J 04% LIHIT etemreueree r een hp1-r 15335 and Ill _EMTleeahanemrea Bf i ILL- Ila - I i I33 DEPARTMENT or 3mm Series i Mte an-ea urea-ea cur Cenrersn en Witt f e $33 H5313 DATE December 25' 195 0 SUBJECT Meeting with Three Members and Staff ef Jeint Genrnittee en Atomic Energy Hnelear Tent Negetiatiene FREM Prejeet and Repert ef JUAE Trip te Eerepe PARTICIPANTS JGAE Department Hep Helifield SHE Hr- Fax-lee Senater Deerahak 11 1 Hm Rep Enamer Hr Eehnee ea - Mr Miller Staff - Hr Haney Eeteeutive Directer teal Hr Denney Mr King 313% Del Lunger 'Dr Englieh 1 51 EDPIES Hr Herehent I - Hr IHeghland - c gaff - Hr Harem - Mr Farley f' 9 53 age a 4 3 Hr Irwin Defense 2 13 e rmper - r' em - Hr Jenee r- ea Hr Feaeenden r - Hr Hager- EAGLANT Mr Gellina 4 12 - Hr Thureten - 1 a FF 1 SMART Department met 1with three membere and the staff ei' the for 31 heure teea r te in the Geneva teet nege tiatinne an ef the eeneept at the HATE Ministerial Meeting and to hear a repert ei the Gemittee e trip te Eurepe There nae little ef the teat negetiatiene The Gemittee generall r eatiefied with the eeneeptnal presentatien 01' We Hr Helii'ield made clear that the 'Derenittee intended te analyze the present etetne ei' HATE haeed en a by etude r ef pelitieal and eta'eilit1 r and ef militate r eentrihutiene - During the the Germittee remeeted-Lthe feline-ring epeeii ie infermetien fer the indieated than - I l L- I - cl-5 1961 311m k -I - I I-- 'Hll' - Watt-5 ey Lea-2m 1353 are - - SECRET I _a _rllcipemnent eeneiete ei' 535 3 1' pages I I rw-lu-I I Hilda i 1Auaess1iffdiflfif -2- I y FEE rare can 'l l NATO ferces The Gcmmittee requested a statement ef ceuntry ferce commitments te ears and the degree te which they are being met This sheuld include data en ferces and en manpewer with as much breakdewn as pessible any relevant ecenemic data sheuld alse he included The Eemmittee said that it needs this infermatien te appraise whether HATE is in fact an effectiye defense erganiaaticn and te determine whether the ether member ceuntrics are making adequate centributiens Eraluaticn cf these questiens is required in turn te determine whether the US sheuld preceed with the HEEM preject 2 F luh pregram The emmittee Staff requested a cepy ef the recently signed agreement fer 'urcpean preductien ef the F l h aircraft The Staff requested that the Dammittee else be given an analysis ef the military'impli- catiens ef the lsh_pregram including the need fer new bases and the degree te which it replaces existing equipment The Staff said that it was particularly interested in the Ful h pregram in crder te determine the extent te which the missien ef the F ldhs duplicated that ef HREMs 3 Gusts ef varieus HRBH depleyment systems The Beamittee asked fer data furnished NATO en the relative cests ef depleying by nuclear prepelled submarines and by ether seaberne delivery systems The Gemmittee asked fer this infenmatien in the centest ef discussing whether any eemmitment was made te help ether NATO ceuntrics in acquiring nuclear prepelled submarines The Department representatives peinted cut that there had been ne cemmitment that the cencept eutlined by the Secretary had referred enly in general terms te seaberne depleymentJ and that cest data had been madeasailable te HATE which shewed that nuclear prepelled submarines were far mere expensive than ether means h Pelitical and ecenemic stability cf NATO ceuntrics The enmittee referred te its letter ef December 19 requesting infermatien en the pelitical and stability ef NATE ceuntrics The Eemmittee said that it required this infenmatien in the centeat ef its appraisal ef the eserwall effectiveness cf NATDs The Gemmittee else said that it was eeneerned by the preSpest that the pelitical situatien in same ceuntrics was an unstable that US nuclear weapens ceuld be seised by irres- pensible elements This infermatien is being supplied separately in the ferm cf a reply as the Genrnittee's letter SECRET - amuse-ea tummy 64% sy fi have eras with reapect tn the Gemmittee'a trip te Eurepe the Staff indicated that there were saricus preblems abeut the actual existing arrangements custedy and depleyment cf nuclear weapens abrcad They'antieipated that the emmittee s ccncern regarding the viability cf HATE as a majer defense alliance and the current arrangements fer the cf nuclear weapcns will ceme tn the fere in the ecurse cf prespective hearinge cf the 1hhb Agreement fer etemic Gccperaticn with Italy seeder The Department representatives were invited te infant the JGAE Staff cf the status cf the nuclear test negetiaticus at Geneva and tc repert en the discussieu cf hREhs and related matters at the NATO Hiuieterial Meeting The Staff alsc agreed te previde a repert en the Gcmmittee s recent Eurcpeae trip An heur er se befere the meeting a Staff member telephcned te say that the three members ef the ccmmittee weuld else like tc attend if the Department represent ativee had he chjectien The discussicns were and he transcript was kept Beth the mEmbers and the Staff were generally friendly and relaxed Nuclear Test Negctiatiens at Geneva Hr Farley described the several main aspects cf the during the last three menths and dietributed a paper summarising the fcurteen main pcints at issue He indicated that the new Administratien weuld undcubtedly review the cbjectives and tactics cf the talks hr Hcsmer seemed te be generally skeptical cf their value and dispesed te have them breken eff There was ne ether discussien ef significance en this subject 2 Hr Fessenden distributed eepies cf the Secretary's presentatien en lung range planning at the NEED Ministerial Meeting He alsc distributed an additienal ccmment by the Secretary in which he made entirely clear the cenceptual nature cf his remarks en H hhs and that he decisieus were expected at the meeting emphasiaed that Geugressicnal acticn weuld be required en certain parts cf the ecncept and stressed that the Secretary cannct cemmit the in advance Fessenden then read alcud the Secretary s statement en Hr Hesmer aeked abeut eegpatibility cf the HHEH build up and disarmament Hr Farley peinted cut that we were trying tc negctiate a a pesitien cf strength and chew that we arccwilling tc undertake seuhd negen tiaticus tc reduce tensiene Hr Hamey asked abeut whether there weuld be a duplicatieu cf between the Eurcpean prcduetien cf F-l hs dual capable and the prcject He was teld that the F l hs weuld replace existing aircraft such as and that their missien weuld net duplicate that cf the HREHs sameness i - 1 10 2 - r W-n m -- fl 5g HEB wake the Senater Dwershak asked hcatedly whether manpewer was censidered at the Ministerial Meeting as well as the general adequacy ef the ether members' defense centributiens It was clear he said that we are sending American beys te defend Eurepe while the Eurepeans are net assuming the respensibility themselves Despite the pelished presentations by General Herstad when he cemss back te appear befcre the emmittee everyene knew that NATO was a fares and had ne capability Hr Fessenden said that the relative centributiens ef the ether ceuntries were very much in the minds ef eur delegates at the meeting and that we dealt with this subject as well as with the balance cf payments questien He was sure that despite shertfalls here and there the general recerd ef ether HATD ceuntries in meeting their requirements was by he means a peer ene HATD furthermere dees have an effective strength in being teday ' The Staff subsequently said that they had heped Sen Dwershak weuld jein the Eurepean trip as that he ceuld be cenvinced cf the need te meunt an adequate affert in the face cf the Russian missile threat This line ef argument was the way tc sell him en The Demmittee then said that they had written General Herstad fer a statement ef ceuntry geals and the degree te which these ferce geals were being met They were interested in receiving this infermatien in cennectien with their recent trip Hr Helifield asked if the Demmittee ceuld have a statement cf ceuntry ferce cemmitments and the degree te which they-are being met The Dammittee needed this infermatien seen in erder te evaluate They wanted te inferm themselves cf the current status ef HATD befcre censidering what further steps the LLB sheuld take te aid NATO He said that iwhen the Gemttee get this infermatien it weuld put it tegether with what was learned en the trip He said he was asking us fer this infermatien new in a friendly way If we cemplied it weuld make things easier fer us and fer the Demmittee If