lBm EVU GBPiJffi mlB l3 J l3 Il Wl3 iJ Dl3 f W iJ l1wlIJ D mGBPiJuvrnmGBPiJl1 r J U WHEN CENSORSHIP BACKFIRES I DE SKPAD A PROGRAMMER'S TOOL oooo James Ki11ough oo o 1 11 ------- 1 II - IN PRAISE OF SOLITS Louis NOTES ON BLUE RUSSIAN NATIONAL CRYPTOLOGIC SCHOOL OFFERS COURSE-EQUIVALENCY TESTS 'fillS BOetJMtJN'f eON'fAINS eOBtlWORB MA'I'BRIAL t 9 t C Grant o 12 12 13 El BIltNSA ElnElSS NsA essM IM lI eBI t oo 98 119116511 tefer11 Beebiwif tJJNhi Nutiluitiw hJ tile 8' Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 '1- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 vl DR Case # 54778 DOCID 4009726 TOP SECRET Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations NOVEMBER 1975 VO Lo II No 11 WILLIAM LUTWINIAK PUBLISHER BOARD OF EDITORS Editor in Chief Arthur J Salemme 56425 Cryptanalysis o '-- P L kS02SS Language o oo Emery W Tetrault 52365 Machine Support 1 Special Research Vera R Filby 7119s 3321 Traffic Analysis oo ooo oo o Frederic O Mason Jr 4142s For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI TOP SECRET 86-36 DOClD 4009726 'fOP SFlCRIST UMBRA Sov et Publicizing Vote Data aohr t chellell I 'k t thel1l al con re we ' Amero W I By llfEODORE SHABAD Continued S IoOl I or ntt'l'lmoo without gi 'ing --' S ' reclse loca t ler 8t OlniC imu v I' __ t'V tnes o The authorities B I S S 'd J h r rl e n t 1 l I ' ' ' ' ' p oocc e Soviet l lC Tadzhik Re ' 0 j v cctlon of statc sccr ts of the four districts that makel Tadzhik party's 135-member sometimes Clas h cs with the de up the secret city A careful Centr al mitlee last re ru assire to pubhclze the e c tl'jn Ireader would notc that the list ary tndlcallng that helr J b lilted tD process inc m n geographjc i' d r N - t N a e at more tban routtne ' ' he best f I r I d' oo Jurnpe rom o - 0 o nll canee Mr Op a chuk was WI fa hstmgs 0 e cctora lstn 1260 'eo ' and Ihe names of officially A the conch sio of t e T 'designat d candidates mating campaIgn In WhiCh f D In 3t least Olie case the ap- 'unopposed candidate was SI ' There have been ' alca IOllS fIDI ' lb ' d r h d' 'ct th ' paren onlLct las een re Ieete or eac lS tn _ e it other p bacat on tha' I Ie solved 10 a compromise to o' ' poll- 'judge from a Cenlral AS 1n lDtlnued on Page 6 Column 7 -t 1M ' I B ' ve i there ' S' ' ' WN AfGIIANISTA' ' 10 lId not ' j# 1 % N 1on of those ' ' PAK present the secte f lltw YOil rlm_ un J 71 S cret city Is believed Dlstnct 256 IS to be repre e senled by Khamid T Nadyro assaclaled WIth uranium identified as First Secretary 0 In Tabo har area cross the Communist party's Cit - - --Co ''' o' ' mo b o ''' of 0 u ' ' ' From P 4 o TADZHiK I newspaper MOSHCOW' June E3-ThCs e ' N s i d ' ewsP' ' W ' SOVIET DISCLOSES T $h n UI1 veils Secret City's Existence 'Iv i flITY'S EXISTENCE g ' lll'I SOVIET l i ob d 'i - UNIO 'Ibi Y I' 'm ''' _ are and I -- cans _ a_ perm state Fir - soviet referenc bool s as a Nry principal site of radioactive ore I1 Census r su lts published a M o year ago IOd lcBted that the luro c ty's population was 24 00 Iv h ' 'oo lilt P L 1rlt C531 o r 20a37coDomOlOeadJ populatIon 0 an _ I li led six by size - or Clwri - Theodore Shabad is one of the preeminent Ameri- director of a-plant and another was a percan experts on Soviet physical and economic geogra- son identified as First Secretary of a City phy He is the author of Geogrophy of the USSR Committee of the Communist Party Both were 1951 Basic Industrial Resoupces of the USSR members of the Central Committee of the Tadzhik 1969 and China's Changing Map 1972 Since Communist Party and Oplanchuk had been a dele1953 he has been a member of the New York Times gate to both the 23rd and 24th Party Congresses foreign news staff reporting from MOscow Of ConSUlting the Soviet census that had been all the foreign correspondents in Moscow he appublished in 1970 Shabad found a statement that pears to have the shar est eye for irregularities there were seven cities in Tadzhikistan with in the Soviet press which many people fail to popUlations of 20 000 to 50 000 for a combined notice or appreciate and therein lies an inter-I popUlation of 203 700 But the census report esting and instructive tale listed only six cities with their respective Back in 1971 Shabad published an analysis of popUlations Simple addition and subtractioll led Shabad to conclude