Returnte Terrerist Use ef the Internet at the Ct aersrzase and Intlarmatian ue ratiers Studeenter UEll'ilF 5 Terreriets Use Cyberspace as Ingertant Cemmrmirat'lrm Tee Allied states must strate gee Feelreseunees te rehut terrerist prepaganda E-plaequelprd Perth Washirglran File StaE'Writer Washirglran adversaries in the glehal u-ar against terreriem are ueirg egherspase as an e eetive eermrenieatians tee a sen i r enelian EIetTerse Department et eialsags Assistant SeeretarpefEle tlerse er InternatieralSesuritph airs Peter Redman teld merrlaers ef'Cergress Map-i1 that as manpas Web sites anaund the tverld are being used ar prepaganda purpeses tie ereate graphies Festers trainirg marurale slides hlegs u-eh easts andvidee games as u-ellas eemgaet and di alvidee discs The Internet else is being usedhpterrerists tie earrpeut tastieal semrrard and eentrel rmtians ard tie raise rrerepand resnrit eet saldiers Redmanmade his ehsera-atian durirg anunelassi ed Heuse Intell'gerse Cemmittee hearirg en l evv terrerists use the Internet te disseminate slrategi messages inelndirg spreading talee rurrers that rapidly gain surrensjras thepleeunee em ene medium tie anether Terrerists have re prehlem nding eutlets ar theirvidee messages in mainstream media Redmansaid addirg that messages are sratted sarefullpard translated rapidljrinte targeted languages inelrrdirg I-hssian Arabic and Turkish There are even messages des'gred te appealte these emthe hattlegeund Redrran said paintirg te a pregrampitehed tie demesti leueel'elds The message says Teueansupfzert the jihad emgeurltitul eanraising children that suppert the cause The message rr'ther eenvegs r eu den t te direetlvsuppert us just den t intertlere Remain reutral Elen t turn1 s in Redman said terrer'sts else are usirg the Internet e ieet'n'elvte spread a message ef'intimidatian aimed at jeurnaliets uerghhel'eadirgs captured envideel inseme instances and Ieealsndianaiidiertses inplaees lihe Iraq and Efgl'anistan ivhere tl ephave inthe name ef'anIslam under siege Terrerists Internet messages have withthe hirirg ef'a eadre ef'Interret specialists tvhe serve the cause and e g e rate eemputer servers tverldu-ide RenHeuglead a eentraeter vvhe aseempanied Redmante the tearing said aI-Qaida relies enits ElnlaaIIsIami I'vledia Unit erits eutreaehe 'arts Dan Devlin a pdali diplarraspspeeialst inRedman s et e sher the serrsnittee unedited mullirred'n examples efterrer'st disintlarmatian enthe Inte met We re at lerv thefre ahle tie snag multimedia preduets er images regashage it tie t their eu-n geale and ehjeetives he said ard dietriaute them rapidlpena glaleal seale Devlin said the strategef'the terrer'sts is tie prepagate simple messages quiehhrand tie repeat themuntil thephave saturated ep eerspase The messages are alae leaded u-ithanerretianalapgealtra their target audierses thatare geuthagedl' tie 25 he said Devlinsaidtte messages dwellentls'e themeswietitnimtianandaealltra aetianthatsanmeantahirg up ar deliarerirg suieirleharrhs These rnessages tlistartthe truth use selestiee pieses af'the distartien ar inserae sases thepsreate newtruth he saii The therne afeiitaniatiinie eirplaited thraugh lse assr'satiins that the United States and its allies are spring disgrase ar luirniliate I'I I'I1 slirn sasietpard sultune Detrlinsaii Es arresarnple distartthe truth the theirsallta astiznn a enie arnedirrthe santer-rt there is a srueade urderwapagainst Calls ta astinn resnrits ta ght ta restare dignity ta their peaple assardirg ta the Web sites araljmd The sarnrnittee alea heard teslirnarar aratenar'st er-rpert Enrse Ha inan afthe MD IEarp- Iratiin He said the weapars afternzuriera tadap'ane 11 larger anlp'the gunand the harnli hut the rnini-sarn ard sides tape the edilirg suite ard atterdant He said ihe rnest sritieal assauterrnents ir terransts large hesarne laptap ard deslrtap sarrpute rs CD burners ard assess ta the Internet ard the Warlrl Wills Web Terrarists ane shallerging the rnass sarnrnuni atinrs thathath state-armed and sanrrnersiel rnedia hens ling Un lrunatelp he said the Internet has equipped terrarist graups ta ergage inan endless repetitinn af'the nasthase ard saarsest their ah jta re esh 1iai'eh sites several times dart he sairl ane sarnpetirg u-ithestahlished u-ire ser'a-ises like the Asses iated Press UPI Egerse Fran e-Presse ard athers Hat ransairl it is irnpar tant nr US allies ard partners ta rehut falsehnads It s nat anljr hzuwwe direstard sansenr'e ardsreate aurrnessages afprieli diplanrespard said but haw we enelale fasilitate ersaurage ard resnurse aur allies ard saalilinn partners ta da the sarne kind at rehuttale anrtheir awn websites ard rnedia ard snurses sa that thep taa san saunter the terrariet ard irsurgent paupagarda that s dines ted as rnuehagairst thenseh- es as it is agairst Ls Far nsre paliept see Resp-arse ta Terrar'srn IEreated D5 Upilated U5 This page printed ara' 413 1'drn1
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