TEL CON Mr Kissinger Ambassador Dobrynin 11 05 a m 5 26 73 HK Anatol aD HeLlo HK Tomorrow is my birthday AD Happy birthday to you I know tomorrow but tomorrow you will be in New York I couldn' reach you so I plan to sing it today Happy Birthday to you HK Thank you N ow Anatol do you mind not tetting KGB guys running loose in the streets in Washington where I see them at night AD No HK I am sure they all bear respect for you Did they tell you I saw five of them AD When HK Last night running around the streets AD laughing And you were Dnning around the streets too HK 1GBP you must know I just brought a girl home when I run into five former body guards from General Antonov t s sp staff AD I am sure he doesn't know about it HK No I stopped the car and got out and shook bands with all of them AD Really HK They were so nice to me when I was there so I stopped and said hello AD Where it was HK It was near your Embassy AD Ah the Embassy HK No they weren1t near my house They --I thought they were near your house Page 2 AD Yes l because they donTt know it l eally--where you are HK Now AE Yes HK With g l eat pleasure AD In San Clemente--you mean HK In the compound AD The HK Probably we win give hiIn Julie's house AD Julie's house- -or two rooms within the house kfm HK Or two rooms within the house but almost certainly Julie's house AD Okay HK Julie's house is really just acros s the street from the President's AD But it is within the security area HK Oh it is within the perimeterj it's just 10 yards from the President's --not in the village You know you go inside that fenced in area and the President l s house is on one side of the street and Julie's is right across AD So it is within the walls HK Oh yeh AD Okay thank you very much HK You know itT s not luxurious it's like one of these houses-- AD Yes I understand--thank you very much Henry it is a good one HK Good Frankly I think it is better than being inside the house because he will have some privacy AD I understand yes I think it is better too This will settle the prohlem Anatol about San Clemente about the stay of Bl'e 2llmev in San Clemente Compound--i will be house or- And he'll have three rooms there h T ank you very much age 3 ilK But it's closer to the President's house and-- AD Than the other building B'K Well certainly than any other building but if you take the Zavidovo --it is closer to the President's house than that PolitburO' building is to the re sidence AD Henry thank you very much No problem about -how many houses could you give-- HK We could give you six in Camp David AD SlX HK Yes AD Okay fine HK Yes AD Okay Thank you very much By the way in this big hall they ihld me--I was under the impression when I was there with you that this big conference room hall- -does this have a bit it doesn't have rea lly HK No it doesn't have any-- AD Just a conference room for movies and so on yeh HK Yeh AD Okay HK No but I'm sure there is some quarters we can put the security people AD I undex stand HK Now let me tell you where we stand on Article IV Let me read what we are willing to have Working out more complete measure-- AD ooo more complete HK Why don't I send it over to you AD Right now HK We are acceptil lg what you proposed yesterday with one qualification it's all right Wh t And the President is planning to stay there I was under the impression that there is something there but Thank you very much ' Page 4 FIK The dismantlement of 88-9 says to be listed as the high pl iority aX objective AD laughs HK What we want to s y is after the destruction of 88-9 all other measures will be taken AD Taken care of I think it is a very nice proposal HK And I thought thatSmirnov wouldn't AD _ Although he has a strong heart but still he's a very good man BK The only think I am proposing is this In wo rking out more complete roeasuxes on the limitation of strategic offensive arms the two sides agree to take account of aLL types of such arms and then we would say and to establish equitable liInitations on intex continental ballistic missle launchers submarine launchers and They agree that neither side will circumvent a pennanent agreement through systems not limited AD They agree Oh yes I see but you are leaving this principle of the _ _ _ _ _ advantage--you are missing HK Yes That's what I thought you had proposed yesterday AD No I said aGBPl er the such arms I will put in here your phrase about the ___text and then could you state the following phrase Plus your last phrase HK Oh that I didn't understand AD My idea was to take ours and after such anns and use youx proposal about this equit a ble limitation of this one-- HK All right and then what would you say AD Just a continuation of the ph ttase HK Well then and--I don't want to say including--I want to say and to establish AD I notice it but Of such arms including--- Page 5 HK But it is bette r than AD M -ybe 3 let me put it this way -just thinking alloud -- who discuss --all types of such etc etc and then we'll add your phrase so to speak HK You see we don't like the phrase the principle of equal security AD Well neither do I why don't you like it -it was just taken from the text HK Well I like what was in the principles better AD Principles but we communique HK Is the communique more inlportant thail a statement of principle AD Communique was the first spe cHic it is not a que sHon of who is important this is more important but that specifies our joint attitude to the ag greement on the limitations but the principles are trying to cover many aspects of the last -- HK Do you know today is the anniversary of our agreeing to the SALT Agreement AD Yes I know You are a 1 - exception because usually Arnericans do not remember for a long time in their foreig policy but you do HK Now Anatol AD laughing HK Now where are we AD So what we are going to do with Article 4 because this what you say really you just add something much more difficult to accept HK Hold on a seoond let me get your thing AD Why not put it this way take our text and so on After such arms yes HK Yeh AD to put in brackets including the establishment which you p ropose l e what is in the I should say the of your You have it--in working out Page 6 HK No AD But why H K Because that makes it look as if then they'll ask what other arms are you talking about AD no it is the phrase including that I don't like Such arms--some other--all J there are many other things as you know Because as you try fo --you'll think only three nothing else T his is what they are discussing for Xh two months now HK So what do you want you want only-Myou don It want me to have my ideas in there AD No on the contrary ooooo arms including the establishment with equitable limitation s Your phrase so it will be your phrase You can put in brackets including the establislunent of equitable lim itations then it will be clear Up to nowyou didn't want to have any specific cases specifically here I think we can be very specific It would be a little more balanced half of ours half of yours HK Well will you read m what you ar e proposing Because you are breaking my heart right now AD On the contrary I try to yield to you because-- HK Yeh but if you eep me on the phone much longer I won't be able to get up there AD Okay so in working out a more complete method on the limitation of the arms accounts will be taken of all such arms and then in brackets in you like including the establishment of equitable limitations of international ballistic missiles submarine launchers ballistic missiles and then comma and then I would like to have our text include the last phrase from your text of point 8--1 think we could do it this way--I'm not sure about it but we could try it HK Okay AD Okay HK No no I'm not agreeing to it I'm just understanding it Let me consider it I may call you back if not weIll have to leave it till Monda1 AD But 1 have to wait -- you don't know whether you will call HK Wait for 10 or 15 minutes - o _----------------------- Page 7 AD Okay Henry the last proposal yesterday if you don't want about third state could we do it in this way just so ease your British treaty or agreement you have with them of saying that the are circumvented through new treaties with their -- HK Through new treaties AD Yeh HK That we could consider AD Okay that is a consideration then Point 4 HK Good AD Okay thaiKyou very much 1 P11 tell Brezhnev about ---------_ ---_ - _ This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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