that the secret city election reports from Tadzhikistan that must have had the folks at Glavlit 1 hopping for weeks' had a population of 24 000 To suggest what and where that city was he turned to prewar geogra if not months Now just following the 1975 republic-level elections in the USSR is a good phies identifying Taboshar as a principal site time to look back at Shabad's 1971 article and of radioactive ore in Leninabadskaya Oblast' the intervening years to observe what appear to Thus he concluded that the secret city was be its effects probably Taboshar and that its identity was being suppressed by the c nsors because of its Shabad's Article relationship to the Soviet atomic-energy program Shabad noticed that in listing the electoral districts for the 1971 elections to the Supreme' What Shabad Didn't Know But We Did Soviet of the Tadzhik Republic the newspaper Shabad may not have known how close he came KOmmunist Tadzhikistana 18 March 1971 entirely Had he had access to CIA defector reports he skipped over fo r 'of the numbered electoral' would have discovered that Oplanchuk had been districts in Leninabadskaya Oblast' Nos 256 the head of a Soviet uranium-mining operation in through 259 However after the election East Germany until 1956 when he was transferred all the elected deputies were listed One was to become Chief of a uranium-mining operation dimir Yakovlevich Oplanchuk identified as somewhere in Central Asia lAbbreviation for Chief Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press known in the West as the censor November 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 1 TOP SISCR T Ut IHRl -------------- ---- '4- ' EO 4 P L P L c 86-36 86-36 86- 3 6 ---- ---- DOCID 4009726 OP SBCRE UMBRA Soviet 1975 Republic-Level Elections Which brings us now to the 1975 republic-level elections With the censors presumably chastened by Shabad's expos there was no repetition of the 1971 shenanigans no electoral districts were omitted from the published list This time all the four deputies from Chkalovsk were either employees of the Combine or had been nominated by workers of the Combine 3 This clearly shows Chkalovsk to be a company town whose administrative Control over Taboshar Palas and NaugarL----------------------------------------------- zanis Soviet Revelations 1973-1974 a result of its uranium mining and refin- in activities Though Shabad may not have known how close he came the guardians of the secrets at Glavlit and the Ministry of Medium Machine Building the ministry with overall responsibility for the Soviet atomic-energy program knew only too well and must have had some unkind thoughts for our wily correspondent While he had not completely spilled the beans he had tipped them very precariously They could be fairly certain that Shabad had focused the attention of at least a few Western intelligence analysts on the Leninabad area Given the choice of stonewalling it or letting the chips fall where they might the censors apparently decided the jig was up and took the wraps off the secret city 2 In 1973 Volume 14 of the Third Edition of the Large Soviet EncycZopedia was published It contained a short article on Leninabadskaya Oblast' and identified the seventh city as Chkalovsk of which Skalows I had obviously been a garble In typical Soviet fashion the censors refused to show the city on the map accompanying the encyclopedia article All of this including the reference to Skalows I began to make sense Presumably for reasons of security and economics the ad-P L 86-36 ministrative headquarters of Combine 6 along EO 1 4 c with support elements and other non-mining facilities were relocated to a new city incorporating an area of extensive recent construction and the older settlement of Chkalovskij from which it took its name In order to maintain In 1974 however perhaps realizing the futi- complete control over its subsidiary mining operations it was necessary to subordinate the lity of their predicament they passed two publocal soviets of Taboshar Palas and Naugarzan lications to the Chkalovsk City Soviet Thus since ea map showing Chkalovsk as a city a few kilo- reference to Chkalovsk was forbidden mention of meters southeast of Leninabad with between the other three locations was also taboo The 10 000 and 30 000 souls and situation