QUOTE WITHOUT o D QMM$NT o oExtract from Reflections on the CA Essay Test by Peter Jenks KEYWORD June 1971 o The Question 'Describe the attributes of a good working aid' was attempted by some 20 people At least one respondent interpreted o 'working aid' to be an assistant e g a Crypt- o Aide A few described a 'good working aid' o rather than its attributes Examiners survive these things and it should be added in a spirit of considerable generosity Obviously responsiveness to the question is one of the things which must be assessed but beyond that each essay is quite independently assessed in terms of its own premises Of the 'remainder in any event a surprising number o of the respondents included an assertion much along these lines ''When you are assigned to a new problem 'where nobody will tell you what the problem o is let alone how one goes about getting the answer good working aids tell you what to do 'This was an unexpected answer One's first instinct was to regard the point as marginal o Reenforcements from other essayists altered that in the experience of far too many analysts it has proved to be of high importance Granting this one's second instinct was to accept the point as valid giving credit accordingly but to deplore the fact that it should be valid What are our managers doing or more to the point failing o to do o 'The negative implication speaks for itself o Is o it fair though Can it not be asserted that a o manager recognizing that a recurrent problem 'can best be dealt with by the use of well designed working aids which both conserve experience and preclude recurring reinvention 'also recognizes that use of this aid is more o edifying than hours of instruction Can it not o be asserted as well that such an aid will not o 'only enable the new analyst to go about his job on the most expeditious basis but in addition that its very character will to the 'inquiring mind suggest the 'why' of that aid o as well as the 'how' FOUO 86-36 1st Issue 1989 CRYPTOLOG page FOR Ofi'FICIAL USE or lL't 4 aCID SBGRB'I' 4012031 1 4 c P L 86-36 Project TOTEMPOLE 1 4 c 86-36 36 CRYPTOLOG pagemo 1 4 c IIAl'WLB VIA CoMINl' CiIAN lq'EL b L 6-36 1stlssue 1989 SI JREq DOCID 4012031 SHOKH'I' EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 1st Issue 1989 CRYPTOLOG page 6 g IU T IIAIU LE ViA COMEi'f CIIAIiIi'ElLS ON'LY DOCID 4012031 SI 1CRE EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 1st Issue 1989 IIMtDLE CRYPTOLOG page 7 S CIU1T VJ l GOME rT GHA r rBLg O TLY DOCID 4012031 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SECRET - Golden Oldie CRYPTOPOEM o o THERE WAS A LITI'LE CIPHER All digited and stuff WhO was tricky as the devil But not secure enough She had no nice top secret beaux To take on lengthy trips She just went out with press reports And other routine drips o o Her fellow codes and ciphers Used to huddle in the safe And whisper unkind things about This naive crypto-waif o Whenever she was put to use The others wreathed in smiles Would snicker at her format and Her quaint digraphic styles Then one fine day she got revenge The others all turned red For turning to her catty friends She snapped her nulls and said Your cryptographic raiment Serves to keep you well disguised But I'm the one who's had the fun For I've been comprised - - A uthor unknown oo o COPJFIQfPjTU l CO 1st Issue 1989 CRYPTOLOG page 8 SECRET ILumu Yb COM UFf' CIIAH tELS OHLY DOCID 4012031 SBGKKT DEFSMAC'S SILVER ANNIVERSARY L 86-36 p 86-36 EO L 4 c IDirector DEFSMAC and I rHistorian DEFSMAC U The Defense Special Missile and Astronautics Center DEFSMAC will celebrate 25 years of operations on MaYS 1989 '- Am'---on-g-- D E O F S MA ' - C ' s--- -ta-s 'k-s-i -s-to--- -p-r-o-v id -e- J DEFSMAC was established by direction of the earliest possible warning of preparations for Secretary of Defense in 1964 as a center to be foreign missile tests over the ocean to facilitate staffed jointly by the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency The collection DIA contingent is a part of the Director ate for Collection Management DC while the NSA personnel are attached to the Deputy Director for Operations DDO I ftThe Department of Defense PoD charter for DEFSMAC specifies that it is to provide 24- L ---' j C - The DoD community is increasingly hour surveillance of foreign missile and space looking to DEFSMAC for exercise participation activities accomplish technical control of DoD tip-off to new sensor systems treaty support intelligence collection systems directed against timely provision of event-related information to foreign missile and space events provide operational commands and collection technical support including tip-off to all DoD coordination for strategic directed-energy missile and space collection activities and weapon testing perform all-source current analysis and reporting on all detected foreign missile and - a The DoD's targets of interest in the foreign space events based on initial site reporting --- missile and space arena have growFn'-These responsibilities are carried out at a 24dramatically in the past 25 ears hour operations center with the support of a worldwide operational communications network a dynamic multi-discipline collection alerting Do an and coordination effort and analytic and - T'-r na lOna eve meres m e country technical data base resources problem is demanding more time and resources as the potential grows for such countries to acquire ballistic missiles chemical or nuclear weapons and space capabilities U DEFSMAC occupies a unique location in the flow of initial site reporting Its personnel perform very timely analysis of multisource EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 4th Issue 1988 CRYPTOLOG page 9 IIAl'WLE VIA SEl6REqJ OIIA mELS O 'l LY OO H tq ' P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c DOCID 4012031 SEeRE' ' BULLETIN BOARD FOR RUSSIAN LINGUISTS U The complete Russian Handbook of Spoken usage is in press It includes the first three volumes which were published individually the letters A through 41 as well as a new section covering the letters X through H data and identify and report significant activity These actions serve to bridge the gap between collector and user to support prompt action by the scientific and technical intelligence community and to meet the timesensitive information needs of operational consumers U The Handbook is an unclassified reference containing detailed information about the spoken Russian language Entries are arranged alphabetically by the principal word in the phrase It includes constructions characteristic of the spoken language regional uneducated and other non-standard words and forms points of syntax and usage On 1 March 1989 after nearly two years particles and combinations of particles of preparation DEFSMAC began Space fl4lOum Individuals in A2 A4 A6 E3 and the TACREP reporting to U S Space Command and field should order copies through their others in support of Department of Defense organizations Others may order copies BY Space Policy initiatives This is the first step MAIL directly from the author of the implementation of time-sensitive support 1 1P16 HQS 'I'Ell Pllone order will to military commanders under a new function not be accepted P L 86- 3 6 called Operational Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence OPFIS Without this LIBRARY OF UTILITY SUBROUTINES service operational military commanders would not have access to time-sensitive information on POUO G964 has developed a library of the status of foreign missile and space weapon utility subroutines to be used with the common systems and to potentially significant data format discussed in CRYSCOM improvements or even to entirely new systems Recommendation #5 October 1988 The library that might be otherwise overlooked or whose has been successfully ported to SUN JEPX analysis might be significantly delayed CONVEX and IBM AT computers The source U On the occasion of its 25 Anniversary the code has been written to allow conditional compiles so that a small medium or large men and women of DEFSMAC would like to version of the functions can be created on the take this opportunity to salute the DoD the AT Intelligence Community and Executive Agency 1 organizations we serve and particularly our parent agencies DIA and NSA DEFSMAC's next 25 years promise to be even busier than its first 25 We look forward to continuing and improving the services and productive relationships 0 1 U The library is modular so that programmers need select only those routines that are needed thus keeping the program code to a minimum POUD Address your inquiries and suggestions to 1 1963-5317 P L 4th Issue 1988 CRYPTOLOG o page 10 SBeRE HANDLE ViA COMft 'f' CIIAUNELS OULY 86-36 4012031 when I asked him that during the next 7 to 8 years 10 or 12 more buildings will be constructed filling in the gaps in the 124-acre Airport Square campus and continuing the development of Airport Square Technology Park located to the north and east The name Airport Square Technology Park is now applied to the entire 300-acre project which when completed will have created 3 5 million square Vera Filby E4 feet of office space Airport Square Technology Park is a totally integrated project with the developer performing every part of it - land One bright December day a group of us from acquisition development design construction the Intelligence and Analysis Department of the landscaping gardening marketing financing National Cryptologic School rode over to Airleasing management and maintenance port Square 20 to inspect our new quarters We were to occupy the entire top floor of the Dickinson-Heffner's ventures in this area began latest Airport Square building and were to be in the mid-1960s with the building we knew as the only occupants for an indefinite period of FANX-I when it was used for NSA operations time FANX-ll was built as a warehouse FANX-ill Our Neighborhood Airport Square 20 We found a four-story brick and glass building graced by a fringe of trees that had somehow been allowed to survive from the woods that until recently covered the land hereabouts Entering the lobby we glimpsed the expanse of a softly lit atrium beyond the security desk We took a rather childish pleasure in our ride up the glass elevator with its frame of sparkling lights We emerged in the corridor alongside the atrium and from there we looked down across a scene of hanging plants and banners The future office and classroom spaces still bare of most of the furniture were bright with light from the jalousied floor-to-ceiling windows on all sides As we looked for our allotted spaces we paused to admire the scenery on the way most especially the broad prospect from the orth side and a clear view right down into the Inner Harbor That was a surprise was designed to NSA specifications supplying 450 000 square feet of office space Some years later Airport Square 1 appeared and since then about a dozen three- and four-story Airport Squares have been built and occupied by a variety of tenants Why does Airport Square 20 have four stories I asked Mr Masi ''Why not two Or five Why not a highrise The answer to that is easy he said ''We track the real estate market closely and this is what people want - what they need What they need translates to a first-class modern suburban commercial building which can provide a high quality workplace environment inside and outside If it happens to have a greenhouse atrium so much the better When a building is constructed for the speculative market it may have to be altered for the new tenant We moved in over the Christmas holidays and early in Jsnuary the first students started to arrive They seem to like it here too For one thing since the building is only one quarter occupied parking is no problem Some of them like to sit on the floor outside the atrium near the windows and enjoy the view while eating their lunch The other day a couple of students were speculating on how many more Airport Squares there would be This happened with Airport Square 20 Before we could move in the floors had to be raised 9 inches to accommodate the wiring for our computers and especially for networking our long-awaited new computers They were acquired to give us the means to develop computer assisted and computer based training and new applications for the continuing modernization and enhancement of our courses The answer to that question is not yet certain but Mr Gregory E Masi of Dickinson-Heffner Incorporated the developer was glad to tell me We are now wired up settled in and in business - and getting ready for new initiatives in the use of computers in training and education 0 CRYPTOLOG page 11 FOR OFFICI lSI O Y 1st Issue 1989 aCID 4012031 'fOP SECREtp UMBRA EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 FROM THE PAST 1st Issue 1989 CRYPTOLOG page 't'OF SECftE't' UMBftA 12 DOCID 4012031 eONFIDBN'f'IAL ONE CRYPTANALYST'S ONE-FOOT SHELF Reprinted from KEYWORD January 1972 P L 1 U' Remember these are the suggestions of one cryppie Others might make other choices out of the works now available and new publications come out from time to time which must also be considered Watch for the ' Cryptanalyst's Statistical Handbook soon to be issued by P1 and Virginia Jenkins' textbook Practical Diagnosis now in working draft form That one foot of drawer space will hold an amazing amount of cryptologic knowledge if carefully managed 86-36 1L -u' u ' lp16 - in a desk file drawer when it's used to file legal-size folders hence the Basic Foot -J Can the cryppie build a personal technical library which is adequate for his needs but small enough for ready reference without resort to indexing and compact enough to fit in his desk This is in essence what CA interns ask after a first encounter with the CA library My answer to them is that it can be done and I hereby offer some suggestions as a startingpoint Technical references can be sorted roughly into three types 1 the general works that one might want no matter what the assignment 2 special working aids that pertain only to a certain target or type of system and 3 guidelines or aids traditionally distributed to entities such as section or branch rather than to individuals usually because they are scarce or because they require frequent updating MILITARY CRYPTANALYTICS PART I AND PART IT by L D Callimahos and W F Friedman Everyo ne knows of MC I II and to many a non-cryppie they are the Alpha and Omega of cryptographic literature because for years that's all that was generally available Actually together the volumes represent the Alpha the Omega will be reached in that infinity where parallel lines meet MC I IT are the cryppie's bible wherein are expounded the precepts