HOT I OFFICE OF TH ZMSISTANT SEC A amen we Pea-w A991 INTERNATONAL satunm nuns 13 December 1978 reviews UNDER SECRETRRY OF DEFENSE FOR RESEARCH ENGINEERING UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR POLICY DEPUTY UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR POLICY ASSISTANT SERCRETARY OF DEFENSE PROGRAM ANALYSIS 8 EVALUATION I ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE INTERNATIOML SECURITY AFFAIRS DIRECTOR ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ISA ASSISTANT To THE SECRETARY ATOMIC ENERGY SUBJECT N uolear E aLL- geting Policy Review Secretary Brown has revteuedtbe _Nuglear Targeting Policy Review and would to begin implementation of some of the study recomendations inmdiately Other actions will have to await NSC consideration of the report The attached menoranda have been desggned to carry out those actions that can begin now I won id 1132333 Bowie that you may have cunt-he attached package by COB 20 December 1978 Leon 51053 Director Nuclear Targeting Policy Review DECLASSIFIED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE INTERAGENCY SECURITY CLASSIFICATION APPEALS PANEL E 0 13526 SECTION 5 309 3 ISCAP No 10 ll - Document I 20 I3 O UPON REMOVAL THIS DBCUMENI- TWSEGREF BECOMES UNCLASSIFIED I 7 11 1 hm u n r- -rq urn 1 l a Gages a u gl 15 I - GENERAL GUIDANCE me Nuclear Targeting Policy Review has emphasized the importance of implementing a nuclear strategy and developing supporting capabilities that will deter the-Soviet Union from using their military power not only by threatening damage to the Soviet Union but also by making Soviet military victory as seen through Soviet eyes as improbable as we can make it independent of Soviet employment policy and any particular scenario This is a major theme that should guide the implementation of the study Our objective is not to create war fighting capabilities but to strengthen deterrence Tothe extent that we can deny any adversary the prospect of using nuclear weapons to his advantage deterrence is strengthened The capabilities that are required for this objective are also essential in the event that nuclear deterrence fails among the most important characteristics that we should build into our strategic plans and capabilities are flexibility and endurance These characteristics are defined in general terms in the Targeting Study A precise definition of requirements for flexibility and endurance will be achieved only by developing specific plans and programs and subjecting these plans and programs to review and discussion followed by subsequent decisions and action This should be a major focus of the follow on effort I want to start this process at once and move forward as rapidly as possible Under the overall direction of the Undersecretary for Policy primary responsibility for developing more flexible plans will rest with the JCS primary responsibility for developing specific programs to enhance endur- ance will rest with USDREE These efforts must be closely coordinatedas gin-rm with the Assistant Secretary of and the Assistant Secretary ISA to develop a long-range plan for phasing in changes in both operational_plans and capabilities for the implementation of a revised employment policy along the lines recommended in the Targeting Study The purpose of this plan is to assure that operational planning for nuclear forces on the one hand and devel- opment and procurement planning on the other move ahead in parallel and that both are consistent with our overall strategic policy I intend to use this plan as a management tool to monitor the implementation of changes in enployment policy The plan should identify major milestones at which desired adjustments in operational plans including revised plans for the and improved capabilities to support these plans can be meshed Every effort should be made to take advantage of low cost short lead time improvements in strategic C31 endurance so that we can move as rapidly as possible to incorporate greater endurance'into strategic planning I would like to receive this long range plan no later than March 31 1979 -ITI int grated MW MEMORANDUM FOR OF DEFENSE FOR POLICY SUBJECT Implementation of the Nuclear Targeting Study - Memrandum #1 PURPOSE The purpose of this is to assign specific tasks for the implementation of the recently completed Nuclear Targeting Policy Review This memorandum deals with tasks for which the will have primary responsibility Other memoranda will be addressed to other offices with responsibility for action on different aspects of the study You will receive copies of these related memoranda for information I want to move as as possible to implement those reconnenda tions of the Targeting Study that are within the purview of the Department of Defepsg While many of the recomendations can be carried out within the framework of current policy major policy issues will have to be resolved in the NSC framework In this memorandum and the accomanying ones to other Don offices the major tasks to be undertaken within Don assignments of responsibilities and establishment of a specific schedule of actions are described RESPONSIBILITIES Effective implementation will require close coordination between policy levels in 050 OJCS and those responsible for development and procurement programs necessary to support our employment policy It is important that we pursue a coherent and coordinated policy with respect to development of revised plans new capabilities and public I assure overall responsibility for coordinating J - the only for the nuclear targeting study _-but also the c_1_osely related Study of the C31 support requirements for the Secure Reserve Force 'Fhe follow-on effort for these two studies should be closely w SEGRET FOR- CHAIM JOINT OF STAFF SUBJECT Implementation of the Nuclear Targeting Study - Memorandum #2 PURPOSE Sam as New RESPONSIBILITIES Same as Men GENERAL GUIDANCE Same as Memo BUILDING BLOCKS The Targeting Study describes a building block approach to targeting in general terms see pages to and Annex E The concept involves developing packages of targets whose destruction would accomplish a specific military political or economic objectives and being able to combine these packages in different ways to accomplish multiple objectives The JCS working with should flesh out this concept consulting as necessary with the Undersecretary for Policy and his staff for clarification of guidance Annex of the Targeting Study should be used as a point of departure for the development of building blocks but the structure outlined in Annex is intended to be illustrative rather than prescriptive The objective of the approach is to provide the Presi dent with a broader but still manageable range of options if he should ever have to consider execution of the SIOP I want JCS recommendations as to the best way of implementing the building block concept taking into account Operational problems involved in developing and coordinating the SIOP While the goal of the building block approach is greater flexibility we ca nnataconprom se ours-abilityato execute the-full if I A'mm - an 2 25xs E 0 13526 JBPSEGRET new data is developed building blocks may be refined and modified I hope that we can make some initial changes in plans to incorporate greater flexibility during 1979 and be in a position to make substan- tial changes if this seems warranted in 1980 To this end I would like a preliminary report with recommendations from the JCS in six months This report should be coordinated with the Undersecretary for 3 Policy prior to submission to me TARGET DATA The modifications in targeting recommended by the Targeting Study will necessarily require changes to the target data base I recognize that the design and maintenance of a responsive data base will be a complex but crucial task Using the study's recommendations as a point of departure I want the JCS to provide a plan for revising the data base u Priorities to be accorded the several elements of this task are as listed 3 on pages 60-61 of the Targeting Study At a minimum we should within the - next year drawing on the latest TDI expand the data base on I kc include their identified alternate loca- tions revise priorities forl Ion the aSSumption they have warning as discussed in the study and develop an initial limited set of Esxs would have a prompt effect on the war effort and estimate collateral damage as a result of attacking this set of targets The plan should provide milestones resource deuolop entreotimates shOuid beiprovided One will assume'current production priorities capability and priorities for this requirenent The second wirllassume increased priority and resources Your estimates should - mt seas 1 111 - Ee sual - 4 11 in l WSEGREF include in ormation on the availability of raw data collection efforts to be initiated for data base improvements analysis problems related to this task and identify any supporting reserach requirements An initial plan should be coordinated with the Undersecretary for Policy and then submitted to me by 31 March 1979 on the plan should not inhibit the initiation of those improvements which can be readily and easily accommodatedpf L MODIFICATIONS TO CHINA TIRGETIHG The Nuclear Targeting Policy Review recommends that our employment policy with respect to China be modified to reflect current politicai and military realities While major changes in policy will require Presidential approval I would like you to initiate steps that will permit us to adjust our targeting plans with the overall aim of handling China targeting thr0ugh options and the Secure Reserve Force should the President confirm this approach zsxs E O 13526 7 iseeREr nrn tn w rru -I - IUPSEGRET These tasks should be addressed now-and a preliminary report with recoumendatiOns should be sunnitted to me by 1 June 1979 This report should be coordinated with the Undersecretary of Policy prior to submis- sion to me Planning for these recommendations should proceed so that implementation can be initiated in as timely a manner as possible depending on the outcome of NSC deliberations I-r LAUNCH UNDER ATTACK LUA An LUA option for ICEHs only should be developed but as noted in the targeting study LUA cannot be a substitute for measures to reduce ICBH vulnerability rather it is an interim measure designed to strengthen deterrence zsxs E 0 13526 The designated targets for this option should include at a minimum those facilities noted in the recommendations of the Nuclear Targeting Policy Review The attack should be designed to minimize fatalities while still achieving the objectives of the attack Several options should be developed which demonstrate the trade off between damage expectancies and fatalities in attacks on target sets of various sizes and types25X5 E O 13526 mm- mm modem far- implementation durinqr the last-1939 period It should not be incorporated in plans however until it adequately the building blocks that are developed to support SIOP planning 5- The recommended LUA option s3 should be coordinated with the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy prior to submission to me it rtn'j p- - g Ym 1 i I a 1 Ul MET v m H mwy t u- THE RESERVE FORE The role objectives and-characteristics of the Secure Reserve Force have now been examined and it is time to initiate actions to improve This will require programmatic our capabilities to support the concept actions to improve the endurance of these fbrces as well as the supporting C3I so that at any stage in a prolonged nuclear war our zsxs E O 13526 To this end the Undersecretary for Research and Engineering is currently developing a long-term acquisition program for strategic forces and related C31 with appropriate milestones to be implemented over time 9 and incorporated into the FYDP This program will be essential to the successful upgrading of our Secure Reserve component over the long run In the meantine however even with existing C31 and retargeting capability we can still take measures to strengthen the concept by devoting more of the least vulnerable portion of the TRIAD to the SRF 25x5 E O 13526 I These short-tern adjustments to our plans should be undertaken in two phases In the first phaser-- which should take no longer than nine months to complete alternative target sets should be developed for pre-selected I options taking into account targets of likely continuing high value In - meemm which reflect emphasis - - II - Ill-maintenanceof the mast survivable forces in the SRF The implementation of this latter change be related to the more basic modifications to targeting policy 3 9 the development of building blocks which are being pursued concommitantly It is essential that this effort and the follow-on work of the SRF study be closely coordinated with the C31 improvement programs being conducted by the Undersecretaries for Policy and Re$earch Engineering PAPERS 151-1 run u - - - am 1 11qu options CONTROL AND CRISIS mommi- The Targeting Study recommends that we continue a policy of escalation control to include non-3109 options and suggests the need to develop non- military plans to complement limited and regional nuclear options and to integrate more closely the political and military aspects of an escalation control strategy I agree with these recomendations 25X5 E O 13526 Taking into account the general guidance above I would like the JCS to develop a plan- for improving our escalation control strategy along the lines suggested in the Targeting Study see especially pp 29-34 and 48-50 This plan should include a schedule of exercises and political-military simulations designed both to improve our understanding of non-SID options and the key agencies mime with and or participation of other government agencies the JCS should consuzit w icthI-fthe- ssiistant Secretary ISA new we we i h LJI-ir l n - E One means-fonraccomplishing themabove'objectivesiis to increase the frequency and variety of political-military simulations and CPXs specifically dedicated to considering the issues associated with various options Such exercises could be used to familiarize interagency decision- makers with the requirements of politically and militarily useful options Such a process would provide an opportunity to develop and evaluate escalation control concepts in simulated crisis environments As a starting point various techniques should be used political-military simulations crisis decision seminars CPXs to look at the following ares of concern -- decision-making issues and considerations associated with employment of options development modificatiOn and refinement of non-Shop options in a particular situation CINC nuclear contingency planning capabilities especially ad hoc planning and plan modification pro- 3 cedures The Joint Staff should evaluate the utility of this appraoch in conjunc- tion with interested OSD offices making recommendations regarding such matters as the desired frequency and scale of such exercises and the extent to which interagency participation is useful This discussion of deems-s dQEi-n gl methadtnqu- for developuentqof that- might be incorporated 'h plan to carry out the program including as mmwtions shoelu be developed and submitted to me by 1 April 1979 1 If - 3 mixer should be coordinated with the Undersecretary for Policy mom-1' OF RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING Implementation of the Nuclear Targeting Study - Memorandum #3 PURPOSE Same as memo RESPONSIBILITIES Same as memo GENERAL GUIDANCE Same as memo ENDURANCE MEASURES As an input to the plan mentioned above DDRGE should develop a plan for enhancing the endurance of strategic forces and supporting C3I This plan should include the time-phasing for introduction of new or revised capabilities and the estimated annual cost over a ten year period The basic plan should be consistent with the FYDP However where DDREE concludes after consultation with the Undersecretary for Policy and the Chairman JCS that the FYDP constitutes a constraint on the achieve- ment of sufficient flexibility and endurance to implement operational plans and where technologies exist to improve capabilities the plan may recommend deviations in the FYDP I want a particular effort made to identify Low cost short lead-time measures that will permit us to improve force endurance as much as possible in the next two years and A permit development of modifications-inatarget planning consistent with such improvements a l - 4 I Jinn-n aeW-sn - I - IOPSEGRET mam wens r y' WSEGRET MEMORANDUM FOR NET ASSESSMENT SUBJECT Implementation of the Nuclear Targeting Study - Memorandum #4 PURPOSE Same as memo RESPONSIBILITIES Same as memo GENERAL GUIDANCE Same as memo STUDY PROGRAM The targeting study identified a number of areas where further study and analysis is required The attachment lists priority areas for further study I want you in close consultation with the Director of DNA the Director of ARPA the Assistant Secretary ISA and the military services to review this program and develop a funding plan to carry out these studies and such others as you may identify on a priority basis Once a program with appropriate funding is developed you should proceed to implement I would like to have your completed study program forwarded to me no later than 28 February 1979 Et 1 l%'lit 249- ill- 11 fl 77 I mrw or - - rll' - - - - - - I - - - 31$ are an - I 4 To' er 9542-my IUPSEGRET FER THE ISA SUBJECT Imlementation of the Nuclear Targeting Study - gmrandum #5 PURPOSE Same as memo RESPONSIBILITIES Same as memo GENERAL GUIDANCE Same as memo DEVELOPMENT OF OPTIONS The Targeting Study notes the need to develop political and other non-military measures that could be employed in conjunction with non-SIC options I want you working in close conjunction with the JCS to develop such measures to be integrated with planning You should seek the advice of appropriate State Department officials and other agencies as necessary but I want to keep participation in this activity as limited as possible in view of its sensitivity 1 would like a preliminary report on the status of your efforts by 30 June 1979 POLICY ISA in consultation with PA should develop recommendations for an interim declaratory policy that can be used in responding to press and other inquiries about the Targeting Study By March alst I would also like your recommendations for proposals that we might make in NATO to both explain our employment policy more clearly to them and to involve them in future employment planning as closely as possible These should be submitted through the Under I -- I REFERRAL 5-355 7 - wag 1 x0 - was vim-254 5 _usup PA 39' usoas PAS e 11' PDASD-D z cc Ff'g Rh nih 7 agar OS A AD DS AA-T Direct Reply - Appropriate Action 11 8 Info and Reien on if 3D Cpmmentsl icommendhticms i o her gig - PD PM or SecDeI Si_g_natu 5 PN ap to ulil Asst Signature E Rep for DepSec Signature If Rep for Signature Rep Signature Rep tor X0 Signature Other 4 1 1 3' HEMAHKSISPECIALINSTRUCTIONS 3e 31 3 1 21 5 i 7 4 ROI NO 3% t Juan - um- a 9 49 55 xx - - FCFIM AUG 73 'Ta-tsi- u _cn EDITION OF 1 MAR 5 5 OBSOLETE - I d Ind' - This form i1 hildd lfi d when separated from classi ed Comments - 1 6 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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