This document consists of 1 pages Copy No of 11 Copies SeriesA DECLASSHWED Authoritym_0_ q14_ DEPARTMENT OF STATE ASSISTANT SECRETARY To Th Secretary 3 7 7n 4 Through 8 8 57% Fran FE Mr Robertson Subject Introduction of Atomic weapons into Korea g 23 I I understand that Secretary Iilson and Admiral Redford have invited you to visit the Pentagon on March 28 1957 to discuss further this pro in the light of evidence assembled by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of conmunist XL 0 violations of the reinforcing provisions of the Armistice Agreement You 6' will recall that in the discussion of this issue on January 18 1957 With Secretary Wilson and Admiral Redford it was agreed that Defense would preo- pare evidence that could be su unitted to the Sixteen and the United Nations in support of our charge that the communists had grossly violated Article 13 d of the Armistice Agreement thus upsetting the military balance obtainingi at the time of the signing of the Armistice Thus far the Department of state has not been provided with such evidence 3 The introduction of nuclear weapons into Korea is the crucial questii raised in a new Statement of Policy on Korea NSC 5702 1 which is to he considered by the National Security Council on April 195 In view of the clear provisions of Article 13 d of the Armistice Agreement and of our assurances to the Sixteen and to the United Nations as recently as last summer that we would continue to abide by its terms I feel that it would be disastrous to our position with our Allies and in the United Nations if we were to proceed and equip our forces in Korea with nuclear weapons in the absence of demonstrable and relatively comparable camunist actions We have therefore during Planning Board discussion of the new Korean policy paper endeavored to assure the inclusion of what we consider essential safe- guards by giving due consideration to the timing of any introduction of nuclear weapons and the bearing such action will have on other aspects of United States policy not only in Korea but toward our Allies and in the United Nations Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff have taken exception to these timing safeguards 03 mze d 03 18M 139511003 5314 1 I ll 1 That you again explain to Secretary Iilscn and Admiral Redford the dangerous consequences to our position with our Allies in the United Nationsm and before the world were we to lay ourselves open to the charge of having 0C violated the Korean Armistice and having greatly increased Lansions in the Far East through introducing nuclear weapons without being able 11y to justify this action on the basis of comparable communist action 2 That you suggest that a State-Defense working groupie to study A euience prepare our case for use with our Allies and in e United NationsE recommend a schedule for proceeding with our consultations nith the Sixteent port to the Military Armistice Omission report to the United Nations blic tatements etc mull 1 - Hr Sebald cg fig 1 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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