of the science of cryptanalytics and the art of cryptanalysis it is here that the foundations are laid for the solution of any cryptographic system The two volumes also comprise a handy refresher for working long-forgotten systems The junior analyst fresh from class I know will find it hard to believe that next year he will not remember the niceties of solution that are so vivid in his mind now We will consider just the first category the basic books for the permanent library that will have to be dragged around with every move It STANDARD REAGENTS AND is understood that the cryppie has for the DIAGNOSTICIAN'S DICTIONARY by J duration of a particular assignment the Good Blue Ribbon Series Monograph No 11 working aids that are purely local such as Microbian word-pattern lists and Elysian proThis exceptionally well-written paper is sigs He has a responsibility to see that considered by many cryppies as the best friend working aids that he no longer needs are to take along when you lay siege to a difficult turned in or otherwise given a good home the system it will advise comfort and sustain you CA library not the burn bag is the proper and keep you from straying It contains repository should the problem be dropped specifics in compact form on how to go about Machine ciphers teleciphers and codes are not things including thinking and so it is a included in the basic books not only for practical handbook as well as good reading that reasons of space but also because the former invites dipping into And the cryppie who two are usually worked in special sections and seeks guidance in these pages when the bookbreaking is seldom entrusted to the pure prospects are gloomy will come away cryppie enlightened and heartened and refreshed by the uplifting and optimistic tone The publications below total almost a foot and that's just about the amount of space left over 1st Issue 1989 CRYPTOLOG CONFIDRN IAL page 13 IIA tDLE 1 b COPlG P'fT CHAN P'fEL8 ONLY DOCID 4012031 eONFIBI'3N'i h L This most valuable tome unfortunately is out of print and no reissue is planned for the near future If you do not have a copy make friends with someone who does especially if he js about to retire Meanwhile there's a copy in the CA library that you can read BASIC CRYPrOLOGIC GLOSSARY a new edition is just out Watch for other parts of MC ill as they come out in the Blue Ribbon Series COLLECTED PAPERS ON CRYPTANALYTIC DIAGNOSIS S-194 074 These interested papers range from the philosophical through the theoretical to the practical Some are reprints and others are neWlY COMBINED GLOSSARY OF TRAFFIC ANALYTIC TERMINOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS IDENTIFICATION GUIDE Volume III Operating Signals The reasons for having the first two are obvious the third book lists the Q and Z signals and their meanings The three volumes fit nicely in a looseleaf binder ARS CONJECTANDI THE FUNDAMENTALS OF CRYPTODIAGNOSIS by L D Callimahos Blue Ribbon Series Monograph No 18 It's neatly put in the foreword by Dr Tordella This monograph represents a milestone in cryptologic literature it is the first detailed and comprehensive exposition of the fundamentals of cryptodiagnosis treating the techniques and procedures of manipulating data and recognizing and interpreting phenomena Broadly theoretical in its treatment of the principles of diagnosis it is applicable to both manual and machine cryptosystems whether the diagnostic examination is performed by manual methods or with machine aids Any cryptanalyst whether he has two years or 20 years' background will profit from the study of this pioneering work For the experienced cryptanalyst it is an indispensable vade mecum ' THE CRYPrANALYSIS OF CIPHER TEXT AND PLAINTEXT AUTOKEY SYSTEMS by L D Callimahos Blue Ribbon Series Monograph No 19 This monograph is an advance publication of two chapters of MC ill which is still in preparation If you're working on unknown systems you need this even though autokey isn't very common Maybe it isn't common because it hasn't been found 1st Issue 1989 presen i m u m ri1 SP very title Is the Index of Coincidence Obsolete but it will prompt thinking about statistical tests in general It should be mentioned thatl Ia ppears to be the missing link between the mathematicians and the cryptanalysts for his exposition is understandable to a cryppie who came in through the liberal arts THE SOLUTION OF TRANSPOSED CODE AND DOUBLE TRANSPOSITION SYSTEMS by H D Siegel Blue Ribbon Series Monograph No 1 In the foreword Mr Rowlett said ''This paper by Helen Siegel issued originally in 1948 is the first to be published in the Blue Ribbon Series because of its established reputation as an authoritative reference in dealing with transposition systems It still is the authoritative reference RYE GUPPY MANUAL FOR CRYPTANALYSTS The GUPPY programs give every cryppie the equivalent of 100 top-flight speedy accurate and indefatigable crypt aides 'round the clock The manual also serves as a resident consultant-just by reading through the descriptions of programs a cryppie may find another was to study phenomena or even another approach to the problem LOOSE LEAF BINDER Ad Lib This is probably the most valuable item in your collection for it contains your own selection of hand -dandies Whatever the contents its dog-eared appearance proclaims it as your nearest and dearest This is what you save in a fire CRYPTOLOG page P L 14 CO FIQEN'i IAL IIAP'mU WA GOMIN' ' GIIAP'1 TELS OP'lLY 86-36 L 8 6- 3 6 'DOCID 4012031 o Conference Report DAR 'A Speech and Natural Language Workshop February 21-23 1989 Philadelphia PA Reported by I IPI6 PIG to obtain copies of related papers and for further information OVERVIEW OF SPEECH RECOGNITION Several Agency personnel attended the Spring DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop which presented ongoing research results and projections for DARPA-funded programs The current budget for this research area is $l1M and will be cut by 15% for the coming year In FY90 speech research will account for 75% of total budget of the Speech and Natural Language Division while the remaining 25% will be applied to Natural Language research programs Some attendees explained this discrepancy in terms of the new role of natural language research in speech processing A new program entitled WHISPER will provide an additional $10M over the next three years WHISPER is jointly funded bv NSA and Rome Air Defense Center RADe I J Makhoul BBN Laboratories Incorporated Areas of speech recognition are focused on the transcription of speech into words Speech Understanding SU includes actions based upon the speech such as data base transactions and message gisting and require natural language processing capabilities This is an area of research that needs more emphasis Without Natural Language Understanding NLU Spoken Language Systems SLS are limited Computer architectures and software are necessary for real-time speech processing functions More research is required on the topic of spoken language acquisition and modeling Training opportunities in speech and language processing for undergraduate students should be expanded There is much attention to Air Traffic Control ATC as a model for defense applications OVERVIEW OF NATURAL LANGUAGE M Marcus ---1 The following notes summarize conference activities Interested individuals can contact P L 