ALL FBI 02 1 IS 12 31 1995 DATE SE ET FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence DEADLINE 02 11 1998 Date 02 10 1998 To Laboratory Attn SSA CART WFO Attn SSA TSS From Contact SSAI b 0 Approved By Geide Kenneth Drafted By I Case ID # Wiiaj 288 HQ 1242560 JkPending Title tm Bq UNKNOWN MULTIPLE INTRUSIONS INTO DOD CITA - INTRUSION OO FBIHQ Synopsis wi 3 Intrusions being made into various military computer systems with high level coordination being maintained between the military services and civilian agencies Legal proceedings will furnish ISP logs in Unix format and coping and search of the logs is required Guidance in requesting CART assistance is requested EUII k1 Reason Administrative U Re 2 10 98 conversations with Headquarters CART and WFO CART On 2 7 98 as a result of a series of meetings it was determined that Since early 2 98 various military systems have had a series of apparently coordinated intrusions in which various sniffers have been placed utilizing civilian networks with some military systems losing password data There is grave concern over the matter as some connections have been traced to the middle east with the majority originating from the United States This matter is receiving the highest level of attention among both the military services and civilian agencies due to the potential of the intrusions to be based on recent U S military activity in the middle east As a result elements of 5% W0 To Laboratory From 02 10 1998 DOD the various military services and numerous civilian agencies are maintaining command centers on a 24 hour seven day week basis to analyze information with briefings being furnished to the National Security Counsel as Em Contact with Headquarters CART indicated that CART examinations are field office responsibilities which in this case may be performed by WFO Contact with WFO indicates that WFO does WFO examinations and that Headquarters should probably conduct Headquarters examinations The suggestion was made that the evidence be given to Squad who can then request that a CART examiner be assigned who will then conduct the CART duplication and examinations SEC
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