ALL HEREIN WICLASSIFIED 2 V 1'1 1 5 s5 5L1 E1 moa imha aha-H -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription 3 5 9 8 UNIVERSITY Oceanography Group 29 Oxford Street Cambridge Massachusetts date of birth I I was advised of the identity of the investigating agent and the purpose if the interview provided the following information to c -J I Iwas aware that the Oceanography s Computer System had been compromised that his identification had been used extensively by the hacker gave permission to copy all files in his directories for analYSis by the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Investigation on 3 3 98 at CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS Fm# 288-HQ-1242560 lhm wmd 3 4 98 b6 by SQJ raa b c This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency oemno 2 50 2 c- ALL HEREIN IS DATE 09-35-3913 BY FD-302 Rev 10-6-95 -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription 3 5 9 8 I HARVARD UNIVERSITY Oceanography Group 29 Oxford Street Cambridge Massachusetts date of birth I telephonel I was advised of the identity of the investigating agent and the purpose of the interview provided the following information b6 was aware that the Oceanographys Computer System had been compromised advised that his identification had been used by the hacker gave permission to copy all files in his directories for anal $18 by the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FBI that he had created a directory named HACK and had placed files left in his directories by the hacker into that directory Investigation on 3 3 9 3 at CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS Rm# 288-HQ-1242560 hm wmd 3 4 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency
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