86-36 1st Issue 1989 Past research focus has included augmented transition networks natural language interface NLI to database systems and expanded context-free parsing There is a DoD thrust on replacing query languages with NLI Current areas of research are focusing on unification grammars lexical functional Grammars computational semantics and discourse analysis Much research is depending on a wide range of a priori knowledge about the world or operational domain New research should focus CRYPTOLOG page 15 FOR OFFICIAL USB ONLY DOCID 4012031 on prosody for SLS machine translation CMT stochastic and symbolic techniques for learning grammar The Japanese have a major effort in MT that will produce a wave of commercial natural languge products soon DARPA does not have an MT program TUTORIAL on NATURAL LANGUAGE Grishman New York University Natural language technology is used to produce man-machine interfaces MMI and for automated message processing There are two distinct views computational and theoretical Two major goals are syntactic analysis and semantic analysis The former is more feasible Semantic analysis requires an experiental base of real world knowledge in order to be effective successful for testing syntactic systems but no agreement on semantic testing could be reached DATABASES Text Collection Marcus U of Pennsylvania There is an emphasis on collecting test corpora of text There are many different sources offering free but licensed text corpora for use in the research community Spoken Language Doddington Texas Instrument Efforts to assemble a data bases of spoken language examples will receive 1 5M dollars over five years There is a new effort to collect spontaneous speech examples in different scenarios INTEGRATION OF SPEECH AND NATURAL LANGUAGE TUTORIAL on SPEECH E Neuberg IDA Princeton BBN Stallard Roukos Neuberg presented an overview of articulatory phonetics acoustic phonetics and phonology He then provided a technical introduction to speech recognition INVITED TALK ON PROSODY Pierrehumbert Pierrehumbert delivered the invited talk on prosody She demonstrated that prosodic features convey semantic and pragmatic information She also showed that phonological phrasing does not always match syntactic groupings In light of the role that prosody plays in understanding spoken language Pierrehumbert suggested that speech recognition systems be built in narrow domains so that these systems can attempt to incorporate the systematic use of prosody PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Natural Language Evaluation Workshop Palmer Unisys Stanford Resarch Insitutute International Moore SRI is attempting to integrate the architectures for speech recognition SR and natural language processing NLP Because of problems with word lattices and a serial connection betwenn SR and NLP components SRI is using a dynamic grammar network In this system a natural language parser incrementatlly generates a grammar state transition table used in the Hidden Markov Model HMM speech recognition architecture University of Pennsylvania Steedman Two methods of evaluating natural language processing NLP systems were presented The black box method analyzes user viewable input output modularity and the man-machine interface The glass box evaluation method considers a systems underlying theory efficiency and extensibility The meeting was 1st Issue 1989 Because understanding spoken language requires actual understanding of language BBN is Integrating its natural language component with MIT's speech recognition system Basically itsr system takes a word lattice as the output of a speech recognition system and then uses its natural language component syntactic semantic and pragmatic components to identify the input sentence The University of Pennsylvania is investigating the integration of syntax and entonation in a combinatory grammar because of the inadequcy of present theories of syntax for processing speech They propose using a combinatory categorial grammar which provides the notion of a syntactic constituent that is the same as CRYPTOLOG page FOR OFFICIAL lJSE 16 O TLY DOCID 4012031 the notion of a sense-unit in a recent theory of intonation Carnegie Mellon University Ward CMU is just beginning to research recognition of spontaneous speech Because of limitations of current recognizers they will use a HMM work recognizer and create a phrase lattice Syntactic constraints will operate locally and semantic globally This is a system which will use a tighter grammar at the recognition level and produce a phrase output MIT Seneff MIT is developing TINA a natural language system for speech understanding tasks The system integrates ideas from Augmented Transition Networks and Lexical Functional Grammars Probability assignments on arcs provide the basis for a best-search parsing strategy Texas Instruments Hemphill Picone MIT is researching the integration of natural language models with statistical probabilities in speech understanding They are using a chart parser with stochasitc regular grammar in combination with rule and observation probabilities Carnegie Mellon University Young CMU is using a higher level sources and constraints to predict content and thereby reduce complexity in speech recognition These sources include the dialog model task semantics general world knowledge and user knowledge NATURAL LANGUAGE RESEARCH New York University Grishman NYU discussed its telegraphic speech handling system PROTEUS Basically a general English grammar is relaxed allowing the omission of subject and preposition To control relaxation the system applies local semantic parsing and imposes a penalty for each omission University of Pennsylvania Joshi Webber Joshi is studying the equivalences of grammars and lexicalized tree adjoining' grammars In a tree adjoining grammar each lexical item has its own tree Once the trees are identified the trees are adjoined Webber is researching cooperative response generation and discourse phenomena particularly clausal reference Unisys Palmer PUNDIT is Unisys natural language understanding domain specific system Presently the system handles about half of the input data composed of casualty report and rainform messages Developers are extending the linguistic coverage and building tools for development They are also working on interaction among the syntactic semantic and pragmatic components and are creating a more sophisticated interaction with knowledge bases SRI Hobbs TACITUS is a message understanding system which extracts information for database updating Basically the abductive inference scheme in the system produces a logical form of a sentence in the message and then tries to prove it For this system interpretation of a text equals the minimal explanation of why the text would be true BBN Bobrow A major problem in applying natural language systems to different applications is the cost To reduce the cost involves a reducing the amount and complexity of application-specific knowledge b matching the interface to user capability and information needs and c reducing marginal costs To reduce the cost of porting their natural language interface to a new database BBN developed Knowledge Acquistion KNACQ IBM Byrd IBM is developing a system to disambiguate dictionary entries The system would hold word senses in a hierarchy and some information necessary from the context for disambiguation This would be a lexical knowledge base not a world knowledge base BBN Crowther Crowther is building a database from on-line reference works like dictionaries and encyclopedias He is researching the procedures 1st Issue 1989 CRYPTOLOG page 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DOCID 4012031 for building databases and retrieving information from databases time speech recognizer The task domain is personnel records Information Sciences Institute UC Kasper SRI Price lSI is developing a more efficient means to llnk appplications expert systems to PENMAN their text generation system A subordination tool to coordinate knowledge in Penman and a Sentence Planning Language SPL are now provided SRI is developing a spoken language system for travel planning UC at Berkeley Wilensky Wilensky is developing a natural language interface to help UNIX users called UNIX Consultant Presently Wilensky is working on knowledge acquisition for the project New Mexico State Hartley Researchers have made three proposals to DARPA two AI projects model generation reasoning and resolution of conflicts in belief systems and a project to evaluate parsers PERFORMANCE TASK PROGRESS CMU Rudnicky CMU researchers are developing a speech recognizer SPHINX and an interface for a spreadsheet task TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER BBN Bates BBN ported PARLANCE a natural language interface to SQL to a Navy database by using a porting tool called LEARNER LEARNER creates the domain-dependent knowledge bases that PARLANCE needs Dragon Systems Baker Dragon System discussed a number of different applicatons some of which were successfully transferred to the commerical applications for which they were originally designed IBM Davis IBM has developed a real-time 20 OOO-word speech recognition system called TANGORA In this study IBM attempted to identify performance factors in order to develop behavioral stratagies to improve the users' interaction with the system which requires some user speech modification Dragon Systems Baker Dragon Systems is developing a system for interactive transcription for any subject The system will have an open vocabulary and interactive error correction ANSWERS TO Unisys Dahl Unisys is developing a spoken language interface to an expert system KSTAMP for system maintainance MIT Glass MIT is developing a system called Knowledge Navigator The system will allow the user to locate objects within an area and give directions to locations within the area BBN BBN is developing a spoken language system to make database queries The system will be developed from an existing database and a real- CLASSIFICATION QUIZ p 26 l 2 3 e d d 4 a c 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 CRYPTOLOG page 18 FOR OFFICfAL USE OP LY 1st Issue 1989 e a d c b a b c and e EOl 4 c 401 @ 3 6 36 DOCID 60NFIDHN'f'IAL I A talk by North on the use of graphics to simplify lattice structure The Fourth SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics San Fransciso June 1988 o U A session of invited talks on irregularity and discrepancy featuring talks by Spencer Voigt and Niederreiter Possible applications include looking for non-randomness in apparently random data designing super-flat sequences especially for use in numerical analysis and tests of randomness in general Reported by David Harris R51 A talk by Wilf on generalizations of o the Gray Code Problem in particular relating F'O O This was an outstanding conference on such questions to the existence of hamiltonian discrete mathematics with many talks of c c1es interest to the Agency We should continue to L - _ Their various generalizations ate attend such conferences in order to gather the also of interest fruit being made available so cheaply We U A talk by Ron Graham on quasishould also look into some of the consequences o as a replacement for the intractable randomness I suspect there has been some effect from concept of random graph Agency participation in conferences in the direction of convincing academics and o U A session of invited talks on codes mathematicians from industry to see us as and dynamical systems featuring talks by human We also had the usual variety of Marcus and Ashley These dealt with slidinginformal discussions with outside academics block decoders a generalization of trellis codes U Technical highlights included o U A talk by Carl Pomerance on the use of number theory in cryptology U A session on applications of number o theory with talks by Odlyzko Riemann Hypothesis Lagarias multidimensional continued fractions and Sarnak Ramanujan graphs o tet- A session of invited talks on cryptology including talks by McCurley discrete logarithms Goldreich zero knowledge and Crepeau secret sharing The McCurley talk was particularly alarming in that it stressed practical wisdom o U A somewhat disappointing session of contributed talks on cryptology including talks by McCurley Buchmann-Williams cryptosystern Bailey Ferguson's algorithm for multidimensional continued fractions Elia application of linear error correcting codes to communications security and Shoup factoring polynomials over finite fields with a minimum of randomness o iEURT A session on the use of Cayley graphs in communications networks including talks by Cooperman Fellows Krishnamurthy Blaha and aller IL _ EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 o U A poster session featuring work by Weinstein de Bruijn sequences Bart Rice characteristic sequences in characteristic q and Mamoli RPP algorithms for NP-complete P L 86- 3 6 problems EO 1 4 c Problem Session U At the Problem Session held Tuesday night and chaired by Peter Winkler twenty open problems from academia were presented on which they would like to solicit research Later a handout was distributed giving the problems that were raised at the session Only a single problem was answered cold at the session - and that by Andy Odlyzko The guy is smart The following is a brief summary of the problems with their sources at the conference which may not be their true originators 1 Grinstead What is limn-- oo Pr random partition of 2n is graphical 2 Voigt Given the lattice of subspaces of an n-dimensional vector space over GF q can the levels k through I be covered with few intervals CRYPTOLOG page 19 eOrfFIBEN'f'IAL 1st Issue 1989 DOCID 4012031 CON'FIBEJN IAL 3 Richey Can the edges of planar graph be partitioned into two pieces each of which is outer planar series-parallel 4 Duffus Let H be a hyperplane of Ln q P a point not in H Can the spaces not comparable to either be partitioned into qn-l-1 copies of Ln-2 q 5 Kleitman Let Xi2 s 1 prove that at least half of the sums EeiXi where ei - 1 have magnitude s l 6 Kleitman Let 2n candies be placed on the vertices of an n-cube You may pick up two candies from a vertex eat one and put the other down on an adjacent vertex Prove that you can always get a candy to the origin 7 Tovey Given a real square matrix how many of its entries need to be examined to find a saddle point 8 WilO Fix n and let f j be the number of ways of expressing the identity permutation on n letters as the product of j transpositions Find out anything about f j 14 George Let A aij be the adjacency matrix of an arbitrary n-regular graph Can you replace the 1 in position ij with a number bij between 1 and n such that 1 bij t bik