DRAFT NIST Special Publication 800-188 De-Identifying Government Datasets Simson L Garfinkel I N F O R M A T I O N S E C U R I T Y DRAFT NIST Special Publication 800-188 De-Identifying Government Datasets Simson L Garfinkel Information Access Division Information Technology Laboratory August 2016 U S Department of Commerce Penny Pritzker Secretary National Institute of Standards and Technology Willie May Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS Authority This publication has been developed by NIST in accordance with its statutory responsibilities under the Federal Information Security Modernization Act FISMA of 2014 44 U S C § 3551 et seq Public Law P L 113-283 NIST is responsible for developing information security standards and guidelines including minimum requirements for federal information systems but such standards and guidelines shall not apply to national security systems without the express approval of appropriate federal officials exercising policy authority over such systems This guideline is consistent with the requirements of the Office of Management and Budget OMB Circular A-130 Nothing in this publication should be taken to contradict the standards and guidelines made mandatory and binding on federal agencies by the Secretary of Commerce under statutory authority Nor should these guidelines be interpreted as altering or superseding the existing authorities of the Secretary of Commerce Director of the OMB or any other federal official This publication may be used by nongovernmental organizations on a voluntary basis and is not subject to copyright in the United States Attribution would however be appreciated by NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-188 Natl Inst Stand Technol Spec Publ 800-188 65 pages August 2016 CODEN NSPUE2 Certain commercial entities equipment or materials may be identified in this document in order to describe an experimental procedure or concept adequately Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST nor is it intended to imply that the entities materials or equipment are necessarily the best available for the purpose There may be references in this publication to other publications currently under development by NIST in accordance with its assigned statutory responsibilities The information in this publication including concepts and methodologies may be used by Federal agencies even before the completion of such companion publications Thus until each publication is completed current requirements guidelines and procedures where they exist remain operative For planning and transition purposes Federal agencies may wish to closely follow the development of these new publications by NIST Organizations are encouraged to review all draft publications during public comment periods and provide feedback to NIST Many NIST cybersecurity publications other than the ones noted above are available at http csrc nist gov publications Public comment period August 25 2016 through September 26 2016 National Institute of Standards and Technology Attn Information Access Division Information Technology Laboratory 100 Bureau Drive Mail Stop 8940 Gaithersburg MD 20899-8940 Email sp800-188-draft@nist gov All comments are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act FOIA i NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS Reports on Computer Systems Technology The Information Technology Laboratory ITL at the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST promotes the U S economy and public welfare by providing technical leadership for the Nation’s measurement and standards infrastructure ITL develops tests test methods reference data proof of concept implementations and technical analyses to advance the development and productive use of information technology ITL’s responsibilities include the development of management administrative technical and physical standards and guidelines for the cost-effective security and privacy of other than national security-related information in Federal information systems Abstract De-identification removes identifying information from a dataset so that the remaining data cannot be linked with specific individuals Government agencies can use de-identification to reduce the privacy risk associated with collecting processing archiving distributing or publishing government data Previously NIST published NISTIR 8053 “De-Identifying Personal Data ” which provided a survey of de-identification and re-identification techniques This document provides specific guidance to government agencies that wish to use de-identification Before using de-identification agencies should evaluate their goals in using de-identification and the potential risks that de-identification might create Agencies should decide upon a de-identification release model such as publishing de-identified data publishing synthetic data based on identified data and providing a query interface to identified data that incorporates de-identification Agencies can use a Disclosure Review Board to oversee the process of de-identification they can also adopt a de-identification standard with measurable performance levels Several specific techniques for deidentification are available including de-identification by removing identifiers and transforming quasi-identifiers and the use of formal de-identification models that rely upon Differential Privacy De-identification is typically performed with software tools which may have multiple features however not all tools that mask personal information provide sufficient functionality for performing de-identification This document also includes an extensive list of references a glossary and a list of specific de-identification tools although the mention of these tools is only to be used to convey the range of tools currently available and is not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST Keywords privacy de-identification re-identification Disclosure Review Board data life cycle the five safes k-anonymity differential privacy pseudonymization direct identifiers quasi-identifiers synthetic data ii NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank the US Census Bureau for its help in researching and preparing this publication with specific thanks to John Abowd Ron Jarmin Christa Jones and Laura McKenna The author would also like to thank Daniel Barth-Jones Khaled El Emam and Bradley Malin providing invaluable insight in crafting this publication Audience This document is intended for use by government engineers data scientists privacy officers data review boards and other officials It is also designed to be generally informative to researchers and academics that are involved in the technical aspects relating to the de-identification of government data While this document assumes a high-level understanding of information system security technologies it is intended to be accessible to a wide audience iii NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS Table of Contents Executive Summary vi 1 2 3 Introduction 1 1 1 Document Purpose and Scope 3 1 2 Intended Audience 3 1 3 Organization 3 Introducing De-Identification 5 2 1 Historical Context 5 2 2 NISTIR 8053 6 2 3 Terminology 7 Governance and Management of Data De-Identification 11 3 1 Identifying Goals and Intended Uses of De-Identification 11 3 2 Evaluating Risks Arising from De-Identified Data Releases 12 Probability of Re-Identification 13 3 2 2 Adverse Impacts Resulting from Re-Identification 15 3 2 3 Impacts other than re-identification 16 3 2 4 Remediation 16 3 3 Data Life Cycle 16 3 4 Data Sharing Models 18 3 5 The Five Safes 19 3 6 Disclosure Review Boards 20 3 7 De-Identification Standards 22 3 8 4 3 2 1 3 7 1 Benefits of Standards 23 3 7 2 Prescriptive De-Identification Standards 23 3 7 3 Performance Based De-Identification Standards 23 Education Training and Research 24 Technical Steps for Data De-Identification 25 4 1 Determine the Privacy Data Usability and Access Objectives 25 4 2 Data Survey 25 4 2 1 Data Modalities 25 4 2 2 De-identifying dates 27 4 2 3 De-identifying geographical locations 28 4 2 4 De-identifying genomic information 28 4 3 A de-identification workflow 29 4 4 De-identification by removing identifiers and transforming quasi-identifiers 30 4 4 1 Removing or Transformation of Direct Identifiers 32 iv NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 4 5 5 6 7 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 4 4 2 Pseudonymization 32 4 4 3 Transforming Quasi-Identifiers 33 4 4 4 Challenges Posed by Aggregation Techniques 34 4 4 5 Challenges posed by High-Dimensionality Data 35 4 4 6 Challenges Posed by Linked Data 35 4 4 7 Post-Release Monitoring 36 Synthetic Data 36 4 5 1 Partially Synthetic Data 36 4 5 2 Fully Synthetic Data 37 4 5 3 Synthetic Data with Validation 38 4 5 4 Synthetic Data and Open Data Policy 38 4 5 5 Creating a synthetic dataset with differential privacy 38 4 6 De-Identifying with an interactive query interface 40 4 7 Validating a de-identified dataset 41 4 7 1 Validating privacy protection with a Motivated Intruder Test 41 4 7 2 Validating data usefulness 41 Requirements for De-Identification Tools 42 5 1 De-Identification Tool Features 42 5 2 Data Masking Tools 42 Evaluation 43 6 1 Evaluating Privacy Preserving Techniques 43 6 2 Evaluating De-Identification Software 43 6 3 Evaluating Data Quality 44 Conclusion 45 List of Appendices Appendix A References 46 A 1 Standards 46 A 2 US Government Publications 46 A 3 Publications by Other Governments 47 A 4 Reports and Books 47 A 5 How-To Articles 48 Appendix B Glossary 49 Appendix C Specific De-Identification Tools 54 C 1 Tabular Data 54 C 2 Free Text 55 C 3 Multimedia 55 v NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1 Executive Summary 2 3 4 5 6 The US Government collects maintains and uses many kinds of datasets Every federal agency creates and maintains internal datasets that are vital for fulfilling its mission such as delivering services to taxpayers or ensuring regulatory compliance Federal agencies can use deidentification to make government datasets available while protecting the privacy of the individuals whose data are contained within those datasets 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Increasingly these government datasets are being made available to the public For the datasets that contain personal information agencies generally first remove that personal information from the dataset prior to making the datasets publicly available De-identification is a term used within the US Government to describe the removal of personal information from data that are collected used archived and shared 2 De-identification is not a single technique but a collection of approaches algorithms and tools that can be applied to different kinds of data with differing levels of effectiveness In general the potential risk to privacy posed by a dataset’s release decreases as more aggressive de-identification techniques are employed but data quality decreases as well 16 17 18 19 The modern practice of de-identification comes from three distinct intellectual traditions • For four decades official statistical agencies have researched and investigated methods broadly termed Statistical Disclosure Limitation SDL or Statistical Disclosure Control 3 4 • 20 21 22 23 24 25 In the 1990s there was an increase in the unrestricted release of microdata or individual responses from surveys or administrative records Initially these releases merely stripped obviously identifying information such as names and social security numbers what are now called direct identifiers Following some releases researchers discovered that it was possible to re-identify individual data by triangulating with some of the remaining identifiers now called quasi-identifiers or indirect identifiers 5 The result of this 1 Additionally there are 13 Federal statistical agencies whose primary mission is the “collection compilation processing or analysis of information for statistical purposes ” Title V of the E-Government Act of 2002 Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act CIPSEA PL 107-347 Section 502 8 These agencies rely on de-identification when making their information available for public use 2 In Europe the term data anonymization is frequently used as synonym for de-identification but the terms may have subtly different definitions in some contexts For a more complete discussion of de-identification and data anonymization please see NISTIR 8053 De-Identification of Personal Data Simson Garfinkel September 2015 National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg MD 3 T Dalenius Towards a methodology for statistical disclosure control Statistik Tidskrift 15 pp 429-222 1977 4 An excellent summary of the history of Statistical Disclosure Limitation can be found in Private Lives and Public Policies Confidentiality and Accessibility of Government Statistics George T Duncan Thomas B Jabine and Virginia A de Wolf Editors Panel on Confidentiality and Data Access National Research Council ISBN 0-309-57611-3 288 pages http www nap edu catalog 2122 5 Sweeney Latanya Weaving Technology and Policy Together to Maintain Confidentiality Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics Vol 25 1997 p 98-110 vi NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS research was the development of the k-anonymity model for protecting privacy 6 which is reflected in the HIPAA Privacy Rule 26 27 • 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 In the 2000s computer science research in the area of cryptography involving private information retrieval database privacy and interactive proof systems developed the theory of differential privacy 7 which is based on a mathematical definition of the privacy loss to an individual resulting from queries on a database containing that individual’s personal information Starting with this definition researchers in the field of differential privacy have developed a variety of mechanisms for minimizing the amount privacy loss associated with various database operations 35 36 37 38 In recognition of both the growing importance of de-identification within the US Government and the paucity of efforts addressing de-identification as a holistic field NIST began research in this area in 2015 As part of that investigation NIST researched and published NIST Interagency Report 8053 De-Identification of Personal Information 8 39 40 41 42 Since the publication of NISTIR 8053 NIST has continued research in the area of deidentification NIST met with de-identification experts within and outside the United States Government convened a Government Data De-Identification Stakeholder’s Meeting in June 2016 and conducted an extensive literature review 43 44 45 46 The decisions and practices regarding the de-identification and release of government data can be integral to the mission and proper functioning of a government agency As such these activities should be managed by an agency’s leadership in a way that assures performance and results in a manner that is consistent with the agency’s mission and legal authority 47 48 49 50 51 52 Before engaging in de-identification agencies should clearly articulate their goals in performing the de-identification the kinds of data that they intend to de-identify and the uses that they envision for the de-identified data Agencies should also conduct a risk assessment that takes into account the potential adverse actions that might result from the release of the de-identified data this risk assessment should include analysis of risk that might result from the data being reidentified and risk that might result from the mere release of the de-identified data itself 53 54 55 56 57 One way that agencies can manage this risk is by creating a formal Disclosure Review Board DRB consisting of stakeholders within the organization and representatives of the organization’s leadership The DRB should evaluate applications for de-identification that describe the data to be released the techniques that will be used to minimize the risk of disclosure and how the effectiveness of those techniques will be evaluated 6 Latanya Sweeney 2002 k-anonymity a model for protecting privacy Int J Uncertain Fuzziness Knowl -Based Syst 10 5 October 2002 557-570 DOI http dx doi org 10 1142 S0218488502001648 7 Cynthia Dwork 2006 Differential Pprivacy In Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Automata Languages and Programming - Volume Part II ICALP'06 Michele Bugliesi Bart Preneel Vladimiro Sassone and Ingo Wegener Eds Vol Part II Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1-12 DOI http dx doi org 10 1007 11787006_1 8 NISTIR 8053 De-Identification of Personal Data Simson Garfinkel September 2015 National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg MD vii NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 58 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS Several specific models have been developed for the release of de-identified data These include 59 60 • The Release and Forget model 9 The de-identified data may be released to the public typically by being published on the Internet 61 62 63 • The Data Use Agreement DUA model The de-identified data may be made available to qualified users under a legally binding data use agreement that details what can and cannot be done with the data 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 • The Simulated Data with Verification Model The original dataset is used to create a simulated dataset that contains many of the aspects of the original dataset The simulated dataset is released either publically or to vetted researchers The simulated data can be used to develop queries or analytic software these queries and or software can then be provided to the agency and be applied on the original data The results of the queries and or analytics processes can then be subjected to Statistical Disclosure Limitation and the results provided to the researchers 71 72 73 74 • The Enclave model 10 11 The de-identified data may be kept in some kind of segregated enclave that restricts the export of the original data and instead accepts queries from qualified researchers runs the queries on the de-identified data and responds with results 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Agencies can create or adopt standards to guide those performing de-identification The standards can specific disclosure techniques or they can specify privacy guarantees that the deidentified data must uphold There are many techniques available for de-identifying data most of these techniques are specific to a particular modality Some techniques are based on ad-hoc procedures while others are based on formal privacy models that make it possible to rigorously calculate the amount of data manipulation required of the data to assure a particular level of privacy protection 82 83 84 85 86 87 De-identification is generally performed by software Features required of this software includes detection of identifying information calculation of re-identification probabilities performing deidentification mapping identifiers to pseudonyms and providing for the selective revelation of pseudonyms Today there are several non-commercial open source programs for performing deidentification but only a few commercial products Currently there are no performance standards certification or third-party testing programs available for de-identification software 9 Ohm Paul Broken Promises of Privacy Responding to the Surprising Failure of Anonymization UCLA Law Review Vol 57 p 1701 2010 10 Ibid 11 O'Keefe C M and Chipperfield J O 2013 A Summary of Attack Methods and Confidentiality Protection Measures for Fully Automated Remote Analysis Systems International Statistical Review 81 426–455 doi 10 1111 insr 12021 viii NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 88 1 Introduction 89 90 91 92 93 The US Government collects maintains and uses many kinds of datasets Every federal agency creates and maintains internal datasets that are vital for fulfilling its mission such as delivering services to taxpayers or ensuring regulatory compliance Additionally there are 13 Federal statistical agencies whose primary passion is the collection compilation processing or analysis of information for statistical purposes ” 12 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Increasingly these datasets are being made available to the public Many of these datasets are openly published to promote commerce support scientific research and generally promote the public good Other datasets contain sensitive data elements and as a result are only made available on a limited basis Some datasets are so sensitive that they cannot be made publicly available at all Instead agencies may choose to release summary statistics or even create synthetic datasets that resemble the original data but which do not present a threat to privacy or security 101 102 103 104 105 Privacy is integral to our society and citizens cannot opt-out of providing information to the government The principle that personal data provided to the government should generally remain confidential and not used in a way that would harm the individual is a bedrock principle of official statistical programs 13 As a result many laws regulations and policies govern the release of data to the public For example 106 107 108 • US Code Title 13 Section 9 which governs confidentiality of information provided to the Census Bureau prohibits “any publication whereby the data furnished by any particular establishment or individual under this title can be identified ” 109 110 111 112 113 114 • The release of personal information by the government is generally covered by the Privacy Act of 1974 14 and the E-Government Act of 2002 15 Specifically the EGovernment Act states that “ d ata or information acquired by an agency under a pledge of confidentiality for exclusively statistical purposes shall not be disclosed by an agency in identifiable form for any use other than an exclusively statistical purpose except with the informed consent of the respondent ” 16 115 116 117 118 • The Confidentiality Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 requires that federal statistical agencies “establish appropriate administrative technical and physical safeguards to insure the security and confidentiality of records and to protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to their security or integrity which could result 12 Title V of the E-Government Act of 2002 Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act CIPSEA PL 107-347 Section 502 8 13 George T Duncan Thomas B Jabine and Virginia A de Wolf eds Private Lives and Public Policies Confidentiality and Accessibility of Government Statistics National Academies Press Washington 1993 14 Pub L 93-579 88 Stat 1896 5 U S C § 552a 15 Pub L 107–347 116 Stat 2899 44 U S C § 101 H R 2458 S 803 16 Pub L 107-347 § 512 b 1 1 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 119 120 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS in substantial harm embarrassment inconvenience or unfairness to any individual on whom information is maintained ” 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 • On January 21 2009 President Obama issued a memorandum to the heads of executive departments and agencies calling for US government to be transparent participatory and collaborative 17 18 This was followed on December 8 2009 by the Open Government Directive 19 which called on the executive departments and agencies “to expand access to information by making it available online in open formats With respect to information the presumption shall be in favor of openness to the extent permitted by law and subject to valid privacy confidentiality security or other restrictions ” 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 • On February 22 2013 the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy OSTP directed Federal agencies with over $100 million in annual research and development expenditures to develop plans to provide for increased public access to digital scientific data Agencies were instructed to “ m aximize access by the general public and without charge to digitally formatted scientific data created with Federal funds while i protecting confidentiality and personal privacy ii recognizing proprietary interests business confidential information and intellectual property rights and avoiding significant negative impact on intellectual property rights innovation and U S competitiveness and iii preserving the balance between the relative value of longterm preservation and access and the associated cost and administrative burden ” 20 138 139 Thus many Federal agencies are charged with releasing data in a form that permits future analysis but does not threaten individual privacy 140 141 142 143 144 Minimizing privacy risk is not an absolute goal of Federal laws and regulations Instead privacy risk is weighed against other factors such as transparency accountability and the opportunity for public good This is why for example personally identifiable information collected by the Census Bureau remains confidential for 72 years and is then transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration where it is released to the public 21 145 146 147 De-identification is a term used within the US Government to describe the removal of personal information from data that are collected used archived and shared 22 De-identification is not a single technique but a collection of approaches algorithms and tools that can be applied to 17 Barack Obama Transparency and Open Government The White House January 21 2009 OMB Memorandum M-09-12 President’s Memorandum of Transparency and Open Government—Interagency Collaboration February 24 2009 https www whitehouse gov sites default files omb assets memoranda_fy2009 m09-12 pdf 19 OMB Memorandum M-10-06 Open Government Directive December 8 2009 M-10-06 20 John P Holden Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research Executive Office of the President Office of Science and Technology Policy February 22 2013 21 The “72-Year Rule ” US Census Bureau https www census gov history www genealogy decennial_census_records the_72_year_rule_1 html Accessed August 2016 See also Public Law 95-416 October 5 1978 22 In Europe the term data anonymization is frequently used as synonym for de-identification but the terms may have subtly different definitions in some contexts For a more complete discussion of de-identification and data anonymization please see NISTIR 8053 De-Identification of Personal Data Simson Garfinkel September 2015 National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg MD 18 2 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 148 149 150 151 152 153 different kinds of data with differing levels of effectiveness In general the potential risk to privacy posed by a dataset’s release decreases as more aggressive de-identification techniques are employed but data quality of the de-identified dataset decreases as well Decreased data quality may result in decreased utility for some or all of the intended users of the de-identified dataset Therefore any effort involving the release of data that contains personal information inherently involves making some kind of tradeoff 154 155 156 157 Some users of de-identified data may be able to use the data to make inferences about private facts regarding the data subjects they may even be able to re-identify the data subjects—that is to undo the privacy guarantees of de-identification Agencies that release data should understand what data they are releasing and the risk of re-identification 158 159 160 161 162 163 Planning is essential for successful de-identification and data release Data management and privacy protection should be an integrated part of scientific research This planning will include research design data collection protection of identifiers disclosure analysis and data sharing strategy In an operational environment this planning includes a comprehensive analysis of the purpose of the data release and the expected use of the released data the privacy protecting controls and the ways that those controls could fail 164 165 166 Proper de-identification can have significant cost where cost can include time labor and data processing costs But this effort properly executed can result in a data that has high value for a research community and the general public while still adequately protecting individual privacy 167 1 1 Document Purpose and Scope 168 169 170 171 This document provides guidance regarding the selection use and evaluation of de-identification techniques for US government datasets It also provides a framework that can be adapted by Federal agencies to frame the governance of de-identification procedures The ultimate goal of this document is to reduce disclosure risk that might result from an intentional data release 172 1 2 Intended Audience 173 174 175 176 177 This document is intended for use by government engineers data scientists privacy officers data review boards and other officials It is also designed to be generally informative to researchers and academics that are involved in the technical aspects relating to the de-identification of government data While this document assumes a high-level understanding of information system security technologies it is intended to be accessible to a wide audience 178 1 3 Organization 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 The remainder of this publication is organized as follows Section 2 “Introducing DeIdentification” presents a background on the science and terminology of de-identification Section 3 “Governance and Management of Data De-Identification ” provides guidance to agencies on the establishment or improvement to a program that makes privacy-sensitive data available to researchers and the general public Section 4 “Technical Steps for Data DeIdentification ” provides specific technical guidance for performing de-identification using a variety of mathematical approaches Section 5 “Requirements for De-Identification Tools ” provides a recommended set of features that should be in de-identification tools this information 3 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 187 188 189 may be useful for potential purchasers or developers of such software Section 6 “Evaluation ” provides information for evaluating both de-identification tools and de-identified datasets This publication concludes with Section 7 “Conclusion ” 190 191 This publication also includes three appendices “References ” “Glossary ” and “Specific DeIdentification Tools ” 4 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 192 2 Introducing De-Identification 193 This document presents recommendations for de-identifying government datasets 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 As long as any utility remains in the data derived from personal information there also exists the possibility however remote that some information might be linked back to the original individuals on whom the data are based When de-identified data can be re-identified the privacy protection provided by de-identification is lost The decision of how or if to de-identify data should thus be made in conjunction with decisions of how the de-identified data will be used shared or released Even if a specific individual cannot be matched to a specific data record deidentified data can be used to improve the accuracy of inferences regarding individuals whose de-identified data are in the dataset This so-called inference risk cannot be eliminated if there is any information content in the de-identified data but it can be minimized 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 De-identification is especially important for government agencies businesses and other organizations that seek to make data available to outsiders For example significant medical research resulting in societal benefit is made possible by the sharing of de-identified patient information under the framework established by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA Privacy Rule the primary US regulation providing for privacy of medical records Agencies may also be required to de-identify records as part of responding to a Freedom of Information Act FOIA request 210 2 1 Historical Context 211 The modern practice of de-identification comes from three distinct intellectual traditions 212 213 214 215 216 217 • For four decades official statistical agencies have researched and investigated methods broadly termed Statistical Disclosure Limitation SDL or Statistical Disclosure Control 23 24 Most of these methods were created to allow the release of statistical tables and public use files PUF that allow users to learn factual information or perform original research while protecting the privacy of the individuals in the dataset SDL is widely used in contemporary statistical reporting 218 219 220 221 222 223 • In the 1990s there was an increase in the release of microdata files for public use with individual responses from surveys or administrative records Initially these releases merely stripped obviously identifying information such as names and social security numbers what are now called direct identifiers Following some releases researchers discovered that it was possible to re-identify individuals’ data by triangulating with some of the remaining identifiers now called quasi-identifiers or indirect identifiers 25 The 23 T Dalenius Towards a methodology for statistical disclosure control Statistik Tidskrift 15 pp 429-222 1977 An excellent summary of the history of Statistical Disclosure Limitation can be found in Private Lives and Public Policies Confidentiality and Accessibility of Government Statistics George T Duncan Thomas B Jabine and Virginia A de Wolf Editors Panel on Confidentiality and Data Access National Research Council ISBN 0-309-57611-3 288 pages http www nap edu catalog 2122 25 Sweeney Latanya Weaving Technology and Policy Together to Maintain Confidentiality Journal of Law Medicine and 24 5 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 224 225 226 227 228 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS result of this research was the development of the k-anonymity model for protecting privacy 26 which is reflected in the HIPAA Privacy Rule Software that measures privacy risk using k-anonymity is used to allow the sharing of medical microdata This intellectual tradition is typically called de-identification although this document uses the word de-identification to describe all three intellectual traditions • 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 In the 2000s computer science research in the area of cryptography involving private information retrieval database privacy and interactive proof systems developed the theory of differential privacy 27 which is based on a mathematical definition of the privacy loss to an individual resulting from queries on a database containing that individual’s personal information Differential privacy is termed a formal method for privacy protection because it is based its definition of privacy and privacy loss is based on mathematical proofs 28 Because of this power there is considerable interest in differential privacy in academia commerce and business but to date there have been few systems employing differential privacy that have been released for general use 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 Separately during the first decade of the 21st century there was a growing awareness within the US Government about the risks that could result from the improper handling and inadvertent release of personal identifying and financial information This realization combined with a growing number of inadvertent data disclosures within the US government resulted in President George Bush signing Executive Order 13402 establishing an Identity Theft Task Force on May 10 2006 29 A year later the Office of Management and Budget issued Memorandum M-07-16 30 which required Federal agencies to develop and implement breach notification policies As part of this effort NIST issued Special Publication 800-122 Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information PII 31 These policies and documents had the specific goal of limiting the accessibility of information that could be directly used for identity theft but did not create a framework for processing government datasets so that they could be released without impacting the privacy of the data subjects 250 2 2 NISTIR 8053 251 In recognition of both the growing importance of de-identification within the US Government Ethics Vol 25 1997 p 98-110 Latanya Sweeney 2002 k-anonymity a model for protecting privacy Int J Uncertain Fuzziness Knowl -Based Syst 10 5 October 2002 557-570 DOI http dx doi org 10 1142 S0218488502001648 27 Cynthia Dwork 2006 Differential Privacy In Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Automata Languages and Programming - Volume Part II ICALP'06 Michele Bugliesi Bart Preneel Vladimiro Sassone and Ingo Wegener Eds Vol Part II Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1-12 DOI http dx doi org 10 1007 11787006_1 28 Other formal methods for privacy include cryptographic algorithms and techniques with provably secure properties privacy preserving data mining Shamir’s secret sharing and advanced database techniques A summary of such techniques appears in Michael Carl Tschantz and Jeannette M Wing Formal Methods for Privacy Technical Report CMU-CS-09-154 Carnegie Mellon University August 2009 http reports-archive adm cs cmu edu anon 2009 CMU-CS-09-154 pdf 29 George Bush Executive Order 13402 Strengthening Federal Efforts to Protect Against Identity Theft May 10 2006 https www gpo gov fdsys pkg FR-2006-05-15 pdf 06-4552 pdf 30 OMB Memorandum M-07-16 Safeguarding Against and Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable Information May 22 2007 https www whitehouse gov sites default files omb memoranda fy2007 m07-16 pdf 31 Erika McCallister Tim Grance Karen Scarfone Special Publication 800-122 Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information PII April 2010 http csrc nist gov publications nistpubs 800-122 sp800-122 pdf 26 6 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 252 253 254 255 256 257 and the paucity of efforts addressing de-identification as a holistic field NIST began research in this area in 2015 As part of that investigation NIST researched and published NIST Interagency Report 8053 De-Identification of Personal Information That report provided an overview of deidentification issues and terminology It summarized significant publications to date involving de-identification and re-identification It did not make recommendations regarding the appropriateness of de-identification or specific de-identification algorithms 258 259 260 261 Since the publication of NISTIR 8053 NIST has continued research in the area of deidentification As part of that research NIST met with de-identification experts within and outside the United States Government convened a Government Data De-Identification Stakeholder’s Meeting in June 2016 and conducted an extensive literature review 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 The result is this publication which provides guidance to Government agencies seeking to use de-identification to make datasets containing personal data available to a broad audience without compromising the privacy of those upon whom the data are based De-identification is one of several models for allowing the controlled sharing of sensitive data Other models include the use of data processing enclaves and data use agreements between data producers and data consumers For a more complete description of data sharing models privacy preserving data publishing and privacy preserving data mining please see NISTIR 8053 269 2 3 Terminology 270 271 272 273 While each of the de-identification traditions has developed its own terminology and mathematical models they share many underlying goals and concepts Where terminology differs this document relies on the terminology developed in previous US Government and standards organization documents 274 275 276 de-identification is the “general term for any process of removing the association between a set of identifying data and the data subject ” 32 De-identification takes an original dataset and produces a de-identified dataset 277 278 re-identification is the general term for any process that restores the association between a set of de-identified data and the data subject 279 280 281 redaction is a kind of de-identifying technique that relies on suppression or removal of information In general redaction alone is not sufficient to provide formal privacy guarantees while assuring the usefulness of the remaining data 282 283 284 285 286 287 anonymization is another term that is used for de-identification The term is defined as “process that removes the association between the identifying dataset and the data subject ” 33 Some authors use the terms “de-identification” and “anonymization” interchangeably Others use “deidentification” to describe a process and “anonymization” to denote a specific kind of deidentification that cannot be reversed In health care the term anonymization is sometimes used to describe the destruction of a table that maps pseudonyms to real identifiers However the term 32 33 ISO TS 25237 2008 E Health Informatics — Pseudonymization ISO Geneva Switzerland 2008 p 3 ISO TS 25237 2008 E Health Informatics — Pseudonymization ISO Geneva Switzerland 2008 p 2 7 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 288 289 290 anonymization conveys the perception that the de-identified data cannot be re-identified Absent formal methods for privacy protection it is not possible to mathematically determine if deidentified data can be re-identified Therefore the word anonymization should be avoided 291 292 293 294 295 296 In medical imaging the term de-identification is used to denote “the process of removing real patient identifiers or the removal of all subject demographics from imaging data for anonymization ” while the term de-personalization is taken to mean “the process of completely removing any subject-related information from an image including clinical trial identifiers ” 34 This terminology not widely used outside of the field of medical imaging and will not be used elsewhere in this document 297 298 299 300 Because of the inconsistencies in the use and definitions of the word “anonymization ” this document avoids the term except in this section and in the titles of some references Instead it uses the term “de-identification ” with the understanding that sometimes de-identified information can sometimes be re-identified and sometimes it cannot 301 302 303 304 305 pseudonymization is a “particular type of anonymization that both removes the association with a data subject and adds an association between a particular set of characteristics relating to the data subject and one or more pseudonyms ” 35 The term coded is frequently used in the healthcare setting to describe data that has been pseudonymized NIST recommends that agencies treat pseudononymized data as being potentially re-identifiable 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 Many government documents use the phrases personally identifiable information PII and personal information PII is typically used to indicate information that contains identifiers specific to individuals although there are a variety of definitions for PII in various laws regulations and agency guidance documents Because of these differing definitions it is possible to have information that singles out individuals but which does not meet a particular definition of PII An added complication is that some documents use the phrase PII to denote any information that is attributable to individuals or information that is uniquely attributable to a specific individual while others use the term strictly for data that are in fact identifying 314 315 316 317 318 319 This document avoids the term “personally identifiable information ” Instead the phrase personal information is used to denote information relating to individuals and identifying information is used to denote information that identifies individuals Therefore identifying information is personal information but personal information is not necessarily identifying information Private information is used to describe information that is in a dataset that is not publicly available Private information is not necessarily identifying 320 321 322 323 324 This document envisions a de-identification process in which an original dataset containing personal information is algorithmically processed to produce a de-identified result The result may be a de-identified dataset or a synthetic dataset in which the data were created by a model This kind of de-identification is envisioned as a batch process Alternatively the deidentification process may be a system that accepts queries and returns response that do not leak 34 Colin Miller Joe Krasnow Lawrence H Schwartz Medical Imaging in Clinical Trials Springer Science Business Media Jan 30 2014 35 ISO TS 25237 2008 E Health Informatics — Pseudonymization ISO Geneva Switzerland 2008 p 5 8 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 325 326 identifying information De-identified results may be corrected or updated and re-released on a periodic basis Issues arising from periodic release are discussed in §3 4 “Data Release Models ” 327 328 329 330 331 332 Disclosure “relates to inappropriate attribution of information to a data subject whether an individual or an organization Disclosure occurs when a data subject is identified from a released file identity disclosure sensitive information about a data subject is revealed through the released file attribute disclosure or the released data make it possible to determine the value of some characteristic of an individual more accurately than otherwise would have been possible inferential disclosure ” 36 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 Disclosure limitation is a general term for the practice of allowing summary information or queries on data within a dataset to be released without revealing information about specific individuals whose personal information is contained within the dataset De-identification is thus a kind of disclosure limitation technique Every disclosure limitation procedure results in some kind of bias or inaccuracy being introduced into the results 37 One goal of disclosure limitation is to avoid the introduction of non-ignorable biases 38 With respect to de-identification a goal is that inferences learned from de-identified datasets are similar to those learned from the original dataset 341 342 Two models for quantifying the privacy protection offered by de-identification are k-anonymity and differential privacy 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 K-anonymity 39 is a framework for quantifying the amount of manipulation required of the quasiidentifiers to achieve a given desired level of privacy The technique is based on the concept of an equivalence class the set of records that have the same quasi-identifiers A dataset is said to be k-anonymous if for every specific combination of quasi-identifiers there are at least k matching records For example if a dataset that has the quasi-identifiers birth year and state has k 4 anonymity then there must be at least four records for every combination of birth year state Subsequent work has refined k-anonymity by adding requirements for diversity of the sensitive attributes within each equivalence class known as l-diversity 40 and requiring that the resulting data are statistically close to the original data known as t-closeness 41 36 Statistical Policy Working Paper 22 Second version 2005 Report on Statistical Disclosure Limitation Methodology Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology December 2005 https fcsm sites usa gov reports policy-wp 37 For example see Trent J Alexander Michael Davern and Betsy Stevenson Inaccurate Age and Sex Data in the Census PUMS Files Evidence and Implications Public Opinion Quarterly 74 no 3 551-569 2010 38 John M Abowd and Ian M Schmutte Economic Analysis and Statistical Disclosure Limitation Brookings Papers on Economic Activity March 19 2015 https www brookings edu bpea-articles economic-analysis-and-statistical-disclosurelimitation 39 Latanya Sweeney 2002 k-anonymity a model for protecting privacy Int J Uncertain Fuzziness Knowl -Based Syst 10 5 October 2002 557-570 DOI 10 1142 S0218488502001648 http dx doi org 10 1142 S0218488502001648 40 A Machanavajjhala J Gehrke D Kifer and M Venkitasubramaniam l-diversity Privacy beyond k-anonymity In Proc 22nd Intnl Conf Data Engg ICDE page 24 2006 41 Ninghui Li Tiancheng Li and Suresh Venkatasubramanian 2007 t-Closeness Privacy beyond k-anonymity and ldiversity ICDE Purdue University 9 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 Differential privacy 42 is a model based on a mathematical definition of privacy that considers the risk to an individual from the release of a query on a dataset containing their personal information Differential privacy is also a set of mathematical techniques that can achieve the differential privacy definition of privacy Differential privacy prevents disclosure by adding nondeterministic noise usually small random values to the results of mathematical operations before the results are reported 43 Differential privacy’s mathematical definition holds that the result of an analysis of a dataset should be roughly the same before and after the addition or removal of the data from any individual This works because the amount of noise added masks the contribution of any individual The degree of sameness is defined by the parameter 𝛆𝛆 epsilon The smaller the parameter 𝛆𝛆 the more noise is added and the more difficult it is to distinguish the contribution of a single individual The result is increased privacy for all individuals both those in the sample and those in the population from which the sample is drawn who are not present in the dataset Differential privacy can be implemented in an online query system or in a batch mode in which an entire dataset is de-identified at one time In common usage the phrase “differential privacy” is used to describe both the formal mathematical framework for evaluating privacy loss and for algorithms that provably provide those privacy guarantees 369 370 371 372 373 Every time a dataset containing private information is queried and the results of that query are released a certain amount of privacy in the dataset is lost Using this model de-identifying a dataset can be viewed as subjecting the dataset to a large number of queries and presenting the results as a correlated whole The privacy loss budget is the total amount of private information that can be released according to an organization’s policy 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 Comparing traditional disclosure limitation k-anonymity and differential privacy the first two approaches start with a mechanism and attempt to reach the goal of privacy protection whereas the third starts with a formal definition of privacy and has attempted to evolve mechanisms that produce useful but privacy-preserving results All of these techniques are currently the subject of academic research so it is reasonable to expect new techniques to be developed in the coming years that simultaneously increase privacy protection while providing for high quality of the resulting de-identified data 42 Cynthia Dwork 2006 Differential privacy In Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Automata Languages and Programming - Volume Part II ICALP'06 Michele Bugliesi Bart Preneel Vladimiro Sassone and Ingo Wegener Eds Vol Part II Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1-12 DOI http dx doi org 10 1007 11787006_1 43 Cynthia Dwork Differential Privacy in ICALP Springer 2006 10 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 381 3 Governance and Management of Data De-Identification 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 The decisions and practices regarding the de-identification and release of government data can be integral to the mission and proper functioning of a government agency As such these activities should be managed by an agency’s leadership in a way that assures performance and results that are consistent with the agency’s mission and legal authority As discussed above the need for attention arises because of the conflicting goals of data transparency and privacy protection Although many agencies once assumed that it is relatively straightforward to remove privacy sensitive data from a dataset so that the remainder could be released without restriction experience has shown that this is not the case 44 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 Given the conflict and the history there may be a tendence for government agencies to overprotect their data Limiting the release of data clearly limits the risk of harm that might result from a data release However limiting the release of data also creates costs and risk for other government agencies which will then not have access to the identified data external organizations and society as a whole For example absent the data release external organizations will suffer the cost of re-collecting the data if it is possible to do so or the risk of incorrect decisions that might result from having insufficient information 397 398 399 400 This section begins with a discussion of why agencies might wish to de-identify data and how agencies should balance the benefits of data release with the risks to the data subjects It then discusses where de-identification fits within the data life cycle Finally it discusses options that agencies have for adopting de-identification standards 401 3 1 Identifying Goals and Intended Uses of De-Identification 402 403 404 Before engaging in de-identification agencies should clearly articulate their goals in performing the de-identification the kinds of data that they intend to de-identify and the uses that they envision for the de-identified data 405 406 407 In general agencies may engage in de-identification to allow for broader access to data that previously contained privacy sensitive information Agencies may also perform de-identification to reduce the risk associated with collecting storing and processing privacy sensitive data 408 For example 409 410 411 412 413 • Federal Statistical Agencies that collect process and publish data for use by researchers business planners and other well-established purposes These agencies are likely to have in place established standards and methodologies for de-identification As these agencies evaluate new approaches to de-identification they should seek to document inconsistencies with previous data releases that may result people with 414 415 • Federal Awarding Agencies are allowed under OMB Circular A-110 to require that institutions of higher education hospitals and other non-profit organizations receiving 44 NISTIR 8053 §2 4 §3 6 11 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS federal grants provide the US Government with “the right to 1 obtain reproduce publish or otherwise use the data first produced under an award and 2 authorize others to receive reproduce publish or otherwise use such data for Federal Purposes ” 45 Realizing this policy awarding agencies can require that awardees establish data management plans DMPs for making research data publicly available Such data are used for a variety of purposes including transparency and reproducibility In general research data that contains personal information should be de-identified by the awardee prior to public release Awarding agencies may establish de-identification standards to ensure the protection of personal information 425 426 427 428 429 • Federal Research Agencies may wish to make de-identified data available to the general public to further the objectives of research transparency and allow others to reproduce and build upon their results These agencies are generally prohibited from publishing research data that would contain personal information requiring the use of deidentification 430 431 432 433 • All Federal Agencies that wish to make available administrative or operational data for the purpose of transparency accountability or program oversight or to enable academic research may wish to employ de-identification to avoid sharing data that contains privacy sensitive information on employees customers or others 434 3 2 Evaluating Risks Arising from De-Identified Data Releases 435 436 437 438 Once the purpose of the data release is understood agencies should identify the risk that might result from the data release As part of this risk analysis agencies should specifically evaluate the probability of re-identification the negative actions that might result from re-identification and strategies for remediation in the event re-identification takes place 439 440 NIST provides detailed information on how to conduct risk assessments in NIST Special Publication 800-30 Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments 46 441 442 443 444 445 446 Risk assessments should be based on scientific objective factors and take into account the best interests of the individuals in the dataset—it should not be based on stakeholder interest The goal of a risk evaluation is not to eliminate risk but to identify which risks can be reduced while still meeting the objectives of the data release and then deciding whether or not the residual risk is justified by the goals of the data release A stakeholder may choose to accept risk but stakeholders should not be empowered to prevent risk from being documented and discussed 447 448 At the present time it is difficult to have measures of risk that are both general and meaningful This represents an important area of research in the field of risk communication 45 OBM Circular A110 §36 c 1 and 2 Revised 11 19 93 as further amended 9 30 99 https www whitehouse gov omb circulars_a110 46 NIST Special Publication 800-30 Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative September 2012 http dx doi org 10 6028 NIST SP 800-30r1 12 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 449 3 2 1 Probability of Re-Identification 450 Potential impacts on individuals from the release and use of de-identified data include 47 451 452 453 • Identity disclosures — Associating a specific individual with the corresponding record s in the data set Identity disclosure can result from insufficient de-identification re-identification by linking or pseudonym reversal 454 455 456 457 458 • Attribute disclosure — determining that an attribute described in the dataset is held bya specific individual even if the record s associated with that individual is are not identified Attribute disclosure can occur without identity disclosure if the de-identified dataset contains data from a significant number of relatively homogeneous individuals 48 In these cases de-identification does not protect against attribute disclosure 459 460 461 • Inferential disclosure — being able to make an inference about an individual even if the individual was not in the dataset prior to de-identification De-identification cannot protect against inferential disclosure 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 Although these disclosures are commonly thought to be atomic events involving the release of specific data such as a person’s name matched to a record disclosures can result from the release of data that merely changes an adversary’s probabilistic belief For example a disclosure might change an adversary’s estimate that a specific individual is present in a dataset from a 50% probability to 90% The adversary still doesn’t know if the individual is in the dataset or not and the individual might not in fact be in the dataset but a disclosure has still taken place Differential privacy provides a precise mathematical formulation of how information releases affect these probabilities 470 471 472 Re-identification probability 49 is the probability that an attacker will be able to use information contained in a de-identified dataset to make inferences about individuals Different kinds of reidentification probabilities can be calculated including • 473 474 475 476 Known Inclusion Re-identification Probability KIRP The probably of finding the record that matches a specific individual known to be in the population corresponding to a specific record RRPdataset KIRP can be expressed as the probability for a specific individual the probability averaged over the entire dataset ARRP AKIRP 50 47 Li Xiong James Gardner Pawel Jurczyk and James J Lu “Privacy-Preserving Information Discovery on EHRs ” in Information Discovery on Electronic Health Records edited by Vagelis Hristidis CRC Press 2009 48 NISTIR 8053 §2 4 p 13 49 Note that previous publications described identification probability as “re-identification risk” and used scenarios such as a journalist seeking to discredit a national statistics agency and a prosecutor seeking to find information about a suspect as the basis for probability calculations That terminology is not presented in this document in the interest of bringing the terminology of de-identification into agreement with the terminology used in contemporary risk analyses processes See Elliot M Dale A Scenarios of attack the data intruder’s perspective on statistical disclosure risk Netherlands Official Statistics 1999 14 Spring 6-10 50 Some texts refer to KIRP as “prosecutor risk ” The scenario is that a prosecutor is looking for records belonging to a specific named individual 13 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT • 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 • • DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS Unknown Inclusion Re-identification Probability UIRP The probability of finding the record that matches a specific individual without first knowing if the individual is or the maximumis not in the dataset UIRP can be expressed as a probability for an individual record in the dataset probability averaged over the entire population AUIRP 51 Recording matching probability RMP The probably of finding the record that matches a specific individual chosen from the population RMP can be expressed as the probability for a specific record RMP the probability averaged over the entire dataset ARMP or the maximum probability over the entire dataset Inclusion probability IP the probability that a specific individual’s presence in the dataset can be inferred 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 Whether or not it is necessary to calculate these probabilities depends upon the specifics of each intended data release For example many cities publicly disclose whether or not the taxes have been paid on a given property Given that this information is already public it may not be necessary to consider inclusion probably when a dataset of property taxpayers for a specific dataset is released Likewise there may be some attributes in a dataset that are already public and thus do not need to be protected with disclosure limitation techniques However the existence of such attributes may themselves pose a re-identification risk for other information in this dataset or in other de-identified datasets 495 496 497 498 499 500 It may be difficult to calculate specific re-identification probabilities as the ability to re-identify depends on the original dataset the de-identification technique the technical skill of the attacker the attacker’s available resources and the availability of additional data that can be linked with the de-identified data In many cases the probability of re-identification will increase over time as techniques improve and more contextual information become available e g publicly or through a purchase 501 502 503 504 505 506 De-identification practitioners have traditionally quantified re-identification probability in part based on the skills and abilities of a potential data intruder Datasets that were thought to have little interest or possibility for exploitation were deemed to have a lower re-identification probability than datasets containing sensitive or otherwise valuable information Such approaches are not appropriate when attempting to evaluate the re-identification probability of government datasets • 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 • 51 Although a specific de-identified dataset may not be seen as sensitive de-identifying that dataset may be an important step in de-identifying another dataset that is sensitive Alternatively the adversary may merely wish to embarrass the government agency Thus adversaries may have a strong incentive to re-identify datasets that are seemingly innocuous Although the general public may not be skilled in re-identification many resources on the modern Internet makes it easy to acquire specialized datasets tools and experts for specific re-identification challenges Some texts refer to UIRP as “journalist risk ” The scenario is that a journalist has obtained the de-identified file and is trying to identify one of the data subjects but that the journalist fundamentally does not care who is identified 14 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 515 516 517 Instead de-identification practitioners should assume that de-identified government datasets will be subjected to sustained world-wide re-identification attempts and they should gauge their deidentification requirements accordingly 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 Members of vulnerable populations e g prisoners children people with disabilities may be more susceptible to having their identities disclosed by de-identified data than non-vulnerable populations Likewise residents of areas with small populations may be more susceptible to having their identities disclosed than residents of urban areas Individuals with multiple traits will generally be more identifiable if the individual’s location is geographically restricted For example data belonging to a person who is labeled as a pregnant unemployed female veteran will be more identifiable if restricted to Baltimore County MD than to North America 525 3 2 2 Adverse Impacts Resulting from Re-Identification 526 527 528 As part of a risk analysis agencies should attempt to enumerate specific kinds of adverse impacts that can result from the re-identification of de-identified information These can include potential impact on individuals the agency and society as a whole 529 Potential adverse impacts on individuals include 530 531 • Increased availability of personal information leading to an increased risks of fraud or identity theft 532 533 • Increased availability of an individual’s location putting that person at risk for burglary property crime assault or other kinds of violence 534 535 536 • Increased availability an individual’s private information exposing potentially embarrassing information or information that the individual may not otherwise choose to reveal to the public 537 Potential adverse impacts to an agency resulting from a successful re-identification include 538 539 • Embarrassment or reputational damage if it can be publicly demonstrated that deidentified data can be re-identified 540 541 • Direct harm to the agency’s operations as a result of having de-identified data reidentified 542 • Financial impact resulting from the harm to the individuals e g settlement of lawsuits 543 544 • Civil or criminal sanctions against employees or contractors resulting from a data release contrary to US law 545 546 547 548 Potential adverse impacts on society as a whole include • Damage to the practice of using de-identification information De-identification is an important tool for promoting research and accountability Poorly executed deidentification efforts may negatively impact the public’s view of this technique and limit 15 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 549 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS its use as a result 550 551 552 553 One way to calculate an upper bound on impact to an individual or the agency is to estimate the impact that would result from the inadvertent release of the original dataset This approach will not calculate the upper bound on the societal impact however since that impact includes reputational damage to the practice of de-identification itself 554 555 As part of a risk analysis process agencies should enumerate specific measures that they will take to minimize the risk of identity successful re-identification 556 3 2 3 Impacts other than re-identification 557 558 Risk assessments described in this section can also assess adverse impacts other than those that might result from re-identification For example 559 560 • The sharing of de-identified data might result in specific inferential disclosures which in general are not protected against by de-identification 561 562 • The de-identification procedure might introduce bias or inaccuracies into the dataset that result in incorrect decisions 52 563 564 • Releasing a de-identified dataset might reveal non-public information about an agency’s policies or practices 565 3 2 4 Remediation 566 567 568 569 As part of a risk analysis process agencies should attempt to enumerate techniques that could be used to mitigate or remediate harms that would result from a successful re-identification of deidentified information Remediation could include victim education the procurement of monitoring or security services the issuance of new identifiers or other measures 570 3 3 Data Life Cycle 571 572 573 NIST SP 1500-1 defines the data life cycle as “the set of processes in an application that transform raw data into actionable knowledge ” 53 Currently there is no standardized model for the data life cycle 574 Michener et al describe the data life cycle as a true cycle of Collect → Assure → Describe → 52 For example a personalized warfarin dosing model created with data that had been modified in a manner consistent with the differential privacy de-identification model produced higher mortality rates in simulation than a model created from unaltered data See Fredrikson et al Privacy in Pharmacogenetics An End-to-End Case Study of Personalized Warfarin Dosing 23rd Usenix Security Symposium August 20-22 2014 San Diego CA Educational data de-identified according to the k-anonymity model can also resulte in the introduction of bias that led to spurious results See Olivia Angiuli Joe Blitzstein and Jim Waldo How to De-Identify Your Data Communications of the ACM December 2015 58 12 pp 48-55 DOI 10 1145 2814340 53 NIST Special Publication 1500-1 NIST Big Data Interoperability Framework Volume 1 Definitions NIST Big Data Public Working Group Definitions and Taxonomies Subgroup September 2015 http dx doi org 10 6028 NIST SP 1500-1 16 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 575 576 577 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS Deposit → Preserve → Discover → Integrate → Analyze → Collect 54 It is unclear how deidentification fits into this life cycle as the data owner typically retains access to the identified data 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 Chisholm and others in the business literature describe the data life cycle as a linear process that involves Data Capture → Data Maintenance → Data Synthesis → Data Usage → Data Publication Data Archival → Data Purging 55 Using this formulation de-identification typically fits between the Data Usage and the Data Publication Data Archival parts of the data life cycle That is fully identified data are used within the organization but they are then de-identified prior to being published as a dataset shared or archived However de-identification could also be applied after collection as part of the Assure Michener or Data Maintenance Chisholm steps in the event that identified data were collected but the identifying information was not actually needed 587 588 Indeed applying de-identification throughout the data life cycle minimizes privacy risk and significantly easies the process of public release 589 Agencies performing de-identification should document that • • • • • 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 Techniques used to perform the de-identification are theoretically sound Software used to perform the de-identification is reliable for the intended task Individuals who performed the de-identification were suitably qualified Tests were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the de-identification Ongoing monitoring is in place to assure the continued effectiveness of the deidentification strategy No matter where de-identification is applied in the data life cycle agencies should document the answers of these questions for each de-identified dataset • • 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 • • • • • • Are direct identifiers collected with the dataset Even if direct identifiers are not collected is it nevertheless still possible to identify the data subjects through the presence of quasi-identifiers Where in the data life cycle is de-identification performed Is it performed in only one place or is it performed in multiple places Is the original dataset retained after de-identification Is there a key or map retained so that specific data elements can be re-identified at a later time How are decisions made regarding de-identification and re-identification Are there specific datasets that can be used to re-identify the de-identified data If so what controls are in place to prevent intentional or unintentional re-identification Is it a problem if a dataset is re-identified 54 Participatory design of DataONE—Enabling cyberinfrastructure for the biological and environmental sciences Ecological Informatics Vol 11 Sept 2012 pp 5-15 55 Malcolm Chisholm 7 Phases of a Data Life Cycle Information Management July 9 2015 http www informationmanagement com news data-management Data-Life-Cycle-Defined-10027232-1 html 17 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT • 610 611 612 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS Is there mechanism that will inform the de-identifying agency if there is an attempt to reidentify the de-identified dataset Is there a mechanism that will inform the agency of the attempt is successful 613 3 4 Data Sharing Models 614 615 Agencies should decide the data release model that will be used to make the data available outside the agency after the data have been de-identified 56 Options include 616 617 618 619 • The Release and Forget Model 57 The de-identified data may be released to the public typically by being published on the Internet It can be difficult or impossible for an organization to recall the data once released in this fashion and may limit information for future releases 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 • The Data Use Agreement DUA Model The de-identified data may be made available to under a legally binding data use agreement that details what can and cannot be done with the data Typically data use agreements may prohibit attempted re-identification linking to other data and redistribution of the data without a similarly binding DUA A DUA will typically be negotiated between the data holder and qualified researchers the “qualified investigator model” 58 although they may be simply posted on the Internet with a click-through license agreement that must be agreed to before the data can be downloaded the “click-through model” 59 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 • The Simulated Data with Verification Model The original dataset is used to create a simulated dataset that contains many of the aspects of the original dataset The simulated dataset is released either publically or to vetted researchers The simulated data can be used to develop queries or analytic software these queries and or software can then be provided to the agency which will then apply them to the original data The results of the queries and or analytics processes can then be subjected to Statistical Disclosure Limitation and the results provided to the researchers 635 636 637 638 • The Enclave Model 60 61 The de-identified data may be kept in a segregated enclave that restricts the export of the original data and instead accepts queries from qualified researchers runs the queries on the de-identified data and responds with results Alternatively vetted researchers may travel to the enclave to perform their research as is 56 NISTIR 8053 §2 5 p 14 Ohm Paul Broken Promises of Privacy Responding to the Surprising Failure of Anonymization UCLA Law Review Vol 57 p 1701 2010 58 K El Emam and B Malin “Appendix B Concepts and Methods for De-identifying Clinical Trial Data ” in Sharing Clinical Trial Data Maximizing Benefits Minimizing Risk Institute of Medicine of the National Academies The National Academies Press Washington DC 2015 59 Ibid 60 Ibid 61 O'Keefe C M and Chipperfield J O 2013 A Summary of Attack Methods and Confidentiality Protection Measures for Fully Automated Remote Analysis Systems International Statistical Review 81 426–455 doi 10 1111 insr 12021 57 18 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 639 640 641 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS done with the Federal Statistical Research Data Centers operated by US Census Bureau Enclaves may be used to implement the verification step of the Simulated Data with Verification Model 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 Sharing models should take into account the possibility of multiple or periodic releases Just as repeated queries to the same dataset may leak personal data from the dataset repeated deidentified releases by an agency may result in compromising the privacy of individuals unless each subsequent release is viewed in light of the previous release Even if a contemplated release of an allegedly de-identified dataset does not directly reveal identifying information Federal agencies should ensure that the release combined with previous releases will also not reveal identifying information 62 649 650 651 652 653 Instead of sharing an entire dataset the data owner may choose to release a sample If only a subsample is released the probability of re-identification decreases because an attacker will not know if a specific individual from the data universe is present in the de-identified dataset 63 However releasing only a subset may cause users to draw incorrect inferences on the data and may not align with agency goals regarding transparency and accountability 654 3 5 The Five Safes 655 656 657 658 659 The Five Safes is a popular framework created for “designing describing and evaluating” data access systems and especially access systems designed for the sharing of information from a national statistics institute such as the US Census Bureau or the UK Office for National Statistics with a research community 64 The framework proposes five “risk or access dimensions ” 660 • Safe projects — Is this use of the data appropriate 661 • Safe people — Can the researchers be trusted to use it in an appropriate manner 662 • Safe data — Is there a disclosure risk in the data itself 663 • Safe settings — Does the access facility limit unauthorized use 664 • Safe outputs — Are the statistical results non-disclosive 665 666 667 Each of these dimensions is intended to be independent That is the legal moral and ethical review of the research proposed by the “safe projects” dimension should be evaluated independently of the people proposing to conduct the research and the location where the 62 See Joel Havermann plaintiff - Appellant v Carolyn W Colvin Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration Defendant – Appellee No 12-2453 US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit 537 Fed Appx 142 2013 US App Aug 1 2013 Joel Havemann v Carolyn W Colvin Civil No JFM-12-1325 US District Court for the District of Maryland 2015 US Dist LEXIS 27560 March 6 2015 63 El Emam Methods for the de-identification of electronic health records for genomic research Genome Medicine 2011 3 25 http genomemedicine com content 3 4 25 64 Desai T Ritchie F and Welpton R 2016 Five Safes Designing data access for research Working Paper University of the West of England Available from http eprints uwe ac uk 28124 19 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 668 research will be conducted 669 670 671 672 673 674 One of the positive aspects of the Five Safes framework is that it forces data owners to consider many different aspects of data release when considering or evaluating data access proposals Frequently the authors write it is common for data owners to “focus on one and only one particular issue such as the legal framework surrounding access to their data or IT solutions ” With a framework such as the Five Safes people who may be specialists in one area are focused to consider or to explicitly not consider a variety of different aspects of privacy protection 675 676 677 The Five Safes framework can be used as a tool for designing access systems for evaluating existing systems for communication and for training Agencies should consider using a framework such as The Five Safes for organizing risk analysis of data release efforts 678 3 6 Disclosure Review Boards 65 679 680 681 682 683 Disclosure Review Boards DRBs also known as Data Release Boards are administrative bodies created within an organization that are charged with assuring that a data release meets the policy and procedural requirements of that organization DRBs should be governed by a written mission statement and charter that are ideally approved by the same mechanisms that the organization uses to approve other organization-wide policies 684 685 The DRB should have a mission statement that guides its activities For example the US Department of Education’s DRB has the mission statement 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 “The Mission of the Department of Education Disclosure Review Board ED-DRB is to review proposed data releases by the Department’s principal offices POs through a collaborate technical assistance aiding the Department to release as much useful data as possible while protecting the privacy of individuals and the confidentiality of their data as required by law ” 66 The DRB charter specifies the mechanics of how the mission is implemented A formal written charter promotes transparency in the decision-making process and assures consistency in the applications of its policies It is envisioned that most DRBs will be established to weigh the interests of data release against those of individual privacy protection However a DRB may also be chartered to consider group harms 67 that can result from the release of a dataset beyond harm to individual privacy Such considerations should be framed within existing organizational policy regulation and law Some agencies may balance these concerns by employing data use models other than de-identification—for example by establishing data enclaves where a limited number of vetted researchers can gain access to sensitive datasets in a way that provides data value while attempting to minimize the possibility for harm In those agencies a DRB would be 65 Note This section is based in part on an analysis of the Disclosure Review Board policies at the US Census Bureau the US Department of Education and the US Social Security Administration 66 The Data Disclosure Decision Department of Education ED Disclosure Review Board DRB A Product of the Federal CIO Council Innovation Committee Version 1 0 2015 http go usa gov xr68F 67 NISTIR 8053 §2 4 p 13 20 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 701 empowered to approve the use of such mechanisms 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 The DRB charter should specify the DRB’s composition To be effective the DRB should include representatives from multiple groups and should include experts in both technology and policy It may be desired to have individuals representing the interests of potential users such individuals need not come from outside of the organization It may also be beneficial to include representation from among the public specifically from groups represented in the data sets if they have a limited scope It may be useful to have a representation from the organization’s leadership team such a representative helps establish the DRBs credibility with the rest of the organization The DRB may also have members that are subject matter experts The charter should establish rules for ensuring quorum and specify if members can designate alternates on a standing or meeting-by-meeting basis The DRB should specify the mechanism by which members are nominated and approved their tenure conditions for removal and removal procedures 68 714 715 716 The charter should set policy expectations for recording keeping and reporting including whether records and reports are considered public or restricted The charter should indicate if it is possible to exclude sensitive decisions from these requirements and the mechanism for doing so 717 718 719 720 721 To meet its requirement of evaluating data releases the DRB should require that written applications be submitted to the DRB that specify the nature of the dataset the de-identification methodology and the result An application may require that the proposer present the reidentification risk the risk to individuals if the dataset is re-identified and a proposed plan for detecting and mitigating successful re-identification 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 DRBs may wish to institute a two-step process in which the applicant first proposes and receives approval for a specific de-identification process that will be applied to a specific dataset then submits and receives approval for the release of the dataset that has been de-identified according to the proposal However because it is theoretically impossible to predict the results of applying an arbitrary process to an arbitrary dataset 69 70 the DRB should be empowered to reject release of a dataset even if it has been de-identified in accordance with an approved procedure because performing the de-identification may demonstrate that the procedure was insufficient to protect privacy The DRB may delegate the responsibility of reviewing the de-identified dataset but it should not be delegated to the individual that performed the de-identification 731 732 733 734 The DRB charter should specify if the Board needs to approve each data release by the organization or if it may grant blanket approval for all data of a specific type that is de-identified according to a specific methodology The charter should specify duration of the approval Given advances in the science and technology of de-identification it is inadvisable that a Board be 68 For example in 2003 the Census Bureau had a 9-member Disclosure Review Board with “six members representing the economic demographic and decennial program areas that serve 6-year terms In addition the Board has three permanent members representing the research and policy areas ” Census Confidentiality and Privacy 1790-2002 US Census Bureau 2003 pp 34-35 69 Church A 1936 'A Note on the Entscheidungsproblem' Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 40-41 70 Turing A M 1936 'On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem' Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society Series 2 42 1936-37 pp 230-265 21 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 735 empowered to grant release authority for an indefinite amount of time 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 In most cases a single privacy protection methodology will be insufficient to protect the varied datasets that an agency may wish to release That is different techniques might best optimize the tradeoff between re-identification risk and data usability depending on the specifics of each kind of dataset Nevertheless the DRB may wish to develop guidance recommendations and training materials regarding specific de-identification techniques that are to be used Agencies that standardize on a small number of de-identification techniques will gain familiarity with these techniques and are likely to have results that have a higher level of consistency and success than those that have no such guidance or standardization 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 Although it is envisioned that DRBs will work in a cooperative collaborative and congenial manner with those inside an agency seeking to release de-identified data there will at times be a disagreement of opinion For this reason the DRB’s charter should state if the DRB has the final say over disclosure matters or if the DRB’s decisions can be overruled by whom and by what procedure For example an agency might give the DRB final say over disclosure matters but allow the agency’s leadership to replace members of the DRB as necessary Alternatively the DRB’s rulings might merely be advisory with all data releases being individually approved by agency leadership or its delegates 71 752 753 Finally agencies should decide whether or not the DRB charter will include any kind of performance timetables or be bound by a service level agreement SLA 754 Key elements of a DRB • • • • • 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 • • • Written mission statement and charter Members represent different groups within the organization including leadership Board receives written applications to release de-identified data Board reviews both proposed methodology and the results of applying the methodology Applications should identify risk associated with data release including re-identification probability potentially adverse events that would result if individuals are re-identified and a mitigation strategy if re-identification takes place Approvals may be valid for multiple releases but should not be valid indefinitely Mechanisms for dispute resolution Timetable or service level agreement SLA 765 3 7 De-Identification Standards 766 767 768 769 Agencies can rely on de-identification standards to provide a standardized terminology procedures and performance criteria for de-identification efforts Agencies can adopt existing de-identification standards or create their own De-identification standards can be prescriptive or performance-based 71 At the Census Bureau “staff members who are not satisfied with the DRB’s decision … may appeal to a steering committee consisting of several Census Bureau Associate Directors Thus far there have been few appeals and the Steering Committee has never reversed a decision made by the Board ” Census Confidentiality and Privacy 1790-2002 p 35 22 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 770 3 7 1 Benefits of Standards 771 772 773 De-identification standards assist agencies in the process of de-identifying data prior to public release Without standards data owners may be unwilling to share data as they may be unable to assess if a procedure for de-identifying data is sufficient to minimize privacy risk 774 775 776 777 Standards can increase the availability of individuals with appropriate training by providing a specific body of knowledge and practice that training should address Absent standards agencies may forego opportunities to share data De-identification standards can help practitioners to develop a community certification and accreditation processes 778 779 780 781 Standards decrease uncertainty and provide data owners and custodians with best practices to follow Courts can consider standards as acceptable practices that should generally be followed In the event of litigation an agency can point to the standard and say that it followed good data practice 782 3 7 2 Prescriptive De-Identification Standards 783 784 A prescriptive de-identification standard specifies an algorithmic procedure that if followed results in data that are de-identified 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 The “Safe Harbor” method of the HIPAA Privacy Rule 72 is an example of a prescriptive deidentification standard The intent of the Safe Harbor method is to “provide covered entities with a simple method to determination if information is adequately de-identified ” 73 It does this by specifying 18 kinds of identifiers that once removed results in the de-identification of Protected Health Information PHI and the subsequent relaxing of privacy regulations Although the Privacy Rule does state that a covered entity employing the Safe Harbor method must have no “actual knowledge” that the PHI once de-identified could still be used to re-identify individuals covered entities are not obligated to employ experts or mount re-identification attacks against datasets to verify that the use of the Safe Harbor method has in fact resulted in data that cannot be re-identified 795 796 797 798 799 Prescriptive standards have the advantages of being relatively easy for users to follow but developing testing and validating such standards can be burdensome Agencies creating prescriptive de-identification standards should assure that data de-identified according to the rules cannot be re-identified such assurances frequently cannot be made unless formal privacy techniques such as differential privacy are employed 800 801 Prescriptive de-identification standards carry the risk that the procedure specified in the standard may not sufficiently de-identify to avoid the risk of re-identification 802 3 7 3 Performance Based De-Identification Standards 803 A performance based de-identification standard specifies properties that the dataset must have 72 73 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 HIPAA Privacy Rule Safe Harbor method §164 514 b 2 Guidance Regarding Methods for De-identification of Protected Health Information in Accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA Privacy Rule US Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights 2010 http www hhs gov ocr privacy hipaa understanding coveredentities De-identification guidance html#_edn32 23 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 804 after it is de-identified 805 806 807 808 809 The “Expert Determination” method of the HIPAA Privacy Rule is an example of a performance based de-identification standard Under the rule a technique for de-identifying data is sufficient if an appropriate expert “determines that the risk is very small that the information could be used alone or in combination with other reasonably available information by an anticipated recipient to identify an individual who is a subject of the information ” 74 810 811 812 Performance based standards have the advantage of allowing users many different ways to solve a problem As such they leave room for innovation Such standards also have the advantage that they can embody the desired outcome 813 814 815 816 Performance based standards should be sufficiently detailed that they can be performed in a manner that is reliable and repeatable For example standards that call for the use of experts should specify how an expert’s expertise is to be determined Standards that call for the reduction of risk to an acceptable level should provide a procedure for determining that level 817 3 8 Education Training and Research 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 De-identifying data in a manner that preserves privacy can be a complex mathematical statistical and data-driven process Frequently the opportunities for identity disclosure will vary from dataset to dataset Privacy protecting mechanisms developed for one dataset may not be appropriate for others For these reasons agencies engaging in de-identification should ensure that their workers have adequate education and training in the subject domain Agencies may wish to establish education or certification requirements for those who work directly with the datasets Because de-identification techniques are modality dependent agencies using deidentification may need to institute research efforts to develop and test appropriate data release methodologies 74 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 HIPAA Privacy Rule Expert Determination Method §164 514 b 1 24 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 827 4 Technical Steps for Data De-Identification 828 829 830 The goal of de-identification is to transform data in a way that protects privacy while preserving the validity of inferences drawn on that data This section discusses technical options for performing de-identification and verifying the result of a de-identification procedure 831 832 833 Agencies should adopt a detailed written protocol for de-identifying data prior to commencing work on a de-identification project The details of the protocol will depend on the particular deidentification approach that is pursued 834 4 1 Determine the Privacy Data Usability and Access Objectives 835 836 837 Agencies intent on de-identifying data for release should determine the policies and standards that will be used to determine acceptable levels of data quality de-identification and risk of reidentification For example 838 • What is the purpose of the data release 839 • What is the intended use of the data 840 • What data sharing model §3 4 will be used 841 • Which standards for privacy protection or de-identification will be used 842 • What is the level of risk that the project is willing to accept 843 • How should compliance with that level of risk be determined 844 845 846 847 • What are the goals for limiting re-identification That only a few people be re-identified That only a few people can be re-identified in theory but no one will actually be reidentified in practice That there will be a small percentage chance that everybody will be re-identified 848 849 • What harm might result from re-identification and what techniques that will be used to mitigate those harms 850 Some goals and objectives are synergistic while others are in opposition 851 4 2 Data Survey 852 853 As part of the de-identification agencies should conduct an analysis of the data that they wish to de-identify 854 4 2 1 Data Modalities 855 Different kinds of data require different kinds of de-identification techniques 856 857 • Tabular numeric and categorical data is the subject of the majority of de-identification research and practice These datasets are most frequently de-identified by using 25 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS techniques based on the designation and removal of direct identifiers and the manipulation of quasi-identifiers The chief criticism of de-identification based on direct and quasi-identifiers is that administrative determinations of quasi-identifiers may miss variables that can be uniquely identifying when combined and linked with external data—including data that are not available at the time the de-identification is performed but become available in the future De-identification can be evaluated using frameworks such as Statistical Disclosure Limitation SDL or k-anonymity However risk determinations based on this kind of de-identification will be incorrect if direct and quasi-identifiers are not properly classified Tabular data may also be used to create a synthetic dataset that preserves some inference validity but does not have a 1-to-1 correspondence to the original dataset 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 • Dates and times require special attention when de-identifying because all dates within a dataset are inherently linked to the natural progression of time Some dates and times are highly identifying with others are not Some of these linkages may be relevant to the purpose of the dataset the identity of the data subjects or both Dates may also form the basis of linkages between dataset records or even within a record—for example a record may contain the date of admission the date of discharge and the number of days in residence Thus care should be taken when de-identifying dates to locate and properly handle potential linkages and relationships applying different techniques to different fields may result in information being left in a dataset that can be used for reidentification Specific issues regarding date de-identification are discussed below in §4 2 2 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 • Geographic and map data also require special attention when de-identifying as some locations can be highly identifying other locations are not identifying at all and some locations are only identifying at specific times As with dates and times the challenge of de-identifying geographic locations comes from the fact that locations inherently link to an external reality Identifying locations can be de-identified through the use of perturbation or generalization The effectiveness such de-identification techniques for protecting privacy in the presence of external information has not been well characterized 75 Specific issues regarding geographical de-identification are discussed below in §4 2 3 889 890 891 892 893 • Unstructured text may contain direct identifiers such as a person’s name or may contain additional information that can serve as a quasi-identifier Finding such identifiers and distinguishing them from non-identifiers invariably requires domainspecific knowledge 76 Note that unstructured text may be present in tabular datasets and require special attention 77 75 NISTIR 8053 §4 5 p 37 NISTIR 8053 §4 1 p 30 77 For an example of how unstructured text fields can damage the policy objectives and privacy assurances of a larger structured dataset see Andrew Peterson Why the names of six people who complained of sexual assault were published online by Dallas police The Washington Post April 29 2016 https www washingtonpost com news the76 26 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 894 895 896 • Photos and video may contain identifying information such as printed names e g name tags There also exists a range of biometric techniques for matching photos of individuals against a dataset of photos and identifiers 78 897 898 899 900 901 902 • Medical imagery poses additional problems over photographs and video due to the presence of many different kinds of identifiers For example identifying information may be present in the image itself e g a photo may show an identifying scar or tattoo an identifier may be “burned in” to the image area or an identifier may be present in the file metadata The body part in the image itself may also recognized through the use of a biometric algorithm and dataset 79 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 • Genetic sequences and other kinds of sequence information can be identified by matching to existing databanks that match sequences and identities There is also evidence that genetic sequences from individuals who are not in datasets can be matched through genealogical triangulation a process that uses genetic information and other information as quasi-identifiers to single-out a specific identity 80 At the present time there is no known method to reliably de-identify genetic sequences Specific issues regarding the de-identification of genetic information is discussed below in §4 2 4 910 911 912 An important early step in the de-identification of government data is to identify the data modalities that are present in the dataset A dataset that is thought to contain purely tabular data may be found upon closer examination to include unstructured text or even photograph data 913 4 2 2 De-identifying dates 914 915 916 917 918 Dates can exist many ways in a dataset Dates may be in particular kinds of typed columns such as a date of birth or the date of an encounter Dates may be present as a number such as the number of days since an epoch such as January 1 1900 Dates may be present in the free text narratives Dates may be present in photographs—for example a photograph that shows a calendar or a picture of a computer screen that shows date information 919 Several strategies have been developed for de-identifying dates 920 921 • Under the HIPAA Privacy Rule dates must be generalized to no greater specificity than the year e g July 4 1776 becomes 1776 922 923 924 • Dates within a single person’s record can be systematically adjusted by a random amount For example dates of a hospital admission and discharge might be systematically moved the same number of days e g ±1000 81 switch wp 2016 04 29 why-the-names-of-six-people-who-complained-of-sexual-assault-were-published-online-by-dallaspolice 78 NISTIR 8053 §4 2 p 32 79 NISTIR 8053 §4 3 p 35 80 NISTIR 8053 §4 4 p 36 81 Office of Civil Rights “Guidance Regarding Methods for De-identification of Protected Health Information in Accordance 27 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 925 926 927 • In addition to a systematic shift the intervals between dates can be perturbed to protect against re-identification attacks involving identifiable intervals while still maintaining the ordering of events 928 929 930 • Some dates cannot be arbitrarily changed without compromising data quality For example it may be necessary to preserve day-of-week or whether a day is a work day or a holiday 931 932 933 934 • Likewise some ages can be randomly adjusted without impacting data quality while others cannot For example in many cases the age of an individual can be randomly adjusted ±2 years if the person is over the age of 25 but not if their age is between 1 and 3 935 4 2 3 De-identifying geographical locations 936 937 938 Geographical data can exist in many ways in a dataset Geographical locations may be indicated by map coordinates e g 39 1351966 -77 2164013 street address e g 100 Bureau Drive or postal code 20899 Geographical locations can also be embedded in textual narratives 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 The amount of noise required to de-identify geographical locations significantly depends on external factors Identity may be shielded in an urban environment by adding ±100m whereas a rural environment may require ±5Km to introduce sufficient ambiguity A prescriptive rule even one that accounts for varying population densities may still not be applicable if it fails to take into account the other quasi-identifiers in the data set Noise should also be added with caution to avoid the creation of inconsistencies in underlying data—for example moving the location of a residence along a coast into a body of water or across geo-political boundaries 946 4 2 4 De-identifying genomic information 947 948 949 950 Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA is the molecule inside human cells that carries genetic instructions used for the proper functioning of living organisms DNA present in the cell nucleus is inherited from both parents DNA present in the mitochondria is only inherited from an organism’s mother 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 DNA is a repeating polymer that is made from four chemical bases adenine A guanine G cytosine C and thymine T Human DNA consists of roughly 3 billion bases of which 99% is the same in all people 82 Modern technology allows the complete specific sequence of an individual’s DNA to be chemically determined it is also possible to use DNA microarray to probe for the presence or absence of specific DNA sequences at predetermined points in the genome This approach is frequently used to determine the presence or absence of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs 83 DNA sequences and SNPs are the same for identical twins with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA Privacy Rule” US Department of Health and Human Services 2010 http www hhs gov ocr privacy hipaa understanding coveredentities De-identification guidance html 82 What is DNA Genetics Home Reference US National Library of Medicine https ghr nlm nih gov primer basics dna Accessed Aug 6 2016 83 What are single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs Genetics Home Reference US National Library of Medicine https ghr nlm nih gov primer genomicresearch snp Accessed Aug 6 2016 28 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 individuals resulting from divided embryos and clones With these exceptions it is believed that no two humans have the same complete DNA sequence With regards to SNPs individual SNPs may be shared by many individuals but it a sufficiently large number of SNPs that show sufficient variability is generally believed to produce a combination that is unique to a particular individual Thus there are some sections of the DNA sequence and some combinations of SNPs that have high variability within the human population as a whole and others that have significant conservation between individuals within a specific population or group 965 966 967 968 969 When there is high variability DNA sequences and SNPs can be used to match an individual with a historical sample that has been analyzed and entered into a dataset However the fact that genetic information is inherited has allowed researchers to determine the surnames and even the complete identities of individuals because the large number of individuals that have now been recorded allows for familial inferences to be made 84 970 971 972 973 974 Because of the high variability inherent in DNA complete DNA sequences should be regarded as being identifiable Likewise biological samples for which DNA can be extracted should be considered as being identifiable Subsections of an individual’s DNA sequence and collections of highly variable SNPs should be regarded as being identifiable unless there it is known that there are many individuals that share the region of DNA or those SNPs 975 4 3 A de-identification workflow 976 977 This section presents a general workflow that agencies can use to de-identify data This workflow can be adapted as necessary 978 979 980 Step 1 Identify the intended use of the released de-identified data This step is vital to assure that the reduction in data quality that invariably accompanies de-identification will not make the data unusable for the intended application 981 982 Step 2 Identify the risk that would result from releasing the identified data without first de-identifying 983 984 Step 3 Identify the data modalities that are present in the data to be de-identified See § 4 2 1 below 985 Step 4 Identify approaches that will be used to perform the de-identification 986 Step 5 Review and remove if appropriate links to external files 987 988 989 990 Step 6 Perform the de-identification using an approved method For example deidentification may be performed by removing identifiers and transforming quasiidentifiers §4 4 by generating synthetic data §4 5 or by developing an interactive query interface §4 6 84 Gymrek et al Identifying Personal Genomes by Surname Inference Science 18 Jan 2013 339 6117 29 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 991 Step 7 Export transformed data to a different system for testing and validation 992 993 Step 8 Test the de-identified data quality Perform analyses on the de-identified data to make sure that it has sufficient usefulness and data quality 994 995 Step 9 Attempt re-identification Examine the de-identified data to see if it can be reidentified This step may involve the engagement of an outside tiger team 996 Step 10 Document the de-identification techniques and the results in a written report 997 998 999 4 4 De-identification by removing identifiers and transforming quasiidentifiers 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 De-identification based on the removal of identifiers and transformation of quasi-identifiers is one of the most common approaches for de-identification currently in use This approach has the advantage of being conceptually straightforward and there being a long institutional history in using this approach within both federal statistical agencies and the healthcare industry This approach has the disadvantage of being not based on formal methods for assuring privacy protection The lack of formal methods does not mean that this approach cannot protect privacy but it does mean that privacy protection is not assured 1007 1008 Below is a sample protocol for de-identifying data by removing identifiers and transforming quasi-identifiers 85 1009 1010 1011 1012 Step 1 Determine the re-identification risk threshold The organization determines acceptable risk for working with the dataset and possibly mitigating controls based on strong precedents and standards e g Working Paper 22 Report on Statistical Disclosure Control 1013 1014 Step 2 Determine the information in the dataset that could be used to identify the data subjects Identifying information can include 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 a Direct identifiers such as names phone numbers and other information that unambiguously identifies an individual b Quasi-identifiers that could be used in a linkage attack Typically quasiidentifiers identify multiple individuals and can be used to triangulate on a specific individual 85 This protocol is based on a protocol developed by Professors Khaled El Emam and Bradley Malin See K El Emam and B Malin “Appendix B Concepts and Methods for De-Identifying Clinical Trial Data ” in Sharing Clinical Trial Data Maximizing Benefits Minimizing Risk Institute of Medicine of the National Academies The National Academies Press Washington DC 2015 30 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1020 1021 1022 c High-dimensionality data 86 that can be used to single out data records and thus constitute a unique pattern that could be identifying if these values exist in a secondary source to link against 87 1023 1024 Step 3 Determine the direct identifiers in the dataset An expert determines the elements in the dataset that serve only to identify the data subjects 1025 1026 Step 4 Mask transform direct identifiers The direct identifiers are either removed or replaced with pseudonyms 1027 1028 1029 Step 5 Perform threat modeling The organization determines the additional information they might be able to use for re-identification including both quasi-identifiers and nonidentifying values that an adversary might use for re-identification 1030 1031 Step 6 Determine the minimal acceptable data quality In this step the organization determines what uses can or will be made with the de-identified data 1032 1033 1034 Step 7 Determine the transformation process that will be used to manipulate the quasiidentifiers Pay special attention to the data fields containing dates and geographical information removing or recoding as necessary 1035 1036 1037 Step 8 Import sample data from the source dataset Because the effort to acquire data from the source identified dataset may be substantial El Emam and Malin recommend a test data import run to assist in planning 1038 1039 Step 9 Review the results of the trial de-identification Correct any coding or algorithmic errors that are detected 1040 Step 10 1041 1042 1043 Step 11 Evaluate the actual re-identification risk The actual identification risk is calculated As part of this evaluation every aspect of the released dataset should be considered in light of the question “can this information be used to identify someone ” 1044 1045 Step 12 Compare the actual re-identification risk with the threshold specified by the policy makers 1046 1047 1048 Step 13 If the data do not pass the actual risk threshold adjust the procedure and Step 11 For example additional transformations may be required Alternatively it may be necessary to remove outliers Step 9 Set parameters and apply data transformations Transform the quasi-identifiers for the entire dataset 86 Charu C Aggarwal 2005 On k-anonymity and the curse of dimensionality In Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Very large data bases VLDB '05 VLDB Endowment 901-909 87 For example Narayanan and Shmatikov demonstrated that the set of movies that a person had watched could be used as an identifier given the existence of a second dataset of movies that had been publicly rated See Narayanan Arvind and Shmatikov Vitaly Robust De-anonymization of Large Sparse Datasets IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2008 111-125 31 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1049 4 4 1 Removing or Transformation of Direct Identifiers 1050 1051 Once a determination is made regarding direct identifiers they must be removed Options for removal include 1052 • Masking with a repeating character such as XXXXXX or 999999 1053 1054 1055 1056 • Encryption After encryption the cryptographic key should be discarded to prevent decryption or the possibility of a brute force attack However the key must not be discarded if there is a desire to employ the same transformation at a later point in time but rather stored in a secure location separate from the de-identified dataset 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 • Hashing with a keyed hash such as an HMAC The hash key should be have sufficient randomness to defeat a brute force attack aimed at recovering the hash key For example SHA-256 HMAC with a 256-bit randomly generated key As with encryption the key should be discarded unless there is a desire for repeatability Note hash functions should not be used without a key 1062 • Replacement with keywords such as transforming “George Washington” to “PATIENT ” 1063 1064 • Replacement by realistic surrogate values such as transforming “George Washington” to “Abraham Polk ” 88 1065 1066 The technique used to remove direct identifiers should be clearly documented for users of the dataset especially if the technique of replacement by realistic surrogate names is used 1067 1068 1069 1070 If the agency plans to make data available for longitudinal research and contemplates multiple data releases then the transformation process should be repeatable and the resulting transformed identities are pseudonyms Agencies should be aware that there is a significantly increased risk of re-identification if a repeatable transformation is used 1071 4 4 2 Pseudonymization 1072 1073 1074 Pseudonymization is a way of labeling multiple de-identified records from the same individual so that they can be linked together Pseudonymization is a form of masking identifiers it is not a form of de-identification 89 1075 1076 1077 1078 Pseudonymization generally increases the risk that de-identified data might be re-identified By linking together records pseudonymization increases the opportunities of finding identified data that can be linked with the de-identified data in a record linkage attack Pseudonymization also carries that risk that the pseudonymization technique itself might be inverted or otherwise 88 A study by Carrell et al found that using realistic surrogate names in the de-identified text like “John Walker” and “1600 Pennsylvania Ave” instead of generic labels like “PATIENT” and “ADDRESS” could decrease or mitigate the risk of reidentification of the few names that remained in the text because “the reviewers were unable to distinguish the residual leaked identifiers from the surrogates ” See Carrell D Malin B Aberdeen J Bayer S Clark C Wellner B Hirschman L 2013 Hiding in plain sight use of realistic surrogates to reduce exposure of protected health information in clinical text Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20 2 342-348 89 For more information on pseudonymization please see NISTIR 8053 §3 2 p 16 32 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1079 reversed directly revealing the identities of the data subjects 1080 4 4 3 Transforming Quasi-Identifiers 1081 1082 Once a determination is made regarding quasi-identifiers they should be transformed A variety of techniques are available to transform quasi-identifiers 1083 1084 1085 • Top and bottom coding Outlier values that are above or below certain values are coded appropriately For example the HIPAA Privacy Rules calls for ages over 89 to be “aggregated into a single category of age 90 or older ” 90 1086 1087 • Micro aggregation in which individual microdata are combined into small groups that preserve some data analysis capability while providing for some disclosure protection 91 1088 1089 1090 1091 • Generalize categories with small values When preparing contingency tables several categories with small values may be combined For example rather than reporting that there is 1 person with blue eyes 2 people with green eyes and 1 person with hazel eyes it may be reported that there are 4 people with blue green or hazel eyes 1092 1093 1094 • Data suppression Cells in contingency tables with counts lower than a predefined threshold can be suppressed to prevent the identification of attribute combinations with small numbers 92 1095 1096 • Blanking and imputing Specific values that are highly identifying can be removed and replaced with imputed values 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 • Attribute or record swapping in which attributes or records are swapped between records representing individuals For example data representing families in two similar towns within a county might be swapped with each other “Swapping has the additional quality of removing any 100-percent assurance that a given record belongs to a given household ” 93 while preserving the accuracy of regional statistics such as sums and averages For example in this case the average number of children per family in the county would be unaffected by data swapping 1104 1105 1106 1107 • Noise infusion Also called “partially synthetic data ” small random values may be added to attributes For example instead of reporting that a person is 84 years old the person may be reported as being 79 years old Noise infusion increases variance and leads to attenuation bias in estimated regression coefficients and correlations among attributes 94 90 HIPAA § 164 514 b J M Mateo-Sanz J Domingo-Ferrer a comparative study of microaggregation methods Qüestiió vol 22 3 p 511-526 1998 92 For example see Guidelines for Working with Small Numbers Washington State Department of Health October 15 2012 http www doh wa gov 93 Census Confidentiality and Privacy 1790-2002 US Census Bureau 2003 p 31 94 George T Duncan Mark Elliot Juan-José Salazar-Gonzalez Statistical Confidentiality Principles and Practice Springer 91 33 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 1108 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS The techniques are described in detail by two publications 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 • Statistical Policy Working Paper #2 Second version 2005 by the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology 95 This 137-page paper also includes worked examples of disclosure limitation specific recommended practices for Federal agencies profiles of federal statistical agencies conducting disclosure limitation and an extensive bibliography 1114 1115 1116 1117 • The Anonymisation Decision-Making Framework by Mark Elliot Elaine MacKey Kieron O’Hara and Caroline Tudor UKAN University of Manchester Manchester UK 2016 This 156-page book provides tutorials and worked examples for de-identifying data and calculating risk 1118 1119 1120 Swapping and noise infusion both introduce noise into the dataset such that records literally contain incorrect data These techniques can introduce sufficient noise to provide formal privacy guarantees 1121 1122 1123 1124 All of these techniques impact data quality but whether they impact data utility depends upon the downstream uses of the data For example top-coding household incomes will not impact a measurement of the 90-10 quantile ratio but it will impact a measurement of the top 1% of household incomes 96 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 In practice statistical agencies typically do not document in detail the specific statistical disclosure technique that they use to transform quasi-identifiers nor do they document the parameters used in the transformations nor the amount of data that have been transformed as documenting these techniques can allow an adversary to reverse-engineer the specific values eliminating the privacy protection 97 This lack of transparency can result in erroneous conclusions on the part of data users 1131 4 4 4 Challenges Posed by Aggregation Techniques 1132 1133 1134 Aggregation does not necessarily provide privacy protection especially when data is presented as part of multiple data releases Consider the hypothetical example of a school uses aggregation to report the number of students performing below at and above grade level Performance Students 2011 p 113 cited in John M Abowd and Ian M Schmutte Economic Analysis and Statistical Disclosure Limitation Brookings Papers on Economic Activity March 19 2015 https www brookings edu bpea-articles economic-analysis-andstatistical-disclosure-limitation 95 Statistical Policy Working Paper 22 Second version 2005 Report on Statistical Disclosure Limitation Methodology Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology Statistical and Science Policy Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Office of Management and Budget December 2005 96 Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez Income Inequality in the United States 1913-1998 Quarterly Journal of Economics 118 no 1 1-41 2003 97 John M Abowd and Ian M Schmutte Economic Analysis and Statistical Disclosure Limitation Brookings Papers on Economic Activity March 19 2015 https www brookings edu bpea-articles economic-analysis-and-statistical-disclosurelimitation 34 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS Below grade level 30-39 At grade level 50-59 Above grade level 20-29 1135 1136 The following month a new student enrolls and the school republishes the table Performance Students Below grade level 30-39 At grade level 50-59 Above grade level 30-39 1137 1138 1139 1140 By comparing the two tables one can readily infer that the student who joined the school is performing above grade level Because aggregation does not inherently protect privacy its use is not sufficient to provide formal privacy guarantees 1141 4 4 5 Challenges posed by High-Dimensionality Data 1142 1143 1144 Even after removing all of the unique identifiers and manipulating the quasi-identifiers some data can still be identifying if it of sufficient high-dimensionality if there exists a way to link the supposedly non-identifying values with an identity 98 1145 4 4 6 Challenges Posed by Linked Data 1146 1147 1148 1149 Data can be linked in many ways Pseudonyms allow data records from the same individual to be linked together over time Family identifiers allow data from parents to be linked with their children Device identifiers allow data to be linked to physical devices and potentially link together all data coming from the same device Data can also be linked to geographical locations 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 Data linkage increases the risk of re-identification by providing more attributes that can be used to distinguish the true identity of a data record from others in the population For example survey responses that are linked together by household are more readily re-identified than survey responses that are not linked For example heart rate measurements may not be considered identifying but given a long sequence of tests each individual in a dataset would have a unique constellation of heart rate measurements and thus the data set would be susceptible to being 98 For example consider a dataset of an anonymous survey that links together responses from parents and their children In such a dataset a child might be able to find their parents’ confidential responses by searching for their own responses and then following the link See also Narayanan Arvind and Shmatikov Vitaly Robust De-anonymization of Large Sparse Datasets IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2008 111-125 35 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1156 linked with another data set that contains these same values 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 Dependencies between records may result in record linkages even when there is no explicit linkage identifier For example it may be that an organization has new employees take a proficiency test within 7 days of being hired This information would allow links to be drawn between an employee dataset that accurately reported an employee’s start date and a training dataset that accurately reported the date that the test was administered even if the sponsoring organization did not intend for the two datasets to be linkable 1163 4 4 7 Post-Release Monitoring 1164 1165 1166 Following the release of a de-identified dataset the releasing agency should monitor to assure that the assumptions made during the de-identification remain valid This is because the identifiability of a dataset may increase over time 1167 1168 1169 For example the de-identified dataset may contain information that can be linked to an internal dataset that is later the subject of a data breach In such a situation the data breach will also result in the re-identification of the de-identified dataset 1170 4 5 Synthetic Data 1171 1172 An alternative to de-identifying using the technique presented in the previous section is to use the original dataset to create a synthetic dataset 1173 Synthetic data can be created by two approaches 99 1174 1175 1176 • Sampling an existing dataset and either adding noise to specific cells likely to have a high risk of disclosure or replacing these cells with imputed values A “partially synthetic dataset ” 1177 1178 • Using the existing dataset to create a model and then using that model to create a synthetic dataset A “fully synthetic dataset ” 1179 1180 In both cases the mathematics of differential privacy can be used to quantify the privacy protection offered by the synthetic dataset 1181 4 5 1 Partially Synthetic Data 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 A partially synthetic dataset is one in which some of the data is inconsistent with the original dataset For example data belonging to two families in adjoining towns may be swapped to protect the identity of the families Alternatively the data for an outlier variable may be removed and replaced with a range value that is incorrect for example replacing the value “60” with the range “30-35” It is considered best practice that the data publisher indicate that some values have been modified or otherwise imputed but not to reveal the specific values that have been 99 Jörg Drechsler Stefan Bender Susanne Rässler Comparing fully and partially synthetic datasets for statistical disclosure control in the German IAB Establishment Panel 2007 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Working paper 11 New York 8 p http fdz iab de 342 section aspx Publikation k080530j05 36 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1188 modified 1189 4 5 2 Fully Synthetic Data 1190 1191 1192 1193 A fully synthetic dataset is a dataset for which there is no one-to-one mapping between data in the original dataset and in the de-identified dataset One approach to create a fully synthetic dataset is to use the original dataset to create a high fidelity model and then to use the model to produce individual data elements consistent with the model using a simulation 1194 1195 1196 Fully synthetic datasets cannot provide more information to the downstream user than was contained in the original model Nevertheless some users may prefer to work with the fully synthetic dataset instead of the model 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 • Synthetic data provides users with the ability to develop queries and other techniques that can be applied to the real data without exposing real data to users during the development process The queries and techniques can then be provided to the data owner which can run the queries or techniques on the real data and provide the results to the users 1202 1203 1204 1205 • Analysts may discover things from the synthetic data that they don't see in the model even though the model contains the information However such discoveries should be evaluated against the real data to assure that the things that were discovered were actually in the original data and not an artifact of the synthetic data generation 1206 • Some users may place more trust in a synthetic dataset than in a model 1207 1208 1209 • When researchers form their hypotheses working with synthetic data and then verify their findings on actual data they are protected from pretest estimation and false-discovery bias 100 1210 1211 1212 1213 Both high-fidelity models and synthetic data generated from models may leak personal information that is potentially re-identifiable the amount of leakage can be controlled using formal privacy models such as differential privacy that typically involve the introduction of noise 1214 1215 There are several advantages to agencies that chose to release de-identified data as a fully synthetic dataset 1216 1217 • It can be very difficult or even impossible to map records to actual people so fully synthetic data offers very good privacy protection 1218 • The privacy guarantees can be mathematically established and proven 100 John M Abowd and Ian M Schmutte Economic Analysis and Statistical Disclosure Limitation Brookings Papers on Economic Activity March 19 2015 p 257 https www brookings edu bpea-articles economic-analysis-and-statisticaldisclosure-limitation 37 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 1219 1220 • DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS The privacy guarantees can remain in force even if there are future data releases Fully synthetic data also has these disadvantages and limitations 1221 1222 • It is not possible to create pseudonyms that map back to actual people because the records are fully synthetic 1223 1224 1225 • The data release may be less useful for accountability or transparency For example investigators equipped with a synthetic data release would be unable to find the actual “people” who make up the release because they would not actually exist 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 • It is impossible to find meaningful correlations or abnormalities in the synthetic data that are not represented in the model For example if a model is built by considering all possible functions of 1 and 2 variables then any correlations found of 3 variables will be a spurious artifact of the way that the synthetic data were created and not based on the underlying real data 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 • Users of the data may not realize that the data are synthetic Simply providing documentation that the data are fully synthetic may not be sufficient public notification since the dataset may be separated from the documentation Instead it is best to indicate in the data itself that the values are synthetic For example names like “SYNTHETIC PERSON” may be placed in the data Such names could follow the distribution of real names but obviously be not real 1237 4 5 3 Synthetic Data with Validation 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 Agencies that share or publish synthetic data can optionally make available a validation service that takes queries or algorithms developed with synthetic data and applies them to actual data The results of these queries or algorithms can then then be compared with the results of running the same queries on the synthetic data and the researchers warned if the results are different Alternatively the results can be provided to the researchers after the application of statistical disclosure limitation 1244 4 5 4 Synthetic Data and Open Data Policy 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 Releases of synthetic data can be confusing to the lay public Specifically synthetic data may contain synthetic individuals who appear quite similar to actual individuals in the population Furthermore fully synthetic datasets do not have a zero disclosure risk because they still convey some private information about individuals The disclosure risk may be greater when synthetic data are created with traditional data imputing techniques rather than techniques based on formal privacy models 1251 4 5 5 Creating a synthetic dataset with differential privacy 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 A growing number of mathematical algorithms have been developed for creating synthetic datasets that meet the mathematical definition of privacy provided by differential privacy Most of these algorithms will transform a dataset containing private data into a new dataset that contains synthetic data that nevertheless provides reasonably accurate results in response to a variety of queries However there is no algorithm or implementation currently in existence that 38 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1257 can be used by a person who is unskilled in the area of differential privacy 1258 1259 1260 1261 The classic definition of differential privacy is that if results of function calculated on a dataset are indistinguishable within a certain privacy metric 𝜖𝜖 epsilon no matter whether any possible individual is included in the dataset or removed from the dataset 101 then that function is said to provide 𝜖𝜖-differential privacy 1262 1263 1264 In Dwork’s mathematical formulation the two datasets with and without the individual are denoted by D 1 and D 2 and the function that is said to be differential private is 𝜅𝜅 The formal definition of differential privacy is then Definition 2 102 A randomized function 𝜅𝜅 gives 𝜖𝜖-differential privacy if for all datasets D 1 and D 2 differing on at most one element and all S ⊆Range 𝜅𝜅 1265 1266 Pr 𝜅𝜅 𝐷𝐷1 ∈ 𝑆𝑆 ≤ 𝑒𝑒 𝜖𝜖 × Pr 𝜅𝜅 𝐷𝐷2 ∈ 𝑆𝑆 1267 1268 1269 1270 This definition that may be easier to understand if rephrased as a dataset D with an arbitrary person 𝑝𝑝 and dataset 𝐷𝐷 − 𝑝𝑝 the dataset without a person and the multiplication operator replaced by a division operator e g Pr 𝜅𝜅 𝐷𝐷 − 𝑝𝑝 ∈ 𝑆𝑆 ≤ 𝑒𝑒 𝜖𝜖 Pr 𝜅𝜅 𝐷𝐷 ∈ 𝑆𝑆 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 That is the ratio between the probable outcomes of function 𝜅𝜅 operating on the datasets with and without person 𝑝𝑝 should be less than 𝑒𝑒 𝜖𝜖 If the two probabilities are equal then 𝑒𝑒 𝜖𝜖 1 and 𝜖𝜖 0 If the difference between the two probabilities is potentially infinite—that is there is no privacy—then 𝑒𝑒 𝜖𝜖 ∞ and 𝜖𝜖 ∞ What this means in practice for the creation of a synthetic dataset with differential privacy and a sufficiently large 𝜖𝜖 is that functions computed on the so-called “privatized” dataset will have a similar probability distribution no matter whether any person in the original data that was used to create the model is included or excluded In practice this similarity is provided by adding noise to the model For datasets drawn from a population with a large number of individuals the model and the resulting synthetic data will have a small amount of noise added For models and resulting created from a small population or for contingency tables with small cell counts this will require the introduction of a significant amount of noise The amount of noise added is determined by the differential privacy parameter 𝜖𝜖 the number of individuals in the dataset and the specific differential privacy mechanism that is employed Smaller values of 𝜖𝜖 provide for more privacy but decreased data quality As stated above the 101 More recently this definition has been taken to mean that any attribute of any individual within the dataset may be altered to any other value that is consistent with the other members of the dataset 102 From Cynthia Dwork 2006 Differential privacy In Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Automata Languages and Programming - Volume Part II ICALP'06 Michele Bugliesi Bart Preneel Vladimiro Sassone and Ingo Wegener Eds Vol Part II Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1-12 DOI http dx doi org 10 1007 11787006_1 Definition 1 is not important for this publication 39 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1287 1288 1289 value of 0 implies that the function 𝜅𝜅 provides the same answer no matter if anyone is removed or a person’s attributes changed while the value of ∞ implies that the original dataset is released with being privatized 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 Many academic papers on differential privacy have assumed a value for of 1 0 or e but have not explained the rationale of the choice Some researchers working in the field of differential privacy have just started the process of mapping existing privacy regulations to the choice of 𝜖𝜖 For example using a hypothetical example of a school that wished to release a dataset containing the school year and absence days for a number of students the value of 𝜖𝜖 using one set of assumptions might be calculated to 0 3379 producing a low degree of data quality but this number can safely be raised to 2 776 and correspondingly higher data quality without significantly impacting the privacy protections 103 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 Another challenge in implementing differential privacy is the demands that the algorithms make on the correctness of implementation For example a Microsoft researcher discovered that four publicly available general purpose implementations of differential privacy contained a flaw that potentially leaked private information because of the binary representation of IEEE floating point numbers used by the implementations 104 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 Given the paucity of scholarly publications regarding the deployment of differential privacy in real-world situation combined with the lack of guidance and experience in choosing appropriate values of 𝜖𝜖 agencies that are interested in using differential privacy algorithms to allow querying of sensitive datasets or for the creation of synthetic data should take great care to assure that the techniques are appropriately implemented and that the privacy protections are appropriate to the desired application 1310 1311 1312 1313 Another model for granting the public access to de-identified agency information is to construct an interactive query interface that allows members of the public or qualified investigators to run queries over the agency’s dataset This option has been developed by several agencies and there are many different ways that it can be implemented 4 6 De-Identifying with an interactive query interface 1314 1315 1316 • If the queries are run on actual data the results can be altered through the injection of noise to protect privacy Alternatively the individual queries can be reviewed by agency staff to verify that privacy thresholds are maintained 1317 1318 • Alternatively the queries can be run on synthetic data In this case the agency can also run queries on the actual data and warn the external researchers if the queries run on 103 Jaewoo Lee and Chris Clifton 2011 How much is enough choosing ε for differential privacy In Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Information security ISC'11 Xuejia Lai Jianying Zhou and Hui Li Eds Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 325-340 104 Ilya Mironov 2012 On significance of the least significant bits for differential privacy In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on Computer and communications security CCS '12 ACM New York NY USA 650-661 DOI http dx doi org 10 1145 2382196 2382264 40 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 1319 1320 1321 DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS synthetic data diverse from the queries run on the actual data • Query interfaces can be made freely available on the public internet or they can be made available in a restricted manner to qualified researchers operating in secure locations 1322 4 7 Validating a de-identified dataset 1323 1324 Agencies should validate datasets after they are de-identified to assure that the resulting dataset meets the agency’s goals in terms of both privacy protection and data usefulness 1325 4 7 1 Validating privacy protection with a Motivated Intruder Test 1326 1327 Several approaches exist for validating the privacy protection provided by de-identification including 1328 1329 • Examining the resulting data files to make sure that no identifying information is included in file data or metadata 1330 1331 1332 • Conducting a tiger-team analysis to see if outside individuals can perform reidentification using publicly available datasets or if warranted using confidential agency data 1333 4 7 2 Validating data usefulness 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 Several approaches exist for validating data usefulness For example the results of statistical calculations performed on both the original dataset and on the de-identified dataset can be compared to see if the de-identification resulted in significant changes that are unacceptable Agencies can also hire tiger-teams to examine the de-identified dataset and see if it can be used for the intended purpose 41 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1339 5 Requirements for De-Identification Tools 1340 1341 At the present time there are few tools available for de-identification This section discusses tool categories and mentions several specific tools 1342 5 1 De-Identification Tool Features 1343 1344 A de-identification tool is a program that involved in the creation of de-identified datasets Deidentification tools might perform many functions including 1345 • Detection of identifying information 1346 • Calculation of re-identification risk 1347 • Performing de-identification 1348 • Mapping identifiers to pseudonyms 1349 • Providing for the selective revelation of pseudonyms 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 De-identification tools may handle a variety of data modalities For example tools might be designed for tabular data or for multimedia Particular tools might attempt to de-identify all data types or might be developed for specific modalities A potential risk of using de-identification tools is that a tool might be equipped to handle some but not all of the different modalities in a dataset For example a tool might de-identifying the categorical information in a table according to a de-identification standard but might not detect or attempt to address the presence of identifying information in a text field 1357 5 2 Data Masking Tools 1358 1359 1360 1361 Data masking tools are programs that can perform removal or replacement of designated fields in a dataset while maintaining relationships between tables These tools can be used to remove direct identifiers but generally cannot identify or modify quasi-identifiers in a manner consistent with a privacy policy or risk analysis 1362 1363 1364 1365 Data masking tools were developed to allow software developers and testers access to datasets containing realistic data while providing minimal privacy protection Absent additional controls or data manipulations data masking tools should not be used for de-identification of datasets that are intended for public release 42 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1366 6 Evaluation 1367 1368 1369 Agencies performing de-identification should evaluate the algorithms that they intend to use the software that implements the algorithms and the data that results from the operation of the software 105 1370 6 1 Evaluating Privacy Preserving Techniques 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 There has been decades of research in the field of statistical disclosure limitation and deidentification As the understanding of statistical disclosure limitation and de-identification have evolved over time agencies should not base their technical evaluation of a technique on the mere fact that the has been published in the peer reviewed literature or that the agency has a long history of using the technique and has not experienced any problems Instead it is necessary to evaluate proposed techniques in light of the totality of the scientific experience and with regards to current threats 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 Traditional statistical disclosure limitation and de-identification techniques base their risk assessments in part on an expectation of what kinds of data are available to an attacker to conduct a linkage attack Where possible these assumptions should be documented and published along with a technique description of the privacy-preserving techniques that are used to transform datasets prior to release so that they can be reviewed by external experts and the scientific community 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 Because our understanding of privacy technology and the capabilities of privacy attacks are both rapidly evolving techniques that have been previously established should be periodically reviewed New vulnerabilities may be discovered in techniques that have been previously accepted Alternatively it may be that new techniques are developed that allow agencies to reevaluate the tradeoffs that they have made with respect to privacy risk and data usability 1389 6 2 Evaluating De-Identification Software 1390 1391 1392 Once techniques are evaluated and approved agencies should assure that the techniques are faithfully executed by their chosen software Privacy software evaluation should consider the tradeoff between data usability and privacy protection 1393 1394 Privacy software evaluation should also seek to detect and minimize the chances of tool error and user error 1395 For example agencies should verify • • 1396 1397 1398 1399 • 105 That the software properly implements the chosen algorithms The software should take into account limitations regarding floating point representations The software does not leak identifying information from source to destination Please note that NIST is preparing a separate report on evaluating de-identification software and results 43 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 • DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS The software has sufficient usability that it can be operated in efficiently and without error Agencies may also wish to evaluate the performance of the de-identification software such as • • • • Efficiency How long does it take to run on a dataset of a typical size Scalability How much does it slow down when moving from a dataset of N to 100N Usability Can users understand the user interface Can users detect and correct their errors Is the documentation sufficient Repeatability If the tool is run twice on the same dataset are the results similar If two different people run the tool do they get similar results 1409 1410 Ideally software should be able to track the accumulated privacy leakage from multiple data releases 1411 6 3 Evaluating Data Quality 1412 1413 Finally agencies should evaluate the quality of the de-identified data to verify that it is sufficient for the intended use Approaches for evaluating the data quality include 1414 1415 1416 1417 • • Verifying that single variable statistics and two-variable correlations remain relatively unchanged Verifying that statistical distributions do not incur undue bias as a result of the deidentification procedure 44 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1418 7 Conclusion 1419 1420 1421 Government agencies can use de-identification technology to make datasets available to researchers and the general public without compromising the privacy of people contained within the data 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 Currently there are three primary models available for de-identification agencies can make data available with traditional de-identification techniques relying on suppression of identifying information direct identifiers and manipulation of information that partially identifying quasiidentifiers agencies can create synthetic datasets and agencies can make data available through a query interface These models can be mixed within a single dataset providing different kinds of access for different users or intended uses 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 Privacy protection is strongest when agencies employ formal models for privacy protection such as differential privacy At the present time there is a small but growing amount of experience within the government in using these systems As a result these systems may result in significant and at times unnecessary reduction in data quality when compared with traditional deidentification approaches that do not offer formal privacy guarantees 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 Agencies that seek to use de-identification to transform privacy sensitive datasets into dataset that can be publicly released should take care to establish appropriate governance structures to support de-identification data release and post-release monitoring Such structures will typically include a Disclosure Review Board as well as appropriate education training and research efforts 1438 45 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 1439 Appendix A References 1440 A 1 Standards 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 • • • • • DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS ASTM E1869-04 2014 Standard Guide for Confidentiality Privacy Access and Data Security Principles for Health Information Including Electronic Health Records ISO IEC 27000 2014 Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management systems -- Overview and vocabulary ISO IEC 24760-1 2011 Information technology -- Security techniques -- A framework for identity management -- Part 1 Terminology and concepts ISO TS 25237 2008 E Health Informatics — Pseudonymization ISO Geneva Switzerland 2008 ISO IEC 20889 WORKING DRAFT 2016-05-30 Information technology – Security techniques – Privacy enhancing data de-identification techniques 2016 A 2 US Government Publications • • • • • • • Census Confidentiality and Privacy 1790-2002 US Census Bureau 2003 https www census gov prod 2003pubs conmono2 pdf Disclosure Avoidance Techniques at the US Census Bureau Current Practices and Research Research Report Series Disclosure Avoidance #2014-02 Amy Lauger Billy Wisniewski and Laura McKenna Center for Disclosure Avoidance Research US Census Bureau September 26 2014 https www census gov srd CDAR cdar201402_Discl_Avoid_Techniques pdf Privacy and Confidentiality Research and the US Census Bureau Recommendations Based on a Review of the Literature Thomas S Mayer Statistical Research Division US Bureau of the Census February 7 2002 https www census gov srd papers pdf rsm2002-01 pdf Frequently Asked Questions—Disclosure Avoidance Privacy Technical Assistance Center US Department of Education October 2012 revised July 2015 http ptac ed gov sites default files FAQ_Disclosure_Avoidance pdf Guidance Regarding Methods for De-identification of Protected Health Information in Accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA Privacy Rule U S Department of Health Human Services Office for Civil Rights November 26 2012 http www hhs gov ocr privacy hipaa understanding coveredentities Deidentification hhs_deid_guidance pdf OHRP-Guidance on Research Involving Private Information or Biological Specimens 2008 Department of Health Human Services Office of Human Research Protections OHRP August 16 2008 http www hhs gov ohrp policy cdebiol html Data De-identification An Overview of Basic Terms Privacy Technical Assistance Center U S Department of Education May 2013 http ptac ed gov sites default files data_deidentification_terms pdf 46 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 • • • • DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS Statistical Policy Working Paper 22 Second version 2005 Report on Statistical Disclosure Limitation Methodology Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology December 2005 The Data Disclosure Decision Department of Education ED Disclosure Review Board DRB A Product of the Federal CIO Council Innovation Committee Version 1 0 2015 http go usa gov xr68F National Center for Health Statistics Policy on Micro-data Dissemination Centers for Disease Control July 2002 https www cdc gov nchs data nchs_microdata_release_policy_4-02a pdf National Center for Health Statistics Data Release and Access Policy for Micro-data and Compressed Vital Statistics File Centers for Disease Control April 26 2011 http www cdc gov nchs nvss dvs_data_release htm A 3 Publications by Other Governments 1491 1492 1493 1494 • Privacy business resource 4 De-identification of data and information Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Australian Government April 2014 http www oaic gov au images documents privacy privacy-resources privacy-businessresources privacy_business_resource_4 pdf 1495 1496 • Opinion 05 2014 on Anonymisation Techniques Article 29 Data Protection Working Party 0829 14 EN WP216 Adopted on 10 April 2014 1497 1498 1499 • Anonymisation Managing data protection risk Code of Practice 2012 Information Commissioner’s Office https ico org uk media fororganisations documents 1061 anonymisation-code pdf 108 pages 1500 1501 1502 • The Anonymisation Decision-Making Framework Mark Elliot Elaine Mackey Kieron O’Hara and Caroline Tudor UKAN University of Manchester July 2016 http ukanon net ukan-resources ukan-decision-making-framework 1503 A 4 Reports and Books 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 • Private Lives and Public Policies Confidentiality and Accessibility of Government Statistics 1993 George T Duncan Thomas B Jabine and Virginia A de Wolf Editors Panel on Confidentiality and Data Access Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education National Research Council 1993 http dx doi org 10 17226 2122 1509 1510 1511 1512 • Sharing Clinical Trial Data Maximizing Benefits Minimizing Risk Committee on Strategies for Responsible Sharing of Clinical Trial Data Board on Health Sciences Policy Institute of Medicine of the National Academies The National Academies Press Washington DC 2015 1513 1514 • P Doyle and J Lane Confidentiality Disclosure and Data Access Theory and Practical Applications for Statistical Agencies North-Holland Publishing Dec 31 2001 47 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1515 1516 • George T Duncan Mark Elliot Juan-José Salazar-Gonzalez Statistical Confidentiality Principles and Practice Springer 2011 1517 1518 • Emam Khaled El and Luk Arbuckle Anonymizing Health Data O’Reilly Cambridge MA 2013 1519 1520 1521 • Cynthia Dwork and Aaron Roth The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science Now Publishers August 11 2014 http www cis upenn edu aaroth privacybook html 1522 A 5 How-To Articles 1523 1524 • Olivia Angiuli Joe Blitstein and Jim Waldo How to De-Identify Your Data Communications of the ACM December 2015 1525 1526 1527 1528 • Jörg Drechsler Stefan Bender Susanne Rässler Comparing fully and partially synthetic datasets for statistical disclosure control in the German IAB Establishment Panel 2007 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Working paper 11 New York 8 p http fdz iab de 342 section aspx Publikation k080530j05 1529 1530 1531 1532 • Ebaa Fayyoumi and B John Oommen A survey on statistical disclosure control and micro-aggregation techniques for secure statistical databases 2010 Software Practice and Experience 40 12 November 2010 1161-1188 DOI 10 1002 spe v40 12 http dx doi org 10 1002 spe v40 12 1533 1534 1535 • Jingchen Hu Jerome P Reiter and Quanli Wang Disclosure Risk Evaluation for Fully Synthetic Categorical Data Privacy in Statistical Databases pp 185-199 2014 http link springer com chapter 10 1007%2F978-3-319-11257-2_15 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 • Matthias Templ Bernhard Meindl Alexander Kowarik and Shuang Chen Introduction to Statistical Disclosure Control SDC IHSN Working Paper No 007 International Household Survey Network August 2014 http www ihsn org home sites default files resources ihsn-working-paper-007Oct27 pdf 1541 1542 1543 • Natalie Shlomo Statistical Disclosure Control Methods for Census Frequency Tables International Statistical Review 2007 75 2 199-217 https www jstor org stable 41508461 1544 48 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1545 Appendix B Glossary 1546 1547 Selected terms used in the publication are defined below Where noted the definition is sourced to another publication 1548 attribute “inherent characteristic ” ISO 9241-302 2008 1549 1550 1551 attribute disclosure re-identification event in which an entity learns confidential information about a data principal without necessarily identifying the data principal ISO IEC 20889 WORKING DRAFT 2 2016-05-27 1552 1553 anonymity “condition in identification whereby an entity can be recognized as distinct without sufficient identity information to establish a link to a known identity” ISO IEC 24760-1 2011 1554 attacker person seeking to exploit potential vulnerabilities of a system 1555 1556 attribute “characteristic or property of an entity that can be used to describe its state appearance or other aspect” ISO IEC 24760-1 2011 106 1557 1558 brute force attack in cryptography an attack that involves trying all possible combinations to find a match 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 coded “1 identifying information such as name or social security number that would enable the investigator to readily ascertain the identity of the individual to whom the private information or specimens pertain has been replaced with a number letter symbol or combination thereof i e the code and 2 a key to decipher the code exists enabling linkage of the identifying information to the private information or specimens ” 107 1564 1565 control “measure that is modifying risk Note controls include any process policy device practice or other actions which modify risk ” ISO IEC 27000 2014 1566 1567 covered entity under HIPAA a health plan a health care clearinghouse or a health care provider that electronically transmits protected health information HIPAA Privacy Rule 1568 data subjects “persons to whom data refer” ISO TS 25237 2008 1569 1570 data use agreement executed agreement between a data provider and a data recipient that specifies the terms under which the data can be used 1571 data universe All possible data within a specified domain 1572 dataset collection of data 106 ISO IEC 24760-1 2011 Information technology -- Security techniques -- A framework for identity management -- Part 1 Terminology and concepts 107 OHRP-Guidance on Research Involving Private Information or Biological Specimens Department of Health Human Services Office of Human Research Protections OHRP August 16 2008 http www hhs gov ohrp policy cdebiol html 49 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1573 dataset with identifiers a dataset that contains information that directly identifies individuals 1574 dataset without identifiers a dataset that does not contain direct identifiers 1575 1576 de-identification “general term for any process of removing the association between a set of identifying data and the data subject” ISO TS 25237-2008 1577 1578 1579 de-identification model
approach to the application of data de-identification techniques that enables the calculation of re-identification risk ISO IEC 20889 WORKING DRAFT 2 2016-0527 1580 1581 de-identification process “general term for any process of removing the association between a set of identifying data and the data principal” ISO TS 25237 2008 1582 1583 1584 de-identified information “records that have had enough PII removed or obscured such that the remaining information does not identify an individual and there is no reasonable basis to believe that the information can be used to identify an individual” SP800-122 1585 direct identifying data “data that directly identifies a single individual” ISO TS 25237 2008 1586 disclosure “divulging of or provision of access to data” ISO TS 25237 2008 1587 1588 1589 disclosure limitation “statistical methods used to hinder anyone from identifying an individual respondent or establishment by analyzing published data especially by manipulating mathematical and arithmetical relationships among the data ” 108 1590 1591 effectiveness “extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved” ISO IEC 27000 2014 1592 1593 1594 entity “item inside or outside an information and communication technology system such as a person an organization a device a subsystem or a group of such items that has recognizably distinct existence” ISO IEC 24760-1 2011 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology FCSM “an interagency committee dedicated to improving the quality of Federal statistics The FCSM was created by the Office of Management and Budget OMB to inform and advise OMB and the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy ICSP on methodological and statistical issues that affect the quality of Federal data ” fscm sites usa gov 1600 1601 genomic information information based on an individual’s genome such as a sequence of DNA or the results of genetic testing 108 Definition adapted from Census Confidentiality and Privacy 1790-2002 US Census Bureau 2003 https www census gov prod 2003pubs conmono2 pdf p 21 50 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1602 1603 1604 harm “any adverse effects that would be experienced by an individual i e that may be socially physically or financially damaging or an organization if the confidentiality of PII were breached” SP800-122 1605 1606 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 HIPAA the primary law in the United States that governs the privacy of healthcare information 1607 HIPAA see Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 1608 1609 1610 1611 HIPAA Privacy Rule “establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information and applies to health plans health care clearinghouses and those health care providers that conduct certain health care transactions electronically” HIPAA Privacy Rule 45 CFR 160 162 164 1612 1613 identification “process of using claimed or observed attributes of an entity to single out the entity among other entities in a set of identities” ISO TS 25237 2008 1614 identified information information that explicitly identifies an individual 1615 1616 identifier “information used to claim an identity before a potential corroboration by a corresponding authenticator” ISO TS 25237 2008 1617 1618 imputation “a procedure for entering a value for a specific data item where the response is missing or unusable ” OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms 1619 1620 1621 1622 inference “refers to the ability to deduce the identity of a person associated with a set of data through “clues” contained in that information This analysis permits determination of the individual’s identity based on a combination of facts associated with that person even though specific identifiers have been removed like name and social security number” ASTM E1869 109 1623 1624 1625 k-anonymity a technique “to release person-specific data such that the ability to link to other information using the quasi-identifier is limited ” 110 k-anonymity achieves this through suppression of identifiers and output perturbation 1626 1627 l-diversity a refinement to the k-anonymity approach which assures that groups of records specified by the same identifiers have sufficient diversity to prevent inferential disclosure 111 109 ASTM E1869-04 Reapproved 2014 Standard Guide for Confidentiality Privacy Access and Data Security Principles for Health Information Including Electronic Health Records ASTM International 110 L Sweeney k-anonymity a model for protecting privacy International Journal on Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledgebased Systems 10 5 2002 557-570 111 Machanavajjhala J Gehrke D Kifer and M Venkitasubramaniam l-diversity Privacy beyond k-anonymity In Proc 22nd Intnl Conf Data Engg ICDE page 24 2006 51 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1628 1629 1630 masking the process of systematically removing a field or replacing it with a value in a way that does not preserve the analytic utility of the value such as replacing a phone number with asterisks or a randomly generated pseudonym 112 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 noise “a convenient term for a series of random disturbances borrowed through communication engineering from the theory of sound In communication theory noise results in the possibility of a signal sent x being different from the signal received y and the latter has a probability distribution conditional upon x If the disturbances consist of impulses at random intervals it is sometimes known as “shot noise” ” OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms 1636 non-deterministic noise a random value that cannot be predicted 1637 1638 personal identifier “information with the purpose of uniquely identifying a person within a given context” ISO TS 25237 2008 1639 1640 personal data “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person data subject ” ISO TS 25237 2008 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 personally identifiable information PII “Any information about an individual maintained by an agency including 1 any information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity such as name social security number date and place of birth mother‘s maiden name or biometric records and 2 any other information that is linked or linkable to an individual such as medical educational financial and employment information 113 SP800-122 1646 1647 1648 privacy “freedom from intrusion into the private life or affairs of an individual when that intrusion results from undue or illegal gathering and use of data about that individual” ISO IEC 2382-8 1998 definition 08-01-23 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 protected health information PHI “individually identifiable health information 1 Except as provided in paragraph 2 of this definition that is i Transmitted by electronic media ii Maintained in electronic media or iii Transmitted or maintained in any other form or medium 2 Protected health information excludes individually identifiable health information in i Education records covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act as amended 20 U S C 1232g ii Records described at 20 U S C 1232g a 4 B iv and iii Employment records held by a covered entity in its role as employer ” HIPAA Privacy Rule 45 CFR 160 103 1657 1658 1659 pseudonymization a particular type of de-identification that both removes the association with a data subject and adds an association between a particular set of characteristics relating to the data subject and one or more pseudonyms 114 Typically pseudonymization is implemented by 112 El Emam Khaled and Luk Arbuckle Anonymizing Health Data O’Reilly Cambridge MA 2013 GAO Report 08-536 Privacy Alternatives Exist for Enhancing Protection of Personally Identifiable Information May 2008 http www gao gov new items d08536 pdf 114 Note This definition is the same as the definition in ISO TS 25237 2008 except that the word “anonymization” is replaced with the word “de-identification ” 113 52 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1660 replacing direct identifiers with a pseudonym such as a randomly generated value 1661 1662 pseudonym “personal identifier that is different from the normally used personal identifier ” ISO TS 25237 2008 1663 1664 quasi-identifier information that can be used to identify an individual through association with other information 1665 1666 recipient “natural or legal person public authority agency or any other body to whom data are disclosed” ISO TS 25237 2008 1667 1668 re-identification general term for any process that re-establishes the relationship between identifying data and a data subject 1669 1670 re-identification risk the risk that de-identified records can be re-identified Re-identification risk is typically reported as the percentage of records in a dataset that can be re-identified 1671 1672 1673 risk “effect of uncertainty on objectives Note risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event including changes in circumstances and the associated likelihood of occurrence ” ISO IEC 27000 2014 1674 1675 synthetic data generation a process in which seed data are used to create artificial data that has some of the statistical characteristics as the seed data 1676 53 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1677 Appendix C Specific De-Identification Tools 1678 This appendix provides a list of de-identification tools 1679 NOTE 1680 1681 1682 1683 Specific products and organizations identified in this report were used in order to perform the evaluations described In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology nor does it imply that identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose 1684 C 1 Tabular Data 1685 1686 1687 Most de-identification tools designed for tabular data implement the k-Anonymity model Many directly implement the HIPAA Privacy Rule’s Safe Harbor standard Tools that are currently available include 1688 1689 AnonTool is a German-language program that supports the k-anonymity framework http www tmf-ev de Themen Projekte V08601_AnonTool aspx 1690 1691 1692 1693 ARX is an open source data de-identification tool written in Java that implements a variety of academic de-identification models including k-anonymity Population uniqueness 115 k-Map Strict-average risk ℓ-Diversity 116 t-Closeness 117 δ-Disclosure privacy 118 and δ-presence http arx deidentifier org 1694 1695 1696 1697 Cornell Anonymization Toolkit is an interactive tool that was developed by the Computer Science Department at Cornell University 119 for performing de-identification It can perform data generalization risk analysis utility evaluation sensitive record manipulation and visualization functions https sourceforge net projects anony-toolkit 1698 1699 Open Anonymizer implements the k-anonymity framework https sourceforge net projects openanonymizer 1700 1701 Privacy Analytics Eclipse is a comprehensive de-identification platform that can de-identify multiple linked tabular datasets to HIPAA or other de-identification standards The program runs 115 Fida Kamal Dankar Khaled El Emam Angelica Neisa and Tyson Roffey Estimating the re-identification risk of clinical datasets BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2012 12 66 DOI 10 1186 1472-6947-12-66 116 Ashwin Machanavajjhala Daniel Kifer Johannes Gehrke and Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam 2007 L-diversity Privacy beyond k-anonymity ACM Trans Knowl Discov Data 1 1 Article 3 March 2007 DOI http dx doi org 10 1145 1217299 1217302 117 N Li T Li and S Venkatasubramanian t-Closeness Privacy Beyond k-Anonymity and l-Diversity 2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering Istanbul 2007 pp 106-115 doi 10 1109 ICDE 2007 367856 118 Mehmet Ercan Nergiz Maurizio Atzori and Chris Clifton 2007 Hiding the presence of individuals from shared databases In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data SIGMOD '07 ACM New York NY USA 665-676 DOI http dx doi org 10 1145 1247480 1247554 119 X Xiao G Wang and J Gehrke Interactive anonymization of sensitive data In SIGMOD Conference pages 1051–1054 2009 54 NIST SP 800-188 DRAFT DE-IDENTIFYING GOVERNMENT DATASETS 1702 1703 on Apache SPARK to allow de-identification of massive datasets such as those arising in medical research http www privacy-analytics com software privacy-analytics-core 1704 1705 1706 µ-ARGUS was developed by Statistics Netherlands for microdata release The program was originally written in Visual Basic and was rewritten into C C for an Open Source release The program runs on Windows and Linux http neon vb cbs nl casc mu htm 1707 1708 1709 sdcMicro is a package for the popular open source R statistical platform that implements a variety of statistical disclosure controls A full tutorial is available as are prebuilt binaries for Windows and OS X https cran r-project org web packages sdcMicro 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 SECRETA a tool for evaluating and comparing anonymizations According to the website “SECRETA supports Incognito Cluster Top-down and Full subtree bottom-up algorithms for datasets with relational attributes and COAT PCTA Apriori LRA and VPA algorithms for datasets with transaction attributes Additionally it supports the RMERGEr TMERGEr and RTMERGEr bounding methods which enable the anonymization of RT-datasets by combining two algorithms each designed for a different attribute type e g Incognito for relational attributes and COAT for transaction attributes ” http users uop gr poulis SECRETA 1717 1718 1719 UTD Anonymization Toolbox is an open source tool developed by the University of Texas Dallas Data Security and Privacy Lab using funding provided by the National Institutes of Health the National Science Foundation and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research 1720 C 2 Free Text 1721 1722 1723 BoB a best-of-breed automated text de-identification system for VHA clinical documents 120 developed by the Meystre Lab at the University of Utah School of Medicine http meystrelab org automated-ehr-text-de-identification 1724 1725 MITRE Identification Scrubber Toolkit MIST is an open source tool for de-identifying free format text http mist-deid sourceforge net 1726 1727 Privacy Analytics Lexicon performs automated de-identification of unstructured data text http www privacy-analytics com software privacy-analytics-lexicon 1728 C 3 Multimedia 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 DicomCleaner is an open source tool that removes identifying information from medical imagery in the DICOM format DicomCleaner The program can remove both metadata from the DICOM file and black out identifying information that has been “burned in” to the image area DicomCleaner can perform redaction directly of compressed JPEG blocks so that the medical image does not need to be decompressed and re-compressed a procedure that can introduce artifacts http www dclunie com pixelmed software webstart DicomCleanerUsage html 120 BoB a best-of-breed automated text de-identification system for VHA clinical documents Ferrández O South BR Shen S Friedlin FJ Samore MH Meystre SM J Am Med Inform Assoc 2013 Jan 1 20 1 77-83 doi 10 1136 amiajnl-2012001020 Epub 2012 Sep 4 55
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