2 l l o 'w l a menMM-O 2 mm cunt-nus w' v 1xz a3 RELEASED IN Pg 09 e l alrea y recommended 11% Re 1 to Oral Nessa e frem Brezhnev to the President en Fe se A ert NSC a as Mars a Shulmen late Weaneeaay for State's concurrence on a draft'reeponse to Brezhnev at Tab 5 which they say 43 already has Harald e and Zbig's appreval We don't see any need to rush We don t owe the Soviete an immediate response It s important that we think_ through carefully the Soviets' metive as well as the content and tone of our response We'suggest that yea tell Harold and Zbig that Reggie will he in their staffs shortly with our own views on a respense 921 f If Zbig or Harald push this particular 25 drEftQ you might note that @hilef ew ree we ehogld not accept-the tone Soviet message we ve got 3 - to think through carefully how we respond on the meritsFUNITEI STATES DEPARTMENT STATE -REV1EW AUTHORIT Y THEODORE SELL H 23 DEC 2002 199394439 IN UNCLASSIFIED 77 4g 0127 Vary- UNCLASSIFIED Max so swam nn- w- v 5 can my RELEASED IN FULL '11 4 ON om mssam ON FALSE m - - i 5 j th shd ld resist af this particular ifgg draft But NSC staff claims Zbig wants to wave their g i draft ta the Pr sident immediately 'Therefore if- yau a iscuaalongof their draft gnavoidable you mightmakesthe follawing paints agree that the tone of Brezhnev - 'message 13 unacceptablezeuts tyinwcxafting the subatance of our re$panse we ve gotg give car ful thought to what Immx80viet intention really is and how they usewourgresponge They may see some - wway to explolt incident and this exchangp f in tha micontextvia Mi If we appear too cavaIi r they coul use this t0 fueIKEuropean anxieties about deployment 0f U S and- par control over them UNITED STATES DEFARTMENT OF STATE REVIEW AUTHORITY THEODORE SELLIN ID 23 DEC 2092 199304489 - - 5 UNCLASSIFIED This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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