for j t k and 2 Ibij-bjil 1 mod n whenever aij I 15 D West - from Maurer Wagstaff Slater For what n is there a Gray code on the n-cube such that the coordinates changed at successive steps are always adjacent This is the wellknown lamplighter problem that I wrote up in my trip report for the Boca Raton conference many years ago I got Ralph J interested in it then Not much progress has been achieved This is believed true for small n but false for n 8 Any more information 16 Tovey What is the complexity of finding in a weighted complete graph a Hamiltonian circuit whose weight cannot be lowered by a two-edge exchange i e a TSP tour that is 2-optimal exists but can we find it in polynomial time 9 Tzvieli solved by A Ddlyzko Let Xl Xn be consecutive integers none of which is prime for which a k exists satisfying gcd Xi k 1 and gcd Xi k-1 1 for all lsisn Find max n or show n can be arbitrarily large AD shows the latter 17 Tovey Call the binomial coefficient C m k proper if 1 k s m 2 What is the greatest n such that there exists a number with n proper binomial representations Can there be infinitely many such e g C 16 2 C 10 3 Erdos claims to have a number with 8 or 9 such representations 10 Kezdy Fix d and let G be the 2d-2 regular graph on Z n n 2d-l given by x-y iff Ix-yl d or Iy-xl d Find the smallest induced subgraph H such that 8 H d 18 Trotter Let P be the poset of vertices edges and faces of a 3-dimensional polytope It can be shown that dim P 5 6 what is the correct upper bound 11 Ullman Consider the disjunctive product GxH of two graphs Then X GxH sX G X H is known Define X GIF X GxF X F Conjecture X GxHIF sX GIF X HIF 19 Spencer Let A Sl SZ be a family of k-sets such that the degree of each ground element is D Let x A be the least m such that A is the union of m disjoint subfamilies Pi and let ileA be the greatest m such that A is the union of m subfamilies Ci each of which is a covering subfamily Then ileA sDsx A d and it is known that X A D l 0 1 implies ileA D l 0 1 Can this implication be reversed 12 McCanna Information is inserted into a vertex of an n-cube at time t At time t 2 it spreads to all neighbors of the vertex and can be inserted again at a second vertex Let ltn be the minimum time to inform all vertices Prove f n the greatest integer at most equal to n 3 2 so that you can do no better than insert at P then at the antipode of P then wait 13 Hurlbert What is the largest should this be smallest I s k for which the levels 1 and 2k 1-1 of an 2k I -cube induce a Hamiltonian subgraph it is well-known that levels k and k 1 work 1st Issue 1989 20 Grinstead The average number of Hamiltonian paths in an n-tournament is n 2n-l Conjecture for n odd all regular n-tournaments beat the average CRYPTOLOG page eONFIB13P CFIAL 20 DOCID 4012031 refers to the sigint by the time a specific piece of information was passed to the commands in the field German and Allied That is each ULTRA-based statement in the book is supported by one or more signals the time of transmission by a German command and the time of transmission from Bletchley It is a phenomenal piece of research Review BOOKS ON THE HISTORY of SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE Beviewed by I P L Another most significant book is RV Jones' The Wizard War British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945 Jones was a Scientific Officer on the staff of the Air Ministry in London during World War II and as such had access to the highest compartments4 of sigint as well as photo and human intelligence He is held by many to be the father of scientific and technical intelligence As the scientific adviser to MI-6 and Churchill Jones played a crucial role in the scientific and technological struggle involving radar navigational beams electronic warfare and German V weapons Jones had a unique grasp of the intelligence process -- he used elint comint aerial photography prisoner interrogation and captured material His book is a clear argument for small organizations with the close participation of its chief in analysis JIA28 86-36 There are a few books on the history of signals intelligence of particular significance that I recommend to friends who ask about them By far the best book I have ever read on the use of signals intelligence in war is Ralph Bennett's Ultra in the West The Normandy Campaign 1944-45 Bennett worked at Bletchley Park1 from February 1941 to the end of the war as a reporter in Hut 3 What makes the book particularly useful is that Bennett a Cambridge don who specialized in medieval history wrote it not only from memory of his activities during the war but also from decrypts of German ENIGMA made available to the public for the first time at London's Public Record Office in 1977 Bennett actually wrote many of the terse reports sent to the field commanders himself and was able to reconstruct day-by-day hour by-hour the availability of sigint to the invasion of Normandy and the subsequent battles in western Europe When Bennett describes a particular event or situation he 1st Issue 1989 Arguably the most important book on sigint written by an American is David Kahn's The Codebreakers The Story of Secret Writing Kahn did not participate as Bennett and Jones ' In SIgnal intelligence activities but he wrote the most lucid and most comprehensive book on cryptology up to World War II Unfortunately Kahn wrote his book a decade before the ULTRA secret was revealed so one has to go elsewhere for sigint history concerning the European theater in wwn But Kahn does chronicle a complete history of cryptography including ancient secret writing the Black Chambers the interest by Thomas Jefferson World War I Yardley Friedman NSA etc Another important book on sigint written by an American and largely unnoticed is The ULTRA Americans The U S Role in Breaking the Nazi Codes by Thomas Parrish As Parrish relied heavily on records and interviews with ULTRA Americans he tells the fascinating story of ULTRA as seen from an American viewpoint The book offers some insights into the use and handling of this most precious source of intelligence by operational commanders including notably Patton and his Third Army but its most significant revelation is the work CRYPTOLOG page FOR OFFICIAL USE 21 Of 'LY DOCID 4012031 EXPLANATORY NOTES Bletchley Park was the home of the British Government Code Cipher School GC CS forerunner of GCHQ Hut 3 was the area for translation of the decrypts and reporting of German Army and Air Force activities Hut 6 was the area for decryption Huts 8 and 4 were the equivalent areas for the exploitation of German naval communications ENIGMA was the name of an cipher machine patented in 1919 and originally marketed as a means to safeguard commercial secrets in Germany It was eventually used by all branches of the Wehrmacht ULTRA was the highest level comint compartment at the time it was the category for the results of UK-US exploitation of German high-grade cipher of the joint U S -British mission undertaken after the war was won to determine the success of the German signals intelligence service and its subsequent discovery of the German achievement against Russian high-level enciphered teleprinter communications There is little doubt that the Americans owed much to the British regarding the exploitation of the German ENIGMA transmission during the war just as the British