was not unique but was certainly very For 15 years the blackout succeeded e an administrative-territorial handbook listing unusual and therefore may be said to have served its Chkalovsk as a city with 26 000 inhabitants that purpose but in the end it was its own undoing had been created in 1956 the year Oplanchuk was transferred from East Germany with administra- Were the Soviets ready to reveal their secret city anyway and was Shabad's article a mere tive responsibil ity for three widely separated embarrassment I doubt it settlements Taboshar about 45 kilometers north of Chkalovsk Palas about 15 kilometers to the Moral east and Naugarzan in the extreme northern tiF of Tadzhikistan over 90 kilometers northeast of Chkalovsk None of these four locations were in Excessive cen orship may betray tha cluded among the 63 499 entries in the 1969 USSR which it is supposed to protect or Postal Index similar to our ZIP code list lit pays to read Sovi t pUblic tions ' ing NSA' s Soviet Localities File contained w th an eye to what 1S no s 1d no open-source references to Chkalovsk or Taboshar and no references at all to Naugar zan or Palas But in 1974 the lid was off I I 2Statements concerning the motives of the censors are of course pure speculation in view of the lack of defectors from Glavlit 3This time the censors tried to confuse us by calling it a construction combine Ah what tangled webs we weave November 75 CRYPTOLOG 'fOP 4 SECRB Page 2 UMBRA DOCID 4009726 OP SECRE U1'fIBRA November 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 TOP 8BCRB'f UMBRA P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c DOCID 4009726 TOP SECRET Ul' fRRl November 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 TOP SECRET UMBRA EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 4009726 'fOP SEeRE' Ul'ttBRA o November 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 rrop SIJCRE'f UMBRA DOCID 4009726 EO 1 4 c PoL 86 36 CfOP SECRE'f UflflBRA TElP SECRET HMBRA November 7S CRYPTOLQG Page6 'fOP SECRE'f UMBRA EO 1 4 c DOCID 4009726 UNCLASSIFIED DESKPAD A By L - P L Software is getting more costly and taking up more of the Data Processing budget More work is being requested of fewer people Software is becoming more sophisticated and more complex How can management meet the new challenges Increased productivity is one way and DESKPAD is a way of attaining this goal DESKPAD is a remote-terminal time-sharing software-development system The DESKPAD system provides the full capability of an on-line computer system to the programmer when he needs it By assisting the programmer DESKPAD increases overall productivity in areas such as documentation generation of specificat ions and design plans as well as the actual programming The remote system saves the programmer time in various ways travel to and from machine areas is reduced since updating is per ormed on-line the timeconsuming task of making corrections on tape or cards to programs is eliminated there is no longer a need to wait for a machine run to see how a piece of code fits in since the program text is available on-line and documentation is kept up to date since it can be changed as the program is modified or generated while the program is being developed With the increased productivity made possible by DESKPAD the system can pay for itself in less than 5 years The average salary of a programmer is $12 800 a year A s-percent increase in his productivity will yield an increase in his value of $640 In a division of approximately 70 peopIe the total increase in value will be $44 800 a year which is approximately one-fifth of the $180 000 cost of the DESKPAD system The DESKPAD system consists of a Digital Equipment Corporation DEC PDP-ll 4s computer with ll2K of'main memory and 40 megabytes of mass storage The system contains various peripherals including magnetic tape paper tape 16 VTOs CRT terminals a link to the UNIVAC 1108 COmputer and a REDACTRON Communicating Typewriter Hardware is under control of the RSTS E Resource Sharing Time Sharing Extended system purchased with the system from DEC RSTS allows the users to perform time-sharing with the Basic-Plus language Basic-Plus performs matrix manipulation alphanumeric string operation virtual memory addressing and many other functions that allow both simple