DOCllD 4033 689 m UV0m l1 0 $lB lBVU $WlB r JWV I W II OO lD f OO W l1 WlD lBm Um bmrn 1l $ B El J iJ OOJ WW 86-36 SUPPORT A IS 1 EVERYON I 5 z t r i i COLLECT ION NOT FOR UNSEEN GO-BETWEEN CONFERENCE INTERPRETER oo J Gurin o oo oo oo i i ooo 9 FIRST LADY OF NAVAL CRYPTOLOGY o C oA A NEWS o o 14 MILITARY CRYPTOLOGIC SUPERVISORS COURSE o o J 15 MORE BEANS ooooo o oo ooo ooo o ooooooooooo Vera Ruth Filby ooooooo 17 BY-LINES DON'T COST -- THEY PAY oo oo oooooo John J Mallick oo o 19 NO WINNIE YOU'VE GOT IT UPSIDE-DOWN o o A J S o o o _ 20 'It 'fIllS BOelfMBN'f eON'fAINS eOBB'llORB l'ttA'fERIAL D e c l a s s i f i e d a n d A p p r g v e d -ror R e l e a s e 0 N S A gO 1 Q 12 o fJfassifitid b BfRNSA eneSS NSl eSS 1 I S AI ClIlpt f'om 888 e8 IlftSE Estego 1 geelM8il1 Vps Nstificatiob h the 8 igi tOi 2 9 1 2 pUrSIJElpt t g F Q 13526 M D B C a s e # 5 4 7 7 8 DOClD 4033689 'fOP SECRE'f Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations VOL V NO 2 FEBRUARY 1978 PUBLISHER WILLIAM LUTWINIAK BOARD OF EDITORS Arthur J Salemme 52365 Editor in Chief 8 9S5sr' 'P L 86-36 Collection t Cryptanalysis 1 IrS Language o o Machine support Mathematics Special Research Traffic Analysis Production Manager l 62sr 2365 ' ICS36'3S Reed Dawson 39575 Vera Filby 71195 1 Harry Goff 49985 For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI TOP SECRHCf 1 44775 DOCID 4033689 P L quare_egJ Round Hole February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 1 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 4 e 86-36 DOCID EO 1 4 c 4033689 P L 'fOP SECRE'f UMBRA February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 TOP 8ECKET UMBKJ t 86-36 DOCID 4033689 'fOP SECREt UMBRA February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 TOP CR T UMBRA EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 DOCID 4033689 EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 I'OP SECRE'f UMBRA February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 I'OP SeCRE'f UMBRA -- -- DOCID EO l lf 4033689 'fOP SECRET UMBRA P L February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 'fOP SEEURRE'f UMBRA C C 86-36 DOCID EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 4033689 TOP SECRET UMBRA February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 6 TOP SECRET UMBRA --------DOCID ----------- 4033689 COLLECTION-SUPPORT TA 15 NOT FOR EVERYONE L 86-36 t is often said that the traffic analyst working in a collectionoperations area isn't doing traffi analysis This is because very little in-depth analysis is being performed Better termed the work could be called collection-support analysis It is a special type of traffic analysis for which not all traffic analysts are well-suited In fact it is so different that some might suggest it be considered as a unique career specialty I Recruitment of individuals with an aptitude for collection-support analysis in my opinion should be better defined Too often there seems to have been a willingness to accept any traffic analyst willing to work rotating shifts or perhaps willing to take a field-station tour of duty Unfortunately the skills needed to be a good traffic analyst do not necessarily transfer into making a good collection support analyst CSA A certain mental persuasion is needed in order to be a competent CSA TA in a collection-support analysis environment This person plays a vital role in the collection cycle He should be the oil and grease in the input output and feedback process of the collection cycle This article will identify the role of the collection-support analyst and attempt to identify what his mental persuasion should be toward his job February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 CONFIBEN IAL IWIBcE VIA ' OlE 4--- DOCID EoT 4 c P L 86-36 4033689 CONFIB N'f'IAf February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 CONFIB N'f'IAL - Ib IQbE VIA EURQMHI r 61WRIH6 QtI Y o DOClD C i UNCLASSIFIED THE UNSEEN GO BETWEEN THE CONFERENCE INTERPRETER J Gurin R5 C onference interpreting without which there could be little communication among conferees from different countries speaking different languages is a young art Before World War I it was recognized and accepted that international conferences would be conducted in French and no diplomat could expect to follow the course of action at such a meeting or be invited to participate actively if he did not possess a respectable command of that language But during World War I things changed drastically and meetings between high-ranking French and British and later American officers required the services of interpreters and it wasn't until World War II that simultaneous interpretation was introduced 'For along time it was not trusted because the speaker's delegation could not check the translation and because the performance left much to be desired As a result consecutive interpretation continued for a number of years in meetings of th United Nations With the increase in the number of languages used however simultaneous interpretation finally won over and with the availa il ty of competent professional interpreters 1t 1S now fully accepted It is almost inevitable that in a discussion of highly demanding interpreting tasks the sUbje t of bilingualism or the degree of fl - ency 1n more than one language should come up At a recent NATO symposium on interpreting While they still may argue among themselves it was my good fortune to meet and hear Dr about the precise meanings of the term the Jean Herbert now of Geneva who is the grand professional interpreters rate themselves for old man of conference interpreting He has their languages as follows A - mother-tongue