OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE PUBLIC AFFAIRS 4 November 1988 FOR Secretary Carlucci Sir In conjunction with the attached transcript we have been advised by Col Cole of your staff of the following information Mr Richard Gronet Director of Policyy NSA has been given to understand that John Markoff a reporter for the New York Times will run a story tomorrow stating that the perpetrator of the computer virus is the son of a current employee of the National Computer Security Center at Ft Meade We have no confirmation of the identity of the individual a 53 4 Susan hanse Defense News Division OASD PA mm Tuscan 1 32am HSA 1988 News Briefing by Dr Raymond S Colladay Director kfense Advance Research Projects Agency Col Thomas M Herrick USA Deputy Director 113A Data Program Systems and Program Manager Defense Data Network At the Pentagon Friday November ll 1988 5 00 P M EST Mr Fred S Hoffman Affairs Good afternoon brought down tm of our experts to discuss with you the scope of the computer virus that you are all interest in Ex Raymond S Colladay is Director of the Defense Advanced Projects Agency and with him is Col Tan Herrick Deputy Director of the Defense Comrmnication's Agency Data Program Systens and Program Manager of the Defense Data Nework Dr Colladay will have a brief opening statement and then take your questions Dr Colladay Dr Coiladay WE first detected a virus in the systan of the network late Wednesday afternoon actually it was about 6 o'clock Pacific Time on Wednesday afternoon and immediately threw into action the experts that went to work to try and isolate and fence off this particular virus That was successful The virus identified The program was debugged and the trap doors were identi fied that would separate it off and then immunize the rest of the system It are in through a debugging feature on the electronic mail by a user It did not affect the protocol or the operating systen of the ARFA net Qice that that was identified we could easily find a fix for it Tnat was communicated to all the users on the network At this time we feel confident that the problem has been solved that the program that caused the problem has been isolated and that the system the network is imnlne to any further problem It a benign virus by that I mean it didn't destroy files that it did When it got into the system is add files and saturate the memory So it was easily identified But it has been dealt with effectively and eliminated from the systen I Could it just as easily been amalignant virus that could have destroyed existing programs A That is always a problem and a threat We moved quickly enough to isolate it Even had it been a malignant more damaging virus we would have caught it quickly but yes That is a possibility In this case it wasn't Hw many computers and what installations were affected by this Nine some Defense Department installations that had lost their access their computers on these nets A These were primarily research users It was identified at MIT and Lhiversity of California Berkeley Stanford in our own computers at MRPA and it as isolated in that cannmity 9 Can you give us a rough number of how many computers you're talking about A more were several dozen installations that were affected MORE 9 E h Several dozen installations out of a network of what A network of some 300 All kfense you're talking No these were university users and part of the RED c There was no classified information No claSSIfied information 99 3 4 3 4 Qi4 lbes this indicate a potential vulnerability in your Defense computer networ Could such a virus be planted in systems that have a netmrk that relate to classified information A We believe we have sufficient safeguards in tagging users in the classified system that that would not be affected on this We can implement those kinds of similar systems in the ARPA net and it's a matter of cost similar systems I imam taking the more effort to tag the users so that they are identified Could this particular virus have passed fran the network in which it was found into other networks I think particularly of the WINEX and other national security networks A Let me defer the answer to that question to Colonel Herrick who managed the gateway between these different networks A To answer your question absolutely not They are separate networks and they are separate for the reason of security 30 there is not a linkage between an unclassified network and a classified network It could not have gotten into NORAD or into SAC or into A Not in the scenario that you're describing absolutely not 2 From this particular network it wouldn't affect it that if a user using a terminal went fran this research network who was also cleared to use say a WINEX terminal or any of the others Could there be any overlay under those circumstances A No because they're separte networks that you have to understand is that one of the safeguards is that the computer network for instance is a closed cormnmity and on it are only members of that community They are unable to have access fran outside of that community so you cannot get on a terminal outside of that community and enter the WINEX computer network You have to be in the network you have to be cleared you have to be a registered individual within the netmrk I I'd like to ask you if you have an effort underway as to who done it and Who is investigating the possibility of finding out who did it and is there anything you have to do you said the damage was contained other than isolating the virus and the time that took Does anything have to be done differently fran on in your own system to keep this fran occurring again 2 And also do you have any idea where it might have originated We don't know yet the source of the virus vs are in the process of analyzing that It's very canplex in marching back through the network tree to the source We're still analyzing that MORE As far as lessons learned we understand the vulnerability We have in the case of the research network elected to not implement all of the protective features that one could in terms of tagging messages in the electronic mail systan We will be revisiting that and trying to decide at this point whether more protective features need to be added to the ARPA net systen 2 Is that your investigation you just mentioned or someone else's We're looking at it in DARPA I started a study today As soon as we isolated and found the problem we went into the mode of doing an analysis of what happened and lessons learned don't think we will be the only ones to do that but I started it in DARPA today When did you find the bug and did you ever shut down A Yes we went off the line immediately Ihat was the first thing WE did as did the other users found it The net went off the line or DARPA went off the line A DARPA went off the line See the problem wasn't with the netmrk it was with the canputers on the network So the first thing to do is disconnect from the network We did that The experts around the country at Stanford and MIT and Berkeley and DARPA and elsewhere immediately were in contact with each other working on the fix It was isolated and the program was actually downloaded the program that was the problem the parasite on this debugging routine was identified So we knew precisely what the progran was Therefore we knew precisely at the fix was As soon as we had put that fix in place we could get back on the line We did that today We ve been on the line all day today as have the other users because of the con dence that we found the problem and fixed it So you were down for a day then You said you had not found the source Do you know whether it cam from T ether it cam fran you don't know the programmer but have you narrowed it down to an area of the country A N we haven't We have not yet narrawed it davm to even a particular location 3 What's the likelihood that you will I think it's fairly likely that we will be able to identify the location but I think it would be very difficult to in turn find the individual perpetrator Q Did you say that all canputers on this net are now back up and operating A have no way of imowing for sure but everybody that We have been in contact with that are on the net are back up on the systan We ve been talking about computer systans sort of at the two extremes this unclassified data sharing network and then NORAD type computers for control of forces that about all the canputers in between The computers that keep track of pay records spare parts etcetera etcetera Could they have been vulnerable to a slop over fran this particular virus Or would they be vulnerable to an episode like this where either a prankster or a disgruntled employee would get on the net and screw it up MORE A Ihey are as Colonel Herrick said they are separate that are linked by gateways Those are control points But I'll defer to him for a further anemic to that question A In reference to whether or not another computer or another system could have been compromised or penetrated in this situation we do not believe so The reason is if you go back and look at specific we have the code so we know what the code was trying to do If you take a look at what the code was trying to do it wasn't designed to do anything mom than be a nuisance SO the specific answer to your question is no The larger answer to your question is when you deal in areas such as pay or logistics you also have methods Within that to make sure that those records are accurate so there are internal checks I d like to go back to an answer you gave to a previws question and make sure I understand you Computer experts have been telling me today that this shows how quickly and how massively a system can be affected and how vulnerable a systan is I hear you correctly in saying you are aware of how vulnerable the system is A have been concerned about this and have been aware of the vulnerability and have taken safeguards within reasonable cost of dealing with it Now that question canes in of reasonable cost Ycu can never I don't believe reduce the probability of this ha pening to zero But there are further things that we can do to prevent it in the future More interrogation more tagging of users but they are certainly possible and in the more secure systans we do that and we're going to be weighing the costs against the advantages of further security in the study But yes there's no question that we are vulnerable to these kinds of virus attacks You said earlier that you had elected not to implement all of the potential safeguards that you knew were available Can you tell me some of the reasons that you elected not to implement all of the safeguards A As I just said it's a cost trade You suggested that the method of tagging users was part of what made the various classified networks that the Pentagon uses less vulnerable to this sort of thing Wiat happens if a determined user is perfectly willing to allow himself to be identified and is disgruntled or whatever almost a suicide attack if you will Can it happen A Yul have to get into what's the probability of that happening think we ve safeguarded against that to any reasonable probability But that's not zero We recognize that vulnerability and we deal with it in matters of security and We think we have done that I take it that you think this was a prank that was done deliberately rather than it was an accident or somebody making a mistake on a terminal Fran what you've seen so far can you enlighten us on that A I don't believe it ms an accident I think it we deliberate Whether it as a prank or whether it was someone that wanted to dramatize just how effective propagation of a virus like this could be I don't know But I don't think it was an accident MORE Do you see any need for criminal sanctions in this area both as a deterrence and also to bring in investigative agencies when something like this happens that could aid your task in finding the perpetrator A I can't really answer that I think it's something that we should address but I can't from the standpoint of a DXRPA Director I can't really address that Would you go back to the beginning and be a little more explicit as to what you exactly saw lxhat yes the phenomenon that you observed and where was it A hhat we saw and it occurred not in an isolated location It as in several locations I think it was first found at LC Berkeley 'Ihe system was generating files It was not destroying anything but files were being created if you will junk mil Q Was it replicating itself A It was just generating files that were not part of the system That's pretty easily detected Then the computers were immediately taken off line Q Was it printing out A No you don't have to print them out in hard copy but you see the files generated and you see memory vanishing Q This was late Wednesday A Late Wednesday Q wa long were the canputers off line A were starting to get back on line late yesterday so I don't know exactly but I think it was around 24 hours we had it isolated ind fixed Q From What you know of this virus how long would it have taken to do tllgisqprogram and what level of canputer savvy was necessary to cane up with is A I really can't answer that I don't know It wasn t a neophyte It We 501718170sz who understood the system well enough was sophisticated enough to be able to tie back to this dembugging routine on the electronic mail system and know that would get propagated Ale there thousands of grad students lo could do this or just a handful of people with that knowledge A I don't know I couldn't answer that 1 Should we add computer terrorism to our vocabulary How do we protect smart weapons A As we've said there are ways of protecting it if you're willing to pay the cost of doing that as security requirements are higher In this case we felt it was a reasonable trade Computer terrorism I think we re living in an age where we're vulnerable to this kind of thing and that's not a bad term to describe it Q serious do you consider this We've had this before I believe with hackers getting into the Pentagon systems and playing with than Is this the first time we've had this type Virus in a Pentagon system or a research system How seriws do you place this among these occurrences MORE 6 A This is the first time we've had something like this in the network but again let me say that it's not indemic to the network It Came in through a user SO it wasn't a fault with the netmrk It ms on a user program I can tell you fxan my standpoint that I take it seriously DARPA has pioneered a lot of the computer network system and ARPA Net that has led to other networks and we're moving on in our research to true sophisticated systems and network security is going to be part of the research program vs take it seriously I Can I just ask you to sum up no damage was done at all except for the frustration and time lost Or was there some real damage If I asked the question what was the specific damage done here tow would you respond to that A 'Ihe damage was lost time here was no damage that we know of to any files or destruction of any files What do you think it cost in terms of time lost and the effort that it took to clean up the mess A I don't knew because we're not done yet We're still going through the post analysis and we are still trying to track back to the source I don't know what it will be In the past breaches of canputer security and instances of hackers breaking into things the FBI has con scated computer systems and has in fact arrested and provided witnesses and so forth against other hackers Is the FBI involved in investigating this particular breach This particular virus Are they investigating along with DCI or A We have been in contact with them We have been preoccupied with identifying the fix and not so much on the investigation but we've been in contact with than But there is an investigation underway that you know of Is there a joint DOD Justice Department investigation A I don't know that I meant an analysis from DARPA in trying to isolate what happened and understand what happened letter writer to the Times or the telephone caller suggested that is got aut of hand From what you've seen of the program that's in there is this something that could have gotten far beyond what the prankster intended A I don't know what the prankster intended or whether it as in act a prankster I don't know how to ansmr that I can't say I don't believe it did get out of hand because we were able to isolate it and eliminate it quickly Q Was it beyond what he intended though Could you tell fran the nature of the program A I don't know what he intended Do I understand you to say that as aresult of this incident MRPA is re oing its look at computer security or 18 that an ongoing concern And second has this incident caused the Pentagon security people and canputer security people generally to look at all of their other systems as well Any time you have an event like this it heightens awareness and sensitivity It's already I believe high What I said before was that the MRPA canputer network research program is going to take an even 11116 active role in focusing on network security as well Are the SAC and NORAD systens closed communities as you described as well as A To the best of my knowledge rthe network that I run does not include SAC and NORAD If on one end of the extreme a system that I can get into every day with my home computer is an open systan and the system you describe as a closed community systan where does this canputer network fit in in between Is it terribly open Is it terribly closed A If you deal in an area of research and development where you're dealing with colleges and universities and people where you want to take information and broadcast it then you have a very open system It was designed and has been designed to be that way Yo said it has a tradeoff cost for security much would a system cost that would have prevented this A lhtil we finish the analysis of at it meld take I can't put a price tag on that How many users are in this network How many canputers or users 1here 1ut down D we have any number A I recall a number on the order of 300 That's the order of magnitude These are research institutions all across the United States A That's right i I'm not as familiar with the story as I should be but this is the only research network that was shut down There weren't others that were shut dawn also A That's correct Q Again I just sort of aunt to understand the chronology a bit Ween you're saying it was discovered at Lhiversity of California at Berkeley and there are 300 institutions that were shut off how did that happen Did Berkeley call Washington and say we've got a problem cut your computer off Hw did the news spread A By telephone and by the canputer network itself Remember these people are in contact they're colleagues so they're in contact regularly anyway If it was discovered at 6 00 o'clock Pacific tine how long before all these 300 knew about it How long before people were getting off A I can't answer that knowwe nine off immediately and I suspect most people did but I can't put a time frame into it Is there any indication the perpetrator inserted any Trojan Horses full of Viral infectlons that will come out like a time barb later on Could you isolate that out And also did this spread internationally at all MORE A No it didn't propagate internationally that we know of And bile there is always a possibility for some latent bug to wreak havoc we're as certain as we can be that that didn't happen in this case because we were able to extract the actual progiam that did the damage and we understand that program well enough to be able to write an antidote for it 50 We're 131 Etty confident that that didn't happen This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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