were in debt to the Poles for their techniques passed on to them immediately prior to the outbreak of war in 1939 But Americans were very much part of the team at Bletchley park from late 1942 and their remembrances sometimes folksy and always anecdotal add greatly to our understanding of operations in the Huts at Bletchley Of naval operations two books stand out One is by Edwin Layton And I Was There Pearl Harbor and Midway Layton was the head of intelligence for the Pacific Fleet prior to World War II and served under in that capacity for Nimitz throughout the war Layton's memoirs provides the most definitive answer on why we were surprised in December 1941 The book is a serious well documented history of the American intelligence effort against Japan between the wars and through the end of WWII It concentrates mostly on the events which led up to Pearl Harbor and the decisive naval battle near Midway Island in June 1942 For the former Layton points out that although we had cryptanalytical success against Japanese codes we were organizationally confused and did not take benefit of our advantage Regarding the latter Midway was a smashing success for our Navy and sigint played the crucial role The other important book on naval operations and sigint is the late Patrick Beesly's Very Special Intelligence The Story of the Admiralty Operational Intelligence Center 1939-1945 Beesly served in the OlC the British Admiralty's organization which collated evaluated and disseminated all intelligence on enemy navies He places the role of comint and ULTRA in proper perspective as an aid in winning the naval war particularly against German submarines The book also documents development of fusion centers on both sides of the Atlantic in support of operational naval forces s By far the best unclassified reference book on sigint or intelligence is the several volumes by F H Hinsley et aI British Intelligence in the Second World War It is part of the official British history of World War II and is the most significant account of the role intelligence in particular sigint played in strategy and operations in WWII Hinsley and his colleagues given full range to British government documents and intelligence records revealed for example that the British had two sigint stations in the Soviet Union during the early days of the war and that they helped the Soviet's traffic analysts with knowledge of analytic techniques developed at Bletchley For a serious scholar of intelligence in WWII this book is the reference Unfortunately there is no parallel in official U S history The history does include quite a bit on sigint relationships prior to and during World War II between the UK and the US Here is a list of my favorites ANDREW Christopher Secret Service The Making of the British Intelligence Community London Heinemann 1985 BATES David Homer Lincoln in the Telegraph Office Recollections of the U S Military Telegraph Corps During the Civil War New York London D Appleton-Century 1939 1st Issue 1989 o CRYPTOLOG o page 22 FOR OFFICIAL USIi ONLY DOCID 4012031 BEESLY Patrick British Naval Intelligence 1914-1918 New York Harcourt Brace Javanovich 1982 LEWIN Ronald Lewin The Other ULTRA London Hutchinson 1982 _ _ _ _ _ _ Very Special Intelligence The Story of the Admiralty's Operational Intelligence Center 1939-1945 Garden City NY Doubleday 1978 _ _ _ _ _ _ ULTRA Goes to War The First Account of World War II's Greatest Secret Based on Official Documents New York McGraw-Hill 1978 MONTAGU Ewen Beyond Top Secret ULTRA New York Coward McCann and Geoghegan 1978 BENNETt' Ralph ULTRA in the West The Normandy Campaign 1944-5 New York Scribners 1980 MURRAY Williamson Luftwaffe Baltimore The Nautical Aviation Publishing Co 198' BERTRAND Gustave ENIGMA 1939-1945 Paris Librairie PIon 1973 BLAIR Clay Jr Silent Victory The US Submarine War Against Japan Philadelphia J B Lippincott 1975 CALVOCORESSI Peter TOP SECRET ULTRA New York Pantheon Books 1980 CLARK Ronald William The Man Who Broke Purple The Life of the Worlds Greatest Cryptologist Col William F Friedman Boston Toronto Little Brown 1977 CLAYTON Aileen The Enemy is Listening London Hutchinson 1980 EWING A W The Man of Room 40 The Life of Sir Alfred Ewing London Hutchinson 1939 PARRISH Thomas D The ULTRA American New York Stein and Day 1986 SHULMAN David An Annotated Bibliography of Cryptography New York Garland 1976 TUCHMAN Barbara W The Zimmerman Telegram New York Viking 1958 WELCHMAN Gordon The Hut Six Story New York McGraw-Hill 1982 WINTERBOTHAM Francis W The ULTRA Secret London Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1974 YARDLEY Herbert 0 The American Black Chamber London Faber and Faber 1931 r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GARLINSKI Jozef Intercept The ENIGMA War London J M Dent and Sons 1980 Solution to GYLDEN Yves The Contribution of the Cryptanalytic Bureaus in the World War Washington D C Government Printing Office 1935 IDNSLEY F H et aI British Intelligence in the Second World War Its Influence on Strategy and Operations London HMSO 1979 JONES R V The Wizard War British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945 New York Coward McCann and Geoghegan 1978 KAHN David The Codebreakers The Story of Secret Writing London Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1967 LAYTON Edwin T et aI And I Was There Pearl Harbor and Midway -- Breaking the Secrets New York William Morrow 1985 I NSA CROSTIC #67 plus I 4th Issue 1988 I Brigadier John H Tiltman COLLECTED iARTICLES I lone of my leading book breakers worked chiefly I I and Iseemed to bully any of my attached officers who worked under her She is famous for Iher editions of Mozart's and Beethoven's iletters and was reputed on one occasion to have said toc J You don't seem to irealize Comm Ithat my work starts when I leave your office I o The unadvertized feature is that the contents I of cell 274 is an exclamation point L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EO 1 4 d 1st Issue 1989 CRYPTOLOG page 23 FOR OFFIEURlAL USI3 ONLY P L DOCID 4012031 P L CONFIBI3N'f'IAb 86-36 To the Editor I U 1 in his article entitled Changes In Agency Reporting CHYPrOLOG 3rd Issue 1988 presented an excellent perspective on the most recent changes in Agency reporting philosophy In his last paragraph ''Where Are We Headed he mentions some of the problems facing Agency reporters in the future In addition to his observations I would like to offer some of my own which I think will have a major effect on the future of SIGINT reporting here at NSA EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 1st Issue 1989 Hl'lP'mI d CRYPTOLOG page EO 1 4 c 24 P L 86- 3 6 CONFIBRN't'IAL VIA GOM3 P'tT GIIAP'fP'fBLS O 'LY 86-36 EO 1 4 c 4012031 86 36 DOCID CONPIBF3N IAL I U Is the Training School presently capable of providing this type of training If not it will take some time to devise courses and provide the training required for an adequate number of reporters We probably need to start soon I p Qhief Sl L - L 86-36 lisuponus Aswe have found out in the world of collection technology quickly outpaces whatever we have in our arsenal The same will be true for SIGINT reporting unless we take the first steps soon FOUO Fortunately some of the technology that is the problem is also part of the solution By using graphics software scanning technology desktop publishing etc our reporters can begin to keep pace with our customers' requirements for information We will probalby have to take a hard look at the way we are producing and disseminating reports The old E-GRAM will have to take on a new look to incorporate both text and graphics in the same document If we don't take steps soon we won't be able to meet our customers' demands for information If we don't begin to make some changes in our reporting philosophy and procedures we could be in danger of merely collecting the cutomers' required information and passing it on to him as collected for him to make an evaluation of the content We could end up being nothing more than a transmitter of SIGINT information to our consumers rather than reporters of SIGINT information _________F'hief G82 P L 1988 and Iresponse 4th Issue 1988 would seem to indicate that Look it up in the Yellow Pages can be an appropriate response in some organizations 86-36 To the Editor FOUQ T is not the only Key Component with a Yellow Pages The Information Systems Security Organization has just completed an INFOSEC Yellow Pages and a Services Directory A hard copy of our Yellow Pages will be out within the next couple of weeks and an automated capability is expected by the summer The automated system will have several search capabilities to aid users within the INFOSEC organization U Our Yellow Pages were the result of an employee suggestion at a Town Meeting held by our former DDI Your editorial 3rd Issue 1st Issue 1989 luii ie in the U In response tol 4th Issue 1988 of CRYPTOLOG entitled The Question of Leadership I am happy to report that in the 30 to 40 years since ras at sea many changes have occurred I U Today's Navy is an all-volunteer force made up of officers and enlisted personnel with significantly broader and more extensivee education and training than f experienced in the 1950's The World War II ships of that time have been replaced by modern and highly complex warships which require a very high degree of tgcl1nicip-36 competence and management leadership ability to operate I U One fact that poted is still true That is that the appearance morale and operational performance of a ship is a reflection of the competence ability and personality of its commanding officer This fact coupled with the self-contained self-sufficient and independent on-their-own nature of a ship at sea results in a unique relationship and dependency between captain officers and crew that is not duplicated elsewhere Unless you have experienced sea duty you might not realize that once a ship has sailed steamed over the horizon it is out of the country In fact it isn't in any country At that time the realization of the captani's role and the relationship between him and the crew is much easier to see Among other things the captain is the senior leader the standard setter and the one individual above all others on board who is responsible for the ship and all hands aboard e U It is quite obvious that those experiences at ser back in 5 0 ' s m ade a lasting impression on and partically influenced his own leadership management a bilities P L U Go Navy 86-36 R A Schriver Capt USN Asst Commander Naval Security Group Command CRYPTOLOG page 25 SONFIDBN'-FIAL HANDLE ViA 60MUFf 6IIA t tEL8 O tLy - DOCID 4012031 SECIlIU' CLASSIFICATION QUIZ JAMES C LEISTER DDOtCAO 8-000 This multiple-choice quiz illustrates some of the common classification decisions many of us must make on a regular basis 1 Sensitive Compartmented Information SCI refers to which of the following administrative designator 6922 ESS must be classified at least a b c d SECRET C-CCO CONFIDENTIAL FOUO a TK b c d e 6 The fact of the existence of Third Parties without elaboration must be protected as COMINT BYEMAN VRK Any or all of these 2 COMINT which if compromised would allow the target country to take specific countermeasures to deny us further access must be handled as a TS b S-CCO c TK d COMINT codeword 3 The fact of a COMINT relationship between NSA and GCHQ CSE GCSB or DSD is CONFIDENTIAL FOUO C-CCO UNCLASSIFIED e S-CCO 7 The Handle via channels caveats for COMINT BYEMAN TK and or LOMA must be handled as a b c d FOUO C-CCO SECRET CONFIDENTIAL 8 All GAMMA information must be classified at least a S-CCO b CONFIDENTIAL c TS d FOUO 4 The fact that there are categories of COMINT e g cleared for CAT III COMINT must be a b c d a b c d C-CCO FOUO SECRET UNCLASSIFIED a b c d S-CCO SC CONFIDENTIAL TSC 9 The statement cleared for TOP SECRET Special Intelligence cleared TS SI is a FOUO b CONFIDENTIAL c UNCLASSIFIED 5 A SIGAD e g USA-57 when associated with its location Clark AFB or its 1st Issue 1989 o CRYPTOLOG o page 26 SEl 6 RElqJ HANDLE VIA COr HN'f CHAUNBLS OULY 4012031 10 The fact of' N8A's 8IGINT support to NATO and NATO Commands is a b c d CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FOUO 8-CCO 11 Which of the following should not be marked on SAO candy-stripe coversheets a COMINT codewords b BYE projects c NOFORN d VRK-llA e TK codewords 12 NSA's association with 8U8LOL 8USLOO lis 8u8LOM 1 a CONFIDENTIAL P L 86-36 b FOUO c UNCLASSIFIED d C-CCO 13 Another marking that should always Editor's note We had only one response to the minicrypts in 4th Issue 1989 Astonishing for this Agency But a reader pointed out that the fact that Bill Lutwiniak composed it would intimidate people it sure gave him cause to pause and he's still pausing accompany LACONIC is a ORCON b PROPIN c NOCONTRACT d NOFORN e None of these Let's try one more time Bill tells us that this one is not so hard Do let us know whether you like it or not or even whether you'd even bother to try it Answers on page 18 Solution to 1 W U B G LSI T H I N G MINICRYPTS 4th Issue 1988 GY F L HGT R U SHU N 1 WALRUS PUPS SPRAWL W B G N FIR U Y L U H 2 HEDGEHOGS DO SO SHED 3 UTILE GIRL BETIER LET BIG BEE BE 2 T RUT H The Winning and only entry came from the team of UH T 0 D U S TED SAT EDT 0 D I and Mother the MASS4 computer The team won a CRYPTOLOG mug and promised faithfully that all members would share it equally T R GAD R I V Y L DEL I V Y ERG RET A denotes a proper name reue P L 3 'I'his puzzle ii FaGO 86-36 1st Issue 1989 gAXQ ' CRYPTOLOG ' page 27 SBGRB'f' V1A GOMBIT GIIAPIPHsLS OP'TLJPY UR I DOCIDN8 Cft10STIC No 68 b -----l 822 P L HOW TO SOLVE A DOUBLE-CROSTIC Using the Definitions fill in whatever Words you can Then copy each letter from the Words into the corresponding square of the grid below Scan the text in the grid from time to time from the recovered fragments you may be able to complete the word in context Copy the new entries from the grid into the Definitions where the fragments there might suggest a complete Wordp lfd ms2 u working back and forth Also scan down the first positions of the Words as you recover hem for additional clues DEFINITIONS WORDS 1st Issue 1989 o CRYPTOLOG o page 28 FOR OFFICIAL USB OFt LY ooooo 86-36 DOCID 4012031 P L 86-36 The quotation in the grid was taken from an article that appeared in an NSA publication The author's name and the title of the work are spelled out in the first positions of the WORDS On the Lighter Side the Li l' Pl'er I dod t Its --- 1st Issue 1989 CRYPTOLOG page FOR OFFI6IAL USH ONLY 29 DOCID 4012031 jl Q L - -_ _-J - 'fIllS BOCl JMEN'f CON'fAINS COBEWORB MATKRlkb TOP SECRE-JNOT RELEASABLE TO CONTRACTORS This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu