NASA Technical National Memorandum Security Competitiveness Solutions and Open NASA National Source Requirements Capabilities Gladys NASA and 4458 A Cotter Scientific Washington and Technical Information Program D C NASA-TM-4458 NATIONAL SECURITY AND _IATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS NASA REQUIREMENTS N93-23030 AND Uncles CAPABILITIES NASA II p HI 82 National Aeronautics Space Administration and Office of Management Scientific and Technical Information Program 1993 0153115 NATIONAL SECURITY AND OPEN NASA NATIONAL SOURCE REQUIREMENTS COMPETITIVENESS SOLUTIONS AND CAPABILITIES Gladys A Cotter and Technical Information Scientific Program NASA Headquarters Code JTT Washington DC 20546 USA When THE CONTEXT NASA National In the world of science trends have a direct Foreign on the imporof foreign tion transfer when pressures its activities in critical aerospace both here and for international NASA the necessity cooperative and the results information Aerospace In both situations what potential it is critical partners to know or competitors offer us from their technology STI Program the NASA information can industries base acquisition ute to the development technology program Diffusion in science to be used information from surpassed leading R D results 85for as the NAD input leadership Today in we have national share Some productivity industry other which contributor is at the has been industrialized exception which tell to give evidence competitiveness by many in commissions has lost its ability A notable positive market has been continues the as the to the U S balance of trade Overall productivity in the commercial aviation sector of the U S as input to domestic was obtained Many heart of national aerospace and from the Computer project directed by Thomas C Pinelli NASA lost world internationally nations of NASA cooperation areas that American and man- objectives 1 Supporting P L today was uncontested have compete through a knowledge base that can contrib- as well as provide from abroad known Database us that our nation was established R D mission It has developed R D intelligence international thereof very different economic and social conditions t The U S high technology most The NASA to and appropriconcerning That was a time when U S aeronautics agement of foreign NASA science projects effective it required the 568 This provision laid the groundwork the creation of a database of worldwide abroad have increased to support recognized provide the widest practicable ate dissemination of information are increasingly U S leadership legislation Act of 1958 importance of documenting the results of R D investment and of the value of informa- technologies Budget and Space part of its enabling the results competitors challenging Aeronautics under the two significant bearing tance of obtaining R D was created Langley and Information Research Center Technology and Aerospace Knowledge aerospace industry has grown more rapidly than other U S industrial areas since WWII contains Thus mented the aerospace position industry for the U S is in the midst significantly manufacturing industry in some enjoy foreign a special magazine technology supporting anxiety have shoulder as foreign traditional market been looking In addition ment NASA astronautics nence competitors On the other missions is similarly hand cooperation and global including This scope selection their major environmission the technology in preemiheating station economic is detailed • Physics • Engineering • Life sciences • Social sciences • General sciences • Mathematical • Chemistry and computer that we are now and doing our strategic areas of the database is given planning database NASA in Figure in 1991 receives annual input sources ing to note that 15 percent terms covered Over the past 24 years the NASA STI Program has built the world's de facto inter- where are we going I'd like to briefly First the NASA What does this and international of international is documented 3 gives input to the In total from some 60 organizations coverage In it is interest- of the R D in non-English languages The STI Program adds English language citations and summaries to the database we built it and In the next 20 minutes give you an overview what does it contain Aerospace Figure of publication countries 2 foreign of the 1991 foreign by country in terms 1 Figure of U S versus for acquiring managing and disseminating scientific and technical information re- how have science and materials the percent a breakdown contain into eleven • Astronautics input to the database database into 76 subject • Geosciences The breakdown HISTORY aerosp-aceda-mbase analysis • Aeronautics shows national earth and social areas that are grouped of subject operating science change international is imperative It is in this environment to categories • Space up due to the costs of major like the space related aviation also has a national competition aircraft erode to the aeronautical Here subjects science such as life sciences and information science The subject With over their lead in the global computer observation dissertations as aerospace and other mission reports forms defined of as they are docu- books other publication scope is broadly NASA's a results summaries technical proceedings and technology issue of U S commercial builders conference and 16 1992 states research in journals a target relationship In a recent article worldwide among competition companies October policy mounting and is becoming with their governments Science a special this industry changes challenging Aircraft many However of major more holds more than 2 3 million Database As of 1991 NAD The NAD of material 1 is built through from three NASA funded decentralized major R D R D the acquisition sources results program from its Chemistry _roemut_ _____ 9% Space Sciences Figure Geo_ lencu 11% Physics 14% _ 1 Breakdown __ of the NASA Aerospace 10% Social Sciences Database 1% by Subjects ESA __ -- Member States 17 6% Other 2 1% Japan 2 2% 2 Figure 2 Percentage of U S versus foreign input to the NASA Aerospace United Kingdom Database 13 1% Commonwealth ol Independent Statu 9 0% Other 4 1% France 2 1% Germany 4 7% China 2 1% Netherlands 4 6% Japan 2 6% Figure 3 Percentage of input to the NASA Aerospace 3 Database by country of publication organization through required of materials in the NASA management deposit nations system of STI in NATO foster and provide International information NATO exchanges of Here we have three nation-to-nation tripartite agreements among NASA and organizations in ESA ESA member generally with specific Ener_ Information CENDI institutions STI managers to cooperate State Department commercial channels contractors and vendors Since as materials science change Although I have been focusing on the let me just note that in addition technology acquired the helps NASA STI Program builds and or maintains some 15 other databases of interest to the scientific include and technical descriptions of research funded by NASA collections community limited in progress briefs in support Data for cooperation international abroad program to just highlight o North with opportunities through to leverage Treaty They I'd like Under AGARD TIP aspects the NATO of the management are to improve for the exchange among provide umbrella of a special i of international because peers advantage to they bring Scientific information needs are stressed for and problems are addressed to provide better overall information services to the R D umbrella is concerned an integral part of aerospace defense R D The Panel's objectives organiza- 7 Group on Aerospace Research and Development Technical Information Panel NATO AGARD TIP These together the scientific and information communities under the ICSU Oreanization _ information relationships and the sharing participants Advisory of resources CODATA_ experience four of these Atlantic impacts exchanging information special relationships and engineering and the environment from foreign tions provide contact such ScientifiC and Technical Information ICSU ICSTI3 and Committee on transfer We also keep have interests International Council of Scientific Unions International Council on 3 document and technology of technology These joint the agencies technical and biomedical NAD sharing and undertaking overlapping global of agreed by exchanging initiatives through procurement group who have and ideas resources National CENDD is an interagency senior and analysis government services Defense Managers information of information documentation and and NASA Library_ 9f Medicine where there is no coverage Purchase to AGARD of information Commerce 2 through the other two arrangements of STI agreements states and bilateral agreements advice in the development management models the exchange with all community of STI as and main the U S Japan this protocol 1988 Committee which a Task Force on STI was signed Under in on STI was z established to improve and understanding and systems the awareness 3 the access intelligence Particular freely interest has been paid to to the grey literature developments in machine and to up new opportunities In recent changed years FACTORS The NASA STI Program used disseminate new developments have the way we do business The NASA STI Program's technology to process information it was assembled mid 1960s to late 1970s information very rapid while advanced At the same technical advisory panel comprising senior NASA scientists and R D user expectations managers has recognized the need to modernize the STI infrastructure found comprehensive coverage foreign developments of better and recommended that we aggressively pursue acquisitions foreign In the aerospace number information of NASA's information to take more aggressive information collection building to reflect competitive response NASA NASA the NASA which international science the aerospace plans have to user forced all of similar for the future looking ways resources for partners to leverage through others This and scarce working on objectives lack of In response remember particular is a but is the de facto on aerospace Two of to these changes relevance to the theme and with of this symposium undertaken the NASA STI Program has a number of initiatives I'd like to highlight just four of these in the limited time we have today are the European Aerospace Database ESA and the German database finding and to their input and technology these efforts management needs has meant Aerospace database NASA constraints effective as well as in responsiveness product begun both industry directions Database have Budget time us to rethink our requirements and methods to determine the most cost steps in and database to an historical regarding arena a counterpart organizations serve community at a and requirements have increased that our database lacked has in the technology have pace and products been aging modern 5_ 2_ for translation developments lJ to more opportunities infrastructure CHANGE source communities discuss for cooperation 4 RECENT environment the STI and the open and use of STI by both communities access political has opened of organizations to improve The changing known being built by national as DELURA 1 being We have sponsored two interagency foreign workshops where were shared One ideas built by the Fachinformationszentrum in Karlsruhe acquisitions and projects of the highlights 5 of these was that both the traditional STI agency staff and the intelligence community staff came together to explore areas of mutual interest As a result of the workshops and communications encouraged multilateral involved acquisition they signatures holding I'll note major The workshops doubled 1991 to 1992 in size from We are expecting with Japan Western to European operate Space Air Force Germany some expressed interest Aerospace Center Science taking the co-chairmanship to in the case of countries have in working with the NASA more STI Program on this and other information Since we began these non governmental companies have a number of developments commercial expressed because interest particular Our be opened to the broader community are being interested in the acquisition delegation open source will considerable of STI directly The NASA STI Program with international some is working partners uncertainty more has special efforts A NASA STI went to Russia with some direct to meet of the key institutions exchange exists information value made aerospace system In the case of Russia and the potential attending foreign 1993 workshop in Out of that negotiations for the and purchase of information cooperatively and more aggressively to make them active participants in are being negotiated In addition continue to talk with some the future development international database commercial result the database more comprehensive timely There equitable of an As a should using of costs and benefits instead to purchase We have targeted certain areas with special and use of the Specifically contractors who are taking and more from the development resource vendors we major initiatives to obtain and process Russian STI for sale to the U S become will also be a more sharing with in this regard as we noted directly For the aerospace Agency as our agent although Foreign with has an agreement plan a third one for 1993 with the and Technology and we are and Russia NASA the European awaiting negotiations China nations has an agreement preliminary Germany these shortly already agreements in place Canada and Israel We also have of cooperative efforts NASA nation-to-nation with Australia both bilateral and NASA has become in a number foreign nations cooperation of NASA is working the Library of Congress through long standing and developing interagency with which gift and w process technical material database we will increase exchange relationships goal being country open for the exchange our of foreign will provide for that of the other Also in the case its national literature technical has a wealth reports They also have an acquisition infrastructure in countries such as Brazil and India the ultimate that each participating source relationships in exchange participating 6 of India working with NTIS inroads can be made we are to see if joint for acquisition g andprocessing of technical RECON aerospace system evolution literature industry Finally NASA is working with the Air Force Wright FASTC Patterson program Air Force see how the NASA more effectively STI Program can this world manager and increase producer By comparing areas of unique input we have found coverage more rapidly and change the personal not covered see a change Aerospace for the area We already in the composition Database of the NASA The historical NASA Aerospace Database which consisted some 2 3 million research summaries ing 1962 to 1990 included coverage of foreign published abroad out of 70 000 records abroad The foreign proportion base being I believe processes an increased From AND content from perspective with data but starving In the famous and nothing came words of the of the annual this is a result of the knowledge We know you think invested advanced analyst the intelligence considerable information outpace to providing technologies access to aid the and analysis the requirements still I have our technology a few thoughts future The NASA has recently been given some to embark on a modernization acquires The program makes these resources available to the aerospace community program for its information using access NASA that the NASA various information including print products electronic information STI Program technologies microforms systems and The NASA infrastructure STI technology to aid in the management and analysis rnodemization of a short-term has what is available In conclusion the community attention in information but we also know abroad been discussing helps Program resources resources for from MODERNIZATION now I have years Data data everywhere about Until no less an impact revolu- hacker largely ACCESS with the has exacerbated the problems of overload Or as some have said information originally but it also reflects proportion developed of para- and networking we are overloaded ancient profoundly The shifting an information technology information In 1991 37 percent is increasing changed ever and 27 percent R D results 26 000 of acquisition of cover- tion will have in since the introduction computer nOW in the open source have 15 years example a number of journals from China are covered in CIRC that are So what are our expectations increasing Both user expectations methods in the short as 15 years is that the pace of technol- telecommunications in the NAD the further and digm that we are now seeing For in the that is clear to me after 3 years of the STI Program the STI business of leader information development of other electronic products such as CD-ROM However the one thing in ogy development comprehensiveness online and one that has enabled acquisitions for their major CIRC database to avoid duplication of effort for a 2-year period input at Base to use open source data coverage future closely was an early of today's of information The effort is a combination upgrade of its retrieval system and user interfaces modcrnization the program marion center without interfaces advanced and graphic creating and disseminating electronic optical disks video lishing a Technology pieces streamlining of STI by using in various user infor- media including and full text and estabFocus a current technology Critical include networking mation maintain to transform global infor- walls strategy to sources computer with a long-term designed into a multimedia of the long-term access along strategy Group awareness to of emerging and to plan for the future I hope it is clear from this brief overview of NASA Requirements and Capabilities that the traditional scientific and technical community-the support missions with its primary of the research of science of its technology and the transfer to U S industry many interests gence community avenues agencies orientarion and development -- with the open source We are opening of discussion and closer shares intellimany cooperation as we see the issues of national security and national competitiveness become increasingly intertwined step in this process This meeting is a useful REPORT 1 AGENCY DOCUMENTATION USE ONLY T_ve PAGE bt_flt r _ 2 REPORT DATE March 1993 NASA Security Open Source Technical Memorandum 5 FUNDING and National Requirements Competitiveness OM_ N _070 -OnS 3 REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED 4 TITLE AND SUBTITLE National x_ ov_ NUMBERS Solutions and Capabilities AUTHOR S Gladys A Cotter 7 PERFORMING NASA ORGANIZATION Scientific NAME S and Technical 9 SPONSORINO MONrI_RING NATIONAL AERONAUTICS WASHINGTON DC AND ADDRESS ES Information 8 PERFORMING 10 SPONSORING MONITORING AGENCY NAME S AND ADDRESS ES AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION 20546 SUBJECT Foreign competitors tight NASA are challenging budgets STI Program base STI Program is already tCSU ICSTI political climate and the U S looks video current by sponsoring with international to the future and full text Japan dearth of improved to support partners and a Technology on STI information Focus through Group R D known U S agencies networking Aerospace Database with NATA AGARD TIP open Aerospace database acquisitions necessary and to that end has With the new more the German and science as the NASA in the NASA on foreign and with other industry in aerospace cooperation and DELURA access NASA information Committee workshops database Cooperation in international of foreign of the ESA database is responding its cooperation involved of the U S aerospace international of aerospace-related the perceived and the development make has as part of its mission a knowledge CENDI the world leadership everywhere The Program CODE 82 developed NASA 12b DISTRIBUTION m ftmum 200 worda increasingly The STATEMENT - UNLIMITED CATEGORY 13 ABSTRACT TM-4458 NOTES 12a DISTRIBUTION AVAILABIIXI'Y UNCLASSIFIED AGENCY REPORT NUMBER NASA 11 SUPPLEMENTARY ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMB ER Program Database the NASA STI and by increasing The STI Program and a GUI that will keep the NASA new media optical disk STI Program with technology 15 NUMBER 14 sUB IECT TERMS databases technology aerospace OF PAGES 12 industry 16 PRICE CODE A02 17 SECURITY CLASSIHCATION OF REPORT UNCLAS8 19 SEL-'LrRrI'YCL_SIHCATION OF THIS PAGE ig SECURITY CLASSIFICATION UNCLASS tO LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF ABSTRACT UNCLASS UNLIMITED NASA Langley 1993
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