been performing that function for more than 60 proficiency B - fluent active proficiency years beginning as a young officer in the C - excellent passive knowledge It seems to be generally accepted that bilingualism means t o French Army who happened to speak fluent English He told of the Armistice Commissions at other tongues a rare event even among the 1nterpreters Dr Christopher Thiery who which interpreters did the best they could at consecutive interpretation in French and English teaches interpreting at the University of Paris around the conference table By the time of the and who demonstrated for us in the course of' the Peace Conference held exclusively in French and conference the skill of a consecutive inter- English there were about a dozen interpreters preter of the first rank maintained that triwho could take down and translate speeches ver- lingualism i e three mother tongues 'was batim Consecutive interpretation was the rule virtually an impossibility He himself could pass for an Englishman in England and a throughout the life of the League of Nations February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4033689 UNCLASSIFIED Frenchman in France and never make a single slip He admitted that several professional interpFeters listed three Level-A languages against their names but said that in his opinion only one might qualify as a true trilingual This man a former Spanish aristocrat had learned his English and French from governesses in his childhood In recent years the role of the conference interpreter his specific professional task the skills needed for its execution and the material conditions permitting optimal permance have been analyzed and even codified with respect to working conditions It is now recognized that good interpreter training aims not only at teaching the techniques of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation but also preparing the mind of the interpreter for cross-cultural communication One need only think of the way Khrushchev used to flavor his speeches with Russian proverbs to appreciate the need for the interpreter to be sensitive to the subtleties of meaning in both cultures The program for training conference interpreters at the Polytechnic of Central London for example is geared to developing a triple awareness of the cultural and social mores that motivate the speaker of how his speech can best be expressed by the interpreter without altering the message and of the socially and cuI turally heterogeneous audience to whom the message must be clearly conveyed On this last point English is particularly sensitive for it is the language to which many listen whose mother tongues are extremely diverse For example the interpreter may be called upon to render into English a speech whose subtleties are to be understood clearly by Japanese Danish and Pakistani listeners as well as Americans and British What else should be expected of the interpreter An analytical mind phenomenal short-term memory tireless powers of concentration and good health To this list one might add the requirement for the right kind of psychological and physical makeup to permit sharing a tiny booth with another interpreter sometimes for many hours on end and the requirement to be able to lose one's own identity in order to play the role of the speaker being interpreted Of course there has been recognition of interpreting as an innate skill and of the widespread phenomenon of natural translation defined as the bilingual translation done in everyday circumstances by people who have no special training for it This condition is especially prevalent in bilingual countries like Canada and Belgium where people from many walks of life and of all ages are frequently called upon to act informally as translators or interpreters Studies have been made of very young children under 3 years of age in some cases who fall naturally into an interpreter role In a different context there is the repeated phenomenon of a child acting as interpreter for another child whose speech is difficult for an adult to understand For many of those who are seeking to comprehend the nature of the linguistic process the professional interpreter engaged in either simultaneous or consecutive interpretation has provided an ideal subject for research and speculation Synchronous recordings of debates at international meetings and of their simultaneous interpretation have stimulated investigations leading to the detection of units of meaning or chunks of language contained in the listener's short-term memory This unit of meaning can be defined as the smallest group of symbols required for making sense the minimum for translating a message or a portion thereof Some regard the translation act as consisting of two distinct processes the translation of the input discourse into an internal cognitive representation and the transformation of this representation into output discourse Here again the unit of meaning would play an important role Much of the research evidence suggests that the bilingual's two languages are learned as separate systems and function as such thereafter This raises questions regarding the switching mechanism and how it functions Relevant research also suggests that the bilingual's two linguistic systems feed into and draw from some common supralinguistic background which seems to be independent of any language Far from resenting this intrusion into their mental processes the interpreters seemed as interested as the psychologists in discovering how they do what they do so well Conference interpreting which had started so informally has now been institutionalized Many of the old-time pros are refugees of one sort or another from World War II who capitalized on their usually accidental knOWledge of several languages New entries into the field are a different breed and are normally the product of one of a number of training institu ions that prepare students for this specific application of linguistic skills The market for conference interpreters is greatest in Europe especially for Common Market activities in Brussels and there are several excellent schools on the continent There is one graduate-level institution in the United States that has a program designed to produce professional conference interpreters the Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies Courses are given there in Chinese English French German Russian and Spanish It takes a special kind of person to be successful in the field of conference interpreting and when one watches a highly skilled experienced interpreter in action it is an impressive display of how the human intelligence can be called upon for near-miracles of performance February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 UNCLASSIFIED ____ 1 D 'FOP SECRET UMBRA J Reprint of A711 Info rm zZ Technical Note 001-77 February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 'FOP SECRET t H IBftA EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 4033689 TOP SHCftHT Ul'9IBftA February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 'FOP SECRET UMBRA c _c o EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 --DOCID 4033b89 TOP SECRET U1'fIBRA i I I February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 TOP SECRET UMBRA DOCID 4033689 UNCLASSIFIED 01 f$ilto t l ady JV aI' tJI ttolo RAYMOND P SCHMIDT NSGHlstorlan Reprinted with permission from the NAVSECGRU BuUetin rs Agnes May Meyer Driscoll must have been a welcome person at Main Navy Building on Constitution Avenue in Washington D C during the late 1920s and 1930s She helped train Navy officers and civilians in the art of cryptanalysis including the late Captain Laurance F Safford who first assumed direction of the Research D sk of the Code and Signal Section in OPNAV After World War II Mrs Driscoll achieved recognition as a principal cryptanalyst for the Navy She served in that capacity until December 1949 when she accepted a transfer to the Armed Forces Security Agency She retired from active federal service on 31 July 1959 Jlt Miss Agnes May Meyer entered the Naval Reserve in June 1918 In July 1919 she accepted a job as a stenographer for the Director of Naval Communications in the Code and Signal Section at $1400 annual salary Working up to the position of clerk by 1920 she subsequently resigned in 1923 to evaluate a new electric cipher machine for Mr Edward Hebern She solved a message in his unbreakable cipher and was on her way to becoming a code and cipher expert On 1 August 1924 Miss Meyer returned to the Department of the Navy she never again left government employment until her retirement A Government Accounting Office memorandum of 6 May 1925 shows her as a cryptanalyst earning $1860 annually In the mid-1930s she testified before the Senate Naval Affairs Committee that she had assisted the late William F Gresham in developing a secure cipher machine for the Navy The Senate appears to have believed her and awarded $15 000 to her and Gresham's widow Not only was she qualified as a cryptanalyst but also she obviously had skill as a cryptographer Agnes Meyer had earned an undergraduate degree from Ohio State University in 1911 As a first-generation American citizen she took obvious pride in her naval service during the Great War One of her personal data sheets lists special qualifications in physics engineering mathematics statistics auditing bookkeeping typing and clerical work She also possessed musical talent having served as Director of Music in a small Texas school from 1912 to 1915 Then she became head of the mathe- matics department of an Amarillo Texas high school until enlisting in the Naval Reserve during the war It is interesting to note that she qualified in four languages -- German French Latin and Japanese Agnes Driscoll deserves recognition as a plank owner in the naval cryptologic organization Her abilities and skills as a cryptologist were widely respected by several generations of naval and NSA colleagues Although her technical contributions to the United States have not been reclaimed from historical records they obviously deserve far more space than permitted in this article It is characteristic of her cheerful modesty that she described her job simply as one involving scientific duties It would be sad indeed if Mrs Agnes May Meyer Driscoll were to be forgotten by the present generation of cryptologists We may very well owe her a professional debt that can only be repaid by continuing her rather awesome legacy of devotion and technical competence C A A NEWS The Communications Analysis Association's Winter Social was a great success and why not After all -- let's face it -- free parties are not that common around here Of course if you weren't a member it did cost you something to get in But I got in free and so did every other CAA member Hope you got a chance to chat with the Director W E S News from the CAA Special Interest Group on Cryptologic History The roup had its f rst meeting in November and 1tS f1rst a t1v1ty a tour of the PI Cryptologic Collect10n -- 1n January In December members of the grou p received a copy of Dr Harold Deutsch s art1cle The Historical Impact of Revealing the ULTRA Secret Nonmembers of the group did not Anyone -- CAA member or not - - who would like a copy can call Bill Nolte 4087s who can also explain the group's elaborate initiation rites Future act1v1ties In February or March date to be announced a session on oral history W M N February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 UNCLASSIFIED _ - - ' _ _ _---L _ DOCID 4033689 L 86-36 SECREf i I T wice a year the National Cryptologic -School NCS conducts the Senior Military Cryptologic Supervisors Course Course CY-200 This course is for the senior NCOs petty officers and warrant officers who are going places -- that is those middlelevel managers who will eventually be moving into jobs requiring a wider range of cryptologic knowledge The objectives of the course are to o increase the student's understanding of the relationships and functions of the cryptologic community within the national intelligence community and the U S government structure o demonstrate the impact of increased requirements decreased resources and increasingly sophisticated targets on the cryptologic community o illustrate the responsiveness of the cryptologic community to the National Command Authority in times of peace crisis and war o bring the student up to date on the latest developments in cryptologic technology operations policies and plans and o further develop and prepare the student for positions of added responsibility by exposing him to a variety of subjects outside his own area of specialization different subject area as shown below in the schedule for Class 12 summer of 1977 Module Management Seminar U S Intelligence Community SIGINT Resource Management System Some of the topics covered Contemporary management concepts practices and practical applications problemsolving and decision-making the planning and communicating process Intelligence community organization and NSA's interface with it role of the Director of Central Intelligence Defense Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency NSA support to national policy makers national cryptologic securi ty policy National planning programming and budgeting Consolidated Cryptologic Program information management economic analysis resource management in the intelligence communi ty cryptologic planning SIGINT Operational Process CY-200 is open to personnel from all four military services grades E-7 to W 4 inclusive Additionally the NCS may grant waivers for highly qualified E-6s Students must have at least 8 years of cryptologic experience preferably in operations as opposed to maintenance communications personnel and other support specialties To insure maximum utilization after graduation NSA policy is to give priority in selection to personnel in their thirteenth or fourteenth year of service The course lasts 7 weeks and is conducted at Friendship Annex FANX It is designed in modular fashion with each module covering a February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 EO 1 4 c P L 8 CRE'I' 86-36 IhllfCI 'LE VfA eOltlflCT et11tlCICEL 014Ll ---------------------------------- - -'- o '--- '- _ _ - - DOOIlB4 c4033689 TO T I o LJ OC 'JC UV JV SHCRH'f gives an introduction to the U S worldwide photographic-reconnaissance program At NSA's Headquarters complex students have the opportunity to tour various spaces including NSOC DEFSMAC AROF BROF and GROF various research and development projects and COMSEC facilities ' Throughout the course student participation encouraged through the use of seminars panel discussions and student presentati ns Students are able to talk to and interact with experts from many fields 1S Senior officials of NSA CSS and other agencies in the intelligence community regularly brief each class SCA commanders and senior enlisted advisors are also frequent visitors to the CY-200 classroom At the end of the course students have seminars with the Commandant of the National Cryptologic School and Director NSA Chief CSS Students are selected for CY-200 by a simple procedure Three to four months before the next course begins the National Cryptologic School sends course announcements to the military services and SCAs The announcements give course dates and student quotas class size is usually 45 and solicit nominees The services then submit the names of persons nominated for attendance Support Activities and Area Studies Role of the SCAs and SIGINT Support to Military Commanders If you are interested in attending CY-200 contact the appropriate organization as indicated below depending upon your branch of service AUTOVON Nwnbe l'I Sel'vice Point of Contact Communications Security Army MILPERCEN Enlisted DAPC-EPL-M - 221-007 1025 4 0329 Warrants DAPC-OPW-AI 221-7842 Navy Marine Corps Air Force HQ NSGC G131 HQ Marine Corps INT-S 292-0757 224-1208 HQ USAFSS DPXP 945-2641 Since the first class in 1971 316 students have been graduated from CY-200 Excellent comments on the value of the course have been In addition to the lecture modules the received from the graduates to date The 'class also goes on a number of field trips distinguished 2r duates of the course include 1who is now the At the Pentagon students visit the Defense In-r-__- '_ _ __ ---J telligence Agency the National Military Intel- senior enlisted advisor to DIRNSA So who ligence Center and the military services' knows what CY-200 will do for you If you operations centers and receive briefings on think that this course might further your the missions and functions of DIA and the military career and you would like more inStrategic Warning Staff While touring the formation about it contact either the course Central Intelligence Agency in Langley Virdirector USAF ginia students learn about the CIA's role E61 on 8043s 796-6181 or the NCS Registrar's within the intelligence community its SIGINT Office on 8041s 796-64l7 You're too late operations and its production of intelligence to be graduate No 317 Class 13 began in for national-level customers The class also January but there are still a lot of good numbers to cornel makes a trip to the National Photographic Interpretation Center where the NPIC staff L- February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 SHCRHCf IIMIShE VIA 6811I11'f 61IM8iH5 SIUK P L 86-36 P L 86-36 DOCID 4033689 - - UNCLASSIFIED -- -- MORE BEANS o KennethA Knowles former Head Atlantic 1 e may as well get used to it -- used to Section Combat Intelligence COMINCH hearing terms like signal intellir- and I i gence HFDF and traffic a alysis an unexpected bonus -- Vice-Admiral in public places used to fee11ng exposed and unprotected at moments when our accus- Sir Norman Denning Naval Intelligence tomed and familiar anonymity seems to be snatched 1 'Division J I away Like most of us no doubt I had hoped In his urbane and interesting introduction that our time of indecent exposure as I have heard it expressed might be nearly over but a Dr Deutsch remarked that many in the audience had been occupying themselves with the signifirainy October evening and foggy morning in cance of ULTRA and said that although tremendAnnapolis have persuaded me that we have seen ous euphoria had following the publication of only the beginning Now that a few of our The ULTRA Secret in 1974 savage reviews had bean-counters' beans have been spilled packs sent the tendency in the other direction Inof hungry animals of various breeds having cidentally despite critics' attacks there are caught the scent are out there gnawing at some who while deploring the publication of the foundations of the storehouses sniffing the book at all consider the charges of techand rooting for more beans nical incompetence too harsh Winterbotham was The occasion in Annapolis was the Third not a technician and never said he was he was Naval History Symposium at the U S Naval the vastly experienced intelligence officer Academy 27-28 October 1977 specifically the who served as liaison between the producers of Friday morning program on Naval Intelligence Special Intelligence and the highest echelon in the Second World War There filling a of users tall tiered lecture room in Rickover Hall On introducing Commander Beesly Dr Deutsch more than 200 people sat rapt for nearly 3 showed advance copies of Beesly's book on hours without even a break listening to preVery Special Intelligence being published in sentations on ULTRA and the Battle of the AtEngland and scheduled for publication in this lantic There it was easy to sense the appecountry in March 1978 Commander Beesly opened tite of the gathered historians for facts and his masterful presentation by defining terms more facts their desire for truth and all the He pointed out that that the term the Admiralty truth and surely we can understand and appreciate that The hunger -- even lust -- for in- always used was Special Intelligence that formation was evident even at the vast cocktail there is almost no mention of ULTRA in British party the evening before in the eagerness for naval records that ULTRA was a classification not a cipher title although the term has example of a young historian snapping up a taken on that meaning as a result of the Winremark that there might be unreleased ULTRA terbotham book Commander Beesly said that information to be pursued You mean he it is impossible to overstate the value of 51 asked almost licking his chops there's lots but he stressed that it was only one of many more to come But influences other than sources The information from the triumphs at scholarly questing for knowledge are present Bletchley Park went to the Operational Intellitoo as I suddenly realized at the same party when an equally eager young historian respond- gence Centre OIC which was a full and true intelligence center Even when most complete ing to a comment about inaccuracies in F W Winterbotham's The ULTRA Secret retorted Yes 51 needs the genius of a few experienced analysts to piece it all together Even at its but it made him a million pounds best 51 is useless if the users do not underChairman of the Friday morning meeting was stand and accept it and Commander Beesley told Harold C Deutsch of the U S Army War College horror stories of events when commanders and the speakers included refused to accept 51 conclusions Both he and the following speaker provided extensive examo Patrick Beesly former Deputy Chief ples of the use of ULTRA results in protecting Submarine Plotting Room the Admiralty convoys against German submarines and he noted that German operations against the east coast Jurgen Rohwer Library of Contemporary of the United States were detected in advance History Stuttgart by OIC He summarized the state of success W n l i I L I February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 UNCLASSIFIED DOCIO 4033689 UNCLASSIFIED at various phases of cipher recovery and the need during blackouts to-fall back on HFDF both he and the German speaker pronounced it huffduff and to try to read Admiral Doenitz' mind Despite efforts at communications security signaling remained necessary U-boats had to report and to receive instructions but later in the war the U-boat commanders were given more control and signaling became less frequent At the time the Allies finally changed their codes 'in June 1943 both sides were reading each other's traffic without either being aware of the other's success Concerning his sources for research on his book Commander Beesly said that the British records were not complete but that many fascinating files were available from OIC and even from Bletchley The most revealing were the weekly reports to the First Sea Lord written by Beesly's chief Captain Rodger Winn The reports made by the tracking room were based mostly on 51 In estimating the value of 51 Commander Beesly said that its contribution was enormous in planning evasive routing and in concentrating naval forces that without it victory would have come much later and at much greater human and material cost 51 with the use OIC and the U S Navy's OP-22-G made of it was a war-winner -- but not the only one The real heroes were those who risked their lives and often had to pay a fatal price for other people's mistakes After an enthusiastic ovation for Commander Beesly Jurgen Rohwer continued the story from the German side He began by noting that TV and the other public media have given the public the idea that the Allies knew every German move in advance If that had been the case the Battle of the Atlantic would have been over much sooner He explained that ENIGMA was the codename for several cipher machines made by a private firm and he described ENIGMA with slides showing rotors and other details The German assumption was that the time needed to break an ENIGMA cipher would be so long that the results would be useless and indeed the British did need the Polish and French reconstructions as a basis for their success With a series of plotting charts on slides he showed the sequence of events at the time when both the Bletchley and B-Dienst crypt analysts were reading each other's naval traffic and both sides were using radio intelligence as he called it in deploying and redeploying their submarines and convoys in moves and countermoves based on current decrypts In evaluating the German use ot ENIGMA he said that there were mistakes there was carelessness that full use was not made of the machines' capabilities By the end of the war however the German Navy was using up to 40 different ciphers so that Bletchley had to set priorities for attacking and exploiting them In summarizing the role of naval intelligence he listed in priority order radio inteligence DF and traffic analysis Radio in- telligence had much greater influence on decisions on the Allied side than on the German The turning point would not have come as it did in May 1943 without radio intelligence and Normandy would have come much later In a final startling statement he said the end might have come with the dropping of an atomic bomb on Berlin Dr Rohwer's speech was a tour-de-force and it too received a long ovation It was an interesting experience to see these-two representatives of the great opposing forces complementing each other's presentations and helping each other by pointing out the move - ments depicted on the slides An American followed -- Kenneth A Knowles wartime Head of Atlantic Intelligence Chief of the Intelligence Staff of the 10th Fleet Captain Knowles had corne from his retirement home in Florida and had written his talk on his boat in Chesapeake Bay depending entirely on his memory of events 35 years ago without any recourse to official records He opened by commenting that World War II had brought technical achievements of the highest order and that transcending all was the breaking of ULTRA The Americans he said were more selective for need-to-know than the BritiSh and only three persons actually dealt with ULTRA at Headquarters in a former girls' school in Washington At the communications center there traffic included ULTRA results HFDF telefax and radio-fingerprinting reports ULTRA results were with one exception never used without such backup as aircraft sightings DF or other cover sources The one exception the one risk taken was against the U-boat milk cows in the South Atlantic and the ULTRA-based action against them brought results 'in Captain Winn's words too true to be good The Allies recovered U-boat ciphers grid location charts and a new acoustic device Historians he said have considered the turning point in the Battle of the Atlantic to be the summer of 1943 after the sinking of 90 U-boats But the Germans were making technical improvements -- flash transmissions an acoustic torpedo 10-cm radar new designs for U-boats -- so it was necessary to crush the Germans before these improvement began to have effect In evaluating ULTRA Captain Knowles pointed out that it was used for defensive as well as offensive operations He judged that in its use the British were more clever and the Americans more daring and said that the teamwork between them was superb He commented on the value to crypt analysts of the sheer volume of traffic stemming from Doenitz' insistence on direct control No such volume would have been available without it but then he pointed out Doenitz' methods almost worked The final speaker not on the original program was Sir Norman Denning of British Naval Intelligence In his opening remarks he made it clear that although he did not condemn February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 UNCLASSIFIED OOClO 4033689 UNCLASSIFIED The ULTRA Seoret Winterbotham was the first person to break the oath of silence taken in 1940 when a select few signed their names to a document which forbade them ever to divulge ULTRA He commented that surely ULTRA was the best kept secret in world history He described early efforts to recover material to help in attacking the ciphers the partial successes from among other methods capture of a weather ship then recoveries fFom submarine U-llO after which Bletchley could read continental WIT traffic But cryptanalysis is not the end of the job he emphasized Detailed analysis must follow and he quoted from memory a comment referring to the World War I successes of Room 40 that the information received has to be refined in the crucible of intellect and experience before it can be considered intelligence In evaluating the results of SI he said that only SCHARNHORST was a direct victim of its use Sir Norman was in a reminiscent mood and he spoke of Churchill in the anteroom of the war room just after the victory I see you're still celebrating said the Prime Minister Can I join you And he turned to then Commander Denning and said as Denning remembered it When I was a naval person we sometimes rang on the middle watch together in the dungeons of the Admiralty You were the young officer who told me that total war required total intelligence and without full commitment we might lose the war - BY-LINES DDN'T COST THEY PAYI JII' J MOLLICI 141 here has been a lot of talk recently about revamping procedures within the intelligence community to get bigger bangs from increasingly fewer bucks That being the case it appears the time has come to seriously consider instituting a relatively minor change in Agency reporting which I believe could greatly enhance the quality of our product profoundly improve morale and tremendously stimulate professional pride among the Agency's analysts and translators And it wouldn't cost the National Security Agency one pardon the expression red cent I My simple proposal is that NSA should begin putting the names of analysts and translators on the items they publish This is no radical concept that has never been tried before A number of sister agencies have long attached the names of their analysts to their products As a matter of fact by-lines on collateral items have several times served as my introduction to fellow analysts and have been responsible for my initiating mutually beneficial communications with those individuals Now that promotions seem to be farther and farther apart new methods of increasing PSYChiCj income should be especially welcomed by those managers who are concerned with morale in their T After more Churchill stories the applause of the listeners demonstrated how fully they had entered into the mood of nostalgia he had evoked During the too-brief question time which followed the questions showed the intense interest of the audience an interest which is certain it seems to me not to slacken Earlier in the program Dr Deutsch had announced that a TV program was being produced at the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks on the Battle of the Atlantic to be made available to government agencies and perhaps the public and he urged his Army and Air Force colleagues to do what they could to sponsor similar programs on ULTRA as it affected ground and air operations The range of sponsors for the Navy conference -- including the Army War College the Smithsonian the National Archives the Eisenhower Foundation and the Naval Academy -- would suggest that more such conferences are altogether likely This listener noted particularly the rather coy references to a certain agency of the Department of Defense which had been consulted about the symposium and the expressed hope that more information for scholars would be forthcoming It is unmistakably evident that even military historians who should understand the purposes of military security will be exerting continuing pressure U organizations As an analyst I can think of no source of psychic income more rewarding than to see my name on a piece of intelligence I have done my best to produce No analyst or translator worthy of the title can help but take increased pride in and care with his work if his name is there for the intelligence world to see Within modern society as a whole and certainly in modern government there seems to be an increasingly dangerous tendency to shy away from fixing responsibility Perhaps the most apparent truism of this age is the recognition that lack of responsibility breeds mediocrity In addition to boosting morale by-lines fix responsibility for the quality of our product When names are attached to their work professionals are bound to do their best all the time and neophytes are compelled to improve rapidly by the most exacting of taskmasters their own developing reputations It is high time each analyst and translator is able to say to his peers This is my product My name on it proves that I stand behind it If it is accurate don't hesitate to contact me and perhaps we can help one another even more If it contains error tell me and I'll try to improve In any case I proudly accept full responsibility for my work The way to begin fixing responsibility and giving credit where it is due is by giving by-lines to live up to The time to begin is now February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 UNCLASSIFIED F8l 18 DOClD 4033689 UNCLASSIFIED -' NO 'NINNIE YOU'VE GOT IT UP$IDE-DOVVN TOOl wrote in 'in both places in the puzzle When I phoned him and congratulated him on his tour-de-force he said that my guess had been right f frequency is indeed the reciprocal of wave length An SO NSA-Crostic No 11 was typed up for the January issue But as is another practice of mine I handed out some advance copies to a crew of people who like to do NSA-crostics critically so that they can correct any typographical errors 178 instead of 187 or tighten up any definitions etc I was flabbergasted to learn that not one of them knew what to do with the letter in box 92 Here are the results pr nt ng n Previewer E W Russian linguist W henever I make up an NSA-Crostic I give an advance copy