CO2824078 EYES @533 a mrig I Ek ngk f CENTRAL AGENCY WASHINGTON 25 on EO 13526 awommwa ma seesaw Bandy Spatial AssiitggL to the President The Whita House British Guiana 1 fan will raenll that at car mneting en British Guiana an 21 owem er 1963 it was decided that 333 Department 3 Stats would send a message ta th Lend@n Embassy in have than sat Ambler Thomas of the Caloaial Cffi fur an avalnatian of the determinatian at Pramier Chadd 3 91 to defy the 5 British Celaninl Searetary LH 1 a Jagan's earreat taeties and the prohghle future eaarsa a evants aura diseusxad with Ihomaa and Piper of the Calanial Office Yhay earned that everything Jugs has said partiaalurly hn Papar tabled by Jagan in the Lt itl tIVB assembly on 21 Nevamher has been alone the lines of nunmcsuperution at rajeettan at Sandy So far hasGVer ha 39 heo confrontcd $3 a canerate rituatian requiring I spaaific act of ucoparatian non-esoparation or eutright abstruatinnisn Mar in tiara been internal disarders or a gsa$ra1 breakdawn of pyoeasa whinh would Justify suspending tha genititntlen Hewsv r 33$ fully intends to iaplemaut Sandys decisi n and remains prepared to inpocn direct r313 a sac as it bacon ain t shah action is nemaasary Far this purpase cantinqenny preparations ar ar in Caancil and stand-h ritish ta ya 10 British Guiana remain in effect The test any come fairly 3693 $5 Copy LBJ Library c02 24078 ms 0m EEG hIplI ta sign up the Elottartl Conuinsitaer this week and send him t0 Britslh Gal-n tor preliminary ntrvey during Beecnker It is still set certain when it will ksva Ill lagtl status as 1h initial 335% a rewintarlag vot s a aus's legal augert are still trying ta doelde whatnot 0r 9r in Cwuaei authorising this ragiztrteion prtaeal must 11a before arl aaen far do dayt Natorthaiass Thins think the semaislieaor's astivities will gurus the Jean garcruneat to shun its kind in a eonarcte tannins till the rtgiatrntiaa prawns will Italti lly rcquirn the attparuti u a the British Guiana Governxaut particularly the Civil Sarv ae b t ibis paint during the Thu-as saemad quite firm in hit astiaatt that Juana when suntreuted with this i sane athtr cdasrote 1 329 waald gaatsaue his assuaaepurativa lino Ind that H36 wauld than lupus divas rule Lazar Theta 13 06 that the Peapza' Party still I ontd uncertain about new ta play its hand that minister no ieuht wishtd to V ili that salarioa and that the to bal cto that it should content elaatlon under tut nun Runaway Thi ll site otnueated it would be Affluult is 5 33 ts ravartn his line and start outperaliag in tha implamaatatisn of Sen ys' gciniaas a net inprestion a Ctlunill citiea thiakaug 1 ll i311 nit turn be Juana will sat in the futlra the alonial 0111s in u0rk13 tn tin assumptian that diroat rilc will tigona Ba sine suah 3131's in like heighten dililtit yartieulcrir the baht Forty and criticism 1 British haunting a nut Britith Guiana litultil nia_lill unit until Jagaa't preylio Lear-cut justiflnatlla The Britisa prthuhly hart act fit daaidad wit wtuld Gil titlte gae justllioatima cxaapt in gouartl torus sash as cat failure ea in grauodurtn for inpltucnting Sanayt' natslaii tun u intarlui Of a advarnuantal bro kdcux The colaaial Otfiue will pr eeod- in nu greatly manner 1 It deaislana tad will remain yropurci to says as se tsaury with Jagcl rdaetiau But will as deliharttely try ta revue him iata I garner $2 13 I protaxt tn ans ia Copy LBJ Library 002824078 6 Th allowiag ad itinuaz yaints sf interest emerge during car disauasian 1 The Calouial affine has little nativity which might lead to tho trustian a an-nltarantlva East Indian althengh it probably is et111 tan early to turns this praspast Th of Btlran xiugh an in praguant and as is 6 plenusd by the partibility he will aura a lingwulated sun that he nay h disinteraste in palatics 2 will n n at inatractlag air Raipk Gray Goigrner sf ritith Sultan ta nova shatd with astabu listing the additiautl forces mentioned in saadys' ting upaael to at castercaca This sptcial Oran will be ware akin to the pallet than an tray probably reughly aleng tn lines at the praaent tint DQ tdl Tun fir a initially may he un ar thu Commisaicaar of Ptliee but so euultituted as to be detachable in the tstura 3 agar inq ritish aka gararnmant appareneig has ucnag in t e bank has any at km chin to tipsy its debt when due without tkreatening Sagan the British lava toid him that 336 might have to taka it same ountr l at iguana if requested by the aritish Gusts Gavcrumaat to bail it out fininelally 3 Fresoat glans tar inalemaaslug Sax ya' acciuionn d Hat Eritish Guletase loaislltiva aatien Eattead 356 Order in #111 hr use F ur 33$ nun toataaylstad t savor clo tata1 registrat os the apacinl furae the saw electevsl system and the ultimate asuntitnw tin except far the prawisians The lgtter wuuld boaam affoative after iadagan aneal 3 Ia responding to Jagan's latter a avambcr an Primw iaister aunt the British mad elsar ts Juana taut Sandys deniaiens w re antutlly Cahiwet desisians as thay sensed that Jagun taamg t ba eavld appeal to nag avar Sandys haud 6 ha British intand tn an battalinn of tramps probably in Jununry Copy LBJ Library 302824078 m3 mm nun-gm Sinae his return Geverner Grey has appar ently had little substantive diaeussian with Juana 2 A copy of this maaoraadum has been muda availabla ta Hilliam C Burdatt of the Department of State Riahard Balms Baputy Director Finns Copy LBJ Library This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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