and advanced programming to be performed Also available are many utility programs to standardize redundant operations needs for everyday use These utilities include a peripheral interchange program PIP an accounting information program MONEY a system status reporter SYSTAT a file recovery program BACKUP a character line editor EDIT and a powerful cursor control editor PAGE PAGE is the most frequently used software package on DESKPAD The editor was obtaIned at no cost to the government through our membership in the Digital Equipment Computer User Society DECUS It provides the user with total control of the VTOs terminal PAGE makes the task of editing more enjoyable than one the programmer resents doing In addition to the previously mentioned software a software interface has been purchased from the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry OMS The interface allows RSTS users to make use of the RTll single-user system The November 75 CRYPTOLOG UNCLASSIFIED Page 7 86-36 DOCID 4009726 UNCLASSIFIED DESKPAD HARDWARE notes are generated to provide users with documentation of user-written utility programs and to provide additional documentation on any other area of DESKPAD that requires it With austerity hitting all parts of the Agency systems such as DESKPAD can provide the needed technology to meet the ever-increasing demand on the diminishing work force TOOLS OF THE TRADE Without DESKPA D o LISTINGS PENCIL PUNCHED CARDS PAPER TAPE MAG TAPE LJ1 CODJNG JAB With DESKPAD RTII system provides the user the capability of running the PDP-II Macro Assembler and Linker as well as FORTRAN IV With the OMSI-supplied interface DESKPAD expands its capability to compete with most of the large-scale systems in the Agency The DESKPAD system is currently in use ln the Field Software Support Division of C6 With _d a the division supporting 26 small systems some SoZution to NSA-ol'ostio No 1 with virtually no updating facility or so primitive that it takes 2 to 3 passes to complete a CRYPTOLOG October 1975 single update it is easy to see why DESKPAD P L 86-36 1 I UneertainOrlgins Tf has become quite popular DESKPAD currently supports 69 people using 700 files assigned to The analysts I met were anything but 144 accounts A HELP program is available desolate Working in a pair of tottering to provide users with current system informaquonset huts at tables they had made them tion HELP provides information ranging from selves and harassed by wind dust and 'sign-on instructions to execution of a FORTRAN erratic electricity they saw themselves in program A GRIPE program gives the user a league against the forces of evil -means of communicating with the system manager variously embodied in the VC the weather It informs him of system deficiencies as the and NSA user sees them All gripes are answered wi thin UNCLASSIFIED one week by the system manager Technical November 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID L 86-36 1 4 Ie 1 4 Id 4009726 'fOP SECRE'f Ul fBRA November 7S CRYPTOLOG Page 9 'fOP SECRE'f UMBRA DOCID 4009726 OP November 75 TOP SECftE'f UI'9IBKA CRYPTOLOG g8CIU T Page 10 lIMRKA 1 4 c EO 1 4 d P L 86-36 1 4 c 1 4 d DOCID P 4009726 86-36 'fOP SECRE'f Ul'ffBRA MOLNIYA-1 Name of Soviet communication satellites intended for relaying of TV programs and long-distance telephone and telegraph communication These satellites have been used since 1965 They are part of the Orbita pace' system of long-range radio communication These satellites travel on an ellip tical orbit of great eccentricity with an apogee of about 4 0 thou km in the ' orthern hemi phere With all orbit of such shape for points located in the USSR and other countries in the Northern hemisphere communication may be maintained for up to 8-10 h at a time Molniya-l satellites have rocket engines to make CORRECTIONS OF ORBITS in order to alter the hours of available communication time and to synchronize the travel of several satellites moving round the Earth at the ame time The output power 40 W of the relay transmitter on Molniya-l is considerably higher than that on other known communication satellites The satellite's design provides inflight orientation of solar batteries towards the Sun and of the parabolic antenna towards the Earth The 1st MDlniya-J alelli1e which was launched on April 23 1965 regularly provided TV and telephone exchange bet ween Moscow and Vladivostok for many months On October 14 1965 the 2nd Molniya-l satellite was launched for experimental 2-way long-distance TV telephone and telegraph communication the 3rd Molniya-l satellite launched on April 25 1966 besides serving for communication and TV broadcasting Let ween USSR ground stations was also used for an exchange of TV programs between the USSR and France this including colour TV Sin e May 1966 TV Molniya-l communication satellite l- ealed body 2-501ar battery J-high-gain antenna 4-Eartb sensor ror antenna orJentation 5-radJl1tive cooler IS-working fluid tor minor correctiODIJ of night path 7-correctlon engine I-beater panel SJ-Sun sensors equipment on board the Molniya l satellites yields images of the Earth as seen from altitudes of 30 000-40 000 km which contain information about cloud pattern in globular scale a colour photo of the Earth taken from space was produced in 1967 By August 1 1968 13 Molniya-l satellites have been placed into orbits to provide regular communication and TV broadcasting over the territory of the USSR and other countries Kosmona t ka V P Glushko Editor-in-Chief Moscow 1970 2 d ed1t10n expand d The Soviet Encyclopedia of Space FZ1 ght G V PetroV1ch Editor-in-Chief Moscow 1969 translation of 1968 edition of Kosmonavtika ' UNCLASSIFIED November 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 'fOP SEEURRE'f UMBRA j DOCID 4009726 UNCLASSIFIED I am sick to death of hearing people to Some Old Lady in Tennis Shoes in a frivolous or disparaging tone You younger readers may not know any better but you older hands certainly should Come on people My appraisal of SOLITS is now as it was then very simply Thank Godl' I first met SOLITS 25 years ago an she amazed me She was at once the Agency's computer system the Agency's conscience the Agency's spir it and the Agency's respect No matter where I looked she was there armed with the simples tools garbed in her idiosyn crasies resolute in her man ner doing her thing SOL ITS embodied all the basics of a computer mem ory bank she never forgot anything data storage she never got rid of anything retrieval she knew where everything was and rapid acces she had instant opinions All this and she was seldom down for maintenance she generated her own data input and she didn't even nee air-conditioning to operate LiRe any good conscience SOLITS was frustrating and at times hard to live with She was there whether you wanted her or not she nagged until you listened and she didn't give a damn who you were If she had an opinion you got it In fact you got it over and over until it registered And I know of no Agency senior who ever escaped the determined SOLITS touch Tne frustrating part was that you inevitably were sorry for it when you failed to heed her counsel In spirit SOLITS personified the phrase weird and wonderful Professionally she was unorthodox crotchety jealous suspicious and selfish She was the undisputed ruler of her one-desk kingdom You were free to seek a request but you never dared suggest how she might grant it In short a royal pain Yet under that autocratic armor was a true Queen 60LITS reigned ove her younger coworkers She lent them money befriended the lonely counseled the unknowing ministered to the sick and comforted the ereaved But always with an air of noblesse oblige that eve betrayed her inner elings Indeed a regal gem SOLITS was deeply respected for one very simple reason she worked The general excellence of her effort and her profound dedication are manifested in every success the Agency ever had SOLITS never sought the spotlight but you can bet the script was based on something she had ' P L 86- 3 6 done And she was always inthe wings ready to cue the frolJt man She richly deserved the applause Oh yes she r a Uy did wear tennis shoes But theA-gency has stood in em - proudly - - yer since t he ribbon was cut If they evel' build a museum here I hope there is a pair of bron edtennis shoes enshrined a nc i dcdicated to the First Lady of our business Wherever You are SOLITS my professional respect and gratitude are with you or G8L9BRGLDlBI I Most Go lden Oldies1J ere apparently written by Anon but the author of the oUowing one is known NSA-er Dr c J who retired in 1972 I Notes on Blue Rus sian Blue Russian is a dialect spoken by about 16 persons scattered widely over the Valdai Hills It is called Blue Russian because of the characteristic tint of the faces of speakers as the hold their breath while pronouncing imperfective and frequentative verb forms Just to give you an example BIT' means to beat POBIT' means to do a little beating and its imperfective is POBIVAT' ZAPOBIVAT' means to begin to do a little beating and i ts imperfective is PEREZAPOBIVYVAT' This last verb interestingly enough has a special frequentative form namely PEREZAPOBIVYVYVOVAT' which may be rendered to make a practice of making fresh starts on projects involving a limited amount of beating Hence the handy ex- pression ShKOL'NO-DVOROVYJ PEREZAPOBIVYVYVUYuShchIJ schoolyard bully The 16 speakers of Blue Russian are under constant observation so that scientific data on the incidence of linguistic strangulation may be obtained Their zero birth rate during the past 50 years has aroused comment But it is still too early to assert with Hammerkopf that Blue Russians are too exhausted from talking to be able to propagate This is dogmatic theorizing in the worst tradition of the University of Berlin As this goes to press it has been learned that two of the 16 Blue Russians have died It seems that one of them a devoted member of the Pedagogico-Organizational Committee of the 7-year School of Staraya Russa suffocated in the midst of an impassioned speech on schoolyard bullies and his wife died of a similar cause shortly afterwards while talking to friends about making fresh starts on projects involving a limited amount of simplification of Blue Russian November 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009 726 CONFIDENTIAL National Cryptologic School Offers Course-Equivalency Tests The National CPyptologic School offers employED-ZIO Tests and Measurements ees the opportunity to earn course credit by Cognizant department E42 8047s taking EQUIVALENCY TESTS Frequently t h r o u g h t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - experience or self-study a person has already ET-IOO Introduction to Electronics learned the material presented in a course If ET-260 Solid State Devices and Applications this knowledge can be demonstrated time and ET-261 Digital Concepts energy required to take a course can be saved Cognizant department E24 8975s Equivalency tests may be scheduled through the cognizant NCS department They are available MA-400 Introduction to Computer Science for the following courses Mathematics MP-IBS CDC 6600 Series System Software EA-IOO Introduction to COMINT ELINT Technology MP-IB6 CDC 6600 7600 Advanced Technical Skills EA-030 Introduction to Multichannel Technology MP-IC5 UNIVAC 494 RYE System Software EA-IOO Basic SIGINT Technology MP-IC6 UNIVAC 494 Advanced Technical Skills EA-200 SIGINT Instrumentation and Measurements MP-ID6 IBM 360 370 Advanced Technical Skills OS Techniques MP-IE5 UNIVAC 1108 System Software EA-201 Communications Signals Measurements and MP-IG5 Project HOLDER - UNIVAC 494 System Analysis Techniques Software EA-202 ELINTMeasurement and Analysis Techniques MP-IHS Burroughs 6700 System Software EA-380 Advanced ELINT Collection Analysis MP-IK6 CDC 6600 6700 Advanced Technical Skills Cognizant department E2J 8198s IDA MP-154 Introduction to Computer Systems Software MP-160 Introduction to Computer Science MP-166 FORTRAN for Operators MP-188 APL Programming MP-277 FORTRAN Programming MP-230 COBOL Programming MP-242 PL l Programming MP-243 Burroughs Extended ALGOL Programming MP-248 BETA Programming MP-267 POGOL Programming MP-335 IBM 370 Programming MP-368 IBM 370 Job Control Language JCL MP-375 PDP-II Programming Toy problem also required Cognizant department E21 8555s TA-200 TA-261 TA-361 TG-126 o Intermediate Traffic Analysis and Technical Reporting Computer Aid to Traffic Analysis Air Defense Technology and Traffic Analysis Cognizant department E14 8017s Target Studies - Mainland Southeast Asia Cognizant department E12 7119s A grade of P is assigned for passing the course through an equivalency test Grades of F are not recorded Aspirants may take the test only once November 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 CONFIDHNTIAJ Pl- Oct 75- 53- 24202 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu