OCIQ 40097 1 I P L 86-36 -TOP-SteItIT- 2276 W 'ilVffiW lb l l rnWV'il ffil WI lU S w S II W s fil s f W W l1 ijWfil w J uml1ml dJmW $ 0 0 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 ELECTRONIC WARFARE ADVISORY ELEMENT 1 o 1 MORE ON SQUARING THE PAGE Frederic O Mason Jr 5 COMSEC FAMILIARIZATION DO YOU NEED IT 8 WHERE DOES DOES COME FROM Emery Tetrau1t 9 THE NAVAJO CODE TALKERS o 12 I IRADIOTELEPHONE CROSSWORD Thomas L Eng1e o 13 PROFESSIONALIZING IN COMPUTER SySTEMS 14 PROJECT SyMBIOSIS 016-22-723A 17 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 19 TillS 99CI JMJ3NT C9NT NS C99J3W9R9 M t rTERIlaI -fGP-HeRET- EURbusailltid bj BIItNSA NSAfItol l S- Rump Nm G giJ RQ lilia e ecePf a Beel_i' tip Notilcatiod b the S igiuatOi Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 '1- 2012 pursuant to E G 135 26 lvlDR Case # 54778 DOCID 4009721 'T'OP SIi3CRE'T' Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations VOL II No 6 JUNE 1975 WILLIAM LUTWINIAK PUBLISHER BOARD OF EDITORS Editor in Chief Arthur J Salemme 5642s Cryp t anal ys is 1 Language Emery W Tetrault 52365 Machine Support ---- 1 35715 I iji Special Research Vera R Filby 71195 Traffic Analysis Frederic O Mason Production Manager 11 - 1 49985 For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI TOP 8I3CRI3'f P L Jr 41425 86-36 DOCID 4009721 8BCRE'f THE ROLE OF ELELTR ADVISORY ELEMENT T-HE WIiRfliRE EWI1 t OF N S A By James V Boone Chief W The 60Uowing aJt ticGBP e u a - lUgM ILe v u ion 06 a - lpe e c h give n by MIL Boone in Fe b LUa LY 1975 to the CapaoGBP Cfub Chapte L 06 the AMoc-i o ti on 06 Oid CILOw 6 The Oid CILOw 6 Me a woJt1 dw i de olLgan -i zaUon 06 VoV ind L6 t Ly an d othe L tec hn -i c a e and pILO 6u- lionaGBP ind-i v-i dua-t6 -i n te Luted in e GBP e c t Lon -i c e t Vt6Me The -i L name -no d u ILupec t inte nded -- u de JL-i ved 6ILom the 6ac t that - linc e the 6-i Mt a-i Lc JLaO t - lent on n -i gM t-i me EW mKA- lion- We Le pa-i n ted bGBP ac k the a-i Lc JLa6t and then the -i L c Le w 6 We Le c a e e ed ILav en- OIL c LOw 6 The 1973 changes to 000 Directive 3115 7 brought a new element of charter to the National Security Agency That new element was the obligation to provide SIGINT support to Electronic Warfare Prior to that time NSA had been providing such support but it had been basically reactive and crisis-oriented Whenever events of a highly volatile military nature occurred the Agency was asked to provide any and all SIGINT available to explain the phenomena But there was no designated focal point for EW problems and the Agency's reporting tended to be fragmented and did not include the maximum interaction between the COMINT and ELINT disciplines that is necessary in this important field No real attempt to provide long-term intelligence support to EW had been developed Further a basic mistrust of Service Electronic Warfare existed in our SIGINT-trained and SIGINT-dedicated Agency How's that for a switch of suspicion roles The indefinite line between SIGINT and ESM Electronic Support Measures had been debated cussed and discussed again and again One major problem at NSA was that there were very few professional military Electronic Warfare Officers aboard Those who were assigned to the Agency were scattered through the various groups and hence tended to be ineffective Of course none were at any sort of policy level Same old story Don't know what this EW is all about but I'd better have a guy that can at least spell it Compounding this confusion was the lack of a place at NSA where any of you Old Crows could call or TWX to start getting some idea of where an answer could be found how to formalize requests and what type of data could be provided Well the problems were defined but the solutions seemed a long way off Enter the Electronic Warfare Advisory Element EWAE The concept for this group was initially broached in November 1972 A knowledgeable Air Force Electronic Warfare Officer EWO from the Air Force Special Communications Center was trans- June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 1 SBCRB'f DOClD 4009721 SECREJ'f ferred to NSA and the struggle to create an EW focal point began In spite of some real problems fear of rice bowl breakage in many areas and just plain red tape a small group of four officers was brought together in mid1973 and designated the EWAE One of their first tasks was to legitimize the element establish its roles and authorities and figure out how to attack what seemed to be an insurmountable problem how to get the right SIGINT to the right people -- in the right way -- in some sort of reasonable time frame In keeping with Hie legendary slyness of Old Crows they hit upon a scheme that has stood up well throughout their existence They decided to prove themselves by deed rather than by de ee Using their knowledge of military service Rand D programs test and evaluation problems operational tactics questions and a myriad of other programs they started to offer their assistance to see if any answers were available at the fort Many of you soon found out that in most instances it was a case of suspicions confirmed -- an NSA analyst had the necessary information but didn't know that anyone needed it I should note here that some of your intelligence requests to NSA left more than a few questions in our analysts' minds A significant milestone was reached when the Air Force agreed to place seven Electronic Warfare Officers in the organization and the Navy provided two Naval Flight Officers with EW' backgrounds Since then an Army billet and a Marine Corps billet have been added As the personnel roster grew so did the areas of work After the usu l nine-month gestation period it was tlme to glve formal birth to the new baby Wea ing t eir way through the many stops from thelr offlce upward they finally arrived at II II Ii the Director's office in May 1974 After formal What IS Electronic Warfare presentations stressing heavily their accom plishments and future plans they received The 06MUai deMrU Uon 06 EW JCS MOP-95 t e gr en light from General Allen to proceed u lEW u rn iU taJty ac ti on involving the U6e wlth hlS full support This charter contained 06 electJr omagne Uc eneJLgy to de teJr rTU ne exthe important caveat that he wanted them to plod l educ e O l p l event hO-6 til e U6e 06 the work across organizational lines at NSA to in electJr omagne Uc -6pec br wn and ac ti on whie h sure that our support was in fact SIGINT l e ta i Yl-6 6tUendly U6e 06 the electJr omagne Ue ather than some lesser INT that was ignoring -6pec br wn lmportant pleces of the puzzle In my own ex EW u a l ela Uvely new wea pOYl-6 -6y 6tern6 perience in trying to keep up with them I know e omponent having been developed in the eaJLi y that they are and in fact were before formal 1940' -6 In hiA memo M W-iYl-6ton ChuJte fUU approval touching base with many Agency func J la-i d VutUng the human 6 t1l u ggle between the tions that were previously unaware of the kinds 8JU t U h a n d GelLman AiJt FO l Ce1I between p-Uot of things that are important to EW a n d pilot between AA ba t tell -i u and a VtCJl a 6 t Perhaps before I go further into a discus between l u thlu-6 bombing and 60Jr ti tu de 06 he h people - ano theJL e on6Uc t tat6 go- sion of some of my EWAE I S achievements and proo ng on -6tep by -6tep month by month ThiA grams I should flash their credential s on you First of all they are professional ope Jl tl ti onal tat6 a Se e t Wa Il whoJ le baftlu WelLe lO 6t o l -- rather than -i n teltigence -- people When I w n un lnown to the pLLbUe and only AJilh d-i 6- 6 e u U1j e omp l ehended even now to tho-6e asked them to tell me how professional they ou t-6-ide the -6ma U h-i gh 6ue rttiMe c -i Il du really were I think they were more surprised c oncell ned UnlUJ l h -6uence had p l oven than I was The seven Air Force three Navy and two Army officers presently assigned came -6 P' 'U0 l to GelLman and u n U 6 dJ l 6 t l a nge J l tell kUOU l CU had been e66ec ti vely up with the following figures together the b l oLLght to beM -in the J l tll LLggle 60 l J luJtv-iva t ' flying officers from the Navy and the Air Force we might have well been de6ea ted and de- have 31 000 hours of flying time over 7000 of o 6eated o du tIl oyed ChLL l CMU c a Ued tfuLt which were logged on their 1 600 combat mis J leCket waJL The W-iza ll d Wa Il a nd we know d ' sions Both of the Army officers have spent tours in Vietnam as company commanders today a -6 ElectJr on-i e Wa Il oMe i combat In combat operations the EWAE officers have re The -6 e e t waJL e On t-i nLLe1I today in g l e a tty ceived one Silver Star six DFC's five Bronze expa n ded J l e o pe peIl me a Ung evell Y 6ae et 06 Stars 84 Air Medals five commendation medals mi Uta Il y 0 peJta t i o Yl-6 o ThIl u J lt and e ou ntell with combat devices two Vietnamese Air thll u J lt Elec tll on-i c COLLn tell meMU l e1I ECM and Crosses of Gallantry and one Combat Action 1 Elec tll oMc Countell -CoLLntell mea -6u 1l e1I ECCMI go Ribbon - on thll oughou t the woJr1 d on a dail y ba -6 u To II J l-in-i J l tell l UOu ll CU JLee uve the intelUqence neCU-6Mlj to l ema -i n a J ltep ahead 00 pote enemi u NSA mU6t in-6u 1l e that the SIGINT 6Uppoll t p l ov-i ded u timely and ac cu ll a te and 6ill 6 the needJ l i a -6J lu ll e t WA 1 _ the p l uent U S 6 t l a nge and II Their operational backgrounds are equally impressive Flying experience covers the gamut of our EW aircraft ECM experience is represented from EB-66 B-52 lots of this B-58 AC-130 GUNSHIP and F4C WILD WEASEL aircraft ESM or SIGINT or whatever experience is June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 SHUREI' DOCID SE6RET 4009721 repr sented by flying time with many diverse U S Navy and Air Force programs And their staff experience is also impressive The Chief of the EW Photo Recce Division of 7AF and later MACV Military Assistance Command Vietnam during the 1972 LINEBACKER bombing missions in North Vietnam is my current EWAE boss His Crows have staff experience with HQ 7th AF HQ PACAF Air Defense Analysis Center USAFE collection and analysis various bomb wing staffs and tasking and mission planning for SAC's 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing The senior Army EW has just returned from Korea where he was the 2nd Division EW With these credentials I expect a lot of work out of my EWO's -- and they've lived up to my expectations Their work covers the complete spectrum of EW I'd like to give you a small sample of some of the programs -- many of which directly affect some of you -- in which they have insured that the best SIGINT available was supplied II The Yom Kipp W During the early stages of the October 1973 War the Israeli Air Force was taking it on the chin from some of the relatively unknown new SAM systems The implications of their problems were directly pertinent to our own Navy and Air Force If for some reason we became involved in the Mid-East both of these services might have faced both the Soviet Navy and the Soviet air defense systems deployed in Syria and Egypt Our RHAW radar homing and warning equipment which provides threat warning of SAM and AAA threats to the aircraft and ECM people were stymied Before they could make equipment changes to counter the threats they had to understand the threats This meant real-time reporting of any new intelligence about the systems -- particularly the SA_6 1 The possibility that intelligence might be shut off from key service personnel by classification caveats became a real problem The EWAE recognizing this initiated a series of reports that they called Threat Parameter Messages These messages at the SECRET classification reported any new defense-system information to U S military users on a real-time basis -even while the formal reports were in the draft stage The addressee list currently includes over 75 operational entities predominantly in the Navy and Air Force These messages were greeted with great approval by the operational forces and have been continued with increased distribution since the end of the war As new systems appear any and all parametric information available is being flashed to the guys that really need the information at a security classification that is useable ISee CRYPTOLOG April 1975 pp 5-6 SU POJLt to the Contin eYLtal OpeJtaliOIt6 Range and tec tJLoru c W 6 e JOA 1tt rut In this activity we fulfilled the need for a comprehensive understanding of enemy command and control A team organized by the EWAE from three NSA Directorates participated with the range Intelligence Working Group to insure that the message simulation and replication necessary was according to Hoyle ELINT information was furnished to radar simulator builders These efforts were recognized by letters of appreciation to the individual team members from the COR Op Commander General Blood CROSSBOW s CorronLttee The CROSSBOW S Committee chartered by the Joint Coordinating Committee on Defense Electronic Systems is organized to study and make recommendations to the military services in matters concerning the development of threat simulators 2 One of my EWO's acts as an advisor to this group To'date he has insured that the latest ELINT information on surface-to-air missile systems has been passed directly to these developers instead of being 'hung up in a distribution system Navy EA-6B P40g For over a year my EW's have been working closely with the Staff of the Navy's EA-6B program at Whidbey Island Washington As the EA-6B is the only dedicated U S electronic warfare aircraft in the inventory the proper use of the many types of jamming it can perform against specific threats becomes a critical operation To assist these Navy planners my people have insured that inputs of SIGINT data necessary to do the job right are constantly pumped to them These efforts have earned the EW' s and NSA a very nice letter of appreciation from Admiral Tierney of COMMATVAQWGPAC M1L FMc e SpeUai Commwue a u olt6 Celtte4 Our COMFY COAT 3 friends must be considered one of the key agencies in the EW game To do their job they need all kinds of intelligence -quickly accurately and with full implications of peripheral happenings in any given incident To better help them get their job done the EW's at NSA act as a focal point for any and all requests for information During the last year we've answered over 200 separate inquiries Further to improve the exchange of information the EWAE played a significant role in getting NSA to place a permanent representative at the center This representative with his knOWledge of tne workings of NSA has been beneficial to both agencies in getting the job done -- and to the best of our combined abilities 2Simulation of enemy radar systems for use in training U S combat personnel Nickname of a series of special reports and evaluations covering all facets of Electronic Warfare operations and training June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 SECRIST DOClD 4009721 8ECRE'f These are just a few examples of how the ini tiative and operational knowledge of my EW's has paid off The payoff for NSA has been the exposure of our analysts to the real world of EW and its operations The best-written intelligence request is a poor substitute for a face-to-face exchange between the user and the producer but that is the system under which we are forced to operate In the previously mentioned support areas my EW's have participated with NSA specialists in many areas of expertise The personal relationships that have developed have made a great impact on the direction of efforts by the NSA analysts The old adage of Don't ask questions just do give me what I say does not fit our EW intelligence interface world Some Ne w IdeaJ So undaunted by opposition the EW's have supervised collection-tasking plans against non-U S radar and communications jamming As these reported incidents come in the information will be filed in the ECM tree of KILTING I think that the EW community as well as the intelligence community will finally have a viable useable up-to-date catalog of what we know about the bad guys On the other side of the coin is the need to know how best to get into the enemy's radar communication and control nets How do we jam system X effectively Where is the system's weakest link What type of power modulation pOlarization etc will be effective Now this need surfaces a little-known but easily understood fact we jam ILec e -i v not tILa n 6mLtte M Logically then we need to understand how the receivers work But unless our friends supply us with some equipment to look at or we stumble across a maintenance manual this becomes a tough nut to crack New threat systems are seldom at our disposal and the first time we'll really try to jam them is when the balloon goes up Two years ago at the Old Crow National Convention NSA presented a briefing on a computerbased catalog of ELINT parameters called KILTING To my amazement I find many of you have never heard of the program This alive-and-well catalog of everything from SIGINT worth knowing Enter my EWAE again How successful would about threat and other signals is a must for we be they asked themselves if we took the almost all EW programs be they ESM ECM or external system knowns such as SIGINT gave ECCM The parametric tree that started out them to a smart radar designer and asked with just pulsed signals has now expanded to If this is what you transmit how must your include CW signals and a tree for inclusion receiver work They called this study Radar of ECM signals is now being developed This Performance Assessment and later Project latter brings me to a subject that is really HEj DPIN Starting with known exploited dear to my EW's They have gone around NSA equipment they constructed a tree into which spouting such heresies as We really should pertinent information such as IF frequency and understand Soviet EW capabilities and Why bandwidth STC and ECCM circuitry could be don't we collect some of that stuff once in a recorded Project HEADPIN is alive and well while Some initial reactions were Even if nd initial product is becoming available Due I understand Soviet EW what can I do with it to the amount of calculations estimations and even WAG's necessary in a program such as Now I know that ECCM is the poor stepchild this complete algorithmic documentation will of EW but for those of you inVOlved in it accompany any Project HEADPIN product The next I'll bet that a completely catalogued documenstep in the process will be to assess a new tation giving parametric data such as modulathreat system with minimum knowledge of operation techniques and other goodies would be a ting characteristics It should prove intergodsen How about you designers Have ou esting and can really get us involved in some just built or are you contemplating building interesting arguments but at least it will a radar SAM system AWACS ESM gear Terrain provide a departure point for anyone involved Following Radar etc that just happens to be in designing jamming equipment completely vulnerable to enemy jamming For you communication and data link experts the An alternate expansion of this informal impact is equally important abbreviation is very broad guess f ha e h 'E ' ' 6 milio NS a F e ESM E M i t and lL6e M need to k now about enem JUUiaJr and c ommu n i ca U on6 te rM CoUJt teJt-C OUn teJtmeaJ WLU pGBPmtne M bui Ue M and lL6 e M ne ed to k n ow about en em EW c a pabLUt u MiLi taJr opvw tuma 1 i pGBPmtne M need to know about enem EW doctJUn e and empGBPolJrnen t R oc a tion 06 eR ec btomagne tic -bte rM and the c a pa bili t - u 06 thue -b te rM agcU n t oUli 60ILc u In wnmM an one who pR a n6 OJ peJt60 the dUign COn6-tJw c tion OIL empR oymen t 06 eR ec btonic eqlLi pment 1-6 a poten- t o e lL6eJL 06 -bome 6ac d 06 SWINT plLodu c ed b NSA The EWAE weR c omu M quUU OI'L6 commenU OIL hUggUU On6 lLeR a ted to thi- ouppolL t 06 the EW corrrnu ni t PR eaJ e c on ta c t the EWAE WOn at II Ex ten6iOl1 3610 3619-b OIL v1-6i t lL6 tn Op o B ng I Room 3W136 II ll June 7S CRYPTOLOG Page 4 o SECRET 8ECRE'f DOCID 4009721 ' 0 N R I N G C A F r P 1 R Y P F U N C T I d r I c e e T T H E T A 0 0 N 0 o - M 1 a 5 0 n J r o In TA HandmtUde n 06 CArr CRYPTOLOG May 1975 MIt MMon pILUe nte d a plLobi e m on 6qu a tU ng a eaU 6 ign page The aMWelL to that plLobi e m i 6 the 60UowUtg eaU 6 ign page oIL Orne tILaMpO 6 i t i on 06 i t in wh i eh e aeh 1L0W and eoi wnn eon ta i M c aU 6 in ane a 6 the 1LOW6 oIL eoi wnM 6hown 1 4 c P And now 601L anothe JL plLobi e m o June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 81SCRET lI-AfiBLE VIA CC YlIN'f CIIAHNELS BHLY 86 -36 DOCID EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 4009721 SECRET o June 7S CRYPTOLOG Page 6 SECRET aJUIBbE VIA COMIlff Clb fiNEhS ONLY DOCID 4009721 St3CRRT ------------------------------------IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 l Because of its personnel losses 8362 is no longer able to address Agency publications including CRYPTOLOG to individuals by name Instead it will send publications only to an organizational designation 8362 has agreed to use the following procedure with CRYPTOLOG's machine-printed mailing list it will put into one package the total number of copies addressed to tne same organization and will enclose any machine-printed stick-on labels bearing names of individuals Please make sure that someone in your mailroom is prepared to receive these bulk shipments of CRYPTOLOG and is willing to slap the labels onto the individual copies thus assuring-that everyone gets his or her copy promptly If your mailroom has suffered its own personnel losses and considers these extra few minutes' work an imposition you might like to organize a CRYPTOLOG labeling bee each month Incidentally the serial number that each copy of CRYPTOLOG now bears is NOT a document control number It is a p oduction control number used by 832 to check the total number of copies printed U June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 SI3CRI3 PlM Q-bE VIA 68MB ' CIIANHEI S SNbY DOCID 4009721 Eo 1 4 c P L 86-36 eONF'IBENCfIAL COMSEC FAM IL IARIZATION Do you need it - o A typical course schedule is as follows In going about your daily SIGINT chores in this Agency have you ever given any thought to the other side of the coin--that is to COMSEC Have you ever had need to consider any of the following questions Monday Introduction to Cryptography The Threat to U S Communications The 1 National COMSEC Structure and o o the USCSB I What is COMSEC Why do we need COMSEC Whe e do we need COMSEC and Tuesday whe e can I find what is available Digital Encryption Theory COMSEC Who is working on COMSEC in NSA in Record Data Equipments Comput r the rest of the Federal Government Security Transmission Engineering When should COMSEC be considered in any and COMSEC communications or in any SIGINT system which COMSEC equipments or systems Wednesday could be used for which appLications Speech Encryption Techniques Sccure When are the new developments in COMSEC Voice for Combat Net Radios Tour of equipments systems and doctrine going COMSEC Engineering Laboratories to be made available How much COMSEC System Application ot Cryptography will I need and how much will it cost Thursday If you have never considered any of the questions you are a prime canIntroduction to didate for CS-130 if you have conside i COMSEC ered them but cannot answer them right now you are also a candidate for the L - '_- --_-- _ Tour of Research course CS-130 is titled COMSEC land Engineering COMSEC LaboratorieS Familiarization for Engineers b t don't let the title mislead you The course is designed to provide a broad orientation in COM5EC to engineers yes but also to other technically qualified Friday people working in COMSEr SIGINT or COMSEC Material Production COM5EC communications who have only a sketchy Applications to Weapons Systems knowledge of the subject Survey of NATO Cryptography COMSEC Applications to Space Systems CS-130 is offered twice each year to Agency personnel in September and Monday in January It is a full-time course COMSEC Resources Physical Security which lasts six days In addition to COMSEC Management and Summary guest lectures by Agency COMSEC authorities there are tours of laboratories and hands-on demonstrations of the COM5EC equipments If the agenda whets your appetite see your friendly Training Coordinator Up to now C5-l30 has been offered immediately fill in FormE7687B and nine times to 270 students from Army send it forward through the proper Navy Marine Corps Air Force Coast Then you will be in line for Guard civil ian agencies Defense agen- channels the next offering of CS-130 to Agency cies and NSA But only two per cent personnel--8 September 1975 Remember of the students have been from the COMSEC should never be an afterthought SIGINT side of NSA Maybe those in in the design -and development of SIGINT SIGINT just don I t know the course exists systems J E13 NCS Cryptanalysis Department can give you additional information about CS-130 Telephone ext 8025s June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 eONF'IBENCfIAL ItJldfBbE YIA E8101I1ff EltMiNHSiJfbY ' ' DOClD 4009721 UNCLASSIFIED here does does come from Emery Tetrau lt P16 I' -r LL t Sj s '1 0 f'AJv u tJviA- Maybe it's the ravages of spring or maybe it's nothing more than my normal tendency to be introspective but I've been brooding lately about the applicability of linguistics to prac tical language work Much of what is currently bein discussed in the name of linguistic science smacks more of philosophy than science what often passes for linguistic argumentation is more reminiscent of the Empiricist Rationalist debate than of anything connected with human languages Nevertheless people continue to work with real languages and they are interested in draw ing useful inferences from language data It is therefore not unreasonable to assume that the same people might be interested in some kind of systematic method'or procedure for generalizing language data whether this method be called transformational grammar structural1sm tagmemics or whatever The story below may not seem especially enlightening for NSA language analysts It's about English and most NSA employees already know everything about English Moreover it's about teaching English something almost none of us does on the job more irrelevance It does however illustrate what a linguistic method is and how it can be used -- A couple of years ago I was teaching a course in English as a foreign language and this experience provided an example of just such a method The class was made up of Spanish and Korean speakers with a Chinese Cantonese and a Frenchman included to make any contrastive approach unthinkable The class was far enough along to permit fairly easy communication in English between instructor and students and we were plowing through a review section devoted to positive negative declarative and interrogative sentences The actual drill involved changing positive sentences to negative ones and it was proceeding smoothly if not spectacularly toward the coffee break when suddenly as if in a dream I heard the fateful words Where does dOeA come from To understand what prompted such a question we should back up a bit and look at what had been going on All the sentences in the drill up to that point had contained a modal auxiliary e g can bhatt may wili The students were forming negative sentences by simply putting the word not after the modal e g The new student can speak English The new student can NOT speak English June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 UNCLASSIFIED DOClD 4009721 U CLASSIFIED It sounds pretty basic but this is often The next exercise in the book involved the stuff that language drills are made of Un- changing positive statements into yes no questions We went over the mechanics of the operafortunately toward the end of the exercise someone slipped in a sentence without a modal tion which consisted of transposing the subject noun phrase and the auxiliary and once again we set out across the minefield My brother lives in the United States The new student CAN speak English My brother lives NOT in the United States CAN the new student speak English Mary WILL be at the party The asterisk indicates an incorrect or hypothetical form WILL Mary be at the party In the question quoted above my inquisitor was reacting to my somewhat irritated correctio of what he had just uttered Nonetheless his question was a good one and it deserved an answer My first impulse was to fall back and e- group around the native speakerts true companion That's the way we always say it I can still remember my Russian teacher extolling the beauty and logic of a structure in which numerals from two to four govern a genitive singular noun even though adjectives within the same string continue to appear in the plural form but not necessarily genitive His most telling argument was that everyone he knew said it that way In a sense our whole approach to teaching foreign languages has tended to make a virtue out of this kind of reaction As a result it has become axiomatic among contemporary language teaching methodologists that language patterns structures usages processes or histories are not to be pointed out discussed or explained Otherwise language learners as opposed to students are likely to be intimidated or at least inhibited and shut up like clams There is a basic assumption that adult learners can unaided infer rules from language data that is from foreign-language utterances which are sorted out graded for difficulty and repeated with only the minutest variations for an hour at a time Perhaps this theory of second-langua e learning is based on observations of first-language acquisition in children Nobody ever told my seven-year-old daughter about does but she gets it right all the time To my knowledge she has never said anything like Robert has NOT the funnies Pedro WORKS in Washington WORKS Pedro in Washington Oh damn inserted by instructor not in text It was obvious that I was not going to escape I leafed mentally through a number of possible explanations lengthy and elegant descriptions filled with such locutions as plus minus modal deep structure deletion of AUX etc but in the end I decided to go over to the offensive otherwise known as the Socratic method The key to the issue as much for me as for the students was to see the language as it really is without imposing any preconceptions on it It was plain from the material before us that the normal pattern in English is for tne verb to consist of more than one word All the negative all the interrogative and all but two of the positive declarative stimulus sentences in the drill had the so-called auxiliary slot filled If this is the normal pattern then how can the anomalous one the simple verb form be explained One method advocated by Eugene Nida among others is to arrange such anomalous strings in a hypothetical form which replicates the normal or statistically prevalent pattern Thus it is possible to observe what happens to the normal pattern in such odd-ball cases and what environmental or contextual factors if any are associated with the anomaly This is what we attempted to do Tne new student CAN SPEAK English Mary WILL BE at the party My brother DOES LIVE in the United States Pedro DOES WORK in Washington If little kids can get it right so what's the big deal At this point not in time but in this narrative I was literally saved not by the bell but by a gong announcing the coffee break The moment of truth passed into awkward socializing and by the time we returned to class the incident was apparently forgotten In the latter two instances two things had to happen in order for us to get from the hypothetical to the real 1 the DO form had to be deleted and 2 the inflectional suffix -S had to be moved to the other verbal element the verb base e g Pedro June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 UNCLASSIF'IED work-S in Washington DOCID 4009721 U CLASSIFIED This operation as trivial as it may seem to us native speakers was not at all obvious at first to adult learners of English l r The next part of the analysis was considerably less trivial from any point of view We wanted to be able to predict when the DO form stays and when it goes Again looking at sentences with DO forms in them we finally noticed something although not without some gnashing of teeth The sentences with DO forms undeleted had the auxiliary slot ep ed from the other verbal element e g My brother DOES not LIVE in the United States Robert DOESn't HAVE the funnies DOES Robert HAVE the funnies DOES Pedro WORK in Washington Our hypothetical forms i e the regularized treatments of what had d een simple verb forms showed us that the deletion-plustransposition process took place when there was no such separation between DO and the verbal element e g Robert DOES HAVE the the funnies funnies Robert has If you are wondering what we did about the emphatic use of DO it was noted but not developed beyond that point The emphatic DO has been described as a different morpheme because it differs in stress fr'om the other DO form but I did not feel that either the class or the instructor was ready for such diversions It would be foolish to claim that this anecdote illustrates in any comprehensive way the linguistic method This leisurely passage of arms was little more than a brief skir mish in a remote and little-contested sector of the front Nevertheless it demonstrates some of the main features of any usable approach to language data A linguistic method is first and foremost a dihcove4Y oce e It proceeds from observable facts texts transcripts etc to a set of generalizations not from invulnerable first principles to inevitable conclusions It is objective The language should be allowed to speak for itself My initial problem in explaining the English auxiliary-plusverbal system was based on an unfounded assumption namely that the simple form of the verb is somehow the base form from which all other verb tenses are derived A proper analysis would have started with the observation that almost any valid sample of English sentences contains more multi-word verbs than simple verbs Finally a linguistic approach to language data should allow us to p4edict 6utu4e language event6 This is the only kind of inference which has any practical value My English students found it useful to predict the comings and goings of DO Most NSA language analysts find that it is of inestimable value to have the ability to predict similar events in their operational languages This is particularly true since we are the o in a communications exchange and since we must work with language materials which are both corrupt and incomplete most of the time Given such job conditions we need all the help we can get starting with a rigorous and systematic way of