OFFICE OF OF DEFENSE D C 20301-2400 In reply refer toh 1-92 09051 INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS MEMORANDUM FOR HNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR POLICE ASD 139gw1r7'm SUBJECT North Korea Nuclear Issue- Where Are We How 158 The IAEA now has visited Eo gbyon three timee and it is currentl in ther a ein to look at some facilities What is becoming aleer ie that Hert f bzean nen cppege je 3 mere evident as 1333 becomes more aggreseive in its ine ections ccmpounding the is that there is a sense thee after several fruitless once meetings the may be en the verge of adopting quickly a bilateral inspeceipn regime which either falls short of satie ying our concerns or may not be implemented rigorously by the Given these two develepmeets it is time go review where we are and what steps 9 take next e the North Keyea nucleex issueeVen more i tiueeve and unless-Beteer en mere appear on IAEA regime ye prqvide a confidence cf whether the North- late as warriecme however is the hat perhaps as early as the end_ aseY Seen of epie yearf thefaoKs may hurriedly conclude bilaterelf agteement befcre Rah Tee Woo ste e gpwn And it cc ld vegy well be ap agreement which not qnly lacke credibility but in fact may 'be'diifienlt to be implemented in the future fa reasone ' - 1n DEE BY c115 no gem m DATE FOIA F43 06 I 3mg 9255 '03 31 qu 235 350 5 VI wifj e REDACTIQNS APPLIED TO THIS PAGE TON x I 5'9 a It is in this envirohment recently that'I met with several people from State 3A2 EM ACDA and NSC -Everyone present at this small group meeting agreed with the_oonoern that a very diluted bilateral inspection regime may he signed which does not satisfy our concerhe and thiohfmay provide undererved - respectability to the north on this iSshe - to invoke if the south does at hare the political-wtll to do so A decision to perform a challenge ihgpeotioh may for the South be as difficult a decisioh_as doing TEAM state EAR as usual is not as of either the North or the scuth -Howeverg the following steps were agreed to by this small group 367 31n ed to efine to the RpKe some essential grinciples in the on the table thdt must not he compromieeda whey range from the necessity fer adequate number of challe ge 1nepectiohs to access to any sitememilitary or civilian to opmmitmeht to Qnddot a minimum number of inspections each year Thee have now been resenteo to the RDKs to prevent therrinciples trom being excluded rom whatever final bilateral regime is negotiated Egamine Qotential alternatives to incorporate these principles in ache eprt of hew or hyhrid insyection regime so that more Credible o evenvhmerioah inspectors can initiate aha edhihieter intru ierohallenge rns actions mangated by thig hew regime rThie has the advahtage of ih uleting these ihspectib332from the domestic political pressures within the ROK of such negotiations would be provided to ell partiee is writing a paper on the feasibility f this thinki g pet will to discuss this approach the timing-and the idea-with the South and the IAEA if a new bilateral regime'involves IAEA This PCB will also start looking at our policy should be if the nuclear iesue ieg r 301 eqnjab inning'with a definition of what resolted yreallj'meehsr _EVeryooe agrees that we should be very careful not to our-critical requirements in any new approach the ROKs_or DPRK geroeive us as weakehihg ohdourpheelc objecti e to stop any DPRK weapons program with a credible challenge i spection regime I here is egreEmeht on'a new approach then we would have to convince the may not-agree with the possibility of including third parties such in its bilateral the-NOrth -- Whatever the R63 progosee to break the current impasse with the DPRK it should that no movement in diplomatic dialogue DECLASSIFIED I '3 3905 V13 um ezsz t o and no economic ass istance from Japan would occu'a without acceptance of a challenge inspectibn regime which Contains Our critical principles William T Pe1_1dley use 53 05c HM DECLASSIFIED usmp INTEROFFICE coonmumon SHEET I 92 09051 Korea Nuclear Issue U Purpose To provide USDP with thoughts on the status of the North Korea nuclear issue Recnmmendation That ASD ISA initial attached memorandum Inninmc 15 Imntaac COL Eden 2 Womn ISBKEBPR 357005 SECURHY National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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