OJ UU0OJ l1 13 l J UU ffi13OJ J U 151 J 15 OOI5UJfill5 f OOUJ I1 Wfil I rn urnl1rn GBPD I UI1 0'i 0 L 86-36 COMSEC SIGINT RELATIONS U ooooooooooooooooooooo David G Boak ooooooooooooooooo 1 7 A SOMEWHAT LARGER PROBLEM U oooooooooooooooooo CLASSIC CABLES U oooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o oo ooooo oo 8 FEAR OF TESTING ooo AND WHAT TO 00 ABOUT IT U o 1 I 9 MORE FAIRBANKS ON ENGLISH U oooooooooooooooooo Sydney Fairbanks ooooooo ooooo 13 NSA-CROSTIC NO 24 U oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0 H Woo ooooooooooo ooooo o 14 LETTERS TO THE ED ITOR U oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 16 BOOKBREAKER I S FORUM U oooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 17 BUT MR BOAK DID YOU EVER TRY TO GET RID OF ONE IN A HURRYI U ooooooooooo D H Wooooooooooooooo ooo oo 19 k 'fIllS BOetiMBN'f eON'fAINS e09B VORB MA'I'BRI6L GLA IFlE9 BJPY NSA eSSM 123 2 REVIEW ON 1 A@l i 2999 D e c l a s s i f i e d a n d A p p r g v e d -ror R e l e a s e 0 N S A gO 1 Q 12 2 9 1 2 pUrSIJElpt t g F Q 13526 M D B C a s e # 5 4 7 7 8 DOCID 4036132 SHEURRE'f Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations VOL VI No 4 APRIL 1979 PUBLISHER WILLIAM LUTWINIAK _BO_A_R_D OF E DI TO R S Editor-in-Chiefooooooo oo o o David H Williams 3957s Collection ooo ooo ooo ooooooo 1'--- Cryptanalysis ooooooooooooooooooo 1 I 555s k4 02S Cryptolinguistics ooooooooooo ooo 1 1 598l Infonnatio ' Scie ceooooo ooooooo 1 1 Support oooo oo o ooo o 1 Language ooo oooooooooo ooo Machine 1 5711s hSUlS 1 5084S Mathematics ooooooooo o ooo ooorl rI 8 S 18s Special Research ooooooo oooooo o Vera R Filby 7ll9s Traffic Analysis ooooo oo ooo Don Taurone 3573s Production Manager oo Harry Goff 5236s For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI ' ' P L 86-36 Sl3eRI3 DOCID 4036132 COMSEC SIGJNT Relations U David G Boak S Last November David Boak Special Assistant to the Deputy Director for Cormrunications SeC U1'ity NSA presented an address on the status of COMSEC today to the members of the Cormrunications Analysis Association CRYPTOLOG is pleased to be able to pass Mr Boak's observations on to a wider audience the good old KL-7 the only cipher machine we have left that lOOks like a cipher machine--the only one that's sexy at all J he easiest way to describe COMSEC is to say that it counters SIGINT Our job in S is to frustrate the SIGINT professionals in hostile governments U Another way of looking at COMSEC perhaps a more positive one is to answer the question What's it for In a nutshell I think that what COMSEC is for is to help the government achieve surprise Now I don't just mean the classical military tactical and strategic surprise although of course that's crucial--but technological and diplomatic surprise as well I believe that the SIGINT element of the national intelligence community remains the pre-eminent one And the reason I do is that SIGINT provides to our decision makers the most timely most authoritative most accurate and often unique information those decision makers get about what the other IruV is ooino to do before he does it I the SIGINT world and some from other sources But by and large it was catch-as-catch-can We assumed the worst about that threat and did the best we could to cope with it in an unstructured way But we began to realize that our COMSEC assets were finite and that we had to allocate the resources people and machinery as well as new developments to optimize our position against the threat And the better we could define it the better we could get the right systems to the places where we were hurting the most Therefore we built an entire division with a specific mission of determining what we're up against helping us assess what that meant to us helping with our t _' then begin to allocate z_a_t_i_o_n_s_ __ such assets as we had 1 p l a n s a n d o u r p r i or w_e_c_o_uld on an educated basis 1 There are a few examples where we can demonstrate that a modest handful of COMSEC devices saved tens of millions of dollars in support of big operations and some dismal instances in which we can show that the lack of COMSEC cost many lives I suggest therefore that it is an excellent investment L I 1 I I U Now let's see what w e're up against in trying to do that job The Threat Until the early 1970s this Agency had no coherent comprehensive picture of what COMSEC was up against We had fragmentary information We got some of it from April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page I EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 S 8eRI3'F I1MIBhB VIA 8SMIN't' 8lIANNFJhS SUM' DOCID ------- EO 1 4 c 4036132 P L SBCRE April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 8ECRE 1I t MBbl3 VIA ElQMUlT ElIhHlPfl3I S QHI '1 86-36 DOCID 4036132 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SBCRB o 1 1 April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 I1MiBhB 1M 8SPilIN'Y' 8I1AHHl JLS 81U i DOCID 4036132 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SECRET April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 SECRET IIJl NBbl3 'iiJl 8SMHl'f' Sih'tNtI13bS SPlbY DOCID 4036132 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 8ECKEtI' April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 IIAHBbl3 VIA SSrtIlH't' SIiJ IiHEbS SUM' ---- - ' ' l zt L SECRE'I' Continued on page 18 April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page c 86-36 I1AUBbl3 VIA eSMHi'f eIlAUUl3bS SUC''' DOCID CON FIBBN'fIAL 4036132 P L 86-36 A Logical Sequel to A small P1 oblem CRYPTOLOG Novembe 1978 ASomewhat Large r Problem U B tP14 For the Crypto-Traffic Analytic Special Interest Group EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 CONFlDKNTI ' 1 -------- -- _- - -- ---- -- -------- ---- IIAN13bl3 VIA eeMUl'f' eIlM1N13bS etlbY DOCID 4036132 SECRET SPOKE GL_ASI G o- _ _ _ o_ _ _o Am L l i e C d ooo1 - ' U ooooooooo aoooo '---' 0- _ 0oo -' oo o o ooo o ooo oo ooo e r z -I- o c _ _o _ oo_0_ oo _ oo_0_ 0-1 oo _ _ oo _ _ oo ooo 1 o o o o o o oo -- o Not as well-known perhaps as Murphy's Law but no less valid is Hill's Axiom of Cable Analysis The exasperation of the aabZe wafte1' is di1'eatZy pmpo1'tionaZ to the 'lJumber of l'efel'ence messages aited 1 4 c L 86-36 April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 SE JRE'I' SPOKE DOClD 4036132 UNCLASSIFIED n W nl an What To Do About It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I Examinations are formidabZe even to the best prepared for the greatest fooZ may ask more than the wisest man can answer Charles Caleb Colton 1780-1832 TeZZ U8 yoUr' phobia8 and I Je 86- 3 6 'zz teZZ you IUhat you are afraid of Robert Benchley 1889-1945 mployee testing programs of one form or another have always been a way of life but in th ge of Profes ionalizat o oral and wrItten professIonal certIfIcation examinations have become key factors in career advancement At NSA you can't become certified unless you can pass written and perhaps oral examinations Unless you're certified your chances of promotion to the higher grades are drastically reduced For better or worse tests are used by management to promote people to positions of greater responsibility and pay Examinations that are fair relevant and professionally prepared and administered can he useful tools to help managers determine whether candidates for professionalization have the basic elements of knowledge required for certification by NSA But what about those people who are unable to take examinations or give oral presentations because of legitimate irrational fears phobias Fear of test-taking and speechmaking are common phobias and isn't it likely that the NSA population has some otherwise functionally superior people who are thrown into a deep panic and become truly dysfunctional even at the thought of having to give a briefing or take an examination particUlarly when the results will significantly influence their career progress Most of us know people who have similar fears heights flying in airplanes for instance but they usually avoid the problem by getting jobs where they aren't required to confront their fear NSA people who fear tests have no such escape Their job advancement rp quires that they make a choice of submitting to tests or remain at a sub-professional level Because of irrational pervasive fear and not because of a lack of subject knowledge or career potential a number of E P L our coworkers will consistently fail oral and written examinations Even worse some people will flatly avoid situations which call for oral or written exams As a result these people reconcile themselves to remaining at below-professional grade levels rather than to be subjected to the unbearable to them stress of test-taking They hurt themselves but they also deprive the government of the benefits of their full potential By now some readers may have become impatient with my deferential attitude toward the phobic professional aspirant After all didn't most of us have to go through the testing process Aren't nervousness and apprehension normal side effects of taking the Professional Qualification Examination PQE Am I not just leading up to a plea for special privilege test waivers or some such other gimmick which favors people who may be just too lazy or timid to meet the general standards that all professionals have met Definitely not I am attempting to highlight the existence of a real problem at NSA and to offer some ways for our phobic coworkers with our help and encouragement to overcome their fears permanently No waivers no special treatment just an awareness on our part those of us who can take tests without too much anxiety that some people do have overwhelming difficulty when confronted by career-related tests and an understanding by the phobics among us and they usually know who they are even if we don't that they can be permanently relieved of their fears by a variety of proven methods To understand the problem let's look at the phobic person He is usually an otherwise normal person who has such an irrational fear of a thing or a situation that he will go to almost any extreme to avoid it He cannot be cured by pleas arguments de- April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4036132 UNCLASSIFIED Using special techniques the subject gradually crees 9r1 _ I'faOst phobic is' forced unlearns the phobia symptoms and is then free to subJiii' Q-a i t mhis performance to function normally usually within a surW i 1 1 p r o l l YY - ' uncharaet istically poor and nota e measure of h1s knowledge He prisingly short time Thankfully _phobia palila manlfestone or more symptoms of panic tients are not generally subjected to coldsuch as sweating upset stomach breathing turkey cures like OK everybody onto the difficulties disorientation confusion airplane or give us a IS-minute speech flight or avoida nce by just not showing Behavior therapy for phobias really works up It's like1ythat the phobic person will Even people who feel that they will never be keep quiet about the problem to disguise the cured find that they can usually unlearn the true extent of his difficulty problem symptoms and can then face the phobia What can be done Quite a bit since in situation with confidence Since the behavior the vast majority of cases the fear reaction therapy approach to phobias makes no judgments is simply learned behavior According to about the mental health of the subject but behavior therapists the phobic person has the treats the phobia as essentially a bad habit irrational fear because it was learned at phobic subjects who might otherwise have an some time in the past By directly treating aversion to psychological and psychiatric the phobia symptoms they can be made to go therapy need have no qualms about undergoing away when they are unlearned simple behavior habit modification treatment Behavior modification therapy for phobias There are several methods available to does not require that the subject acquire an people who want to get a phobia problem reinsight into how or' hen the phobia began solved particularly one which is associated Treatment generally does not involve in-depth with NSA work situations like the PQE These analysis of inner forces deeper psychological include consulation with M72 clinical psychologists outside private therapists no NSA problems and the like Therapy usually consists of simple techniques which are designed knowledge or involvement or do-it-yourself to unlearn the anxious behavior associated techniques I'll examine each of these methods and give some idea of how to go about getwith the phobia and can involve procedures called modeZing and desensitization Mode Zing ting assistance for yourself or advising someassumes that the phobia may have been learned one you know on how to get help from observing others who exhibited anxieties One way in which an NSA person can seek in stress situations perhaps how my friend professional assistance for a phobia is through in the footnote helped to learn his fear of M72 Ps cholo ical Services I spoke with Dr flying The unlearning process involves ob- -- ' ---- ---IGhiefoGBPM72 and his staff about serving otherS while they display fearlessphobia treatment for NSA employees They conness in the threatening situation Desensifirmed that they have encountered a broad tization is a procedure which uses relaxation range of phobias among NSA people and octhought-stopping and other methods to system- casionally NSA family members for example atically reduce sensitivity to the anxietya family member has a fear of flying which causing situation During desensitization prevents the employee from accepting an sessions the subject visualizes various situ- overseas assignment involving air travel ations in his or her anxiety hierarchy Although the M72 psychologists are prowhich are typically imagined situations that hibited by statute from conducting long-term have progressively disturbing reactions therapy they do hold a limited number of ____________________________________________ sessions with the patient to determine that the problem is a true simple phobia After diagnosing a phobia rather than a more com A friend of mine has refused to fly ever plex problem of which the phobic symptoms are since an encounter with violent air turbulence He relates that while dodging flying only a smaller part they will provide the dishes he looked to the flight attendant for employee with a list of four or five private some sign of strength and calm He vividly practitioners who are known to be legitimate recalls that she appeared more terrified effective phobia therapists The employee than most others on the flight The lesson selects his or her own professional and makes of the day was fear and my friend learned his lesson well He has not flown since private arrangements for treatment Cost is but perhaps after reading this article he borne by the patient generally with the finanwill have a go at some form of phobia-fix cial assistance of major medical insurance and become a flying fool carriers The Columbia Medical Plan reportedly also has a program for treating phobias and Typical situations you might visualize if you had test-taking fears might be You the M72 counselors can provide more specifics hear about someone who has a test low anx- or CMP members can make arrangements on their iety You are in an importaJlt exam The in- own structor announces that 15 minutes remain Once the patient makes contact with a mt you have an hour's work left high anxtherapist the treatment could involve indi1ety April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 UNCLASSIFIED P L 86-36 DOCID 4036132 I UNCLASSIFIED li t vidual or group sessions For the more specific and common phobias treatment is often short-term and frequently successful The M72 staff stressed that they maintain anonymity and confidentiality for selfreferred phobia subJects and there need be no official NSA awareness of the transaction They pointed out that the Baltimore-Washington area has an impressive array of top-rated phobia therapists and that help is often readily available and effective For an appointment with an M72 counselor call 5429s or 653lb Another method of obtaining help is by direct contact with a therapist perhaps on the basis or recommendations from friends or a family physician Costs vary and are the direct result of patient-therapist discussion Medical insurance coverage should be checked before beg nning therapy to make sure of what the insuran e carrier will provide Those ho prefer to arrange their own therapy might be interested in the Johns Hopkins Behavioral Medicine Clinic in Baltimore which is a private clinic dealing in the treat ment of phobias I spoke with the Clinical Director Dr Bruce Masek who gave me some useful information on what would be involved in obtaining treatment The clinic treats all major phobias using behavior modification Patients are also given individually prepared cassette tapes to take home and supplement the formal desensitization sessions Visits cost $50 per hour some of which may be covered by major medical insurance check first Dr Masek suggests that interested patients first call the clinic 955-6111 to discuss with a staff member the nature of the phobia and to arrange for a visit to the clinic Do-It-Yourself Phobia Fix-up If you have a common phobia which is either directly or indirectly influencing your career you can take personal control of the situation and probably cure the phobia yourself This can be done with the help of inexpensive books and cassette tapes which are broadly available These materials are usually written in simple non-technical style and generally use behavior modification techniques to enable the serious reader to systematically break the phobia habit These books and tapes can be very effective aids to people who are serious about breaking the hold of a phobia on their lives A short listing of some typical books and cassettes is included at the end of this article If self-treatment is for you then you should check out these inexpensive materials Test-Taking Strategy Since tests have become so important to NSA career advancement what can be done for the person who doesn't necessarily have a phobia but who hasn't learned how to organize and make the best use of time strategy briefing aids and techniques and the like when taking written or oral examinations He or she knows the test material has no overwhelming anxiety but bogs down in the mechanics of the test-taking procedures and does not play the odds properly or does not handle the mechanics and style of an oral examination in a convincing way The goal of testing is to assess the knowledge or skill of the testee without imposing arbitrary test-related barriers In the case of professionalization tests which have a direct influence on the careers of our employees the Agency has a responsibility to make the test procedures as neutral and transparent as is possible People aren't supposed to be tested on their ability to survive tests but on their knowledge of the material In 1974 the Women in NSA WIN organization conducted a lecture on How to Take Exams but it was oriented more toward the general CQB and proficiency tests Something similar but on a more intensive scale needs to be offered periodically for prospective professionalization aspirants Both written and oral examinations should be covered in the sessions which could be available to all who may want or need assistance Prospects for Change As certified professionals managers and coworkers we should satisfy ourselves that no arbitrary even if unintentional test-related career roadblocks are place in the way of any aspirants to professional certification If our subordinates are failing or avoiding tests or special wOrk situations because of irrational fear it is our responsibility to work with them to see that they resolve the problem The professionalization panels should make it their business to know their aspirants well enough to detect likely testavoiders and get to them with the facts about how to seek help It will be very difficult for us to determine exactly how many people are dodging or consistently failing professionalization tests because of irrational fear Test fearers are less then enthusiastic about publicly declaring their fears and would also seem to be One NSA person I talked with a proven excellent worker but a test fearer went years befor being able to successfully survive the PQE in his field During these years he downplayed his fear of tests because he felt that management would interpret his phobia as a general inability to function under any stressful situation April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 UNCLASSIFIED - -' _-- -- --- - - - -_ DOCID 4036132 UNCLASSIFIED generally disinclined o present themselves to the NSA d1 f Cen erfqr psychological counseling 1'h slt ti on is fur ther complicated by the fed prOhibition that government agencies riht 'engage in extended civilian medical or psYChological therapy since this is legally and 'logically the province of the private sector Our military SCA associates have have an even stronger reason to avoid treatment for phobias Many believe that if they were to seek assistance for a phobia their authorization for access to classified material would be pulled imme iately on the grounds that any contact with mental health professionals connotes a potential security risk If we are really to come to grips with the issue active measures can be taken on behalf of our people many of whom cannot afford private therapy One possible solution could involve contracting for private practitioners to come to NSA and present periodic How to Take Tests and Be Comfortable While Doing It sessions Technically behavior modification is training or more accurately retraining and makes no judgments about the psychological health of the subject It could follow that NSA-sponsored special retraining sessions would be legal and ethical endeavors may Another possibility would be for the NSA Learned Associations The Collection Association The Communications Analysis Association etc to sponsor and fund How to Take Tests seminars conducted by qualified outside consultants These sessions could cover the mechanics of oral and written test-taking and testing strategy and could also offer for those who are interested some basic information about how to deal with the various forms of test anxiety At the least a session entitled How to Do Your Best in Professionalization Tests has a better chance of getting to the people who need it than for us to expect all of them to come forward and admit a phobia Self-help books and tapes should be made broadly available by the Professional- ization Panels and Learning Centers Remember most of the true phobics have long ago decided to accept their present position and grade rather than face the anxiety of even visualizing themselves in the feared examination situation It's up to us as friends and managers to give them the support and help they need to solve their own problems Strictly speaking any employment procedures or testing mechanisms that operate as built-in headwinds to any class or group of people in this case phobics could be unlawful even if there was good intent or absence of discriminatory intent on the part of the government When you think about it if just one gifted person can be helped to overcome his or her fears to the extent that our tests will measure only ability and knOWledge we will have done a good thing In his address to the Communications Analysis Association on 10 May 1978 the Director VADM B R Inman very candidly spoke of his concern that the Professionalization process might be in need of a more sympathetic and less bureaucratic view by the Agency I am struck that there is often a very bureauaratia approach to professionalization and demonstrating my relative ignorance I have a sense that maybe the Agency as an organization doesn't do all it could to facilitate that professionalization process to make it easier to help put the things together that can help you get through hose hurdles I believe there are clearly improvements that can be made ' The Director's comments while not spesificially addressed to professionalization testing nonetheless give us the support and emphasis we need to size attack and solve the problem of test fear at NSA Let's get started SELF-HELP MATERIALS The following are typical of the broad range of self-improvement books and tapes available to help people with irrational fears I make no claims as to their effectiveness but they are representative of what's available Nothing to Fear Fraser Kent Dell $1 95 Explores various approaches which can be applied to self-cure of phobias Uses simple layman's language Fear Learning to Cope 'Albert G Forgione and Richard S Surivit with Daniel G Page Van Nostrand Reinhold $9 95 A specific guide for dealing with phobia using all the adem therapeutic techniques Considered an easy-to-follow guide These authors have developed a successful progra for flight phobia Stop Running SCared Herbert Fensterheim and Jean Baer Dell $2 25 Oriented toward the do-it-yourselfer with step-by-step plans to overcome most fears Includes a proven learning plan to help conquer fear of flying Contains instructions for preparing a personalized relaxation tape Kicking the Fear Habit NanuelJ Smith Bantam $1 95 Written for the do-it-yourselfer The author claims that 'using his method of therapy can often lead to rapid conquering of chronic fears Phobia Free How to Fight Your Fears E Ann Sutherland and Zalman Amit with Andrew Weiner Jove HBJ $1 95 Phobia Free and Flying High Neal H Olshan with Julie Dreyer Wang Condor $2 25 Offers step-by-step procedures to help the reader identify and eliminate phobias Casettes are available from Psychology 'Today Cassettes P O Box 278 Pratt Station Brooklyn N Y 11205 A free catalog is available and subjects include Deep Relaxation '20040 and Getting Rid of Your Fears '20155 at $8 95 each The latter tape is by Manuel Smith author of Kicking the Fear Habit above and reportedly explains how to cure phobias such as fear of flying heights taking tests etc April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4036132 more F i b nk on nlli h UNCLASSIFIED Last Month CRYPTOLOG reprinted a 1958 editorial wpitten by IJr Sydney Fairbanks when he was at the helm of the NSA Technical Journal on the subject of NSA English The response to this was sufficiently encouraging as to warrant trying it again Here from the issues of January and April 1958 are two more of IJr Fairbanks' comments on this subject We promised last time to write a series of notes on the grosser abuses of the language to which the job exposes us Our text for today will be the curious locution this type thing No one siys we believe variety thing or sort thing and there is a natural bar against saying kind thing consider for instance I hate your kind letter so that this cannot be a mere extension of a Milt Gross idiom With your pie you want it a piece cheese nor an offshoot of the sort of telegraphese that omits all connectives Reference your message We think the main culprit is the technical writer An English epigram which is still going the rounds--last seen in ssiZe8 and Rockets --defines an engineer as a man who says a coffee-containing cup when he means a cup containing coffee If one may add he wishes to talk about a description of the methods used in teaching the design of gadgets to be used on widgets he will write a widget-type gadget design instruction methods description We have had the equivalent of this submitted to us for publication As for writing widget-type gadget rather than widget type of gadget he does it every time It is after all not incorrect though a trifle monotonous And since he has little use for hyphens he writes widget type gadget From this some illiterate soon concludes that type means type of and the step to this type thing is immediate Since it is well known that no error is stupid or vulgar enough to guarantee that it will not become respectable we refrain from rending our garments But we submit that at this period English this type writing is not appropriate to this sort Journal And so to bed No violent protests having been received we continue our remarks on how not to write English A sentence--suitably disguised we trust--in a recent contribution runs something like The machine has the power of selecting the ripe apples and throwaway the others Most readers will conclude that the typist forgot to type an ing and so what But our calling has made us so suspicious that we are inclined to see in this a first seeping into written English of something that is rapidly becoming a standard colloquialism Observe its history The verb to go has two functions in English-- one to express the future I am going to do what he asks and another to express motion Where are you going Another way of expressing the future is by using the continuous present I am driving out there tomorrow Out of a horrid amalgam of these has grown up the very common but indefensible I am going upstairs and take a nap meaning I am going to go upstairs and take a nap or I am going upstairs to take a nap or even I am going upstairs this afternoon and taking a nap But there is no use in trying to make a chart of chaos Even though I am take a nap and I am going take a nap are both very queer it might be possible to put a fence around the monster and say This is something peculiar that happens with the verb 'to go' But alas the spirit of the language is never more logical than in extending its mistakes If Momma is going upstairs and take a nap what is m0re natural than that if Willie disturbs her she is corning downstairs and beat his ears in or than she is running through her mail and throw the advertisements in the trash or taking a bus downtown and buy a hat or for that matter joining the Navy and see the world A reader told us recently that on encountering our remarks about this type thing he couldn't imagine what we were talking about never in his life had he heard anybody say anything like that but that in the next twenty-four hours he had heard it four times In the same spirit we direct the attention of our word-watchers to this new idiom that is creeping into the language and poison our intellects There is no sense in temporizing and let it get established It Ugh April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4036132 N SA- erostic No UNCLASSIFIED 24 U By D H W DEFINITIONS 86-36 The quotation on the next pa 1e Ja8 taken from a publi8hed work of an NSA-er The fir8t Zetter8 of the WORDS 8PStz out the author's name and the HtZs of the work WORDS Apr11 79 L CRYPTOLOG Page 14 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4036132 UNCLASSIFIED i iii j I oo I Aprll -1' 1 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 UNCLASSIFIED P L 86-36 DOCID 4036132 UNCLASSIFIED To the Editor CRYPTOLOG I would like both to support and state my appreciation of Mr Gurin's article Let's 'lot Forget Our Cryptologic Mission which appeared in the February issue of CRYPTOLOG I would like to point out an oversight I believe Mr Gurin made but first I must state that I heartily agree with his remarks about the ratio of jobs totally involved with the Agency's ba ic mission to the ever-increasing number of jobs which have only an indirect impact on that mission My particular COSC 1640 series Collection according to the most recent Quarterly Management Review is said to be near its authorized strength But we must really look behind those figures and see how many people who carry a 1640 series COSC are actually involved in the collection effort If we are near our authorized strength why is it that so many collection jobs are unfilled at many of our overseas locations and in the ROFs Remote Operating Facilities here at home The job description and grade span stated in the PMM shows that a collector can go as high as a grade 12 but in reality I would be hard pressed to find any grade 12s actually doing the collection effort This point is stressed because it underlines Mr Gurin's feeling that we are getting away from our prime mission in many areas The oversight I would like to mention concerns Mr Gurin's numbering scheme as it relates to the basic mission of the Agency If Mr Gurin's system is applied and the TA SOLUTION TO NSA-CROSTIC NO 23 CRYPTOLQ March 1979 by A J S ISinobibliophobe I CRYPTOLCG Tell Me I'm Just a July 1978 If any significant number of those worker-peasant-soldier students selfstudied their way through that Chinese mathematics textbook the present technological advantage of the United States and of the USSR might not remain so overwhelming all through the foreseeable future 86-36 people the cryptanalysts appropriate program managers and so forth are given the rating of 1 where does that put the collection personnel Have we forgotten that the person who gets the ball rollGBPng provides the raw material for the finishedp oduct the person who takes the first step in tha long long journey is the person who performs the most basic and in some people's opinion the most important part-the collector I I Jack Gurin respond8 has caught me dead to rights What could be closer to the basic mission than collection In my own defense though I should say that I was not trying to provide an exhaustive list just a sample to illustrate the point Perhaps what I should have done would have been to visualize how one would start allover again to build a cryptologic agency and list what kinds of people would have to be hired I sure wouldn't have missed the collector To the Editor CRYPTOLOG I'm sorry that the Ask Art column you had in December's issue was a one-time thing because I have a problem and I need HELP I'm trying to fill out all of those forms you get when you're updating your personal history statement for security reinvestigation One form in the packet calls for full maiden names for my mother and my spouse Mother is no problem but as far as my spouse is concerned even after umpty-zip years of marriage he still refuses to tell me his full maiden name What shall I do Sue NEW EMPLOYEE JUST BEEN TRANSFERRED JUST BEEN REORGANIZED To start a new subscription to CRYPTOLOG or to change your address on an old one call the CRYPTOLOG office The phone is 3957s April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 P L P L 86-36 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4036132 8EEURRE'f OOl eRHl f o C ORVM QN tlA f 'Nf AI $ BOOKBREAKING BRIEFS _ u EE EE8 NCS FELLOWSHIP The National Cryptologic School is announcing a Cryptologic Education Fellowship to update the course in code reconstruction and to teach it the first time The present course is based on codes and techniques--and administrative philosophy--that were current in the early 1950s but updated from time to time since then Now an overhaul is needed to integrate these piecemeal updates developments in computer technology and changes in 86-36 target codes compel it The new course like the present one will allow for guest lecturers to address the class on specialized topics The selectee will work with member s of the Analysis Design and Development Department to insure that the course incorporates where feasible the latest techniques in instructional technology The Cryptanalysis Division offers assistance on content The facilities of the Bookbreakers Forum will be available to the selectee Applicants should be experienced bookbreakers conversant with modern bookbreaking techniques and knowledgeable in the theory and principles of code reconstruction Applications should be submitted through channels to M02 For further information calli IChief E42 8025s L s d II Is there a better way If you know of one or have such a problem come to a workshop meeting of the Forum on Tuesday 24 April at f _i _ oo _2C07 1 _ _ _ _ _ __ CLARIFICATION U Classified 3EEUR E'f IYEE8 in entirety The January 1979 issue of CRYPTOLOG carried an article in the Classification Corner concerning classifications of references to Second and Third Parties One point made in the article apparently needs clarification since we have received several inquiries concerning its intent and meaning The article stated that references to 'Second Party' or 'Third Party' which are made in a COMSEC context whether stated or implied ' are unclassified The intention was that the term second party not the specific country would be unclassified when so referenced Revealing a COMSEC association between NSA or the U S and a specific Second Party country or organization without amplification is classified as follows 'EO 1 4 c with GCHQ or the UK Unclassified with CSE or Canada Unclassified P L 86- 3 6 1 -_---- - ---- - ' ' ---- ---- - --- - - When classifying a Second Party relationship be mindful of the fact that the minimum classification ofl -- -- -------------------------------- '-- l P L 86-36 April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 SECRE'f IIftaNBbB VIA S8 nN 8IIAPHJEb6 SNhY _ DOCID 4036132 SECRH'f FoZZ01JJing his talk MI Boak answer ed questions fr om the floor This por tion is classified C81lFIBEU flPtL in entir ety Q What are your views on the extension of cryptography in the public sector and the initiatives of the Department of Commerce A Frankly I'm not overly concerned I think some of us may have overreacted to the surge of activity out there and some of the publicity we got withrespeet to it I think most of my SIGINT friends now believe that it is not going to be the end of the world Clearly though as mbre and more sophisticated knowledge about cryptography is proliferated in public it is going to make the EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SIGINT job harder and take more people and other assets to sustain our present level of success But the consensus I see is that the problem is not an insuperable one 1 4 EO c The ascendency of the Departlll nt off - 86-36 merce in this field resulted f om a pres1 dential directive which established two Executive Agents in the government for telecommunications protection one which has to do with the protectionof national security related inf0rJllation-this is NSA acting for the S cretary of Defense and one for the p tection of information not related to national security-this is the Department of C6l1111erce The action element in Co erce is a new organization the National Telecommunications and Information Administration with whom we are now in active negotiation on how to share this load We have some concerns of course Are they for example going to create an independent cryptanalytic organization Are they going to do independent R D in cryptography And if so under what kinds of security controls Overall however we are becoming acclimated to one another and the Director is ensuring that we remain highly cooperative and supportive of them Q Do you anticipate that the S organization will establish a viable ELINT security ELSEQ program A We have wrestled with that matter for a long as I've been around We have not solved it For a while we thought of calling ourselves SIGSEC instead of COMSEC thus solving the issue with improved nomenclature April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 SHCRI3'f DOCID 4036132 SECRET But it is true that we have no coherent ELSEC effort because we have been unable to define it very well Yet those definitions are important in establishin roles missions and authorities EO 1 4 c F o L 86-36 We will offer them technical advice and assistance on how good such systems are Q Will NSA establish a national COMSEC assessment program for equipment other than that we build ourselves A I hope not It's a very difficult thing If some of the equipment being produced commercially is going to be adopted by elements of the government 1 believe we must have some role in its certification or validation But I believe the way we go about that if the equipment is not to be used for national security purposes will have to be through the Department of Commerc as their new mission gives them jurisdiction over such applications BUT MR BOAK DID YOU EVER TRY TO GET RID OF ONE IN A HURRY U By D H W ave Boak has stressed the crypto u graphic integrity of the cipher devices produced by S But there is another quite different aspect of the superior quality of these machines which he didn't cover which I'd like to touch upon That is their structural integrity U Cipher devices like most other 000 equipment designed for use in the field are manufactured in accordance with something called military specifications--milspecs for short One of the features of manufacture which milspecs cover is ruggedness For example some items designed for the Army and the Air Force must be capable of operating in the severest of climatic conditions from Saharan to Arctic while many items intended for shipboard use by the Navy must be able to operate under temporary conditions of flooding B U On the other hand cipher equipment unZike most other 000 hardware is classified This means that at field locations where there is a risk of loss for whatever reason the station commander and the crypto custodian must be prepared to destroy the commcenter gear often on short notice Now it's readily obvious that milspecimposed ruggedness and ease of rapid destructability are somewhat at odds Something has to give And the clear winner at least as far as two of the most popular devices in the S inventory are concerned-the KW-26 and the KG-13--is milspecs A few ears a 0 I was involved in the From one day to t e next there was no particular hazard SO we' stayed on packing and shipping back much of the station equipment But since there was no April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 SECRET WUJQJ J HI EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 QMnj'f' I1ANN8hS SUb _ _ --------------------------------- c _ DOCIO 4036132 CONFIDBN'fIAL way of predicting what might happen a couple of 'days the future I got a bit edgy about the crypto gear I didn't want it sitting aro somewhere for days at a time waiting for pickup by ARFCOS Armed Forces Courier Service or by diplomatic courier So I sent a message back to S requesting permission to destroy the classified portions of this equipment l Now they don't fool around in S When it comes to balancing dollar costs against crypto security it's no contest Of all the requests for gui ance I sent to NSA during this period this one drew the fastest reply if you feel there's any risk of loss--destroy in lUI The first thing that became apparent was the wisdom of not -performing the destruction indoors A towering column of thick black smoke rose straight up hundreds of feet in the air while the heat given off caused us to step further and further back After a minute or two I went inside and called the two other local U S installations the Consulate General and the Naval Communications Unit to advise them that we were neither under attack or burning down that the smoke column was perfectly routine IU Emergency destruction plans envision more than one tjPe of emer glncy p ncftnt on urgency The most critical is they're-breakingdown-the-front-door right-now which involves destroying everything in its installed position Some of our more adventuresome people wanted to try this but since it would have at the very least rendered our operations building uninhabitable for some time and at worst burned it to the ground we rejected this approach taking a more leisurely one W All the classified devices were removed from their racks carried outdoors and laid out on the ground Next we ut a destruction device on each one U CLA -- NCS FOREIGN FILMS FOR SPRING U Thursday 26 April 1300 hours ' Hero's Wife Hebrew Tuesday 1 May 0900 hours Italiano Brava Gente Italian German and RusSl h 4 c Thursday 31 May 0930 hours True Frierm Russian P L 86-36 IN THE FRIEDMAN AUDITORIUM April 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 CONFIBBN'fIAL PI-Mar 79-53-27249 4036132 ------ DOCID DI lnl l ---- ------ --- 'I'I1IS BO J JMBN'I' JON'I'l INS JOBBWORB Ml TBRMI This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu