THE WHITE chse i Nevemher 15 19 Presidential Directive NSC-SE TC The Vice President The Secretary cf State The Secretary cf Defense ALSC The General The Secretary cf Ccmmerce The Secretary cf The Secretary Energy The Directcr Office cf Management a Budget The Chairman Jcint Chiefs cf Staff The Directcr cf Central Intelligence The Assistant tn the President Dcmestic Affairs Pclicy The Directcr foice cf Science a Pclicy The Administratcr General Services Administraticn The Directcr Federal Emergency Management Agency 3Hl SUBJECT Naticnal Security Teleccmmunicaticns Pclicy I have reviewed the repcrt cf the Naticnal Ccmmunicaticns System en the need fer a naticnal security teleccmmunicaticns pclicy It is essential tc the security cf the United States tc have teleccmmunicaticns facilities adequate tc satisfy the needs cf the naticn during and after any naticnal emergency This is required in crder tc gather intelligence ccnduct diplcmacy ccmmand and military fcrces grcvide ccntinuity cf essential functicns cf gcvernment and tc the pclitical and sccial structure cf the naticn Mere- cver a survivable ccmmunicaticns system is a necessary cf cur deterrent pcsture defense In cf naticnal security gclicy the naticn's teleccmmunicaticns must prcvide fcr -- Ccnnectivity between the Naticnal Ccmmand Authcrity and strategic and ether fcrces tc flexible enecuticn cf retaliatcry strikes during and after an enemy nuclear attack -- cperaticnal cf the armed fcrces even during a pretracted nuclear cf military mchilisaticn in all circumstances In crder-tc achieve adequate capabilities these cbjectives the principles are established as naticnal security teleccmmunicaticns pclicy fer the vital functicns cf intelli gence ccllecticn and diplcmatic affairs Centinuity cf gcvernment during and after a nuclear war cr natural disaster Reccvery cf the naticn during and after a nuclear war cr natural disaster I D H li f 3H1 L'll' Naticnal security and ccntinuity cf gcvernment teleccm municatiens requirements have pricrity in restcraticn cf services and facilities in naticnal emergencies Te the maximum extent feasiblef interstate ccmmen carrier including specialised care riers and dcmestic satellite carriers shculd be and capable cf intercperaticn in emergencies at breakcut pcints puside cf likely target areas The Naticnal Cummunicaticns System will make available necessary tc allew interstate car riers tc lccate facilities where ppssible cutside cf likely target areas Functicnally similar gcvernment telecpmmunicatipns shall be capable cf interchange cf traffic in emergencies The Federal Emergency Management Agency in ccerdinatipn with the Naticnal Ccmmunicaticns Systemr shall plan emergency use cf industry private line ccmmunicaticns that have significant capabilities pipeline railroad and airline There must be a capability tc manage the restcratien and cf the naticnal teleccmmunicaticns system an emergency The Naticnal Ccmmunicaticns System will ccnsult with the Federal Ccmmunicaticns Ccmmissicn cn implementing these principles and will place substantial reliance upcn the private sectcr advice and assistance in- achieving naticnal security and preparedness gcals r-q I I r'i The Naticnal Ccmmunicaticns System will amend and revise these principles as security needs dictate and submit them tn the Special Ccmmittee appreval as required by E D 12046 thhing in this directive amends cr Presidential DirectiveXNSC-Zd 'I'I H ll'l'ihl
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