to the person whose published work I'm quoting from I don't give any hint about who wrote it and the person usually tells me what a surprise it was to have his own words jumping off the page at him Therefore when guest NSA-crostician David H Williams asked me to preview NSA-Crostic No II I was surprised to see the following text emerge A J Salemme Guide to Russian Technical Translation NSA November 1974 189 pp U The translator must determine the precise type of rotary-wing aircraft being referred to in Russian as BEPTOAET so that his rendition will conform to precise English usage He must not avoid the issue by translating it in formal context as 'eggbeater' or t chopper ' All the time I was solving the puzzle I was chortling at the way that-Dave had USedl Latin letters in the WORDS to represent Russian letters in the word BEPTOAET the B in This beets them all suddenly turned into a Russian B which is really pronounced V the P in Christopher Robin turned into a Russian P which is an R etc But what I asked myself was Dave going to do with the A The very last letter I put in the puzzle was in his What f equals in a basic physics formula 3 wds -- RECIPROCAL OF I don't know from physics so I said That sonof-a-gun must be using a Greek lambda so I E S mathematician knows some Russian G E Mongolian linguist Mongolian has lots of borrowings from Russian and an alphabet based on Russian T L mathematician February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 UNCLASSIFIED In text reciprocal of L BEPTOLET Dial-og A S All the other letters are Cyrillic -- where'd you get the Latin L from E W I thought of it as a Russian L but wrote a Latin one reciprocal of P BEPTOFET DiaZog E S The definition's wrong -- it should be 1 A S I don't know about that but I know that there isn't any Russian word with a Latin F in it reciprocal of BEPTO ET Dial-og A S What does the stand for G E How do I know It's a Russian word A S Why didn't you look it up G E I don't look up Russian words to do puzzles reciprocal of BEPTOJET Dial-og T L It's a Russian letter but I don't know Russian A S Then where'd the J come from T L I figured it was a kind of airplane DOCID 4033689 UNCLASSIFIED With this preliminary showing four wrong answers from four smart people I figured out that somewhat was awry with the puzzle I asked Dave if I could edit it in such a way that any ordinary CRYPTOLOG reader with no knowledge of Russian or physics or nothingl could make his or her hand make the correct letter and then stick it in box 92 The thing I came up with was to shuffle some of the letters around and come up with a definition A S d BEPTOAET NOISIA Dialog A S Yippee You got it right Why'd you put it in upside-down A S d I figured it must be a Russian letter that looks like an upside-down V But I don't know No how to pronounce it ------ 11 119 182 164 63 92 s l1aA OZ oJ p11aq s1q Having finally got one person with no uo 8u1PU11 S a J11 MllS knowledge of Russian and no prompting from me U11W AToq npu1H aq 114M to write an upside-down V and place it in box 92 in that same attitude is it coincidental Back to a new group of previewers that that person is my daughter Anne I figured that the puzzle was ready for the average CRYPTOLOG reader With Dave's blessing Previewer Words In text and with E S 's fear that the definition might offend any Hindu holy men who might get C G BEPTO ET NOISIA to see the puzzle we went to press May I respectfully ask any CRYPTOLOG readers Dialog who did the puzzle What did you put in box A S Why is box 92 blank 92 L F J V A Or something else C G Charlie C G 's husband Or did you agree with Charlie It's too damned says it's Russian but the cute for me puzzle's 'too damned cute' for him Well this is how you pronounce it First E is pronounced ye as in yet second E is G T NOISIA BEPTOVET pronounced yo as in yonder 'L1 B E P T 0 'A Dialog A S You had the V upside-down in the words -- why did you turn it right-side-up in box 92 G T I didn't know I could put it in upside-down PUZZLE E T v ye r t 0 I y6 t Now say it vyertoLYOTl Oops I forgot to tell you to roll that R Try it again -- vyer-r-r-rtoLYOT But you st1-ZZ don't know whether to translate it as helicopter autogyro rotary-wing aircraft 'VTOL or whatever For guidance see Guid to Rus ian Teahniaal Translation Getting back to that psychological test on page I where the cylindrical peg does fit into a square hole here's a little puzzle you CRYPTOLOG readers can work on If you wanted to pass an object through two holes and have a completely contiguous fit each time you could do that too For example if you had a board like the one shown below you could pass a hemisphere through holding it differently each time Assuming that one is allowed to use only solid figures rather than squeezable ones which have to fit completely contiguously inside the cut-out hole one could pass several different objects through a two-inch hole in a board For example a two-inch sphere a cylinder with a two-inch diameter a cone with a two-inch base Now then the puzzle Imagine a board like the one shown below What single objeat can be passed through each of the three holes in turn with a completely contiguous fit each time e ICc al J - I e2 height 2 diameter A beautifully hand-crafted model of the object will be awarded to the first ten readers to send in the correct answer Answer will appear in next month's issue February 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 21 UNCLASSIFIED P1-JA 78-532-26166 oocr-rf --4 O 3 3 6 E8f 9r ----------------- 'fIllS BOEURUMRN'f EURON'I'AINS EUROBBWOIlB MlJt'l'BIlIi'JtI This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu