if UNCLASSIFIED RELEASED IN PART Four Party Proposal Briefing is not yet clear how we will be able to brief the DPRK whether jointly as we have proposed unilaterally as the DPRK has I asked or in some hybrid involving a combination of joint and I separate presentations In addition to tailoring the presentation to the format that is eventually agreed we will need to coordinate with the ROK on the presentation and in a joint format agree on a division of responsibilities Whatever the format the goal is to persuade the DPRK of the merits of the four party proposal to elicit and address concerns and to identify ways to move forward toward DPRK participation in the process Agreement on a joint briefing would be a major milestone toward DPRK participation B1 These talking points will need to be coordinated with the ROK and adjusted to reflect their comments UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE REVIEW AUTHORITY DONALD A JOHNSTON Points to be made CLASSIFICATION SECRET REASON DECLASSIFY AFTER 6 MAY 2016 We sha re a common go a the Korean peninsula to replace the current armistice It is for the Korean people to determine the future of the Korean peninsula The U S respects this fundamental aspiration of the Korean people Consequently the two Koreas must take the lead in the search for permanent peace The U S will not negotiate unilaterally with the DPRK about peace Recognising that differences exist the Four Party Proposal is intended to provide a framework in which each of the parties' views can be taken into account The Four Party Proposal'seeks to accommodate DPRK views by establishing a framework in which the U S can participate in i discussions of peace with the DPRK within the context of the '43 basic responsibility of the two Koreas to lead the search for peace M UNCLASSIFIED STt ch w'ara scat a I U5 imm us B1 nag h UNCLASSIFIED SECRET 2 Within this context the Us would be involved actively from the beginning - The purpose of this proposal is to initiate a process aimed at achieving a permanent peace agreement The proposal contains no preconditions no deadlines no restrictions on the agenda or procedures This flexibility is intended to maximize the possibility for all the parties to find a mutually acceptable way to create such a process leading to peace As such the proposal is designed to allow the DPRK to have a major role in defining the specific content of a four party peace process We are ready to hear DPRK views on how to implement that process I We envisage formally launching this process through a meeting of policy level officials from the four parties We are prepared to discuss the preparations agenda and procedures for an inaugural meeting with an open mind There is no_limitation on the agenda We envisage that the agenda could include any subjects which can contribute to the search for peace either by easing tensions or building trust among the participants The implementation of measures to ease tensions will benefit all by enhancing all parties sense of security and by reducing the extent to which scarce resources need to be diverted to military uses In addition it was indicated in the messages which we and the ROK sent in advance that the agenda could explicitly include economic issues - We urge the DPRK to accept this proposal We would like to hear DPRK views the U S willing to engage in bilateral negotiations on peace with the DPRK within the framework of a four party process A The is prepared to participate actively and flexibly within a four party framework we are not prepared to unegotiate separately with the DPRK about peace SECRET UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED SECRET 3 Q officials have speculated that the U S might broker a four party meeting and then absent itself leaving the North and South talking alone Is this the U S intention The U S believes that North and South Korea must take the lead in the search for peace but as one of the four parties in this proposal the U S would remain actively involved in the process Q What is the relationship between the four party proposal and - bilateral talks A They are separate processes Our bilateral dialogue will continue as would our talks on specific issues Such as remains and missiles Under the Agreed Framework the U S is committed to moving toward full normalization of political and economic relations as progress is made in resolving issues of concern There is no change in this fundamental policy Q Why then has the U S not responded to the DPRK's request for senior level talks A We are prepared to hold those talks at the Deputy Assistant Secretary level at a mutually agreeable time in the-near future I Q Is a preparatory meeting between the two Koreas a necessary step in preparation for a four party meeting A A preparatory meeting between the two Koreas would be a very welcome and positive development 'However as the joint announcement stated there are no conditions on the four party proposal Q Can the Eour Party Proposal lead to a peace treaty between the signatories of the current armistice agreement A Any party to the four party talks will be free to make its own proposals However the outcome of the peace process will have to be determined by all the parties through the negotiationsl Q Would the US he prepared to conduct bilateral negotiations with the DPRK on our proposed interim peace agreement within the context of four party talks A As stated the US is not prepared to negotiate about peace bilaterally with the DPRK We are prepared to participate - actively in the Four Party process The agenda for the Four Party talks is open and could include consideration of a proposal for an interim agreement among the concerned parties WSIFIED MASSIFIED 4 Q What role will the Chinese play A China would be one of the four parties Just what role they would play is a question that should be addressed to the Chinese What are the views on the Chinese role Q As the DPRK is not prepared to negotiate directly with the ROK would the U S be prepared to serve as an intermediary conducting shuttle diplomacy or proximity talks if the DPRK agreed to participate in a loose four party process A Our joint proposal is for four party talks It is essential nthat the Korean parties take the lead themselves The U S is willing to play a helpful role but we are not prepared to substitute for direct North-South participation in peace negotiations Q Senior U S officials have said they expect the DPRK to collapse Our military suspects that the ULS is seeking to stifle us How do we know there isn't a trick in this proposal A The U S does not seek the collapse of the DPRK We are not trying to stifle the DPRK We are committed to moving toward the full normalization of our political and economic relations We believe the Four Party peace process will help create - conditions that respond to the DPRK's desire for increased security ' Q Are you willing to give advance guarantees on economic benefits for the A We have said that economic issues can be part of the process that we can guarantee The ROK has taken steps already to increase economic cooperation the U S is committed to normalize economic relations These things can be discussed in the Four Party talks as well as bilaterally B1 UNCLASSIFIED - ruin i 1 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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