dealing with the actual facts of a specific foreign language If in the past we have concluded that there is no practical way of applying linguistics to NSA work the reason for this may be that we have been looking at the wrong kind of linguistics ThoSe of us who heard Dr Esther Matteson of the Wycliffe Bible Translators at a recent CLA meeting could not help being impressed with the emphasis that she placed on linguistics both as a method of rationalizing the translation process and as a method for discovering the forms and processes of a new language It became increasingly clear from her talk and from the discussion period afterwards that she was not thinking about linguistics in terms of theoretical speculations on the universal nature of man's communicative competence but rather she was referrin2 to a data-based approach to natural-language phenomena Maybe we ought to consider changing our brand of linguistics In true schoolteacher fashion I cannot finish without giving an assignment Which form of the French adjective masculine singular or feminine singular should be used as the base form from which the other can be predicted If you have settled that question in your mind how would you describe the process of getting from one form to the other One hint Don't be too concerned about spelling concentrate on the way words sound See E Nida Morphology U of Michigan Press 1949 p 75 for a fuller statement of the problem and also for the solution June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 UNCLASSIFIED DOCIO 4009721 UNCLASSIFIED I -' THE NAVAJQCODE TALKERS The following article is reprinted slightly condensed from the February 1975 Field Information Letter which had reprinted it from The Wall Street Journal 12 December 1974 We think it is worth a page to confirm what has floated around in most people's minds as a vague and somewhat dubious legend of the COMSEC trade A recent acquisition of the NSA Technical Library The Navajo Code Talkers by Doris A Paul tells the whole story Navajos weren't the first Indians used by the U S military to confuse foreign enemies Choctaws transmitted orders by telephone for the Army infantry in World War I and early in World War II Comanches were employed in similar activity in the European combat zone But the Choctaws and Comanches conversed in their native tongues The Navajos on the other hand developed a special coded alphabet of 38 symbols plus an auxiliary vocabulary of 41 other terms It's been described by anthropologists Henry Dobyns and Robert Euler as absolutely unbreakable Skilled as the Japanese cryptographers were it's doubtful whether they would have understood Navajo even if there had been no attempt to disguise it At that time it was virtually an unwritten language and even today few non-Navajos have succeeded in mastering its complex glottal sounds and vowel tones But rather than take a chance the Navajo code talkers improvised a system substituting clan names for military units the names of birds for airplanes and fish for ships plus a double alphabet when it was necessary to spell out proper names The idea originated with a Navajo-speaking white man Philip Johnston an engineer with the city of Los Angeles who was raised on the Navajo Reservation where his father had been a missionary During the first few months of the war he suggested his plan to a high ranking Marine Corps officer It was approved after five Navajos demonstrated its possibilities to Marine brass _ Philip Johnston joined the Marines in the fall of 1942 and was put in charge of the code talker training program Eventually some 320 Navajos served in combat under the program Martin Link curator of the Navajo Tribal Museum who is compiling records of the code talker experience recently learned that four or five Navajos served in a similar capacity with the Army in North Africa although details of that episode remain sketchy In fact information about the Marine Corps code talkers has only recently come to light The code talkers served in many campaigns usually in two-man teams conversing by field telephone and walkie-talkie to call in air strikes and direct artillery bombardment Marine Corps archives contain ringing praise for the Navajos from commanders in the field It was exciting and dangerous duty sometimes for unexpected reasons William McCabe one of the 29 original volunteers was taken prisoner on Guadalcanal - by his own troops Suspicious that the swarthy figure with the high cheekbones was really a Japanese soldier in a U S uniform watchful Marines marched him at gunpoint back to his unit From then on buddies in his unit assigned him a non-Indian bodyguard The idea for a formal association of code talkers grew out of the 1969 annual reunion of the Fourth Marine Division Association which honored several of the Navajos Two years later the Navajo Tribal Museum the repository for Philip Johnston's papers and other code talker memorabilia sponsored a two-day reunion Now the Navajo Code Talkers Association numbers more than 100 members By April 1942 Marine Corps recruiters ar- rived at the reservation searching for Navajos who were physically fit as well as fluent in Navajo and English The first group of volunteers 29 youngsters from various boarding schools in Arizona and New Mexico were sent to boot camp at San Diego From there they were transferred to the Field Signal Battalion at Camp Pendleton then assigned to Marine combat divisions throughout the Pacific June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009721 SECRECf SPOI E June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 SBCRBT POKi EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCIO 4009721 CLASSI FI EIJ PROFESSIONALI ZING P L 86-36 IN COMPUTER SYSTEMS I o Il11pllu r lr l ing_ How does one become professionalized at NSA The answers are contained in the memorandum Criteria for Certification Computer Systems dated 4 January 1974 and available in the Panel Executive's office How is a professional recognized I quote a concluding paragraph from Jack Valenti's article in the Washington Post of 11 September 1971 Let me sit at a table or in a discussion where decisions are to be made and I can tell you quickly and accurately who the professionals are in the room Dazzling rhetoric intensity passion all these are of some measurable worth but oftentimes they are the outer garments of the nonprofessional The pro is the man or woman who knows what the issues are has untangled the crossing threads of logic and reaction understands the facts cold has already searched the detail and can because he or she has prepared the necessary homework bring forth the suggestion that usually makes the most sense The professional may not always be right but his experienced instinct is more formidable than the fellow who does it all in blind faith Obtain a copy of the criteria memorandum and review it If you believe you are qualified submit the necessary Professional Qualification Rating Schedule PQRS forms Your background experience professional activity and training are reviewed Diversity of work experience education and training and professional activities and performance are assigned point values as explained in the criteria and the results of your initial evaluation are returned to you If you are deficient in any area you can intelligently plan your future to fulfill these requirements I ' J L If 600 or more points are recorded your records are forwarded to a three-peer professional review panel for what is described as a Qualitative Achievement Rating QAR The QAR panel is composed of one professional of your choice plus two panel appointees A minimum of 200 points of the total 1000 required must be forthcoming from the review panel During this period if you have not previously written a scholarly paper in the computer field you can do so under the direction of the Computer Systems Career Panel When you have completed a total of 820 or more points you can be scheduled for the Certification Examination After accumulating 1000 or more points writing an acceptable paper and passing the exam you are certified as a Computer Systems Analyst June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 UNCLASSIFIED L DOCID 4009721 UNCLASSIFIED and improvement business data processing payroll personnel records inventory education CAl CMI CA TA languages and linguistics TCOM engineering and physical sciences COMSEC reporting transcriptions project LAYAWAY applications programing techniques signals colle tion and signals analysis What is the Computer Systems Professional Qualification Exam CSPQE It is a multiplechoice examination that attempts to measure objectively one's knowledge and awareness of the computer field and the computer environment at NSA It is only a means of verifying the other requirements of professionalization as a Computer Systems Analyst MATHEMATICS contains such topics as number systems combinatorial and discrete math including sorting counting permutations statistics and probability elementary algebra Boolean algebra numerical analysis including error analysis and computer arithmetic graphs sets coding information theory and metatheory including formal logic automata formal languages The CSPQE tries to test whether an applicant has knowledge of the types of mathematics that enable him to function effectively as a computer professional i e computerrelated mathematics The CSPQE has four categories l Systems 2 Applications 3 Mathematics and 4 General The CSPQE test committee qualifies a question within each category as NSA-specific or NSA-nonspecific The question data bank is divided and identified into the four categories with NSA specific and nonspecific qualifiers Questions are not identified by category on the exam itself Below is a matrix showing the current weighting for each category Category Systems Applications Mathematics General Totals Total Weight NSASpecific NSANonspecific 45 30 15 10 10 20 35 10 15 5 100 35 5 The GENERAL category is a catch-all for items that are difficult to place in one of the previous categories It includes such topics as history philosophical and social issues privacy government regulations and control of ADP operations research security NSA security and how it impacts on NSA computer personnel administration and management computer operations management simulation and modeling and professional issues - 65 What this matrix says is that if 100 questions are used 45 will be related to systems and 10 of those will relate to specific NSA systems such as TABLON Information on such systems is obtainable from technical publications and lectures originating within NSA The other 35 of the 45 should be answerable by anyone who possesses basic knOWledge of the field and who keeps current with technical literature The SYSTEMS category consists of traditional computer-related topics such as hardware and software Topics included are language processors assemblers compilers interpreters language use types machine procedure or problemoriented software engineering top down design structured programing logic design hardware components computers analog hybrid digital mini- and micro- operating systems utility programs I O maintenance sort merge graphics and display technology microprograming data communications system evaluation and improvement profiling and performance measurements and programing techniques sorting merging lists hashing techniques etc The examination is under the auspices of o the Computer Systems Career Panel which has a standing Test Committee of approximately five Agency experts It is offered twice a year in March and September with the restriction that an aspirant may sit for the exam only once each calendar year I The APPLICATIONS category contains items on specific disciplines Emphasis is placed on how applications are planned guided documented and accomplished Some of the areas items and techniques covered by APPLICATIONS are systems analysis systems studies feasibility studies decision tables PERT charts documentation packages records management implementation procedures data structures and file design data security and application system evaluation The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice items The committee uses a randomizing program to aid in the selection of test questions in an attempt to avoid slanting the exam toward the committee's technical bias In order to validate new exam questions the test committee may scatter additional questions in the CSPQE Examinees are given two hours to complete 100 items this time is extended by an appropriate percentage for any additional questions exceeding 100 To preserve the validity of calculations on any new test items examinees are not informed which items are for test and which are for validation purposes The new questions which pass the validation process are added to the test question data bank During the exam examinees are encouraged to write comments in the test booklet not the answer sheet grievances concerning an item will be considered by the test committee When the exam is ended each test item is reviewed by the committee with the aid of an item analysis program This provides the committee with vital statistics concerning the reliability of the examination in general and the suitability June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 UNCLASSIFIED DOClD 4009721 UNCLASSIFIED of specific items All decisions regarding the examination are resolved without looking at the names of the individual examinees The passing score is 55 percent The scoring algorithm is R-W 3 where R is the number of items answered correctly and W is the number answered incorrectly 50 that wild guessing is counterproductive Results are announced approximately five working days after the examination What reference materials should be read Sources of information for studying for the CSPQE are found in books periodicals reports and special studies courses seminars professional society conferences and lectures In selecting materials for review it should be remembered that the exam tests the understanding and recognition of basic principles--breadth not depth of knOWledge is stressed For example one is expected to know how lists work and are used rather than to code a complicated program using lists MP4xx Any of the seminar courses or software evaluation courses MP410 Introduction to Computer Hardware MP420 Introduction to System Software MP430 Programing Techniques APPLICATIONS CYl20 Survey of Cryptologic Skills and Techniques EAlOO SIGINT Technology TAIOO Basic Traffic Analysis CAIDS Introduction to Cryptography and Exploitation of Manual Cryptosystems self-study available through the Learning Center Any other specific disciplines MATHEMATICS MAOl2 MAll I MAl44 MAl03 MA400 Algebra self-study texts Algebra self-study texts Probability and Statistics Introduction to Formal Logic Introduction to Computer Science Mathematics Excellent articles and books have appeared in increasing numbers since the early sixties GENERAL Currently several abstract and bibliographic MP060 Survey of EDP publications are devoted to technical material MCl20 Cryptologic Management for Supervisors related to computers Rather than spell out specific textual refere ces for each fthe cateIn addition to formal help or information gories on the CSPQE whlch m y be qul kly o tyou can get help from fellow professionals and' dated or r esult in tunnel Vlslon J n thlS rapldly from the many help study seSSlons sponsored by changlng fleld lt ls better to polnt out whe e 'the various offices within the Agency to tind related technlcal materlal The Technl-- cal Library at NSA contains more than enough I People have voiced both praise and criticism literature from which one can become an expert for the NSA Professionalization Program and for in anyone of the exam categories One must the recent changes to the' criteria for certifilearn to use the library and learn how to scan cation It can be pointed out that we do not for information in texts and periodicals One live in a static society Even in the medical good technique is to use the table of contents area one of the oldest professional groups to choose areas of study that enhance your back- there is change afoot as evidenced by recent ground Do not merely plod through books without controversies over heart transplants and acuhaving established goals concerning what you puncture NSA is a highly technically-oriented wish to learn agency Training at NSA and by universities and vendors is encouraged The main ingredient If time permits courses are an excellent needed by an NSA employee who has the ability way to assimilate new material A review of to attain professional status is dedication computer courses offered by local universities real interest in his field and a willingness community colleges and the National Cryptologic to devote time to the pursuit of his career School NCS reveals that a wealth of information is available The most convenient is the NCS For people not associated with NSA the Some of the appropriate NCS courses for each expenditure of personal time and money for professional status can be considerable For examcategory on the CSPQE are listed below ple the fee for the CDP exam now administered by the Institute for Certification of Computer SYSTEMS Professionals is $85 To retake the entire MPl60 Introduction to Computer Science exam or failed sections requires additional exMP2xx Any of the computer-independent penditures and to take the review courses for languages available at NSA FORTRAN the exam is additional expense We at NSA are PL I COBOL etc fortunate to have a defined and accepted profesMP3xx Any of the computet-dependent sional program where monetary requirements are languages available at NSA IBM's minimal and where one is given both opportunity ALC and JCL CDC's COMPASS Univac's and encouragement to be recognized as a proAssembler DEC's DOS and RSXIID etc fessional MPlxx Any of the information storage and Re pJU n ted 61tOm the Ve c embeJt 1q74 retrieval languages available at NSA Model 204 TILE SPECOL etc Ja nu aJtY 1975 - A 6Ue 06 C-llrlUm June 75 CRYPTOLOG Pa e U CLASSIF1ED II 16 t DOCID 4009721 L NCLASSIFIED Tf P SAClIE PROJECT SYMBIOSIS I was recently accused of being a founder of the Church of the Latter Day Luddites but I'm not True at times I've felt like John the Baptist crying in the wilderness It's not that I dislike machines so much -- I guess that they have their place but they think they know it all To me there is little difference between a machine with one moving part and our most sophisticated computers I've never been able to intimidate my car by kicking the tires It only gets vindictive This attitude I realize borders on paranoia but the time has come Those of us who are left must speak out The line between humanism and mechanism must be clearly drawn My greatest concern is not that machines will communicate with each other and take over but that their language and logic processes are becoming commonplace among us humans Have you noticed the kinds of words we're using these days Words either devoid of emotional content or slightly misused I'm not talking about irregardless for irrespective but words having no literal meaning in the context in which they appear Sometime check out the real meaning of v-i able intvr Oac e JyncVl Ome oeMible mandate paJz ametvr o Although word usage is I suppose not truly indicative of personality traits we do seem at times to talk and write like unthinking automatons And yet the purpose of human speech and writing -- the paragraph the sentence and yes even the individual word -- is to convey meaning At least I always thought so If you don't believe that it's only an indication of the extent to which machines have already debased our natural subjective and emotional human instincts Our machine-oriented environment tries through all its media to make us omit the subjective omit the superfluous human element In order to fit our answer into the keypunch holes allowed we must be more objective more concise more with it And in order to be more with it we tend to use the in words regardless of their meaning or appropriateness The other day when I expressed these views I was challenged Of course we're all right my companion said How could machines take over You've really got a thing about those inert pieces of equipment The gauntlet having been flung I decided to write a short piece that would be understood by a machine and that in addition would probably get an instinctive nod of approval from a large percentage of the people in the Agency Not because they understood it but because they couldn't convince themselves that they didn't Take the following paragraphs of a draft report Based on integral subsystem considerations Project SYMBIOSIS is designed to provide a large portion of the interface coordination communications needed for automatic text processing In respect to specific goals a constant flow of effective information must utilize and be functionally interwoven with the evolution of specifications over a given period of time A primary interrelationship between system and or subsystem technologies presents extremely interesting challenges to the anticipated fourth-generation equipment In particular the characterization of specific criteria maximizes the probability of project success and minimizes the cost and time required for the subsystem compatibility testing On the other hand the initiation of critical subsystem development requires considerable systems analysis and trade-off studies to arrive at the total system rationale and the fully integrated test program necessitates that urgent consideration be applied to the philosophy of commonality and standardization All right now be honest Wouldn't 60 percent of the people in the Agency have initialed the above garbage And yet except for the first sentence it was generated randomly from the Simp tables printed on the next page If human beings respond to this sort of stuff so do machines In fact a programmer's software toy called DREKGEN can grind it out in any volume desired Here is a sample output PHILOSOPHY OF PROGRAMMER MANAGEMENT WITH A VIEW TOWARDS THE SOLUTION OF CER TAIN DIFFICULTIES TRAINING PERSONNEL INS TRUCTORS AND SUPPORT PEOPLE ORDINARILY CO ULD BE EXPECTED TO MINIMIZE EDUCATIONAL E FFORTS TO OPERATORS AS REQUESTED BY HIG HER MANAGEMENT MIDDLE LEVEL MANAGERS ORDI NARILY COULD BE EXPECTED TO MINIMIZE EXPA NSION AND IMPROVEMENT OF WORK AREAS SEN lOR DATA PROCESSING MANAGERS WHILE SEEMI NGLY PASSIVE ARE QUITE CONCERNED ABOUT P LANS TO ENHA CE TESTING AND PROPER CATEGO RIZATION OF PROFESSIONALS ON THE BASIS OF INDEPENDENT STUDIES THE LESS THAN ADE QUATE EMPLOYEES MUST STRIVE TO AVOID TRYI NG TO ENHANCE ROTATION AND REASSIGNMENT 0 June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 C CLASSIFIEO DOCIO 4009721 UNCLASSIFIED F SUBJECT PERSONNEL THOSE WHO WORK WEEK ENDS AND ALL SHIfT WORKERS ARE BELIEVED T o BE OPPOSED TO ANY EFfORT TO REJECT ROTA TION AND REASSIGNMENT OF SUBJECT PERSONNE L AS REQUIRED BY DIRECTIVE OR REGULATIO N TRAINING PERSONNEL INSTRUCTORS AND SUP PORT PEOPLE ARE BELIEVED TO BE OPPOSED TO ANY EffORT TO RECALL FOR REDESIGN AND fU RTHER ANALYSIS RETRAINING OF OBSOLESCENT PERSONNEL THE LESS THAN ADEQUATE EMPLOY EES DESPITE PERSONAL RESERVATIONS SHOULD TRY TO OBVIATE ROTATION AND REASSIGNMENT Of SUBJECT PERSONNEL AS REQUIREP_B DIR ECTIVE OR REGULATION THE REALLY BRIGHT WO RKERS THE INNOVATORS MUST STRIVE TO AVO ID TRYING TO INCREASE REDEFINITION OF CER TAIN TASKS PROJECTS AND AREAS OF ASSIGNM ENT I ask you have we been subverted If any of this has caused you to think twice then join us We ask only that language be used to convey meaningful ideas not to obfuscate or to demean our capacity to co-exist with the UNIVAC-lIID and the electric light bulb I r e lize that machine feedback is insidious and insipid spreading like the reams of paper it produces Still just because we can't beat them that doesn't mean we must join them Let the machine serve our better interests There is no need for us humans to adopt the machine's idioms I'd much rather retreat into the English language than submit to fluency in FORTRAN Anonymous but those@ It 1 machines know my number 016 22 723A The reader who submitted the following item picked it up at GCHQ in 1971 but does not remember who originated it No one here including UKLO people whom we asked knows anything about it or even what Simp means Does any reader have any more details The Simp tables are so designed that the writer can choos phrases randomly from Tables A B C and D in sequence or for variety's sake from B C and 0 to create sentences that look valid but are entirely devoid of meaning Try your hand at it Fool your friends To make your phony sentences look less suspect we have changed British spellings with s to American spellings with z SUny Table A 1 In particular 2 On the other hand 3 However 4 Similarly 5 As a resultant implication 6 In this regard 7 Based on integral subsystem considerations 8 For example 9 Thus 10 In respect to specific goals Shnp Table B 1 a large portion of the interface coordination communications 2 a constant flow of effective information 3 the characterization of specific criteria 4 initiation of critical subsystem development 5 the fully integrated test program 6 the product configuration baseline 7 any associated supporting element 8 the incorporation of additional mission constraints 9 the independent functional principle 10 a primary interrelationship between system and or subsystem technologies S unp Ta ble C 1 must utilize and be functional1y interwoven with 2 maximizes the probability of project success and minimizes the cost and time required for 3 adds explicit performance limits to 4 necessitates that urgent consideration be applied to 5 requires cQnsiderable systems analysis and trade-off studies to arrive at 6 is further compounded when taking into account 7 presents extremely interesting challenges to 8 recognizes the importance of other systems and the necessity for 9 effects a significant implementation of 10 adds overriding performance constraints to S unp Ta ble V 1 the sophisticated hardware 2 the anticipated fourth-generation quipment 3 the subsystem compatibility testing 4 the structural design' based on system engineering concepts 5 the preliminary qualification limit 6 the evolution of specifications over a given time period 7 the philosophy of commonality and standardization 8 the greater flightworthiness concept 9 any discrete configuration mode 10 the total system rationale June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 UNCLASSIFIED ---_ _ --- --- - DOCID 4009721 eo NFIB ElN'f'IAL l P8fffftEPllflJ ff J ff 1ftE To the Editor CRYPTOLOG Wi th reference to the complaint See Letters to Ed Apr 75 that bookbreakers' were discriminated against in the professionalization program it seems to me that the persons most discriminated against are those who are or were what I would call country specialists I don I t know where dse the system existed Iat tE9 flff@Plln I least was asslgned to country analysts who h' r wo scan laintext make intel l 'i-g-e-n-c-e--e-v-a 'l u-a-t' ' i-o-n-s- -a-n-d ' t Jrans late or report as the occasion demanded the traffic selected by themselves Quite often they even had to log their own traffic In pre-professionalization days these people were given no recognition pecuniary or otherwise by the rest of the Agency for their versatility With the coming of the professionalization program they were even penalized because they had not specialized in a fraction of what they were doing Ed note 1 4 c L 86-36 O Un6 lL6 th Itt h wee he bo th' 'rtthe f a ngwige 6' 'e id t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I and w the SRA Me id he hM nOPeJlAonal gJt e v It o s praiseworthy to be loyal to one I s anee but he eM only to aeh eve amoJLe eQrU- profession to one's own mission Beli t- tab e h tua Uon ' 'n the hyhte m M a whote I t11ng the profession of those who do not f3l1areon E 's views on a given subject is To the Editor CRYPTOLOG hard LX the ay to convince an audience I take serious exception tol f theri rhthef' s of those views I t is L -- t o-El 'I'd-- more J i k ely t o cG n v ince that audience of tt L cavalier dismissal S ee e ers ' May 75 of what is after all the baslc the bl aseda ndnoI1prqfessional outlook SIGINT skill as no more than a preof the person who states them liminary scrubbing of traffic before Name withheld by rgqllest the real analyst -- the bookbreaker qt M pltO 6uh onctUze I I P L June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 CONFIBElN'f'IAL 1oI IQbl VIA EURQHUrr EURIWINHS 8 IP 86-36 UNCLASSIFIED To the Editor CRYPTOLOG I would like to express my appreciation to Ifor his most effective statements in the April 1975iSSUE f CRYPTOLOG on our agency's need to develop ah an medium for dissemination of our product AlthQugh his statement of the need for oral reporterswa well made and his suggestions for the develop ment of oral-reporting props was most informative there was one aspect of the article which I found lacking -- where do oral reporters come from In differentiating oral reporters from briefers the main theme developed by Mr l seems tO be that oral reporters know what they are talking about unfortunately within our agency and the world at large for that matter people who know what they are talking about are at a real premium All the mechanical audio-visual techniques which enhance oral reporting can with proper emphasis be taken care of The high-level exposure which oral reporting offers relatively juniorgrade employees should be a considerable career incentive which would make an oral-reporting assignment attractive The crux of the oral reporting problem is not the discovery dev l- opment and motivation of people th the physical and emotional attributes necessary in an oral reporter The problem is finding people who are genuine experts r--- I While the present career-development system in NSA may not offer the proper incentives to briefers it offers even fewer incentives for people who develop into experts on a given target In current career-development patterns diversification has b come an obsession The stable in-depth human data bases little 01' people in tennis shoes who have been the mainstay of the agency are now held in contempt are rapidly disappearing and are not being replaced Management now appears to be the greatest virtue for rapid rise in the agency The smart young FSG future super-grade certainly does not want to become stereotyped as an expert on some particular problem for fear ofb coming an invaluable human resource stagnated at one grade forever I Ime f ns in his article the same few people who alw ilYs go downtown Obviously we need more of tiietn ' 'le need more people who are real author i ties but in JIIY experience there are very few middle managers P L iritheageri6y who have had any desk-level analytic experience within the actual problems that they are managing Frequently there are lower-grade analysts within their organizations who know more about the given problem than does the chief of the element In this situation there is little incentive for a lower-grade analyst to develop himself or herself into a real expert The prime goal of career development is to get out before you get stuck the intern program CY-IOO a staff job I be lieve that these are aspects of agency career development that must be seriously reassessed Soon we may become an agency of managers managing nothing While avoiding overspecialization the agency must somehow place a premium on and develop specific problem expertise within the work force If we have more people within the work force who really do know what they e tal g about then the development of oral reporters will take care of itself I I NSA VIETNAM WRAp UP The entire October issue of CRYPTOLOG will be devoted to the Vietnam War and its significance to NSA -- achievements failures lessons learned problems unresolved The Editorial Board invites contributions from readers for possible inclusion in that special issue Send contributions to Editor CRYPTOLOG PI by 15 August 1975 If you have valuable information to impart but feel that you need help in getting it on paper please get in touch with any of the members of the Editorial Board We will try to think of a way to get your information into that issue -- perhaps by transcribing your tape-recorded remarks question-and-answer interview etc June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 UNCLASSIFIED P L 86-36 86-36 DOClD 4009721 LJ NtLASSI FJ ED Memo from Chief PI 3 June 1975 Doris Miller the first editor of CRYPTOLOG retires this month She was much more than the Editor -- she brought CRYPTOLOG along from a flight of our fancy through frequent and troublesome growing pains to the lusty squalling youngster it is today Of course she had help -- not as much as she needed but lots of it All of us connected with this publication know it could not have been brought off successfully without her Doris Miller's uncommon good taste her instinct for newsy and readable subject matter her gift for persuading people to write '_'just a little -- even a page or two and above all her indomitable spirit in the face of obstacles were the talents needed to bring CRYPTOLOG into being Eighteen months ago she advocated a publication in 000 written by technicians for technicians informal newsy controversial lively and timely to be published -- would you believe -- every month This issue of CRYPTOLOG puts the capstone on the uncommonly productive NSA career of Doris Miller We wish her a busy productive retirement and the joy of facing each new date with never a worry of deadlines Doris we'll miss you W w - f The pow accepted De r of the and one orIs' s of C01llJlla A Publisher Week 1 er t ew w A ater I 0 beco eeks a CRYPTO LOG be s thoughtf became A me An Ed' go I be n Doris ha l of Others rt Editor Ito r ore ann rOugh as she T erefore Uncing her e Out the J has alwayS tImes for as able t Intention t ne issue rOughed 0 rely on Do retire -OUtgtlldance as th Issue that' If there e issue gOtrlS many laYoUt YOu like IS anyth de etc -- th e Ing b Y i ng ab tl - thank DOri articles a hUt this 111 be LUture s If h e that Do r ' largely b lSStles th t ere is bec Is has ecatlse at You l' b aUse of th gIVen CRYp of the f' Ike Y Mr Lutw' COntinuo TOLOG and Ine start especially nlak by t sUPPort lso ever-respon CRYPTOLOG' editorial blven to it be as SlVe r seVe Oard You Ns successfuL eadership r-grOWing a' and wi th A technici as Doris h I hope tha nd YOur -Eel 1 ans to sh as been' t I can f lelds at all Ow lV sA- ers are ' YOUr beIn get tlng '_ -- 1evels In all te h s Ideas c nlca1 I r June 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 21 UNCLASSI FI EU PI-JN 75-53-23714 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu