no This document consists of 2 pageS SECRET No of 8 Copies Series A Of ce Memom du UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To NA - Mr sons DATE June 10 1957 '3 I FROM NA Mr 1%ku 51395 2 1 I Consultations with Allies on Modernization of United States Forces in Korea All of the seven Allies consulted have now reaponded excepting Thailand Turkey fully agrees with our point of view on the problem 3 and has no reservations with respect to our proposed plan of action France supports our plan of action on the assumption that no dual- 7 purpose weapons are given the ROK r- v The comments and suggestions of the United Kingdom have all been met either in the outline of our proposed MAC statement or in our current plans for proceeding The degree of support we may anticipate from the UK in the UN and elsewhere will undoubtedlf' depend upon the strength of the case we present based on convincing evidence of Commu- nist violations The remaining three Commonwealth countries have made specific sugcrestions on the proposed MAC statement and plan of action which in so far as they are not already incorporated in our thinking may be summarized as follows 73 L90l-9 l199 1 IL New Zealand l Desires omission of operative paragraph in MAC statement and amendment of sub paragraph 3 to read in latter half save to the extent to which it finds it necessary to depart from the provisions of paragraph 13 d because of Communist violations of those provisions 2 The UNC should undertake to continue to report materiel intro- ductions in the MAC and so state in MAC announcement 3 The UNC should give assurances in the MAC announcement that 5 7 it will not increase its fire power over that required to restore the military balance g 1 2 dual-mac weapons should be given the ROK 5 Australia in Hopes that an announcement of ROK force reductions can be made if soon as possible after any modernization statement and prior to the UN General Assembly 3 No dual-purpose weapons should be given the Rom-a 5 0 3 IBSI m DE 52530 Canada 3 50' 1355335 -2- Canada 1 UNC should state it does not intend increase strength of its forces above 1953 level 2 UNC should undertake to continue to submit reports in general terms of materiel introductions to the NNSC 3 It would be helpful were the modernization statement to be coupled with an announcement of ROK force reductions 4 Suggests rephrasing of subparagraph 3 of outline MAC statement to read The UNC intends to maintain the armistice by all means within its power as it has done previously and for its part regards the cease-fire as inviolable It is also possible that the Canadians may shortly make a fermal preposal to us that our announcement on modernization be coupled with an offer to review the terms of the Vietnam and Korean Armistice Agreements in the light of any agreements reached on disarmament at London with particular reference to aerial inspection 4 The Commonwealth were assured a look at the text of the MAC statement prior to any final announcement of our plans to the full Sixteen and thus anticipate an opportunity for comment From our consultations thus far it would appear that of the seven Allies Canada and New Zealand may cause the only real difficulty in their desire that 1 the Operative paragraph be omitted 2 reporting be continued 3 assurances be given that the UNC will not increase its strength beyond that necessary to restore the balance When we receive a draft of the MAC statement from Defense I feel we should make every effort to meet the New Zealand and Canadian points halfway as to ignore them will only invite trouble when we present the final draft for their clearance 6 10 57 I I This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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