DWUUUJ DWl1 Lr0UJV 3 BlDrnVU D 3 D l 0UJ l I OOl lDl OO W I1 iJllJlD 1B1 U Jl1 J clJl Jlb i rnffirn U 0 ED L THE SOVIET GENERAL STAFF ' 86-36 i----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 o o o 1 HAS IT EVER BEEN TRANSLATED BEFORE o 5 ANOTHER COUNTRY TRIGRAPH SySTEM o o 10 IS A TRANSLATOR A PROFESSIONAL 11 THE BUCKY BALANCE 13 TELL ME I'M JUST A SINOBIBLIOPHOBEl 16 NSA-CROSTIC NO 16 David H Williams 18 NEWS OF THE COMMUNICATIONS ANALYSIS ASSOCIATION o o 20 A J Salemme o 21 I REMEMBER SPELLMAN NEW BOARD MEMBERS NO MORE MISPELLINGS o o 28 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR r C urin 1 29 THIS f 6etJMEfifT e6N'f2 INS CODEWORD r U'fERIA EUR1ha88ifiell h BIRNSllt 8U8SS NSllt 8SSM 1M l HUMp ' IIM 61B8 88 1165 l 8atcgGf l Becla Yif Upon Notifiatioa by the 8 iginatoi Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 2- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 vl DR Case # 54778 DOClD 4019651 OP SECRET Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations YOL V Nos JULY-AUGUST 1978 7-8 PUBLISHER WILLIAM LUTWINIAK BOARD OF EDITORS Arthur J Salemme 52 36s Editor in Chief 1 Collection Cryptanalysis 1 49025 1 Cryptolinguistics I S 81 1 Language 1 8i lS r- _______________ Machine Support Mathematics Don Tyrone 35735 Production Manager Harry Goff 52365 For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI CPOP r f c8S18S Special Research o Vera R Filby 71195 Traffic Analysis P L 86-36 8955s SE JRE 3035 DOCID 4019651 L 'POP SECRE'f UMBR 86-36 T he General Staff is the main organ of control of the armed forces of the state in peace and wartime That is the first sentence of the article on the General Staff in Sovetskaya voennaya ehntsikZopediya Soviet Military Encyclopedia published in 1976 The-article was written by General of the Army V G Kulikov during his tenure as Chief of the General Staff September 1971 to January 1977 Kulikov has been reassigned to the position of Commander-inChief of the Combined Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact and promoted to Marshal of the Soviet Union His successor as Chief of the General Staff is N V Ogarkov who was also promoted to Marshal of the Soviet Union In this article we shall examine the role of the Soviet General Staff I 'Italics are used throughout this article to indicate Russian abbreviations and words July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page l c ii TOP SECRET UMBRA EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4019651 CfOP SECRET Ul IBRA EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 tary Council of the Republic 8 November 1918 renamed Field Staff of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic the functions and composHion of the Ali-Russian Main Staff were changed Chiefs of Staff the Field Staff of the RevolutionarY Military Council of the Republic were N I Rattehl' Sep 1918 - Oct 1918 V F Kostyaev Oct 1918 - Jun 1919 M D Bonch-Bruevich Jun 1919 - Jul 1919 P P Lebedev Jul 19l9-Feb 1921 In February 1921 for purposes of establishing a single organ of control of the Armed Forces of the RSFSR the All-Russian Main Staff and the Field Staff were combined into the Staff of the RKKA Workers and Peasants Red Army the Chief of which from February 1921 until April 1924 was P P Lebedev Subsequently in conducting the military reforms of 1924-1925 the position and role of the Staff of the RKKA in leading the Soviet Armed Forces became determined more clearly M V Frunze Chief of the Staff of the RKKA from April 1924 until January 1925 emphasized that this operational staff must become not only the brains of the Red Army but must also become the military brains of our entire Soviet state The Staff of the RKKA actively participated in the preparation of the country and armed forces of the USSR for military defense against imperialistic aggression It was charged with the working out of operational and mobilization plans keeping in mind the political economic and military resources of the Soviet state the conducting of activities on questions of organizing the equipping of the army aviatio and navy the operational use in war of the services of the armed forces arms of service and special troops L - --- - - '- -' ' ' ------------- and their further development The Staff cycZopedia ArticZe became the center for studying and summarizing the combat experience of World War I and the The translation of the pertinent portion of the encyclopedia article follows Civil War After M V Frunze the Staff of the RKKA was headed by The first main military organ in the history S S Kamenev Feb 1925 - Nov 1925 of the Soviet state which led the formation M N Tukhachevskij Nov 1925 - May 1928 equipment and instruction of the troops of the B M Shaposhnikov May 1928 - Jun 1931 Soviet Army and also the working out of all A I Egorov Jul 1931 - Sep 1935 questions connected with defense of the Republic was the All-Russian Main Staff which was estab After leaving his position lished in May 1918 A council consisting of a as Inspector of the RKKA Chief and two military commissars which until In the 1930s the tasks of strengthening the 6 September 1918 was subordinate to the People's defense of the country demanded further perMilitary Commissars Narkomvoen and then to the fection of the organs of higher military conRevolutionary Military Council Revvoensovet trol In June 1934 the Revolutionary Military of the Republic headed the Staff Chiefs of Council of the USSR was abolished by the TsIK the All-Russian Main Staff were Central Executive Committee of the USSR and N N Stogov May 1918 - Jun 1918 the People's Commissariat for Military and A A Svechin Aug 1918 - Oct 1918 Naval Affairs was renamed the People's CommisN 1 Rattehl' Oct 1918-Jun 1920 sariat of Defense of the USSR The Staff A A Somojlo Jun 1920 - Feb 1921 the RKKA by decision of the SNK Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated 22 In connection with the fact that the organ of September 1935 was transformed into the operational leadership from 6 September 1918 General Staff of the RKKA It was composed of had become the Staff of the Revolutionary Mili- the following directorates July-August 78 CRYPTOLO Page 2 TOP SECRET Ul 'IBftA DOCID 4019651 TOP SBSRBT UMBRIi operations intelligence organizational mobilization military-topographic mi1 tary transportion organization of the rear and a number of other directorates and departments In the prewar years the General Staff was occupied with strategic and operational planning for the utilization of the USSR armed forces in war and operations the studying of the preparation of the theaters of military operations perfecting of the organizational structure of forces mobilization questions material-technical support and plans for orders of armaments and equipment from industry directing of operational training of the higher command complement and operations staff and the working out of questions of Soviet military theory Amajor task of the General Staff was supporting a high level of combat readiness of forces and staffs The development of centers of conflict and the emergence of a direct threat of attack on the USSR demanded that the Communist Party and the Soviet government hasten the carrying out of a number of major measures connected with strengthening the nation's defense capabi 1i ty A great role in the organization and leadership of these measures was played by the a1_ taff Pre ar Chiefs of the General Staff were monitored the formation of reserves and the timeliness of their utilization in accordance with decisions of the Stavka looked after the condition support and combat readiness of the troops generalized the experience of the war and informed the troops of it together with other organs of the People's Commissariat of Defense worked out and submitted requisitions for the output of military production in accordance with the strategic plans outlined by the Stavka and decided many other questions connected with the conducting of the war Particular attention in the work of the General Staff was given to maintaining constant communications with the commanders of forces of the fronts commanders of fleets and their staffs and also organizing checks on the fulfillment by the troops of directives and orders issued by the Supreme High Command Representatives of the General Staff often traveled to the fronts for purposes of rendering assistance to the troops In the combat Army from division to the front staff inClusive there were constantly officers of the General Staff who checked on the position and condition of the troops their supply situation training of troops for operations and their carrying out of combat missions in the course of military operations and reported about this to the General Staff The work of the General Staff in generalizing 1935 - May 1937 the experience of combat operations was of great importance For this purpose a Department 1937 - Aug 1940 for Utilization of the War Experience was established within the General Staff In the autumn 1940 - Jan 1941 of 1942 the first Collection of Materials Concerning the Study of the War Experience was 1941 - Jul 1941 published In March 1944 the department was expanded into a directorate which along with the At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War earlier publications organized publication of World War II the General Staff was subordinated Information Bulletins and Collections of Tacto the Supreme High Commander and was a princi- tical Examples The publishing in 1944 alone pal operational working organ of the Stavka of approximately 600 000 copies of various pub Headquarters of the Supreme High Command for lications on these questions testifies to the strategic planning and directing of the armed scope of the work done by the General Staff in forces at the fronts The General Staff generalizing and utilizing the experience of the carried out the collection and analysis of war The preparation of proposals reports and materials on all military questions discussed in data about the situation at the fronts the course of governmental meetings and interprepared conclusions and proposals to the national conferences of the nations forming the Stavka anti-Hitler coalition became one of the responon the basis of decisions made by the Stavka worked out plans for campaigns and sibilities of the General Staff in the course of the war The General Staff was staffed with ofstrategic operations organized strategic interaction of the ser- ficers and generals who knew well the nature of contemporary warafare the potentialities of the vices of the armed forces and fronts services of the armed forces and the arms of monitored the working out of plans of service mastered skills of planning contemporar frontal operations operations possessed broad operational vision informed the troops of decisions orders and directives of the Supreme High Command flexible operational thinking and high military efficiency as well as a large amount of combat and checked on their fulfillment experience After General of the Army G K directed military intelligence Zhukov the Chiefs of the General Staff during organized and checked on the operational the war years were transportation of troops Marshal A 1 Marshal B M General K A General G K of the Soviet Union Sep Egorov of the Soviet Union May Shaposhnikov of the Army Aug Meretskov of the Army Feb Zhukov July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 TOP SBSRBT UMBRIi DOCID 4019651 TOP SEeRE'I' l TMBRA Marshal of the Soviet Union B M Shaposhnikov Jul 1941-May 1942 General Colonel from 18 January 1943 General of the Army from 16 February 1943 Marshal of the Soviet Union May 1942 - Feb 1945 A M Vasilevskij General of the Army A I Antonov Feb 1945 to end of war After the end of the Great Patriotic War a reorganization of the higher organs of military control was conducted in accordance with the con ditions of peacetime The General Staff was subordinated to the Ministry of Defense Beginning in June 1946 it began to be called the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces Chiefs of the General Staff after the Great Patriotic War were General of the Army A I Antonov 1945 - Mar 1946 Marshal of the Soviet Union A M Vasilevskij Mar 1946 - Nov 1948 General of the Army S M Shtemenko Nov 1948 - Jun 1950 In 1950 the USSR Ministry of the Armed Forces was renamed the USSR Military Ministry and the USSR Naval Ministry was formed As a result from 1950 to 1953 the Naval General Staff functioned and the General Staff of the Armed Forces was renamed the General Staff of the Soviet Army in 1950 The General Staff of the Soviet Army was headed by General of the Army Shtemenko Jun 1950 - Jun 1952 Marshal of the Soviet Union V D Sokolovskij Jun 1952 - Sep 1955 In September 1955 the General Staff of the Soviet Army was reorganized into the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces Chiefs of which were Marshal of the Soviet Union V D Sokolovskij Sep 1955 - Apr 1960 Marshal of the Soviet Union M V Zakharov Apr 1960 - Mar 1963 Marshal of the Soviet Union Mar 1963 - Oct 1964 S S Biryuzov Marshal of the Soviet Union M V Zakharov Nov 1964 - Sep 1971 Since 1971 the General Staff has been headed by General of the Army V G Kulikov Since March 1973 the Chief of the General Staff is simultaneously a First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR In the postwar period the General Staff has been perfecting its organizational structure and work methods ensuring the coordinated work of the Main Staffs of the services of the armed forces the Staff of the Rear the Staff of USSR Civil Defense Chief and Central Directorates of the Ministry of Defense Staffs of Military Dis- tricts Groups of Forces Air Defense Districts and Fleets The subsequent development of science and technology and fundamental changes in the means nature and methods of conducting contemporary warfare have advanced the role of the General Staff in ensuring the reliable defense of the Soviet state and have expanded and complicated the substance of its missions The General Staff comprehensively analyzes and evaluates the military-political situation taking shape determines the tendencies of development of the means of conducting warfare and the methods of their application organizes training of the armed forces and execution of measures necessary for ensuring their high combat readiness to repulse any potential aggression The further development of military theory occupies an important place in the activities of the General Staff It directs military-scientific work prepares major documents that prescribe regulations and deal with vital problems of Soviet military science and inculcates its achievements in the practice of operational and combat training of troops and staffs The combination of the restored centralization of leadership with regard for the initiatives of the subordinate organs of control a high degree of readiness in the face of the necessity to switch over immediately to fulfilling wartime functions and the scientific validity of the proposals and prepared decisions are characteristic of the work of the General Staff The widespread adoption of scientific organization of labor and of mathematical methods in the work of the General Staff and the development of automated systems for controlling weapons and troops permit the General Staff to resolve more effectively the complex problems involved in directing the armed forces in peace and wartime The General Staffs or organs corresponding to them of other socialist countries play an important role in the direction of the armed forces Unlike the General Staffs of the imperialistic states which are instruments of reactionary aggressive policy the General Staffs of the socialist countries stand on guard protecting the socialist achievements of their people As in the USSR they are organizationally a part of the Ministries of Defense National Defense The structure role and place of the General Staff in the system of military control ensure effective solution of all tasks concerning the training of national armed forces and permit directing their military operations in repulsing potential imperialistic aggression For coordination of the activities of the Combined Armed Forces of the member states of the Warsaw Pact a Staff of the Combined Armed Forces of those states has been established U July-Auj ust 78 CRYP'fOLOG Page 4 TOP SEeRB'f UMBRl TPanslated text within double lines unaZassified introduatory analysis 'I3n DOCID 4019'651' P L 86-36 CONFI9FJN'FIA J HAS IT EVER BEEN TRANSLATED BEFORE nIAC KING DOWN TECHNICAL TIANSLAtIONS H218 I hat would you do if you had what seebted to be an important book or magazine article in a language you couldn I tread How would you find out whether the book or article had been translated into English and if it had been where you could get a copy of the translation W Foreign-language books and articles contain a great deal of information important to the NSA researcher or analyst Regular research and state-of-the-art questions can often be answered by reading reports by scientists and en ineers workin in other countries Since one person can hope to be able to deal with the languages in which valuable information might be published translations are an important research source at NSA Who to CaU at NSA If ' _ If I'IOM IN HI' Ity 0 - ertl ' ' DD o IoIIIllaoI el rIll Itltl _lei _ 11Io1o oo HI k_ Vv I eM LlIII - ' Qoeek He _ Th 'oo that the translator must be skilled in the subject matter of the document being translated as well as skilled both in the source language the original or from language and the target the desired or into language Because of the high cost and because of the time and effort involved no one wants to translate something that has already been translated Who TransLates Foreign Literature Many organizations translate JPRS is one of the major translation services in the U S government It provides translations in many different languages and subject fields and its products are well indexed The translations are unclassified although some are for government use only The Air Force's Foreign Technology Division FTD translates in the scientific and technical realm Plenum Publishing Corporation Allerton Press and Scripta Technica Inc are three commercial U S firms involved in translations The American Institute of Physics does a number of translations of journals as does the Optical Society of America Some translation agencies whether U S government or commercial publish cover-to-cover Now then how do you find a translation Within the Agency the major point of contact is Tl213 -- the STINFO Scientific-Technical Information Services work center of the Library Room 2N090 5759s This is the element responsible for locating a translation if one exists 'I h e Reference Collection in the Main Library Tl212 R Room 2C051 - 4169s has some sources such as-commercial publications of indexing and abstracting services and microfiche of the material translated by the U S Joint Publications Research Service JPRS and the Foreign Broadcast Information Service FBIS The Collateral Management and Product Repository Tl24 Room 2E040 5669s can often supply a document if the document serial number is known L Even if a translator or translation service is immediately available getting a book or magazine article translated can often be very time-consuming Moreover it can also be very expensive One author estimates that a translation can cost up to 100 times the price of obtaining the original A reason for this is EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 CONPI BfJNTIAL WoUIDJ 1ii 1' EURQJIHR' EIh HNEl JS 9PlhY DOCIO 4019651 CONFIDBN'fIAL translations of each issue of certain foreign scientific-technical journals Other translation agencies including commercial ones listed in the yellow pages all around the country translate on a contract basis individual monographs individual issues of a journal individual articles etc Strictly speaking however it is not the translation agencies that do the translating but translators -- human beings Some U S government and commercial agencies keep a small staff of permanent in-house translators but most of them rely heavily upon part-time contract translators who provide translations as needed Most in-house or contract translators are anonymous but there is also a large number of free-lance translators listed in various directories by their country of residence and by the foreign languages and technical areas they are competent in With the large number of government and commercial translation agencies and the large number of translators it is easy to see that the field is big and confused And bibliographic control or having things organized so that you can find what you're looking for is far from perfect In fact it is hardly adequate But there are some approaches to the problem Cover-to-Cover Translations For the purpose of looking for a translation of a particular article translations can be divided into two groups ad hoc and cover-tocover Many articles are translated on an ad-hoc basis That is they are translated when someone wants a transiation of just that particular foreign-language article For some of the more important foreign scientific journals however there is a different approach About 200 of these journals mostly Soviet are translated in entirety each time they are issued These are the cover-to-cover translations NSA subscribes to a number of the translations as well as the foreign-language originals Some are translated by commercial firms and others are sponsored by professional organizations Some are commercially viable and others are heavily subsidized by the U S government As a rule the translated journals have the same date and volume and issue numbers as the original which makes matching the original with its translation easier The main problem with cover-tocover translations is the time lag between the publication of the original and the appearance of the English translation the lag can be anywhere from several months to more than a year There are several different ways to find out i f a particular foreign journal is one of those translated cover-to-cover The specialized indexing and abstracting services list journals included in their publications and several of these lists like those in Mathematiaal Review8 or Saienae Abstraats indicate which journals are translated and what the English title is Also various lists of cover-to-cover translations are available Since the field is so fluid with translations beginning and ending all the time these lists go out of date quickly The International Translation Centre which will be mentioned again later regularly publishes a book called Translations Journals that includes this cover-to-cover information Translations Journals also lists periodicals that have translations of articles from more than one source and those periodicals that are originally published in various language editions The book is available in the P16 Language Library Room 3WQ76 A somewhat less useful source of information on cover-to-cover translations is Ulriah's International Periodiaals Direatory Ulrich's lists the source title in the case of a journal that is a translation but there is no cross reference from the foreign-source title to the title of the cover-to-cover translations A copy of Ulrich's is available in Tl211 Room B5113 FANX-III and is also available in the Main Library Room 2C05l Ad Hoe Translations Except for the time lag articles that are published in j urnals translated cover-to-cover are no problem to track down If you wait the trarislation will eventually appear The ad hoc translations -- those articles that were translated because someone wanted only them rather than the entire journal -- are a completely different matter They have to be tracked down and the searcher usually isn't sure that what he's looking for even exists maybe the article never was translated We have several places here in the Agency where we can check however and they cover most of the possibilities One source of translation information that is available to government agencies is the Consolidated Translation Survey CTS housed at FBIS CTS is a file of information on translations which are over five pages long and which were produced by U S government agencies and some commercial firms The file includes all JPRS translations limited distribution or not that are over five pages long The CTS coverage of other organizations depends on what they choose to report although FBIS personnel say they seem to report most of what they translate In the case of long translations like books CTS also lists things that are in process This can prevent someone's starting a long and expensive translatio of something that another agency might have close to completion Items in the file are retrievable by author and original source title FBIS doesn't stock copies of the documents but will tell the requester how to get one For security reasons NSA doesn't input translations to CTS Commercial indexing and abstracting services are another access point for some translatiQns Most specialized indexing and ab-' stracting services include items from foreign journals The abstracts are usually in English no matter what language the original JUly-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 6 CONFIDKNf'IA L WHig VIA SelmlT EIIAW4EbS srnH DOCID 4019651 CONFIDENTIAL EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 article was in and in many cases the entry for a particular article notes the availability of translations or summaries in English Sometimes a researcher doesn't actually need to read the translation of a whole article Depending on how detailed it is a summary or the abstract itself may contain enough information for the researcher To make the lookup process easier many abstracting services are now available as files in commercial on-line computer systems NSA subscribes to one such system Lockheed's DIALOG The records are usually retrievable by author source title and subject although specific details vary from one file to another In addition to the commercial abstracting services DIALOG has another file that includes some translations This is the National Technical Information Service NTIS file NTIS is a clearinghouse for unclassified government reports and publications releasable to the general public The translations listed include JPRS material The same information can also be found in the hard-copy Government Reports Announaements and Index GRA I The machine file available through DIALOG goes back to 1964 Another data base NSA can access is CIRC II which replaced a system called CIRCOL CIRC Central Information Retrieval and Control is located at Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio and is a file of intelligence information that meets the needs of the Air Force's Foreign Technology Division FTD the Army's Foreign Science and Technology Center FSTC the Naval Intelligence Support Center NISC the Medical Intelligence Information Agency MIlA and the Missile Intelligence Agency MIA CIRC II emphasizes science and technology r---- r- --- -' ' ' - ' __-- '-- -- - __-_ _-- TAB The documents in the DOC indexes both the machine system and the hard-copy TAB can be classified UP throu h SECRET These machine systems -- DIALOG CIRC II and STINFO -- are all accessible through STINFO Services Room 2N090 5759s The hard-copy indexes for systems that have them are also there So far we have dealt primarily with translations of journal articles and of course the Agency is very interested in journal articles New developments appear in journals first it may be several years before a book is published on the subject But journal articles aren't the only things that are translated TransZations of Books Books are often translated One way we have to find information on translations of books is through the Ohio College Library Center OCLC OCLC is a data base of shared library cataloging information accessible through T12ll Translations entered into the system include the source title and are often accessible by way of both the original title and the translated title The data base can also be queried with an author title combination and during certain hours by author's name only The NationaZ Union CataZog NUC which is also available in T12ll is another source of information on translations of books The NUC contains catalog entries of books and some other items processed by the Library of Congress and other maj or U S libraries NUC entries like the OCLC entries mention the source title Since neither OCLC nor the NUC is specifically designed as a source of information on trans lations access'is not as direct as might be desired But the scope of these two sources is much more extensive than any others and they are thus more likely to have information on translations of books than other sources In addition to OCLC and the NUC translations of books are often included in the sources that concentrate on journal articles One of the files available through CIRC II -- XLAX -- is devoted exclusively to scientific-technical S T translations According to the CIRC manual the primary use of XLAX is to determine whether a particular document has been translated Yet another on-line indexing system we can use is the Defense Research Development Test and Evaluation On-Line System of the Defense Documentation Center DOC DOC stores research and development information prepared and submitted by contractors working on Defense Department-related projects There TransZationB of Newspaper ArtiaZes is also a hard-copy index to this material the Newspaper articles are also sometimes transTeahniaaZ Abstraat BuZZetin TAB The machine lated FBIS publishes the FBIS DaiZy Report system has the same information as is listed in which includes translations from foreign news- I JUly-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 CO FIDBNTIA IWIBbE 'IIA 6QIIHIT 61WnlEbS 8Ub't DOCID 4019651 1 4 c L 86-36 CONFIBEN IAL papers and radio broadcasts Some Dai1-y Report translations -- those three pages or longer -are entered into CTS The print in the Dai1-y Report is so small that the five-page limit usual ly imposed on CTS entries is waived The DaiLy Reports for the USSR and the PRC are indexed quarterly in publications by NewsBank Inc Index to Daily Report Soviet Union and Index to Daily Report Peopl-e's RepubUa of China These volumes are available in the Reference section of the Main Library To search for possible translations in the DaiZy Reports for other areas about the only method is to limit the search by area and date and then scan tables of contents in appropriate issues In-House Transl-ation Efforts Maahine Transtation One method of translation that received considerable publicity in the 1950s and 1960s July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 CONPIBENTIAl g 1i I' bQUHI'f blWiNECS SliM DOCID 4019651 eONFIBHNTIAL ing easy There have been attempts however to organi some of this chaos ' An unofficial agency in the United States is the National Translation Center NTC housed at the John Crerar Library in Chicago It is the national depository for unpublished translations These translations are produced by industry government agencies and universities Until 1973 the NTC was supported with NatioPAl Science Foundation funds NTC produces an index to its holdings called Translations Register Index At one time NSA subscribed to this publication but we no longer receive it It reported mostly ad-hoc translations that were rather dated and on subjects NSA is not concerned with The people at this Agency who referred to it didn't find it useful There has also been some effort on an international level The International Translations Centre ITC originally established in 1961 and called the European Translations Centre until recently has this as one of its aims The lTC based in the Netherlands collects information on translations from national centers and thus can refer requesters to the producer of a translation ITC also keeps some translations itself and will reproduce copies of these for a small fee It produces an announcement of translations that are brought to its attention -- the Wo 1 4 c Index of Scientifio TronaZations NSA doesl1lo1 86-36 subscribe to the WopZd Index for the same reasons mentioned with regard to the TronaZations Register - Index The people who input to the CIRC II system however scan a number of publications for science and technology translaAs machine translation stands today we tions to be included in XLAX and the WopZd haven't reached the stage where we can feed a Index is one of these publications To intro source foreign-language text into a computer duce some order into the cover-to-cover translaand produce a text in the target in our tion area ITC also publishes T 'ansZationa case English language which is as good as the JouzonaZs which was mentioned before At present human product not without extensive pre-editing ITC is limited to translations from eastern or postediting But in the science and techEuropean and Asian languages into western no logy world current machine translation has European languages primarily French German a place Some scientists prefer it to the and English ITC also concentrates on the human product To begin with the machine proscience and technology field but hopes to exduct can be made much more quickly than the pand both field and languages before too long human product and the time factor is very imTranslations are indeed an important part of portant in certain fields Also although the collateral scene They allow access to machine translation is more difficult to read publications and documents that would otherwise because of peculiar word choice and sentence be unusable and they can therefore be very structure the translation is consistent If valuable Since preparing translations is a word is translated wrong it will always be costly in both money and time users of transtranslated wrong and the reader can make allations do not want to duplicate anyone else's lowances Ahuman translator is liable to change efforts This field is a prime one for cooperahis translation for a particular word thus tion Of course cooperation demands reference causing confusion Of course machines have tools that allow access to what has been done difficulty distinguishin the different meaning and so far the tools available in the trans laa word can have in different contexts It is tion realm are far from perfect Translations I difficult to program judgment or background ex- are indexed along with other things there are perience into a computer few sources devoted specifically to them This NationaZ and IntePnationaZ Coopepative Effopts can make searching for a particular translation frustrating But the resources saved when a i The realm of translation is indeed confusing translation is found and thus not retranslated I and confused There are too many people doing make the effort worthwhile translations for too many reasons to make index- I - is machine translation Machine translation is actually having a computer prepare a translation There was to have been no difference in quality or style between a translation done by a machine and one done by a person Georgetown University was very active in the field for some time Progress wasn't as easy and rapid as had been anticipated however and in 1966 the Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee published a report recommending that research along machine-translation lines be cut back This report sharply curtailed federal funding There is still however research being done both here and abroad and there are several machine-translation systems that claim to be operational One is the METEO project in Cana4a which developed a system that translates weather reports from English into French CULT Chinese University Language Translator in Hong Kong translates two periodicals into English And a system was developed by a U S company for FTO and was adapted for use by NASA during the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project These systems differ a great deal in their approach and in the amount of pre-editing and postediting that is necessary but all are true machine-translation efforts At present NSA has a rather limited _1 nc l Hnn effort I I I Ii I July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 I' i CONFIDENTIAl Il1dfrJU 0 fA eOlllllfT el'tftlfNELS 61fL' DOCID 4019651 FeR eFFleIAL t lSE ellLY YE GADS ANOTHER -' 'CHN COUNTRY TRIGRAPH 'EMI 1 IT1 1 Jd W hile working in the PLATFORM Network Information Center we became aware of a need for a tool which would enable PLATFORM users to find out which files on the network might contain the information they sought We identified three elements that such a tool should contain based on the format Someone something from somewhere did something in some way to someone something from somewhere at some place at some time Geographic Subj ect topic Action event For example On 15 April 1978 the United States agreed to supply F-16 aircraft to Israel For many months I had been thinking about writing for CRYPTOLOG readers an article on the difficulties that the mul tiplici ty of geographic and topical codes was causing the PLATFORM Network Information Center but reading Geographic U S Israel the words about new P L 86-36 Subject topic Aircraft system made me grab for my pen I realize Action event Sales or supplying that NSA's individualism can be a great thing Before being assigned to my current job I as one person's exasperated statement that had little experience with collateral or product something is impossible becomes a challenge so I thought that all of NSA used the Country to another person who then goes out and Area and Organization Digraphs in USSID 315 does the impossible But that individualism But as we began to pull NSA information together can be harmful when it leads to a multiplicity we found that different NSA elements use a of systems some official some semiofficial variety of geographic codes Moreover as we and some informal One fine day we will have began to extend our search to find out what a computer network and will be able to use information was available elsewhere in the In-otherpeople's files As we input our achine telligence Community I 'lu rie5 for China 1t how will we do it By EO 1 4 c uS1ng CCH Or CH only Or CC or PRC P L 86- 3 6 Or all of them Or none of the above but ---------------------------------------------- I something else that is being invented as I write these words At first we thought that it would be very easy to identify the geographic element -- isn't Frankly any digraph or trigraph is all a country a country The Content Control Code right for me as long as it gives me the CCC trigraph seemed to be better than the highest probability of finding the information Topic and Area Guide TAG digraph as it added I seek Friends tell me it took the CONUS the information on the continental location of Group twO-years to agree on a standardized the country As we considered how countries date form out of an astronomic number of posmight be referenced we also came up with the sibilities such as 80731 31JL78 310778 following classifications '07318 etc so I shouid not be very optimistic about agreement on standardization of ExampZe Aspect machinable codings to represent countries Middle East Eastern Europe etc Does this have to be true I hope not Physical Otherwise we are creating an intelligence Islamic Hindu etc Religious Communist nonaligned etc Tower of Babel Political European Economic Community Economic General Allen is alleged to have committed Council for Mutual Economic NSA CSS to FIPS-IO codes within 5 years I unAssistance etc 'derstand this has been retracted Isn't there NATO Warsaw Pact etc Military someone or some group of people who can start so 1ving this probl em now before it reaches the impossible state I think the smarts exist here to do it I ' I I r----------------------------------------------t P L 86-36 July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 EO 1 4 c FeR eFFleIAL t l5E 9Hb I _DQCc LI DL _--'4 uO 1 9u 6 Ji 5 l _ J ' - - P L 86-36 UNCLASSIFIED IS A TRANSLATOR A PROFESSIONAL 1 --_ IG'3 s a translator merely someone whose father or mother was born in the old country Can a graduate of say a six-month intensive course in a language gain enough proficiency in the mechanics of that language to take upon himself the title of professional Or is a university-trained linguist for considerations of depth and duration of study the only claimant to that title These and other associated questions were considered in the open forum Definition of Translation As a Profession at the convention of the American Translators Association ATA The participants were of a widely varied professional background o free-lance translators clearly the dominant group in number who work with texts running the gamut from children's stories to the applied sciences o in-house technical translators from U S and foreign industry the most heavily represented being engineering firms and oil companies o a French Italian translator from the World Bank o university professors and researchers primarily involved with Russian German and the principal Romance languages o foreign-language dictionary and glossary publishers and o one Romanian intern from NSA I Revelation The National Security Agency is not the real world We at NSA who are styled linguists another title suggested for us has been languagers know our place The terms certified level three professional linguist mean something The role of the NSA linguist is known to everyone here at least in broad terms so that no explanations are required But out in the real cash-on-thebarre1head world of free-lance translation he translator must at times deal with a special problem His clients in American industry who with the rapid onset of multinationalism are only now beginning to rely routinely on translation services on an appreciable scale are often ignorant of just who or what a translator really is A cornmon assumption on their part is that if a person can translate Polish h '1 1 be Polish or at leaH have done ad - Report on an open forum entitled Definition of Translation As a Profession whioh was held at the 1977 annual convention of the American Translators Association in Pittsburgh Penrisy1-vania The report was presented at NSA Fort Meade in Deoember 1977 as paPt of a progrcon jointly sponsored by the CLA's Special InteX'est Group on Translation SIGTRAN and the Special Interest GI'OUP on Lexiaography SIGLEX vanced study in East Baltimore Another assumption is that if the translator understands English and a certain foreign language he can easily put into that foreign language anything the client can say no matter how technical Free-lancers at the open forum gave examples such as the one in which an oilman with a knowledge of what pump down and wireline technology is all about assumed that the translator would have a simple task in making it say that in Yoruba The fact that the oilman's African customers might be bemused to find upon reading the contract in their own language that American oilmen routinely stuff a dog an actual piece ot pump-down hardware in the lexicon of some U S companies into an oil pipeline to open or close a valve is of no concern to the employer it's thetranslator's problem Well if it doesn't translate then just describe it Unfortunately all the other companies dealing with the apparatus are also describing it and everyone is probably doing so in a different way ' ' National Certifying Agenay oX' Translatkrs It is clear that some vehicle to present the translator's case some method to publicize his usefUlness to proselytize a little if need be a d to clarify his role to the consuming pub- ' llC does have Its attractions A monolithic agency of the American Bar Association type to set standards guard ethics and enfranchise pr ctitioners would seem to be a ready answer ThIS proposition in fact became the core issue of Definition of Translation as a Profession Assuming that ATA which already adminis ers examin tions in a number of languages at ItS conventIons and enjoys representative membership in many areas of'the field of translation would be the proper body to manage the profession as such the task then becomes to fix a title on a linguist that iucidly conveys something about competence prestige relative standing etc This of course has many ramifications -- grandfathering of a group to confer the title initially prerequisites effect of the title on salary etc NSA with its structured certification system has'attacked the professionalization problem in a reasonably coherent way In the unstructured world of the free-lance translator however a clear-cut definition of professional is appreciably more elusive At the ATA forum it was the free-lancer both in the role of proponent and of opponent who proved the most vocal on this subject A July-August 78 l RYPTOLOG Page 11 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4019651 UNCLASSIFIED ProfessionaZ Like a Basl etba lZ Player A free-lancer is in the truest sense a capitalist an entrepreneur whose standard of living is directly proportionate to his linguistic competence marketing aplomb and by no means least his audacity in fee-setting It is an intensely competitive field in which the individual must make it on his own Successful translation over many years in scientific and technical fields may serve to enhance a reputation and facilitate the finding of profitable employment One fundamental error in the translation of a valuable contract however can wreck a career It was not in the least surprising then that the veteran free-lancers at the ATA forum who had survived and prospered over the years without benefit of any sort of badge of professional standing to aid them in the market reacted the most negatively to the concept of formal professional status for translators Their professionalism they fel t is evident from their bank accounts Just as a professional athlete as distinct from an amateur is one who derives his principal income from being an athlete they feel admittedly simplistically that a professional translator is simply a person who derives his principal income from the act of translating It must be pointed out that these experienced translators at the ATA forum were by no means playing semantical games with the term professional The same considerations that have often been expressed within NSA on the distinction between technical and professional levels echoing the blue collar vs white collar tension of the world at large underlay their debate of study were the solitary route to his respected position Such a title seems distinctly inapplicable to one who has acquired his skill through no more than an accident of birth Doctors are not born but a linguist may well be The veteran free-lancers also felt that the fruits of a formal certification program would simply not be commensurate with the effort required to put it into operation They were understandably concerned with the inevitable pressure for tailored examinations to evaluate equitably both the translator of fairy tales and the translator' of engineering specifications and all those who fall in between them They wished to know if professionalization would be based solely on testing Would recalcitrants who shun participation be in some respect blackballed Would a professionalization system make any earthly difference if the consumers of translations services are not persuaded to give it any credence but instead choose to ignore the titles and other paraphernalia and continue to employ translators whom they have COme to know and trust over a period of time ConcZusion Drawn by Forum Participants The conclusion of the forum was that there could be no conclusion Beyond a feeling that one who lives by translation must be something like a professional already the experienced translators participating did not foresee professional certification in the offing The less experienced desired it earnestly So far at least supply and demand has adequately served to advance the skilled and eliminate the rest Professional standing at present is rooted in peer esteem customer retention and Reasons Why Novices Want Certification plain economics By contrast the novices in this same group These senior translators who represent the for the most part recent university graduates highest state of their art needing no external just entering the market were the most outendorsement to aid them and perhaps a little spoken in their support of an orderly system to unwilling to risk besmirching a reputation by identify and certify professional translators failing as some must invariably fail to Lured by the promises of independence variety qualify in an objective testing of the skills and remuneration linked directly to skill and that have been their stock in trade for a diligence they were more than willing to sublifetime predictably resist In their freemit to testing or any other form of objective market environment there is no practical way comparison in order to dull the competitive to impose certification The novices on the edge of their more established colleagues Suc- other hand lack the clout necessary to force cess in a one-shot showdown of this sort was the issue Many of them experience has shown perceived of as an attractive circumvention of will not be in the field for very long in any the protracted process of developing a procase as attrition takes its toll This is fessional reputation over many years Show hardly the basis for a ground swell Since the the certificate and the world will beat a path free-lancers are such a large group among all to your doorl translators both numerically and in influence Reasons Why Senior Free-Lancers Don't any certification system undertaken which ignores their specific needs is doomed to failure The response of the s7 nior free-lancers was at the outset Neither could it hope to secure simply to att ck the entlr 7 propo al as presump- the support of the consuming nontranslator pubtuous The tltle professlonal ltself as ap lied' in common parlance is the privilege of lie whose acceptan e or reJect on of the transPf pIe a physician one who has studied lator as a professl0nal must ln the end be or exam for long years to achieve is universall recog- Jdeterm1nat1ve nized occupational and soclal status H1S years _ July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 UNCLASSIF'IED DOCID UNCLASSIFIED _ _ _ _ J-- II BVC1C -Y---------P L T4JJ l en he Bucky Balance -- no it isn't a balancing act or an exercise program or a new dance It is however a little different approach to the subject of productivity The second group the Project Finishers prefer to be given specific well-defined tasks to perform Their interests involve implementation techniques operation effi ciency and testing The Project Finisher often has pr blems getting started but with a little help usually makes a strong finish Graph 2 shows the interest and productivity of a Project Finisher plotted against the degree of completion of a project Of course there are some workers who are efficient at both starting and finishing and probably a few who are efficient at neither Traditionally the entire project has been assigned to an individual to do from start to finish His productivity interest level will resemble either Graph 1 or Graph 2 With the coming of Metzger and his design concepts we are beginning to see the benefits of spending more time defining the project before we implement the system This approach is very applicable to large- to medium-size projects with several people involved This team approach has not h0wever been applied to the smaller projects that have traditionally been assigned to one individual What Can Be Done for the Average Worker in the SmaU Project or Task Area This paper is addressed to the problem of small projects management and help for the average worker The success of small projects in an organization is important to the overall achievement of the group in addition to the well-being of each worker Definition A project or task is a unit of nontrivial work to be performed by one two or more workers I suggest that within organizations there exist two distinct subgroups of workers Individuals in the first group are known as Project Starters The Project Starter prefers to be given general guidelines for a project then left alone to do his own design effort The Project Starter's interest level is highest at the beginning of the project and declines as the major project decisions have been made Graph 1 shows the interest level plotted against time spent It is also felt that a worker's productivity is directly related to his interest in what he is doing His interest centers around plannine and designing how the task should be done He is always trying new and sometimes farfetched ideas This papeJ' was pJ'es Ud at lS SpJ'ing ConfeJ'Bnce of NSA's computeJ' and InfoJ'ffUtion Sciences Institute CISIJ wh8re its autlJoJ' won Third PZMe in thie ConfsNmCs Awards x x x ------ -x---- g - x of intl1 'est x x x x x x x E7Id of PJ'Oject Graph 1 x x x -- ------------ x--x A Ngs _ 1 BtJel of x x x x x x x x interest Graph 2 Theorem The average level of productivity on a given project can be improved by pairing a Project Starter with a Project Finisher using a division of labor This pairing is called complementary couplet Graph 3 shows the productivity interest levels of a complementary couplet plotted against the degree of completion of a project In order for the complementary couplet theory to be effective the manager must be able to identify the Project Starters and Project Finishers in his group There must also be well- July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 UNCLASSIFIED 86-36 DOClD 4019651 UNCLASSIFIED defined procedures for tran6ferring a project from a Starter to a Finisher b 1 x ' - ---- -x-----------x- --- - x x of intel'est - x x l x x x x End of Start of project project Graph 5 How to Distinguish a Project Starter trom a Project Finisher Helpful hint The best way to spot a Project Starter or a Project Finisher is to observe the person's working habits Closely Theorem The Project Starter is interruptdriven The Project Starter will begin work on Task 1 When given Task 2 to do he immediately drops Task 1 by putting it in his hold tray or dropping it in his bottom drawer He then starts Task 2 If he is interrupted with another job Task 3 he pushes Task 2 onto his hold stack and starts Task 3 Ifuninterrupted for a sufficient length of time he may actually complete Task 3 He will then pop-up Task 2 from the stack and resume work on it If interrupted with Task 4 back to the stack for Task 2 and so on Every task that he is as signed gets a higher priority than the one before He operates on a last-in-first-out basis Most Project Starters have at least one uncompleted project stashed in the bottom drawer that has been sitting tHere since they came into the office completed projects In programming projects their software has been tested better and is more bug-free than comparable software written by Project Starters Project Finishers are more concerned with details and prefer the status-quo methods to new techniques Bow to Get a Project from a Project Starter to a Project Finisher One of the most import nt aspects of the Bucky Balance is an orderly well-defined procedure for transference of a project from a Starter to a Finisher Definition A project is in a suspend state when it is not being worked on actively The status of a project should always be recorded and filed in the Project Status Record before the project is suspended For example the Project Status Record for a programming project should minimally include current listings of progrms run s trees reference docuaents proble specifications narrative documentation and data flow analysis It is very important that the Project Starter and the Project Finisher come to an agreement on project conventions when work begins Project conventions on a programming project might include what language to program in whether to use structured design and programming techniques or which system 'to use for the project Some of these decisions may be dictated by the specification of the project itself However when convention decisions are made that will affect the way the entire project has to be done then this decision should be a joint one between the Starter and the Finisher The Project Status Record is the link between the Starter and the Finisher For a programming project the specification should include the requirements a general concepts paper and a Theorem The Project Finisher functions detailed design as well as general test proceas a first-in-first-out queue dures Often the testing ideas are conceived during the design stage but unfortunately are The Project Finisher prefers to work on a not documented Thus by the time they are one-task-at-a-time basis The Project Finisher needed they have been forgotten and must be will not start Task 2 until Task 2 is completed thought out again Including ideas on testing His hold tray is empty but tasks to be done in the Project Status Record will benefit the are piling up in his in-basket He will get to Finisher when he implements the testing package each task as soon as the previous task is complete Every task that enters his queue comes Having current listings of programs and run in at the lowest priority He takes his task streams are common sense as well as good procein first-in-first-out order dure It's difficult enough to take over a program from another worker without the addiGeneral Characteristics tional problem of searching for the latest updates or patches You would be more likely to find a Project Starter organizing meetings or planning sesThe reference documents are important also sions He is usually outspoken and advocates Sometimes the Finisher needs more information change than is provided in the Problem Specification The reference documents or manuals provide the Project Finishers are much better at docubasis of general information concerning the mentation They probably have authored many project office bulletins describing how to use their July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 UNCLASSIFIED ' - --------- DOClD 4019651 UNCLASSIFIED The narrative documentation should reflect b You tell him to bring the dump down the Starter's design philosophy as well as immediately So what if the project specific technical information This has been you are currently working on has a a brief description of the Project Status deadline of yesterday This new probRecord for a programming project The Project lem sounds more interesting Status Record would be somewhat different for a hardware acquisition project or an educational course set-up project How to Motivate Project Starters and Project Finishers Theorem A suspended project can efficiently be restarted by a Project Starter Theorem Project Starters are or a Project Finisher if the ProjchaLLenge-motivated ect Status Record is well-defined The Project Starter is excited by the new and unknown aspects of the proj ect He is determined Note A project need not be suspended to conquer the problem and all obstacles in his before it can be transferred It path The challenge lies in determining just is necessary however for the Project Status record to be current how all the pieces will work together rather than in seeing it actually perform as designed Use of the Project Status Record can also The Project Starter enjoys learning new things help the Project Starter when he picks up the job that has been in his stack for a long time and does best on projects that offer this kind of challenge Here is a short quiz The answer choices Theorem Project Finishers are are neither right nor wrong but do illustrate satisfaation-motivated the diffe ence in attitude between the Project Starter and the Project Finisher The a The Project Finisher takes pride in a job answers reflect the Finisher's point of view well done He enjoys working on the details while the b responses reflect the Starter's He needs to be appreciated for his efforts and gets satisfaction from seeing all the pieces preferences perform optimally The Project Finisher is procedure-oriented and would prefer to use established methods and QUIZ already acquired skills to perform his tasks 1 You are given a new project to do You Bow to Manage Project Starters would rather and Project Finishers a Do it the same way you've always done A manager has certain responsibilities for your projects Even though it's tedithe well-being of all his workers He should ous you know it works Punching your try to uphold the worker's Bill of Rights program on cards that you can keep which include the following with you is safer than using a scope visibiZity - Project Starters and Project Finb J Try the new structured programming in ishers both have the right to visibility to the nude approach you've been reading their immediate supervisor as well as higherabout that might save time or be a level management on at least one project better way At least in the summer it they are assigned to The Project Status would be cooler Record can help bring achievements and prog2 Given a new task to do ress to the attention of management a J You'd rather do anything than make an worthwhiLe assfgnments - Project Starters and important decision If you didn't Project Finishers have the right to feel make the decision then you can't be that the work they are doing is productive blamed if it doesn't work and useful and in general worth doing b J You want to make all the decisions from praise - Project Starters and Project Finishers what language to use to what color have the right to be praised and noticed for cards to punch your program on jobs well done constructive criticism - Project Starters and 3 You receive a phone call from a grumbling Project Finishers have the right to be conuser stating that option Q on your dandy structively criticized and advised about list program isn't working What do you do their performance by an informed manager a You tell him to submit it in writing project review - Project Starters and Project with two box tops from his favorite Finishers both have the right for periodic cereal and you will get around to lookreviews of on-going projects to reevaluate ing at it when you are finished doing priorities and progress Review of the Projthe three other tasks you have been assigned That should be 3 weeks from ect Status Record can be an aid to the next Tuesday worker as well as to the manager July-August 78 w CRYPTOLOG w Page 15 UNCLASSIFIED DOClD 4019651 UNCLASSIFIED In addition to supporting the above Rights the manager must also be a sounding board to his Starters and a guiding light to his Finishers The manager should listen to the many ideas of the Project Starter -- helping him to select the better ones and to reject the unworkable ones He should guide the Project Finishers and help point them in the right direction making sure that each Project Finisher knows exactly what is expected of him and all that the task entails Managers should realize the difference in Project Starters and Project Finishers and use this difference to the good advantage of the project Job performance evaluations should also take into consideration whether a Starter or Finisher is being evaluated and criteria for evaluation should be developed for each The success of small projects in an office contributes significantly to the overall office morale The productivity level of the workers can be increased by pairing a Project Starter and a Project Finisher on the same project I hope that some trial projects will be monitored using the Bucky Balance approach so that the validity of my theorems can be proven Being a Project Starter myself it has been very difficult to finish this paper So in conclusion TELL ME I'M JUST A SINOBIBLIOPHOBE 1 R51 o o o o o P L 86-36 A fraid of a book Who could be afraid The NSA Main Library has a copy of Robert W of a book Why even the dictionary Marks' book The New Mathematics Dietionary and definition of bibliophobia which Handbook call number QA5 M34 To quote from one might expect to be fear of books the Preface to the Marks book turns out to be strong dislike of books No The keynote of this text is clarity -one is frightened by a book without sacrifice of authority and defiExcept me I've just been looking through a nitional precision All definitions are Chinese mathematics textbook that was published simple and stand as independent units of in Peking in 1976 It's a two-volume paperback explanation They are meaningful to edition about 300 pages per volume the every reader of average background whether translated title of which is FundamentaZs of or not he has had prior experience with Engineering Mathematics The book was written any form of mathematics beyond the by an unnamed group of authors In the preface elementary level they cite various works by what would appear at The Chinese text goes beyond Marxs in first glance to be two people with the same last name both names are spelled with the same several directions At the low end it begins at an ultra-elementary level Its first three Chinese characters But the first one soon proves to be Karl Marx and the other one t t emiP 7 asserts that__ he sum of the n- terior angles of a triangle equal 180 Only the person whom the authors have chosen as a few pages later it gi es the basic arithmetic their pedagogical model would appear to be properties i e commutativity transitivity Robert W Marks July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4019651 UNCLASSIFIED and distributivity Two pages later it defines coefficients by underlining the two relevant Chinese characters Throughout the two volumes a goodly portion of each page is taken by illustrations charts graphs drawings and detailed implementation of calculations for the numerous examples As promised in the Preface each of the fourteen chapters begins with an outline of its contents and ends with a brief concluding statement This latter promise ending the second of the Preface's five paragraphs is preceded by an offhand remark that the arrangement of the text is designed for the convenience and ease of comprehension of the worker-peasant-soldier student n his self-study i e teacherless attack on the material It was at this point that I began to feel frightened If any significant number of those worker-peasant-soldier students self-studied their way through that 1976 textbook the present technological advantage of the United-States and of the USSR might noc remain so overwhelming all through the foreseeable future To give just the flavor of the textbook let me list the titles of the fourteen chapters and the two annexes I mention in passing that each chapter contains several problem-exercise sections the solution-answers to which are printed at the end of the volume in which the chapter appears Also each chapter ends with its labeled Postscript Here I furnish just the titles of the fourteen chapters and the two annexes with their first-page numbers in the Chinese text Vol wne I Chapter 1 Basic Information on Forms and Numbers 1 First-Degree Equations Direct and Inverse Proportion 3 Trigonometric Ratio Side Angle Calculations 4 Algebraic Operations 5 Curves and Quadratic Equations 87 134 188 6 Functions 7 Derivatives and Definite Integrals Answers 237 263 313 2 28 Volume II Chapter 8 Exponential and Logarithm Functions 1 9 Trigonometric Functions 31 10 Differential Calculus 81 11 Integral Calculus 143 12 Differential Equations 194 13 Series 229 14 Algorithmic Language Introduction Annex I II Complex Numbers Matrices and Simultaneous Linear Equations Annen 281 335 354 4 A few footnotes to the foregoing The first ten pages of Chapter 14 only introduce the subj ect of an algori thmic language avowedly derived from ALGOL-60 after broaching in some detail the question of electronic digital computers very major attention being given to the IBM 709 computer vintage 1957 and the domestic mainland-Chinese TQ-16 48-bit word 32K memory what looks like punched paper tape for inputoutput operations About half the problems for Chapter 14 answered on pp 418-421 are answered by ALGOL-like responses Moreover the last subsection of Annex II is devoted to a listing with adequate exegesis of a computer procedure for implementation of the Seidel simple iterative method of solving simultaneous linear' equations That second annex begins with determinants and ends ith simultaneous linear equations In between of course are matrices pp 362376 The compilers of the textbook in introducing matrices hark back in Chinese history to_the first-century Nine Chapters of Arithmetic where according to the twentiethcentury Chinese historian Ch'ien Pao-ts'ung matrix methods were first used in solving simultaneous linear equations In his book the translated title of which is The History of Mathe matics in China call number AQ 27 C5 CY3 any cryptologic mathematician however lacking in Chinese literacy can follow on pp 52-54 the solution process with the attendant abacus-like notation Please let me know if I shouldn't feel frightened u $ I Ifi oo f N$A _ 'ie No 15 By A J S CRYPTOLOG June 1978 Sydney Fairbanks Editorial Comment NSA Technical Journal October 1957 Reprinted in Col lected Editorial 8 of Sydney Fairbanks 1956-1959 NSA Technical Journal Special Issue December 1966 If we were one having authority saying to one man Spell and he spelleth and to another Punctuate and he punctuateth we would issue a decree that no sentence could start with 'however' or 'therefore' -- and then sit back and listen in grim glee while the typewriters stopped and silence settled in the corridors JUly-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 UNCLASSIFIED U ii IIi I I I' DOCID 4019651 UNCLASSIFIED The quotation on the next page was taken from a published work of an NSA-er The first letters of the WORDS spell out the author's name and the title of the work by guest NSA-crostician David H Williams P16 DEFINITIONS A WORDS Capp 218 -6- 143 B Band leader's first name comedian's last name C Followed by Word D why the keeper carrying a sack of sea birds he in- 100 176 189 180 89 127 144 209 109 162 155 80 ill tended to feed the zoo's dolphins as' an aphrodisiac was arrested by a 26 76 W 205 110 198 152 193 2914 136 22 federal agent as he stepped over Tarzan and Jane the zoo's mascots completedly tame sedate jungle cats 46 113 167 60 -3- 34 214 13 220 37 9518----s2 who were sleeping on the steps 9 wds D See Word C 6 wds E The novel Steinbeck never wrote about the venetian blind industry 4 wds F NSA career field 2 wds 151 G Fertile green drunkard H Professional tennis star full name 1 Tossed 156 147 204 207 -8J French acknowledgement of a hit K Displayed clearly 132 L Amend improve 64 154 103 79 M Regis ------ n 21 58 32 145 166 93 -I- 15 Sf 115 94 131 N Are you --- antepunchline O Thirst quencher in Boston a boddle-a ----- July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4019651 UNCLASSIFIED P Tales of -------- Q Produce a picture or design by chemical action R Palindromic body part S The ----- Dozen T Poem by Kipling u Delicious attractive v External w Retain our men 1 L 2 S 4 D5 F 6 A 13 C D D 185 H 186 F 187 E 19 E 200 H 201 W 202 D Solution next month July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIBEN'fIAL News of the Communications Analysis Association I I 8l' anching Our able CAA correspondent PI4 was wending his way through the field when this month's CRYPTOLOG was put to bed Wayne is among other things spreading copies of CRYPTOLOG and information on the CAA among our field colleagues a la Johnny Appleseed in the hope that readership and interest in the activities of the CAA will flourish He has reluctantly consented to yield his pen this month to' Dave Gaddy m m O u t - p L One of our objectives for this year is t o -- bring more military analysts into CAA which in turn leads to finding ways of making cAA more useful to them The Agency' s senior enlisted man liDet with 'the Board of Governors 1n March and at the request of his succes or 1 t the CAA pres1dent met w1th the Sen10r Enlisted Advisory Council in May to explain the purpose and goals of the Association I lUI In a related vein we have received several _____________________________________________ proposals for field chapters perhaps at the SCA headquarters regional offices and instalThe Compleat Analyst lations We will be considering ways in which Over the past year the CAA leadership has we can support field activities and welcome adbeen exploring ways in which the Association ditional views on the subject might assist in developing a new breed tentatively known as a conununications analyst The germ of the idea lay in the perception that CAA Programs The Special Interest Group on Cryptologic History the challenge facing us today and in the fQreseeable future is not one for the conventional spent a delightful time with P William Bill Filby reminiscing on Bletchley in the Steam Days Ahighdisciplines of past decades but one in which light for the year was the Director's May address in traditional distinctions have become blurred the Auditorium Is There a Future for the CAA The A more versatile better-trained analyst is answer associated the goals of the CAA with the future required The same sort of motivation has led to a reconsideration of NSA' s COSC structure and to needs of the U S SIGINT System as seen by its Chief Our June speaker is Dr Clint Brooks of W with the a reexamination of workforce development on the SIGINT partofDDM The main question is what if any- mind-stretching subject Interstellar _ '_ Ie e thing CAA can usefully do through -- and for -- its membership Meet the Treasurer Please l our treasurer also spends a considerSome of us including the Director it would seem believe that CAA does have a role One of our able amount of time as a Cryptologic Staff Officer on goals is professional growth Our span encompasse the B Group Operiltions Staff Tim earned his BA in the broad field of communications analysis both English 1960 and his MA in International Relations SIGINT and COMSEC Our membership comprises some 1970 at Georgetown University first-class craftsmen craftspersons We can't Tim started his cryptologic career with the avoid being concerned But what can we do Communications Intelligence Officer Course at One suggestion centers on professionalization Goodfellow AFB in 1962 followed by the CY-100 course at NSA He served a tour with the Air for example offering voluntary assistance on the part of CAA members to aspirants in the Force in Germany followed by a year in Saigon related career fields Is the compleat analys t and a year in Washington on the Air Staff He a multiprofessionalized analyst -- necessarily started his career at NSA in 1968 and has been Is full professionalization of the analytical with B Group since then except for one year workforce desirable Is the compleat analyst with the Army at Vint Hill Farms Station He a stage beyond even multi-ticket professionali- is certified as a T affic Analyst Research zation Is it a postgraduate accomplishment Analyst and Collection Management Officer What's in it for me in terms of promotion or P S If you have 't joined CAA Tim will advancement Is it a personal thin or is it also gladly exchange your worn and tattered a recognized plus for the record dollar bill for a ni e new membership card IFeW81 That one suggestion illustrates the compiexity of the problem or is it the fuzziness of the objective Boa t'd of Governors CAA 3247 Our former president l-e o nPresident Dav' id Gaddy 5879 President-elect Frartk Porrino tinues to be interested in this subject aSa re 8025 Dal1Buckley M They or Secretary 3791 for that matter the Board 'meml ers individually I d su bers 4935 or as a group would welcome your'views on the 5991 subject l I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I' cee I 357 5 3369 t July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 CONFIDENT L 86- 3 6 1b'd45LE VIA eellIlff EIWlNEbS SPlhl 86- 3 6 DOCID 4019651 S CftE'f I REMEMBER SPELLMAN A Jo 5alem m o P16 i es I remember SPELLMANl Not Congress-' how differently by each participant -- the woman Gladys Noon Spellman of Maryland' s husband the wife the bandit chief the casual 5th District -- her I've never met passerby etc Nor do I mean the late William Cardinal So professor a little samisen music if Spellman -- him I never met either although I you piease ' often wished I had if only to ask him if he -- ---------'--------------------------------- indeed began wearing a large S under his vestments when he learned that Japanese press reports of his visits to U S troops during the Korean War spelled his name in Romanized form Superuman No what I mean is Project SPELLMAN It was the project that Jack Gurin referred to in last month's CRYPTOLOG when he said I had a file of papers the only one of its kind relating to an experiment which had been conducted in an attempt to improve our processing techniques Jack went on to say that despite his best efforts to preserve all the information pertaining to that experiment it had all been thrown away Well I was one of the pepple involved in one phase of that experiment and I still have strong impressions of it more than 17 years later I feel that the best way to reconstitute the general impression about the project if not the specific details such as how many hours Student A spent on such and such a day copying Tape 1 is to ask the various participants to tell their version of the story It could be a kind of NSA Rashomon like the movie based on a traditional Japanese folk tale in which the same event is described separately and oh Y July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 21 SI CRH EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 lb'dlBt E fA eOMflff eI1AN1 I L OI L i DOCID 4019651 SEEURRE July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 22 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SJJEURRE'f IbldiBLE VIA ESf lIWf ElbldmELS SIU DOCID 4019651 CRBT July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 23 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 8BEURRE'f' I' I I'JL o fA eOronWf elbAtUNEbS 8 lb DOCID EO 1 4 c 4019651 P L 86-36 SECRE'f July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG S JRB'f Page 24 1 NBbE VIA EURSIIHI'F 61WINHS SNo-' DOCID EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 4019651 SECRET July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 25 SECRET IWiSb ' VIA ee ilm'f ell Afl1lEh5 em ' DOCID EO 1 4 c F L 86 36 4019651 S CItE'f July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 26 8BCIlBT UMIBflE lilA e8MW'f EURIb'l14IffiM 614L'i DOCID 4019651 July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 27 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 8BCRBT IWIShE YIA Sa lIlly SIll lIlEb5 allhY DOClD 4019651 SECRET fE L 86-36 THI puaLISHl1 WILCOMIS -o f NEW 'OARD MEM'ERS j With this issue we ke a fe chang s in the makeup of the Board of Editors Reed Dawson Matheau tics Editor al dl f Traffic Analysis Editor hav comp eteditheir tour on the Bo rd We extend our thanks to them for a job well done We a so 101 ' r e e new members to the Board RSl Mathematics fTraffic Analysis Editor Edi and G93l editor of a new CRYPTOLOG department Cryptolinguistics Ed Don and Amelia have promised to carryon the CRYPTOLOG tradition of asking each and every colleague to write it up for CRYPTOLOG I would like to use this opportunity to remind our readers that CRYPTOLOG is intended as a vehicle for the informal timely exchange of views on the specialist-to-specialist analyst-to-analyst level So if you have anything that you want to say don't be shy Write it up for CRYPTOLOGI If you need any kind of help in putting your ideas on paper ask any of the Board members Their job is to make it easier for you to present your views to your coworkers I William Lutwiniak Publisher U JHI IDitOl PIOMISIS II' MORE If SPELL NBSI As the person who would have won the city-wide Boston Spelling Bee in 1937 i f it hadn't been for the word atrophied I've been waiting 41 years to use that word so that I could spell it correct lyI your CRYPTOLOG editor typist compositor likes to think he's a pretty good speller Therefore it is always exasperating to hear from an eagle-eyed reader that despite numerous proofreadings by the eft c the author and assorted last-minute checkers a typographical error has snuck into an otherwise perfect issue of CRYPTOLOG Whenever a new issue comes out I 1 noIJJ that the first phone call will be not to tell me how much the person liked So-and-so's article but to report a typo So I have finally decided to propose a deal like the one agreed on by the group of buddies who liked to spend two weeks each year fishing in Maine but all of whom hated to cook the joke with the punchline but good The ne t pepson ho even mentions the words typographical error thereby agrees to do all the proofreading for the next issue of CRYPTOLOG being prepared for press All right Okay then I defy anyone to find the next mispelling ----------ES eee Art For your dialing convenience x5236s U July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 28 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SHURRT IW Mi VIA Selmllf 6111fdfUELS 61fLY DOClD 4019651 SECRET SPOKE Pette t to lite tEdilo i 1 4 c L 86-36 r 1990 by umlucOtildri't agreeu P L 86-36 Hunt in his concern that we devise ways to improve our efficiency in handling huge increases provided by increased collection faci lities We in RS are not only concerned -- in RS4 it is seen as their task to come up with sound workable ideas on how to get on top of the problem of huge quantities of interceptew voice To the Editor CRYPTOLOG r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I more with Mr But I would like to draw attention to another problem in the area of SIGINT exploitation only lightly touched on by This is the impact of increasing volumes of expZoited SIGINT that inundate our customers We cannot shrug our shoulders and say That's their problem Ours is to get the worthwhile material published and distributed That is like officials of the Ford Motor Company saying that the fact that the public wasn't buying their lovely Edsel was the public's problem If we produce large quantities of lovely SIGINT that nobody has time to read we're committing a sin And'we're committing a sin if we allow any lovely SIGINT to bloom unseen in stacks ot unprocessed material So what's to be done We must devise better ways to get SIGINT information to appropriate customers keeping in mind that their processing shops worry about other sources as well and are usually quite small It's up to us to use our technology and smart ideas to avoid the two major sins of SIGINT exploitation -- publishing too much beyond our customers' absorption limit and failing to publish material that we have and they need In pursuing a solution to this problem we may have to trample on some cherished notions of how end-product is produced and disseminated Jack Gurin RS L L To the Editor CRYPTOLOG How could the guy who translated yOUl Latin -----------tArnericap geography quiz CRIPT6LOGO abril de G9 l- 1978 be so dumb as to say el pagina 2l Even - TkfiOwthat pagellisf lII I ' so it should be 'la pagina 21 u '-- To the Editor CRYPTOLOG Delighted to see the lead article in the April 1978 CRYPTOLOG SIGINT Exploitation Editor's comment Just a typo In other words it wasn't the dumb translator tU It was the dumb typist yo July-August 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 29 Pl-JUL 78-S3-26493 SEEURRE'f SPOKE P L J1P16 U 86- 3 6 ID 4019651 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu