THE JDIHT CHIEFS DF STAFF DC It - SEGLASSJFIED 3 5 135-35 14 July 1935 HEHGRAHDUM FER THE DEPUTE SECRETARY DF DEFENSE Subject Draft cf Revised uses 32 Ler 1 The memcrandum tc the cfEice cf the Hatiehal Security Adviser tn the President respends te the Haticnal Security ceuncil s request fer cemments an the draft revisicn cf the US Hatienal Security Strategy NSDD 32 2 in Request yeu fermerd the memcrandum to the cffice cf the atienal Security hduiser tn the President 3 Hi This memcrandum is regraded Secret when separated Tep Secret Fer the Jeint Chiefs cf Staff F F CARTER JR vice Admiral USS Director Jeint Staf efs Reference Executive Secretary tn the HSE Hemcrandum July 1935 subject as shave uttussee'es i' isr uere 1mg IshL THE Jen-n CHIEFS er STAFF DEELISSIHEII 1H HILL Authority EIJ 13525 chlaf Records l useless lit HHS Jess 1 - 35 RUE lm 14 July 1936 MEMORANDUM FDR THE DEPUTY EECRETARE 0F DEFENSE Subject craft cf Revised uses a yer 1 her The enclesed memerandum he the cffice cf the Haticual Security hduiser tn the President ts the Saticnal Security Ccuncil s request fer ccmments en the draft reuisicn cf the US Natienal Security Strategy HSDD 32 3- in Request ycu fcrward the memorandum to the cffice cf the Hatienal Security Adviser he the President 3 This memcrandum is regraded Secret when separated from Tue Secret Ecr the Jcint Chiefs cf Staff 77-7 at P F CARTER JR vice Rdmiralt USS cirectcr Jeint Staf afs Reference Executive Secretary he the NSC Hemerandum July 1935 sub3ect as abcue Iii-fuelthEUi rid - I'll Fl - - 1r flr Cles nirectcr J-i u_ Declassify cc mu 1H2 EHIH E- ETIAFI at 131- JCSH 190-35 - Jill 19343 HEHeaanaUH Eda THE sEcuelTr Advises Te THE Subjeet Draft ef Revised ease as Talgi 1 The Jeint Chiefs ef Staff have reviewed the draft reyisien ef 32 and are pleased that the draft incerperates many ef the they made during the HSDD 32 revieu They are alse pleased te find that the decument's size has been greatly reduced while retaining meat at the essential peliey and strategy guidance necessary te fermulate a ceherent military strategyl Heueyer in the areas the deletidn ef gu1danee found in HSDD it cauld be perceived as a peliey shift and therefere requires additienal clarificatien J5 s gdf ihifl Ea tint Whitetail I I I citesetfied t dn rse en THE J lhll UF 51ft it and JCEM lad-BE IH HILL 1 Jul 35 Authnrity Ell 13525 Chl f Flatt t Ilir HHS are a a tilt Fda THE astieeat sacuarrt anyrsea Te THE auajatt Draft eE Revised sane st 1- The Jeint Chiefs ef Staff have reviewed the draft reyisien eE NEED 32 and are pleased that the draft incerperates many at the recdmmendatidns they made during the HEDD it review They are 15 pleased td find that the deeument's site has been ErEEtlf reduced while retaining must at the essential pelicy and atratesr gu1danee necessary te fermulate a enherent military EEYEFEET- HEHEVEF in tun areas the deletidn eE guidance Eeund in HSDD 32 ceuld be perceived as a pelicy shift and therefere requires additienal clarificatien 3- 93$ The Previeus yersien ef NEED 32 preyided a detailed asSessmeht hf hath US and Soviet cententienal and strategic EaP hilities and based a large pertien ef the pelicy and strategy guidance upen that assessment Deleting that assessment 35 raduced the size at the revised directive but leaves unclear whether the pelicy and strategy guidance centained therein censiders the limitatiens impesed by current cenyentidnal farce capabilities Te cerrect this and te ayeid the need td place a net assessment in HSDD 32 test shduld be added ta the Reseuree Prierities sectien similar te that Suggested helew in erder te clese the gap between strategy and capabilities the U 5 must undertake a sustained and balanced farce deyelepment pregram that is guided by periddig_net and deiet cenyentienal and nuclear_ military Declaasify dn T Hmhh J3 sqqgisi E'thJ En lie-'ifi'i sitlfur' fii UEGLASSIFI EH IH FULL tment Ell 13515 dhlei Retard a Datlass Dir WHS Data an 5 an In light ef the need te guide Eerce deyelepnent pregrams by current net assessments the farce structure espansien guidance for maritime tactical air and greund ferces appears tn inapprepriate based an nur current net assessment there is a clear need te expand and madernite all eur Service capabilities if we are tn apprnach a leyel nf reasanable risk ef accemplishing eur military nbjectiyes Based epdn this JCS assessment the suidante giying the erpansien nf tactical air and greund farces a law prierity and maritime ferces a high prierity nught ta be deleted and the fellening unrding substituted Ferce structure expansinn eE U 5 maritime air and greund ferces shall be prinritised in accerdance with the natienal military stratEgy This strategy recegniees that we meet centinue te build and undernite natienal ferces sufficient tn retain maritime superiarity Tactical grnund and air forces will have sufficient prierity fer mndernitatien tn regain and maintain U 5 aualitatiye adyantages tn efEset the Snyiet Quantitatiye superiarity 4- Dee ether area nf the draft requires same clarificatinn In the sectinn an Prierities and ubjectiyes in Her the draft discusses canyentinnal farce capabilities te place Snyiet interests at risk seizure nf strategically significant territery fer war terminatien and a pest-tenflict settlement and efferts tn deter escalatinn by altering the nuclear balance Theugh these eperatienal and strategic cencepts are generally spend the censnlidatien nf these cencepts intn nne paragraph and the absence eE any discussinn ef Hhen in a glebal war the capabilities weuld mest likely be used makes it pessible tn interpret this guidance as a centradictien tn the guidance Ereyided in the same sectien en cnunter-eEEensiyes HHT lmitatien and nuclear deterrence This apparent contradictien can be eliminated by meying the draft paragraph te just prier tn the statement at eyerall US war aims and by indicating that same ef these actiens may be necessary te achieye successful uar terminatinn The Enllnuing warding is suggested Nn_eaessa e vice Admiral USN Direetar Joint Staff J5 5W iffzfim Ea an 3 3 we 11 5 eseLeesIHEe rs In preseeuting a glehal cenflitt althnu earl U 5 eEEerts_Hi11 be directed at the denial nE Eesiet initial Db ettives United States tenvenfianal furees sheuid have the tn plate Soviet interestsIr including these within the Eeviet homeland at risk war terminatien may require seizure eE strategically territery in erder tn preside incentives te end hastilities and te create leverage for farerable pest-tenfiiet settlement it may else lntlude tenventi nai attacks en Enviet nuclear capabilities including Seviet ballistic missile submarines Such weuid be intended tn deny the Seviets the ability tn eper e Erem seattuaries and ta deter er eentrei escalation DEGUSSIFIEDIHFULL Fer the Jeint Chiefs of Staff anthems En 13525 chi-5i Records E useless it WHE are 5 sum Fr CARTER JR admiral USN Direetnr Jaint Staff
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