This document consists or 2 pages No I ot 10 Copies Series A S T - I'OIOM NO o - o UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO FE FllOM NA SUBJECT RO Reaction and Expectations Should U Nuclear Weapom Mr - Mr Paraona J4f s Forcea in Jtorea be given 'the oreana can be cpected to react fawrably to United States actions i l modernizing United States forces in Korea including the equiwing of our forces with weapona of atollic capabUiq The Korean reaction to recent atate anta regarding the possibUity of introducing atomic-capable veapans into Jrorea refiecta grovi ng ROK cx pectationa 1 hovner that 110demisation including atomic-capable weapons will also COTer ROK forces Since the United States does not int Dcl at leaat at present to equip ROK forces vith darn vee poD8 1 but vUl confine such mdernisation to sipal and tranaportation equip ant plws an increaae by oDB jet wing of the RCK Air Force ve can expect a aerioua political problea to dn'elop in United States - ROK rel tiDDa over thia iasue In Tin of Korean expectations tbat ROK forces vill al ao receive mre OO rn weapons it wUl be extreo difficult to convince the Ioreu Gonl Dact1 particularly President Rhea that the 110demis at1on of United States forces should be accol lp D1ad l Jy t he redlleti on of t ROK 1 1wr b7 four divisions Equipping ROJt forces vith weapons of ataldc capabUity aa included in one of tlw foo r alternatin courses of action considered in connectioD vitb rn1a1on of the Jtoro polic r paper and the field bas apparent q ginn oomsi d8ration to 1pp1D ROK farces vith at least toan units of atoaic capabUi The n 1957 - l 9S8 Military i aa1atance Prograa reco - eDdat tr a the llilita ry adri ao ry groups in Korea 11JPY luded v tor C W Ple three field artU1eey rockllt batteries ot 762 o rocata a du l-capabUit7 na ou The Joint Chiefs ot Start dUiapproftd inclusion of thia ita in the pro p8Dd1n a deciaion recardinc tbl introduction or wapoo of dual capabU1v ill geDer l It 1a pouible that the Jo1Dt Chiefs of Staff vUl conaider the future 1Dclua1on ot such napoaa 1n the K111t r7 A aaiat ance Prop-a should thl deciaion be ode to equip l'nitecl Stat ea forceo v1th tbeae VMpon ODe ot tbe pri Dcipal area-ate uecl 1n 1Upport1q tM DICuait7 mciel'D vu po 1nt o lorea includin veapoo of atoaic capabW t7 baa beell that napCDa aDd equip at pres in lore are obeolate DD lonpr 1n p1'0Cluct1oa aDd apare parta are DO ot intrcduc1ng aore l IIPI' amtactured etc The norpntution of Uaited State C1'WD4 Becaue ot tblae torcoo into pentomc diria1ou ill aother area-at _ n U c n o 01 j --------DEC L SS JFIED - 2- Authority_ ThllLq_Q -4_L4- developments it is further argued it is impractical and unrealistic to continue maintaining in Korea two United States divisions patterned and equipped on a 1953 basis However only two United States divisions are affected by this situation whereas the ROK Arrrf1 which is mainl y equipped and supported by the United States consists of twenty divisions or will consist of sixteen if the contenplated reduction is achieved These arguments will be presented forceful ly by the Koreans Also plans to provide nuclear weapons to certa in of our NATO Allies will certainly not go unnoticed by them ROK expectations with respect to modernization reinforced by statements such as Secretar r Wilson's and possibly by encouragement on the part of United States mUitary authorities in Korea will almost certainl y lead to continued and stronger demands on the part of President Rhee and the ROK Government and mUitary for the equipping of OOK forces with weapons of atomic capability should United States forces in Korea be so equ ipped Jo This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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