NGA Paper Act and Adjust A Call to Action for Governors for Cybersecurity EHUVHFXULW UHPDLQV RQH RI WKH PRVW VLJQL¿FDQW challenges facing the nation Although implementing policies and practices that will make state systems and data more secure will be an iterative and lengthy process governors can take a number of actions immediately that will help detect and defend against cyber attacks occurring today and help deter future attacks Those actions include Establishing a governance and authority structure for cybersecurity Conducting risk assessments and allocating resources accordingly Implementing continuous vulnerability assessments and threat mitigation practices Ensuring that the state complies with current security methodologies and business disciplines in cybersecurity and Creating a culture of risk awareness By implementing those recommendations immediately governors can greatly enhance states’ cybersecurity posture Be Actionable The goal of the Resource Center is to provide to governors recommendations and resources that promote actions that reduce risk Reduce Complexity Cybersecurity policy is designed and implemented in a complex environment The Resource Center aims to reduce that complexity by looking for common principles and practices that are effective in that environment Protect Privacy The recommendations made through the Resource Center aim to both improve cybersecurity and protect the privacy civil rights and civil liberties of citizens Employ Technologically Neutral Solutions The recommendations made through the Resource Center emphasize nonproprietary open standards Focus on the State as Enterprise The work of the Resource Center aims to improve governors’ understanding of the state as an enterprise including the interdependencies among state agencies between the public and private sector and regionally across state boundaries Promote Flexible Federalism To the extent posVLEOH WKH 5HVRXUFH HQWHU HPSKDVL HV WKH EHQH¿WV RI DQG RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU ÀH LELOLW ZLWKLQ IHGHUDO programs to allow for tailored state solutions Rely on Evidence-Based Practices The Resource Center makes recommendations that build on evidence-based practices Guiding Principles This Call to Action as well as the work of the NGA Resource Center for State Cybersecurity Resource Center is guided by a set of core principles Support Governors The work of the Resource Center is singular in its focus on supporting governors’ efforts to improve cybersecurity The 5HVRXUFH HQWHU PDUNV WKH ¿UVW ODUJH VFDOH HIfort exclusively focused on the role of governors in improving cybersecurity 444 NORTH CAPITOL STREET SUITE 267 WASHINGTON D C 20001-1512 202-624-5300 WWW NGA ORG CENTER National Governors Association Use and Generate Metrics The Resource Center promotes recommendations that use dynamic performance metrics to manage and improve state processes and practices Promote the Use of Incentives The Resource Center makes recommendations that promote the use of incentives to improve cybersecurity practices in a state cies have only limited responsibility and authority over statewide cyber networks CISOs can operate in federated or decentralized environments where technology and security resources are dispersed across various agencies and departments In addition the sharing of cyber threat information with the private sector and local governments is handled by state homeland security agencies further complicating the overall cybersecurity governance structure Immediate Actions to Protect States Domestic and international actors are launching a VLJQL¿FDQW QXPEHU RI F EHU DWWDFNV DJDLQVW VWDWHV $Othough many of the actions necessary to reduce the nation’s vulnerabilities to cyberattacks require longterm structural improvements and business redesign governors can take actions now that can immediately improve their state’s cybersecurity posture Implementation of the actions described below will help to ensure strong governance and oversight a baseline of F EHUVHFXULW FDSDELOLWLHV DQG TXLFNHU LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ of attacks and threats it also will help to improve basic cybersecurity practices Establish a governance structure for cybersecurity Because state systems and networks are interconnected developing a robust cybersecurity posture will require an enterprise-wide approach To that end governors need to ensure that they have a strong statewide governance structure with some degree of central authority that provides a framework to prepare for respond to and prevent cyber attacks Several recent attacks reveal that states which fail to put in place a strong governance structure are at a distinct disadvantage According to a survey conducted by Deloitte for the National Association of State Chief Information Of¿FHUV 1$6 2 SHUFHQW RI VWDWH 62V LQGLFDWH that they have authority over only their executive EUDQFK DJHQFLHV GHSDUWPHQWV DQG RI¿FHV 1 Although most states have a CISO if they do not have a visible agency-level security posture they can encounter obstacles to implementing an effective cybersecurity program Among the elements of an effective program are enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance ZLWK VHFXULW SROLFLHV DQG DXGLW ¿QGLQJV 6WDWHV ZLWKout governance structures to build and operate effective programs will be limited in their ability to identify an ongoing cyber attacks and respond in a coordinated way RYHUQRUV FDQ JUDQW WKHLU FKLHI LQIRUPDWLRQ RI¿FHUV CIOs or CISOs the authority to develop and steer a coordinated governance structure for example a task force commission or advisory body that can greatly improve coordination and awareness across agencies that operate statewide cyber networks Such an approach also helps enable the CIO or CISO to take actions to prevent or mitigate damage in the event of a cyber breach RU PDQ VWDWHV FKLHI LQIRUPDWLRQ VHFXULW RI¿FHUV CISOs who are responsible for developing and carrying out information technology IT security poli- Michigan has created a centralized security departPHQW UXQ E D FKLHI VHFXULW RI¿FHU 62 WKDW EULQJV together both physical security and cybersecurity Directors managers and employees within each agency _________________________ ³6WDWH RYHUQPHQWV DW 5LVN $ DOO IRU ROODERUDWLRQ DQG RPSOLDQFH ´ 'HORLWWH DQG WKH 1DWLRQDO $VVRFLDWLRQ RI 6WDWH KLHI QIRUPDWLRQ 2I¿FHUV 2FWREHU DFFHVVHG 0DUFK KWWS ZZZ GHORLWWH FRP DVVHWV 'FRP 8QLWHG6WDWHV RFDO $VVHWV 'RFXPHQWV $ 56 XVBDHUVBQDVFLR EHUVHFXULW 6WXG B SGI 1 PAGE 2 National Governors Association coordinate through the centralized governance structure to focus on each agency’s need for both physical security and cybersecurity Governance of that type is especially important during an incident or a disaster The approach allows the CSO and CIO to work closely to manage the state’s cyber networks and infrastructure and to ensure that effective governance practices are in place Although a central authority is essential it does not obviate the importance of collaboration among local governments nongovernmental organizations and the private sector Those relationships are essential to understanding the culture operations and business practices of various agencies and organizations with cyber DVVHWV ZLWKLQ WKH VWDWH Q 0LFKLJDQ IRU H DPSOH LQ addition to dedicated and full-time state employees in WKH 2I¿FH RI EHUVHFXULW D ULVN PDQDJHPHQW WHDP leverages many resources around the state to gather LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG UHVROYH DQ LQFLGHQW HI¿FLHQWO DQG HIfectively Minnesota is another example of a state that adopted a governance framework that stresses teamwork and communication between a centralized information technology organization and stakeholders The state CIO works collaboratively with the governor the Technology Advisory Committee and other agency OHDGHUV 0LQQHVRWD DOVR KDV VHYHUDO JRYHUQLQJ ERGLHV that have an agency CIO providing a direct link to the state CIO and operational decisions made at the different agency team levels 2 Recognizing the need to foster collaboration at all levels of government and with the private sector California recently created the California Cybersecurity Task Force The task force focuses on sharing information to improve the security of government and private-sector IT assets Conduct risk assessments and allocate resources accordingly Governors and other key state actors need a comprehensive understanding of the risk and threat landscape to make accurate and timely decisions when allocating scarce resources Without a comprehensive understanding of the risks including the interdependencies among critical assets states are vulnerable to interruptions in business operations as ZHOO DV ¿QDQFLDO DQG GDWD ORVVHV 7R JDLQ WKLV DZDUHness states must develop security strategies and business practices by conducting risk assessments that identify information assets model different threats to those assets and allow for planning to protect against those threats 4 In addition to establishing sound business practices and using existing resources states also must conduct hands-on activities and exercises as a part of their assessments Those practices include regular penetration testing and vulnerability scanning and should be referenced in security policies States can take advantage of resources from federal and private entities to conduct those activities Once an independent statewide assessment has been conducted governors can make necessary decisions on where scarce resources should be allocated to prevent the loss of essential information and resources and to protect critical infrastructure and assets The initial assessment also will help determine the frequency of such assessments in the future EDVHG RQ WKH ULVN SUR¿OH RI DJHQFLHV $V DQ H DPSOH agencies with sensitive citizen data might require annual assessments and quarterly follow-up in their corrective action plan Additionally governors and their senior staff who have appropriate security clearances should receive UHJXODU FODVVL¿HG F EHUVHFXULW WKUHDW EULH¿QJV 7KH Department of Homeland Security DHS can assist VWDWHV LQ SODQQLQJ WKHVH EULH¿QJV _________________________ ³6WDWH RI 0LQQHVRWD 7 RYHUQDQFH UDPHZRUN ´ KWWS PQ JRY RHW LPDJHV 6WDWHRI0LQQHVRWD 7 RYHUQDQFH UDPHZRUN SGI -XQH “California Launches Cybersecurity Task Force ” http www govtech com security California-Launches-Cybersecurity-Task-Force html 0D 4 ³ 6WHSV WR EHUVHFXULW 5LVN $VVHVVPHQW´ KWWS ZZZ JRYWHFK FRP VHFXULW 6WHSV WR EHU 6HFXULW KWPO SDJH -XQH 2 PAGE 3 National Governors Association ¿UHZDOOV IRU LQWUXVLRQV Implement continuous vulnerability assessments and threat mitigation practices Consistently monitoring threats and vulnerabilities will help governors proactively defend cyber networks Every day states are exposed to phishing scams malware denial-ofservice attacks and other common tactics employed by cyber attackers Governors must ensure that mission-critical systems are equipped with technologies and have implemented business practices that will identify potential threats track all stages of cyber attacks in real time and offer mitigation techniques and options for any resulting loss or damage Maryland leverages the cybersecurity capabilities RI WKH 0DU ODQG $LU 1DWLRQDO XDUG th Network Warfare Squadron to support its cybersecurity assessments State agencies participate in collaborative Web SHQHWUDWLRQ WUDLQLQJ H HUFLVHV ZLWK WKH 0DU ODQG $LU Guard Squadron The exercises that feature simulated attacks from malicious outsiders or insidious insiders are useful in evaluating the security of selected state websites and portals Security issues uncovered through the penetration tests lead to technical and procedural countermeasures to reduce risks The Guard also provides network vulnerability assessment services to various state agencies while in return it UHFHLYHV EHQH¿FLDO WUDLQLQJ IRU WKH VTXDGURQ¶V PHPbers A number of other states have similar practices in place 7KH 0XOWL 6WDWH QIRUPDWLRQ 6KDULQJ DQG $QDO VLV HQWHU 06 6$ KDV EHHQ GHVLJQDWHG E ' 6 DV D key resource for cyber threat prevention protection response and recovery for the nation’s state local territorial and tribal governments Through its state-ofthe-art Security Operations Center available 24 hours D GD VHYHQ GD V D ZHHN WKH 06 6$ VHUYHV DV D central resource for situational awareness and incident UHVSRQVH 7KH 06 6$ DOVR SURYLGHV VWDWH ORFDO tribal and territorial governments with managed security services which are outsourced security operations that include ongoing monitoring of networks and Another related resource available to state and local governments is DHS’s newly launched Continuous DiDJQRVWLFV DQG 0LWLJDWLRQ '0 SURJUDP 7KH '0 program at the federal level works by expanding deployment of automated network sensors that feed data about an agency’s cybersecurity vulnerabilities into a continuously updated dashboard To support states in improving their capabilities to prevent and detect LQWUXVLRQV WKH '0 KDV D EODQNHW SXUFKDVLQJ DJUHHment that reduces the cost to states of purchasing tools and services that enhance their cybersecurity It is important to note that such purchases are most effective ZKHQ FRRUGLQDWHG ZLWK 06 6$ ¶V PDQDJHG VHFXULW services so as to maintain collective situational awareness across state and local governments Ensure that your state complies with current security methodologies and business disciplines in cybersecurity States can turn to two industry standards for a baseline of effective cybersecurity practices First the Council on CyberSecurity’s Critical Controls for Effective Cyber Defense is an industry standard that provides states with a security framework that can strengthen their cyber defenses and ultimately protect information infrastructure and critical assets Compliance with that standard will provide a baseline RI GHIHQVH GHWHU D VLJQL¿FDQW QXPEHU RI DWWDFNV DQG help minimize compromises recovery and costs The FRQWUROV DUH EDVHG XSRQ ¿YH JXLGLQJ SULQFLSOHV XVLQJ evidence-based practices to build effective defenses assigning priorities risk reduction and protection actions establishing a common language that measures the effectiveness of security continuous monitoring and automating defenses The controls also identify key network components and how to secure them The second standard is the Information Technology Infrastructure Library ITIL An ITIL is a set of practices for information technology service management 760 WKDW DUH GHVLJQHG WR DOLJQ LQIRUPDWLRQ WHFKQRO- _________________________ ³ 6 6 ULWLFDO 6HFXULW RQWUROV ´ http www sans org critical-security-controls guidelines php PAGE 4 National Governors Association ogy IT with core business requirements The latest HGLWLRQV RI 7 ZKLFK ZHUH SXEOLVKHG LQ -XO form the core guidance of best management practices and can greatly strengthen states’ IT practices The ITIL has been adopted by companies in many privatesector industries including banking retail services technology and entertainment For states an ITIL will help ensure that states’ IT assets correlate with their critical assets Create a culture of risk awareness 7KH EHVW ¿UHwalls and most advanced antivirus software cannot deter a cyber attack if the individuals using a network are either careless or inattentive to basic security practices The strongest door and most secure lock will not keep a burglar out if the door is left open or unlocked Governors have the opportunity to promote a culture of cybersecurity awareness that will help to minimize the likelihood of a successful cyber attack Building a strong cybersecurity culture means making individuals aware of the many risks and ongoing threats facing their networks Those individuals must understand the potential negative implications of their activities or inattentiveness To develop a strong cybersecurity culture focus should be put on increasing awareness VHWWLQJ DSSURSULDWH H SHFWDWLRQV DQG LQÀXHQFLQJ GD to-day security practices of end users Awareness can be created by including relevant training and content in the orientation process of new staff as well as annual review of current staff Expectations about users’ behaviors can also be set by adding cybersecurity components to job responsibilities However creating a culture of awareness will be an ongoing process that will require constant attention and ongoing training Governors have the opportunity to use the bully pulpit to make cybersecurity the responsibility of all including ordinary citizens In Delaware state employees conduct cybersecurity pre- sentations for elementary school students to reinforce the importance of Internet safety practices The state also hosts video and poster contests that encourage the public to create materials that promote cybersecurity awareness Effective awareness training and education for endusers is recognized as the single most effective factor in preventing security breaches and data losses States such as Michigan have launched security awareness training for all state employees and have posted online guides that are available to the public with the goal of reducing risk 8 0RUH WKDQ XVHUV DQG SDUWQHUV DUH FXUUHQWO HQUROOHG LQ 0LFKLJDQ¶V WUDLQLQJ SURJUDP an online interactive program consisting of a dozen PLQXWH OHVVRQV 2WKHU RUJDQL DWLRQV VXFK DV WKH 06 6$ DOVR RIIHU WUDLQLQJ UHVRXUFHV WKDW DUH UHDGily available online 0LFKLJDQ DOVR KDV UHFHQWO ODXQFKHG D UHVHDUFK WHVW training and evaluation facility for cybersecurity and cyberdefense In partnership with state universities the private sector and state and local governments 0HULW 1HWZRUN QF D F QRQSUR¿W RUJDQL Dtion built and developed the state-of-the-art center WR IXUWKHU DGYDQFH F EHUVHFXULW WUDLQLQJ LQ 0LFKLJDQ $ ZLGH YDULHW RI FRXUVH RIIHULQJV LQFOXGHV FHUWL¿FDtions in incident handling disaster recovery forensics and wireless security Dozens of technical staff have DOUHDG FRPSOHWHG WUDLQLQJ DQG UHFHLYHG FHUWL¿FDWLRQV In addition to offering training states like Maryland conduct tabletop exercises to raise the awareness and UHVSRQVH FDSDELOLWLHV RI NH VWDWH DFWRUV 0DU ODQG WKURXJK WKH VWDWH¶V PHUJHQF 0DQDJHPHQW $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 0 0$ IDFLOLWDWHG DQ LQLWLDO FDELQHW OHYHO WDEOHWRS exercise in which cybersecurity and continuity of operations awareness and readiness were assessed In addition WR 0 0$ ' 6 DQG WKH 1DWLRQDO 6HFXULW $JHQF ber Command assisted in hosting this exercise _________________________ “ITIL The Basics ”http www best-management-practice com gempdf ITIL_The_Basics pdf See http www dti delaware gov information cybersecurity shtml 8 6HH 6WDWH RI 0LFKLJDQ 6HFXULW 2I¿FH ZHEVLWH PAGE 5 National Governors Association The Path Forward 7KH DFWLRQV GHVFULEHG DERYH DUH D ¿UVW VWHS IRU JRYernors to improve cybersecurity for state-owned and operated systems However a secure cybersecurity fabric will require an enterprise-wide approach that includes coordination and partnerships with critical infrastructure owners and operators private industry and the public Over the course of the next year the NGA Resource Center for State Cybersecurity will issue a series of reports focusing on critical areas for mid- to longterm actions governors can take to strengthen their states’ cyber posture Those areas include improving coordination between state and federal governments leveraging state fusion centers to respond to cyber threats enhancing the cybersecurity of critical energy systems and infrastructure and developing a skilled cybersecurity workforce In addition to the work of the Resource Center NGA also is leading efforts through the Council of Governors to collaborate with the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security on how the National Guard could be used to better protect both state and federal networks The National Guard’s unique role serving governors and the President combined with its ability to attract and retain individuals who have full-time HPSOR PHQW LQ 7 DQG UHODWHG ¿HOGV PDNH LW DQ LGHDO solution to help address the shortage of highly skilled personnel necessary to protect critical networks and systems Across the country several states have established National Guard cyber capabilities that are closely aligned with civilian agencies and coordinate regularly with public utility commissions owners and operators of critical infrastructure and other public and private sector partners Thomas MacLellan Division Director Homeland Security Public Safety Division NGA Center for Best Practices 202-624-5427 September 2013 The NGA Resource Center for State Cybersecurity is made possible through the generous support from our grant makers including the American Gas Association Citi Deloitte Edison Electric Institute Good Technology Hewlett-Packard IBM Northrop Grumman Nuclear Energy Institute Symantec and VMware PAGE 6
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