DOO IDt 400 9 81 1 WUJUUlDWUJl1 13lBlDWUU UJ 13WlB L1lD V l3lD lj l3 OOl3UJfill3 f OOUJ lj l1 jJlIJfil WEDDING BELLS AND THAT OLD GANG OF MINE ooo E Leigh Sawyer oo oo j 1 o i 2 A SMA L L PRO BL EM o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o NSA DATA STANDARDS CENTER o o o o o o Mark T Pattie Jr o o o 3 LINGUISTICS AND THE CODE RECONSTRUCTOR o Stuart H Buck o o oo oo 6 DIALOGUE BETWEEN MS USER AND DR ANALYS IS o j 9 o III CAST A DOUBLE SHADOW TROJAN HORSE OF SIGINT FOR MA TTl N G PL 1 SOU RCE COD E o o o o o o 13 NSA-CROSTIC NO 19 o oooo ooooooooooooo oo David H Williams o 16 NEVER ON MY WATCH l 18 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Anon 19 C A A NEWS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 21 j f r j 'fIllS BOCtfMEN'f CON'f INS COBEWORB M 'fERI L I SI_i ulls BIRNSla SIISSS NSt' SSSM llJa lJ Exempt '10m 8BS B8 1i852 EURategui Beel8Mil 11 lllT ti Nti8 II Ule 9rigia t8' Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 2- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 vl DR Case # 54778 OOClO 4009817 TOP SHeRET Published Monthly by Pl Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations NOVEHBER 1978 VOL V NO 11 PUBLISHER WILLIAM LUTWINIAK BOARD OF EDITORS Arthur J Salemme 5236s Editor in Chief L Cryptolinguistics 1 Language 1 Machine Support Mathematics I I ' S 1 81 lS 1 1 5303S 1 8518S Special Research oo o o Vera R Filby 71195 Traffic Ana1ysi5 o oo Don Taurone 3573s Production Manager oo Harry Goff 52365 For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI TOP 8E JRH'f ' P L 86-36 DOCID 4009817 CONFIBI3NTIAL ' iiiiiiiiiiiii i tt d r Ja 0 0Jfe ddt nfland tJna ultine I E LEIGH SAWYER 14 -- li lJ '1 1 4 c I Nov b rCO FI9 NTlllJ _ N o 78 yprOLOG' CR P L 8 6 36 o o Eot 'lT Ell IIANBbe 4j In _ _ _ DOCID 4009817 EO I 4 c P L 86-36 CONFIDENCfIAI e - eee A SMALL PROBLEM IPI4 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 CONFIDENTIAL IWl8bE VIA E811Hl'F EltJldlllHS 81lH P L 86-36 DOClD 4009817 CONJi'IBEN'fIAL YES CRYPTOLOG READERS N S A DOES HAVE A DATA STANDARDS CENTER -Mark T pattie ' Jr P130 NOSe for we have to know if speed is measured in efore I tell you what the NSA Data miles in kilometers or whatever Standards Center NDSC does perhaps -And so it goes In order to communicate -'I should explain why we do it One with one another we have to use terms that very good reason is that a previous diare mutually understandable That holds true rector VADM Noel Gayler established the NOSe by direction on 1 January 1971 This was later whether we are talking about listening to a foreign language broadcast or trying to read formalized by the reissuance in May 1972 of 'a technical journal for which we have no NSA Regulation 80-9 the NSA Program for background In the various sciences there Standardization of Data Elements and Related is much that is mutually understandable between Features scientists of different nationalities even with That would be reason enough to have a their language differences whereas laymen within Center of course but there is more The the same country would be at a loss to underNDSC is really the element responsible for the stand what iS said or written Agency portion of the Department of Defense Data Standards Program which had its beginIncidentally I do not know whether any of nings in DoD Directive 5000 11 when that docuyou are aware of it but some of those who are ment was published on 7 December 1964 We to all intents and purposes the most handicapped also work closely with the National Bureau of in the art of communication -- those who cannot Standards which under Executive Order 11717 hear or speak -- have the least trouble with the of 9 May 1973 is responsible for governmentforeign-language barrier They use symbols -wide automatic data processing standards hand signs -- which are international standards By work closely I mean that NDSC personnel and they can make themselves understood in any are often in touch with people from the 000 country where sign language is practiced The and other government agencies on data standards hand signs are in fact data standards which matters and they take part in interagency comhave the same meaning for the most part in the mittees and working groups as the NSA represen- language of whatever country they happen to be tatives to their meetings All of this comes in or from Of course they might have trouble under NSA Regulation 80-9 which names the spelling words that are foreign to them but they NDSC as the Agency point of contact for are still better off than most of us who claim federal 000 and other external programs or to have all our faculties efforts for data standardization One example A certain amount of data standardization is of our committee work is our participation on taking place around us all the time I am rethe Data Standards Panel of the Intelligence ferring to expressions that once were unique to Information Handling Committee of NFIB partiCUlar parts of the United States at one time but which are now becoming rare Those who But even if we did not have the official reasons for establishing an NSA Data Standards make studies of such things were able to pinpoint the birthplace of almost anyone just by Centers there would still be the practical asking that person to pronounce about ten difreasons for it It must make good sense to ferent wOrds or to provide the words or terms have data standards instead of Babel and it used for certain objects or actions For even saves money Let me illustrate example how do you pronounce the following words when you are back home BUSH PUSH x y 7 HOG GREASY MERRY MARY MARRY Would it make any difference in working with Or what do you cook your breakfast eggs in these elements if I were in Germany instead of A FRYING PAN FRY PAN SKILLET or SPIDER And the United States Or in Italy Or in Sweden what's that big piece of furniture in your No for everyone recognizes that these are LIVING RQOMVPARLOR -- a SOFA COUCH DIVAN mathematical symbols which are standard or DAVENPORT How do you pronounce PARK YOUR around the world CAR if you're from the Boston area How do you say WATER wherever you're from How about another example Such regional differences are largely' Speed Limit 50 falling by the wayside perhaps because of the omnipresent TV screen and the nationwide Well right away I suspect some readers will distribution of TV programs Or it might be be uneasy Here it does make a difference B November 78 CRYPTOLOG - Page 3 CO FID TIAI -DOCIO- 4-0-0-9itl1--------CONFIQBH'fIAL because people no longer live out their years in the areas where they were born we are a mobile nation Whatever the cause data standardization seems to be with us whether we like it or not It is a fact of life I'll admit that I look upon this leveling of the AMerican idiom with a certain amount of regret We are losing some of our rich heritage in language and I think we will be the poorer for it But the NDSC is not as concerned with the exchange of information between individuals as it is with the exchange of information between machines or between a machine and a terminal Here standardization should be a way of life but it is not There are just too many examples of Agency elements blithely going their own ways regardless of the fact that they are duplicating the work of another element or what is worse establishing their own standards when Agency standards already exist Perhaps I should define the term data standards Although some readers may know what the term means I suspect that many do not By data standards we mean consistent agreed-upon names descriptions and codes for categories of data that will ensure unambiguous understanding in data processing and data interchange o Note two things in that definition I did not use the word II cryptologic and I ended with the words date processing and data interchange The NDSe is concerned with data standards in aZZ fields both cryptologic and noncryptologic And basically we are trying to come to agreements about definitions that will make data machine-insertable and machineextractable The latter point is essentially what distinguishes data-standards work from that in SIGINT terminology for which the NDSe is also responsible In SIGINT terminology we seek to build a SIGINT Terminology Data Base STDB and glossaries for each cryptologic field These will contain terms that are defined in such a manner that they show the currently accepted meanings One way of making the distinction between standard terminology and data standards is to say that the definitions for the latter are more precise than those for standard glossaries People have less trouble interpreting nuances in meaning than do machines Let me give you a simple example of what we mean about the difference between the two If we were going to put in a definition for DATE we could use a definition from a general desk dictio ary for our terminology data base DATE 1 A statement Or formula affixed that specifies the time of execution or making as a Zettel' bearing the date 3 January 1856 2 The point of time at which a transaction or event takes place or is scheduled to take place Web8tel 8 'I'hil'd New InteI'l'lationaZ DictionaPy Our Data Standards description is from the ManuaZ of Staruia 'd Data EZement8 and ReZated Features Annex A to USSrD 412 00012_ DATE The years months and days of the Gregorian calendar DATA ITEMS Represented by 6 digits unspaced left to right 2 for year 2 for month 01-12 2 for day 0131 E g IS January 1969 would be 690115 You will note that the Data Standards description has measurable factors while the Terminology definit on does not NSA The NOSC is not an ivory tower where we do our thing away and apart from the rest of the NSA world No we work very closely with other people For instance every major component of the Agency has a representative who works with the NDSC staff in identifying researching and approving data standards and SIGINT terms The Senior Data Representatives and Senior Terminologr Representatives in turn work with other contacts at lower echelons in their own organizations in the proposing and coordinating phases We may meet with the SDRs or the STRs as a group or as individuals depending on the problem of the _-The name Data Standards Center itself is something of a misnomer for the NDSC is deeply involved in more than just data standards for machine processing of information In the terminOlOgy pro gram people working on the development of the SIGINT Terminology Data Base provide guidance on the development and use of terms for SIGINTconcepts and their accompanying definitions maintain a central collection of reference materials on SIGINT terms and develop a common glossary format for SIGINT glossaries published as appendices to USSID 412 Our SIGINT terminology program is unique within the Intelligence Community In the creation of SIGINT glossaries the NDse terminology people work closely with the appropriate terminology panels to develop the necessary documentation The Center working with the Traffic Analysis Terminology Panel developed a draft TA Glossary which is now being coordinated with certain elements and our people are working with the Signals Collection Terminology Panel on a draft glossary for that field Terminology personnel are also working with T personnel ona Telecommunications Glossary and with the TEBAC people on a Telemetry Analysis Glossary In the near future we plan to start work on a Data Processing Glossary while those for other cryptologic fields and an interdisciplinary glossary will be developed as time and resources permit o November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 EUROHFIBBHHAb DOCID 4009817 R L 86-36 eONFIDENTIAL One person concentrates on Multiple Use It is unfortunate that those developing the standa Ns -- those that are essentially nonI Ifilf'sin the early days did not cryptologic like personnel or budget standards take the time to look intotlle ork of others The work 1Dvoives coordination and many meetbefore building their own unique files The ings withpf lople outside the Agency -- from the trouble with that statement is that I know that Civil Service Commission and the U S Air exclusive files are being created right at thi P L 86-36 Force for example Inside NSA our Multiple moment and the lesson learned when the COINS EO 1 4 c lse expert wo rks mostly with personnel from E users tried to query thel Ifiles t M N or T but the problems may be of such seems to have been wasted Some of those a nature that they concern the entire Agency files are being built right within the same The NSA Data Standards Center has developed organization a centralized file oftiata elements data field And even the limited progress we have seen definitions This fileJ serves in getting thel Ifiles in COINS as a repository of all the published standards standardized for NSA is tempered by the knowfor SIGINT activitiesl ledge that many other NSA files need work and plus other data element s 't hlat 'a 'r 'e 'b 4e '1 'n g u-s e d 1 'n we still have not attacked the problem of stan-' DOD files and elsewhere without being standards dardization across the Community In a 1976 This file will help us to identify data elements that are eligible to be proposed as SIGINT data standards I Imay eventually become a part of Project UTENSIL the DOD Data Dictiona y P L 86-36 Directory that was envisioned by DDQ managers in 1976 A task force created under the leadership of the NDSC drew up a charter for a dictionary that was to contain data elements and their meanings the directory was to give control functions file names etc In the meantime several DOD elements have proceeded to develop their own Data Dictionaries unfortunately with little regard for standardization In Vol II of the same study on page 47 so their terms are quite often incompatible types of user problems are cited with those for another DDQ dictionary and some a They must use different codes times even with their own particular group acronyms and abbreviationsfoJEoe er4 encing like fieldsClfinformaQ o iil 6 different files They experiente 8 frustration both in framing interrogations and in interpreting answers b Users must cope with more than one set of data item codes for a common data element c They must have access to a variety of working aids in preparing interrogations or in translating In 1972 Harold Shaklee then Chief of the answers into meaningful information NSA Data Standards Center and George Hicken COINS Project Manager met and agreed that the 10 closing I would just like to say that NSA Air Movements files in COINS would be although the NSA Data Standards Center can be standardized On 7 September 1972 Mr Shaklee justifiably proud of its accomplishments in convoked a meeting of a Wor ing Group of 22 standardizing Data Elements within the Agency people most of whom represented the various Agency elements concerned with the appropriate we are all too aware of the fact that we have barely scratched the surface files I The second point I would like to leave with you is that we covet your cooperation If you don't work closely with us in the effort to reduce the data maze in the Agency all our attempts to improve data standards will become little more than a treadmill operation -- no progress but a lot of work just to keep abreast of the problem I 6- EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 CONFIBllNTI Ab LINGUISTICS AND THE C'ODE RECONSTRUCTOR STUART H BUCK P16 et me hasten 0 point out that I make' no pretensions to more than a very limited knowledge of modern linguistic theory It was my fate to be born several decades too soon By the time I entered college language majors were expected to delve deeply into literature and history but that was about it Philology as it was called then was regarded as a field for specialists not as a requirement for an AB in Romance Languages I remember once suggesting rather timidly that I would like to take a onesemester course in phonetics My tutor knocked that one down quickly Such an aberration he pointed out would conflict with a course on Voltaire which would stay with me longer He made it sound like a steak dinner And so the advent of Bloomfield and his disciples caught me preoccupied first with Voltaire and then with the Great Depression when it didn't seem to make any difference what kind of linguist you were -- everyone suffered equally I can make one small claim to fame however Carl Darling Buck the great philologist and I are distantly related Moreover Carl Buck as Leonard Bloomfield's teacher That ought to count for something I wish that I could settle for that but total candor compels me to reveal that my learned relative and I share a common ancestor one Colonel Jonathan Buck who is reputed to have burned a witch back in the 18th century So much for name-dropping L I have mentioned all of this in order to explain why I was such a late-bloomer in the field of linguistics It wasn't until I arrived at ArlingtoJ I-Iall over 30 years ago that Retlredl I realized something was going on that L very little about After the war I received some free benefits when my older brother decided to get his PhD in linguistics He not only tested each theory on me but passed on many of his textbooks hoping that they would do me some good In self-defense I began to read through them I started with Bloomfield -- and discovered that there was a whole new world waiting out there Then I read Bloch and Trager and found them informative but not likeable While this sort of desultory reading was going on I became deeply involved in bookbreaking -- or to use a term that I prefer aode reaonstruation Before I retired in 1973 I had worked on a great variety of codesJ I know that this sounds boastful s-o I s h-a l l h asten to add that I still consider myself a novice in the field I have seen a lot but not all of the elephant so give me credit for being aware of that gloomy fact One result of all this knocking around was that I acquired a compulsion to talk and write about my experiences remembering that when I started out no one told me anything Not a word was uttered in my presence regarding tools techniques or standards The implication was that either you could do it or you couldn't -it was just as simple as that Plopped into MY First Assignment Stu Buck retired from NSA in 1973 but 1 returned to P16 several Jays a month as a reemployed annuitant to work on a special project requiring his unique qualifications When he was finally debriefed at the conclusion of that project in October 1977 he handed over to a few' aoworkers copies of papers they might still find useful Among those papers was the te t of a talk Throughout most of my career I have been a Stu had given in September 1974 whiah is loner On the few occasions when I have published here as sound words of adviae worked with another bookbreaker I have disfor the next generation of people to covered a curious reluctance on his or her part aarry out what Stu aaUs lone of the to talk about methodology Usually it was a basic missions of the Agenay case of That's what it means because I say so Ed or If you challenge my results you attack me November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 6 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 BECRJfJ 11 I4BbE VIA eSHHI'F Ell lmEbS 614b'l ' 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID - 1 4 c 4009B-r7- L 86-36 RCRET as a person After you have had your head bitten off a few times you tend to be less talkative -- unless you enjoy name-calling for its own sake In my experience the great exception to this cantankerous type was Betty Doane May she rest in peace Betty was not only completely honest but was not afraid to lay all her cards on the table She never hid behind a mystique and there was no chip on her shoulder as big as a plank Everything was out in the open for all the world to see those with proper clearances I hasten to add She was feisty tough-minded completely logical in all of her arguments and she never sed arrogance as a shield for ignorance or insecurity For that I remember her with a special reverence November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 8BeRH ltA1ff LI V'IA eOMIIff eltA1flfELS eUbY DOCID 4009817 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SHeRET November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 i CIlB'F- IWIQr 1i 'IIA SQUUl'f SIW9IEr S SlibY DOCID 4009817 'fOP SBCRJ T t1MBftA P L 86-36 Q A A DIALOGUE BETWEEN MS USER AND DR ANALYSIS 1 RS 1 1 -- November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 'fOP SBURB'f JMBR1 iii EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 J DOCID 4009817 'fOP SEEURRET IJMBR November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 TOP SECRET UMBRA ----- -- EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCIO 4009817 A 1' S CR 'f A l oUB HAt w ' 11 I O A ' O Of SI I -r ___________ A mong the leading attributes of COMINT according to its past and present practitioners are the dual qualities of timeliness and authenticity 5IGINT support to tactical military commanders is contingent on these two characteristics while a weal th of combat and peacetime applications have borne out this unique dependency on the intelligence source known in the open literature as intercepts Only recently in the works of Kahn Winterbotham and Brown has the public been told the story of the central critical role played both by COMINT and by radio strategems in World War II and in the Allied victory In fact so consummately has this story been told that it is now necessary to revise history in light of information only recently made available to scholars Here we see journalists and a former 550 in the role of historical revisionists -- not a new role for journalists but certainly a new role for 5S0s at least in the open literature Dependency on SIGINT's timeliness authenticity and -- oft-times -- uniqueness is unsettling The quality of believability or creditability -- the much sought Al source -- ----J P L 86-36 is fraught with potential disaster as Brown's Bodyguard of Lies convincingly demonstrates even to th most skeptical reader Creditability is everywhere and at once a two-edged sword November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page II EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 IJ A NBhE VIA eeMIN'f' 81tA 1RIHS 8tlb I DOCID 4009817 SECRET EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 SEeRE IMffBtE 'ilA e6MfN'f' ellA1iNELS 611t'f DOCID 4009817 UNCLASSIFIED FORMATTING PL I SOURCE CODE I -----l BM's Programming Language One PL I is an extremely large and complex higher level language even by the standards of programming languages being designed today To the novice this language is presented either in a watered-down version sort of a new style of FORTRAN or in such de tail that the novice is quite easily overwhelmed One would expect as in fact is the case that the compilers which process this complex source are themselves complex and they too are often presented in the same two extremes to the inexperienced user Either one uses with faith a set of mysterious JCL which has been passed around the office and takes for granted that this JCL is in some nowunknown sense optimal or one obtains one of the compiler guides and attempts to wade through the wealth of information presented there To aid the PL I programmer two catalogued procedures have been developed which allow the programmer to maximize the amount of useful information on the job listing and to have that information arranged and formatted in a highly readable way These procedures have also been designed to be easily used each requires only one JCL card The PL I CompiLers Unlike most other higher-level languages PL I is supported by two distinct compilers One compiler the Checkout compiler provides very detailed and elaborate diagnostics in addition to in some sense acting as a PL I interpreter It is not too incorrect to consider that the Checkout compiler interprets PL I code while checking subscript bounds for array references string ranges for substring operators the attempted use of uninitialized variables etc in addition to trapping many system-level errors e g overflow or underflow transmission errors etc and providing diagnostic information before the standard system action is taken The facilities of the Checkout compiler can be invaluable for program development The user however pays for the extensive checking and debugging aids of the Checkout compiler in increased execution time For this reason another compiler the Optimizing compiler is used for the final compilation before the program is used in production This compiler attempts to optimize either time-optimize or space-optimize the resulting object module by eliminating both common and redundant expressions replacing in-line code for library function calls and analyzing DO groups to allow for optimal object coding for some special cases The Optimizing compiler can substantially reduce the execution time of a PL I program compared to the old PL I F compiler and as P16 P L 86-36 P L 86-36 was stated earlier the Checkout compiler 'It will not however check for certain types of user errors such as the use of uninitialized variables It is precisely these types of errors that can return to haunt the programmer or more probably the person now in charge of maintaining someone else's old program with an unexplained abnormal termination after months of successful production use The use of the Checkout compiler in program development can reduce the occurrence of such errors KENSPLl and KURTSPLl A large number of compilation options exist for each compiler These options vary from those that govern the amount and type of information on the job listing to those that determine the amount of optimization to be done or debugging aids to be included The proper use of these options will allow the user to get the most out of any particular debug run or will allow the programmer who has to modify some old source code to understand the program logic as easily as possible The catalogued procedure KENSPLII does a PL I compile link-edit and execution using the Optimizing compiler and KURTSPLl 2 does the same thing with the Checkout compiler Both these procedures have been deslgned to be used by the novice so that the following JCL is all that is required name JOB standard JOB card EXEC KENSPLI or KURTSPLI PL I SOURCE So in essence the user need remember only one JCL card the EXEC statement KENSPLl3 formats the PL I source using the standard PL I format conventions e g DO groups and the THEN and ELSE clauses of IF THEN ' ELSE statements are indented statement labels are highlighted etc Comments can be formatted in three different styles all under the control of the individual programmer The formatting of the entire source is done in a IOO-column-wide section of the listing allowing for complex PL I statements to be listed in one line The block and DO-group nesting level prefaces each statement Commonly used PL I abbreviations E G DCL PROC PTR DEF lKENSPLI is named in honor of former Agency employee 2Guessl I la 3Since both KENSPLI and KURTSPLI produce the same output only KENSPLI will be discussed from this point on November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 UNCLASSIFIED 4009817 DOClD UNCLASSIFIED etc are expanded for greater readability The equal sign when used as an assignment operator is separated from the target and source variable by a blank In addition one can use imbedded listing control statements e g %SKI P %NOPRINT etc o Here imbed ded means occurring in the same source record as a regular PL I statement Without KENSPLI this feature is not supported by the Optimizing compiler This automatic formatting allows the logic of the program to be seen more easily both by the program designer and more importantly the programmer in charge of program maintenance It also frees the designer from the work of handformatting a source file and the person in charge of maintenance from the errors of any incorrect hand-forDllitting When this automatic formatting is used in conjunction with the DO levels the correct location of missing or misplaced END statements can be quickly determined as well as some common program-design errors An alphabetical list of all variables used in the program follows the source listing For each variable this list contains all the attributes of the variable whether declared or assumed by default and a list of each statement by statement number where this variable is referenced In addition a table of all the arrays and structures used in the program is listed along with infOrmation concerning the number of dimensions size and alignment in storage To aid in debugging and hand-optimization KURTSPLI also produces a table listing the number of times each statement in the source was executed An example showing the output of KENSPLl vs the standard IBM procedure PLIXCLG is shown in Figs la and lb FORMATTED SOURCE LISTING STMT LEV NT I FIGURE_l_FOR_CRYPTOLOG' PROCEDURE OPTIONSIMAINI REORDER W THE LISTING OF THIS PROCEDURE SHOWS SOME OF THE MAIN FEATURES Of IENSPlI AND KURTSPLI THIS PARTICULAR COMMENT IS AN EXAMPLE OF A FOI ATTED CENTERED COMMENT THIS TVPE OF COMMENT IS 'MEANT TO IE USED FOR GLDBAL MAJOR COMMENTS I o o o 3 4 5 7 I 9 11 2 2 12 Z Z 13 1 14 15 16 W W W W DECLARE INPUT_RECORD CHAR 1811 -OUTPUT_RECORD CHAR 11 11 EOF lIT I INITIALl'I'I SPECIAL_CHARACTERS CHU l21 INITIAL 'If' II OECLARE DUPL EXTERNAL ENTRY CHU 1 VAlnltG FIXED IlNARY 51 IElUllt ' tHAI I I YARYING DECLUE LARGE FILE RECORD OUTPUT SEOUENTIAl EN IIOHHEHT l FI IECSIZEII oo ILlstZEII II ON EHOFILE lSYSIHI EOF oo oo BI o GET_UCORDI DO WHILE IEOFII READ FILEISYSINI INTO IINPUT RECORDI' W THIS IS A COMMENT INTENDED ONLY FOI THIS - PARTICULAR LINE NOTICE THAT IT IS FDRMATTED o APPEAR TO THE RIGHT OF THE PL I STATEMENT W 8 III W IF ISUBSTRIINPUT_RECORD l l1 o o I SUBSTRIINPUT_RECORD 8oo 1 o ' ' THEN DO' OUTPUT_RECORD INPUT_RECORD II DUPLISPECIAL_CHARACTERS 91 II II oo SUBSTIISPECIAL_CHARACTERS 2 1 o SUBSTR INPUT_RECORD 2 I WIITE FILEIlARGEI FROM 10UTPUT_RECORD ENOl ELSE LEAVE GET_RECORD END GET_RECORDI W 'EOF' WILL BE I ONLY IF THE LEAVE STATEMEHT WAS EXECUTED THIS IS THE THIRD TYPE OF COMMENT FORMATTING o 8 IF EOF THEN CALL ERROR_ON_INPU'_FROM_SYSIN 8 END FIGURE_I_FOR_CRYPTOLOG Fig lao Source listing using KENSPLl November 78 o CRYPTOLOG o Page 14 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED SOUP-C F Ll j 1 1'1 GIIIlF _IJOIl_C'lYPTOlllt RnC nPTlONSIIlAINI RI'IllIlFR I STI I THr or lTSTING HIS PRCCFryur F SHOWS S F CF T ATN FEATURES OF l F tlS ll ANI' l llIlT I'll PARTlCUlAR cmt1'lrNT IS AN flfAMPlf Of A Fn'HlATT' Cr NTF RED cm FNT THIS TYPE OF COIlI'lE T IS HF AHT TO liE US' O FOR GlnAAl HAJlJl cnHMFNTS nus 3 4 GFT RFClIRO lIO WHJlF t 'OF r Oo FtLFISYSINI INTI ltNPUT_'lECOROI - ONLY rOR THIS PARTI CllLAR L1NF 'IOTtCE THAT IT PIGHT OF THF Pl'l STAT MfNT IF ISII STP IINPUT_'lFCllR O l ll TH Q If nCl INP IT _rECfl 1 C ''''' t II Ill CUTPUT _llfCOl O CI4 111'111 1'01' PH III TNrTf9t'II SPECUL_CIIAIlACTFIlS CHAR 1 1 IN'n 1' 1'1 nCL I f PPL rXTr RNAl FNTPY I CHAR 1 1 VARYI G FIXFD flIH 131 1 I 'lFTU'lHS C CHAR Ill VARYING 'XL l R F Ftlr r r-CUP O CUTPUT SEQUFNTIAl FNVIIlONMENT I I I'll 'lECSrlfllplAI II'-KSJlF IlplA' 7 N o ts THIS IS A C HENT IHTENDED FnRl'lATTED TO APPEAR TO THE I SUllSTRltNPUT_RECORn lI ' '1 Ur' nuT UT_RFC D N UT_nECnRD II PlISPECtAl_CHARACTE'lS 91 'G' o ' SUASTlllSPO CIAl_CliARACTrRS ll SUI STRlfN UT_RFC n 2A 111 11 l' wRrTF FrLrl LARt FI F' OI l IW' PUTJECCRDI ELSr Lr AVr r T_Rr-CORn F rT_Rf COR 'Fn' WILL RF 1 ONLY IF T F lr Y STATFHF T WAS F 'F CIIT 'IIS IS THr THIIlO TYPF 11' CMlI'lr NT F ATTI r fF r THrN t lL f np_nN_fNPlIT_FRm4_S STN Fig lb NO Source listing using PLIXCLG In the link-edit step KENSPLI also frees the user from concern about details that are almost always unimportant to the user Subroutine calls to any of Nolan's Extended String Functions or the Integrated Graphics Software IGS are automatically resolved without the special inclusion of any additional system library data definition 00 cards In addition the link-edit cross-reference table is deleted from the listing It is felt that this table provides little if any information to even experienced application programmers and in general clutters Up the listing As with the extra facilities of the Checkout compiler the features of KENSPLI do not come free to the user Table 1 gives an indication of the additional amount of CPU time required for KENSPLI vs PLIXCLG While these figures can be used as a rough guide the'actual time for any given execution depends on the number of formatted comments the number of instances of keywords to be expanded the number of listing control statements etc This amount of extra machine processing is more than compensated for by shorter development time and easier program maintenance Table 1 Ezt2ea CPU time using KENSPLl Source rathsr than PLIXCLG dsscri tion 1 45 sec FIGURE_1JOR_ CRYPTOLOG 5 46 sec Medium-sized source about 300 statements extensive use of comment formatting 8 27 sec Large source more than 700 statements extensive use of all features Based on a sample of five runs for each procedure I-Frtendsd String Functions for PL1 Sl PRqG NOTE 04 77 13 July 1977 P L o 86-36 November 78 o CRYPTOLOG Page 15 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009817 N8A-cro fic No UNCLASSIFIED 19 The quotation on the next page was taken from the published work of an NSAer The first letters of the WORDS spell out the author's name and the title of the work By David H Williams P16 DEFINITIONS WORDS A Central character in Tlilbacco Road 2 wds B Real name of Sweden's greatest gift to American movies 2 wds C Was 3 wds D Giving of new life E Followed by word W what Word B claims she really said 5 wds F Poisonous plant which yields a heart medicine G Most fortunate H Deprive of possession I The Lone Ranger's great-grandnephew Britt Reid 3 wds J Having the gift of finding valuable things not sought for K Called named archaic L Card game cheat M Abpu Ben ----N Illness characterized by inflammation or pain of the joints and muscles O One Japanese P Kipling's first poem 4 wds Q Corporate name which might result from the merger of Fairchild and Honeywell 2 wds R Pressed into service means pressed out ------- Frost The Self-Seeker 1914 2 wds 173 -rs 207 176 157 164 100 November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 UNCLASSIFIED _ 4 Q Q9817 ------ ------------ - DOCl D UNCLASSIFIED S Correct 56 206 35 89 -1- I I T Capet Herbert or Downs U Adjective for Uriah Heep 66 42 97 -5- 68 V Xylophonist's nonhostile stance profile to the audience i'with _________________ t1 3 wds W See Word E X Flagrantly wicked or impious Y Send 14 1 S 2 X 15 N 16 H 7 I 5 U G 5 18 R 16 L 19 V O Q 29 V 30 E 1 P 2 H 33 F 34 Q 35 S f ' 157 B f ' ' 158 H 196 B 197 U 198 K 159 P 160 N 161 Y 99 Q 100 R 162 Q 103 F to P tl A t2 u 49 Q 150 B 151 M 152 X 153 P 54 D 55 36 H 37 D 138 Q f59 E 1 y ' 64 Q 65 H '66 U p7 101 B 102 C 103 I 104 P 105 V 106 J 107 F 110 Dill P 112 C 113 I 114 VIIS B 116 J D V 56 S 68 U Sf ' ' 108 ' - 43 B 69 L Q 109 G U8 W U9 D 120 M - 1121 J 122 I 123 V 124 N 125 Q 126 P 127 D 128 M - '' ''' ' 129 V 130 F 131 H 132 W 133 H 134 T 135 L 136 Q I I 137 A 138 J 1139 0140 V 141 I ' Y 1142 ' fJ Q l43 P 1144 G 1145 W 1146 C I R 165 H 166 G 167 V 68 A 169 K 170 T 171 V 172 N 177 0 178 G I 180 E 181 P 182 J 183 V 184 H 185 T 186 Q 187 D 188 B 191 G 192 0 193 A oo 194 C 195 Q 196 E 197 J 198 V 199 P ' 1' ' ' ' 149 11150 0 164 ' 179 _ l'll t1 HIS V l - ' '200 189 Y 190 X I 201 M 202 X 203 A 16 N 217 P 218 Q 219 B 220 K ' ' Z21 F 22 L 223 A ' ' ' ' 224 L rz25 Q 226 P 227 E 228 N 229 J f y Solution next month November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 UNCLASSIFIED DOClD 4009817 UNCLASSIFIED NOT ONLY NOT ON MY WATCH MI GUIIN IUT NEVER ON MY WATCH If I CAN HILP II' P L here are few people in the Agency who read Mr Gurin's article Never Aga n CRYPTOLOG June 197 8 who are more 1n sympathy than I with his rage at learning that his only-one-of-its-kind file on an important processing experiment had been thrown out and then getting an explanation that proved to be essentially 'It didn't happen on my watch ' In fact my unhappiness is probably even greater than his because unlike Mr Gurin whose responsibilities for their care officially ended when the papers in question were of no further foreseeable operational value my responsibilities now start at that point The discarded valuable records were destined to be my records and I grieve for them as only an Archivist who has also had 25 years of operational cryptologic experience can T I must however set the record straight Mr Gurin You may have thought that you were sending your papers to NSA's Archives and you spelled it with a capital A in paragraph 4 implying The NSA CSS Archives but you didn't You- sent them to a records stol'age center NSA didn't have any Archives in Septembel' 1967 In fact it didn't have any Archives in September 977 either Only does it have an Al 'chives -- the Archival Holding Area AHA -- with internal NSA approval on 1 March 1978 and official National Archives and Records Service NARS approval following soon thel'eafter To all you readers who may be inclined to heed Mr Gurin's warning about checking the safety of yOUI' stored materials -- we the AHA agree Do sol And after-you have done this and have reevaluated your holdings if you still feel that they aTe doctunents a collection or papers l of enduring value please send them to the NSA CSS Archival Holding Area What guarantees can we give you that YOUI' precious file won't have the same unhappy fate of Mr Gurin's As with all things in life thel'e can never be any absolute guarantees But we can and do offer the guarantee that the NSA CSS Archives will be a thoughtfutty and lEach of these terms has a special meaning to archivists but the AHA encourages people to just send whatever they have and let us determine the proper category carefully run operation with as many controls as possible to preclude such unfortunate and irreversible occurrences Unlike records storage areas we will not be dealing with masses of items that are unknown and uncared fol' save by an arbitrary finding number We are not just box custodians The primary interests and reponsibilities of the AHA are for what is inside the boxes As we acquire and access documents or collections that merit permanent retention the National Archives and Records Service says that only 3 percent of all Federal records generated really fall into that category we will be recording who sent them Subsequently we will follow the archival principles of respect des fonds and provenance and will record as well as scrupUlously comply with any and all restrictions the donors may place on them The skilled personnel of the AHA will examine all items received with a view to selecting those of permanent importance and will upon request return whatever appears to be inappropriate Once accessioned items will be studied _described entered into a findingaid system tied to a source-content descriptive system labeled and stored in archival storage boxes on shelves in-the AHA Temporarily the AHA will be in SAB 2 the old IRC Building Ultimately in the 1983-1984 time frame it will be a part of a newly constructed SAB 5 in a separate environmentally controlled facility designed for complete and permanent protective storage I hope that Mr Gurin will forgive me for rewriting the very last sentence of his article but I think that if he had been fully aware of the newly established AHA and its mission aims and potential for undoing the chaotic old system that is nonsystern for protecting valuable documents he might even have made the change himself I And dear reader if you have anything stored in archives 2 you would be wise to check right now and if it really is of archival significance send it to t h e__ NSA CSS Archival Holding Area oll IFANXU r AIA26 8297S P L 2Note the archives with a small a which equates to a records storage facility November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 UNCLASSIFIED 86-36 86-36 -DOCID 4 00 sr 8 l 7- l- - -- --- --------------- l I J 86-36 To the Editor CRYPTOLOG I wish to expand upon a point touchedtlpon rather briefly in Jit formative article on technicalt ranslations Has It Eyer Been Translated Before I I I ICRYPTOLOG JUly-August 1978 1 e the W3l translation effort W3l publishes contract translations of technical articles and books or portions thereof the latter comprising the majority of W3l material translated The program is aimed to satisfy the interests of WGroup and the other NSA organizations Selection criteria are based on W3l knowledge of cryptologic and other SIGINT interests to NSA elements inputs solicited as well as requests from organizations outside of W31 In contrast translations by JPRS FSTC and FTO are performed only to satisfy specific analyst' requirements Regarding the STINFO system two copies of all W31 translations are sent for retention to the Technical Library in addition to the key words abstracts and publication information An index of all NSA translations of this type 1962-1978 is available from W31 3463s I 1 Iwv 6 68 To the Editor CRYPTOLOG It's only fitting that my first letter to the editor of anything should be of the bitchand-moan variety but then they're the only k nd thatafiYb dyreads Whatever after being told repeatedly for about 10 years that the oldannu8 l performance appraisal doesn't mean a damned thing I'm finally inclined to agree to the point where I really think that the whole thing should just be scrapped It'd save time money and energy and nobody'd be likely to miss it It doesn't work and it can't be made to This conclusion didn't come to me overnight At first glance it looks like the shortcomings of the present appraisal system could be overcome This system as applied by A2 and for all I know elsewhere is designed to let an employee and his or her employers know what sort of work the employee has done over the past year It doesn't do this for the following reasons o It operates on a quota system This means that you can't recognize more than a certain percentage of the people in a given grade in a given organization as doing outstanding work no matter how many are actually doing such work The results are misleading and counterproductive o It' 5 r even-level categorization sloppily modified so that only five levels may be used Levels 2 and 6 are considered not toexist but no compensation is made for their absence Actually they're not even absent -- they're right thereon the form but you pretend they're not there Supposedly excessive use of Level 6 was being made by supervisors The remaining five levels really only describe three types of performance very bad mediocre and very good Consequently the work of most employees is categorized as mediocre and that is a real morale-booster in a place that supposedly employs a lot of pretty sharp people o It's directly attached to the promotion system This really circles back to the first reason If your branch quota for a certain grade level is one Level 7 appraisal and you've got someone in this grade level up for promotion then this person has to be your 7 Otherwise someone's going to want to know just what the hell he's doing up for promotion with a crununy Level S There's no reason why one person's performance appraisal should be affected by someone else's eligibility for promotion 50 does this mean that the system still can't be revised and made to work Right it can't Even i f YOllr move the quotas and the attachments to promotion and establish a whole new set of performance levels and criteria the November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 ClONPIBEN'fIAL P L 86-36 IWIBbE 'lIA 68 lHlT 6IWmEbS eUbY DOCID 4009817 UNCLASSIFIED system is still dependent on the frequently subjective opinions of frequently unqualified supervisors Supervisors are in turn encumbered by inconsistent and often conflicting managerial policies The system was also designed to encompass too broad an area to accurately assess individual performance The assessment of an employee's work can be done best within at most his own branch Nevertheless approval of a Level 7 appraisal must be done at such a high managerial level that often the person giving final approval has never met the person being apprgve9 To wrap this up my final argument for dumping the system is that it's unnecessary Step increases are given to acknowledge satisfactory work QSIs SSWPs and supposedly promotions are given to acknowledge outstanding or superior work Performance appraisals don't acknowledge much of anything and as a supervisor I'd much rather forgo the embarrassment of explaining to someone that while I personally think he or she is doing excellent work this worthless form says that the person occasionally exceeds performance norms Fortunately nobody takes performance appraisals seriously enough to interpret this as an insult U Editop's note It is generally the rule that CRYPTOLOG publishes anonymous contributions only if the writer's identity is known to the publisher or editor It is felt however that an exception ought to be made for the following completely anonymous letter To the Editor CRYPTOLOG I have just received word that another key employee has joined the ranks of the Agency resignees I couldn't help thinking what might have been the underlying cause of his not to mention countless others decision to leave I hunted for a past issue of CRYPTOLOG November 1977 to be precise to find an appropriate article I had run across a few months back Perhaps the words of wisdom in that article should be revitalized Nine months have elapsed sincel-------- I lint esting and factual artIcle entitled A Proposed Cure for the Time-in-Grade Syndrome appearedin C RYPTOLOG It has obviously not been forgotten by many such as myself who firmly believe somethi ought to be done about the infectious time-in grad disease rampant throughout the Agency I appears to have been ignored by the Agency ruling class however One point I feelr' 1- - - - - ' 1 should have elaborated on though concerns the archaic ritual of giving yearly performance appraisals I November 78 I was led to believe these psychological strokes were designed to inform employees of their progress in their present job In actuality they seem to be used as a major factor by the time-in-grade-loving supervisors panels in determining which old timer should receive his or her pay raise first Notice that I did not call it a promotion The performance appraisal under normal circumstances should be a very good indicator of an individual's performance I say should rather than is because I for one do not believe it is an accurate way of determining just how well an employee executes his or her job The way the performance appraisal is set up at present it is impossible to judge an individual's true progress For instance where on the current form does it allow a supervisor to praise an individual for his or her nitiative I've had supervisors in the past completely ignore certain talents and skills I had acquired that I felt were significant towards successfully and efficiently executing my duties I've also had other supervisors rate me according to a set of duties that some nameless individual in M Group dictated as fulfilling my particular job description but which in fact I never did And imagine my shock when a previous supervisor once announced I'm giving you a low rating on 'our appraisal this year since you've just been promoted and we want to give others at your previous grade level a stab at a promotion How do you think that would have looked on the personnel records if an individual recently promoted supposedly equivalent to a Level 7 rating only received a Level 3 for that year Since the past 3 years' performance ratings are often included when a supervisor prepares a Promotion Recommendation do you honestly feel this is a fair system We employees to quotel have the responsibility for qualifying for promotion and these qualifications excluding time in grade should be judged by an impartial panel composed of upper management individuals from various elements who will make their recommendations on the basi$ of an individual's initiative drive willingness and experience whether the experience was gained from working inside or outside the Agency as well as current job pexformance Until a new system for recognIzIng and rewarding bright employees is establiShed I'm afraid we shall hear of more key people joining the ranks of the resigned 86-36 I Wish to remain anonymous due to impending resignation F8353 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 UNCLASSIFIED P L U P L 86-36 o DOCID 4009817 CONFIDBN'I'IAL C A A NEWS o Do you like to play games and call it work o Are you using cryptanalytic principles and techniques while analyzing your traffic o Would you like to be the one to solve that new callsign frequency or procedure system o Do you already solve complex systems before lunch and sneer at those who need brunch to keep up o Would you like to know more about many of the crypto-TA principles used routinely on all TA PQEs If you answered yes to two or more of these questions there is a Special Interest Group SIG within the CAA for you In an effort to appeal to crypto-TA enthusiasts on all levels the Crypto-TA SIG is now reorganizing to do the following things o Search out current practioners of crypto-TA and ask them to make formal presentations to the SIG o Try to reach case analysts to give them the necessary tools to recognize pertinent situations where crypto-TA principles could be applied o Upgrade the skill of TA professionalization aspirants through study groups tutoring sessions problem-solving guidance etc I said 'Hender hoke ' MILITARY LINGUISTS Military linguists who pass NSA's Language Proficiency Test LPT will receive a Certificate of Achievement from the Agency's Language Career Panel ffective 1 October 1978 anyone who scores more than 130 points on the LPT will be awarded the certificate Those who score 140 points or higher with get the certificate With Honors The passing rate from 1 July 1977 to 1 July 1978 was 40 percent The awarding of the certificate is intended to recognize the extra effort tnat military linguists have expended to improve jtheir professional skills U CORREZIONEr o Publish crypto-TA brain teasers in CRYPTOLOG every month For additional information concerning the Crypto-TA SIG contact one of the following 1-- -------- -- 1 Paul McCormick 4466s 5372s 8356s 5845s Communications Analvsis Association President David Gaddy President-elect c_ D o Secretary Treasurer Board member s P L 86-36 3247 5879 8025 3791 4935 Italian 5991 357 3369 Solution to NSA-crostic No IS CRYPTOLOG Oet6ber 1978 I t't A CRYPTOLOG Interview CRYPTOLOG December 1976 Now it's possible to include in an NSA report a statement like 'this could be an indication that country X is planning an attack on country Y ' whereas previously a report containing that statement would be difficult to get out of the building There would have U been too many doubt1ng Thomases Tl1 espelling T-A-U-R-O-N-E that is As the editor of a publication that prides it elf on being 100-percent free of typograph1cal errors and misspellings if you can prove otherwise you may qualify to be an honorary proofreader for a month's issue of your choice I am embarrassed to report that as a result of a transcription error the name of our new TA editor was Irishized in the past two issues So please note that it's not Don Tyrone who's going to give aid and encouragement to traffic analysts who want to have their say in CRYPTOLOG but Don Taurone on 3573s U November 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 21 PI-Nov 78-S3-27011 CONFIDEN'I'IAL DeclD --4-0-09817- - -- - 'fillS BOEURf TMI3N'f EUROf ' 'f I 'S EUROBHWORB IA'f RfAL This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu