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interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agentsl I we Eat the of ces of Washington DC Also present for the interview wasl Ianl IPrincipal whoml I asked to sit in on the interview After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview provided the following information b6 b6 at was located on Mahogang Row a term given to the Executive hallway where the Secretary of State's of ce is also located eld a Top Secret TS Sensitive Compartmented Information SCI clearance while at and handled classified information on a daily basis II ieceived copies of the Presidential Daily Brief PDB the dissemination of which was restricted to only the highest positions in the United States Government UHF-BEG Whenl i teeded to communicate something classified to CLINTON he would walk down Maho J'an Row and talk to CLINTON face-to-face If CLINTON was not in we office or on travel and lilneeded to discuss classified information would contact CLINTON via a secure phone or send her a secure memo was not aware that CLINTON was using a personal email account while he she was Secretary 0 State nor ecall what in or saw when sent emails to or hm received emails from CLINTON assumed whatever devices CLINTO t used to conduct business while she was Secretary of State were approved because nobody at used devices without approval Iwas not aware of any policy against using personal or private email accounts to conduct unclassified business n It Investigation on 2t3t2t tlo at Washington DC b3 File# i am Date dictated MA ME tat-m sg b6 This document contains neither recmnniendations nor conclusions of the FBIloaned to yont'agenejr it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev Continuation of of Intcivicw oil I On zooms Page 2 On a few occasions itraveled with CLINTON However the majority of ltravel while Iwas Iwas done so ori bwn UIIFBBG Agents askedl Ia 2013 speech to the American Foreign Service Association I the quote was in response to a question lin regards to how business had changed at sincel IPRESIDENT administration further explained that durin previous assignment to DoS l nobody at had access to unclassi ed systems of ana'SU Blackberries didn t exist and unclassi ed computer systems were not yet installed at The on' wa to communicate during that time eriod was via cables and on the telephone In contrast when I Ireturned to access to IWICS and Unclassi ed computers as well as unclassi ed Blackberries and secure iPads I lthe above statement l lwas trying to explain how technology has allowed for a different form of information flow and ultimately sped up the way in which does business further clari ed referenced above inljZOI 3 speech was unclassi ed as not implying that information CLI may have been communicating classi ed material on her Blackberry concerning the unclassi ed matter It wasl opinion that everybod at takes security very seriously and understands the importance of protecting sources and methods hinks there is a misconception about how classi es documents and further explained that generally the only way to discuss topics with Foreign Partners is via unclassi ed channels or in very sensitive cases by making arrangements to meet in person at Embassies or at Since there isn t a classi ed system that allows to communicate with its foreign counterparts conversations that are held with foreign partners in unclassi ed channels are later up classi ed to Secret to protect the information In defense of 008 practices Ishared a stor concerninDteraction with then FBI Deputy Director MARK GIULIANO wherein statedjnteracted frequently with GIULIANO via email I Istated had the upmosi respect for GIULIANO but believed i was to review unclassi ed email exchanges with GIULIANO ould find emails that some would consider b6 1'36 107 b6 b6 306 1 70 b6 b6 b6 Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Intcn'icw oi I On zooms Page 3 b5 we When received a request to produce documents in response to Freedom of Information Act FOIA inquires lso queried and produced emails from Ipersonal Gmail account tha etermined were even remotely related to work sometimes sent short b5 emails to amily via Gmail while was on travel and felt that if referenced negotiations or an thin 3 concerning role at should produce the uments in an abundance of caution lifurther explained that it was not uncommon for o have to u Dersonal Gmail account to communicate while on travel because there were often times could not access her unclassified accountl Iwould try to copy her email account on any related communications lmay have sent from her Gmail account concerning a potential hack of an employees However email account and the accounts of Iran negotiations SpecificallyJ I received a similar email I reported the incident to Diplomatic Security who reportedly traced the emails back to al I 131 Per DOS ware of any specific instances where received notification b5 mail accoun DOS or personal or the email accounts of other hm explained was sure people tried to hack into ersonal earn approx1matelv two vears ago during in the UHFQU-Q A copy of the original interview notes are attached in a 1A envelope Rev ALI FBI HEREII-I IS BATE 08-13-2016 ET FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date tt Jtl Tt2ttl5 I 1 date of birth was interviewed at the of ces of PLATTE RIVER NETWORKS PRN 5700 Washington Street Denver Colorado 80216 by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agents landl I Also present during the interview werel attorney US Department of Justice and I attorney atI IAfter being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview provided the following information utteetro In selected to provide technical suppoIt on a contract PRN had acquired for the management of a new server used solely for email exchange for domains and accounts associated with BILL CLINTON HILLARY CLINTON and their aides under the PRN account name CESC CESC client l lknew the company InfoGrate to be the contact who initiated the PRN contract with the CESC client Iunderstood the CESC client was already using email domains hosted on a server out of their residence in Cha paqua New York and in order to effect the transition to the PRN managed new server needed to unde'stand the needs of the client and the con guration of the server bein housed in Chappaqua _was put in contact with BRYAN PAGLIANO whol understood to he the administrator of the server in Chappaqua PAGLIANO grantedi Iremote adminiszrator access to the server under the administrator user name and in mid-2013 logged in to the server at Chappaqua described the physical equipment comprising the email server at the Chappaqua residence as a Dell PowerEdge 2900 PowerEdge 2900 running Microsoft Exchange 2007 a Dell PowerEdge 1950 PowerEdge 1950 being solely used as a BlackBerry Enterprise Server BES a Cisco N88 324 for Network Attached Storage NAS a switch a firewall and a Uninterruptihle Power Supply UPS The PowerEdge 2900 server hosted the email domain presidentclintoncom chofficecom and clintonemailcom and had 20 to 30 email accounts associated The PowerEdge 2900 was used exclusively for email with no file or print options The PowerEdge 2900 had Microsoft Forefront security and Norton Symantec anti-virus software installed on it No one but PAGLIANO had administrator rights to the PowerEdge 2900 serverl lhelieved the Chappaqua residence had Comcast as an Internet Service Provider ISP UffFe'tl In order to effect the transition from the foregoing server equipment in the residence in Chappaqua to the new PRN server infrastructure and service CESC and PRN Investigation on 09t15t2015 at Denver Colorado File I I302 Date dictated MA By El sn This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the propett of the FBI and is loaned to youragencjt' it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency 136 2375 I36 136 b3 b6 Rev 10-0-95 Commutation of FD-302 of linen-ice- ofl On 09 510015 Page 2 b5 arranged a time to power down the equipment in Chappaqua transport it to a data center and migrate the existing email accounts and domains to the new server infrastructure being provided by PRN UHF-GEO On or around 0612212013 and based on an infrastructure plan as part of a Service Level Agreement SLA to provide the CLINTONs with new hardware a PRN be employee setup a Dell PowerEdge 620 PowerEdge 620 two PowerConnect 2824 switches two Fortinet b7 firewalls and a Datto SIRIS 2000 DATTO and hooked them up in a rented space at Equinix a data center located in Secaucus New Jersey On to the CLINTON residence in Chappaqua and picked up the PowerEd 1e 2900 the PowerEdge 1950 and the NAS while leaving the switch firewall and UPS at the residencelEiansported the equipment to the same rented space at Equinix as the b6 PowerEdge 620 where plugged in and networked all the equipment to get it back online in hm order to rovide CESC with continued email access ' plugged in the NAS but according to no email archiving or back-up was on it and it appeared to onl have install files The NAS was not configured to archive email by or PRN at any time changed the mail exchanger MK record to specify the transition to the new IP address and configuration at Equinix UN-F966 On or around ran the email migration for all CESC accounts from the PowerEdge 2900 to the PowerEdge 620' Iperformed this by right-clicking on individual mailboxes and migrating them over one at a time I Istated he brought over the entire content of all the mailboxes from the PowerEdge 2900 to the PowerEdge 620 as there was no way to do it piece meal or partially ldescribed the migration process as more of a sync and once the servers agree that the mailbox is moved the mailbox is removed from the old server As a result of the migration no email content existed on the PowerEdge 2900 During the migration the PowerEdge 2900 and 620 worked together in the same exchan we where the servers agree that each email sent or received is an identical copy Additionally configured the PowerEd Fe 620 to host a Blackberry Enterprise Server BES and a Domain Controller as virtual machines explained the Domain Controller as being used for password and authentication requests The PowerEdge 620 was also running Microsoft Exchange 2010 software which was an upgrade from the software on the PowerEdge 2900 Additionally as part of the new server infrastructure provided by PRN configured the DATTO back-up device to take multiple snapshots of the server a day that purged at 60 day intervals also configured both sets of firewalls and switches for redundancy in case one went down After several days of migration the PowerEdge 620 had all email mailboxes migrated to it and was processing email on Microsoft Exchan re 2010 for the email domains presidentclintoncom chof ce com and clintonemail com l lwas very confident that all email had migrated from the PowerEdge 2900 to the PowerEdge 620 At some point later l remembers adding the domainl Ito the PowerEdge 620 After total migration PRN decided to keep the PowerEdge 2900 1950 and NAS running even though it was no 156 107 Rev Continuation of FD-302 of Intentcw ofI On 0905 0015 Page 3 b5 longer processing email in order to ensure email was being delivered without failure through the PowerEd re 620 There was no of cial user security policy to have an account on the PowerEdge 620 l registered the Secure Sockets Layer SSL certi cate for the domains hosted on the b5 PowerEdge 620 Additionally PAGLIANO gavelilthe credentials for the clintonemail com MC domain registered at Network Solutions On or around 12f2013 PRN made the decision that email delivery was working well after the migration from the PowerEd re 2900 to the PRN managed PowerEdge 620 In order to power down the PowerEdge 2900 I b l3tated Microsoft Exchange 2007 would need to be uninstalled be from the PowerEdge 2900 or the PowerEdge 620 would generate error messages hm uninstalled Microsoft Exchange 2007 from the PowerEdge 2900 by clicking on uninstall and following the system prompted checks to ensure there were no ties between the PowerEdge 2900 and the PowerEdge 620 and no active mailboxes were on the PowerEdge 2900 From that point on the PowerEdge 2900 1950 and NAS sat disconnected in the cage at Equinix until the FBI picked up the PowerEdge 2900 on 08f12f20l 5 The uninstallation of Microsoft Exchange and powering down of the PowerEdge 2900 was an action taken by PRN as standard protocol without order or direction from the CESC client Based on his experiencell lldescribed set-up on the PowerEdge 2900 as a standard email set up also described his set-up on the PowerEdge 620 as standard Moreover l described that email messages accepted by the PowerEdge 620 would first go through MX Logic a third party company that removes viruses and spam before sending the message through Giglinx the Internet Service Provider ISP at Equinix From there could not recall if the email would go through CloudJacket or the rewall but he knew they were in 305 succession CloudJacket was an appliance used for intrusion prevention on the PowerEdge 620 me CloudJacket had pre-con gured settings that would block or blacklist certain email traf c it identi ed as potentially harmful Occasionally Cloudlacket would send email notifications tol las the system administrator prompting him to block certain addresses I Idescribed these noti cations as normal and could not recall any serious security incident or intrusion attempt that he was aware not identify any IP addresses or their country of origin that were involved in a brute force attack BFA against the PowerEdge 620 Email traffic would then go through the switch and to the PowerEdge 620 where it would be processed by Microsoft Exchange 2010 Additionally installed Trend Micro Anti v'irus and later Webroot Anti Virus UN 11936-1 stated the CESC client originally requested to email such that 135 no one but the user could read the content This ultimately was not the way the email was con rured so b that system administrators could troubleshoot all problems occurring within user accounts recalled and as having system administrator rights to the PowerEdge Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of FD-EUZ of linen-ice- cl On SIZIHS Page 4 b6 etc 620 although believed he handled almost all issues entirelyl lwas seldom used if at all for work on CESC System administrators could move mailboxes change and reset passwords and sometimes view email for archive searches when the users didn't have the time and CESC requested PRN complete the task After PRN took control of the server the CESC client never requested another individual have administrator access stated BRYAN password for the be PowerEdge 2900 was changed and he did not have access to the PowerEdge 620 The CESC client did request 24 hour access to someone who could assist with any issues that should arise regarding their email accounts In order to meet this request PRN contracted with Level Platforms or Managed Workplace a third-party com an used for troubleshooting and help desk related issues for any late night or off-hour requests thaiicould not handle The third-party company did not have administrator access to the server or email content but could rovide assistance with troubleshooting devices connectivity to the server and password resetsl stated the help desk service was not used often and the CESC client would contact him directly was unsure but thought the third party help desk service was no longer contracted with PRN for CESC client help UHF-9H6 In or around was contacted by someone from CESC that he recalled a Last Name Unknown LNU informing him that she was Gvoin I to ship him a MacBook containing a folder with old HILLARY CLINTON no other identifying information regarding the MacBook recalled the MacBook being shipped via FedEx to his personal residence inl but does not recall any other information regarding the shipment Oncel Ireceived the MacBook he identified the folders containing the HILLARY b6 CLINTON email and recalled five subfolders being labeled 2009 through 2014 did not i373 recall the specific HILLARY CLINTON email account the tranche was from created a local storage folder under the address and copied the files to it The cotn account was not configured to send or receive email messages or someone from CESC requested that only HILLARY CLINT and two associates be granted access butl could not recall the names of the associates shipped the foregoing MacBook back to but recalled nothing about the return shipment unease In or around was contacted by CLINTON aide CHERYL MILLS requesting lperform an archive search of all HILLARY CLINTON email during her tenure as Secretary of State from to 02f20'l 3 sent to or received from an email address ending in gov It was originally requested that lburn the foregoin 3' archive search to a DVD and b5 FedEx it to CHERYL MILLS Instead of that transmittall conducted the foregoing archive search zipped the resulting pst email files them with and used a Secure File Transfer Protocol SFTP to transfer the files to the workstations of CHERYL MILLS and HEATHER SAMUELSON Additionally password protected the files Sometime shortly after CHERYL MILLS contacted and asked him to perform another archive search for all email on all accounts in HILLARY mailbox during her tenure as Secretary of State Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of FD-302 of linen-leu- oi On 0905 0015 Page 5 136 2375 l conducted the requested archive search and transmitted it to MILLS and SAMUELSON usin 3' the same process an SFTP transfer using AES256 to their personal workstations I knew no additional detail regardin I the workstations of MILLS and SAMUELSON 3057 Additionally the archive search conducted by did not contain email from the local storage hm folder hrcarchive i ciintoncmail coin UHF-GHQ In or around 12f20'l4 l Iwas put in touch with an individual named Iby someone from the CESC client I Iinformedl that HILLARY CLINTON and HUMA ABEDIN were roine to have new email accounts on a new domain hosted on another server not administered by PRNEnfonnelethat HILLARY CLINTON new email address wasl Irai'a'cof ceccro and HUMA new email address was be Irequested thatl Ibegin forwarding the email from HILLARY hrod a Ft'iitclintonemaii corn account hosted on the PowerEdge 620 to her new geriticcoo account hosted on another server unknown to Inor anyone from the CESC client reouestedEto transfer any archived email to the new serve referent 3d Iwas not aware of any detail related to the new server referenced by to include who managed it or what it was being used for UIIFGHG In or around contacted by CESC with a request to invente the CESC mailboxes to determine what exists where it was stored and how it was backed up talked withl to coordinate the request and it was decidedl would b5 b7 travel to Eouinix to ensure the PowerEdge 2900 1950 and NAS contained no email data Once onsite at Equinix powered on the PowerEdge 2900 1950 and NAS and veri ed no old email data or backups existed When Ieturned to Equinix in 08f20'15 to provide the PowerEd re 2900 to the FBI he powered it up to check for any email or backup data The 08 20 5 inventory byl l was not requested by anyone from CESC and was a step taken by PRN stated all email accounts on the PowerEdge 620 had some back-up policy Everything on the PowerEdge 620 was backed up through the DATTO device by taking several snapshots of the server daily and maintaining the data for 60 days Additionally all accounts had some back-up set by the user in their individual email client settin rs Users could also archive email locally by making pst files on their computer workstation for exampletlstated the server 'ust resents the email to the user after that the user could do whatever they want with the email c not know what any CESC client individual email user setting was Additionally in or around 08f06f20'15 PRN was made aware that DATTO was syncing with the DATTO cloud and storing email data related to CESC off-site This off-site logging to datacenter was not requested by PRN or CESC Once the DATTO offsite logging was discovered DATTO disabled the offsite log in I feature leaving DATTO with 60 days of CESC email back-up from the day it was disabled believed DATTO was preserving the offsite email data Rev Continuation of FD-EUZ of linen-ice- oil I On Page 6 UffFe Gi lwas shown a list of CESC email accounts provided to the FBI by PRN recognized most of the email accounts and knew that some were added and deleted throughout the life of the contract but couldn't give a timeframe for the additionfdeletions and wasn't aware of all of the users for each account Additionallyl lwas unaware of the devices used by each user When CESC users would acquire a new mobile device they could con gure it themselves due to Microsoft ActiveSync technology on the mobile device On rare occasions would have to assist old blackberry users with with the BES PRN set-up a share folder on the PRN network for all documentation related to the CESC client believed PRN took this step to limit the individuals at PRN that had access to information regarding the CESC client Uf PB Gi Ibelieved that PRN never used the company Techno Rescue to recycle any equipment related to the CESC account believed that PRN never used Veeam software or service to backup the PowerEdge 620 UHF-GHQ PRN never took action to purge or delete CESC email data from the PowerEdge 620 or DATTO CESC never requested that PRN purge or delete email data associated with their account was aware of no discussions with CESC regarding classified information or retent1on fe eral records 136 b6 b6 b6 b6 H853 ALL FBI HEREIN IS UHELASSIETIEE -1- DATE 08-19-2015 5283 34364 I-TSICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Rev Iii-635 Date oftranscription On February is 2016 ldate ofbirthi I was interviewed bv Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agent land SA I lat the offices of Platte River Networks PRN 5700 Washington Street Denver CO Also present for the interview were Information Technology Specialisti Forensic Examine Department of Justice DOJ Attorneyl I andl I roml i Af'er being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview provided the following MONICA HANLEY contacted via email on or about February 2014 regarding email belonging to HILLARY CLINTON The email was stored on a Macbook and CLINTON did not want to lose the email so HANLEY requestedl transfer it to the Clinton Executive Services Corporation CESC server Server managed by PRN The Server housed four virtual machines a Microsoft Exchange server a BlackBerry enterprise server an administrative server and a domain controller I attempted to accorr lish the task via a remote session using a remote support application called ScreenConnect However lwas unable to import the files using ScreenConnect since the email was stored in the Macbook' Mail program had HANLEY ship him the Macbook so he could import the mail files manually Ut fF 'ttB Upon receipt of the MacbookEreviewed the files and noticed there were several mail folders and each was labeled with a different year from 2009-2013 He then conducted a Google search to identify an appropriate method for converting the Mac Mail files into pst files I Ibelieved he used Gmail as a way to convert the Mac Mail files to a format that could be imported into the Microsoft Exchange server Once the conversion was complete he created a new mailbox named HRC Archive It was likely a regular Microsoft Exchange mailbox that could send and receive email did not recall who had access to the mailbox Once the import onto the Server was successful he deeted the email from the Macbook but did not use any data wiping tools on the Macbook I never deleted the HRC Archive mailbox from the Server and believed it should still exist there today however users with access to the mailbox could have altered its contents Investigation on ti2r18t2t If at Denver Colorado File I Fitz Date dictated MA at 3 sa This doctnnent contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI it is the property of the FBI and is loaned to you agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency 136 1370 b6 b6 b' C b3 b6 Rev 10-6-95 Continuation of of Interview oil i On 02tI8t20Iti Page 2 In April 2014 Iremotely instructedl how to access the HRC Archive mailbox using Microsoft Outlook on her computer likely provided this assistance using the ScreenConnect application UHFOH-O After reviewing several documents dated in and around July 23 2014 stated in Jul 2014 he had a conversation with CHERYL MILLS during which she requested I Iexpott a pst file with all email in mailbox that was sent to or received from a rov email address July Export After reviewing a list of pst files modified in or around the same time I Iopined he might have attempted the July Export using different tools such as Outlook or PowerShell He did not recognize the file name ex ort st After completing the July Export and verifying it would open correctly in Outlook burned DVDs of the files and arranged for a FedEx pickup the next day However MILLS susequently requested a secure electronic transfer of the files instead of shipping physical media Once the secure electronic transfer was complete destroyed the DVDs by breaking them in half After reviewin I a July 24 2014 email from BRYAN PAGLIANO regarding a regular expression text when a user changes his or her email address Outlook updates the old email address with the new email address MILLS was concerned then- current email address would be disclosed publicl and would be different from the one CLINTON was using at the time the emails were actually sent l land PAGLIANO discussed using a regular expression text editor to find and replace the new email address with the old but the tool could not accomplish the replacement UHF-GHQ used the email addressl @gmailcom as an account to test email flow when he worked on the Server It was a dummy account he used to test email issues for various PRN clients UHF-GHQ After reviewing work tickets from July 29-30 2014 stated the ScreenConnect remote sessions with MILLS and HEATHER SAMUELSON were for the ur ose of transferring copies of the July Export to their Windows workstations Prior to the transferlL l password protected the pst then placed it in an Advanced Standard AES zip file The ScreenConnect tunnel was also resulting in three layers of protection UHF-6E8 After reviewing an invoice dated August 12 2014 stated he assisted SAMUELSON in reconnecting to the July Export archive UHF-GEO After reviewing a work ticket dated September 29 2014 and invoices dated September 30 2014 and October 1 2014 l istated he spoke with MILLS about the creation of a new email archive export September Export l Icould not recall if the September Export consisted of the complete live mailbox belonging to CLINTON the exported emails from the HRC UNCLASS I FI #3839 b6 b6 b'i'C b6 h'i'C 1'36 107 b6 1 16 b6 b6 FD-3t12a Rev Ill-635 b6 Continuation of of Interview oil I On t12tI8r 2 It'i Page 3 Archive mailbox or both The September Export was several gigabytes in size did not 136 place any limitations or delete any content from the September Export hm UHFOHG After reviewing a work ticket dated November 18 2014 stated he worked with SAMUELSON to reestablish her connection to an archive of 3 emails as could not recall if it was to the July Export the September Export the live HRC Archive 137 3 mailbox or something else After reviewing a work ticket dated November 24 2014 and an email dated the same dayti stated he participated in an urgent call with SAMUELSON regarding more speci c b5 export requirements He could not recall the details of the conversation b7 After reviewing an administrative server log file from November 24 2014 I lexplained he used Microsoft Outlook on the administrative server to test any pst le exports he created for CESC The testing consisted of opening the pst files to ensure they loaded into Outlook correctly 0 Regarding Outlook Office Alert event log entries indicating a mailbox and a gov export 25 folder were they were deleted because they were no longer needed on the administrative server 0 Regarding the log entry referencing HUMA ABEDIN requested her email from Gmail and Yahoo be imported into her mailbox on the Microsoft Exchange server l i ould not recall when ABEDIN requested this assistance UHF-GHQ After reviewing a document where Archive is referenced in the Windows Messaging pro le forl Itmp l lstated he believed this le to be a reference be related to the transfer of email from the Macbook he received from HANLEY described above we he used the Gmail accountl @gmailcom to effect the transfer to the HRC Archive mailbox He might have used the Macbook for this process but probably used the Server UHF-8H8 After reviewing emails dated December 10 2014 and December 12 2014 as well as work tickets regarding December 9-10 2014 telephone calls with MILLS and SAMUELSON stated they wanted the last 60 days of email for CLINTON and ABEDIN in new accounts he that were not on the Microsoft Exchange server but did not request the migration of any other content hm Ur fF'O'tl'O After reviewing an email dated December 1 1 2014 with the subject line 2 items for IT support and a December 12 2014 work ticket referencing email retention changes and archiver'email stated his reference in the email to the Hilary sic coverup sic 135 HR fit 6545 Rev 10-6-95 Continuation of FD-302 of Interview oil I On 021 I8r 20Io Page 4 operation was probably due to the recently requested change to a 60 day email retention policy and the comment was a joke He did not recall the prior retention policy After reviewin I a work ticket dated January 5 2015 referencing a remote session with MILLS and the session was possibly to remove the July Export or September Export pst files from their workstations UNI-1889 After reviewing a Server 1 ent from January 5 2015 noting the installation of Ontrack PowerControls PowerControls was the software utility bundled with the Datto backup device emplo ed as art of the CESC Server architecture It is used for Microsoft Exchange server restoration butlil did not recall ever taking any actions with it After reviewing a document identifying the Last Written Time as January 6 2015 for rot email Archivepst HRC gov HRC gov and stated Outlook updates the modification time and date for any pst files attached to a mail account when the program is opened After reviewing an email dated January 7 2015 containing a list of mailboxes on the CESC server stated he believed the HRC Archive mailbox should still be on the Server in the possession of the FBI He did not know why it would not be on the server and said he would check the current server for the existence of an TBS Archive mailbox Users could control tje content of a mailbox but not the existence of 1t Only had the capability to login to the Server as an administrator and remove a mailbox I lstated he did not remove the mailbox nor did anyone request he remove the mailbox After reviewing administrative server log entries ranging from January to October 2015 referencing multiple Google Apps stated the office ofl lused Google Apps for business so he used Google migration tools to pull the email accounts of users from her office to the Microsoft Exchange server January 2015 however was not the correct timeframe for that migration and did not recall what he might have used Google Apps for in January 2015 After reviewing an email dated March 5 2015 referencin from Security Pursuit stated he did not knowl land did not recall implementing any new security features during that timeframe After reviewing an email dated March 3 2015 referencing a pst file containing all of emails toffrom any gov stated he used filters based on sending and receiving email addresses as well as a date filter for time as Secretary of State to produce the July Export UNCLASS I FI b6 b6 be 107 b6 306 1 70 b6 b6 136 22-713 UNCLASS I FI Rev 10-6-95 Continuation of of Interview oi I On cznsocts Page 5 After reviewing an email dated March 5 2015 with the subject line Share s id the shared drive was located on PRN hardware in Denver It was a limited access shared drive for individuals working with CESC After reviewing an email dated March 5 2015 with the subject line CESC Firewa11 stated backup device referred to a second mobile device that belonged to CLINTON He did not recall any details about the device UH-11989 After reviewing a document with information concerning ex ort pst HRC archive comp1etepst and hrcarchive@c1intonemai1 com HRC based on the Last Written Time in the registry that existed on the administrative server as of March 7 2015 He did not recall when it was removed or who removed it from the administrative server After reviewing work tickets from March 7-8 2015 stated he determined the Cisco Network Attached Storage device brought to the Equinix data center when PRN took possession of CESU predecessor server and associated equipment did not contain any email content PAGLIANO had used it for extra storage and it only contained BlackBerry server logs did not know what was on the external USB hard drive that was also part of the predecessor server architecture PRN did not use either device as part of the Server architecture they designed and implemented LW After reviewing an email dated March 9 2015 with the subject line Re EmailfData Systems wher is listed as one of the stated he did not recall seeing the preservation documentation from DAVID KENDALL referenced in the email After reviewin I work tickets dated March 10 2015 and March '12 2015 referencing the movement of email for MILLS did not have an account on the Server and he could not recall what work he might have done for MILLS MILLS occasionally contacted l with problems related to her personal email account so the work tickets may have been of that nature After reviewing an email dated March 25 201 with the sub ect line call l lstated he had no recollection of the call or what it was about I hen reviewed an email dated March 25 2015 with the subject line Clintons and a work ticket dated March 31 2015 referencing a conference call with KENDALL and MILLS At this point in the interview counsel advisedl Inot to answer any questions related to conversations with KENDALL based on protections under the Fifth Amendment After reviewing log files dated March 31 2015 referencing multiple manual deletions from the Datto server used to backup the Server stated he did not recall 306 1 70 306 1 70 12-6 107 FD-3t12a Rev Ill-635 Continuation of of Interview ofI I On t12tl8t2ttlt'i Page 6 erforrning the deletions nor did he recall being asked to delete backups from the Datto server I Ifuither stated everyone at PRN has access to the Datto client portal which is used to manage the backups for all of clients who employ Datto' services After reviewing log files dated March 31 2015 referencing the installation of BleachBit on the administrative server stated he believed he used the program for the removal of pst files related to the various exports of email discussed above from the administrative server He took this action of his own accord based on his normal practices as an engineer He did not recall which settings he used to include the overwrite free space feature later stated he might have used BleachBit on the Microsoft Exchange server because any pst exports would be created there then moved over to the administrative server and opened to verify the exported pst file worked correctly l does not recall who or when the conversation occurred but someone from CESC told him at some point sthe did not want the pst files hanging around and wanted them off of the Server after the export After reviewing a text document with the first line June of 2013 stated he did not recall creating the document However the statement Files were shredded is probably a reference to his use of BleachBit After reviewing log files from the administrative server dated January October 2015 stated the reference to Google Apps on April 4 2015 was possibly an automatic update to the software gulf F999 After reviewing an email dated April 24 2015 with the subject line Deer 5n stated the entry on April 27 2015 was a calendar appointment related to regular maintenance of the Server and associated equipment After reviewing an email dated August 18 2015 with the subject email stated CESC wanted to verif they had a 60 day retention policy He believed misspoke on a 30 day retention policy After reviewing an email dated August 21 2015 with the subject line Datto remote access and an email dated August 20 2015 with the subject line CESC Datto stated PRN might have received a new Datto server because in the initial setup of the original Datto server it auto synced with the Datto data center and created an offsite copy The new Datto server would not allow that to happen FD-3l12a Rev Ill-635 Continuation of of Interview oli I On oznsoota Page 7 Utaeoe After reviewing logs dated September 21-September 26 2015 from the Microsoft Exchange server and September 25-October 2 2015 from the administrative server speculated he may have removed mailboxes attached to Outlook on the administrative server He was not instructed to delete any user mailboxes on the Microsoft Exchange server in September 2015 nor did he delete any mailboxes Furthermore l ldid not do an work with any email exports in the September 2015 timeframe It was standard practice forlilto install OnTrack PowerControls on a server because it is required to restore a system from a Datto backup Additionally would login to the Datto server during regular maintenance appointments to check the baeku s Revardin I the October visits to the CESC Datto Control Panel referenced in the logs I p Ior I lprobably logged into the Datto server using ScreenConnect to verify it was running properly ScreenConnect wa primary method of connecting to the administrative server not recall manually running a disk defragmenting utility but would sometimes do it as part of routine maintenance was shown several other documents for which he had no information All documents used during the interview are attached to this communication as a 1A b6 b6 1'36 107 b6 UNCLASS I Fo-sttaa Rev tit-asst -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date tt ithnlo gutmeoe On May 3 2016 IPlatte River Networks PRN date of birth was interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agent SA I Iand SAI Iat the United States Attorney's Of ce for the Eastern District of Virginia located at 2100 Iamieson Avenue Alexandria VA 22314 Also present for the interview were Su end so 3 ecial AgentI I Information Technolo Specialist Forensic Examiner I I Department of Justice DOJ AttornevI I Attornevi i EDVA AttorneyI I and EDVA AttorneyI Ias well as I counselI IandI I After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interviewI lprovided the following oases-to In February with MONICA HANLEY to import an archive of HILLARY 5 email from an Apple MacBook to the PRN-maintained server hosted for the CLINTON EXECUTIVE SERVICES CORPORATION CESC This server hosted 5 email account HANLEY told the MacBook contained old email that only existed on the laptop and HANLEY did not want to lose it The email was stored in Mac Mail within folders labeled by year as 2009 Inbox 2009 Sent Items Inbox 2010 Sent Items etc I Itried to effect the transfer of the archived email through a remote session using ScreenConnect but the WiFi connection was intermit ent and the MacBook repeatedly turned itself off Therefore HANLEY shipped the MacBook to was unaware of a USB flash drive containing an identical set ofthe email files ttied various tools and Googled for solutions to effectively transfer the email les After researching options I Itransferred all of the email content to the dummy gmail accountI IngmailcomI Iconnected the administrative server to the gmail account and used it as a bridge to move the email into a mailbox named hrearchive on the Exchange server The PRN architecture consisted of a BlackBerry Enterprise server domain controller administrative server and Microsoft Exchange server PRN server After the transfer was complete he deleted the content from the gmail account and provided the hrearchive login credentials to HANLEY or I land demonstrated how to access the mailbox using Outlook Web Access did not know if I Ior HANLEY provided the credentials to others however anyone with the credentials could access the account Prior to shipping back the MacBook either Investigation on 16 at Alexandria VA File I littl Date dictated A as El SAI This document contains neither recommendations not conclusions of the FBI t is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency UNCLASS I 12-6 107 136 I370 b6 b3 b6 I FD-3II2E1 Rev Continuation orFo anz of lillcn'icw oil I On t151t13f2t116 Page 2 HANLEY Irequested the email be deleted from the MacBook deleted the files containing the email but did not use any special tools to remove the files provided an address for the return shipment of the MacBook andI I used either the United States Postal Service or United Parcel Service war-coon and all had access to the prnadmin account credentials to access the PRN server The account on the server maintained by BRYAN PAGLIANO was created by PAGLIANO during the transition to the PRN server There was also a built-in administrator account on the PRN server butI Inever used it I Ihandled most day to-day work tickets for CLINTON 3 account whileI Ihandled the physical infrastructure setu and maintenance was authorized to work on the account and served as a backup toI Iand however he only handled a few work tickets I Ileft PRN in June or July 2015 and based on normal business practice passwords were changed for all admin accounts In July 2014 CHERYL MILLS emailedI Ito schedule a phone call On the call MILLS outlined toI Ishe needed an export of al email sent to or received from a gov email address Jul Export for the purpose of di them to the United States Department of State State Isearched gov in the live 1ailbox to find email responsive to request After preparing the export I Iworked with MILLS and HEATHER SAMUELSON to transfer the export to each of their orkstations This interaction was the rst with MILLSI Ipreviously interacted withl land I MILLS served as the primary contact from whiclI Itook direction for this export and later exports I only interacted with SAMUELSON once or twice beyond troubleshooting her access to the exports He described MILLS and SAMUELSON as pro cient computer users with knowledge of basic programs UHFOHO Based on the direction provided by MILLS as described above prepared an export of email from her live account on the PRN server then used T-Zip to compress the export and password-protect it To transfer the export to MILLS and SAMUELSON he connected to each of their workstations remotely using ScreenConnect and installed 7- Zip On laptop he also installed Outlook 2013 because she did not have Outlook at that time After the installation of T-Zip on both workstations and Outlook 2013 on workstation Itransferred the zip file using Secure File Transfer Protocol SFTP unzipped the export and opened the ex ort in Outlook by navigating to it using File- Open-eOutlook Data File When transferring the lotllikely dropped it on the desktop or in a folder on the C drive In September 2014 MILLS contactedI Iand requested an export of entire mailbox September Export soI Ifollowed a similar process to the July Export He prepared a pst file zipped it using T-Zip and trans erred it to MILLS and SAMUELSON UNCLASS I 1'36 107 306 b6 1 171 136 FIG 136 1370 136 FD-3l12 l Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of FD-BUZ of Interview all I On tiresome Page 3 through ScreenConnect In the preparation of this export Idiscussed different options for the transfer based on the size of the file but ultimately decided on the same process using ScreenConnect as the July Export MILLS never requested assistance from I in locating email from January 2009 March 2009 and was never aware there was a gap during that timeframe ldid not know why the pst flle provided to the FBI from counsel contained the email addressl @gmailcom in the metadata because he believed he created email exports from live email mailbox However he provided the following possible explanations 0 l lmay have imported HRC Archive into live mailbox 4- A user may have moved email from HRC Archive into live mailbox at A user may have taken email directly from the HRC Archive mailbox to produce what was provided to State l did not assist in the production of any pst files provided to State During the July Export and September one pst file contained within a zip file to MILLS and one to SAMUELSON Their laptops were running either Windows 7 or Windows 8 $69 After reviewing a chart labeled files and Outlook Profiles Admin Server stated gov email Archivepst gov and gov reference the July Exports described the other files as archive completepst references the September Export hrcarchive@clintonemail com HRC archiveost is a remnant of the transfer of files from the HANLEY laptop described above to gmail I @gmailcom - not recall creating this pst le it huma-gmail-yahoopst was a result o1 importing HUMA ABEDIN email from those services to the PRN server After reviewing a PRN invoice referencing an October I 20l4 call with MILLS stated the call was in relation to one of the pst file transfers After reviewing a PRN work ticket dated November 18 2014 referencing a call with SAMUELSON stated he worked with SAMUELSON to reconnect her to email archive b6 136 22-75 b6 136 I370 b6 306 1 70 1 16 b6 b6 Rev b6 Continuation of FD-Etlz of Intcn-icw otl I On oil m ttlo Page 4 b7 After reviewing an email dated November 24 2014 with the subject line stated he did not know what the reference to an urgent call was about 3 urteooe After reviewin I a work ticket dated November 24 2014 referencing more specific export he did not know what the more specific export requirements were but did not believe an additional pst file was transferred Neither SAMUELSON nor MILLS b5 requested assist with searches for emails toffrom specific users emails toffrom speci c b7 domains or create additional exports beyond the July and September Exports UHF-866 In November or December 2014 MILLS told she did not want the exported data on the laptops anymore and requested he securely delete the pst files reviousl transferred to and workstations but did not speci cally requestl se deletion software Based on the request of MILLS I Irecommended BleachBit a tool he had used b6 reviousl with clients who had financial information on computer equipment being decommissioned desc bed BleachBit as a utility that securely deletes files by overwriting data multiple times He could not recall what version he used but would have downloaded the latest version at the time of request Sometime prior to this discussion MILLS mentioned once emails were printed for State she could put the pst tile on a flash drive and have a master copy ad the impression MILLS was referring to all of emails notjust those provided to State used the same deletion process for the workstations of both MILLS and SAMUELSON He initiated a remote session typically while on the phone with MILLS or SAMUELSON to each workstation using ScreenConnect and downloaded BleachBit from the Internet then installed the software He used BleachBit to remove the pst les by running the shredding function be as a standard user not an administrator The process took a few minutes to complete during which did not encounter an error message believed he shredded a total of eight tiles the two zip and two pst files on each laptop from the July and September exports He did not recaH Altering any settings prior to shredding the pst files Wiping free space 0 Selecting artifact clean up 4 Verifying the deletion ofthe files 0 Selecting Shred Settings and Quit once the process was complete 4- Targeting any temporary files Uninstalling BleachBit After reviewing work tickets dated December 12 2014 and January 5 2015 stated the work tickets reflected the tasks he completed to remove pst les from the PRN b5 Rev b6 Continuation of FD-302 of Interviewed I On tt ftts ttlo Page 5 hi server and the workstations of MILLS and SAMUELSON The requests from MILLS were routine customer service so no one else at PRN was aware of the removal tasksEcompleted beyond 136 what was written in the work tickets Since completion neither MILLS nor an one else from CESC hm contacted to verify this work was complete Additionallyl l was not contacted by anyone to discuss the process he used to remove the files from the workstations In March 2015 MILLS contactedl Ito discuss email be Typically MILLS would contact using the email addressl @gmailcom and setup a MC time to call MILLS wanted to know what backups of 5 email existed and where those backups were located After discussin I the otential for content to exist on the server CLINTON used prior to the PRN server PRN decidedlilwould travel to the datacenter in Secaucus NJ to power up the old eguipment gPredecessor server and check it for any backups or copies of mailbox After arrived at the datacenter and turned on the old equipment spoke with Iwhile they both were logged on to the system Neither the Cisco Network Attached Storage NAS device nor the external USB hard drive that were part of the architecture for the Predecessor server contained backups or other data associated with 5 email PRN used a Datto backup appliance to backup the PRN server and it wa 3 common practice to include the administrative server as part of the Datto backup butl lcould be not specifically recall if the administrative server was backed up for had no memory b7 of stopping Datto backups of the PRN administrative server on March 8 2015 Datto recommends turning off Windows Volume Shadow Copy service because it can interfere with Datto backups b6 lave After reviewing an email dated March 25 2015 with the sub'ect line call and an email dated March 25 2015 with the subject line Clintons stated he could not 5'5 recall the content of the call or the reference to backups in the email hm After reviewing a document titled Exchange Audit Logs dated March 25 2015 and March 31 2015 stated the Platte Admin mailbox received firewall alerts and other internal tent alert Additionally the Platte Admin account was used to effect changes on other mailboxes lb did not speci cally recall using it to provide full access for prnadmin to the mailboxes H and HRC Archive on March 25 2015 and then removing the HRC Archive mailbox from the Exchange server he had an oh shit moment and removed the HRC Archive mailbox He also changed the mailbox retention policy from 30 days to 1 day and cleaned the mailbox database because MILLS previously requested in late 2014 or early 2015 he change the retention policy for CLINTON and existing and ongoing email to 60 days He removed the HRC Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of FD-302 of Inlen-ien- of I On 05 03f2016 Page 6 Archive mailbox manually because all content in the mailbox was older than 60 days changed the deleted items retention policy from 30 days to 1 day to ensure no email outside of the 60 days remained on the server and executed the Clean MailboxDatabase command to clean whitespace within the database similar to running a disk so enabled Circular Logging but did not recall why he did so in this instance He typically enabled it when importing email because Microsoft Exchange logs contain email that hasn t been committed to a database Circular Logging reduces the log file size by forcing Exchange to commit data to the database immediately After reviewing documents titled BleachBit PRN A min rver and BleachBit Exchange Server indicating the use of BleachBit on March 31 tated he checked the Exchange Server for remaining copies of 3 email When he located a pst file he used the most recent non-beta version of BleachBit available at the time to shred the pst files on the PRN server but did not recall which pst tiles he found or removed He did not wipe free space encountered no errors and viewed the folders to see if the files were gone but did not take additional steps to confirm the deletions Idid not talk with MILLS about the files be found and deleted After reviewin 1 lo files dated March SI 2015 indicating the deletion of files from the Datto backup appliancerstated he did not recall deleting any Datto backups nor did he recall receiving an instruction to delete backu from the Datto however it is unlikely anyone else at PRN would have deleted the files deid not know if the administrative server was backed up to the Datto Application Events stated he had no insight into the installation of Google Apps for Microsoft Outlook on April 5 2015 After reviewing a document titled Admin Server Installedeninstalled UH-F988 After reviewing documents titled Add-MailboxPermission and Remove- MailboxPermission and on Admin Server 9f25f2016 in September 2015 he looked into replacement options for the PRN server because he believed the server would be turned over to the FBI To prepare for this eventuality be logged onto the server to verify the backups of the server were working correct and evaluate what new hardware PRN would need to order During the same time frame restored the mailbox forI I This restoration may account for the activity related to Ex ort st in September 2015 and it is unlikely contained any of after the restoration was complete However he did not delete any data related to CLINTON 3 email after he was interviewed by the FBI in September 2015 After reviewing an email dated March 9 2015 referencing a preservation email from DAVID KENDALL and a preservation request from the FBI dated July 31 he was aware of the preservation requests and interpreted both as meaning he should not disturb b6 b6 b6 b6 306 1 70 b6 156 107 UNCLASS I Rm Hl-l'r-US b6 Comimmtion orFD snz or Interview and I On osmosis Page 7 email data on the PRN server I Iclid not receive guidance from other PRN personnel or PRN counsel or others regarding the meaning of either preservation request b6 b7 UNCLASS I ALL IEI Ittronuarrotr commune 170-303 Rev HEREIN Is Lineman- Ian oar-E 03-19-2016 Ev Marco FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date ofuansetiption b6 On September II 2015 I United States Department of State D08 2201 Street NW Washington D C 20520 office tele honel I was interviewed by FBI Special land Al so present wasl I office telep 'tonel I Arte being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interviewl provided the following information Principal Officer Electronic Messaging System POEMS was a Top Secret email system that was phased out several years ago Today the term POEMS is often used by people referring to the email systems provided by the Office of the Secretary Office of the Executive Secretariat - Information Resource Management While the majority of employees receive IT support from Information Resource Management IRM a subset of approximately 600 individuals receive IT support from This subset is composed of high-level executives and staff who are collectively referred to as the floor The system was created to provide the 7th floor users with enhanced customer service Despite being administered by separate groups the IRM and systems utilize the same hardware and software platforms Both groups support their respective users across both Opennet the unclassi ed network and Classnet the classified network The top secret network at D08 is operated by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research INR regardless of the user does not have stand-alone email backup Historical emails have to be extracted from an overall system backup The volume of available historical emails therefore depends on what each user had saved on their system when the system backup occurred The entire system is backed up every night during which the email exchange as well as file servers shared drives applications and other relevant files are captured The backup tapes are held for 45 days has pulled the relevant system backup tapes in response to the preservation re uests issued by the FBI and is 306 preserving them until they receive further direction from the FBIEestimated that WC approximately 100 of the 600 customers were listed on the preservation request b6 provtded that the exchange servers are housed at ESOC 1n Culpeper VA and that we the backups are stored at the Harry S Truman building Investigation on tt Jtl IIZUIS at Washington DC 133 File a I I Date dictated MA ME SF By 136 This document oontains neither reconuuendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to youragency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Ill- P95 Continuation of of Interview of I On ti9r'l-l-t2tilfr Page 2 b5 b7 customers do not use the State Messaging and Archival Retrieval Tool SMART for memorializing official email records Instead they follow the print and file policy whereby each individual is responsible for assessing if a communication should be archived and is then responsible for printing and appropriately ling the communication SMART is primarily used for archiving cable traffic and replaced a legacy system known as CableXpress approximately four or five years ago does not administer the Public Affairs Communication Electronically PACE system which is operated by the Bureau of Diplomacy PACE is a much smaller system but it is possible that a few people from Secretary Clinton' staff may have used PACE does not have a restriction on the use of personal email accounts for official business Personal email accounts are often used by individuals in the field who were not issued an official mobile device or who do not have the time or means to remotely log into the system Employees are not required to notify that they are using a personal account for official business and there is no mechanism to track who is using a personal email account In 2009 and 2014 issued official guidance to users of personal email accounts that stipulated that they must forward work-related emails back to their official work account within a specified period of time for record keeping purposes does not automatically create Opennet or Classnet email accounts for new employees Accounts are only created once a request form has been submitted had no record of a request being completed by or on behalf of Secretary Clinton for the creation of Des email accounts Nor were there any records of requests being made for a mobile device is also responsible for issuing official cell phones and other mobile devices to their floor customers However does not have historical records for devices issued during Secretary Clinton' tenure The system that was used for tracking property during that time period was previously taken offline and has been unable to restore the system due to the presence of corrupt files While users were required to sign a property record when a device was issued to them those records would have been destroyed once the device was returned to was not able to provide any specific informati on about the broader svstem and it their efforts to preserve relevant data He recommer ded contactin Bureau of Diplomatic Security US noted that BRIAN PAGLIANO works for land care should be taken when contacting IRM I landl Iwere available for future contact if necessary 0 ALL PEI CONTAINED Rev HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EATE 08-19-3316 BY 53 3351 94 NSICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date UttF O tl'O On January 1 2016 MONICA HANLEY was interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI ecial Agentsl Iandl Iatl I be Washington DC 2000 Representing HANLEY and also present for the b7 interview werel Iandl I After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview HANLEY provided the following information In 2003 following her college graduation HANLEY interned for then Senator HILLARY CLINTON internship position was converted to a permanent position in 2004 HANLEY continued working for New York Senator KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND who was appointed after CLINTON was nominated as Secretary of State UHF-GEO In April of 2009 HANLEY received a call from HUMA ABEDIN asking if HANLEY would be interested in working for CLINTON as a Confidential Assistant at the Department of State HANLEY accepted the position at and continued working for GILLIBRAND until two days before her start at UH-P868 During her first year at Confidential Assistant duties included supporting and scheduling CLINTON domestic travel and personal appointments HANLEY also ran various errands for CLINTON HANLEY also served as ABEDIN and JAKE scheduler and it was her responsibility to coordinate their schedules with schedule UHF-GHQ HANLEY accompanied CLINTON on foreign travel on a few occasions during her first year at first overseas travel with CLINTON was to the Philippines CLINTON specifically invited HANLEY to join her on that trip because CLINTON knew HANLEY was of Filipino decent and would appreciate the opportunity to travel there ABEDIN almost always traveled with Iandl Iwere additional aids who rotated duties b5 with HANLEY in regards to accompanying CLINTON on foreign travel we When ABEDIN became pregnant in 201 l HANLEY became a primary traveler and accompanied CLINTON on most of her foreign trips I land 3 35 I Iwere also part of travel team during this time I Iwas responsible me for managing press matters whereas were responsible for protocol Investigation on It 20m at Washington DC 133 File# l-soz Date dictated MA ME 3385 I sal I 136 3076 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Enema Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview of vIonicaIIal cv On HI HZIHIS Page 2 HANLEY went through a full day of on board training her first day at of which approximately half was security related HANLEY recalled learning speci cally how to handle and transport classi ed informationfpaper but could not recall who provided the training HANLEY received a Top Secret f SCI clearance at but was unsure of any speci c codeword programs for which she may have additionally received read-ins HANLEY did not hold a security clearance prior to HANLEY did not recall ever receiving Freedom of Information Act FOIA training and the only training HANLEY received concerning the Federal Records Act ERA came near the end of tenure at A representative from 5 record keeping Name P5 Unknown LNU met with HANLEY and others on staff and instructed them to produce all b7 records that changed effected or created policy HANLEY recalled going through paper files with other executive Staff members and placing the papers in stacks in the hallway outside the Secretary's Suite After which a record keeper would review the production and make the final determination on which information was relevant to the FRA Email Accounts and Server During her time in the Senate CLINTON used int Editattiilackberrv net HANLEY was aware of this email account but did not use this account to communicate with CLINTON CLINTON used ln'od't while she was Secretary of State and following her departure from UH-F889 HANLEY did not initially recall the account learns corn however later in Eric the interview HANLEY deduced the account may have been created as a way to communicate with CLINTON during a bad storm in 201 I when power to the server hosting was lost HANLEY believed CLINTON was traveling in Croatia at the time and HANLEY and lmay have created the account as a temporary way to communicate with CLINTON during the outage UHF-OHS HANLEY was not familiar with the email address SSI iRCiZfiistate gov HANLEY vaguely recalled CLINTON being issued a Blackberry but CLINTON did not use the D08 issued device HANLEY was aware CLINTON was using a personal email address on a personal server for business while CLINTON was Secretary of State JUSTIN COOPER created installed and maintained the server in Chappaqua before the server was transitioned over to Platte River Networks PRN could not recall when the transition to PRN occurred COOPER was point of contact for assistance in regards to syncing CLINTON mobile devices to the server Anytime CLINTON got a new device HANLEY would contact COOPER who would troubleshoot her through the process of setting up the new device with the server COOPER was also 5 point of contact Rev Continuation of of Interview of vIonicaIIanlcv On HZIHIS Page 3 when needed reimbursment for items she purchased for CLINTON COOPER was located in New York so most of 5 interaction with him was via email or telephone BRYAN PAGLIANO was part of 2008 Presidential Campaign and was later employed by in a technical capacity HANLEY would contact PAGLIANO for help with physical Blackberry problems UH-F868 HANLEY did not recall ever participating in or overbearing any discussion over records retention issues nor the legality of CLINTON conducting business off a private server or email account HANLEY was asked to review a few emails forwarded from CLINTON at hrodi Fifi ilclintonemaii com to I-IANLEYF 5 DOS email account wherein CLINTON asks HANLEY to print the forwarded email After reviewing the email HANLEY explained CLINTON did not like reading things on her Blackberry because it was difficult to read the small font so she preferred a hard copy for longer emails Sometimes CLINTON would keep the hard copy to archive the document but HANLEY was not privy to what documents CLINTON had printed for an easier read versus archiving HANLEY used two email accounts while at got and HANLEY did not have an @clintonemailcom email account nor was she b6 ever 0 ere an @clintonemailcom account As a way of general practice HANLEY tried her best to use 137 her state gov email account for work related matters and her Gmail account for personal interactions with CLINTON HANLEY further explained she considered personal interactions with CLINTON to include things like scheduling hair appointments However HANLEY noted that her stategov email account was not as easily accessible as her Gmail account and on some occasions she use Gmail when she could not access her state gov account UHF-GHQ HANLEY was issued and carriedfused a Blackberry It was difficult to access email while on travel as the system required users to sign in using a tokem key to sign in remotely It was particularly difficult to sign into the system in the Secretary plane because the wifi was not always compatible so HANLEY would often use her Gmail account while in the air The same was true for foreign travel Many employees used personal email accounts because they were more easily accessible ABEDIN emailed HANLEY equally from her stategov and personal accounts Mobile Devices UHF-GEO After she reviewed pictures of various Blackberry models HANLEY pointed to the picture of the Curve 8310 explained CLINTON preferred the Curve 8310 because she found the 8310 track-ball feature easier than the track-pad on newer Blackberry models CLINTON tried the Blackberry 87006 but did not like the device because of the track-pad HANLEY also thought the Curve 8900 looked familiar HANLEY did not recall the specific Blackberry devices CLINTON used at but believed 5 original Blackberry was black in color and housed in a blue silicone case Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Intcivicn' of vIonicaIIanlcv On ltI ltZ ltS Page 4 HANLEY recalled helping CLINTON change her Blackberry device at least three or four times while she was at HANLEY recalled having to replace 3 Blackberry on one occasion after CLINTON spilled coffee on the device Another time HANLEY recalled having to replace Blackberry because it started to slowly fail overtime HANLEY recalled proactively trying to purchase replacement Blackberrys for CLINTON at one point but CLINTON only liked the older models HANLEY believed she may have even purchased one of the older Blackberry models CLINTON liked off of Ebay HANLEY would contact COOPER after purchasing a new Blackberry device for CLINTON and he would instruct HANLEY as to how to connect the device and the device with 3 server and email Once the new device was properly synced COOPER would also talk HANLEY through the process of wiping the old device HANLEY would provide the new Blackberry to CLINTON along with the oldfwiped Blackberry However HANLEY was not sure what CLINTON did with the old Blackberry after HANLEY turned them over Aside from receiving emails on her Blackberry CLINTON used her Blackberry to text and pin short personal messages UHF-989 CLINTON also used an iPad HANLEY could not recall when CLINTON obtained the iPad but thought it may have been purchased by COOPER HANLEY was not sure who configured iPad CLINTON predominately used the iPad in the evenings and while on travel both domestic and international for reading news articles and emails CLINTON did use the iPad to send and receive emails CLINTON did not use the iPad while she was in her office at ABEDIN HANLEY and had access to iPad on occasion to ge assist CLINTON if her iPad was not working properly but HANLEY could not recall CLINTON giving her iPad to anybody else to use UHF-GEO CLINTON received a new iPad in 201 and gave HANLEY an iPad around the same time HANLEY assumed CLINTON gifted her with 3 old iPad Agents asked HANLEY to review an email exchange dated 8f18f2011 between ABEDIN and COOPER in which ABEDIN tells COOPER She presumably doesn t like ipad 2 and later typed She gave to monica as a birthday gift After reviewing the email HANLEY explained that she assumed she received 3 old iPad but now realizes she likely received newer iPad HANLEY was not aware the iPad was a birthday gift but stated that it was not uncommon for CLINTON to gift ABEDIN and HANLEY with some of her personal items she no longer wanted UHF-988 When HANLEY received the iPad the opening screen said iPad so before using the gifted iPad HANLEY wiped the device HANLEY used the iPad for personal use up until the time she moved back to New York in 2014 Prior to moving HANLEY gave the iPad to be 107 Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview of On ltI H2016 Page 5 so he could use the iPad to listen to music and podcasts HANLEY did not wipe the iPad prior to gifting it to UHF-668 In October of 2013 HANLEY received a call from CHERYL MILLS who inquired about the iPad HANLEY explained she received what she believed was old iPad as a gift from CLINTON in 201 l MILLS subsequently informe HANLEY she needed to turn over the iPad in response to the investigation HANLEY contacted to retrieve the iPad and turned it over Laptop Computer UHF-BBQ After they learned longtime friend of CLINTON SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL was the target of an email hack in Spring of 2013 PRN spoke with COOPER ABEDIN and HANLEY and advised CLINTON change email addresses CLINTON did not want to lose her old emails when she changed her email address COOPER subsequently provided HANLEY an extra Apple Macbook from President Clinton Harlem NY Office HANLEY then transferred all of old emails from the PRN server to the Macbook Air HANLEY transferred the emails to the Macbook in he apartment and noted that it took several days because she transferred four years of emails HANLEY also recalled transferring the emails to a thumb-drive but could not recall what happened to the thumb drive HANLEY maintained possession of the Macbook following the transfer of the emails The Macbook was stored in apartment HANLEY moved at least once after she transferred the emails to the Macbook and brought the Macbook with her to her new apartment or Petra HANLEY continued to work for CLINTON following and in early 2014 took a position in thel Shortly thereafter HANLEY realized she still had possession of the Macbook containing archived emails HANLEY subse uentl contacted PRN on her own accord and spoke withl land I HANELY shipped the Macbook toI IinI Iin February and instructed PRN to migrate the emails back to existing server wipe the Macbook and return the Macbook to who was at the time The Macbook was shopped froml I to ask about the whereabouts of the Macbook When HANLEY was first contacted FBI agents in November 2015 in regards schedulin I an interview she reached out tol 1 told HANLEY she did not recall receiving the Macbook from PRN b6 b6 1'36 107 136 b6 b6 FD-3ll2 l Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview of vlonicallanlcv On ltI Page 6 Handling of Classi ed Material CLINTON did not have a classi ed account and received all classi ed information in paper form Executive Assistant JOE was responsible for determining what classified information needed to be passed up to CLINTON The Central Intelligence Agency CIA Presidential Daily Bri efer PDB on occasion may have also flagged information for CLINTON to read When CLINTON was on travel her traveling Executive Assistant or SULLIVAN would determine what classified information needed attention HANLEY visited both Chappaqua NY and Washington DC 136 residences however HANLEY spent more time in Washington DC home HANLEY are believed CLINTON had a Sensitive Information Compartmented Facility SCIF installed on floor of her Chappaqua home that contained at least a secure phone and fax CLINTON also had a SCIF in her DC home HANLEY believed the DC SCIF contained a secure phone and unclassi ed Mac desktop but was not sure about a fax machine When the Operations Center needed to get classified material to CLINTON at her DC residence the information would be couri ered by her security detail in a diplomatic pouch Only a few people close to CLINTON such as HANLEY could deliver the diplomatic oc uch directly to her HANLEY assumed lin Chappaqua could also accept and deliver diplomatic pouches b6 UNI-1688 A Mobile Communications Team MCT traveled with CLINTON on both international and domestic trips The MCT was responsible for setting up a command post for 131 Per DOS team Depending on the security climate at the destination the mobile command post would II by CLINTON or her des1gnated statt' 'I'he generally set up an unclass1t'1ed I computer in either ABEDIN or room for the purpose of printing unclassified information for CLINTON It was not uncommon for HANLEY to use her personal Gmail account to print from the mobile unclassified terminal because even though she was using a D03 computer the connection was unreliable UHF-OBS CLINTON had a secure phone in her office at as well as in both her Washington DC and Chappaqua NY residences When CLINTON was traveling ABEDIN would generally carry a secure cell phone HANLEY carried the secure phone on occasion and described the phone as looking like an old Nokia non-flip phone with a big antenna and large buttons The secure cell phone was carried in a box ABEDIN kept a secure cell phone in her desk at Wife-HO HANLEY received a lesson from somebody on the D08 technical team in regards to using the secure cell phone but when HANLEY tried to use the secure cell phone in 2012 on a trip to Haiti it did not work Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview of Monicailai c t' On ltI 21316 Page 7 Email Review UHF-GHQ HANLEY was contacted by attorney DAVID KENDALL Williams 83 Connolly in March or April of 2015 Following her conversation with KENDALL HANLEY searched the Gmail account she used while at for any email communications with state gov accounts and deleted emails associated with state gov accounts HANLEY was not involved with any efforts to review and cull emails General Security Matters HANLEY never personally was notified of an intrusion attempt against any of her email accounts personal or Gmail however she remembered hearing some state email accounts were hacked by presumably the Chinese Government following one of 3 trips to China UHF-989 HANLEY also received verbal security counseling from Diplomatic Security DS following a Russia trip on which she accompanied CLINTON HANLEY was handed a diplomatic pouch containing briefing book on the plane upon arriving in Russia HANLEY brought the pouch and its contents into the Russian hotel suite she shared with CLINTON DS found a classified document from the briefing book in the suite during a sweep following CLINTON and departure and HANLEY was later informed by US the briefing book and document should never have been in the suite UHF-GEO A copy of the original interview notes are attached in a 1A envelope ALI - inar commune HEREIN rs mrcLassrsIEe -1- BATE 08-13-2316 ET NSICC- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Dale I lwas interviewed at his office at the Harry S Truman Building 2201 Street NW WashinGton DC Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agents SA I land i After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview provided the following information In February assigned as a in the Department of State Operational Center DOS 5 Operational Center is manned 24 hours a day by three different watch shifts Sometime in 2009 became al Iwhich meant tha UHF-GHQ In either VIarch or April of 201 DJ for Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON sI I IBefor Ihe filled in on a few occasions for his predecessors in the role land Last Name Unknown LNU I lduring her tenure as Secretary of State and were already in place when CLINTON was appointed UH-F989 In his role as sl lwas responsible for reviewing and ltering information intended for CLINTONI reviewed various reports and informationfaction memos to determine which warranted forwarding to CLINTON and would subsequently filter out and clean up the most relevant information to forward to CLINTON via her Executive Secretary JOSEPH MACMANUS The reports lreviewed were a mixed bag and included everything from unclassified ceremony notifications and Talking Points to Secret and Top Secret intelligence brie ngs UHF-989 CLINTON did not have a computer in her office nor any electronicsi was aware of so all brie ng materials forwarded for 3 review in office were provided in paper form lwas responsible for making sure he properly organized and marked the reports he forwarded in regards to their classification Investigation on 1 5 at Washington DC File I Date dictated MA By I sal This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the propen of the FBI and is loaned to youragency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency b6 156 107 136 FIG 136 22-75 1 16 b3 b'i'E b6 Rev Continuation of of Intcivicw oli I On 1 If13t2ttlfi Page 2 UH-F989 There was no speci c guidance as to what informationl lwere expected to forward up to the Secretary's ran things by MACMANUS but quickly got a sense of what information needed to be pushed up the chain CLINTON had an Advance Staff of twelve to fteen people referred to as The Line who would serve as 3 Special Assistants while she was on travel When CLINTON was traveling would communicate with The Line and MACMANUS via both unclassified and classi ed systems ALICE WELLS eventually replaced MACMANUS as 5 Executive Secretary would have been weird for him to send CLINTON an email The only time thought he may have emailed CLINTON directly would have been during the Royal Wedding I information up to the Secretary via email he would reach out to either MACMANUS or her Chief of Staffs HUMA ABEDIN and JAKE SULLIVAN did not recall ever emailing CLINTON directly and specifically stated that it Uf FOHOi Idescribed SULLIVAN as a and explained he served in the rule as the Deputy Chief of Staff COS for Policy It would not uncommon for SULLIVAN to work very late at night ABEDIN served in the role of Deputy COS for Operations and was more concerned with logistics related to 5 travel unaware that CLINTON was working off of a ersonal server I only received a few emails directly from CLINTON which appeared from Hf thought it wa a little odd because the email naming convention was usually last name first name howeverl did not recall checking the actual email address assumed email was regulated by as she had a Blackberry was assigned tol lfrom 2012-2013 and recalled being very specific about the process for record emailsl Idid not remember receiving similar guidance concerning records emails at Because of the banner information on computer systemsl I issumed that all of his emails were for the record a user of the POEMS system I recalled periodically ceiving needed to push notification from the systems administrators concerning attempted hacks to the POEMS system could not recall the specifics or the timing of these notifications UH-F999 Interviewing agents review an email sent from dated and titled Stevens Update Important as publically available online in the D08 Readin 1 Room The email was addressed to SULLIVAN ABEDIN WELLS and b6 b' C b6 306 1 70 b6 b6 136 22-75 b6 b6 b6 Rev Ill- i-US Continuation of of Intention oil On 1 Iflfi tilfi Page 3 stated he was familiar with the email and was aware that it was recently released as part of a recent Freedom of Information Act FOIA request concerning emails The email in question originated as an unclassi ed email from the Operations Center who stripped the preceding trail of emails and possibly fixed a few grammatical and spelling errors before forwarding the email on to SULLIVAN ABEDIN and WELLS noted that he likely also added Important in the Subject line of the email but did not make an substantive changes to the email before forwarding it The email would have initially come tti _Y hom a specific person in the Operations Center However id not recall who speci cally in the Operations Center sent that particular emaill Idid not have a record of the email he received from the Operations Centeri but stated that the Operations Center does maintain all records MCMANUS andi or would be individuals with access to the Operations Center records WEBB-BEN not push forward all information he received from the Operations Center However he would orally brief information more often than email ould not recall an instance where he was concerned with the Operations Center moving classified information from the high side to the low side UHF-GHQ The majority of the personnel in the Operations Center are Civil Service employees who receive extensive structured training before they are on their own on the Ops Floor The Operations Center receives information from all over the Intelligence Community IC One person on each watch shift is tasked with the watch fax which receives reports from all over the IC stated that he thought the discussion over the aforementioned email was healthy and thinks that there is likely a problem with the way gathers and uses information from the IC b6 b6 bill 136 136 22-75 ALL FBI Rem Ill- 135 HEREIN IS DATE 03-13-2016 Elf NSICS FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date ti il iZtHS Office of Information i IPS United States Department of ate R1 reau of Administration ashington DC 20520 offic telephon mobile telephone email Tristateaov date of birth MW in person by FB Spec1al Agentsl and I at FBI Headquarters 935 Avenue Northwest Washington 35 After being advised of the identities of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview provided the following information began working for IPS in 136 2015 Initially IPS officials were told there were I4 bankers boxes of former Secretary of State Hillary bite 5 emails at Friendship Heights office Later officials were told that the boxes would be picked up from Williams Connolly LLP On or about December 5 2015 IPS nerso nel picked up only 12 bankers boxes 3 emails from Williams Connolly and other IPS of cials were not sure ifthe boxes were consolidated or what could have happened to tie two other boxes The boxes were labeled with date anges which were accurate for the most part Some of the documents were filed out of order opined the documents were pre-arran ged differently than one would expect if the documents were simply printed out and then stacked into the boxes IPS personnel provided copies of the documents to 5 Bureau of Legislative Affairs Office of the Legal Adviser and the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs Although CLINTON was sworn in as Secretary of State in January 2009 IPS officials were unable to Pete arm of er emails from January-April 2009 in the documents provided by Williams Connolly did not know whether CLINTON used a different email address at that time A preliminary review of the documents did not occur until months later IPS had to wait on the Office of Legal Counsel to provide an official determination as to whether the emails would be considered official STATE records At some point the determination was made that the emails would not be considered official STATE records 136 Based on the dates on the boxes opened the box with the Benghazi-related incidents my first There were sensitive Benghazi-related records some rece related to the Natimal Archives and Records Administration nd some personal emails in that Records and Archives performed the records appraisal nformedl lthere were some potential classified emails including some from Sidney BLUMENTHAL that appeared to have Investigation on 08ilii2015 at Washington DC b3 File ii 4 Date dictated MA ME 136 By s_ SA This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the propeny of the FBI and is loaned to youi'agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency FD-3U2E1 Rm Ill- 135 Commission of FBI-302 of Interview oil I On 5 Page 2 been written by Tyler Drumheller former Central Intelligence Agency CIA Division Chief European Division I I as well as other emails that discussed various information related to various foreign governments Sometime around late January 2015 ave a status brief about the emails to STATE officials Patrick KENNEDY Under Secretary for Management Bureau of Administration Global Information Services VFNNEDY ere each provided two b1nders full of email exe documents aelieved were possibly classified eturned her binders tc I but KENNEDY decided to keep his binders following the brie was not aware of anyone in IPS or at STATE who received the rules or parameters the CLIN 1 ON team and or Williams Connolly used to segregate personal and official work emails There were approximately 60 000 emails which were reduced to about 30 000 IPS had requested Legal Adviser STATE to ask Williams Connolly for the rules they used To date did not believe received a response STATE Inspector General was also trying to determine how Williams 85 Connolly performed their review and what basis they used in reducing the emails Initially Cheryl MILLS former CLINTON Counselor and Chief of Staff was the only CLINTON staff member to respond to a formal request by STATE for information pertaining to personal email and devices used to conduct official STATE business According to in February 2015 attorneys at Office of Congressional Affairs since approximatelyl land I along with attorneys from the Office of Legislative Affairs performed their rev1ew ot the 30 000 emalls from which 296 emails were located and produced responsive to requests from the US House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi The manual paper search was done using keywords Libya Benghazi and security Prior to be formal FOIA review by IPS ofthe 296 emails Congress threatened to release the 296 emails based on input that her team had alre ated with the appropriate STATE bureaus and inter-agency reviewing officials However and her team did not work with tie regular interagency reviewers familiar to did not includel foice of Information Management oil ecords Management Division FBI believed may have coordinated DOJ but not with the FBI In or around March and Atnril 2015l and IPS felt pressure by both Congress and internally from KENNEDY and to quickly approve the 296 emails for release Initially 136 1370 b3 b6 b' C 136 22-75 136 b6 b6 136 Rm 3111mm an m room of Interview 0 I On oar tom 5 Pas-2 _3 be and his team were told to do a light review with li redactions but were later told by the b7 Office of Legal Counsel to perform a regular FOIA review I special team of senior reviewers approximately 40 full-time equivalent reviewers worked with the appropriate Bureaus on possible classi ed information and sent the proper referrals to the United States Intelligence Community USIC partnersnot and the Office of Leglslanve Affairs attorneys had the etc appropriate and experience to review redact and produce emails responsive to Congressional inquiries and especially not expert enough to respond to FOIA requests For starters 1nd her team performed their entire review redacted what they did and then copied the 296 emaIIs to a pdf file on an unclassified network If any information was later found to be classified then they would have not only corrupted every computer that touched that classified information but they might have contributed to a loss of classified data always pushed their material to the SIPRNET network and used their 132 enclave to erfonn their FOIA review before disseminating their products Also the 296 emails provided pdf included redactions done for CLINTON privacy but unrelated to national security 136 I370 believed there was interference with the formal FOIA review process Specifically Near East Aff irs Burea upgraded several of CLINTON emails to a classified level with a release exemption along with attorney Office of Legal Counsel called Near East Affairs Bureau and told hem they could use a exemption on an upgraded email to protect it instead of the exemption However the use of the exemption which is usually used for executive privilege-related information was incorrect as the information actually was classified and related to national security which would be a exemption 306 In or around March or Anril 2015 there was a meeting wherei Itnlr i Intonnatlon Serv1ces l Department of Justice iDi 3 i and OJ that she had coordinated the review of the 296 emails with the appropriate STATE bureaus and inter-agencies The emails were alreadv reviewed and there was nothing classified in them so the FOIA review should go quickly was unsure why the FOIA review was taking so long I again stressed review and coordination were done with people unfamiliar to and were not the normal oints of contact that IPS used for other agencies More importantly although and thought their quick initial review showed none of the 296 306 emails were sensitive following be formal A review one document had been upgraded to classified b tc based on input from and There were other documents IPS recommended for upgrade including one specifically related to the Department of Defense's United States Central Command CENTCOM and others that were still in the referral stage including emails that have FBI and CIA equities involved that originated from BLUMENTHAL Rm Ill- 135 Conn - liltcn'iew 0 011 5 Page 4 did not know why he and IPS were not part of the initial Congressional rev'ew for the 296 Benghazi-related emails like they had been for past Congressional inquiries was cut out of the loop for the terials in'tial sent Congress and had no idea what kind of review and her team performed and seemed to have been placed in their speci c poSItlons by top STATE of cials they appeared to ave a very narrow focus on all CLINTON-related items and were put in positions that were not advertised In early May 2015 KENNEDY called an interagency meeting regarding the scheduled release of all the CLINTON-related emails by the Januarv 15 2016 deadline and asked for quick turnarounds on any future requests People in attendance include representatives from White House Counsel CIA FBI Office of the Secretary of Defense Director of National Intelligence DNI and the National Security Council NSC Im nediatel 11 wing that meeting KENNEDY held a closed-door meeting with in DOT Of ce of Information Programs where KENNEDY pointedly askec to change the classification determination regarding one of emails which he FBI considered classified The email was related to FBI counter-terrorism operations VENNEDY called directly on one occasion The purpose of that call was to ask questions pressure from the Of ce of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Communlty ICIG to complete the review of the approximately 30 000 emails Speci cally KENNEDY wanted know if the was precedent to have outside reviewers help STATE with the FOIA process At that time was unaware of STATE and ne 19 2015 joint recommendation to STATE regarding the FOIA review process ICIG offeredl and extra reviewers from the intelligence community to help review the 30 000 emails However many of those reviewing officials arrived untrained to formally review items After the initial training those reviewers became instrumental to the review process had not felt as much pressure regarding the review and release of the 30 000 emails as with the 296 Benahazi-related emails I I Instead of pressure it felt more like curiosity as to the raw numbers of emails already reviewed upgraded from unclassified to classi ed referred to outside agencies andfor released publicly To date approximately 1 600 referrals were made to USIC partners Many of those emails discussed foreign governments and their leaders along with various sensitive telephone calls Other emails existed that would later be referred to the USIC Those emails included emails from STATE personnel discussing information lost as a result of the Wikileaks scandal Some material from the 30 000 emails though unmarked as such were definitely classi ed back in 2009-2012 and still remained classi ed On the other hand it was true some material in general not speci c to the 30 000 emails could have been previously classi ed but were later downgraded An 136 1570 b6 136 30703 136 30703 b6 Conlimtalion of FBI-302 of Interview of 011 can want 5 Page 5 example would be travel schedule or security-related information based on speci c times and places It was a very large security concern for IPS when they heard some STATE employees assumed all documents on unclassi ed system were unclassi ed based on being on an unclassi ed system and having no portion markings One email that was upgraded from the 30000 em ails was an email exchange between CLINTON and I former wh 5we both individuals used their personal email addresses to discuss matters related to Russra Despite this responded to 5 request for all STATE-related personal emails with a letter that state had no STATE-related emails in his personal email account STATE was normally able to complete classi cation upgrades very quickly The upgrade would happen after STATE bureaus and other agencies determined 1 how the information was obtained 2 what the information was 3 based on current global or 4 because the information was initially improperly marked as unclassi ed heard the argument that some of emails were unclassified back in the 2009-2012 timeframe when they were initiated but were later classi ed due to various circumstan as It We to become classified years after the fact National Archives would be a good point of contact for knowledge on the upgrading process in general mm abOUt August 10 2015 from Of ce of the Secretary of Defense OSD called and told her CENTCOM records showed approximately 000 work-related emails between personal email and General David PETRAEUS former Commander of CENTCOM and former Director of the CIA Most of those 1 000 emails were not believed to be included in the 30 000 emails that IPS was reviewing Out ofthe 30 000 emails IPS only had a few emails from or related to PETRAEUS as well as a few related to Leon PANETTA former Secretary of Defense There were a lot of emails toffrom Denis MCDONOUGH former Deputy National Security Advisor and current White House Chief of Staff described Jacob SULLIVAN and Cheryl MILLS as gatekeepers for sending CLINTON emailsfmateri al they would lter or review rnost it ms that CLINTON would receive recommended the FBI talk to his boss speci cally about individuals at STATE who hold a weekly meeting about Congressional records production and the FOIA process as well as truth 9n - felt pressure came from regarding up trading any of the 296 Benghazi-related emails recommended the FBI should talk with CLINTON and PETREAUS regarding the alleged 1 000 emails between 136 22-75 b6 b6 12-6 107 b6 FBI CONTAINED HEREIN IS I HATE ET 33713351 94 NSICC- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Rev Ill- t-US Date 6t2 t2tt16 Ut fF'O'tl'O' On June 23 2016 MONICA HANLEY was interviewed if Eedezal Bumau 9f lnve tigati FBI ecial Agentsl Iandl lat b5 Washington DC 20001_ Representing HANLEY and also present for the b7 interview werel Iandl I After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview HANLEY provided the following information UHF-GEO HANLEY created an archive of HILLARY R hdrEiEt tciintonentail cotn emails in March 2013 as a result of concerns related to a reported hack of SIDNEY BLUMENTHAU 5 email account HANLEY recalled participating in a conference call with HUM A ABEDIN and JUSTIN COOPER following the hack to discuss changing email address may be have also participated in the call While the group ultimately decided together to change hm account ABEDIN selected the new name of the email account hrodl Tit'fhciintonetnaiicorn COOPER set up the email account and assisted HANLEY with the technical details concerning creating a backup of iterEt tciintonentail cotn COOPER provided HANLEY an Apple Mac laptop from the Clinton Foundation which HANLEY took home to her apartment in he - HANLEY remotely signed on to email server from her apartment as COOPER b7 telephonically walked her through the steps to transfer the emails from the server to the laptop and a thumb drive HANLEY used MacMail a built in application on the laptop to transfer the emails HANLEY initiated the process and left the computer running as the entire transfer process took a few days UHF-GHQ email address was changed from to bread before the archive was created While HANLEY could not recall the specific model of the aforementioned Apple laptop provided by COOPER she did recall the model was not an Air but was likely a Pro because it had an ethernet port and a thumb drive portal HANLEY further provided that the laptop she received from COOPER was silver in color and seemed like a newer model The thumb drive HANLEY used was something she happened to have laying around the house She could not recall any details concerning the brand or appearance of the thumb drive Int-estigatimton 6t23t2tt1tt at Washington DC 133 Fite# I loos Datedictated MA sys_Al SAI b6 I l This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev Continuation of of Interview of vIonicaIIanch On 333991316 Page 2 Although it never actually happened the way it was intended the initial purpose for creating two backups of one on the laptop and the other on the thumb drive was so a backup was available at both New York and Washington DC residences The laptop remained at apartment inl I until she 3 35 transitioned to a job in thel Iin early 2014 HANLEY thought the laptop was we stored in a drawer or on the desk in her bedroom HANLEY did not use the laptop after the transfer of emails nor did she have knowledge of anybody else accessing the laptop The laptop was also password protected so it would be impossible for anybody to access the laptop without assistance UHF-GEO HANLEY could not recall whatever came of the thumb drive she created and searched her apartment multiple times in attempts to locate it HANLEY thought she might have given the thumb drive to ABEDIN when she transitioned tol I as she provided ABEDIN with be several items upon departure However HANLEY did not specifically recall providing ABEDIN with MC said thumb drive UHF-OHS After the emails were transferred from itdr s gzcEintont snail com to the laptop and thumb drive the intention was to delete the emails off the CLINTON email server HANLEY would not have been involved with deleting emails and assessed COOPER would have been responsible for deleting anything directly from the server UHF-BBQ In 2014 after she was no longer working for CLINTON HANLEY realized she still had possession of the Macbook containing archived emails HANLEY subsequentlv contacted Platte River Networks PRN on her own accord and spoke withl b5 HANLEY ini ially tried to remotely send the archive via the following application which hm provided HANLEY via email I ass- 1 initially attempted to transfer the archive tol remotely from New York residence via the aforementioned website however it did not work HANLEY subsequently attem ted to send the archive remotely from her own residence and was also unsuccessful HANLEY andl thimately decided HANLEY would ship the laptop containin the archive tol land he would transfer the archive to PRN server I lwas then going to wipe the laptop and return the time HANLEY shipped the laptop to las they discussed but was not aware of what happened to the laptop thereafter UHF-866 CLINTON did not know her email login information as HANLEY would generally change the information in BlackBeny when necessary so 3 email would automatically populate When 5 password required changing HANLEY would choose a new password update BlackBerry with the change and notify ABEDIN COOPER and BRYAN PAGLIANO HANLEY had 3 email logon information and password so she could check email if needed On occasion CLINTON would ask HANLEY to research an old email that CLINTON was unable to pull up on her BlackBerry In order to respond said request HANLEY would Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview of vIonicaIIanlcv On 3t23t2 16 Page 3 open up 3 email account remotely from a computer and print the document for CLINTON HANLEY assumed ABEDIN also accessed email account on occasion UHF-868 HANLEY often purchased replacement BlackBerry devices for CLINTON when she was Secretary of State CLINTON preferred BlackBerry devices that contained a roller ball rather than the more modern touch pad HANLEY recalled purchasing most of 5 replacement BlackBerry devices from a Washington DC Store in DuPont Circle HANLEY also recalled purchasing one BlackBerry from an store in the Pentagon City Mall in Arlington VA HANLEY also recalled purchasing a replacement BlackBerry for CLINTON from either Ebay or Amazon but stated this took place after tenure at the Department of State UHF-OHS HANLEY had little insight into the writing process of bookfmemoir She recalled CLINTON meeting with the writers regularly for multi hour meetings where she assumed CLINTON would share topics and anecdotes she wanted to cover in the book HANLEY also printed out chapters of'the memoir as it was being written so CLINTON could make edits HANLEY had no knowledge of the writers having access to emails UffFO'tl'O At the conclusion of the interview HANLEY agreed to provide interviewing agents copies of emails she exchanged wit b5 UHF-BBQ A copy of the original interview notes are attached in a 1A envelope e r we re - arm-m On February 20m- 351L133 irrter-x- ewed 1n- Federai Heremr e ineesrigaiirm '17 Lit the 138 Weehiegien Iti'i ree 301 Street Washie r rre inre view were Si attorneys Beth Wimirmen and Mexeedre gi freer v iriikieserr FBI CLASSIFIED E f REASON 1 4 EN 09-22-2016 was and 1 l r eieir Lin ier -1 15 FBI Section Chief Peter Sirxek 2e we i as Jen- Er Laminar IendI from the leperimem t s iesliee Prim e the iniere em v v iik rrsee and Waist agreed it sign 1 egreetrseni in anticipation r11 viewing during the mien- sew that were eleesi ed as part era eeces ruler Err-reg anieised efiire efihe interviewee agents are the extreme ei'ihe Sim ge'm-ieied re ibiie u- ring ii' m maiit'm Si ELL '13 was reere'sreai i3 - te he err are vieer fear 13 Ci during her 311193 garegideni el campaign When CLINTON became Eire Secretary af liate in 330% a Tammie Erector efEJeIiev Meaning at he Bewarlmeui efSieEe Ir and around returner Direeior er i r iey Fir-timing 305 in me reie ENLLWAN mamgeri arid eupen ised apereximmefy 3U gaeepie emf his speci c dutiee e11d aha e meat reenter at EEK were preseriheri ejr $543k Under her iersere SULLIVAN H'ereierj with rm EIRMSE ererir trip 3hr rune uru'i eeted as at some in the Ner esrei Security euneii mile - eerrerr I SUE be Et ii' are grs'egxrseis with gee-E rri sirryim ahead en ism-e3 and kinking hey-end ear-wear fii ii emrrdimrting his e ' eiei wriueu graduate T through 2 1 eieerrmee urges-see ii'iiereri through ear-3e Service Hikers end x1e emigrants lentil I would arise enm Eireet y re tted Err a 'veriei er tepiex eememnieeriene neiuded emaiie wriuen by as wei are SNLU Vr- rN mm ri farm-are re harried era hiejudgemem as in their reievanee SUI arise re Prirreirrei'r Serum-ri es meetings w rh in the Situation Reem Itt h Liver-3 gut z' ng Iumrgimul her tenure as Secretary ei'Sii e swarm heed an Eze rzm meeting wirh her degmiiee it discuss a breed timer ei ieeics reieter Err polity ii Jrsuuietien Tire-3a iegei aildvisur and i efuf CI HERYI SUILIVAN at is deputies ineiuded SUE iin xNI m Ms a i iie i I In Haze Iiermeui u re Cir-tn ml Im -m Em muse-cm eeniaire ne'ehrr mr mswius eim ut u $531 5 5 9 rite grep-m - Hi and is imam 10 year it ma me 15 1 5 3 ee Haifa-ruled miixi e rmn- agency 31 $4903 and HE 3 2-31-2041 agree Dill bl 133 CE 31134354 136 j 131 133 'E i Kari i'nmnei sinuii Un zti Page irudiaim'zai Chi i'ui 551311 mad as hill ld -Oi manager win pct-533$ bei cwd MILLS was imfuiwd in ail decisicms made by Si iiJE vi- NN Hi EMA ABMNN as Deputy i sici mf mi f for 3pcraii _ms in this mien ABEMN ham mi vi 11- an upcnsuom Etta in ame assiautiuiing and trip manning far VAN dwcribcii 1 as a mn elzmi 21m 15 snnwom win haul 1-3 Rusted with had my mmpmer sy icms in his office In in i imr a 308 ilcadquur icrs me m 111 Secure intm'nct Promcs' R m f Nam-ink ii iia'wih authorimd iv E'aundic ini'm'mu hm i0 aha Scurct En ci and am 1m 2111 unciassi cd nciwm'k had an ui ciatt i308 cmai murmur an int-sh ni 'kc Ei'n rgotng Remarks Due 532 restrictions rm ANN cmuii he lm had in zu'ch we emaiia 10 magic spam-2 in his cum a'ccaaiicd archiving cumii in big cimnkx but mhcm- isc muid Hui rvcaii any zmhmiaimgg m- scicmc hi3 i i pi ld whes'i urchiv ng cmaii 1 was practice in use hi5 swimgm Emit accuum i'm reimmi business ucmssimmiiy using hi2 persmai g mgh emu igmaii ii DUES madness h iwn u'a'wuri'sng and ran the weekends Aii nmagh Si amid inggvin 1 0 hi5 smicgm cnm stagnant wi ic away than the 0mm he Maud his gmaii accuuni fur business imcausc it was summinws dii'f'iml ta laugh to his glutagw email acwum mm hits residence mi he weekend-3 tmi whit imwiing mum nut 1mg - guidancu En's uiving he use ui'pcrsunai email 311 u- nrk pairgmsea SLEI LWRN Ci' lld um magi am guidai sm from ritgarti ng EN 33 mm fur work gurp sca 3131121 min in hit 13 35 cat cm SHEEP-EVAN I ecaiicd cashing 3mm Elixir nui ficmmn 1m Chinese aciora New Largming this gn zaait accmmis empinya w SULLWAN at ma ucaii taking any 15 it whim an nutiikation MHLS and xi lii N did I101 3331' a has him irate igence System the BIOS recuiicd being hrici'tal my me ni inihnnaiiozz security upon inducirinmio to Line WES the DOS upciass pvt-11 33 as an urutiaasi ed immune-mi that at 3 31 12 paint cumhinm with domain-a ts mum Eur-cums etaasi ad EULMVAN amid mi prawiaic am in this L 'ccl Silij -KNN hiit'i secure equipmcm is his af ne ms the Swami 110m at the 11103 SUUJVAN was mm a Biaukiierry mohiic it-vita by 2hr HUS and did nus rcuaii mach-mg an upgraded $131th during his imam maid not t'ccaii Ming issued a secure z ohiie 3331mm by she n03 t ccai mi bring iasucd a1 scram 11mi3 ie 3793mm by the What i-Emsse RN 1 13133 amid retail anything flu- her about this device if his use ui'ii When trawiing m- emcas fuz' his work an the 3 in SEELLWAN recaiimi wing brid mi m1 main-magma srctu purmin ng the Harem in vermin countries i- mr instance i tcaiitd an uncha i t d brie ng a juim Ham-2 Amimws where the ipimmiiu Seem-E1 Sun-ice 3355 warned Ufa height ed Ewe and clccimnic in Russia E' uaugc in ME ti'xrcat s'ccai cai 2133 131 per DOS b3 seer- 13 133' i'memuei 14m 111' 33253131311536 Peg 11 11 1111 b1 per Dos Needed 1-1-1111 1 31 153 SEE-11121315 while reel-31mg ever-seas weehi 1113111 a secure ee11 een eet a secure reieermt ereriee er use he 111' 1e 1 111m needer'i 1r Seize b Eee e the Eerei 111' 131 Si iji eH-T LN 11211 1 rte memery 1111' genera-1e b3 eereerting er 1 131 31 er 11111 11023311131 1111111 eleerren e dew-seer while oversees 531 11 1 1 e AN 11111 err ereign ErereE reesene while 11 the 1303 111-911-931 51131 1 11-79111 61 15 111 311 111111 Seeme errmenmenmd infer-1112111012 1 ee1111y 11 11113 11 her reside ee Err - reehingien 13C gimme end 1113 equipmem 1115 11511111113211 1911 r11 her esi enee vie not 11'1 1 herd in her reeiderree SELLWAN week primeriir 1111 131 311 er 11-11111-1111111 re re her 1311' reeidenee Ehreegh ee 8111111511111 Iii-11 1111113111 phone wee net 111111113111 wiih 11 in heme 1n l'11eepeqee 11111 it had re eater as her 1312 21151 1 1 93 1 11 11111 are knew 112111 staffer her residences 1 11111 efee 11 31 11 eieerenees 1' 1w heal are enernmue 111111111111 01' inferreetien 1e eieesii led 1 1'1'erreetiee hriefee in her 111 persee er prerided 1e her threegir paper 11ers 1111 Presidential 0 111 Briefil DB' in paper fern and peiier meeting 115 1131 11111 10 ee ini'ermetiee passed re 111 111051 Erretenees needeti be be rent 11 11 were 111111 eemer 13311 1 the 1 11 151 Teeter er re tleer 1311' '18 1-11 wetzid Faeiliiete Ihe 11 - 1TH ere-tree 1e the inferreeiime er in re eese er'e e311 er 11 31 eere diemien weeiri we dune err-Leigh 51551511111115 11 55 g1 need 11 err-1 111 eddies were sire wurkeri in 111 Renate end 11-11111 she were 11 111 1 1011 131 1 were unaware 1 111 11 was re ee en 11 prim-Ire ereeii Server in her residence 1111111 11 became 111111111 in March 31115 5 11 31 1-1V knew 1 171 101 1511 and BRYAN 1 511 11 159 11 1 1111 never held erewerealierr with 11mm regarding any pen-ere errmii 1 11 11 11% AN 111111 1111 reenter eem ersetierr regarding 13eriemi referee er 131 3151 imeiicmirme are 11 releied re the use ei pr eeie 121111111 11 11 11 the general at Eire 1 11 1151 rekrted 1e federrli reenrris rererriiee Fer exameie knew not re delere emei rm-11 11151 3011 emer'ii Upen tearing 1 31 13 151 111 1111 AN bexed up 1113 ef 'reiel DOE-3 paper em tented there erer er the 1 305 the BUS handled he et hie eme reeurde 1 reirr D1111 earners reez'riied esiefemu- ermtierz in the summer 11131114 with 1 111 111 ere- 1 it the predee ee 01 ferierei but eel mere dere i b6 1 1'1'11'6 The email using was NUU 1135 40 111111 5'1 ki- iiHN 111-111 2-1 gxiirrie11111112151 eddreei b3 b3 11f 39531534in i Fags ii 11111 his magi-Li not rememiier i1 was never asked it have address and awash-xi hm 0 153 is issued is- him was LimiWai i ufsiiy hawk-lips migrsiion i i 'ii lil if wiping iai'mnsii E mm the isms-Jim retained a canvass-um with is sf Li- when SAMUELSON Haiti is 1331 semi ii Ems through instalments as sex if she cunsziitus rcusrti but this primes s ii- L 3 rms iriilia inn si his empis i'nsm DOS AN much-mi E'i fri Q umpm inwnicd Iiilhrmauicin cicai smts in is stasis-w the Iizi'rgsisg cicuz'snsm ecalicd Lit n enistias am brie ng when and disscmiimiing ciussi ed inikn msiim was discussed As as in unaicrsitmti _ 313d cimismiw mitimriiy and sushi classi bssc an ax guidance sis manual was mi missus st DUES tins had Thigh-ls sis 11' his int - SUM was bricfcd into a number 01 333 and smart scrim gs sgi iims i'is pramss aiming hrie td ism risk i'cquircei is individusi isms Eire DOS Bureau a and Reward 1 is brici' the migrant and ensure the requisiis aims signcd and did um C i Eri haiiclting on a T3 commuter sysicm inn was swam ENE is si 1 53 magmas sysicms bl b3 sinisd 11 meeting wuuld he by thi 53M chair and wash rsquiw 15's sisi fof mi agencies inviird pmparc a package wiisicwi un t tin warmid As Operating-1 i rscs um Sifii ii wouid a Dugmiy s martini where cart-sin subjcsi 1112mm experts in saith sigma 3 K-k- if uifi dcliberais on ii sir agency- s cuneiusiun perisinisg in the lupin Fear in IRES I hum-mu Lin mum-mi ihc si' shaming muiid sutimr packages and hen limits than ns-ugh and as b6 hr use in its is meeting seiziciisws be involvw l5 mailings if his i379 inn-cm has main is tilt issue in ms immur mini-signs ii si ti cm'crc-Li the issue W uid gain his hmwicdgc and sunrise his dummies ihmugh is cmnhinsiius in mudi he has and classi es in n msiisn When i111 Pi car s agency wmaid ususiiy Ewing hcir Principal piss our other Eli ii was ier tin respective Deputy ih i attended a i C' meeting summing nmciisgs and rm a precise summit b3 b1 b3 rites i- r tn Page 1 sitter reviewing an etnaii date-ti itnte t 21' with anhjeet tine Ptan tier tantrarawf atated he eta net remember the email stated he itati aireaetjr viewed tltit ernait when ref taster it tire tltraagit a tenant at tni erntatton Aer HM-ct rea tea-t AN titri not reeatt the apeeii'te emaii er what the Pi meeting watt abate LIV-KN tmtteratanti nannaper in mean an tinetnnent wititnat attire-int markings git-en ta a nectar that States the tnaaf eiai paeitinrt tti'the UE gnrermrtent nrtrieratnati anneapef' ta mean this beenaae he had ereatert a daenrnent far fttN't GN hei'are in the earrtent email and white reading it in the tenant have warttetii hint tn make an s- tJfSit Jtl at the decent-eat summarize the eanteata and then semi it tn her an a fret stated that tank the nt etnaait'teti very aerianaiy MPH-H tter reviewing an etnatt tinted ictt ther i3 2012 with at hieet line Fer This am Great art Bitter Staten he not remember the enraii b1 b3 tenant- a and tirat eat him whit I St i l Lt r rtN warts ed as with when Iwaa at the Pentagram anti fir-t at After reviewing an eataii riateti Anrii it Ettl with nutrient i'nte Era-'2 Stet-eta Nearer intent-taut $151 1 IVAN atateti in rift trat renten'ttier tite ernaii apet itieait Si til Er tN are net taint the ernaii was arttranat anti u aan t surprised tte eiteri in an nneiaastf'seti tenant reeutarit review aitnatian repartr t rarn amend the weriti in etrraii knew as a earner FSO that warked in the neratian b6 KELLER-FAN Stated regatariy snare events treat arannd the war-ta in ernaii anti b7 and are rearran ta nttestian judgement regarding the premier itantiting at' int nrtnatian writtiti I After reviewing an ernaii dated December at i with attirieet tine Shit stated he did net reaten'ther tite- emaii apeei er tiyl bl b3 hart an reasan a beiie e an 13 08 stamping-em he worked ever attentteaattjr eiaasit red inter i 2 ire-a enntd ta mat a netted indeetnent when haraitin t1 eiaasi ed inferrnatian bl b3 HE 3533 3 3492 um inuai inn m a Mmummi ig ms Emu i zi tci' rcvicwii'ig an cmaii i itd Jul at EMU with subject lint - i'iniimv Pam Summary if H153 Iii 3 31 55 hi did nit-it hit it speci u iy rec the Hamill did Nani the tunnel land knew 1c 13 Li Wald Ui iiurr the rpcriuimi Tuner asked mama the C-mll ni mnzii and if hc bciim- mi pending ibi cign wan- classificd replied the pitta-an in 1730 who am the mini aims has-e iliiti I'Ual i i in iiciiriu ii amid in 5cm mi in system static-ii work-iced with it wm kcai hurt whiic nude-2r and used the hem thug crush it Eh n'iissinri Si was unsure why iitii'wm'ded this pariimizir crimii ti i si gmaii ERCCUHIEL but readied being in ii iihi i this imc fin ii pin- 53 stated that inhuman was mt I Oilliftt mimic mica scrimving an dated 3 1er ENE has Day I j again-ca he did no ths Emmi spaci cuiiy knew 511 and timid my rccaii instance xii-31 31 it immiri eai it macaw rrwiiud ihc girticrai Subjtci maul-3r ui'tii'c mini and attacks iiswiving he inm' Securiiy Assistance Pun-x trying in mien it fjwumi Lines Of L mnmuniuiitimi hem-mm munirica ii'mr ller reviewing an email dated August 29K with subject lint N3 Timer E sl titit un Si iicixii SUE IVAN wanted he Mai mu rememimr lim emaii aneci caiiv Si ii i AM did Hui recaii the name ii i VAN 5d the mm was 11ml and had ii sc it cmaii dii'eciiy 15 Wtzii as inward i l kticr reviewing an en mii fi i i i ink in 3'31 with Slii'ifi t'ii Fm LES iimnc mike kiih in Pakistan SLELI WAN staked he i 3 amhc l-Hicr reviewing 2m lined 35 301 xvii white iim mm SLEiiLi wis kN Siilmi i in lid mi remember tin- - sst smi speci caiiv but rucii cii aiming his rcdaci d in a FOE-X mic-aim by he 00551 b1 b3 b6 2375 156 137 5 1331 Eisn- i @141 95' 3 UH Fae um- Wu ht ier reviewing am emeii deiedl lwith 3534 Li i did me rememhe the emeii K x slate-d ham eased er the enmeei iine reporting it a manner he believed it he 1m unelesei ed may have eem this enmii en en sygiem the theme sarike eeuid have hit Ehe Hex-w mare i 31 believe regmrling en 3 de ne Strike r we fee n mde it less he wee ea indeemwm SLEIJJVAN reference to a secure eel in 1hr emaii demensu eteci eitempi 1e de neme between win-1i eeuic go in meme-ice and e essi ed eharmeis Stated this emzti was not out Di siep wiih hem-e peepie uppnmehed similar mattera a be time thing eluted em in SELLIVAN at the time as mishandling eitmxi eei iniln i neiiem Atier reviewing as email aimed May Ni 20% wiih seizieei tine Senmer Reef has requemed if speak wiih Secretary Clinton SLELEJVAN stated he had at whee even iixcussc i he emetiL but did um Ille emaii die an the mun-emetic with be ennui - After an email de ed August 3% 31 i u iih subject iine Re i WAN are he did eat remen'zber the emeii epeei eeiiy aimed he useeiij lama ee 311 1th hrnugh epen smut-e repcme HOS emeii re ee rg news end emee meet Lineage in the MILES HQ Emiiding I reviewing an enmik dazed mega Heel FLEEJJVAN gamed he did ne-i remember the emaii speei eeiiyeeuid net determine what he wee refueling in by the 12 he was neat sure I h er reviewing an emeii timed with new Eiu- stalled he did not en'zemher he emeii Spa v ELEELW EXN stated he eel win regarding the nemhmiien ei a sewed was wizh stated he eemimmieetea witi and when he did ii was through a mix ef seeme eeEiS ameieesi ed eeiis and eneiees fied enema M ler reviewing 1m emeii dine seh eei Em Need he did not remember the e e i speei eeii did 3393 semi imw he eemmun eelee with and it was net by gimme and rims iikeiygamed from mother mummi ed emeii did me speaking unease eumeiizing he read in an uneiessi e emeii ne am where gun-me expressed 22 eimeem with ihe type coming ever the emnii sy em genem iy White werking at the I303 Staten he een i me ne he 3331 bl 'h'3 i i313 3331 Khan-535$ muttm Sullivan m E ttgc 8 with ctusxi cai in genera 53333 39 AN stated new xpt essett t abuts 333 handling tiliht t tl it t t While at the 3 305 felt his its and that titty that git-33$ understanding haw tn tat-ma a while the 123103 33 313311 333 33 $131th 32 had to pay attention It What gum on what chant-mt Il ttr he amt- 3 what 31 3133 3313 system and then go to it - 6312 5333th It want more tam S tt tcr trait-swing an email dated kWh-t2 SERVER with subject line Pewt 13 31 tit af ict tter being thit tfih d titt Lama-tit watt pending am it treat the ttf-S titan-3d tier utimtt Wt itd nut questions 1 1 tin t urx gnittg emait 31 13 minted to the stated S t' Nti f 313 33ME NYE EM was Rum-t 33 33 34 33 bit-Ci and was mutt-June whit titted tat 11-33 the A3 31 3 it With-t i tut'i 3t variety Gianni- 313 tt' SULLWAN was unaware identities tat the sources 9 th it Sift With re t Us he gathered mm but those peopie be retired with no arms to SHELWAN wnuiti wit to int tie tff tt i tt ts ti t'd thmugit It -01 35 3133- pic tum Ft-1 51 3 3 thought wen trim-tint amt 3 15 pasts it m it t'tt Sittk ht tt t to have than the 333333 193 heard tt zt that tutti acct- 53 m' was The notes tt tht interview signed tnttudisa mttw dismayed to wit be it at Fifi 34$ ant-vim and it- 33 with t3 ittve tigattott b1 b3 ALL HEREIN IS UNCLASSIETIEE DATE 03-19-2016 31 I-ISIEG Rev -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date 12 It2ttl5 PATRICK FRANCIS KENNEDY Under Secretary of State for Management was interviewed at his office at Department of State Harry S Truman Building 2201 Street NW Washin Tton D C by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agents SAI hl Id 135 Also present for the interview was FBI National Security Law Branch NSLB Attorney 137 nd Senior Counsel After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview KENNEDY provided the following information UHF-986 KENNEDY was aware Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON used a personal email account during her tenure as Secretary but was unaware that she was using a personal server KENNEDY received an unclassified email from CLINTON approximately once a month and noted those emails came from a clintonemailcom address The system allows for employees to remotely access their account from a non-DoS server policy does not support the routine use of private email accounts for for business However it was understood that exceptions could be made in emergency situations and in doing so the employee should carbon copy their email account for matters of record UHF-836 KENNEDY mostly received emails from CLINTON after hours and so infrequently he was not aware of the volume of which she was using her personal account KENNEDY was not aware CLINTON was solely using a personal email account for communicating unclassified business UH-P868 policy does not support the use of private email servers for continued personal use nor the use of personal servers for business thus there is no approval process for their use policy remains the same for the use of both personal emails and servers today as it was during tenure KENNEDY recalled news stories implying a former employee BRYAN PAGLIANO set up 5 private email and server on the side while working for However KENNEDY noted he was not aware of PAGLIANU involvement until it hit the press is refraining from direct inquiries into involvement until the FBI completes its investigation Investigation on 12t2 IIZII 5 at t v ashington DC File a he Date dictated 137 This document contains neitherrecommendations of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to yonragency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency FD-3l12 l Rev Ill- i-US Continuation of of Intcn'icw of Patrick F On 12f2 It2 lfi Page 2 KENNEDY had no direct knowledge of any of predecessors POWELL and CONDOLEEZZA using private email accounts but noted he was aware POWELL publically mentioned he used a private email account during his tenure as Secretary of State in his most recent publication UHF-OHS has the responsibility of interfacing with foreign diplomats and political representatives within the United States and overseas to help develop policy Sometimes information from these dignitaries is given in con dence and sometimes it is not The classi cation of such information is speci c to the situation KENNEDY explained that information given in con dence may be initially transmitted as unclassified to report the information but later up classified when it is further assessed the disclosure of such information might damage national security or diplomatic relationships Ultimately the originator of a document or email is responsible for classifying the document UHF-OHS KENNEDY explained the Intelligence Community IC steals information and thus has to classify said information to protect sources and methods may get the same information through diplomatic channels and not classify that information because it was not received from a sensitive source or a method According to KENNEDY the classi cation of a document depends on the content of the message and if it is important for the other party not to disclose the information If a employee wanted to use classi ed information derived from sources in an unclassi ed channel they would need to submit a tearline request to do so cannot declassify a document that was not originally classified by a classification authority The Secretary of State is a declassification authority as are the Secretary 5 Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff KENNEDY believed CHERYL MILLS JAKE SULLIVAN and possibly HUMA ABEDIN would have been classi cation authorities during tenure at UHF-666 KENNEDY acknowledged received their first request to produce emails related to email sometime in 2014 The request was related to a Congressional inquiry concerning documents related to the 2012 attack of the United States consulate in Benghazi The initial request was focused on speci c emails but was later expanded to include a broader production KENNEDY was not part of the initial dialogue with CLINTON concerning the aforementioned request for emails KENNEDY was only involved with interacting with Congress concerning the status of the request but was not involved in the process of deciding what was and was not released in response The Freedom of Information Act FOIA team directly handled the request by reaching out to the appropriate Bureau or Secretariat who maintained the information concerning Benghazi The Bureau of Near East Affairs would have been contacted by FOIA in regards to general Benghazi information The D08 2 FD-3ll2 l Rev Continuation of of Intention of Patrick F On 1229 It2ttl5 Page 3 FOIA team would have reached out to the records staff in the Executive Secretariat for speci c CLINTON communications concerning Benghazi I FOIA inquiries are handled bv the Bureau of Admi aistrationf Global Information Services The Bureau involves a team of supervisors processors and reviewers almost all of which are retired foreign or civil service The supervisors assign the requests to processors who load the information into their FOIA management system and send out requests to all the Bureaus who have a relevant relation to the request The review team collects the information received from the relevant Bureaus and determines what if any exemptions should be considered andt'or applied The FOIA review team also determines if the information responsive to the request contains any outside agency equities and appropriately coordinates with those agencies to respond to the request Fu hermore the FOIA response goes through a review and reconciliation process to ensure all responsive documents are marked and redacted appropriately I Iin regards to the D08 FOIA process However there is an appeals process which involves a FOIA review board managed out of the D08 Information Oversight Office UH-F686 Responsive documents to FOIA requests are also placed on the FOIA website in their releasable form to avoid redundant FOIA requests from other parties UHF-6H6 KENNEDY recalled discussions concerning CLINTON wanting to cull her emails prior to producing emails related to the Congressional FOIA requests The purpose of the cull was to remove emails related to personal communications between CLINTON and her family that were not relevant to matters was not involved in the cull as it is the responsibility of the individual to produce records of relevance for the record KENNEDY did not recall who was involved in assisting CLINTON cull her emails oversee employees identify their own files for the record and can generally archive them in the State Messaging and Archival Retrieval Tool set SMART system which allows for electronic marking tagging of emails for the record However SMART is not used by the Executive Secretariat thus CLINTON would have likely had to use a print and file system or simply keep all of her emails for the record As a matter of personal preference KENNEDY retains all of his electronic communications in an active file When asked in retrospect if he had concerns over how conducted its response to the FOIA request regarding 5 emails KENNEDY responded yes and no KENNEDY did not elaborate KENNEDY further explained he contacted the FBI Deputy Director and requested an electronic copy of all the CLINTON emails turned over to the FBI in regards to the 3 investigation so could make a better assessment in regards to evaluating their role response FD-3llZa Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview of Patrick F On 1229 It2tll5 Page 4 UHF-GHQ KENNEDY categorically rejected allegations he attempted influence FOIA markings to protect and or mask classi ed information KENNEDYI I 3 35 and described her as someone who says it like it fear of telling truth to power we KENNEDY further explained he has full confidence would not allow undue influence to effect her ability to properly carry out the FOIA process in accordance with the Presidents mandate to both air on the side of transparency and national security UHF-GHQ KENNEDY was one of three people he was aware of at who have the authority to upgrade the classi cation of a document the Secretary of State an being the other two A classification upgrade would be warranted in a situation where the change in a government may change relationshipst and information that would not have endangered the United States or sources before said government change would then be considered a threat to national security or to the sources safety 12-6 107 KENNEDY stated he was available for re-contact should interviewing agents have additional questions to ask at a later date Agent notes are maintained in a 'l A envelope EELI HEREIN IS DATE 08-19-2015 HSICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date IZHHEZUIS qgft eej On December '14 2015 F fom atfon Resource Managementr Executive Secretariat US Department of State office hone was interviewed Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agent SA and SAI I After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview provided the following in Information Resource Management IRM for the Executive Secretariat IRMIES and was in that position during Secretary HILLARY time in office Part oflilj ob was to maintain and support the infrastructure for the UNCLASSIFIED and SECRET networks for the Executive Secretariat Every Department of State hereafter State Secretary has interacted with except for Secretary JOHN KERRY has used be personal email during his or her time in of ce For example Secretary COLIN POWELL used America 137 Online Secretary Clinton however was the first Secretary to use a privately maintained email server hereafter Server I did not agree with the decision but it made sense to him because Secretary CLINTON had used the Server for the previous two years Secretary CLINTON did not have a desktop computer in her office to access email while at State but did have space near her of ce where she could use her Secretary CLINTON received an operational securit brie ng that involved the National Security Agency after being sworn in as Secretary of the Bureau Security Of ce would have coordinated the brie ng UHWHO I ibecame aware of Secretary Server at the time she was sworn in as Secretary of State She was offered a State email address but decided to use the Server from her 2008 presidential campaign It was at this time inet BRYAN PAGLIANO PAGLIANO was the administrator for Secretary 5 Server sol interacted with him to keep it communicating with State systems For example there were approximately 5-6 instances 11 30 where emails sent by Secreta CLINTON to State employees or vice-versa were not received by the end user In these instances and PAGLIANO worked together to modify settings so the emails would make it through Additionally the two worked to establish transport layer security TLS between State systems and the Server as a security measure Since PAGLIANO was an IRIVI Schedule employee of State invited him to various brie ngs regarding security and system vulnerabilities 5 job at State was his policy development related to mobile computing so these brie ngs were also relevant to his role in that WC capacity specifically recalled discussions about Bluetooth vulnerabilities and blue jacking because Investigation on 12 f I-UZU 5 at Washington DC 133 race he Date dictated MA ME Bysg SAI b5 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rey Ill- P95 b6 Contintuttion of FD-BUE of Intcnicw o On IEIHIZIHS Page 2 those vulnerabilities werel Iprimary concern due to Secretary BlackBerry use Although Imade an effort to keep PAGLIANO informed of security matters he was not b6 involved In decisions regarding Server securit nor if the Server was hacked or 1370 actively monitored for intrusions did not believe it was possible for PAGLIANO to secure the Server as well as State servers 1c are monitored and hardened by a team of full time employees Additionally he did not know how the Server was paid for or where it was physically located In approximately February 201 1 several State employees were the victims of a gmail and yahoo hack where users received an email with a link directing them to change their email password The link took users to a fraudulent site that allowed to obtain the user's gmailtyahoo password The hackers then used the password to modify the users gmailfyahoo account to auto-forward to al ll lgroup sent a security alert to POEMS users regarding the b1 per nos hack but since PAGLIANO was not a POEMS user he would not have received the alert be have was asked to delete approximately two emails related to the public release of Secretary 5 emails The request was in relation to cleaning unclassified State systems however due to an FBI preservation not deleted any communications He recalled one of the emails bein I from an Ambassador and began with a phrase b5 similar to My classnet is down so I ll start here bcould not recall any other details but we offered to provide a copy of the emails if requested There were no spills of classi ed information on Secretary 3 email account while she was at State insofar as was aware Secretary CLINTON received classified information in a paper briefing book that was maintained by her special assistant When outside of Washington DC State travel teams turned hotel rooms into classified information processing areas where personnel including the Secretary could communicate securely UHF-6663 Only Secretary inner circle could email her directly This group consisted of JAKE I I IVAN RYL MILLS and HUMA ABEDIN for State Department purposes For this reason when emailed BlackBerry he considered it the equivalent of emailing Secretary CLINTON b6 stated the 3 investigation would be incomplete without talking to PAGLIANO PAGLIANO is a very sharp and technical savv individual who Iikely took action based he - on the securitt information and brie ngs provided byl and others Furthermore b7 I believes additional information could exist on the accounts of MILLS because she served as a proxy for Secretary CLINTON ALL ETEI Rex HEREIN IS LIT-JELLASSIFIED DATE 08-19-2015 337385134 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of 5 STEVE A LINICK Inspector General United States Department of State Office of Inspector General STATE 16 2121 Vir Jinia Avenue NW Suite 8100 SA-3 Washington DC 2003 telephone I lrnobile phonel lemail fisa eaci was interviewed in person by 135 FBI Special Agentsl Iandl I After being advised of the identity of the MC interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview LINICK provided the following information On or about March 12 2015 STATE 1G received a letter from US Senators Bob Corker Richard Burr and Ron Johnson The letter requested a review of State Department employees usage of personal email for official purposes and coordination with relevant agencies to determine whether classi ed information was transmitted or received by State Department employees over personal systems On April 16 2015 pursuant to this letter STATE IG initiated a review of the use of personal communications hardware and software by five Secretaries of State and their immediate staffs The review covered current Secretary of State John Kerry all the way back to former Secretary of State Madeleine Albri ght STATE 16' 3 review was further broken down into three categories 1 On-boarding Process which looked into the approval process for the use of personal networks 2 Preservation of Records how records were maintainedipreserved and 3 the FOIA response LINICK believed STATE 16 3 office was not quali ed to determine whether classified information was transmitted and referred that portion of the review to the Of ce of the Inspector General Iof the Intelligence Community ICIG Separately STATE 16 had the Benghazi review andl Fl 3 The Department of State was also conducting a Freedom of Information Act FOIA review of fifty five thousand pages of emails belonging to Secretary Clinton pursuant to a court order In December 2014 the Department of State received hard copies of those documents from Secretary Clinton 5 Counsel LINICK initially believed Department of State received electronic copies of Secretary Clinton's email from her private server During a July I 2015 meeting with STATE IG Patrick KENNEDY Under Secretary for Management US Department of State and advised STATE 1G the Department of State had obtained an electronic copy of Secretary Clinton email On July 10 201 S hm STATE 16 requested two copies of the PST files for use by STATE 16 and ICIG Later KENNEDY advised STATE that the Department of State only had hard copies of the documents which were Investigation on 08i0-ii2015 at Washington DC b3 Fiieit Date dictated MA ME This document contains neitherrecommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the propeny of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency FD-3U2E1 Rm Ill- 135 Continuation of FBI-302 of liltcn'icw A Linick On caisson 5 Page 2 scanned and uploaded to ClassNet LINICK obtained preserved Department of State email records for MILLS and ABEDIN On May 26 2015 ICIG and STATE 1G sent ajoint preservation letter to Williams Connolly for the @clinontonemailcom account records in their possession Although LINICK was generally aware of the status of ongoing review to identify classified information which consisted of jointly working with the Department of State FOIA staff LINICK was not heav lv involved in tha process LINICK recommended the FBI interview De artment of State employees Office of Information b5 Pro trams and Services andl Of ce of Global Information Services Bothl land b7 I lwere involved in the FOIA review rocess and alleged there were potenfjallg hundreds of classified emails found during their review further alleged that tw I currently working at State Department were meddling with the FOIA review process On or about June 19 2015 STATE 16 and ICIGjointly made four recommendations to the State Department related to the FOIA review process The recommendations were as follows 1 Recommend State Department FOIA office request staff support from 1C FOIA of ces to assist in the identification of intelligence community equities 2 Recommend 1C FOIA officers review the emails to ensure that ClassNet use is appropriate before transmitting to the State Bureaus for review 3 Recommend State Department FOIA seek classification expertise from the interagency to act as a final arbiter if there is a question regarding potentially classified materials and 4 Recommend State Department FOIA Of ce incorporate the Department of Justice into the FOIA process to ensure the legal sufficiency review of the FOIA exemptions and redactions Based on a later response from KENNEDY the Department of State had accepted recommendations number one and three LINICK suggested the FBI talk to land he Iwho both worked at STATE and we Iwould be able to give more insight into the FOIA review process and STATE interaction with Secretary C1inton counsel Williams Connolly LINICK believed had sent emails back and forth with David KENDALL Secretary Clinton's attorney LINICK surmised the Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual that was in use during Secretary Clinton tenure as Secretary of State did not give clear and specific guidance regarding the use of private email although it was highly discouraged If employees used private email to conduct official State Department business that email had to be forwarded to an @state gov email within twenty days after being sent The Department of State had no process for approving the use of private networks There were no rules in place that specifically denied Secretary Clinton the use of her private network FD-3U2E1 Rm Iii- 135 Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview A Linick On tt ftt m 5 Page LINICK did not believe he was quali ed to explain the Department of State retroactive classi cation process LINICK did not know whether the Department of State had provided a safe to Williams 83 Connolly nor did LINICK know if the Department of State had the authority to certify a non government facility as secure storage for classified information LINICK advised Secretary Clinton had brought Bryan PAGLIANO into the Department of State to set up her private network PAGLIANO was still a Department of State employee who worked in the Department of State' information technology department However PAGLIANO refused to be interviewed by STATE 1G PAGLIANO informed STATE 1G he was represented by counsel from Akin Gump Straus Hauer Feld LLP LINICK recommended the FBI interview PAGLIANO LINICK did not intend on directly contacting Secretary Clinton to request electronic copies of her private network email Since there was a spillage of classified information for which STATE 1G is not equipped to handle the referral was made to the FBI FD-3U2E1 Rm Cumimmlion of FD-BUZ of lillcn'icw Steve A Linick On 5 Page 4 J FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date oftinnsenption JUSTIN GREGORY COOPER date of birth DOBII and social security account number I was interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agents b6 SA andl lat the law offices of located atl Washington DC 20006 Also present for the interview werel attorneys I andl I as well as attornev 1 IU S Department of Justice andl I Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview COOPER provided the following information Before commencing the interview COOPER's stated the offices of were in possession of two 2 Apple MacBooks and one 1 Seagate external hard drive belonging to COOPER COOPER used one of the MacBooks from approximately 2009 to 20l3 and transferred his files to the second MacBook in approximately 2013 The Seagate external hard drive contained back up files belonging to COOPER On the foregoing digital media existed files related to the upgrade of former Secretary of State HILLARY BlackBerry incurred while COOPER upgraded HILLARY BlackBerry device in 2009 and 2011 These files were separate segregated and labeled in folders on each of digital media as described above Additionally each of digital media items contained email exchanged with an email address belonging to HILLARY CLINTON HEBHclinstt1Weil u indicated COOPER is willing to discuss providing the FBI the folder containing BlackBerry files relating to the upgrade of HILLARY device and all email involving the email address tax 'iinto Additionally b3 Investigation on tthEiZt 5 at Washinnton DC HIE File it I 302 Date dictated MA Bye SA 105 This document oonttiins neitherrecommendations noreonehtsions of the FBI It is the propetty of the FBI and is loaned to yont'agenejt' it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev 10-0-95 Communion of ITO-302 of men-inu- of Justin Greens Conner On 09 0200 I 5 Page 2 indicated COOPER did not have the right to provide consent to PE search the foregoing BlackBerry files and to gain consent to search believed the FBI would need to consult HILLARY CLINTON's lawyers at WILLIAMS AND CONNOLLY COOPER stated he worked for former President BILL CLINTON for approximately 16 years as an aide serving many capacities In 2007 COOPER and other aides debated using a private server for the sole purpose of email exchange and as a result a contract with Apple was signed for the set-up and administration of an OS server hereafter Apple server The foregoing Apple server was installed at the CLINTON residence located in Chappaqua New York and was online in and around June 2008 and configured for a handful of users COOPER recalledl b5 having email accounts using the domain presidentclinton com The domain choffice com was another domain used for BILL CLINTON related staff and email but COOPER referred to it as a legacy domain that had mostly forwarded email BILL CLINTON did not have an email account on the Apple server and did not use email as far as COOPER understood In January 2009 HILLARY CLINTON was looking to move away from a BlackBerry with service and decided to register the domain clintonemail com and host it on the Apple server COOPER had no specific memory but believed he could have been the individual to register the domain because he handled financial issues for the CLINTONs In or around January 2009 the users determined the Apple server was not robust enough and based this assessment on unreliable BlackBerry connectivity At that time the Apple server was not run in conjunction with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server BES In or around March 2009 BRYAN PAGLIANO an Information Technology IT professional used by HILLARY CLINTON took full control of setting up a Windows Small Business Server hereafter Windows server as well as a BES at the CLINTON residence in Chappaqua New York PAGLIANO built the server from equipment used in HILLARY campaign for the democratic nomination to run for President of the United States COOPER did not know where PAGLIANO built the server but knew it was in place and running at the Chappaqua residence in or around March 2009 COOPER was aware that Rev Cominmuinn of Foam of linen-imi- of Justin Grcson' Conner On I 5 Page 3 PAGLIANO set-up firewalls spam filters and possibly Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance ASA software but only PAGLIANO would know the configuration of the set up PAGLIANO managed the porting of users from the Apple server to the Windows server as well as handled all software upgrades and general maintenance COOPER believed there was a back up drive as part of the Windows server and wasn't aware of any additional back ups although he recalled many boxes around the Windows server and reiterated PAGLIANO would know the exact configuration Concerning the various avenues of connectivity to the server for user devices COOPER referred Agents to PAGLIANO Cablevision provided internet service to the CLINTON residence in Chappagua and that internet service was used to connect the Windows server COOPER believed no outside spam service provider was retained for the Windows server COOPER believed in instances where the Windows server went down like in the event of a power outage emails were re directed to a gmail account as a back up COOPER was aware of two 2 power outages based on storms or natural disasters occurring during the lifecycle of the Windows server but was not aware of any specific users or corresponding gmail accounts that had email forwarded COOPER was granted administrator rights along with PAGLIANO to the Windows server and described his role as the customer service face As part of this role COOPER could add a user or reset a password COOPER also continued in his role of acquisition or purchasing for the CLINTONs and this extended to server related items For instance COOPER recalled using both Network Solutions and GoDaddy to register domains but would only have used these companies because he was directed to either by Apple or PAGLIANO COOPER read in the press about the Windows server being associated with a company called Perfect Privacy and would not be surprised if it was accurate but had no specific memory of using the company COOPER registered a Secure Socket Layer SSL at direction and recalled it being used for more security when users accessed their email from various computers and eventually devices Additionally COOPER vaguely recalled the Windows server using a Microsoft software product called Forefront Rev Cominmuisn of FD-BUE of Imcn-icw of Justin Greens Conner On I 5 Page 4 COOPER stated there was no official security policy given to users of the Windows server Generally when users received suspicious emails and forwarded them to COOPER he would forward them to PAGLIANO As an administrator of the Windows server COOPER would get emails indicating brute force attacks BEA COOPER would also forward those to PAGLIANO and recalled PAGLIANO installing Internet Protocol IP blocking software in an attempt to thwart the REA On at least two 2 occasions COOPER remembers makingl I Special b5 Agent in Charge United States Secret Service aware of suspicious email received on the Windows server COOPER recalled conversations between CHERYL MILLS and BRYAN PAGLIANO in or about June 2013 pertaining to the decommissioning of the Windows server and the next phase of communication infrastructure for HILLARY CLINTON after her tenure as Secretary of State in 2013 Although COOPER wasn't involved and doesn't recall how they were selected PLATTE RIVER NETWORKS PRN was chosen to maintain a server for the CLINTONs COOPER did recall some communication with PRN regarding the transfer of user names and accounts from the Windows server to PRN An individual employed by PRN namedl Last Name b5 Unknown LNU was granted administrator rights on the Windows server ch in order to effect the transition to PRN's control At this point Interviewing Agents displayed a document to COOPER identifying administrator accounts on the Windows server COOPER identified the administrator account as most likely being the user name PRN In or around July 20l3 COOPER received instructions for his email account that indicated PRN was in control of the Windows server email data Due to COOPER's transition in employment his email account was off the server in or around November 20l3 COOPER does not know when the Windows server was shut down and how or where it was transported COOPER had no knowledge of the process HILLARY CLINTON undertook when acquiring her emails from the clintonemail com domain and providing them to the Department of State as part of a Freedom of Information Act FOIA request COOPER speculated that PRN was involved in the acquisition of the entire content of her account and DAVID KENDALL was consulted when determining which specific emails would be turned over Rev Communion of FD-EUZ of linen-is - of Justin Grcson- Cooper On names I 5 Page 5 COOPER believed the Windows server had three domains choffice com presidentclinton com and clintonemail com To the best of COOPER's memory he recalledl I be I if lhaving email accounts using the domain presidentclinton com or choffice com as part of their work for BILL CLINTON COOPER believed HILLARY land HUME ABEDIN had email accounts under the domain clintonemail com as part of their association or work for HILLARY CLINTON COOPER believed the Windows server was used exclusively for the exchange of email COOPER has never stored or transmitted classified information over an unclassified network and was unaware of any discussions regarding the transmittal of classified information on an unclassified network by others Notes of this interview as well as the document displayed to COOPER will be maintained in a envelope and filed with the captioned investigation UNCLASS I ALL EEI CONTAINED Rev HEREIN IS UI-ICLASSIEIED DATE 03-19-2015 NSICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date gutteette On March 2 2016 JUSTIN GREGORY COOPER date Ofbirth b6 and social security account number SSANII Iwas interviewed by Federal Bureau MC of Investigation Special Agents Iandl lat the law offices 0 located atI 1 Washington DC 20006 Also resent for the interview werel Iattorneysl and as well as US Department of Justice attomeysl land After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview COOPER provided the following information UHF-GHQ After reviewing an email referencing a new laptop for HILLARY CLINTON COOPER recalled a Macbook Air purchased for CLINTON in the 2008 timeframe but did not believe she ever used it He did not recall the backup Wjook was likely purchased with a credit card because COOPER to be accounts and therefore had credit cardsi i COOPER was not hm involved in the setup of the Macbook but believed it was setup to access 3 email The intent was for CLINTON to use the Macbook in addition to her BlackBerry In addition to COOPER HUMA ABEDINJ I and later MONICA HANLEY frequently assisted CLINTON with setting up any new technology devices UHF-GHQ COOPER was aware CLINTON had Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities SCIFs in both her New York residence as well as her residence in the District of Columbia DC The SCIF at the DC residence I COOPER knew CLINTON to have access to the SCIF b6 and knew ABEDIN was frequently there but did not know if ABEDIN could access the SCIF when it was secured COOPER did not have the combination to open the SCIF The SC IF doors at both residences were not always secured including times when CLINTON was not at the residences When CLINTON became the Secretary of State COOPER assisted the team from the United States Department of State State with questions regarding the communications infrastructure at the New York residence Both residences had safes home computers secure Cisco phones secure and non-secure fax and secure video capabilities inside of the SC IF COOPER was unaware of who would receive secure faxes when they were transmitted The only individual at either residence COOPER believed to have a clearance was possibly Ias a result of his time in the military Investigation on at Washington DC 303 File I -3it2 Date dictated MA e1 - I 1 b6 This document contains neither i'ecmninendations nor conclusions of the FBI t is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency UNCLASS I F1 1313 HQ- Rev Continuation of of Inteniew of Justin Oregon Cooper On assume I6 Page 2 Leading up to the installation of the Apple Server COOPER for several reasons identi ed a need to setup a private email server located at the CLINTON residence These reasons included 0 segregating different aspects of WILLIAM post-presidency activities it separating politics from the work of the Clinton Foundation I I b6 b7 President office and might attempt to gain physical access to the server if it was located in the office 0 An outside vendor might not report a hack attempt After a series of phone calls with Apple COOPER contracted with Apple Business Services to setup a server hereafter Apple Server for handling email for a small number of users working in the office of President CLINTON COOPER did not recall how he paid for the Apple Server but he likely used a credit card Apple installed the Apple Server in the basement of the New York residence however COOPER did not recall if he was present for the setup The CLINTON family and the staff at the New York residence were the only individuals with physical access to the Apple Server The Apple Server design included a backup to an internal RAID drive Apple assisted COOPER with the setup of the choffice domain on the Apple Server but Apple did not have ongoing access to the Apple Server or its contents COOPER was the only one with administrative access to the Apple Server initially later BRYAN PAGLIANO was given access to effect the transfer of data on the Apple Server to a Microsoft Exchange server hereafter Exchange Server COOPER did not assist in exporting any of the data or files to the Exchange Server nor did he create any archives of clintonemail com data The decision was made to move to the Exchange Server because the Apple Server did not keep up with changing developments in technology and eventually users experienced problems with email delivery on their BlackBerry devices COOPER believed HILLARY CLINTON had an email account on the Apple server however ABEDIN did not have an account CLINTON either came up with or approved the username HDR22 for her email address After reviewing an email fragment referencing a potential hack of the Apple Server COOPER stated he could not recall any details and did not believe the hack was ever confirmed UHF-GHQ CLINTON obtained a new BlackBerry device whenever she had an issue with her device such as a trackball failure cracked screen or the device was too heavy When one of these issues occurred whoever was working in close proximit to CLINTON would obtain a new device for her COOPER believed HANLEY and Ito be the individuals who procured new devices P5 for CLINTON He did not recall obtaining devices on eBay or similar outlets COOPER sometimes hm UNCLASS I Rm Commutation ofFD-3t12 of Intention- Oregon Cooper On tt3ftt2t2tt16 Page 3 assisted others with completing the switch to a new device by leading them through the process of backing up data from the old device and transferring it to the new device After these steps were complete COOPER would activate the new device on the Apple Server or later the Exchange Server The two BlackBerry backups previously provided to the FBI by COOPER were likely from situations where COOPER directly handled the transition between devices In these cases COOPER destroyed the old devices by breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer After reviewing an email referencing the replacement of CLINTON and SIM cards COOPER stated he did not recall a process whereby users would regularly switch SIM cards in their mobile devices nor did he recall why CLINTON and ABEDIN received new SIM cards in the specific situation referenced in the email After reviewing an email dated May 30 2009 COOPER stated he could not recall any details regarding a new BlackBerry for CLINTON in that timeframe After reviewing an email regarding new security policies COOPER stated Research in Motion RIM provided new tools on a regular basis to increase the security of BlackBerry devices Typically when a user switched to a new device COOPER would implement an updated security policy on the device As an example of a feature he would add to a security policy COOPER stated he required users to enter a more complex password Users on older devices would have the old security policy The iPads used by CLINTON were for reviewing email and other content COOPER stated vocated for 3 use of an iPad Regarding specific iPads COOPER recalled an iPad mini and at least one iPad having a cellular data connection in addition to a wireless network connection COOPER never set up any of the iPads and therefore had no information on Apple IDs iCloud accounts or device passwords One of the iPads locked out email account on one of the servers when it attempted to connect using an old password COOPER could not recall on which server this event occurred UHF-GHQ After reviewing an email dated July 26 2010 with the subject line Re CC for hPad COOPER con rmed purchased an iPad for CLINTON on or about that date UHF-GHQ After reviewing a chart with the heading 202 COOPER stated he recognized the phone number as 3 second phone number CLINTON usually carried a flip phone with her BIackBerry because it was more comfortable to talk on Additionally CLINTON could use her BlackBerry while talking on the flip phone COOPER did not recognize any ofthe specific phones displayed in the chart unease COOPER statedl land he utilized Google hosting services for email when there was a problem with the Apple Server or Exchange Server To UNCLASS I b6 b6 b6 b6 UNCLASS I F1 1313 Rm Commutation ofFD-3t12 of Intention- oflustin Gregon' Conner On Page 4 effect this change COOPER would alter the settings on a user device to check Google for new messages COOPER could not recall if CLINTON or ABEDIN utilized Google hosting services during Hurricane Sandy or other outages If they had used Google it would have been a team effort to set up their devices because COOPER was traveling at the time UHF-868 After reviewing emails regarding the transfer of an archive of HILLARY emails COOPER stated he did not recall providing a laptop to HANLEY for this purpose but it was conceivable he could have repurposed a laptop from President office and assisted in the transfer ofthe email les COOPER did not recall a USB flash drive containing the email files He also did not recall HANLEY returning the laptop in early 2014' however he became a consultant to President CLINTON in the fall of 2013 and was no longer involved in day to day business by 2014 UH-F999 COOPER had minimal contact with Platte River Networks PRN He recalled one interaction with Ito pass along passwords but did not have any other involvement 3 35 with PRN COOPER did not have an email account with President 3 office after he became a we consultant UHFGB-B COOPER had no knowledge of Freedom of Information Act production or the cull down process as it related to emails from her time as Secretary of State Notes of this interview as well as the documents displayed to COOPER are maintained in a 1313-340 envelope and filed with the captioned investigation UNCLASS I ALL FBI CONTAINED 1 HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED BATE 38-19-2018 B r FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Rev Date it iZiiZiilo On June 21 2016 JUSTIN GREGORY COOPER date Of birth II and social security account number he SSAN was interviewed telephonicallv by Federal Bureau bite of Investigation FBI Special Agents SA land I Also on the all for the interview were Iattornevsl as well as attorney U S Department of Justice After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview COOPER provided the following information COOPER recalled a personally owned iMac computer in the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility SCIF of both the Washington DC and Chappagua NY residence of HILLARY CLINTON Despite not knowing the exact model COOPER described them as being identical models with a one inch thick monitor COOPER stated an Apple server was set up for email exchange for aides working for former President WILLIAM CLINTON COOPER did not recall a specific person deciding to set-up the server but more a consensus among aides In or around December 2008 COOPER recalled having conversations with HUMA ABEDIN pertaining to HILLARY CLINTON moving away from an provided email account and establishing an email domain on the Apple server COOPER and AEEDIN discussed a covert email domain versus a domain including the CLINTON name ABEDIN blessed off on the @clintonemail domain name and COOPER registered the domain in January 2009 COOPER could not recall who created the handle of HILLARY email account t21'litta cesi ccr but thought she typically approved her email account names COOPER did not know if anyone else had HILLARY email account password but stated if anyone would it would be ABEDIN b3 Itn estigal'tott on $62 Ii'2 16 tit Washittuloh DC File a JOE Date dictated MA 13 - s_ SAI b6 This document contains neither recommendations of the FBI It is the prope y of the FBI and is loaned to it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev 10-6-95 Communion of ITO-302 of Intenicw ofluslin Grcaon- Cooper On W2 IIZAIG Page 2 COOPER did not have a specific memory of registering HILLARY CLINTON's email domain and setting up her clintonemail com account on the Apple server Most likely COOPER believed he registered the domain and added HILLARY email account to the Apple server because he could think of no one else that would have performed that task COOPER stated he most likely initially set HILLARY m Bll CQm account to forward to her BlackBerry When HILLARY CLINTON would reply from her BlackBerry her email address would represent as ndrEPPclin'oc mail com With that configuration HILLARY incoming email content would have resided on the Apple server for a period of time but not her sent messages Again COOPER stated this was all a blur to him and he was relaying the most likely scenario In early 2009 COOPER recalled conversations with ABEDIN regarding moving to another email server system but could not recall specifics COOPER recalled ABEDIN knew BRYAN PAGLIANO from his work on CLINTON's 2008 presidential campaign and held him in high regard PAGLIANO began building a new email server system in early 2009 PAGLIANO had to have been given access to the Apple server in order to migrate email accounts and content to the new server he built COOPER did not recall giving PAGLIANO administrator access to the Apple Server COOPER did not specifically recall acquiring an Apple computer for HILLARY CLINTON to use in April 2009 In general COOPER recalled multiple attempts to get CLINTON to use Apple products Around January 20ll COOPER recalled receiving numerous alerts in his email indicating email account users of server were entering the wrong log in credentials PAGLIANO had set up the server so that COOPER would receive failed log in notifications COOPER thought this to be a brute force attack on the server and contacted PAGLIANO COOPER recalled nothing else regarding this incident COOPER recalled HILLARY email account was changed to hro- c il cr after SIDNEY email account was hacked around March 2013 Although COOPER could not be Rev Communion of FD-BUZ of linen-is - ofluslin Grceon- Cooper On W2 loom Page 3 certain COOPER thought he could have been the one to change the email address for CLINTON COOPER thought PAGLIANO had disabled the built in Administrator account on the server PAGLIANO built COOPER had his own system administrator account on server In order for Platte River Networks PRN to be in administering an email server for the CLINTONs PAGLIANO gave access to server COOPER was unsure when this took b6 place but thought it was in May or June of 2013 COOPER did not know b7c if removed administrator account COOPER could not recall when he last logged into PAGLIANO's server COOPER did not know what scanning tools were In the spring of 2013 COOPER recalled giving MONICA HANLEY a MacBook laptop and walking her through downloading CLINTON's email from the PAGLIANO server to the MacBook COOPER did not recall a specific purpose for this other than maintaining a back up copy of CLINTON's email COOPER was unaware of a USB Flash Drive containing email COOPER was unaware of the location of the MacBook containing CLINTON's email COOPER stated did not have access to the b5 Apple server in anyway ch Notes of this interview will be maintained in a FD340 envelope and filed with the captioned investigation ALL EEI EDPTTAIPED HERE IN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE 08-19-2016 31 3375351 94 I-ISIEG tact tit-m5 -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date 2t23t2t t16 On February 19 2016 ERIC 1 BOSWELL DOBI lwas interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agentsl land at the law 136 offices OH I Washington DC Also 1375 present for the interview was attorneyl After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview BOSWELL provided the following information UHF-GEO BOSWELL served as the United States Assistant Secretary for State for Diplomatic Security DS from June 2008 until December 2012 however BOSWELL did not resign from until the Fall of 201 3 Following his resignation from Department of State BOSWELL went into When Actually Employed WAE status with which essentially means he still works for and is paid by on an as needed basis WEBB-8 As the Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security BOSWELL was responsible for overseeing the security of communications personnel and programs UHF-GHQ BOSWELL did not directly oversee the security of the Executive Secretariat to include former Secretary of State HILLARY R CLINTON A Security Officer who reported further down in chain of command had direct oversight over the Executive Secretariat on the seventh floor offices commonly referred to as Mahogany Row BOSWELL could not recall the names of any of the Security Officers who were assigned to Mahogany Row during his tenure BOSWELL had no knowledge CLINTON was using a personal email nor that she was operating said email off of a personal server while she was Secretary of State He first learned of the private server and personal email use when it was reported in the Press BOSWELL further stated he found former Secretary CLINTON to be very responsive to security issues Agents asked BOSWELL to review a redacted memo titled Use of Blackberries in Mahogany Row The memo was redacted by in response to a Freedom of Information Act FOIA inquiry After reviewing the memo BOSWELL stated the memo was drafted early in the Administration and shortly after CLINTON began her tenure at Investigation on Wm It at Washington DC 133 File a I ans Date dictated This docmnent contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI 1 is the propetty of the FBI and is loaned to your agency il and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview of Eric J Boswell On ZHIBEZIHG Page 2 BOSWELL recalled 3 DOS executive staff initially inquiring about the possibility of acquiring Blackberries that could be configured for classi ed material BOSWELL tasked his staff to research the request and possibilities BOSWELL staff noti ed him that such a devicei configuration was not possible which was relayed to executive team via the memo WEBB-O Furthermore BOSWELL stated that he recalled there was general concern around the same time regarding the possibility that staff might use their Blackberries on Mahogany Row which is a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility SCIF According to BOSWELL there was no speci c instance or report that any speci c personfpeople were using Blackberries on Mahogany Row at the time However there was some general concern within security personnel that executive staff may try to use their Blackberries in the SCIF as they were almost all brought on to from campaign team and thus were very accustom to using their Blackberries Although BOSWELL could not recall a specific report of the use of Blackberries on Mahogany Row he stated that they were told to stop using their Blackberries in the SCIF and they did DS never sanctioned the use of Blackberries on Mahogany Row Agents also asked BOSWELL to review a redacted email dated 'lf24t2009 with the subject line Series of questions The email exchange which BOSWELL was not copied on related to the set up of a stand-alone separate network for CLINTON In response BOSWELL stated the email was written three days after CLINTON began her tenure as Secretary of State LEWIS Lou LUKINS who was included in the referenced email exchange was the former Chief Administrative Of cer of the Executive Secretariat BOSWELL explained that a stand alone work station does not necessarily mean a workstation that was not connected to the D08 network and itjust referred to a normal computer workstation BOSWELL was unsure if CLINTON ever used a workstation at D08 and did not recall ever seeing a workstation in her office A copy of the original interview notes and the referenced memo are attached in a 1A envelope ALL 1 IS UNCLASSIFIED BATE 38-19-2018 ET 537 3851 94 NSICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Rev Hi-l i-US Date consort On June 15 2016 LEWIS LUKENS Date of Bi lwas be in rvi wed by Federal fInv i I i 1 FBI Special Agents Ia ndl hm at his residence San Francisco CA After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview LUKENS provided the following information LUKENS is currently the Diplomat in Residence for the Paci c Northwest region of the US for the US Department of State DOS LUKENS a career DOS employee was most recently the US Ambassador to Senegal before which he was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Executive Secretariat As the Deputy Assistant Secretary from the summer of 2008 until June of 201 1 LUKENS reported to the Executive Secretariat who was initially DAN SMITH until he was succeeded by STEPHEN MULL LUKENS was responsible for providing operational and logistical support to approximately 800 individuals at the DOS which included the Secretary of State senior leadership and their staff LUKENS responsibilities were broken into five main areas Human Resources Budget General Services Diplomatic Security DS and Information Resource Management SIES - IRM - IRM was responsible for ensuring that the senior leadership of DOS had the Information Technology IT tools and systems they needed to do their jobs The group was led by JOHN BENTEL and was comprised of approximately 25 to 30 individuals who were a mix of DOS personnel and contractors LUKENS interacted with BENTEL on a daily basis He described BENTAL as having decent technical skills despite not being a tech guy and added that he was more technically proficient than LUKENS was LUKENS was not aware of the statements that had been attributed to BENTEL in the recent OIG report but thought they were out of character for BENTEL UHF-868 LUKENS worked with CHERYL MILLS and HUMA ABEDIN before and during HILLARY 3 transition to DOS to coordinate CLINTON office space and human resource needs LUKENS explained that the previous Secretary only had one Deputy Secretary but CLINTON planned to have two Deputies so LUKENS had to reorganize the offices on the 71h floor to accommodate the second Deputy LUKENS worked with DAN SMITH and Under Secretary PATRICK KENNEDY at DOS to ensure that needs were met during the transition LUKENS stated there was not a computer in office at DOS because CONDOLEEZZA RICE did not have one and one was not installed for CLINTON LUKENS and representatives from DS and visited residence in Washington DC during the transition to assess what equipment was present and what needed to be b3 Investigation on on son to at San Francisco CA File it I 3tt2 Date dictated MA am be 2375 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to youragency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev Ill-035 Continuation of FBI-302 of Intcn'icw of Lewis Lukcns On WISHING Page 2 installed LUKENS provided that both secure and unsecure telephone and facsimile systems were installed at the residence LUKENS did not recall if there was a computer in the Yashingten residenee LUKENS did not visit residence in Chappaqua NY and instead sen be I I in his place LUKENS was not aware of what equipment was installed in hm Chappaqua LUKENS stated that the re resentative for these visits was mostly likely who was later replaced by in the summer of 2009 Uttseeo LUKENS was shown an email w'th the subiect State Department Telephone Services at Secretary Clinton' 5 Residence that was sent from LUKENS and ABEDIN on 135 January 27 2009 After reviewing the email LUKENS explained that Switch refers to the MC direct phones to the White House Business Lines refers to unclassi ed phone lines and Ops Dedicated Drop refers to a phone line that connected directly to the DOS operations center LUKENS was not sure what referred to but thought it was related to DOS Crisis Management Support LUKENS noted that equipment was installed both office area located near I I LUKENS stated that he oversaw the installation of the telephone lines in a very broad sense but the actual work was very technical and beyond his expertise Uff O'tl b5 equipment LUKENS described ias likeable but noted that he often interacted directly with we staff and did not always keep his chain of command informed of requests from and work begin done for CLINTON and her team LUKENS was shown an email with the subiect Secretary Residential Installation Hotwash that was sent froml l o BENTELJ landl Ion March 135 'l 7 2009 LUKENS was not immediately familiar with the email or the attachment but believed that bf Server Basement Telephone Closet referred to a telephone server LUKENS noted the installation processes was unique because there was pre-existing equipment in the residences that had previously been installed for President WILLIAM CLINTON LUKENS was not aware that CLINTON was using a private email server until it was released in the papers Upon learning about the server LUKENS had some general concerns about how the server had been protected from hackers LUKENS did not know if the setup was a violation of any existing DOS policy at that time LUKENS never had any conversations with 5 staff or other department officials about the server UH-11886 LUKENS was shown an email with the subject blackberry that was sent from MONICA HANLEY to ABEDIN on August 30 201 1 After reviewing the email LUKENS provided that he was unaware of the email and that BENTEL never relayed any information to him about the server or it being nonfunctional LUKENS was shown an email with the subject Communications that was sent from ABEDIN to MULL on August 30 201 l LUKENS was familiar with the email and provided the Rev Ill-fi-US Continuation of of Intcn'icw of Lewis Lukcns On WISHING Page 3 context that the technology at DOS was not very user friendly and that matters were further complicated because CLINTON was not very technology savvy and had little patience for technology issues LUKENS was shown an email with the subject Re Series of questions that he sent to KENNEDY on January 24 2009 LUKENS was familiar with the email and explained that CLINTON could not have her BlackBerry in the SCIF so his idea was to set up a living room area outside of the SCIF where CLINTON could check her emails on her BlackBerry CLINTON did not have a computer in her office and did not want one because she preferred to use her BlackBerry for checking her emails While DOS users can check personal email accounts via the unclassified DOS computer systems the proposed stand alone' system would have streamlined the process for CLINTON and would have been similar to the setup used by former Secretary of State COLIN POWELL LUKENS was aware that no DOS email account was assigned to CLINTON aside from a genetic account that was used for sending mass emails to DOS employees on behalf of the Secretary LUKENS was not aware that CLINTON was using a personal email for official business He was told by MILLS that CLINTON was using her personal account to keep in touch with friends and family LUKENS did not email with CLINTON directly and typically communicated with ABEDIN who he described as gatekeeper LUKENS was shown an email with the subject Re E-mail test that was sent from HUMA to on February 27 2010 LUKENS was unaware ofthe issues discussed 'n the email exchange at that time but he had since seen the email exchange LUKENS stated that I ha who worked in 5 group hm UHF-GEO LUKENS was shown an email with the subject Re berry that was sent from HANLEY to ABEDIN on August 30 201 'l After reviewing the email LUKENS provided that he had not seen the email before and did not know the circumstances in which it was sent LUKENS did not know why BENTEL made the statement regarding FOIA searches in the email LUKENS had heard of the State Messaging and Archive Retrieval Toolset SMART but was not aware of any specifics about the program LUKENS believed that SMART had been rolled out to all departments at DOS and was not aware that it wasn t used by SIES IRM Once 5 transition to DOS was completed LUKENSI primary responsibility became coordinating the travel logistics for CLINTON and her team This included handling matters related to passports customs I immigration requirements baggage and hotel arrangements LUKENS travel on all of the trips with CLINTON LUKENS was shown an email with the subject Communications Guidance for Moscow the he sent to several individuals on staff on March 15 2010 LUKENS did not recall receiving country specific threat briefs prior to each trip However LUKENS recounted that on one trip to Russia they received guidance from the Embassy that they should leave their phones on the plane Rm Continuation of FBI-302 of Intcn'iow of Lewis Lnkens On WISHING Page 4 However this conflicted with the guidance from so they ultimately elected to take their phones of of the plane LUKENS explained that the one state gov system referenced in the email was used for accessing the DOS OpenNet system remotely using a user specific pin and token UHF-GHQ A copy of the original interview notes and referenced documents are attached in a A envelope ALL CONTAINED Fo-snzatnet tn-s-sst HEREIN Is mteLasstsIsc cars os-ts-sms av FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date 4iit 2it1t3 UN-F966 On April 5 2016 HUM Wiewed by Federal gc Bureau of Investigation FBI ecial Agents and at the FBI Washington Field Of ce 601 4 Street NW Washington DC Present for the interview was ABEDIN counsel MIGUEL RODRIGUEZ Partner at Bryan Cave LLP KAREN DUNN Partner at Boies Schiller Flexner LLP andl lAssociate at Boies Schiller Flexner LLP Also present was FBI Section Chief Peter Strzok as well asl Assistant US Attorney Eastern District of Virginia and David LaufmanJ Iandl Ifrom the Department of Justice Counterintelligence and Export Control Section Prior to the interview RODRIGUEZ DUNN and Iagreed to sign a non-disclosure agreement in anticipation of viewing classi ed documents during the interview After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview ABEDIN provided the following information UHF-GHQ ABEDIN rst met HILLARY R CLINTON in 1996 when she was an intern in the Office of the First Lady She then worked on 5 Senate campaign and her 2008 Presidential campaign as the traveling Chief of Staff When CLINTON became the Secretary of State at the Department of State ABEDIN became her Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations where she was primarily responsible for coordinating logistics for CLINTON ABEDIN worked with JAKE SULLIVAN CHERYL MILLS JOE MACMANUS as well as three Special Assistants a Scheduler and a Personal Assistant while she was in the Office of the Secretary Transition to Department of State ABEDIN and CLINTON met with on a few occasions prior to CLINTON being sworn into office to discuss her transition During these instances CLINTON and ABEDIN met with Secretary Rice and her staff to discuss the logistics of the transition ABEDIN worked with PATRICK KENNEDY and MILLS to fill the available spots on staff ABEDIN was directly responsible for identifying and interviewing individuals for the roles of Personal Assistant Scheduler and Personal Correspondent ABEDIN provided that KENNEDY was their main point of con act for setting up office and that LEWIS LUKENS MACMANUS and were responsible for be coordinating the technical aspects of the transition ABEDIN did not know that CLINTON had a private b7 Investigation on 4itt5i2t't If at Washington DC b3 File a I has Date dictated MA ME By SA bh I 156 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the propetty of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Intcn'icw of Iluma Abe-din On Page 2 server until about a year and a half ago when it became public knowledge and did not recall any discussion about it during the transition ABEDIN did not recall any discussions during the transition about whether using a private email account for business was permissible However she did recall that they were advised that they could not have personal emails linked to a device As a result CLINTON elected to use a personal device only because she did not want to carry two devices ABEDIN had never held a security clearance prior to working at She received a Top Secret security clearance at but did not remember being read into any Special Access Programs SAPS or compartments When ABEDIN was on boarded at she received a security briefing that detailed the different levels of classified information and the proper handling procedures ABEDIN did not recall ever receiving any training on the preservation of federal records but noted that she took a lot of training courses when she on boarded so she may have had training on the topic ABEDIN provided that she was not an Original Classification Authority OCA at ABE Devices and Communication Practices UffFe tl office was located in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility SCIF at At her desk she had both an unclassified and classified computer system ABEDIN was not sure if the classified computer system was a Secret or Top Secret TS system and she was unfamiliar with the term JWICS ABEDIN did not receive any formal guidance on what system she should use for the different aspects of her work She did the majority of her work on the unclassified system and would often go several days or weeks at a time without logging into her classifi ed system She would only use the classified system if she was notified that somebody had sent her a message on that system In addition to the computer systems ABEDIN had an open line phone and a yellow TS Cisco phone that she typically used for talking with the National Security Council ABEDIN provided that she was issued an official email account abedinh@state gov which she used for related work She also had an email account that was provided by CLINTON huma@clintonemail com which she used for matters related to 3 personal affairs and to communicate with 5 personal staff and friends ABEDIN also had a personal Yahoo email accountJ I ABEDIN could access her clintonemailcom b5 account and her Yahoo account via the internet on the unclassified computer system She would use b7 these accounts if her account was down or if she needed to print an email or document ABEDIN further explained that it was difficult to print from the system so she routinely forwarded emails to her non-DoS accounts so she could more easily print ABEDIN also had another email account that she had previously used to support her husband campaign activities l I Wit-13686 ABEDIN had no knowledge of her accounts ever being targeted by hackers and was not aware of any intrusion attempts ABEDIN recalled that some people at had issues with their Gmail accounts but she never had a Gm ail account Rev Continuation of of Interview of Ilurna Abe-din On rooms Page 3 Ur ff' tl ABEDIN was shown an email dated September 201 l with the subject Fwd Calls which she forwarded from her huma@clintonemail com account to her email account ABEDIN did not recall the speci c email or why she would have forwarded it However she noted that based on the date stamp she knew that she was not in the office when it occurred WW ABEDIN was shown an email dated October 4 2009 with the subject Fwd US interest in Pak Paper 10-04 which ABEDIN received from and then forwarded to her 135 Yahoo email account ABEDIN was not familiar with the document but was not surprised that she hm forwarded it to her Yahoo account She explained that she routinely forwarded emails from her state gov account to either her clintonemail com or her yahoocom account so that she could print them ABEDIN stated that she would typically print the documents without reading them At the time of the email worked for RICHARD HOLBROOKE who was the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan SRAP ABEDIN was unaware of the classi cation of the document and stated that she did not make judgments on the classification of material that she received Instead she relied on the sender to make that assessment and to properly mark and transmit the document ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated August '16 2010 with the subject Re your yahoo acct ABEDIN did not recall the email and provided that despite the content of the email she was not sure that her email account had ever been compromised She further provided that the b5 referenced in the email referred to an older campaign volunteer in Westchester NY hm ABEDIN was provided with a D08 Blackberry and believed that all of top aides at were issued Blackberries as well The team would sometime use secure cell phones when they were traveling but they were not used on every trip Secure phones were only used when traveling in hostile operational environments The secure phones were maintained by Diplomatic Security DS and would be provided to the team by ABEDIN provided that DS routinely provided country speci c b5 security briefings prior to international trips During these briefings the team would receive instructions we on how to handle their communications once in country For example the team might be told to leave their phones on the plane or to take the batteries out of their phones ABEDIN noted that the guidance changed based on the specific location and that it wasn t uncommon to receive different instructions on separate trips to a given country For example the communication plan for Moscow could be different than the plan in St Petersburg ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated October 6 2009 with the subject security in Moscow and an email chain dated October 12 2009 with the subject Re Communications ABEDIN stated that the content of these emails was typical of the guidance that was provided by DS prior to a trip and that the instructions were closely followed by the traveling team If CLINTON was not able to attend the DS brie ng prior to the team' 5 departure she would be briefed by DS on the plane ABEDIN stated that they used computers that were set up and controlled by the Mobile Communications Team to access their and personal emails accounts when they were in Russia Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview of Iltnna Abe-din On Page 4 UffF O'ti O ABEDIN did not recall any potential security issues occurring while the team was traveling overseas aside from one instance in Egypt Prior to a meeting at President Mubarak' residence the team was unexpectedly asked to leave their phones ABEDIN could not provide any more details on what had occurred but noted that was with the team and was aware of the incident The Secretary's Devices and Practices office at was located in a SCIF on the seventh floor that was commonly referred to as Mahogany Row Her offi ce had an unclassified telephone and a TS Cisco phone for contacting other agencies Initially she also had a secure white phone and a STE in her office but they were later removed CLINTON did not have a computer in her of ce and conducted the majority of her work in person or on paper ABEDIN explained that CLINTON could not use a computer and that she primarily used her Blackberry or iPad for checking emails If CLINTON needed to check her emails during the course of the day she would leave the SCIF to check her Blackberry often going to the eighth floor balcony 3 email address was not widely known but all of her senior staff had the address and would share it with other government officials if they needed it ABEDIN stated that senior staff was not specifically instructed to filter her email but they understood what was relevant to CLINTON and would only share information with her as appropriate ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated September 30 2010 with the subject Re Hb on moratorium After reviewing the email ABEDIN could not recall the email exchange or the context ofthe email ABEDIN stated that in general she would be told by either CLINTON or the requesting party if the call needed to be secure or not It would be unusual for ABEDIN to read the content and then make her ownjudgment as to whether the call should be secure or not ABEDIN stated that she was likely with CLINTON when she sent the email and she was relaying guidance from CLINTON ABEDIN provided that andl lwere assistants to 106 CLINTON ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated August 30 201 I with the subject Re Communications ABEDIN recalled the email exchange and provided that CLINTON was not issued a Blackberry and that she only used her personal Blackberry because she did not want to carry multiple devices The email exchange occurred when CLINTON was in the Hamptons and was having communication issues following Hurricane Irene At that time ABEDIN felt that it did not make sense to temporarily issue CLINTON a D08 Blackberry because it would require significant effort to transfer all of her emails and contacts to a device that she would only use for a few days ABEDIN did not know what STEPHEN MULL meant when he wrote that the account could be set up to mask 3 identity counsel noted that a longer version of this email chain had been released via the FOIA process DOS case F-2015-12685 document C0590567I UNI-1868 ABEDIN was shown a memorandum from DS regarding the use of Blackberries in Mahogany Row ABEDIN recalled seeing the memorandum in the news recently but did not recall when it was originally released ABEDIN stated that she did not need her Blackberry when she was in the SCIF Rev Continuation of of Interview of IIunia Abe-din On Page 5 so she was not affected by the recommendations in the memorandum ABEDIN did not remember receiving a speci c brie ng from DS on Blackberry vulnerabilities but stated that it was possible that she received one because DS frequently briefed team on security topics CLINTON did not have a secure Blackberry and ABEDIN did not know if secure Blackberries were even available at that time ABEDIN stated that CLINTON had several different standard Blackberry phones during her tenure It wasn't uncommon for CLINTON to use a new Blackberry for a few days and then immediately switch it out for an older version that she was more familiar with The phones were typically purchased by somebodyr on her staff and would be activated by whoever was around ABEDIN recalled thatl land MONICA HANLEY helped to 135 setup new Blackberries on different occasions ABEDIN did not know what was done with the old we Blackberries after CLINTON transitioned to a new one ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated April '15 2009 with the subject Re Won't get to huma today ABEDIN did not recall why they were activatin new SIM cards for CLINTON ABEDIN provided thati l LAST NAME was l President Clinton' office that may have worked for JUSTIN COOPER ABEDIN confirmed that Blackberry phone number was gc She was not aware of CLINTON ever using a second cell phone and was not familiar with the phone number 202 It is noted that a 202 area code was erroneousl used when ABEDIN was asked about the aforementioned telephone The correct number is 212i While ABEDIN noted that it would be odd for CLINTON to have a DC area code she ultimately stated that no part of the number was familiar to her ABEDIN stated that CLINTON had at least one or possibly two iPads during her tenure She believed that one of them might have been a gift CLINTON used the iPad for reading news articles but ABEDIN rarely saw CLINTON carrying or using the iPad CLINTON was trained on how to use the iPad they were on traveling on a plane ABEDIN stated that the iPad was be briefly used to send and receive emails following Hurricane Irene when other email systems b7 were down Although this was only intended as a temporary solution this capability may have remained after other systems were restored ABEDIN noted that she was in Europe when Irene struck and that HANLEY was responsible for handling the communication issues following the storm ABEDIN confirmed that email was also down for an extended period of time following Hurricane Sandy However ABEDIN was in New York City with her infant child at the time and was not sure what efforts were taken to restore or establish temporary email for CLINTON ABEDIN was unaware of any email accounts Apple IDs or cloud storage accounts associated with the iPads Email System During Tenure ABEDIN contacted COOPER about getting a Blackberry for CLINTON while CLINTON was still in the Senate CLINTON then used the Blackberry when she transitioned to At that time her primary email address was hr'l 5@ att blackberry net Shortly after CLINTON became the Secretary of State COOPER established the @clintonemail com domain and CLINTON began using Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview of 111mm Abe-din On moms Page 6 hdr22@clintonemail com as her primary email The only other person at to receive an email account on the domain was ABEDIN Later in tenure she changed her email address to hrodl7@clintonemail com ABEDIN was not familiar with the email address 5@mycingularblackberrynet or with gmail com 2 - Initially COOPER was the primary point of contact for anything related to the setup and maintenance of the email system ABEDIN was shown three separate email chains with COOPER regarding the operation of the server during CLINTON tenure The first was sent on January 9 2011 and had the subject the second was sent January 10 201 and had the subject Don t email anything sensitive I can explain more in person and the third was sent October 20 201 land had the subject ABEDIN provided that she did not recall any details surround these email exchanges but noted that she tmsted COOPER to fix any issues with the server She did not recall the system ever being hacked but assumed that she would have noti ed CLINTON of any current issues that they were experiencing ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated March 17 2011 with the subject Re School Upon reviewing the email she provided that she was not familiar with the email or the topics discussed within it ABEDIN noted that her email address was misspelled on the chain and therefore she would not have received the email However she was not aware of the @clintonemail com system ever being hacked ABEDIN provided that BRYAN PAGLIANO had worked on the Information Technology IT team for CLINTON 2008 Presidential campaign and was hired at after CLINTON took office Thereafter BRYAN PAGLIANO became the new point of contact for issues with the email system ABEDIN did not specify when this occurred but stated that there was a transition period during which she would contact COOPER and he would direct her to contact PAGLIANO ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated December 24 2012 with the subject Fw Thank You After reviewing the emails ABEDIN provided that she did not recognize the email address and was not aware of any other generic email accounts used by CLINTON for wide email communications ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated August 30 2011 with the subject Re berry ABEDIN stated that she did not like the email address because it was too obvious of an email address She noted that the email appeared to be related to discussions that occurred when they were working to restore CLINTON communications after Hurricane Irene ABEDIN did not know who JOHN A BENTAL was but assumed that he worked in the IT department at When asked about 5 statement that gov would be subject to FOIA searches ABEDIN stated that she always assumed that all of CLINTON communications regardless of the account were subject to FOIA if they contained related material ABEDIN did not recall ever having conversations with CLINTON or any other staff members about the Federal Records Act and preserving relevant emails FD-3l12 i Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview of Iluina Abe-din On Page 7 ABEDIN provided that at the time they believed relevant emails would be captured and preserved by if any of the senders or recipients were using an official email account ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated December 16 2010 with the subject mail from clintonemail ABEDIN recalled that there had been a problem with emails from the @ clintonemail com system being filtered out by the email system but she did not recall the specific email exchange ABEDIN noted that it appeared that it was SULLIVAN 5 emails that were affected and that it would otherwise be uncommon for him to be involved in discussions about email issues Email System Post Tenure Following CLINTON tenure at she established a personal office in New York City for the purpose of writing her book and pursing other interests Several members of CLINTON I staff from ioined CLINTON 5 team in New York They included ABEDIN HANLEYI l l b5 bro I and believed to be also continued to support CLINTON on a limited basis as consultants Uftf F'e'H'e When CLINTON team was temgoraE y Gmail b5 accounts for members of the team using the naming convention hrco@gmail com had been b7 CLINTON sl at and ABEDIN described him as being good with technology He set up the email accounts for the team so that they would have something more formal than their personal emails accounts Ui fF Otl'O When CLINTON left she stopped using the clintonemail com system and started using hrcofficecom to formalize her transition During this same time period an outside IT company PLATTE RIVER NETWORKS PRN was hired to maintain 3 email system ABEDIN stated that PRN was initially hired to manage President CLINTON andl Iemails It was 305 then later decided that PRN should also manage CLINTON email as well hm WEBB-8 Once the hrcofficecom system was established CLINTON staff was provided email addresses on the new system ABEDIN stated thatl Ifrom PRN assisted with setting 135 up new accounts for CLINTON 5 staff lalso nrovided guidance on how to use the Microsoft hm Outlook based email system ABEDIN did not know or I Prior to the transition to hrcotfice com ABEDIN was advised that the clintonemail com system was going away ABEDIN stated that she lost most of her old emails as a result of the transition She had only accessed clintonemail com through a web portal and did not have a method for archiving her old emails prior to the transition ABEDIN did not know if the system administrator had archived the mailboxes before the system was taken down Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview of IIuina Abe-din On Page 8 ABEDIN remembered having discussions with HANLEY about creating an archive of 5 emails ABEDIN believed that the archive was placed on a laptop so that it could be referenced while CLINTON worked on her book ABEDIN did not know that the laptop was sent to PRN nor did she know what ultimately happened to the laptop ABEDIN was not aware that a copy of the email archive may have been placed on a thumb drive Review and Production of ABE DIN Emails ABEDIN provided that she learned that was seeking her emails after she read about it in the newspaper wanted emails as part of an effort to ensure that had a complete record of documents from tenure ABEDIN contacted and confirmed that it was seeking her emails She noted that prior attempts to contact her were unsuccessful because had an old email account and an old mailing address on file ABEDIN then turned over her laptop and Blackberry to her attorneys so that they could conduct the review ABEDIN was not directly involved in the review and relied on the judgment of her attorneys RODRIGUEZ and DUNN stated that they sought additional guidance from on how the review should be conducted but they never received a response RODRIGUEZ and DUNN therefore erred on the side of caution and opted to include anything that they were unsure about It was also noted that ABEDIN had previously responded to a similar request from the Benghazi Committee ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated April 2 2012 with the subject May - Asia ABEDIN confirmed that the email was related to her activities while at and that it would be considered a relevant record with respect to the Des request ABEDIN explained that this email was not produced by her team during the review because she did not have access to her clintonemail com account when the review was conducted RODRIGUEZ and DUNN stated that the request from only sought records currently in possession so they did not contact PRN to request other relevant records UHF-868 ABEDIN was not involved in the review and production of CLINTON email in response to a similar request that CLINTON received from ABEDIN stated that the review was conducted by attorneys and that she was not consulted during the process Private Residences Uff FO tl'O residence in Washington DC Whitehaven had a small office on the third floor that was converted to a SCIF by D08 D08 removed the original door and replaced it with a metal door with a key code lock during the conversion Inside the SCIF there was a desk where CLINTON worked and a computer printer facsimile machine and a television also installed a STE a yellow phone and a video teleconference VTC system ABEDIN provided that the door to the SC IF was not always locked and that ABEDIN HANLEY and the had be access to the SCIF hm Rev Continuation of of Intcn'icw of Iluina Abe-din On Page 9 residence in Chappaqua NY was also out tted with a small SCIF that had the same equipment as the Whitehaven SCIF less the television set ABEDIN provided that CLINTON was the only person to use the SCIF and that she routinely used the Cisco telephone to make calls from Chaonaoua because the cell ilar coverage was not very good there ABEDIN HANLEY and all had access to the SCIF b6 b'i'C CLINTON received diplomatic pouches each night that contained the briefing material for the next day meetings When CLINTON was in Washington she would be given the pouch prior to leaving If the pouch was not ready when she left or if she was in New York the pouch would be delivered to her residence by DS The pouch would be received by the agent stationed at the house and would then be placed on a bench inside the residence In Whitehaven the bench was located outside of 3 bedroom and in Chappaqua the bench was located near the main entrance ABEDIN stated that it was less common for the diplomatic pouch to be delivered to Chappaqua because CLINTON would typically take the pouch with her when she was traveling ABEDIN did not know if ever received or transported the diplomatic pouch when it was delivered to the residence in 135 Chappaqua ABEDIN stated that did not handle the diplomatic pouch at the Whitehaven b7 residence because her shift ended before the pouch was delivered at 5PM CLINTON typically received the Presidential Daily Brie ng PDB in person at the office When she was not in the office the PDB would be delivered with the pouch or sent via secure facsimile If the content was particularly sensitive she might be briefed in person by a CIA officer CLINTON would periodically receive both secure and unsecure facsimiles at her residence in Chappaqua In order to receive a secure facsimile somebody would have to answer the phone and then wait several minutes for the documents to arrive Since it was a time consuming process would sometimes assist CLINTON by answering or hanging up the facsimile system but he b5 uld leave the documents on the machine for CLINTON or her staff to collect ABEDIN provided that we would pick up documents from the non-secure facsimile machine which was located in a separate part of the residence ABEDIN stated that they had numerous issues with the secure facsimile system in the Whitehaven residence and that it was often quicker to have the documents couti ered to the house from 1308 ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated March 20 2009 with the subject Re Tomorrow After reviewing the email ABEDIN stated that she knew for a fact that there were times when I assisted with the facsimile machine and may have collected documents from the secure b5 facsimile machine for CLINTON ABEDIN stated that the intention was to have CLINTON do it herself hm but she wasn't very tech savvy and would get frustrated with the process ABEDIN provided that the team would also occasionally email things tc or to print for CLINTON Miscellaneous Rev Ill- i353 Continuation of FD-3I12 of Interview of Iluina Abe-din On Page If ABEDIN provided that when CLINTON needed to contact the President she would have call the oval office to coordinate the meeting or call ABEDIN believed that CLINTON b5 had the President's email address but ABEDIN did not know what it was ABEDIN noted that the hm President could only receive emails from approved addresses She recounted that when CLINTON changed her primary email address they had to notify the White House so that emails would not be rejected by the server ABEDIN was not sure how often CLINTON emailed the President ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated June 28 2012 with the subject Re Congratulations ABEDIN did not recognize the name of the sender Once informed that the sender name is believed to be a pseudonym used by the President ABEDIN exclaimed How is this not classified ABEDIN then expressed her amazement at the President' use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email ABEDIN provided that she did not go on the trip to St Petersburg and noted that security protocols in St Petersburg were not necessarily the same as they were in Moscow where they were not allowed use to their Blackberries ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated January 8 2011 with the subject Re AG points from After reviewing the email ABEDIN provided that she vaguely recalled the email exchange and that the original email was sent in preparation for a call between the Attorney General and CLINTON ABEDIN stated that she did not have concerns with the content because she was only a conveyor of the information and that she relied on the sender to properly mark any sensitive information ABEDIN reiterated that she did not take it upon herself to question the sender' judgment on how a document should be marked ABEDIN stated that people at took the handling of classi ed information very seriously She never had any concerns with how cl assified material was handled by individuals at Nor did she ever recall CLINTON expressing concerns over how classified information was handled 136 22-713 U1993866 ABEDIN first met SYDNEY BLUMENTHAL in 1996 when she was ajunior staffer at the White House and BLUMENTHAL was a senior official ABEDIN never worked directly with BLUMENTHAL but when CLINTON was in the Senate he would send emails for ABEDIN to pass to CLINTON ABEDIN did not always forward the messages to CLINTON and BLUMENTHAL eventually stopped emailing ABEDIN when he realized this When ABEDIN was at CLINTON would sometimes send ABEDIN emails from BLUMENTHAL for her to print ABEDIN provided that she did not read the content of the emails from BLUMENTHAL and had no knowledge of his sources UHF-GEO ABEDIN provided that she was not involved in drafting talking points while at The authors of the talking points depended on the content and were the responsibility of the appropriate bureau UHF-GEO ABEDIN was shown an email chain dated September 20 2012 with the subject After reviewing the email ABEDIN stated that it was not common to stash the diplomatic pouch in the limousine but that it would have been secured by the DS or Secret Service SS agents that were with the car ABEDIN noted that ifthey were in 5 car there would be two DS agents present and if they took President 5 car there would be one DS agent and one SS agent Rein Continuation of FBI-302 of DUNN and Interview of Home Abe-din On Page 1 A eo of the original interview notes and the NDAS signed by RODRIGUEZ are enclosed in a 1A envelope 306 1 70 ALL EBI CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 03-13-3315 ET ESTES-STEM FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Rev Date I It25t2ttl5 On November 20 2015' date of birthl was interviewed at thel Iby Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agents SAM landl I After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview provided the following information I joined the US Department of State in and has 1357 held the following positions we b6 0 ldescribed the OpsCenter as the eyes and ears for the Secretary of State The Ops Center is staffed 24 hours a day and constantly monitors reporting from Department of State cables other government agencies and open source news outlets for information of interest to gate Department of State leadership The Ops Center is also responsible for coordinating communications between senior leadership and foreign dignitaries As a Senior Watch Officer SWOH I was the most senior person in the Ops Center and was responsible for overseeing the activities of the other personnel as they worked to identify and disseminate critical information to the Secretary of State and Department of State leadership b6 b7 Investigation on 1 IIZUIZU 5 at I I File I ttl Date dictated b7 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the propett of the FBI and is loaned to youragency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev Ill- i-US Continuation of of Interview oil On 1 If2 t2til5 Page 2 b5 There are approximately seven or eight individuals staffed in the Ops Center during a normal day shift In addition to the SWO there are the following positions in Watch Of cer WO The W0 is typically ajunior civil servant who is responsible for gathering important information and disseminating it to Department of State leadership as necessary They are responsible for answering incoming calls monitoring cable traffic and scheduling phone calls for senior Department of State personnel as necessary 0 Emergency Action Of cer EAO The EAO is responsible for monitoring international hot spots and other current items of interest for the Department of State They usually work with the Crisis Management Support team which is collocated in the Ops Center 4- Ops Specialist The Ops Specialist primarily performs clerical work for personnel in the Ops Center This may include sending and receiving facsimiles or arranging the logistics of meetings or calls for Department of State leadership 4 Consular Affairs Of cer The Consular Affairs Of cer is responsible for addressing any matters relevant to standard consular duties at foreign U S establishments 0 Diplomatic Security DS Of cer The DS Of cer is a liaison between the Ops Center and the US establishments and Regional Security Of cers abroad 0 Swing Station The swing station is an extra body that provides support to the SWO and the watch team as necessary it Bureau of Intelligence and Research INR Representative The INR Rep is responsible for acting on behalf of the INR and for liaising with the broader Intelligence Community as necessary UHF-GHQ When urgent information or breaking news which requires the immediate attention of senior Department of State personnel is identi ed during normal working hours the Director of the Ops Center is noti ed by the SWO The Director communicates the information up the chain of command as appropriate If such information is identi ed afterhours the SWO noti es the Deputy Assistant Secretary DAS directly The DAS will then provide the SWO with guidance on how the information should be transmitted Duringl ltenure as a SWO there were two different Directors for 135 the Ops Center I Iwas the Director for the majority of I Itime MC in the Ops Center and uponl ldeparture l lbecame the Director Idid not recall ever emailing the Secretary directly and had no he knowledge of the Secretary's personal email account or private email server I lonly hm recalled receiving a few emails from the Secretary such as mass emails at the holidaysw which she Rev Continuation of of Interview oil I On I If2 t2til5 Page 3 presumed were sent from a Department of State email account In instances where she needed to relay information to the Secretary she would send the information to the Secretary Chief of Staff or to HUMA ABEDIN Iwas shown a copy of the email that she sent on July 3 2009 with the subject Summary of 1055 EDT DPRK Conference Call which was flagged by the ICIG as possibly containing classified information I Irecalled the events surrounding the email and provided that she was the SWO on duty that day and had been directed to convene a call for key Department of State officials to discuss the DPRK missile launches The discussion was based on afterhours reportin I from the Intelligence Community that was at least confidential if not classified ould not de nitively recall what agency owned the source reporting but believed that it likely came from the Central Intelligence Agency I Iwas on the conference call for the purpose of taking notes but she was not an active participant in the discussion I Icould not recall if the call was on a secure line but noted that it was common for such calls to be held on unclassified phone lines because not all of the key participants would have access to a secure phone if they were at home or traveling WEBB-9 Following the call lwas responsible for summarizing the discussion in the referenced email and then forwarding it to individuals within the Department of State who needed to be aware of the situation The email was sent on the unclassified system because not all of the intended recipients had immediate access to classi ed email accounts I Inoted that it was not uncommon for the Ops Center to send such emails on the unclassified system The specific content of the email was based onI Inotes and herjudgment on what should be included in the summary There was no formal review of the email for either its content or for the presence of classified material prior to it being sent I Inoted that the Deputy Executive Secretary was an Original Classification Authority OCA who would on occasion review material for the Ops Center UHF-GHQ The email recipients were based on an established call sheet that indicated who should receive reporting on various topics Also included were individuals added by the senior leadership Iidentified the email recipients on the above cited email and provided the following information about their roles at that time I Iwas stationed in New York at the time I I could not recall her specific position but provided that she held a high ranking function within the United Nations b6 b6 b6 b'i'C b6 bill 136 FD-3llZa Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview oil I On 1 If2 t2ttlfi Page 4 could not recall her specific position or title were staffers for other bureaus within the Department of State UHF-8683 Ireviewed the subsequent emails in the chain and noted that Iwas the SWO on duty on July 4m Based on the time difference between when the conference call occurred and when the emails were sent Ibelieved that there may have been another SWO or two on duty between her shift andl Ishift I could not recall who relieved her at the end of her shift but stated that she would have briefed the incoming SWO on the conference call and any necessary follow up items that the incoming SWO would need to address during their shift Iprovided that the Ops Center maintains a Watch Log where the details of any call arranged by the Ops Center are recorded The log contains basic information about the call to include the date time participants and in some cases a brief synopsis of the subject of the call The Ops Center will log any calls that are facilitated by the Ops Center which involve the Secretary of State or any Deputy Secretaries Under Secretaries Assistant Secretaries or foreign dignitaries The Ops Center does not maintain a log for emails sent to or from the Ops Center was amenable to recontact if necessary UHF-GEO Agent notes are included in an attached 1A 306 built 136 Hit be 107 b6 b6 UNCLASS I ALL stat Ittsontaarttott HEREIN IS LII-ISLASSIEIED DATE 03-19-2015 131' HSICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Rm Date On May 28 2016 CHERYL MILLS date of birthl was 135 interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agent SA and SA hm lat the law offices of Wilkinson Walsh Eskovitz '1900 Street NW Suite soc Washington DC Present for the interview was counsel Beth Wilkinson Partner Alexandra Walsh Partner and Hal Brewster Associate Also present was FBI Section Chief Peter Strzok as well as David Laufman landl Ifrom the Department of Justice Dol Counterintelligence and Export Control Section After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview MILLS provided the following information Immediately after completing her service at the United States Department of State State in 2013 MILLS became personal counsel for HILLARY CLINTON HEATHER SAMUELSON joined firm located in Chevy Chase MD sometime in 2014 Transition to Platte River Networks Server UHF-868 When the respective offices of WILLIAM and HILLARY CLINTON began a search for a company to operate and maintain an email server the CLINTON 3 financial manager recommended as a technology broker There were no security concerns with the then- 135 current email server operated by BRYAN PAGLIANO Pagliano server The wanted an bf outsourced company accountable for the operation of he server MILLS coordinated the needs for the server roviding non-technical guidance to which was focused on the end user experience Afterl identified several companies as options the Office of President CLINTON reviewed the recommendations and selected Platte River Networks PRN After PRN was selected to procure operate and maintain the server PRN server MILLS negotiated the final cost and addressed privacy concerns with PRN Throughout the negotiation process MILLS consulted with PAGLIANO to ensure the recommendations of PRN would meet the end user experience guidance she had provided to PRN UNI-1868 When PRN completed the transition from the Pagliano server MILLS did not know if PRN transferred any email to the PRN Server Additionally MILLS did not know what PRN planned to do with the Pagliano server after the transition was complete Investigation on 5t28t 2tl I6 at Washington DC b3 File it I l3tt2 Date dictated MA him as s_A 1 I be b't'C This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to yettr agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency UNCLASS I Rm Continuation of of Interview of CHERYL MILLS On SIESIZIHG Page 2 Department of State Request In the Summer of 2014 State was in the process of producing materials for the House Select Committee on Benghazi and raised concerns with MILLS regarding the lack of email for CLINTON MILLS met with State personnell landl 106 who told MILLS State had no electronic records for CLINTON other former Secretaries of State NC and some other State personnel MILLS understood the issue to be that State's computer systems taped over backup records after a period of time for all users not on the seventh roor and some users on the seventh oor MILLS suggested to State they search State systems for clintonemailcom address while State requested MILLS produce 5 email State provided no initial deadline in the first meeting and followed up with a letter documenting the request MILLS understood State request to be in relation to the Benghazi Committee and not a Freedom of Information Act FOIA request UMP-986 CLINTON asked MILLS and DAVID KENDALL to oversee the process of roviding State emails from her tenure as Secretary of State As the process was developed badvised MILLS it was CLINTON or obligation to filter out personal emails from what 135 was provided to State Additionally if State received all emails involving gov accounts b7 State would not filter out personal emails Collection of Relevant Email Late in the Summer of 2014 MILLS contactedl lat PRN and b6 requested all CLINTON 3 email involving a gov account from her tenure as Secretary of State MILLS we believed search for gov email encompassed email headers the body of emails and any forwarded emalls She was not aware of which mailboxes or other potential locationsl I searched for email responsive to her request However MILLS did not believel Iwas asked to search or searched HUMA clintonemailcom account After preparing a pst file of the gov emails July Export based on different options on the transfer of the July Export with MILLS to include shipping DVDs butl recommended a secure remote transfer Based or advice MILLS neither requested nor received DVDs containing the July Export After deciding on the remote transfer l provided MILLS with a link be which provided remote access to com uter MILLS clicked on the initial link b7 then clicked an additional acknowledgement givingI P Ipermission to remotely access her computer then transferred the July Export to com uter and imported it into Outlook Once the process was complete MILLS revoked lpermission and the remote session was terminated MILLS did not know wherel lsaved the pst file on her computer or if it was however MILLS did recall the pst file was password protected Sometime after UNCLASS I F1 1313 FOUO Rev Continuation of of Interview of CHERYL MILLS On Page 3 MILLS received the transfer HEATHER SAMUELSON received a similar transfer from PRN MILLS never made copies of the pst file or transferred it to external media Dell laptop Dell was the computer that received the transfer described above The Dell was primarily used for work but was sometimes used for personal reasons It was connected to the Internet and had up to date antivirus software installed The Dell was not wiped other than PRN actions described later or reset to a factory state MILLS continued to use the Dell until it was turned over to her attorney BETH WILKINSON The Dell is currently in possession UN-F866 Shortly after SAMUELSON began reviewing the July Export from PRN she noticed there was no email from approximatel January 2009 March 2009 in the data rovided by PRN MILLS likely reached out to Iregarding this matter I li told MILLS PRN did not be have any email for CLINTO l rom the timeframe in question Since CLINTON was using for b7 BIackBerry service during that time MILLS recalled learning did not keep email records but did not recall when she became aware of that fact MILLS did not contact any other email service providers such as Gmail because she did not have knowledge of CLINTON using another email service Additionally MILLS did not recall attempting to access an Apple server that was once in operation at the CLINTON residence in Chappaqua NY After reviewing a document dated July 28 2014 referencing a conference call between MILLS and PAGLIANO regarding archived email options MILLS stated she did 135 not recall the specific conversation Other than the conversation described above MILLS did not recall bite any other conversations with about the request for email involving gov accounts UHF-GHQ After SAMUELSON began the review ofthe July Export but before her review was complete MILLS contacted and requested a pst file containing all of email from her tenure a ecretary to review it for non gov work related email September Export MILLS did we not instruct _to search email and did not know which mailboxes or email addresses searched to produce the pst file responsive to her request PRN remotely transferred the pst file to SAMUELSON however MILLS did not recall if the pst file was transferred to Dell Other than the July Export and possibly the September Export MILLS did not receive any other pst file transfers from PRN However SAMUELSON as the one conducting the review sometimes contactedl ldirectly and received smaller transfers when she identified gaps in pst files froml MILLS never had direct access to mailbox on the PRN server Cull and Review of Email The review methodology employed by SAMUELSON was developed by SAMUELSON MILLS and KENDALL but was executed by SAMUELSON They did not consider using any commercially available e-discovery tools for the review and did not consult any individuals Rey Continuation of of Interview of CHERYL MILLS On Page 4 who were not agents of Clinton during the review process They also did not discuss how to handle potentially classi ed emails during the review because they had no reason to believe any classi ed material was contained in the emails Additionally no emails were identi ed as containing potentially classi ed or sensitive information therefore no emails were removed during the review process UHF-GEO The review process called for all email from tenure to be ltered for gov email addresses relevant keywords and the names of government of cials The review took SAMUELSON several months and occurred at of ce in Chevy Chase MD SAMUELSON used her own computer for the review and as questions arose SAUMELSON would print any email in question and ask for guidance from MILLS Emails that contained a mix of work-related and personal content were treated as work related Once the review was complete SAMUELSON printed the approximately 30 000 work related emails identi ed in the review The printed copies were then provided to State in December 2014 SAMUELSON produced an electronic copy of the work-related emails which was later provided to KENDALL at Williams and Connolly MILLS was not aware of who produced the electronic copy provided to the FBI or what the le was named Other than emails where SAMUELSON requested guidance MILLS did not review the emails identi ed by SAMUELSON as work- related MILLS was unsure if SAMUELSON encountered duplicate emails during her review If she did MILLS was not involved in any efforts to remove duplicates from the collection provided to State Regarding account on clintonemaileom MILLS did not know why no email between 5 account and account was part of the production to State There was no distinction between the treatment of email to or from clintonemailcom account and state gov account UffFO'tl O After State began reviewing the emails printed by SAMUELSON Stated advised MILLS when speci c emails were determined to be classi ed and instructed her to delete the emails in her electronic copy then empty her deleted items folder After reviewing an email dated November 24 2014 referencin I an urgent call with MILLS stated she did not recall participating in a call with MILLS also did not be recall SAMUELSON having trouble with her connection to the pst les in the same approximate hm timeframe UH-P868 MILLS recalled a discussion with PRN where PRN explained because of the way Outlook functions it displayed CLINTON 3 current email address instead of the email address CLINTON used at the time each email was transmitted This issue was not resolved and no emails produced to State were altered Deletion of Email Rey Ill- P95 Continuation of FD-302 of Interview of CHERYL MILLS On 5t2$t2016 Page 5 UHF-989 In late 2014 or early 2015 MILLS contacted and requested he remove all st files from her computer She was unsure if she discussed with PAGLIANO the software proposed bybto effect the deletion In January MILLS a link and in a process similar to the file transfer process described above took control of her computer in a remote session checked the computer for the requested files and removed them using software that ermanently deleted the files MILLS did not know if BleachBit was the software used by After he completed the process MILLS looked witl l lto verify the les were deleted MILLS did not discuss wiping or deletion software with anyone who was not an agent of CLINTON at the time nor did anyone other than remove files from her computer UIIFGHQ In December 2014 or January 2015 CLINTON decided she did not want to retain email beyond a 30 or 60 day retention policy to include access to any historical content MILLS contacted and conveyed this change but did not speci cally instruct him to remove any pst files or archived mailboxes UHF-888 In March 2015 after notifying PRN of obligations to preserve materials relevant to 5 email MILLS contacted PRN to determine if any backups of 5 email existed and if so where those backups were located After discussing the matter with PRN she instructed PRN to visit the datacenter where the Pagliano server was housed and review it to confirm no records existed on the old system PRN could not locate any backup data on the Pagliano server or any of the associated equipment however MILLS instructed PRN to maintain the equipment MILLS was not aware of PRN deleting any data related to 5 email in March 2015 nor did she request PRN delete any data to include pst files or Datto backup files Furthermore MILLS did not instruct PRN to delete any data using BleachBit on March 31 2015 MILLS had no knowledge regarding the following topics At the time it was created an email archive of email including content from her tenure as Secretary of State created by MONICA HANLEY 4- HANLEY providing the computer she created the archive on to in early 2014 I Ireturning the above computer containing the archive in 2014 0 Any transfer of clintonemailcom content to hrcofficeeom access or lack thereof to her clintonemailcom content after hrcoffice com email address was created HUMA method for accessing email 0 A master copy containing all of CLINTON email from her tenure as Secretary of State it PRN email exports from September 2015 UHF-966 A copy of the original interview notes are enclosed in a IA envelope b6 lot 2375 b6 EBI II-IFCI CLASSIFIED ET 323964364 CIH 12-31-2041 oars ns s sn1s l ll- tlla ltt - J51 -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION IJ tte ol'lranseription _fl-jl'l On April 9 20K MILLS ieras interviewed by Speeial Agent I lend its inside tlte Wasltingtoti Iiiel orricc not in Street Nit-1 Washington DC 205 35 Present for the intervi tew Were LS attornevs Betti Wilkinson Alexandra M Walsh and Ial lit'ett ster Ironi Wilkinson Wt It 3 was lei Peter P Streak as well as David Lantinan and from the Department oI'Jnstiee Dill Prior to the interview Wilkinson- Walsh and Brewster agreed to sign a non-disclosure agreement in anticipation of viewing doeunients during the interview that ere elassitied as part ot'a Special Program Prior to the agents advised MELLS that u- Itile it was understood that the interview was being limited to the period ol'lier Department ol'f-itate Doiil employment the Hit believed it essential to the investigation to understand the sort process and the eoniputers used in that proeess I- urtliermore MILLS was advised the FBI espeeted to eontintte the interview alter the details were resolved by the attorneys After being advised oftlie identities of the inten ien- ing agents and the purpose ot'tlte interrieo MILLS presided the following intonnation 1 5 le Front 1992 to 1999 MILLS served in the White loose as Associate Counsel to the President Front Kit to 310 MILLS served as the Senior Vice President and General Counsel at New York University MELLS also served as a eonsultant to HILLARY R 2003 Presidential Campaign In 200 Mil IS transitioned with CLINTON Front the campaign to the Department ot'State Daft Initially from January 200 until May 2009- MILLS served in a part-time eapaeity as Acting Chiefot'StatT Slie converted to titll tinte C Itiet'ot StalT and Counselor for Policy related to Food and Haiti thereafter MILLS resigned from Dots in February EUI 3 and JACOB SULLIVAN were also part Dof i eseenti'ee stati' served Wart for Operations and Si served as for Police also assi med to eseeutive statt'as I position was separate from that ol tlie IItiLL-stigatlutl mi at DC i- iie t I I Date dietated Ntshis dueunteiil eontams neither reeontmendatioits nor conclusions ol'the It is tlte prtioert oI'tIte Hi and is loaned to your ugene it and IIS contents are Itul to be distributed intrude _uiut agency Mr b1 b3 b6 136 22-75 133 b6 bl b3 b1 ll' b3 I'll-ittfalkct Hats-US - t'nntnittalluti ol i-lI-ltll ot'_ ul't hcnl Mills tln Page tillth-Itt l MILLS held a Top ompartnrentcd Information clearance while at Diet MILLS believed she likely had security training from Diplomatic Security upon receiving her clearance but didn't recall any snecitie training MILLS was not amt-are nor was she ever told she was a D03 original classi cation authority I MILLS did not recall receiving any speci c training or guidance concerning l cdcral Records retention policy or procedure during her DOS tenure hut explained it could have happened it unclassilicd email account was 'l'his account was linked to her issued Blackberry and could also be accessed from her unclassi ed Doll computer or remotely via a ton system further stated that the Des not always reliable and sometimes went MILLS maintained at Email account ii-amailcmn that she would be b7C use when she could not access her Dos unclassi ed account Said Small account was the only personal account used by MILLS during her Dos tenure MILLS was able to switch twer to a classified network in her Doll office She was unsure as to what level oi'classi cation said network could handlc but knew that it could at least handle material declared as Secret When MILLS needed to review Top Secret materials intinmation was provided to her in person and taken tI'Wt'lju' alter she reviewed the materials Mll l 5 was not familiar with the H i'lt S sistent and was not sure who may have had a JWICS account at Dir-S MILLS was asked to review an entail dated and with the subject line ioogle email hacking I and woeful state ol civilian technology In response to the email MILLS stated she did not recall the email but the content was not tmlamiliar to her MILLS remembered hearing that hackers may have been targeting Email accounts and further recalled somebody saggestin I her account mat have been targeted but she was unsure ol'who provided her with this intermittent the originator of said email traveled a lot and had frequent dil ticulties signing into the b5 lJoS network so it was conunon for her to use personal email him Lilli-39994 Agents asked to review 2 Des cable dated with the subject line Securing Personal li-ntail MILLS did not recall the cable but stated that it was probably connected to the if-lf'llil email she previously reviewed MILLS did not believe the referenced cable resulted in a perfect change of behavior in regards to the use ol'personal email accounts by Dos employees was asked to review an email dated 1- 32f 20l with the stthiect line l ratt lligh-l evel Narrative and Work Plan Note Use of Personal Email stated she did not recall what she meant by writing 'Note Use ot'Personalmeail in the sulqicct line t 131 995 it b3 b1 I'l tools tit-n too-sit t'ouiinuntion ofFii-SUZ oi't'hen'l Mills in tHfiJ Ji'Ziilo Page Urfh 'ti i The only mohiie Dots device MILLS was issued was a Blackberry Most but not all peopie at IJofii were assigned a Biackherry- MILLS was not assigned a mobile secure phone but she was able to check one out from the D08 communication team iti when needed MILLS did not travei with CLINTON as often as ABEDIN aodi or SULLIVAN Mi LI 8 only traveied with on occasion when she visited Caribbean r ti't'ican or South inner-icon countries When traveled MILLS ordinarily stayed back in Washington DC to manage oS in her absence MILLS recalied receiving travel hrietings from US prior to her Dosa related travei Mildfi was involved with the team that heiped transition to Hold Mii i i' role was to help UNION identify the priorities she wanted to address as Secretary also identitied individuals tor stai't further saw her roic us heiping hahutce her life in regards to the transition MELLS had no recollection ot'heing involved with discussions emcerning the structure oi't tJN'i ON's Information technology platform during or after the transition ttmeouo Agents asked MILLS to review two emails t rom February 2009 with the subject iines t ipdate and Recap Meeting White MILLS did not recali the emails she stated she recalled the issue the emaiis referenced MILLS explained used a Stackhen'y to commanicate prior to coming to was not computer savvy and thus was not accustomed to using a computer - so ei'iorts were made to try to gure out a system that would aiiovt' to operate as she did heiore Dos did not have a computer in her 1303 of ce MILLS recalled hearing that the Nationai Security Agency had secure Biackbertgt technology that would allow lor the use devices in a SCH-K MILLS requested communication and security personnel research the possibility of implementing said technology at 1303 Uitimateiv it was decided that although the technology existed it was not lieasible to implement the same technology at Dos Lift-F966 hen asked what her understanding was in regards to who the six proposed secure Blackberry users were at Dotti as referenced in the email MILI Fi explained that the goat was to obtain the technology or because she did not have a computer Miidfi was not aware ol'wito eise at 308 may have received a secure Blackberry had the technology been approved for use at 1305 tutti- 969 't he executive suite at was termed Mahogany Row heeause ol' the wood paneiing throughout the space Mahogany Row was a SCH-I so the use of Blackberries was not authorized MILLS was not familiar with waivers issued to previous Secretaries of State which allowed for use at Blackberries in a Dos SCIF tiff-14966 Mii i 3 was asked to review a March 2009 Des Memo with the subject line tlse of tiiaekberries in Mahogany Row The memo from J BOSWELL was addressed to MILLS MILLS stated she did not reeail the memo hut it was not MILLS believed the memo was if 133 - b1 ts- b3 i- I El n Res til-i155 II of I'll-3U nil lltlereigtt Mills Jlt it Page response to inquiries and discussions held early on in tenure concerning the possible use of Blackberries in sensitive spaces l-lowever MILLS further explained that CLINTON and her executive stal't did not use Blackberries on Mahogany Row because they were never authorized to do so When CLINTON wanted to email she would have to leave Mahogany Row to retrieve and use her Blackberry When twas inside ot'l oS Headquarters most information was relayed to her thee to thee or on the phone also liked to receive and read a lot of information in paper documents which is why site would often lorward emails to her executive staff with instructions to print MILLS was not aware ol'anyonc other titan CLINTON who had access to email account MILLS was not aware ever being issued a DDS Blackberry nor could she recall any of cial request made for CLINTON to receive one Agents asked MILLS to review an email dated tif3tlf2tll i with the subject Iine Communieations After viewing the entail MILLS stated that she behaved the exchange was in reference to conversations about conununieation issues during Hurricane Irene MILLS recailed email was down during that time Agents asked MILLS what was meant in the entait by discussing the creation ot'a email account that could mask her identity but which would also be subject to FUIA requests MILLS explained she assumed masking her identity was in reference to the ability to give CLINTON a pseudonym so her account was not obvious to outside parties MILLS also explained she thought that the FOIA reference meant that entails l'ron the potential account Would be subject to il'the party knevr the pseudonym Agents asked MILLS to review an email dated with the subject line Series ot'Questions MILLS stated she recalled the contest ofthe entail its MILLS previously mentioned did not know how to use a computer so the suggestion ol'a stand alone computer for was not an appropriate solution office was connected to of ce so she would generally walk into 1CLIl t'l tiN s titliee to share information MILLS received Front relevant emails MILLS wanted to create the best llow ol inl orlnation to the Secretary possible MILLS stated she had no general concerns on how iJoS business was handied on unclassi ed systems When rst came to she was using an email account associated with her I t l lz'i' Blackberry and a few months later transitioned over to the tt'iiclintoaetnail titanain MILLS did not know why transitioned hat was aware of the transition because she was notified ofthe change in email address MILLS further stated site was not aware oi'anyone at the time from 0403 or otherwise who it as responsible For the entail transition t was practice to use her Stutegov email when conducting IloS business- b1 In 131 SI b3 nomination urt- o-raz of Interviews til'L'hervl Mills Urt Page ILLS was not aware ol'anzr ell'orts to archive emails for federal records retention requirements or otherwise while she was at MILLS may have had conversations with HR VAN PAGLIANI concerning the Federal Records Act but she was not sure MILLS met with frequently MILLS did not recall any conversations withl Icon ernina b6 use ofa private server auditor the Federal Records Act MILLS stated that 137' name was Familiar but she did not recall any interactions she may have had with him ltli tI- t-I-tzl-Qj MILLS recalled using an i Jad to review news articles MILLS did not know it' llN'I ON used her il ad to email MILLS was not aware ol liow many iPatls may have had during her 003 tenure MILLS did not recall using a ip phone MILLS was only avtare ol one mobile phone number For Llr t i tl i MILLS did not recall any temporary email accounts or phone numbers being set up lor during Hurricane Sandy thfl- Bt-It-J MILLS did not learn was using a private server until after DUS tenure MILLS stated she was not even sure she knew what a server was at the time MILLS had no insight as to who came up with the idea ol'using the private server nor was she aware ol who made the nal decision to use said server llowever MILLS believed the idea was to piggyback on the already existing server being utilized by President WILLIAM J CLINTON MILLS stated that there may have been technical people at 1303 who were aware the Secretary was using a private server but MILLS was onl r speculating MILLS was not aware orany Dos procedures to approve the setup and use ol'a private server by ABEDIN also had an account on the clintonemaileom domain MILLS was not sure why site was not altered an account on the elintonemailcom domain but stated that she was now glad she did not have one Un t-3H8 MILLS was not familiar with the email address ltri MILLS also stated she was not aware olithc entail account 'ri lanai com while at b6 It was helicl that the from oliice at had a strong understanding of the need to maintain Federal records Agents asked MILLS to review an entail dated till ltEtllE with the subject Signi licant Report- After reviewing the email MILLS stated she was not sure if she was involved in the request led by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington CREW as discussed in the email MILLS further explained there was a large volume of 13'0er requests while she was at Dots liseeutives were made aware 01 signi cant requests but it was not typical liar MILLS to respond to FOlr- t because it writs not in her realm also stated she couldn't say who tat I tJIr t responses fell on b1 err N'f' b3 b1 ear-W a Ill @953 t'ontinuation ol' lttlun'ieu ot't'iien-I Mills Un i'age Ufft tl l MILLS did not have knowledge ol any backups or migrations ol'clintonemaiLoom accounts nor was she aware of who might have knowledge ot'sach events MILLS was not aware ol'anjr emails being deleted or wiped from private email server prior to leaving Dob Agents asked MILLS to review an email dated 32012 with the subject line This am Green on Blue Alter reviewing the ear MILLS stated she remembered the event but not the speci c email MILLS did not know why might have tomarded her the email in question but b6 assumed it was because he wanted her to read it MILLS also noted the email was sent on a Saturday so b7 she was probably not in the allies to receive the information directly from Mil I f-t further stated she did not have any concerns over the classification of the content ofthc email nor that it was sent an unclassi ed email Agents asked MILLS to review an email dated 320201 with the subject line l-'nllow tip to Call After review'ng the email MILLS stated she did not recall the email nor could she speak as to reason for drafting the email and sending it to her MILLS be further explained if the media was interested in a story related to Dos would have noti ed b7 regardless ol the sensitivity l Ira-Boo Agents asked MILLS to review an email dated 320i I with 1115 Still-129 In radiation - fyi Alter reviewi i he en il Ml LLS stated she was not sure 135 I r 1 ii was a nrieate citizenl I ch I I MILLS stated sh 1 a what she meant when she typed sending for info not for forwarding before sharing email with MILLS had no concerns over her decision to forward the email on to or CLINTON MILLS recalled being read into Special Access Programs SAP during her Des tenure but did not recall the speci cs concerning the SAPs or read-on process b1 b3 lUl MILLS was asked to review an email SllUif r tt'ter rcadin I the email MILLS stated the email originated l ro who m1 115 and was forwarded tol I who was I and later I 136 IMILLS stated she was not to see an email like this She thither Stated that 157 nothing in the email concerned her in regards to its classi cation MILLS was not sure why would have sent the email string to Gmail account rather than to Dos account MILLS - b1 tit-GM 133 131 team N11 b3 Fill-302 Rev Hi-95 Continuation of Fill-302 of Interview Mills On Page further stated she did not recall if it was common to receive emails similar to the email in question in her Gmail account MILLS was not aware of a formal process for providing noti cation of concurrence related to a High Value Target HUT to 1303 Headquarters Agents asked MILLS to review an email dated 12I2W2011 with the subject After reading the email MILLS stated that she had no concerns regardin the classi cation of the email be and her decision to forward CLINTON the email she received oral I MILLS eXpiained the b7c goal was to observe what was going on in local media at the time and she believed the email was related to that purpose I Agents asked MI LLS to revie with the titlel land another datedl with the titie The first of the two emails was sent on the Des Secret network whereas the latter 0 the two documents was sent via b1 unclassi ed email Both emails pertained to MILLS b3 stated that she did not recall the originaIOr of the document nor did she remember the email nor how the information contained in the email would have been relayed to CLINTON At the prompting of her counsel MILLS also stated she received between 400 and 700 emails a day while at and thus could not remember speci c emails MILLS stated she could not confimi if the information contained in the email agents asked her to review would have been relaved to CLINTON I MILLS did not have any concern over the content of the information in the email being sent on an unclassi ed system WW MILLS was involved in the development and draft process of some 1303 policy memos but it depended on the topic Agents asked MILLS to review two of the same email dated 102'4a 2009 with the subject Draft Holbrooke Team and an attachment titled Pak Paper lil- One of the two emails was redacted by in response to FOIA production whereas the other was shown in an non-redacted format MILLS stated she did not recall the information contained be in the email she reviewed MILLS did not know who would have drafted the memo MILLS stated she b70- was not familiar with the 1 Report According to MILLS something might start in an unclassi ed format at 1303 but later be reclassi ed at a higher level when that information related to policy matters MILLS was not sure who at made the determination to change the classi cation UlfFe MILLS did not recall any instances wherein she had concern over the way sensitive or classified information was handled at MILLS also did not recall any instances wherein shared with MILLS any concerns over the way sensitive or classified information was handled at A copy of the original interview notes is enclosed in a 1A envelope b1 'v-F b3 ALI - INFORMATION Rev HEREII-I IS -1- BATE 08-19-2016 ET JETJSETSII NSICC- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date ZIZIEIHG UHF-OHS On February 1 2016 STEPHEN D MULL lwas interviewed by PG Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agentsl land Iin his office we at the United States Department of State 320 2151 Street NW Washington DC Room 3417A After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview MULL provided the following information MULL is a career Foreign Service Officer From 2009 until June of 2010 MULL served as a Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State on Political Affairs In June 2010 MULL was appointed Executive Secretary a position in which he served until October 2012 MULL later served as the United States Ambassador to Poland from November 2012 until September 2015 Thereafter MULL was appointed to his current position Coordinator for Iran Nuclear Implementation UHF-866 As Executive Secretary MULL oversaw the entire Executive Secretariat in regards to information processing crisis management travel support and Information Technology IT MULL was more speci cally tasked with overseeing the formal processing of information to and from the Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON and her executive staff to include the D08 Operations Center This also included providing both mobile and in office IT support to the Secretariat U1503888 While serving as Executive Secretary MULL had very little direct interaction with the Secretary of State MULL mostly interacted with the Secretary's Chief of Staff COS CHERYL MILLS UHF-GHQ Everybody in front office except CLINTON herself was on the Principal Officer Electronic Messaging System POEMS system MULL communicated with 5 executive staff via POEMS MULL was not aware how messages sent to executive staff were relayed to CLINTON but assumed they were orally briefed MULL was aware CLINTON was using a personal email account while at However MULL had no role in setting up or maintaining 3 personal account MULL stated he did not know if the use of personal email accounts was common practice for previous Secretaries of State MULL was not aware of a DOS policy at the time prohibiting the use of personal email accounts or servers MULL further explained as Executive Secretary he was responsible for overseeing the formal communications of the Executive Secretariat but would not have been involved with providing andfor Investigation on 2 2016 at Washington DC b3 File I Date dictated MA sal I as This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBIloaned to youragency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview of Steven Mull On Page 2 maintaining information communication platforms MULL did not know who assisted CLINTON in setting up the private email account and server she utilized at MULL did not know who was responsible for maintaining personal mobile communications devices nor who was responsible for making sure the installation and use of said devices were within policy Early into tenure as Secretary MULL recalled being contacted by either MILLS or HUMA ABEDIN who asked about the possibility of the Secretary using an iPad to receive communications in her office MULL recalled following up on their iPad inquiry but explained he believed it was ultimately decided that CLINTON could not have the iPad in her office because of restrictions associated with her office being a Sensitive Compartment Information Facility SCIF MULL never observed CLINTON using a mobile device in her of ce but recalled seeing a picture of CLINTON using her Blackberry device on her plane MULL was unaware if there was any prohibition concerning the use of a Blackberry on the plane UHF-GHQ MULL assumed Bluetooth capabilities were disabled on issued mobile devices MULL was not sure if private devices were configured the same way Agents asked MULL to review an email titled Communications dated 88019011 wherein it appears MILLS and ABEDIN ask MULL about the possibility of the Executive Secretariat issuing CLINTON a D03 Blackberry to use while her personal Blackberry was malfunctioning MULL recalled informing ABEDIN and MILLS that while the Executive Secretariat could issue a device the issued Blackberry would be subject to FOIA requests MULL further recalled it was eventually decided CLINTON no longer needed the device and thus her request for a DOS Blackberry was never fulfilled UH-13868 MULL recalled receiving information from Securityl I 3 35 sometime in 2011 indicating there was concern over the possibility that some personal email accounts of we employees were hacked MULL specifically recalled hearing 5 Deputy Chief of Staff COS JACOB 5 personal email account was amongst those compromised 's currently assigned to the US Embassy in MULL also provided the following names of individuals at who had knowledge of setup during her tenure as Secretary of State I who worked under MULL was the 135 for the Secretary and her executive staff hm UHFGH-O TULINABO TULI MUSHINGI was the Deputy Director for Administrative Support and supervised the Mobile Communications Team MUSHINGI is now the United States Ambassador to Burkina Faso Rm Iii- r35 Continuation of FBI-302 of Inten'iow of Steven Mull On Page 3 JOHN BENTEL managed the POEMS system A copy of the original interview notes are attached in a 1A envelope ALL FBI Rev HEREIN IS -1- DATE 03-13-2016 Y EESWEILEEQ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date I date of birth i was interviewed at his office at The I I Washington DCI Imobile telephone numhe by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agents land After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview Iprovided the following information as the at the us Department of State under the former Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON from until the end of CLINTON 3 term in February of 2013 I Iis a self described Clintonista His relationship with the CLINTONS dates back tol under President Clinton In As the held a TSISCI clearance and was responsible for hny current Department of State matters Each mominei Iworked with his staff to generate unclassified talking points and responses to This process often required the team to reference classified reporting to ensure that they had the proper context when formulating the response The talking points were generated on the low side and were often based on reporting from the relevant country desk officer Desk officers were responsible for coordinating information with external agencies as necessary and were knowledgeable in how to protect sensitive sources and methods within their reporting Composing unclassified talking points required a continuous and conscious effort to evaluate if a given piece of information was derived from a classified or unclassified source described this process as an ongoing dilemma that they had to work through How do you talk about diplomatic conversations in the public sphere without getting into details that may be confidential or protected However he noted that they had grown in this environment and knew how to separate classified information from unclassified statements I provided that he and his team had received training on the handling of classified information Investigation on I IttiBtZ 5 at Washington DC File I has Date dictated MA By ml I_Als This document contains neither recommendations nor of the FBI It is the propetty of the FBI and is loaned to yottragency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency b6 1 6 137' 136 b6 b3 b E b6 b'i'C Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview oil On I Iftt3t20l5 Page 2 worked very closely with CLINTON and would meet with her four or five times a day to ensure thatI Iwere consistent with the thoughts and statements of CLINTON I Iinitially traveled with CLINTON and then when she became comfortable with the position he stopped traveling to manage his team in Washington DC would typically communicate with CLINTON via the Ops Center when she was traveling described CLINTON as a paper person noting that she preferred paper documents over electronic communications but he would email CLINTON when necessary In these instances he would usually send the email to CHERYL MILLS who would either forward the messa re to CLINTON or respond on her behalf On occasion he would email CLINTON directly I did not receive any formal guidance on what or when to email CLINTON directly This dec1sion was based on his judgment Utteeoe Iin the recent CLINTON email releases man of which were related to the posting of diplomatic cables by Wikileaks in 2010 In April of began to get a sense of Wikileaks as it Defense information Then in November of 2010 he was notified by hat the New York Times was preparing to publish a large nu nber of diplomatic cables in con'unction with a Wikileaks release Over the next several months Ihad regular contact with as well asl I to discuss cables that there about to be released Upon receiving a media inquiry or a notification of an upcoming release would review the cab1e s in question and then make requests to the media outlet s to omit or redact specific information that was deemed sensitive for operational or diplomatic reasons These requests were not always honored and estimated that they had a 250 or 300 batting average The Department of State had a rule by which they would not discuss any classified information in the cables but in instances where the cable was being incorrectly portrayed or could easily be misconstrued by the rovide additional unclassified background information to set the proper context for the cable I routinely worked with MILLS and any agency that had an equity in the specific cable to formulate the response to the media outlet UHF-OHS Wikileaks and other media leaks posed a difficult problem for the Department of State because the information was already outside of the control of the Department of State and was often about to be published While the Department of State could say nothing in response to a media notification or inquiry the stance of the Department of State was to play defense and try to limit the potential damage by engaging the media outlet and providing ajustification for why sensitive information should be omitted or redacted first became aware of private email account when he received an email where was the sender He initially thought the email was spam but upon reading the message quickly realized that it was from CLINTON Aside from the ambiguous username b6 136 1370 I36 b6 Rev lU-l i-US Continuation of of Interview oil On 1 Iftt3t2tII5 Page 3 ' was not surprised that CLINTON was using a personal email account because it is a common practice within the Department of State I had no knowledge about the setup of private server but assumed that Under Secretary PATRICK KENNEDY and MILLS would have been involved in that process UHF-838 had no concerns about how CLINTON handled her communications during her tenure as Secretary of State Nor did have security concerns about anybody on 5 team He did not recall any instances where classified information was intentionally sent to or from email account However with respect to the emails on Benghazi he noted that in hindsight some of the content should have been classified even though they did not believe it was classified at the time it was sent F666 Due to the sensitivity of the matter the interviewing agents verballv re nested that keep the interview and the nature of the discussion confidential verbally agreed that he would not discuss the interview with other parties Willa-HO was amenable to recontact regarding this matter if necessary UHF-GHQ Agent notes are included in an attached 1A 136 b6 b6 12-6 107 1 16 BY I-ISIC-G REASON 1 41 E-ECLASSIFY CIH 12-31-2041 EHTE EIJ- 22-2015 lg- 3H WEEK-RAE Sl i i di i' Ens-t z zassnurigaiisz-E S- 1 Us E5- tieitnhong nun'ji tg vat-E interricww E233 - Simcizti 21 31 33 i1 git After min imE sewing aagerEE and EEK Eh cs iow gag Emil-Erng gimsj mm Era Ea humane rat tired Em Degaarizneni 0E aEzaEa at 30 get mi rm arncd 31 Eh uahi EE- ch y It 3 33 Earn it u as width menu- 23 59m diam with Ehz Sc Ema-Er him DEE Em Lln cuumnanicd um and hint 29 a big head did nut km'm hum speci ca y Sen 1i Eup dirrcziy E0 the 10 his Earthe- 311$ malaria was never is re cf 1hr 1-1113 aware R 9521 using a cma af imqa Era 3135 busincm nm that She was manning privm c wh is she was Search EM needed it min 1 message required Eha of FBI-M Ehiim the chain nf com meant and Ehmuah an 3 351341 Sec mar uE Sign 3 155 21E Elm Ei t l i u- asl main - Em thisn ium Eul mi a mammau uu u uu u nuu u u u 111 1% dictuimf Edi-E - 1 I iEJ l HAI I L'vl r sitn'm iv- n 1mm mr 15' 13th Fi E1 th gun g i' a am Emma-4 5 31 EE n itx 1- 1 Eu a 5 51 mum 1 yum 2 b1 b3 b6 b C 1 6 137 1111-1311151 1 111111'1 3 111 11' 115' 11311 111 hntwiH'Ld Ni 11 11111 - 11 11 11 13111111 11113 1 11111111131111 31 1111 111 111' 1111111 1 11 11 111113111111211 1 11 5 11 11 1 11 1'1'1111151 3111115 SE 1 111 1111 1' 1111 135 1111131111113 1113311131 11113111 13 11 111 11 111 1111- 1 113 11 1'11 1 11 11 111111111 1 11 111113111 1111111111111 11111111111 1111311111 111111111111 1111111 111111111 1311' 1'11 1 1111 111 11 111111111 $311151 12111111111131 1 131 11 1111 111111112111 11 31151 '11 1' 11 11% 1 111 11111111ic11111'1g 1151 1111 - 131111 1111111111 511 111 1111 1- ENTON 1 1111111 111 1311111115111311111 111 1111 111 111' 13111112 111111111 1 111 11 1111131111 1'1 1113 11111111111 11111111111111 1111111111113 111 11111 111111 111113 1111 1111111 11111 31 11 1113 1111' 1'11 111' 11 I I111 11 1111' 3111111113 1111111111113 111111 1111111113 1 111 1'11 3111111111'11'12111g 11113 1111 11113- 3313111111 13111 reviewing 1111' 1 111 31 1111111111111 111 111 13111111 1111111113111 111' 1 11193 13 111111111111111 11 11'11311'1 1 11 111111111 1111117 1 11 1111' 1 1111111331 111111 11 31 111111111113 11 13111131111115 1'31 11 31 11 11111131 11111311111111 1111111111111 111 111111111111111 311 1111 1' 113 31 11 111 1 1111111111111111 11 111111111111111 11 11 11 1 311111111 1 11ii 111 1111 D118 311111111111 C1 11153 11 11 111 wi'cwnce 111 1111- 1111111111 11 11131111331111 11 111 111 111' 1 131111111 1113131111111 11 1111111111111 i1 1111-11-1 111111 11111111311111 1111-1 rqiri 111 11 1'111'11'11'1111'1dl 31111111 Bin 1 1 11'1111'111 1 111 11 1111111 11111 11113111113111 13 11311111'1111'111 11111 111111 113 111 $111 11 111 12111111111111 1111 1111 311 1131 1111-1 1111111111111 11'13 1111-113 1' 1 1111131 11 5 11111316 311111111 1111 1 1 111 11 1 11113 111131-111 1111' 111 1 31113 111111 c1111c11111z1i 111 11 11 11 1111 11111 11 1111 1111-3311 111 - I 111111111113 13111 I111 1 111 11 1111111111 111113 11 61 11 311 111 1111111 11113 11111113331133 11 11 1 scar-1 1 1111113111113 11 111 1 1 111111113311111 11 111111111 111 11 11 11 11 11' I11 111'11 11111 3111 1113 11311111111111 1111 31 111111 1111 1111111111 1 131 111 1'11111' 1111111 111111 13 11111311 31 1 11111111 11111111311111 1111-1111 113' 11 11 3111111111 311 2E 931 1'1'11111'1315 1111111111 3111151111311 1111 311131 111 c1111'11'1111111c1111 111f'111'111'111iu11 1 1'1111131'111'1111 11 1111 1 11 111 1111' 3111111111 11111 111-1111 1111' 1' 1 13111113333133 151111 111111111 311 1111 111 1111 11 111111 111111-11 111111 111 111 1 11 1 1315 1 11 b3 b6 156 131711 1 16 b C 1 11 b3 b6 1 11 1 13 bl 1 13 b1 b3 b6 ifufii ikimii ii ui at il yr c'wu I Us i age EW eekedl in review 31 emaii vs 'a 1 1e iee F s iei the email he i eeail the emilexl Ii ihe iwniqimni-i ms 15w nin j h 1 3 he 3mm -33 b1 were aware he ie b3 wees-trim with sending he met an Elkfiw i i-L the 50 ne it did me euniuin iiefitiis ms atekedZ 2 dated wiih the aiibjeetl ii'ter reviewing the email examined 331 die b1 mu ii'ie eemexi beeause mere wei el b3 1 Agents askedl ta review if him-ii u-Eih he subject it fc iiewi the email exclaii'neti again 131 ne ii right on iiue x- y hiie did not retraii he eenvemieg 3311- camera Mike 133 2 5 '2 a 'z ii there were me CUE i itic the email aha wettid a aim painted mi hm here were imh three c pii in his eii'mii lt tg ii i asked lie review emii timed rew-iwsii ig ii'it en-mihl Eif i ti that ne A there Win inereusei'i hem-ecu Pakistan E1 the in was ui'euneem he suhjeeil enaii haw been sent ermine 19 new iiki i i chase nii in'mier erase the In - time-ii b3 an heiiew and marked if Wale during walking heme in BC emiipm e ii the previous en'iaiis asked 10 review as eii'iz-tii ielei'i 11mins noted that the eiimii wire semi on 1 Slated he sem i'IB'i the Secret he viewed that were sen haiif and it made mere sense fer 'i iie right if viewing 1 arena-ding in if the message Recording El metiied Ezii weti Fm he Easiest the narking zine ihe marking en the email he reviewed were a review em email timed wii subjeei 1 3mm strike Riffs 4 P iiki ieirif Mier reviewing the $533 lmed unk 1 b1 b3 bl Iseiit news ii eri hinted that I aim-3155 her 2205 in ids-here ii didn i heimtg l i ds f k xv sen-ice watt hired i3 and further ii'lili i'ze wee noted he he adiiee in b3 b1 b3 133 - - 131336 $234 195 b6 15m 1a 31 11 4 v 1 it intern- rm 12f - _ iill i b1 b3 1 1 11% 1 cum- 'ih-c m'igiimi interview 301113 is mmimc in a 31 cm'cinm bl b3 EE-I INFD CLASSIFIED ET 5281 334354 1 4 CIH 12-31-2041 BATE es zz zels sees i i Ni Nil-3H3 Ree ItJ-ii- i i -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF Hate On March it 30i6l I i'nrn'et' was interviewed by Special Agent tutti SAI Iin an FBI in New a'it NY A 'let' being advised ut'the identities 01 the interviewing agents and the purpuse nt'the interview provided the i'eliowing information weasel lwas ll lCl lirit'n' it his tenureI I Ire tirerl ram served as a irisililin Pi' iEsHml is currentiy I a nen-eevernntent urganimlien unseat- 3 During his Department et'Slate DUES tenure-I Ihati very limited interaction with the Secretary ui'StateI Iassessed he likely unis met Secretary HILLARY it CLINTON in persun on sis eceasiens 'i hcse centaets eecun'ed when traveled hack to Washington DC l'er varieus meetings or when the Seeretarj-r visitedI assessed that durin I the same time period he uniy spoke with Seeretary via telephune un two in three uceasieneb also participated in Secure Viciee Teleconferences with the Seet'etat'y ti was never in direct net with Secretary and not know Secretary Cl- email address TWhen $needed to reias' a ti Ltiek Inessttee hack tn DDS Headquarters he would email direct teith Deputy Secrets 0 State QB 81 1 WAN tn' the Speeial Representative to high - incl tded RIC 1 MRI HOLBRUOKIL and Ialse sent it remain Secret cable to Secretary once a week On tine occasions I Int iied the of ce 01' SULLIVAN via email it ale 1 them to it classified cable was 1101 sure how information he provided was brieied to Secretary 1 UN hall assumed the SRAP would hi'ict'at the ievei they saw tit lmestigstiun tin tt Nets Yuri-t NY I Date tiietated ss _ssl - l'lns etilttalns neither reemnntendatititls Itut' etitlelusiuns til-LIN Nil it is the property utUttl' it mu m- enntents are net tn he distributed outside b1 b3 b6 Hit 136 1370 1 6 b'ir'C b6 b3 b6 1337 b1 b3 bl 4-81 b3 34 12 lien I 136 'uiuinuuliun liner-view nil Un PugIhu c were three mum ways could report mtormation back 10 3'05 Hm I icadquurlurs I Cable - 6 2 Iassi cd email usual hr 1' inibrmatiun to other Ambassadors or the National b7c Security OLJncii and 3 Unclassi ed email for in day interactim b1 b3 ldid mu recall having we 10 1 or a Top Scum network 306 I iWhiIc hel Iwm' rumi b1 l accuse liiJ-it niitct Hive-US 'onlimluiton tin jijtlti t Page 3 II m tl lwos asked to review in entaill Iwith the subject line Upon reviewing the etneiin commented don t recritt this court I'm surprisct to see it and preler not to comment ti subsequently asked to review s r etnoils Upon reviewing each document ttgnin indicated he did not went to comment trim stotet that the reference If fife-g in referenced docurnentl lreloteti to talking points for foreign government discussions also espiaincd the caveat in the ennui meant Sensitive but Unciossilied was at selected classi cation option in his unclassi ed enttiil tJtiierciossi eotion options included tor unclassi ed or Limited User't-icnsitive but Unclassi ed Llr'tl'l 'ti 't While being escorted to the elevator by SAI lstotetl he recently reutl tt news article about the investigation into Secretaryr email server that opined that most oi the eiossilicd documents were over elossilietl l-iowever stated that alter seeing the above referenced documents he novi- understood win pcupie were concerned about this neuter A copy ol the original interview notes is enclosed in a 1A envelope b1 b3 136 Hit 136 136 13W 136 b'i'C b6 b'i'C b1 b3 EEI CLASSIEIED BY REASON 1 11 DEELAESIFT UN 12-31-2041 DATE 03-22-2015 31- rm I D-il n 1km -1 FEDE RAL BU REAU 0F INVESTIGATION Huh ul'lranscripiiml On April 25 2mm lawm- WIS interviewed by Special Agent SAJI and SA in the FBI R ashingmn gill-cc NW Washin #1011 DC 20535 Also rcsum for he inicrvicw wasl lcuunsci as well 33' landl li'mm mom ol Justice was conducted as a when up to am inlcm'iuw of wpmmucmd by SA mi Maire 2016 Prior to hit inturvicu to sign a Imn-disclusurc in anticipaiiun ui vicwing documents during the imurx'imx lhzu wcru classi ed as part ui'u Special Access Program After bcing a dx'iscd ui'lhc idcntitius of tin imcrviuwing and 1hr purpose of the imcr u'icm provided Ihc inihrnuiliun' lnx'usiigutiuu mi 111 f I Uutc di ulcd NM Hi l lill llu pl'npurl uJ'Illr luunui u uur agony II Hm willzains mr wm lusmus ul' In FBI and i m' ln nu In in ulilsldu HMJ b1 Si Tr l Iiet lli- - i t 136 if Hit-3132 Lil inlen ieu LI Page matter of ratetiee i itrieti to meet the need-L nt Ionly relayed information to b1 at DOS lle'LiLiqtrLirlers at high levels on the oor a re 'erenee to 1 ie DDS mite referred to 115 b3 Mahogany Raw As an alternative to uncle stated he has to but Jun-f classi ed email and cable system However the thamWMuumLmr were executives as likelv tn get a classified email in a timelv tunnel I explained that he tried It use I115 best judgment I Agents askedl to review an email data with the '41 bjeet After reviewing the emitil exnlaitted lte ree'Ltiled the situutiun surroundine the email I The Pakistanis were seeking Lump-010g let 1 November 201 event wherein U S Speeial Upe rattiens erL b1 the Pakistani border and kilied i akisthi thtder I 1 - b3 mier sunniv routh used hv US military lbtees ztiso explained the reference in the subject line at entLtil reILiteLi 1L Lute Ui twu sensitivitv eh 1 lbie In the ttneiassilled DOS system Sensitixe Bill Unclassi ed SBU when he wanted to point nut that witiiL something was unclassi ed it should still be treated as sensitive bl A Lents askec to renew am Llated 1 3 with the 1gee in 0 11th the email in question was sent uni ied network stated 1 te email sent i and helium the Summit did not recall the specific email but remembered eum ersatinns the time regarding to persuade the l akiatzmi's tn tilt the rsupply route ham I'll b1 b3 L ontinnat ton ut'lilh t interview oil Un U-l i tilh Page 3 i eommurieated with Reoresentative to Afghanistan and kistan and nut assumed he mus awe also wanted to VAN to know as he noted bUl WAN was one at the recipients assumed SULLIVAN would relay int'omtatior 0 anyone at DDS who needed to know the Secretary ol Stale Deputy Secretary ol'States ete SULI WAN was not given gttidttnee on how to rein such information have to Dos Headquarters but stated the email in question was sent at a time wherein it was impenant to report was not sure why he chose to send the email in question on a elassilied network Agents asked dew an email dated 133713 1 with the su After reviewing the entail he did not recall the context However tated that the previously explained cross harder event took nlaee at the end ol Novemher 2t 1 so the email in oaestion was sent shortly thereafter I IAgents asked he review an email with the suhjeet drone tanf' Alter reviewing the elnaitw explained the email was sent 'I'he email originated from an article Found and thrwarded to lsuhseeuentlv lorwarded the article to the Deputv Chief of Mission ttlso stated the at the tune he sent the email he did not think the intorination he provided eo ardized anyone im- otved he was on an email in the exchange was the for the in Pakistan eon oi the original interview notes is enclosed in a 1A envelope ALL sat Diameter-Ion cot-Iranian tit-revs anagra- IS -1- DATE 03-13-3315 BY J37535T94 HSICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date 12H It2ttl5 or moo On December 1 2015 es IU S Denartmett of State was interviewed by Federal Bureau bf of Investigation FBI Special AgentsI andI I After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview Iprovided the following information Ifor the US Department of State fromI I Iwhere she was responsible forl rShe assumed the role whenl lleft the position On a typical day ould meet with the then Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON at the daily 8 30 AM meeting to discuss key issues I During the meeting CLINTON would provide guidance on what should be communicated I Prior to finalizing the briefing materi alsI Iwould then work with the relevant Department of State components to verify the message and to add any necessary details I Idid not deal with the US Intelligence Community aside from a daily interagencvl I Itravel ed with CLINTON on all of her foreign trips during whichl were handled by one of deputies b6 that she saw CLINTON fre uentl throL ghout the day and as a be result most of her communications with CLINTON were spoken I I ould onl recall ne time hm when CLINTON emailed her directly and that was on the night of the Benghazi attack stated that at that time she had no knowledge that CLINTON was using a private email server noted that CLINTON was not an email person and therefore assumed that CLINTON was conducting personal business when she was on her Blackberry worked closel with JAKE SULLIVAN 5 Chief of Staff be for Political Affairs for routine matters understood that SULLIVAN would relay pertainent b7 information to CL NTON but she did not know if SULLIVAN directly forwarded her emails to CLINTON or not provided that she occasionally interacted with CHERYL MILLS but did not have regular contact with ABEDIN Investigation on 12 Wt 5 at Washington DC b3 File it I I3tt2 Date dictated MA t3 - El I 136 i375 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the propett of the FBI and is loaned to youragency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency FD-3l12a Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview oil On 12ft It2tiI5 Page 2 be are lreviewed an email lthat she sent on I with the subject piece She confirmed that she remembered the events surrounding the email After carefully reviewing the entire email string gave a brief overview of the Benghazi attack and provided that this email was sent after she learned that the New York Times was planning to publish an article about the Benghazi attack and the annex The topic was of particular interest because at that time the media only knew of the Consulate in Benghazi and information on the annex had not yet been publicly released I Ifurther explained thatI I I Iwas to notify Department of State leadership when the media was preparing to be release information on sensitive or controversial topics Alerting leadership allowed the Department of his State an opportunity to engage the media outlet to negotiate what details should be released and to prepare an appropriate public response stated that she sent the email in question to alert Department of State leadership and National Security Council personnel of the upcoming article because of potential sensitivies around disclosing the existence of the annex The subsequent messages in the email chain are responses from other individuals as they discussed a subsequent call that occurred with the New York Times that afternoon UH-P888 During the that she is participating in the Freedom of b5 Information Act review process for the on roin release of emails bite I has a team of individuals who are reviewing all emails pertinent toI prior to their release to assess if they contain information that is either classified or represents an internal Department of State deliberation that internal deliberations are internal discussions about various international affairs and policies These conversations do not necessarily reflect the official or final stance of the Department of State on a specific topic Additionally the information may be misconstrued by the casual reader or cause embarrassment to the Department of State if it is released in its original form When her team finds an email containin a deliberative discussion they mark the relevant sections bio for redaction under the BS exception Ireviews the team' work before it is passed to the next phase of the review process within the Department of State I noted that a significant number of the items that her group recommended for redaction because they were deliberative products were arked for redaction by internal counsel using the classified material B1 exception WM not know why internal counsel elected not to follow her group recommendations but noted that as a result a significant number of FOIA released documents that are marked as containing classified information really only contain deliberative material I i1cknowledged that some of the emails marked as containing classified b5 information did in fact have classified material However she quickly noted that she did not recall seeing MC anything that would potentially compromise national security or be considered criminal in nature FD-3t12a- Rcv Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview I On 12H lt2til5 Page 3 explained that the US Department of State personnel commonly operate on the unclassi ed system She gave the example of a diplomat who summarizes a diplomatic conversation on the unclassified computer system In general they don't believe such diplomatic conversations are classi ed because it is usually obtained through diplomatic discussions and not from sensitive sources They would consider the discussion to be Sensitive But Unclassi ed SBU and transmitted on OpenNet with the expectation that it would be contained on the Department of State system and only accessed by legitimate users Iwas aware of the counterintelligence threats facing the Department of State and notedl I Based on these experiences she is careful not to transmit sensitive information on the unclassified or unsecured systems and she advised her subordinates to do the same However despite her security posture she did not find fault with her colleagues who did otherwise UHF-GHQ A copy of the original interview notes are attached in a 1A envelope b6 b'i'C b6 bill 306 1 70 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION mot-Fond -1- FBI INFO BY 1 4 DEELASSIFT UN 12-31-2041 DATE 03-22-2015 Date oftianseription UN-F666 On Januarv 7 2016 SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL was interviewed at the law of ces of Washington DC 20005 by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI b6 Special Agent SA and A n e was attorneyl so resent for the interview Ioffice telephone len ail address I as well as Department of Justice attorneys and After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview BLUMENTHAL provided the following BLUMENTHAL is a friend of HILLARY CLINTON CLINTON During her tenure as Secretary of State from 2009-2013 he served as an informal political adviser by sending entails containing information he deemed to be helpful and interesting topics BLUMENTHAL did not recall sending any such emails prior to CLINTON becoming Secretary of State There was no set schedule for these emails BLUMENTHAL was never paid for his advisory services and there was no speci c conversation with CLINTON regarding his informal role However CLINTON would occasionally acknowledge the value of his emails in a response to BLUMENTHAL During this time BLUMENTHAL was also employed by the Clinton Foundation where his duties were related to former President BILL CLINTON his leeacv and some communications ofthe Foundation BLUMENTHAL be reported tol land does not recall what HILLARY role was in defining his role at the Foundation During this timeframe BLUMENTHAL was also involved with the Clinton Global Initiative 812% TYLER DRUMHELLER was a career Central Intelligence Agency CIA emplovee who served in a number of capacities during his tenurel I 131 I During the timeframe in which BLUMENTHAL used DRUMHELLER as a source for information provided to CLINTON DRUMHELLER was retired from the CIA DRUMHELLER knew the information he provided would be forwarded to CLINTON and provided it because he thought the information would be useful and helpful to the United States Government USG He did not receive any compensation for the information The caveats provided regarding the source of the information were directly from DRUMHELLER with the Investigation on It t'tEt Ht t at Washington DC 133 t A 1 b6 bve This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI 1 is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Cla By F36MT Derived SCG dated 20140702 Decl ssify On 2041123 WNW WNW Rev Con rmation of ITO-302 of Intention On Page _2 exception of the CONFIDENTIAL marking BLUMENTHAL would frequently place at the top of his communications with CLINTON The CONFIDENTIAL marking was meant to imply the email was of a personal nature from BLUMENTHAL and did not refer to classified USG information DRUMHELLER had a business with large corporate contracts but BLUMENTHAL did not know specifically who these contracts were with or what they were for During a conversation with DRUMHELLER regarding humanitarian aid projects BLUMENTHAL conceived of a project that would provide field hospitals and aid to Libyan refugees DRUMHELLER stated BLUMENTHAL would receive a finder' fee if the project materialized but it did not come to fruition This potential finder fee was the only financial relationship between DRUMHELLER and BLUMENTHAL UH-F8893 I Ihas been a friend of BLUMENTHAL for several years and was 105 retired during the time when BLUMENTHAL used him as a source BLUMENTHAL does not know hm where ould get the information he provided b6 I Iis ajournalist involved in international education and has been a friend of for decades ill GARY BERNTSEN is a retired CIA of cer who BLUMENTHAL met through LARRY JOHNSON another former CIA officer JOHNSON wanted BLUMENTHAL to hear 3 story as described in book JAWBREAKER Neither BERNTSEN nor JOHNSON ever stated they were providing classi ed information or that they obtained any information from the CIA BLUMENTHAL did not ask ifthe information was classi ed UffFe-Ha Iis a formerl Iwho BLUMENTHAL 3 met when Iwas assigned tol in the 1980s NEW-F9 BILL MURRAY is a former CIA Chief of Station and a friend of DRUMHELLER UH seem Iwas thel Iduring the be GORDON BROWN and TONY BLAIR administrations He is an old friend of and 137 provided information on British politics and personalities Iwas al who be BLUMENTHAL met through BASHAR AL- ASSAD as well as others in thel Igovernment personally He provided BLUMENTHAL with information on the ASSAD regime WEBB-6 Iis an Iwith experience in I ha Iprovided information he picked up and sometimes knew the information would be provided to CLINTON fete-Form ve-Peon Rev Contimmtion of FD-BUE of Intention On moms Page 3 BLUMENTHAL had no concerns regarding the sensitivity of the information he provided to CLINTON during her term as Secretary of State Additionally he does not believe any of it was classi ed BLUMENTHAL held a clearance in the 199 2001 timefrante when he was an assistant to President BILL CLINTON He recalled a quick brie ng on security and clearances but has no recollection of being read-on to any special programs BY HSIEG 1-4 51 DEELASSIFT UN 12-31-2041 DATE 33-22-2015 H'il ill-cw FEDERAL BUREAU OF Unit SffH-l-H-Un Maw 3% was by Eigmciai Agent sml land 1-1 st Im an Cuniral Anew in 9v 1 inmrview 13 1 illit'li l'l U ter baring advise- 1 if the identities 1114 inlm'vicmng agents and the tin interview rum- idcd thx 111110 ng inl'm'n'miittmiil fi iy-uii i am ii ii Hutu div arm- 1 hf 'i iti i duummu umlziim nm iur mar unnumsimh 115 $1 in tin rm am in Mung-xi InyutsrugmwgLiminmum Humid yum sgmw bl b3 km bl per CIA E untinuutiun In l gm a Page was shown 1 mp1 Mam email from 11 3 It revaeuring 1hr enmii ht rm-'idcd but he would have classi ed the email if he was sendmg the 131 Per CIA 133 was Shawn 1 tom of an email 'mnl I 131 Per 5131 with the Sulljc l After reviewing the cn mil 1 3 hciicwd that the mnaii war dismissing but stated ihat a casuai reader uid have a Liil tuli mm guring mt wh i the email was 1 mul I 1311 per CIA shown a cam u an ennui inn With 133 mu whim limiter rcvicwing the emaii Famed that he wamid not have pul this inibrma an on an unclaessi ed system but than the amlimrs urn un y rcspunding 111 El media ariiclc 1 551% A cam 0111216 Original interview notes and lm mibrenccd simul glcuix in 13 cuvciupc W3 1' Vii- 1 h H b1 b3 ALL EEI HEREIN I 5 DATE 1 UNCLASSIETIEE 9-2016 31 337535194 I-ISIEG Rev Ill- i-US -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date UN-F969 On December 31 I ofLI Iwas interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agents Iandl I Also present were Beth Wilkinson Partner andl IAttomey at Law at Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton Garrison LLP 2001 Street NW Washington DC 20006 and US Department of Justice After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the the following information has worked for HILLARY CLINTON since lwhen he was hired as her In this role he served asl worked on her campaign and was subsequently named I when CLINTON became the Secretary of State Secretary at the US Department of State State urrently works ati lbut noted that he still acts as a part time advisor to CLINTON I reported tol land was primarily responsible for leading the Igam and for acting as the Secretary'sl ltraveled with the Secretary on all of her trips with the exception of two or three trips I Inoted that zero percent of his official job function was related to Information Technology IT or the maintenance of the Secretary' phones or computers technically savvy and was fre uentl in contact with the Secretary and as a result she often asked him for assistance with such matters I il likened it to your parents asking for technical help with their phone or computer lhad regular and ongoing contact with the Secretary and as such the majority of their communications occurred in person However he would communicate with her via phone or email when necessary stated that he received his first email from CLINTON in 2007 and confirmed that she used the following email accounts h15@att blackberry net during her tenure that he had no knowledge of private email server until it recently became public knowledge knew JUSTIN COOPER because Cooper was a long time aide for Bill Clinton never tscussed the private server with COOPER until after it was Investigation on 12 0 020 5 at Washington DC File# I IlEttZ Date dictated MA I This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the propen of the FBI and is loaned to youragenejt' it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency b6 b6 b6 b6 12-6 107 I33 1'36 107 FD-3t12aniR-cv Continuation of of Interview of I On 128 It2 l5 Page 2 documented in the press BRYAN PAGLIANO but never discussed the email setup or any other IT matters with him Upon starting at State in 2009' l'eceived a security clearance and received training on the handling of classified information He was provided with a classified terminal at his desk but didn t have a reason to communicate classified information via email given his position He could not recall any speci c instances of using the classified email system and stated that he never transmitted anything marked as classi ed on an unclassified system not recall receiving any guidance from State on records management or the use of private email for official business However he noted that it may have been included in one of the numerous documents that he was required to sign when he first started at State Noneheless- tried to use his official email for official business and his personal email for personal business noted that there were some instances where he would email the Secretary from his personal email account such as when he was at home or traveling and wanted to send an article or press clipping of interest to the Secretary Other examples of when he did this included when he first started and did not have a government email account' times when there were system outages or when he had dif culty remotely accessing the system provided that the Secretary neither approved of or discouraged the use of his private email account in these instances lhad no knowledge of any intrusions or attacks against either his personal or government email accounts UHF-GHQ listed the Secretary as in his personal email contact list He explained that this had been the codename used by the Secret Service since she was the first lady During the interview I I vas shown several emails that he had authored during his tenure at State while providing technical support to the Secretary reviewed each email and provided the following content 1 The first email was sent in approximately 2010 after he purchased the first iPad for the Secretary id not recall the specifications for the device but believed it was the latest model available at that time I Ipurchased the iPad and configured it to use the% mail com email account so that he could send articles of interest to the Secretary stated that she could not view the articles on her Blackberr and the iPad and email account were setup as a way to test a different delivery method I did not recall the email account being used thereafter and was fairly sure it wasn t used after the initial setup 2 The second email was sent just prior to the end of the Secretary' 5 term burl Icould not recall any further details about the context of the emaill lstated that he only 306 136 22-75 136 Hit 12-6 107 b6 306 1 70 306 1 70 1 16 FD-3l12a Rev Ill- 335 DJ 136 1370 Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview 0 On 12 It2 l5 Page 3 purchased one iPad for the Secretarv aid could not remember a second iPad or any details of a recovery email account recounted how after he gave the Secretary the iPad ESE the Secretary fell asleep holding the unopened packaging in her arms This struck as funny because in contrast he would not be able to sleep if he hadjust received a new iPad He noted that this episode was foreshadowing for how little she would use the iPad The third email referred to the cover of a People Magazine edition from August 2010 and was an example of whenl would use his personal email to send a message to the 20 Secretary l could not recall any specific details regarding the fourth email but speculated that be 1t referred to the collatlng of relevant news In the fifth email the term Dirty Space refers to a non SC IF space where unsecured communications could be used The sixth email references the Secretary transition between Blackberry devices remembered that her first device was blue in color but he could not recall the make or that her second Blackberry was not blue but again could not recall any additional details The second device was remotely activated by COOPER and then provided it to the Secretary once it was activated He was unsure if she had additional Blackberry devices thereafter The seventh email references a photograph that the Secretary took of the reporters traveling with her while they were in Greenland or Iceland The Secretary wanted to share the photo with the individuals in the picture and asked 0 remove any ge identifiers before sending the picture to them stated that identifiers simply referred to the Secretary' 5 email address as she did not want to inadvertently give out her email address The eighth email refers to the Secretary 5 house in Washington DC on Whitehaven St While discussing the email provided that he did not recall any other emails being ESE configured on the iPad besides @gmailcom Nor did he see her use any other devices to access the clintonemailcom domain aside from her Blackberry He did not Rev Ill- 335 b6 are Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview 01' I On 12 It20l5 Page 4 recall her traveling with a laptop or other personal computers 9 The ninth email references the switch to a personal office email system that was created after the Secretary left State stated that he had no involvement in the process in aside from what is described in the email and that he did not have any other interactions with Platte River Networks He was unsure who secured the hrcofTice com domain but did not believe that it wasl further provided that after leaving State he acted as a paid advisor to the Secretary while she was promoting her book During this time he used a personal Gmail account until the hrcoffice domain was stood up UH-P868 provided that he was not directly involved in culling the Secretary 60 000 emails ESE aside from reviewing approximately half a dozen emails In those instances he was asked to provide the reviewers with additional context about the emails UHF-BBQ A copy of the above referenced emails and the original interview notes are attached in a 1A envelope an DIED MIW CLASSIFIED ET ttSIcc JerseSTat Reason 1 4 to - FD-BttZatRey on 12-31-2oa1 cars oe sz aots FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date oI ttanscription 6t22t2tt16 UHF-GHQ On June 21 2016 DOBI I was interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agentd Iandl Iin his I Washington DC After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview I I provided the following information From Januay 2009 until January 20' theI I at the United States Department of State In this capacity reported to I UHF-6H6 Following his tenure at Iworked at thei I I Ias al I In June of Itransitioned from theI Ito theI Iwhere he served as theI I IE in 2015 for his current position with theI I I Iheld a Top Secret TS Sensitive Compartmented Information SCI clearance while at He interacted regularl with Secretary of State HILLARY R CLINTON and accompanied her on a few international trips I Iwas not in direct email contact with CLINTON and was not aware until recently how much of the information he emailed to her staff was forwarded up to CLINTON reealled knowing CLINTON had a different account than others at but did not know it was a private email account or moo While at attended Deputies Committee DC and Principal Committee PC meetings However was present for more PC and DC meetings when he was workingl I The NSC hosted all PC and DC meetings which were convened by either the National Security Advisor or Deputy National Security Advisor was not present at every PC or DC meeting Invitations and attendance depended on the topic When was invited to a PC or DC meeting it was not uncommon for the Regional Bureaus to send representation relevant to the topic of discussion Investigation on 6t2 I on It at Washington DC File I I-Ettz Date dictated MA By I SAI I This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Mam b6 b6 b6 136 I370 b6 b3 b6 mam Rev Ill- P95 b6 Continuation of of Interview 0 I On Page 2 SIRE 3 b6 familiar with the CIReport and recalledi lwas b6 tasked with conductingr a policy review of Afghanistan and Pakistan early in President we administration id not recall how many different versions of theElReport were generated UHF-866 Agents askedl to review an email and attachment dated 10 412009 and with be the Subject draft and an attachment title Pak Paper lO-O3dcdocx After reviewing the email and b7 attachment explained he vaguely remembered the eriod of time surrounding the email but did not speci cally recall the email or attachment I f rssessed he would not have been one to write the document attached to the email and believed it was likel drafted by somebody in the Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan's SRAP Of ce I Iwould have likely been one of the nal reviewers of the document describing himself as the Clean up guy I who was in the D05 Policy Planning Office may have also been involved in drafting the document Agents drew attention to the fact that information contained in the be referenced 1014 0009 email attachment also appeared as SECRETHNOFORN in a March 2009 version we of theEReport I Idid not know who at would have ultimately determined the classification of the documentl iassessed either CLINTON or someone in her front of ce would have classified the document believed CLINTON and RICHARD HOLBROOKE would have at least read the contents of the report prior to nalization Speci c information contained in the report was publically discussed at the time so in opinion the document was not classi ed Much of the information contained in the report was originally based from various contributors expertise therefore it would not have een cla ifred He further stated that while he had no visibility into the D08 classification approval chaini assessed the report might have been considered Unclassi ed while it was a working document and later classi ed when it became an of cial record It also could have been marked classi ed because almost all documents intended for the NSC are classi ed for transmission sane b1 b3 b6 Witwatersran- Mam Rm Iii- P95 Continuation of of Inten'icw of On 3t2lt2t116 Page 3 UffFe'tl-Q Notes of the interview and the documents displayed for will be maintained in an FD34O envelope and filed with the captioned investigation mimem b6 b1 b3 156 107 ALL EEI Rem Ill- 135 HEREIN IS DATE 08-19-2015 Et't' J37JSET94 I-TSICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date I It25t2ttl5 or seem On 1f23f20'15 was interviewed in his office at by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agents land After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview provided the following information UttFe dej From 2010 through as thel in the Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs oversaw the office which focused on interests in North the senior level expert on I did not directly communicate with Secretary of State HILLARY R CLINTON in fact did not recall ever communicating directly with any Secreta of State I did not recall ever communicating directly with executive staff may have exchanged an email with Chief of Staff for Public Affairs JACOB SULLIVAN on one or two occasions I ldid not recall ever communicating directly with Chief of Staff for Operations CHERYL MILLS UHF-BBS interfaced with executive management predominately through his superiors in NEA would communicate to Deputy Assistant Secretary DAS JANET SANDERSON and RAY MAXWELL or Assistant Secretary JEFFREY D FELTMAN who was later replaced by BETH JONES NEA management had separate computer terminals for handling Unclassified and Classi ed materials During his tenure as thel Iwas on the phone daily with the then Ambassador of Libya CHRISTOPHER J STEVENS who was later killed in the September 12 2012 attacks on the US consu ate in Ben thazi Libya would come into work early and talk to STEVENS on the phone land STEVENS would communicate through both open and classified means of communication However the classified communication capabilities were limited in Libya Investigation on 1 5 at Washington DC File it I Il3tt2 Date dictated A By I This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to youragency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency b6 136 I370 136 b6 b6 b6 b3 b'i'E b6 Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview oil On 1 If23t2tll5 Page 2 UHF-988 Following his conversations with STEVENSI Iwould orally brief the NEA DAS If the information was particularly time sensitive would sometimes write an email assumed the NEA DAS briefed up whatever information they deemed important from to SULLIVAN andr or MILLS Questions re Jarding the information provided came back down through his chain of command I ldid not recall ever being directly questioned by CLINTON MILLS or SULLIVAN regarding any of his reporting WIFE-HF was not aware CLINTON was using a private email account not assigned by nor did have knowledge that 3 email was hosted on a private non Dos server did not recall ever receiving a direct email from CLINTON other than an email or two that would have been sent to the entire only learned of CLINTONF private email and server when the story broke in the Press earlier this year UHF-866 Agents asked to review an email llated 111183012 with the Subject line Reports of arrests possible Benghazi connection The email was shown to as it was released by FOIA office and as it appeared on the D08 Reading Room noted that the email was sent on a Sunday evening and it would not have been unusual for Ito be in his office during that that he likely sent the email from the of ce but sent it via unclassified email as most of the people who needed to be briefed on the information were not in the of ce and did not have access to classi ed communications at the time Ur f F'O'tl'O The individuals addressed the email in question to were as follows BETH E JONES Assistant Secretary NEA RAYMOND D MAXWELL Deputy Assistant Secretary NEA inoted that landl Ispoke nearly daily during tenure asl IThe two would converse via high side email or orally I Iassessed that the information he typed in the email concerning was received via an unclassified telephone conversation He further assessed received the information from the R80 or Legal Attache LEGAT visiting from Cairo no knowledge of his email being forwarded but assumed that the individuals he emailed direct would either forward the information on to the appropriate executives or b6 b6 b6 b6 156 307 b6 b6 136 FD-3l12 l Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview otl On 1 If23t2ttl5 Page 3 brief them that in general if information is sent to SULLIVAN he assumed it would be forwarded or briefed to CLINTON that some of the language contained in the email may have later been classified but due to special circumstances surrounding the situation at the time he received the information there was a necessity to share the information quickly notes with his calendar and may have recorded some information concerning the call that preceded the email in questionl indicated he would attempt to locate his calendar notes from that time period if requested UN-FOUOJI Iinteracted with the Ops Center a few times a week during the Libya crisis The Ops Center would set up management level conference calls 5 Crisis Management Group was also collocated in the Ops Center during the crisis in Libya prefers oral brie ngs over email and noted he did not grow up in the age of email oes not mark his emails for the record but maintains an archive of his personal email account when his mailbox lls up and he needs to free-up more space UHF-OHS never used a non-Dos email account for work related communications meet-191 1 was never asked to move something from the high side to the low side in a way that seemed inappropriate Agents notes are maintained in a '1 A envelope 306 1 70 1 6 b6 1'36 107 1 16 b6 b6 1'36 107 ELL CONTAINED Rey HEREIN IS DATE 03-13-2016 BY HSICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date 5t25t2tt16 UHF-989 On May 24 2016 HEATHER SAMUELSON Date of Birth I ha was interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agentd land we I Iat the law of ces of Wilkinson Walsh Eskovitz '1900 Street NW Suite 800 Washington DC Present for the interview was counsel Beth Wilkinson Partner Alexandra Walsh Partner and Hal Brewster Associate Also present was FBI Section Chief Peter Strzok as well asI Iandi Ifrom the Department of Justice Counterintelligence and Export Control Section After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview SAMUELSON provided the following information SAMUELSON is currently serving as a personal attorney for HILLARY CLINTON She previously worked at the Department of State DOS during tenure as the Secretary of State SAMUELSON initially worked as an assistant in the White House Liaison Office at DOS and then was promoted to the head of the office SAMUELSON had infrequent interaction with CLINTON while she was at DOS and primarily interacted with CHERYL MILLS Following the completion of tenure SAMUELSON worked for one year in the office of the White House Counsel before becoming personal attorney SAMUELSON held a security clearance while she was at DOS She maintained the clearance when she left DOS and still holds the clearance today clearance was reinvesti gated in 2014 per standard procedures SAMUELSON received training on the handling of classified information when she received her clearance and after the reinvestigation but she did not recall the specifics of the training SAMUELSON did not receive training on the Freedom of Information Act FOIA or the Federal Records Act while at DOS However she did receive training on the Presidential Records Act while she was at the White House SAMUELSON did not receive any specific guidance on what documents she should retain when she left DOS SAMUELSON provided that she only received two emails from CLINTON while she was at one on her birthday and another following the death of grandmother SAMUELSON did not become aware of use of a private email account and server until she was serving as 5 personal attorney Investigation on 5t24t2tt In at Washington DC b3 File I-soa Date dictated MA ME By SAI SAI I he This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency UNCLASSIF IEfo-Fe b f Rev Continuation of of Interview of Heat her Samuelson On Page 2 UHF-GEO SAMUELSON had no contemporaneous knowledge of the decision to transition from the private server in Chappaqua NY to the services of Platte River Networks PRN Nor did SAMUELSON have contemporaneous knowledge that an archive of 3 emails was created by MONICA HANLEY following tenure at DOS SAMUELSON did not know the location of the laptop or thumb drive containing the archive created by HANLEY UHF-GHQ SAMUELSON knew CLINTON transitioned her email to an @hrcoffice com domain following her tenure at DOS SAMUELSON believed no old emails were transferred from the @clintonemail com to the new domain SAMUELSON did not know how CLINTON or HUMA ABEDIN accessed old emails after the new domain was established Request from DOS SAMUELSON provided that she was not involved in the initial discussions with DOS regarding the production of records from tenure SAMUELSON believed DOS had noticed gaps in its records and had reached out to CLINTON and other former Secretaries of State to request that they produce any relevant records in their possession MILLS spoke with the department about this request in late July or early August 2014 and then asked SAMUELSON to assist with the effort MILLS also received a formal letter from DOS Under Secretary PATRICK KENNEDY in October 2014 regarding the request UHF-9H6 To knowledge DOS did not provide any formal guidance on how to conduct the search aside from indicating that it was CLINTON responsibility to assess which products were work related and which were personal SAMUELSON stated that DAVID KENDALL and others from Williams 86 Connolly LLP served as external representation for CLINTON in this matter Collection of Relevant Emails SAMUELSON had no emails that were responsive to the DOS request before she contacted PRN In late July or early August of 2014 she requested PRN provide all emails from tenure that were sent to or received from a gov email addressl Iof b5 PRN extracted the relevant files and then transferred them to SAMUELSON To transfer the files b7 sent SAMUELSON an email link that gave him access to her computer after she clicked on it then downloaded the email files onto her laptop and configured them so she could access the password protected emails via Microsoft Outlook SAMUELSON described herself as technically deficient and stated she was near her computer while this transfer occurred but she did not pay close attention to what he was doing She did not recall the name of the file he transferred to her computer the location on her computer where it was placed or ifl took any steps to the file before transferring it b6 SAMUELSON was not aware of how queried the files or what mailboxes on the PRN server were searched More speci cally she did not know if the emails were taken FD-3112a Rci- 10-0-95 Continuation of FD-302 of Interview of Heat her Samuelson On 5t25t2t116 Page 3 from the live mailbox or from the HRC archive that had previously been rovided to PRN by HANLEY SAMUELSON stated that she just asked PRN for the gov emails andl l gave them to her gc UHF-GHQ In late September or early October of 2014 SAMUELSON requested that PRN provide a full export of all of the emails from tenure to ensure they captured all relevant emails SAMUELSON stated this re uest was not done in response to any identi ed gaps but in an effort to produce all relevant emailsl q 3rovided the full export to SAMUELSON using the same 135 remote access process as described above While providing the full email export to SAMUELSON he b7 removed the previously provided gov emails Upon realizing this SAMUELSON aske to give her the gov export tiles again because she wanted to use it as the starting point for her collection of responsive records Upon receiving the gov export for a second time SAMUELSON noticed that some of the emails from the initial export were no longer included SAMUELSON recalled that there seemed to be a pattern with the missing emails and it involved gov addresses that were in the carbon copy CC line of the email SAMUELSON a train contacted PRN and requested that they provide the missing documents and in response I Tprovided several smaller pst exports to fill the identi ed gaps SAMUELSON had requested PRN pull all emails from Clinton's tenure January 2009 to February 2013 However upon receiving the above described exports she noticed emails were missing for the period of January 2009 to March 2009 She asked PRN to double check for emails from that time period but they were unable to locate any responsive emails SAMUELSON came to believe that those emails were not backed up on any server and had only resided on the Blackberry CLINTON was using at that time thus making them un-retrievable SAMUELSON did not have contemporaneous knowledge of the Apple server and therefore did not make an effort to check it for relevant records In searching for other relevant records SAMUELSON checked thel @gmail com account and b5 found one email exchange SAMUELSON did not contact other associates of CLINTON to include bite HANLEY to request any records they might have UHF-GHQ SAMUELSON was shown a PRN invoice #37068 dated August '16 2014 which contains the work description Worked with Heather via phonefremote session to restore access to archived emails per In response SAMUELSON stated that she did not know what that work description meant and that she didn t recall ever losing access to the exported emails aside from when the initial gov export was removed by b6 U1293869 SAMUELSON was shown an internal PRN email from referencing an be urgent phone call with CESC on November 24 2104 to which she provided she had no recollection of MC what the call was about SAMUELSON was then shown a PRN work ticket report from November 24 2014 which contains the summary note Worked with Heather via phonetremote control session on more specific export requirements In response SAMUELSON stated she could not speculate on what those notes meant and she was unaware of any activities by PRN to re-establish connection to HRC emails in November of 2014 UNCLASSIF Rm Ill- P95 Continuation of of Interview of Heather Samuelson On Page 4 WEBB-G SAMUELSON was never given direct access to the mailboxes on the server and she was not aware of anybody else being granted such access SAMUELSON was never given administrative access to the server and she was not aware of anybody else being granted administrative access Cull and Review of Emails UHF-989 SAMUELSON stated she was primarily responsible for conducting the review at the direction of MILLS and KENDALL She conducted the review over the course of several months and completed it just prior to December 5 2014 when the documents were turned over to DOS SAMUELSON conducted the review on her laptop both in her apartment and in of ce in Friendship Heights Washington DC UHF-GHQ SAMUELSON reviewed the emails provided by PRN in Microsoft Outlook and placed any responsive emails in a separate folder She began by adding all of the gov emails and any email to or from a mil email address to the folder She then searched the emails provided by PRN for any email to or from senior leadership at DOS This included key individuals such as Under Secretaries Assistant Secretaries Ambassadors Department Heads and Senior DOS Aides SAMUELSON then reviewed the sender and receivers of the remaining emails to identify any congress members foreign leaders or other of cial contacts Lastly she searched the remaining emails for key words that included terms such as Afghanistan Libya and Benghazi SAMUELSON reviewed the sender receiver and subject line of every single email during the review However she stated that she did not read the content of each individual email if she could determine it was a work or personal email from the sender receiver or subject line SAMUELSON provided that she did her best to review and identify any emails that were potentially a mix of work and personal content When asked how work related emails between ABEDIN and CLINTON may have been missed SAMUELSON stated ABEDIN may have kept emails that CLINTON did not UH-POW SAMUELSON did not have a formal process for removing duplicate copies of the same email from the set of work related emailsassist with this process SAMUELSON stated she would remove a copy of the email if she noticed that it was a duplicate but she did not have a formalized or consistent process for identifying and removing duplicates Uff F'Otl'O Upon completing the review SAMUELSON printed all ofthe emails she deemed to be relevant The paper copies were then subsequently reviewed by MILLS and KENDALL and anything they deemed not to be work related was shredded The remaining physical documents were ultimately provided to DOS SAMUELSON stated that she printed the emails in of ce and noted there is still a printer in office but she was not sure if it was the same printer Following the review SAMUELSON created a digital copy or a preservation copy of the relevant documents that were provided to DOS The files were placed on a thumb drive and provided to KENDALL SAMUELSON believed this drive is the same thumb drive provided to the FBI by KENDALL SAMUELSON also created a second copy of the documents provided to DOS and placed Rm Ill- P95 Continuation of of Interview of Heat her Samuelson On Page 5 them on a second laptop of hers SAMUELSON was not aware of any other copies of the files Nor was she aware of a master copy of all of the personal and private emails SAMUELSON was shown copies of the thumb drives previously provided to the FBI but could not recall if any were the same as the one she had used One of the thumb drives was labeled as PRIME 2 and SAMUELSON did not know what the label referred to UHF-GHQ The review methodology was developed by SAMUELSON MILLS and KENDALL SAMUELSON did not consider using any commercially available e-discovery tools for the review and they did not consult any individuals who were not an agent of Clinton during the review process SAMUELSON stated they did not discuss how to handle potentially classified emails during the review because they had no reason to believe any classified material was contained in the emails She further noted that none of the emails were marked as being cl assified During the review process SAMUELSON noticed the imported emails displayed CLINTON email as despite the fact this address was not created until after tenure SAMUELSON discussed the issue with but she did not fully b5 understand his explanation for why this was occurring and he was never able to resolve the problem hm SAMUELSON did not consult anybody else about this issue Deletion of Emails In January of 2015 SAMUELSON asked to remove the exported as emails files that had previously been provided to her by PRN While she retained separate digital copies hm of the emails provided to DOS as discussed above she no longer wanted the email exports provided by PRN on her computer Using a similar process as described above ccessed her computer remotely and removed the les SAMUELSON provided thatl Itook additional steps during the deletion process so the les would not be recoverable SAMUELSON did not know what software or processes were used byl but believed that the files would be dif cult if not impossible to recover SAMUELSON did not remember having any discussions with labout deleting relevant data from the free space of her laptop Nor did she recall any discussions with I about the use of BleachBit SAMUELSON did not recall deleting any of the files by herself before contacting PRN UH-F989 SAMUELSON stated that in May of 2015 she deleted some emails from her copy of the work related emails that were previously provided to DOS SAMUELSON explained that she was notified by DOS prior to the release of the first tranche of FOIA emails that some ofthe work related emails they had turned over were cl assifred She was instructed by DOS to delete the files and then empty those les from the trash bin SAMUELSON did not believe these files were removed from the thumb drive she had previously provided to KENDALL In or about December of 2014 SAMUELSON was on a call in which the email retention policy was discussed She was aware the retention period was changed to 60 days and any older UNCLASSIFIEDHFOHO Rm Ill- P95 Continuation of of Interview of Heat her Samuelson On Page 6 emails would be deleted However SAMUELSON did not direct PRN to remove any exported pst files on the server or any mailboxes on the server SAMUELSON was not aware of any other deletions of relevant emails She was aware PRN traveled to the datacenter in March of 201 5 via her role as counsel but had not instructed them to do so SAMUELSON was not aware of exports or deletions conducted by PRN on the server in September of 2015 Devices used During the Review UHF-838 SAMUELSON used her own laptop to conduct the review and noted that she also used the laptop for other work related matters as well She described it as a Lenovo Yoga 2 laptop SAMUELSON stated that following the review she accidentally spilled water on the laptop Fearing that the computer would fail she purchased a second Lenovo laptop and placed a copy of the emails that were prepared for DOS on it SAMUELSON noted that the Lenovo Yoga 2 computer continued to work until sometime last year when it failed to power on The Lenovo Yoga 2 computer is currently in the possession of her counsel and the second Lenovo was given to KENDALL and then subsequently turned over to the FBI SAMUELSON reviewed pictures of the laptops that were previously turned over to the FBI and stated that the silver Lenovo laptop appeared to be the same as the laptop that she used UHF-6699 SAMUELSON stated that both laptops were connected to the internet and they both had antivirus software installed on them SAMUELSON did not repurpose the laptops after the review and never attempted to reformat or factory reset the computers UHF-GHQ A copy of the original interview notes are enclosed in a A envelope Rev 5-3-10 as use i a amt-w I-HI swan-1mm I ELLIwnxuannromnnImn HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE at crewsesa as Ice FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Daloofenuga MARCEL LEHEL LAZAR LAZAR also known as AKA date of birthl I alien registration number was b5 interviewed at the UNITED STATES OFFICE uses 401 Courthouse Square Alexandria Virginia 22314 LAEAR was advised that the nature of this interview was to discuss the extent of LAZAR's hacking activities related to HILLARY personal email server After being advised of the identities of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview LAZAR provided the following information LAZAR he an by stating that he had never claimed to hack the CLINTON Server advised that FOX NEWS had recently published an b6 article which reported that LAZAR had claimed to hack the CLINTON server LAZAR then stated that he recalled the interview with FOX NEWS and that he had lied to them about hacking the CLINTON server asked LAZAR to provide a complete explanation of his hacking activities surrounding the CLINTON server LAZAR provided the following information in response On or about March 14 2013 at approximately 6 00 AM Romanian Time LAZAR was perusingl Iaddress book Within it LAEAR identified as an AMERICA ONLINE AOL email account which he later determined to he the personal email account of SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL LAEAR then made several attempts to access email account After approximately 20 minutes LAZAR was able to successfully gain access to the account by correctly answering an account security question which in turn allowed him to reset the password for the account LAZAR then utilized the new user credentials to access account LAZAR recalled that account contained approximately 30 000 emails which took him approximately six to seven hours to sort and review LAZAR downloaded approximately 25 attachments that were contained in the emails including memorandums memos and briefing documents He recalled that some of those attachments were official memos between BLUNENTHAL and CLINTON Additionally LAZAR took screenshots of other items in the account that he deemed to be of interest LAZAR recalled taking a screenshot of an email that contained information related to the Benghazi incident b3 05 26 2016 at Alexandria Virginia United States In Person sea I I Dmg gkd 06102f2016 sl II LI I be ch This document tannins ncimcr recommendations nor conclusions of The is the prop-my nf Ihe FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its Contents an not to be dislribuled nulsidc your agency Rev 95-93-10 I I 133 Interview of Marcel Lehel LAZER 05f26f2016 Pna 2 of 4 Nhile looking through account LAZAR identified one email exchange between BLUMENTHAL and CLINTON where CLINTON was using the domain of clintonemail com LAZAR reviewed the header information for that email in attempt to identify the originating IP address for the mail server associated with that domain LAZAR identified one corresponding IP address which was 127 0 0 1 LAZAR recognized that IP address as being an internal routing address and assumed that it was assigned to an internal mail server at the AOL service provider Therefore LAZAR had no additional information about the CLINTON email server and concluded his hacking attempts against it at that time LAZAR stated that this was the full extent of his hacking activities related to the CLINTON email server After spending approximately six or seven hours in account LAZAR took a break from the computer which lasted approximately two to three hours When he returned to the computer he no longer had access to account LAZAR recalled that his access was terminated around He assumed that BLUMENTHAL likely b6 made a phone call to AOL in order to reset his password and regain access to the account LAZAR believed that BLUMENTHAL resided in at that time As a form of normal practice LAZAR would send the results of his hacking activities to news agencies world wide After accessing account LAZAR THE SMOKING GUN and b6 advised that he was going to send the BLUHENTHAL information to approximately 100 different news agencies which he had identified prior to the compromise of account LAZAR recalled using a variety of computer hacking tools for his hacking activities such as ANGRYIP METASPLOIT SUBSEUEN and CAIN AND ABLE LAZAR used a remote administration tool RAT as well to create his own malware That tool operated by splitting an existing malware exploit into two pieces manipulating the hexadecimal code and then repacking the malware for deployment LAZAR recalled using the tool for this activity LAZAR utilized this technique to send out spearuphishing emails to various targeted victims The malware would ultimately install a keyHlogging software on the victim computer When asked to elaborate on the key logging software LAZAR stated that he could not When asked how he retrieved the results of the key-logging software from the victims LAZAR provided that the software allowed him to enter a return email address and the results of the key logger were emailed to that account LAZAR could not recall the email accounts that he used for this activity LAZAR sent this form of malware to approximately 100 different people and estimated that only approximately 15 Rev 05-03-10 UNCLASSIFIEDIKEBUG I 333 ave Interview of Marcel Lehel LAZAR 05 26f2016 PMF 3 of 4 of them ultimately opened the attachment LAZAR did not send any spear phishing emails to users at the clintonemail com domain During other hacking guests LAZAR utilized various IP scanning tools to determine whether or not an IP address was online and which ports they made available on the Internet Lassa recalled using the ANGRYIP scanning tool most frequently LAZAR attempted to use Russian proxy servers for his scanning activities in order to evade monitoring by the United States government Russian IE proxies afforded him with faster Internet speeds than others LAZAR repeatedly checked his outfacing IP address in order to ensure that he was using Russian proxies When asked how he utilized Russian proxies with the ANGRYIP tool LAZAR relayed that the tool itself afforded the ability to connect to Russian proxies LAZAR could not provide any additional details on how the ANGRYIP tool accomplished this When asked about other Internet proxy usage LAZAE provided that he also utilized MOEILLA FIREFOX as his browser of choice and that a plug in was available for the browser which routed Internet traffic through Russian proxies LAZAR could not provide any additional details on how the plug-in accomplished this nor could he recall the plug in that he used in FIREFOX LAZAR also used the HIDENYASS website for masking his online activities as well In the beginning of the interview LAZAR recalled using the HETASPLOIT tool in approximately 2008 or 2009 He stated that he was merely an amateur with METASPLOIT and that he really didn't understand how to use it LAZAR utilized NETASPLOIT on WINDOWS computers only from a graphical user interface rather than the WINDOWS command prompt LAZAR is not familiar with the LINUX operating system Later in the interview LAZAR recalled using NETASPOIT in either 2009 or 2010 during which time frame he made a how to FACEBOOK video that demonstrated how one could take a remote screenshot of a user s desktop with METASPLOIT LAZAR utilized the CAIN AND ABLE software tool for password cracking He also used that tool from a GUI rather than the command prompt LAZAR recalled that the GUI had green and red buttons on it When asked to describe how he utilized the CAIN AND ABLE program LAZAR stated that he would use it for password cracking once inside a network When asked whether or not he used it for cracking password hashes that were dumped from a system he replied yes When asked to further describe the process of dumping password hashes from a system LAZAR provided that he could not do Rev 0503-10 b3 CentinnadonofFD-S zof Interview of Marcel Lehel LASER 014 05f26f2016 Egg 4 of 15 so in English when asked whether or not he could describe that process in Romanian he stated that he could not LAZAR used the CAIN AND ABLE software product in either 2010 or 2011 LAZAR used other remote administration tools for his hacking activities but could not recall the names of any of them when targeting an IP address for access LAZAR often attempted to log into it via his web browser by typing the IP address into the browser LAZAR utilized multiple different computers for his hacking activities none of which_he has access to anymore LAZAR recalled working with computers since he was approximately 15 years old On approximately four or five occasions during this interview LAZAR referred to himself as being an amateur hacker and not a professional On one occasion LAZAR also referred to himself as being a script kiddie who merely knows how to hack accounts by answering security account questions correctly as he did with the BLUMENTHAL account Present during this interview were the following individuals LAZAR FBI sal le IEBI SA DSS I be I nos CCIPSI Isusa sues and Attorney Public Defenderl I ALL EEI HEREIN IS DETE 03-19-2015 ET HSIEG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date UHF-836 On December 22 201 S BRYAN PAGLIANO was interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agents land Information 305 Technology Specialistt Forensie Examinerl lat the offices of the Department of Justice we Counterintelligence and Export Control Section CBS Also present were AkinGump attorneys I lConnor Mullin Counsel and Mark MacDougall Partner Additionallyi andl lfrom the US Department of Justice were also present After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview PAGLIANO provided the following information UHF-666 CLINTON PAGLIANO came to work on HILLARY 2008 presidential campaign as an information technology specialist Following HILLARY appointment as the Secretary of State in 2009 PAGLIANO gained employment at the Department of State DOS as an Information Technology Specialist in the Bureau of Resource Management In the fall of 2008 JUSTIN COOPER introduced himselfto PAGLIANO via email and subsequently called PAGLIANO In the call COOPER stated he understood PAGLIANO was liquidating computer equipment from HILLARY 2008 presidential campaign and explained he was interested in transitioning from an Apple OS private email server used by aides of BILL CLINTON to another email exchange server COOPER asked PAGLIANO for help setting up new equipment to support a new email server and for assistance in the administration of the server PAGLIANO began work on building an email server at street using computer equipment from HILLARY 2008 presidential campaign In late 2008 at the time PAGLIANO was building the server he did not know HILLARY CLINTON would be Secretary of State or have an account on the server PAGLIANO believed the email server he was building would be used for private email exchange with BILL CLINTON aides Around March 2009 once the new server equipment was assembled COOPER and PAGLIANO met at the CLINTON residence in Chappaqua NY to install the server and migrate the email Investigation on 12t22t2015 at Washington DC 133 b7E File I I302 Date dictated A This document contains neither recommendations of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to yonragenejt' it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Intcn'icw of Bryan Pagliano On Page 2 accounts from the Apple OS server to the new server PAGLIANO also recalled that be as present as well as some United States Secret Service Special Agents PAGLIANO hm recalled the Apple OS server to be in the basement at Chappaqua and consisting of an Apple Power Macintosh G4 or OS tower and an HP printer supported by Internet Printing Protocol IPP over port 9100 so that staff could print from the Harlem offi ce PAGLIANO installed the new server equipment which was comprised ofa 'l2-unit rack with a Dell PowerEdge '1950 used as a Blackberry Enterprise Server BES Dell PowerEdge 2900 Dell unmanaged switch 3U power supply 3 terabyte TB external hard drive Kiwi Syslog Server and a Cisco Private Internet eXchange PIX 515E IP firewall the collection of server equipment hereafter referred to as Exchange Server PAGLIANO stated that he did not utilize tape backups but implemented disk to disk backups instead PAGLIANO began the email migration from the Apple OS server to Exchange Server 1 while on-site in Chappaqua in March 2009 but did not nish on-site and continued working on the migration from his hotel room PAGLIANO believed he popped out all the email from the Apple OS server when migrating and that no email content should have existed on the Apple OS server once it was migrated to Exchange Server COOPER changed the Mail Exchange NIX records to ensure delivery to Exchange Server 1 There were only two system administrators on Exchange Server 1 PAGLIANO and COOPER PAGLIANO disagreed with housing Exchange Server '1 in a residential basement due to having only one unreliable internet connection COOPER disagreed and wanted physical access to Exchange Server '1 PAGLIANO never knew of Exchange Server 1 residing in another physical location other than Chappaqua UHF-OHS As far as the Apple OS server is concerned PAGLIANO did not know of any other function or use of the server other than to facilitate email exchange PAGLIANO did not know who installed the Apple OS server but believed COOPER was the only person with administrator access Two email domains existed on the Apple OS server presidentclinton com and clintonemail com Both domains were also maintained on Exchange server '1 PAGLIANO believedl COOPER b5 and had email accounts on the nresidentclintoncom domain and HUMA ABEDIN andl had email accounts on the clintonemailcom domain Once email was migrated to Exchange server 1 all users could use either the presidentclintoncom or clintonemail com domains for receiving email but replies would be sent from the clintonemailcom domain for users of the clintonemail com domain PAGLIANO did not know if HILLARY CLINTON had an account on the Apple OS server but he did not migrate one PAGLIANO did not know how users connected to the Apple OS server lor COOPER would monitor the printer linked to the Apple OS server but PAGLIANO was unaware what if anything it was used for PAGLIANO believed the people with physical access to the Apple OS server was anyone who had access to the basement at the CLINTON residence l had physical access but not administrative access to the OS server Sometime after the email migration from the Apple OS server to Exchange server I was complete COOPER discussed repurposing the Apple OS server with PAGLIANO PAGLIANO believed the intention was for the Apple OS server to be installed as a workstation somewhere in the basement in Chappaqua for use by either COOPER or Rev Continuation of of Interview of Email Pagliano On 12f22t2015 Page 3 PAGLIANO requisitioned the hardware for Exchange Server 1 from a datacenter at HILLARY presidential campaign headquarters at 4420 W Fairfax Drive Arlington Virginia He recalled the PowerEdge 2900 to have been a Microsoft SQL server and PAGLIANO did not recall if he wiped the drives of the hardware used to build Exchange Server 1 PAGLIANO made the decision to use a Microsoft Small Business Server SBS environment on Exchange Server 1 since he had used it before and assessed it would be perfect for a small amount of users exchanging email Exchange Server 1 was only used for email exchange and although PAGLIANO did enable Windows SharePoint Services it was never used PAGLIANO wanted to use a cloud service similar to that used in HILLARY 2008 Presidential campaign but COOPER disagreed with PAGLIANO and did not want to use a cloud service Because of this decision PAGLIANO used an external hard drive to back up Exchange Server 1 using Windows back-up service To effect this change PAGLIANO scheduled a task through Windows for a full back up once a week and a differential back-up every day These periodic back-ups would overwrite on the hard drive in a first-in first-out manner For security PAGLIANO used Microsoft Forefront on the Dell PowerEdge 2900 as a baseline security analyzer PAGLIANO recalled finding a virus but recalled no other detail other than it being nothing of great concern PAGLIANO chose to turn File Transfer Protocol FTP off PAGLIANO thought the biggest vulnerability to Exchange Server 1 to be a Brute Force Attack BFA PAGLIANO stated that BFAs increased over the life of the server and he set-up the logs to alert COOPER of a failed log-in attempt The Internet Protocol IP filtering on the server was manual using a 515E straight IP block and PAGLIANO used Domain Name System DNS for inbound filtering On the Dell PowerEdge '1950 PAGLIANO used a Kiwi Syslog server and tried to pull and review the firewall log les once a month At some point COOPER put PAGLIANO in contact with I from the for a reason unknown to PAGLIANO to be also perform outbound filtering of email traffic 3 75 UHF-OHS The back-up hard drive and mailboxes on Exchange server 1 were not PAGLIANO wanted to move toward two factor authentication using an RSA authentication server for all Remote Desktop Protocol RDP access on Exchange Server because he thought it was a good practice As a test PAGLIANO installed it on his workstation as well as s but PAGLIANO did not end up implementing two-factor authentication and did not turn off RDP access PAGLIANO stated there were no security breaches on Exchange Server 1 but there were a lot of BFAs PAGLIANO knew the attempts were BFAs instead of users forgetting their passwords because the user names in the EPA attempts weren t even close to any legitimate user name PAGLIANO could not recall a speci c country that would attempt an inordinate amount of BFAs In summer 2009 PAGLIANO noticed an account on Exchange server '1 called PAGLIANO asked COOPER who this email account belonged to and COOPER stated it belonged to HILLARY CLINTON PAGLIANO assumed the account was a personal email account PAGLIANO Rev Ill- r35 Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview of Bryan Pagliano On 12f22t20I5 Page 4 recalled the email account to be Later after SYDNEY 5 email account was hacked HILLARY account changed to HRODESinciintoneniaii corn UHF-GHQ In summer 2009 Iandl I both Information Technology Specialists at the DOS contacted PAGLIANO and asked him to come to the 7m floor in DOS Headquarters Once there PAGLIANO was asked if he was aware of the clintonemailcom domain and PAGLIANO replied in the affirmative PAGLIANO recalled nothing further about this enco mter PAGLIANO relayed this incident td I and had a visceral reaction and didn t want to know anymore In late 2009 or early 2010 lreached out to PAGLIANO again and relayed to PAGLIANO that the use of a private email server by HILLARY b6 CLINTON may be a federal records retention to PAGLIANO that he wanted 137 to convey this to HILLARY CLINTON inner circle but could not reach them and asked if PAGLIANO would rela this information PAGLIANO then approached CHERYL MILLS in her offrce and relayed I Iconcerns regarding federal records retention and the use of a private email server PAGLIANO remembers MILLS replying that former Secretaries of State had done the same thing to include COLIN POWELL PAGLIANO thought he may have also mentioned the federal records retention issue with JUSTIN COOPER Additionally PAGLIANO recalled a third conversation with whereZlbrought up security concerns and stated that email transiting from a stategov account to Exchange Server 1 should be through a Transport Layer Security TLS tunnel stated to PAGLIANO that he wouldn t be surprised if classified information was being transmitted UHF-OHS PAGLIANO stated the hardware used for Exchange Server 'l was paid for by the CLINTON family and through the 2008 presidential campaign and at least some of the hardware was acquired through U821 Computers PAGLIANO believed most financial and acquisition matters regarding the LINTONs would go through COOPER directly PAGLIANO performed work for the CLINTONs without a contract and through contact with COOPER COOPER wanted to do work under a retainer but they settled on an hourly wage In June 201 l PAGLIANO travelled to Chappaqua to perform maintenance and install new upgrades to Exchange Server 'l The discs began failing in the 3 TB external hard drive in Exchange Server I and PAGLIANO replaced it with a CISCO NAS storage device PAGLIANO chose CISCO because they make good products and he may have consulted USZI Computers as well PAGLIANO allocated more than half of the storage space for back-ups of Exchange Server 1 and the rest for file storage When uninstalling the 3 TB hard drive and installing the CISCO NAS PAGLIANO did not move the contents from one to the other PAGLIANO simply unplugged the USB connection for the 3TB hard drive and pointed the server back-ups t'c ward the CISCO NAS PAGLIANO also added memory to the Dell PowerEdge 1950 added a Gigabit switch upgraded to a ISCO ASA 5500 firewall off loaded syslogging to the CISCO NAS bratr ht a CISCO botnet filter and CISCO Intrusion Prevention Service IPS and replaced the batteries on UPS along with other various upgrades and maintenance Additionally PAGLIANO upgraded the BES from 5 0 to 6 0 and checked for any software patching Rev Continuation off-D6112 of Intcn'iew of Bryan Pagliano On IZIZZHZIHS Page 5 UH-F999 In the Winter of 201 the Internet Service Provider ISP providing intemet service to the CLINTON residence in Chappaqua went down due to a storm As a result Exchange Server 1 was unable to process email While the Internet was down and to ensure email delivery PAGLIANO advised COOPER to change the mail exchanger MX record for email accounts on Exchange Server 1 to point to Google PAGLIANO wasn t certain if COOPER did this or who it was done for but assumed it was done for HILLARY CLINTON and HUMA ABEDIN since they were the most concerned about lack of email delivery Individuals with an email account on Exchange Server 1 could log into their account through any means available to them PAGLIANO viewed his responsibilities as maintenance and operation of the server PAGLIANO recalled HILLARY CLINTON used a BlackBerry as a mobile device but could not recall the various handsets PAGLIANO met with MONICA HANLEY at some point in 201 '1 or 2012 to configure a BlackBerry for HILLARY CLINTON but could not recall any detail about the device Upori l1eaving the emgloy and pursuant to a request froni PAGLIANO recalled doing an export of 40 Gigabytes 0 email This is the only export PAGLIANO could recall doing PAGLIANO believed he may have done an export of email for I I but could not recall PAGLIANO did recall doing an import of DOS contacts for HUMA ABEDIN onto Exchange Server UHF-GHQ PAGLIANO could not recall accessing the content of email on Exchange Server 1 and was never aware of any classi ed information residing on Exchange Server 1 early 2013 PAGLIANO recalled the user limitations and reliability of Exchange Server 1 prompted discussions to search for another vendor to manage a CLINTON email exchange server PAGLIANO recalled a conversation withl land COOPER about career aspirations and what email requirements she may need Eventually MILLS and weighed in relating to Exchange Server 1 and the end of HILLARY tenure as Secretary of State At some point an individual named began the process of nding a vendor to manage a new CLINTON email exchange server PAGLIANO did not know previously or how she came to be involved with the search for a vendor Eventually showed PAGLIANO a presentation detailing three vendors and their capabilities PAGLIANO recommended a company called Platte River Networks PRN Ultimately PAGLIANO recalled the decision being with and she chose PRN UHF-GHQ Once the decision was made to go with PRN PAGLIANO recalled communicating with PRN employeel Irelated to the transition from Exchange Server 1 to the server PRN was going to use Around this time PAGLIANO was already 4 to 5 months into a newjob as an IT 136 b6 b6 Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview of Bryan Pagliano On 12f22t20I5 Page 6 specialist at GARTNER PAGLIANO gavel administrator access to Exchange Server '1 as be well as user names and passwords to individual email accounts PAGLIANO recalled talking to we once or twice and possibly I In order to prepare Exchange Server 1 for the transition to PRN PAGLIANO also trimmed mailboxes and cleared out white space PAGLIANO described this as a maintenance process of reclaiming space from old mailboxes like in the example 0 UHF-GHQ Based on conversations he had or was aware of PAGLIANO recalled knowing that PRN was going to use a DATTO service for backing up their server a CloudJacket device for network protection and potentially two-factor authentication was responsible for establishing the contract 13-6 of services PRN was going to implement and ensure they were implemented if UHF-GHQ PAGLIANO was shown an email dated January 30 2014 where a user list was populated by Platte River Networks regarding their management of a CLINTON email server Regarding the email PAGLIANO did not recognize the mailbox Archive PAGLIANO stated after PRN took control of managing an email server for the CLINTONs he had no visibility into the server or the mailboxes UH-131988 In what PAGLIANO remembered as the fall of 2013 MILLS called PAGLIANO and inquired about the effectiveness of two types of software for wiping computer data but PAGLIANO could not recall the names of the software PAGLIANO discussed the difference between bit wiping and deleting with MILLS PAGLIANO inferred from his conversation with MILLS that PRN was going to excise data PAGLIANO recalled using Boot and Nuke software when deleting and repurposing computers while working on HILLARY CLINTON 2008 presidential campaign but didn't recall if he discussed that with MILLS In July 2014 PAGLIANO had a conference call with MILLS and to discuss an archive of HILLARY CLINTON emails from her time as Secretary of State PAGLIANO recalled that MILLS trying to determine why a gap existed in HILLARY 5 emails between January 2009 and March 2009 In separate conversations with COOPER b5 PAGLIANO understood that CLINTON used a BlackBerry email address before hosting her account on we Exchange Server I and that explained the 0a from January 2009 to March 2009 PAGLIANO could not recall a conversation with MILLS or' after July 2014 Uni- 636 In Spring 2015 MILLS asked PAGLIANO if he would mind talking to DAVID KENDALL from Williams 8 Connolly LLP PAGLIANO agreed to talk to KENDALL and described the interaction as a shorter version of PAGLIANU conversation with FBI agents as memorialized herein PAGLIANO stated there is nothing he told KENDALL that he didn t also relay to the interviewing FBI agents Rev Continuation of of Interview of Brian Pagliano On 13232015 Page At this point in the interview FBI agents displayed documents to PAGLIANO that were Bates stamped as an identifying mark PAGLIANO was asked questions as it pertained to each respective document The following was provided by PAGLIANO UHF-BBS After viewing a document marked HC-001 PAGLIANO stated the credit of $5 000 00 to his account was a payment including expenses for his work in March 2009 setting up Exchange Server 1 The payment of $8 350 83 in June 2011 was for his previously described maintenance work on Exchange Server 1 to include expenses After viewing a document marked HC-014 PAGLIANO stated the line item 1 11t 2011 Conference call with Security team was the previousl described communication with related to outbound filtering PAGLIANO stated was an individual he worked with at 135 U321 Computers PAGLIANO recalled HILLARY CLINTON turned off Bluetooth capability on her we BlackBerry while COOPER and possibly enabled Bluetooth on their handsets PAGLIANO stated I referred to in a document marked wasEl After viewing a document marked H0008 PAGLIANO stated the Mailbox kick off indicated in the invoice was related to the previously described work exportingl mailbox 135 we After viewing a document marked HC-004 PAGLIANO stated the iPad referred to in the invoice belonged to HILLARY CLINTON PAGLIANO did not con gure the iPad and could not recall when HILLARY CLINTON started using it nor any other details related to the iPad Ufi F'ei 'e After viewing a document marked HC-010 PAGLIANO stated in March 2013 MILLS requested an analysis of Exchange Server 1 PAGLIANO recalled giving Exchange Server 1 a grade and conveyed in his analysis the limitations of Exchange Server 1 and recommendations for a more robust email system PAGLIANO relayed the greatest liability of Exchange Server '1 to be reliability and referenced the incidents in which the ISP lost power and was unable to provide internet service to the residence in Chappaqua PAGLIANO had always been against housing a server in a residential basement and preferred the security and reliability of an established data center MILLS did not have an email account on Exchange Server 1 and used stategov and gmail for email exchange After viewing a document marked HIS-002 PAGLIANO stated the virtual private network VPN referred to in the invoice was not for users of Exchange Server 1 and just for administrator use PAGLIANO stated he installed the IPS at the same time the CISCO ASA firewall went in place in June 2011 PAGLIANO fine tuned the over time fluctuating between turning logging on and off as needed Rev Continuation of of Inten'iew of Brian Paglinno On Page 8 The notes of the interview and all aforementioned documents displayed to PAGLIANO will be stored in a FD34O envelope and led with the captioned investigation ALL- INFORMATION CONTAINED Rein HEREIN IS BATE 03-13-2016 ET JETJEETEM FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Dale oftimiseiiptien it iZiiZtil On June 21 2016 BRYAN PAGLIANO was interviewed teleohonically by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agents SA land Information Technology b5 Specialist Forensic Examiner Also on the call for the interview were AkinGump attorneys Partner Connor Mullin Counsel Mark MacDougall Partner and Additionally from the U S Department of Justice was also on the call After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview PAGLIANO provided the following information PAGLIANO did not work on the Apple email server set up by JUSTIN COOPER for WILLIAM CLINTON aides and therefore has no information regarding a Secure Socket Layer SSL certificate registered for the Apple server PAGLIANO did go through the full registration process for establishing an SSL certificate on the server he later built which enabled email to be while in transit Based on a request from COOPER PAGLIANO built an email server in early 2009 in HILLARY 2008 presidential campaign space on street PAGLIANO could not recall the exact address of the building Once built PAGLIANO rented a minivan and drove to Chappaqua New York to install the email server in the CLINTON residence PAGLIANO could not recall any existing computer systems at the Chappaqua residence other than the Apple server previously described to the FBI When designing the network for the server PAGLIANO left the home internet network separate from the server leaving it outside his firewall b3 Im estigation on 06i2Ii'2016 at i v'ashinulon DC b7E File -302 Date dictated MA By I I be This document contains neither recommendations 1101' conclusions of the FBI It is the prope y of the FBI and is loaned to yenrageney it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agave Rev Continuation of FD-BUE of Interview of Bryan Pagliano On My IIZO If Page 2 PAGLIANO recalled being given a list of user names and passwords that COOPER asked to be transferred from COOPER's Apple server to system PAGLIANO did not recall transferring an account for HILLARY CLINTON and does not know how her account was installed on the server he built PAGLIANO installed an lP based printer on this email system with the express intent of allowing the CLINTON office in Harlem to print at the Chappaqua residence PAGLIANO installed regular updates to software on the email server using auto patching every night PAGLIANO did some work to experiment with two- factor authentication but did not implement it on the server because it would have been difficult to administer PAGLIANO changed the name of the built in Administrator account and eventually disabled it PAGLIANO could not recall saving a file called netstat txt When PAGLIANO received a recommendation to do outbound IP filtering fromI lat the United States Secret Service he be implemented the change Around January 2011 PAGLIANO recalled a brute force attack BEA on the server where COOPER was receiving failed log in attempt notifications on his email Because COOPER could not reach PAGLIANO COOPER panicked and shut down the server PAGLIANO recalled nothing abnormal about this EPA and eventually trained COOPER to insert lP blocks PAGLIANO made it clear to COOPER he could not administer the server on a day-to-day basis After a recommendation by an employee at STATE DEPARTMENT hereafter STATE to implement Transport Layer Security TLS between the CLINTON email server and STATE servers PAGLIANO did not implement TLS PAGLIANO understood the CLINTON email server to be a personal email server and did not see a reason for In early 2013 PAGLIANO found employment at GARTNER and conversations began between CHERYL I b6 andl Ipertaining to hiring a third party company to administer a CLINTON email server PAGLIANO could not recall when he gave access to his server to from PLATTE RIVER NETWORKS PRN Once PAGLIANO did grant access to IPAGLIANO did no utility work on the server and was not monitoring it Although he Rev Continm uion of FD-BUE of Interview of Bryan Pagliano On My If Page 3 could not remember a specific date PAGLIANO believed the last time he accessed the server was around March of 2013 Notes of the interview will be maintained in a FD340 envelope ALL EBI HEREIN IS DATE 08-19-2015 Bf HSICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Rev Date was interviewed in her office at the b6 Washington D C by Federal Bureau of bf Investigation FBI Special Agents SA I Interviewing agents explained the interview was voluntary an ould stop the interview at an time After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the provided the following information tweet-rel b5 b7 participated in daily 8 45am meetings with the Secretary of State and her executive staff CLINTON was not always present at said meetings as she traveled quite a bit assessed she attended meetings wherein CLINTON was present approximately three to six times a week when CLINTON was in town idid not have a relationship with CLINTON prior to employment reported directly to CLINTON but did not email CLINTON directly until six to eight months after she began working at DoSI was not initially provided CLINTON email address so when she wanted to send or forward a message to CLINTON she would route it throu 1h HUMA ABEDIN At some point in the rst six to eight months of her employment at Irecalled CLINTON responding to one of the messages she forwarded up directly At this point sked ABEDIN if it was okay to go direct with CLINTON and was granted the privilege explained the privilege of emailing CLINTON direct was not a privilege she used While I did not have a history of Government Service she thought it was normal for someone in position to have a gatekeeper system in place Investigation on 12 1f 16 20 5 at Washington DC b3 File a Lin Date dictated MA ME By i 136 etc This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to yonrageney it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rev Ill- 335 Continuation of of Interview of On 12t16t2ttlfi Page 2 Uff-POU-OI Icould not recall if the emails she directly sent to and from CLINTON were on or private email accountI Idid not recall seeing actual email address Rather whenl Ireceived or responded to emails from CLINTON she recalled seeing a single initial I Ibelieved she recalled seein as the name ofthe sender when she received direct CLINTON emails during her time at asl and other executives would refer to CLINTON as noted that although she is no longer at she still maintains email contact with CLINTON and now receives emails from CLINTON where the name of the sender is had no knowledge CLINTON was using her own private server until it was reported in the media held a Secret clearance while she was at but rarely worked in the classi ed realm WhileI I received access to and training on the use of classified computer systems she hardly accessed classified system did not recall ever using her classified email account I Iwould have been more likely to use his classified email accountl Iassessed Ialmost entirely worked off the classified system asked to review an email dated 9f12t2009 wherein sent an email titled For for discussion on Afghanistan tomorrow from her unclassified email account to CHERYL D MILLS and JACOB J unclassified email accounts ABEDIN andl lwere carbon copied on the email While reading through the email Iat one point stated good Lord and further stated that the information contained in n- the email wasI I writing 1_ Iwas also referenced in the first line of the email not recall specifically sending the 23009 email to MILLS and SULLIVAN but mentioned she would not have known the information contained in the email There Afghanistan Review was ongoing at the time ofthe 9f'12f2009 email and recalled strong conflictin inions concerning the role corruption played in the Af jhan olitical strategy I ikely sendihe information in a se arate email whichI Iwould I I have edited before sending to MILLS and SULLIVAN ike spoke the phone or in person about the matter before emailed the information UHF-GHQ After reading the 9 1219009 email a dmitted she was a bit shocked when she read over the paragraphs labeled #5 and stated she wondered to what extent she read thought through carefully before she senl_ email on to MILLS and SULLIVAN SULLIVAN had no idea what was meant by Marja Op as stated in the paragraph but explained she believedI was proposing ideas rather than revealing them further went on to say she wouldn't have recommended kinetic action b6 b6 b6 bill 136 b'i'C b6 b6 Rev b6 Continuation of of Intcn icw oil On Page 3 iandl Ihave known each other prmwars father was a mentor tol I At the time of the 91 I 212009 email was working for 1 16 iwould talk to mg I Iabout a variety of issues asl likely viewedl Es a back channel to get information to CLINTON I describe as a bold thinker I saw her role as ensuring CLINTON received a wide range of viewpoints on va1ious topics Agents also asked she recalled a 6131201 1 email she sent regarding a be hacking of Google email accounts in which she recommended using the information as a platform for b7 discussing issues with the Information Technology system l limmediately remembered the email and explained she initially thought it was why the FBI wanted to speak with her UHF-869 did not recall being advised or instructed against using a personal b5 email account or personal devices used her assigned Blackberry However she was we assigned a D08 Dell computer which was very dated so she opted to use her personal laptop when she was out of the of ce lwas also issued a fob for which to remotely sign onto systems Whilel did use the fob on occasions to rem tel i In int the system she ex lained the system was slow and would shut down wiil in use ho resides in would often sign into and work off of inetwork from her home and transfer information she needed back over to systems UHF-BBS SULLIVAN was always operating off of his Blackberry so be doubted he ever used a personal account for business However MILLS would sometimes send very hm ear mornm 1 emat to around 5am that were sent frojn a personal Gmail account libelieved wasI 1 111111 o111 I could not recall the specific content of emails she received from personal email account but believed their content was mainly instructional UitFG ei Icould not recall an instance where a conversation email or otherwise be was moved from an unclassified to classified space It would be more common for a conversation to turn b7 confidential and the circle of participants would dwindle in size to accommodate sensitivities rather than change the venue of the conversation mg-9991 opined that most policy and strategy discussions would be considered 135 unclassified acknowledging that some of the participants in policy and strategy discussions may have MC additional details concerning sources and methods that would have come from classified channels At the conclusion of the interviewl told agents she had not mentioned b5 the interview to CLINTON or any of contacts from I lfurther asked if she was allowed b7 Rev lU-l i-US Continuation of of Intcn'icw oi I On 12 If 16t2ttI5 Page 4 to tell SULLIVAN andfor CLINTON she spoke with the FBI and explained she was concerned they could be upset 0 learn she so cannot prohibit discretion when discussing the matter as to prevent unnecessary information from leaking into the press he with the FBI without telling them Agents explained that while they from referencing the interview they would prefer use was not previously interviewed by D08 or any other entity related to the topics discussed during this interview Agent notes are maintained in a 1A 306 1 70 1 6 Hit 136 Bee-Hf anL EEI It-Izorzua'rtot-I conramEn FD-3t12a HEREIN Is BATE os-ls-sots av FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date mm On February 18 IDOBI I I was intervie ted by an Federal ttrean nf Tnvestinatinn PRU Snecial Aoentel at the law of ces of Washington DC Al so present for the interview were IofI land Department of Justice Dol Counterintelligence and Export Control SectionI I After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview I Iprovided the following information UHF-838 In foundedI Iwhere he continues to serve as the Managing Director Prior to founding Iserved as theI Ito former andI II also served in various positions onI I UffFO'tl I Icoordinated frequently with of cials from the Denattment of State DOS during his tenure at both theI Iandi I coordinated with weekly while at he was at Ifurther stated there was close coordination between theI Iand on all levelsI coordinated more frequently with during hisI Itenure as it was necessary to coordinate with on everything that happened down range Iprimary contacts while he was both atI IandI Iincluded CHERYL MILLSI I and JACOB SULLIVAN I Ialso occasionally communicated directly withI Iand some US Ambassadors when he was assigned to Most otEcontact with while at bothI IandI I was via telephone or email had classified and unclassified telephones and email systems available on his desk at both I Iand WhenI Isigned on to his computers atEIhe was directed to a classified network and would have to switch over to unclassified network if he wanted to communicate on an opent unclassi ed system whereas whe signed on to his computer the system automatically defaulted to the unclassified network not recall what email account was synced to hisI Iissued Blackberry Blackberry while atI Iwas synced to his unclassified account Investigation on It at Washinaton DC File it I I-3tt2 Date dictated MA By El I saI I This document contains neither recommendations not of the FBI It is the propettjt' of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency 12-6 107 b6 b6 b6 12-6 107 1 16 b3 b6 Rev b6 Continuation of of Interview 04 On 2tI8t2016 Page 2 provided a STE and safe for home use during be explained that he did not utilize the safe to store documents but occasionally used the STE did b7 not leave the STE plugged in at all times rather he would wait for someone to contact him on an unclassi ed line and request a secure call from his home before he would physically plug in the STE Ihe attended weekly lunch meetings be with then Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON and 3 75 I land CLINTON also met regularly at National Security Council NSC Principal Committee PC meetings whilel I with the CLINTON family as he served as President WILLIAM J s lin the 1990' s emailed directly with CLINTON He was not aware of the email b5 account CLINTON was using nor was he aware that her email account was oneratincr off of a private b7 server According would not have utilized email as a means to communicate with CLINTON If lwanted to contact or convey a message to CLINTON would subsequently contact the aforementioned senior staff MILLS SULLIVAN or to relay the appropriate information Agents askedl lto review an email dated 3 12 I 2009 and with the subject line The email was sent from Ligrtt com to identified as personal email account The email bs b7c b3 per CIA Agents review an email dated '12f30f2009 and with the subject line he The email was sent fro to CLINTON and referenced information claimed to b7 receive froml I After reading the email l Iexplained he recalled the incident referenced in the email and rememberedl I when the incident occurredl recalled being contacted by an Executive Assistant EA Last Name Unknown LNU who re cried the incident in Afghanistan ' subsequently contacted ho requested notify the President Vice President Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Secretary of State and Secreta% of Defense I I contained some anecdotes about the incident ould not recall if he received the information from Dams Rev Ill- t-US 136 307 Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview oil I On Page 3 via secure phone I or on an open line ' could not recall the specifics concerning how he relayed the incident to but stated most of the calls he made that day concerning the incident were likely on an unclassi ed line due to the emergency of the situation He described his role in the call as contacting his counterparts to relay a brief 5 nopsis of the incident with the caveat that his counterparts should give their boss a heads up further explained he may have participated in follow up calls on the STE but could not say for sure either way 136 b'i'C Agents also email exchan we dated 21 01 2010 with the subject of b5 email In the email chain SULLIVAN contacted Ito ask for lemail address b7 eplied that email wasl @gmail com Thereafter SULLIVAN asked if this email account was the one that used for work andl Iconfirmed that it was After reviewing the email expl lained that he primarily used his uncl lassifledl landl Iemail accounts respectively for work purposes However he noted that he may have used 6 imail com on occasions when he could not access his official _ or unclassified emar s another email dated 111 201 2010 with the subject line in Israel in which he sent the email to SULLIVAN on bothl and 3 DOS unclassified email account Also on the receiving line ofthe email were land I Ivia their nsc eop gov email accounts l could not recall why he would have sent the email to gmail account but stated he would normally email SULLIVAN via his account ldid not recall ever receiving instruction from SULLIVAN or any emgloyee b6 b'i'C regarding contact on a gmail account rather than their email ' listed both his and @gmail com accounts at the bottom of the email because it provided multiple means for people to contact him while he was on travel in the event his work email was not available Agents askedElreview a fifth email dated 09H 112012 and with the subject line Libya Note The email shown was in a redacted format based on a Freedom of Information Act FOIA response to Judicial Watch After reviewin r the redacted email explained there was a series of meetin I on 9H '1 201 2 inl bffice concerning the events he surrounding Ben ghazi The em ail'ilreviewed referenced what lreferred to as a deployment bte meeting There are three types of deployment meetings according to 1 Deployment ordersw which is the standard process of determining who needs to go where 2 Careful hurry up deployment which takes place over the course ofa couple of days and is quicker than the standard process 3 On the fly quick reaction deployment which is used only in emergency situations The only recall the on the fly reaction deployment happening was after Benghazi asked to review a sixth email dated 1 ctsotzoi 2 with the subject line This am Green on Bl ue Note The email shown tol was in a redacted format based on a FOIA response I b6 referenced said email I Iexplained he sent the email to rapidly coordinate the Public Affairs etc responses and D08 in regards to the incident referenced in the email and were the respective Public Affairs contacts at and Rev b6 Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview oil I On Page 4 ch b6 we I b6 oar eeo In response to the article I b7 I However Istated that he did not say the because he did not even know if that statement was true b1 per CIA b3 Idid not have any concerns regarding how handled classi ed information be during his tenure at eitherl lor b7c he would be available for re-contact if needed 136 A copy of the original interview notes and the referenced emails and article are b7C attached in a 1A envelope EBI ED CLASSIFIED ET I-ISIEII- 1 4 DH 12-31-204 bl 33-22-3315 Him -1- FEDERAL BEEREAU OF INVESTIGATION 155295 1 limit ui'lramsrr'uslim Vim w 2131ch Special Age wan interviewed by and at me Again 'scnt fur the wasl C351 mic-racy m ier being miviscd ml the identities fths ageing and providtrd the ibiluwing inihrmaiiun 1hr 91 1111 me nf tht imcwicwissucmgamm m 1L iyLmu -m di i i j an MI 1 ml Fania durumtm mmnim swimcr rcmmulemlatimm mar muuhmiuns fth-I FHL it is line shin Hi and in' uuncd in 3-qu age-nu Hm Eire mmunh arc nut in in ulir rilwmui JiitsiLla fr'tmr ugmmy 131 per CIA b3 131 per CIA 'uilhllimiiuu 51f uE' bl b3 lawn-Eu 11 Jia lj ifmj ugc bl b3 133 per CIA Eat-snag site- 3 ittutt i nt inter-time nt' tin ti i h Ettitt Page _m3 was shown a catty nt art entail train with the atthjeeL tter the enlait he it'eyitletl that lttmearetl tn he trt- ine tn ennrdinate t-t- ith DOS but that the en have been ttSSIIietl with the attitgeetl IN her reetewmg the entail he nt'nyidetl that the ere he but that he was net surprised that OHS had sent it an an ttnetaeaitied ehannett was ahnwn a enpy ni an entail further hated that the nets entail aystent had previously been penetrated by a threign adversary was ahnwn a enpy at an email than with the enlneea Atter rev ewtng the email L lated that hia true t'tante and that at altnultt net have been ineittded in an entail its-t a DDS via a cattle that inetutlett a provided that talking paints he nr unclassi ed They were cent-eyed than the tear line hetew which the annt'neett talking paints were nrnyidett Iwas a eapy et'nn etnait t'i'nln u- itlt the After ret- iewing the emtnt stated that he did not know ennugh ahantl tn it'the talking paints iaehttleti in the hetly at' the etnait were nr net l'waa ammn at an entail than a hicctl IAl tm' merit - einn the email rtwitleti that any 0 hrmit emwn eret l t'ltt tait'ied lwith the anhieet email from i tied Hat the lshnultt he etasmttetl heeane the interview hy stating that 303 has ahewn an the-teased tentleney tn via entatt tie believed that they tliti this simplicity te ayttitt melt an t ittileaha and to prevent ether USG partners ti'etn seeing their hack ehannel diaenaainna tn any that the net'aennel at BUS were experieneett anti knew that tltia inti'n'tnatinn was l-Ieweyer they dict it anyways and their aetinna hurt the CIA and ether agencies wheat equities were conveyed in the entaits131 per CIA b3 131 per CIA b3 12-1 per CIA b3 12 4156' Si cl-F- Rm- ha-95 In ur' intern-is HE U3 11 Pugs A copy oi'ihc original interview notes and rci cmnced is clmiused 11 1 IA mwinpe INFO CLASSIFIED DEE DATE 1 1' DI-T 12-31-2041 bl 22 21315 b3 111 1135 131 5 HF 1 11114 Lrimsengitihn Lin March b5 1'1 111-11 111- FeeLleL-rLi Hiireiiti Investiguiiutt 1131 11 Speci i Agents and b7 Eat the 1 lil Weshi 11 111111 Field Mike 1111 11' 1 1 3 111 1 1 interview was Attorney 111 1 1111 111 Print 1L1 the iitterL- ieL-L- I Iagreed to sign a net1-riiselL'mLiL-e agreement in 111' viewing eirissi'iied Lleettments during the interview After heirtg'itdvised efthe identities 1111' the inlerview'ing agent's Lind ilte insipuse 01'1lte inler1- iew 111011135111 presided the 1111111111115 infL'erL-rliun 11 11% the Central intelligenee Agency in 11331 as an 111111136511 and served 11 L- Lirieth Lil'inereasihe responsibility hel'ure he was named lite Direeter 1 1311 111 3111 11 11 15 111131 313 1mm Mn 11 21 111 until August 21113L1ering which he 12111111151111 Aetiirg 1'1ii'eeti1r L111 11111 rst time 11 15 in 3111 I when 1-17 0111 1 1 left Lind the seeLmLi 11'th in 11111 1111131 when 13 111311 1315113 111115 resigned Uh-11911141 As 01 MURELL ltaL reguiar interrietiun with the Deputy Seei'ehiry 12315121112 1311111113 during 1 epuiies meeting at the White 1-1L1use MORHLI 1111111111 11151 attend uteetines 111 the 1 enertmeitt 11131311 1 031 er 11111-1 secure telephenie engineersetirm t With 131 1 ENE 01 Ito discuss inter-Ligettey ni l itirs never eommimieztteci directly with the he 11 111er 1111312111 Secretary 1 136 1371' ml 11111 11111 recall ever having direct 1111111 1 113 37 81 111 113 111 heeuuse St 51 1 111 1-1111 did not Litiertci the Deputies i'heeting Nor did he have direei with 1 1112 11 11 1185 1 311% 11 11 Lies-er emhiieLl the Seeretaw directly and 11111 1 111 1 knuwiedge 1111 11 she was using Li Lam-me email LieeLiLint LinLi server133 11 1 A - J 41m - ME 1 1 1 136 3111 neither we unencmiatimm emielhsieus the 1-111 1 is the prtigtrerty 111' the 1 11 and Ls tut-1 11 11 Ll 3mm ate-cite t 1 151 11 L1L1111ems m1 1th us he distributed LsmsiLle 31m regency WM b1 b3 ii'lvii 95 'um mtmirm ni Fll-m ui Summit u h- cimt Mum-H Jr Puma k 101 liiLL was shown a cap 01 an email C-l'iI-Iill 'nm my sumac LJli 11 did not imnmdiatcly wcail the shaming that b3 - Uu Film 3 bl per CIA b3 M thi Lax-Lily bi classi ed i'u did rLuL wuulLl sources il wn LL com-L Per 513 ELL LliLi l'l'iill I 1ch email wait it ELL L1cupyLifuneniuil April i with subject Sums mil-LL liis gnu-LL MORIELL mailer i1 Lind i'LLlluwing AL Liam Libyan iL-Lii raging Ii Lu sliil in power Furl Li 5 311'Litcgy Lu that time was high rum 1 ihyu in the chain Bis RNS express bl per CIA ml Tm Liu b3 is 'LiiLi lire damage I was shown LL Lum- I 131 per CIA I the Silhi il stated that ii ii it 133 11- ii is Clem Llury Lire $1 5 gut BURNS as he LiirL-LLiiv with ii 3i 1 iv with 15 IRLIEJRESI L was LL cum-L L i'Lui - l l ii wuLL Lie uL they 131 Per 5131 Lin email was iL discussed b3 it oi thu LLmail LliLi putanliuliy ILL in the I IMQRELL Shown LL Luna-L I b1 Per CIA with in I b3 i i it was discussinii L iiS liiLLl b1 b3 I IJ-S lu ur b3 vamnnmiun uI in Fags '4 mm MORELL that the inicrvicwing agents talk wilh ieadershin from H19 133 Per 5115 agency s and with leadership from 1hr for unuihm 1h emails liffFB-l J H A cup at the original notes and the Hign cd an 195 in a 1 33 137 'l bl b3 Rev Iii- P95 ALL ETE-I CDT-ITAINEE -1- HEREIN IS DATE 03-19-2015 E f 3375351334 HSICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date oitiansenption whiz IIZUIS On September '15 2015i Proiect Manager Platte River 135 Networks PEN offlce phonel I email addressl was interviewed by hm Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agent 3A1 land SA Also present for the interview was Ifroml land Department of Justice DOJ Attorneyl After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interviewj provided the following I role with the email server project for WILLIAM CLINTON and HILLARY CLINTON under the account name CESC involved transporting and installing hardware He did not serve as the Project Manager his normal job function at PRN His first task for the project was to pick up the CESC server and support devices in use prior to PRN being awarded the contract for the 135 project The server and support devices were located at the CLINTON residence in Chappaqua NY In 137 June 2013 ltraveled to New York and drove a rental car to the CLINTON residence I leontaet at the Name Unknown LNU escorted I Ito the basement where the equipment was down the equipment and took a Dell PowerEdge 1950 BlackBerry Enterprise Server BES Dell PowerEdge 2900 email server hereafter predecessor server Cisco N83 324 Network Attached Storage Device NAS and an external USB hard drive but left the existing firewall and switch transported the equipment to an Equinix datacenter in Secaucus where he reconnected the equipment in the same manner in which it was connected at the CLINTON bite residence The goal was to get CESC users back online quickly I landl I who was working remotel then started incorporating new equipment PRN purchased for the CESC project not recall if he set it up before or after transporting the server The new equipment consisted of a Dell PowerEdge 620 server running multiple virtual machines two new PowerConnect switches two new Fortinet rewalls and a DATTO backup device During this period of time the predecessor server and new PRN server hereafter PRN server co-existed The predecessor server had the NAS connected but it did not appear to be con gured for storin i an data The PRN server had a DATTO backup appliance connected to it After 2-3 days departed Equinix and did not partiei ate in the day to-day management of the CESC account Those duties were handled remotely byl l Several days later a CloudJacket intrusion prevention device was installed by technicians at Equinix The CloudJacket was designed to alert PRN and prevent intrusions into the PRN server Investigation on at Denver Colorado b3 '7 File I Date dictated A By I sell I b5 This document contains neither recommendations rror' conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rm Iii- P95 Continuation ofFD-3t12 of Interview oil l On our Page 2 UHF-GHQ In or about March 20'15 Icommunicated with CHERYL MILLS regarding any existing backups of the CESC email server and the state of the redecessor server MILLS requested an audit of the existing equipment but did not direth O delete or alter any data found traveled to Equinix datacenter in Secaucus NJ to conduct an onsite review of the equipment PRN had mi rrated all accounts off of the predecessor server by this time therefore it contained no data Ireviewed the NAS and external USB hard drive brought from the CLINTON residence as part of the initial transport of equipment Neither contained any data While there I also took steps to increase security on the system as a result of media articles identifying the existence of the private email server used by the CLINTONS PRN took these steps without direction from CESC None of the Internet Protocol IP noti cationsl lreviewed from the CloudIacket device used as part of the security infrastructure for the ESC account were abnormal All were alerts and some resulted in IP addresses being blocked from accessing the equipment does not believe any nefarious actors got into the system UffFB'tl'G In or about August to the Equinix datacenter in Secaucus NJ to turn over the predecessor server to the FBI Prior to turning over the server lpowered on the server to check for proprietary PRN software and license copies of other software purchased by removing Ma tic ISO software because it was expensive and PRN pays for license fees for each copy it uses 1 review of the predecessor server was not requested by CESC oversee never heard anyone from CESC discuss classi ed information as never asked by anyone from CESC to delete or destroy anything however PRN would not have knowledge of individual users deleting content from their accounts b6 b6 156 307 12-6 107 136 FBI Rev Ill- P95 IS DATE 08-13-2015 BY FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date oftianscription ttBt th Ztllo On February '18 2016 IProject Manager Platte River Networks PEN office phonel lemail addressl Iwas interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agent land Eat the offices of Platte River Networks 5700 Washington Street Denver CO Also resent for the interview were SAI Information Technology Specialisthorensic Examiner I ll Ifroml land Department of Justice DOJ Attorne I After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview rovided the following UHF-868 handled the technical infrastructure related to the contract PRN had with the Clinton Executive Services Corporation CESC I Iran the day to day operations and most direct interactions with the client including managing and maintaining the Microsoft Exchange email server and associated equipment collectively hereafter Server WEI-1988 In March 2015 the CESC requested PRN conduct a complete invento of data backups and all equipment in possession related to the services provided to CESC does not recall how or who from CESC communicated this request In response to the request raveled to the Equinix facility in Secaucus NJ where the Server housing data was located In addition to the currently operating equipment found a Network Attached Storage NAS device and an external hard drive that were disconnected He connected them and ontent but neither contained any data so he disconnected them before leaving did not find any unexpected backups during this trip recalled the Security Pursuit but did not know why it was familiar to him He did not recall implementing any new security protocols in the March 2015 tintefrante but did conduct a high level security check of the Server not recall a backup device of HILLARY connecting via IMAPISMTP to the Server Investigation on at Denver Colorado File# I l-E l Date dictated MA 13 - sal 1 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI t is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency 12-6 107 b6 136 22-75 136 22-75 b6 b3 b6 Rev Ill- 335 b6 Continuation of FD-BUZ of linen-1c - On oztlaoots Page 2 deleted nor was he asked to delete the mailbox hrcarchive from the Server He never discussed deleting content creatinc pst files exports or shredding of pst files with be or anyone else Additionally is unfam'liar with a program called BleachBit However prior to turning over the Server to the FBIJ emoved PRN system tools such as an ISO mounter and possibly a monitoring tool from Level Platforms or LabTech ALL EEI HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE ELY HSICS FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Rev lU-l i-Eii Date sitcoms On June 10 2016 JOHN BENTEL Date of Birthi Iwas interviewed by Feder andl lat the office 0 Washington DC Present for the interview was BENTEU counsel IPartnerI IPartner and Special Counsel As well as from the Department of Justice Counterintelligence and Export Control Section Prior to the interview BENTEL wasl I After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose ofthe interview BENTEL provided the following information BENTEL served at the US Department of State DOS for 39 years before retiring in 2012 Most recently BENTEL was the Director of the Executive Secretariat Information Resource Management from 2008 until 2012 In this position he reported to LEWIS LUKENS and then to TULINABO TULD MUSHINGI Apn'oximatelv 85 people were under BENTEU supervision including two deputies andl I UHF-868 BENTEL did not learn that HILLARY CLINTON was using a private email server while she was at DOS until it came out in the press last year He had no knowledge of the server while he was at DOS BENTEL met BRYAN PAGLIANO while he was at DOS and knew that he worked for but he did not know that he was also providing support to the CLINTON server BENTEL was shown a copy of an email sent froml o BENTEL Iandl Ion March 17 2009 with the subject Secretary Residential Installation Hotwash BENTEL provided tha as res onsible for setting up secure communications in office and residence and that as a contractor in section After reviewing the email and its attachment BENTEL stated that he did not recall the email and that he might not have read the email originally because he and his two deputies functioned as a collective BENTEL stated that the attachment appeared to be a summary of the communication equipment in residence at the start of her tenure BENTEL did not know what the Server Basement Telephone Closet listed in the attachment referred to He then speculated that it might be a server for telephones Upon further questioning BENTEL provided that he did not know if DOS used or installed servers to support its telephone equipment BENTEL was shown an email sent from MONICA HANLEY to HUMA ABEDIN on August 30 201 1 with the subject blackberry that referenced a discussion between HANLEY Investigation on 6 110 12010 at Washington DC Fileit I Ii302 Date dictated MA ByS l I I This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBIloaned to 3ont agene3 it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency 136 137' b6 337 136 b3 b6 Rev Continuation of FBI-302 of Interview of John Bent- 1 On seems Page 2 and BENTEL Upon reviewing the document BENTEL provided that he did not recall the email and that he would not have used the term chapp server Furthermore he did not recall CLINTON losing access to her email following Hurricane Irene or any related discussions BENTEL explained that he did not have a lot of direct interaction with staff and that communication issues would likely be 136 handled Ifrom the tech team 137 BENTEL was aware of the Office of Inspector General 016 report from May of 2016 in which it was reported that subordinates raised concerns about the Secretary's server to BENTEL in 2010 and he instructed them not to discuss the matter any further BENTEL denied that anybody had raised such concerns to him He further stated that the account provided by the DIS report was inconsistent with his open and welcoming management style UHF-GEO BENTEL stated that he did not know CLINTON was using a personal email account for DOS business until after it was released in the papers BENTEL clari ed he knew that CLINTON had a personal email account but that he did not know that she was using it for work related matters BENTEL did not know if CLINTON had a DOS issued email account BENTEL was shown an email that he sent to MONICA HANLEY on August 30 2011 with the subject Re berry The email discusses a DOS issued email account which had been previously established for CLINTON In the email BENTEL wrote that emails on the account would be subject to Freedom of Information Act FOIA searches Upon reviewing the email BENTEL stated that he did not recall the email exchange or the details surrounding the use of noting that the account was likely set up by the system administrator BENTEL included the caveat about FOIA to make sure that HANLEY was aware of FOIA and that any personal messages on the account would also be subjected to FOIA requests BENTEL stated his group was not directly responsible for FOIA related matters and that the appropriate contact for FOIA matters hire within was I UHF-OHS BENTEL was aware of the State Messaging Archive Retrieval Tool set SMART and said it was not used by during tenure BENTEL speculated that it was not rolled out to at that time because it was a new system and they wanted to work out any bugs before giving it to the executives BENTEL stated that STEPHEN MULL would have made the final decision on rolling out SMART to A copy of the original interview notes and referenced documents are attached in a IA envelope REV ALL IS UNCLASSIETIEE DATE 08-13-3316 ET I-ISICG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date looms I INFO-HQ On December 21 2015 COLIN POWELL office addressl I office phone was interviewed at his residence Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Special Agent SAll land I Also present during the interview was Ito POWELL After being advised ofthe identity of the interviewing agents and the nature ofthe interview POWELL provided the following In his book Whitked n' Me In life rind Leadership POWELL wrote a chapter called Brainware outlining his efforts to modernize computer systems at the US Department of State hereafter State When he was sworn in as Secretary of State in 2001 one of the largest problems at State was outdated Information Technology IT systems At the time State and the Central Intelligence Agency CIA would swap responsibility every '12 months for the communication connections to overseas embassies Sometime thereafter Congress passed a law establishing a White House agency with the responsibility for secure diplomatic telecommunications POWELL convinced the administration to give him time to assess the situation so he launched a study to determine the agency best suited to maintain the communication connections The study found CIA as the most competent so POWELL flred State and reached an agreement with the then CIA Director GEORGE TENET where POWELL would select and evaluate the CIA staff person in charge of the system Additionally the system would be based on requirements WE-GEO In 2001 few State employees had a computer at their desks Typically there was one computer per office so POWELL budgeted for the purchase of 44 000 computers and put one on every embassy desk The project was done in house without contractors To convince and encourage others to use computers POWELL frequently used his to set an example When traveling to visit embassies he would sit down at a random computer in each embassy and attempt to login to his account This action allowed POWELL to gauge if the embassy staff was maintaining and using their computers Additionally he would frequently look up Country Notes pages on the State intranet to determine if the various bureaus of State were keeping their information up to date On his desk at State POWELL had a State classi ed computer and a laptop with a 56kbps modem The modem was used to access POWELU 3 personal American Online AOL account He viewed his personal email much like a home telephone line in that it could be used for personal and business purposes At times POWELL would correspond with foreign leaders by email If the conversation became sensitive whether with foreign leaders or other USG personnel he would arrange for a secure call b6 Investigation on 12t2 IIZU 5 at I I Files I he Date-dictated MA b3 By 5_Al I 515i b6 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the propetty of the FBI and is loaned to youragency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency Rm Ill- 135 Continuation ofFD-3t12 of oI Colin Powell Orr 12 2 Page 2 The IT transformation revolutionized business at State With a computer on every desktop the time and space problems were eliminated when sharing information Prior to the IT deployment embassies communicated via cables UHF-989 The State Inspector General IG and Intelligence Community Inspector General ICIG both wrote POWELL to ask him ifhe had any emails from his time as Secretary of State However POWELL took no emails with him when he left State and knew of no of cial record requirements at the time however State claimed they were capturing any data necessary POWELL has not been able to get a straight answer from the federal archives regarding what record requirements were at the time He is concerned the current environment will discourage open communication and the use of email ultimately harming US Government ef ciency UHF-GHQ When POWELL traveled for State business a team would put a computer in his hotel room for general use but he would also have access to State systems Some threat coun ries would have additional security requirements such as If the need arose to have a classified conversation POWELL would go to a secure facility such as the local embassy bl per DOS In response to reviewing the email attached to this communication in a IA POWELL provided the following UHF-OHS During first few weeks at State he received several security briefings that restricted his ability to communicate He was admonished that CIA and NSA did not want personal digital assistants PDAs inside of SC IFS even if the PDA did not have wireless capabilities He requested brie ngs to explain why PDAs were any more of a risk than the television remote controls in the SCIF but was not convinced of the risks As a result of these experiences he advised HILLARY CLINTON when she became Secretary of State to resist restrictions that would inhibit her ability to communicate
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