it was net previded the Demmittee weuld be ferced te extract it item by item in hear ings The Department representatives agreed te previde pertinent infemmatien with a particular te ebtain readily available date Mr Haney alse asked fer a cepy ef the F leh Agreement and an analysis ef its military implicatiens including the need fer mere bases and replacement ef present equipment Mr Hamey neted that the F th preducticn preject weuld be financed 80% by the Eurepeans and that this was an indicatien that the Eurepeans were deing their part He alse neted that Defense had requested er was abeut te request autherisatien frem the President fer a further dispersal ef abeut nuclear weapens He wendered rheterieally hew this related if at all tn the F th pregram The Department representatives agreed with Hr Rameyis statement that the Feth pregram was an indicatien ef Eurepean willingness te make a large centributien tn the defense effert Hr Hesmer asked fer an estimate cf the relative likeliheed ef a Seviet meve in Eurepe with nuclear as distinct frem weapens He was teld that the Seviets were capable ef beth types ef attack and HATE had te be prepared te cepe with beth but that we did net knew ef any percentage estimate ef the type he mentiened Mr Hesmer said that the Gemmittee was interested in judgip SECRET I -- sew-seem Ehumudhi iygliijf wash use I a what the needs are fer nuclear weapens in Eurepe and said he persenally wendered whether Eurepe was already ever ammed He then asked whether we agreed that the Seviets cenceived that they were engaged in a pretracted cenflict with us in which they use every available weapen including nege tiatiens and agreements The Department representatives agreed but said that Seviet cencepts may be medified by experience se that they may ceme te believe that they can ebtain satisfactien threugh negetiatiens Time alene weuld tell whether anything ceuld be aceemplished by the nuclear test nege- tiatiens An evaluatien ef the negetiatiens at Geneva te deterndne whether further talks there weuld be is undeubtedly a matter the new Administratien will leek inte Reverting te the HHEH preject Hr Hamey asked why it weuld be necessary te change the law if the 5 Pelaris submarines weuld eperate under present pre cedures we replied that in the phase if a multilateral ferce were sett up legislative acticn weuld be required fer U5 participatien in such a ferce and pessibly fer the centred arrangements Members cf the Gemmittee recalled that General Herstad in briefing them had speculated that ever use might pass frem the President's hands te EAGEUR er perhaps te seme Executive Cemmittee ef NATO and that the decisien weuld ne lenger be the President s 'r We explained that the idea had been put ferth as a ccncept and net as a firm prepesal because ef the Gengressienal rele and in erder te get the views ef the ceuntries hefere laying a definite prepesal en the table It was pessible that actien by the legislatures ef ether ceuntries weuld else be required bsfere the multilateral ferce ceuld be brenght inte being Hr Helifield said that after existing fer ll years HATE still had net agreed hew it weuld ge te war we replied that we had never tried te agree en an exact precedure in view ef the varying circumstances which might exist at the time when the questien might arise It then develeped that there was a certain cenfusien in terms between what the Department and the JDAE and eentrel When the JGAE Staff last summer suggested multinatienal custedy they really meant the ceneept ef a multinatienal greup at the eentrel peint e g efficere frem ether ceuntries being present in the trailer which weuld centrel the firing cf an Italian Jupiter as distinct frem simply ene er mere US efficers being present there We clarified by explaining that we mean by custedy actual physical custedy ef the warheads up te the time they were released fer use and that we de net censider that jeint custedy exists new and that we de net envisage even if a multilateral ferce were created that custedy weuld ge eutside US hands until the weapens were released fer use The Eemmittee asked if there were a link between the cemmitment cf 5 US Pelaris submarines and eur dispesitien te facilitate precurement ef mere missiles by cur Allies we stated that this was a eenditien ef eur effer and that this was the meaning ef the phrase in the SecretaryTs statement abeut expecting that eur Allies weuld want te centrihute te the multilateral ferce We alse explained that the Secretary had made the peint again when during the Ministers discussien ef the_Eemmunigue the Secretary had said that eur effeE J SECRET met- r - and I I l1 Map i' - umedwl itgijzf i est- 52 to commit submarines and the European contribution of loo missiles were to be regarded as a single 1'package we also pointed out that the Secretary made clear that we expected the Europeans to buy the additional missiles Hr Hosmer asked whether we implicitly offered to help Europeans develop nuclear submarines when we stated that we expected that the additional deplore ment of H hs would be seahorne If this were the case Admiral ickovcr would vigorously oppose such a propbsal and the Gommittee would also probably-be negative we replied that there were various forms of sea deployment and that no commitment had been given concerning nuclear submarines We added that we had given the Europeans cost estimates of nuclear submarine and other seahorne deployment methods which showed that nuclear submarines would be far more expensive The Committee asked for these estimates which we agreed to provide Hr Hosmer asked about targetting for our 5 submarines we pointed out that EAGEUR would plan the'targetting in coordination with that of the ether retaliatory forces While the exact percentage of HE targets would have to be' worked out this proviso meant that the submarines could be used for U5 target- ting requirements Hr Holifield then said that the Gommittee expected tc study 115 targetting in January and would either go to Dasha or have a group from 0maha come to washington There being no further questions on the HHBM concept er Fessenden gave a brief report of the reaction of the other countries to the concept and of Epaak's summary consensus that the subject should be referred to HAG for con- sideration and study Hr Holifield said that his understanding of the situatio was that the Committee would have a chance to consider the project before any final decisions were made in the event that it should be carried any further Hr Holifield then emphatically repeated the Geumittee's intention to give -full consideration to the present situation of NATO examining its capability by analysing actual contributions on a nation by nation basis This would include information on the economic and political stability of the member countries which the Committee had already requested from the Department and on their actual military contributions He had been a supporter of HATE all along and hoped he could coninue to be but he wondered whether NATO had now fulfilled its function and whether it was obsolete Is it a going concern or are we hanging on to a corpse an it be revived or should we look to somethihg else Are we kidding ourselves about the military strength of HiTe He had been shocked to see three Jupiter missiles on an Italiah base for which we spent several hundred million dollars A saboteur could wreck these missiles in two minutes with a rifle Less than three hundred yards from the missiles was a stand of scrub timber from which anyone could puncture their skin Further- more they were located in an unstable country where the Gommunist party had 23 per centyof the vote while the Ehristian Democrats only had 3h per cent The Jupiter itself was an unreliable missile 'Here we counting on chocolate soldiers in Heft The Alliance was a dumping ground for obsolete DE equipment such as Honest Johns and Corporals The Germans at least were smart enough EEGRET necmsa 'e ' header-a 1 er te knew we were preyiding them with peer equipment and in a peried ef tensien might tell us te give them as geed equipment as we had er they'weuld net fight Hr Ramey remarked that it weuld be eheaper and mere seeure te have a Pelaris submarine eff the Turkish eesst rather than eentinue te build the IREH base new under Hr Fanley said that we weuld like te make sure what infermatien the demmittee wanted frem the Department He understeed thatJ in additien te the pelitidal and situatien in the yarieus eeuntries already requested by letter the Gemmittee wanted feree geals and aetual eentrihdtiens Hr Heli- field agreed He said that they had asked General Herstad fer seme military infermatien but that it weuld take seme time te assemble It was agreed that Department effieers weuld be in teueh with the Staff te diseuss with it the infenmatien that ean be given te the Gemmittee seen If we de net have eertain infermatien Hr Helifield said we sheuld se state te the Gemmittee and they weuld get it frem the military Hr Helifield said that even if the Department did net hare all the detailed military infermatien we sheuld have a gener' idea ef the military eensideratiens sinee we are the enes whe are making peliey The Gemmittee members left the reem at this peint and the Department repres entatiwes subsequently agreed that they weuld get in teueh with Defense seen and weuld then talk tn the Staff abeut preyiding information SECRET I I mg I 'yautnrily w see sass meg-i Hepert en JDAE Trip te Eurepe Nevamber 26 te December 12 195D The Staff began a descriptien cf the trip by saying that_their ewn repert is net ready yet and that they'weuld give us their impressiens frem memery They weuld be very glad te give us a eepy ef their repert when it is finished but it will net be ready fer seme tine Twe ef the efficers frem General Nerstad's staff whe aecempanied them en the trip are ceming te'Washingten en Januarytl te check the factual infermatien in their draft The itinerary was planned te pemmit the Demmittee te see as many different custedy situatiens as pessible in as many different leeales as pessiblc They started eff visiting a BAD reflex unit at Upper U H en Hevember 23 This unit is situated en a RAF installatien and is equipped with D hT's which are en fifteen mdmute alert _This unit is en a three-menth teur abread and like ethers retates en a squadren and greup basis The weapens are kept at the base and are placed er ready te be placed in the aircraft that happen te be statieued there at any particular time a eemplete SAD alert was staged and the aircraft were at the end ef the runway ready te take eff in h% minutes The Demmittee was apparently well satisfied with what they saw en this visit In the afterneen cf the same day they visited a UK Ther seuadren at Driffield They were very faverably impressed with this eperatinn including the cemplete hammeny between the British unit and the US suppert unit There were ne criticisms frem either unit er frem the Demmander-in-Gbief ef the UK Bember Demmand whe was else there fer the visit it this peint the Staff largely abandcned a ceuntry bynceuntry repert and tech up individual they te them They reperted that in a number ef eases fbreign efficers eemplaieed ef the restrictive U 5 regulatiens en passing Restricted Data eceasienelly referring specifically tc the itemie Energy Act The Demmittee feund that even in ceunmrdes with whem'we have agreements fer atemic and where a faverable determinatien has been made tc pass Restrihted Date the infemmatien has met been passed dewn by the fereign gevernment te the eperatiensl persennel What then is the effect ef agreements In Germany fer example German treeps leading Henest Jehns de net have Restricted Data en the weapen even theugh enly a very small ameumt ef such infermatien is invelved German cperatienal ferees'with this weapens system have a sanitized manual that dees net eentain Restricted Data The cemmanding efficers cf German and ether Henest Jehn battaliens dc net knew the yield cptiens Demmanders cf U S eustediel units are specifically teld net te pass this infermatien er ether_Restrieted Data tn the cemmanders ef fereign eperatiensl units Nevertheless the Demmittee felt that the Germans handled these weapens mest effectively - te what the Demmittee had expected the technical military agree ments te implement the Agreements eentain the heart ef the arrangements er alternatively the steehpile agreements are the basis fer eur arrangements with a fereign eeuntry in the atemic weapens field The sense ef the Staff's cemments was that the Executive Branch was aveiding Gengressienal review efethe substantive elements ef arrangements Furthemmere a Agree- L nent is eften net necessary a respensible U S _efficer at SETAF said that SECRET - TIDH - steers miss lr i F7 ne agreement is bility en the Hensst Jehn we are net making use ef the_auther ferees Gur eustedial eemmanders that we have nnelear weapens seribed an elaberats eustedial area fer te keep the fereign there Ger eustedial en hand after ary te fer unit eemmande a matter ef eeneern wer eustedy is eften maintained by an ef the first sites visi en alert-status'was asked what he away the weapen er te take eff the wards apparently the werd was passe asked in ether plaees they reeited In a different situatien in these single U S eustedians are gu sites Their teur ef duty is eight ability ts eenverse visitJ twe ef these yeung men went the trying eenditiens When the St U G eustedy under were needed te effeet real eustedy be prehihitively'ekpensive ne immediate reaetien instrueted en a negative element return the'weapen heekeut te a depet fer se a third eeneern are the arrang ease ef weapens fer the suppert ef berder weapens are breught frem Tanagra by Greek drivers with emeriean eust and_thse2GG miles tn the nerth a eapability te eepe with an aeeident with nuelear weapens ee he had me eapahility whatseever upen the Greek publie telephene unit was at Teresa his means ef eemmunieatien is whieb is plaeed at his dispesal felt that if ene aeeident spillage the resultant damage eentinee te stere weapens in a give natiens thus jeepardising the whel 1 Furthermers tered fer use ef their units ems time prier te ferees frem knewing whether HrHeur has been deelared ted the single Eu with fereign perse these eireumstanese Gustedialipersennel are apability in ease shews up in the eheekeut eur while they are Fer eemmunieatien Italy 'When in pes te send a mes fer this purpese by a Gr in view ef the inade might se dd 4 3 34% le ram sea '2 I ive the Italians eemplete eperatienal eepae in eases where we have Agreements ass Restrieted Data te fereign armed hattalien Gne effieer de li Gut- If th ity te annet tell fereign shipments in an ef weapens by his eustedial unit net we had weapens stersd rs ean enly state that nuelear weapens are the aetual eustedial arrangements U E ighteen yesr eld U G enlisted man at ens stedial guarding a leaded Canberra te de if anyene tried te take sireraft He said he did net knew After- te ether eustedisns se that when they'wers a SGGAwerd statement that they had memeriaed six miles frem the Bulgarian frentier arding weapens at remete and inaeEessible heurs at a streteh They have ne nnel In the week befere eut ef their heads aff er Gemnittee members peintsd eut that is fietienal and that mere U S guards U S effieers peinted eut that this weuld et weapen trained and have anything gees wreng They are enly te prepare the weapen fer firingtest they are te rvieing as suppese ements fer eeping with an aeeidsnt In the the First Greek Gerps near the Bulgarian euth ef ithens The trunks are driven edians en heard They must gs threugh Athens eustedial eemmander was asked abeut his during the trip Aheut 99 per eent ef being transperted He said nreute he was dependent The nearest emplesive erdnanee dispesal itien six miles frem the Bulgarian berder sage en the Greek military radie net eek effieer The Staff enate ability te eepe with areuse publie epinien that we net eeuntry er even in a number ef Eurepean steekpile pregram tem 7 SEGEET L cut seme expenses The Italians weuld net agree tc such a visit as means lAu crit 3 410- mi i ii ram mail I A feurth the pessihility that in a ceuntry such as Turkey but pessibly in Greece er even in Italy the leaders ef an Army ceup might seise centrel ef ene er mere cf the inadequately pre- tected weepens and use them te threaten rival ferces er the existent This is a real threat in Turkey Despite a highly faverahls acceunt ef the situaticn under the new regime hy'a senier HAAG efficsr the emmittee learned that the situatien was ac unstable that twice General Herstad almest erdered all the weapens te he evacuated The heat ceuntry has te supply vehicles fer the mevement ef wespens and in same cases has net dens se The U E is tetally dependent upen the heat ceuntry fer their - The security situatien is carefully examined hefere a determinatien is made that pursuant te a Agreement Restricted Data can he passed te a fereign gevernment Is a similar determinatien made with respect te a new fellewing a ceup The determinatien te evacuate nuclear'weapens is General alene since Defense is respensibla fer their custedy Thus custedial detachment cemmanders may withdraw weapens witheut censulting the HAAG er the EhIhassy final seurce ef eeneern was the pessibility that best naticnals might seise_the weapens frem U E castedians and use them During a cecktail party in Istanbul a Turkish general teld Hessrs Helifield and Aspinall that NATO shculd net he a defensive alliance but an effensive alliance and that pre emptive war sheuld he started right ncw Germany sheuld he reunified by ferce if necessary and used against the Seviets _ The Allies sheuld heat the deviate te the punch Turning te ether unsatisfaetery aspects ef present arrangements the staff described hew fereign gevernments assumed the ehligatien fer full suppert ef U E custedial units but then did net previde it In the case ef Turkey fer example the Turks have he refrigeratien equipment capable ef balding a 90 day supply cf feed at advanced installatiens fer the auppert ef U S treeps Feed incidentally is an item that the U 5 must supply itself since seldiers cannct functien en Turkish ratiens _The Turks will net admit in_writing that they cannct supply a reefer hewever and insist that it will be supplied in due ceurse Our man centinue under equipped in many places altheugh they eften see fereign ferces using American equipment paid fer by the HAS as in the case ef Turkey which they themselves cannct ehtain On anether subject the Gemmittec learned that the Dutch are medifying a majer naval vessel te take nuclear weapens a carrier the Kareldeerman Te the Uemmittee's ne arrangements have been made fer maintaining U Ss custedy en fereign naval vessels se what is the basis fer this refitting Has there been seme infernal agreement Judging hy an ehservatien in Turkey there is inadeQuate censultatien cen cerning certain aspects ef military'installaticns Benstructien has net started en any ef the five TREE sites in Thrkey and hefere beginning the Turks wanted te visit the sites in Italy te gain experience aveid pitfalls snd pessibly'tc SECRET - - 1 f c EF m -- - _1 4'1- each use er Haney asked abeut fereign press eeverage ef the trip and was teld that _1 except fer the Netherlands it had been negligible in anneuncement by the Dutch Defense hinistry'ef the existence ef nuclear weapens in the Netherlands which came prier te the Gemmittee s visit was described by the Department representatives as causing the Dutch gevernment seme embarrassment but'we said that the affair seems te have blewn ever by new Hr Haney said he eeuld net understand the cencern ef Embassy Heme abeut maintaining secrecy ef the IRHM depleyment in Italy in view ef General Herstad s statement in Italy en Nevember ES that Italy was participating in the IHDH pregram and the fact that the missiles are visible frem an adjacent read and railread They are alse fleedlit at night Wbdle in Athens the Gemmittes had expressed an interest in talking with the efficer at Heme whe had cenducted the negetiatiens with Italy iltheugh an Embassy efficer and a effieer in Athens beth said they weuld pass en this interest te Heme when_the Gemmittee arrived en Saturday afterneen Embassy Rene said they knew nething ef the request Furthermere they did net want te call in the knewledgeable efficer te meet with the Gemmittee en Saturday aftermcen er Sunday merning The efficer in charge ef the Gensulate at Venice had been nest helpful and eerdial with the greup and the Gensulate General at Naples had alse been particularly helpful altheugh they had had very shert netice_ef the visit due te a change ef plans All things censidered the visit te Greece had werked cut well The staff had seen a let at first hand by visiting varieus sites unestentatieusly and they had been well impressed with the Greeks In eenclusienJ the Staff theught that the Gemmittee s euestiens eencerning NATG might eeme up during preepeetive hearings en the Agreements with Italy er_Eelgium They understeed that the Italian Agreement had_already been signed and weuld be likely te reach Gengress seen SECRET This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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